Dexmedetomidine facilitates the expression of nNOS in the hippocampus to alleviate surgery induced neuroinflammation and cognitive dysfunction in ...

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Dexmedetomidine facilitates the expression of nNOS in the hippocampus to alleviate surgery induced neuroinflammation and cognitive dysfunction in ...

           Dexmedetomidine facilitates the expression of nNOS
             in the hippocampus to alleviate surgery‑induced
         neuroinflammation and cognitive dysfunction in aged rats
                                             LIANGYUAN SUO and MINGYU WANG

                           Department of Anesthesiology, Cancer Hospital of China Medical University,
                               Liaoning Cancer Hospital, Shenyang, Liaoning 110042, P.R. China

                                           Received May 8, 2020; Accepted April 29, 2021

                                                     DOI: 10.3892/etm.2021.10470

Abstract. Postoperative cognitive dysfunction (POCD)                   group. Compared with the surgery group, DEX ameliorated
is a common complication in the postoperative nervous                  POCD by improving cognitive dysfunctions and immune
system of elderly patients. Surgery‑induced hippocampal                function loss, and attenuated neuroinflammation and neuronal
neuroinf lammation is closely associated with POCD.                    apoptosis.
Dexmedetomidine (DEX) is an effective α 2‑adrenergic
receptor agonist, which can reduce inflammation and has                Introduction
neuroprotective effects, thereby improving postoperative
cognitive dysfunction. However, the mechanism by which                 Postoperative cognitive dysfunction (POCD) is a common
DEX improves POCD is currently unclear. The purpose of                 clinical syndrome in elderly patients following surgery (1,2)
the present study was therefore to identify how DEX acted              which negatively affects quality of life and is associated with
on POCD. Male Sprague Dawley rats with exposed carotid                 high mortality (3,4). The pathogenesis of POCD is not fully
arteries were used to mimic POCD. Locomotor activity was               understood, but has been determined to involve neuroinflam‑
accessed by the open field test and the Morris water maze              mation, oxidative stress, autophagy disorder, impaired synaptic
was performed to estimate spatial learning, memory and                 function and a lack of neuro‑nutritional support (5). Several
cognitive flexibility. Following animal sacrifice, the hippo‑          studies in animals have found that neuroinflammation might
campus was collected and cell apoptosis was determined by              be the crucial factor in POCD (6‑8). Currently, the treatment
terminal dexynucleotidyl transferase (TdT)‑mediated dUTP               of POCD is inconclusive, therefore, the modifiable factors of
nick end labeling staining. Subsequently, the expression of            POCD should be determined and preventive strategies must
apoptosis‑related proteins Bax, Bcl‑2, cleaved caspase‑3 and           be formulated.
cleaved caspase‑9 was determined by western blotting and                   Dexmedetomidine (DEX) is an effective α2‑adrenergic
the concentrations of TNF‑ α, IL‑6, IL‑1β and IL‑10 were               receptor agonist (9). DEX has been widely reported in isch‑
measured in serum using ELISA. Nitric oxide synthase and               emic‑reperfusion models, exhibiting resistance in free radicals
neuronal nitric oxide synthase activities in the hippocampus           and cell apoptosis (10,11). Previous studies have demonstrated
were also measured. The T lymphocyte subsets were analyzed             that DEX can reduce inflammation and has neuroprotective
by flow cytometry to evaluate the immune function in each              effects, thereby improving postoperative cognitive dysfunc‑
                                                                       tions (12,13). Further research confirmed that the use of DEX
                                                                       during carotid endarterectomy can reduce the incidence of
                                                                       POCD after surgery short term, which is associated with the
Correspondence      to: Dr Mingyu Wang, Department of                  inhibition of the inflammatory response and an increase in the
Anesthesiology, Cancer Hospital of China Medical University,           expression of brain‑derived neurotrophic factor (14). However,
Liaoning Cancer Hospital, 44 Xiaoheyan Road, Dadong, Shenyang,         the specific mechanism by which DEX improves POCD
Liaoning 110042, P.R. China                                            remains unclear.
E‑mail:                                             Neuronal nitric oxide synthase (nNOS) is a constitutive
                                                                       neuronal enzyme that is important in regulating central nervous
Abbreviations: POCD, postoperative cognitive dysfunction; DEX,
                                                                       system functions (15). Previous reports have confirmed that
dexmedetomidine; TUNEL, terminal dexynucleotidyl transferase
(TdT)‑mediated dUTP nick end labeling; OFT, open field test; MWM,
                                                                       inhibition of nNOS can impair learning and memory (16). In
morris water maze; NOS, nitric oxide synthase; nNOS, neuronal nitric   addition, DEX can serve a protective role in brain injury by
oxide synthase; L‑NAME, NG‑nitro‑L‑arginine methyl ester               inhibiting nNOS‑nitric oxide signaling (17). Treatment with
                                                                       DEX can also alleviate traumatic brain injury and promote
Key words: cognitive dysfunction, dexmedetomidine, immune              cognitive and motor recovery after brain injury (18). Thus, to
function loss, neuroinflammation, postoperative                        determine the association between DEX and nNOS in POCD,
                                                                       NG‑nitro‑L‑arginine methyl ester (L‑NAME), a nonspecific
Dexmedetomidine facilitates the expression of nNOS in the hippocampus to alleviate surgery induced neuroinflammation and cognitive dysfunction in ...

NOS inhibitor, was used in the present study. The carotid artery    MWM test. The MWM test was used to assess spatial learning,
of aged rats was exposed to mimic POCD and the expression           memory and cognitive flexibility in each group. The maze
of relevant indicators following surgery was investigated, with     consisted of orientation, navigation and spatial probe tests.
or without L‑NAME treatment.                                        A swimming pool with a diameter of 122 cm and a depth
                                                                    of 35 cm was divided into four equal parts. The water in the
Materials and methods                                               swimming pool, with a depth of 17 cm, was heated to 22˚C
                                                                    prior to the experiment. A platform (10 cm 2) was invisibly
Animals. 50 Male Sprague Dawley rats (weight, 500‑650 g;            located in the center of the target quadrant. During the experi‑
age, 20 months old) were purchased from Charles River               ment, the hidden platform was placed in 1 of the quadrants
Laboratories and housed in groups under controlled envi‑            1.5 cm below the water surface. Specific methods were based
ronmental conditions. All animals were grouped in a 12 h            on a previous report (19).
light/dark cycle in a room with controlled temperature and
humidity (22±1˚C and 50‑60%) and fed water and food                 TUNEL staining. Hippocampus tissue were fixed with 4% para‑
ad libitum. All experiments were approved by the Animal             formaldehyde for 24 h at room temperature (RT), dehydrated
Experiment Center of the Institute of Radiation Medicine of         using graded ethanol, embedded in paraffin and sliced at a
the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences.Study design. Rats          thickness of 5 µm. Apoptotic cell death in hippocampus tissue
were randomly divided into 5 groups: i) Sham; ii) surgery;          was detected by utilizing a TUNEL kit (cat. no. 11684795910;
ii) surgery + L‑NAME; iv) surgery + DEX; and v) surgery +           Roche Diagnostics) according to the manufacturer's instructions.
DEX + L‑NAME, with 10 rats per group. At 30 min prior to            Slices were stained using the solution included in the TUNEL
surgery, rats in each group received the following treatment:       kit at RT for 1 h, and then stained using Hematoxylin at RT for
i) Rats in the sham group did not receive any treatment; ii) rats   ~3 min. After sealing with neutral gum sections were imaged
in the surgery + L‑NAME group were injected intraperitone‑          and captured using light microscopy (magnification, x40). Nine
ally with 25 mg/kg L‑NAME; iii) rats in the surgery + DEX           fields of view were observed in each group and analyzed using
group were injected intraperitoneally with 12 µg/kg DEX;            1.0 ImageJ software (National Institutes of Health).
iv) rats in the surgery + L‑NAME group were injected with
25 mg/kg L‑NAME; and v) rats in the surgery + DEX +                 Western blot analysis. At 4 days after surgery, proteins were
L‑NAME group were injected intraperitoneally with 12 µg/kg          extracted from hippocampus tissue using RIPA lysis buffer
DEX and 25 mg/kg L‑NAME. The open field test (OFT) was              (Applygen Technologies, Inc.) and a mixture of protease
performed on days 8 and 16. The Morris water maze (MWM)             inhibitors and phosphatase inhibitors (Pierce; Thermo Fisher
training was conducted on days 9‑13 and days 17‑21, and the         Scientific, Inc.). Extracted protein was measured using a BCA
MWM test was conducted on days 14 and 2 ml tail vein blood          kit (Nanjing Jiancheng Bioengineering Institute) and mixed
was collected both prior to surgery and on day 4 and 9 following    with 5X loading buffer. Samples (40 µg/lane) were separated
surgery. Surgical methods were based on previous reports (5).       using a 12% (w/v) gradient SDS gel and transferred to PVDF
Firstly, following anesthetization by intraperitoneal injection     membranes. After blocking with 5% skimmed milk at RT for
of 3% sodium pentobarbital (50 mg/kg), a 1.5 cm opening was         90 min, the blots were incubated with the following primary
cut at the midline of the neck, opening the soft tissue on the      antibodies at 4˚C overnight: Bax (1:2,000; cat. no. ab32503;
trachea. Subsequently, a 1 cm long part of the right common         Abcam), Bcl‑2 (1:2,000; cat. no. ab196495; Abcam), cleaved
carotid artery was removed and separated from the adjacent          caspase‑3 (1:1,500; cat. no. ab32042; Abcam), cleaved caspase‑9
tissue. The skin was sutured and surgery was conducted in           (1:2,000; cat. no. ab2324; Abcam) and GAPDH (1:1,000; cat.
a sterile environment. Once tail vein blood (2 ml) had been         no. ab199553; Abcam). The membranes were then incubated
collected 9 days post surgery, the rats were anesthetized with      with goat anti‑rabbit HRP conjugated secondary antibodies
3% sodium pentobarbital (50 mg/kg) and treated with cardiac         [1:10,000; cat. no. 70‑GAR0072; Multi Sciences (Lianke)
perfusion. Rats were euthanized by intraperitoneal injection        Biotech Co., Ltd.] at RT and washed with TBST (Tris‑HCl
with excessive sodium pentobarbital (200 mg/kg) and the             buffer and 1% Tween). Bands were then detected using an ECL
vena cava blood and the hippocampus tissue were collected           kit (Bio‑Rad Laboratories, Inc.) and quantified using Image
for ELISA, western blotting, terminal dexynucleotidyl trans‑        Lab 3.0 software (Bio‑Rad).
ferase (TdT)‑mediated dUTP nick end labeling (TUNEL)
staining and immunohistochemical staining (Fig. 1).                 ELISA. Blood was collected prior to and at 4, 9 days after
                                                                    surgery and centrifuged at 4,000 x g for 10 min at 4˚C to prepare
OFT. Animal locomotor activity was monitored for 10 min             the serum. Concentrations of TNF‑α (cat. no. CSB‑E11987r;
using an OFT. The test was conducted on days 8 and 16. A            Cusabio Technology), IL‑6 (cat. no. CSB‑E04640r; Cusabio
wooden box (100x100x45 cm) was divided into 16 squares and          Technology), IL‑1β (cat. no. CSB‑E08055r; Cusabio
the rats were placed in the center of the box. Each rat was         Technology) and IL‑10 (cat. no. CSB‑E04595r; Cusabio
placed in the corner to acclimate for 5 min, and then placed        Technology) in serum were determined using ELISA kits
into a new square. While the rat crossed the square, a vertical     following the manufacturer's instructions.
lattice counting and horizontal lattice counting was used to
monitor and record movements over a 5 min period. After each        NOS activity detection in hippocampus The expression of
rat was tested, the wooden box was cleaned with 75% ethanol         NOS in the hippocampus was detected according to a previous
and wiped dry with cotton balls to minimize the effect of odor      report (20). After protein extraction that was performed as
on subsequent experiments.                                          described above, NOS activity was measured using the NO
Dexmedetomidine facilitates the expression of nNOS in the hippocampus to alleviate surgery induced neuroinflammation and cognitive dysfunction in ...
EXPERIMENTAL AND THERAPEUTIC MEDICINE 22: 1038, 2021                                                3

                              Figure 1. Establishment and sampling procedure of the rat model induced by surgery.

Fluoro‑metric Assay kit (Nanjing Jiancheng Bioengineering                analyses were conducted using GraphPad Prism 7.0 (GraphPad
Institute) in accordance with the manufacturer's protocol.               Software, Inc.).
NOS activity was then detected by measuring absorbance at
550 nm and calculated using the standard curve.                          Results

Immunohistochemical staining. Hippocampus tissue                         Comparison of the behavioral differences of rats in each
was pretreated according to the protocol described in the                group. The locomotor activity of rats was initially measured
TUNEL staining paragraph. Immunohistochemical staining                   using the OFT. After evaluating both horizontal lattice counts
was performed using de‑paraffinized sections. Briefly,                   and vertical lattice counts, the results demonstrated that
5 µm‑sections were preheated in an oven, de‑paraffinized                 there was no significant difference between the rats in each
by xylene and rehydrated via graded ethanol. The sections                group (Fig. 2A), indicating that the observed cognitive deficits
were then incubated with anti‑nNOS (1:200; cat. no. ab5586;              of the OFT test did not affect locomotor capacity. The MWM
Abcam) primary antibodies at RT for 90 min followed by                   test was performed to investigate spatial learning, memory
HRP‑conjugated goat anti‑rabbit secondary antibodies (1:5,000,           and cognitive flexibility in each group of rats. Cognitive and
cat. no. ab205718; Abcam) incubation at 37˚C for 90 min. A               behavioral tests in the surgery group revealed an impaired
DAB kit (cat. no. ZLI‑9018; OriGene Technologies, Inc.) was              exploratory behavior as indicated by significant increases in
used to visualize the sections with a microscope. Nuclei were            the escape latency, total distance of swimming and decrease in
stained using hematoxylin at RT for 3 min and the images were            the times of platform crossing, when compared with the corre‑
captured using a light microscope (magnification, x20).                  sponding group prior to surgery (Fig. 2B). Regarding escape
                                                                         latency and total distance of swimming, the surgery + DEX
Flow cytometry. Flow cytometry was used to detect blood                  group demonstrated significant decreases when compared with
T lymphocyte subsets (CytomicsFC500; Beckman Coulter, Inc.).             the surgery group, while demonstrating significantly increased
Blood samples with the heparin anticoagulant were collected at           times in crossing platforms. Compared with the surgery +
various times according to the experimental design. Specimens            DEX and surgery + L‑NAME groups, the escape latency and
were prepared using FACS lysing solution (BD Biosciences)                total swimming distance of the surgery + DEX + L‑NAME
at RT for 10 min. Cells were then permeabilized and fixed                group were significantly increased. In addition, the escape
with cytofix/Cytoperm Plus solution (BD Biosciences) at RT               latency and total swimming distance in the surgery + DEX +
for 20 min. Cells were labeled with the following monoclonal             L‑NAME group were increased compared with the surgery +
antibodies conjugated with different fluorescent dyes at 4˚C             DEX group. The results of swimming speed indicated that
for 30 min: Anti‑CD3‑PE (5 µl/105 cell; cat. no. 15‑0038‑42;             there was no statistical difference between the groups.
Invitrogen; Thermo Fisher Scientific, Inc.), anti‑CD4‑APC                However, the time of crossing platform in the surgery + DEX
(5 µl/105 cell; cat. no. 17‑0049‑42; Invitrogen; Thermo Fisher           + L‑NAME group was significantly increased compared with
Scientific, Inc.) and anti‑CD8‑FITC (0.1 µg/1x106 cells; cat.            the surgery + L‑NAME group, but was remarkably decreased
no. MA5‑17604; Invitrogen; Thermo Fisher Scientific, Inc.).              compared with the surgery + DEX group. The results indicated
Finally cells were analyzed using a FACS CANTO™ II flow                  that cognitive impairment did not affect the locomotor activity
cytometer (Becton‑Dickinson) and data were analyzed using                of rats and that DEX improved the cognitive impairment of
Flowjo 7.6.1 software (Tree Star, Inc.).                                 rats caused by surgery.

Statistical analysis. All experiments were repeated three times          Comparison of apoptosis in hippocampus tissue. The results of
and the final data were expressed as the mean ± SD. Statistically        TUNEL staining are indicated in Fig. 3. Significant neuronal
significant differences were analyzed using one‑way ANOVA                apoptosis was identified in the hippocampus of the sham group
analysis and Tukey multiple comparison tests. A value of                 when compared with the hippocampus of operated rats. CA1,
Dexmedetomidine facilitates the expression of nNOS in the hippocampus to alleviate surgery induced neuroinflammation and cognitive dysfunction in ...

Figure 2. Behavioral differences of rats in each group. (A) Vertical lattice counting and horizontal lattice counting in the open field test. (B) Escape latency,
swimming speed, total distance of swimming and times of crossing platform in the Morris water maze test before and after surgery. Data are expressed as
the mean ± SD (n=10). *P
EXPERIMENTAL AND THERAPEUTIC MEDICINE 22: 1038, 2021                                                         5

Figure 4. Levels of apoptosis factors Bax, Bcl‑2, cleaved caspase‑3 and cleaved caspase‑9 in the hippocampus were determined by western blotting.
(A) Western blot analysis demonstrating the expression of apoptosis factors. (B) The levels of Bax/GAPDH in each group. (C) The levels of Bcl‑2/GAPDH
in each group. (D) The levels of cleaved caspase‑3/GAPDH in each group. (E) The levels of cleaved caspase‑9/GAPDH in each group. Data are expressed as
the mean ± SD (n=10). *P

Figure 5. Comparison of serum levels of inflammatory cytokines, NOS and nNOS expressions in the hippocampus from each group. (A) The levels of inflam‑
matory factors TNF‑α, IL‑6 and IL‑1β, and anti‑inflammatory factor IL‑10 in the circulatory system of rats in each group were determined by ELISA. (B) The
activity of nNOS in hippocampus tissue was determined by the enzyme biocycle method. (C) The expression of nNOS in hippocampus tissue was determined
by immunohistochemical staining. Data are expressed as the mean ± SD (n=10). The arrows in the figure indicate the nNOS positive area. *P
EXPERIMENTAL AND THERAPEUTIC MEDICINE 22: 1038, 2021                                                          7

Figure 6. Flow cytometry was used to determine the T lymphocyte subsets in each group. (A) Flow cytometry dot plots of CD3+ T cell and (B) percentage of
CD3+ T cell in each group. (C) Flow cytometry dot plots of CD3+ CD4+ T cell and (D) the percentage of CD3+ CD4+ T cell in each group. (E) Flow cytometry
dot plots of CD3+ CD8+ T cell and (F) the percentage of CD3+ CD8+ T cell in each group. Data are expressed as the mean ± SD (n=10). *P

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