Digital Dictionary The Essential - Print. Design. Websites. And More

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Digital Dictionary The Essential - Print. Design. Websites. And More
Print. Design. W

   The Essential
Digital Dictionary
   Common Digital Marketing
      Terms Explained
Digital Dictionary The Essential - Print. Design. Websites. And More
The Digital Dictionary from Snap is a handy
guide to the most popular terms used in all
aspects of digital marketing.

Web terms, advertising
terms, social media,
measurement and
much more.

If you would like to look at
bringing digital marketing
tactics to your business,
contact our team today at:

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Digital Marketing at Snap
- because this is where
your clients now do
At Snap, we are aware that digital
marketing is moving at a rapid pace
and that the choice of products can
sometimes be overwhelming and
confusing. Our priority is to help you
understand the pros and cons of each and
what’s right for your business.

Our specialist online marketing team
can advise you on how to drive more
visitors to your website,
more customers and
more sales through a
number of advanced
digital marketing


    Above The Fold The content             Algorithm An algorithm is a
     that can be seen on a screen           mathematical, computational
     without having to scroll down.         or statistical method that
     Key in web design as web users         calculates a number of variables
     need to find what they are             into a single output. Google, for
     looking for very fast. All the         example, use algorithms for
     most important information             ranking pages to the top.
     should be visible to entice
     visitors to read more.                Alt Text An Alt Tag is used in
                                            HTML (see HTML) to attribute
    Adsense    Text and image               a text caption to an image on
     advertisements by Google that          a webpage. Images that are
     appear on websites.                    tagged tell the web user what
                                            the image is about, displaying
    Affiliate    Marketing        An        the text when an image cannot
     agreement      between      two        load. It is good SEO practice to
     websites. The affiliate agrees         tag all images as search engines
     to feature content on their            will not see images.
     site that aims to drive traffic
     to another e-commerce site.           Anchor Text When a link is
     In return, the affiliate site          displayed on a website or in an
     receives a percentage of any           email, it is usually highlighted
     sales generated by this traffic.       in a different colour and
     Typically   companies      with        underlined. The anchor text is
     e-commerce sites that want             the text that is seen in a link.
     to sell products to a particular
     target audience will use this         Banner Ad A web banner
     approach.                              or banner ad is a form
                                            of    advertising     on    the
    Alerts Notifications that can be        internet. This form of online
     set up for various search terms,       advertising entails displaying
     events or website metrics. These       an advertisement within a
     are often sent to an individual via    webpage. It is intended to
     email, e.g., whenever a company/       attract traffic to a website by
     product name appears on the            linking to the website of the
     internet in newly published            advertiser.
     content. Google Alerts is a
     commonly used alert system.

Blog A Blog is a type of website       that indicate where a page
 that allows users, also known         sits within the hierarchy of the
 as bloggers, to post entries on       website and usually provide a
 topics and to allow others to         path back through the website.
 comment on the posts. Blogs
 are easy to update, encourage        Broken Links Links to pages
 repeat visits, create fresh           which no longer exist or have
 content and inbound links to          been moved to a different URL
 your website, which is good           without redirection. These links
 for Search Engine Optimisation        usually serve pages with the
 (see SEO).                            “404 error” message (see “404
                                       error”). Most search engines
Bookmarking The practice of            provide ways for visitors to
 saving the web address of a           report on broken or “dead” links.
 webpage or website so that
 it may be easily found again.        Browser An application used
 Bookmarks can be managed              to access the Internet. Popular
 with a browser or with                browsers     include     Google
 downloadable software. Very           Chrome,     Firefox,    Internet
 useful for sites that you visit       Explorer and Safari.
 regularly.                           Cache A high speed storage
Bounce Rate In web analytics,          mechanism that allows users
 (see Google Analytics) this           to access sites much quicker
 refers to the percentage of           rather than reloading the sites
 people that do not progress           every time.
 beyond the first page they land      Click Tracking Measuring the
 on within a site within a certain     number of clicks it takes to
 time limit. It can be an indicator    enter or exit a website.
 for web content that requires
 revisions.                           Click-through Rate Expressed
                                       as a percentage, this refers to
Bounces The number of emails           the total clicks on a link divided
 that were unable to reach their       by the number of times that
 final destination.                    link was shown. Commonly
Breadcrumb       Links     Links,      used as a measure for online
 usually on the top of the page,       advertising.


    CMS    Content Management                 This is typically from a search
     System. A script or program              engine using Pay Per Click
     for maintaining websites that            search marketing (see Paid
     allows companies to update               Search).
     content regularly and maintain
     websites without relying on             CPM Cost Per thousand. In Pay
     external resources.                      per Click advertising, CPM refers
                                              to Cost per 1000 ad impressions
    Contextual            Advertising         i.e. the cost an advertiser pays
     Advertising     on      content          each time their ad appears
     websites rather than on search           1,000 times.
     sites. Where adverts are placed
     is based on the content of the          Crowdsourcing          Harnessing
     website.                                 the skills, talents and ideas of
                                              a broader community, usually
    Conversion A visitor completing           through social media.
     a target action which could
     include making a contact or             Domain Name The name of a
     completing an online sale.               server that distinguishes it from
                                              other systems on the World
    Conversion Rate The percentage            Wide Web. Snap’s        domain
     of visitors to a website that            name is
     perform a desired action, such as
     making a purchase or filling out        Digital Available in electronic
     a form.                                  form; able to be manipulated
                                              and read by a computer.
    Cookies A small file that is stored
     on an end-user’s computer and           Email   Marketing A direct
     allows websites to identify that         form of sending a marketing
     user, store information about            message to a specific database
     the user and allow the website           using email software.
     owner to construct a profile for        Entry Page The first webpage
     that user.                               visited when someone enters a
    CPC Cost Per Click. Refers to             website.
     when an advertiser only pays            Exit Page The last webpage
     when their ad is clicked upon,           a user visits before exiting a
     resulting in a visitor to their site.    website.

Facebook A dominant, free-              Google     Adwords Google’s
 access social-networking site           Pay Per Click (PPC) program
 which is available to companies         allows advertisers to display
 and any person 13 years of age          their adverts on relevant
 or older.                               search results and across
                                         Google’s content network via
Favicon Favourite Icon. It is            this program. When a person
 a small icon that identifies a          searches for a term that relates
 bookmarked site. It can also            to that product or service, the
 be displayed in the toolbar             ad is designed to appear. When
 of a web browser, making it a           the ad is clicked, the advertiser
 worthwhile branding effort              is charged hence pay per click.
Flash Refers to a form of video         Google Analytics The free
 software developed by Adobe             traffic  analytics   software
 Macromedia        that creates          provided by Google that gives
 graphic animations that are             in depth information on all
 small file sizes.                       visitor activity on websites
Flickr A media-hosting network           with information that can be
 where users can upload and              used to improve content and
 share image files. It is the largest    performance.
 photo-storage and photo-               Geographical Targeting Also
 sharing site on the Web.                known as geo-targeting or geo-
Frequency This is the interval           locating. Used to enable you to
 at which email efforts or               see where your visitors come
 advertisements     such as              from and give them specific
 newsletters are sent, or                information that is relevant to
 displayed to users (daily/              them based on their location.
 weekly/monthly etc.).                  GIF     Graphics    Interchange
FTP    Abbreviation for File             Format. A GIF is an 8-bit-per-
 Transfer Protocol, a standard for       pixel bitmap image format
 transporting files online.              using a palette of up to 256
                                         distinct colours. GIFs allow
                                         images to be reduced without
                                         degrading their quality.


    Hashtag A symbol (#) placed           sustainable way. The aim is to
     directly in front of a word or       help users find information and
     words to tag a post on Twitter.      complete tasks. It is a plan for
     It is often used to group tweets     how the website elements will
     by popular categories of             be organised to make sure the
     interest and to help users follow    user finds everything they need
     discussion topics.                   to find and is usually one of the
                                          first exercises in a web design
    Heading Tags Heading tags             project.
     (H1, H2, H3 etc) are standard
     elements used to define             Impressions The number of
     headings and subheadings on a        times a web page or ad is
     webpage. The number indicates        viewed.
     the importance, so H1 tags are
     viewed by search engines as         Index The catalogue of websites
     being more important that the        listed in search engines. Search
     H3 tags. Targeting key phrases       engines index websites by
     in headings on websites is good      scanning them.
     SEO practice.                       Instant Messaging (IM) Instant
    HTML       Hypertext Mark-up          messaging (often shortened to
     Language. This is the code           IM) is a type of communication
     read by web browsers. As an          service that enables you to
     example, HTML emails usually         create a kind of private chat
     contain graphics and can be          room with another individual
     interactive.                         in order to communicate in
                                          real time over the internet e.g.
    Hyperlink A link in an electronic     Facebook, Snapchat etc.
     document that allows you, once
     you click on it, to follow the      Internet Service Provider (ISP) A
     link to the relevant web page.       business that provides access
     Hyperlinks are often written in      to the internet, generally for a
     underlined, blue text.               monthly fee. e.g. Eircom, UPC.

    IA   Information architecture        Internal Site Search A search
     (IA) focuses on organising,          function specific to one site.
     structuring   and    labeling        This tool allows users to find
     content in an effective and          whatever they are looking for
                                          on your site.

IP   Address The Internet           Keyword Rankings This term
 Protocol (IP) address is an         refers to where the keywords/
 exclusive number, which is          phrases targeted by SEO efforts
 used to represent every single      rank amongst the search
 computer in a network.              engines. So when searchers
                                     use keywords relating to your
JavaScript    A popular web          business, they should be able to
 coding language that is used        easily find you.
 on websites allowing users to
 perform actions on the site        Keyword Research The process
 without requiring full page         of researching what searchers
 refreshes. Examples include         are actually searching for.
 analytics for page tagging and      Writing good website copy
 page animation.                     revolves around the selection
                                     of the best keywords/phrases.
Keyword A word or words              There are a multitude of tools
 used by a searcher on a search      out there that can assist with
 engine. In SEO, keywords are        keyword research, which will
 the words that a website is         help you discover the best
 optimised to rank for and in        possible keywords to use.
 Pay Per Click (PPC) marketing,
 keywords are bid upon by           Landing Page The page a
 advertisers.                        user reaches when clicking
                                     on a search engine listing or
Keyword Phrase Two or more           a banner advertisement. The
 words that are combined to          pages that have the most
 form a search term/query -          success are those that match up
 often referred to as keywords.      as closely as possible with the
 It is usually better to optimise    user’s search query.
 your website copy for a phrase
 rather than a single word as       Link A link is a URL embedded
 more searchers will search for      on a webpage, if you click on
 a phrase rather than a word as      the link you will be taken to that
 they want more specific and         page.
 relevant content.
                                    Link Checker These tools are
                                     used to check your site for
                                     broken hyperlinks. Very useful.

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     LinkedIn A business-oriented         important. Search for your
      social networking site for          company and you will see what
      professionals.    Similar    to     the SERP returns and this will
      Facebook, LinkedIn allows           show the Meta Description Tag
      members to connect with             i.e. the words that appear.
      other users on the network,
      share status updates, and          Meta Keyword Tag A list of
      participate in groups and chats     the words and phrases that are
      but the focus is on careers and     important and relevant on the
      profession.                         web page. The use of targeted
                                          key phrases is important here
     Load Time The length of              - but remember not to use an
      time it takes for a page            excessive amount of keywords
      to    open    completely in         – four or five relevant keywords
      the browser window.                 is enough.
     Mashup When content from two        MMS Stands for Multimedia
      or more sources is combined.        Message Service. An extension
                                          on SMS, allows picture, sound
     Meta Tags Meta tags are there        or low quality videos to be sent
      to tell search engines what         on a wireless network.
      exactly web pages are about.
      It’s important that your Meta      mozRank A number from 0 to
      tags contain targeted key           10 indicating how high a site
      phrases. Meta tags are made up      is likely to rank in the search
      of meta titles, descriptions and    results.
                                         MPU Mid-page unit. These are
     Meta Description Tag A short         digital ads that are generally
      paragraph      describing   the     300 x 250 pixels. One of the
      page content. This summary is       most common formats for
      usually shown on the Search         online advertising.
      Engine Results Page (SERP) if
      it contains the term searched      Navigation Navigation is what
      for. The spiders use the meta       allows users to move from
      tag description to determine        page to page in your site. It is
      the topic of the page, making       essential that your navigation
      the use of targeted key phrases     is user friendly. If the users can’t


 easily find their way, they won’t     influenced by direct financial
 travel deeper into your site.         payments. These listings are
                                       results based on factors such as
New Visitor A unique visitor           keyword and content relevancy
 who visits a website for the first    within a webpage: SEO is used
 time ever in the period of time       to boost success.
 being analysed.
                                      Page Rank Page Rank gives
Open Rate This is also referred        a ranking or score to every
 to as the read rate. This is the      webpage on the internet based
 number of emails that are             on the number and quality of
 opened in an email marketing          the page’s back links, this score
 campaign as a proportion of           is a number out of 10 with 1
 the total number of emails sent.      being the lowest and 10 being
Organic Listings Also known            the highest. Anything above 5
 as “natural” listings, these are      means your site is doing well!
 search-engine results that have      Paid Search Placing ads for
 not been purchased. They are          products or services on Search
 calculated solely by an engine’s      Engine Result Pages (SERPs)
 algorithm and are based               (listings appear at the top of
 on the merits of the listed           the page and on the right
 pages. Typically, most search         hand side) and on content sites
 engines will display several          across the internet. These ads
 sponsored ads related to              are typically small snippets of
 search terms (often separated         text linked to product pages.
 by background colour or
 otherwise highlighted) before        Page Views The number of
 displaying the non-paid listings.     times a page was successfully
Outbound         Links      These
 links will, once clicked on, take    Page Views Per Visit The
 users to another site.                number of page views in a
                                       reporting period divided by the
Organic Search These are the           number of visits in that same
 listings generally found on the       period.
 left hand side of a Search Engine
 Results Page (SERP) and are not


     Phishing A criminal activity          Ranking In search, ranking is
      where “Phishers” attempt              used to describe the relative
      to      fraudulently       acquire    position of a web page in
      sensitive information, such           the SERPs.
      as passwords and credit card
      details. Often this is done by       Referrer The URL of the web
      masquerading as an entity the         page that a user was on before
      victim is likely to trust (another    reaching yours. The server’s
      person or reputable business)         logs capture referral URLs and
      via some form of electronic           store them in their log files.
      communication usually email.          Furthermore, if a user used
                                            a search engine to find your
     Podcasting Publishing audio            website, the key phrases they
      programs via the internet,            used to find your site will be
      allowing users to subscribe to        embedded in the referring URL.
      a feed of new files. Podcasting
      enables            independent       Repeat Visitors A unique visitor
      producers to create self-             with two or more visits within
      published, syndicated “radio          the time period being analysed.
      shows”. Listeners may subscribe      Responsive      Web      Design
      to feeds using “pod catching”         Responsive        Web      Design
      software such as iTunes (a            (RWD) is a type of web design
      type of aggregator), which            approach aimed at crafting
      periodically checks for and           sites to provide an optimal
      downloads      new      content       viewing        experience—easy
      automatically.                        reading and navigation with a
     Popup Unrequested window               minimum of resizing, panning,
      that opens on top of the              and scrolling—across a wide
      currently viewed window.              range of devices from mobile
                                            phones to desktop computer
     PPC Pay per Click. Buying              monitors to tablets. The content
      sponsored adverts on search           changes format according to
      engine results pages and              the device it is being viewed on.
      content pages and only paying
      for those ads on a performance       Return Visitor A unique visitor
      basis.                                who is not a new visitor to the

Robot.txt A file written and         their result pages is called their
 stored in the settings of a         ranking algorithm. Algorithms
 website that restricts search       are regularly updated to
 engines from listing certain        combat spam and malicious
 pages of the website on their       SEO tactics. As the algorithms
 results pages. For example,         change and put more or less
 content such as privacy settings    importance on certain factors,
 on your website would not           SEO companies do the same
 need to be ranked by the search
 engines as it is regulatory        Search Term Search terms
 requirement.                        are the words entered by the
                                     searcher. Search engines will
RSS Really Simple Syndication.       then look for these words in
 RSS allows you to receive/          their index and return matching
 syndicate information without       results. Also known as Search
 having to constantly open new       Query.
 pages in your browser.
                                    SEM Search Engine Marketing.
Search Engine A tool for             This is the process of getting
 searching the internet. Users of    a website to achieve top
 search engines enter keywords       rankings for its chosen key
 relevant to their search and        phrases on SERPs.
 the search engine returns both
 organic and paid listing results   SEO Search Engine Optimisation.
 from its databases.                 The creation or tweaking of a
                                     website to increase the amount
Search    Engine     Algorithm       of traffic to it from search
 Search engines rank web             engines. The aim is to get the
 pages based on different sets       page to rank highly on SERPs.
 of criteria: while they may
 attribute different values of      SERP Search Engine Results
 importance to the criteria          Page. The page that shows
 they tend to consider the           the results for a search on a
 same factors in general. The        search engine. In terms of SEO,
 programme which search              websites should aim to be the
 engines use to judge these          first result on the SERP.
 factors and rank web pages in


     Sitemap On a website, this          Spider An automated program
      is a page that links to every       that scans or crawls web pages
      other page in the website and       to gather information for search
      displays these links organised      engines. Also called trawlers,
      according to the information        crawlers and robots, or bots.
      hierarchal structure.
                                         Sponsored Links The paid
     Skyscraper Ad A web banner ad        search results on a SERP.
      with dimensions that are usually
      120 pixels wide, 600 pixels high   Streaming      Media playback
      and are placed on the outside       directly from the internet.
      edges of web pages.                Subject Line The title of an email
     SmartText A mobile marketing         communication. As it is the first
      product from Snap which             element of the communication
      allows you to embed a mobile        that will be seen, it needs to
      optimised disposable webpage        attract attention and entice the
      into an SMS message so that you     user to open the email.
      can include more information       Tag A keyword which is attached
      in your message along with rich     to a blog post, tweet (see
      media such as video and audio.      “hashtag”), social bookmark or
     SMS Short Message Service.           media file. Tags help categorise
      The transmission of short text      content by subject.
      based messages to and from a       Title   Tags The (preferably
      mobile phone, fax machine or        keyword rich) title text you
      IP address.                         select will appear in the top bar
     Social Media The media that is       of a user’s browser when they
      published, created and shared       view the web page. Title tags
      by individuals on the Internet,     should be a brief and accurate
      such as blogs, images and           description of the page’s
      video.                              content.

     Social Network In the online        Tracking      Measuring   the
      sense, this refers to a type of     effectiveness of a campaign
      website model where individual      by collecting and evaluating
      members become part of a            statistics.
      broader virtual community.

Traffic This refers to the visitors    first requirement for exemplary
 that visit a website.                 UX is to meet the exact needs
                                       of the customer and make it
Tracking Codes A piece of code         very easy for them to find the
 that tracks a user’s interaction      information they require and
 and movement through a                take the action they want e.g.
 website.                              purchase an item, contact your
Tweet Twitter is an online social      company.
 networking and microblogging         Viral Marketing The spread
 service that enables users            of a message quickly across
 to send and read short                the internet, largely by “word-
 140-character text messages,          of mouth”. It mimics a virus
 called “tweets”                       because of the speed at which
Unique Visitors The number of          is transferred and the number
 individual people visiting the        of people that it reaches. Viral
 website at least once within a        Marketing is an effective form
 specific period of time. Each         of marketing that yields a
 individual is only counted once.      good return on investment if
URL   Uniform (or Universal)
 Resource Locator. The unique         Visit Duration The length of
 address of a site or web page         time a visitor spends on a
 on the internet.                      website in a session.

Usability Usability is a measure      Visitor An individual visiting a
 of how easy it is for a user          website.
 to complete a desired task.          Web Analytics Site analytics
 A really important factor for         are essential to the success
 consideration in how users            of any website – they provide
 navigate websites.                    you with information detailing
UX User Experience is a term used      how visitors are interacting
 to describe the overarching           with your site as well as how
 experience a person has when          successful your supporting
 interacting with a particular         eMarketing techniques are on
 product or service and how it         your site’s performance. Site
 is delivered on a website. The        analytics provide you with a


      comprehensive and insightful         view, upload and comment on
      analysis of your website as well     video content for no charge,
      as an insight into what needs to     though companies can pay for
      be done to ensure even greater       sponsored promotion of videos
      success.                             or to have enhanced branding
                                           and design capabilities on
     Web Browser This is what allows       their profile pages, known as
      you to browse the World Wide         “channels.”
      Web – examples of browsers
      include Internet Explorer, Safari   301 Redirect A permanent
      and Firefox.                         feature that redirects one url
                                           to another, particularly useful
     Web Design The layout and             when websites are changed or
      structure of a web page. Web         updated.
      design is not solely about
      making the page look pretty,        404 Error An error message that
      it’s also about functionality and    says that a web page could not
      usability.                           be found.
     Web Server A remote third-
      party computer whose job it is
      to deal with requests coming
      from web browsers.
     XML      eXtensible     Mark-up
      Language. A standard used for
      creating structured documents.
      XML promises more efficient
      and organised delivery of data
      over the internet. XHTML is the
      XML version of HTML.
     YouTube The most popular
      video-hosting   and   video-
      sharing site and it is also
      currently the largest search
      engine after Google (also
      owned by Google). Users can
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  Print. Design. Websites. And More
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