Digital Revolution in Banking - Future Talk with Sunnie Groeneveld - A Visit with On - Conversion to Structured Addresses for Payments - SIX

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Digital Revolution in Banking - Future Talk with Sunnie Groeneveld - A Visit with On - Conversion to Structured Addresses for Payments - SIX
 The Payments Professional Magazine from SIX — #1 — 2021

Digital Revolution in Banking — Future Talk with Sunnie
Groeneveld — A Visit with On — Conversion to Structured
Addresses for Payments
Digital Revolution in Banking - Future Talk with Sunnie Groeneveld - A Visit with On - Conversion to Structured Addresses for Payments - SIX

Tell Me How
You Pay and I’ll
Tell You Where
You Come From



Entrepreneur Sunnie More efficient cross- What has been the
Groeneveld wishes to border payments: the impact of COVID-19 on
have a single app for SWIFT timetable, the consumer and payment
her payments. “SEPA Request-to-Pay” behavior in Switzerland?
 scheme of the EPC and
07 the building blocks of 10
 the G20.

 20 Publisher SIX Group Ltd, P.O. Box, 8021
 Zurich, Switzerland,, Advisory Board
 Samuel Ackermann, PostFinance; Daniel
 Berger, SIX; Boris Brunner (Head), SIX;
 Susanne Eis, SECB; Pierre-Michel Gicot,
 BCV; Dieter Goerdten, SIX; Susanne
 Höhener, Liechtenstein Bankers Associa-
 tion; Daniela Hux-Brauss, Credit Suisse
 AG; Raphael Reinke, SNB; Peter Ruoss, UBS
 Switzerland AG Authors Martin Walder
 (p. 15–16), Peter Ruoss (p. 18–19), Peter
 Ruoss und Matthias Biehl, UBS (p. 16–
 18), Raphael Reinke, SNB; Roger Inderbitz-
 in, SWIFT; Etienne Goosse, EPC (p. 20–22)
 Editor Gabriel Juri, Editor in Chief, SIX; Nino
 Thommen, SIX Concept & Design MADE
 Identity AG, Zurich, Switzerland. Printer
 sprüngli druck ag, Villmergen, Switzer-

SECTIONS land Translation Mark Rabinowitz, Trans-
 lation Service Team (English), SIX; Denis
03 Focus Topic Fournier (French) Photo Credits Ornella

09 Values
 Cacace (Cover, p. 2, 4, 12–14), Jairph (p.
 3), Dino Reichmuth (p. 5), Fathih Latheef

15 Experts Only (p. 6), Tobias Siebrecht (p. 8–9), Alex Vasey
 (p. 21), Herwig Vergult (p. 22) Illustrations
23 Panorama Gregory Gilbert-Lodge
Digital Revolution in Banking - Future Talk with Sunnie Groeneveld - A Visit with On - Conversion to Structured Addresses for Payments - SIX
Digital Business
Models Are Revolu-
tionizing Banking

 here has been a lot of talk in This allows them to register with and start
 recent years about a digital using the offerings of financial service
 revolution in banking. A revo- providers outside Switzerland in less than
 lution sounds exciting. We five minutes. And, if that weren’t enough,
 listen with eager pleasure to Apple, Samsung, Revolut, and the like al-
 stories from other industries ready operate in Switzerland, and many
 about winners who parlayed a others will follow in their steps.
 combination of bold ideas, Why should this impress us? These com-
 perseverance, and cleverness panies possess platforms that can create
 into fame, fortune, and pow- cross-border economies of scale that sim-
 er. Rockefeller, Bill Gates, Steve ply don’t exist in tiny Switzerland. In
 Jobs, Jeff Bezos, and most re- other words, they have huge cost advan-
 cently Elon Musk. Their ascen- tages. But more importantly, they have
 dence is inextricably tied grown up digitally. This is why they, in the
 to the rise of brands – Apple, image of Henry Ford, are able to skip the
 Amazon, Tesla – that nobody step of first harnessing faster horses to the
had heard of twenty years earlier. But there carriage. They are going straight to build-
are also stories, of course, about losers – ing proper automobiles. Customers, espe-
the term “Kodak moment” has even made cially young ones, love this: Their offer-
it into everyday language. Such stories ings are on their smartphones and operate
often tell of transitions that were started intuitively. The access points for cus­tomers
too late or were never begun at all. So, are thus migrating to third-party suppliers.
what sort of revolution is underway in the Banks, meanwhile, are becoming ac-
banking industry, and who will be the count providers, suppliers of highly regu-
winners and losers? lated infrastructure for safekeeping
 The situation facing Swiss retail banks money. That still sounds like a safe with
is clear at first glance. Bank branches things safeguarded “within.” But are you
were long the main access point for cus- sure about that?
tomers. They paid a price that enabled
banks to coexist in a relatively carefree man- Sockets for Banking
ner within the safe confines of Switzer- Here another development is taking hold:
land’s borders. Today, though, customers “API-fication.” APIs are interfaces be-
want to conduct their financial transac- tween programs. If they are designed to
tions digitally, and they have smartphones. be frequently reutilized, they employ an

Digital Revolution in Banking - Future Talk with Sunnie Groeneveld - A Visit with On - Conversion to Structured Addresses for Payments - SIX
“open standard.” Sockets are an example of means that even this bastion has been
 such standards: Their technical specifica- razed: The account leaves the imaginary
 tions are openly accessible to the public and safe, becomes part of the third party’s
 their dimensions are always the same. service chain, and is supplied to the end
 APIs – “digital sockets” – open up new ways customer under the third party’s brand
 of connecting. Google Maps is integrated name. The account provider becomes in-
 into almost every website these days – via visible; the bank’s brand vanishes from
 an API. Banks, too, can secure services the end customer’s field of view.
 from third-party suppliers this way. There Is this a distant vision of the future?
 are suppliers, for instance, of digital cus- No, it’s already happening. People in Ger-
 tomer identification and document authen- many today can buy Samsung smart-
 tication solutions. Banks therefore no phones with a pre-installed banking app.
 longer have to develop these processes Samsung is collaborating with Solaris-
 themselves; they can now use them as a bank, which supplies Samsung with bank
 service via an API. accounts as a service. It takes less than
 But beware: It also goes the other way five minutes to open one, and then you can
 around! Let’s take a large retailer as an start paying with Samsung Pay. In addi-
“Banking as a service” is on the example. It wants to offer its customers tion to accounts, interested companies can
rise. It is important for Swiss accounts as well in the future to enable now access an entire universe of services
banks to adapt their infrastruc- shopping payments, installment loans, and with which to expand their offerings: credit
tures and processes and, participation in reward programs. So, score queries, installment loans, loyalty
above all, to design suitable does this retailer found a bank and obtain programs, receipt filing – everything can be

strategies and make the nec- a FINMA license? No. It instead seeks out obtained as a service and integrated into
 an account provider that supplies customer the company’s own digital offerings for end
essary investments. Because
 accounts as a service – via APIs. Some customers, without separate application
sooner rather than later,
 neobanks in Europe provide such services forms, digitally, and seamlessly.
non-banks will offer customers today exclusively for non-banks – retail- And where do Swiss banks stand in this
seamlessly integrated, digi- ers, car dealerships, insurance companies, environment? Many trailblazing develop-
tal financial products in Swit- and health insurers. Banking as a service ments have been initiated in recent years.
zerland too. (BaaS) is becoming a business model. This The widespread introduction of ISO 20022

Digital Revolution in Banking - Future Talk with Sunnie Groeneveld - A Visit with On - Conversion to Structured Addresses for Payments - SIX
fired the starting shot for consolidations to-person payments. The situation regard-
and an acceleration in digitalization. The ing invoicing processes looks different:
impressive record of achievements for 2020 different QR codes, two direct debit proce-
alone included the consolidation of the dures, invoices sent via e-mail, and digital
Swiss platforms for clearing and settlement eBill invoices are all in use in Switzerland
and for eBill invoices, the successful launch today, and new direct debit-based con-
of the QR-bill, and the migration of 6,000 cepts are under development. Users are
ATMs to a uniform operating system soft- confronted with a multitude of access
ware. In addition, bLink, the API platform points and procedures, each of which cov-
from SIX, went into operation with its first ers a specific niche. The technical chal-
use cases, and TWINT last autumn report- lenges involved in integrating those pro-
ed that it had over three million users. cesses – such as integrating eBill into
Finally, instant payments will be introduced TWINT – are straightforward and manage-
in the years ahead. An accelerated struc- able. How­ever, the problem of winning
tural transformation is clearly discernible, over the ma­jority of people in Switzerland
but is this already the digital revolution? with a simple, uniform digital process from
And can we already detect the winners and under one roof has heretofore seemed un-
the losers? solvable. The countries of Scandinavia
 have led the way in demonstrating what’s
Swish à la Suisse? possible here: The Swish mobile payment
It is arguably too soon to pass definitive app is used by more than 70% of the Nordic
judgments, but it appears possible in the population.
meantime to predict which squares on A second square will be the speed and
the chessboard have to be occupied. One consistency with which banks carry out
is brand leadership in key use cases, which API-fication. The first concern is to inte-
TWINT, for instance, has attained in person- grate as-a-service offerings from

 An accelerated
 structural trans-
 formation in
 banking is clearly
 discernible, but
 is this already the
 digital revolution?

Digital Revolution in Banking - Future Talk with Sunnie Groeneveld - A Visit with On - Conversion to Structured Addresses for Payments - SIX
third-party suppliers. That can save re- undisputed brand leader in digital in-
sources for self-built services and can voicing. Finally, a powerful API platform
yield more contemporary solutions. How- with a sophisticated single contract has
ever, such offerings have to be adapted since become available with bLink, which
to fit with banks’ processes and IT setups. presents big advantages for the future
But above all, it’s about devising strate- interconnection of banks and the ex-
gies for the BaaS world and finding the change of data with third parties.
funding for the necessary investments. The digital revolution has only just
Because it’s bound to be only a matter of begun. Bets are still being taken on
time until non-banks in Switzerland who the winners will be. 
also start offering their end customers
seamlessly integrated digital financial
 In the midst of this structural transfor-
mation, banks are receiving support
from SIX, which is enabling cost savings
for them through centralization. For
instance, a centralized platform will low-
er the high cost of introducing instant
payments by 2024 and will make it af-
fordable even for smaller-scale institu-
tions. Complete-package offerings for
areas as diverse as operating ATMs
and comprehensive telephone services
for usage of debit cards are other inno-
vations by SIX. But SIX is also strengthen-
ing banks’ relationships with their end
customers, for example through the debiX
app for the use of the new debit cards
that banks can issue under their own
brands. In addition, the eBill process
used by Swiss banks aims to become the
Digital Revolution in Banking - Future Talk with Sunnie Groeneveld - A Visit with On - Conversion to Structured Addresses for Payments - SIX

 Startup As a young entrepreneur and speaker, you’ve
 been passionately advocating for digitaliza-
 market. Successful fintechs like PayPal,
 N26, Revolut, Square, Stripe, and Klarna
 tion in Switzerland for years. What is your aim were founded outside Switzerland, but

 founder Sunnie specifically? New digital technologies are
 increasingly affecting the lives of everyone
 today have many Swiss customers due
 to their compelling digital offerings,

 today. Each of us has a choice: Will we user experiences, and value-for-money
 proactively participate in shaping this trans- propositions.
 formation, or will we respond to it reac-

 talks about
 tively? As an entrepreneur, I’m advocating If there were such a thing as a digital customer
 that we also take an entrepreneurial ap- experience in SME payment transactions, what
 proach to digitally transforming Switzer- would it look like? For payment transactions

 digital trans- land’s economy, society, and politics. We
 need to exploit the opportunities present-
 at my consultancy firm Inspire 925, I wish
 there were a single app, one with which we
 ed by digital advancement to stay ranked would only have to photograph an invoice

 formation. among the world’s most innovative
 economies in the future.
 once to then transmit it automatically to the
 e-banking portal for payment while at the
 same time forwarding it to our accounting
 In what stage of the digital transformation is software. If it only took me three seconds
 Switzerland’s financial industry? I think ev- to pay and file an invoice, that would be a
 eryone is very well aware of the importance better customer experience than the one
 of this issue. Moreover, the regulatory today. Because as things currently stand,
 conditions in Switzerland for innovations someone on our team still enters some
 in the blockchain and crypto space are of the invoices manually in the e-banking
 very good in international comparison. system and then scans them and e-mails
 Looking at the financial industry as a the scanned copies to the accounting
 whole, though, it’s clear that we’re still just department.
 at the start of the digital transformation.
 There are, of course, a few promising digi- What is your formula for more digital innova-
 tal products and services like eBill, TWINT, tion at the interface between customer and
 and digital account opening at a number bank? More digital-first thinking. Banks
 TEXT of banks, but none of these financial in- developed a large part of their product
 GABRIEL JURI novations have evolved beyond the Swiss and service portfolios a long time ago un-

Digital Revolution in Banking - Future Talk with Sunnie Groeneveld - A Visit with On - Conversion to Structured Addresses for Payments - SIX
der the assumption that they would greet
 customers live once or multiple times at
 bank branches and would be able to explain

 products to them in person. Many of
 those products are still around today, and
 banks have tried to “translate” them one-
 to-one into digital products, often more for
 the worse than for the better.

 How are your personal payment needs covered?
 Where are you satisfied, and where do you see
 room for improvement? I manage my finances
 with two mobile apps, one from a Swiss
 bank and the other from a foreign neobank.
 That works great. I wish there were even
 more standardization for paying invoices.
 Despite eBill, it still happens occasionally
 that I have to enter invoices in my e-bank-
 ing portal manually. Also, more could be

“I wish there
 done to integrate services. I, for example,
 would find an app with an API interface
 that allows me to combine my accounts at

were even more different banks on a centralized dash-
 board quite useful. 

tion for paying

Digital Revolution in Banking - Future Talk with Sunnie Groeneveld - A Visit with On - Conversion to Structured Addresses for Payments - SIX
These “golden beads radiant like the
sun” (Homer) are a coveted natural re-
source to this day. By virtue of its value,
amber was even recognized as legal ten-
der during the 5th and 6th centuries in
the Baltic Sea region. The largest piece
of amber ever discovered weighed 68

Digital Revolution in Banking - Future Talk with Sunnie Groeneveld - A Visit with On - Conversion to Structured Addresses for Payments - SIX
 The coronavirus affects the world –
 and Switzerland with it. But what
 impact will the lockdown really have
 on consumer and payment behav-
 ior? A direct comparison between
 the old normal and the pandemic.

 Non-food retail sales

 Urban areas
 City centers

 Merchants retail excluding
 food, beverages and tobac-
 co card holders domestic
 and foreign payment means
 debit cards, credit cards
 and mobile payments point
 of sale brick-and-mortar February 2020
 and online CHF 434 mn
 CHF 572 mn
 CHF 242 mn

 Switzerland (
 Source: SIX and Monitoring Consumption

 April 2020
 CHF 183 mn
 CHF 126 mn
 CHF 94 mn

Cash withdrawals at ATMs

 Number of transactions
 Average amount per

 Card holders domestic payment
 means debit cards payment
 method cash withdrawal

 February 2020 April 2020
 8.9 mn 4.4 mn
 CHF 381.38 CHF 481.08

 Payment means in food

 February 2020 Credit cards
 CHF 10 mn Mobile payments
 CHF 352 mn
 Debit cards
 CHF 1,056 mn
 Merchants food, beverages,
 and tobacco card holders do-
 mestic and international pay-
 ment means debit cards, credit
 February 2021 cards, mobile payments point
 CHF 34 mn of sale brick-and-mortar and
 CHF 550 mn
 CHF 1,178 mn

 Non-food retail sales channel

 Online sales
 Brick-and-mortar sales

 Merchants retail excluding food,
 beverages and tobacco card
 holders domestic and foreign
 payment means debit cards,
 April 2020 credit cards and mobile payments,
 CHF 379 mn stationary and online
 CHF 403 mn
February 2020
 CHF 143 mn
CHF 1,249 mn

Tell Me How You

 Pay and I’ll Tell
 You Where You

 lot of pur- without expensive sports cars parked out-
 chases in side to flaunt the young company’s world-
 Germany wide success (most of On’s employees pre-
 get returned, installments are the pre- fer to ride bicycles anyway). Christoph
 ferred mode of payment in Brazil, paying Kühne’s appearance is equally as unas-
 by check dominates in America, and Chi- suming. The 41-year-old Head of Group
 na is an e-commerce cosmos of its own. Finance is wearing a hoody, jeans, and a
 Over coffee and apple slices, Christoph pair of On shoes like practically every-
 Kühne, the Head of Group Finance at On, one else here. Only one person is sporting
 gives insights into cultural payment Nikes. One immediately wonders who
 habits around the world and explains his that might be (answer: a job applicant).
 goal of minimizing the human factor in
 payment transactions. “It Pushed Us to Our Limits”
 When you get called “cult” by the New Kühne invites us into the lounge area,
 York Times, when Forbes dubs you the where there are bowls of apple slices and
 “the world’s fastest-growing running shoe nuts on the tables (and a bar with alco-
 brand,” and when Welt asks in resignation, holic beverages tucked in a corner). The en-
 “Have the Swiss now also invented sneak- tire office is a long stretch of open-plan
 ers?” then you’re arguably not entirely space done up in minimalist decor that mir-
 unsuccessful. But embracing the role of un- rors the design of On footwear. The aver-
 derdog is embedded in the DNA of On, a age employee age at On is 33. “I’m one of
 sporting goods manufacturer based on the the grandfathers here,” laughs Kühne.
 west side of Zurich famous for its Cloud Over 800 employees currently work for On.
 sneakers with air holes in their outsoles. There were only 150 when Kühne joined
 We pay a visit to On’s headquarters, the company in late 2017.
 an anonymous office building without a The last twelve months were an extra­
 large corporate logo adorning it and ordinary time for On’s Head of Group

Finance, in part because Roger Federer the limits of its capacity. Bulk orders by
acquired a stake in On, helping the com- sporting goods retailers decreased and the
pany to a further growth spurt, and in number of single-item orders increased,
part because the COVID-19 pandemic com- causing shipping to become more frag-
pletely shook up On’s sales channels. “As mented. There was a constant looming
soon as one of the countries in which we risk that an infection would force a ware-
operate went into a lockdown, the con- house to close, causing a breakdown in
ventional retail market there imploded and the supply chain. “It pushed us to our lim-
e-commerce exploded,” Kühne recounts. its,” Kühne says, “but at the end of the
 This caused a variety of challenges. On- day, we met or exceeded all of the sales
line sales surged to a record-high level, targets we had set prior to the outbreak
but pushed On’s digital infrastructure to of the pandemic.”

 Fraud Attempts on the Rise
 The booming online sales volume was ac-
 companied by yet another challenge: “The
 number of fraud attempts increased sharp-
 ly,” Kühne says. So, On had to step up
 fraud detection, the trick to which is keep-
 ing the payment process as simple as
 possible. “3-D Secure authentication for
 credit card payments is widely accepted
 in Switzerland,” Kühne explains, “but in the
 USA, customers run away if they have to
 enter an additional authentication code.”
 The University of St. Gallen-trained
 economist and Swiss certified public ac-
 countant is also astonished by the archa-
 ic systems in purportedly high-tech Amer-
 ica: “Checks are still in widespread use
 there even though they’re a nightmare from
 an efficiency standpoint, just like paper
 receipts are.” An online retailer has to deal
 with such realities, Kühne sighs, because
 “we can’t train consumers.” On’s top prior-
 ity, he says, is to deliver shoes to shop-
 pers as simply, quickly, and conveniently
 as possible. “Once customers have laced
 them on their feet, there’s a good chance
 that they’ll order another pair.”

 Installments in Brazil, Return Culture
 in Germany
 The USA isn’t the only peculiar case. “Bra-
 zilians pay for running shoes in install-
 ments,” Kühne says. In France, he adds,
 local payment cards called Cartes Ban-
 caires are the dominant mode of paying.
 An astonishingly large number of cus-

 Christoph Kühne
 is Head of Group
 Finance at On and a
 sneakerhead. How-
 ever, his collection is
 limited to 15 pairs.


tomers in Switzerland want to pay for their don’t have any legacy systems — we can
purchases on account. “They probably re-set up our systems from scratch every
think that paying this way makes it easier couple of years.”
for them to exchange merchandise,
though it’s of course just as easy if they Allotment of 15 Pairs of Shoes
pay with a credit card,” Kühne says. Kühne has been working for On for over
 Germans return a lot of purchases. three years now and therefore ranks
Küh­ne conjectures that this cultural habit among the company’s veterans. He previ-
was instilled over decades by traditional ously worked for eight years in the SIX
mail-order catalogs. The Swiss, in contrast, Group’s finance department. “I was already
“don’t order until they’re almost a hun- wearing On shoes there,” says the sneak-
dred percent certain about the item.” erhead, whose wife allows him a maximum
 China, on the other hand, functions en- allotment of 15 pairs, which he enthusi-
tirely differently, as Kühne explains: astically manages. “New shoes are con-
“Shopping there isn’t done on companies’ stantly coming in, and I pass old pairs
websites, but rather on platforms that on to friends and relatives.” At SIX Kühne
display those companies’ offerings and was more of a laid-back kind of guy,
handle the payment arrangements.” whereas at On he’s one of the few with pre-
Asked if this mode of digital shopping will vious corporate experience. “The compa-
also catch on one day in Switzerland, ny’s enormous global growth necessitates
Kühne and On’s head of direct-to-consum- structures and processes. In the course
er sales, who sits down briefly to join the of creating them, it’s incredibly fun not to
conversation, lean toward skepticism. “Cer- think in terms of hierarchies, organi-
tainly not in the next four to five years,” grams, and controls, but to instead rely on
they say. trust and autonomous personal respon-
 Do the many cultural differences cause sibility.” 
headaches at On’s headquarters? No.
On’s system landscape replicates almost
every mode of payment in existence the
world over. Kühne’s goal is to remove as
much human intervention as possible
from payment processes: “The advantage
of being a young company is that we

 COVID is fuel-
 ing an explosion
 of e-commerce

 The sneaker selec-
 tion at On’s head-
 quarters in Zurich


 Swiss Financial
 also always aspects that give rise to major
 Component Action required
 discussions. One such issue is the struc-
 Debtor • All financial institutions
 tured address according to the ISO 20022

 Center Con-
 must adjust/update the
 standard. On the one hand, the address – bank master data
 • Obligatory: full name,
 in this context the addresses of the sender postal address or P.O. Box

 verting Payment
 and recipient of a payment – is one of the (at least the ISO country
 code and city)
 elements that affect the systems through-
 out the entire chain. On the other hand, Ultimate debtor • Adjustment of data in the
 debtor’s ERP system

 Processing to
 there is a certain urgency, since with the • Obligatory: full name,
 postal address or P.O. Box
 switch in international payment process-
 (at least the ISO country
 ing as of next year, the addresses of the code and city)

 Structured newly possible elements “Ultimate debt-
 or” and “Ultimate creditor” will only be per-
 Creditor • Adjustment of data in the
 creditor’s ERP system
 • Obligatory: full name, ISO
 mitted by SWIFT in a structured form. In

 Addresses in
 country code and city of the
 a later phase, the addresses of the debtors
 and creditors will also only be accepted Ultimate creditor • Adjustment of data in the
 debtor’s ERP system

 in a structured form. • Obligatory: full name, ISO
 country code and city of the
 creditor, whereby the city
 Switzerland’s Response is not mandatory for cross-
 border payment trans­
 The international conditions have prompt-
 Required knowledge ed the Swiss financial center to also fully

 — Being familiar with the ISO 20022 switch to the structured address as of No- Figure 1: Affected components for
 standard vember 2025. It should be noted that structuring a payment
 — Prior knowledge about address according to an evaluation in the SIC sys-
 database storage tem in summer 2020, around 50% of Reasonable Structuring
 transactions already contain structured The question of how an address should be
 Even though payment processing is one addresses and many banks have adapt- written is very old itself. When sending a
 of the areas in the financial industry ed their online banking systems and inter- letter, it is clear that appropriate conven-
 where everyone is talking about innovation nal applications accordingly. In domestic tions must be followed for the address.
 and disruption, changes are not really payment processing, the financial center This is the only way to ensure that a letter
 popular among market participants. This can decide independently on the entire arrives in Lebanon in the US state of
 is certainly due to the fact that payment processing chain and therefore also soften Pennsylvania, for example, and not in the
 processing is a massive business and re- the standard somewhat in particularly country of Lebanon by the Mediterranean
 quires powerful, high-performance sys- sensitive cases and define certain tolerance Sea. However, there are clear differences
 tems. In addition, it is particularly deeply ranges. For example, the strict separation throughout the world, whether in the
 integrated throughout the entire process- of street names and house numbers can be arrangement of certain elements such as
 ing chain, from the debtor, the banks and dispensed with over a certain period of the house number, or the description of a
 market infrastructures involved, to the time. However, such tolerances may not place used to determine delivery. However,
 recipient of the money and any additional necessarily be granted for cross-border an address is not only a decisive factor for
 service providers involved in settlement payments. In such cases, it is up to the reg- physical shipping. It often also indicates the
 and invoicing. Even changing a single ele- ulators of the respective countries whether legal domicile and helps distinguish peo-
 ment in such an environment can quickly and which deviations from the structure are ple with the same name. Especially in pay-
 have an impact on many areas and on a tolerated. It doesn’t help that certain ment processing, the correct identifica-
 large number of systems, and therefore fields are only optional. Because optional tion of the parties involved in a financial
 be expensive. Accordingly, such a change only means that the element is not man- transaction is extremely important and,
 must either pay off or be forced, mostly datory for the actual processing. However, for regulatory reasons, often critical. This
 by regulators. a regulator may still require that all ad- is much easier with a structure that is
 However, with the switch to ISO 20022, dress data of a party involved in the pay- independent of the physical representation.
 the introduction of the QR-bill and a uni- ment be included in the message. The example of the house number, which
 form eBill platform, market participants There are still four years to clarify these is placed either before or after the street
 in Switzerland have shown that adapta- issues and to adapt the systems and mas- name depending on the country or re-
 tion can be implemented profitably. These ter data accordingly. This should be entirely gion, shows that recording it as an indepen-
 changes were anything but easy. Never- possible given the general trends men- dent element solves such problems. In
 theless, the decisive factor is how the over- tioned at the beginning. And if certain tol- whatever order address elements are print-
 all system is developed and how efficiently erances are also established across bor- ed, written down or displayed, each sys-
 new requirements can be implemented. ders, even only partially, it can also be im- tem can clearly identify these elements and
 In such change processes, there are plemented with reasonable effort. compare or validate them if necessary


 thanks to the structure defined in a stan-
 dard. This will facilitate the operation of
 efficient, fast and, above all, reliable sys-
 separation of these elements and obliging
 banks to enable unique identification.
 The banks in turn are showing great inter-
 APIs – Key Tech-
 tems that deliver correct results in all
 situations where this is necessary or re-
 est in this development because their
 customers have an increasingly strong need nology of the
 Future with a
 quired. for immediate, end-to-end automated
 processing and settlement of payments.
 Manual controls or transactions that can-

 Long History
 not be automatically allocated do not fit
 into the world of instant payments and
 seamless transactions.

 Networking is playing an increasingly im-
 portant role for all types of companies. In
 order for companies to profitably exploit
 the benefits of networking and to suc-
 ceed in the digital transformation that this
 requires, the use of API technologies is
 Figure 2: To Lebanon in the USA or by the
 Mediterranean Sea?
 APIs (application programming inter-
 faces) are a core element of software
 But why should this be a problem? The
 development that enable software devel-
 main obstacle is the way an address is
 opers to access systems and software
 structured, or rather the way it is divided
 components and develop their own appli-
 into individual elements. Especially busi-
 cations based on the data and function-
 ness customers in our latitudes have trou-
 ality provided. APIs are used for the con-
 ble separating street names and the
 trolled exchange and subsequent pro-
 house numbers into separate elements.
 cessing of data and content between dif-
 Even elements that are a natural part of
 ferent programs, modules within a
 the address structure in other regions of
 program, and a website.
 the world can pose great challenges for
 Where users communicate with com-
 master data. It is not enough that the ad-
 puter systems via a graphical user inter-
 dress “looks” correct. The individual parts
 face (GUI), computers do so via APIs
 must also be placed in the correct element.
 (Figure 3).
 When designing the pain.001.001.01
 message in 2005, ISO 20022 architects al-
 ready separated the street name and GUI
 house number. However, this granular struc-
 ture is by no means an “invention” of ISO
 20022. For example, the United States De-
 partment of Commerce’s United States API
 Thoroughfare, Landmark, and Postal Ad-
 dress Data Standard describes the house
 number as a separate element.
 In payment transactions, however, there Figure 3: Communication via GUI (between
 has always been the option to transmit users and computers) versus API (between
 the address data (apart from the name) in computers)
 an unstructured form, even with ISO
 20022. Almost all markets have used or at These two patterns are found simultane-
 least allowed this option. This makes it ously in modern software systems, typi-
 possible to use even minimally structured cally involving a GUI and at least one level
 master data or to accommodate region- of APIs (Figure 4). Here, the APIs allow not
 ally uncommon or unknown elements un- only modularization of functionality and
 der similar used elements. communication across software module
 But now, for regulatory reasons (detec- boundaries, but also communication across
 tion of money laundering and terrorist company boundaries. This means that
 financing), government authorities are computers 1 to 3 can be operated by dif-
 increasingly demanding the consistent ferent companies.


 ket efficiency, and uncover new innova-
 tion potential, which ultimately benefits
 bank customers.

 The goal of API monetization is to generate
 revenue from your own data and services
 Figure 4: A user’s communication sequence
 Why Do We Need APIs? via external APIs. In an increasingly digi-
 via three computers by means of GUI and APIs
 APIs are primarily about integration – con- talized world, external APIs are the key to
 necting data, modules, applications, and structure software. These APIs are created the next level of business development for
 devices so they can better communicate and to delimit software components and companies. In this context, APIs repre-
 work together. APIs enable software prod- modules from each other on the one hand sent a powerful and extremely efficient new
 ucts or services to communicate with other and to connect them in a controlled man- sales channel. Third parties can directly
 software products or services, regardless ner on the other. In doing so, the total com- access company data and resources in a
 of programming language, infrastructure, plexity of a software package is reduced controlled manner or integrate it with
 location, and corporate boundaries. APIs and the software becomes more maintain- their own external or internal websites and
 also enable the integration of new software able. applications. However, for a successful
 components into an existing architecture. Analogous to making functions avail- monetization strategy, it is imperative to
 Through modularization, encapsulation and able to users via a GUI, such as via a have a sound business model that en-
 their reusability, APIs can be used to opti- smartphone app, these and other functions sures that the APIs provided deliver the
 mize software development and thereby can also be executed by computers and function and performance desired by
 save time and money. devices via an external API (see Figure 3). the customers.
 APIs open up new possibilities not only Such external APIs are offered, for exam-
 in software development but also in busi- ple, by Amazon, Instagram, weather ser- The Story Continues...
 ness development and corporate strategy. vices, and many others. This allows con-
 The focus here is on data-based collabo- tent to be processed further and “API mash- 1960–1980 Mainframe and mini-comput-
 ers with APIs for COBOL,
 ration with partner companies. Through ups” to be developed. A typical example VT100, etc. and companies
 API-based integration, companies can, is sending tweets via desktop applications, like IBM and Digital Equip-
 for example, complement their own prod- where the external API provided by Twit-
 1980–1990 Client-server and distributed
 uct range with suitable partner products ter is used.
 computing with APIs for
 or efficiently open up new distribution chan- To run applications and apps on plat- CORBA, SQL, etc. and compa-
 nies like SAP and Oracle
 nels through API-based embedding of forms such as Windows, Facebook, or on
 their own products in those of their part- smartphones, they offer platform APIs for 1990–2000 Web and e-commerce with
 web service APIs and compa-
 ners. This creates new forms of collabo- integration. This allows third-party appli- nies like eBay and Amazon
 ration between companies, known as digi- cations, apps, or plug-ins to be installed and 2000–2010 Cloud, social, and mobile with
 tal ecosystems. operated on the platforms. For example, REST/JSON APIs from compa-
 nies like Facebook and
 a platform API can provide functions to LinkedIn
 Availability of APIs seamlessly integrate the user interface
 Since 2010 Internet of Things and Indus-
 An API enables the use of its data not only of the developed application into the user trial Internet with SensorTh-
 ings APIs and companies like
 internally within the company but also interface of the platform. Platform APIs Tesla and Google
 externally by customers and other external are characterized by their governance, stan-
 users if needed. A public API can have dardization, and use in a platform model. Figure 5: History of APIs
 high business value because it simplifies There are forms of internal platform APIs
 the connection to partners, creates new such as Windows, which mainly simplify
 opportunities, and thereby enables mone- software development, and external plat-
 tization of data. An example of external form APIs, which enable data-based en-
 customer/partner APIs in Switzerland is terprise collaboration.
 bLink from SIX, which already enables Standardized external platform APIs
 banks and bank customers to exchange are also emerging in banking, for exam-
 electronic payment instructions as well ple with the bLink platform in Switzer-
 as account balances via their software. land. Thanks to standardization, bLink en-
 ables accounting software providers to
 Figure 6: Working on a mainframe in the
 Types of APIs access banking data from different finan-
 Different types of APIs are used depending cial institutions in a centralized and uni-
 on the area of application: form manner. Platform APIs, such as those The story of APIs is not over, as the digita-
 Internal APIs are used in professional provided by bLink, therefore lead to a lization and networking of companies is
 software development to modularize and simplification of data access, increase mar- far from complete. For efficient use of API


 technologies, topics such as manage-
 ment, security and governance, i.e., the
 process around development, monitor-
 ZUGFeRD – The invoices are sent is not specified in the stan-
 dard and is agreed upon between the
 invoice issuer and the invoice recipient.
 ing, and publication of programming in-
 terfaces as well as data protection, are
 Ambitious A ZUGFeRD invoice file is a hybrid
 electronic invoice (Figure 7) in which struc-

 playing an increasingly important role. tured invoice data (XML format) is directly
 These must be actively integrated into embedded in the PDF document (PDF/A-3
 the company’s own culture. format), similar to the eBill PDF/A-3 for-

 Text: Peter Ruoss and Matthias Biehl, Standard mat. The human-readable PDF invoice must
 be identical in content to the invoice data
 UBS Switzerland AG in XML format, which is used for automatic

 for Electronic processing. This means that identical
 copies of the data must be present.


 ZUGFeRD invoice
 Required knowledge
 — Prior knowledge about electronic PDF/A-3 XML data
 invoicing standards
 — Basic knowledge of electronic invoicing

 ZUGFeRD is already a widely accepted in-
 ternational format standard for sending
 electronic invoices. ZUGFeRD documents
 Human- Computer-
 are hybrid documents that contain both
 readable readable
 a visual human-readable representation of (manual) (automated)
 the invoice and machine-readable struc-
 tured invoice data for automated process-
 ing. ZUGFeRD meets the legal require-
 ments of the European Union for electronic
 invoices (EU standard EN 16931) but is
 not limited to use in the EU. Accounts payable system

 ZUGFeRD can be used across all indus-
 tries in B2B (business-to-business), B2G Figure 7: Structure of the ZUGFeRD hybrid
 (business-to-government) and B2C (busi- electronic invoice
 ness-to-consumer) business transactions.
 In the B2C area, for example, there are al- In order to meet the different requirements
 ready eBill network partners in Switzer- of the various application areas, ZUGFeRD
 land where eBill invoices can be submitted uses the concept of application profiles.
 in ZUGFeRD format.
 The ZUGFeRD standard was developed Flexibility Thanks to Application
 by the Forum for Electronic Invoicing Profiles
 Germany (FeRD) in collaboration with as- The requirements for invoice documents
 sociations, ministries and companies. vary greatly depending on the business
 Working groups in various countries have context – from a simple invoice document
 now published their own user guides. The to a fully digitalized and automated busi-
 name ZUGFeRD was derived from “Zentraler ness process. Thanks to the concept of pro-
 User Guide des Forums elektronische files, ZUGFeRD offers the flexibility to
 Rechnung Deutschland (Central User Guide create both simple and more complex in-
 of the Forum for Electronic Invoicing voices. As a result, the same ZUGFeRD
 Germany).” format can be used to replicate a wide
 range of country- and industry-specific
 Structure of ZUGFeRD Invoices requirements within the application pro-
 ZUGFeRD describes the structure and files (Figure 8).
 content of an electronic invoice file. How The ZUGFeRD format comprises five core
 and through which channel ZUGFeRD profiles plus the XRechnung reference


 profile. The ZUGFeRD application specifi- this invoice format implements the Euro-
 cation defines the following profiles: pean standard (EN 16931) for electronic
 invoicing required by EU Directive 2014/55/
 Profile Use EU. On the other hand, it has been merged
 EN 16931 Complete replication of the EU with the French Factur-X and also supports
 (COMFORT) standard EN 16931-1 with a the requirements of XRechnung. This
 focus on the core elements of
 an electronic invoice means that ZUGFeRD can be used in both
 national and European contexts and,
 EXTENDED Extension of the EN 16931-1
 standard to support more thanks to the application profiles, can be
 complex business processes,
 including invoices where
 used for both simple and more complex
 multiple deliveries/delivery e-invoices in the B2B, B2G, and B2C sectors.
 locations are invoiced, with
 structured payment terms and The proprietary formats are at least out
 with additional item-level of the running in the battle for dominance.
 information to support inven-
 tory management, etc.

 BASIC Subset of the EN 16931-1
 Text: Peter Ruoss, UBS Switzerland AG
 standard for simple invoices
 with invoice items

 BASIC WL Simple profile without invoice
 items but containing all the
 information needed to log an

 MINIMUM Very simple profile with the
 essential information about
 buyer and seller with the total
 invoice amount and the
 buyer’s reference

 XRECHNUNG Replication of the XRechnung
 standard, which is an exten- Gordian Knot of Electronic Invoicing Unraveled
 sion of the EN 16931-1 stan-
 dard, with its own business Digital invoicing has been growing rapidly for years. Various formats have therefore estab-
 rules to comply with German
 lished themselves at the same time. Here is an overview:
 laws and regulations for
 electronic invoicing

 European standard
 Figure 8: ZUGFeRD application profiles

 Ideally suited for?
 Open standard?

 With invoice

 Factur-X Is Identical to ZUGFeRD
 XML data

 EN 16931

 In terms of content and structure, the cur-
 rent version of ZUGFeRD has been identi-
 cal to the current version of the French eBill Standard for eBill network Switzerland eBill
 partner API
 invoicing standard Factur-X since March
 EDIFACT ISO standard first published International B2B
 2020. The two standardization bodies, in 1988 for electronic data
 FNFE-MPE (France) and FeRD (Germany), exchange in business trans-
 published a joint version of Factur-X 1.0 and
 Factur-X French invoicing standard, France B2C, B2B,
 ZUGFeRD 2.1, which are fully compatible
 identical to ZUGFeRD since B2G, eBill
 and strictly identical from a technical per- 2020

 spective. Thanks to this collaboration, a FatturaPA Italian invoicing standard for Italy B2G
 powerful pan-European invoicing standard exchange with public admin-
 has emerged, with common XML schemas,
 IDoc Proprietary document format International B2B
 identical profiles, and unified code lists. from SAP for data exchange
 with an SAP ERP system

 Which Format Will Prevail in the Long Paynet Proprietary e-bill format of Switzerland B2B, eBill
 Term? XML Paynet Ltd

 In order for the exchange of electronic in-
 voices to function smoothly, a uniform XRech- German invoicing standard Germany B2G
 nung for exchange with public
 open invoicing standard is needed, one administration
 which adapts to the requirements of the YellowBill Proprietary e-bill format from Switzerland B2B, eBill
 still evolving electronic invoice market. PostFinance

 Here, the FeRD working group has made ZUGFeRD International EU, Switzerland B2C, B2B,
 invoicing standard B2G, eBill
 trend-setting decisions that have shaped
 ZUGFeRD into one of the most promising
 formats of the future. On the one hand, Figure 9: The most important e-invoice formats

——— GLOBAL PERSPECTIVES from the Euro Retail Payments Board
 Next, the EPC decided to establish an ad-
 hoc task force (RTP TF) to develop a SEPA
 RTP scheme rulebook, which was published
 on the EPC website in November 2020.
 Moreover, the RTP MSG mandate was ex-
 tended to fulfill a consultative role to-
 wards the RTP TF (“phase 2”), thereby main-
 taining broad stakeholder involvement
 in the scheme development process.
 On November 30, 2020, the EPC pub-
 lished the first version of its SEPA Re-
 quest-To-Pay (SRTP) scheme rulebook cov-
 ering core functionalities. The effective
 date of this rulebook is set to 15 June 2021.
 At that date, the SRTP scheme partici-
 pants (entities that have formally adhered
 to the EPC scheme) will be able to launch
 their solutions based on the SRTP scheme
 functionalities and exchange the related

 The First Rulebook
 The SRTP scheme rulebook, which is based
 on the above-mentioned RTP specifica-
 tions document, consists of a set of rules,
 practices, and standards that makes it

 The SRTP possible for any eligible SEPA RTP service
 provider to participate and operate in the

 Scheme Nearing
 SRTP scheme. It should be noted that the
 SRTP scheme will be available to all eligi-
 ble entities – i.e., payment service provid-

 its Creation ers (PSPs) and non-PSPs – from all SEPA
 countries according to the level playing
 field principle.
 The SEPA Request-to-Pay (SRTP) scheme The Implementation Guidelines that set
 covers the set of operating rules and out the rules for implementing the rele-
 technical elements (including messages) vant ISO 20022 XML message standards
 that allow a payee to request the initia- based on the SRTP rulebook were pub-
 tion of a payment from a payer in a wide lished on 1 February 2021.
 range of physical and online use cases. The SRTP scheme covers a wide range
 The RTP is a messaging functionality – it is of use cases and business models, appli-
 not a payment means or a payment in- cable in many sectors. The participants will
 strument. The scheme can be considered be free to choose what services they
 as a complement to the payment flow want to offer and which use cases they will
 because it supports the end-to-end process support, as long as they comply with the
 and lies between an underlying commer- rules set out in the SRTP rulebook and with
 cial transaction and the payment itself. the related Implementation Guidelines.
 Initially, in November 2019, the EPC
 Request-to-Pay Multi-Stakeholder Group Clarification on the Rulebook and
 (RTP MSG) published the “RTP Specifica- Homologation Body
 tions for a standardisation framework” doc- A clarification paper on the SRTP scheme
 ument to support further work on the rulebook was published in the beginning
 RTP scheme. The RTP MSG was created and of February 2021. This document aims to
 coordinated by the European Payments provide guidance and, where feasible,
 Council (EPC) in response to an invitation recommendations to the SRTP participants

on matters that are not as such described The RTP Task Force will provide its recom- inefficiencies have long existed, but digi-
in the rulebook in order to avoid a fragment- mendations on the way forward with talization possibilities and advancements
ed approach in the way the rulebook is regard to those change requests as well in domestic payment transactions make
implemented. as the changes that were suggested in them all the more glaring today. To address
 In the same month, the EPC also the comments received following the 2020 these inefficiencies, the G20, the group
launched a request for proposals for the public consultation on the draft SRTP of the world’s largest industrialized and
selection of a body for the homologation rulebook. Several elaborate functionalities emerging economies, has declared it a
of applicants to the SRTP scheme, as de- including those already identified by the priority to improve cross-border payment
scribed in the Trust and Security Frame- RTP MSG in their November 2020 report transactions.
work Annex of the rulebook. The purpose may also be part of the change requests. Faster, cheaper, more transparent, and
is to find and select at least one reliable — In the last week of May 2021, a three- more inclusive cross-border payment
independent entity to which the EPC can month public consultation on all those services would have widespread benefits
outsource the homologation of appli- change requests was launched. for the public and national economies. A
cants to the SRTP scheme. — Publication of version 2.0 of the SRTP roadmap for improving cross-border pay-
 The goal of this “homologation process” rulebook is foreseen for the end of Novem- ment transactions has been drawn up
is mainly to make sure that new appli- ber 2021 (entering into effect 6 months under the aegis of the G20. It started this
cants will not jeopardize the scheme’s se- or 1 year later). year and consists of 19 individual build-
curity and stability. This process will be an ing blocks arranged into five focus areas.
integral part of the SRTP adherence pro- The first four focus areas seek to improve
 The effective date of the SRTP rulebook, On the Road to the existing payment ecosystem and its
 infrastructure by, for example, coordi-

 More Efficient
set to 15 June 2021, takes into account nating regulatory frameworks and facilitat-
the time needed for the selection of the ing straight-through processing. The fifth
homologation body and to get it up and focus area is more exploratory and covers

running. newly emerging possibilities such as cen-
 tral bank digital currencies and multilater-
What’s Next on the Agenda al payment platforms.
— The SRTP scheme adherence process
was opened in the first week of May 2021 Payment Trans- Several international organizations, cen-
 tral banks, and other national authorities
to allow applicants to prepare their adher- are involved in the work laid out in the road-
ence application ahead of the effective
date of the scheme.
 actions map. The G20 is also putting special em-
 phasis on involving the private sector, whose
— Stakeholders were invited to submit expertise will make a crucial contribution
change requests for a second version of Cross-border payment transactions are to implementing the objectives of the road-
the SRTP rulebook by 26 February 2021. often slow, expensive, and opaque. These map. Such a complex undertaking as im-
 proving cross-border payment transactions
 obviously requires committed engage-
 ment from everyone involved.

 The five focus areas of the roadmap:
 1. Committing to a joint public- and
 private-sector vision to improve
 cross-border payments
 2. Coordinating regulatory, supervisory,
 and oversight frameworks
 3. Improving existing payment transac-
 tion infrastructures
 4. Facilitating straight-through process-
 ing by improving market practices
 5. Exploring a potential role for new pay-
 ment infrastructures

 The EPC is based in

SWIFT’s Road- enabling compatibility with financial institu-
 tions that choose to stay on MT messaging.
 — November 2025 onwards: The message

map to Pay- categories MT1xx, MT2xx and MT9xx are
 decommissioned, and all interactions with

ment Data
 the SWIFT platform use the new dataset.

 Financial institutions are advised to prepare

Revolution for ISO 20022 through a strategic and
 systematic evolution of their channels and
 transaction processing systems.
Cross-border payments today are still con- Secondly, a comprehensive, well-planned
strained by poor-quality data, which can program will be required that raises
require manual intervention before pro- awareness and knowledge across the orga-
cessing. SWIFT has recently announced a nization, delivers technical implementa-
new strategy with an enhanced approach tion and testing, and achieves go-live from
for ISO 20022 adoption. This approach November 2022 onwards.
enables the SWIFT community to more Thirdly, they should engage with their
quickly reap the benefits of rich data. own clients, raising awareness of new
The vision aims for instant and frictionless features and services that will be provid-
transactions where rich ISO 20022 data is ed and their respective timelines. An
the foundation. The roadmap comprises agreed roadmap should be established to
three phases: move to ISO 20022-based client services
 over time.
— Now to November 2022: MT messaging “The Swiss banking community can only
remains the standard for cross-border fully benefit from ISO 20022 by leverag-
payments. Financial institutions continue ing the standard for cross-border payments
to invest in training staff for ISO 20022 in addition to domestic payments. Doing
market practice and enable their channels, so will reduce friction for payment trans-
payment processing, and screening actions as a whole,” said Roger Inderbitzin,
systems to support the ISO 20022 dataset. Head of SWIFT Switzerland & Liechten-
— From November 2022 to November 2025: stein. “Banks that adopt ISO 20022 early
SWIFT transaction management services are will achieve a competitive advantage across
introduced, supporting the new ISO 20022 service innovation, operational efficiency,
dataset for payments and reporting, and and financial crime risk mitigation.”

 The SWIFT head-
 quarters is 20 km
 from Brussels.

 The SIC System Is
 the World Champion
 There is a lot to discover and a wealth of
 interesting facts to learn in the Swiss
 National Bank’s latest annual report on the
 Swiss Interbank Clearing (SIC) system.
 Alongside information on the SIC system
 laid out in alignment with the interna-
 tional principles governing systemically
 important financial market infrastruc-
 tures, you’ll also find a plethora of statis-
 tics. You’ll find out, for example, that the
 number of transactions per inhabitant set-
 tled by the SIC system make it the world
 leader among real-time gross settlement
 (RTGS) systems.

 A new study
 Further details

 shows contin-
 ued interest
 from global Dollars Like Sand
 on the Seashore
 players in
 The Central Bank of the Bahamas was the
 world’s first to issue a central bank digital
 currency (CBDC). Its CBDC called the sand

 dollar, which is pegged 1:1 to the Bahami-
 an dollar, was launched on 20 October 2020.
 Since then, three financial institutions in
 the island nation have obtained authoriza-
 Further details
 Open Finance with tion to integrate the digital currency into
 their smartphone apps. The first transac-
 Swiss Banking tions are slated to be executed and settled
 in the second quarter of this year.
 A Swiss Bankers Association working group
 has set itself the goal of collaborating Further details
 with key partner organizations to draw up
 and review technical and legal principles
 for open banking and open finance.

 Further details

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