Dlr LexIcon & dlr Libraries April-June 2018 - Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council

Page created by Tim Fields
Dlr LexIcon & dlr Libraries April-June 2018 - Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council
dlr LexIcon & dlr Libraries
April-June 2018
Dlr LexIcon & dlr Libraries April-June 2018 - Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council
Events at a glance                                                                        S = Events for schools                                                                                    Events at a glance
                                                Booking essential for many events. See page                    further details can be found. All events free unless        Key to colour coding of sections                             dlr Lexicon Events
                                                numbers for further details. Those with an asterisk            otherwise stated on the relevant page numbers.              dlr Lexicon Exhibitions                                      dlr Lexicon Lab
                                                refer to events listed on separate leaflets where                                                                          dlr Lexicon Residencies                                      dlr Branch Libraries’ Events

                                                April                                                                                                                      8		             ADIFF Photography Exhibition: Celebrating Irish Talent begins                     Level 4           p7
                                                3      6.00pm    Creative Writing Now with Dave Lordan, first session of 4                       Room 3, Level 5     p9    9      10.00am  Baby Book Club with Library Staff                             Children’s Library, Level 4           p14
                                                5      7.00pm    Positive body image talk with Stella O’Malley                                              Studio   p9    9      7.00pm   Will You Remember? Jeanette MacDonald & Nelson Eddy                                Studio           p12
                                                6      11.00am   UCD Adult Education Course with Paul Rouse                                                 Studio   p9    11 10 & 11.15am Tai Chi for arthritis, first session of 6                                   LexIcon Lab             p10
                                                7		              And the Women Voted Exhibition begins                                         Municipal Gallery     p4    12 10am-4.30pm Local History Societies’ Day                                                       Level 3           p12
                                                7      1.00pm    Lego Club for children with ASD, first session of 4                             Room 1, Level 3     p14   12 10.30        International Scratch Day event: Coding for teams                           LexIcon Lab             p16
                                                9      11.00am   One City One Book: History of Art talk with Jessica Fahy                                   Studio   p10   12 2.30pm       Grúpa Spraoi sa LexIcon                                                            Studio           p15
                                                9      5.45pm    Fáilte Isteach English classes, first session of term                                        Café   p9    15 7.00pm       Mark Granier talk on his exhibition Ghostlight                                     Studio           p12
                                                11 10.00am       Baby Book Club - plus talk by Yvonne Quinn                            Children’s Library, Level 4   p14   16 10 & 11.30 Vinyl cutting workshops for schools S                                         LexIcon Lab             p16
                                                11 10 & 11.30am 3D printing workshops for schools with Ryan Paetzold S                               LexIcon Lab     p16   16 Various      Wonderful weeds: botanical illustration workshops                       Room 1, Level 3             p12
                                                11 3.00pm        Reading with Sarah and Sophie from Peata, first session of 6                        LexIcon Lab     p14   16 3.00pm       Silver Screen Cinema Club (Witness for the Prosecution)                            Studio           p12
                                                11 6.30pm        Colm Keegan & Nick Roth: Poetry and music                                                  Studio   p11   17 3.30pm       Intergenerational Lego workshop                                         Room 1, Level 3             p15
                                                12 10 & 11.15    Music class for schools with Gerald Peregrine S                                            Studio   p15   17 2.00pm       HOME: Film poem by Anita Groener & Enda Wyley                                      Studio           p5
                                                12 Various       One City One Book: Live readings with Michelle Read                                 LexIcon Lab     p11   19 7.30pm       Memory Bank with James Phelan                                                      Studio           p8
                                                12 6.30pm        Corcail Comhrá with Ed Hick, first session in series                                         Café   p9    23 12.00pm      Closing date for applications for Writer in Residence		                                             p8
                                                12 8.00pm        8 Strings 2 A Bow with Elizabeth Cooney & Gerald Peregrine                                 Studio   p11   23 3.00pm       Silver Screen Cinema Club (Adam’s Rib)                                             Studio           p12
                                                12-14		          ASIAM Autism Experience Exhibition S                                                      Level 3   p6    23 3.00pm       Reading with Sarah and Sophie from Peata, first session of 6                LexIcon Lab             p14
                                                13 10.15 & 11.30 Reader in Residence: Julianne Mooney, first session of 4              Children’s Library, Level 4   p15   25 12.30pm      Moving Skirts dance performance                                         LexIcon Garden              p13
                                                14 2.30pm        Grúpa Spraoi sa LexIcon                                                                    Studio   p15   Until 27        And the Women Voted Exhibition                                        Municipal Gallery             p4
                                                17 7.00pm        Study skills talk with Stella O’Malley                                                     Studio   p9    29 1.30 & 6.30pm Fuss on the Bus with Carnation Theatre                                            Studio           p13
                                                23 11.00am       One City One Book: History of Art talk with Jessica Fahy                                   Studio   p11   30 3.00pm       Silver Screen Cinema Club (The Ladykillers)                                        Studio           p12
                                                23 6.00pm        Launch of Under 18 Dublin County Fleadh                               Children’s Library, Level 4   p11   Until 31        Ghostlight: Exhibition of photographs by Mark Granier                             Level 3           p6
                                                23		             Ghostlight: Exhibition of photographs by Mark Granier begins                              Level 3   p6
                                                23		             Champion of the Child: Janusz Korczak Exhibition begins                                   Level 4   p7    June
                                                25 10.00am       International Women’s Breakfast                                                            Studio   p4    1      3.30pm      Children’s Book Club with Kim Harte                                          Room 1, Level 3     p14
                                                26 Various       One City One Book: Live readings with Michelle Read                                 LexIcon Lab     p11   6      3.00pm      Silver Screen Cinema Club (Bagdad Café)                                                 Studio   p12
                                                26 1.00pm        Poetry by the Pond and Poem to Pavement events                               Pond area, Level 3     p11   8		                Carriage Return: new work by Julie Merriman Exhibition begins              Municipal Gallery     p4
                                                30 11.30am       Dementia Friendly Gallery Tour                                                Municipal Gallery     p5    11 11.00am         Back to Bach with Tim Thurston, first session of 3                                      Studio   p10
                                                30		             Sightsavers’ Junior Painter Awards 2018 Exhibition begins                                 Level 3   p6    12 12.00pm         Tea & Teach Digital Academy, first session of 3                                  LexIcon Lab     p10
                                                Until 30         Maid of Erin, a display of political cartoons by John Fergus O’Hea                        Level 5   p7    13 10.00am         Baby Book Club with Library Staff                                  Children’s Library, Level 4   p14
Front cover image: Dandelion, Yanny Petters ©

                                                                                                                                                                           13 6.45pm          Dublin Only: Bloomsday film by Piotr Sadowski                                           Studio   p13
                                                May                                                                                                                        15 1.00pm          Bloomsday with Sandra Oman, Michael Grennell & Simon Morgan                             Studio   p13
                                                1     2.30pm       Dementia Friendly Gallery Tour                                              Municipal Gallery     p5    20 7.00pm          Dauntless and Daring with Glynis Casson & Claire Roche                                  Studio   p14
                                                2     10 & 11.30am 3D printing workshops for schools with Ryan Paetzold S                          LexIcon Lab       p16   23 10.30am         Family Day/Cruinniú na nÓg*                                                  Various Venues      p15
                                                3     7.30pm       The Future of Irish Animation with James Phelan                                        Studio     p8    25 11.30am         Dementia Friendly Gallery Tour                                             Municipal Gallery     p5
                                                4     3.30pm       Children’s Book Club with Kim Harte                                          Room 1, Level 3      p14   Until 30           Sightsavers’ Junior Painter Awards 2018 Exhibition                                     Level 3   p6
                                                Until 7            Champion of the Child: Janusz Korczak Exhibition                                      Level 4     p7    Until 30           ADIFF Photography Exhibition: Celebrating Irish Talent                                 Level 4   p7
                                                7		                Banned Books: Censorship in Ireland 1929-67 Exhibition begins                         Level 5     p7
                                                                                                                                                                              One City One Book Event                        Bealtaine Event          Bloomsday Event

                                                2 What’s On April—June 2018                                                                                                                                                                                      dlr LexIcon Events at a glance 3
Dlr LexIcon & dlr Libraries April-June 2018 - Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council
dlr LexIcon Exhibitions                                                                                                                                                                                      dlr LexIcon Exhibitions
Municipal Gallery Exhibition Programme                                                                          Municipal Gallery
Level 3:                                                                                                        Learning Programme
The exhibition programme is managed by dlr Arts Office                                                          Municipal Gallery Learning
                                                                                                                Programme: make sure and
                                                                                                                keep up to date with new
                                                                                                                events and activities on

                                                                                                                International Women’s
                                                                                                                Studio Theatre, Level 1
                                                                                                                Wednesday 25 April
                                                                                                                Women4Women Network
                                                                                                                (Southside Partnership) invite
And The Women Voted                                                                                             you to their International
Women Artists from the AIB                                                                                      Women’s Breakfast. All women
Art Collection                                                                                                  are welcome, bring a dish, bring     Open Studios                        Dementia Friendly                 HOME
7 April – 27 May                                                                                                a friend! As part of the breakfast   Project Room, Level 3               Gallery Tours                     A film poem by Anita Groener
Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown                                                                                          morning there will be a short        (beside the Gallery)                Mon 30 April,                     & Enda Wyley
County Council, in partnership                                                                                  tour of the exhibition And the       Adults: Every Friday                11.30am-1.00pm                    Studio, dlr LexIcon
with AIB, invited a group of                                                                                    Women Voted.                         11.00am-1.00pm                      Tues 1 May, 2.30-4.00pm           May 17, 2pm
women from Women4Women                                                                                                                               Kids: Tuesdays                      Mon 25 June,                      All Welcome, no booking required.
                                                                       Image: Courtesy of Women4Women Network

Network to work with artist/                                                                                                                         11.00am-1.00pm:                     11.30am-1.00pm                    In the first Bealtaine commission
curator Claire Halpin to select     above Harmonics VIII (2017)                                                                                      April 10, May 8 & June 12           Would you like to try something   of its kind, HOME is a collaborative
an exhibition of women artists      Julie Merriman                                                                                                   Saturdays 2.30-4.30pm:              different with your loved one     project by poet Enda Wyley and
from the AIB Art Collection. The                                                                                                                     April 14, May 12 & June 9           with dementia? Facilitators       visual artist Anita Groener working
group met regularly to research     Carriage Return: new work                                                                                        Drop-in, no booking required.       trained to support people with    with Dún Laoghaire Active
and discuss the collection and      by Julie Merriman                                                                                                Come along and try out our Open     dementia will explore and         Retirement Group. Employing
had the opportunity to visit the    8 June – 22 July                                                                                                 Studios for adults and kids!        discuss a selection of artworks   immersive imagery interwoven
Collection at AIB Bankcentre,       Julie Merriman will examine                                                                                      Make use of our Project Room        with time for a cup of tea. The   with text, this film poem interprets
Ballsbridge. AIB collected art      the mechanics of drawing                                                                                         with artists on hand to help and    person living with dementia       tales of home and belonging
for 30 years up to 2008. The        and its relation to written                                                                                      encourage your artistic projects.   must be accompanied by a          rooted in the conversations
collection covers the period from   and programmed languages.                                                                                        Materials are provided so you       family member/carer.              and generous sharing from the
1880-2008 with more than 3000       Working from primary source                                                                                      can try out lots of different                                         community collaborators.
pieces by many of the country’s     material gathered in the Dún                                                                                     things!                             For more information and to
finest artists. Women4Women         Laoghaire-Rathdown area,                                                                                                                             book please ring Pia on           HOME is a Bealtaine Festival
is a non-profit networking group    she will use new and obsolete                                                                                                                        (01) 236 2759.                    commission supported by
for women with different life       mark making technologies to                                                                                                                                                            Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown
experiences and from different      consider the complex patterns of                                                                                                                                                       County Council.
cultures living in Dún Laoghaire-   communication currently in use
Rathdown County.                    in the County.
4 What’s On April—June 2018                                                                                                                                                                                                            dlr LexIcon Exhibitions 5
Dlr LexIcon & dlr Libraries April-June 2018 - Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council
dlr LexIcon Exhibitions                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 dlr LexIcon Exhibitions

                                                                                                             Courtesy of Korczakianum Centre for Documentation & Research, Warsaw 1938.
The exhibition programme on pages 6 and 7 is managed by dlr Libraries.

Level 3

The ASIAM Autism
Experience Exhibition
12-14 April
PRISM Dlr in association with
Triple A Wicklow are delighted                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Level 5
to present the ASIAM Autism
Experience Exhibition at dlr                                             Sightsavers’ Junior Painter                                                                                                                                                                 Maid of Erin, a display of
LexIcon. The aim of the exhibition                                       Awards 2018: Put Us in the                                                                                                                             ADIFF Photography Exhibition:        political cartoons by John
is to engage the general public                                          Picture                                                                                                                                                Celebrating Irish Talent             Fergus O’Hea from the
in gaining a greater insight                                             30 April-30 June                                                                                                                                       8 May-30 June                        Weekly Freeman, 1887-89.
into what it is like to live with                                        Each year, Sightsavers asks                                                                                                                            After the resounding success         Continues until end of April.
autism. How would you feel if                                            children to create a painting on                                                                                 Level 4                               that was Hugh O’Conor’s first
you couldn’t communicate with                                            a particular theme that allows                                                                                                                         solo exhibition of black and         Banned Books — Censorship
your own voice or were unable        Ghostlight: An exhibition of        them to both explore inclusion                                                                                   Champion of the Child:                white portraits featuring Irish      in Ireland, 1929-1967
to filter out surrounding noise?     photographs by Mark Granier         and to consider the world                                                                                        Janusz Korczak (1879-1942)            talent in 2017, the Audi Dublin      7 May – 29 July
What if you couldn’t cope with       23 April-31 May                     around them, acknowledging                                                                                       A travelling exhibition in            International Film Festival          The Irish Free State worked
the feeling of certain textures or   Mark Granier is an award-           the additional challenges faced                                                                                  association with the Museum           is delighted to continue this        to create an Ireland that it
odours of certain foods. At this     winning photographer and            by those living with disabilities                                                                                of Childhood Project and the          creative strand for a second year.   believed reflected the values
exhibition, we will answer these     poet. According to Peter Sirr,      in developing countries. We                                                                                      Irish Jewish Museum                   Returning to dlr LexIcon, you are    of the majority of its people.
questions and let you experience     “Granier is an accomplished         are delighted to display the                                                                                     23 April-7 May                        invited to appreciate a new series   Censorship of books was an
some of these challenges!            photographer drawn to urban         work of 15 regional winners, 3                                                                                   The moving and inspirational          of wonderful portraits featuring     important means to this end.
School visits on 12 & 13 April.      scenes, often to the overlooked     national winners and 6 judges’                                                                                   story of Janusz Korczak who           new and well known faces from        The Censorship of Publications
General admission on 14 April.       or underappreciated – overhead      commendations. This year’s                                                                                       devoted his life to establishing      Irish film as featured in the 2018   Board established in 1929 banned
                                     wires, bus shelters, the            judges include campaigner                                                                                        the rights of the child, regardless   ADIFF programme. Shooting 120        the works of many Irish and
Talk on ASD, Anxiety and Mental      aftermath of a parade, people       Sinead Burke (aka Minnie                                                                                         of nationality or religion.           film on his Hasselblad, Hugh’s       international writers among
Health will be held in the           in all their astonishing variety.   Melange), Laureate na nÓg                                                                                        Korczak hosted a children’s           approach utilising only natural      them, Kate O’Brien, Brendan
Studio Theatre, Sat 14 April at      The same quality of attention       PJ Lynch, and Director of Arts                                                                                   radio programme, founded the          light, yields stunning results. We   Behan, Aldous Huxley and Marcel
10am (Eventbrite booking only)       filters through to the poetry.”     and Disability Ireland Padraig                                                                                   first children’s newspaper and        would eagerly encourage you to       Proust. It was only with the
followed by Autism support           Granier has published 5 poetry      Naughton.                                                                                                        testified on behalf of children       pay this exhibition a visit          Censorship of Publications Act
and advice drop-in session for       collections, most recently                                                                                                                           in juvenile courts. He worked         www.hughoconor.com                   of 1967 that the bans on these
families hosted by PRISM DLR.        Haunt (Salmon Poetry, 2015)         above                                                                                                            with the children of Warsaw                                                books were finally lifted. This
www.prismdlr.com                     and Ghostlight: New & Selected      Patricia Poprawa, age 12,                                                                                        and died, along with many of          We will also display posters         display will show how wide and
                                                                         Glenswilly NS Ulster.
                                     Poems (Salmon Poetry, 2017).        First place overall.                                                                                             these orphaned children, at the       designed for the Festival by         varied were the books denied
                                                                                                                                                                                          hands of the Nazis in 1942. We’re     students of NCAD                     Irish readers during that time.
                                     A talk by Mark Granier will be      above left                                                                                                       hosting the exhibition to mark
                                     held at 7.00pm on Tuesday 15        Cloud Crossing                                                                                                   25th Anniversary of Ireland’s         above
                                                                         by Mark Granier
                                     May in the Studio Theatre.                                                                                                                           ratification of the UN Convention     Orla Brady by Hugh O’Conor
                                                                                                                                                                                          on the Rights of the Child.
6 What’s On April—June 2018                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     dlr LexIcon Exhibitions 7
Dlr LexIcon & dlr Libraries April-June 2018 - Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council
dlr LexIcon Residencies                                                                                                                                                           dlr LexIcon Events
                                                                                                                                      Regular Events                      Courses for adults
photo Tony Carragher

                                                                                                Call for Writer in Residence                                                                                   was already apparent in 1918,
                                                                                                Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County         for Adults                                                               from the extension of suffrage to
                                                                                                Council invites applications for a                                        Creative Writing Now                 women to the rise of the labour
                                                                                                writer in residence for the period    Coffee Morning as Gaeilge           with Dave Lordan                     movement.
                                                                                                July 2018-July 2019. This writer      Café                                Room 3, Level 5                      Enrol online at www.ucd.ie/all
                                                                                                in residence is managed by Dún        Tuesdays 11.00am-12.00pm            Tuesdays 3, 10, 17 & 24 April        or phone 01 716 7123 or email
                                                                                                Laoghaire-Rathdown County             Informal conversational Irish       6.00-8.00pm                          adult.education@ucd.ie for
                                                                                                Council Library Service and is        language sessions. All welcome.     Beginners’ course, all               further information.
                                                                                                grant-aided by the Arts Council.                                          backgorunds and ages
                                                                                                                                      Corcail Comhrá                      welcome. Max 14.                     Positive body
                                                                                                The residency is open to              (Conversation circle)               Booking essential:                   image talk
                                                            Memory Bank                         writers working in any genre          with Ed Hick                        dlrlexiconlib@dlrcoco.ie             with Stella O’Malley
                                                            Sat 19 May, 7.30pm                  (fiction, non-fiction, poetry etc).                                       or phone 280 1147                    Studio Theatre, Level 1
                       The Future of Irish Animation        Studio Theatre, Level 1             The residency this year will                                              Learn how to express yourself        Thurs 5 April, 7.00-8.00pm
                       Studio Theare, Level 1               A Table Read of an Original         have a broad focus on History                                             the 21st Century way with            All welcome, suitable for
                       Thursday 3 May at 7.30pm             Screenplay by LexIcon writer in     with a possible emphasis on                                               multimedia creator Dave Lordan!      both parents and teens
                       dlr LexIcon writer in residence      residence James Phelan.             commemorating local aspects                                               Creative Writing Now will            Too many people spend too
                       James Phelan hosts an evening        This event will feature             of the Decade of Centenaries          Brambles Café                       introduce participants to recent     much time treating their body
                       with some of the leading             established actors bringing         2012-2022. The writer’s work          Thursdays 12 April-10 May           developments in creative writing     as an enemy instead of a
                       companies and creatives behind       this futuristic thriller from the   may draw inspiration from this        6.30-730pm                          such as blogging and vlogging,       friend. This informative talk by
                       Ireland’s animation boom and         page onto the Studio stage          theme in a variety of ways and        Intergenerational, all ages         interactive and flash fiction,       psychotherapist Stella O’Malley
                       looks at what the future holds       for a rehearsed reading. The        an intergenerational approach         welcome                             performance poetry and poetry        focuses on practical ways to
                       for this exciting cultural sector.   script is a first draft of the      would be of interest. The             Is Bliain na Gaeilge í 2018 - An    film, and podcasting- while also     build a positive relationship with
                       With representatives from JAM        screenplay James Phelan was         residency is envisaged as a part-     bhfuil Gaeilge agat? Ar mhaith      emphasising the fundamental          your body.
                       Media, Gingerbread, Geronimo         commissioned to write during        time residency which will allow       leat í a labhairt níos minic? Ar    skills of good storytelling
                       Productions, Hot Drop Films,         his residency year.                 time for the writer’s own work        mhaith leat snas a chur uirthi?     and clear and eloquent               Study skills
                       Brown Bag Films and the prolific     Memory Bank is set in Ireland in    in addition to engagement and         2018 is Bliain na Gaeilge! Do you   expression. See facebook.com/        talk with
                       animation screenwriter Mark          2060 where a female detective       interaction with both the general     speak Irish? Would you like to      davelordancreativity                 Stella O’Malley
                       Hodkinson whose credits include      trades in shared memories to        public and, more specifically,        speak Irish more often? Would                                            Studio Theatre, Level 1
                       ‘Little Roy’, ‘Violet’ and ‘The      solve crimes. As she investigates   with those with an interest in        you like to improve it? Come        UCD Adult Education Course           Tues 17 April, 7.00-8.00pm
                       School for Vampires’.                the company behind the new          writing themselves.                   along.                              An end and a beginning with          All Welcome, suitable for
                       As Ireland steadily cements its      technology, old ghosts and                                                                                    tutor Paul Rouse                     both parents and teens
                       reputation for being a world class   secrets rise from her past to       Full details will be available        Fáilte Isteach English classes      Studio Theatre, Level 1              Do you feel like you’re studying
                       centre for animation, what are       threaten her future.                on dlr Libraries website              Café. Mondays 5.45-7.45pm           Fridays 11.00-1.00am                 all the time but nothing’s going
                       the opportunities, possibilities     Admission free but booking on       (libraries.dlrcoco.ie) from           from 9 April                        [4 weeks] Apr 6, 13, 20, 27          in? Or maybe you are worrying
                       and pitfalls ahead?                  www.eventbrite.ie                   Monday 16 April. Closing date         English conversational              The year 1918 is a pivotal one       endlessly about exams but
                       Free but booking required:                                               for applications will be              classes aimed at migrants           in modern history: it represents     find it almost impossible to
                       www.eventbrite.ie                                                        Wednesday 23 May at 12 noon.          working and living in Ireland       both a beginning and an end.         study effectively? This talk by
                                                                                                                                      on a long-term basis. email:        The tumult of the Great War          psychotherapist Stella O’Malley
                                                                                                                                      failteisteachdunlaoghaire@gmail.    dominated much of the year but       will provide practical tips to
                                                                                                                                      com or Tel: 046 9557766             post-war society could never         make you more focused, skilled
                                                                                                                                                                          return to its pre-war aspect. This   and efficient with your study.
                       8 What’s On April—June 2018                                                                                                                                                                            dlr LexIcon Events 9
Dlr LexIcon & dlr Libraries April-June 2018 - Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council
dlr LexIcon Events                                                                                                                                                                      dlr LexIcon Events
Tai Chi for arthritis with                                                 Dublin: One City                         Portraits of women writers,          Music, Theatre, Poetry,
osteopath Marion O’Connor                                                  One Book Events                          activists and artists in early       Dance and Film Events
and physiotherapist                                                                                                 20th Century Ireland                 for Adults
Barbara Mullan                                                                                                      History of art talk by
                                                                                                                    Jessica Fahy                         Colm Keegan & Nick Roth
                                                                                                                    Studio Theatre, Level 1              Studio Theatre, Level 1
                                                                           This year’s Dublin: One City,            Mon 23 April, 11.00am-               Wed 11 April, 6.30-8.00pm
LexIcon Lab, Level 3                                                       One Book is the The Long Gaze            12.30pm                              We welcome back Colm Keegan,
Fridays 11, 18, 25 May                                                     Back, edited by Sinéad Gleeson.          This talk will examine the           our inaugural dlr LexIcon Writer in
& 8, 15, 22 June                                                           One City, One Book encourages            choices made in the portrayal        Residence 2014-15! Congratulations    Under 18 Fleadh Launch
10-11am & 11.15-12.15pm                                                    everyone to read a chosen book           of significant women from Irish      to him on his new collection          Children’s Library, Level 4
Max 12. Ages 60+                                                           during the month of April and            history by leading artists of the    of poetry, entitled Randomer          Mon 23 April, 6.00-8.30pm
Participants must be able to                                               it includes a month-long series          day and how these images may         from Salmon Poetry. Join us for       The official launch of the 2018
attend all 6 sessions. Suitable for   Back to Bach:                        of talks and events, all listed          still inform our opinions today.     a celebratory evening with his        Dublin Fleadh/Fleadh Átha
beginners. To book, please email      Monday morning music                 in a separate flier, available           Free event. No booking necessary.    colleague Nick Roth, up until         Cliath will include music from
marionoconnor358@gmail.com            with Tim Thurston                    from dlr Libraries. Check out                                                 recently Musician in Residence        the best of Dublin’s young
or phone 086 844 1359.                Studio Theatre, Level 1              dublinonecityonebook.ie for              Live readings for adults from        at dlr LexIcon. Poetry and music      musicians and contributions
                                      Mondays 11, 18, 25 June              further details.                         The Long Gaze Back with              guaranteed. All welcome!              from invited dignitaries. There
Tea & Teach Digital Academy           11.00am-12.30pm                                                               Michelle Read                                                              will be pop-up Gaeltachts
with Bank of Ireland                  In this 3-part series, Tim returns                                            LexIcon Lab, Level 3                 8 Strings 2 A Bow:                    with music in Blackrock in the
LexIcon Lab, Level 3                  to share his life-long passion of                                             Thursdays 12, 26 April               Masterworks for violin and            week 23-29 April. See Fleadh
Tuesdays 12, 19, 26 June              the music of Johann Sebastian                                                 11.00am-12.00pm, 12.15-              cello duo, Elizabeth Cooney           FaceBook for updates -
(*course of three weeks)              Bach; to tell his story, consider                                             1.15pm, 3.30-4.30pm &                and Gerald Peregrine                  www.facebook.com/dubfleadh.
12.00-2.00pm, Max 20                  his enormous influence on music                                               4.45-5.45pm                          Studio Theatre, Level 1
Booking essential:                    of many sorts and play excerpts                                               Pull up a chair, relax and enjoy     Thurs 12 April, 8.00pm                Poetry by the Pond
dlrlexiconlib@dlrcoco.ie or           from some of his glorious                                                     having some of these wonderful       Join two of Ireland’s premier         Outside Haigh Terrace
phone 280 1147. Need to be            compositions.                                                                 stories read aloud to you in the     string players for an exciting        entrance, Level 3
available to attend all three                                                                                       comfort of your own library. Four    evening of virtuosity! Come hear      Thurs 26 April, 1.00pm
sessions.                             Admission free but booking                                                    stories from across the collection   dazzling works by composers           Come celebrate World Poetry
These sessions are a fun and          advisable for each session on                                                 will be read during the day.         such as Ravel, Handel, Beethoven      Day at dlr LexIcon with our
simple way for you to learn           Eventbrite.ie. Search Back to        Reflecting on Irish women                Performed by actor and voice         and Piazzolla, among others.          inaugural Poetry by the Pond!
about making the most of your         Bach with Tim Thurston.              artists and Modernism                    artist Michelle Read, an advocate    This is a rare opportunity to hear    This is an event that brings
smartphone and about the                                                   History of art talk by                   of reading aloud for adults!         these works performed live in         like-minded people together to
online world – Google and email,                                           Jessica Fahy                             Free events. No booking necessary.   one of Ireland’s most intimate        celebrate poetry in a very simple
social media, and online banking.                                          Studio Theatre, Level 1                                                       venues. Elizabeth and Gerald are      accessible way. Read your own
Rachael Foster from Bank of                                                Mon 9 Apr, 11.00am-12.30pm                                                    established soloists, chamber and     poetry or someone else’s, come
Ireland provides the skills and                                            This talk will explore the fascinating                                        orchestral musicians and they         along just to listen if you prefer.
the tea!                                                                   connection between Irish                                                      have achieved critical national and   All welcome, young and old alike.
                                                                           women artists and the advent of                                               international acclaim.                We also welcome back 5th year
                                                                           modernism in Ireland from the                                                 Tickets €12/€10 concession.           pupils from Holy Child, Killiney
                                                                           early 20th century to the 1970s.                                              Booking via Eventbrite.ie Search      who will create another Poem to
                                                                           Free event. No booking necessary.                                             8 Strings 2 A Bow.                    Pavement event this year.
10 What’s On April—June 2018                                                                                                                                                                                  dlr LexIcon Events 11
Dlr LexIcon & dlr Libraries April-June 2018 - Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council
dlr LexIcon Events                                                                                                                                                                      dlr LexIcon Events
                                   Local History Societies’ Day           session. Materials supplied.            Each Screening will be followed
                                   at dlr LexIcon                         Look at the plant world in a new        by an open discussion.
                                   Level 3                                light! Participants will draw a plant
                                   Sat 12 May, 10.00am-4.30pm             or part there-of, while learning        Moving Skirts
                                   Organised by Anna and Colin            how to identify Irish plants in         dance performance
                                   Scudds from Dún Laoghaire              particular, know how they work
                                   Borough Historical Society, this is    and examine their value to society.
                                   a special day where Local History      The aim is to start an irresistible
                                   Societies from the DLR area can        curiosity about the plants that         LexIcon garden, Moran Park
                                   showcase their work. If you are        surround us. Included will be a         Fri 25 May, 12.30-12.50pm
                                   interested in local history, this is   brief history of botanical art. You     All welcome
                                   the day for you to come along          don’t need to have drawing skills       Moving Skirts is the name given to     above Still from Dublin Only          below Sandra Oman as Molly Bloom
                                   and see what these societies           for this meeting of science and art,    a dance class that meet together       by Piotr Sadowski (2011)              and Michael Grennell as James Joyce.
Bealtaine events                   have planned for 2018. Maybe           just a sense of curiosity!              every Thursday in the Fassaroe
Will You Remember?                 you’d like to join up and find out     Bookings: Email dlrlexiconlib@          Community Centre in Bray. Called       Bloomsday events
The love story of MGM              more! All welcome.                     dlrcoco.ie or phone 280 1147.           Moving Skirts because the group
legends Jeanette MacDonald                                                                                        primarily dance with wide skirts       Dublin Only.
and Nelson Eddy.                   Mark Granier talk                      Silver Screen Cinema Club               movements inspired by Arabic,          Film by Piotr Sadowski
Starring Sandra Oman               Studio Theatre, Level 1                Studio Theatre, Level 1                 Spanish and Balkan influences          Studio Theatre, Level 1
(soprano), Simon Morgan            Tues 15 May, 7.00-8.00pm               3.00-4.30pm, All welcome                and they dance to world music.         Wed 13 June, 6.45pm
(baritone), above,                 Award-winning photographer             Come along to our Silver screen         Come along to see this vibrant         As part of our Bloomsday events
and David Wray (piano)             and poet, Mark Granier will give       cinema club during Bealtaine            display of women dancing               2018, we are delighted to present
Studio Theatre, Level 1            a talk about the creative process,     and relive some wonderful               together in a riot of colour, music    the documentary film Dublin
Wed 9 May, 7.00pm                  based on his photography               classics of the big screen!             and movement.                          Only. It features a day in the life
We are delighted to welcome        exhibition Ghostlight: the image       Witness for the Prosecution                                                    of Dublin, an experimental film
Sandra, Simon and David to dlr     in passing, on display on Level 3      Wednesday 16 May, 3pm                   Fuss on the Bus with                   inspired by Walther Ruttmann’s
LexIcon for their unforgettable    from 23 April-31 May.                  Dir. Billy Wilder, 1957                 Carnation Theatre                      city symphony Berlin (1927) and
tribute to Silver Screen icons     Free event. No booking necessary.      Courtroom drama. 116 min.               Studio Theatre, Level 1                Dziga Vertov’s Man with a Movie
of the 30s and 40s, Jeanette                                              Adam’s Rib                              Tues 29 May, 1.30pm & 6.30pm           Camera (1929). It was created
MacDonald and Nelson Eddy.         Wonderful weeds, an                    Wednesday 23 May, 3pm                   The show follows the lives of          by Piotr Sadowski, a lecturer         works and Michael Grennell
All of their famous arias and      exploration of Irish wild              Dir. George Cukor, 1949                 two girls by way of a bus journey.     in Dublin Business School and         (Game of Thrones, The Tudors
duets will be interspersed         plants with botanical                  Romantic Comedy. 101 min.               We first meet them in 1954 as          premiered in Warsaw in 2011.          etc.) presides as Joyce himself.
with projected images and a        portraitist Yanny Petters              The Ladykillers                         12-year olds. The bus conductor, a     Free event. No booking necessary.     Simon Morgan makes a guest
narration telling the story of                                            Wednesday 30 May, 3pm                   large puppet, constantly talks to                                            appearance to perform the
their heartbreaking off-screen                                            Dir. Alexander McKendrick, 1955         the audience. With every ring of       Bloomsday – a celebration             famous ‘La Ci Darem La Mano’
romance. Come along and listen                                            Black comedy. 97 min.                   the bell, the calendar jumps, the      in song and prose of James            from Don Giovanni.
to Will You Remember?, Ah!         Room 1, Level 3                        Bagdad Café                             girls get older, as do the audience.   Joyce’s Ulysses                       Get in the mood for Bloomsday
Sweet Mystery of Life and many,    Wed 16 May                             Wednesday 6 June, 3pm                   Free admission but booking             Studio Theatre, Level 1               with this wonderful lunchtime
many more.                         10.30am, 2.30pm & 6.00pm               Dir. Percy Adlon, 1987                  advisable for both performances        Fri 15 June, 1.00pm                   event. Tickets €12/€10
Tickets €12/€10 concession.        Ages 12+/adults,                       Comedy drama. 108 min.                  on Eventbrite.ie. Search for           Sandra Oman performs, as Molly        concession. Booking via
Booking via Eventbrite.ie Search   Intergenerational audience             Presented in co-operation with          Fuss on the Bus.                       Bloom, all of the well-loved          Eventbrite.ie. Search Bloomsday
Will You Remember?                 welcomed. Max 10 per                   the Goethe-Institut Irland                                                     songs associated with Joyce’s         with Sandra Oman in dlr LexIcon.
12 What’s On April—June 2018                                                                                                                                                                                    dlr LexIcon Events 13
Dlr LexIcon & dlr Libraries April-June 2018 - Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council
dlr LexIcon Events                                                                                                                                                                                     dlr LexIcon Events
Dauntless and Daring                  Storytime with Library Staff       New! Reading programme               Music class with                                         programme of events. No               intergenerational Bricks 4
performed by Glynis Casson            Children’s Library, Level 4        with Sarah & Sophie from Peata       Gerald Peregrine and                                     booking required, first come, first   Kidz Lego workshop making
with music by harpist                 Tuesdays 3.30-4.00pm               LexIcon Lab, Level 3                 Mobile Music Machine                                     served for all events                 awesome Lego Technic Models.
Claire Roche                          Ages 3-6yrs. All welcome           Wednesdays 11 April-16 May           Studio Theatre, Level 1                                                                        For this Lego club bring along
Studio Theatre, Level 1                                                  & 23 May-27 June, 3-4pm              Thurs 12 April, 10.00-                                   Reader in residence                   your grandparent/parent/aunt
Wed 20 June, 7.00pm                   Lego Club with Library Staff                                            11.00am and 11.15am-                                     programme                             or uncle and learn about the
Dauntless and Daring tells the tale   Room 1, Level 3                                                         12.15pm                                                  with Julianne Mooney                  lifecycle of the Hungry Caterpillar
of 7 important women including:       Thursdays from 24 May                                                   Suitable for 3rd-6th classes                             Children’s Library, Level 4           to becoming a Beautiful Butterfly,
Gormlaith, three times High           for 5 weeks, 3.30-4.45pm                                                Max 30 per session. 1 session per                        Fridays 13, 20, 27 April              and how butterflies, bees and
Queen of Ireland, wild pirate Anne    Ages 7-10 years. Max 12                                                 school only.                                             & 4 May                               birds are essential for the future
Bonny, actress Peg Woffington,        Lego provided.                                                          Don’t miss this fantastic                                10.15-11.15am &                       of our wonderful planet.
and Dr. James Miranda Barry           Booking essential by emailing                                           opportunity for your class to                            11.30am-12.30pm                       Bookings: Email dlrlexiconlib@
who disguised herself as a man        dlrlexiconlib@dlrcoco.ie or                                             enjoy a masterclass with Gerald                          Booking essential by emailing         dlrcoco.ie or phone 280 1147.
to become the first woman             phone 280 1147.                                                         Peregrine and the Mobile Music                           dlrlexiconlib@dlrcoco.ie or
doctor. As we celebrate the                                                                                   Machine.                                                 phone 280 1147.                       Dún Laoghaire School
centenary of voting rights for                                                                                Booking essential. Email                                                                       of Music

                                                                                                                                                  photo Steve Langan
women, we are delighted to                                                                                    dlrlexiconlib@dlrcoco.ie or                                                                    Dún Laoghaire School of Music
present this entertaining and                                                                                 phone 280 1147.                                                                                celebrates its 25th Anniversary
eloquent evening, showcasing                                                                                                                                                                                 with a series of recitals and talks
excerpts from the lives of these                                                                              Grúpa Spraoi sa LexIcon:                                                                       in the Studio Theatre, Level 1.
fascinating women. Tickets                                                                                    Imeachtaí do pháistí trí
€15/€10 concession. Booking                                              Booking essential for 20 min         Ghaelige                                                                                       Talk with Ted Courtney on
via Eventbrite.ie. Search for         Lego Club for children             sessions (3.00-3.20pm, 3.20-         Dé Sathairn 14 Aibrean,                                                                        Verdi’s opera Il Trovatore
Dauntless and Daring.                 with ASD                           3.40pm, 3.40-4.00pm over 6           12 Bealtaine, 2.30-4.00pm                                                                      Sunday 29 April, 3.00-4.00pm
                                      Room 1, Level 3                    weeks) dlrlexiconlib@dlrcoco.ie      Dé Sathairn 23 Meitheamh i
Events for Children                   Saturdays 7, 14, 21 & 28 April     or phone 280 1147                    rith an lae                                                                                    Guitar and Cello recital
                                      1.00-3.00pm                        Sophie, our springer spaniel         Tá fáilte roimh chách. Áirithintí                                                              by Duo Sonorum
Baby Book Club                        (2 x 1hour sessions)               therapy dog from Peata www.          agus tuilleadh eolais ag noirin@                                                               Sunday 13 May, 3.00-4.00pm
with Library Staff                    Ages 5-12 years,                   peata.ie just loves being read to!   glornagael.ie
Children’s library, Level 4           (parents to stay onsite)           If you know a child that requires    Arna eagrú ag Grúpa Spraoi                                                                     Soprano Recital
Second Wednesday of the               We will explore creative themes    support with their reading and       Tuismitheoirí agus Leanaí Ghlór                                                                with Corina Ignat
month - Wed 11 April, 9 May,          with a focus on building,          enjoys the company of dogs, this     na nGael, Deisceart Átha Cliath.                         Intergenerational Lego                Sunday 20 May, 3.00-4.00pm
13 June                               collaborative and imaginative      programme could be for them.                                                                  Workshop for Bealtaine
10.00-11.00am                         play and social skills. The club                                        dlr LexIcon Family Day /                                                                       Violin Recital
Explore books, song and rhyme         is facilitated by a speech &       Children’s book club                 Cruinniú na nÓg                                                                                with Mateusz Gauza
with your baby or young child. All    language therapist. This is a      with Kim Harte                       23 June 10.30am-4.00pm                                                                         Sunday 10 June, 3.00-4.00pm
welcome.                              small supported group setting      Room 1, Level 3                                                                               Room 1, Level 3
Wed 11 April: Yvonne Quinn,           for girls and boys with ASD and    4 May, 1 June, 3.30-4.30pm                                                                    Thurs 17 May, 3.30-4.30pm             Booking Information:
Senior Clinical Psychologist with     their siblings. Supported by       Ages 9yrs+. Max 15.                                                                           Max of 20 children/parents/           To purchase tickets, contact
HSE will join mums at the group       PRISM DLR.                         To book, parents should email        Watch out for our separate                               grandparents                          Dún Laoghaire School of Music at
to think together about mum           To register for the group, email   Kim at lexiconchildrens              flier in June with full details                          Let’s celebrate life at all its       (01) 284 4178 or email
and baby well-being.                  legobuildingclub@gmail.com         bookclub@gmail.com                   of yet another action-packed                             stages with this interactive,         dlsofm@gmail.com
14 What’s On April—June 2018                                                                                                                                                                                                dlr LexIcon Events 15
Dlr LexIcon & dlr Libraries April-June 2018 - Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council
dlr LexIcon LAB                                                                                                                                                                         dlr LexIcon LAB
Booking essential on                New!                               we go exploring? Will we build        LexIcon Lab for adults               vinyl masking screens in order to     help figuring out where to
www.eventbrite.ie unless            Vinyl cutting workshops for        something huge together, or will                                           replicate traditional signwriting     get started or what creative
otherwise stated.                   schools: make a statement          we see how many experience                                                 and in our introduction               technologies might help bring
                                    through learning the digital       points we can get as a group?                                              workshop, we will cover the           the idea to life? Drop in to the
                                    skills of signwriting              Participants will use laptops                                              use of appropriate computer           LexIcon Lab and meet other
LexIcon Lab for kids                Wed 16 May, 10 & 11.30am           provided by dlr LexIcon. Beginner                                          software and a vinyl cutter. In       “makers” who are keen to help
                                    4th year upwards                   and experienced Minecraft fans                                             the advanced workshop, we’ll          out. No booking required but for
Gaming Club                         An introduction to signwriting     are welcome. Booking essential                                             develop the skills learned to         updates, see
with library staff                  and vinyl cutting with Ryan        by emailing dlrlexiconlib@            VR (virtual reality)                 design, cut and build up a vinyl      www.meetup.com/lexicon
Tuesdays 10 & 24 Apr,               Paetzold, the students will be     dlrcoco.ie or phoning 280 1147.       with www.futureshock.ie              decal comprised of multiple
8 & 22 May, 5 & 19 June             shown how to use software to                                             9 Apr, 8 May & 11 June               cut-outs. Workshops provided by       Create your own website
3.30-5.00pm                         design, cut and build up a vinyl   New!                                  5.45-6.45pm & 6.50-7.50pm            Ryan Paetzold. Booking essential      with Dr Jake Rowan Byrne
Strictly for ages 9-12, Max 8       decal using the state of the       Introduction to Coding for            Max 10 at each session               on www.eventbrite.ie                  Tuesdays 17 Apr & 15 May
Kids can play with and against      art vinyl cutter at the LexIcon.   Parent & Child Teams:                 Enter the virtual world and                                                6.00-8.00pm, Max 16
each other on PlayStation 4         Teachers should contact dlr        dlr LexIcon’s International           enjoy mind-bending experiences       Introduction to 3D printing           Tickets: €10
and Xbox One consoles on our        LexIcon Library by emailing        Scratch Day event                     that cater for all tastes! For the   with Ryan Paetzold                    If you’re interested in setting up
massive 80 inch HD screens.         dlrlexiconlib@dlrcoco.ie or        Sat 12 May, 10.30am-12.00pm           adrenaline junkies out there, try    Monday 14 May, 6.00-8.00pm            a personal blog or portfolio or
They will try out different games   phoning 280 1147.                  Age: 8-11                             your hands at scaling the peaks      Max 16                                getting your business online, this
each session, and the emphasis                                         Max 8 children, each with a           of Mt Everest or exploring the       This workshop will give you a         workshop is designed to get you
will be on fun and interaction.                                        parent/guardian                       depths of the ocean. For the         basic introduction and get you        started. You’ll be introduced to
Booking essential by emailing                                          An introductory workshop for          creative geniuses, experience        started with your first 3D printed    several free tools that make it
dlrlexiconlib@dlrcoco.ie or                                            International Scratch Day with        your passion for arts like           object. For those with little or no   easy to set up and manage your
phoning 280 1147.                                                      Sabine McKenna of Creative            never before with Google Tilt        experience with 3D printing and       own website. Booking essential
                                                                       Computing Classes Skerries.           Brush, where you can create          CAD software.                         on www.eventbrite.ie
3D printing workshops for                                              Programme your own interactive        3D masterpieces to your exact        Booking essential on
schools with Ryan Paetzold                                             stories, games, and animations.       touch. Booking essential on          www.eventbrite.ie                     Getting started with
Wednesdays 11 Apr, 2 May                                               Scratch helps young people            www.eventbrite.ie                                                          Raspberry Pi & Arduino with
10.00am & 11.30am                                                      learn to think creatively, reason                                          3D printing – let’s get               Dr Jake Rowan Byrne
Two one-hour sessions each          Minecraft on the computer          systematically, and work              New!                                 technical with Ryan Paetzold          Tuesdays 1 May & 19 June
morning.3rd class upwards.          with Sabine and Ciarán             collaboratively. Millions of people   Vinyl cutting workshops:             Monday 21 May, 6.00-8.00pm            6.00-8.00pm, Max 16
An introduction to 3D printing      of Creative Computing              are creating Scratch projects         make a statement through             Max 16                                Ever wanted to try your hand at
where you get to design and         Classes Skerries                   in a wide variety of settings,        learning the digital skills of       This workshop builds on the           programming a robot, controlling
model up your very own keytag       Saturdays 12, 19 & 26 May          including homes, schools and          signwriting                          basic introduction workshop           your house from your phone or
and print it in 3D.                 1.30-3.00pm for ages 8-10          libraries. Each parent and child      Mondays 23 & 30 Apr                  and introduces more technical         simply flashing some lights?
Note: keytags will be               3.15-4.45pm for ages 11-14         will learn step-by step how to        6.00-8.00pm                          tools for 3D modelling. Booking       This workshop will give you a
available for collection at an      Max 16                             create a short interactive game       Must be able to attend both          essential on www.eventbrite.ie        taste of how inputs and outputs
agreed date after the session.      Must be able to attend all         or animation. Due to licensing        workshops. Max: 16                                                         on small computers such as the
Teachers should contact dlr         three workshops                    issues, participants must use         Tickets: €10                         Drop in maker evenings with           Raspberry Pi and Arduino, can be
LexIcon Library by emailing         Three weeks to create a new        laptops provided by dlr LexIcon.      The term “modern signwriters”        Dr Jake Rowan Byrne                   used to create smart solutions
dlrlexiconlib@dlrcoco.ie or         world! What will our world         Booking essential by emailing         is misleading, as most do not        Tuesdays 10 Apr & 29 May              to everyday problems. Booking
phoning 280 1147.                   look like? Will we decide to       dlrlexiconlib@dlrcoco.ie or           use the traditional brush as a       6.00-8.00pm, Max 16                   essential on www.eventbrite.ie
                                    build a town, a village, or will   phoning 280 1147.                     method of application. Many use      Have an idea but need some
16 What’s On April—June 2018                                                                                                                                                                             dlr LexIcon LAB 17
Dlr LexIcon & dlr Libraries April-June 2018 - Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council
dlr Branch
                      Events                                                                                                                                                      dlr Branch
                                                                                                                                                                                       dlr LexIcon
Blackrock Library                                           Botanical art workshop             Tea and Teach                          Claphandies PlayLabs comes        Reader in Residence with           Get your lino, ink and paper ready
T 288 8117                                                  with Shevaun Doherty               Tuesdays 12, 19, 26 June               to Blackrock library              Julianne Mooney                    and produce a finished print with
E blackrocklib@dlrcoco.ie                                                                      (Course of 3), 6.30-8pm                2nd Wednesday: 11 April,          May 18, 25, June 1, 8              printmaking artist Jason Deans.
                                                            Sat 19 May, 10.30-1230pm           Max 10. Booking essential              9 May and 13 June, 10-11am        10.30-11.30 and                    This workshop shows you how
‘Herstory’                                                  Max 12. Booking essential          These sessions are a fun and           All welcome                       11.45am-12.45pm, Class visits      to design, cut and print a lino
with Frances Browner                                                                           simple way for you to learn            1 hour music and play session                                        print from start to finish.

                                    photo Steve Humphreys
                                                                                               about making the most of your          for wobblers and toddlers with    Comic book workshop                Create your own Summer
                                                                                               smartphone and about the               activities such as rhyme time,    with Elida Maiques                 Stars Hero with Liz Rackard
                                                                                               online world.                          music, movement and age           Saturday 16 June                   Friday 8 June
Tuesdays, 10, 17, 24 April                                                                                                            appropriate educational and fun   2.30-4.30pm                        10-1130am & 11.45-12.45pm
5.45-7.45pm                                                                                    Events for children                    activities.                       Ages 10+. Booking required         Help us launch summer reading
Max 12. Booking essential                                                                      Spring into Storytime runs                                               Come and explore the secret        by creating your own hero. Who
Herstory: write your own story,                                                                nationwide during April                Animal drawing workshops          language of comics with award-     could it be? An Awesome Alien?
or that of a woman in your family                                                                                                     with Elida Maiques                winning creator Elida Maiques.     A Friendly Fish? A Super Space
history. The tutor will help with                                                              Storytime with library staff           Friday 6 April 3-4pm                                                 Traveller? A Clever Cat?
proofreading and editing and                                                                   Every Thursday, 3-3.30pm               and Saturday 9 June               Print a Picture Pronto
give constructive feedback.                                 Explore the world of plants and    Suitable for ages 3-6yrs, all          3-4pm. Ages 7-10yrs               with Jason Deans!                  Junior bookclub with
Read excerpts from The Long                                 bees through art! Join award-      welcome                                Booking required                  Sat 14 April, 2:30-4pm             Eimear Hegarty
Gaze Back, this year’s One City                             winning botanical artist Shevaun                                                                            Ages 7-9yrs, Max 12                3rd Thursday of month
One Book choice. Frances is an                              Doherty for a watercolour          Baby Book Club with                                                      Booking required                   6.15-7.15pm
experienced writing and history                             painting class that will appeal    Sara Keating                                                                                                Ages 10-12yrs.
tutor who has had her work                                  to nature lovers of all ages and   First Wed at 10am-11am.                                                                                     Booking required
published and broadcast on                                  skills.                            4 April, 2 May, 6 June                                                                                      New members welcome
radio.                                                                                         Explore books, rhyme and craft                                                                              19 April Ribblestrop
                                                            Moving Skirts dance                with your baby or young child.                                                                              by Andy Mulligan
Creating a sensory garden                                   performance                        Perfect for parents/caregivers and     Not only we will be learning to                                      17 May The Ministry of strange,
with horticulturist Aoife Munn                              Reading room                       children aged 0-3yrs. All welcome      draw animals (from horses to      Get your glue, foam and card       unusual and impossible things
                                                            Thursday 24 May, 2pm                                                      herons, and all your favourite    ready and produce a lovely         by Paul Gamble
Tuesday 8 May, 6-7pm                                        All welcome                        Music kindergarten                     animals!) we will also invent     printed picture with printmaking   21 June The London Eye Mystery
All welcome                                                 Moving Skirts is the name          with Teresa Reddy                      new ones.                         artist Jason Deans.                by Siobhan Dowd
                                                            given to a dance class that        Wed 18 April & Wed 20 June
Mandala art workshop with                                   meet together every Thursday       10-11am                                Brain Swap 3000                   Lino Print like a Master           Exhibition
Patricia Fitzgerald                                         in the Fassaroe Community          Suitable for parents/caregivers        with Alan Nolan                   with Jason Deans!
                                                            Centre in Bray. Called Moving      with children aged 0-4yrs              Mon 23 April, 10-11.15am &        Sat 28 April, 2.30-4.30pm          Soul: an exhibition by artist
Monday 14 May, 2.30-4.30pm                                  Skirts because the group           This session with experienced          1130am-12.30pm, Class visits      Ages 10+, Max 10                   Patricia Fitzgerald
Max 12. Booking essential                                   primarily dance with wide skirts   early years facilitator Teresa will    Dippy about dogs? Nutty for       Booking required.                  Tues 1 May-Fri 15 June
A journey of self-compassion and                            movements inspired by Arabic,      include rhymes and song for            narwhals? Crackers for koalas?                                       This is an exhibition of collage
awareness through the ancient                               Spanish & Balkan influences and    enjoyment and sense of beat,           Join Summer Stars illustrator                                        work by Dublin artist Patricia
art form of Mandala.                                        they dance to world music.         circle dancing and marching. If you    Alan Nolan for a fun Brain Swap                                      Fitzgerald.
                                                                                               would like to introduce your child     3000 workshop where you                                              www.healingcreations.ie
                                                                                               to music in a relaxed welcoming        can draw yourself as your very
                                                                                               environment this session is for you.   favourite animal!
18 What’s On April—June 2018                                                                                                                                                                                      dlr Branch
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       dlr LexIcon
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Events 19
dlr Branch
                      Events                                                                                                                                       dlr Branch
                                                                                                                                                                        dlr LexIcon
Cabinteely Library                    Book Binding                          Events for Children                  Help launch Summer Reading             Dalkey Library                      ambition were ultra-modern.
T 285 5363                            with Read That Image                  Spring into Storytime runs           with author Debbie Thomas              T 285 5277                          From their light-hearted Irish
E cabinteelylib@dlrcoco.ie            Friday 27 April, 2.30-4.30pm          nationwide this April                Monday 4 June                          E dalkeylib@dlrcoco.ie              R.M. series of stories to darker
                                      Max 8. Booking required                                                    10-11am & 11.15am-12.15pm                                                  novels including the classic The
Events for Adults                                                           Bedtime Stories at                   Class visits                           Events for adults                   Real Charlotte, their skills as the
                                                                            Cabinteely Library                   Pirates, politicians and poets –                                           Somerville and Ross writing
Card making class for adults                                                Tuesdays 3 & 17 April, 6.30pm        Ireland’s girls have done it all. To   Walk & Talk                         duo were wide-ranging and
with Katie Perry                                                            Come join us for bedtime stories     mark the centenary of women’s          Mondays 16, 23, 30 April            extensive.
Contact library for date.                                                   in Cabinteely Library as part of     voting rights, join author             Meet at the library at 10.15am
Max 8. Booking required                                                     Spring into Storytime! Pyjamas       Debbie Thomas in celebrating           Informal walking and talking        Introduction to essential oils
                                                                            and teddies most welcome. No         the courage and confidence             club for all ages. Meeting in the   with Gráinne O’Kane
Why Making Matters –                                                        booking required.                    of some of Ireland’s real-life         library on Monday mornings for
from STEM to STEAM                                                                                               superheroines.                         a short walk of about 30mins        Wed 9 May, 10.30-11.45am
with Fiona Snow                                                             Baby Book Club                                                              (route provided) and then           Take a natural approach to
Tues 10 April, 6.30-7.30pm            During this workshop                  with library staff                   Exhibition                             return to library to continue any   family healthcare. Gráinne from
Booking required                      participants will be introduced       Wednesdays, 10.00-10.45am                                                   interesting conversations that      With Grá will give a talk and
                                      to the craft of bookbinding and       All welcome.                         Shadowed Women                         may have begun on the walk!         demonstration on how to use
                                      learn about the different papers,     Explore books, song and rhyme        by artist Ciara Harrison                                                   essential oils for all the family.
                                      materials and tools needed to         with your baby or young child.       Wed 4 April–31 May                     Health and wellness
                                      create their own hand-bound                                                                                       supplements; a talk with            Walk and Talk Ecotherapy
                                      books.                                STEAM Saturday                                                              Kerin’s Allcare Pharmacy            Session with David Staunton
                                                                            Each open Saturday: 7, 21                                                   Wed 25 April, 10.30am               Wed 16 May, 10.30-11.45am
In this talk, designer, maker         Dowries a walk and talk               April, 12, 26 May, 16, 30 June                                              All welcome
and IADT lecturer Fiona Snow          through Central Asia                  11am-12.30pm
will explore how the actions          with Mary O’Connor                    All welcome, no booking required                                            Healthy Eyes; a talk with
of making enrich cognitive                                                  Come and build with us! Open                                                staff from Paul Gill Opticians
development; empowering               Thurs 3 May, 6.30pm-7.30pm            ended free play sessions with                                               Friday 20 April, 11.30am
kids and adults to be confident,      Booking required                      Magformers for kids aged 4-8                                                All welcome
creative thinkers.                    Join Mary on this enchanting          yrs (and their grown ups!).          Shadowed Women features                                                    David Staunton, a counselling
                                      journey through Central Asian,        Wooden blocks are available for      exquisite embroidered portraits        Edith and Violet: Cousins and       psychotherapist who works
Bloomin’ brilliant craft              introducing traditional Suzannis,     younger children.                    of seven women who shared              Collaborators: a talk with          through an ecotherapeutic lens
workshop with Ciara Harrison          Tuskiis wall hangings, felt                                                one destiny: they were all             Dalkey based writer and             is the co-founder of both Walk
Monday 16 April, 2.30-4.30pm          making, sharing her knowledge         Card making class for                widowed by the events of the           journalist Martina Devlin.          Inniú (walkinniu.ie) and the
Max 10. Booking required              of their traditions and her love of   children with Katie Perry            Easter Rebellion 1916. The artistic                                        Ecopsychology and Ecotherapy
Join artist Ciara Harrison in         the people of this region where       Contact library for date             process involved the transfer                                              Association of Ireland (eeai.ie).
making your own “wild” fabric         she lived for eleven years.           Ages 6-8yrs                          of charcoal drawings from                                                  Discover how nature can help us
flowers. This workshop celebrates                                           Max 8. Booking required              photographs to cotton organdie.        Monday 23 April, 10.30am            towards improved mental health
the different colours, textures and   Classics Book Club                    Cabinteely local, Katie Perry, has   The results are a haunting             All welcome                         and wellbeing.
patterns of spring and will show      Please note: this will move           been an artist at Artisan’s Studio   portrayal of female heroism.           Edith Somerville and her second
you how to trace, fold, sew and       to the last Tues of the month:        since 2014. Katie is a prolific      The exhibition is on loan with         cousin Violet Martin may have
make a pom-pom using a variety        24 April, 29 May, 26 June             crafter, working with a variety of   the kind permission of the Little      been Victorian women, but their
of fabrics and wools.                 6.30pm                                paper types.                         Museum of Dublin.                      flair, business expertise and
20 What’s On April—June 2018                                                                                                                                                                       dlr Branch
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Invest in your mental wealth       Events for Children               Teddybear Sleepover                    Deansgrange Library               Tea and Teach                        Make your own mini figures
a talk with Johnny Moran                                             Thurs 5 April, 6.30-7.30pm             T 285 0860                                                             with Aoife Munn
Wednesday 23 May, 10.30am          Early Years programme in          Bring your Teddies, wear your          E deansgrangelib@dlrcoco.ie       Tuesdays 8, 15 & 22 May              Thursday 5 April, 3-4pm
Johnny Moran, integrative          Dalkey Library                    pyjamas, and join us for a very                                          6.30-8pm (3 week course)             Max 12, suitable for age 6+
psychotherapist and                Each Friday at 10am               special storytime. Tuck them in        Events for adults                 Max 10. Booking required             Create your own Colourful Clay
hypnotherapist, will present       (exception: Baby Book Club        and see what your teddy gets                                             These sessions are a fun and         Mini Figures to bring home over
a framework and pathway to         see below)                        up to overnight in the library –       Creative writing course           simple way for you to learn          the Easter school holidays.
reinvigorate your mental wealth.   April 6, 13, 27, May 4, 11, 25,   you can follow our social media        with Lucinda Jacob                about making the most of your
www.openmindscentre.ie             June 1, 8, 15, 29                 channels to see what happens           9 weeks: Wed 11 April-Wed         smartphone and about the online      Lego Play workshops
                                   Let’s play! Join us for open      after the library closes!              13 June (no class 23 May)         world – Google and email, social     with Bricks for Kids
May Melodies in the library        play sessions with our duplo                                             6.30-8.00pm                       media, and online banking. Rachael
                                   bricks and toys. All welcome no   Bold Girls in Dalkey Library           Booking required. New             Foster from Bank of Ireland          Spring & Easter Fun
Every Thurs in May                 booking required                  with author Debbie Thomas              participants welcome.                                                  with Lego Bricks
6.30-7.30pm                                                          Wed 13 June                            Do you want to write? Do you      Computers and Internet               Weds 4 April
You are invited to join us for     Baby Book Club                    10-11am & 11.15am-12.15pm              need something to get you         for near Beginners                   2.30-3.30pm & 3.30-4.30pm
our second annual series of        with Sara Keating                 Class visits                           started or some encouragement     with Sabine Mc Kenna                 Max 20 children per session
May Melodies                       Third Friday at 10am.             Pirates, politicians and poets –       to keep going? If so these        Wed 25 April 2 May, 9 May            Now that the Spring is here, let’s
1 May: Kingston Academy            Friday 2 April, Friday 18 May,    Ireland’s girls have done it all. To   workshops are for you.            (3 week course)                      celebrate the new flowers, baby
8 May: The Supertones              Friday 22 June. All welcome       mark the centenary of women’s                                            10.30am-12.00pm                      animals and Easter with Bricks 4
15 May: Let’s Sing                 Explore books, rhyme and craft    voting rights, join author Debbie      Mindful chair yoga                Max 6. Booking required              Kidz helping to make awesome
22 May: Cantori Choir              with your baby or young child.    Thomas in celebrating the              with Sally Dunne                                                       Lego Technic Models. Come and
29 May: The Carrig Doves           Perfect for parents/caregivers    courage, confidence and smarts                                           Events for children                  have an ‘eggciting’ time – all you
                                   and children aged 0-3yrs.         of some of Ireland’s real-life         Seminar room                      Spring into Storytime runs           need to create these ‘cracking’
Celebrate Bloomsday!                                                 superheroines                          Wed 2, 9, 16, 23 May              nationwide during April              memories are our bricks and your
“Ulysses on the South              STEM Sessions                                                            (4 week course), 2.30-3.45pm                                           imagination.
Dublin coast” a talk with          Tuesday 3 April, 2-5pm            Regular events at                      Max 12. Booking required          Storytime with library staff,
dlr library staff member           Max 15 per session.               Dalkey Library,                                                          every Wednesday, 3-3.30pm
Brendan Moriarty                   Booking required.                 all welcome to attend                                                    Suitable for ages 3-6yrs, All        Intergenerational Lego
Thursday 14 June, 7-8pm                                                                                                                       welcome                              building workshop!
All welcome                        Open ended free play              Saturday Book Club:
Ulysses tells the story of a       sessions                          1st Saturday of month, 10am                                              Baby Book Club                       Sat 12 May
day in the life of Dublin; a day                                     Wed Book Club:                                                           with Sara Keating                    2.30-3.30pm & 3.30-4.30pm
that began right here in our       Station 1: (Junior Library)       3rd Wed of the month, 11am                                               Last Tuesday at 10am-11am            Max of 20 children/parents/
area. Brendan Moriarty, a dlr      Suitable for ages 4 – 7yrs        Club Leabhair:                                                           Tues 24 April, Tues 29 May,          grandparents per session
Library Assistant and veteran      Magformers at 2pm                 1st Tuesday of month, 6.30pm                                             Tues 26 June                         Let’s celebrate life at all its
Joycean, talks us through the      Duplo at 3pm                      Dalkey Writers Group:                  This 4-week course is open to     No booking required.                 stages with this interactive,
events and background of the                                         Alternative Thursdays, 6.30pm          all, no matter whether you’ve     Explore books, rhyme and craft       intergenerational Bricks 4 Kidz
first 3 chapters, known as the     Station 2: (Mezzanine)            Local History Group:                   done yoga before or not. Wear     with your baby or young child.       Lego workshop making awesome
Telemachiad, which are set         Suitable for ages 8- 10yrs        Last Tuesday of month, 6.30pm          loose, comfortable clothing and   Perfect for parents/caregivers       Lego Technic Models. Bring along
in Sandycove, Dalkey and on        Lego at 2pm                                                              bring a rug for warmth during     and children aged 0-3yrs. All        your grandparent/parent/aunt or
Sandymount Strand.                 Augmented Reality using                                                  the relaxation. Yoga mats and     welcome                              uncle.
                                   Quivervision at 3pm                                                      supports available for use.
22 What’s On April—June 2018                                                                                                                                                             dlr Branch
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                      Ferris wheels & merry go           Exhibitions                                             Dundrum Library                       Plants and pollinators             Events for children               Shankill Library
                      rounds, all the fun of the fair!                                                           T 298 5000                            art workshop                                                         T 282 3081
                      Sat 16 June                        Offshoot photographic                                   E dundrumlib@dlrcoco.ie               with Shevaun Doherty               Parent and toddler group          E shankilllib@dlrcoco.ie
                      2.30-3.30pm & 3.30-4.30pm          exhibition                                                                                    Thurs 17 May, 5.45-7.45pm          Mondays, 10.30am
                      Max 20 children per session        Launches Tuesday 8 May, 7pm                             Events for adults                     Booking required                                                     Events for adults
                      Now that it’s summer time,         All welcome, young and old                                                                                                       Nuts about nature,
                      come with us on an interactive     On display until June 16                                Creative writing course with                                             biodiversity workshop             Creative writing course
                      Bricks 4 Kidz Lego workshop        Deansgrange library are pleased                         Catherine Dunne                                                          with The Rediscovery Centre       with Frances Browner
                      with awesome Lego Technic          to welcome once again the                               Thursdays 5, 12, 19 & 26 April                                           Wed 9 May                         Wednesdays 9, 16, 23, 30 May
                      Models.                            Offshoot Photography Society                            11.00am-1.00pm                                                           10.00-11.15am and 11.30am-        10.30am-12.30pm
                                                         (www.offshoot.ie) for their                             Booking required                                                         1.00pm                            Booking required
                      Help launch summer reading         annual exhibition of photography.                                                                                                Class visits. 3rd-6th class.

                                                                                             photo Noel Hillis
                      with Alan Nolan                    Offshoot Photography Society                                                                                                     Join The Rediscovery Centre to
                      Mon 11 June, 10am & 11.15am        is a friendly and active group of                                                                                                investigate the science of the
                      Bookings for local schools         photographers, both novice and                                                                                                   world around us.
                                                         experienced, who meet every
photo Mark Harrison

                                                         Monday night at 8pm in St.                                                                                                       Summer Stars launch
                                                         Bridgid’s school in Cabinteely.                                                               Explore the world of plants and    with Alan Nolan
                                                         New members always welcome,                                                                   bees through art! Join award-      Tues 5 June, 11.00am-12.00pm
                                                         simply drop by.                                                                               winning botanical artist Shevaun   Class visit
                                                                                                                                                       Doherty for a watercolour          Dippy about dogs? Nutty for
                                                         Series of Art Exhibitions                                                                     painting class that will appeal    narwhales? Crackers for koalas?
                                                         by artists from Willowvale                                                                    to nature lovers of all ages and   Join Summer Stars illustrator     Have you ever wanted to write a
                                                         Active Retirement Centre                                                                      skills.                            Alan Nolan for a fun Brain Swap   story, a poem or a memoir?
                                                         Artist Ber Wall:                                        Join prize-winning author                                                3000 workshop where you           In this course Frances will show
                                                         Mon 19 June – Sat 30 June                               Catherine Dunne to explore how        Below stairs in the 18th-          can draw yourself as your very    you how to gather ideas and bring
                                                         St John of God Community                                to build a fictional character; how   century Big House, a talk          favourite animal!                 them to life and much more.
                                                         Service Willowvale Active                               to approach dialogue; how to          with Patricia McCarthy PhD                                           You will receive constructive
                      Dippy about dogs? Nutty for        Retirement Day Centre has an art                        construct a plot.                     Wed 30 May, 6.00-7.00pm            Reader in residence               feedback from a highly
                      narwhales? Crackers for koalas?    room with a gallery wall and has                        Enjoy getting to know your            This talk will look at the lives   programme                         experience tutor who has
                      Join Summer Stars illustrator      a thriving creative programme                           creative self.                        of servants and how they were      with Julianne Mooney              had her work published and
                      Alan Nolan for a fun Brain Swap    in an environment where older                                                                 treated by the families they       Fridays 18 & 25 May;              broadcast on radio.
                      3000 workshop where you            people with different interests                         Knitting for health                   served in Ireland’s 18thCentury    1 & 8 June, 10.15-11.15am
                      can draw yourself as your very     and abilities can develop their                         and happiness                         Big Houses.                        Class visits                      Introduction to drawing
                      favourite animal!                  creativity. Refreshingly, these                         with Pauline Gallagher                                                                                     with John Carpenter
                                                         artists make art purely for the                         Mondays 30 April;                                                                                          Fri 25 May, 10.30am-12.30pm
                                                         purpose of enjoyment and                                14, 21, 28 May                                                                                             Booking required
                                                         the artists subject matter is                           2.30-4.30pm                                                                                                In this workshop artist
                                                         individual and of personal                              Knitters of all levels welcome                                                                             John Carpenter will give an
                                                         interest. Making art has become                         including beginners. Learn to knit                                                                         introduction to drawing faces,
                                                         an essential component of                               mindfully, while creating gifts for                                                                        figures and perspective.
                                                         activity in the centre.                                 yourself and others.
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