Do Skateboard Tricks Defy the Laws of Physics? - by Eugene Horsch

Page created by Angela Mann
Do Skateboard Tricks Defy the Laws of Physics? - by Eugene Horsch
Do Skateboard
 Tricks Defy the
Laws of Physics?
     by Eugene Horsch
Do Skateboard Tricks Defy the Laws of Physics? - by Eugene Horsch
Table of Contents


Problem, Hypothesis, Procedure…………………………………………………..….3







Do Skateboard Tricks Defy the Laws of Physics? - by Eugene Horsch

        Many skateboard tricks seem to defy the laws of physics. For example when you

do an " OIlLe," the board seems to rise with the rider 's feet as he jumps into the air, as if it

was fastened to them. In reality the board is nor attached     to   the rider's feet in any way. In

my experiment I tried   to   find out if skateboard tricks really do defy the laws of physics.

My hypothesi s was that they do no! defy the laws of physics .

        I took a video of a rider doing an "Ollie. " Then. I used a computer to enhance and

print out all the individual frames for the trick . After this I analyzed the frames    to   see

what was actually happening.      r measured the distance that the different parts of the board
travel from frame to frame. Then 1used the elapsed time between frames to compute

speeds. Finally, I diagrammed the motion from frame to frame. computed the forces on

the board, and found the corresponding laws of physics such as acceleration and inertia

that explained what was happen ing. I found that there was a reason that the board

behaved the way it did and seemed to rise with the rider's feet.

        TIle conclusion that [ have reached from this experiment is that skateboard tricks

are complicated illusions that actually do nor defy the laws of physics .

Do Skateboard Tricks Defy the Laws of Physics? - by Eugene Horsch

Do skateboard tricks defy the laws of physics?

Many skateboard tricks seem to defy the laws of physics. For example when you do an
"O llie" , the board seems to rise with your feet. as if it was a part of them.


Skateboard tricks are illusions that do not really violate the laws of physics.


I. Take a video of the trick.

2. Use a computer to print out all the indiv idual frames for the trick.

3. Label each frame as I. 2, .3 ...etc.

4. Analyze the frames to see what is actually happening.
       A.       Measure the distance that different parts of the board travel from frame to
       B.       Compute the forces on the board from frame to frame.
       C.       Diagram the forces and the motion from frame to frame .
       D.       Write a detailed description of what is happening during the trick and why
       it is happening.

5.      Conclude whether or not the board is following the laws of physics .

Do Skateboard Tricks Defy the Laws of Physics? - by Eugene Horsch

Eadweard Muybridge

        The Englishman Eadweard Muybridge, b. Edward James Muggeridge, Apr 9,

1830, d. May 8,1904, one of the great photographers of the American West, became even

better known for his pioneering photographic studies of motion. Photographing

throughout California in the 1860s and '70s, he made the large, impressive landscapes of

the Yosemite wilderness that won him initial fame. In 1872, Leland Stanford, the former

governor of the state, bet a friend that once in every stride all four of the horse's feet are

off the ground at one time. He hired Muybridge to provide evidence to settle the bet, and

in 1877 Muybridge's pictures, which recorded the horse's motion in sequential frames,

proved Stanford right. (The work took 5 years because it was interrupted while

Muybridge was tried and acquitted for the murder of his wife's lover.) This was the first

use of photographic motion analysis.

        In 1879, Muybridge invented the zoopraxiscope, a machine that reconstructed

motion from his photographs and a forerunner of cinematography. After a European tour,

during which his work was acclaimed by artists and scientists alike, he continued (1884-

86) his photographic motion studies; Animal Locomotion (1887), containing 781 groups

of sequential frames, was the first of several such publications, which also included The

Human Figure in Motion (1901). ("Muybridge. Eadweard")

Do Skateboard Tricks Defy the Laws of Physics? - by Eugene Horsch
To understand more about the physics of human motion, scientists are using a

wide variety of mathematical models, computer programs, and robotics to study "human

dynamical behavior."

        Body motions, whether as simple as walking or as complex as arborne pirouettes,

depend on fine control of the nervous system, but also on simple physics.

        Mont Hubbard, a mechanical engineer at the University of California, says,

"Sports scientists generally want a deeper understanding of what goes on physically and

psychologically when an athlete refines· a dynamic task. They want to know what factors

enhance or limt performance, whether it's muscle strength or sensory overload" (Lipkin


        Understanding the mechanics of athletic performance well enough to model it

mathematically, may help athletes hone their training.

        "Athletes have always sought answers in an empirical mode of trial and error.

But if you have a model that tells you exactly what is going on, it's easier to get clear,

unambiguous answers to subtle questions that are often difficult to test in the real world"

(Lipkin 426).

        To grasp the biomechanics of many sports movements has led Hubbard's research

team to derive mathematical models for a wide variety of events, from pole vaulting,

skijumping, and javelin throwing to skateboarding and, most recently, golf.

        "Sports are about optimization," he adds. "They're about learning to do

something better than you did it last time better than you did it last time or better than you

Do Skateboard Tricks Defy the Laws of Physics? - by Eugene Horsch
did it last time or better than you did it last time or better than your opponent has done.

Ultimately, our aim is to use scientific methods to help athletes improve their

performances" (Lipken 427)

        Through few sports are into tradition as baseball, the game is now being invaded

by high-technology. At the college and amateur levels of play the old ash wood bat has

been supplanted by high-performance metal and fiber-composite bats, and bating coaches

can now use computerized motion analysis systems and instrumented bats to dissect

player's swings.

        Before designing his bat, Baum spent several years using sophisticated labortatory

analysis tools such as high-speed cameras, precision timers, force senors, and

mechanical-property testing devices to invesigate what makes a bat "trick't-a surprisingly

subtle problem considering the seeming simplicity of a baseball bat.

        Analyzing the batting swing is likewise difficult. Some of the key factors

governing how a ball will be hit are bat speed, mass of the ball in relation to mass.of the

bat, location of the hit of the bat, angle of the hit, ball rotation, weather conditions,

rebound charateristics of the marked variation in player's swings. Several high-tech

systems have been developed to analyze baseball swings.

        Baseball coaches can now disect a pitcher's delivery with a motion-analysis

system developed by Bio-Kinetics Inc. Digitized video images of a pitch create a

multicolored, multiple-exposure stick figure computer model that embodies the pitcher's

motion. (Ashley 108-109)

Most people who've been in an auto accident never forget that moment when time

and space effectively blur. To help carmakers understand exactly what happens during

collisions, Eastman Kodak Co. has devised a motion analysis system that can withstand

40-mph crashes.

        A rugged, steel-encased electronic carmera mounted in the test vehicle sends

images in computer-compatible digital format to a remote system that can record up to

12,00 pictures per second. Carmarkers can thus watch collisions, then replay them is

slow motion. "With this, we can do something instantly that generally took us two days,"

said James Moon-Dupree, a safety expert at Ford Motors Co. in Dearborn, Michaghan.

("A Driver's - Eye View of Car Crashes" 86)

        Kodak marketer Gerald Lilly estimates the new system will seeI for more tan

$60,000. But the system means that auto markers don't have to destroy as many cars in

crash tests. Moreover, having this information in digital form lays the groudwork for

future test crashes done in the computergenerated world known as virtual reality.

Scientific Methods Used in Physics

        Physics attempts to describe and explain the physical universe. Physicists

therefore try to discover one or more laws (meaning invariable principles of nature at

work) which will explain a large class of phenomena. Newton's law of gravitation is a

fine example. Another is the law of mirrors "the angle of incidence is equal to the angle

of reflection."

Physicists express these laws in some exact mathematical form, which can serve

later as a basis for measurements and calculations. For example, Newton's law of

gravitation states that the force of gravitational attraction (Fg) between two separate

masses depends, first, upon the amount of mass (m) in each one, and second, upon the

distance (d) between the masses. The masses must be multiplied together, and the pull

diminishes with the square of the distance. If the distance is doubled, the pull is only one

fourth as great. The whole law can be stated in the short formula: Fg = gmlm2/d2, where

g is known as the gravitational constant.

       This formula can be used in turn to give answers to a host of problems. Newton

used it to help explain why Kepler's laws worked out. A modem designer of space ships

or rockets would use it to help predict what will happen as the rocket flies farther and

farther away from the Earth.

       Whenever possible, physicists try to discover laws and prove them true by

experiments in which the variables involved can be controlled or measured accurately.

       Although a number of important discoveries in mechanics were made during the

next 18 centuries, it was Galileo who opened the door to an entirely new world of

physics. At the age of 19 he timed with his pulse the swings of a great chandelier in the

cathedral at Pisa and found that the swing always took the same time, even though the

size of the excursion became smaller. He then invented a simple pendulum for measuring

time. This was a great improvement over the sand and water clocks then in use.

Galileo studied the motions of falling bodies and, in contradiction to Aristotle's

claim, found that heavy bodies fall at exactly the same speeds as lighter ones when air

frict ion is discounted. He also studied accelerated motion by rolling balls down inclined

planes. His experiments laid the foundation for modern mechanics.

        Earlier workers such as Roger Bacon had insisted upon careful observation and

experiment as the way to win knowledge, rather than depending upon mere appearances.

Nonetheless Galileo is considered the father of the experimental, or scientific, method

because he devised the critical experiments which forced conviction even though the

results contradicted earlier authorities.

                The force that causes objects to drop and water to run downhill is the same

force that holds the Earth , the sun, and the stars together and keeps the moon and artificial

satellites in their orbits. Gravitation, the attraction of all matter for all other matter, is

both the most familiar of the natural forces and the least understood.

        Gravity is the weakest of the four forces that are currently known to govern the

way physical objects behave. The other three forces are electromagnetism, which governs

such familiar phenomena as electricity and magnetism; the "strong force," which is

responsible for the events in nuclear reactors and hydrogen bombs; and the "weak force ,"

which is invol ved with radioactivity. Because of its weakness, gravity is difficult to study

in the laboratory.

        An example shows why gravity is called a weak force . A drop of strong glue can

bond two pieces of chain so tightl y that they can then be used to lift an automobile. That

means that the chemical forces in the drop of glue , which are basically electromagnetic in

nature, are stronger than the gravitational attraction between the car, weighing a billion

times more than the drop , and the Earth,-which is a million, trillion, trillion (1030) times

bigger than the drop.

        Despite its weakness, gravitation is important because, unlike the other three

forces, it is universally attractive and also acts over an infinite distance. Electromagnetic

forces are both attractive and repulsive and as a result generally cancel out over long

distances. The strong and weak forces operate onl y over extremely small distances inside

the nuclei of atoms. Thus, over distances ranging from those measurable on Earth to those

in the farthest parts of the universe, gravitational attraction is a significant force and, in

many cases, the dominant one.

        Both Sir Isaac Newton in the 17th century and Albert Einstein in the 20th century

initiated revolutions in the stud y and observation of the universe through new theories of

gravity. The subject is today at the forefront of theoretical physics and astronomy.

The Acceleration of Gravity

        The first scientific studies of gravity were performed by the Italian astronomer

Galileo at the end of the 16th century. Gal ileo measured the speed of falling objects by

timing metal balls rolling down an inclined plane. He concluded that gravity imposes a

constant acceleration on all objects. That is, with each second of fall an object acquires a

constant additional downward velocity. On Earth this acceleration of gravity is 32 feet

(9.75 meters) per second per second. Thus , at the end of one second, a falling object is

moving at a velocity of 32 feet p~r second and at the end of two seconds, 64 feet (19 .5

meters) per second, and so on, before any adjustment for the resistance of the air it passes

through. The distance a body falls can be determined by calculus and is Oat2 in which a is

the acceleration and t the time.

        Galileo found , contrary to the speculations of the Greek philosopher Aristotle

centuries earlier, that all objects are accelerated by gravity in the same way . A feather

falls more slowly than a rock not because its acceleration from gravity is less but because

air resistance slows it more . The force of air resistance varies with the surface area of an

object, so that an object that spreads its weight over a greater area suffers more resistance

and thus drops more slowly. This is the principle used in the parachute.

        Late in the 17th century    ewt on put forward the fundamental hypothesis that the

gravity that makes objects fall to Earth and the force that keeps the planets in their orbits

are the same. In the earl y 1600s the German astronomer Johannes Kepler described three

laws : first , all planets move in ellipses with the sun at one focus ; second, a line between

the sun and a planet would sweep out equal areas of the ellipse during equal times; and

third, the square of the period of any planet (the quantity of the time it takes to go around

the sun multiplied by itself) is proportional to the cube of its average distance to the sun

that is, the averagedistance multiplied by itself twice.

        In his book 'Principia .Mathematica', published in 1687, Newton showed that both

Kepler's laws and Galileo's observations of Earth's gravity could be explained by a single

simple law of universa l gravitation. Every celestial body in the universe attracts every

other celestial body with a force described by

in which F is the force, m I and m2 are the masses of the two gravitating objects, R is the

distance between them , and G is the universal gravitational constant (6.670 10-8 dyne

cm2/gm2 ).

       Also in the 'Principia Mathematica' Newton mathematically defined the concept

of "force" to be equal to the mass of an object on which the force is applied, multiplied by

the acceleration that resu lts from the force, or F = MA, in which A is acceleration. .

Because the gravitational force increases proportionately to the mass of the object that is

accelerated, any object, no matter what its mass, accelerates equally if placed at the same

distance from another mass. Galileo observed that all objects on the Earth are accelerated

by the planet's gravity to the same extent.

       Newton demonstrated mathematically that the law of gravitation he proposed

predicts that the planets follow Kepler 's three laws. Newton's vision of a world governed

by simple, unalterable laws exerted a powerful influence for more than a century.


Newton's Monumental Contributions

       In the year Galile o died (1642), there was born in England one of the greatest

scientists of all time, Isaac   ewton. His studies of falling bodies and of the solar system

led to his celebrated law of universal gravitation. Not only did he discover many of the

    basic laws of mechanics , including the fundamental laws of motion, but he also

developed a special mathematics for treating problems in mechanics . Thus he became one

of the discoverers of calculus. The other was Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz .

           Newton provided firm bases for expressing natural laws as mathematical

formulas . His method started with locating objects in space with measurements made to

three axes at right angles to each other through a chosen point called the origin. Such

measurements are called Cartesian coordinates after the man who devised them. Newton's

next working principle was that objects remain motionless or in uniform motion (same

    speed in a straight line) unless something happens to produce a change. Newton called

    this something a force, and he provided methods for measuring mechanical forces.

    (Compton's Interactive Encylopedia, Physics)


           An intuitive definition of motion is "a continuous change in time" ("Motion").

    Such a description was used by the ancient Greek philosophers, for whom the

    interpretation of the concept of change in general constituted a great problem. Zeno of

    Elea (c.490-430 BC) devised the paradox of the arrow: a body occupying a space equal

    to its volume is at rest; a flying arrow occupies at any moment a space equal to its

    volume', thus , at any moment the arrow is at rest; therefore it is at rest all the. This

    paradox was not resolved until the 17th century, following the development of

CALCULUS, which finally enabled mathematicians to distinguish infinitesimally small

changes from zero.

           The description of motion in classical mechanics requires the use of mathematics.

In order to be .able to analyze motion systematically, precise definitions for the concepts

of velocity and acceleration must be formulated , and if the values for these quantities are

known for an object at every moment , its complete trajectory can be determined. In this

way it is possible to solve most problems of motion, from the motion of atoms to that of



           The velocity of an object can be calculated from the distance it travels within a

certain time . Distance divided by elapsed time is then called the average velocity, given

in units such as meters per second (In/sec) or miles per hour (mph). The average velocity

of an object during a particular period of time conveys only a rough impression of the

way the object actually moved during that period. To obtain the velocity v for a

particular moment in time (instantaneous velocity), one must know the infinitesimal

change in position, dr, that occurs in an infinitesimally short moment dt; then, v = dr/dt.

           Velocity is a vector quantity; it has not only magnitude but also direction. When

 the velocity of an object remains in the same direction and has constant magnitude, that

 object is moving with uniform motion . Such motion is quite common; once airplanes,

trains , and ships have come up to speed, they endeavor to continue their journey at

constant speed and- -ifthe route permits--in a constant direction. Uniform motion is

special because it is the only motion in nature that can be achieved without a net

force of any kind. A passenger in a vehicle undergoing uniform motion will neither be

pressed into his or her chair nor pulled to one side . This explains the preference for

uniform motion in transportation.


       As soon as forces that do not cancel each other out act on an object, uniform

motion no longer takes place. A simple idea of the concept of acceleration can be

obtained when the change in velocity occurs only in the direction of the velocity itself.

The acceleration is usually expressed as the change in speed , say, in m/sec, that takes

place in one second; in this case, in meters per second per second. An automobile that

accelerates from   r~st   up to 72 km/hr in 10 seconds has undergone an acceleration of 2 rn

per second per second. The force responsible for the acceleration is provided by the

motor, and the occupant undergoes the same accelerating force by being pressed into the

seat. A deceleration slows the car. Unless an occupant is secured by a seat belt , there is

no decelerating force on him or her, and he or she persists in the forward motion.

       Acceleration is also a vector. If the force causing the acceleration does not act in

the same line as the velocity, the acceleration may be divided into two perpendicular

components. The component in the direction of the velocity is called the tangential

acceleration. The average tangential acceleration is equal to the change in velocity.

The component of acceleration perpendicular to the velocity is the radial

acceleration. It is equal to vvlr, where r is the radius of the (imaginary or not) circular

path under which the object is traveling at the moment of consideration. (An arbitrary

trajectory can always be regarded as bits of a circular path linked together, and

the radius r of the circle can be different at every point of the trajectory.) Even ifan object

is undergoing uniform motion, its path will become curved under the influence of radial



       The exact location of an object moving uniformly along a straight line can easily

be calculated from x = vt, where x is the distance covered. The same units must be used

on both the left and the right side of the formula; if the velocity i expressed in kilometers

per hour (km/h), then the time has to be stated in hours and the distance in kilometers. If,

however, the velocity is in meters per second (m/sec), then the time has to be in seconds

and the distance in meters.

       The velocity of an object that was initially at rest and subsequently exposed to a

uniform acceleration can also be calculated from v = at. Again, calculations have to be

made consistently with meters and seconds or whatever units of measure are being us~d.

        A uniformly accelenited motion is the motion caused when an object is constantly

accelerated at the same rate, such as by gravity. Such an object's motion is determined by

x = 1/2 X a X tt. The distance covered thus increases with the square of the time . If the

object in question was already in motion at the time that acceleration began, then the

distance covered prior to that time has to be included and x = that distance . The initial

velocity need not be in the same direction as the acceleration. In such a case a distance

equal to that covered prior to the time when acceleration began is covered in one direction

and at the same time a distance equal to 1/2 xaX tt is covered in

another direction.


        A well-known case of objects being subjected to a uniform acceleration is when

they are released in the gravitationa l field of the Earth. The velocity of such an object

increases every second by an amou.nt of 9.8 m/sec. The acceleration of gravitational

force is in fact not a constant , but up to an altitude of 30 krn the deviations of this value

are less than 1%. An object that is thrown horizontally will move uniformly in a straight

line across the Earth's surface and at the same time undergo the accelerating falling

motion caused by gravity. The actual motion resulting from these two motions is then no

longer a straight line, and the object will traverse increasingly greater distances

downward in proportion to forward; a parabolic trajectory is thus formed.

        The height in meters at which an arbitrarily thrown object is located after a

particular time t may be calculated from the previous formula for distance by adding its

starting height to h: h = distance covered prior to acceleration - 1/2(9.8) tt. If distance is
measured in feet, 32.2 is substituted for 9.8. Because the last factor in this formula will

ultimatel y always gain the upper hand, the height will eventually decrease in the end and

the object will ultimatel y lend on the Earth. The initial horizontal velocity is different

from the initial vertical velocity. Air resistances and other forces are not included in this


        The vertical velocity with which an object released at height h hits the ground also

represents the velocity with which an object needs to be thrown upwards in order to

just reach height h. At high velocities air resistance ultimately prevents any further

increase in rate of fall. A sky diver, for instance, will attain a constant free-fall velocity

(terminal speed) that will--depending on the position of his or her body--lie between 180

and 250 km/h (110 and 160 mph). (Motion")


1. "A Driver' s - Eye View of Car Crashes. " Business Week 23 March 1992: p. 86

2. Ashley, Steven. "High Tech up at Bat." Popular Science May 1992: pp. 108-109

3. Lipkin, Richard. "Bodies in Motion. " Science News December 23-30, 1995:

       pp .426-427

4. "Physics." Compton's Interactive Encvclo pedia . 1994.

5. "Gravitation." Compton's Interacti ve Encvclopedia. 1994.

6. "Motion." Grolier Multimedia Encvclopedia. 1994.

7. "Muybridge, Eadweard" Grolier Multimedia Encyclopedia. 1994

)                                                  )

    I 1 1/3             2/3                 0 .5       0

          i ·DISTANCE         IN METERt · ·

               ~                           7'
                    o                  •
                Front Wheel         Rear Wheel
                  (Yellow)            (Blue)

       The individual frames from the "Ol lie" were digitized and fed into a computer.

Then. each frame was sharpened on the computer to bring out the most detail. Each

frame was used in a drawing program and the position of the skateboard was plotted. The

vertical and horizontal distances were depicted in a grid. The time interval between

frames was exactly 1130 of a second.



        a.   Velocity of the skateboard or the rider (or any particular point on the board or

             rider) between any two frames can be computed by measuring the distance

             involved and using the knowledge that the time interval between frames is

             1130 second. The formula v= d/t.

        b. Acceleration at any given point can also be determined by using the formula

             A= dv/dt.

       c. The kinetic energy of the board or the rider can also be computed at any frame

             using the formula E= Y2(mv       )   and the knowledge that the board has a mass of

             :2 kg. And the rider 65 kg. Similarly, the forces involved can be expressed in

             Newtons (N) or the force needed to accelerate one kilogram one meter per



The skateboard approached the ramp. By measuring the distance traveled between frames.

it was determined that the board was traveling about 5/6 meter every five frames or 1/6

second. By using the formula velocity = distance 1 time (v = d/t), it was determined that

the speed of the board was 5 meters per second or about 18 km. per hour. The rider was

crouched on the board with his weight mostly toward the rear wheels.

At this point on the diagram, the rider abruptly jumps into the air. This is one of the most

critical points of the trick. He jumps almost entirely with his rear leg while

simultaneously raising his front leg into the air. His weight pushes down on the

skateboard at a point just behind the rear axle. Several important things happen at this


         a. The rider springs into the air using energy supplied by his leg muscles. The

            amount of force supplied raises his 65kg mass approximately 5/6 meter into

            the air in about 1/5 second. This can be expressed in as approximately 10.8 N.

         b. The force of 10.8 N generated by the rider pushes downward on the board

            because of Newtons third law which states that for every reaction there is an

            equal and opposite reaction. The rear wheel of the board acts as a fulcrum and

            the front of the board is accelerated vertically raising almost a meter in only 3

            frames or 111 0 second.

         c. The downward force also compresses the rubber wheels of the skateboard' s

            rear. When the rider springs into the air, the potential energy of the

            compressed and rubber wheels suppl ies enough force to raise the rear of the

            skateboard approxima tely 1Jl meter in about one frame.


Between points 2 and 3 is where the magic of the trick is observed.

        a.   The front of the board rises with the rider 's front foot because of the lever

             action raising the front of the board . It seems attached to the rider's foot , but it

             is not.

        b. Because the mass of the rider is much greater than that of the board, the rider

             is able to stop the rise of the front of the board. The riders front foot becomes

             the fulcrum of a lever that transfers the excess kinetic energy from the front of

             the board to the rear and causes the rear of the board to continue to rise .

NOTE: A very puzzling illusion that seems to happen as the board rises into the air. The

forward motion of the board (which was going about 18 krn/hr) seems to almost stop.

Then after the front of the board has risen, the forward motion seem s to resume at about

13 krn/hr. I wonde red how this could be un til I looked at t he motion of the rear wheels

and realized that the board as a whole didn't slow down and forward motion actually

continued at a uniform rate!


At point #3 on the diagram. the rider pushes down on the front of the board with his front

foot. Again , because of inertia, th e rear of the board continues to rise until the entire

board is approximately level.


At point #4 on the diagram , the board is level and at the apex of its trajectory. From this

point on, both the board and the rider fall toward the ground accelerating at ] 0.31 rn/sec,

due to the force of gravity. The board and the rider still seem to be attached because they

are falling together.


At point #5 on the diagram the board and the rider land. The force of impact absorbs

some of the board s kinetic energy and forward speed is reduced to about .3125 meters in

4/30 second or about 2.34 rn/sec or 8.43 kmlhr.


            The conclusion that I have reached from this experiment is that skateboard tricks

     are complicated illusions that actually do not defy the laws of physics.


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