Page created by Charlie Daniels

                              DODGE RAM 4WD VEHICLES
   Pacbrake’s 4WD 2 Wheel Low Kit allows the vehicle operator to engage the
    transfer case into 4WD low range without engaging the front wheel drive,
allowing the vehicle to maneuver a trailer into a tight area without the wheel
                                 hop associated with 4 wheel drive operation.
The market leader because...

#1 Exhaust Brake Manufacturer                              Other brands are more susceptible to rusting, corrosion
PROVEN PERFORMANCE EXCELLENCE SINCE                        and seizing up in a harsh exhaust environment.
1985. Pacbrake is the only patented design that’s ap-
proved, optional and standard equipment with more OE
manufacturers than all other makes combined.               Free Flow Exhaust & Backpressure Limiter
Why trust your safety AND your money to anyone else?       PACBRAKE exhaust brakes offer an unrestricted ex-
                                                           haust flow design and provides maximum retarding
Maximum Retarding/Braking Power                            power without reducing power output. The backpressure
Superior design and function provide maximum allow-        limiter guarantees engine safety.
able retarding power for maximum peace of mind.            Braking power when you need it - without sacrificing
In a standardized test; we will exceed or match any        engine power.
brake on the market.                                       Precision Exhaust Pipe Mounting Surface
                                                           PACBRAKE’s contacting surfaces are precision ma-
Superior Design                                            chined – eliminating the need for a gasket.
PACBRAKE DIRECTMOUNT® design mounts on the                 A better fit with less parts.
turbocharger to provide:
a) Instant retarding horse power (no time delay)           Lower Price AND Less Expensive Installa-
b) Increased reliability                                   tion
c) Easiest installation of all exhaust brakes available.   PACBRAKE technology and quality are available to you
Other brands require more parts, clamps, andinstallation   at hundreds of dollars less than most competitors. Add
time.                                                      to that fewer parts and easier installation (= less labor)
                                                           and you benefit financially from purchase to installation
Arcor® Nitrided Housing & Components*                      tolong term performance.
PACBRAKE’s Industry exclusive coating process makes        Other brakes cost you more upfront, more at installation
Pacbrake the toughest, most durable brake on the mar-      and more down the road.
a) Reduces wear and increases corrosion resistance         PACBRAKE Parts & Dealer Network
b) Adds strength and maintains flawless action.            It’s one thing to purchase an exhaust brake, but it’s
* Available on most models.                                another to have parts and/or service available every-

 Important Note
    Every effort has been made to ensure that this
    manual is as complete and comprehensive as
    However, as changes and updates do occur, we
    recommend checking our website for the most up-
    to-date manuals and information.

                                                                                                            PG. 1
4WD 2 Wheel Low Kit - Dodge Ram 4WD

     Getting Started
     Thank you and congratulations on your purchase of Pacbrake’s 4WD 2 Wheel Low Kit.

     Before starting, check that the kit contains
1    everything shown in the photo.

2    Install the solenoid assembly on the air intake horn
     as shown using an existing capscrew.

     If there is a previously installed assembly for your
     exhaust brake located on the rear capscrew, it is
     permissible to install this assembly on the opposite
     side capscrew.

                                   I N S TA L L AT I O N M A N U A L - L 2 0 3 3         PG. 1
4WD 2 Wheel Low Kit - Dodge Ram 4WD

3    Locate transfer case vacuum lines adjacent to
     transmission above starter on driver’s side of
     vehicle (green line = vacuum vent / white line =
     vacuum source)

4    Locate the main vacuum source. This connection
     varies between model years. Follow the WHITE
     line beside the starter up to the firewall cowl to
     locate the main vacuum source.

5    Remove the existing feed line connected to the
     main vacuum source. using one of the short hoses
     and a 3/16" x 3/16" barbed coupler (supplied), connect
     the main vacuum feed (white line) to port #2 of the
     solenoid valve.

                                   I N S TA L L AT I O N M A N U A L - L 2 0 3 3   PG. 2
4WD 2 Wheel Low Kit - Dodge Ram 4WD

     4 Wheel Drive
     Vacuum Control System

     B E F O R E K I T I N S TA L L E D                                    A F T E R K I T I N S TA L L E D

                               Main Vacuum                                                      Main Vacuum
                                 Source                                                           Source

                                                                                       Filter                        1   4

                                      White            Air Vent
                                                                                                                     3   2

                                                        Filter                                                     Pacbrake

                                           Check                                                        White
                  Switch                                                                                                 Green
                                                                                       Indicator          Valve
                                                           Green                        Switch

                                   Switch on
                                 Transfer Case
                                                                                                     Switch on
                                                                                                   Transfer Case
      Axle Shift Motor

                                                                            Axle Shift Motor

6    Using the other short line supplied connect vacu-
     um source line to port #1 at the solenoid valve.

     Using the short hose with breather vent installed,
7    connect to port #3 of the solenoid valve. Route this
     breather to a location free from water and dirt.

     Connect the long hose supplied to port #4, and
8    route the other end to the breather from the exist-
     ing green line. Use the 3/16" x 3/16" barbed coupler
     supplied. Insert one side into the rubber 90º hose
     end, connect the other side to the hose from port
     #4. Secure all hoses with the tie-straps provided.

                                          I N S TA L L AT I O N M A N U A L - L 2 0 3 3                                          PG. 3
4WD 2 Wheel Low Kit - Dodge Ram 4WD

     Dash Switch and Wiring Installation

9    Consult with the vehicle owner for their prefer-
     ence on the location of the ON/OFF switch. Drill a
      / " hole to accommodate the switch. Connect the
     1 2

     wires to the dash switch (as shown in the sche-
     matic at step 10) and install the switch.

10   Locate a 12 volt ignition power source with a 14
     to 16 gage wire diameter and connect the “T” tap
                                                                                          to good             Black
                                                                                                                            Low Range
                                                                                          ground                            On/Off switch      LOW RANGE
     terminal. Insert the male terminal of the RED wire
     into the “T” tap. Connect the black to a good chas-                              10 amp fuse
     sis ground.                                                       Power Source
     Route the yellow wire of the harness through the
     firewall boot into the engine compartment. Recover
     this wire and route it and connect to the solenoid.
     Secure with tie-straps provided.                                  Vacuum source
                                                                       at firewall          1   4              Vent line for hub valve

                                                                         Vent line          3   2              Vacuum feed line to hub valve


     Check Operation                                              Important!

     Start the vehicle, engage the transfer case into             When the low range system is engaged the 4WD
     4-low and slowly start moving the vehicle forward            light will NOT be on in the dash panel, only the
     turning the wheel hard in one direction. The 4WD             RED light in the low range dash switch will be on.
     light should come on and you should feel the front           Remember to disengage both the 4WD 2 Wheel
     end hop as normal.                                           Low switch and the 4WD switch or lever to 2WD
                                                                                                                     To Intake                             In
     Stop the vehicle, turn the front wheels straight and         before driving away. This system is designed for Manifold
     engage the 4WD 2 Wheel Low switch, the light                 low speed maneuvering when high torque is nec-
     should come on in the dash switch. Wait until the            essary only.
     4WD light on the dash goes out, this indicates
     2WD. Now slowly start moving the vehicle forward
     turning the wheel hard in one direction. You should
     not feel front wheel hop as before.

                                  I N S TA L L AT I O N M A N U A L - L 2 0 3 3                                                                PG. 4
Pacbrake’s 4WD 2 Wheel Low & Performance Override Switch kits are sold with the following

  These Pacbrake kits are warranted to be free of defects in construction and operation under normal use and service
  for the Warranty
  Coverage periods set forth below.


  Warranty Coverage:
  The Warranty for the Pacbrake 4WD 2 Wheel Low and Performance Override Switch kits is 6 months.
  Under this warranty our factory is obligated to replace, without charge, any part returned to us which our examination
  discloses to our satisfaction to have been defective within the Warranty Coverage period measured from the date of
  delivery of the product in question to the original user.
  This warranty will not apply to any part or parts which have been altered or repaired outside of our factory nor to the
  parts which have been subjected to misuse, abuse, neglect, or accident, nor to parts which have been improperly ap-
  plied or installed. Improper installation or application, or substitution of parts not manufactured or approved by us, shall
  void this warranty. This warranty will not extend to any product/parts other than the Pacbrake supplied items.
  If the product should become defective within the Warranty Coverage period, an authorized Pacbrake distributor
  should be notified. If any of the Pacbrake distributors are unable to correct your problem or if you have any questions
  regarding this warranty, write to the following address giving full details of your problem including the Model and Serial
  Numbers of the product involved.

  19594 – 96th Avenue
  Surrey, B.C., CANADA V4N-4C3

  P.O. Box 1822, Blaine, Washington 98231


Pacbrake Company
toll-free: 800-663-0096 phone: 604-882-0183                              fax: 604-882-9278 e-mail: Internet:
Canada: 19594 96 Ave. Surrey BC V4N 4C3                                  USA: 250 H St. Box 1822 Blaine WA 98231-1822

Pacbrake exhaust brakes are protected by law. U.S. patents 5,445,248. Patents pending. Pacbrake and Direct Mount are registered trademarks of Pacbrake Company. Other trademarks used herein are
property of their respective holders. Printed in Canada L2033.070503
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