Page created by Christian Dominguez
Vol. 25 No. 10
                                                               December 2018-January 2019

                                                               ORIENT AVIATION
                                                                 PERSON OF
                                                                THE YEAR 2018
                                                               GOH CHOON PHONG
                                                                   Singapore Airlines

Goh Choon Phong debates
incremental change versus ground
zero overhaul at the airline group

         China Southern Airlines     Qantas “cloud cost map”    Air New Zealand and
         abandons SkyTeam for        to cut millions from       ATR form venture to
         American partner            group’s fuel bill          develop regional aviation

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CONTENTS                                                                                       Volume 25, Issue 10

                                            COVER STORY
                                                ORIENT AVIATION 2018
                                                PERSON OF THE YEAR

                                                DOING BUSINESS
17/F Hang Wai Commercial Building,
231-233 Queen’s Road East,
Wanchai, Hong Kong
Editorial (852) 2865 1013
                                                BEYOND TRADITIONAL
                                                AIRLINE BOUNDARIES
Mailing address:
GPO Box 11435 Hong Kong
                                                Singapore Airlines CEO,
                                                Goh Choon Phong,
Publisher & Editor-in-Chief                     pushing boundaries of
Christine McGee
                                                technology to keep SIA at
                                                the top of the airline game
Chief Correspondent
Tom Ballantyne
Tel: (612) 9638 6895
Fax: (612) 9684 2776

Greater China Correspondent
Dominic Lalk
Tel: (852) 2865 1013

North Asia Correspondent                    COMMENT                                               10	Low-cost carriers maintain head of steam but
Geoffrey Tudor                         5    Propping up flag carriers a recipe for failure            challenges ahead for all Asia-Pacific airlines
Tel: (813) 3373 8368
Photographers                          6	International Air Transport Association’s
Rob Finlayson, Graham Uden,
                                            founding China boss retires
Ryan Peters
                                       6	Qantas cloud cost map to cut millions from
Chief Designer                              annual fuel bill
Chan Ping Kwan

Printing Station(2008)
                                                                                                  14	Global alliances adjusting to new operating
General Manager                                                                                   14	Asia’s biggest airline deepens ties with American
Shirley Ho                                                                                            Airlines
                                       6	Malaysia Airlines Group fine tunes leadership

                                            structure                                                 INDUSTRY ADDENDUM
                                       7	Virgin Australia Airlines close to choosing CEO         21	Aireon creates customer affairs leadership role
Asia-Pacific, Europe & Middle East          Borghetti’s successor
Clive Richardson
Tel: (44) 7501 185257
E-mail:            CHANGES IN 2018
                                            Digital revolution takes hold at region’s airlines
The Americas / Canada
Barnes Media Associates
Ray Barnes
Tel: (1 434) 770 4108
Fax: (1 434) 927 5101
                                                                                                  21	ATR and Air New Zealand to explore future of
Follow us on Twitter @orientaviation                                                                  regional aviation
Keep up with the news of the week                                                                 21	SITA reports China’s airlines and airports to
with Orient Aviation’s Week in the
                                                                                                      spend big on cybersecurity
                                                                                                  22	Boeing and UK’s ELG develop breakthrough
© All rights reserved                  8    CEO shuffle: recognition and ruptures at the top          technology to recycle excess carbon fibre
Wilson Press HK Ltd.,
                                       9	Cyber transition front and centre of airline            22	Hong Kong’s China Aircraft Services Ltd takes
Hong Kong, 2018
                                            transformation                                            honors with VR MRO training platform

                                                                                             DECEMBER 2018-JANUARY 2019      /   ORIENT AVIATION       / 3
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          Propping up flag carriers recipe for failure
          It has been a challenging 12 months for Asia-Pacific             from government owners, have settled management
          airlines but as another year draws to a close there has          teams that enjoy the confidence of their boards.
          been some recent good news.                                          Most of the region’s struggling carriers have
               Oil, which peaked at US$76 per barrel in October,           their governments involved at a much deeper level of
          dropped below $60 in November. It is does not                    decision-making. In Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia, India
          approach the price of $40 in 2016 and $52 in 2017 and            and Sri Lanka the performance of state-owned airlines
          whether it is a trend in the volatile cycles of oil pricing is   has been poor.
          anyone’s guess.                                                      There is a discussion to be had about the long-term
               The downward shift in the oil price highlights the          viability of airlines rescued by governments and
          fact there are so many factors that challenge the ability        therefore usually controlled by those governments.
          of airlines to make a profit.                                    For an airline to succeed, airline leaders must have the
               In 2018 those challenges were much the same as              freedom to complete their transformations without
          past years: increases in fees and charges, flight delays         being removed half way through the process because
          because of cramped, overloaded and ill-equipped                  government owners don’t like what they are doing.
          airports and ATM systems, expensive investment                       Reputable forecasts point to a rich future for the
          in information technology and the cultural changes               region’s carriers, both full service and low cost, but
          necessary to win and keep customers.                             unless competent management teams are permitted to
               In this world successful Asia-Pacific airlines,             turn failing airlines around without outside interference,
          whether privately owned or operated at arms length               many of today’s flag carriers will be no more. ■

                                                                                                        TOM BALLANTYNE
                                                                                                             Chief Correspondent
                                                                                                    Orient Aviation Media Group

          The most trusted source of Asia-Pacific
          commercial aviation news and analysis

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                “It has established itself as the primary source of information on industry topics in the Asia-Pacific region”

                                                                                    DECEMBER 2018-JANUARY 2019        /   ORIENT AVIATION   / 5

IATA’s founding China boss retires
Baojian Zhang, a linchpin             on the Mainland has grown to 36       of extraordinary service to IATA
figure in the development of          carriers, the largest concentration   and to the airline industry. His
the International Air Transport       of member airlines of any             achievements are impressive as
Association’s (IATA) airline          country, an IATA statement said.      is the well-established and strong
member expansion on the                    “In the last 24 years, our       team he leaves behind. The
Mainland retired this month           China team has grown from three       whole of IATA joins me in wishing
after 24 years as its regional vice   staff to more 130 in 2018 and         Baojian all the very best for his
president North Asia.                 IATA’s China BSP is the largest in    well-deserved retirement.”
     Zhang joined IATA from the       the world, recording almost 190            Until a permanent successor
Civil Aviation Administration of      million transactions in 2017,“ IATA   is named, IATA’s regional vice
China in 1994 when he set about       said.                                 president for the Asia-Pacific,
establishing the global airline            IATA director general and        Conrad Clifford, also will
body’s operations in China. Under     CEO, Alexandre de Junaic, said:       lead IATA in North Asia, the
his leadership, IATA membership       “I thank Baojian for his 24 years     association said. ■

Qantas “cloud” cost map to cut millions from annual fuel bill
                                                                                 Put together in collaboration           “It’s a subtle shift to pick up
                                                                            with the University of Sydney’s        the wind. And that is the beauty
                                                                            Australian Centre for Field            of the system. It’s just being able
                                                                            Robotics, the “Constellation”          to find those subtle changes [in
                                                                            system was launched in October         patterns] that we could not do in
                                                                            with several of Qantas’s A380s,        the old days of paper systems,”
                                                                            B747s and B787s. It will be            the A330 captain said.
                                                                            installed across the entire fleet by         “The older system was almost
                                                                            year-end 2019.                         like planning in your car. You just
                                                                                 Qantas head of flight             go left and right basically. The new
                                                                            operations systems, Allen              system, built on work with drones,
                                                                            Dickinson, told media the new          adds wings to your vehicle. It lets
                                                                            system had delivered impressive        you fly in that dimensional space
Qantas expected to reduce its         reported earlier this month that      results.                               and go to different altitudes at
fuel bill by up to $40 million a      the airline group was using cloud          On a recent flight from           different times.”
year as a result of its new “cost     computing to crunch the data of       Sydney to Santiago Chile,                    Qantas estimates Constellation
map”; a revamp of its route           thousands of possible flight paths    Constellation slightly diverted        will reduce its fuel bill by close
planning system that took five        and the factors they encounter        from the airline’s B747 route to       to one per cent a year, or US$40
years and a multi-million dollar      during a journey to determine         take advantage of a tailwind. It       million, based on the airline group’s
investment to develop.                the most efficient route between      saved Qantas one tonne of fuel,        estimate of US$4 billion in annual
     The Sydney Morning Herald        destinations.                         Dickinson said.                        fuel costs. ■

Malaysia Airlines fine tunes executive team
Malaysia Airlines Berhad, has         two airliners and all passengers      in the turnaround office of the        returned to profit under the
announced the carrier’s head          onboard in 2014. He also served       carrier in 2004 before it briefly      leadership of Idris Jala, now
of strategy and network, Phillip                                                                                   the CEO of his own global
See, will take up the position of                                                                                  management consultancy.
CEO of LCC, Firefly, on January 1,                                                                                      On October 1, Hasman
reporting directly to MAB group                                                                                    Hilmi Sallahuddin, who has held
CEO, Izham Ismail.                                                                                                 several positions at the sovereign
     See joined the airline                                                                                        wealth fund supporting MAB’s
from consultancy, McKinsey                                                                                         restructuring, was appointed
and Company, as the airline                                                                                        CEO of Project Amal, the unit
commenced its restructuring                                                                                        responsible for profitably operating
after the calamitous losses of                                                                                     several of the carrier’s A380s. ■

Virgin Australia edges closer to naming Borghetti successor
Three candidates have emerged                                                                                     enough airline for me right now.
as contenders for the position                                                                                    But whatever opportunities arise,
of CEO of Virgin Australia                                                                                        I’ll grab,” she said.
Airlines, a position CEO, John                                                                                          The third candidate for
Borghetti, has decided he will                                                                                    the top Virgin job is Mark
not extend after his contract                                                                                     Dunkerley. According to some
expires on January 1, 2020.                                                                                       media reports, the former
     Local candidates are Virgin                                                                                  CEO of Hawaiian Airlines, who
Australia Airlines group                                                                                          stepped down earlier this
executive, Rob Sharp, who                                                                                         year, is the board favourite as
runs the day-to-day operations         the role he was confirmed in the    Regional Airlines and Group            Borghetti’s successor.
of the full service carrier and        position in November last year.     Cargo at Virgin Australia Holdings           Media friendly Dunkerley
Merren McArthur, the recently               Former Lawyer McArthur         Ltd. She was named as CEO of           joined Hawaiian in 2002 and was
appointed CEO of low-cost              has worked for the airline group    Tigerair in May and formally took      appointed CEO in 2005. A critical
carrier, Tigerair Australia. If        for ten years. Her first job was    up the position in August.             element of his strategy for the
McArthur succeeds Borghetti,           company secretary with Virgin            In an interview with the          carrier’s international expansion
she will be the first female CEO       Blue. As the LLC shifted its        Australian Financial Review            was a pivot to the Asia-Pacific.
of a full service Australian airline   strategy to a full service model,   in July this year, McArthur said             In November last year
group.                                 McArthur’s new responsibilities     “maybe’ she had ambitions to           Dunkerley announced he would
     Sharp moved to Virgin             sequentially included group         run a major airline.                   not be renewing his contract with
Australia from LCC Tigerair,           executive alliances, network             “I don’t really have these        the Honululu-headquartered
where he was chief executive, in       and yield management, group         lofty goals that I focus on. I focus   airline. His successor is Peter
2016. After a period of acting in      executive of Virgin Australia       on my current role. This is a big      Ingram. ■

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                                                                                      DECEMBER 2018-JANUARY 2019        /   ORIENT AVIATION   / 7

    In Asia-Pacific aviation                required to implement            aviation workforces.
  in 2018, achieving digital               digital blueprints across    Several carriers have thrived
    transformation rapidly              the industry were only one          but some have failed.
     rose to the top of the                  of the challenges that      The threat of cyber assault
   agendas of the region’s               Asia-Pacific carriers faced          became real rather
       airlines, airports,                   in the last 12 months.             than predicted.
      ATMs and suppliers.                  Since January this year,         Air passenger growth
    Despite the complexity                     fuel costs jumped,             forecasts increased
and the cost of incorporating              U.S-Sino trade tensions       as the year drew to a close
advanced digital technology               opened a fault line in the        with China and India,
into their airlines, the shift to        region’s growth forecasts,       fueled by low-cost carrier
 digitally based operations                   problems at engine           expansion, holding their
   promises carriers lower                    manufacturers were         positions as the two fastest
     costs, more accurate,                still causing costly delays          growing aviation
   real time applications of              in new aircraft deliveries        markets in the world.
   critical information and              and airports continued to        Chief correspondent,
     forensically targeted              crowd up. Some traditional           Tom Ballantyne,
    customer engagement.                     alliance relationships           reports on another
      But the analysis and                 have been severed and           groundbreaking year in
   multi-billion investments            technology was reshaping            Asia-Pacific aviation.

                                 EMISSIONS                                      VOLATILE FUEL
                                REDUCTIONS                                         PRICES

     CREW                                                    CYBER
   SHORTAGES                                                ASSAULTS
                                  LOW-COST                                       MILLENNIALS
                                  CARRIERS                                      EXPECTATIONS

    EAST-WEST                                                SLOT
    TENSIONS                                               SHORTAGES
Airlines MH370 and all its                  Despite considerable industry
                                                                              passengers and crew over the          scepticism, more long-haul
                                                                              Indian Ocean on March 8, 2014.        low-cost routes have been
                                                                                    For airframe and engine         introduced to the global network
                                                                              manufacturers, 2018 has been          this year. AirAsia X, Scoot, Cebu
                                                                              witness to bulging order books        Pacific and Jin Air have extended
                                                                              that will keep OEM production         their operations to destinations
                                                                              lines humming for the next            including Hawaii and Europe.
                                                                              decade. Problems with new                   Airlines investing in training
                                                                              generation Pratt & Whitney            centres include the first of
                                                                              and Rolls-Royce engines,              two green field Qantas pilot
                                                                              and to a lesser degree those          academies in Australia, Singapore
                                                                              manufactured by joint venture         Airline’s joint venture with

                                                                              CFM, are seriously delaying           Airbus and also with Boeing and
                t the Association of    heading in the same direction         delivery of Airbus and Boeing         CAE and the Thai International
                Asia-Pacific Airlines   until the loss of a Lion Air B737     aircraft to customers.                Airways partnership with Airbus
                62nd Assembly           MAX in November, which took                 Nevertheless, new ultra-long    in U-Tapeo south of Bangkok.
                of Presidents in        the lives all 189 passengers and      haul (ULR) aircraft such as                 Asia-Pacific airlines transport
                Jeju, South Korea,      crew onboard. Investigations are      the A350 and the B787 are             an estimated 40% of the world’s
in October airline delegates            continuing into the cause of the      producing an ever shrinking           air freight. After a big spike last
passed resolutions to redress           accident.                             world. In March, for the first        year, some heat has gone out of
restrictive regulatory regimes               In November, new                 time, Qantas Airways connected        the market in 2018 which will
that govern safety and cross            International Civil Aviation          Australia with Britain when           be threatened if the trade war
border manpower demands,                Organization (ICAO) rules,            it launched its B787 Perth to         between China and the U.S.
the retrogressive trend to a            that require all aircraft to be       London route. In October,             escalates.
patchwork of emissions taxes            tracked at least every 15 minutes     Singapore Airlines (SIA) chose              All in all in the Asia-Pacific,
and a commitment to fighting            while in flight, came into force.     the A350-900 ULR to re-launch         2018 has seen the best of the
wildlife trafficking at airlines.       The regulation was written in         non-stop flights, after a five-year   region’s airlines shown out as they
     After a stellar accident-free      response to the still unresolved      hiatus, from Singapore to New         build the region’s collective airline
2017, the current year was              disappearance of Malaysia             York.                                 revenue. ■

Recognition and ruptures at the top

           arly in the year, Japan      the position in August when           and chairman of the executive         the door.
           Airlines (JAL) announced     he succeeded acting president,        committee at the airline.                  His successor is Askara “Ari”
           a major leadership           Usanee Sangsingkeo. Dhanarak              A month later, Indonesia’s        Danadiputra, who had been
           transition, with chief       Asset Development is 99.99%           Ministry of State-Owned               Garuda’s chief financial officer
           executive Yoshiharu Ueki     government owned.                     Enterprises, which controls           in 2016, but was more recently
(65), the former pilot credited             Also in Thailand, Piya Yodmani    Garuda Indonesia, not only            president of port operator
with leading the carrier’s recovery     walked away from his job as CEO       removed the carrier’s president       Pwlindo III, another state-owned
post its humiliating bankruptcy,        of Nok Air after 11 months. Piya      director Nugraha Mansyuri, who        enterprise.
moved up to chairman of the             had served as deputy CEO at the       had taken charge in April 2016,            There was turbulence in
board. Former chairman, Masaru          LCC. His acting successor is Prajev   but demanded six of the airline’s     China following the accidental
Onishi, has retained a board seat.      Ongarsittigul, a Nok director         eight directors follow him out        death in Europe of HNA Group
JAL managing executive officer
engineering and maintenance, Yuji
Akasaka, succeeded Ueki in April.
     In Thailand, after a search
of more than a year, Thai
Airways International made a
very unusual decision when it
appointed government asset
fund managing director, Sumeth
Damrongchaitham, as the airline’s
president and CEO. He took up

                                                                                         DECEMBER 2018-JANUARY 2019 /         ORIENT AVIATION       / 9
YEAR             IN REVIEW

co-chairman and co-founder,            expatriate CEO, Andrew Cowen,          LCC, IndiGo, was a surprise.           Etihad Airways CEO, Peter
Wang Jian. Wang died when he           in what appeared to be a midnight      Whatever his reasons, his timing       Baumgartner. The former Etihad
fell backwards down a short hill as    coup. The LCC has significantly        was good. The carrier continues to     airline boss is now senior strategic
he was photographing a church in       reduced its network this year.         have issues with its OEM engine        advisor on global partnerships and
rural France. The group, struggling         Malaysia’s long-haul budget       suppliers. The airline is being        innovation at the group. All the
with billions of dollars of debt       carrier, AirAsia X, appointed          managed by the very capable            group’s divisions report directly to
after a global investment spree,       Nadda Buranasiri as group CEO          co-owner of IndiGo, co-founder         Douglas.
immediately announced colourful        with the intention that he fill        and Interglobe billionaire, Rahul            Following a family feud and
co-founder, Chen Feng, had             the seat of co-founders, Tony          Bhatia.                                a successful plot to unseat him
taken full control of the Mainland     Fernandes and Kamarudin                    West of the Asia-Pacific,          as chairman of the Taiwanese
aviation to services group and that    Meranun, with immediate effect.        former big spending Etihad             international carrier, Eva Air
his son had been promoted to a         Buranasiri had been CEO at the         Airways is undergoing shrinkage        commercial airline pilot, Chang
position of significant influence.     Thai arm of AirAsia X since 2014.      under the leadership of Tony           Kuo-wei, is starting a new full
      There were changes too at             To outsiders, the decision by     Douglas, the Etihad Group’s            service carrier, StarLux, in Taiwan.
HNA subsidiary, HK Express, early      42-year-old Aditya Ghosh to step       CEO. Douglas replaced his senior       Time will tell if there is wisdom in
in the year with the departure of      down as CEO of India’s leading         management team including              his decision. ■

Asia-Pacific low-cost carriers
                                                                                                                     spend another $3.2 billion on 24
                                                                                                                          Air Astana’s new LCC will

maintain head of steam                                                                                               begin operations in mid-2019
                                                                                                                     with four A320s in an all-
                                                                                                                     economy, 180-seat configuration.
                                                                              elsewhere in Asia as well as           Chief executive, Peter Foster, said
                                                                              North America. The airline’s           the fleet would grow to at least
                                                                              founder, FLC property to tourism       15 airplanes by 2022.
                                                                              tycoon, Trinh Van Quyet, said the           Plans call for FlyArystan’s
                                                                              planned airline had committed          network to serve new and
                                                                              for 20 B787s, worth an estimated       present routes now flown by Air
                                                                              $5.6 billion and intended to           Astana. ■

     f anyone thought the rush         Korea require launch airlines            South Korea is Asia-Pacific’s
     to launch Asia-Pacific airlines   to have seed funding of US$26            fastest growing budget market
     was losing impetus they           million and five aircraft before
                                                                                     LCCs hold 55.5% of domestic marketing in South Korea, up
     should think again. At least      they can be granted an Aircraft
                                                                                270 times compared with 13 years ago when the first domestic
     seven prospective carriers        Operator’s Certificate (AOC). The        LCC flight by T’way Air was launched. The budget sector is
have announced plans to launch         previous requirements were $13           making deep inroads onto international routes. A report from the
in the next 12 to 18 months.           million and three aircraft.              Korea Transport Institute said LCCs in South Korea will see their
      The biggest stampede to               At press time, Jeju Air             international passenger traffic soar nearly 20% year in 2019, to
the region’s runways is in South       ordered 40 B737 MAX 8 aircraft           30.4 million passengers.
Korea, home base to six low-cost       with options for ten more of                  In the past five years, LCC performance in terms of interna-
airlines.                              the type. The deal, valued at list       tional traffic has grown an average of 40% annually. “Budget
      South Korea’s Transport          prices of US$5.9 billion, is the         carriers’ rapid growth may continue in the coming year thanks to
                                                                                efforts to boost their international passenger traffic capacity by
Ministry confirmed last month          largest order to be placed by a
                                                                                diversifying routes,” the report said. In contrast, local full-service
four budget carrier applicants, -      South Korean LCC.
                                                                                carriers are projected to suffer stagnant growth in their international
Fly Gangwon, Aero K, Air Premia             Elsewhere in the region,            passenger traffic.
and Air Philip - have applied for      Vietnam’s Bamboo Airlines has
business licenses in response          received its licence to fly and Air
to a government initiative to          Astana has stated its intention
add more LCCs to the nation’s          to launch a subsidiary LCC,
airline fleets. A fifth prospective    FlyArystan, mid next year.
operator, Guardians, was                    Bamboo Air, a hybrid carrier,
reported to be ready to progress       said its goal was to fly 100 routes,
to a licence application.              including to lesser-traveled
      New regulations in South         destinations in Vietnam and

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        T O G E T H E R , W E A R E R E D E F I N I N G A E R O S PA C E

Alliances adjusting to new
operating reality
More than two decades after they arrived on the aviation scene alliances are facing
a shake-up. China Southern Airlines, the region’s largest airline has, as expected,
left SkyTeam in favour of a closer relationship with oneworld’s American Airlines. In
Doha, Qatar Airways is strongly signaling it will walk away from oneworld in 2019.
Chief correspondent, Tom Ballantyne, reports.

                                                                                businesses whether they are           from Hong Kong to Guangzhou
                                                                                alliance partners or not.             on the way to Europe.
                                                                                      So what’s next? Will CSA join         CSA’s departure from
                                                                                oneworld? Will Qatar join another     SkyTeam was “based on
                                                                                alliance or return to independence    the needs of the company’s
                                                                                like its fellow Gulf airlines,        development strategy and would
                                                                                Emirates and Etihad Airways? Is       better align it with the new trend
                                                                                there any truth in reports Cathay     of cooperation in the global
                                                                                is weighing up resigning from         aviation industry,” it said.
                                                                                oneworld?                                   “CSA would “explore the
                                                                                      Industry insiders postulate     possibilities of establishing

                                                                                Qantas will strengthen its            partnerships with advanced
                      hen China          benefits of the unions, bilateral      co-operation with CSA, perhaps        airlines, promote bilateral and
                      Southern           co-operation with non-alliance         with a joint venture that would       multilateral cooperation and
                      Airlines (CSA),    member airlines has become just        encourage passengers to switch        provide quality services to
                      the country’s      as important, if not more so, than
                      largest carrier,   being in only one club.
announced last month it would                 In recent years, SkyTeam’s          China Southern and American
be pulling out of the SkyTeam            CSA has been closely co-operating        Airlines deepen codeshare after
alliance on January 1, it was            with oneworld’s Qantas, which            SkyTeam exit
confirmation of rumours that had         in turn has a serious relationship
                                                                                       In November, following China Southern Airlines’ long forecast
been circulating in the industry         with non-affiliate, Emirates
                                                                                  announcement that it would exit the SkyTeam alliance on January
since 2017.                              Airline. Star’s Air New Zealand
                                                                                  1, the Guangzhou-headquartered carrier signed an agreement
     Within the month, it was            code-shares with oneworld’s              with oneworld’s American Airlines to expand their code shares
the turn of Qatar Airways to             Cathay Pacific Airways. Star’s           and initiate other business partnerships.
churn that same rumour mill.             Singapore Airlines co-operates                The expanded code sharing, expected to be activated early
The outspoken group CEO of               with SkyTeam’s Air France/KLM as         next year, will cover the trunk routes flown between China and
the airline, Akbar Al Baker, is          does oneworld’s Qantas.                  U.S. by both airlines, which could be as high as 65 flights per
believed to be ready to extract his           Oneworld’s American Airlines        week during peak periods of travel. The two carriers also will
carrier from oneworld because of         last year took a $200 million,           introduce reciprocal frequent flyer benefits and lounge access for
souring relations with two alliance      2.68% holding in CSA. Star’s Air         passengers in 2019.
                                                                                       China Southern Air Holding Company Ltd assistant president,
members, American Airlines and           China owns 30% of oneworld’s
                                                                                  Zhang Lin, said: “through sharing resources, our cooperation
the Qantas Group.                        Cathay Pacific and oneworld’s
                                                                                  is market and passenger oriented and based on a win-win
     No-one should be surprised          Qatar Airways holds another              relationship.”
at this turn of events. In the world     9.94% of the Hong Kong-based                  “With the opening of Beijing Daxing International Airport
of global airline alliances, sleeping    carrier.                                 in 2019, and the ability to cooperate fully with China Southern
with the enemy has become par                 In essence, individual airlines     Airlines, we are incredibly excited about the airline’s future in the
for the course. It is increasingly       are ready to co-operate with any         Chinese market,” American Airlines president, Robert Isom, said.
evident that whatever the                partner that adds value to their

passengers around the world”, it said.       (airline) companies should be         aviation markets.”                       designed. People have a lot of
CSA president, Tan Wangeng, said in a        economically independent                   Joyce said Qantas                   choice on the Qantas-coded
recent Bloomberg Television interview        and not cross-subsidized by a         customers won’t lose out if              network to get to the same
there was potential to deepen ties with      government. “If aviation was          Qatar resigned from oneworld             European points that they had
American Airlines – and it has.              governed by the World Trade           because its pacts with Emirates          by using Qatar.”
      The Civil Aviation Administration      Organization (WTO), there             and Air France/KLM would                     Whether Qatar does leave
of China (CAAC) has granted CSA              would be some dumping cases           replace any lost destinations            oneworld remains to be seen.
approval to establish Xiongan Airlines.      against people for going in well      served by Qatar.                         While the departure of Qatar
It will be based at Beijing Daxing           below cost to force people off             “We’ve plenty of                    would be a blow for oneworld,
airport and is planned to operate            routes and markets. We think          alternative mechanisms, which            snaring CSA would more than
a fleet of A320s on domestic and             those rules should apply to           is the way our network is                make up for the loss. ■
international routes. Speaking at World
Routes 2018 in September, CSA’s Tan
said the carrier intends to increase
its fleet from 800 to 2,000 aircraft
by 2035 as it pursues its dual-hub
Guangzhou-Beijing strategy.
      At oneworld, Qatar’s unhappiness
has long been bubbling below the
surface of the carrier’s relationship
with some oneworld members. The
airline has not confirmed its departure,
                                                                             MIAMI, FLORIDA | 26-28 FEBRUARY 2019
but Al Baker has said several times
on the record that he did not see
any point in the airline remaining a
member of the oneworld alliance                                  Take the Fast-Track
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      He has publicly accused fellow
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act “in the spirit” of the alliance by
lobbying against Qatar’s request to
operate more flights into Australia.
The Doha-based airline flies to Sydney,
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to gain entry to Brisbane.
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of dumping capacity and being                           Join us at AVSEC World 2019 in sunny Miami, Florida on 26 - 28 February, for the most
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      “This distorts markets and                       For registration and information, please visit:
threatens the sustainable operation of
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Qantas. The airline’s CEO, Alan Joyce,
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where they believe its not working for
      In his first public comments since
the rift made headlines, Joyce said:
“Our view has been very simple. We’re
after fair competition. This means that

                                                                                         DECEMBER 2018-JANUARY 2019            /   ORIENT AVIATION     / 15
COVER           STORY

                   Singapore Airlines CEO, Goh Choon Phong,
                  the 2018 Orient Aviation Person of the Year,
            puts forward fundamental questions about the depth of
              structural change his carrier must undertake to hold
                    its place as a leading airline of the world.

                                   Chief correspondent, Tom Ballantyne,
                                          reports from Singapore

              he transformation program Singapore Airlines
              is undergoing, explained the carrier’s boss, Goh       Singapore Airlines
              Choon Phong, last month is forensically focused
              on building the best foundations for the airline       digital blueprint
              group – and it could result in a complete change            Singapore Airlines Group CEO, Goh Choon Phong,
in the company’s structure, he said.                                 said there are four legs to its digital transformation:
     “Of course, there will be specific challenges along the           * How to create greater digital awareness across the
way. Fuel price is one of them as well as increases in capacity,     organization among all staff, including putting all staff
whether from the Gulf carriers, the Chinese carriers or the          through basic courses in digital appreciation and getting
                                                                     staff to initiate projects so there is hands on experience of
proliferation of low-cost carriers (LCCs) in our market,” said
                                                                     how they can improve their work flow.
Goh (55).
                                                                       * Upgrading and reinventing the airline’s infrastruc-
     “Do we do something incremental? Make short-term                ture because being more flexible in data analytics requires
changes to address immediate concerns or do we look at               a different IT infrastructure.
ourselves more fundamentally and ask ‘maybe we have to                 * Creating new delivery capabilities, which means
change the whole structure’?”                                        more manpower both in business units and in IT. There
     Since taking charge of SIA in 2011, Goh has been                has been more recruitment of necessary talent in data
driving change unthinkable for the group a decade ago. He            analytics, important for both the digital delivery of the IT
has built a powerful budget subsidiary by taking control of          applications and the business.
regional low-cost carrier, Tigerair, and merging it with Scoot,        * Creating an ecosystem such that staff who are
                                                                     implementing and conceiving digital initiatives are able to
the group’s 100%-owned medium to long-haul LCC.
                                                                     collaborate with external communities such as start-ups
     He has led a multi-hub strategy by forging joint venture
                                                                     and research institutions.
airlines in India and Thailand, launched a major digital
transformation program and is investing heavily in the
group’s fleet and product to maintain SIA’s reputation as a        19 A330-300s, 19 A380-800s, seven B777-200s, six B777-
world leader in service innovation.                                200ERs, five B777-300s and 27 B777-300ERs.
     Goh also has been pushing harder on adjacent businesses            “We have ordered more than $50 billion worth of
to secure new sources of revenue. Examples include the joint       aircraft,” said Goh. “New generation aircraft such as the
venture (JV) Airbus Asia Training Centre in Singapore              A350 and B787 are our game changers. The A350 in
and another JV with Boeing and CAE, Singapore CAE                  particular, if you look at the size of the aircraft and the
Flight Training (SCFT). The Airbus venture, Goh said, is           operating economics, has allowed us to finally grow in areas
tremendously successful.                                           we could not have served with larger B777s.
     “We have more than 40 airlines from all over the world             “We have launched routes like Dusseldorf, Stockholm
training with us. As we speak, we are considering how to           and now non-stop to Los Angeles and New York in a much
expand further than we initially planned. It has become            more viable manner. That’s a cost reduction measure in itself
another revenue stream. That’s the total purpose. This is part     and an investment in the future. It is strategic because it is
of our adjacent businesses strategy. We want to have some          opening up opportunities for growth.”
focus for growing revenue beyond ticket revenue,” he said.              Non-stop Singapore to Seattle will be launched next
     Now into phase two of its three-year transformation           September. SIA also is stepping up its airline partnerships,
program, Goh said that “in this second phase, we are               including joint ventures with Lufthansa and Air New
basically focusing on the core business. It is about how we        Zealand and collaboration with other Star Alliance partners
continue to ensure we can establish ourselves as the number        and non-Star carriers such as SkyTeam member, Air France/
one market leader in providing customer service products to        KLM.
our customers”.                                                         “This again is about leveraging the combined strength
     While the market has been tough, with yields under            of partners to make us more competitive by offering joint
pressure, SIA is making a huge investment in new wide-body         FFP programs, corporate access, more choices and better
jets. It has 25 A350-900s in its operating fleet and 42 more       connectivity for our customers,” he said.
to come.                                                                As it progressively updates its fleet, SIA has not ignored
     They will replace A330-300, B777-200, B777-200ER              the contribution of its flagship A380s to the airline. With 19
and B777-300 aircraft. The carrier was the launch customer         of them in the fleet - five of them recently acquired with a
for the ultra-long-range A350-900ULR. It has four in               new cabin layout - it is spending $850 million reconfiguring
service with three more to be delivered. In October, the           the original 14 of the type.
A350-900ULR variant launched the world’s current longest                “Because of new seats and a new layout, we were able
non-stop flight, from Singapore to New York.                       to optimize the configuration with 471 seats. The program
     The carrier also was the launch customer for the B787-10.     actually achieves two things,” Goh said. “One, it provides the
It has ordered 49 with seven of the type in operation. It has      latest and best industry leading product across all cabins to
firm orders for 20 B777-9s that will commence arriving at          all customers. We also saw the opportunity to optimize the
the airline from 2022. Its current fleet of 115 planes includes    real estate deployment and utilization that increased our seat

                                                                                  DECEMBER 2018-JANUARY 2019         /   ORIENT AVIATION   / 17
COVER            STORY

              We think we should be progressive.
               Generally, we are talking about the
                aviation and travel related space,
              but if something comes along where
              we can leverage our reputation and
                data base to be more relevant to
               our customers while also creating
                revenue opportunities, why not?
                                                      Goh Choon Phong
                                                   Singapore Airlines CEO

           count by 14% to 15%. This is quite significant for any plane.
           We don’t pack people in. We want to give people lots of room
           and comfort so they enjoy the flight with us.”
                SIA will not order more A380s, said Goh. It believed 19
           were optimal for the fleet. “Clearly, there are airports that are
           slot congested. You can name quite a few, whether they are
           in China, London or even Sydney. We find it to be a useful
           aircraft for these dense, slot congested routes. At the same
           time, customers love it so again this is serving our passenger
                When it comes to the bottom line, cutting costs
           by slashing staff numbers is not what SIA does. “As an
           organization, we have been quite disciplined in managing
           our manpower. Our fundamental belief is our staff are truly
           our greatest asset in many, many ways,” said Goh.
                “The basic DNA is to want to serve customers. But as           WiFi availability.
           history has proven, continuing to innovate is very much part             “With that kind of alignment in product and services we
           of what we have been doing. You just have to see how many           can rebrand and absorb SilkAir into SIA.” It will, explained
           firsts we have achieved in our history. And a lot of times we       Goh, provide a lot more synergy. “Basically, it means the
           find these new things that we are doing in positioning the          group will have two brands, Scoot and SIA, rather than four.
           organization for the future require us to increase the number       We are sharpening the approach to this portfolio model. It
           of people, rather than reduce them.                                 will be Scoot for all the budget type services and SIA for all
                “Then the question is: how can we provide the kind of          the premium services,” he said.
           training, the kind of coaching that will allow our staff to              “We have one single unit to look at all the planning, the
           transition into this new working environment? If you talk to        group network connectivity. Scoot has Berlin and Athens.
           our staff many are very excited about what is going on.             It covers a lot of the regional medium-haul destinations as
                “They want to be involved. They can see they will be           well: Australia, Japan and certainly the Chinese cities. “Now
           part of a new environment where they create new things and          it has within its fleet, because of the integration with Tiger, a
           position the company for the next leg of our growth. This           sizeable narrow-body fleet.”
           is important. Airline knowledge also is very important. The              Scoot’s fleet is two A319-100s, 24 A320-200s with two
           combination [of these factors] is what we focus on to grow          to come, one A320neo with 38 more on order, 10 B787-8s
           rather than shrink the business.”                                   and eight B787-9s with eight more to come. At press time,
                SIA’s portfolio strategy has seen the merger of budget         SIA announced the mainline carrier would take over
           carriers, Tigerair and Scoot, and the planned integration of        Scoot’s Bengaluru and Chennai services. Scoot will take
           full service subsidiary SilkAir into SIA. Retrofit work on the      over SilkAir’s Laos route and its services to three second
           SilkAir fleet will begin in 2020, with the merger scheduled         tier Indian cities and also to Kota Kinabalu and several
           for completion in 2021.                                             Indonesian destinations.
                It is possible now, said Goh, because technology and                The group’s has two joint ventures; full-service Vistara
           seat manufacturers are offering product that is closer to SIA       with Tata in India and medium to long-haul LCC NokScoot
           aircraft interiors. The merged SilkAir will have an IFE system      with Nok Air is an acknowledgement by SIA that Singapore
           that is not part of its present cabins and will potentially have    is not a big market compared with other countries.

Now, it is clearly recognized as the best airline in India for
       Goh Choon Phong, 55, joined Singapore Airlines
                                                                   product quality and service levels. It is poised to serve the
  in 1990. After holding several senior positions including
                                                                   international market with a product and service offering that
  Senior Vice-President Finance, Senior Vice-President
  Information Technology and Senior Vice-President                 can compete effectively with international carriers,” Goh
  Commercial Technology and overseas assignments in                said.
  China and Scandinavia, he spent four years as President               In July, Vistara ordered 13 A320neos and 10 B787-9s to
  of Singapore Airlines Cargo before becoming Executive            extend the airline’s premium services to international routes.
  Vice-President Marketing and the Regions in June 2010.           It operates 21 A320s, eight of them A320neos. It plans to
  He joined the airline’s Board on October 1, 2010 and was         increase its fleet to 50.
  appointed chief executive on January 1, 2011.                         “We continue to focus on how Vistara can grow,” Goh
       A board director of SIA Engineering Company, he is          said. “From an SIA perspective, we give it whatever support it
  also Chairman of Budget Aviation Holdings, which owns
                                                                   requires. We are very glad our partner has a similar long-term
  and manages Scoot and is a member of the National
                                                                   strategic mindset when planning the airline’s growth.”
  University of Singapore Board of Trustees as well as
  an Independent Director on the board of Mastercard                    Goh said the mix offered by the group’s carriers has been
  Incorporated. A member of the Board of Governors of the          valuable. “We serve 29 points in China, which makes us one
  International Air Transport Association, he was the body’s       of the biggest, in numbers, of carriers serving China. And we
  chairman in the June 2017 and June 2018 year.                    have 14 points in India. That is the biggest, in the number of
       A recipient of the Centre for Aviation’s ‘Asia-Pacific      points, of foreign carriers serving India,” he said.
  Airline CEO of the Year Award’ in 2015, in 2016 he                    “It would not have been possible had we not had an
  received the ‘CEO Lifetime Achievement Award’ from the           LCC in our portfolio. Many of these points are only feasible
  Airline Passenger Experience Association as well as the          with an LCC because the traffic segment is more budget
  ‘Eisenhower Global Innovation Award’ from the Business
                                                                   conscious. Scoot is about 40% cheaper relative to SIA, which
  Council for International Understanding. He was also
                                                                   gives us a lot more flexibility in serving different markets.”
  named the ‘Outstanding Chief Executive Officer of the
  Year’ in the Singapore Business Awards 2017. Goh holds a              Beyond the nuts and bolts of airline operations there is an
  Master of Science in Electrical Engineering and Computer         underlying but critical element in the re-engineering of SIA:
  Science as well as three Bachelor of Science degrees in          the digital transformation needed to keep up with the fast
  Computer Science and Engineering, Management Science             changing world of information technology (IT).
  and Cognitive Science, all from the Massachusetts Institute           Goh is no stranger to the computer world. He holds post
  of Technology.                                                   graduate degrees in electrical engineering and computer
                                                                   science from the prestigious Massachusetts Institute of
                                                                   Technology. He said: “as part of our transformation, an
     “Its geographic location does give us some advantage,         overall theme is to create a very dynamic innovative culture
but it also prevents us from tapping into certain markets.         within the organization. In the last couple of years we have
When we look at expansion and meaningful hubs outside              been establishing a digital blueprint for the organization.
Singapore, NokScoot was one of them for the budget                      “We have put in place a way for us to connect our people
business,” Goh said.                                               to the start-up community, especially in this part of the
     “The choice of Bangkok is quite clear. It is the most         world, so they can come in and co-create solutions with our
travelled destination by visitors, even more so than Paris and     people. This kind of cross-pollination is very important. It
London. It’s been a great attraction for all kinds of travelers.   could potentially create business ideas and streams of revenue
The idea of setting up a JV based in Thailand that caters          as well as allow our people and start-up communities to
especially for the LCC market was an appealing one. It             develop projects and products for travel-related businesses.”
provides a twin hub for our budget operations, Singapore and            SIA’s Kris Lab allows staff to work with start-ups with
Bangkok. They are attractive in different ways. Bangkok also       similar interests. “If they have any idea from any part of
is a great gateway into China.”                                    the group, be it Scoot, SilkAir, SIA, overseas or whatever,
     Vistara is another vital component of the multi-hub           they have a collaborative platform to exchange ideas and
strategy. “The potential of the Indian travel market is well       experiment with concepts. If the idea looks interesting, SIA
known,” Goh said. “Around 2024, India is expected to be the        will give cash, no questions asked, to take it forward and
third biggest travel market in the world after China and the       prove its viability,” he said.
U.S.”                                                                   SIA operates a central pricing system, which gives it great
     Goh conceded the Indian domestic market was difficult         nimbleness in response to market patterns. Goh said. “We
at the moment, but he said: “if you look at it, the Indian         have implemented state of the art, I would say leading edge,
domestic market and the Indian international market                revenue management systems, developed with the supplier.
are quite different. The Indian domestic market is hugely               Amadeus has provided us not only with the ability to do
competitive. People will move from one airline to another          demand forecasts, but also the capability to accommodate
because of the slightest difference in fares.”                     a sense of elasticity of demand. It means you receive some
     Vistara’s goal is “absolutely” to go international.           direction or sense that if you were to change pricing how
“When we started Vistara it was a key consideration.               demand would be affected. Therefore, you can try to

                                                                                  DECEMBER 2018-JANUARY 2019        /   ORIENT AVIATION   / 19
COVER            STORY

             Fuel bump hurts profits
                  Rising fuel costs weighed heavily on the Singapore             operations. The mainline carrier reported its operating
             Airlines group’s interim financial performance despite              profit declined by $271 million, to $418 million. Regional
             solid progress in its three-year transformation program. In         subsidiary, SilkAir, reported an interim loss of $3 million,
             November, the group reported an operating profit of $426            a reversal from last year’s profit of $22 million. Budget
             million for the first six months of its 2018-2019 financial year,   subsidiary, Scoot, recorded an operating loss of $10 million.
             down 44.1%, or $336 million, from its $762 million result in             The company said forward bookings were expected to be
             the same period a year ago.                                         stronger year-on-year, but there were cost pressures arising
                  Group net profit declined to $196 million from $435            from significantly elevated fuel prices compared with a year
             million, 68.9% lower than for the previous 12 months. The           ago and keen competition in key operating markets.
             company said the decline was the result of a $379 million,               Despite global trade tensions, cargo demand in the near
             or 20.4%, increase in fuel costs.                                   term was expected to remain healthy during the seasonal
                  Higher oil prices offset a 5.8% rise in passenger revenue      peak, a group statement said. “Amid continuing challenges
             and a 7.4% lift in cargo revenue. The group’s passenger traffic     in the operating environment, the SIA Group remains com-
             expanded by 8.8%, outpacing capacity growth of 5.4% and             mitted to its three-year transformation program to enhance
             driving up passenger load factor for the group’s airlines by        customer experience, grow revenue and improve operational
             2.6%, to 83.6%.                                                     efficiency. The program has been producing positive results
                  The fuel burden was reflected across all airline               in all of these areas to date.”

           optimize the combination of pricing and demand so that you            technology issues.
           optimize the revenue that occurs.”                                         “These research collaborations will be another leg of
                SIA is the first airline to make practical use of Blockchain     the program. You will be pushing not just for an immediate
           technology, leveraging it to implement ways for customers to          application or implementation of an app, but examining
           redeem their Frequent Flyer points by purchasing petrol at            fundamental issues that ask how we can leap frog to that
           service stations or goods at supermarkets.                            place. There are a lot of things going on. For example,
                “We believe there is a lot more potential in it. We are          Artificial Intelligence (AI) applications in all areas of
           making use of data analytics in the engineering field for             engineering.”
           predictive maintenance. We are using data analytics to look                All of this, Goh pointed out, is not just about saving
           at recruitment and how we can enhance our recruitment                 money. “Cost efficiency is certainly one aspect of the
           process. We are looking at data analytics to offer a lot more         situation. It also is about better productive efficiency and,
           personalized content for our customers. There are a lot of            very importantly, the opportunity to create lines of business,
           exciting things going on and many of them are ideas our staff         revenue generation opportunities and other business ideas,”
           conceived,” Goh said.                                                 he said.
                Tapping into IT partnerships is part of the SIA                       Like all airline chiefs, Goh realizes that while airlines
           transformation agenda. “You can imagine the Apples, the               are arguably the most important element of the value
           Microsofts, the Amazons or Alibaba where we could work                chain because they operate the equipment and transport
           with them. Recently, we announced some collaboration with             passengers, they have the lowest margins compared with
           them to see if we could achieve work on technologies and              other sectors in the industry, including airports.
           create applications together,” Goh said.                                   “We have been in that position for a long time. The value
                “Related to that are research institutions, the universities     chain is not quite balanced. At the same time, it is what it is.
           where we have more fundamental issues that might                      Of course we want to see a better balance, but we have to deal
           require a few more years to think through and to develop              with the situation. We have to assume we are able to grow in a
           solutions. Usually, these are deeper, harder problems. Deeper         sustainable manner despite the problems,” he said. ■


Aireon creates customer                               On December 30, the final Iridium NEXT         Announced in Bejing, the SITA report

affairs leadership role                          satellite will be launched from Vandenburg
                                                 Air Force Base in California. Each NEXT
                                                                                                said that in 2018 airlines will have spent
                                                                                                7% of their IT budget on cybersecurity and
                                                 satellite hosts an Aireon Automatic            airports will have invested 18% of their
U.S. headquartered global aircraft               Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B)       information technology expenditure on
surveillance and tracking company, Aireon        payload.                                       enhanced cyber defences.
LCC, has appointed Peter Cabooter to the              Sixty of the 65 NEXT Iridium satellites        The recent SITA Air Transport IT Insight
new position of vice president customer          in orbit are operational. The launch in        study analysed nine areas of cybersecurity
affairs. Cabooter, whose CV includes             December will add 10 satellites and lead       to measure rates of cyber defence
executive positions at NAVBLUE (previously       to Aireon going live with its air traffic      implementation. It reported that China’s
Airbus Prosky) and Harris Corporation            surveillance system in early 2019. Real time   airports and airlines are ahead of their peers
subsidiary, Barco Orthogon, will support         ADS-B tracking will cover oceanic, polar       elsewhere in the world in detecting and
Aireon’s existing partnerships with Air          and remote regions as well as augmenting       defending cyber attacks.
Navigation Service Providers (ANSP) as well      existing ground-based systems that are              “Digitilisation is top of mind for airlines
as signing up new air traffic management         limited to terrestrial airspace. ■             and airports in China,” said Zhou. ”Our
providers.                                                                                      research shows that 100% of airlines and
                                                                                                95% of airports have digital transformation in
                                                                                                place or are planning for it. It’s encouraging
                                                   ATR and Air New Zealand                      to see the emphasis the industry has placed
                                                   explore future of                            on cybersecurity in enhancing their IT
                                                   regional aviation                            development.”
                                                                                                     By year end 2019, 100% of China’s
                                                                                                airlines also hope to be 50% compliant with
                                                                                                the International Air Transport Association
                                                                                                753 resolution, which requires that baggage
                                                                                                is tracked at every point of the journey.
                                                                                                     In two years, 100% of China’s airports
                                                                                                will have two of the four steps – the make-up
                                                                                                area and loading stages – and 94% of them
      “We are at the precipice of one of the                                                    will be operating transfer and arrival tracking.
company’s most important moments in its                                                         As a result their fast implementation of
history,” said Aireon’s CEO, Don Thoma.                                                         resolution 753, China’s airlines and airports
“Being able to work with a company that                                                         lead the world in transforming baggage
is literally changing the entire air traffic                                                    handling.
management landscape is an honor. I can’t          European turboprop manufacturer,                  Upwards of 70% of Mainland airlines and
wait to help usher in this next generation of      ATR and leading global carrier, Air          64% of the country’s commercial airports
air traffic surveillance,” said Cabooter.          New Zealand, will jointly explore the        participated in the survey, SITA said. ■
      Vice president aviation services, Cyriel     role of new propulsion technologies
Kronenburg, will add the responsibilities          for regional aircraft. The partnership,
of Aireon’s regulatory, marketing product          announced in November, will investigate      Boeing and U.K’s ELG
development, commercial data services              the development of new solutions and         achieve breakthrough in
and partner development acitvities to his          systems required to support future
portfolio.                                         regional travel. ■                           carbon fibre recycling
                                                                                                Boeing, which is the largest user of
                                                                                                aerospace grade composites for its
                                                 China’s airports spend                         commercial and defence programs, will
                                                 big on cybersecurity                           partner with Britain’s ELG carbon fibre to
                                                                                                recycle aerospace grade composite for the
                                                 technology                                     manufacture of electronic accessories and
                                                                                                automatic products.
                                                 More than 90% of China’s airports and               The agreement covers excess
                                                 airlines will implement large scale cyber      carbon fibre from 11 of the company’s
                                                 security programs in the next three years,     manufacturing sites and will also include
                                                 reported SITA vice president and general       facilities in Canada, China and Malaysia.
                                                 manager East Asia, May Zhou, in a recent            Boeing Materials & Fabrication Director
                                                 briefing paper.                                and Future Airplane Development, Tia

                                                                                  DECEMBER 2018-JANUARY 2019      /   ORIENT AVIATION     / 21
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