Duloxetine for the management of sensory and taste alterations, following iatrogenic damage of the lingual and chorda tympani nerve

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Scand J Pain 2020; aop

Educational Case Report

Khan Junad*, Sood Ruchika, Anwer Moin and Kalladka Mythili

Duloxetine for the management of sensory and
taste alterations, following iatrogenic damage of
the lingual and chorda tympani nerve
https://doi.org/10.1515/sjpain-2020-0066                                 one year revealed the electrical taste detection threshold
Received May 8, 2020; accepted August 5, 2020; published online          and electrical detection threshold return to near normal
September 18, 2020                                                       values.
                                                                         Conclusions: QST may be a useful diagnostic tool to
                                                                         assess and monitor lingual and chorda tympani nerve
                                                                         injuries. Duloxetine may aid in the recovery of the taste
Objectives: Nerve injury may lead to pain and sensory
                                                                         changes following lingual and chorda tympani nerve
changes such as dysesthesia and paresthesia. Quantitative
sensory testing (QST) is a psychophysical testing method
used to quantify nerve damage and monitor its recovery.                  Keywords: duloxetine; nerve damage; quantitative sensory
Duloxetine is used in the management of neuropathic pain                 testing; sensation; taste; trauma.
conditions, but its effect on taste recovery has not been
previously reported.
Case representation: A 65-year-old female, presented to
the orofacial pain clinic, with a chief complaint of a
burning sensation on the tongue, taste changes and a
                                                                         Nerve injury may lead to sensory changes, pain, numb-
feeling of tightness beneath the tongue for five months. She
                                                                         ness, allodynia (pain to a non-painful stimuli), paresthesia
reported that the complaints began subsequent to a
                                                                         (an abnormal sensation) and dysesthesia (an unpleasant
complicated dental extraction during which she experi-
                                                                         abnormal sensation) [1]. In many instances it may be iat-
enced trauma to the tongue. Patient was advised to take
                                                                         rogenic. Quick and timely management are important to
duloxetine 60 mg in divided doses three times daily. The
                                                                         prevent further damage and restore altered sensory
assessment and monitoring of the recovery pattern were
performed using QST. Electrical taste detection (mediated
                                                                              Diagnosis of nerve injury often depends upon the
by chorda tympani) and electrical detection/tingling                     history, clinical examination and diagnostic testing. QST is
thresholds were performed at periodic intervals for up to a              a psychophysical testing method used to assess, diagnose
year following the nerve injury in the chorda tympani and                and monitor somatosensory deficits and sensory neurop-
lingual nerve territory. The patient reported complete re-               athies [2]. It utilizes calibrated specific testing algorithms to
covery in taste sensation with duloxetine and this corre-                objectively measure the response of subjects to graded
lated with the QST results. QST documented at the end of                 noxious or innocuous stimuli such as thermal and me-
                                                                         chanical stimuli. It has been validated in diabetic neu-
                                                                         ropathy, small fiber neuropathies and orofacial pain
                                                                         conditions such as temporomandibular disorders, oral
*Corresponding author: Dr. Khan Junad, Ph.D., Eastman Institute for
Oral Health, Program Director, Orofacial Pain and TMJ Disorders, 625
                                                                         malignancies, burning mouth syndrome and numb chin
Elmwood Ave, Rochester, 14620, NY, USA,                                  syndrome [2–5]. In the tongue, the electrical taste detection
E-mail: Junad_khan@urmc.rochester.edu                                    threshold is presumed to be dictated by the chorda tympani
Sood Ruchika, Neocare Headache and Facial Pain Relief Center,            nerve (a branch of the facial nerve which supplies taste
Mumbai, Maharashtra, India, E-mail: drruchikasood@gmail.com              sensation to the anterior 2/3 of the tongue) and the elec-
Anwer Moin, Rutgers School of Dental Medicine, Department of
                                                                         trical tingling sensation is thought to be mediated by the
Diagnostic Sciences, Newark, NJ, USA, E-mail: dr.hmoin@yahoo.com
Kalladka Mythili, Eastman Institute for Oral Health Orofacial Pain and
                                                                         lingual nerve (a branch of the trigeminal nerve which
Temporomandibular Joint Disorders, Rochester, NY, USA,                   supplies general sensation for the anterior 2/3 of the
E-mail: dr.mythili@gmail.com                                             tongue) [6].
  Open Access. © 2020 Khan Junad et al., published by De Gruyter.        This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
International License.
2        Junad et al.: Duloxetine and recovery of taste changes

     Once the patient is identified with nerve injury,            visual analogue scale (VAS). The patient also reported
appropriate measures may be taken depending upon the              tightness beneath the tongue accompanied with loss of
stage of nerve injury. In the early stages, the administration    taste, especially to sweet and salt tastes. The patient was
of anti-inflammatory drugs may be beneficial. If the dam-         advised that these symptoms would diminish over the
age persists longer, the treatment options may include            next few days and was prescribed acetaminophen and
medications such as tricyclic anti-depressants, anti-con-         ibuprofen. She was not aware of any diurnal variations in
vulsants, serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors            pain and could not associate the pain with any specific
(SNRIs), selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs),         aggravating or alleviating factors. The patient’s medical
and surgery or a combination [3].                                 history was non-contributory. An extra oral clinical ex-
     The case report describes a patient with lingual and         amination of the head and neck and cranial nerve
chorda tympani nerve injury approximately 5 months ago,           screening did not reveal any significant abnormality.
secondary to surgical trauma during an extraction of the          Temporomandibular joint and muscle examinations were
mandibular left third molar, and developed sensory and            performed per Diagnostic Criteria for Temporomandibular
taste changes secondary to nerve damage. An initial               Disorders (DC/TMD), and were negative for TMD [7]. The
assessment was made and the recovery pattern of sensory           intraoral exam did not reveal any abnormalities in the
and taste function was monitored using QST. QST was               teeth and soft tissues. A salivary gland assessment did not
performed at periodic intervals for up to one year following      reveal any abnormality. An examination of the tongue did
the nerve injury in the chorda tympani and lingual nerve          not reveal any motor pathology and there was no re-
territory. The changes in the sensory profile were correlated      striction in movement of the tongue. The tongue was
to the clinical symptoms. The patient reported complete           normal in size, moist, with no coating on the dorsal sur-
recovery in taste sensation with duloxetine seven months          face or crenation on the lateral borders of the tongue.
following the treatment regimen and this correlated with          Fungiform papillae were within normal limits in appear-
QST results. QST documented at the end of one year after          ance. The area of suturing had healed well and there was
the injury revealed the electrical taste detection threshold      no visible scar at the time of examination. There was
and electrical detection threshold returned to near normal        hyperalgesia to pinpricks in the distribution of the left
values (90% recovery). To our knowledge this is the first          lingual nerve. Full mouth radiographs and orthopanta-
case report documenting recovery of taste and sensory             mograph (OPG) were negative for dental pathology.
function with duloxetine in cases of iatrogenic nerve             Routine blood serology tests, including complete blood
injury.                                                           counts, fasting, and postprandial blood sugar levels were
                                                                  within normal limits. Diagnostic application of a topical
                                                                  local anesthetic to the dorsal, ventral and lateral surface
Case report                                                       of the tongue resulted in partial alleviation of pain.
                                                                  Diagnostic testing included QST, which was performed in
A 65-year-old Caucasian female patient presented to the           the chorda tympani and lingual nerve distribution. The
orofacial pain clinic with a chief complaint of a burning         patient was prescribed duloxetine 20 mg once daily. Over
sensation on the tongue, loss of taste, and a feeling of          the course of two months, it was titrated to 60 mg in
tightness underneath the tongue for 5 months. The                 divided doses three times daily. She reported that her
burning sensation extended from the tip of the tongue on          ability to taste started recovering 1 to 2 months after
the dorsal, ventral and lateral surfaces to the posterior         treatment but the burning sensation on the tongue per-
surface of the tongue on the left side but did not cross the      sisted. Eventually, 7 months after treatment, she reported
midline, consistent with the distribution of the lingual          complete recovery of the taste and burning sensation.
nerve. The patient visited a dentist five months previously
for a routine oral prophylaxis and surgical extraction of
the mandibular left third molar. During the course of the         Diagnostic testing
procedure, there was an accidental cut on the ventral
surface of tongue, which started to bleed profusely. The          QST was performed to assess the extent of damage and
dentist sutured it and stopped the bleeding. The patient          functioning of the lingual and chorda tympani nerve. The
reported that the sutures ruptured the same night and she         Neurometer current perception threshold (CPT) test (Neu-
visited the emergency department, where they were re-             rometer, NS300, Neurotron Inc. Denver, Colarado, USA)
sutured. Immediately after re-suturing, she reported a            was used to monitor the progress of the sensory nerve
burning sensation on the tongue, with a score of 6/10 on a        function in the chorda tympani and lingual nerve
Junad et al.: Duloxetine and recovery of taste changes              3

distribution. The patient was tested four times over a period    Results
of one year after the initial nerve injury using the CPT tests
in the chorda tympani and lingual nerve distribution of the      Chorda tympani: On the first visit, the patient complained
affected and unaffected site.                                    of loss of taste, which is represented by of the ipsilateral
     An electrical taste detection threshold and an elec-        side of the chorda tympani nerve. During the follow up
trical/tingling threshold testing were performed using the       visits subsequent to treatment with duloxetine, taste
ascending method of limits. The stimulating current was          improved. This was reflected in the CPT values for the
increased in intensity gradually by the operator until the       chorda tympani, which approached the values for the un-
patient indicated they could detect a metallic taste or a        affected contralateral side. In the last visit, the patient re-
tingling sensation [6].The Neurometer CPT electrode              ported no taste alterations and was reflected in the CPT
delivered an electric current through two gold plated            values (Table 1).
electrodes placed on the dorsal surface of the tongue or              Lingual nerve: On the first visit, the patient com-
the mental nerve territory using three different fre-            plained of a burning sensation on the left side of tongue
quencies of electric currents of 5, 250, and 2000 Hz. Each       along with the tightness underneath the tongue. This
frequency checks specific functionality of a sensory nerve        burning sensation was represented by of the ipsilateral
fiber. The 5 Hz frequency tests C fibers, 250 Hz frequency         side of the lingual nerve in CPT values. During the follow
tests A-delta fibers while A-beta fibers were tested by the        up visits, the pain decreased however there was an in-
2,000 Hz frequency. Each site underwent three tests for          crease in tightness deep underneath the tongue. At the
detection thresholds and the mean value was calculated.          second visit after treatment with duloxetine, the patient
The reference value for face, finger and toe has been             reported that the burning sensation had changed to pain
previously established and can be used for comparison            and converged on the tip of tongue. The tightness under-
(Neuval® Database II – Normative Data, Neurotron, Inc.           neath the tongue was completely eliminated. At the last
Baltimore, MD, USA, 2001, https://www.neurotron.com/             visit, the comparison of CPT values between the ipsilateral
Normative__Current_Perception_Threshold_CPT_Values.              side and the contralateral side showed almost normal
html, accessed 24 Feb 2020). In addition, in otherwise           values and this was consistent with the patients report of
healthy individuals with nerve injury or trauma, the             reduction of pain on the tip of the tongue (Table 2).
affected site can be compared with the normal/contra-                 Based on the history (history of an iatrogenic nerve
lateral side in the same subject.                                injury, burning and constant pain, taste changes and no
                                                                 known aggravating and relieving factors), clinical exami-
                                                                 nation (hyperalgesia on the dorsum of the tongue on the
CPT values for the chorda tympani                                left side, neurosensory mapping, a clinical exam negative
                                                                 for dental issues and intraoral pathology including the
and lingual nerve                                                tongue and salivary gland and partial alleviation of pain

The electrodes were placed on the dorsolateral surface of
the tongue on the ipsilateral and contralateral sides. The
                                                                 Table : Quantitative sensory testing threshold testing of chorda
tests were carried out in a quiet room with ambient tem-         tympani First, Second, and Third visit (Baseline done prior to initi-
perature settings. The tests were explained to the patient       ation of duloxetine therapy).
and a trial was done before commencing the actual tests.
The same operator conducted all the tests. The patient was       Frequency       Right (control)                Left
informed that while the test was in progress, she had             Hz            – (Baseline)                – (Baseline)
control of the testing machine. When she felt a metallic                         – (First visit)             – (First visit)
taste [6] or electrical/tingling sensation, she could stop the                   – (Second visit)            – (Second visit)
test by pressing on the control button. Neurometer CPT                           – (Third visit)             – (Third visit)
                                                                  Hz          – (Baseline)               – (Baseline)
runs tests randomly with the three frequencies mentioned
                                                                                 – (First visit)            – (First visit)
above (5, 250, and 2,000 Hz) for profiling C, A-delta and                         – (Second visit)           – (Second visit)
A-beta fibers, respectively. In each visit, the testing was                       – (Third visit)            – (Third visit)
performed three times for each site and the mean was             , Hz        – (Baseline)             – (Baseline)
calculated. The patient underwent testing four times dur-                        – (First visit)          – (First visit)
                                                                                 – (Second visit)         – (Second visit)
ing her follow up, and three more times up until one year
                                                                                 – (Third visit)          – (Third visit)
following the nerve injury.
4           Junad et al.: Duloxetine and recovery of taste changes

Table : Quantitative sensory testing threshold testing of lingual            QST may aid in the diagnosis and assessment of the
nerve distribution First, Second, and Third visit (Baseline done prior   extent and magnitude of the disease, determine prognosis,
to initiation of duloxetine therapy).
                                                                         dictate the treatment plan and influence the treatment
                                                                         outcome [2]. It can also help in mapping the somatosensory
Frequency        Right (control)               Left
                                                                         dysfunction area and in particular it can lead clinicians to
 Hz             – (Baseline)               – (Baseline)
                                                                         obtain qualitative (e.g., allodynia, dysesthesia or pares-
                 – (First visit)            – (First visit)
                                                                         thesia) as well as quantitative (hyperesthesia and hypo-
                 – (Second visit)           – (Second visit)
                 – (Third visit)           – (Third visit)       esthesia) information about the sensory dysfunction [2, 13].
 Hz           – (Baseline)              – (Baseline)          Neurometer CPT, used to assess electric taste detection
                 – (First visit)           – (First visit)       threshold, has been previously validated. It can be done in
                 – (Second visit)          – (Second visit)      clinical settings and along with taking a proper patient
                 – (Third visit)           – (Third visit)
                                                                         history and clinical examination can aid in the assessment,
, Hz         – (Baseline)            – (Baseline)
                 – (First visit)         – (First visit)      diagnosis and monitoring of the effects of treatment.
                 – (Second visit)        – (Second visit)    Electrical stimulation tests of the chorda tympani and
                 – (Third visit)         – (Third visit)     lingual nerve have the advantage of bypassing receptors
                                                                         (and conditions affecting the receptors such as receptor
                                                                         fatigue, suppression or sensitization) and stimulating the
with a topical local anesthetic), negative lab blood/                    primary afferent axons directly [6].
serology testing and objective findings on QST, the provi-                    Following nerve injury, partial recovery of sensation
sional diagnosis was that of neuropathic pain following a                occurs within a period of 6 month post injury. However, a
nerve injury to the lingual nerve and chorda tympani.                    universal consensus on early vs. late nerve repair is still
                                                                         controversial. Studies indicate that early repair has a
                                                                         higher success as compared to late repair [14, 15].
Discussion                                                                    In cases of lingual nerve and chorda tympani nerve
                                                                         injury, patients may present with varying degrees of taste
QST is an emerging adjunct diagnostic tool that can aid the              alterations and burning sensation depending on the extent
clinician in making diagnoses of conditions affecting sen-               of the nerve injury. Studies indicate that in instances of
sory nerve fibers [8]. It shares similarities with quantitative          damage to chorda tympani, there is recovery of somato-
tests that are routinely performed for objectively assessing             sensory function first as compared to taste [16]. Chronic
modalities like vision or hearing [2]. Recently, it is gaining           nerve injury associated with taste changes have been
widespread acceptance in research settings and in clinical               attributed to changes in peripheral processing, changes in
practices. Previously, chair side sensory testing assess-                sodium transduction pathway [17], central processing and
ments were routinely done using a plethora of tests to                   microglial responses [18]. In the present case the patient
quantify the function of the sensory nerve fibers [9]. Simple             initially presented 5 month’s post nerve injury, but started
objects, i.e., a cotton swab, a hot or cold object a tuning              recovering the taste alteration followed by diminished
fork, a brush and von Frey filaments may serve as sensory                 burning sensation after duloxetine was taken for 2 months.
assessing instruments. They can assess pain and nerve                    We postulate that in this case duloxetine may have been an
function by determining any loss or gain in their sensory                adjunctive aid to facilitate early recovery of taste in addi-
function [9, 10]. QST differs from chairs ide neurologic                 tion to the recovery of sensation.
sensory testing by offering calibrated stimuli, standardized                  Duloxetine is a serotonin norepinephrine reuptake
operator procedures and patient responses and offering                   inhibitor (SNRI) and acts by blocking the reuptake of se-
standardized testing paradigms. QST is easy to employ                    rotonin and norepinephrine. It is used to treat small fiber
with patients reporting pain, numbness, anesthesia or                    neuropathies, chronic pain, fibromyalgia, and depression
dysesthesia to determine the underlying sensory nerve                    [19], but its effect on taste recovery has not been previously
profile noninvasively [11, 12]. A consensus meeting held by               documented to our knowledge. Although the major effect
the NeuPSIG branch of the International Association for the              of duloxetine is through serotonin norepinephrine reup-
Study of Pain has proposed that QST may be used for 1)                   take inhibition, recent studies have suggested that it may
assessing and monitoring sensory deficits and evoked pain                 have an inhibitory effect on persistent late sodium chan-
and 2) monitoring treatment outcomes with evoked pain,                   nels [20] and inhibitory effects on microglia [21, 22].
conditioned pain modulation, sensory neuropathies and                         Studies show that duloxetine can reduce mechanical
pain related phenomena [2].                                              allodynia in an animal model of inflammatory pain [23] and
Junad et al.: Duloxetine and recovery of taste changes            5

can induce anti-inflammatory effects by lowering TNF-α           months following treatment. The recovery of the lingual
levels aiding in sensory and the regenerative process of the    nerve function was also aided by duloxetine, and resulted
nerve [24]. Animal studies show duloxetine can display          in the reduction of the burning sensation.
neuroprotective effects by preventing hippocampal                    In the clinic it is important to first diagnose the basic
neuronal death [25]. These peripheral and central mecha-        etiology of the pain and then employ the treatment and
nisms may possibly act in concert with serotonin norepi-        management accordingly. In the scenario of this particular
nephrine reuptake inhibitory effect and result in recovery      case, we were able to follow up with the area of the sensory
of taste and burning sensation following possible lingual       changes in the lingual and chorda tympani nerve after the
and chorda tympani nerve injury.                                iatrogenic injury to the lingual nerve with QST. The patient
     Taste changes are often reported as idiopathic, how-       was prescribed duloxetine 60 mg in divided doses daily to
ever there can be many reasons for chemosensory defects         aid in the recovery of the nerve injury. The treatment
including surgical trauma, head injury, hypothyroidism,         regimen also aided in the complete recovery of taste
ear surgery, third molar extractions, neurotoxicity to local    sensation, which correlated with the sensory recovery
anesthetics, radiation therapy, intubation, and direct nerve    pattern documented using QST. On this basis, the patient
injuries [26–28]. Dental procedures and gustatory disorders     was also suggested not to undergo any further interven-
have frequently been reported previously, but the evidence      tional treatments.
is poor on the correlation. Many of the reported studies are         QST may be an asset to pain physicians, especially
case studies and the underlying mechanisms are poorly           those who deal with patients with posttraumatic neurop-
understood. In the present case, duloxetine may have            athies. QST may aid in diagnosis, mapping the somato-
facilitated the recovery of partial nerve damage helping in     sensory area and determining the prognosis and
retrieving of sensation and taste. The role of duloxetine in    management.
recovery of taste has not been previously reported and
further research is needed to uncover the mechanisms by
which it facilitates this recovery.
     Studies have shown that QST can assist determine if
the nerve injury has an inflammatory origin as opposed to
                                                                QST may be a useful diagnostic tool to assess and monitor
permanent nerve damage. Neuropathic pain of inflamma-
                                                                lingual nerve injuries. Duloxetine may aid in the recovery
tory origin may present with a decrease in the detection
                                                                of the taste changes following lingual nerve neuritis.
threshold of the affected nerve and is more likely to be
reversible. The condition is more likely to recover when
                                                                Research funding: Authors state no funding involved.
anti-inflammatory medications are administered in the
                                                                Author contributions: All authors have accepted
early stages. In instances of permanent nerve damage an
                                                                responsibility for the entire content of this manuscript
elevated detection threshold may be observed. The nerve
                                                                and approved its submission.
damage in these instances is more severe and likely to be
                                                                Competing interests: Authors have no financial or
permanent depending on the degree of nerve injury and
                                                                personnel conflict of interest.
may require neuropathic pain pharmacotherapy [29]. QST
                                                                Informed consent: Not required.
used in the evaluation of painful neuropathies, only may
                                                                Ethical approval: No ethical approval was required.
express whether there is a degeneration of nerve fibers, but
not explain the pain itself, which is often due to hyper
excitability of nerve fibers. In the present case QST aided in
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