East Hampshire Five Year Housing Land Supply (As of 1 st April 2015)

Page created by Helen Phillips
East Hampshire Five Year Housing Land Supply (As of 1 st April 2015)
East Hampshire Five Year
        Housing Land Supply

            (As of 1 April 2015)

Published: July 2015


1.0   Introduction                                                3

2.0   Housing Requirements                                        3

3.0   Housing Supply                                              4

4.0   Five Year Housing Land Supply Assessment                    8

5.0   Appropriate Buffer                                          8

6.0   Methodology                                                 9

7.0   Alternative Scenarios                                       10

8.0   Conclusion                                                  11

Appendices                                                      13-35

Appendix A Completions from April 1st 2014 to 31st March 2015     13
           (Large Sites)

Appendix B Completions from April 1st 2014 to 31st March 2015     15
           (Small Sites)

Appendix C Outstanding Permissions (Large Sites)                  20

Appendix D Outstanding Permissions (Small Sites)                  23

Appendix E Sites with Resolution to Grant Planning Permission     32

Appendix F Baseline / Reserve Sites                               33

Appendix G Whitehill and Bordon Development Trajectory            34

Appendix H Windfall Calculation                                   35

Appendix I   Large Site Housing Phasing                           36

1.0   Introduction

1.1   The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) states (paragraph 47)
      that local planning authorities should identify and update annually a
      supply of specific deliverable sites sufficient to provide five years’ worth
      of housing against their housing requirements. It further requires an
      additional buffer of 5% to ensure choice and competition or a 20%
      buffer where there is a record of persistent under delivery.

1.2   A formal assessment is conducted on five year housing land supply
      annually, with a year start date of April 1st to March 31st. This report
      sets out the housing supply position in East Hampshire District (not
      including the area within the South Downs National Park) at 1st April
      2015. It will inform the Council’s Authority Monitoring Report (AMR)
      and will help guide the determination of planning applications where
      housing supply is an issue.

1.3   Due to the evolving nature of ‘five year housing land supply’, it is
      necessary to regularly update the figures to illustrate the most current
      position. The information on housing completions and outstanding
      commitments is compiled by Hampshire County Council on behalf of all
      Hampshire local planning authorities (LPAs). All data is derived from
      Building Control and NHBC reports, and then verified by site visits. It
      must be noted that this report includes large permissions granted and
      those with resolutions to grant planning permission as of 1st July 2015.
      The calculations within this report reflect the five year housing land
      supply period from 1st April 2015 to 31st March 2020.

2.0   Housing Requirement

2.1   The NPPF (paragraph 159) highlights that LPAs should have a clear
      understanding of housing needs in their area. To achieve this they
      should prepare a Strategic Housing Market Assessment (SHMA) to
      assess their full housing needs. A SHMA was carried out in partnership
      with the South Downs National Park Authority (SDNPA) in 2013 to
      support the Joint Core Strategy (JCS), adopted in May 2014 by EHDC
      and June 2014 by the SDNPA. The SHMA analysed the housing
      markets that affect the District to determine the need for housing that
      should be met within East Hampshire, including the National Park. The
      objectively assessed housing requirement for the District over the plan
      period (2011 to 2028) is 10,060 dwellings.

2.2   The housing trajectory and five year housing land supply is based on
      the disaggregation of the JCS housing requirement, which over the
      plan period equates to a minimum of 8,366 dwellings outside the SDNP
      and a minimum of 1,694 dwellings within the SDNP. East Hampshire
      District Council will monitor its housing land supply against a minimum
      of 492 dwellings per annum (dpa) (8,366 dwellings over the plan period
      equates to 492dpa). The SDNPA will undertake separate monitoring for
      their proportion of the housing requirement having regard to the current

JCS and their emerging Local Plan, which will supersede the current
          housing requirement in the JCS.

2.2       For the period 1st April 2011 to 30th March 2015, outside the SDNPA,
          there have been 1,353 (net) housing completions in East Hampshire
          LPA, leaving a residual requirement of 7,013 dwellings up to 31st March
          2028 (539.5 dwellings per annum).

2.3       Appendix A and B illustrates the schedule of sites with completions
          from 1st April 2014 to 31st March 2015. During this time there were a
          total of 485 net units completed within East Hampshire (outside the
          SDNP). Table 1 below illustrates the delivery of housing since the start
          of the JCS plan period.

Table 1: Housing Delivery Performance Against JCS Requirement
Year          2011/12     2012/13    2013/14    2014/15    Total
Target        492         492        492        492        1968
Completions 264           279        325        485        1353
Shortfall     228         213        167        7          615

2.4       Despite an improving performance year on year, and only a shortfall of
          7 dwellings in the year 2014/15, there is a total shortfall of 615 units
          accrued against the JCS plan period target within East Hampshire
          (outside the SDNPA). For the reasonable, pragmatic reasons identified
          within this report the Council consider it is more realistic and prudent to
          the sustainable delivery of housing to spread this shortfall over the
          whole plan period.

3.0       Housing Supply

3.1       The NPPF states that to be considered ‘deliverable’ sites should be
          available now, offer a suitable location now, and be achievable with a
          realistic prospect that housing will be delivered within five years and in
          particular that the site is viable. Sites that have planning permission
          should be considered deliverable unless there is clear evidence that
          the schemes will not be implemented within five years.

3.2       Following the publication of the National Planning Practice Guidance
          (PPG) there is now greater clarity over the types of accommodation
          that can contribute towards the housing supply requirements. All
          student accommodation and accommodation for the elderly (C2) can
          be included within calculations. However, East Hampshire District
          Council does not currently include these types of accommodation
          within housing land supply calculations. The components that have
          been included towards the five year land supply within East Hampshire

         Sites that have planning permission (outline and full)
         Sites that have resolution to grant planning permission
         Baseline Sites allocated for housing in the Second Review Local Plan

   Reserve Sites allocated for housing in the Second Review Local Plan
          in the south part of the District which have been released by the
          Council for development
         Strategic Allocation at Whitehill & Bordon
         An allowance for windfall sites

          Sites with Planning Permission

3.3       Large site planning permissions (10 dwellings or more) have been
          assessed as to whether they are likely to come forward. Those
          assessed as unlikely to come forward have been excluded from the
          land supply figures. On large sites, a realistic phasing schedule has
          been maintained to ensure accuracy in delivery. To ensure a robust
          case with respect to small site planning permissions a 10% discount
          has been applied to reflect the possibility that some sites may not come
          forward. Within the next five years, a total of 2185 dwellings are
          anticipated from large sites with planning permission and 317
          dwellings from small sites with planning permission. A schedule of all
          sites with outstanding planning permission are outlined within Appendix
          C and D.

3.4       It must be noted that 397 dwellings are currently under construction
          from sites that have a planning permission. There is considerable
          confidence that these 397 outstanding units on sites where
          development has commenced will be completed within the next five
          years. With regard to the sites where development has not
          commenced, footnote 11 on page 12 of the NPPF states:

          “Sites with planning permission should be considered deliverable until
          planning permission expires, unless there is clear evidence that
          schemes will not be implemented within 5 years, for example they will
          not be viable, there is no longer a demand for the type of units or sites
          have long term phasing plans.”

3.5       There has been regular contact with the representatives of sites with
          planning permission and there is currently no clear evidence to
          suggest any reductions to the proposed number of dwellings being

          Sites with Resolution to Grant Planning Permission

3.6       In some cases the Council has resolved to grant permission for a site
          subject to the signing of a legal agreement. These sites have been
          included in the housing supply, as it is assumed that the site meets the
          criterion of being a suitable location. It can be assumed that it will
          become available as soon as the obligation is signed and the
          permission is issued; although that does not satisfy the criterion of
          being available now, it can be argued that it will clearly become
          available during the five year period. If there is a reasonable prospect
          that the applicant will sign a planning obligation, then the site can be
assumed to meet the criterion of being achievable, as the applicant
      would not sign the obligation if there was going to be a problem with
      viability or the wrong type of units. Discussions with Development
      Management officers indicate that there are no reasons to suggest that
      the legal agreements will not be signed.

3.7   Currently there are three applications within East Hampshire that come
      under this component of supply (not including Whitehill & Bordon).
      There is resolution to grant planning permission for 529 dwellings at
      Land East of Selborne Road / Land at Lord Mayor Treloar Hospital
      (30021/056), 700 dwellings at Land East of Horndean, Rowlands
      Castle Road (55562/001), and 106 dwellings at Land South of
      Oaklands House (30016/018).

3.8   In regards to these sites with resolution to grant planning permission,
      there has been continued dialogue with developers regarding delivery.
      A phasing schedule (Appendix I) has been established regarding these
      applications and a total of 487 dwellings are expected within the next
      fives years on sites with resolution to grant planning permission. A
      schedule of all sites from this component of housing land supply is
      included at Appendix E.

      Reserve Sites Allocated for Housing in the Second Review Local Plan

 3.9 The East Hampshire District Local Plan: Second Review (2006)
     includes a number of ‘reserve’ housing sites under Policy H2. These
     sites were originally identified to be released if annual monitoring by the
     County Council demonstrated a County-wide shortfall of housing
     provision. Previous monitoring by the Council against the housing
     provisions of the former South East Plan showed that there was a
     shortfall in housing supply in the Southern Parishes of East Hampshire
     (part of Partnership for Urban South Hampshire (PUSH)). In order to
     achieve a five year supply of land for housing in that area, additional
     housing sites needed to be identified and brought forward for
     development. The Council resolved in February 2009, therefore, to
     bring forward as a matter of some urgency the reserve housing sites in
     the Southern Parishes identified in the Second Review Local Plan as
     well as land at Keydell Nursery.

 3.10 Through discussions with the representatives of the two reserve sites,
      the Council consider one of these sites is likely to be delivered within
      the next five years. Land north of James Copse Close has been
      actively promoted as part of the Strategic Housing Land Availability
      Assessment (SHLAA) and as part of the emerging Site Allocations
      Plan. Saved Policy H2 states that around 85 dwellings should be
      provided at James Copse Close. In January 2012, EHDC approved a
      non-statutory development brief outlining planning and design
      considerations against which any future planning application will be
      assessed. Therefore, it is considered 85 dwellings are expected from
      this source of supply over the next five years. A full schedule of
      Baseline and Reserve Sites in the Second Review Local Plan can be
      found in Appendix F.

Strategic Allocation at Whitehill and Bordon

3.11 The adopted JCS identifies a strategic allocation of 2,725 dwelling at
     Whitehill and Bordon. This regeneration project consists of four main
     sites, referred to as Bordon Garrison, Louisburg, Quebec, and Mill
     Chase. A detailed trajectory of these sites can be found in Appendix G. It
     is important to note that the Whitehill and Bordon regeneration
     programme is not akin to standard planning applications. It forms part of
     the national new communities housing programme and has received
     strong financial support from the government to accelerate housing
     delivery. It has also recently been shortlisted for the government’s new
     Housing Zone programme which is wholly focused on accelerated
     housing delivery.

3.12 At the current time, Louisburg has permission for 500 dwellings and
     Quebec has permission for 100 dwellings. The Bordon Garrison site has
     resolution to grant planning permission for 2,400 dwellings. The two
     largest sites identified in the trajectory (Louisburg and Bordon Garrison)
     have recently completed in parallel developer procurements with
     developers selected subject to signing of contracts. In regards to the
     larger sites, to accelerate development and housing delivery, the public
     sector landowners have completed their developer procurement in
     tandem with the outline planning applications. This demonstrates the
     strong stakeholder commitment to the government’s own housing
     programme through the speed achieved with the planning and
     procurement process on these two key projects. The current
     evidence on housing build out rates comes from the two outline planning
     application documents and conversations with landowner

3.13 It must also be noted that it is expected that due to the wide scale
     regeneration occurring throughout Whitehill and Bordon, there is likely to
     be a number of windfall sites on top of the above numbers. These are
     also expected to be in addition to the windfall allowance set by the
     Council. It anticipated that approximately 200 dwellings will be built in the
     form of additional windfall, with approximately 50 within the first five
     years. However, for robustness the Council do not currently count these
     numbers within the five year housing land supply calculations or in the
     current trajectory for the area.

3.14 Due to the accelerated development and housing delivery associated
     with these sites, the Council are confident that the timelines associated
     with Whitehill and Bordon (Appendix G) are realistic. It is expected that
     626 dwellings will be delivered over the next five years within the
     strategic allocation.

     Windfall Allowance

3.15 The NPPF (paragraph 48) states that LPA’s may make an allowance for
     windfall sites in the five-year supply if they have compelling evidence
     that such sites have consistently become available in the local area and

will continue to provide a reliable source of supply. The SHLAA (as well
      as Appendix H) provides the necessary evidence, which equates to 72.4
      per annum. For the purposes of the five year calculation, the windfall
      allowance will not be included in the first two years of the housing
      supply. This is because it is assumed that all windfall sites likely to be
      completed in the first two years will have already been through the
      planning application process and would therefore result in double
      counting. Therefore, 217 dwellings are likely as windfalls over the next
      five years.

3.16 A detailed breakdown of all the sites that form the basis of the five year
     housing calculations can be found within the Appendices.

4.0 Five Year Housing Land Supply Assessment

4.1 Using the net housing figures, the assessment demonstrates that at 1st
    April 2015 the Council does have a five year land supply. At this point in
    time there is 6.92 years supply and a surplus of 1,085 dwellings once
    an additional 5% buffer has been taken into account. The five year
    housing land supply figures across East Hampshire (not including the
    SDNP) are summarised in Table 2 below:

 Table 2: East Hampshire District Council - Five Year Housing Land Supply
 (As of 1 April 2015)
 Based on ‘Liverpool’ Methodology and 5% Buffer
                                                               Total Annual
 Requirement (minimum)
      A        EHDC Housing Requirement 2011-2028              8366      492
      B        Completions 2011-2014                           1353    338.3
      C        Residual Requirement (A-B) 2015 to 2028         7013    539.5
      D        Requirement for 5 years (2015-2020)           2697.3    539.5
      E        Plus 5% buffer                                2832.2    566.4
      F        Large site planning permissions                 2185
     G         Small site planning permissions                   317
      H        Resolution                                        487
      I        Reserve Sites without permission                   85
      J        Windfalls                                         217
      K        Whitehill & Bordon Strategic Allocation           626
      L        Total Supply                                    3917
 Shortfall/Over Provision
     M         Against requirement + 5%                        1085
 No. of Years' Supply
      N        Against requirement + 5%                         6.92

5.0 Appropriate Buffer

5.1    As identified within Table 3 the Council do not consider there is a
       history of persistent under-delivery when assessing housing delivery
       performance. EHDC continually exceeded the targets set in relation to
       the revoked South East Plan (SEP), even during a time of economic
       recession. For consistency and for suitable comparisons to be made,
       the requirement and provision figures since 2013 have continued to
       include both the areas inside and outside the South Downs National
Table 3: Housing Requirement in East Hampshire 2006 to 2015
(including the SDNP)
Year           Requirement     Adopted   District        Difference
                               Plan      Provision
2006/07             260           SEP          280             20
2007/08             260           SEP          546            286
2008/09             260           SEP          580            320
2009/10             260           SEP          266             6
2010/11             260           SEP          272             12
2011/12             260           SEP          335             75
2012/13             260           SEP          341             81
2013/14             592           JCS          363           -229
2014/15             592           JCS          546            -46
Total               3004                      3533            525

5.2   It is acknowledged that the JCS establishes higher targets for the
      District, however, this document was only approved in May 2014 by
      EHDC and June 2014 by the SDNPA. Therefore, although there has
      been under-provision over the first four years of the Plan in relation to
      these targets, the Council do not consider this is consistent under-
      delivery because the target was only actually adopted last year; any
      consideration of under-delivery would need to be considered over a
      much longer period. It would be unreasonable to expect the higher
      target to be met retrospectively, that is, to judge under delivery against
      a target which did not exist at the time.

5.3   The under-provision highlighted for the years 2013/14 and 2014/15 are
      understandable given that full weight could not be attached to the JCS
      during the 2013/14 year, prior to its adoption and that it will take some
      time for completions to meet such a sudden increase in requirements
      to come forward. In any event this cannot be interpreted as 'persistent'
      under-delivery. The fact the 2014/15 year only marginally did not reach
      the requirement, illustrates the positive direction the Council is heading

5.4   There have been various Appeal decisions within the SDNP whereby
      Inspectors did not impose a 20% buffer. The JCS Inspector also
      agreed that the 5% buffer applied and that there is no record of
      persistent under delivery (paragraph 40 and footnote 36 of his report).
      This reasoning confirms the appropriateness of only applying the 5%
      buffer to the housing requirement.

6.0   Methodology

6.1   Whilst there is no persistent under-delivery of housing, there is a
      backlog in relation to the recent increase in housing requirement as a
      result of the adoption of the JCS. The PPG offers advice on how to
      deal with such a backlog; it states that “local planning authorities
should aim to deal with any undersupply within the first 5 years of the
      plan period where possible” (paragraph 3-035). However, the PPG
      does not state a requirement for a particular method of calculation and
      states that LPAs should only ‘aim’ to do this ‘where possible’. In the
      circumstances prevailing in East Hampshire there are reasons to differ
      from this preference.

6.2   The EHDC five year land supply calculations advocate the use of the
      ‘Liverpool’ approach, which makes up the backlog of development over
      the whole plan period. The ‘Liverpool’ method is considered to be
      acceptable given the fact that a major proportion of the Authorities
      housing delivery is within the strategic allocation at Whitehill and
      Bordon. The majority of provision at this site is expected towards the
      middle and later stages of the plan period. Completions are not
      expected until 2016/17 and the next five years are expected to
      contribute 626 dwellings to the supply. Years 6-10 on the other hand
      are expected to deliver more than double this figure with an expected
      1,301 dwellings.

6.2   These circumstances are comparable with the situation in Rother
      District where the Inspector at the Core Strategy Examination
      concluded that spreading the shortfall over the remainder of the plan
      period is “consistent with the broad thrust of the Framework to boost
      significantly the supply of land for housing, albeit that it takes a different
      approach to dealing with the undersupply which has arisen in the early
      years of the plan period than that preferred by planning practice
      guidance”. There has also been support for this approach at other
      authorities (Blaby District Council and Hinckley and Bosworth Borough
      Council), where the Liverpool method is used in regards to large
      development opportunities.

6.3   In summary, given the size of the current shortfall, and taking into
      account current delivery rates and the current development pipeline
      associated with the strategic allocation at Whitehill and Bordon, it must
      be concluded that there is no realistic prospect of meeting the
      annualised target that includes the 615 shortfall figure in the next five
      years. The Council is seeking to increase supply as soon as practicable
      and sees an improving position, with an accelerated timetable for the
      Local Plan Part 2, allocating suitable housing sites across the District. It
      is more realistic and prudent to the sustainable delivery of housing to
      spread the shortfall over the whole plan period.

7.0   Alternative Scenarios

7.1   As advocated throughout this report, the Council consider the
      ‘Liverpool’ methodology and the use of a 5% buffer is most appropriate
      for East Hampshire. However, if the worse case scenario of a
      ‘Sedgefield’ methodology were used and a 20% buffer applied, then
      East Hampshire (not including the SDNP) can still demonstrate an
      adequate five year housing land supply. As Table 4 below indicates,

this scenario would result in 5.31 years supply and a surplus of 227

  Table 4: East Hampshire District Council - Five Year Housing Land Supply
  (As of 1 April 2015)
  Based on ‘Sedgefield’ Methodology and 20% Buffer
                                                                     Total   Annual
  Requirement (minimum)
      A        East Hants Housing Requirement 2011-2028             8366       492
      B        Completions 2011-2014                                1353      338.3
      C        Requirement for first 4 years of Plan                1968
      D        Undersupply (492 x 4 - 1357)                          615
      E        Requirement for 5 years (2015-2020)                  2460       492
       F       Requirement for 5 years + undersupply                3075      615.0
      G        Plus 20% buffer                                     3690.0     738.0
      H        Large site planning permissions                       2185
       I       Small site planning permissions                        317
       J        Resolution                                            487
       K         Large Urban Potential                                  0
       L         Reserve Sites without permission                      85
       M         Windfalls                                            217
       N         Whitehill & Bordon Strategic Allocation              626
       O         Total Supply                                        3917
  Shortfall/Over Provision
       P         Against requirement + 20%                            227
  No. of years' supply
       Q         Against requirement + 20%                           5.31

7.2   Regarding other possible scenarios, a five year housing land supply
      would still be achieved. If the ‘Liverpool’ methodology and a 20% buffer
      were applied, there would be a surplus of 680 dwellings, which is 6.05
      years supply. When the ‘Sedgefield’ methodology is used with a 5%
      buffer there is a surplus of 688 dwellings, equivalent to 6.07 years

8.0   Conclusion

8.1   The Council has a newly adopted Plan, which has a sustainable
      development strategy that will fully meet the District’s objectively
      assessed needs (OAN) over the Plan period. The development
      strategy relies heavily on the large strategic allocation at Whitehill and
      Bordon, which by its very nature will have a more gradual delivery
      trajectory than the Sedgefield approach requires. Recent appeal
      decisions, High Court rulings and Secretary of State Decision Letters
      show that the Liverpool methodology is an acceptable method if there
      are sound planning reasons for its use. There has not been a persistent

under-delivery of housing across East Hampshire and therefore a 20%
      buffer in relation to the housing requirements would not apply.

8.2   East Hampshire District Council is a positive planning authority being
      one of the few with an NPPF/objectively assessed needs compliant
      Core Strategy. It is accelerating its progress on the consequential Site
      Allocations Local Plan and is granting planning permission for sites
      identified in the emerging Local Plan.

8.3   Table 2 indicates, as of 1st April 2015, East Hampshire District Council
      (outside the SDNPA) can demonstrate 6.92 years of deliverable
      housing land supply for the period 1st April 2015 to 31st March 2020, to
      meet the currently identified housing requirement identified within the
      JCS. This is an equivalent surplus of 1,085 dwellings. This
      assessment will inform decisions on planning applications for housing
      determined in accordance with paragraphs 47 and 49 of the NPPF. It
      indicates that there is a five year supply of deliverable land for housing
      to meet the currently identified housing requirement for East Hampshire
      when a buffer of 5% is included. Although the Council disagree with
      any alternative approaches, Table 4 indicates when a ‘Sedgefield’
      methodology and a 20% buffer is applied, there is still an adequate five
      year housing land supply within East Hampshire.

Appendix A – Completions from April 1st 2014 to 31st March 2015 (Large Sites)

Large sites (10 or more dwellings)

                                                                                                GROSS       COMPLETED      NET
APPLICATION                                                                                   COMPLETIONS     LOSS      COMPLETIONS
NUMBER             ADDRESS                                            PARISH
50167/011          CHANDOS LODGE LAND AT REAR OF LONDON ROAD          Alton                            18           0               18
50167/001/RENU     CHANDOS LODGE LAND AT REAR OF LONDON ROAD          Alton                            59           0               59
24917/028          17 THE GRANGE HOTEL LONDON ROAD                    Alton                            11           0               11
22826/011          CAFFYNS FORD BUTTS ROAD                            Alton                            31           0               31
20934/035          1-3 BUTTS ROAD                                     Alton                            12           0               12
27970/007          22-28 WEY RIVER HOUSE HIGH STREET                  Alton                             0           0                0
36003/004          28 GREENACRE BOROVERE LANE                         Alton                             2           1                1
30714/006          74-76 ANSTEY ROAD                                  Alton                             0           2               -2
20753/003          TRAVIS PERKINS TRADING CO LTD LITTLEFIELD ROAD     Alton                            10           0               10
33993/072          FORMER OSU SITE AREA B MIDHURST ROAD               Bramshott and Liphook            18           0               18
32658/003/FUL      QUAVERS REST LAND AT THE SHRAVE                    Chawton                           1           0                1
26077/004          NORTHBOURNE LAND REAR OF THE SHRAVE                Chawton                           1           0                1
28889/024          LAND AT GREEN LANE GREEN LANE                      Clanfield                        28           0               28
28889/025          LAND AT GREEN LANE GREEN LANE                      Clanfield                        30           0               30
55164              MEADOW CROFT FARM GREEN LANE                       Clanfield                         0           0                0
54308/001          LAND NORTH OF TRAFALGAR RISE                       Clanfield                         0           0                0
22458/004          127-135 LAND REAR OF DRIFT ROAD                    Clanfield                         0           1               -1
52501/002          RESERVE HOUSING ALLOCATION BRISLANDS LANE          Four Marks                       19           0               19
20107/061          TRELOAR COLLEGE RYEBRIDGE LANE                     Froyle                           19           5               14
20107/071          TRELOAR COLLEGE RYEBRIDGE LANE                     Froyle                            0           0                0

53932/002       LANE                                              Horndean                    0   0         0
22823/021/FUL   CADLINGTON HOUSE BLENDWORTH LANE                  Horndean                    1   0         1
24076/015       FORMER GALES BREWERY LONDON ROAD                  Horndean                    0   0         0
53198/001       34 LAND TO THE SOUTH OF HAVANT ROAD               Horndean                  44    0        44
24076/011/FUL   ROAD                                              Horndean                  54    0        54
30016/014       103 LAND AT OAKLANDS HOUSE REDHILL ROAD           Rowlands Castle           19    0        19
20831/011/FUL   BORDON WORKING MENS CLUB ALMA ROAD                Whitehill                   7   0         7
                                                                                    Total   384   9    375

Appendix B – Completions from April 1st 2014 to 31st March 2015 (Small Sites)

Small Sites (9 or less)

                                                                                               GROSS       COMPLETED          NET
                                                                                             COMPLETIONS     LOSS          COMPLETIONS
APPLICATION         ADDRESS                                          PARISH
54809/002           55 WHITEDOWN                                     Alton                             2               1               1
33146/011           MOWSE HOUSE CHURCH LANE                          Alton                             0               0               0
40113/004           13 & 17 (THE GRANGE) LAND BETWEEN LONDON ROAD    Alton                             4               0               4
21818/044           76 WESTBROOKE HOUSE HIGH STREET                  Alton                             0               0               0
31765/009           4A LENTEN STREET                                 Alton                             1               1               0
34799/006           EASTBROOK EDUCATION TRUST VICARAGE HILL          Alton                             2               0               2
50992/006           21C MAJESTIC WINE HIGH STREET                    Alton                             5               0               5
27198/015           5 NORMANDY STREET                                Alton                             1               0               1
55608               1 QUARRY HEIGHTS WILSOM ROAD                     Alton                             0               0               0
23341/005/FUL       22 PEACEHAVEN WILSOM ROAD                        Alton                             1               0               1
20284/020           PROSPECT PLACE LAND NORTH OF MILL LANE           Alton                             9               0               9
49288/002/RENU      20 GREBE CLOSE                                   Alton                             2               0               2
31468/003           100 NORMANDY STREET                              Alton                             1               0               1
29949/003           30 EDWARD ROAD                                   Alton                             2               0               2
24229/010           72 BARLEY MOW NORMANDY STREET                    Alton                             0               1               -1
37851/013           ROAD                                             Beech                             1               0               1
50483/003           HONEYWOOD SCHOOL LANE                            Bentley                           0               0               0
54781/003           4 OAKWAY                                         Bentley                           0               0               0
29095/006/FUL       HAYLANDS BURGH HIL ROAD                          Bramshott and Liphook             1               1               0

51523/004       OAST HOUSE QUINCES TUNBRIDGE LANE              Bramshott and Liphook   1   0        1
34693/010/FUL   BOLAND SPRINGS HEWSHOTT LANE                   Bramshott and Liphook   1   0        1
53881/002       GLEBE HOUSE RECTORY LANE                       Bramshott and Liphook   0   0        0
24409/013       14 LONDON ROAD                                 Bramshott and Liphook   9   0        9
27470/014       54 & 56 LAND REAR OF HEADLEY ROAD              Bramshott and Liphook   1   0        1
22316/008       QUEENS COTTAGE QUEENS ROAD                     Bramshott and Liphook   1   1        0
52153/005       VERNON COTTAGE HAZELDENE ROAD                  Bramshott and Liphook   1   0        1
53825/001       THE LOG CABIN BIRCHOLT ROAD                    Bramshott and Liphook   1   1        0
39060/013       46 CHILTLEY LANE                               Bramshott and Liphook   1   0        1
22871/006       32 STATION ROAD                                Bramshott and Liphook   1   0        1
55200/003       SOUTHLANDS LIMES CLOSE                         Bramshott and Liphook   0   1        -1
20449/015       CONFORD PARK HOUSE CONFORD ROAD                Bramshott and Liphook   0   0        0
36757/004       7 HASLEMERE ROAD                               Bramshott and Liphook   1   2        -1
24279/008       20-22A JARVIS HOUSE THE SQUARE                 Bramshott and Liphook   0   0        0
31912/003       18 TOWER CLOSE                                 Bramshott and Liphook   3   1        2
55774           58A HEADLEY ROAD                               Bramshott and Liphook   0   1        -1
50621/002       73 THE AVENUE                                  Bramshott and Liphook   2   1        1
34149/012/FUL   OAKLANDS THE SHRAVE                            Chawton                 2   0        2
49866/004       SHRAVE                                         Chawton                 0   0        0
26349/012       397 LONDON ROAD                                Clanfield               1   0        1
33596/001       114 SOUTH LANE                                 Clanfield               4   0        4
54493           15 BLACKBERRY LANE                             Four Marks              0   1        -1
53822/001       3 LAND EAST OF CRANFORD TELEGRAPH LANE         Four Marks              1   0        1
53264/002       THE SHRAVE                                     Four Marks              0   0        0
23112/002       68 LYMINGTON BOTTOM                            Four Marks              1   0        1

20171/015       ROAD                                              Four Marks   8   0        8
26306/008       20 GLENTHORNE LYMINGTON BOTTOM                    Four Marks   1   0        1
31677/003       WYMOND DENE ALTON LANE                            Four Marks   1   1        0
35807/010       KINGSWOOD ALTON LANE                              Four Marks   1   1        0
54942/004       HILLSIDE WILLIS LANE                              Four Marks   0   1        -1
27747/008       15 PINE RIDGE LYMINGTON BOTTOM ROAD               Four Marks   0   0        0
37012/001       GREENWAYS FARM BRISLANDS LANE                     Four Marks   0   1        -1
55422           1A OAK GREEN PARADE WINCHESTER ROAD               Four Marks   0   1        -1
55202/001       33 WINDMILL FIELDS                                Four Marks   0   1        -1
20107/056/FUL   FROYLE HOUSE RYEBRIDGE LANE                       Froyle       6   0        6
49833/005       HIGHWOOD HOUSE WELL LANE                          Froyle       0   0        0
51069/003       1 NEW COTTAGES DIPPENHALL ROAD                    Froyle       1   0        1
51069/002       1 & 2 NEW COTTAGES DIPPENHALL ROAD                Froyle       0   1        -1
28408/008       WARREN COTTAGE FROYLE ROAD                        Froyle       0   0        0
23803/011       DONEC LADYGATE DRIVE                              Grayshott    0   0        0
53125/001       CROSSWAYS EAST PORTSMOUTH ROAD                    Grayshott    3   0        3
32058/010       THE GALLERIES CROSSWAYS ROAD                      Grayshott    2   0        2
37450/001       BRAMBLES CROSSWAYS ROAD                           Grayshott    0   0        0
38043/010       CROSSWAYS WEST PORTSMOUTH ROAD                    Grayshott    1   0        1
51015/006       THE BIRCHES ARFORD COMMON                         Headley      1   0        1
25030/005       LAND SOUTH OF HEADLEY FIELDS                      Headley      0   0        0
55393           HEADLEY GRANGE FARM LIPHOOK ROAD                  Headley      0   0        0
36834/002       THE BUNGALOW FORMER SITE OF SUNNYSIDE ROAD        Headley      0   0        0
20445/008       TAMARIND ARFORD ROAD                              Headley      0   0        0
29483/003       BURFORD COTTAGE PICKETTS HILL                     Headley      0   1        -1
54994           37 VICTORY AVENUE                                 Horndean     1   0        1

20984/049/RES   132-136 LAND REAR OF CATHERINGTON LANE   Horndean          1   0        1
35809/003       78 LAND REAR OF FIVE HEADS ROAD          Horndean          2   0        2
53638           2 COMFREY CLOSE                          Horndean          1   0        1
53565/002       MILKWOOD CARAVAN DOWN ROAD               Horndean          1   0        1
33857/002       197 LONDON ROAD                          Horndean          3   1        2
27208/001/FUL   95 PORTSMOUTH ROAD                       Horndean          0   0        0
21240/002       22 HAVANT ROAD                           Horndean          6   1        5
28375/026       21 ROWLANDS CASTLE ROAD                  Horndean          1   0        1
21378/023       25-27 HORNDEAN CAR SALES LONDON ROAD     Horndean          1   0        1
29190/003       SLEAFORD RISE FARNHAM ROAD               Kingsley          1   0        1
26242/051       DEAN FARM GOLF COURSE MAIN ROAD          Kingsley          0   0        0
35394/003       2 GRAYSHOTT LAURELS                      Lindford          1   0        1
28346/002       WESTEND VALE WEST END LANE               Medstead          1   1        0
25099/015       BOYNESWOOD YARD BOYNESWOOD LANE          Medstead          3   0        3
21263/005       THE RECTORY TRINITY HILL                 Medstead          1   0        1
35954/001       THE FOLLY WIELD ROAD                     Medstead          1   0        1
54291/001       OVERDALE UPPER SOLDRIDGE ROAD            Medstead          0   1        -1
22638/002       74 WISTARIA LYMINGTON BOTTOM ROAD        Medstead          0   1        -1
22983/008       CEDAR STABLES CASTLE STREET              Medstead          3   1        2
20300/009       MAPLE FARM GILBERT STREET                Ropley            1   0        1
27637/003       ELM GROVE CHURCH STREET                  Ropley            1   0        1
38927/007       TREETOPS FARM PETERSFIELD ROAD           Ropley            0   0        0
28845/005       33 LINKS LANE                            Rowlands Castle   0   1        -1
53064/HSE       46 DURRANTS ROAD                         Rowlands Castle   1   0        1
54954           EVELEY CORNER COTTAGE FIRGROVE ROAD      Selborne          1   0        1
34543/003/FUL   CHAPEL COTTAGE OAKHANGER ROAD            Selborne          1   0        1

38992/004   DUNROAMIN GIBBS LANE               Selborne              1    0        1
21876/037   OAKHANGER FARM OAKHANGER ROAD      Selborne              1    0        1
29206/006   1&2 HEATHCOTE ROAD                 Whitehill             9    2        7
24808/011   20A CHALET HILL                    Whitehill             1    0        1
52990/003   SYDNEY HOUSE SYDNEY ROAD           Whitehill             1    0        1
52558/006   ECO STATION CAMP ROAD              Whitehill             3    0        3
52558/008   ECO STATION CAMP ROAD              Whitehill             1    0        1
25672/008   PARK HOUSE PRESTON CANDOVER ROAD   Wield                 1    0        1
                                                           Total   140   30    110

Appendix C – Outstanding Permissions (Large Sites)

LARGE SITES (10 or more dwellings)
APPLICATION                                                                                         NET          UNDER
NUMBER           ADDRESS                                                PARISH                  OUTSTANDING   CONSTRUCTION
24900/016/RES    32A BUTTS ROAD                                         Alton                            14              0
36003/004        28 GREENACRE BOROVERE LANE                             Alton                            10             10
27970/007        22-28 WEY RIVER HOUSE HIGH STREET                      Alton                            14             14
25050/054        THE MALT HOUSE LAND AT TURK STREET LOWER TURK STREET   Alton                            36              0
25050/053        THE MALT HOUSE LAND AT TURK STREET LOWER TURK STREET   Alton                            16              0
28984/005        31 GENTLEMAN JIM RAVEN SQUARE                          Alton                            10              0
30714/006        74-76 ANSTEY ROAD                                      Alton                            10             10
55324/001        PROSPECT PLACE MILL LANE                               Alton                            14              0
30667/015        ALTON SPORTS & SOCIAL CLUB ANSTEY ROAD                 Alton                            85              0
55428/001        LAND AT CADNAMS FARM, UPPER ANSTEY LANE                Alton                           275              0
50167/001/RENU   CHANDOS LODGE LAND AT REAR OF LONDON ROAD              Alton                             6              6
55222/001        LAND AT WILL HALL FARM                                 Alton                           180              0
55417/001        LAND AT HOLE LANE HOLE LANE                            Bentley                          37              0
34310/016        LOWSLEY FARM LAND AT LARK RISE                         Bramshott and Liphook           150              0
37866/007        SITE OF 94 & LAND REAR OF 98-102 LONGMOOR ROAD         Bramshott and Liphook            10              0
26295/007/FUL    26 SILENT GARDEN PORTSMOUTH ROAD                       Bramshott and Liphook           127              0
33993/072        FORMER OSU SITE AREA B MIDHURST ROAD                   Bramshott and Liphook            44             44
22115/028        BEAVER INDUSTRIAL ESTATE MIDHURST ROAD                 Bramshott and Liphook            20              0
54599/001        LAND EAST OF BRAMSHOTT PLACE, HEWSHOTT LANE            Bramshott and Liphook            40              0
22458/004        127-135 LAND REAR OF DRIFT ROAD                        Clanfield                        12             12
54308/001        LAND NORTH OF TRAFALGAR RISE                           Clanfield                        18             18
55164            MEADOW CROFT FARM GREEN LANE                           Clanfield                        12             12

28889/024       LAND AT GREEN LANE GREEN LANE                        Clanfield          51   40
28463/002       LAND SOUTH OF CHALTON LANE CHALTON LANE              Clanfield         207    0
22160/005       1-3 LAND REAR OF GLOUCESTER CLOSE                    Four Marks         10    0
52501/002       RESERVE HOUSING ALLOCATION BRISLANDS LANE            Four Marks         91   44
20107/071       TRELOAR COLLEGE RYEBRIDGE LANE                       Froyle              5    5
20107/073       TRELOAR COLLEGE RYEBRIDGE LANE                       Froyle              4    0
20107/061       TRELOAR COLLEGE RYEBRIDGE LANE                       Froyle             55   25
54596/001       185-189A LAND REAR OF LOVEDEAN LANE                  Horndean           40    0
53198/001       34 LAND TO THE SOUTH OF HAVANT ROAD                  Horndean           16   16
55588           1 NASH HALL LONDON ROAD                              Horndean            1    0
53198/003       34 LAND TO THE SOUTH OF HAVANT ROAD                  Horndean           15    0
24076/015       FORMER GALES BREWERY LONDON ROAD                     Horndean           32   32
22823/021/FUL   CADLINGTON HOUSE BLENDWORTH LANE                     Horndean            1    0
53932/002       BARN HOUSE CADLINGTON HOUSE BLENDWORTH LANE          Horndean            1    1
53305/003       BOTTOM ROAD                                          Medstead           69    0
53305/001       BOTTOM ROAD                                          Medstead           38    0
55258/001       LAND NORTH OF BOYNESWOOD LANE                        Medstead           51    0
25256/032       FRIARS OAK FARM LAND AT BOYNESWOOD ROAD              Medstead           79    0
55010/002       LAND AT CEDAR STABLES, CASTLE STREET                 Medstead           10    0
55197/001       LAND EAST OF 20-38 LYMINGTON BOTTOM ROAD             Medstead           75    0
55307/001       DEAN COTTAGE LAND SOUTH WEST OF BIGHTON HILL         Ropley             15    0
55826           LAND AT DUNSELLS LANE                                Ropley             15    0
30016/014       103 LAND AT OAKLANDS HOUSE REDHILL ROAD              Rowlands Castle     1    1
54840/001       EASTLEIGH HOUSE COTTAGES NORTH OF BARTONS ROAD       Rowlands Castle    17    0
55268           LAND EAST OF COLLEGE CLOSE                           Rowlands Castle    34    0

23856/009        KEYLINE BUILDERS MERCHANTS REDHILL ROAD                          Rowlands Castle                      43                 0
    21915/015        MOORLANDS SAND PIT SOUTH OF HOGMOOR ROAD                         Whitehill                            12                 0
    28353/004*       QUEBEC BARRACKS CAMP ROAD                                        Whitehill                           100                 0
    36216/FUL        WHITEHILL CHASE HIGH STREET                                      Whitehill                             4                 0
    21915/011/VOC    MOORLANDS HOGMOOR ROAD                                           Whitehill                            41                 0
    21915/012/FUL    MOORLANDS HOGMOOR ROAD                                           Whitehill                            12                 0
    55369/001*       SITE OF LOUISBURG BARRACKS STATION ROAD                          Whitehill                           500                 0
                                                                                                        TOTAL            2785               290

*         These sites for part of the strategic allocation of 2,725 dwellings at Whitehill and Bordon and are therefore not considered within the
          ‘outstanding permissions’ category. These sites are considered as a separate component within the five year housing land supply
          calculations (Appendix G).

Appendix D – Outstanding Permissions (Small Sites)

SMALL SITES (9 or less dwellings)

                                                                              NET           UNDER
APPLICATION NO.    ADDRESS                                       PARISH   OUTSTANDING    CONSTRUCTION
54782              UPPER SCHOOL                                  Alton              -1              0
53594/001          59 KINGS ROAD                                 Alton              1               0
31433/008          HIGHMEAD COTTAGE OLD ODIHAM ROAD              Alton              0               0
29254/014          HIGHMEAD HOUSE OLD ODIHAM ROAD                Alton              1               0
31765/009          4A LENTEN STREET                              Alton              4               0
25610/006          9 CROSS AND PILLORY LANE                      Alton              2               0
21818/044          76 WESTBROOKE HOUSE HIGH STREET               Alton              9               9
38384/006          27 MARKET STREET                              Alton              1               0
55344              9 FIRST FLOOR OFFICES TURK STREET             Alton              2               0
22977/008          15, 15A & 15B TURK STREET                     Alton              6               0
23278/034 F        THE MALTINGS MALTINGS CLOSE                   Alton              6               0
24482/005          8 NORMANDY STREET                             Alton              3               0
26852/015          111 VICTORIA ROAD                             Alton              1               0
55160/001          18 SHOVELTREE ARCADE NORMANDY STREET          Alton              1               0
55102              96 MOUNT PLEASANT ROAD                        Alton              0               0
53816              40 NORMANDY STREET                            Alton              1               0
32440/004          NEW PALACE CINEMA NORMANDY STREET             Alton              4               0
54936              70 BON BON NORMANDY STREET                    Alton              1               0
24229/010          72 BARLEY MOW NORMANDY STREET                 Alton              6               6

33367/001       ALTON BOYS CLUB NURSERY ROAD                  Alton       3    0
54070           28 ANSTEY LANE                                Alton       1    0
55116           13-14 THE GARTH LAND NORTH OF NURSERY ROAD    Alton       2    0
24660/009       29 ANSTEY ROAD                                Alton       6    0
55349           2 QUARRY HEIGHTS WILSOM ROAD                  Alton       1    0
55608           1 QUARRY HEIGHTS WILSOM ROAD                  Alton       1    1
33146/011       MOWSE HOUSE CHURCH LANE                       Alton       1    1
30797/018       10 KINGS HILL                                 Beech       2    0
54928/003       148A MEDSTEAD ROAD                            Beech       2    0
54047/005       59 BEECHANGER WELLHOUSE ROAD                  Beech       1    0
54047/003       59 BEECHANGER WELLHOUSE ROAD                  Beech       1    0
32221/019       108 LANSDALES MEDSTEAD ROAD                   Beech       1    0
31814/003 F     SPRING STABLES MEDSTEAD ROAD                  Beech       0    0
32005/002       CROCKS FARM BUILDINGS MAIN ROAD               Bentley     3    3
32005/001 FUL   CROCKS FARM BUILDINGS MAIN ROAD               Bentley     6    6
54781/003       4 OAKWAY                                      Bentley     1    1
27992/002       BENTLEY VILLAGE SURGERY HOLE LANE             Bentley     1    0
50483/003       HONEYWOOD SCHOOL LANE                         Bentley     2    2
55730/003       LOWER STABLE, THE COACH HOUSE FARNHAM ROAD    Bentley     2    0
20041/025       NORTHBROOK HOUSE FARNHAM ROAD                 Bentley     2    0
51402/004       MEDSTEAD GRANGE TRINITY HILL                  Bentworth   3    3
29485/024       POWELLS FARM BURKHAM LANE                     Bentworth   1    0
27431/018       BENTWORTH HOUSE VILLAGE STREET                Bentworth   1    0
39446/001       STABLE COTTAGE BENTWORTH HALL HOLT END LANE   Bentworth   0    0
29314/003       OAKLANDS STATION ROAD                         Bentworth   1    0
54610           WALNUT TREE COTTAGE STATION ROAD              Binsted     0    0

52293           KOOKABURA HOUSE LAND AT GRAVEL HILL ROAD       Binsted                 1    0
20533/055       BIRDWORLD AND FOREST LODGE FARNHAM ROAD        Binsted                 3    0
20486/003/FUL   EARLSFIELD FARNHAM ROAD                        Binsted                 1    1
50951/003       THE FARMHOUSE OLD THORNS                       Bramshott and Liphook   0    0
49142/003       OLD FORGE FARM COTTAGE CONFORD ROAD            Bramshott and Liphook   0    0
20449/015       CONFORD PARK HOUSE CONFORD ROAD                Bramshott and Liphook   0    1
27625/029       TREE TOPS HILL HOUSE HILL                      Bramshott and Liphook   0    0
38470/001       THE HOLLIES OAKLEA PARK TUNBRIDGE LANE         Bramshott and Liphook   1    0
55774           58A HEADLEY ROAD                               Bramshott and Liphook   2    1
55001/001       7 TOWER ROAD                                   Bramshott and Liphook   1    0
27470/013       54-58 LAND REAR OF HEADLEY ROAD                Bramshott and Liphook   1    0
24279/008       20-22A JARVIS HOUSE THE SQUARE                 Bramshott and Liphook   1    1
55224           44 HIGH PINES MIDHURST ROAD                    Bramshott and Liphook   3    0
26082/005       32 LONDON ROAD                                 Bramshott and Liphook   1    0
28362/006/FUL   56 MIDHURST ROAD                               Bramshott and Liphook   1    0
54319           20 OAK LODGE LONDON ROAD                       Bramshott and Liphook   0    0
55200/003       SOUTHLANDS LIMES CLOSE                         Bramshott and Liphook   1    1
37139/001       26A BOURNE END LONDON ROAD                     Bramshott and Liphook   1    0
21420/008       81 LONDON ROAD                                 Bramshott and Liphook   1    0
53881/002       GLEBE HOUSE RECTORY LANE                       Bramshott and Liphook   1    1
39060/012       46 CHILTLEY LANE                               Bramshott and Liphook   1    1
50398/003       OLD BARN FARM BUNGALOW HEWSHOTT LANE           Bramshott and Liphook   0    0
23288/016       GORSELANDS PORTSMOUTH ROAD                     Bramshott and Liphook   2    0
49866/004       MARCHWOOD, THE WREKIN & WOODVIEW THE SHRAVE    Chawton                 8    4
55155/001       LAND NORTH HERRIES TO LITTLE OAKS THE SHRAVE   Chawton                 8    0
36917/005/FUL   76 DRIFT ROAD                                  Clanfield               2    2

28010/002       94 SUNDERTON LANE                               Clanfield    1    0
22291/007       43 CHALTON LANE                                 Clanfield    1    0
54500/003       1 DRIFT ROAD                                    Clanfield    2    0
13/00251 SDNP   OLD BARN HOUSE CROWS LANE                       Farringdon   1    0
22112/016       148-154 WINCHESTER ROAD                         Four Marks   6    0
22112/021       148 THE BUNGALOW WINCHESTER ROAD                Four Marks   1    0
49399/001       137 WINCHESTER ROAD                             Four Marks   1    0
37012/001       GREENWAYS FARM BRISLANDS LANE                   Four Marks   1    1
27747/008       15 PINE RIDGE LYMINGTON BOTTOM ROAD             Four Marks   2    2
34574/004       1 LYMINGTON CLOSE                               Four Marks   1    0
55451           27 GLENMORE LYMINGTON BOTTOM                    Four Marks   8    0
55766           71 MAYTREES LYMINGTON BOTTOM                    Four Marks   4    0
38654/002       91 EREHWON WINCHESTER ORAD                      Four Marks   1    0
53279           91 OLD PASTURE FARM BLACKBERRY LANE             Four Marks   0    0
55202/001       33 WINDMILL FIELDS                              Four Marks   2    2
20171/021       30 THE WINDMILL INN WINCHESTER ROAD             Four Marks   4    0
49664/001       2 THORN CLOSE                                   Four Marks   1    0
54493           15 BLACKBERRY LANE                              Four Marks   1    1
54942/004       HILLSIDE WILLIS LANE                            Four Marks   1    1
54143           48 GLENTHORNE TELEGRAPH LANE                    Four Marks   0    0
53264/002       WHYTE GATE, TWO OAKS AND WOODLANDS THE SHRAVE   Four Marks   9    6
20107/077       FROYLE HOUSE RYEBRIDGE LANE                     Froyle       2    0
51309/004       MYRTLE COTTAGE RYEBRIDGE LANE                   Froyle       1    0
28408/008       WARREN COTTAGE FROYLE ROAD                      Froyle       0    1
49833/005       HIGHWOOD HOUSE WELL LANE                        Froyle       0    1
22196/010       LIME QUARRY WELL LANE                           Froyle       2    0

55379            38-41 DEVELOPMENT SITE AT WESTBURNE FIELDS   Froyle      4    0
31272/003        BRACKEN HILL HAMMER LANE                     Grayshott   1    0
20511/003/RENU   TWO WHEELS WHITMORE VALE                     Grayshott   0    1
33316/003        MALLORN LADYGATE DRIVE                       Grayshott   0    0
23803/011        DONEC LADYGATE DRIVE                         Grayshott   1    1
54978            20 BEECH HANGER ROAD                         Grayshott   1    0
30289/005        SUNNYHILL STONEY BOTTOM                      Grayshott   1    0
26194/004        THE DINING ROOMS RESTAURANT HEADLEY ROAD     Grayshott   1    0
28447/012        18-20 REAR OF HEADLEY ROAD                   Grayshott   2    0
53125/002        CROSSWAYS EAST PORTSMOUTH ROAD               Grayshott   2    2
38043/011        CROSSWAYS WEST PORTSMOUTH ROAD               Grayshott   1    0
55473/001        KENSTEAD CROSSWAYS ROAD                      Grayshott   1    0
37450/001        BRAMBLES CROSSWAYS ROAD                      Grayshott   1    1
20347/021        BORDON FARMS PICKETTS HILL                   Headley     3    0
32976/002        FOREST LODGE FOREST LANE                     Headley     1    0
52855/005        LAUNDRY COTTAGE PICKETTS HILL                Headley     0    0
38462/006        60 CHURCH FIELDS                             Headley     1    0
49265/004        THE PADDOCKS TULLS LANE                      Headley     0    0
20558/022        CRABTREE HOUSE CRABTREE LANE                 Headley     2    0
54763            21 FARTHING FIELDS                           Headley     3    0
25552/003        HOLKHAM HEADLEY FIELDS                       Headley     1    0
29483/003        BURFORD COTTAGE PICKETTS HILL                Headley     1    1
49234/006        GARTHWAITE LIPHOOK ROAD                      Headley     0    0
27467/005        SPIRE HOUSE PICKETTS HILL                    Headley     1    0
25030/005        LAND SOUTH OF HEADLEY FIELDS                 Headley     7    7
20445/008        TAMARIND ARFORD ROAD                         Headley     1    1

55393           HEADLEY GRANGE FARM LIPHOOK ROAD             Headley    1     1
27844/004       HARAMBEE GENTLES LANE                        Headley    1     0
26150/003       SILVER BIRCHES GENTLES LANE                  Headley    1     0
26150/003       SILVER BIRCHES GENTLES LANE                  Headley    -1    0
54325           THE OASTS FRENSHAM LANE                      Headley    0     0
24049/002/FUL   1 & 2 CHATTERTON LODGE FULLERS VALE          Headley    1     1
23292/007       KILMORY BEECH HILL                           Headley    1     0
53718/001       OPENLANDS FURZE VALE ROAD                    Headley    1     0
53718/001       OPENLANDS FURZE VALE ROAD                    Headley    0     0
36834/002       THE BUNGALOW FORMER SITE OF SUNNYSIDE ROAD   Headley    1     1
22107/020       2 WHITE CHIMNEYS FURZE HILL ROAD             Headley    1     0
20854/004       WALNUT WELL WHITMORE VALE                    Headley    0     0
40027/005/FUL   SHROVER HALL ANMORE LANE                     Horndean   1     1
27316/003       28 NEW ROAD                                  Horndean   1     0
38294           211 LOVEDEAN LANE                            Horndean   3     0
51022/006       187 LAND SOUTH OF LOVEDEAN LANE              Horndean   1     0
55028/001       11 ASHLEY CLOSE                              Horndean   1     0
52995           135 FROGMORE LANE                            Horndean   1     0
54778/002       35 THE SPINNEY                               Horndean   1     0
54694           288 CATHERINGTON LANE                        Horndean   1     0
28358/003       362 CATHERINGTON LANE                        Horndean   0     0
36929/002       42 GLAMORGAN ROAD                            Horndean   1     0
36384/015/FUL   120 LAND ADJ WHITE DIRT LANE                 Horndean   1     1
54821           6 DEEP DELL                                  Horndean   1     0
54907           2 NEW DWELLING SITE BRIDLE PATH              Horndean   1     0
21190/008/FUL   NEYOR GADING DOWN ROAD                       Horndean   1     1

27208/001/FUL   95 PORTSMOUTH ROAD                             Horndean   3    3
50647/012       28-32 LAND REAR OF QUEENS CRESCENT             Horndean   2    0
36461/004/FUL   THE HAVEN DOWN ROAD                            Horndean   0    1
21554/012       1 ONE STOP FIVE HEADS ROAD                     Horndean   2    0
27253/005       187 LONDON ROAD                                Horndean   1    0
29919/001       HORNDEAN HEALTH CENTRE BLENDWORTH LANE         Horndean   7    0
28870/004       1 LAND NORTH OF WHITEHAVEN                     Horndean   1    0
26242/051       DEAN FARM GOLF COURSE MAIN ROAD                Kingsley   1    1
52258/002       THE OLD PIGGERY MAIN ROAD                      Kingsley   2    0
55585/001       1 FENRIS SICKLES LANE                          Kingsley   0    0
29647/003       WHITEHILL LASHAM ROAD                          Lasham     0    0
26311/004       CORDWAINERS CHASE ROAD                         Lindford   3    0
55276           SION WINDSOR ROAD                              Lindford   1    0
31088/007       ROYAL EXCHANGE LINDFORD ROAD                   Lindford   4    0
23986/005 F     GROVE FARM BIGHTON ROAD                        Medstead   1    1
54383/001       ROSERY LOWER PAICE LANE                        Medstead   0    0
30843/010       MEADOW FARM STUD WIELD ROAD                    Medstead   0    0
20897/003       ASHLING ROOKWOOD LANE                          Medstead   0    0
23903/001       KELMSCOTT HATTINGLEY ROAD                      Medstead   0    0
22584/010       ST CATHERINES PAICE LANE                       Medstead   0    0
30742/005       BALIMA PAICE LANE                              Medstead   0    1
54291/001       OVERDALE UPPER SOLDRIDGE ROAD                  Medstead   1    1
50313           TOWNGATE FARM HOUSE LAND NORTH OF WIELD ROAD   Medstead   4    0
54643/004       PAX GROSVENOR ROAD                             Medstead   0    0
23228/003/FUL   OLD FORGE HIGH STREET                          Medstead   2    2

37904/FUL       JUBILEE COTTAGE HIGH STREET               Medstead          1     1
22638/002       74 WISTARIA LYMINGTON BOTTOM ROAD         Medstead          5     5
33485/002       FOXWOOD ROE DOWNS ROAD                    Medstead          0     0
33765/002       34 MIMOSA LYMINGTON BOTTOM ROAD           Medstead          1     0
55118           THE BOYNES STATION APPROACH               Medstead          1     0
21149/008       THE LIMES STATION APPROACH                Medstead          0     0
54970/002       WOODFIELD WINDSOR ROAD                    Medstead          5     0
21957/009       HIGH MEAD PLOT EAST OF BOYNESWOOD LANE    Medstead          1     0
51633/003       BLUEBELL BARN THE DENE                    Ropley            1     1
24404/006/FUL   HOBSONS CHOICE PETERSFIELD ROAD           Ropley            1     1
21594/021       SEARLE & TAYLOR HOUSE THE DENE            Ropley            2     0
31642/005       GRASSCROFT PARK LANE                      Ropley            0     0
53598           SCOUT ASSOCIATION VICARAGE LANE           Ropley            1     0
27280/010       CHURCH STREET FARM CHURCH STREET          Ropley            1     0
31260/001 F     HIGHCLIFFE LAND ADJ DUNSELLS LANE         Ropley            1     1
53804/002       THE CROFT COURT LANE                      Ropley            0     0
22763/013       THE BLACKBERRY PATCH PARKSTONE ROAD       Ropley            0     0
32375/003       FAIRFIELD GRAVEL LANE                     Ropley            0     1
39792/001       VALLEYVIEW GRAVEL LANE                    Ropley            0     0
20209/007       ROPLEY LIME QUARRY SOAMES LANE            Ropley            6     0
27778/004       VALE FARM SMUGGLERS LANE                  Ropley            2     0
21082/007       THE RETREAT SMUGGLERS LANE                Ropley            -1    0
38927/007       TREETOPS FARM PETERSFIELD ROAD            Ropley            0     1
21328/019       37A THE OLD FORGE POTTERY DURRANTS ROAD   Rowlands Castle   1     0
53706           88 REDHILL ROAD                           Rowlands Castle   0     0
28845/005       33 LINKS LANE                             Rowlands Castle   1     1

49574/002       43 FINCHDEAN ROAD                              Rowlands Castle              1     0
21876/048       OAKHANGER FARM OAKHANGAR ROAD                  Selborne                     1     0
28652/016/FUL   SUNACRES COTTAGE SHALDEN LANE                  Shalden                      1     1
34343/010       23 GLENDALE MORNINGTON ROAD                    Whitehill                    5     0
23914/008       SEAFORD HOUSE HOGMOOR ROAD                     Whitehill                    5     0
39184/003       95 SUNNYSIDE HOGMOOR ROAD                      Whitehill                    0     0
55094           61 ZEZORERO HOGMOOR ROAD                       Whitehill                    4     0
30130/002       54 SUTTON FIELD                                Whitehill                    1     0
26058/016/RES   JEHA HOUSE PETERSFIELD ROAD                    Whitehill                    6     0
22005/005       BAKER ENGINEERING DEVON ROAD                   Whitehill                    2     0
53780/002       BROOM COTTAGE HENDON ROAD                      Whitehill                    2     0
23619/095       24-28 OFFICES AT FOREST CENTRE PINEHILL ROAD   Whitehill                    8     0
30573/006/FUL   2A BRANSON ROAD                                Whitehill                    1     2
24314/008       2 SOMERSET VILLAS ADJOINING MILL CHASE ROAD    Whitehill                    2     0
25447/003       THE CABIN WINDMILL LANE                        Wield                        0     0
                                                                                 TOTAL    352   107
                                                                           10% Discount   317

Appendix E – Sites with Resolution to grant planning permission

    APPLICATION                                                                                                             Expected in next
    NUMBER           Address                                              Parish                        Net outstanding     five years

    30021/056*       SITE AND LAND EAST OF SELBORNE ROAD                  Alton                                       529                 226
                     LAND EAST OF HORNDEAN, ROWLANDS
    55562/001*       CASTLE ROAD                                          Horndean                                    700                 155
    30016/018        ROAD                                                 Rowlands Castle                             106                 106

    55587/001**      LAND AT AND ADJOINING BORDON GARRISON                Whitehill                                  2400                 N/A
                                                                                               TOTAL                 3735                 487

*        It is anticipated that not all the dwellings associated with these sites will come forward within the next five years. It is expected
         that 226 dwellings at Lord Mayor Treloars / East of Selborne Road, and 155 dwellings at land east of Horndean will be built by
         21st March 2020. A schedule of these sites can be found within Appendix I.

**       This site forms part of the strategic allocation of 2,725 dwellings at Whitehill and Bordon and are therefore not considered within
         the ‘resolution to grant planning permission’ category. These sites are considered as a separate component within the five year
         housing land supply calculations (Appendix G).

Appendix F – Baseline / Reserve Sites

                                              2015/16 to         2020/21 to        2024/25 to
    Site                                       2019/20            2023/24           2027/28         Total

    Lord Mayor Treloar Hospital, Alton*                    0               150                  0      150

    Reserve (South Hampshire)
    Havant Road & Keydell Nursery,
    Horndean**                                             0                  40                0       40
    North of James Copse Close,
    Horndean                                               85                 0                 0       85

    Total                                                  85              190                  0      275

*           This allocation now forms part of a resolution to grant planning permission for 529 dwellings (30021/056). However, none of these
            dwellings have been included within the five year housing land supply calculations.

**          The Havant Road reserve site has planning permission. The total dwelling number for Keydell Nursery is 160, however part of site
            has been assessed as undeliverable (120 dwellings) and the number reduced to 40 dwellings.

Appendix G – Whitehill and Bordon Development Trajectory

             2014/   2015/   2016/   2017/   2018/   2019/   2020/   2021/   2022/   2023/   2024/   2025/   2026/   2027/   SUB
             2015    2016    2017    2018    2019    2020    2021    2022    2023    2024    2025    2026    2027    2028    TOTAL

                               20      50      85     125     131     173     172     201     220     200     194     205      1776

LOUISBURG                              80      83      83      83      83      88                                               500

QUEBEC                         30      70                                                                                       100

                                                               40      50      60                                               150

TOTALS          0       0      50     200     168     208     254     306     320     201     220     200     194     205      2526

               Five Year Housing Land Supply

Appendix H – Windfall Calculation

                        Total 2000 to    Annual         25%       11 Year    5 Year Land
Settlement                  2011         Average      Discount     Total     Supply Total

North of SDNP
Alton                              266         24.2        18.1        200           54.4
Liphook                             78          7.1         5.3         59           16.0
Four Marks / S.
Medstead                            86          7.8         5.9         65           17.6
Grayshott                           40          3.6         2.7         30            8.2
Rest of North of SDNP              235         21.4        16.0        176           48.1
Whitehill & Bordon                 137         12.5         9.3        103           28.0
Sub-total                          842         76.5        57.4        633          172.2

South Hampshire
Horndean                           150         13.6        10.2        113           30.7
Clanfield                           27          2.5         1.8         20            5.5
Rowlands Castle                     43          3.9         2.9         32            8.8
Sub-total                          220         20.0        15.0        165           45.0

EHDC Total                        1062         96.5        72.4        798          217.2

Appendix I – Large Site Housing Phasing (Over 100 dwellings)

Application   Site                                Dwellings    2015/16   2016/17   2017/18   2018/19   2019/20   2020/21   2021/22   2022/23   2023/24   2024/25   2025/26   2026/27   2027/28   Total
              Land east of Selborne Road                230                            30        50        50        50        50                                                                   230
              Land at Lord Mayor Treloar                299                                      44        52        84        69        50                                                         299
55428/001     Land at Cadnams Farm                      275                 120       110        45                                                                                                 275
55222/01      Land at Will Hall Farm                    180                  30        75        75                                                                                                 180
28463/002     Land at Chalton Lane                      207                  57        50        50        50                                                                                       207
55562/001     Land east of Horndean                     700                                      75        80       150       150       130       115                                               700
34310/016     Lowsley farm, Land at Lark Rise           150                  30        60        60                                                                                                 150
26295/007     26 Silent Garden, Portsmouth Road         127                  39        50        38                                                                                                 127
30016/018     Land south of Oaklands House              106        30        50        26                                                                                                           106
                                                       2274        30       326       401       437       232       284       269       180       115         0         0         0         0      2274

              Planning Permission Granted
              Resolution to Grant
              Five Year Housing land Supply

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