Effect Of Using Dynamic Graphical Utilities On Students' Achievements And Attitudes To Enhance Mathematics Teaching And Learning At The Elementary ...

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Effect Of Using Dynamic Graphical Utilities On Students' Achievements And Attitudes To Enhance Mathematics Teaching And Learning At The Elementary ...
Journal of Positive School Psychology                                                 http://journalppw.com
2023, Vol. 7, No. 1, 106-116

Effect Of Using Dynamic Graphical Utilities On Students’
Achievements And Attitudes To Enhance Mathematics Teaching
And Learning At The Elementary Level In Pakistan: Enhancing
And Impeding Factors
1FarahNaz Makhdum , 2Mahnaz Makhdum , 3Dr. Afifa Khanam , 4Humaira Rasool

  PhD Scholar, Department of STEM education, Lahore College for Women University (LCWU), Lahore, Pakistan.
(Principal /Corresponding Author) fmakhdum121@gmail.com
  Associate Professor at Govt. Graduate College (W), Gulberg, Lahore, Pakistan, Ph.D Scholar, National College of
Business Administration and Education (NCBA&E), Lahore, Pakistan. mahnaz.stats@gmail.com
  Assistant Professor, Department of STEM Education Lahore College for Women University (LCWU), Lahore,
Pakistan. dr.khanam.wattoo@gmail.com
  PhD Scholar, Department of STEM education, Lahore College for Women University (LCWU), Lahore, Pakistan

Utilizing and integrating technology into teaching practices has become a necessity at all levels to develop
students’ cognitive in mathematics. This research is a mixed method research to identify differences in the
mean scores of teaching with Desmos and GeoGebra graphic utilities with intervention and with no
intervention on student’s achievement and attitudes to enhance mathematics teaching and learning at the
elementary level in Pakistan. Also, to discover the enhancing and impeding factors of using graphical tools
in mathematics classrooms by applying a survey questionnaire and asked open-ended questions to obtain
information from the participants regarding the factors for using Desmos and Gebgra in Pakistani schools.
The findings present that the inclusion of graphical tools in teaching and learning process effected the
students understanding positively and significantly. Result showed that pretest and post-test of the
experimental group does not imply a significant difference, since the interest shown by the students in using
the said dynamic graphical soft wares.

Keywords: Desmos, GeoGebra, grade 7, Mathematics, Pakistan, Experimental Design

Introduction                                                 empower students’ interest and focus, enhance
Nowadays, everybody has digital devices to use               the classroom environment and overall students’
for teaching and learning. In any occasion, we can           learning experience. That is why this research
see adults, children, man or woman bring cell                aimed to identify the effect of Desmos and
phones, tabs, laptops, in their hands and seemed             GeoGebra tools on student’s achievement and
inseparable. In this 21st century, teaching and              attitudes at the elementary level for private
learning environment cannot be separated from                schools in Pakistan. Also, to determine the
the use of technology (Guggemos, & Seufert,                  enhancing and impeding factors of using the
2021) as it is a basic tool for education. This              graphical tools in mathematics classrooms and
phenomenon, somehow, challenges the teachers                 for the purpose, students’ and teachers
to integrate technology into their teaching to               perceptions and experience towards the use of
Effect Of Using Dynamic Graphical Utilities On Students' Achievements And Attitudes To Enhance Mathematics Teaching And Learning At The Elementary ...
107                                                                   Journal of Positive School Psychology

graphical smart tools were taken. The study was         web-based tools. Desmos and GeoGebra were
conducted at a private school of Lahore, Pakistan.      used to help students make better link between
Over the two decades, teachers and students have        math concepts and graphical illustrations.
access to number of smart tools for teaching and        These are used as math practice at different levels
learning mathematics particularly. However, not         and are one of the more popular online graphing
every teachers integrate technology into their          utilities. These web-based graphical utilities are
teaching. Good and quality teaching for                 available as a website and as an app. Desmos and
mathematics mainly depends on the way it is             GeoGebra are a similar online graphing utilities
taught and learned (Li, Schoenfeld, 2019).              that have many extra options with the ability to
Desmos and GeoGebra are online graphical                plot, solve for a parameter, and explore, calculus,
calculators that are freely available and accessible    trigonometry, linear algebra and solves equations
for everyone. These tools facilitate students to        with intermediate explanations that provide
comprehend the concepts conceptually will lead          practical information about the topic. Another
towards students to think and reason more               app ‘Symbolab’ that gives a user-friendly online
mathematically. Pakistani students face many            graphing utility that shares very similar
difficulties in conceptualizing many math               functionality to Desmos and GeoGebra. Since,
concepts. They face problems in understanding,          there are many practice problems on it, which
recalling and retaining concepts in mathematics         allow them to practice in different areas such as
particularly (Ali, 2011). Moreover, in Pakistan,        algebra and calculus. Considerable research on
teachers usually fail to instill and nurture critical   various math topics investigated the effect of
abilities in students in the subject of math. The       using the utilities on different levels of education
use of web-based applications help to reduce            and assessed the overall performance and
learning loss in understanding the content of the       attitudes in classroom, learning skills, and
subject conceptually.                                   students’ hand-held written graph-work to
In our education system, mathematics is a tough         measure their conceptual understanding,
subject for teachers and students respectively.         visualization, problem-solving skills, and
Teacher’s role in this regard is crucial for            reasoning.
implementing the instructional practices for the        In past few decades, these tools have had a broad
subject while its effectiveness is measured             Impact. The National Council of Mathematics
through the performance of students. To add             Teachers in 1980 suggested that the students at all
more, technology positively effects the classroom       levels take advantage of these web-based tools in
environment. GeoGebra and Desmos are freely             learning the subject with time, teachers have
accessible graphical tools and used specifically        improved their teaching styles to enhance
created to be used for mathematics learning for         students learning and designed such activities that
all types of students.                                  help to explore and visualize math concepts.
Technology can play its effective role in teaching      Thus, activities, achievements and their attitudes
and learning the subject to develop conceptual          have changed in today’s technological world.
development and even more effective when                Hence, long, time taking and complicated
technology creates interactive classroom                graphical representations can be conceptualized
environment to successfully complete tasks.             using technology in classroom. The ways that
According to Huang et, al., 2012, graphical             students produce and report graphical analysis
techniques could highly support students' solving       can be affected by technology. The main concern
processes. Technology concerns about students'          of teaching-learning math is to create and develop
understanding of math concepts with graphical           concept-related images in the minds of students.
Farah Naz Makhdum                                                                              108

For this purpose, graphical soft wares are the best          To determine the enhancing and
tools that enable them to understand the concept              impeding factors of using graphical tools
by doing on the screen to support cognitive skills.           in mathematics classrooms at the private
Through the graphical soft wares, students can                schools of Pakistan.
draw dynamically as a result different insight
graphs of a topics evoke in a meaningful way          Research Questions:
(Khalil, Farooq, Çakıroğlu, Khalil, & Khan,               How does dynamic graphical tools effect
2018). Thus, these concept-developmental tools              on students' performance and their
are to formalize the concepts to engage students            attitudes in the mathematics classroom?
in the learning process. Technology enhances              What are the factors that enhance and
students' learning as they can discover and                 impede while using dynamic graphical
construct cognition of different concepts.                  tools of mathematics in Pakistani
Utilizing technology in education improves the              classrooms?
exploratory potential, abilities and skills of            How do mathematics students of grade 7
students. For example, using web-based graphing             observe enhancing and impeding factors
calculators allow them to explore how various               in Pakistani schools?
functions behave.                                         What are the impediments of using the
The existing research explored the effect of                desmos and GeoGebra at the elementary
technology based and hand held graphing                     level for students in Pakistani
calculators, ‘Desmos and GeoGebra’ on students’             classrooms?
understanding and organization of paper-pencil
work as it relates to their conceptual                Attitude Terminology
understanding in the presence of technology is        According to Heddy, Danielson, Sinatra, &
presented.                                            Graham, (2017), in the context at hand, the
                                                      terminology 'attitude' can be referred to as
Hypothesis                                            perceived behavioral control predict the intention
There is a positive relationship between the          to use technology-related content in instruction.
learning graphs using desmos and GeoGebra             Therefore, attitudes toward technology-mediated
tools and the results obtained on the manual way      teaching implied to as positive evaluation of
of creating graphs.                                   teaching with digital technologies.

Objectives                                            Achievement Terminology
    To identify differences in the mean              According to Good, (1973, P-7), achievement
      scores of teaching with Desmos and              means, “Knowledge attained or skills developed
      GeoGebra graphical utilities with               in the school subjects usually designed by test
      intervention and with no intervention on        scores assigned by teachers”
      student’s mathematics achievement and
      attitudes at the elementary level in            Desmos & GeoGebra
      Pakistan.                                       GeoGebra is free and multi-platform dynamic
    To identify the effect of Desmos and             software for teaching-learning math (Ramadhani,
      GeoGebra       tools    on     student’s        & Narpila, 2018) whereas Desmos is an
      achievement and attitudes at the                innovative and modern online graphing
      elementary level in Pakistan.                   calculator (https://teacher.desmos.com/). Math
                                                      requires cognitive process that further needs
109                                                                 Journal of Positive School Psychology

proper systematic strategy. In mathematics,           graphical tools along with positive attitude
cognitive process focusses solely on intellectual     towards learning. To add more, the students on
with no emotional components and places the           their own activities also achieved the geometrical
students and social context in the learning           progression through stages as teachers used
process. Both these graphical soft wares are free,    Desmos and GeoGebra for teaching mathematics.
very intuitive and easy to use as students can draw   Considerable research has assessed the
graphs of circles, equation of a line, inequalities   effectiveness of using graphing calculators on
and relations. They can use colors and colors are     students' achievement on various mathematical
easy to change. These educational soft wares runs     topics. Harvey (1993) collected data from fifty-
in any browser such as Google chrome and              five schools by comparing the mean scores in pre-
students can save their work. Desmos is higher        calculus test using graphing calculators. Out of
quality, full-featured, 21st century math software    which 22 schools considered as control groups
as also, offers combination of geometry and           and were taught by conventional ways. The
algebra up to calculus using sliders with click and   remaining schools were taken as treatment and
drag option created by ‘Desmos’ (Desmos, 2017).       were taught using graphing calculators. The
Whereas in GeoGebra, everything is treated            findings of the study revealed that there were
geometrical, algebraically and automatically          significantly positive improvement in the
measured https://tube.geogebra.org/ (Sharing          treatment schools on the mean scores over the
area).                                                control groups.

Research Related to GeoGebra and                      Methodology
Desmos Aided Instruction
In this technological era, everyone is having         Participants
technology and various smart tools have been          As recommended by Palinkas, Horwitz, Green,
developed being used to support teaching and          Wisdom, Duan, & Hoagwood, (2015), purposive
learning. Features of Desmos and GeoGebra are         sampling is a useful technique for the
offering dynamic learning environment, as these       implementation of mixed method research and
are very simple and straightforward in usage. In      provides useful information to achieve study
one study of Erbas and Yenmez (2011) revealed         objectives. Population for the research comprised
that there is a highly significant effect in          of all the private schools of Punjab, Pakistan.
achievement, interest and motivation in learning      Thirty students were chosen purposively from a
geometry and showed effective result in               private school in Lahore, Pakistan for the pre-
retention.                                            experimental study and out of them 3 students
Likewise, (Cakir, & Yildirim, 2013) selected pre-     and 2 teachers were taken for the semi-structured
service teachers and observed their positive          interview, constituted the sample of the study.
attitude towards integrating technology in            Study has been carried out with a sample of 30
classroom setting and resulted in that their          students of grade 7 from 12 to 14 years old for the
positive attitudes are major cause of permanence      evaluation of the graphical calculators in math for
of knowledge. Wassie, Y., & Zergaw, G., (2019)        the treatment group. None of these students had
observed performance groups for treatment             not used the graphical soft wares before. Hence,
whose performance was lower in comparison to          it is the first time that the treatment group faced
the control group whose performance was higher.       the smart tools for drawing graphs in math
They showed that results were effective and           classroom. It is also descriptive since the
distinguished of the treatment group using            intention is also to know their experiences and
Farah Naz Makhdum                                                                                   110

opinions on the graphical tools they used in the          the conceptual understanding of mathematical
study. Once the results of the intervention               graph topics. The experimental group has taken
achieved from the participants of the study by the        the pre-test to measure their learning prior to the
teacher, an interview data was collected from the         implementation of Desmos and GeoGebra. The
experiences of the treatment group. The data              post-test was administered after to see the
enabled us to immediately detect possible gaps in         differences of their conceptual understanding of
the knowledge of content. To clarify the graphs           the topics being evaluated. During the analysis,
that has been properly learnt by the students, a          paired sample t-test was administered to compare
thinking process based on the analysis of findings        the significant differences between the pre-test
is crucial in order to clear doubts. The data             and post-test of the experimental group.
analysis obtained from the semi-structured
interview enabled the discussion to discover the          Achievement test
effect of the graphical tools on students’ learning       The mathematics teacher administered the
achievement and attitudes in math during the              achievement test as an instrument of the study.
academic year 2022-2023. Two instruments were             There were ten questions, designed by the
used to explore the effectiveness of Desmos and           coordinator of the math subject. The topics on the
GeoGebra on students' learning achievement and            achievement test were graphs of horizontal and
their perceptions on the use of the smart tools. A        vertical line, gradient of a straight line,
semi-structured interview seeking open-ended              transformation of a graph, linear and quadratic
answers was administered for the study and the            equations, solving simultaneous equations
pretest for the intervention was made by the              graphically and its applications in real-world
teacher to commensurate the improvement of                contexts using Desmos and geoGebra apps.
their performance due to the implementation of            Students had more opportunities to use graphing
the intervention. The participants’ experiences           calculators 'Desmos and GeoGebra' for answers.
were discussed under each question. All six               However, ten questions were graphing calculator
participants were interviewed within the duration         neutral, and that could be answered with or
of 15 minutes on average.                                 without graphing calculators.

Pre-Experimental Design                                   Results and Discussion
The existing study focuses on achievement and             It was found that the group who involved free
attitudes of respondents by comparing pretest and         software using desmos and geogebra in their
posttest of the intervention group, where the tests       teaching and learning pretest and post-test scores
are multiple choice type items and involved 30            were used to measure students' Math learning
math students. The questions used in the pre-test         acquisition.
and post were conceptual based and involved on

                                              Statistics        df         Sig.
                   Pre Test – Experimental .081                 30         .200*
                   Post Test – Experimental .103                30         .200*
                   *. This is a lower bound of the true significance.
111                                                                     Journal of Positive School Psychology

                      Test of Normality

It is evident from the table of normality test for        N = 30  Total No. of students
the data that the value of the Kolmogorov–                M = Means
Smirnov Test (KS) is > 0.05, therefore, the data          SD = standard deviation
is normal.                                                Df  degrees of freedom
The tables below showed that the comparison               t-value  the difference of means
between the pre and post-tests of the                     Level of significance is 5%, (0.05)
experimental groups. In these tables,
                                   Mean        N          SD             Std. Error Mean
  Pre Test Experimental Group      57.33       30         11.018         2.012
  Post Test Experimental Group 76.53           30         13.390         2.445
  Paired Samples Statistics

The table above represents descriptive statistical        test and 13.390 for the post-test. The standard
data of students’ comparative score in mean and           error mean was 2.012 for pre-test and 2.445 for
standard deviation. The two places of the test            the post-test. The results stated that intervention
were pre-test and post-test while in between              might affect the students’ achievement with
researcher had given treatment to the students.           reference to technological-mediated instruction.
The result of both the tests were calculated              The table below represents that the mean score
through SPSS ver. 25 which provided that the              paired difference is 19.200 with a SD of 15.176.
mean score of the pre-test was 57.33 and the              It has a standard error mean of 2.771 while with
result of post-test was 76.53 among 30 students.          0.05 confidence interval it has a paired difference
The standard deviation was 11.018 for the pre-            of -24.867.

 Paired Differences
                                                       95%       Confidence
                                                       Interval   of    the
                   Mean       SD          Std. Error   Lower      Upper     T             df      Sig. (2-
                                          Mean                                                    tailed)
 Pre      Test
 Experimental   --            15.176 2.771             -24.867      -13.533      --       29      .000
 Post     Test
 Experimental   19.200                                                           6.930
 Paired Samples Test

Thus, the difference between the pre-test and             the rules of quantitative analysis, if p-value < 0.05
post-test scores is significant at (29) degrees of        the results are not statistically significant, as
freedom (df) at 5% alpha. The two-tailed                  shown. Overall result confirms that intervention
significant level is 0.000 < 0.05 which is a              has a positive and significant effect on
significant value for paired sample test. Again, by       participants’ achievement and attitudes. Use of
Farah Naz Makhdum                                                                              112

graphical smart tools significantly improved their   of time in teaching graphs to students with pen
mathematics learning from the pre-test scores to     and paper approach for sketching graphs and
the post-test marks.                                 visualizing concepts.
                                                     I also observed that the students were able to
Semi-Structured Interview – Analysis &               better access, learn and practice the topics and
Results                                              they were interested in doing so. I agreed that the
For the purpose of anonymity of respondents of       use of these apps, of course, increases effective
the present study, the interviews were given         teaching and learning in the classroom.
codes as student1, student2, student3 respectively
for grade 7 students and teacher1 and teacher2 for   Qs2. What are main impediments for
teachers. The responses of participants and their    implementing this kind of instruction?
analysis are given below.
                                                     Teacher1: There are insufficient technical
Qs1. What are the factors to consider that           support that may cause us to be less confident
influence or enhance technology-mediated             about technology-mediated instruction. With this,
instruction using Desmos & GeoGebra in               I mean, smart boards, computer access for every
mathematics classroom at grade 7 level?              student of the class with smooth internet facility,
Teacher1: I would say that most students felt that   as there are plethora of additional technology for
technology usage in math classroom was               teaching in a math classroom. To add more,
motivating and engaging with the content. Albeit     attitudes of teachers and students especially for
the use of these smart graphical tools, the          teaching-learning math to use technology is
coursework was completed at a fast and               hesitant.
accelerated pace.
                                                     Qs3. Do you recommend continuing this
What strategies can be more enhancing                kind of technology-mediated instruction?
within the math classroom for the                    Give one reason.
As a teacher, I experienced that learning graphs     Teacher1: Yes, I recommend continuing these
with smart tools improves interaction between        smart tools in math classroom and teachers must
students and teacher. We are able to track           continue to innovate and fully embrace
students’ learning easily and in an organized way.   technology. Teachers should participate in
According to the needs of the students, these apps   training of such smart tools in classroom they
solve problems to draw graphs and fully support      seem to unable to describe the content based
individual needs of the student. Moreover, these     technological knowledge.
are meaningful educational graphical soft wares      Teacher2: I would strongly recommend these
to develop conceptual understanding and fluency      productive and educational tools; however,
in the topic.                                        school policies should provide suffice amenities,
                                                     devices and equipment to all students and should
Teacher2: These tools are very convenient            support technological integration.
learning platforms as these are easily accessible    These will definitely be the strongest factor for
and available in schools that increases              enhancing math learning. Schools must provide
motivation. Students learn with conceptual and       the relevant resources, materials and fast internet
full understanding with the use of soft wares.       facility.
However, without these soft wares it takes a lot
113                                                                Journal of Positive School Psychology

Teachers’ perception – Qualitative Data              time in conceptualizing and understanding graphs
Analysis                                             with pen-paper approach. We can access, learn
Thus, teachers should consider maximum               and practice the graphs better. I agreed that the
learning benefits of technological integration in    use of these apps is really interesting.
math classroom particularly for overall
achievement. With time, they should increase         Qs2. What are some common
their    technological     pedagogical    content    impediments that make Desmos and
knowledge. Teachers much consider teacher-           GeoGebra possible in the math
learner interaction, track learning process and      classroom?
keep records with new trends and advancing           Student1: One student said that there should be
professional teaching-learning goals according to    proper opportunities and resources of using
the needs of the student. School should also         graphing calculators.
provide teachers with the resources to support       Student2: Internet facilities must be available all
and encourage them to increase their confidence      the time to easily browse the data related to
to use technology in math classroom and to           mathematics topics.
interact with other teachers.                        Student3: Some students in math classroom said
                                                     to the teacher that there should be training courses
Qs1. How do these graphical free soft                to teach and learn with these tools.
wares enhance or influence your learning
performance and attitude?                            Students’ Perception – Qualitative Data
Student1: We found these smart graphical apps        Students found these smart graphical calculators
free and easy to use as these are web-based soft     easy to use, explore and learn as these are freely
wares. These tools help us to understand the math    available web-based soft wares. These tools fully
concepts better.                                     support conceptual understanding of the
Student2: These soft wares are easy to               mathematical content. Technically speaking,
understand, learn and explore as these web-based     these graphical apps are consistent with the
apps are designed based on simplicity. These         learning theories as well and can be suitable to
smart apps improves communication during the         use as a part of math curriculum. Teaching and
lesson.                                              learning with Desmos and GeoGebra help
Student3: Math is a tough subject and especially     teachers to choose suitable applications for
drawing graphs have always been complicated          drawing and graphing effectively.
and difficult topic for us. However, Desmos and      Impeding and enhancement factors for Desmos
GeoGebra offer self-paced learning and more          and GeoGebra mediated instruction and learning
importantly, it produces low stress. It takes much   are shown in figures below.
Farah Naz Makhdum   114
115                                                               Journal of Positive School Psychology

Discussion & Conclusion                              of using technology in math classroom improved
The first section addresses pre experimental         their understanding and in less time, they
method for the implementation of technology in       understand more. All teachers and students
math classrooms with students of grade 7. The        recommended continuing the use of the smart
second data source was a semi-structured             approaches for dissemination of mathematical
interview, which was administered to three           content in the classroom. All participants agreed
students and two teachers that consisted of five     on usage of these graphic calculators as these had
open-ended questions. Out of which three             a positive effect on academic achievement and
questions were shared with the math teachers and     attitudes of students. These smart tools are the
two questions with the students. The perceptions     fast media and are the effective way to
of students and teachers about the use of            disseminate information and knowledge of the
technology-mediated instruction with Desmos          content as technology has a great potential for
and GeoGebra in math classroom at school were        disseminating math education.
documented. ICT tools and techniques are to
facilitate students’ learning and results declared   References
that the use of Desmos and GeoGebra were found
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