JAMES FALLON HIGH SCHOOL - A Guide to Year 8 Courses 2014 Information for Year 7 Students and their Parents

Page created by Evelyn Hernandez
JAMES FALLON HIGH SCHOOL - A Guide to Year 8 Courses 2014 Information for Year 7 Students and their Parents

  A Guide to Year 8 Courses

        Year 7 Students
        and their Parents

           August 2013
James Fallon High School - Year 8 Subject Courses                                    Page 1




                 YEAR EIGHT COURSES IN 2014

                       Introduction and How to Choose Subjects
                                        Page 2

          Compulsory Subjects             Page              Elective Subjects          Page

English                                     4       Agricultural Technology              8
Mathematics                                 4       Commerce                             9
Science                                     5       Dance                                9
Geography                                   5       Drama                               10
History                                     6       Elective PE-Human                   10
Personal Development/ Health/PE             6       Food Technology                     11
Guidance                                    7       History Elective                    12
Technology (Mandatory)                      7       Industrial Technology - Metal       12
                                                    Industrial Technology - Timber      13
                                                    Information & Software              13
                                                    Music                               14
                                                    Photographic & Digital Media        14
                                                    Visual Arts                         15
James Fallon High School - Year 8 Subject Courses                                   Page 2


This booklet has been prepared to assist Year 7 students and their parents in making
choices regarding subjects to be studied in Year 8 2014.

The first section of this booklet provides a general outline of the COMPULSORY SUBJECTS
which all Year 8 students will study. The second section provides an outline of ELECTIVE
SUBJECTS from which students must choose two.

These Compulsory subjects are: English; Mathematics; Science; History; Geography;
Personal Development, Health & Physical Education; Technology; Guidance.

In addition to the compulsory subjects, students must study two (2) subjects from the
elective choice list.


When choosing subjects, the following points should be considered.

   Students usually do best in subjects in which they are interested.

   The subjects you choose in Year 8 will generally not affect your choice of subjects later
    in your school career.

   Students will have a further opportunity to elect subjects for Years 9 & 10 which lead to
    the award of the Record of School Achievement.

Every endeavour will be made to ensure that students get their main two (2) choices, but
we ask that students indicate five (5) choices in order of preference to assist us in our

   Students may only choose a subject once.

   Parents please be aware of the family contributions required for consumable items in
    some subjects and ensure that the commitments required for the subjects selected can
    be met.
James Fallon High School - Year 8 Subject Courses                                   Page 3


Changing subjects after classes have been formed in response to initial student choices
may not always be possible and is not recommended.

For this reason students and parents should consider carefully their choice of
elective subjects.


Subject Choice forms should be completed by students in consultation with their parents
and returned to the Year 7 student adviser, Miss Baldock, no later than Friday 30

If you wish to discuss any of the information in this booklet or any other matters relating to
Year 8 Elective Choices, please feel free to contact me.

We hope that this information is of assistance.

Jenny Parrett
Deputy Principal - Curriculum
James Fallon High School - Year 8 Subject Courses                                  Page 4

                        COMPULSORY SUBJECTS
All students must study the subjects included in this section of the booklet, and therefore
no choice is necessary. The subject outlines are provided for the interest of students and
their parents.


The aim of English from Years 7 to 10 is to enable students to strive for personal
excellence in using language. English courses at James Fallon High School provide a rich
variety of purposeful language activities extremely relevant to the needs, interests and
abilities of students who are learning in the information age. Students will be involved in
language learning activities in the contexts of: everyday communication, personal
expression, literature and the mass media. In 2014 we begin teaching the new NSW junior
English syllabus.

As students talk, listen, read, write and observe, their language competence will grow and
their understanding of literature and life will develop. English is a student-centred subject
where students are called upon to take an active part in their own learning through
individual activities and co-operative group work.

Students will be involved in drama, debating, public speaking, writing competitions, film
appreciation, computer skills, live theatre excursions, as well as classroom projects and
activities. Many opportunities for enrichment activities are also available to students with
a special interest in English.

Mr Ross McGarvie
Head Teacher English/ History


All students in Year 8 study a common course of Mathematics which basically continues
the work completed through Years K to 7.

The main aims of this course are:
(a) to develop in students competence and confidence in working mathematically.
(b) to encourage students to develop habits of effective thinking.

Major areas of experience come through the six basic strands: Working Mathematically,
Number, Patterns and Algebra, Data, Measurement, and Space & Geometry .

Mr Peter Hastings,
Head Teacher Mathematics
James Fallon High School - Year 8 Subject Courses                                   Page 5

                        COMPULSORY SUBJECTS

All students at James Fallon High School study Science as a compulsory subject in Years
7 to 10. Our emphasis is on scientific processes and problem solving.

We stress that in our society, technology is developing at a rapid rate and young people
need to be familiar with and be competent in the use of modern technologies.

A Mandatory part of the Year 8 curriculum is the completion of an Individual Research

In Year 8, our students study units covering topics such as
 Electricity & Magnetism
 Body Systems
 Elements, Compounds and Mixtures
 Planet Earth
 Plants and Ecology
 Astronomy

Mr David Johnson
Head Teacher Science.


The Year 8 course continues the mandatory topics of Global Environments and
Management of Global Environments.

The emphasis is on studying global physical environments such as:-
 Rainforests
 Deserts
 Polar Regions
 Mountains
 Grasslands

Students will examine their distribution, physical features, interaction between physical
environments and human communities and management strategies.

The course is designed to raise awareness of current issues and concerns facing global
environments. Fieldwork, excursions and skills work will assist in extending student

Ms Guilan Thurling
Head Teacher Social Sciences
James Fallon High School - Year 8 Subject Courses                                   Page 6

                        COMPULSORY SUBJECTS

Each Year 8 History class will undertake:

   -   An overview of ‘The Ancient to the Modern World’

   -   TWO Depth Studies – from the following:

              1. The Western and Islamic World
              (Vikings OR Medieval Europe OR The Ottoman Empire OR Renaissance

              2. The Asia-Pacific World
              (Angkor/Khmer Empire OR Japan under the Shoguns OR The Polynesian
              Expansion across the Pacific)

              3. Expanding Contacts
              (Mongol expansion OR The Black Death in Asia, Europe and Africa OR The
              Spanish Conquest of the Americas OR Aboriginal and Indigenous Peoples,
              Colonisation and Contact History)

   -   A Site study

The History program at JFHS in 2014 will be the first time that the new NSW Junior
History syllabus will be taught in Stage 4.

Mr Ross McGarvie
Head Teacher English/History


PDHPE is a mandatory course that is studied in each of Years 7-10.
PDHPE develops students’ capacity to enhance personal health and well-being.
Through PDHPE students develop knowledge understandings, skills, values and attitudes
that enable them to advocate lifelong health and physical activity.

All students will study the following four modules:

   -   Self and Relationships – Students learn about sense of self, adolescence and
       change, sources of personal support and the nature of positive, caring
   -   Movement Skill and Performance – Students explore the elements of composition
       as they develop and refine movement skills in a variety of contexts.
   -   Individual and Community Health – Students learn about the specific health issues
       of mental health, healthy food habits, sexual health, drug use and road safety. They
       examine risk, personal safety and how to access health information, products and
   -   Lifelong Physical Activity – Students consider lifestyle balance and the importance
       of physical activity and its benefits. They learn to participate successfully in a wide
       range of activities and to adopt roles that promote a more active community.
James Fallon High School - Year 8 Subject Courses                                  Page 7

                         COMPULSORY SUBJECTS
Throughout the course students will learn to apply some key skills that allow them to take
action for health and physical activity. They include communication, interaction, problem-
solving, decision-making, planning and moving.

Mrs Carissa Furze
Relieving Head Teacher PDHPE


This one period a fortnight subject provides a valuable opportunity for regular contact
between all Year 8 students and their student adviser. This time is concerned with areas
such as socialisation skills, study skills, self esteem, goal setting, attitudes and values,
and listening skills. It also provides a valuable opportunity for administrative matters and
for students to raise their concerns.

Year 7 Student Adviser
Mrs Deanna Fletcher

TECHNOLOGY (Mandatory)
         Contribution required to cover the cost of materials used ($40.00)

This is a continuation of the Technology (Mandatory) course from Year 7. In Year 8, the
students will cover three (3) new context areas, each of thirteen weeks duration. The
context areas will be:
        Built Environment
        Products

In each of these new context areas, the students will be making a design project which will
       a) research
       b) sketches and/or ideas
       c) development of these ideas to a number of possible solutions
       d) evaluation of these solutions and the development of a final solution
       e) the making of the final project
       f) the evaluation of the project

The use of drawing, communication, computers and practical skills will be included in each
of these context areas.

While this course is compulsory, a course contribution is necessary to cover the cost of
materials used. All projects completed are taken home by students.

Mr Rick Duffy
Head Teacher TAS
James Fallon High School - Year 8 Subject Courses                                    Page 8

                              ELECTIVE CHOICES
This section includes descriptions of the following elective subjects.

       Agricultural Technology
       Computing Studies
       Elective PE
       Graphics Technology
       Food Technology
       Industrial Technology – Timber and Metal
       Information and Software Technology
       Photographic & Digital Media
       Textiles Technology
       Visual Arts

NOTE: Students are asked to select five subjects in priority order. Every effort will be
made to place students in their top two (2) elective choices.


Students learn about plants, animals and the environment through managing agricultural
enterprises and marketing products. Agricultural enterprises that are studied in year 8
include – Layer Chickens, Vegetable Production, Winter Cereals, Prime Lambs,
Horticulture – Ornamentals, Pastures.

Students must participate in “hands on” practical activities which include: field work, small
plot activities, laboratory work, management of plants and animals and operation of
agricultural technologies. Practical experiences will occupy at least 50% of course time.

Mr David Johnson
Head Teacher Science
James Fallon High School - Year 8 Subject Courses                                 Page 9

                              ELECTIVE CHOICES


Commerce provides the knowledge, skills, understanding and values that form the
foundation on which young people make sound decisions on consumer, financial,
business, legal and employment issues. It develops in students an understanding of
commercial and legal processes and competencies for personal financial management.
Through the study of Commerce students develop financial literacy which enables them to
participate in the financial system in an informed way.

The Core Topics studied are:
    Consumer Choice
    Personal Finance
    Law & Society
    Employment issues
Optional topics include:
    E – commerce
    Travel
    Running a business

Ms Guilan Thurling
Head Teacher Social Sciences / LOTE

Dance is a unique art form and has been in the community for thousands of years. The
related arts of music, visual arts and drama support many of the styles of dance and are
given consideration in this syllabus by students expressing themselves musically and
artistically in performance.
The syllabus is divided into three major areas;
Performance, Composition and Appreciation
The aim of the Dance syllabus is to develop in students the ability to:
    express themselves through dance;
    compose, perform and choreograph in dance;
    develop skills and techniques of dance with an understanding of anatomy,
      physiology and kinesiology;
    appreciate dance as a performing art;
    understand and accept a variety of dance styles;
    obtain knowledge of dance in an historical context;
    promote an understanding of themselves and others by providing opportunities for
      them to work in cooperative circumstances.
Students who elect to study dance must be willing to perform both individually and within
the group. While it is not compulsory to have studied dance outside the school
environment, it is recommended if students are to be sufficiently motivated to succeed in
this course.

Mr John Skillington
Head Teacher Visual & Performing Arts
James Fallon High School - Year 8 Subject Courses                                 Page 10

                              ELECTIVE CHOICES
Contribution to cover the cost of participating in some external activities ($17.00)
Drama is a course for students with a special interest in acting, and the world of
Drama from Years 8 – 10 is organised under the practices of
    Making
    Performing
    Appreciating
Students are involved in: Acting and improvising, Scriptwriting, Video Drama, Theatre,
Theatre Design (costume, set, promotion, lighting), Stage Management, Puppet Making,
Theatre & Film Reviewing.
These are studied in the context of the essential components of the course which are:
               Playbuilding and Study of Theatre Styles.
Drama is an important form of expression and communication throughout the world and
through this course students will develop not only their self confidence but also an
understanding of others. All students will perform during the year. The School Musical
occurs every two years and drama students are encouraged to audition. Year 8 students
also perform for Year 7 or Primary students. Students are required to participate willingly
and need a high degree of cooperation.
The cost involved in this subject ensures that each student has access to either a live
show or workshop during the year. Students are offered live shows either at Hothouse
Theatre, at other schools or touring theatre companies such as Bell Shakespeare.
Students may continue to study drama in Years 9 and 10, and for the Higher School
Certificate. Careers in the entertainment industry are varied and plentiful and further
training is available locally at La Trobe University, Wodonga and Charles Sturt University,

Mr John Skillington
Head Teacher Visual and Performing Arts

This is a specialised course designed for students with talents, interest and enthusiasm
for the Physical Education component of PD/H/PE. The program involves theory, practical
and fieldwork selected from four units of work depending upon student interest and school
resources. Students participate in a range of games, the emphasis being on enjoyment
and respect for exercise.

Participation in practical sessions may incur a cost for travel and use of community
facilities – we aim to keep these costs to a minimum but they are inevitable.

   1. Aquatics – water polo, water safety
   2. Traditional games – tennis, cricket
   3. Modern Games – netball, football codes, volleyball, ultimate Frisbee, gymnastics
   4. Lifelong fitness – aerobics, circuits, orienteering, hiking
Mrs Carissa Furze
Relieving Head Teacher Physical Education
James Fallon High School - Year 8 Subject Courses                                 Page 11

                               ELECTIVE CHOICES

Contribution required to cover cost of food items that your son/daughter will eat or take
home. ($50.00)
Food Technology provides students with a broad knowledge and understanding of food
properties, processing and preparation, nutritional considerations and consumption
patterns. The importance of hygiene and safe working practices are highlighted.
Students develop practical skills in preparing and presenting food that will enable them to
select and use appropriate ingredients, methods and equipment.
Students will engage a variety of ICT’s (Information and Communication Technologies)
through activities such as researching, evaluating and communicating issues and ideas
related to food.

   Food preparation and processing
   Nutrition and consumption


Practical Experiences – the development of food preparation skills.

Course requirements also include a full, white apron and covered leather shoes for
practical work. Safety and hygienic work practices are emphasised.

Mr Rick Duffy
Head Teacher TAS
James Fallon High School - Year 8 Subject Courses                                   Page 12

                              ELECTIVE CHOICES

History Elective allows students to explore and experiment in History. This extension
elective is additional to the core History course. Students who enjoy discovering more
about their favourite History topics will explore such areas as...

• the pyramids and pharaohs of Ancient          • history of sports and inventions,
   Egypt,                                       • exploring movies about the past,
• gladiators and emperors in Ancient Rome,      • amazing people and places in the past,
• knights and castles in the Middle Ages,       • growing up and being a teenager in the
• myths and legends of the past,                  past,
• weapons and soldiers through history,         • personal interest choice history projects.
• crimes and punishment in the past,

Students actively explore the fascinating world of digging up the past, take part in
excursion events to special history sites, discover the past through the internet, and create
movies and special projects to showcase their skills.

This History Elective course has three groups of topics students select from:
Group 1: Applied History - including digging up the past, film in history, family history,
interviewing people from history, and more...
Group 2: Ancient, Medieval and Early Modern Societies - including the ancient worlds of
Egypt, Greece, Rome and others, the Middle Ages, the Mayans, the Incas, America,
African kingdoms, and more...
Group 3: Theme Studies - including heroes and villains, war and peace, slavery, sport in
history, personal interest projects, inventions in history, and more...

Mr Christopher Keenan
Head Teacher English/History (Relieving)

                              ELECTIVE CHOICES

Contribution required to cover cost of materials used. ($40.00)

Industrial Technology is an introductory course to Metalwork. It will provide basic skills and
introduce students to a range of materials, processes and equipment, relevant to the
metal industry.

Skills will be developed through the manufacture of small practical projects. Written theory
work and homework, as well as learning some basic skills in Technical Drawing are
integral part of the course. A small electronics project could also be included in the

The skills learnt in the year 8 Industrial Technology - Metal course will be further
developed in Industrial Technology - Metal courses in years 9 and 10.

Mr Rick Duffy
Head Teacher TAS
James Fallon High School - Year 8 Subject Courses                                     Page 13

                              ELECTIVE CHOICES

Contribution required to cover cost of materials used. ($40.00)

Industrial Technology - Wood is an introductory course to Woodwork. It will provide basic
skills and introduce students to a range of materials, processes and equipment, relevant
to the Woodworking industry.

Skills will be developed through the manufacture of small practical projects. Written theory
work and homework, as well as learning some basic skills in Technical Drawing are
integral part of the course.

The skills learnt in the year 8 Industrial Technology - Wood course will be further
developed in Industrial Technology - Wood courses in years 9 and 10.

Mr Rick Duffy
Head Teacher Industrial Arts – TAS


Contribution to cover the cost of materials ($15.00)

This is a project based subject, that covers the requirements of the new 7 – 10 NSW
Information and Software Technology syllabus. Students will be encouraged to analyse,
design, develop, test, document, implement and evaluate their work in solving problems
and developing skills individually and in group situations. A broad range of student abilities
and learning styles are catered for. No previous computing knowledge is required.

The subject includes 7 core topics integrated into the 8 option topics: artificial intelligence,
simulation and modelling; authoring and multimedia; database design; digital media; the
internet and website development; networking systems; robotics and automated systems;
software development and programming.

Students are able to become competent users of a range of hardware devices and
software packages when solving problems, and to understand the ethical implications
involved, including the impact of technology on the individual, the workplace and society.

Mr Rick Duffy
Head Teacher TAS
James Fallon High School - Year 8 Subject Courses                                Page 14

                              ELECTIVE CHOICES


The Music course provides students with the opportunity to pursue and develop their
interest and skills in Music. Students will be actively involved in making music rather than
merely studying it. Musical concepts, knowledge and skills will be developed as a
response to the need which students meet as they work with music rather than as isolated

The three strands of the course - Creative Expression - Performance and Listening,
combine to enhance the students awareness and understanding of music and thus
develop each student’s music making skills.

Students will have access to a variety of instruments and do not have to possess an
instrument or any specific musical skills to undertake the Music Elective course - just be
interested and willing to learn.

Mrs Sandra Raison
Teacher of Music


Contribution required to cover the cost of course materials. ($22.00)

James Fallon High School is uniquely placed to offer the Photographic and Digital Media
syllabus as a new course in 2005. It is explored as a practice that uses photographic and
digital technologies as tools for the creation of traditional and contemporary imagery in;
     camera to darkroom based technology.
     digital photography to computer manipulation.
     digital video to computer editing.

This course provides students with the opportunity to investigate concepts such as the
technological and creative development of photographic and digital works, the role of the
photographer and digital image maker, the use of photographic, digital and video forms in
society, and the intended audiences for these forms. Reality, illusion and simulation by
photographic and digital media are explored and emergent and future technological
developments are investigated.

The syllabus develops understanding and skills for students to engage in contemporary
forms of communication and encourages the creative and confident use of technology and
the emerging use of Information and Communication Technologies.

Mr John Skillington
Head Teacher Visual and performing Arts
James Fallon High School - Year 8 Subject Courses                                 Page 15

                              ELECTIVE CHOICES

Contribution of $17.00 is required to help cover the cost of materials used.

In Year 7 Visual Arts deals with an introduction to several aspects of art practice which
provide experience in a few of the areas that students can study further in Year 8.

In Year 8 students are able to study and experience areas of interest in greater depth and
with emphasis upon investigation and experimentation into the techniques and skills used
and how they apply in our culture and the commercial world. Study of artworks in a
theoretical form is directly related to the practical work which students undertake.

Students can study and develop their skills in the following specialist areas:
      a) Ceramics
      b) Canvas Painting
      c) Printmaking
      d) Drawing
      e) Sculpture
      f) Photography
      g) Graphics (hand and computer generated)
      h) Animation
      i) Design.

Mr John Skillington
Head Teacher Visual and Performing Arts
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