Email: Multicultural Politics in Governor Candidates of DKI Jakarta 2017 in Tempo.Co - Neliti

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MIMBAR, Vol. 33, No. 1st (June, 2017), pp. 29-36

       Multicultural Politics in Governor Candidates of DKI
                    Jakarta 2017 in Tempo.Co

                                                DIYA SRI WIDIYANTI

                      Program Studi Kajian Sastra dan Budaya, Universitas Airlangga Surabaya

        Abstract: The purpose of this research is how to comprehend the politics of Indonesian
        people for accepting ethnic, racial, religious and tribal diversity in occupying
        government seat (governor’s election of Jakarta) in the context of multicultural
        country. This research uses Michel Foucaul’s theory, especially in implementing the
        discourse of “ indigenous Indonesian leader “ in people’s mind. Foucaul’s critical
        discourse analyses alone does not fully answer the issues of politics in Indonesia,
        therefore this research also uses Jacques Ranciere’s theory in its democratic spirit
        and the multicultural view of Bhikhu Parekh. The result of the research are society’s
        heterophobia of multicultural politics, the emerging burden of multicultural politics
        in Indonesia, antagonism, failures in politics, and epilogue, becoming a difference
        border. The conclusion is, issue of SARA (ethnicity, religion, race, intergroups) still
        exists, especially in a country with multicultural status. Politics and multicultural
        discourses which do not find the logic of the equation is not the dissensus, but
        Key Words: political discourse, heterophobia, Politics Of Multiculturalism, Governor
        Candidates, Tempo.Co

Introduction                                                         issue continues to roll and as if to affirm the
                                                                     existence of the issue. Yusril Ihza Mahendra,
       Candidates of governor election for DKI
                                                                     one of the governor’s candidates firmly said
Jakarta 2017 are increasingly preoccupied
                                                                     that he would not use the SARA issue in his
with the issue of SARA (tribe, religion,
                                                                     campaign. In fact, Yusril implicitly used the
race, and inter-group) to seize the seat of
                                                                     SARA issue and responded to the problem,
government in Indonesia. It is still vividly
                                                                     Yusril (Tempo:2016) even said thathe is close
recorded how every contemporary political
                                                                     to Chinese mainly because of his fluency in
struggle always tries to embed the primordial
                                                                     Chinese. The statement further reinforced
issue to mobilize support and sympathy.
                                                                     with the fact that he also mentioned some
Ahmad Dhani (2016) consciously attacked
                                                                     other ethnics such as Minang, Madura, and
Ahok, the elected governor of DKI, with
                                                                     Bugis who also gave full support to him.
such statement as “Kamu ini kan turunan
                                                                     Although he tried not to roll out similar issues,
Majapahit, Mataram. Jadi, Indonesia ini tanah
                                                                     in fact, Yusril continued to practice the same
warisan Nusantara, warisan leluhur nenek
                                                                     discourse to attract sympathy. This statement
moyang kita, bukan nenek moyang Ahok
                                                                     strengthens the fact that in Indonesia, people
kan” (“You are the descendant of Majapahit,
                                                                     still favor major ethnicity compared to minor
Mataram. So, Indonesia indeed, is a heritage
                                                                     ones, especially indigenous Indonesian citizen.
land of our ancestors, not ‘Ahok’ ancestors,
                                                                     Hardiman argued, it has been embedded in
right? ”.The word “Ahok” itself is a familiar
                                                                     the minds of the people about the concept of
call for Basuki Tjahaja Purnama, one of the
                                                                     indigenous and non-indigenous so that the
governor candidates of DKI 2017. Although
                                                                     government is more adhered to ethnic nation
there are many disagree, and even opposed
                                                                     rather than the civic nation where ethnic
Ahmad Dhani’s statement, the fact is that this

Received: February 08, 2017, Revision: April 10, 2017, Accepted: May 19, 2017
Print ISSN: 0215-8175; Online ISSN: 2303-2499. Doi:
Accredited by DIKTI. SK Kemendikbud, No.040/P/2014, valid 18-02-2014 until 18-02-2019, Indexed by DOAJ

‘Terakreditasi’ SK Kemendikbud, No.040/P/2014, berlaku 18-02-2014 s.d 18-02-2019                                   29
DIYA SRI WIDIYANTI, Multicultural Politics In Governor Candidates Of Dki Jakarta 2017 In

becomes the dominant thing (Hardiman in                 Pulpit, Vol. 29, and the title is, Nilai Islam
Kymlicka, 2011: xv).                                    terhadap Kinerja Kerja (Islamic Value Toward
                                                        Work Performances). It tells about “Islam
       Ahmad Dhani’s effort in opposing Ahok’s
                                                        tells its people to work in cooperation and
politics is increasingly shown by his attempts
                                                        in accordance with the moral values, akhlaq
to reawaken the concept of cultural artifacts.
                                                        or ethics”.The type of morally hard worker
It means that Ahmad Dhani tried to give
                                                        is a dream of the characteristics of nation’s
taxonomy on various ethnic groups according
                                                        leaders for the people. However, the context
to their historical understanding, which in the
                                                        is very different from the case experienced by
spirit of politics has no direct relationship.
                                                        Ahok. Coming from a small group of “Chinese
Politics or in the concept of Mouffe (2005:
                                                        and non-Muslim” groups, Ahok’s move to sit
33-34) is called as the political. This concept
                                                        in a government seat is not easy.
introduces about all practices of domination
battle through the power of ideas and views,                   Based on the social context in the
which are then challenged by the counter                society, the problem which will be discussed in
ideas. Then, the problem arose not only in the          this research is how the politics of Indonesian
multicultural framework of SARA, but also the           society accepting the diversity of ethnic,
gap in political practice. Therefore, it needs          race, religion and tribe to occupy the seat of
further explanation and approach from the               government with the context of multicultural
multicultural base, which is also impossible            country. In this study, the focus of the
if it is not implicated in the paradigm of              problem is related to the nomination of Ahok
political science. If the multicultural issues          who will be appointed in the research by
base that the world of community experience             presenting the issue of SARA as a political
is antagonistic, then how political events              polemic in Indonesia. In addition, the method
can provide solution? Based on the reading              used in this research is qualitative research
through Tempo newspaper that pertain                    method through descriptive approach to get
to the SARA issue, there is an attempt to               political strategy of Indonesia in the case
reconstruct the understanding, why the battle           happened to Ahok when running for governor
showed in the election of the governor is               candidate of DKI Jakarta.
more preoccupied with primordial talk than
ideological issue in accordance with the spirit
of the party or the views held. Moreover, it            Research Methods
is to answer the question, why the discourse
                                                               This research will focus more on the
of this distinction always arises in political
                                                        reflective position of reading the picture
events or moments.
                                                        presented in Tempo newspaper in March, April
       The SARA issue has never had a direct            and May edition in 2016. The news consists
reference to the political view, especially the         of 10 articles that have been published in
political offer. Consequently, the candidate            the last three months related to the news
dispute requires multicultural and political            about Ahok in politics such as:“Serang Ahok
view to explain the phenomenon as well as to            dengan SARA, Ahmad Dhani Diminta Belajar
provide a solution to the issues being debated.         Sejarah”, “Fasih Berbahasa Cina, Yusril Yakin
The multicultural and political approaches              Bisa Kalahkan Ahok”, “Sindir Ahok Yusril
consider the management of antagonism and               Berjanji Tak Gunakan Isu SARA”, “Hadapi
heterophobia to be important to the state               Ahok, Sandiaga Uno Berjanji Tak Gunakan
scheme in Indonesia. Although this country              Isu SARA”, “Tak Dukung Ahok, PKS bukan
has a variety of race, ethnicity, culture, and          SARA”,“Ribuan Nitizen Teken Petisi Pecat
customs, this is not a guarantee for this               Dubes Yusron Ihza Mahendra”, “Pengemar
country to be able to accept all classes to             Ahok dan Dhani Saling Serang, Diskusi Pilkada
enter the government system in Indonesia.               DKI Bubar”, “Dhani Heru Perkenalkan Jokowi
The fact is happened in the current political           dan Ahok Kepada Penguasa”, “Cerita Ahok
period when Ahok ran for governor candidate             Dipinang Wiranto Agar Gabung Hanura”,
of DKI Jakarta for the period of 2017. The              “Ahok Hafal Surah Al. Maidah Jadi Senjata
majority Muslim population underlies its                Politik Saingannya”.
people to choose leaders with the same
                                                              The researcher chose Tempo newspaper
status. It strengthens with the knowledge of
                                                        as the object to be analyzed because Tempo.
the ethos of good Islamic work; increasingly
                                                        co newspaper is a big national media, which
perpetuate the community to be consistent in
                                                        tends not to affiliate with political party. As
choosing a fellow Muslim leader. It was also
                                                        can be seen, some major media in Indonesia
delivered by Amalia (2013) in the journal

30                                                                            ISSN 0215-8175 | EISSN 2303-2499
MIMBAR, Vol. 33, No. 1st (June, 2017), pp. 29-36

have relationships with certain political                            shaping the historical archives. Therefore, he
parties.                                                             wrote a book entitled “Neitzsche, Genealogy
    Postmodern media texts often give the                            Historis.” Foucault emphasized that every
    impression of being self-reflexively critical of                 piece of history consists of the relationship
    media images. However, read carefully, and                       of war, battle, and “the struggle ... which is
    in relation to contemporary social context,                      exerted by the force of coercion against one
    postmodern texts often harbour many                              another” (Foucault 1991: 83). The success
    contradictory agendas (Saukko,2003:114)                          of history belongs to those who are able to
      Therefore, the focus is more on the social                     seize the rules.
context, texts, and possibilities of overlapping                            The definition of power by Foucault
agendas. This research highlighted the news                          is not understood in terms of ownership, in
of, which preached the issue of                             which one has a certain source of power. The
SARA in the political constellation of governor                      power in Foucault’s view is not owned but is
candidate of Jakarta 2017 with 3-month                               practiced in the scope where there are many
news ranges because the problem about the                            positions that are strategically related to
selection of candidate for governor of DKI                           others. He asserted that power could happen
became the hot topic, which was discussed                            everywhere in which there are mechanisms of
intensively.                                                         rules, regulation system. Wherever there are
                                                                     humans who have a certain relationship with
                                                                     each other and with the world, there is power.
Michel Foucault: Discourse and
                                                                           The mechanism of power is born
                                                                     because of the underlying knowledge. It is
       In presenting the news, the Tempo                             almost impossible for power to exist without
newspaper also presented a discourse on                              being supported by the political economy of
“Sosok Pemimpin Yang Layak Untuk DKI                                 truth. Knowledge is not a vague expression
Jakarta” (The Worthy Figure of Leader for                            of power relations but knowledge is in the
Jakarta). The discourse is cannot be implanted                       power relations itself. Foucault’s concept
directly in the minds of the community, but                          brings the consequence of knowing the power
there is a process through the power system.                         of research required on the production of
The researcher uses approach by Michel                               knowledge underlying power. It is because
Foucault where he connects a discourse and                           every power is organized, established, and
power system. It aims to be able to understand                       manifested through certain knowledge
the meaning lifted from the newspaper Tempo.                         and discourse. This discourse eventually
co. The approach offered by Michel Foucault                          becomes the knowledge of a truth, which
first offered an “archaeological” analysis of                        is then perpetuated in the minds of the
the archive. Foucault introduces discourse into                      community as an example in the politics of
social sciences. Then, the thought became an                         the majority of Indonesian population. The
important contributor to science and is now                          majority population of Javanese and Islamic
a discourse that is now becoming a common                            tribes will dominate the political system
methodology for solving a problem. This                              within Indonesian political party space. The
analysis is used to interpret certain subjects                       indigenous concept that still reminds of the
in certain contexts by a particular group of                         concept of the majority is always raised in the
people, in order to interpret what is being                          struggle for the seat of government.
done politically through these statements.
      In The Archeology of Knowledge,
Michel Foucault said that discourse cannot
                                                                     The Spirit of Indonesian Democracy:
be reduced to merely language and speech                             A Multicultural Culture in the Politics
(Michel Foucault 2002: 54). He focused on                                  To look deeply the multicultural politics
the micro-practice of power / knowledge in                           of Indonesia, the researcher also uses the
the modern societal institutions that give birth                     perspective of Jacques Rancier in the spirit
(for continuous criticism of Foucault’s use                          of democracy and multicultural views. In
(Selby: 2007). The archaeological method                             his view of politics, Jacques Ranciere was
was never abandoned by Foucault but he                               originally guided by three divisions of western
redeveloped the method more explicitly,                              political philosophy namely Archipolitic,
captivated on the performance of power.                              metapolitic and parapolitic. The Archipolitic
He replaced archeology with genealogy. He                            does not answer the politics that emphasize
emphasized that power had a central role in                          equality. Rather, everyone is positioned

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DIYA SRI WIDIYANTI, Multicultural Politics In Governor Candidates Of Dki Jakarta 2017 In

somewhere and strives to achieve the                    of indigenous and non-indigenous. This means
position they expect compared to achieving              that the government is more embraced the
equality. The second way of politics was                ethnic nation rather than the civic nation
spearheaded by Aristotles, namely parapolitic.          where ethnic becomes the dominant thing
The concept of politics is perceived to be              (Hardiman in Kymlicka, 2011: xv). It is not
more democratic than ever before, where                 surprising that there are more power-sharing
the conflict in politics is acceptable but to be        forms based on ethnic taxonomy. This capital
immediately reformulated into more flabby               is culturally inhere n t as a religion that is
forms such as inner competition, consensus,             very easy to classify because there are only
and representation. The third is metapolitic,           five religions in Indonesia rather than other
derived from Marxist thought. According to              divisions, which are of course more diverse
Ranciere, metapolitic is essentially a form             and ‘complicated’. S o also indigenous and
of “political” denial caused by political truths        non-indigenous, who u nwittingly always
often placed or sought elsewhere “out there”.           assume Java as the c e nter. Here we can
So to offer a new way of politics, Ranciere             see how a territory of power is geopolitically
made an anti-thesis of political philosophy             attached. This is al s o not easily changed
in which he began by conducting research                because historically the island of Java is
on the lives of workers empirically. From his           closer to the politi cal discourse. Taxonomic
research, he found that most of the workers             issues are then taken to the political arena
did not question their lives due to material            of candidates for go v ernor. Although Yusril
reasons but rather to the low quality of life due       said unequivocally t h at he would not bring
to the hierarchy of the social establishment.           the issue of SARA to his political campaign, in
Therefore, the point that Ranciere wants to             fact, he was still questioning Ahok who did not
emphasize is that the most radical class is             get the support from the Chinese community.
not the class who wants an absolute change              He insisted that he had the full support of the
in the social hierarchy, rather the class that          Chinese group by saying that “Many Chinese
is in a situation or position of ‘migration’; the       communities are supporting me because I am
class is in the border area such as those who           in the management of The Supreme Council
have an ideal that goes beyond its material             for the Confucian Religion..” (Riana, Tempo.
restrictions.                                           co. 2016) It is more hinted that the issue
                                                        of SARA used to bull y Ahok as his political
       To deepen the understanding of the
                                                        enemy. Meanwhile, Sandiaga Uno, one of the
concept of multiculturalism in politics, the
                                                        candidates promoted by Gerindra Party also
approach of Bhikhu Parekh becomes important
                                                        promised not to use the SARA issue. However,
to be involved in explaining the political
                                                        the statement the us e of “non-indigenous”
phenomena occurring in every prospective
                                                        diction is still com m on when talking about
governor of DKI Jakarta 2017 with the form
                                                        minority communities who still vote on the
of analysis based on the newspaper
                                                        racial basis to choo s e candidate leaders.
texts for the period of March, April, and May
                                                        This form of binary t radition is precipitated
2016. Bhikhu Parekh divides the discourse on
                                                        and crystallized to the prospective leader to
multiculturalism into 3 areas (Parekh: 2000),
                                                        obscure the bargaining and ideological values​​
namely first community groups that have
systems and values ​​of traditional practices
that differ from the public. They are in a                     Another concern is the emergence of
region that has a dominant tradition but they           moral monism, in a position; the meaning
still want to create new cultures such as gay,          of the text on the presence of SARA issues
lesbian, and single p arent groups. Second,             not only represents the disappearance of
critical communities to the culture dominantly          constructive political intentions, but also
want to seize and perpetuate the new culture            reinforces the hegemonic identity wrapped
they create as the worldview they want, for             through moral monism. Parekh criticized
example feminists and radical group activists.          moral monism for as if there was only one
Finally, the third i s a group of people who            way of life that was truly human, true or best,
already have their own perspective. They are            and that others were imperfect because of
well organized in their communities such as             the deficiency (Parekh, 2011: 33). It is also
immigrants, religious or tribal groups.                 in order to give hegemonic identity to the
                                                        party. However, unfortunately, the identity is
Finding Society’s He t erophobia On
                                                        often blurred because of the loss of the spirit
Multicultural Politics                                  of political ideology. PKS is one of the parties,
       Indonesia still understands the concept          which refuse to give support to Ahok because

32                                                                            ISSN 0215-8175 | EISSN 2303-2499
MIMBAR, Vol. 33, No. 1st (June, 2017), pp. 29-36

it is considered as a deficiency. The main                           concerned with moral monism as a tool of
reason Hidayat Nur Wahid refused to return                           power. It is also happened to Indonesian
Ahok is not because of the SARA issue, but                           ambassador for Japan who is Yushril’s
because Ahok failed to absorb the full budget,                       brother. He stated racist comments that lead
while Ahok argued to see more needs analysis                         to many netizen protests. A racist attack on
rather than become a field of corruption. As                         Ahok indicates the loss of healthy politics in
a party that has a high level of openness to                         argumentative debates about political ideas
the budget funds, PKS uses it as a strategy                          and views.
to resist Ahok subtly. A study conducted by                                  Ahok mengakui tidak asing mendapatkan
Rachmiatie (2013) showed that                                                perlakuan diskriminatif. Sebab itu saat ini
                                                                             dia hanya berfokus pada kinerja. Ahok tak
        “Sebagian besar partai politik tidak mau
                                                                             menampik elektabilitasnya boleh jadi sangat
        menyerahkan laporan keuangan dan program
                                                                             dipengaruhi unsur rasis. Banyak pihak yang
        kerja yang diminta. Hanya tiga partai politik
                                                                             belum bisa menerima karena dirinya bukan
        yaitu PKS, Partai Hanura, dan Partai Gerindra
                                                                             dari kaum mayoritas. “Banyak isu SARA segala
        yang merespon dengan menyerahkan Laporan
                                                                             macam. Saya sudah kenyang. Saya fokus kerja
        Keuangan. PKS memberikan laporan keuangan
                                                                             saja,” katanya(Hidayat dan Huda,
        tahun 2010. Gerindra menyerahkan laporan
                                                                             2016 and the title Ketika Ahok Diserang dengan
        keuangan dari APBN tahun 2011 dan surat
                                                                             Ayat Al-Quran).
        konfirmasi masih dalam proses audit untuk
        laporan keuangan. Hanura memberikan laporan                          (Ahok admitted that discriminative treatment
        keuangan dari APBN tahun 201                                         was not something new to him. He was only
                                                                             focus on his work at that moment. He didn’t
        (Most of the parties refused to give their
                                                                             deny that his electability may pretty much
        financial reports and programs which asked
                                                                             affected by race element. Most people have
        by the government. There are only three
                                                                             not embraced him yet since he came from
        political parties, PKS, Hanura, and Gerindra,
                                                                             minority.”There are a lot of issues of SARA. I
        responded by giving out their financial reports.
                                                                             have had enough of them. I just focus on my
        PKS handed the report of 2010, Gerindra gave
                                                                             work,” he said. (Hidayat dan Huda,
        financial report of 2011 state budget and
                                                                             2016 with the title When Ahok Attacked by The
        confirmation letter was still in the process of
                                                                             Quranic Verse).
        audit, while Hanura gave their report of 2011)
                                                                            The attack of racism became a
       The form of rejection should be seen
                                                                     moment when Ahok was attacked through
in terms of political views or vision of the
                                                                     his understanding of the Qur’anic verse,
mission, and not to look at patterns of
                                                                     which was politically capable of sparking a
politeness or budget absorption problems.
                                                                     greater feud. It is also the momentum when
Instead of not speaking SARA, PKS actually
                                                                     Indonesian people are not ready yet to a
reinforces his moral monism. Moral monism
                                                                     multicultural politics that is an attempt to be
according to Bikhu Parekh does not deny
                                                                     fair to the differences. However, this kind of
that they are different and there is no exact
                                                                     politics cannot be implemented if a society
human insane, but there is still a stance
                                                                     maintains heterophobia, fear of others in
that differences determine their specificity,
                                                                     its sake (Hardiman in Kymlicka, 2011: xx).
not their humanity (Parekh, 2011: 35). It
                                                                     Then, there is an attempt to see the logic
presupposes the existence of differences
                                                                     of equations in the context of the state and
is not mutual, especially PKS stated its
                                                                     politics that certainly exist in the macro
unmatched style of leadership, the style used
                                                                     region. Ranciere then spawned the term for
as a benchmark is not a difference in the
                                                                     such conditions as archipolitic.
political mission. The second, moral moralism
followers confirm the assumption of moral                                    Archipolitics, whose model is supplied by Plato,
excellence and ontologism of similarity over                                 reveals in all its radicality the project of a
differences, so that the logic of equations                                  community based on the complete realization
is more suitable than the logic of difference                                of the arkhe of community, on its integral
                                                                             sensibilization, replacing without any leftover
(Perekh, 2011: 35). This concern is more                                     the democratic configuration of politics.
appropriate when PKS prefers to offer their                                  (Ranciere, 1999:66)
support for other candidates such as Yusril,
Adhyaksa or Sandiaga Uno as candidates who                                  Archipolitics easily eliminates the
can get more attention because of the closer                         ‘political’ possibility of not being present.
classification of religion, such as religion,                        This concept is based on Ranciere’s reading
race, and morality or more precise way of                            of Plato’s manuscript in his book The Republic
communication                                                        (2007) in which he idealized the hierarchy of
                                                                     concepts in society where the artist occupies
     Moral monism attaches to the body                               the lowest space so that it is impossible for
and the consciousness of politicians so                              him to come to the surface together. This
unimaginable, many politicians are more                              is because of the concept of arche, which

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DIYA SRI WIDIYANTI, Multicultural Politics In Governor Candidates Of Dki Jakarta 2017 In

does not see equality because there is an                          The emergence of a variety of different
ideal shape. This is similar to the concept                 educational backgrounds shows that there is
of indigenous and non-indigenous, when                      good acceptance of differences. Ahok who
the indigenous hierarchy is superior to non-                is also able to occupy the governor’s seat
indigenous then what happens is an absence                  and become the number one man in Jakarta
of democratic space. Strangely, in addition                 now proves the emergence of acceptance.
to the destruction of ‘political’, this rises the           However, this cannot be a reference of
police order, where the hierarchical structure              success. If offered politically is clear, the
landed in mind                                              debate on the existence of the view becomes
                                                            more important than the thing that has no
       The police order extends well beyond its             essence with political activity. This is clearly
       specialized institutions and techniques, it is
       equally important to say that nothing is political
                                                            illustrated by supporters of candidates who
       in itself merely because power relationships         can only make a fuss about background issues
       are at work in it. For a thing to be political, it   and political experience rather than on the
       must give rise to a meeting of police logic and      significant offers that characterize prospective
       egalitarian logic that is never set up in advance
       (Ranciere, 1999:32)
                                                            candidates.’s March, April, and
                                                            May 2016 editions of 10 articles prove an
       Here, Rancier finally opens the chance               unhealthy debate and even lead to rioting
that there are events that allow ‘the political’            when a supporter declares that Jakarta does
to emerge when ‘police logic’ and ‘egalitarian              not need a musician (read: Ahmad Dhani) as a
logic’ meet. This means that moral monism                   leader who must have angered his supporters.
admitted there was a difference, but did not                Not to mention Dhani is also famous as a
want to greet each other.                                   candidate who likes to use the primordial issue
The Emerging Burden of Multicultural                        as a tool to attack Ahok with words such as
                                                            rulers and ancestors. This variety of events
Politics in Indonesia
                                                            makes it difficult to determine collectively
       Politics is the art of warped deductions and         the views of every leader. However, there is
       mixed identities. It is the art of the local and
       singular construction of cases of universality.      a certainty that any distinction attempts to
       Such construction is only possible as long as        accommodate is still concerned with common
       the singularity of the wrong - the singularity       good. This is then always in the minds of
       of the local argument and expression of law          leaders who show the best goodness and
       - is ... separate from the naked relationship
       between humanity and inhumanity (Ranciere,           always demand representation, consensus,
       1999:139)                                            and other things that seek to see a form of
                                                            domination fully.
       Ranciere’s remark is similar, that is,
the politics must ultimately see humanity                          Then how to look at the offer to get out
and non-humanity. The political situation                   of this enemy experience? This political event
is a situation where mutual deductions and                  became the moment of birth of the subject of
identities become mutually greeted in their                 migrant. The subject of migrants by Ranciere
universal space. It was only at this stage that             is a very dreaded subject because it can move
the determination of the vision of the political            on the border
mission became more ‘healthy’ and found
the relevance of its argumentative ideas. Not                  Perhaps the truly dangerous classes are
surprisingly, even though Indonesia has been                   not so much the uncivilised ones thought to
                                                               undermine society from below, but rather the
recognized as a democracy, as a continuation
                                                               migrants who move at the borders between
of archipolitics, it can sometimes only emerge                 classes, individuals and groups who develop
a more advanced level, which is usually                        capabilities within themselves which are
called parapolitics because sometimes the                      useless for the improvement of their material
differences have been given to speak out but                   lives and which in fact are liable to make
it is quite possible to leave other problems.                  them despise material concern (Reid in
                                                               Ranciere, 1989:xxix)
       The problem for parapolitics will be to reconcile
       the two concepts of nature and their opposing               On the other words, the migrant region
       logics: the one in which the greatest good is        is the area where the subject moves on the
       the rule of the best and the other, in which the     border. In short, subject of migrants does not
       greatest good in terms of equality is equality.
                                                            want absolute change, but the crossing of the
       Whatever we may say about the Ancients and
       their city of common good, Aristotle effects         social hierarchy so that it does not become
       a decisive break within this common good,            static. This happens not because individuals
       thereby initiating a new brand of”political          or groups are able to transcend their material
       philosophy. (Ranciere, 1999:71)
                                                            boundaries. This explains why other political

34                                                                               ISSN 0215-8175 | EISSN 2303-2499
MIMBAR, Vol. 33, No. 1st (June, 2017), pp. 29-36

elites hate Ahok, since Ahok does not demand                         some parties that had become a specific
political equality on himself as a Chinese                           legitimacy to advance to the stock market,
citizen, nor a constitutional change. However,                       actually hunt Ahok to join and sometimes just
Ahok is able to go beyond the limitations of                         invite polemic in the party body. As was the
his social hierarchy by becoming a politician                        case with the Partai Persatuan Pembangunan
while still ensuring his identity as a Chinese                       (PPP), which experienced internal turmoil
citizen. In addition, Ahok also did not reject                       when many of its cadres refused to take Ahok.
the political party system because he still
                                                                            In this occasion, Ahok who does not
wants to join Hanura Party
                                                                     care about Chinese ethnic and religion can
      Ahok can be said to be radical because                         be called a dangerous subject or a subject of
he does not want absolute change in the                              migrants because he shook the sensibilities
social hierarchy, by demanding equality                              where inappropriate and inappropriate
of rights over Chinese issues and political                          distribution no longer applies to him.
issues when advancing independently. On the
opposite, it is because he is in a situation or                      Antagonism, Failures in Politics
‘migration’ position, the classes within their
borders, which has an ideal that goes beyond                                 Where in the limits of every objectivity, are
                                                                             shown - in the sense in which Wittgenstem
its material limitations. Precisely because of                               used to say that what cannot be said can be
that in this event, finally Ahok is considered                               shown ‘….. Strictly speaklng, antagonisms are
dangerous.                                                                   not internal but external society; or rather, they
                                                                             constitute the limit, the latter’s impossibility
      This position shakes the sensibility,                                  of fully constituting itself (Laclau and Moffe,
or the distribution of the sensible, as called                               1985:125)
by Ranciere. Easily, the distribution of the
                                                                            According to Laclau and Mouffe,
sensible can be interpreted in the law of
                                                                     Antagonism is an event in which the objective
propriety and decency,
                                                                     boundaries of society are shown. Indonesia
        Partage du sensibleis the system of self-evident
                                                                     that supposedly upholds diversity turned
        facts of sense perception that simultaneously                out to be a practice of diversity and ethnic
        discloses the existence of something in common               classification has failed in the practice of
        and the delimitations that define the respective             statehood. Whereas if it is referred to in
        parts and positions within it (Ranciere, 2004:
                                                                     the political aspect there is no offer from
                                                                     Ahok that violates the practice of politics.
      It is the proper and inappropriate law                         Nevertheless, that does not mean that Ahok
that creates a police consciousness in which                         becomes completely different from other
the law of power sharing, classification, and                        political opponents because they have the
rule are used as benchmarks. In this context,                        same goals, uphold the democracy and
it can be seen in the case of Ahok who is                            what is the particular political offer of each
ethnically declared unlawful to be a ruler as                        candidate. In this occasion, Ahok who does
Ahmad Dhani said. On the other hand, Ahok                            not care about Chinese ethnic and religion
is also attacked in religious cases where                            can be called a dangerous subject or migrant
majority views cannot accept Ahok as a leader                        subject because he shakes the sensibilities
with so many attacks through Quranic verses                          where inappropriate and inappropriate
especially An-Nisa, which meaningfully reject                        distribution no longer applies to him.
non-Muslim leaders. In such a minor area,
Ahok is not in a position to address issues                                 In a political understanding, Laclau-
of SARA, but rather intends to engage in                             Mouffe envisioned political imaginary, or
productive political work.                                           political ideas that would later be built into
                                                                     the political practice in an arena of democratic
       This propriety and disobedience                               revolution (Laclau and Mouffe 1985: 176-
distribution are ultimately shaken by Ahok,                          177). Thus, there is clarity of political
as he is not busy to take affirmative action,                        subject and not social positivity management
petition minority law, or ask for quotas, and                        (Laclau and Mouffe, 1985: 190). Why this
even representations such as the multicultural                       should be distinguished, because the latter
politics Kymlicka offers. Nevertheless, his                          demands consensus while the first dissensus.
presence precisely seized a lot of sympathy                          Consensus tends to silence differences and
with a form of real performance and able to                          while dissensus demands disclosure through
establish itself to advance with an independent                      the subject of language politics. This also led
path. This form of attitude makes the issue of                       to a radical political tradition in democracy,
deparpolitization increasingly strong. It makes                      which is able to accommodate the silenced

‘Terakreditasi’ SK Kemendikbud, No.040/P/2014, berlaku 18-02-2014 s.d 18-02-2019                                           35
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voices of presenting rivals and not the                 of SARA should not be exist, especially with
dominant logic of major matters.                        the status of a multicultural country. Politics
                                                        and multicultural discourse will find the logic
                                                        of the equation is the dissensus and not the
Epilogue, Becoming a Difference                         consensus that is the difference.
       Multicultural view of heterophobia still
encounters the minds of state politicians. The
attitude to launch racial issues is evidence            Hidayat, A. (2016). Ribuan Netizen Teken
that monism still prevails in society. Ahok                 Petisi Pecat Dubes Yusron Ihza Mahendra.
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the mind of every politician so that politically            netizen-teken-petisi-pecat-dubes-yusron-
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idea. Ahok also considered dangerous not                    06/03/2017)
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struggling on the same thing that is social                 LP3S, Jakarta
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non-indigenous people inherent in the minds                 heru-perkenalkan-jokowi-dan-ahok-
of society incurs unfairness for a multicultural            kepada-penguasa (diakses pada tanggal
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issue of SARA by dropping his reputation                    b e r b a h a s a - c i n a -y u s r i l -ya k i n - b i s a -
through ethnic minorities and deposing him                  kalahkan-ahok (diakses pada tanggal
through religious postulates. As an offer,                  04/03/2017)
democratic-plural-radical politics should be            Saukko, P (2003). Doing Research in Cultural
able to eliminate heterophobia in politics, as              Studies.Sage Publications. London
it should happen in the country of this state of
Bineka Tunggal. In the concept of democratic
political-plural-radical heterophobia, the issue

36                                                                                   ISSN 0215-8175 | EISSN 2303-2499
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