Page created by Howard Waters

                       winter 2018 – VOLUME 5, ISSUE 3

what's inside
Safety is a Top Priority..........................................................................2
Emergency Buildings ......................................................................3-7
National Partners.................................................................................8
2       Wood WORKS! – Emergenc y Buildings

                                                                                                    Mark your
                                                                                                    2018 e v e n t s

                                                                                                    February 1
                                                                                                    Wood Solutions Conference
                                                                                                    Montreal, QC

                                                                                                    February 7
                                                                                                    TimBEER Engineering Workshop
                                                                                                    Ottawa, ON
                                                                    Steveston Fire Hall
                                                 Photo Credit: Hubert Kang Photography
                                                                                                    February 8
                                                                                                    TimBEER Engineering Workshop

Safety is a top priority                                                                            Toronto, ON

                                                                                                    February 21
                                                                                                    Ottawa Wood Conference
Did you know that the development of the National Building Code in Canada is on a five-year
                                                                                                    Ottawa, ON
cycle? As part of this process, experts representing various professional backgrounds
and building materials take part in committee work to review existing code provisions
and to evaluate requests for changes. A portion of the review process involves a public             February 26
consultation period. After the process is complete, the model National Building Code still          Wood Design Awards in BC
has to be reviewed and adopted by each province and territory. Why is this process so               Vancouver, BC
long? Because safety is of the utmost importance! Regardless of the building material               www.wood-works.ca/bc
used, if something does not meet the code requirements then it does not get built.
                                                                                                    March 13
Wood use in construction offers social benefits; people often prefer to live, work, and play        Prairie Wood Design Awards Gala
in visually appealing surroundings. The use of natural elements such as wood products,              Edmonton, AB
plants, and daylight help to create a positive space that is shown to reduce stress and             www.wood-works.ca/alberta
improve productivity and attention. Considering all the biophilic benefits, it makes sense
                                                                                                    April 11
that emergency responders would prefer to work in such an environment; especially
                                                                                                    Winnipeg Wood Solutions Fair
given their line of work and the challenges and issues they encounter on a daily basis.
                                                                                                    Winnipeg, MB
Throughout this magazine insert, our regional Wood WORKS! teams have highlighted                    www.wood-works.ca/alberta
the use of wood in emergency buildings. It seems fitting that the men and women who
                                                                                                    November 6
dedicate their careers to ensuring the safety of Canadians, would work in buildings that
                                                                                                    Wood Solutions Conference
are safe and socially beneficial.
                                                                                                    Vancouver, BC
To learn more about the Canadian Wood WORKS! program, please visit www.wood-                        www.wood-works.ca/bc

                                                        Interested in attending a Wood WORKS!
                                                        educational opportunity in your region?
                                               Check out the events listed in this insert and get
                                               involved with your regional Wood WORKS! today.

                                        This Wood WORKS! magazine insert was created to help
                                       inspire design professionals throughout Canada. Do you
Etienne Lalonde                         have a project that features wood as a primary building
                                       material? Takeadvantage of our Wood WORKS! magazine
National Director                        insert and get featured today! Contact Natalie Tarini at
Wood WORKS!                                                ntarini@cwc.ca, and share your story.
Wood WORKS! – Emergenc y Buildings          3

                                                                                                        british columbia

                                                                                          Photo Credit: 2016 Wood Design Awards in BC

Qualicum Beach Fire Hall
By naturally:wood

Qualicum Beach, BC
The town of Qualicum Beach is situated        which require the structure to resist
on the northeast coast of Vancouver           seismic loads 50 per cent higher than
Island at the foot of Mount Arrowsmith.       those for regular buildings, Qualicum
Together with neighboring communities,        Beach Fire Hall was constructed
this fast-growing region has a population     using a concrete slab on grade, with
of around 45,000. Forestry has always         dimensional lumber for its wood-frame
been important to the local economy. With     vertical structure and laminated veneer
85 per cent local timber content for the      lumber panels (LVL) for its upper floor
primary structure of the apparatus bays       and roof systems.
and as a cladding material, the Qualicum         This integration of LVL panels for
Beach Fire Hall project supported jobs in     the roof is an innovation that brought
the nearby town of Parksville.                multiple benefits to the project.
   The new fire hall serves as the            From the point of view of embodied
headquarters of the Qualicum Beach            and operating energy, wood has a
Fire Department and is designed to meet       lower carbon footprint compared to
the needs of both career and volunteer        concrete or steel equivalents. The low        the use of LVL on this project reduced
personnel. The building includes four         air permeance of the LVL panels also          the overall construction time for the
tandem drive-through bays, with related       improves energy efficiency, reducing          structure by 65 per cent compared to a
apparatus storage and required fire           heat loss through the building envelope,      conventional steel or concrete system.
facilities, along with administrative/        which was an important consideration          Furthermore, the use of wood, a familiar
training areas and a fire department          for the municipality which both owns and      local material, provided the greatest
training room large enough to divide          operates the building.                        opportunity to engage local labor in the
successfully into two functional rooms.          With a shorter time required for           project, maximizing the economic and
   Designed to post-disaster standards,       shop drawings, it is estimated that           social benefits to the community.

            Owner                     Architect                  Structural                    General                TIMBER SUPPLIER
             Town of              Johnston Davidson                Engineer                  Contractor                    Brisco
         Qualicum Beach       Architecture + Planning Inc.   Herold Engineering Ltd.     Windley Contracting Ltd.     Manufacturing Ltd.
4        Wood WORKS! – Emergenc y Buildings


                                              Photo credit: City of Calgary                              Photo credit: Manasc Isaac

A Modern Emergency Operations Centre
By Kent McKay, Communications Director, Manasc Isaac

Calgary, AB

Calgary needed a new Emergency                  with LEED Gold certification, is               The team ended up taking a wooden
Operations Centre (EOC) badly. The city’s       expressed in the adaptive reuse of wood;    symbol of the EOC project home with
archaic 1940s-era clinker brick bungalow        glulam beams from an old post-war           them, too! Working on a parking lot plan
located on a discreet residential site, was     community hall that previously sat on       adjacent to the building, it became clear
no longer capable of meeting the city’s         the building site were repurposed to        that a 65-year-old green ash tree would
needs, and it needed to be replaced.            structure the new EOC.                      need to be cut down. Most people saw
   The Emergency Operations Centre                 Wood also plays a major part in the      a pile of mulch, but the design team
was completed in 2012. Its completion           look and feel of the EOC, especially in     saw the potential for a showpiece for its
was timely, as the EOC was put to the           the innovative Media Pavilion – which       Edmonton studio.
test and served as home base for the            is not traditionally a programme               The tree was cut into four pieces
Calgar y     Emergency       Management         component of this building type. The        and delivered to a local carpenter who
Agency’s 30 partners and members                design team included the pavilion to        transformed the wood into a stunning
during the catastrophic floods, which           provide a convenient and discrete space     custom table to complement Manasc
struck the city in 2013.                        – away from emergency responders – for      Isaac’s redesigned Edmonton office,
   Setting a new standard for EOCs              media who might need to report on an        reinforcing the space’s open, Activity
across Canada through its innovative            emergency. The liberal use of wood in the   Based     Working      plan.    Featuring
design and harmonious integration               space was applied to imbue a sense of       integrated power and data cables, the
into its site, the building features wood       warmth and calm in the space – a natural    30-foot table can accommodate multiple
prominently. The EOC’s sustainable              feel to help calm occupants who could be    meetings at one time, and provides a
design, which was recently rewarded             facing stress or tragedy.                   warm community hub for staff events.

    Owner                   Architect                     Structural                  General                     TIMBER
City of Calgary             Manasc Isaac                   Engineer                 Contractor                   SUPPLIER
                                                            Stantec                BIRD Construction           Western Archrib
Wood WORKS! – Emergenc y Buildings             5

Durham Region Police Service, Clarington Police Complex
Clarington, ON                                                                                                ONTARIO
Durham Region Police Service’s new home          general administration and investigative
provides the police with a highly functional,    offices, interview rooms, project and
purpose-built facility to serve the needs of     parade rooms, staff kitchen, locker and
their growing community. The Clarington          gym areas, secure IT and file storage, gun
Police Complex (CPC) developed a Master          room facilities, holding/booking and sally
Plan for the use of a 27-acre greenfield         port areas, vehicle storage, and property
site that was divided into two phases.           maintenance facilities.
Phase I of the police complex included the          This is not a typical-looking police station.
development of the site to accommodate           The exterior of the building incorporates
future phases as well as the construction        natural stone and wood that complements
of the first two structures: the East Division   the naturalized site and provides an
Building and the Forensic Investigation          attractive view for neighboring residents.
Facility.                                        Inside the EDB, the lobby is inviting and
    The 47,600-sq.ft. East Division Building     open – a welcoming first impression for
(EDB) is the “face” of the complex               visitors where the warmth of natural wood
and the main community-oriented                  finishes defines the information desk. To
facility. Designed to be flexible and to         reduce the intimidating factors sometimes
accommodate projected growth to 2035,            associated with police stations, the EDB
the facility accommodates 170 people             incorporates separate entryways for the
working in shifts. The floor plan includes       public, staff and processing of detainees.                 Photo credits: Tom Arban Photography

                                                                                                       The EDB is arranged around a large
                                                                                                    inner courtyard, adjacent to the internal
                                                                                                    kitchen and lunch room, to provide private
                                                                                                    space for the police in a secure area. The
                                                                                                    abundance of light streaming in through
                                                                                                    the courtyard also filters into the common
                                                                                                    work areas and offices, providing bright
                                                                                                    and healthy working conditions.
                                                                                                       The design team highlighted the use of
                                                                                                    engineered wood products as key parts of
                                                                                                    the interior design. The cross-laminated
                                                                                                    timber panels and glulam beams and
                                                                                                    columns that form the structure are
                                                                                                    left exposed, and contribute generous,
                                                                                                    balancing warmth to the space that keeps
                                                                                                    the masonry and extensive glazing from
                                                                                                    giving the interior an institutional feel.
                                                                                                       The exposed wood structure and
                                                                                                    abundant daylight provided in the building’s
                                                                                                    central spine create a natural calming
                                                                                                    effect. Occupants who travel down this
                                                                                                    principal corridor are subconsciously
                                                                                                    linked to forms and patterns from nature.
                                                                                                    This effect is called biophilia, the pleasant
                                                                                                    feeling that people experience from
                                                                                                    connecting to nature in all its forms. The
                                                                                                    form of the structure in this area, including
                                                                                                    curved columns and repeating patterns,
                                                                                                    evokes the natural world and helps put
                                                                                                    building occupants at ease.

                                           Owner                        Architect                     Structural                      TIMBER
                                     Regional Municipality               DIALOG                        Engineer                      SUPPLIER
                                          of Durham                                                     DIALOG                    Nordic Structures
6       Wood WORKS! – Emergenc y Buildings


Fire Station 34
Longueuil, QC

From the outset, the City of Longueuil
wanted to use wood for its new fire station
in the borough of Saint-Hubert. Aware
that this material is not frequently used
for these types of buildings, but eager
to take a further step in its sustainable
development goals, the city did not
hesitate: inaugurated in the summer                                                  PHOTO CREDITS: Vincent Leclerc + AssociÇs Architectes
of 2015 near the Promenades Saint-
Bruno shopping centre, Fire Station 34
is designed almost entirely of wood.             wood frame for the administrative area,        North American vehicles in one year.
Its structure features a combination of          which covers a little more than one-           In addition, the wood used was a local
heavy timber, light wood framing and             third of the entire 12,077-sq.ft. area; a      product, meaning that its manufacturing
steel.                                           steel structure over 15 per cent of the        and transport required much less
   Erected on a 49,514-sq.ft. plot, the          surface area, for the drying tower and         energy than other structural products.
building stands out as a beacon in the           for two sections above the garage doors;       Furthermore, all the wood used for the
peri-urban commercial environment.               as well as the heavy timber framework          garage structure, including the 90 m³
Its architecture takes inspiration from          necessary to support the long spans in         of beams and columns and 50 m³ of CLT
previous firehouses, whose firehose              the garage space, covering half of the         panels, originated from FSC-certified
dr ying   towers      were    considered         total surface area. The whole building         forests.
landmarks in villages, much like church          serves as the perfect illustration of the         The new fire station houses four teams
steeples were. Though the tower of this          rule, “the right system in the right place”.   of six firefighters, including fire chiefs,
one-story building is not as high, it still         According to calculations carried out       on a 24-hour rotation. The firefighters
serves as a central visual element.              for the entire building, the use of wood       were pleased to set up in such a quality
   What particularly characterizes this          resulted in the sequestration of 290           environment and the administration has
construction, however, is its use of three       tonnes of carbon dioxide, the equivalent       expressed its complete satisfaction with
different structural systems: a light            of the gases generated by 80 average           the result.

     Owner                    Architect                     Structural                     General                  TIMBER SUPPLIER
                           Vincent Leclerc +                 Engineer                     Contractor                 Nordic Structures
City of Longueuil
                          Associés Architectes               Groupe SM                      Unigertec              Kéfor Structures Ltée
Wood WORKS! – Emergenc y Buildings             7


                                                                                     PHOTO CREDITS: Deborah Nicholson and Nycum Staff

St. John Ambulance NS/PEI Headquarters
Dartmouth, NS

This new building for St. John Ambulance    to be discrete, yet linked where they        that helps keep the interior spaces at
(Nova Scotia/PEI Council) was designed      support and enhance one another. The         the curtain wall comfortable, while
to create a memorable experience for        straightforward design means students,       connected to the exterior. The use of
students enrolled in first aid training     administrative staff and instructors         steel in this area minimized the number
while providing instructors with flex-      are all accommodated and supported.          and size of columns and allowed them
ible classrooms and other facilities that   Through careful planning, development        to more easily be located outside of the
support multiple teaching and learning      of multi-use spaces, careful material        building envelope.
styles. The design brief was to provide     selections and a close working                  Wood provided a familiar building
an intuitive, comfortable and accessible    relationship with the contractor, the new    material and economical choice for
experience for students who might only      headquarters provides highly functional      smaller-scaled portions of the building.
use the facility once every two years,      and low-maintenance and cost effective       The administration wing of the project is
while consolidating administrative          facilities.                                  primarily standard dimensional framing,
instructor support and warehouse func-         Wood was chosen to work in                easily adaptable and configurable for
tions.                                      conjunction with steel in order to take      standard office layouts for private and
   The facility supports the needs of a     advantage of efficiencies for different      shared workspaces. Wood trusses in
province-wide instructor program where      spans, provide character to interior         the classroom wing provide column-
instructors collect materials such as       spaces where exposed, and offer an           free learning spaces and enhance
CPR training aids and manuals in the        easy-to-source and easy-to-work-with         the aesthetics of the exposed tongue
morning, returning them at the end of the   material.                                    and groove structural pine decking.
day to be cleaned, processed and stored.       Steel post and beam structure             Clerestory windows are spaced between
Atlantic administrative headquarters for    provides a framework within which a          each of the classrooms’ trusses with light
St. John Ambulance are also housed in       curving and expressive exterior curtain      fixtures integrated into the truss forms
the building.                               wall is implemented: wood trusses            themselves, providing an integrated
   A clear floor plan for the building      continue from the interior to provide        approach to daylighting and artificial
carefully arranges the functions            a generous and protective overhang           lighting strategies.

                                                           Architect                  Structural                     General
                                   Owner                                                Engineer                   Contractor
                                                         William Nycum &
                             St. John Ambulance                                   Pinto Engineering Ltd.        Lindsay Construction
                                                        Associates Limited
8     Wood WORKS! – Emergenc y Buildings

                                      regions in
                                      National Wood Works!               Quebec
                                      c/o Canadian Wood Council          1175, avenue Lavigerie Bureau 200
                                      99 Bank Street, Suite 400          Quebec, QC G1V 4P1
                                      Ottawa, ON K1P 6B9                 Tel: 418-650-7193
                                      Tel: 613-747-5544
                                      British Columbia                   1350 Fisher Street, Unit 115
                                      837 Riverside Drive                North Bay, ON P1B 2H1
                                      North Vancouver, BC V7H 1V6        Tel: 1-866-886-3574
                                      Tel: 1-877-929-WOOD (9663)
                                      Alberta                            c/o Maritime Lumber Bureau
                                      900-10707 100 Ave.                 P.O. Box 459
                                      Edmonton, AB T5J 3M1               Amherst, NS B4H 4A1
                                      Tel: 780-392-1952                  Tel: 902-667-3889

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