Eminar R Imaging fluids in the crust: seismological and volcanological applications

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Eminar R Imaging fluids in the crust: seismological and volcanological applications
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                                                                           Imaging fluids
                                                         Prof. Yasuo       in the crust:
                                                         Ogawa             seismological    Registration
07 July 2021           08:00                 R
                                                         Tokyo Institute   and              link
                                                         of Technology     volcanological

July 7th, 17:00 Japanese Local Time
Eminar R Imaging fluids in the crust: seismological and volcanological applications
Imaging fluids in the crust:
seismological and volcanological applications

                    Yasuo Ogawa
           Volcanic Fluid Research Center
            Tokyo Institute of Technology
                Date Time: Jul 7, 2021 08:00 Universal Time UTC
Eminar R Imaging fluids in the crust: seismological and volcanological applications
 • Review on our magnetotelluric studies

 • Seismology targets
   • Intraplate earthquakes
   • Plate interface at subduction zones

 • Volcanology targets
   • Imaging Geothermal system
   • Temporal resistivity changes
Eminar R Imaging fluids in the crust: seismological and volcanological applications
Seismology targets
• Intraplate earthquakes
  •   Active faults, shear zones, fluid reservoir, deformation
  •   NE-Japan
  •   North Anatolian Fault(NAF)
  •   NZ
  •   Volcano-Earthquake link

• Plate interface at subduction zones
  • NZ
  • SW Japan
Eminar R Imaging fluids in the crust: seismological and volcanological applications
Iio-Kobayashi Model (2002)

          Iio & Kobayashi (2002, EPS)
Eminar R Imaging fluids in the crust: seismological and volcanological applications
     Model (2002)

Iio & Kobayashi (2002, EPS)
Eminar R Imaging fluids in the crust: seismological and volcanological applications
that the continued predominance of rupturing on steep reverse faults                      release and solute transport from approxim

Fault Valve model                      throughout NE Honshu necessarily involves local accumulation of
                                       fluid-overpressure to near-lithostatic values.
                                                                                                                                 mogenic zone (Fyfe et al., 1978; Ague et al., 19
                                                                                                                                 fracture systems may then be reduced by h

                                       Fig. 2. Hypothetical frictional strength profiles in relation to fluid-pressure regimes in a fault zone: (a) Hydrostatic fluid-pressures throughout
                                       ‘Hydrostatic–Byerlee’ strength profile; (b) Compartmentalised fluid overpressure in the fault zone (postfailure profiles assume a rupture transectin

        Sibson et al (1988, Geology)                              Sibson (2009, Tectonophysics)
Eminar R Imaging fluids in the crust: seismological and volcanological applications
Pore pressure, Rheological properties
                 at the Brittle-Ductile Transition

Sealed by Silica
solubility breakdown @400 deg C
 (Saishu et al, 2014, Terra Nova)

                                                        Fig. 2. Hypothetical frictional strength profiles in relation to fluid-pressure regimes in a fault zone: (a) Hydrostat
                                           Wannamaker       et al strength profile; (b) Compartmentalised
                                                    ‘Hydrostatic–Byerlee’               Sibson fluid overpressure in the fault zone (postfailure profil
                                           (2009, Nature)                               (2009, Tectonophysics)
Eminar R Imaging fluids in the crust: seismological and volcanological applications
NE Japan        • Volcanic arc

                • Reactivated fault

                • Flow supply from the slab

           Sibson (2009, Tectonophysics)
Eminar R Imaging fluids in the crust: seismological and volcanological applications
Japan Sea Rifting
@Miocene 14Ma

                    Normal Fault system

                     Ofofuji et al. (1985, Nature)
mechanisms (e.g., Ha-           The evolution of late Neogene tectonics in northern Honshu
                            can be effectively subdivided in three main stages: (i) a period
     NE Japan
eparated from the Eur-
 ting in early Miocene                               Tectonic background
                            of widespread extensional deformation of early Miocene age;
                            (ii) a period of relative tectonic quiescence of late Miocene
 tenuation of northern
 ning of the adjacent
Neogene time this do-
ormation which led to
   folds. However, evi-                                                                                  Reverse faulting
  is well preserved in
ematic attenuation to-                                                                                   Using the existing faults
 al., 2001).
Honshu, pre-Neogene
y complex locally in-                                                                                       Inversion tectonics
 tensively crop out in
 rgin of the Kitakami
  er anomaly gradient
c structure. The distri-
 sediments is bounded
e structural expression
 g normal fault system                                                                                   Normal faulting
 e normal fault system,                                                                                  Japan Sea Opening in Miocene
ection profiles, gravity
al information, is de-
y Miocene extensional
km along the western
efined as the Kitakami
he early Miocene vol-
n edge of the Miocene       Fig. 2. Neogene tectonic evolution of Northern Honshu modified after Sato
  , 1989; Tatsumi et al.,   and Amano (1991). VF: volcanic front, TR: trench axis, KFS: Kitakami fault
NE Japan        • Volcanic arc

                • Reactivated fault

                • Flow supply from the slab

           Sibson (2009, Tectonophysics)
NE Japan (1) Kitayuri-Senya


                                     (Ogawa et al.,2001,GRL)
NE Japan (1) Kitayuri-Senya
                    Japan                                                                                    Kitak ami
                                        Dewa Hills         Yok ote Basin           Ou Back bone R an ge
                     Sea                                                                                     Lowlan d
                      Kitayuri Thr ust F                             Senya F                              KLWB F   V.E. = 1.0
      De pth(km)

               10                                                    C2                                                  1000

                             6. 6km/s
                                              C1                                                      C3

               30           7.6 -7 .7km/s

                                    -40              -20                   0              20                 40

  High seismicity at the rim of the mid-crustal conductors
                                                                                             (Ogawa et al., 2001,GRL)
  Starts: Seismic reflectors                                                                                                  14
Hypocenter region of
NE Japan (2) Northern Miyagi                           1962 Northern-Miyagi Earthquake

                 (Mitsuhata et al., 2001, GRL)
                Seismicity above the conductor
                Cutoff depth of seismicity = top of conductor
North Anatolian Fault, Turkey

                Seismic GAP

                                Kaya (2012, PhD Theis)
Compilation of NAF 2D profiles

   Along strike variation


   “Asperities” as “resistors”

Kaya et al. (2013, Geophys. J. Int)
3d inversion result
                                                                                           Depth:-11.714  km
                              Depth:-5.207  km
                        4040            44                                            4040 “seismic gap” as a resistor 4 4

                                                                     Northing (km)
       Northing (km)

                        2020                                                          2020

                         0 0 Depth:-5.207 km             22                            0 0 Depth:-11.714
                                                                                              Depth: -12 kmkm
                                                                                                                    Ωm2 2

                                                                                      40                               4
                       -20                               4                             -20

         (km)           20                                                            20
                       -40                               00                            -40
                                                                                     -40                               00
                       -60                               2                             0
                                                                                     -60                               2


                                 -30 0 0 303060609090                                -20-60
                                                                                               -30 0 0 303060609090
                       -40         Easting
                                 Easting   (km
                                         (km ) )         0                           -40         Easting
                                                                                               Easting   (km
                                                                                                       (km ) )         0
                       -60                                                           -60
                          -60 -30 0 30 60 90                                            -60 -30 0 30 60 90
                               Easting (km )                                                 Easting (km )

                               Depth: -20 km
                             Depth:-19.955 km
                                            km          Ωm                                 Depth:  -44 km
                                                                                           Depth:-44.112  km
                                                                                                         km         Ωm
                        4040                             44                           4040                             44

                                                                     Northing (km)
       Northing (km)

                        2020                                                          2020

                         0 0 Depth:-19.955 km            22                            0 0 Depth:-44.112 km            22

                        40                               4                            40                               4

                       -20                                                             -20


                         -40                                                          20
                       -40                               00                            -40
                                                                                     -40                               00
                       -60                               2                             0
                                                                                     -60                               2

                                 -30 0 0 303060609090                                -20-60
                                                                                               -30 0 0 303060609090
                       -40         Easting
                                 Easting   (km
                                         (km ) )         0                           -40         Easting
                                                                                               Easting   (km
                                                                                                       (km ) )         0
                       -60                                                           -60
                          -60 -30 0 30 60 90                                            -60 -30 Kaya
                                                                                                   0 30(2012,  PhD Theis)
                                                                                                           60 90
South Island, New Zealand

                                                        Murchison EQ
                                                        Early 20th Century

                     Wannamaker et al. (2009, Nature)                        19
Wannamaker et al. (2009, Nature)   20
Wannamaker et al. (2009, Nature)   21
Volcano-Earthquake Link




  • 2008 Iwate-Miyagi Nairiku Earthquake (M7.2)
alldata800s5_model.02 : z=10km:9.8km to 13km: EQ;+−2km
                                                                                                                                                                     30                                                                       4
                                  alldata800s5_model.02 : z=5km:4.3km to 5.6km: EQ;+−2km
                          30                                                                                                      4
                                                            iwatemiyagi_Ichihara_Mishina_model.final : z=5km:4.3km to 5.6km: EQ;+−2km                                                                            10km depth
                                 5km depth             30


                          20                                                                                                            3.5
                                                       20                                                                                                                                                                                     3

Kurikoma Volcano                                                C2                                                                3
                                                                                                                                        3                            10
         10                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   2.5

                                                                                                                                                  distance(km) N+

       distance(km) N+

                                    distance(km) N+
                                                                                                                                                                      0                                                                       2
                           0      C1                    0                                                                         2     2

                                                                                                                                  1.5   1.5                         −10
                         −20                                                                                                            0.5                                                                                                   0.5
                                                      −30                            10km                                               0                           −30                                                                       0
                           −30     −20


                                                                                  −10           0
                                                                                        distance(km) E+


                                                                                                                                  30                                  −30     −20        −10           0
                                                                                                                                                                                               distance(km) E+
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 10         20        30

                                                                        distance(km) E+

  RMS=1.53                                                                                                                                                                                Red star:The epicenter
  Aftershocks @ Resistive area                                                                                                                                                            Black circles: Aftershocks
                                                                                                                                                                                          (Okada et al.(2009))
  @5km:C1 @ Kurikoma volcano
                                                                                                                      Student Version of MATLAB

                                 C2@ low seismicity zone                                                                                                                                                                    Student Version of MATLAB
                                                                                                          Student Version of MATLAB

  @10km: C1 & C2 connected (volcano-hypocenter link)
Fluid branching

                         Equi-resistivity surface (10Ωm)

Hypocenter               Fluid branching:
                         (1) One to the volcano
                         (2) The other to the hypocenter

Co-, post-seismic slips and resistivity distribution
                   on the fault planes
   Coseismic                    N                        Postseismic                                                      logΩm
                                                                alldata800s5_model.02 : z=5km:4.3km to 5.6km: EQ;+−2km
               Slip                                      Slip
                                                         30                                                                   4

         R1                C2
                                                                                                                              3   3

                                      distance(km) N+
                                                          0                                                                   2   2
          C1                                                                                               R2

                                                                                                                              1   1
                                                                                              R1                              0.5
                         10km                                                                              10km
                                                                               0                                              0
    (Contour line: Slip, Cont. Int.: 1 m) (Contour line: Slip, Cont. Int.: 4 cm)
                                                          −30    −20         −10           0
                                                                                   distance(km) E+
                                                                                                     10         20       30

Co-seismic slip corresponds                             Post-seismic slip corresponds
      to R1 (asperity)                                    either to R or C
                                     Postseismic slips are caused by static stress change
                                         or pore pressure change (Iinuma et al., 2009)
Seismology targets
• Intraplate earthquakes
  •   Active faults, shear zones, fluid reservoir, deformation
  •   NE-Japan
  •   North Anatolian Fault(NAF)
  •   NZ
  •   Volcano-Earthquake link

• Plate interface at subduction zones
  • NZ
  • SW Japan
Hikurangi subduction, NZ           Observed data in 2015-2016

 MT measurements in 2016-2017 at
 Transition zone from weekly- to
 strongly- coupled.
  Heise et al (2019, EPSL)
Comparison between areal strain rate and resistivity at the plate interface

Initial model

Best fit model

   Heise et al (2019, EPSL)
   Subducting Plate fixed: 5 km below the plate interface
Philippine Sea Subduction, SW Japan

                Study Area

                                      (Obara and Kato et al., 2016)
Philippine Sea Subduction, SW Japan
                      depth : 3km      depth : 5km




                       depth : 10km     depth : 20km

                           C2   R1
                      C1               C1


                      depth : 30km     depth : 40km


                                 PHS                   PHS   log10Ωm
Philippine Sea Subduction, SW Japan
                                                                  10km depth
            NW                               SE


                 C2          R1

                                                           Three NNW-SSE profiles
                               c k ed
                            Lo                    Non-volcanic tremor (white dots) are located
                                                  above the place, adjacent to the large silicic
                                                  consolidated magma body.

                                                             Kinoshita (2018, M.Thesis)
                   o c ked          50km
Philippine Sea Subduction, SW Japan
                              If the plate is not constrained

                                              Kinoshita (2018, M.Thesis)
Volcanology targets
Imaging Magma pathways

Imaging Geothermal system
• Clay cap
• Silica Cap
• Super Critical Fluids below the BDT

Temporal resistivity changes
• Magnetotelluric monitoring
• Controlled source monitoring (EM-ACROSS)
Kusatsu-Shirane Volcano, Japan

 Understanding the phreatic eruption architecture
     in particular for the 2014 unrest
     [edifice inflation / seismicity / increased lake
     temperature/ increased magmatic gases]

      by 3D resistivity distribution to 2~3km depth

      using 91 MT/AMT sites

 Key Words:
 Phreatic eruption, Clay Cap, Brine, Supercritical Fluid
                                   Final Paper Number: GP006-06
                Session Date and Time: Tuesday, 15 December 2020; 04:00 - 05:00 PST

2014 Volcanic Unrest
            Daily Seismicity 月(JMA,
                               24 日 149 回
      100                  Inflation period                                   Point source analysis
                                                                             for 2014 Jan to 2016 May

             East Down                                 KSE(EW)
             North Down

                               Inflation period       KSW(NS)


             East UP                                   KSS(EW)
             Or                                   KSE(NS)
             North Up           KSS(NS)

            2014                 2015                 2016
                                                                  •   Source Depth at 1500m(ASL): 500m below surface
                          Terada et al.(2016)                     •   Total volume 1.2×105 m3
MAP@1400mASL(600m below surface)

                                                     S-N Section
                                                                   FEMTIC code: Usui et al. (2017, GJI)
                                                                   Unstructured tetrahedral meshes

                                                                   C1: Bell-Shaped Clay Cap Rock
                                                                   C2: Columnar fluid path
                                                                   C3: Brine (Super Critical Fluid)

                                                                   Seismicity: dots
                                                                   Mag- Demag sources: starts
                                                                   Inflation source: X
     W-E Section                   3D View from SW
Phreatic eruption architecture
C1: Clay cap (400 degC) : Super-Critical Fluid Capped by Silica

Episodic magmatic gas flux through the brine (C3) broke the silica cap and induced
seismicity, migration of vapor and inflated the edifice under the clay cap (C1)

                                                                        Tseng, Ogawa, Nurhasan et al. (2020, EPS)

                              Modified from Hutnak et al. (2009, JGR)
Silica Seal at Brittle-Ductile Transition (~400 degC)

                                   Sealing by low-solubility of silica
                                   Saishu et al. (2015, Tera Nova)
Formation of Brine Lenses                                                                                                                              shown in Fig. 5. We used
                                                                                                                                                       to calculate the conducti
                                                                                                                                                       and Archie’s law to acco
                                                                                                                                                       trix, see Supplementary m
 Afanasyev et al. (2018, EPSL)                                                                                                                             The central part of th
                                                                                                                                                       culated electrical resistivi
                                                                                                                                                       1 !·m). A vapour-rich re
                                                                                                                                                       is clearly seen at the mo
                                                                                                                                                       (Fig. 8b). As the lens coo
                                                                                                                                                       the resistivity distribution
                                                                                                                                                       The transition between t
                                                                                                                                                       fluid remains sharp becau
                                                                                                                                                       increases fluid conductivi
                                                                                                                                                       served on MT images on

                                                                                                                                                       6. Discussion and conclu

                                                                                                                                                           Our modelling results
                                                                                                                                                       way for a rapid ascent o
                                                                                                                                                       for brine lens formation.
                                                                                                                                                       ther static permeability d
                                                                                                                                                       conduit (our model) or dy
                                                                                                                                                       fluid ascent (Weis, 2015)
                                                                                                                                                       of the brine lenses whos
                                                                                                                                                       phase transitions, althoug
                                                                                                                                                       ologically realistic. The br
                                                                                                                                                       ascending supercritical flu
                                                                                                                                                       upper surface by halite p
                                                                                                                                                           We show that brine l
                                                                                                                                                       system in which fluids a
                                                                                                                                                       overlying rocks whose pe
                                                                                                                                                       meable column within le
                                                                                                                                                       is likely beneath any vo

 With a conduit, brine lenses can be formed at 2-4km depth.   Fig. 8. Temporal evolution of (a) bulk salinity and (b) electrical resistivity follow-
                                                              ing abrupt cessation of degassing for the reference scenario in Fig. 5. Time (t ∗ ) is
                                                                                                                                                       that case the permeable
                                                                                                                                                       duit system, now filled
                                                              given as kyr since cessation of degassing. Symbol v as in Fig. 6. Isotherms contours
                                                                                                                                                       and solidified magma and
                                                              are every 25 ◦ C. Electrical resistivity is calculated as described in Supplementary
                                                              material, for direct comparison to Fig. 1. Note equivalent colour scale in the range     ated host rock damage z
 Brine can stay for 250 kyr.                                  1–104 ! ·m in Fig. 1 and Fig. 8b.                                                        develop under a wide ran
                                                                                                                                                       favoured in the followin
                                                              precipitates, but even at t ∗ = 750 kyr after the cessation of de-                       relatively high, i.e. at or
                                                              gassing a large salinity anomaly persists at 3 to 4 km depth. Thus,                      (∼670 ◦ C); the salinity o
                                                                                                                                                       though a focussed (local
                                                              the permeability decrease with depth is an important feature of
                                                              our models, that, in contrast to Gruen et al.’s (2014) adoption of                       fective radius.
1,000 µm
  Porphyry model                                                                                                          15.0 kv BSE
                                                                                                                                     10 µm UoB-ES 24/10/2013
                                                                                                                                          WD 11.0 mm 15 :14 : 53                   Blundy et al (2015)
    Figure 3 | Comparison of experimental and natural mineralization textures. a, Reflected-light photomicrograph of chalcopyrite (cp) and minor magnetite
    (mt)1:mantled by anhydrite (an) within vesicle in dacite porphyry from the potassicStage   alteration 2:
                                                                                                          zone, Don Manuel PCD prospect, Chile. The rock’s matrix is
       process  of finely crystalline plagioclase (An51 ), biotite, oxides, pyrite and apatite. The bulk composition is almost identical to the felsic experimental
                       to create brines for 10k-100k years.                                   Gas from the mafic magma interact with the
    starting material. b, Detail from run product M4 (Fig. 1) showing digenite (white) with a thin corona of magnetite (pale grey) filling a vesicle (black) in
    partially crystalline dacite. Additional run products listed in Supplementary Table 1. Scale bar is 10 µm.

          a                             Lava dome                                       b

                                                                 Silicic magma
                                                                 with crystals                                                                                Mafic magma
                    Volcanic rocks                               Supercritical gas                                                                            with crystals
                                                                 Low-salinity vapour                                                                          Sulphur-rich gas
                                                                 Brine                                                                                        Copper sulphide
                                                                 Vapour flow                                                                                  Brine
                     Host rocks                                  Gas flow                                                                                     Gas flow
                                                                 Potassic alteration                                                                          Phyllic alteration

                   2–4 km                                         Brine + vapour
                       Silicic                                         Gas

                                                                                               6–10 km

      Figure 4 | Gas–brine reaction model for PCD formation. a, Stage 1. Slow accumulation, crystallization and degassing of dacite magma beneath small dome
      volcano. Below 2–4 km depth exsolved gas is supercritical, condensing at shallower levels to brine, which becomes trapped and accumulates (driving
      potassic alteration of host rocks), and low-salinity vapour, which escapes upwards. b, Stage 2. Periodic destabilization of a deeper magmatic system
      releases mafic magmas and sulphurous gases that react with trapped brines, forming sulphide minerals at temperatures of 850 C. Mingling between
      mafic and silicic magmas may occur, but is not required. Hydrogen chloride produced by sulphide precipitation drives phyllic alteration in overlying rocks by
      feldspar hydrolysis below ⇠600 C. Unreacted sulphurous gases drive alteration in the shallow lithocap.
Volcanology targets
Imaging Magma pathways

Imaging Geothermal system
• Clay cap
• Silica Cap
• Super Critical Fluids below the BDT

Temporal resistivity changes
• Magnetotelluric monitoring
• Controlled source monitoring (EM-ACROSS)
Temporal resistivity changes
• MT monitoring
  • Aizawa et al. (2011, JVGR) Sakurajima volcano
  • Peacock et al. (2013, Geophysics) , Thiel (2017, Surv Geophys) EGS
  • Hill et al.(2020, GRL) Tongariro eruption, NZ

• Controlled source monitoring
  • Tseng et al. (2020, PhD thesis) EM-ACROSS
Sakurajima Volcano, Japan: resistivity monitoring by MT

                                                     Aizawa et al. (2011, JVGR)
Resistivity change in response to tilt:
    Ground water migration?

        r(Volcanic fluid) < r(ground water)
ra (22.5Hz) @HARMT near (2km) the vent

        r(Volcanic fluid) > r(saline ground water)
ra (97Hz) @KURMT        far (4km) from the vent
                        near the shore

Tilt record: “start of the magma intrusion”

              Limited number of sites (2)
              Limited impedance components
              Limited frequencies

                  Aizawa et al. (2011, JVGR)
2012 eruption of Mount Tongariro, NZ (Hill et al., 2020, GRL)

MT survey (・2008 ‒ 2010) Before the phreatic eruption from T(Te Maari) crater

Te Maari eruption in Nov 2012

Repeat MT survey (・June 2013) After the phreatic eruption from T(Te Maari) crater
Conductive brine was lost after the phreatic eruption
 • Review on our magnetotelluric studies
 • Seismology targets
   • Intraplate earthquakes
   • Plate interface at subduction zones
 • Volcanology targets
   • Imaging Geothermal system
   • Temporal resistivity changes
      ... Challenging topic
          removal of galvanic distortion (which can also vary with time)
          temporal alignment error (magnetic sensor)
          quest for high quality data
      Controlled source EM
Thank you very much for your attention!

                      Yugama Crater, Kusatsu-Shirane Volcano, Jap
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