Page created by Dean Ryan
energy & WATER
                                              EFFICIENT FIXTURES,
                                              FITTINGS & APPLIANCES
                                                              Environmentally sustainable design (ESD) fact sheet 2
                                                                                              VERSION 1/MARCH 2011

                                                                                                                  Photo - Michael Ward

Water-efficient sensor controlled tap with rainwater supply

The Grove Library and Community Centre is jointly funded by
the Town of Cottesloe, Shire of Peppermint Grove and Town of
Mosman Park, and is supported by funding from the Australian
                                                                                                                    Photo - Michael Ward

Government under the Green Precincts Program.
Josh Byrne
Environmental Scientist, Project Consultant and Ambassador for
The Grove: Leading. Learning. Living.
a great place to grow

                                                                                                                     Photo - Michael Ward
Energy-efficient fluorescent roof lights with zoned
motion sensors

          Why are energy & water-efficient
          fixtures, fittings & appliances
          Australia has one of the highest rates of greenhouse emissions and water
          consumption per capita in the world. As a nation now and into the future, we
          are facing a range of growing challenges associated with a warming climate,
          changing weather patterns, decreasing rainfall and groundwater reserves, as well
          as electricity and water infrastructure that is stretched and nearing capacity.

          While electricity and water are essential in our everyday lives, they are also limited and have finite
          reserves that we should never waste. We need to respond and meet such challenges by starting
          to use energy and water more carefully and minimising our demands on these valuable resources
          wherever possible.
          Choosing energy and water-efficient fixtures, fittings and appliances is one of the smartest
          (and easiest) ways to reduce our consumption of electricity and water. This approach saves
          money and reduces environmental impacts without comprising our lifestyles in any way (we use
          less electricity and water to achieve the same outcome or result). Energy and water efficiency
          essentially means getting something done just as effectively but using less resources, which
          is made possible by either improvements in technology or simply adopting a smarter way to
          tackle a job. While governments around Australia are playing an important role by introducing
          national standards and ratings to improve the environmental performance of fixtures, fittings and
          appliances, the second piece of the puzzle is for consumers to start selecting the most efficient
          options available (based on their budget and other requirements).

THE GROVE — ESD FACT SHEET 2: energy & water efficient fixtures, fittngs & appliances                              pg 2
a great place to grow

      what has been done
      at the grove to showcase
      energY & WATER EFFICIENCY?
      A number of energy and water-efficient fixtures, fittings and appliances
      have been incorporated into The Grove as part of achieving a key objective
      of the three Councils to provide a tangible real-life example of sustainability
      in action.

                                                          The Caroma Profile 5 toilet and H2zero Cube
       Energy Efficiency
                                                          waterless urinal are particularly innovative
      Starting with energy efficiency, the interior       fixtures. The Profile 5 is Australia’s first 5-star
      lighting of the building predominantly consists     toilet, and its design includes an integrated
      of fluorescent T5 lamps with dimmable daylight      hand basin that reduces total bathroom water
      harvesting controls, plus motion sensors in         use by allowing the same water to be used
      infrequently used areas. Lighting is grouped in     for two purposes (fresh water is first used for
      zones and local dimmer controls are provided        hand washing and then flows into the cistern to
      to suit usage and prevailing conditions. External   ultimately flush the toilet). The H2zero Cube has
      lighting uses a combination of LED and metal        won an Australian Design Award for Excellence
      halide lights with photo sensor controls.           and incorporates new cartridge technology
      Individual workstation lighting consists of         with a one-way, airtight valve that seals the
      highly energy-efficient Z-Bar LED task lights       urinal from the drainage system, thereby
      and floor lamps, as well as Hafele LED desk         eliminating the need for chemical-based seals
      lights.                                             traditionally used with waterless urinals.

      In addition to active lighting, there are also a
      number for architectural features at The Grove
      to maximise natural lighting within the building.
                                                                                       Photo - Michael Ward

      This includes a roof light for the library, roof
      light/clerestory in the foyer area, and 8 sky
      domes to illuminate the corridor and internal
      spaces in the administration building.
      Each of these energy efficiency measures has
      a real and measurable impact on reducing                                                                Caroma Profile
      electricity consumption and associated                                                                  5-star toilet
                                                                                                              with integrated
      greenhouse emissions. For example, it is                                                                hand basin for
      estimated that the dimmable lighting control                                                            greywater reuse
      system at The Grove alone will result in                                                                (toilet flushing)
      electricity savings of approximately 17,000kWh
      per year, which translates to a reduction of        It is estimated that the water-efficient
      around 14,000kg in greenhouse gas emissions         fixtures at The Grove will result in water
      annually. The estimated savings achieved            savings of approximately 175,000L each year.
      through maximising natural light within the         Comprehensive metering of all energy and
      building will be approximately 10,000kWh each       water uses at The Grove as part of an overall
      year (an annual reduction of around 8,200kg in      Building Management System (BMS) will
      greenhouse gas emissions).                          enable detailed monitoring and reporting of
                                                          electricity and water consumption over time.
       Water Efficiency                                   The BMS will allow any performance issues to
                                                          be identified, as well as assist in verifying the
      Shifting the focus to water, a range of water-      extent of energy and water savings that are
      efficient fixtures have been installed at The       being achieved.
      Grove, including low-flow showerheads (3-star
      Caroma Liano - note that 3 stars is the highest     Related Features
      rating possible for a showerhead), taps (6-         T
                                                          NOTE: Other related leading-edge features
      star Zip Aquasense and 5-star Caroma Liano),
                                                          at The Grove such as the photovoltaic (solar)
      toilets (5-star Caroma Profile 5 and 3-star
                                                          panels, solar hot water system and building
      Caroma Water Wafer), plus waterless urinals (6-
                                                          cooling/heating system are explained in the
      star Caroma H2zero Cube) in the male toilets.
                                                          separate Renewable Energy and Climate
                                                          Sensitive Design fact sheets.

THE GROVE — ESD FACT SHEET 2: energy & water efficient fixtures, fittngs & appliances                                             pg 3
a great place to grow

      what can you do at home?
      Similar to what is being showcased at The Grove, you can choose energy
      and water-efficient fixtures, fittings and appliances for your own home.

                                                                              When it comes to appliances, again you should
         Taking this action will enable you to:                               select those that are the most energy and
                                                                              water-efficient to suit your needs and within
         ••   Save money on your electricity and                              your budget – for example a 5-star energy
              water bills                                                     fridge, and 4-star water/4-star energy washing
         ••   Reduce the greenhouse emissions/                                machine and dishwasher. Air conditioning is
              carbon footprint associated with your                           one of the biggest energy users in the home, so
              household electricity consumption                               choose a system has a 5/6-star rating as well
                                                                              as a zoning functionality to isolate which areas
         ••   Reduce your mains water                                         are being conditioned at any given time (this
              consumption and help in conserving                              ensures that rooms are only air conditioned
              Perth’s scarce drinking water                                   when they are likely to be occupied).
         ••   Decrease the pressure and demand                                Focusing on energy and water-efficient
              on our electricity and water                                    product options is only half the story – it is also
              infrastructure                                                  important to assess the need and minimise
                                                                              the running time of appliances. For example,
                                                                              do you really need a clothes dryer in Perth’s
      An easy first step is to replace any conventional                       climate if you’ve got space for a clothes line?
      incandescent globes in your home with                                   Is that second fridge essential, and if so, does
      compact fluorescent lights (CFLs) or Light                              it always need to be on? Can you do some or
      Emitting Diodes (LEDs). While LEDs are a                                all of your clothes washing using cold rather
      more energy-efficient, durable and versatile                            than hot water (a cold wash can save up to
      form of lighting than CFLs, they do tend to be                          4 times more energy than using hot water).
      more expensive (although this cost difference                           Can you do without an air conditioner if your
      is rapidly diminishing with new advances in                             house is properly designed and operated? If an
      technology).                                                            air conditioner is still important as a back-up
      You should make sure that all your water                                during extreme periods, how can you minimise
      fixtures and fittings are as efficient as possible                      its running time? For those appliances that are
      – for example choose 3-star showerheads                                 a ‘must have’, choosing an energy and water-
      and 5-star taps in the bathroom, kitchen and                            efficient model and minimising its use can
      laundry, as well as 4-star toilets (minimum).                           have a big impact on your energy and water

                                                                                 Remember you can always assess and
                                                                                 compare the efficiency of different
                                                                                 products through the government-
                                                                                 endorsed national energy rating and
                                                                                 water rating schemes.
                                                       Photo - Michael Ward

        Water-efficient low flow showerhead
        (less than 9 litres per minute)

THE GROVE — ESD FACT SHEET 2: energy & water efficient fixtures, fittngs & appliances                                               pg 4
a great place to grow

                                                                                                                  Photo - The Grove Library
The Grove, an environmental sustainability pioneer.

            find out more on
            energY & WATER EFFICIENT
            FOR YOUR HOME
               Further Information                             	Relevant Organisations

            Living Smart/Perth Solar City Program: Energy      Perth Solar City Program: 1300 993 268
            & Water Efficiency How to Guide
            Living Greener: Household Energy Efficiency
            Living Greener: Household Water Efficiency
            Energy Rating Product Database
            Water Rating Product Database

            Please visit to download an electronic version of this fact sheet with
            hyperlinks to the above online resources.
            Content - Josh Byrne & Associates                   Graphic design - Oakridge Communication Group

                                                                 The Grove Library Project is supported
                                                                     by funding from the Australian
                                                                 Government under the Green Precincts

  THE GROVE — ESD FACT SHEET 2: energy & water efficient fixtures, fittngs & appliances                         pg 5
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