Enjoy the holidays with your nearest and deerest - What's On ...

Page created by Vernon Lindsey
Enjoy the holidays with your nearest and deerest - What's On ...
Issue №4
December 2017 –
January 2018

                  Enjoy the
                  holidays with
                  your nearest
                  and deerest
Enjoy the holidays with your nearest and deerest - What's On ...
Enjoy the holidays with your nearest and deerest - What's On ...
Contents | Issue 4 December’17 – January’18

     Issue №4
     December 2017 –
     January 2018

                                    Enjoy the
                                    holidays with
                                    your nearest
                                    and deerest

On the Cover
We wish you a Merry Christmas!

Photo on the cover:

                                                                                                                                       The holidays are fast approaching. May Santa be kind!

                                                                                                                                       4 WO Words from the Editor
                                                                                                                                       Keeping perspective

                                                                                                                                       6 What’s New
                                                                                                                                       Some news, some notes, some opinions, all good stuff

                                                                                                                                       8 WO for the Holidays
Dirk’s pick this month:
                                                                                                                                       A little help finding that perfect gift
We had a new
                                                                                                                                       10 What’s On this Month
cameraman on the scene                                                                                                                 All you need to know, broken down by category, about what you
this month, care of the                                                                                                                need to see and do in Kyiv over the next 30 days

fabulous Dirk Lustig!                                                                                                                  16 What’s Important
He took in the Kiborgy                                                                                                                 Veterano is a fairly new pizza place on the restaurant scene.
                                                                                                                                       However it’s got more than just pizza on the menu, it’s got a
film which premiered                                                                                                                   purpose
this month: “The movie                                                                                                                 18 What’s Ahead
is well done and gives                                                                                                                 A few top events you must put in your calendar now!
a good feeling of the                                                                                                                  18 What About the Guys
terrible day-to-day life                                                                                                               The Mitsubishi Pajero Sport gets put through its paces
the cyborgs had at the                                                                                                                 19 What’s Abroad
airport. Very strong                                                                                                                   Singapore is a fab destination that can be done by Ukrainians
                                                                                                                                       without a visa in 96 hours
                                                                                                                                       22 WO the Move
Kateryna’s pick this month:                                                                                                            Get your groove on for 2018

“A story of success both                                                                                                               24 What’s All the Fuss
inspiring and admirable,                                                                                                               A collection of quick bits and bobs for those on the run

showing there is life even                                                                                                             26 What’s for Dinner?
                                                                                                                                       We head to Ronin with TUCC and to Odesa for a little sun, fun, and
after war”                                                                                                                             surf therapy

                                                                                                                                       30 What’s in Focus
                                                                                                                                       Photo coverage of events from around Kyiv in the last month
The Team:                                           Contact details:                          Registration information:                       © All materials published in What’s On Kyiv   Originally founded in 1999, What’s On Kyiv        business community, both expatriate and
Lana Nicole Niland     Serzh Velichansky            For general enquiries, submissions,       What’s On Kyiv magazine is registered with      are the unconditional intellectual property   is an English language monthly magazine           local, and provides brief news articles on
Paul Niland            Sam Kearley                  complaints, or comments write to          the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine as a print   of Outpost Publishing and as such are         with a goal to inform residents and visitors      events of relevance to Kyiv and Ukraine and
Jared Morgan           Tyoma Myronenko              Editor@WhatsOn-Kyiv.com                   media magazine, License Number 22834            protected by Ukrainian and international      to Kyiv of events in the entertainment and        the wider region.
Lee Reaney             Ksenia Karpenko              To advertise in What’s On Kyiv, contact   – 12734P dated 7 August 2107. This mag-         copyright laws. No materials from this        cultural life of the city. As well as providing
Alina Smolina          Anna Kondratyuk              Sales@WhatsOn-Kyiv.com                    azine is published by Outpost Publishing, a     magazine, or the associated website,          advice, guidance, and listings of live mu-
Anna Azarova           Igor Hodokov                                                           company duly incorporated in Ukraine.           may be reproduced without the express         sic, theatre, nightlife, sporting events and
Kateryna Kiselyova     Artem Nikitin                                                                                                          permission of Outpost Publishing.             more, What’s On also interacts with the
Nina Bohush            Dirk Lustig
Enjoy the holidays with your nearest and deerest - What's On ...
From the Editor

Lana Nicole Niland

                                                       Stress and the holidays seem to go hand-in-hand. What to buy
                                                       whom? Which ugly Christmas sweater to wear? How much Ol-
                                                       ivier to make? Where to spend New Year? Whether to have
                                                       that extra piece of Christmas pound cake (even though you
                                                       know you’re going to regret it come January when you make
                                                       yet another resolution to join the gym, pay for a membership,
                                                       and then never go)? Though they each seem like a big deal at
                                                       the time, they’re really not the biggest or hardest choices we’ll
                                                       worry about in the year ahead, or even in the one we are in the
                                                       middle of saying farewell to.
                                                       Whether or not we struggle to make the right one, choice in
                                                       any case is a great thing. The fact that we even have choice
                                                       is a blessing, a boon, a gift – whatever you want to call it, it’s
                                                       good. I often tell people they always have a choice whenever I
                                                       am sat down and enlightened about each of their problems.
                                                       Often, their biggest problems are not unlike the small stresses
                                                       that accompany this time of year. The truth is, we don’t know
                                                       how good we have it, until that good is taken away, or, we get
                                                       away with a visit from the Ghost of Christmas Yet To Come.
                                                       It is why, every month, when I am sat at my computer, in my
                                                       warm apartment, drinking my coffee just as I like it, comforted
         “The fact that we even have                   by the sound of a happily purring cat beside me, I am brought
                                                       to near tears by the contribution of the WO eastern Ukraine
         choice is a blessing, a boon, a               correspondent, and this month seems especially poignant.
                                                       While most of us will worry about making sure the creases are
         gift – whatever you want to                   out of the good tablecloth – a worry I can relate to as we all
                                                       want the holidays to be as perfect for our loved ones as possible,
         call it, it’s good”                           the worries of those living in the east are such that I can’t even
                                                       Will there be power? How much drinking water to leave in case
                                                       there is a shortage? Where to go when the “fireworks” become
                                                       too close?
                                                       We all have choices, it’s true. However the choices for some of
                                                       us are made that much easier by our citizenship, our geogra-
                                                       phy, and even for some of us our biology. This year, when you
                                                       are ironing out the creases in your favovourite tablecloth, or
                                                       carving what will undoubtedly be a delicious turkey, if you do
                                                       nothing else, send a thought to the frontline. There are a great
                                                       many people who will not get to spend this time with their fami-
                                                       lies, if they get to see them again at all. They are fighting for the
                                                       freedoms of this great country – that’s their choice.

                                                       “Merry Christmas to us all and God bless us every one.”

4   What’s On   Issue 4 December 2017 - January 2018
Enjoy the holidays with your nearest and deerest - What's On ...
Enjoy the holidays with your nearest and deerest - What's On ...
What’s New

         Starting a business in Ukraine
         is simple!
         It’s true, the business climate in Ukraine      The registration application package has
         is still not terribly easy. However! Those      to be filed with a state registrar or a nota-
         investors with an appetite for risk and
         above-average returns are more than wel-
                                                         ry who performs the equivalent function.
                                                         It is expected that an online registration      Not The Ten
         come to set up shop. Over the past several      option will be available in the near future.
         years, Ukraine has significantly improved
         its business incorporation and registration
                                                         The registration of a company usually
                                                         takes one business day (except for joint
         procedures, making them easier and more         stock companies where the procedure is
         transparent.                                    more complex and requires issuance of
                                                         shares and their registration with the se-
         MOST POPULAR FORMS                              curities regulator). There is no state fee
         The most common corporate form of set-          for the registration of business.
         ting up a business in Ukraine is a Limited
         Liability Company (LLC). This is a com-         ONE STOP SHOP
         pany with authorised capital divided into       There is no need to separately file docu-
         participation interests (not shares) allotted   ments with the tax authorities, statistics
         to members pro rata to their contribu-          authorities, or pension fund for their reg-
         tions. No minimum authorised capital is         istries. The data contained in the state
         required, however the capital declared at       registry of companies and individual en-
         incorporation must be paid in within one        trepreneurs will be exchanged with the
         year. The legal rules governing LLCs are        respective registries. If your business needs
         expected to be reformed and improved in         a license or permissions, you have to apply
         the near future, hopefully, making the use      for those separately, procedures for which
         of such entities even more attractive.          are also becoming more transparent, easi-
         Another corporate form for doing busi-          er to navigate, and faster.
         ness in Ukraine is a private enterprise.
         This form is quite common as it is lightly      OPENING BANK ACCOUNTS
         regulated by Ukrainian law. Lack of reg-        Whether you operate via a company or as
         ulation however can also result in legal        an individual entrepreneur, you will need
         uncertainties.                                  to hold a bank account with a Ukraini-
         There are still more individuals in             an bank to conduct business. There are          Someone had to do it. Someone had to
         Ukraine who prefer operate their business       a number of foreign-owned banks in              finally stand up and list the things that are
         as a private entrepreneur.                      Ukraine, including representatives of           wrong in Ukraine and the litany of things
         Large companies/investors can obviously         large EU and US based banking groups.           that have still not been fixed four years
         opt for more complex forms, such as joint       It may take from a few days to several          after the Revolution of Dignity. In a re-
         stock companies, but these are not usually      weeks to open bank accounts depend-             corded address from Stanford University,
         suitable for small and mid-size businesses.     ing on how quickly a bank carries out its       Svyotaslav Vakarchuk has thrown down a
                                                         know-your-client and anti-money laun-           challenge to the current authorities, AND
         REGISTRATION PROCEDURES                         dering procedures.                              the opposition as well.
         Ukraine has recently made it significantly                                                      Vakarchuk is best known as the leader of
         easier to set up and register a company         OTHER THINGS TO NOTE                            legendary rock group Okean Elzy, but he’s
         as well as get registered as an individu-       Companies in Ukraine are no longer              much more than that. He’s an intellectual,
         al entrepreneur. The package of docu-           required to have corporate seals, and a         a public figure respected nationwide, and
         ments is relatively straightforward and         corporate document may be signed by             an activist who’s not afraid to voice his
         information can be easily obtained at a         officers or authorised representatives. To      opinion. In the video address he sets out
         notary’s office or public registrar. For ex-    employ a foreign national a Ukrainian           10 demands related to the rule of law, state
         ample, the list of documents for getting        company should have a work permit for           apparatus, and democracy in Ukraine.
         registered as an individual entrepreneur        him or her. In addition, a foreign nation-      He says he doesn’t have personal political
         includes an application, passport, and a        al may obtain a residence permit (either        ambitions, but he finishes his address by
         Ukrainian tax ID (which is also not diffi-      temporary or permanent) for residing            telling politicians from all sides, act on this,
         cult to obtain). Since an individual entre-     in Ukraine and entering and exiting             now, the clock is ticking…
         preneur is registered at the place of his/      Ukraine without limitations. There is also
         her residence, a foreign individual may be      an investment based residency, such as if       Watch here (with
                                                                                                         English subtitles)
         required to show a temporary residence          a foreign national incorporates a com-
         permit. Documents issued abroad must            pany in Ukraine and contributes EUR
         be legalised or apostilled at the place of      100 000 into its authorised capital (to be
         issuance (depending on applicable rules).       confirmed when applying for residency).
                                                         Accounting and tax reporting are impor-
                                                         tant as well as proper legal support. These
                                                         functions can be effectively outsourced in

6   What’s On   Issue 4 December 2017 - January 2018
Enjoy the holidays with your nearest and deerest - What's On ...
  Tea and Politics II – Independence of Anti-
  Corruption Bodies – an Ultimatum of the West
  My political novice protégée is making            parties involved.                                    ners support the idea of a corruption-free
  progress. Tea and politics with Oksana is         I am convinced it was good. Oksana dis-              prosecutors’ office and court. They don’t
  becoming a less one-sided and more ro-            agrees: if Russia would negotiate it would           hold back from strong statements when
  bust debate.                                      be possible for a ceasefire and an end to            it comes to defending the independence
  As we convene again in a Kyiv café we re-         the war, she insists.                                of these institutions. Action taken against
  flect on the fact that Ukraine still remains      Why is this fraught talk good? Because               anti-corruption agencies has become a
  a popular topic for European discussion.          there is no agreement between Russia                 scandal for Ukraine.
  However, the attention from the west is           and the US about abolishing sanctions,               Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko
  not just geopolitical. Ukraine is both an         and to dismiss the topic of Crimea from              has been trying to prove to European
  issue of principle importance for the US          the negotiation process is unacceptable              leaders and the International Monetary
  as a future European partner and also for         for most Ukrainians.                                 Fund the independence of anti-corrup-
  Russia – as the beginning of its history          Last month this dialogue was cut short               tion agencies is not under threat. Whether
  and territory it considers as its own. Old        and went full circle. Volker admitted there          they believe Poroshenko or not depends
  Europe has an ambiguous attitude to-              was no possibility of placing peacekeep-             on a number of things, including pass-
  wards Ukraine – a focus on values (mean-          ers on war-torn territory without Russia’s           ing laws for a corruption free court. The
  ing freedom) on one hand and concerns             consent. Considering Kyiv’s position, this           scandal-mired anti-corruption agencies
  about future perspectives on the other.           consent seems unattainable.                          are getting more attention from Ukrain-
  This is our second conversation to be             Volker’s statement in an interview with              ians, Oksana says. Even more, it directly
  published. That is due, in part, to the fact      Politico followed this singular tone: The            affects the security of the country, I add.
  we passed our first publication without           US should provide weapons to Ukraine                 Oksana is more engaged. Tea and politics
  falling into conflict. We continue.               for it to protect itself.                            are growing on her.
  The most recent negotiations regarding            Oksana agrees but she remains excited
  Donbas between Kurt Volker and Vla-               by the idea of a ceasefire and control               Maka Janashia
  dyslav Surkov (or the Russian-American            of Donbas overseen by peacekeepers.                  Eastern European Reform Centre
  negotiation as referred to by media) are          Ukrainian internal affairs also compli-
  already a well-recorded failure; Volker           cated things further this December. The
  called it a step back. Oksana and I debate        conflict between anti-corruption agencies
  if it was good or bad, although we had            and the prosecutors’ office spread beyond
  agreed these negotiations were the only           the borders of Ukraine. Oksana likes this
  forum that could produce a real outcome           because she is disillusioned by the level of
  as Minsk is in deadlock – something that          corruption in the country. Western part-
  is clear for everyone – and not just the

  Notes from the East
                                                                             ing and shelling happens every day. And as they say, they must be
                                                                             there to stand for Ukraine, to stand for European values, to protect
WO Eastern Ukraine
                                                                             their land against Russian aggression.
                                                                                   The holiday spirit dwells on the frontline too. But not com-
                                                                                        pletely. And how can it be possible if, earlier this month for
                                                                                           instance, half of the city of Avdiivka lost power because
  December: the                                                                               of damage to the electrical line caused by shelling.
                                                                                               People hear and see “fireworks” almost every day,
  temperature is                                                                                 and have been living with the stresses of war for
                                                                                                 three-and-a-half years already. Regardless, they

  below zero and it                                                                              buy their Christmas trees, they preare their pre-
                                                                                                 sents, they buy food for the holiday table and try
                                                                                                to forget about the current situation, at least for the
  is snowing.                                                                                 holidays.
                                                                                            It looks so strange and awesome when you see soldiers
  These words remind everyone of the winter holidays.                                    creating a festive atmosphere. Each position tries to find
  Christmas, New Year’s Eve – these are the most antici-                             a small Christmas tree and set it up inside the trenches or for-
  pated days for many people, and Ukrainians are no exception.               tified zones. They are decorated with toys, lights, bullets, and gre-
  As usual, people are in a hurry to buy presents, set up the Christ-        nades. Yes, bullets and grenades. It has became a tradition, they say.
  mas tree, prepare delicious food and set it on the table. The whole        If you ask them what their wishes are for the coming year, they an-
  world unites and rejoices at this time.                                    swer as one: greetings to their families, mums and dads, kids, wives,
  You might ask why I write this here? It’s obvious, but what about          grandparents, and friends. You can feel how they miss them. Then
  the soldiers? What about the people who stand on the frontline, in         they send wishes to Ukraine, Ukrainians, and people in general.
  the trenches? The answer is simple. They have the same feelings            Kindness, health, prosperity, love, happiness – there is the sense that
  and wishes as you. They are just in another situation, where shoot-        this is what they are here for, fighting for.

Enjoy the holidays with your nearest and deerest - What's On ...
WO for the Holidays
                             THE COMMERCIALISM OF THE HOLIDAY SEASON IS, LIKE IT                                          in touch with Chop-Chop and grab a
                             OR NOT, HERE TO STAY. CHRISTMAS HOLIDAYS ARE NOW                                             gift certificate for haircut, shave or trim
                             SYNONYMOUS WITH SPENDING MONEY. EVERY SHOP WINDOW                                            of facial hair, while your man tosses back
                             VIES FOR YOUR ATTENTION AND PURCHASING POWER.WHAT’S                                          a glass of whiskey.
                             ON OFFERS SOME TIPS ON HOW TO SHOP SMARTER AND                                                  g.bar.kiev
                             SURVIVE.                                                                                        www.ruki-nozhnitsi.com.ua
                                                                            can be sure the actual gift is something
                                                                            she wants. A gift certificate for a make-     If a gift certificate just does not work for
                                                                            up and/or hairstyling is also an option. A    you, think of something fashionable every
                    Ksenia Karpenko                                                                                       girl craves, but something that doesn’t
                                                                            gift certificate is also something that can
                                                                            work for guys who aren’t shop-a-phobes!       need specific tailoring. A boycap is a hot
                             First, as Santa would do, make a list                                                        fashion trend this season and doesn’t need
                             and check it twice – understand who’s          At #LOVEfp womenswear fashion                 fitting. Check out Ruslan Baginskiy
                             been naughty or nice. In all seriousness,      brand, you can grab a gift certificate ei-    Hats and Cover Number One.
                             shortlist alternatives for gift ideas, then    ther online or in-store. The Ukrainian            @baginskiy_hats
                             go through the list and look at it from        brand offers hand-tailored designs and            www.covernumberone.ru
                             the perspective of those you are buying        accessories with a glass of champagne
                             for. Sometimes it’s not your husband who       while you shop. She will love it! The aver-   Another great way to make a gift unfor-
                             wants a new convection oven with all the       age price for a dress is 120 USD.             gettable is to present an experience, and
                             bells and whistles, that’s you. Likewise,        www.lovefp.com                              Bodo has this idea down pat. Here you
                             your girlfriend probably isn’t going to be                                                   can buy gifts that range from horse riding
                             over the moon with rechargeable batter-        If you don’t know his or her beauty prod-     to chocolate massage! There are numer-
                             ies. You get the point. After a little due     uct preferences, a Brocard gift certificate   ous master classes and weekend tours up
                             diligence you’ll probably find the real list   is always an option. Brocard is Ukraine’s     for grabs, with prices that are very rea-
                             is not that long at all. And that’s good –     oldest chain of beauty shops. Special for     sonable!
                             the fewer alternatives you have, the easier    the season, they have 40% off everything         www.bodo.ua
                             the choice.                                    online and in-store.
                             When it comes to women, there’s no bet-           www.letu.ua                                Chocolate master classes are also widely
                             ter gift than a shopping spree. Be smart                                                     popular at the moment, especially with
                             here and give a gift certificate – then you    Cosmetology gift certificates are also a      top-notch Ukrainian chocolaterie Lvivs-
                                                                            nice gift for anyone. G-Bar is great for      ka Maysternya. Book for a minimum
                                                                            ladies under 25, while women in their         of four people, with an average price per
                                                                            late 20s+ will appreciate the style of        person starting at 250 UAH.
                                                                            Ruki-Nozhnitsi, and both offer a wide           www.сhocolate.lviv.ua
                                                                            range of beauty services. For the guys, get
                                                                                                                          If romance is on your mind, take a bow
                                                                                                                          and present him or her with dance classes
                                                                                                                          at Big Dance! Cha-cha, rumba, or salsa

                                                                                                                          will add to the Christmas atmosphere and
                                                                                                                          may inspire a lasting passion!

                           Hunting –

                    8   What’s On   Issue 4 December 2017 - January 2018
                                                                                                  A Survival Guide
Enjoy the holidays with your nearest and deerest - What's On ...
A Very Hipster
                    THE HIPSTER CRAZE WAS SLOW
                                                                                                                                               Lana Nicole Niland

                    TO REALLY CATCH ON HERE
                    IN KYIV, AND NOT BECAUSE IT
                    DOESN’T HAVE GUMPTION. WITH
                    FACIAL HAIR, FLANNEL SHIRTS,
                    AND BEAT-UP OLD CONS CAUSING
                    A STIR ACROSS THE CAPITAL,
                    DON’T LET FOMO STRIKE – GET
                    INTO THE GROOVE AND GO CRAY                                                                    NOTHING SAYS FROM ME TO
                    CRAY THIS CHRISTMAS.                                                                           YOU, AND MEANS IT, LIKE THESE
                                                                                                                   GIFTS FOR A HIPSTER
                    DECORATE WITH PURPOSE                                                                          CARDS FOR HUMANITY
                    Head to Radio Rynok and invest in a few                                                        An online PC version of the popular
                    first model Nokia phones. Tie pretty rib-                                                      card game, only in that it gives you the
                    bons from last year’s gifts through the slit                                                   opportunity to donate to children while
                    at the top and use as this year’s decora-                                                      laughing at how despicable you and your
                    tions. And! Don’t forget your yolka! Only                                                      friends really are.
                    this year, leave the tree in the forest and                                                       cfh.io/#!/
                    garland up a standing lamp or ladder in-
                    stead.                                                                                         RECYCLED PAPER NOTEBOOK
                                                                                                                    Save the planet and your uneasy rela-
                    DRINK WITH DISTINCTION                                                                           tionships with your pubescing teens by
                    There is nothing like creating, and                                                                giving a gift that says you care about
                    that means your homemade hooch.                                                                     both. A notebook with recycled pa-
                    Let’s rename it though to give it                                                                    per enclosed by leather the colour
                    a moniker slightly more refined,                                                                      of cognac from cows that were
                    such as, let’s say, oohhh, a bitter.                                                                   grass-fed and got to put their feet
                    Bitter is a Brit term for a type                                                                        up every night.
                    of beer, but can also be herbal                                                                             www.podveski.com.ua
                    preparations used in cocktails.
                    Make your own and you will                                                                                 WHISKEY STONES
                    be the talk of the town at this                                                                            Freeze ‘em, then drop ‘em into
                    year’s Christmas part-ay!                                                                                 your glass of room temperature
                                                                                                                             whiskey to bring it down that
                    SING BY YOURSELF                                                                                       ideal one degree. Of course, you’ll
                    While Christmas music sounds                                                                         need to drink quick in order to keep
                    through every speaker in nearly                                                                    it at that temp, but you’re glass will
                    every shopping mall this year, forgo                                                             never look cooler (and neither will you).
                    the holiday spirit and jam out to an es-                                                          www.tops.ua
                    oteric selection of tunes from your dad’s
                    vinyl collection.                                                                              PHOTO FRAMES
                    ** Important: pay little to no attention to the                                                Know someone with an Instagram ac-
                    looks of amusement from passersby.                                                             count? It’s likely they’ve posted a photo
                                                                      CELEBRATE THE DAY                            or two (hundred) of dinner at some point.
                    GO GLUTEN-FREE                                    While 25 December might be a holiday         And if they’re really old school, they’ll
                    Say bye-bye to Turkey and so-long stuff-          here this year, you’re going to want to      totally appreciate a place to put their fa-
                    ing – go gluten-free vegan this year with         celebrate a couple of days ahead of the      vourite. Grab one or go for the gold and
                    servings from your local food truck in            curve. Festivus occurs on 23 December        grab a few, they interlock! Neat, huh..?
                    Shevchenko Park. There, you’re sure to            and is a great alternative to the pres-         www.multiramka.com.ua
                    run into other such like-minded individ-          sures and commercialism of the holiday

                    uals where you can instantly upload Ins-          season. Air your grievances and then go      A HAMMOCK
                    tagram photos of your Christmas dinner            around calling easily explained occur-       Because, well, who doesn’t just need to sit
                    and then print them out on their Insta-           rences as Festivus miracles – you’ll never   back and chill every once in awhile.
                    gram Printer.                                     have a better holiday.                         www.rozetka.com.ua

Enjoy the holidays with your nearest and deerest - What's On ...
Live Music | December17 - January18
                                                             Assai – presentation of new album             Max Tavrichesky (live, blues)
                                                             (RU, hip-hop)                                  29 December at 20.00
                                                               17 December at 19.00                         Vatra (Horodetskoho 4b)
                                                               Atlas (Sichovykh Striltsiv 37-41)            FREE
                                                               300-1 200 UAH                                vatra.kyiv
                                                                                                           ROCK YOU! (rock)
                                                             The Erised (futurepop)                         31 December at 22.00
                                                             17 December at 20.00                           Docker ABC (Khreschatyk 15/4)
                                                               Sentrum (Shota Rustaveli 11)                 350-3 900 UAH
        HOLIDAY ATTRIBUTES                                                                                  dockersabc
        Christmas Jazz Songs – Louis                           220-560 UAH
        Armstrong, Ella Fitzgerald (Pavel                      www.sentrum.com.ua
                                                                                                           Tina Karol (pop, soul)
        Ignatyev Quartet)                                                                                    31 December at 19.00
           20 and 25 December at 19.00                       Zveroboy (pop)
                                                                                                            Palace of Ukraine (V Vasylkiyvksa 103)
           House of Architects (Borys Hrinchenko 7)            19 December at 20.00
                                                                                                             200-2 250 UAH
        What is better for the holidays than en-              Sentrum (Shota Rustaveli 11)
        joying the musical genius of some of the                100-400 UAH
        best-known jazz artists of all time? Along             www.sentrum.com.ua                          Lyapis 98 (BY, rock)
        with their favourite hits, Christmas carols                                                          1 January at 19.00
        and songs such as White Christmas, Let               New Year Music Platform                        Caribbean Club (Symona Petlyury 4)
        It Snow, and Silent Night will round out              19-20 December at 19.00                        450-2 500 UAH
        the evening, all brought to you by maes-              Palace of Ukraine (V Vasylkiyvksa 103)         www.caribbean.com.ua
        tro Pavel Ignatyev and his quartet, along              400-2 600 UAH
        with Anyanya Udongwo and Kemi Oke.                    www.palace-ukraine.com                       Oleg Skrypka (live)
        Come and enjoy!                                                                                     06 January at 19.00
           225-400UAH                                        Sergey Babkin (jazz, reggae)                   Freedom Event Hall (Kyrylivska 134)
           concert.ua                                          20 December at 19.00                         call for details
                                                               Budynok Kino (Saksahanskoho 6)               www.freedomhall.com.ua
                                                               450-800 UAH
        Banderas Blues Band (blues)                            www.ukrkino.com.ua                          New Happiness feat Julia
         15 December at 22.00                                                                              Roma (acoustic jazz Christmas
         Docker’s ABC (Khreschatyk 15/4)                     Best Ukrainian Metal Act 2017                 performance)
         100-750 UAH                                         23 December at 17.00                            7 January at 20.00
         dockersabc                                            Bingo (Pr Pobedy 112)                        Ostannya Barycada (Maidan Nezalezhnosti 1)
                                                               150-300 UAH                                   FREE
        Oxxxymiron (RU, grime)                                 www.bingo.ua                                  ostannya.barykada.kyiv
         16 December at 19.00
         Palace of Sports (Sportyvna Sq 1)                   Voanerges (live, jazz-folk fusion)            Joe Cocker Tribute (blues, rock,
         349-899 UAH                                           24 December at 20.00                        soul)
         spalace.com.ua                                        FREE                                          12 January at 19.00
                                                              Ostannya Barycada (Maidan Nezalezhnosti 1)     Central House of Officers (Hrushevskoho 30/1)
        Vera Polozkova – in high resolution                    ostannya.barykada.kyiv                        130-650 UAH
        (RU, poetry with musical                                                                             central.house.of.officers
        accompaniment)                                       Khrin (rock)
          16 December at 19.00                                                                             Ukrainian carols and dances
                                                              28 December at 21:00
          Palace of Culture and Arts NTUU                                                                   12 January at 20.00
                                                              Docker ABC (Khreschatyk 15/4)
        “KPI” (Pr Pobedy 37)                                                                                Ostannya Barycada (Maidan Nezalezhnosti 1)
                                                              100 UAH
          500-650 UAH                                                                                       FREE
                                                              dockersabc                                    ostannya.barykada.kyiv

          Max Korzh (BY, hip-hop, ska, rap,
             23 December at 19.00
            Palace of Sports (Sportyvna Sq 1)
          He pumps out the beats but with an every-increasing
          pressure - that’s how this Belarusian hip-hop artist
          has oft been described. Getting his start at home with
          his guitar, now this daredevil fires out hits in concert
          halls, clubs, and even stadiums. His song Live it Up
          says a lot about this musician and is a motto Max
          himself lives by. Sink into his soul, and feel the beat;
          the frenzy takes place on 23 December.
             499-1 499 UAH

10 What’s On   Issue 4 December 2017 - January 2018
Festivals/Film/Sport | December 17 - January18
                                         Rebel in the Rye (2017, biography,               Tuesday Evenings at Cinema Citi
                                         drama)                                              Every Tuesday at 19.00
                                            19, 21, 23, 24 December                          Cinema Citi (Ocean Plaza, Antonovycha 176)
                                            Kinopanorama (Shota Rustaveli 19)             English language movies show every Tues-
                                         The life of celebrated but reclusive author,     day at Cinema Citi in Ocean Plaza. New
                                         J.D. Salinger, who gained worldwide fame         and old titles alike feature. Popcorn + the
                                         with the publication of his novel, The Catcher   silver screen = a good outing.
                                         in the Rye.                                         120 UAH
                                            50-80 UAH                                        www.cinemaciti.ua

                                         Croocked House (2017, crime,
                                            15-27 December
                                           Zhovten (Kostyantynivska 26)
                                         In Agatha Christie’s most twisted tale, a
                                         spy-turned-private-detective is lured by
                                         his former lover to catch her grandfather’s
                                         murderer before Scotland Yard exposes
                                         dark family secrets.
                                            45-95 UAH

                                         Ferdinant (2017, animation, comedy)              UKRAINE’S WORLD #1 SHVETS
                                            23-25 December                                WINS TWO PARA TAEKWONDO
                                           Zhovten (Kostyantynivska 26)                   TOURNAMENTS
                                         After Ferdinand, a bull with a big heart, is     IWAS World Games in Portugal
                                         mistaken for a dangerous beast, he is cap-       and European Open in Bulgaria
 Winter World                            tured and torn from his home. Determined         Ukraine’s #1-ranked Para taekwondo fight-
   9 December – 14 January               to return to his family, he rallies a misfit     er Anton Shvets returns home with two gold
  International Expo Centre (Akademika   team on the ultimate adventure.                  medals after besting the competition at the
 Hlushkova 1)                               80-100 UAH                                    IWAS World Games in Vila Real de Santo
   799 UAH                                  www.zhovten-kino.kiev.ua                      Antonio, Portugal and the European Open
   karabas.com/festivals                                                                  in Sofia, Bulgaria this month. The 2015
                                                                                          world champion is sure to increase his lead
 Ice Age Festival                                                                         in the men’s under-75kg K43 division over
   15 December – 31 January                                                               Kazakhstan’s Nurlan Dombayev, who beat
   Spivache Pole (Lavrska 33)                                                             the Ukrainian at the world championships
   50 UAH                                                                                 in October. The top two ranked fighters in
   kiev.karabas.com/lodovikovij-peri-                                                     the division gain automatic qualification to
 od-na-spivochomu-poli                                                                    the 2020 Paralympic Games in Tokyo, Ja-
                                                                                          pan, where the sport will be making its de-
 Nalivka Fest                                                                             but. Compatriot Vika Marchuk, the reign-
   16-17 December at 12.00-22.00                                                          ing world champion and #1-ranked fighter
  International Expo Centre (Akademika                                                    in the women’s under-49kg K43 division,
 Hlushkova 1)                                                                             also captured gold at the European Open.
   50 UAH                                                                                    www.worldtaekwondo.org/news/
   events/2010784005820514                                                                para-news

 New Year Fairytale
   16-17, 19, 23-24, 30 December, 2-8,                                                    Budivelnyk Kyiv – Ukrainian
 13-14 January                                                                            SuperLeague Basketball
   Kyivcka Rus Park                                                                         23 December – home to Cherkasy
   50-150 UAH                                                                             Mavpy
   parkkyivrus.com                       NEW BRITISH FILM FESTIVAL                          11 January – away at BC Zapor-
                                         In original language                             izhiya
 HeoGod on Sofiivska                     with Ukrainian subtitles                           13 January – away at MBC
  19 December – 14 January                 13-20 December                                 Mykolaiv
  Sofiivksa Pl                             Kiev Kino (V Vasylkivska 19)                     Kyiv Palace of Sports (Sportivna Pl 1)
  From 30 UAH                            The 17th New British Film Festival are             www.budivelnyk.ua
                                         showcasing here in Kyiv, in celebration of
 Metropolitan Christmas Festival         the British Council and their 25 years in        Biathlon World Cup
  13 January at 14.00-20.00              Ukraine.                                           2-7 January in Oberhof, Germany
  Poshtova Pl                              175 UAH                                          9-14 January in Ruhpolding,
  FREE                                     www.kievkino.com.ua                            Germany
  events/129619561081785                                                                    www.biathlonworld.com

Theatre/Classical Music | December17 - January18
                                                       Kutaisi. Georgian State Song and         A Thousand Lights
                                                       Dance Ensemble (GE)                      New Year show, classical music and jazz
                                                       Music and dance show                       30 December at 20.00
                                                        20 December at 19.00                      Palace Ukraine (V Vasylkivska 103)
                                                        October Palace (Instytutska 1)            Tickets: 200-2 550 UAH
                                                        Tickets: 150-900 UAH                      palace-ukraine.com
                                                                                                The Nutcracker
                                                       Music for Kings, Baroque                 Classical ballet in 2 acts
        HARD TO BE AN ANGEL                            Masterpieces                               30, 31 December, 2-5 January at
        Empire of the Angels (UA, drama,               In programme: Bach, Handel, Platti,      12.00, 19.00
        Visavi Theatre)
                                                       Fritz, Benda                               National Opera of Ukraine (Volodymyrska 50)
           22 December at 20.00
                                                         21 December at 19.00                     Tickets: 20-2 000 UAH
          Kinopanorama (Shota Rustaveli 19)
                                                         House of Actor (Yaroslaviv Val 7)        opera.com.ua
        Deep in our hearts, many of us believe in
        a higher power that protects and supports        Tickets: 50-100 UAH
        us during turbulent times. Surely there          actorhall.com.ua                       Ukraine’s Main New Year’s Eve
        must be a personal guardian angel who                                                   Night!
        does everything possible – and impossible      Our Schoolmates                          Show featuring leading Ukrainian actors
        – to ward off bad luck as we go? Want to       Scandalous play                          and pop stars
        know what it takes to keep us mere mortals       22 December at 19.00                     31 December at 22.00
        protected and alive? Take in Empire of the       Stage 6 (Vasylkivska 1)                  Freedom Event Hall (Kyrilivska 134)
        Angels – a play based on Bernard Werber’s        Tickets: 150-300 UAH                     Tickets: 12 000-20 000 UAH
        worldwide bestseller. Bringing this novel to     scene6                                   freedomhall.com.ua
        stage is a sensational experiment you will
        definitely enjoy.                              Chaos. Women on the Verge                Love. Drugs. Chanson
           Tickets: 150-350 UAH                        of a Nervous Breakdown
                                                                                                A star’s confession. Based on Edith Piaf ’s
           vizavi.in.ua                                Modern comedy
                                                                                                memoirs, play in 2 acts
                                                         22 December at 19.00
        The Lady-Ghost                                                                            7 January at 19.00
                                                         House of Officers (Mykhaila
        Cloak-and-sword comedy in 2 acts                                                          New Ukrainian Theatre, lower stage
                                                       Hrushevskoho 30/1)
          16, 17 December at 19.00                                                              (Mykhailivska 24b)
                                                         Tickets: 175-450 UAH
          Koleso Kyiv Academic Theatre (Andriivskyi                                               Tickets: 180 UAH
        Descent 8)                                       cbo.org.ua
          Tickets: 180 UAH
          teatr-koleso.kiev.ua                         Strauss in Operetta
                                                       New Year concert
                                                                                                Black Square Theatre production
        Relationshit Happens                             22, 23 December at 19.00
                                                                                                  10 January at 19.30
        Performance in English                           Kyiv Academic Operetta Theatre
                                                                                                  Caribbean Club (Symona Petlyury 4)
          17 December at 19.00                         (V Vasylkivska 53/3)
                                                                                                  Tickets: 120-520 UAH
          ProEnglish Theatre Hub (Smolenska 3)           Tickets: 90-500 UAH
          Tickets: 100 UAH                               operetta.com.ua                          caribbean.com.ua
                                                       Winter Evening with Classical            Vocal Zone
        The Dearest People Who Can Say                 Music                                    Acapella festival named after Mykh-
        Something…                                     Festive concert                          novetsky
        Verbatim (documentary theatre)                   23, 24 December at 19.00                 13 January at 18.00
          17 December at 17.00                           Kyiv Conservatory (Arkhitektora          Kyiv Conservatory (Arkhitektora
          Actor Theatre (Velyka Zhytomyrska 40)        Horodetskoho 1-3/11)                     Horodetskoho 1-3/11)
          Tickets: 200-400 UAH                                                                    Tickets: 250-690 UAH
                                                         Tickets: 100-450 UAH
          teatr-aktor.kiev.ua                                                                     knmau.com.ua
        Virsky National Ukrainian Dance                                                         The Nutcracker
        Ensemble                                       Christmas Classical Music Night
        Show featuring over 100 performers             Festive concert                          Kyiv Modern Ballet
                                                          24, 25, 26 December at 19.00           13 January at 19.00
          18 December at 19.00
                                                          Ivan Franko Ukrainian Drama Theatre    October Palace (Instytutska 1)
          Palace of Ukraine (V Vasylkivska 103)
          Tickets: 50-1 000 UAH                        (Ivana Franka 3)                          Tickets: 200-750 UAH
          palace-ukraine.com                              Tickets: 300-1 550 UAH                 icca.kiev.ua
        Early in the Morning                                                                    Shchedryk, Ukrainian Christmas
        Play performed before work                     Christmas Eve                            carols
          19 December at 7.00                          Show based on Gogol’s works              Concert featuring Volyn Folk Choir
          Theatre of the Absurd. Rostok Palace of        25 December at 19.00                     14 January at 19.30
        Culture (Harmatna 26/2)                          October Palace (Instytutska 1)           National Opera of Ukraine (Volodymyrska 50)
          Tickets: 200 UAH                               Tickets: 230-490 UAH                     Tickets: 100-660 UAH
          kiev.karabas.com                               icca.kiev.ua                             opera.com.ua

12 What’s On   Issue 4 December 2017 - January 2018
Art & Family | December17 - January18

                                      DREAM GUARDIANS
                                      Christmas 3D show
                                         16 December – 13 January at 12.00
                                        VDNH concert hall (Akademika Hlushkova 1)
                                      Some of the country’s most talented
                                      dancers, acrobats, and gymnasts come
                                      together to put on a rather spectacu-
                                      lar show starting this week! In addition          LIGHTS AND JOY ON SOFIIVSKA
                                      to the visual talent, including some              SQUARE
                                      fabulous 3D technology, the show’s                Ukraine’s Christmas Tree
                                      soundtrack was written by Pianoboy’s                 19 December - 14 January
                                      Dmytro Shurov. Don’t miss it – it will               Sofiivska and Mykhaylivska Squares
                                      make you believe once again in Christ-            Joy lights up Kyiv’s favourite city squares,
                                      mas wonders.                                      where thousands of lights imitating the
                                         190-2499 UAH                                   starry sky will signal festivity central, start-
                                         +38 044 596 9101                               ing 19 December. Add to this ice sculptures,
                                                                                        a snow slide, a traditional Christmas street
                                                                                        market, and so much good food, you’ll find
                                                                                        yourself coming back again and again to
St Mykola Day                        Christmas Kidnapper                                maintain that holiday mood.
Festival for children of all ages    Performance for kids                                  30-100 UAH
  19 December at 15.00                 29 December – 8 January at 11.00
  Ivan Honchar Museum (Lavrska 19)     National Palace of Ukraine (V Vasylkivska 103)
  Free                                 130-300 UAH                                      The Snow Queen
  honcharmuseum                        palace-ukraine.com                               Musical for kids
                                                                                         2 January at 11.00
The Night Before Christmas           Cinderella and Shadow Theatre                       House of Artists (Sichovykh Striltsiv 1-5)
Theatre performance                    30 December at 11.00                              90-320 UAH
 25 December at 19.00                 Ukrainian House (Khreschatyk 2)                    www.dvnshu.com
 October Palace (Institutska 1)        150-350 UAH                                       www.dvnshu.com
 230-420 UAH                           +38 044 278 3436

                                     VOLUME OF COLOR                                    Exhibition of art
                                     Exhibition of paintings by Anasta-                   7 December – 28 January
                                     siya Krayneva                                       Mystetsky Arsenal (Lavrska 10-12)
                                        7 December – 4 February                           www.artarsenal.in.ua
                                       Lera Litvinova Gallery (Kiltsevaa 14)
                                     Winter is a season without much colour,            Charisma of Iran
                                     when cities blur into a gray muddy land-           Exhibition of Persian art
                                     scape. Passionate vibrant paintings by               1 December – 2 February
                                     Anastasiya Krayneva depicting beautiful              Khanenko Museum of Western and Oriental
                                     romantic worlds come alive on the walls            Art(Tereshchenkivska 15-17)
                                     of the Litvinova Gallery this month; just            +38 044 235 3290
                                     in time for the cool crisp winter season.
                                        www.llitvinova.com                              Solemnity
                                                                                        Exhibition of works by Vlada Ralko
                                                                                          29 November – 30 December
                                     LET US NOT FALL ASLEEP WHILE                        Ya Gallery (Voloska 55/57)
                                     WALKING                                              www.yagallery.com
                                     Exhibition of photographic works
                                     by David Denil (Belgium)                           Trauma
                                       21 December – 21 January                         Installation by Lera Litvinova
                                       Voloshyn Gallery (Tereshchenkivska 13)             1-30 December
                                     One hundred thirty-seven photographic                American House (Pymonenka 6)
                                     works, presented by Belgian artist Da-               www.llitvinova.com
                                     vid Denil, correspond with the number
                                     of victims from the mass shooting on               Selfportrait. Winter Sky. Reflection
                                     Maidan in February 2014. Working in                Photographic project by Mikhalina
                                     Ukraine for 50 days following the tragic           Khendriks (Poland)
                                     event, the artist spoke to people about              13 – 21 December
                                     conflict, reflecting on their experience             Pavlovka ArtGallery (Petropavlivska 34A)
                                     through his artistic lens.                           pavlovkagallery
                                       voloshyngallery.art                                pavlovkagallery

Night Life | December17 - January18
        TAW (The Alchemical Wedding) –                Noize MC
        festival of underground music                  20 December at 19.00
          15-17 December                               Forsage (Harmatna 51А)
          TBA                                          490 – 1 150 UAH
          300-500 UAH                                  www.forsageclub.com.ua
                                                      A Christmas Story feat DJ Hornet
        The Kum Stand Up Comedy Show                  Klark (tropical house)
        (in English)                                    23 December at 22.00
          15 December at 17.30                          Sklad (Bessarabska 2)
          Buena Vista (Velyka Zhytomyrska 8/14)          FREE
                                                      New Year Castle of Ice and Flame
        The Rave Must Go On w Tocadisco
                                                       31 December at 22.00
          15 December at 22.00                         Saxon (Trutenko 4)
          Forsage (Harmatna 51А)                       women 100-200 UAH,                          NY NIGHT FEAT SPACETRAVEL
          women 60 UAH men 80 UAH                     men 150-250 UAH                              (GE) + MANY OTHER FANTASTIC
          www.forsageclub.com.ua                        SaxonClubKiev                              PERFORMANCES
                                                                                                     31 December at 22.00
        Portraits Episode #2 with DJ                  Hollywood New Year                             Closer (Nyzhnoiurkivska 31)
        Maceo Plex (US, Ellum)                         31 December at 22.00                        When it comes to partying, Closer is the
          16 December at 23.00                         Loft Bar (Besarabskaya Pl 2)                place to be. The venue was recently fea-
         CHI by Decadence House (Parkova 16a)           1 500 UAH                                  tured in Resident Advisor rounding out
          call for enquiries                           loftbarkiev                                 the list of 20 most unique nightclubs you
          +38 067 488 2013                                                                         can find anywhere in Europe, Asia, and
                                                      New Year with DJ Pete Oak (DE)               the US. Combine this with New Year’s
        Brawther (FR)                                   31 December at 22.00                       Eve, one of the biggest celebrations on
          16-17 December at 23.55                       Skybar (Arena City, V Vasylkivska 5)       the Ukrainian calendar, and you’ve got
         Closer (Nyzhnoiurkivska 31)                    early bird: women 100-200 UAH, men         the makings of a pretty fantastic night
          call for details                            500-700 UAH                                  out. But, tread carefully! Events at Closer
          closerkiev                                    www.skybar.ua                              are not for the fainthearted!!
                                                                                                     check for details

                                                                                                   Comic-Con New Year’s Eve Party
                                                                                                    31 December at 22.00
                                                                                                    Sklad (Bessarabska 2)
                                                                                                    call for details

                                                                                                   New Year’s Eve with Adriatique
                                                                                                   (Diynamic, Siamese, Zurich)
                                                                                                     31 December at 22.00
                                                                                                     CHI by Decadence House (Parkova 16a)
                                                                                                     600 UAH
                                                                                                     +38 067 488 2013

                                                                                                   Salsa Night
                                                                                                     11 January at 20.00
                                                                                                    Shooters (Moskovska 22)
                                                                                                     women FREE, men 50 UAH
                                                                                                     +38 063 444 4622

        CARIBBEAN JAZZ DINNER SHOW:                   mosphere and high-quality music. The         Winter Wonderland
        FREEDOM JAZZ                                  Freedom Jazz girls deliver nothing short       11 January at 20.00
           21 December at 20.00                       of pure entertainment, this year they         Caribbean Club (Symona Petlyury 4)
          Caribbean Club (Symona Petlyury 4)          had 9 shows sell out with tickets that         150-550 UAH
        Wave goodbye to the old year and pre-         were bought in a few days. For real talent   +38 067 224 4111
        pare yourself for what is soon to come        and unique showmanship, get yourself
        with 2017’s final performance from the        to Caribbean Club this Christmas and         Masquerade Party
        unique Freedom Jazz Orchestra - EN-           enjoy the show!                               13-14 January at 23.55
        CORE! The show will combine theat-              590-1 590 UAH                               Closer (Nyzhnoiurkivska 31)
        rical performance with an excellent at-         +38 067 224 4111                            call for details

14 What’s On   Issue 4 December 2017 - January 2018
What’s Important

                   A Veteran of Pizza
                               and so much more
Kateryna Kyselyova
                                                “SI VIS PACEM, PARA BELLUM” – IT TRANSLATES AS
                                                 “IF YOU WANT PEACE, PREPARE FOR WAR”. THIS
                                                 LATIN SLOGAN IS EMBLAZONED IN FULL VIEW OF
                                                   EVERYONE WHO COMES TO VETERANO PIZZA,
                                                  A PIZZERIA FOUNDED BY ATO VETERAN LEONID
                                                    OSTALTSEV TWO YEARS AGO. IT MARKED AN
                                                        UNEASY RETURN TO CIVILIAN LIFE.

        Ostaltsev saw war at close quarters – he                                                          previous job in the press-centre of a state
        enrolled to volunteer in a service battal-                                                        institution. “We were eating pizza at Vet-
        ion in 2014 and fought as a gunner in the                                                         erano on Besarabka once and I joked with
        hottest spots of Donbas. Prior, he used to                                                        my comrades if I come back alive I should
        be a pizza-maker and dreamed of one                                                               come and work here.”
        day becoming a restaurateur. War inter-
        vened before he came full circle.                                                                 NOT EVERYONE HAS TO GO TO WAR
                                                                                                          “Be careful, don’t hit the ceiling with your
        LOOKING FOR NORMAL                                                                                head, you haven’t finished the sauce yet,
        We meet Ostaltsev one afternoon at Vet-                                                           we still need you,” - says the chef to a guy
        erano Resto – a new eatery opened under                                                           doing pull-ups on the horizontal bar in-
        the Veterano brand next door to Vetera-                                                           stalled in the corridor of Veterano Resto.
        no Pizza.                                                                                         Chef Ihor is the only civilian here. He
        In his black fleece jacket and with his thick                                                     will work with veterans for two months to
                                                          Veterano pizzamakers Ihor and Borys
        beard he looks imposing, but his voice is                                                         launch a new menu.
        soft and quiet: “One day my friend came                                                           His subordinate Borys in a black kitchen
                                                        with civilians in the same way we do with
        to me saying he left his job after punching                                                       jacket and camouflage apron is busy pre-
                                                        each other. There are things only veterans
        his boss in the face. He could not work                                                           paring veal. He is 25 and a trained cook.
        there any more – no one trusted him                                                               He went to war as a volunteer in 2015
        after he had been to war. I’d heard doz-                                                          and fought for seven months in the Lu-
                                                        IF I COME BACK ALIVE…
        ens of stories like that: veterans coming                                                         hansk region in the special forces. To tell
                                                        We sneak to the kitchen of Veterano,
        back to peaceful cities to see that nothing                                                       his story he takes a cigarette break.
        had changed, while they had changed so          where Ihor takes out a diavola pizza from         “I went to war in the times of the so-called
        much. That day I decided to start a pizze-      the stove and cuts it skillfully with a piz-      armistice, but I can tell you it was the great-
        ria and hire veterans to help myself and        za knife. “We mix Italian and Ukrainian           est horror of my life – the first three weeks I
        guys like me to return to normal life.”         products in our pizza,” he says, pointing at      lived in total fear. The same fear I felt com-
        To open his pizzeria Ostaltsev had 50           a huge sack of Italian flour and piles of the     ing back to Kyiv. I was lost and extremely
        USD in his pocket, another 100 USD he           Ukrainian milled equivalent, “to create the       aggressive at the same time, and then one
        received from an entrepreneur in the US,        dough we take corn flour – it adds a crispy       thought calmed me down: not everyone has
        who later became his friend. Next came          texture”. This 31-year-old, who smiles so         to go to war. For there are still guys fight-
        refusals from 22 investors and finally one      widely the lines crinkle around his eyes          ing over there, the rest of the country can
        who agreed to back him. The first itera-        lending him an air of worldliness, used to        live normal lives, go to work, hang out at
        tion of Veterano Pizza opened in Metro-         command more than a dozen artillery sol-          nightclubs. I wanted to get a job and saw
        grad beneath Besarabska Square. Since           diers in Donbas in 2015. He has the time          an announcement on Facebook from Vet-
        then Ostaltsev has parted company with          down pat - one year, two months and four          erano – ‘We are looking for superheroes!’
        his initial investor, moved to a new loca-      days serving in the ATO zone. He recalls          I met Leonid, told him about myself and
        tion and got a loan of 1.7 million UAH to       the most difficult weeks occurred in the          that I had no experience in cooking. ‘You’re
        open Veterano Resto.                            Svitlodarska Duha region: “We had tasks           a machine gunner, so am I, come to work
        To work here a veteran doesn’t need to          every night. We discussed it in the evening.      tomorrow,’ he said, so I’m here.”
        have specific experience: “I taught the         I gave orders to my guys and felt a tremen-       Working among guys who experienced
        guys to make pizza, now they teach the          dous level of adrenaline – it’s like a lottery,   war as he did, Borys has finally found
        newcomers. We also have two psycholo-           you don’t know what is going to happen            a sense of ease. He is happily married
        gists coming for individual and group           in the next couple of hours. It was not           and he and his wife just welcomed a new
        meetings with employees, but the most           fear, I suppose it was the alarm of a per-        baby. However, trauma lingers and he still
        important thing is that we support each         son facing the unknown.” Coming home              avoids crowded places like the metro and
        other – we could never speak of the war         after war, Ihor did not want to return to his     street markets.

16 What’s On   Issue 4 December 2017 - January 2018
Veterano Pizza
Veterano Resto
 (Sofiivska 8)
  +38 096 725 0202

Veterano Coffee
 (V Vasylkivska 85-87)

   Coming to Veterano Resto on a Friday evening, What’s On
   finds the place packed: veterans in camouflage and civilians
   dine, enjoying the stylish interior and succulent steaks.
   From one small pizzeria, the project has expanded to two
   eateries in Kyiv, another pizzeria in Dnipro, plus almost
   10 Veterano Coffee street spots. Veterano Pizza remains the
   only Ukrainian restaurant to get coverage in The New York
   Times. It didn’t go down well and these veterans have no
   time to mince words. “We messed up with them,” Ostaltsev
   says. “They wrote Crimea is a disputed territory, so we told
   them to go to hell.”

What’s Ahead

        I GOT SUNSHINE                                                                                     GOING TO THE TOP
        Upark featuring Gorillaz (UK, art-pop)                                                             Usyk in World Boxing Super Series
           25 July at 16.00                                                                                Semis
          Friendship of Nations Arch                                                                          27 January
        Despite the cool winter season, Kyiv promises summer will return, and with it happy people            Riga, Latvia
        bouncing to the beats of UK art-pop sensation Gorillaz. Created in 1998, this virtual four-        Ukraine’s 2012 Olympic hero and WBO
        some has been finding fame in all corners with hits like Clint Eastwood, Tomorrow Comes Today,     cruiserweight champion Oleksandr Usyk
        and Feel Good Inc. In reality, the man behind the music is Blur Frontman Damon Albarn,             (13-0-0, 11 KOs) will fight Latvia’s Mairis
        who will be joining the UPark Festival in July 2018. A list of the artists joining him will be     Briedis (23-0, 18 KOs) on 27 January in
        released in the coming months. Get ready for the summer.                                           Riga, Latvia in one semifinal of the in-
           998-2 380 UAH                                                                                   augural World Boxing Super Series. Usyk
           www.concert.ua                                                                                  defended his WBO belt for the third time
                                                                                                           by knocking out Germany’s former world
                                                                                                           champion Marco Huck in the quarter-
                                                                                                           finals. Briedis fought past Cuba’s Mike
                                                                                                           Perez in a unanimous decision at home
                                                                                                           in Riga to set-up the fight with the fa-
                                                                                                           voured Usyk. On the other side of the
                                                                                                           draw, Cuban WBA cruiserweight cham-
                                                                                                           pion Yunier Dorticos will face the winner
                                                                                                           of the Murat Gassiev (IBF cruiserweight
                                                                                                           champion) and Krzysztof Wlodarczyk
                                                                                                           (former IBF and WBC champion) fight.
                                                                                                           The tournament winner will unify all of
                                                                                                           the cruiserweight belts and take home the
                                                                                                           lion’s share of the $50 million purse.
                                                           RULED BY HEART
        TIMES ARE A CHANGING                               Love Happens Twice
        Thirty Seconds to Mars (US, rock,                  (UA, comedy, Black Square Improvi-
        post-grunge)                                       sation Theatre Studio)
           30 April at 20.00                                  31 January at 19.30                          UNIQUELY UNCLASSICAL
          Palace of Sport (Sportyvna Sq 1)                    Caribbean Club (Symona Petlyury 4)           2Cellos (HR/SI, pop, rock)
        Mars isn’t terribly close, but this Ameri-         What if you haven’t got over your first            27 May 2018 at 19.00
        can rock trio can definitely help you get          love when the second love has struck you           Palace of Ukraine (V Vasylkivska 103)
        there. Headed by sex symbol and mod                with its arrow? You end up trapped in a         This classically-trained Croatian – Slo-
        Jared Leto, Thirty Seconds to Mars will            love quadrangle, involving two men and          venian cellist duo are making their first
        be playing tunes from their newest album           two women trying to figure out what to          trip to Kyiv this spring. Playing on eight
        Walk On Water, which features songs about          do with their passion. It is a nice winter      strings between them, you’re sure to de-
        the struggles and upheavals of everyday            night comedy fused with sentiment and           light in their unusual but certainly agree-
        people in the US. It’s a reality most of us        intrigue – Black Square (Chorny Kvad-           able symbiosis of well-known pop and
        here in Ukraine relate to, with our own            rat) masterly tackles serious issues using      rock compositions from typically classical
        independence constantly coming into                wit and humour. Part of the popular se-         instruments. Just into their 30s, Luke and
        question. It’s going to be good. Get a tick-       ries Before and After Sex, the play will move   Stepan are disturbing the Kyiv billboard
        et.                                                you with an honest and frank story.             – won’t you join them?
           1 100-4 500 UAH                                    120-520 UAH                                     590-5 900 UAH
           karabas.com                                        artkvadrat.com                                  www.palace-ukraine.com

18 What’s On   Issue 4 December 2017 - January 2018
What About the Guys

Paul Niland

                                                                             The Legendary


        ABOUT THIS BEAST.                                                                                                            Performance
                                                                                                                                                     it in the
        The modern car industry is something               being elevated compared to                                                     4/5        snow would
        really quite remarkable. As different man-         most other cars on the                                                                    probably
        ufacturers compete for our dollars, there          road, the feeling from                                                                    have given
        really is no such thing as a “bad” car. The        up there is com-                                                             Design       a higher
        days of bad cars were probably left be-            manding: your view                                                                        score)
        hind when Skoda (which used to be terri-           of the road and the
        ble) was bought out by Volkswagen many             traffic conditions
        years back. As such, whenever we test-             ahead is definitely
        drive a vehicle, it’s hard to balance the          superior. Now, if
        good, the bad, and the ugly. Instead, we           Kyiv drivers would                                         perfect (literal) overview of
        are faced with the challenge to write what         learn to pay more at-                                     everything you need to con-
        we can about the individual, and general-          tention to the road and                                 sider in every direction around
        ly all good, features of any particular car.       traffic conditions ahead                             the car. A very apt use of technol-
                                                           that would be a good thing,                      ogy, in a very good car.
        IT’S NOT ONLY ABOUT SIZE                           but that’s another story.
        Let me start with a clarification. The             Of course there are issues when size can
        correct name for this particular car is the        bring difficulties, like, having to move a   MITSUBISHI PAJERO SPORT
        Mitsubishi Pajero Sport. It’s the “Sport”          car this large around in tight confines.     Stats for the Boys
        part that needs to be looked at. This is not       Mitsubishi have got you covered here,        ü 2.4L – four cylinder – turbo diesel engine
        a sporty car as we would normally use the          and modern technology makes light work       ü Eight-speed automatic transmission
        term. As I understand, the name is used            out of a potentially difficult situation.    ü Centre and rear differentials, paddle shifts, and
        to differentiate this slightly smaller model       Having a reversing camera on a vehicle         dual-range four-wheel drive
        from the behemoth that is the full-sized           is not new of course, but the Pajero is      Pros for the Girls
        Pajero giant. As this one is a little small-       equipped with something way more state       ü Third row of seating: great for packing all
        er, it gets the “sport” badge. To avoid any        of the art than just a camera. As soon         the kids – and their friends – in for all sorts
        confusion, however, this isn’t a small car         as the gear selector hits “R”, the (touch      of road trips
        either, far from it.                               screen) centrally mounted display splits     ü 5-star safety rating and class-leading CO2
        The moment I climb in the first thing that         into two images: on the left is the stand-     emissions
        strikes me is its size, which is a good feeling:   ard camera view. On the right however,       ü Fabulous infotainment package
        it’s safe and it’s going to take you and all of    computer generated by an array of sen-
        your family, pets, and luggage from point          sors all over the car, is an image which
        A to point B in comfort and safety. As I hit       can only be described as having your
        the road the feeling of safety is further en-      own personal drone flying exactly two
        hanced by the ride height. With the Pajero         metres above the vehicle, giving you the

20 What’s On   Issue 4 December 2017 - January 2018
                                                                                                         What’s Abroad
                                                                                           BEFORE GAINING INDEPENDENCE IN 1965,

           Hours in                                                                   SINGAPORE WAS A PART OF MALAYSIA WITH AN
                                                                                      AILING ECONOMY, FLOURISHING CORRUPTION,
                                                                                             AND LACK OF CLEAN DRINKING-WATER.

           Singapore                                                                                                                         Nina Bohush

During the past 52 years, the Singaporean republic managed to jump from
a Third World country to a First. Visiting the Lion City now might be com-
pared to a trip to the future. Its shining skyscrapers, magnificent gardens, and
cutting-edge urban projects make Singapore one of the most visited cities of
the world (and one you might want to see for yourself this holiday season).
To travel to Singapore Ukrainians need a visa. Yet, if you are going to stay
in Singapore only a few days before or after a trip to Asia, you can take ad-                          CLARKE QUAY
vantage of the visa-free 96-hour transit. Of course, 96 hours would never be                           Take a stroll along the historical Singapore
enough to explore this city in full. So let us share a list of the most spectacular                    Riverside. Clarke Quay has long been a vi-
and unusual Singapore spots travellers shouldn’t pass up.                                              brant dining and party destination where
                                                                                                       you can suddenly find yourself drinking
                                                     KAMPONG GLAM                                      cocktails, eating Asian specialties, or hitting
                                                     Kampong Glam is a famous heritage Mus-            the dancefloor in one of the iconic clubs.
                                                     lim district with a beautiful Sultan Mosque
                                                     in its heart and traditional Middle East and
                                                     Malay cafés spread around the quarter.
                                                                                                       While Singapore continues to evolve by
                                                     The neighbourhood walls are covered with
                                                                                                       leaps and bounds, its ethnic districts like
                                                     amazing street art pieces created by local
                                                                                                       Chinatown or Little India maintain their
                                                     and world-renowned artists. Lined with lo-
                                                                                                       distinct old traditions and culture. These
                                                     cal designer shops and hip bars, Haji Lane
                                                                                                       bustling neighborhoods boast local mar-
                                                     is a key highlight not to be missed.
                                                                                                       kets, souvenir shops, street food eateries,
                                                                                                       and colorful old temples, where the “king
This mythical creature with the head of a
                                                                                                       of fruits” – durian, must be tried!
lion and the body of a fish stands right at the
mouth of the Singapore River. As a symbol          A TASTE OF SINGAPORE…
of Singapore and a place where the city’s          Gin, 30 ml
history started, the Merlion overlooks some        Heering Cherry Liqueur, 15 ml
marvelous views of futuristic architecture.        Pineapple Juice, 120 ml
                                                   Lime Juice, 15 ml
                                                   Cointreau, 7.5 ml
                                                   Dom Benedictine, 7.5 ml
                                                   Grenadine, 10 ml

                                                     GARDENS BY THE BAY
                                                     Spend a few relaxing hours under the gi-
                                                     ant trees in the Gardens by the Bay na-           NIGHT SAFARI
                                                     ture park. It seems hard to swallow that          The Night Safari is an attraction that is
                                                     such a busy city still has so much space          distinctly Singapore. Take a guided tram
                                                     for gardens and parks. Finish your walk           or a walking trail around the world’s first
JAMBO SEAFOOD                                        cooling down near the 35-metre waterfall          nocturnal zoo and experience the natural
The only restaurant in this list is Jam-             amidst the orchids in the Cloud Forest.           wildlife habitat.
bo Seafood, which is famous for its
mind-blowing recipe of fresh chili crabs.
Roll up your sleeves and get ready to en-                                       BEFORE LANDING IN THE CITY...
joy a guilty pleasure.                                 Visa-free transit through Singapore is provided only to tourists who travel from one
* To avoid wasting time in long queues reserve a       country, for example, Ukraine, to another, like Malaysia, by air. While passing through
table one or two days before visiting.                 customs in Singapore Changi Airport you might be asked to show flight tickets with
                                                       departure date, hotel booking, or other details of your stay in the country.
                                                                                           MIND THE FINES
An unforgettable sky-high view awaits at
                                                       To keep the city clean by all means, Singapore authorities have put in place a system
the Marina Bay Sands rooftop bar, made
                                                       of strict fines, so avoid eating on the subway, chewing gum, or littering on the streets.
even more special at night. Make sure
                                                       Connecting to somebody else’s Wi-Fi may cost you up to S$ 10 000, and don’t forget to
you enjoy it with the country’s signature
                                                       flush the public toilets or you may have to pay a S$ 150 fine! When you only planned
cocktail since the early 1900s – a Singa-
                                                       to spend a penny!
pore Sling.

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