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                                                             PLANNER OF
                                                               THE YEAR
                                                                 PAGE 26

AGM 2018

  Your new SAIFInsight is packed with the latest news and features, with
  the best business advice, education and training, plus a handy directory
    F E AT U R E S

    24                                                                                   08                                          20
    FUTURE FOCUSED                                                                       EDUCATION DAY                               NEXT GENERATION
    Full coverage of this                                                                This year’s SAIF event will                 Contacts and friendships
    year’s SAIFCharter AGM                                                               centre on the topics most                   are forged at the SAIF Next
    and the Funeral Planner                                                              relevant to independent                     Generation meet and greet
    of the Year Awards                                                                   funeral directors right now                 in Edinburgh

    REGULARS                                                                             C O N TA C T S

    08                                       38                                          PUBLISHERS
                                                                                                                                     Claire Day, co-editor
    REPORTER                                 NEW MEMBERS                                 SAIF Business Centre              
    This issue is packed with                A warm welcome to all                       3 Bullfields, Sawbridgeworth                Michael Fern, co-editor
    all the latest news,                     new SAIF members                            Hertfordshire CM21 9DB                      michael.fern@
    including the official                                                               Telephone: 0345 230 6777          
    opening of a crematorium,                                                            National President:
    the new IFD College                      40                                          Alun Tucker
                                                                                                                                     Produced by:
    schedule and a merger                                                      
                                             BUSINESS MATTERS                            Chief Executive:
                                                                                                                                     Connect Publications
    of two Independents                                                                                                              (Scotland) Ltd
                                             Advice on everything that                   Terry Tennens
                                             concerns your business,                                                                 Managing Editors:
                                                                                                                                     David Cameron
                                             from the HSE to the benefits                Scottish President:
    20                                       of SAIF membership                          Paul Stevenson
    NEXT GENERATION                                                            
                                                                                                                                     Roisin McGroarty
    All the latest from the                                                                                                          roisin@connect
    SAIF NextGen group
                                             44                                          GOLDEN CHARTER
                                                                                         Head Office
                                             DIRECTORY                                                                               Design: Ryan Swinney
                                                                                         Canniesburn Gate
                                             To get in touch with a Golden               Bearsden G61 1BF
                                                                                         Telephone: 0141 942 5855                    ADVERTISING
                                             Charter representative,
    36                                       or to find your local                       Chief Executive Officer:
                                                                                                                                     Advertising sales:
                                                                                                                                     Jane Deane
    SAIF AGM                                 SAIF Associate, our                         Suzanne Grahame                             jane@connect
    Book your spot now for the               comprehensive listings                      suzanne.grahame@                  
    SAIF AGM and Banquet                     section is the place to go                                 Telephone: 0131 561 0020

           To include news and pictures in future issues of SAIFInsight, please contact Claire Day at SAIF or Michael Fern at Golden Charter, contact details above

      The publisher encourages readers to support the advertisers in SAIFInsight but cannot be held responsible for any claims made or implied in
      the advertisements. The publishers reserve the right to refuse advertising.
      Any opinions expressed in SAIFInsight by contributing writers and advertisers are not necessarily those of the publishers. While every
      reasonable effort is made to ensure the accuracy of information contributed to SAIFInsight, no legal responsibility will be accepted by the
      publishers for any loss arising from use of published information. All rights reserved.
      No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means without prior consent.
      Articles and pictures for inclusion are welcomed but the publishers cannot accept responsibility for their loss or damage, however caused.

2                                                                                                                                                                     3

Focus  on
Focus on
what you
what you
                                                                                                                                                                                                TERRY TENNENS
                                                                                                                                                                                                  SAIF CHIEF EXECUTIVE

                                                                                                                                               Upholding the UK Independents’

do best.
do best.
                                                                                                                                               highest professional standards
                                                                                                                                           In this time of transition, our industry must be alert to meet each new challenge to ensure
                                                                                                                                         we thrive and survive in a future of changing technology, regulation and customer expectation

                                                                                                                                                    ear friends,                                                                          horror stories of funeral homes not in
                                                                                                                                                        This year continues to see an                                                     a trade association, it brings the rest of
                                                                                                                                                    increase in the pace of change          TRANSITION IS                                 the profession into disrepute. We can no

  While SAIF
               promotes and
                         and protects
                                                                                                                                                    across not only the funeral
                                                                                                                                         profession, but business and society in          THE WORD FOR                                    longer allow decades of your brilliant
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          service to be ruined by rogue operators
                                                                                                                                                                                          THESE TIMES IN
your  independent   interests.
                                                                                                                                         general. While clients will predominantly                                                        that are unaccountable to the public.

                     interests.                                                                                                                                                           THE FUNERAL
                                                                                                                                         still telephone your offices, it is evident                                                         We will be consulting with members
                                                                                                                                         the customer journey is changing in the                                                          over what type of regulation will best serve
                                                                                                                                         light of digital technology. For that reason,    PROFESSION                                      the consumer and optimise proportionate
                                                                                                                                         we encourage SAIF members to ensure:             Terry Tennens                                   checks and controls for our members in
                                                                                                                                             Firstly, that your digital identity – your                                                   order to ensure scandals of unscrupulous
                                                                                                                                         firm’s website – is optimised and matches        funeral price and traditional funeral           funeral firms are weeded out of the sector.
                                                                                                                                         your firm’s identity. It is important to share   service fees. This will be uncomfortable
                                                                                                                                         your values and ethos as a family funeral        for many, for good reasons. The fact some       Looking to the future
 We know how much you value your independence.                                                                                           service, and include – on your site’s ‘about     national chains display their pricing ‘from’    I would also like to give a warm welcome
We WeWe
            know how
                              much you
                                                               independence.                                                             us’ section – information about your staff’s     and then add various services, means it’s       to our sister association’s new CEO, Dr Jon
 The funeral industry may have changed but our passion for supporting our members                                                        training, qualifications and passion to serve,   not a like-for-like comparison. SAIF is         Levett, as he commences his role at the
 has The
       remained   industry
                       the     may
                                           represent       but
                                                           you  but
                                                                 on ourour
                                                                       the passion
                                                                              issues forfor
                                                                                                  matter,      our
                                                                                                                      improving          subject to their agreement. It may also be       advocating to the CMA and Treasury,             National Association of Funeral Directors,
 understanding        thethe
                            funeral  WeWeWe
                                       pricingrepresent youyou
                                                  to influencing     onthethe
                                                                         the  issues
                                                                                legislation  that
                                                                                                   which  from
                                                                                                                        your future.
                                                                                                                                         beneficial for staff to share their interests    in the submissions we have made, for a          and congratulate Graham Lymn for being
                                                                                                                                         outside of work, including information on        common standard of pricing across the           a fine interim CEO during this transition.
     understanding     of of
                                                to to
                                                         influencing  thethethe
 Let us take care of the big picture so you can focus locally on what you do best. legislation  which
                                                                                                                               future.   their community service and engagement.          funeral sector and more specification to            ‘Transition’ is indeed the word for
                                                                                                                        best.                At Education Day, the SAIF Technology        the component part of the fees.                 these times in the funeral profession.
 For over 20 years SAIF has been promoting and protecting the interests and values of                                                    Taskgroup will highlight how they                   The recent Royal London funeral price        We will be defined by how well we navigate
                      funeral SAIF
                                               Supporting        and
                                                                        members           isthethe
                                                                                                   the interests
                                                                                                        heartand   and
                                                                                                                  of and
                                                                                                                      everything         intend to support your firms in this             survey conveyed that Independents are,          uncharted waters. It takes conviction to
     independent    funeral
                                                  Supporting  ourourour
                                                                            members   is is
                                                                                          at  is
                                                                                                              of of
                                                                                                                                wewewe   direction, from toolkits to SAIF associate       on average, 10% better value than their         believe in the values we stand for.
 do, listening, responding and engaging to secure your independent future.                                                               members who can offer support.                   competitor conglomerates, and deliver               As leaders across the Independents
                          responding  and
                                                 engaging totosecure
                                                                                        independent      future.
                                                                                                               future.                       Secondly, there are a number of              higher satisfaction levels for their personal   we will need agility of thought and action.
                                                                                                                                         comparison and review websites – some            service. The SAIF PR Committee is hard          We will also require the courage to embrace
Join SAIF now: visit or                                                                                                      of which are associate members of SAIF.          at work to promote the service and value        a future of changing technology, customer
                                    ororor                                                                                               We would like to bring to your attention         of Independents.                                expectations and Government rules.
call us on 0345 230 6777 or 01279 726 777                                                                                                Golden Charter’s                                                                  We have survived the changes which
                                                777                                                                                      It is currently free to all SAIF members,        Regulation                                      occurred in the 1980s and we continue
                                                                                                                                         whether you are a SAIFCharter member or          SAIF has called for the regulation of           to survive and thrive as independent
                                                                                                                                         not, and we would recommend registering          funeral directors across England, Wales         and family funeral services in the 21st
                                                                                                                                         your firm and trialling the service.             and Northern Ireland, to follow in the          century, because of our preparedness to
                                                                                                                                             Thirdly, following dialogue with             footsteps of the Scottish Government,           adapt and seek the highest level of care
                                                                                                                                         Scottish and UK Government departments           where the regulated model will be               and professionalism.
                                                                                                                                         over the past two years, it is time for our      discovered in early 2019 and deployed               Seek excellence in all you do.
                                                                                                                                         member firms to put their prices on their        by the end of 2020.                             Best wishes,
                                                                                                                                         websites. Many SAIF members have been               SAIF’s Code of Practice originated
                                                                                                                                         doing this for the past decade, however,         in consultation with the Office of Fair
                                                                                                                                         with the scrutiny from the Competition &         Trading, which was subsumed into
                                                                                                                                         Markets Authority (CMA) market study on          the CMA. SAIF’s Quality Assurance
                                                                                                                                         transparency, pricing and competition, the       Programme seeks to ensure our members
                                                                                                                                         National Executive Committee strongly            provide a high standard of care to the
                                                                                                                                         urges members to display their simple            client and the deceased. With media                         


                                                   SUZANNE GRAHAME
                                              GOLDEN CHARTER, CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER

    Time for action
                At the SAIFCharter AGM, Golden Charter’s future direction was laid out

                hile I have met a good                                                        Modernising
                number of funeral directors                                                   Supporting you means putting in place
                this year, witnessing              GOLDEN                                     the technology and infrastructure to
                first-hand your care and
professionalism, seeing hundreds in the
                                                 CHARTER                                      make Golden Charter fit for the future.
                                                                                              If we don’t expect one size to fit all
same room at the Funeral Planner of the          WILL USE ITS                                 in the support our representatives
Year Awards was an eye opener. Forty
Independents won awards on the night,
                                                 NATIONAL                                     bring to you, we need to do the same
                                                                                              internally so that your business can take
as spotlighted on page 26. The winners           SCALE TO                                     advantage of a modern, efficient company.
and nominees, and all 400-plus guests
who attended, gave a taste of the vibrant,
                                                 SUPPORT YOU                                     You will be seeing the first results
                                                                                              of that through the mygoldencharter.
successful body of people who serve              Suzanne Grahame                     portal and other digital services,
communities across the UK.                                                                    and modernisation will go on to impact
   You have built up a remarkable                                                             on everything, including the basics
independent sector over the years, the           Direct work                                  of how a plan is processed. Paperless
awards made that clear, and earlier that         Partnering up can help increase your         applications are helping Independents
day I spoke at the SAIFCharter AGM               impact locally, but some families will       pass plan documentation to families
about how I plan to ensure Golden                still choose to speak with a trusted         almost instantly with reduced risk
Charter works to protect it. Whether you         independent financial advisor or deal        of error. That project is well advanced,
attended or not, I want to make sure my          with a funeral plan company directly;        so speak to your local representative
focus is clear to every Independent.             we can’t assume that everyone will come      about taking part.
                                                 direct to their local Independent. It is        As that project makes clear, a more
Working in partnership                           important for you that these customers       modern, efficient company means
Last month Malcolm Flanders outlined             have the choice of a Golden Charter plan.    better value and better support for you.
our new partnership model. I want to                 Currently we win Independents 8%         Ultimately, these actions come down
ensure that word, partnership, comes             extra market share this way. As I outlined   to reorienting our company to reflect
across in how we behave and the actions          at the AGM, we are looking at some           our current environment and your
we take for your benefit.                        of the specifics around how we work          current and future needs.
   The independent sector is under               with you to encourage these families to         Those Independents I heard from
pricing pressure which the conglomerates         choose Golden Charter plans, including       at SAIFCharter’s AGM were very
seem set to maintain. We will support            examining product differentiators like the   supportive of those plans, as shown on
you to close that gap, not simply through        bundled Will and the cost of allocations;    page 24, and whether you attended or
allocations, but also more directly.             we must balance being in step with the       not I want to hear your views. With
Golden Charter will use its national             market and being right for you.              your support and backing, as well as
scale to support your individual brands,             We also do a great deal of digital       continued feedback and engagement, we
compete locally, support you digitally,          work on your behalf – particularly           can make tomorrow’s Golden Charter
supply marketing expertise and, vitally which puts you front      more aligned with the world as it is
now, lobby regulators.                           and centre when families look online at      evolving, and with the Independents
   Independents who have piloted our             the time of need, and already has over       we serve.
partnership model this year have already         1,000 branches, offering one funeral for
seen plan sales increase up to 10%, and          every two enquiries. At the AGM, we
some have seen big boosts to at-need. If         heard from one funeral director who
your ambition is to grow your funeral            has already received seven funerals
plan share, or to use our support to grow        though and with
your business in general, the partnership        more families searching online, we can
approach helps you do so.                        all expect this trend to increase. 

Reporter                                             COUNTDOWN TO EDUCATION DAY 2018 + CHARITY
                                                           SPOTLIGHT + COST INDEX WELCOMED + PETITION
                                                           LAUNCHED FOR REGULATION + OFFICIAL OPENING                                                                                           AGENDA
                                                                                                                                                                                                EDUCATION DAY
                                                                                                                                                                                                31 October 2018

                                 EDUCATION DAY 2018
                                                                                                                                                                                                09.30–10.00   Registration, tea/coffee
                                                                                                                                                                                                              & exhibition

                                                                                                                                                                                                10.00–10.10   Welcome & Introduction
                                                                                                                                                                                                              by National President:
                                                                                                                                                                                                              Alun Tucker F.SAIF

        An inspirational
                                                                                                                                                                                                10.10–10.35   Addressing Children
                                                                                                                                                                                                              Funerals from the
                                                                                                                                                                                                              Funeral Director’s

        day of learning
                                                                                                                                                                                                10.35-10.55   Followed by Q&A
                                                                                                                                                                                                              Ann Chalmers
                                                                                                                                                                                                              Child Bereavement UK

                                                                                                                                                                                                11.00–11.20   IFD College Awards and
                                                                                                                                                                                                              Launch of BIFD/IFDC
                                                                                                                                                                                                              working partnership

             This year’s SAIF Education Day, on Wednesday 31 October 2018, will centre on the topics                                                                                                          Chris Parker F.SAIF
                  most relevant to independent funeral directors right now. The full-day event, at                                                                                                            Chair of IFD College
                    Leicester Tigers Stadium, will include talks from a range of organisations                                                                                                  11.20–11.30   Announcement of
             supporting Independents’ work, and an even wider array of companies will be exhibiting                                                                                                           new partnership
                                                                                                                                                                                                              with the National

                                                                                                                                                                                                              Counselling Society

                                                                                                                                                                                                              Terry Tennens &
                                                                                                                                                                                                              Catherine Betley

                                                                                                                                                                                                11.30–11.50   Refreshments
                                               James Daley has been a consumer campaigner and                                                                                                                 & exhibition
                                               financial journalist for more than 18 years. Before launching
                                               Fairer Finance, he worked for the consumer group Which?                                                                                          11.50–12.45   Conflict in Families
                                               where he campaigned for a better deal for customers of                                                                                                         Dr Heather Conway
                                               banks and insurers in the wake of the financial crisis.
                                               James also spent 10 years as a business and finance                                                                                              12.45–13.45   Lunch & exhibition
                                               journalist, latterly as the Independent’s personal
                                                                                                                                                                                                13.45–14.20   New Software & Client

                                               finance editor and cycling columnist. He lives
                                                                                                                                                                                                              Services for Funerals
             he annual Education Day brings    with his family in Tooting, where he is also
                                                                                                                                                                                                              Alan Jeffrey
             together funeral professionals    a local councillor.
                                                                                                                                                                                                              Wesley Music
             and specialists, allowing SAIF
             members to keep up to date                                                                                                                                                         14.20–14.30   Update on Death
    with issues and gain ideas for best                                Ann Chalmers has been Chief Executive of Child                                                                                         Certification for
    practice for their own funeral business.                           Bereavement UK since 2003. She holds a BACP                                                                                            England & Wales
       This year’s speakers come from                                  Accredited Diploma in Psychotherapeutic Counselling
    backgrounds just as varied as the                                  and a University Accredited Diploma in Bereavement                                                                       14.30–14.45   SAIF Technology Group
    audience, and together they will                                   Counselling, and has been involved in the multidisciplinary                                                                            Sarah Brodie
    ensure 2018’s Education Day will be                                training of professionals in the area of loss and                                                                                      SAIF Technology Group
    the focal point for learning about every                           bereavement for more than 25 years. She represents            Alan Jeffrey is founding Partner and serving Director
    kind of cutting-edge development                                   Child Bereavement UK on a number of steering groups,          of Wesley Media. Alan was the key communicator             14.45–15.45   Issues & Concerns
    relating to funerals.                                              bringing the families’ perspective to projects.               in bringing new media services to the bereavement                        Around Funeral
                                                                                                                                     sector. Following a varied and successful career, he                     Plans and Consumer
                                                                                                                                     came to the development of the company which is                          Protection
                  BOOK YOUR SPOT!              Dr Heather Conway is a Senior Lecturer in law at                                      known by most, if not all in the bereavement care                        James Daley
                  You can still secure         Queen’s University Belfast. She is the author of the                                  profession, for its quality, reliability and dedication.                 Managing Director –
                  your space at Education      The Law and the Dead (Routledge 2016) and her                                         Having recently introduced a number of changes to                        Fairer Finance
                  Day online at https://       research focuses on the laws surrounding the treatment                                their funeral director services and access mechanics,       of the dead, the fate of corpses and who has decision-                                Alan will be attending the SAIF Education Day to           15.45         Close of 2018
      day-2018-31st-october-2018/              making powers over human remains. Heather is also                                     explain not only the concept and workings of these                       Education Day
      or by calling the SAIF Business          a council member of the Cremation Society of Great                                    changes, but to present and discuss future additions
      Centre on 0345 230 6777.                                                                                                                                                                  15:45–16.00   Final opportunity
                                               Britain, which she joined in 2017.                                                    the company have in the pipeline.                                        to visits the stands

8                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        9

                                                                                                Charity day                                                                       D
                                                                                                                                                                                            aniel Robinson                                                                           Staff from Daniel Robinson
      IFD COLLEGE                                                                                                                                                                           & Sons is better                                                                         & Sons with Lenny, Summer,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Lyncoln, Aiden and some of
      Members are reminded to provide evidence of 12 hours                                                                                                                                  known for its

                                                                                                breaks records
      of continuing professional development (CPD) to continue                                                                                                                              reputation as a                                                                          their brothers and sisters
      their membership of the Independent Funeral Directors’                                                                                                                      local independent family
      (IFD) College from 1 November 2018.                                                                                                                                         funeral director, but once                                                                         said: “These funds will
         The last qualifying CPD event for membership to                                                                                                                          a year it becomes first                                                                            help four local children who
      continue will be SAIF’s Education Day on 31 October.                                      Daniel Robinson & Sons’ charity golf day                                          class charity fundraisers                                                                          all have cerebral palsy in
      A confirmed booking will count as evidence. For more                                                                                                                        when it holds its annual                                                                           their lower limbs, Lenny,
      information, contact the IFD College Administrator,
                                                                                                raises record-breaking £43,000 to help                                            charity golf day.                                                                                  Summer, Lyncoln and
      Corinne Pengelly by calling 0345 230 6777 or email                                        four local children                                                                   This year, on Wednesday                                                                        Aiden. They will all now be                                                                                                                                                         12 September, 35 teams                                                                             able to benefit from intensive
      Date          Time          Course Course Name                      Location
                                                                                                                                                                                  took part in the golf day,                                                                         private physiotherapy and
      9 Oct &       10.00-        AD1-6     Funeral Administrator*        Sawbridgeworth,
                                                                                                                                                                                  held at Colne Valley Golf                                                                          equipment. This money
      15 Nov        16.00                                                 Herts                                                                                                   Club, Earls Colne. The day                                                                         will change their levels
      16 Oct        10.00-        OP1-4     Funeral Operative*            Llanelli                                                                                                always attracts a lot of                                                                           of mobility forever and
                    16.00                                                                                                                                                         interest and this year BBC                                                                         help them to build a better
      16 Oct        9.30-         HS1-2     Health & Safety for           Anstey, Leics
                    12.30                   Funeral Staff
                                                                                                                                                                                  Essex breakfast business                                                                           future. I can’t thank enough
      16 Oct        13.00-        G1-2      Foundation – Funeral          Anstey, Leics
                                                                                                                                                                                  team ‘Ben Son’ arrived to                                                                          those people who made
                    16.00                   Practitioner                                                                                                                          record an interview for their                                                                      this possible by making
      16 Oct        10.00-        G1-2      Foundation – Funeral          Glasgow                                                                                                 show, closely followed by                                                                          donations or taking part
                    16.00                   Practitioner                                                                                                                          Braintree TV.                                                                                      in the day.”
      23 Oct        10.00-        AD1-6     Funeral Administrator*        Llanelli                                                                                                    After a day of golf, putting                                                                       The picture shows the
      + tba         16.00
      6 Nov         9.30-         HS1-2     Health & Safety for           Crowborough,
                                                                                                                                                                                  and chipping, followed by a                                                                        staff from Daniel Robinson
                    12.30                   Funeral Staff                 East Sussex                                                                                             tombola and charity auction                                                                        & Sons with Lenny, Summer,
      6 Nov         13.00-        G1-2      Foundation – Funeral          Crowborough,                                                                                            in the evening, the total                                                                          Lyncoln, Aiden and some of
                    16.00                   Practitioner                  East Sussex                                                                                             amount raised was more                                                                             their brothers and sisters
      14 Nov        10.00-        OP1-4     Funeral Operative*            Taunton                                                                                                 than had been raised at any                                                                        during the evening.
                                                                                                                                                                                  of the previous 14 golf days,                                                                          You can watch a short
      22 Nov        10.00-        OP1-4     Funeral Operative*            Glasgow
                    16.00                                                                                                                                                         a staggering £43,000.                                                                              film showing the children’s
                                                                                                                                                                                      Gary Neill, Managing                                                                           progress over the last year at:
       *Student must have attended and be progressing with Foundation – Funeral Practitioner
       before attending either the Funeral Operative or Funeral Administrator course                                                                                              Director of Daniel Robinson        The winning team:                 The teams got into  
                                                                                                                                                                                  & Sons, is delighted and           The Mighty Hammers                the swing of things           golf-day-2018-video

                                                                                                                                                    We also supply
                                                                                                                                                   Donation Boxes &                        laceholder text with real text     of text which will fill this area and       this placeholder text with real text and
                                                                                                                                                Cremated Remains
                                                                                                                                                                 Bags                      and tag the replacement text       should be able to give you a suitable       tag wo
                                                                                                                                                  Please contact us
                                                                                                                                                                                           with such-and-such paragraph       placeholder text with real text and tag
                                                                                                           Presentation Matters                      for samples
                                                                                                                                                                                           style. This copy is used as an     the replacement text with such-and-
                                                                                               Presentation Folders for Funeral Directors                                         example of text which will fill this area   such paragraph style.
                                                                                                                                                                                  and should be able to give you a suitable       Placeholder text with real text and
                                                                                               Folders are printed on the outside cover with distinctive                          word count.                                 tag the replacement text with such-
                                                                                               metallic print. A4 Lincoln and A5 Oxford styles hold
                                                                                                                                                                                      Replace this text and tag the           and-such paragraph style. This copy is
                                                                                               approx 15 sheets of paper, A4 Chester and A5 Windsor styles
                                                                                                                                                                                  replacement text with such-and-such         used as an example of text which will
                                                                                               hold approx 50 sheets of paper. A variety of colours are
                                                                                               available to suit Company branding.
                                                                                                                                                                                  paragraph style. This copy is used as an    fill this area and should be able to give
                                                                                                                                                                                  example of text tag the text here please.   you a suitable word count. Replace this
                                                                                                                                                                                      This copy is used as an example         placeholder text with real text and tag
                                                                                                A4 (Lincoln Folder)                    AN ATTRACTIVE & CONVENIENT
                                                                                                                                               WAY OF PRESENTING:
                                                                                                                                                                                  of text which will fill this area and       the replacement text with an with real
                                                                                                                                                                                  should be able to give you a suitable       text and tag the replacement text with
                                                                                                                                              • Bereavement Packs                 placeholder text with real text and tag     such-and-such paragraph style.
                                                                                                                                            • Registrar Documents                 the replacement text with such-and-             This copy is used as an example of
                                                                                                                                        • Estimates & Arrangements                such paragraph style.                       text which will paragraph style. This
                                                                                                                                                                                      This copy is used as an example         copy is used as an example of Replace
                                                                                                                                                    STANDARD CARD COLOURS:
                                                                                                                                                             White, Cream,
                                                                                                                                                     Bright Red, Dark Red,
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                                                                                                                                                                Dark Blue,
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                                                                                                                                                          A5 (Oxford Folder)

                                                                                               For further details or to request sample pack:
                                                                                               Email: • Tel: 01302 836777

                                                                                               www.challengesupply .com

10                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     11

SAIF welcomes Cost Index
2018 Funeral Cost Index shows                  like Dignity, Co-op Funeralcare and              “At £700 the SFFEP is unable to cover
independent funeral directors                  Funeral Partners.                             these costs. We support Royal London’s
offer best value for money                         “We encourage people to shop around       call on the Government to reform the
                                               and not pay more than they need to for a      benefit,” he commented.

                                               funeral, particularly if it means a better,      Elsewhere, the report states that
           oyal London’s National              more personal service for a lower price.”     around 40% of funeral directors are not
           Funeral Cost Index 2018 is              Terry added: “Perhaps the most            making clients aware of their cheapest
           a ‘commendable document’            worrying finding – and this is                funeral package.
           which shines a light on the         something we’ve known for a long time            Terry said: “We cannot be sure of
prices bereaved people are likely to           – is funeral prices are being pushed up       the reasons for this and at SAIF our
face in saying goodbye to a loved one,         by rises in burial and cremation costs.       members are required by our Code
the UK’s voice of independent funeral              “Local authorities hit by spending cuts   of Practice to clearly display in their
directors has said.                            are desperate to find ways to bring in        premises the prices of all their funerals,
    The figures show that the funeral          revenue. Nevertheless, it’s unacceptable      including a simple funeral. Additionally,
profession has clearly acted in the public     that bereaved people are bearing the          the Code requires members to provide
interest, with funeral directors’ costs          brunt of austerity. They should not be      a full estimate of costs to clients.”
falling overall by 4.5% in recent years.            seen as an easy source of revenue.”         The only aspect of the report that
    Terry Tennens, SAIF CEO, said:                      On the topic of austerity, Terry     SAIF might query is the cost of a coffin.
“The report is a commendable                          supported Royal London’s call          The association doesn’t believe most
document which confirms                               on the Government to reform the        people are spending £980 on a coffin
what we at SAIF already                               Social Fund Funeral Expenses           and asks Royal London to revisit this
knew: independent funeral                            Payment (SFFEP), saying it added        figure and their methodology in next
directors offer better value                            to the number of organisations       year’s Index, perhaps looking at the
than the large corporates.                                 and individuals who have          most frequently sold coffin price rather
    “While independent                                      highlighted the inadequacy       than the average. SAIF believes this is
firms’ costs are said to have                               of the benefit.                  likely to be in the region of £400.
increased by 3%, which                                          “The majority of the            In summary, Terry said: “On the whole,
we put down to rising fuel                                    public consider the            Royal London’s National Funeral Cost
and wage costs, family                                        collection and care of the     Index report is welcome, and we hope
firms across the country                Terry Tennens,         deceased along with the       the funeral sector and policymakers in
are still charging on average           Chief Executive        coffin to be necessary        local and national government give it
10% less than big businesses            of SAIF                 parts of a funeral.          the consideration it deserves.”

   PRIME MINISTER ASKED TO INTERVENE                                                                             Note from
   AFTER BABY FUNERALS ‘TRAUMA’                                                                                  Dr Bill
                                                                                                                 Dr Bill Webster
   At Prime Minister’s                parliament of the family’s         in Greater Manchester Police
                                                                                                                 has deeply
   Questions on 12 September,         devastation at having to           and, ultimately, the Mayor
                                                                                                                 appreciated the
   Bolton West MP Chris Green         hold a third ceremony for          of Greater Manchester, who
                                                                                                                 many messages
   asked the Prime Minister           their daughter, after Greater      holds responsibility for
                                                                                                                 of support and
   to launch a public inquiry,        Manchester Police revealed,        policing.
                                                                                                                 sympathy since
   after it emerged that three        earlier this month, that              Responding, the
                                                                                                                 the tragic death
   funerals had to be held for a      further body parts had been        Prime Minster expressed
                                                                                                                 of his son Steve
   baby when police failed to         found in storage.                  sympathies to Leah’s family
                                                                                                                 this summer. He
   return all of her body parts.         At Prime Minister’s             for their ‘prolonged trauma’
                                                                                                                 plans to return
       Leah Aldridge was killed       Questions, Mr Green said:          and pledged that Home
                                                                                                                 to the magazine
   by her father in 2002, and         “Only a few weeks ago              Office officials would meet
                                                                                                                 with his articles
   buried by her mother that          yet more body parts were           Greater Manchester police
                                                                                                                 next month, and
   same year. However, in early       discovered by the police and       and the National Police
                                                                                                                 is looking forward
   2017, Greater Manchester           the family had to go through       Chiefs Council to support
                                                                                                                 to his First Final
   Police informed Ms Aldridge        the ordeal of a third funeral.     the family in getting the
                                                                                                                 Farewell Tour
   that her daughter’s liver had      Would the Prime Minister           answers they need.
                                                                                                                 next spring.
   been found during an audit of      hold an inquiry into this             The Mayor of Greater
   human tissue. The remains          matter for the sake of Leah’s      Manchester, Andy Burnham,
   were returned to the family,       family and for other families      said: “This is being treated
   and Ms Aldridge arranged           across Greater Manchester?”        with the upmost seriousness
   a second funeral for Leah,            The MP told his                 and the Mayor and Deputy
   having been assured that all       parliamentary colleagues           Mayor’s firm focus continues
   organs were accounted for.         that Ms Aldridge, who was          to be supporting the family
       However, on Wednesday          16 at the time of Leah’s death     until they get the answers
   12 September, Mr Green told        in 2002, had lost confidence       they need.”                                     Dr Webster


                                                                                                                                       PETITION TO REGULATE                                                                                    DATES FOR
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               YOUR DIARY
      NEW HEARSE                                                                                                                       FUNERAL PLANNING                                                                                        SAIF Executive Meeting
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               10 October 2018
                                                                                                                                                                                                                Andrea’s petition says:        10.30-15.00, Stansted
                                                                                                                                                                                                            “It has become clear there
                                                                                                                                                                                                               is a strong need to             SAIF Education Day
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    introduce statutory        31 October 2018
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       regulation for          10.00, Leicester
                                                                                                                                                                                                   To find out           funeral directors.
                                                                                                                                                                                                   more on the            It is noted that     Beds, Bucks & Herts
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          there is statutory   Regional Meeting

                                   Bowls club gala day
                                                                                                                                                                                                   call, turn to          regulation on        7 November 2018, Luton
                                                                                                                                                                                                    page 23              funeral directors
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        in Scotland but no     Wales Christmas Dinner
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      other part of the UK.    30 November 2018
      Family-owned                 In August, Peter Smith & Son Funeral             a whole day of bowling. The chairman               Independent’s                         Urging action, Andrea                   “SAIF support a           19.00, Llanelli
      Grassby Funeral              Directors attended its first gala day at         was worried about the green but the green          urgent call for UK                highlighted a recently             large number of service
      Service has deep             Burford Bowls Club, having taking on             keeper said carry on much to our dismay.                                             reported situation in              providers and carry out            SAIF Executive Meeting
                                                                                                                                       Government action
      roots in the county          the sponsorship of the club after its long       Finally at 6pm everyone said it was time                                             Medway where a husband             regulation style checks,           5 December 2018
      of Dorset that stretch       term sponsor sold his business.                  to stop just as the rain stopped.
                                                                                                                                       to protect families               admitted to breaking               but without statutory              10.30-15.00, Venue TBC

      back to 1861 when the            A spokesman for the firm said: “Bowls           “The trophies were presented, along                                               into a funeral director’s          regulation the risk remains
      business was founded         is all new to us, so on a very wet bank          with Golden Charter goody bags. In spite of                  ndrea Button of         premises to steal his              of a repeat of the situation       SAIF AGM Banquet Weekend
      by stonemason                holiday Sunday we expected the gala to           the weather, a good day was had by all and                   Button Funeral          mother-in-law’s body.              in Medway.”                        29-31 March 2019
      Benjamin Grassby.            be cancelled as it was raining so hard           much needed funds raised for the club.                       Services in Kent        It appears the company                 Alongside the petition,        Crowne Plaza Resort
         Over the years, the       and the forecast was for this all day. How          “We are none the wiser about bowls, but                   has launched a          involved had been                  which has already                  Colchester, Maldon
      business has built           wrong we were.                                   we do know that Golden Charter’s gazebos           petition on campaign website      causing concern and the            attracted almost 200
      up an unrivalled                 “Out they went in their waterproofs for      are waterproof, thank goodness.”                   ‘Change’ calling on the UK        husband had spent two              signatures, a Twitter
      reputation and seen                                                                                                              Government to introduce           days at the police station         campaign account has               For more information
      many generations of                                                                                                              statutory regulation of           trying to track down               also been established:             visit the SAIF website
      the Grassby family.                                                                                                              funeral planning.                 its owner.                         @RegulateFuneral                   at
      Today, it has branches
      throughout Dorset and
      is currently run by        OBITUARY: GEORGE ROSE

      David and Peter from                                                                                                               Trading Places with a SAIF member
      their Dorchester office.           eorge Rose,               he met Sheila Lymn and they       from 1994 to 1995.
          Recently retired               Chairman of A W           married in 1951.                      The family firm now works       A new initiative from            a full tour of the premises.
      Area Sales Manager                 Lymn The Family               In 1952, George’s career      through 26 funeral homes            the UK Government’s              Many questions were
      Peter Potter made his              Funeral Service, in       path changed when Harold          serving Nottinghamshire and         department of Business,          asked by Dennis and Dav
      first ever Coleman         Nottingham, died on 30 July       Lymn, his father-in-law,          South Derbyshire.                   Enterprise and Industrial        but both were surprised
      Milne sale in Dorset       2018, aged 92 years.              asked him to join the family          George Rose remained            Strategy (BEIS), called          by the lack of regulation in
      and was delighted to          George was the much-           business. George                         active in the business       Trading Places, visited          the profession. The SAIF
      go full circle and end     loved husband, for 67 years,      quickly established                          until earlier this       its first funeral home on        member made feelings
      his career with his        of Sheila; proud father of        himself as a                                   year, chairing his     31 July. The visit was to        clear that regulation,
      final handover of a        Jenny and the late Derek,         funeral director.                                last meeting in      SAIF member Stewart              correctly implemented,
      Ford Norwood Classic       Nigel and Penny, and Jackie           In 1955,                                      May 2018 and        Hartley of G Hartley &           would be a good and
      Hearse at Grassby          and Rex; grandfather to           George qualified                                  even seeking        Sons in Wetherby.                necessary thing for the
      Funeral Service.           Chloe and Glenn, Ben and          with honours,                                     to discharge            Dennis Ager and Dav          profession for both pre-need
          The prestigious        Emma, Matthew and Alanna,         through the                                       himself quickly     Tennant, from BEIS, spent        and at need funerals.
      Norwood Classic            Issy and Nev; and great-          NAFD, to practise                                from hospital to     the morning discussing the           Trading Places is for civil
      hearse with its            grandfather to Henry, George,     embalming. In                                  attend the 2018        role of the funeral director,    servants to educate their
      economical 2.0             Oliver, Sam, Zara, Edie and       the same year,                                British Institute       the issues faced, and how        colleagues about the unique
      Eco boost engine,          Louisa, by all of whom he is      Douglas and George                         of Embalmers’              funeral directors interact       service funeral homes bring
      power assisted disc        very sadly missed.                became Members of the                Conference for the               with local authorities and       to their communities and
      brakes all round and          George, the grandson-          British Institute of Embalmers    59th consecutive year.              government departments.          thereby avoid inappropriate
      Smartshield engine         in-law of founder Arthur          (BIE) and were involved in the        Donations are still             Stewart gave an in-depth         legislation and rules with
      immobilisation, is         William Lymn, was the third       first repatriation of human       welcomed for the John Van           insight into the day to day      unintended consequences
      not only visually          generation to lead A W Lymn       remains from England to           Geest Cancer Research               operations, complete with        by Government.
      impressive but             The Family Funeral Service        Pakistan. Between 1971 and        Centre in Nottingham, either
      incorporates many          and was a Director of the firm    1972, George was the National     online through www.lymn.
      high-calibre features.     for 60 years.                     President of the British or sent
          Grassby Funeral           Born in Mapperley,             Institute of Embalmers and        to A W Lymn The Family
      Service further            Nottingham, George left           he became a Fellow of the         Funeral Service, Robin
      enhanced the hearse        school and joined the Navy in     BIE in 1975.                      Hood House, Robin Hood
      by choosing a three        the early 1940s. He began his         An active member of           Street, Nottingham NG3
      bearer deck and a          basic medical training and        the NAFD, George served           1GF. Currently, the total of
      fitted underdeck.          travelled to Australia. When      as President of the NAFD          donations is £5,750, including
                                 he returned to Nottingham         Midlands Area Federation          both on and offline.

14                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        15

                                           ADVERTISING FEATURE
                                           LEGACY EXPRESSIONS LAUNCHES NEW ‘KEEPSAKE’ BROCHURE
                                           Legacy Expressions is            to teddy bears. With            August, and if you would
                                           delighted to have launched       recommended retail prices       like to display brochures
                                           its new 2018/19 brochure         varying from ornaments          in your home, simply
                                           offering families the chance     at £25, stainless jewellery     contact David Gosling
                                           to hold on to some beautiful     at £75, silver at £125 and      MD on 0800 368 9233 or
                                           and comforting keepsakes.
                                           Based around a digitally-
                                           captured fingerprint, the
                                                                            gold jewellery at £750,
                                                                            with everything in between,
                                                                            they can cater for any
                                                                                                   to request your copies.
                                                                                                            Legacy Expressions can
                                                                                                                                                STRENGTH IN NUMBERS
                                           Derbyshire-based company         family’s budget.                work with ink prints in the
                                           offers keepsakes from                All of Legacy’s 500+        first instance before moving       Redscar and R Banks & Son join forces, preserving independence                         Working together as a team

                                           jewellery to picture frames,     customers received hard         onto their state-of-the-art
                                           Christmas ornaments              copies over the month of        scanning technology.                        stablished in 1997 by Leo        importantly, remain independent.               and unwavering support of R Banks
                                                                                                                                                        McKenna M.B.I.E Dip F.D. and        Mr Brian Halliwell M.B.I.E Dip F.D.,        & Son (Funerals) Ltd going forward.”
                                                                                                                                                        Ms Carrol M Bibby M.B.I.E        Managing Director of R Banks & Son,                Redscar has five full-time qualified
                                                                                                                                                        Dip F.D., Redscar Independent    believes this coming together not only         M.B.I.E embalmers, six Dip F.D. funeral

     Official celebration
                                                                                                                                               Funeral Home has served the local         benefits the two companies, but also the       directors, and the largest, privately-
                                                                                                                                               community with compassion and             local community.                               owned fleet of Jaguar hearses and
                                                                                                                                               dignity for more than two decades.           He said: “Redscar Funeral Home is           limousines in the area. It can also
                                                                                                                                                   In recent weeks, Redscar Funeral      very well established in the area, and         offer horse-drawn funerals – a truly

                                                                                                                                               Home has merged with R Banks &            this is in the most part down to the           spectacular event. It has access to
                 n official ceremony                                                                                                           Son (Funerals) Ltd, Wigan’s largest       fantastic work of Carrol Bibby, who has        black and white hearses, hand-built
                 to mark the                                                                                                                   independent family-owned funeral          been with the company since it was             and presented impeccably, with teams
                 opening of Cam                                                                                                                director, to become one of the largest    established by Mr McKenna in 1997,             of two or four white or black horses.
                 Valley, a new                                                                                                                 independent, family-owned and             and we are delighted that Carrol is going
     crematorium serving                                                                                                                       operated funeral directors in the area.   to continue to be the mainstay of the          Redscar Funeral Home, McKenna House,
     Uttlesford, was held on                                                                                TRADEX 2019                        This coming together has ensured          business. She will be still running every      110 Longridge Road, Preston PR2 6RL
     Wednesday 12 September,                                                                                The National Association of        Redscar Funeral Home can maintain         aspect of the business, as she always          T: 01772 796669
     with leading religious and                                                                             Memorial Masons (NAMM)             its core values and beliefs and,          has, and we are here to offer her the full     W:
     civic leaders attending to                                                                             has announced Tradex 2019, a
     lend their support.                                                                                    trade show for all things linked
                                         Friends and distinguished guests
         The service was led by the                                                                         to the stonemasonry trade.
                                         attending the official ceremony
     Right Reverend Alan Hopes,                                                                             This event is for all masons
     Bishop of East Anglia, who                                                                             and wholesalers, member and
     was joined by Cllr Arthur         views across the countryside,          Claire Butcher, Manager of    non-member masons. The
     Coote, the Deputy Mayor of        and has been equipped with         Cam Valley, was delighted by      event will be on Thursday 20
     Saffron Walden as well as         a state-of-the-art digital         the chance to thank everyone      and Friday 21 June 2019 at
     representatives from across       media system, giving access        who has helped to establish       Warwickshire Events Centre.
     a range of beliefs and faiths.    to an infinite choice of music,    the new service so quickly.           The 2017 event proved
         Cam Valley crematorium        alongside a traditional organ.         She said: “We are very        very popular, with more than
     opened in January and has         The chapel is able to cater for    grateful for all of the support   500 visitors attending and
     held almost 500 funerals.         all religions and beliefs.         from local funeral directors,     200 companies showcasing
     The crematorium is the                Hourly intervals are           officiants and clergy who         their wares. Craftex also
     closest facility to Saffron       allowed for each funeral, to       have helped to ensure             took place in 2017, as part of
     Walden, Royston and               ensure a unique and personal       the service is tailored to        the Tradex exhibition. The
     Haverhill as well as              event. A generous level of car     local needs. It is always         competition gives masons a
     many parts of South               parking has also been              so reassuring to hear             chance to exhibit and compete
     Cambridgeshire and is             provided, with almost 100 car      what a difference the new         with some of their prestigious
     becoming the natural              parking spaces plus extra          crematorium has made to           pieces of work.
     choice for these areas.           areas for any overspill. This is   families in the area and that         Craftex 2019 is open to
         “Bereaved families have       all within a much larger           we are delivering on our          members and, for the first
     certainly appreciated the         landscape with more than           promise to provide the best       time, there will be a non-
     extra space and time we are       6000m2 of turf laid in the         level of care so we can make      member category. Due to the
     able to offer,” said Richard      spring alongside hundreds of       that very difficult day           success of this event, it will
     Evans, Managing Director of       bedding plants and trees and       a little bit easier.”             again take place alongside
     Westerleigh Group, operators      acres of open parkland.                Sean Martin, Head of          Tradex 2019. The entry criteria
     of the crematorium.                   The Bishop recognised          Operations for Peasgood &         is currently being confirmed
         “The crematorium is set       the importance of peace and        Skeates Funeral Directors,        and entries will open as
     in more than 13 acres and         tranquillity when holding a        added: “It’s much less busy       soon as this is done. More
     all of the facilities have been   funeral and how the bereaved       than other crematoria and         information will be provided
     designed with space and           can draw comfort from the          everyone commented on             as the date gets closer.
     comfort in mind to ensure         location of a crematorium          how wonderful the setting
     that families have everything     set in a beautiful landscape       is, wrapped in glorious
     they need to have an              surrounded by nature.              countryside in a tranquil         For more information,
     individual private funeral in a       The Bishop was joined          spot. We also allow an hour       contact NAMM on 01788 542
     wonderfully natural setting.”     by a range of religious and        between funerals so people        264 or by emailing
         The 100-seater chapel is      secular leaders who all            have the time to have an
     light and airy, offering long     played a role in the service.      unhurried, dignified service.”

16                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 17
                                                              R    ESIDE
                                                       SAIF P

      Supporting members and
      raising awareness of SAIF
                    The National President gives a fascinating insight into his busy schedule
                                                   WORDS: ALUN TUCKER, NATIONAL PRESIDENT

               he past month has passed like
               a whirlwind as I represented
               SAIF at a number of events.
                  First on the list was a visit
     to Greenacres Epping Burial Ground,
     which was celebrating its 10th
     anniversary. I was pleased to meet
     Manager Deborah Mcnamara and her
     team, who did not allow the rain to
     dampen their spirits.
         Maintaining the cemetery
     theme, next stop was the historical
     Brookwood Cemetery near Woking
     in Surrey. This was to attend a Going        Alun with Alan Jose, Westerleigh Group Ambassador; the Bishop of East
     Green event held to celebrate the            Anglia Very Rev Alan Hopes; Sharon Green, President of National Association
     25th anniversary of the first Natural        of Memorial Masons; Harvey Thomas, Cremation Society of GB; and Richard
     Burial which took place in Carlisle          Evans, Westerleigh Group Managing Director
     under the guidance of Ken West.
     Ken was present to plant a tree to
     commemorate the occasion.
         Westerleigh Group has been
     busy holding a number of services
     of dedication at two of its newer
     crematoria, firstly, at Great
     Chesterford in Essex, and secondly
     at Langstone Vale, near Newport
     in Gwent. I was fortunate to be a
     guest at both services to support an
     associate member that continues              National President Alun Tucker with guests
     to increase its presence around              at service of dedication at Langstone Vale
     the country. I am impressed how
     Westerleigh Group manages to find                                                      TOP LEFT: At the SAIF Essex Regional
     such peaceful, idyllic sites on which                                                  Meeting, Martin Stibbard, of S Stibbards
     to develop. The rural settings of both                                                 & Sons, won the President’s competition
     these crematoria are set in such                                                       BOTTOM LEFT: Marcus Haywood, of
     quiet surroundings where bereaved                                                      PG Oxley Funeral Directors, won the prize
     families can say goodbye to their                                                      at the SAIF Essex Regional Meeting
     loved ones.                                                                            BOTTOM CENTRE: Carl Ng, of Expert
         After a summer break it was back                                                   Computers, won the President’s competition
     on the regional meeting treadmill                                                      at the SAIF Essex Regional Meeting
     with meetings in Chelmsford and
     Tunbridge Wells. Both meetings had
     excellent attendances and involved
     updates on being dementia aware,
     SAIF Care and an update on all things
     SAIF from Chief Executive Terry
     Tennens. We had excellent support
     from a good number of associate
     members who enjoyed the opportunity
     to network with members.
         To round off the month, I was
     delighted to join Helen Wathall and                                                     ABOVE: Dr Helen McGee, Medical Director
     her family as they celebrated                                                            of Hospice in the Weald, presented to the
     160 years serving the community                                                             SAIF Kent & Sussex regional meeting
     of Derby and surrounding areas.                                                           about its newest service – the UK’s first
     Staff past and present were among                                                      Cottage Hospice, a non-medical residential
     the 170 guests, and it was fascinating.                                                    support home for patients and families


                           A NEW GENERATION
                     Contacts and friendships are forged at SAIF NextGen meet and greet
                                                   WORDS: SARAH BRODIE, BRODIES FUNERAL SERVICES

            ollowing on from our launch at                                                            We are pleased that interest is growing as

                                                                                                                                                             IS THE FUTURE OF
            the 2017 SAIF AGM weekend in                                                           along with Vicki and her employee, Sarah,
            Harrogate, the SAIF NextGen                                                            we were joined by three new members,
            team recently enjoyed a successful                                                     John Byrne of J T Byrne Funeral Directors
            gathering in Edinburgh. With the                                                       and Bec and Charlotte Wathall of G Wathall
            support of Golden Charter, a private                                                   & Son Ltd. Leaders Daniel Ginder, Ross
            room with drinks and nibbles was                                                       Hickton and myself all represented the
            the setting for a meet and greet of                                                    current NextGen members, along with Terry

                                                                                                                                                           FUNERAL DIRECTING IN
     current and potential new members.                                                            Tennens of SAIF, and Malcolm Flanders and
        We welcomed Vicki Fraser of John                                                           Daniel Hare for Golden Charter.
     Fraser & Son, Inverness, who gave a                                                              A year of membership and networking
     fantastic presentation. She shared her                                                        has formed new friendships between
     experience of having full control of the                                                      members, no matter the stage of their
     family business after the sudden passing         Vicki emphasised the importance of the       careers, as the SAIF NextGen supporting
     of her father. She spoke of the trials and    pre-need aspect of her business model and       body continues to develop.

                                                                                                                                                             THE CLASSROOM?
     tribulations of being the only female         the marketing methods she has adopted              If you are interested in joining, or have
     funeral director within 150 miles and how     with Golden Charter. Vicki and her              someone in mind, please look out for our
     she has succeeded in changing the opinions    team were rewarded for their efforts on         banner, pick up a leaflet, join our Facebook
     and traditions of locals. She also shared     Saturday night as they won both the North       group or feel free to have a chat with
     the disagreements in management and           of Scotland and National Funeral Planner        any of the reps at the upcoming events.
     decision making she had with her father       of the Year Awards. A very well done and        We will be present at SAIF Education
     and how they came to a compromise,            deserved congratulations from us all and        Day at Leicester Tigers’ Stadium on
     something almost all of us could relate to.   thanks again to Vicki for a fantastic talk.     31 October 2018. l
                                                                                                                                                           Education – allied with on-the-job training – is vital if excellence is to be achieved

                                                                                                                                                                                                               WORDS: OLLIE CHRISTOPHER

                                                                                                                                                                         orking in the funeral        to understand why you need to do it in the       an incredible amount of emotional
                                                                                                                                                                         profession isn’t             first place is vital if you’re going to become   resilience to be able to give the type of
                                                                                                                                                                         something you get            a skilled and capable funeral director.          care you need to provide. Developing
                                                                                                                                                                         much information             I’m extremely glad that our industry has         skills around emotional intelligence has
                                                                                                                                                                         about in school.             these training events, because when you          not only helped me improve professionally,
                                                                                                                                                                         The occupation               can’t learn it at school, further education      it’s helped me learn how to take better
                                                                                                                                                                         seems to be absent           bodies need to pick up the mantle.               care of myself.
                                                                                                                                                                         from career days and
                                                                                                                                                                         none of the skills           Is vocational training for everyone?             Making time to train
                                                                                                                                                                         you learn during             The complexities of caring for the deceased,     Finding time to focus is the key challenge.
                                                                                                                                                                         A c t i v i t i e s We e k   from the paperwork and working practices         Death waits for nobody, so when you need
                                                                                                                                                                         are particularly             of third parties to balancing the care           to be instantly responsive to a family in
                                                                                                                                                   applicable in a mortuary. Three months             and compassion required for the families         need, your homework gets buried under
                                                                                                                                                   into working in the funeral sector and             and friends of the deceased, is something        the crematorium forms for another week.
                                                                                                                                                   it already feels like a year with the              you simply cannot do without developing          Training is often seen as a ‘nice to have’
                                                                                                                                                   amount of information I’ve picked up ‘on           new skill sets. Even seasoned directors          when you get the time, but taking the
                                                                                                                                                   the job’ (OTJ), but with stricter industry         can learn new things in the classroom            time pays dividends when you learn to
                                                                                                                                                   regulations looming will OTJ suffice for           as times change and practices evolve.            be faster, better and more confident in
                                                                                                                                                   the funeral sector in 2018 and beyond?             I’d encourage everyone to have a skills                       what you’re doing. Having
                                                                                                                                                                                                      refresher every now and again – even if                         a pro-training mindset in
                                                                                                                                                   Life after OTJ                                     it’s just to bring things back to the front                       a company sets the scene
                                                                                                                                                   The company I’m part of has a strong               of your mind.                                                     to achieve excellence
                                                                                                                                                   belief in backing up OTJ with professional                                                                           because I’m sure we’d all
                                                                                                                                                   vocational training, so last month I               Don’t forget the soft skills                                      agree – excellence is not
                                                                                                                                                   was signed up for some Institute of                To coincide with my IFD courses,                                  a skill, it’s an attitude. l
                                                                                                                                                   Funeral Directors (IFD) College courses.           I’ve also taken the time to sharpen some
                                                                                                                                                   Discussing established processes and               of the softer skill sets and enrol in an
                                                                                                                                                   procedures and matching them with what             Emotional Intelligence course. At the                                Ollie Christopher,
                                                                                                                                                   I’d picked up by shadowing my colleagues           end of each day, the physical exertion                               F Christophers &
                                                                                                                                                   felt like discovering fire. All the questions      of removals and pallbearing are far                                  Son Ltd, can be
                                                                                                                                                   simmering away about the wheres and                outweighed by the emotional energy                                   reached by email on
                                                                                                                                                   whys of modern funeral practices all               used to support distressed and                                       info@fchristophers
                                                                                                                                                   started to slot into place. It’s all very well     vulnerable families. I’ve quickly                          
                                                                                                                                                   being told how to follow a procedure, but          found that you need to develop

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       Two phases
       for new
       ME plan                                                                                                                             Regulation call
       Latest on Medical Examiner
       implementation April 2019                                                                                                           England, Wales and Northern
                                                                                                                                           Ireland should follow in

                     work in progress.” That
                     was how Dr Suzi Lishman,
                                                ■ ■ Improvements in the recording
                                                    of certificates of death by the
                                                                                           and confirm the Medical Certification
                                                                                           of Cause of Death (MCCD).
                                                                                                                                           Scotland’s footsteps and
                     immediate past President
                     from the Royal College
                                                    qualified attending physician (QAP)
                                                ■ ■ Maintain the five day timetable
                                                                                              This will occur within 24 hours
                                                                                           and this performance indicator will
                                                                                                                                           introduce regulation of
      of Pathologists (RCOP), described the
      UK Government’s announcement in
                                                    for registration.                      be monitored. The cremation forms
                                                                                           part 4 and part 5 will continue with
                                                                                                                                           the funeral profession
      June that the Medical Examiner (ME)          In phase 2 the move to primary          the attending doctor completing part
      implementation plan will commence         care deaths in urban and rural             4 and the ME part 5.
      in April 2019.                            settings will be paramount for the            Scrutiny is at the core of this process
          Terry Tennens, SAIF CEO, attended     system to be comprehensive.                to prevent no foul play and improve
      the conference to gain the latest            There will be a National ME Officer     communication between the health
      update on these long awaited reforms.     appointed by the National Patient Safety   system and the patient’s next of kin.
          The RCOP is the lead authority to     Director, Dr Aidan Fowler, who will be
      train and equip MEs across England        responsible for the system across the      Key issues for funeral directors

      and Wales on behalf of the Department                                                The appointment by the client to
      of Health and Social Care (DHSC).
          The implementation plan is in two
                                                  AS MES ARE                               register the death remains a five
                                                                                           day window. Sometimes the lack of
                                                                                                                                                   he statement above is the position of SAIF and
                                                                                                                                                   it makes SAIF the first significant funeral trade
                                                                                                                                                                                                              make like-for-like comparisons. A price list should also include
                                                                                                                                                                                                              options for a simple or basic funeral and a traditional funeral,
      phases, described by Jeremy Mean,         APPOINTED,                                 availability by the attending doctor                    association in the UK to back statutory regulation         along with additional items such as flowers and orders of
      Deputy Director of Health Ethics in
      the DHSC.
                                                PLEASE                                     could cause a delay in discussing
                                                                                           the case with the ME.
                                                                                                                                                   of funeral directors.
                                                                                                                                            SAIF has also urged its members with websites to
                                                                                                                                                                                                              service. This could eventually form part of the association’s
                                                                                                                                                                                                              code of practice.
          Phase 1 will take effect from April   KEEP SAIF ...                                 At the conference, Dr Fletcher            display their prices online as soon as possible to help bereaved          According to SAIF, regulation of the funeral profession
      2019. This will be a ‘non-statutory’
      phase of implementation via
                                                INFORMED                                   indicated the ME process will add
                                                                                           half a day to the current process, but
                                                                                                                                        consumers better understand possible costs involved with
                                                                                                                                        a funeral.
                                                                                                                                                                                                              should be proportionate and informed by all stakeholders,
                                                                                                                                                                                                              with the views of independent funeral directors carrying as
      secondary care by NHS Trusts. This        OF ANY                                     in some instances it will speed up the           It could also mean families get a better deal, with research      much weight in any process as those of the large corporates
      is a shift from the original concept of
      local authorities being responsible for
                                                PROBLEMS                                   system where potentially a case might
                                                                                           have been referred to the coroner
                                                                                                                                        consistently showing that independent funeral directors’ prices
                                                                                                                                        are consistently lower than large groups, like Co-op Funeralcare,
                                                                                                                                                                                                              and co-operatives.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  SAIF’s call for UK-wide regulation of the funeral profession
      their implementation. Consequently,       NHS Trusts in phase 1 and across the       and clarity has been gained with the         Dignity and Funeral Partners.                                         comes ahead of the findings of a Competition and Markets
      MEs will be salaried positions in         communities in phase 2. There will         attending doctor on the cause of death.          SAIF’s position is in response to the positive                              Authority (CMA) study of the funeral market.
      NHS Trusts and in a hospital setting.     be a regional reporting structure, so it      In the pilot phase there have been        and proportionate way in which regulation is being                                  A proportionate regulatory regime could address
      At some point they will move into         will be important for funeral directors    instances where there are reductions         introduced in Scotland, and comes in the wake of a                              some of the transparency issues being examined
      managing deaths in the community.         to be aware of representatives for         in referrals to the Coroner’s office,        small number of worrying cases in which funeral                                 by the CMA and ensure clients of all funeral directors
          Phase 2 MEs will receive statutory    communication and reporting glitches       and other pilots have increase their         directors have fallen short of standards to which                               are getting a good deal.
      authority through the Coroners and        that impact our clients.                   referrals for inquests by a few.             trade association members subscribe.                                                SAIF is to consult its members and the wider
      Justice Act 2009 where all deaths will                                                  Some NHS Trust pilots have                    Terry Tennens, Chief Executive of SAIF, said it                             funeral profession on areas of focus for any possible
      be scrutinised by the Coroner and ME      The purpose of the ME                      integrated the role of the ME with the       was high time all bereaved people across the UK                                 regulatory regime which are likely to include:
      Officer. This will be mandatory and       Dr Alan Fletcher has been ME from the      bereavement office, but the majority         were guaranteed a minimum set of standards from                                 ■ ■ Price transparency
      across all communities.                   pilot in Sheffield Hospital Trust for      have appointed ME officers. The NHS          the professionals taking care of them at life’s most difficult        ■ ■ Care facilities
          The process between phase 1 and       the past 10 years. He outlined the         Trust will fund these salaried positions,    time. He said: “Currently, anyone can set up a funeral                ■ ■ Transparency of ownership
      2 is unclear, as are the timelines for    criteria behind successful outcomes:       and there will be £1 million investment      directing business and there is no requirement for them to            ■ ■ Financial stability
      phase 2 to commence.                      1. What did the patient die from?          into information technology platforms        work to a minimum set of standards. Trade associations                ■ ■ Record keeping
          The DHSC has been operating a         2. Accurate medical certificate of death   to speed the flow of information to a        require their members to abide by a code of practice, but             ■ ■ Regulation that works across jurisdictions
      number of ME pilots in a hospital         3. Timely reporting of suspicious          decision. An e-learning resource for         membership is voluntary and we are seeing too many cases                  Following a consultation exercise, SAIF is to write to the
      setting from Sheffield to Gloucester,        deaths to the Coroner                   MEs has also been established.               of firms who don’t belong to an association operating in an           Westminster Government, and Welsh and Northern Irish
      in fact across England and Wales.         4. Are there any clinical governance          As MEs are appointed, please keep         unacceptable way.”                                                    assemblies, stating its position on regulation of the funeral
          The purpose of MEs is to ensure          concerns which require detection        the SAIF Business Centre informed of             He added: “All other care industries are regulated, so there is   profession across all jurisdictions.
      independence and accountability for          and notification?                       any problems your clients experience,        no reason why funeral directors, to whom people turn in great
      reporting suspicious deaths. There
      will be two routes from April 2019,
                                                   The ME will review the medical
                                                records of the patient; interact with
                                                                                           as there is scope during Phase 1 for
                                                                                           the Government’s implementation
                                                                                                                                        distress, should not be subjected to similar rules. The vast
                                                                                                                                        majority of SAIF members share concerns about standards
                                                                                                                                                                                                                THE VAST MAJORITY
      the Coronial courts and MEs.              the attending doctor; interact with the    team to adjust and learn from their          and support regulation of the funeral profession.”                    OF SAIF MEMBERS
          The success factors for the ME
      system include:
                                                bereaved, to explain as well as collate
                                                background information where needed;
                                                                                           better experience of understanding
                                                                                           death programme.
                                                                                                                                            In respect of online pricing, Terry said SAIF’s leadership
                                                                                                                                        was set to discuss a commonly agreed set of funeral elements
                                                                                                                                                                                                              SHARE CONCERNS
                                                                                                                                        that would appear on a price list, to better help consumers           ABOUT STANDARDS
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