Page created by Joel Hall

                                                                                                                   I S S U E 72 MAY 2020

               THE AUSTRALIAN MADE
               IS LAUNCHING ITS
               BEST RANGE YET
M AY 2 0 2 0
IS S U E 7 2

                  B L I N D M A C H I N E R Y | M A N U FA C T U R I N G + C O V I D 1 9 | S U N S C R E E N FA B R I C S
Beautiful new fabrics now available at
Lifestyle Blinds
The Louvolite 2019 -2022 fabric collection features new exquisite
colourways and designs, in addition to many of the most popular
existing ranges having been enhanced with a fresh new colour

    •   Bright, energetic and bold colours

    •   Elegant, stylish and sophisticated designs

    •   Whimsical, cheeky and fun patterns

Now available as part of the Lifestyle Blinds fabric range for custom
made Roller, Roman, Panel and Vertical Blinds.

This fabulous new collection will be current for 3 years unlike
previous collections that ran for 2 years.

Contact Lifestyle Blinds today for your new Louvolite 2019 -2022
Fabric Collection books.


ISSUE 72 | MAY 2020

                                                                                                                        Wilson Fabrics.

                                               THE R ETU R N OF WILS ON FA B RI C S
                                                   After three and a half challenging years, Australian wholesaler Wilson Fabrics is back on
                                                   form with the launch of its highly anticipated fabric range. The company also has a new
                                                   way of doing business, sparked by current commercial challenges but future-proofed to
                                                                      bring advantages to customers well into the long term. WFA reports.

 08   PRODUCT NEWS                 A run-down of the latest Window Furnishings product news

 38   MANUFACTURING REPORT:                                            52       CLASSIC COVERAGE
      SILVER LININGS PLAYBOOK                                                   Roman blinds are experiencing a renaissance, with new
      Like most industries and indeed the rest of the world, the                technology and textiles offering end users a wider range
      window furnishings sector has been left reeling at the                    of options.
      sudden and unprecedented impact of the Coronavirus
                                                                                ON TRACK FOR GROWTH
      pandemic. But WFA has discovered a rich seam of
      resourcefulness in which many businesses have used the           56       With curtains undergoing a resurgence of their own,
      crisis as an opportunity for innovation, improvement,                     the underpinnings of innovative hardware are also
      collaboration and community.                                              experiencing growth and innovation.

      PLEATED + HONEYCOMB                                                       A CENTURY SERVING THE
 46   BLINDS REPORT                                                    58       BAYSIDE COMMUNITY
      The pleated and honeycomb blinds category is maturing,                    A retail mainstay of Martin Street in the smart Melbourne
      with product the latest product refinements responding                    suburb of Brighton since the 1920s, Nicholls Interiors
      to the evolving needs of end users.                                       is celebrating a century of providing window furnishing
                                                                                solutions to local residents.

                                                                                                                                   PA G E 0 1
W                      E               L                C                O                   M                    E   editor & publisher
                                                                                                                      James Boston

                                                                                                                      associate editor
                                                                                                                      Belinda Smart

                                                                                                                      advertising manager
                                                                                                                      Liana Treadwell

                                                                                                                      art director
                                                                                                                      Rizla Herdaru
                                                                                                                      Kate Noseda

                                                                                                                      Southern Colour

                                                                                                                      03 8060 1002

JAMESBOSTON                                                                                                           editorial submissions
Editor & Publisher
                                                                                                                      front cover image
Putting opinions in print is always a challenge             To sign off on a more hopeful note, have a read
when writing about current events, thanks to the            of our profile of Nicholls Interiors (Page 58). The       Wilson Fabircs

delay and inevitable gear shift between the writer’s        family-run business, celebrating 100 years, survived
thoughts being expressed and the publication                two world wars and a depression which included            head office
finding its way to the reader. And as anyone can            several instances of rationing, where at times, family    237 Swan Street, Richmond
                                                                                                                      VIC 3121, Australia
attest at the moment, there has never been a time           members had to act as security, limiting customers
in living memory where information has become               in the store, supplies were limited, and people
so out of date so quickly. Fortunately for us here          were panicked. Sounds familiar. We too are hoping         telephone

at Window Furnishings Australia, April 2020 will            to be around in the long-term and are taking the          03 8060 1002

also be remembered for the month we launched                attitude that to trade through this crisis, we need
our new online presence (See page12). This should           to work together as an industry. We have asked our        fax
remedy a few of the issues we face as a bi-monthly          advertisers who are also taking this approach as to       03 8692 2780
print publication, in a world where things can              join our campaign: “Trading through a crisis”. You
change by the hour. Keep a look out for increasing          will see the symbol below on many ads throughout
digital communication from us as well as our                this edition. All of these companies have agreed to
regular print publications which will (eventually)          join our campaign to show confidence in the future
arrive on your desk.                                        of this industry. They have all agreed to support
                                                            industry colleagues, customers, even competitors,
We will all have lasting memories of this period of         throughout this difficult period, with the belief that
lockdown, and the near future will also provide its         we can emerge a better industry on the other side.
share of testing circumstances. But like any crisis,        Stay safe, where possible, stay home, and I look
opportunities will abound. The support provided             forward to seeing many of you in person again soon.
by state and Federal Governments is tailor-made
for most in this industry. It may also offer a silver
lining for local manufacturers if we can return to a
domestically focused economy asap. There will be
a share of pain, which we will all feel, and the ways
of doing business in the past will certainly change                                                                   Printed by Southern Colour.
                                                                                                                      The printer and paper used to produce this publication have
forever. You can read about how companies in our                                                                      Forest Stewardship Council® (FSC®) and ISO 14001 environmental
                                                                                                                      certification. FSC® is a Chain of Custody (COC) process.
industry are already adjusting to the ‘new normal’ in                                                                 This publication is printed using vegetable based soy inks.

our special feature on the coronavirus (Page38).

                                                                                                                      Window Furnishings Australia is a
                                                                                                                      publication of Boston Publishing Pty Ltd

P A G E 0 2 | w f a so ur c au
Get in touch with
your ‘green’ side.
Blindware has a combination of locally stocked
and overseas supplied blockout, translucent and
sunscreen fabrics that are:

   environmentally friendly
   virtually odour free
   highly fire retardant
   light-weight
Boost your offer

       Sonesse 30 WireFree
          Lithium-ion RTS
             the standard for
           quiet motorisation

     Altus 28 WireFree RTS
              with internal or
        external rechargeable
          Lithium-ion battery

Tilt & Lift 25 WireFree RTS
        the compact and light
          wireless solution for
          cord lift applications
with our comprehensive
WireFree motorisation range

                                   The innovative wireless technology, designed for
                                   all kinds of blinds and curtains, brings easy living
                                   and true peace of mind to your customers.

                                   Contact Somfy to discuss how our world leading
                                   solutions can add value to your business.

                                   • Improve your sales potential

                                   • Elevate your customer’s experience

                                   • Drive your business with connected solutions

                                   1800 076 639

 Irismo 45 WireFree RTS
 the quiet and wireless solution
 for curtain motorisation
N      E    W      S

                                                                                                           alternative to standard films
                                                                                                           for glass walls in office and
                                                                                                           commercial interiors.

                                                                                                           “Squid gives you privacy,
                                                                                                           sun protection and delivers a
                                                                                                           lower temperature inside your
                                                                                                           workspace or home. Squid
                                                                                                           textiles can be digitally printed
                                                                                                           to showcase unique artwork
                                                                                                           or applied as a natural fabric,
                                                                                                           with both effects offering one-
                                                                                                           way vision for privacy during
                                                                                                           the day. Squid can be used
                                                                                                           on any window shape. The
                                                                                                           self-adhesive textile is both
                                                                                                           moisture and heat resistant,
                                                                                                           and very easy to tailor to
                                                                                                           exact specifications. Squid is
                                                                                                           available in six modern colours
                                                                                                           that have been chosen carefully
                                                                                                           to complement existing décor.
                                                                                                           Other benefits of the textile are
                                                                                                           that it is PVC free, fire retardant
                                                                                                           M1/B1, and anti-bacterial.”

                                                                                                           Ricky Richards General
                                                                                                           Manager Kathryn Polgar
                                                                                                           commented: “We have never
                                                                                                           seen anything like Squid
                                                                                                           before. It fills a gap in the
                                                                                                           windows market and presents
                                                                                                           us with so many opportunities
                                                                                                           for our printing customers
                                                                                                           in wide format print media.
                                                                                                           Forming a solid partnership
                                                                                                           with the Belgium company
                                                                                                           made sense for Ricky Richards’
                                                                                                           interest in both the window
Ricky Richards has                      Squid is a self-adhesive textile   Squid comprises a self-         coverings and the printing
forged a partnership                    designed to create window          adhesive ‘curtain’ that still   markets. We met the Squid
with Belgium company                    and glass decoration for both      allows a building’s occupants   team in Germany at FESPA
Lampe Textiles that                     commercial and domestic            to see out during the day       2017 and we were chosen
will innovative glass                   interior projects.                 while blocking others from      to become their exclusive
window treatment Squid                                                     being able to look in. This     distributor in Australia.”
distributed to the local                Developed and produced by          privacy aspect has led to
market.                                 Lampe Textiles in Belgium,         Squid becoming a high-quality

P A G E 0 8 | w f a so ur c au

Contact your
Sun Control expert | 02 9735 3333
N       E   W    S

Somfy is proud to have recently         Once again, Somfy partnered
sponsored the Charlie Teo               with Habitat for Humanity
Foundation Masquerade Ball in           in March, as part of their
Brisbane. The evening, aimed            International Women’s
at raising awareness and much-          Day efforts. The volunteers
needed funds for brain cancer           assisted in renovating a shelter
research, raised over $32,000.          for women and children
                                        experiencing homelessness,
In addition to the fun and laughter     often due to domestic violence.
shared on the night, the 260 guests
heard from a panel of people            “This is my fourth-year
                                                                               Somfy volunteers with Habitat for Humanity
directly and indirectly touched by      volunteering with Habitat for
brain cancer. The moving talk also      Humanity, and we are so lucky
touched on the ripple effect this       to be in the position to be able
can have on the entire family.          to give back to the community
                                        and help those who need it
Australian neurosurgeon, Professor      most,” said Somfy’s Marketing
Charlie Teo, officially launched the    Executive Mary Maidiotis.
foundation in early 2018, and Somfy
is pleased to have been able to         “Every year, I know I’m going
support the cause ever since.           to leave the project exhausted
                                        and feeling sore the next day,
Somfy is committed to Corporate         but I also know we are putting
Social Responsibility, giving back to   smiles on the faces of those
the community and lending a hand,       less fortunate, and that is what
not only financially, but through       makes it worth coming back
                                                                               Somfy staff and customers with Charlie Teo at the Masquerade Ball.
volunteering efforts too.               every year.”

P A G E 1 0 | w f a so ur c au
Whisper Quiet.
                                            Global leader in cur t ain t r ack sys t em innovat ion

                                            Recessed + Motorised + Hand drawn solutions.

                                            Bending specialists. State of art template plotting software.

                                            Sound of silence. Unique, patented 2C Glider technology.

       NEW SG 6465 Hand SG 6465 Recess    SG 6840 Hand SG 3840 Cord                                        SG 5600 Motor SG 6970 Hand

 Align with market leader to offer clients the

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                  Head Office + Showroom
          25 Richmond Rd Homebush NSW                                 by Peter Meyer
              Freecall Aust: 1 800 254 631
                NZ Phone: +64 9 302 2499
                                                  Q   U   A   L   I    T   Y   +   D   E   S   I   G   N   E   X   C   E   L       L       E       N       C   E
N       E    W       S

Window Furnishings Australia       the easy retrieval of past articles   over time and people hang onto         “We see this more as extending
magazine has launched a            that have appeared in print.          back issues for long periods.”         our reach in the industry, as
brand new website to allow                                                                                      well as giving us the ability to
its content to reach an even       A high quality flip book version of   “I have been to companies where        deliver industry content and
bigger audience.                   the magazine has been available       they have retained every single        messages to other sectors
                                   online for many years, and will       copy on file since we began!”          including construction, architects,
Launched in April, the new         continue to be accessible via the                                            designers plus industry groups and
website ( will    new website and social channels.      “This is great, because it shows a     government bodies.”
allow for more industry content                                          love for the medium, but it does
and news to be published, whilst   “The new website is timely            present a challenge for people         “There has been significant
regular emails will keep the       considering people’s working          when they want to find a specific      investment on our part, but
industry informed with news        conditions at the moment, and         article they have read in the past.”   we believe that our efforts will
and features.                      has been put together over the                                               strengthen the industry further in
                                   last year on the back of requests     Boston confirmed the archive           its communications, and that will
Content will also be regularly     from suppliers and retailers          currently covers the last 12 months,   benefit us all in the long term.”
shared on the invite-only Window   alike for a better digital product    but the team is working to extend
Furnishings Australia LinkedIn     and archive,” James Boston,           this back several more years for       To sign up to monthly newsletters
group, which already has over      Publisher of Window Furnishings       major features and profiles.           and features, go to www.wfaus.
500 members.                       Australia said.                                                     and to participate in the
                                                                         “The launch of the site won’t          LinkedIn group, search for Window
The site also acts as an archive   “Our readers have such a strong       impact on the size or the print        Furnishings Australia and ask for
for the industry, with historic    attachment to our print version,      run of WFA for now because             permission to join.
content being uploaded and a       and we know this because              demand for the printed product
modern search engine allowing      subscription requests have grown      is still really high.”       
Introducing. . .










   W FA U S .C O M . A U

N       E      W       S

In an overall market where           window furnishings sector. Age         • February 2019:
training and apprenticeships         and gender are interesting               Queensland traineeship
are often de-prioritised, the        factors in the uptake too, with          program commenced.
window furnishings industry          80% of apprentices in the blind
is reporting clear evidence of       industry over 35 and 38% female        • December 2019: Eight
positive change.                     (highest of all industries). To date     fully qualified Certificate
                                     there have been 148 apprentices          III apprentices.
The Frontline Group, which           with total training plans and
manages training for the             an 81%retention rate. NSW is           • November 2019-January
window furnishings industry on       the largest region, with 29% of          2020: Installation safety
the behalf of the BMAA, has          establishments registered in the         program.
confirmed that Certificate III is    state. And there have now been
now being delivered in NSW,          828 completions in Victoria and        • January 2020:
while the development of Cert II     Queensland.                              Development of micro-
Manufacturing is underway.                                                    credentials/skill sets
                                     Key training highlights to date          (security, installation).
Significantly, while                 include:
apprenticeships are dropping         • July 2018-April 2019:                • February 2020: Curtains
nationally across the board,           Leadership program and                 manufacturing and
uptake remains strong in the           graduation.                            installation stream.

                                    (02) 9838 1442 | |
N        E   W       S

ASX-listed blind retailer               supportive of the various            next 24 months from the
Kresta Holdings Limited                 measures undertaken by               date of the 2019 half-year
has stood down part of its              the government to prevent            financial report.
workforce as it grapples                the spread of COVID-19
with the impact of the                  through social isolation and         In that report, released in
Covid-19 pandemic.                      distancing measures.”                early April, Xianfeng Lu said
                                                                             that the ability of the Group to
The company, which has                  The decision is likely to            continue as a going concern
booked losses of $30 million            add to the group’s woes;             is principally dependent upon
over the past two years,                however the business still           the ability of the Group to
announced that it was                   continues to trade online.           secure funds by raising capital
temporarily closing all of                                                   from equity markets and
its stores from Monday 30               “The Company has been                managing cash flow in line
March 2020, for an initial              monitoring the potential
                                                                             with available funds.
period of four weeks until 27           impact of COVID-19 on its
April 2020.                             operations and has plans in
                                                                             “These conditions indicate a
                                        place to minimise the impact
                                                                             material uncertainty that may
“Unfortunately, the                     and is well placed financially
                                                                             cast significant doubt about
Company has also made                   to sustain short-term
                                                                             the ability of the Group to
the difficult decision to               disruptions to its operations.
                                                                             continue as a going concern.
stand down approximately                Given the uncertainty over
                                                                             In the event the above
130 team members from                   the situation, the Company
                                                                             matters are not achieved, the
30 March 2020. Full-time                is not in a position to
                                                                             Company will be required to
and part-time members will              determine the full impact
                                                                             raise funds for working capital
have access to their annual             that COVID-19 will have on
                                                                             from debt or equity sources.”
leave and long service                  its operations or quantify any
entitlements, in addition               financial impact,” Lu said.
to government assistance                                                     “Based on the cash flow
measures,” Xianfeng Lu                  The company has had a                forecasts, the directors are
Executive Chairman of                   small win with its parent            satisfied that the going
Kresta said in a statement.             company Van Dairy offering           concern basis of preparation
                                        a financial letter of support        is appropriate. In particular,
“The health and wellbeing of            to the Group a maximum of            given the Group’s history
customers, team members,                CNY 50 million (AUD $10.4            of raising capital to date,
their families and the                  million), to the extent that         the directors are confident
broader communities remain              money is not otherwise               of the Company’s ability to
the Company’s priority. The             available to meet such               raise additional funds as and
Company, therefore, fully               liabilities for at least the         when they are required.”

P A G E 1 6 | w f a so ur c au
                                                                                                      The refinement of a seamless fabric

                                                                                                      With its extra-wide 3.2-metre span, Infinity awning
                                                                                                      allows you to create seamless sun protection for
                                                                                                      optimal aesthetic results. Available in 15 solid
                                                                                                      colours, Infinity adds character to any terrace.

ORCHESTRA MAX                                             SPARK FR
The waterproof and easy to maintain fabric                The flame retardant awning fabric

Orchestra Max protects from the heat, from UV rays but    Made of fire-retardant, mass-dyed polyester fibers,
also from the rain. The coating of the Orchestra Max      Spark FR is the Dickson awning fabric designed for  
fabric increases its water resistance, and offers great   establishments open to the public. It is also certified in
ease of maintenance.                                      accordance with the main fire standards in the world.
                                                                                                                                            PA G E 1 7
N       E    W       S

Somfy recently partnered                high-performance facade which        and things like shadow
with the Green Building                 can have a positive contribution     management. It’s around
Council of Australia (GBCA) as          on the building.                     constant improvement in a
part of TRANSFORM Online                                                     product offer and an ability to
2020, a virtual conference              Access to natural daylight which     deliver that offer to the market.
offering a forum for thought            can be adjusted to create a
leaders to come together and            healthier indoor environment         “When you’re seeing facades
make a collective impact on             and provide occupants with both      like 200 George Street, those
the industry.                           thermal and visual comfort will      facades have got a high level
                                        lead to higher productivity and      of performance right from
Anders Hall, President of               improved well-being                  the get-go. A building like
the European Solar Shading                                                   that which has an adaptable
Organisation (ES-SO) and                Users report increased               facade, they’re going to be
International Business                  satisfaction thanks to personal      in a better position in the
Development for Somfy                   individualised control, allowing     coming years to change and
International, presented on             them to manage heat and glare        adapt to the climate.”
the importance of Somfy                 to suit their own needs
innovations in a time when                                                   To learn more about Somfy’s
buildings are focusing on               It will generate energy savings,     dynamic solar shading and
sustainability and the wellbeing        providing a significant decrease     high-performance solutions,
of occupants.                           in the need for artificial heating   visit
                                        and cooling
“We need to realise the
importance of dynamic,                  Speaking to the Green Building
automated, smart behaving,              Council of Australia, Somfy
solar shading combined with             Oceania’s Head of Marketing,
the correct type of glass,”             Alistair Grice touched on the
said Hall.                              importance of resilience and
                                        adaptability in the industry.
Hall used Somfy’s flagship
project, 200 George Street              “We take innovation from all
Sydney, as an example of how            over the world. Improvement            Anders Hall, President of
well-planned control solutions          in controls, solutions,                European Solar Shading
                                                                               Organisation.                     The EY Centre, 200 George Street.
come together to create a               technologies, protocols

P A G E 1 8 | w f a so ur c au
N        E   W       S

The BMAA is forging ahead               the WincovER Committee              right we will put our energy     forces with the WincovER
with plans for energy                   will be working closely with        and focus behind the soft        launch, which enables us
rating scheme WincovER                  them, developing tools that         launch, with the view of         to continue manufacturing
and has appointed two key               will include online training        making it as successful          products that are deemed
associates for the initiative’s         for retailers, documentation        as possible.”                    to be the most compliant
soft launch.                            and online media. We aim to                                          or provide the best star
                                        be able to monitor retailers’       “Ozroll is proud to be           rating possible. We have
“Recent months have seen                experience with WincovER,           associated with the              a very strong affiliation
the WincovER Committee                  including consumer reaction,        WincovER project through         with a National Dealer
setting up the infrastructure           as we progress with the soft-       the BMAA and pleased that        Network with whom we
to support the soft-launch              launch.”                            we have been selected as         work very closely. This
of WincovER. This includes                                                  an associate partner for         helps us to understand the
agreements with our service             The BMAA did confirm that           the soft launch along with       thought process driving
providers: including test               due to the current Covid-19         Hunter Douglas,” said Ozroll     end consumers’ decisions
laboratories, Dr Peter Lyons            emergency, further progress         CEO Chris Parkinson. “We         and provide intel as to what
who will provide technical              with the WincovER project           first came to be involved        they believe is fundamental
support and WincovER                    may slow down to fit with           with this project back in        when purchasing goods. In
simulation services, and                the business priorities of          2011 when it was known as        particular we are interested
AGWA, the Australian Glass              partners and the availability       BERS (Blind Energy Rating        to find out the importance
and Window Association                  of service providers. “In any       Scheme); we had initially        that they place on energy
who will run and maintain               case, we aim to have the            provided a sample of our         efficient products and the
the WincovER Certified                  infrastructure in place as          external roller shutter for      ability to create a return
Product Database.”                      soon as possible, so that we        testing. In 2016 we were         on their investment when
                                        are ready to roll-out when          officially recognised as a       purchasing scientifically
“We are very pleased to                 the time is right.”                 sponsor, providing financial     proven star rated
announce that two BMAA                                                      assistance to help with          products.”
members will be the                     Hunter Douglas Managing             marketing and promotion.
BMAA’s associates for the               Director Tony Politis               Now, Jack McDonald our           Parkinson added that in
WincovER soft-launch: Hunter            commented:                          National Sales & Marketing       the current COVID 19
Douglas and Ozroll. Both                                                    Manager is directly              environment Ozroll was in
companies have been long                “We are excited and                 involved with the WincovER       “a very fortunate situation
term sponsors of WincovER               delighted to see the                committee and playing an         where we have continued
and manufacture a wide                  program reach its current           important role in the roll-out   to maintain a business as
range of end products that              phase and to be part of the         of the WincovER project.         usual approach.”
include materials that can be           soft launch process. Much
WincovER rated. The success             of what will be learnt during       “Since 2002 Ozroll has been      “Not only is this a
of WincovER will be linked              the soft launch will help           committed to the testing         massive positive for
not only to having a database           the various sub committees          of our products to ensure        the industry overall, it
of WincovER rated product               fine tune the program as            that we provide accurate         possibly highlights the
but also, very importantly, in          we move forward and this            proven data,” Parkinson          importance placed on
communicating effectively               will certainly assist as we         said. “This includes Cyclone     shading products, which
with the end consumer,                  turn the dial up and extend         Testing, Sound Transmission      we expect will flourish
specifiers and other                    the program in its entirety.        loss, Radiant heat / Bushfire    even more when we can
stakeholders including                  Naturally some aspects              protection and also Energy       support the benefits of
the government. Hunter                  of the soft launch will be          Savings, previously through      our products with accurate
Douglas and Ozroll both                 impacted and delayed due            Nathers (National Housing        data, in conjunction with
have extensive dealer                   to current circumstances,           Energy Rating Scheme). So        an industry standard
networks in Australia and               however once the timing is          it made sense for us to join     rating scheme.”

P A G E 2 2 | w f a so ur c au
N      E    W       S

The organisers of R+T Asia and          However, the unforeseen            “The worldwide spread of the
home decorating expo HD+                global development of the          corona pandemic and official
Asia, have announced their              pandemic has necessitated the      orders prevent trade fair events
decision to postpone both               further postponement of the        from taking place in Brazil,”
shows to March 16-18, 2021,             trade shows.                       a statement confirmed. “The
while the South American                                                   third R+T South America will
edition of R+T has also been            “For 16 consecutive years, we      therefore take place together
put on hold                             have worked hard together to       with the parallel GLASS South
                                        grow the entire industry, and we   America from November 5 to 8,
The move to delay R+T Asia and          will put all our efforts to make   2020. National and international
HD+ Asia follows comprehensive          sure that R+T Asia 2021 and co-    exhibitors of both trade fairs have
market analysis, constructive           located HD+ Asia 2021 will be      already expressed their support
discussions with exhibitors, as         exceptional, bringing together     for this date. The important
well as recommendations from            networking opportunities, the      synergy effects of both events will
the China’s Joint Prevention and        newest products, educational       remain and a date in the business
Control Mechanism of the State          events and co-exhibitions,” said   year 2020 will enable contracts
Council, VNU Exhibitions Asia           Zhu. “This is the moment to        to be concluded and the
and Landesmesse Stuttgart,              stand together, support each       opportunity to acquire urgently
                                        other and our industry. This is    needed new customers.”
“We believe that postponing             why we are working now on
our shows until March 2021 is           new concepts, including digital    Manuela Keller, project manager
best for the health and safety of       marketing solutions, which will    for R+T trade fairs abroad,
exhibitors and visitors, as well        be announced soon.”                commented: "With the new
as for the vitality of commerce                                            dates we have now been able to
and trade,” said Jessica                “The organisers of R+T Asia        create planning security for our
Zhu, Vice President of VNU              and HD+ Asia thank their           exhibitors and visitors. It is clear
Exhibitions Asia.                       exhibitors and visitors for        that R+T Asia and R+T South
                                        their understanding, trust         America are and will remain
At the beginning of the year,           and their long-term support,       important industry meeting
in the early stages of the              and remain committed to            points in their respective
coronavirus outbreak, organisers        working together with all their    markets. The continuity of
postponed the show from                 supporters to find the best        our trade fair activities is the
February to June 2020. They             solutions for the future.”         top priority for all exhibitors,
were convinced that it was                                                 partners and for us as a trade fair
the best solution, and they             Meanwhile R+T South America        company, in order to facilitate
invested massive manpower               (Sao Paolo, Brazil) has been       global exchange and trade again
and resources toward that end.          postponed to November 2020.        as quickly as possible".

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                                                                         Rollease Acmeda has further         Derick Marsh, CEO of Rollease
                                                                         consolidated its market             Acmeda (international),
                                                                         position across Australia           commented: “Our customers
                                                                         with the recent acquisition         around the world will benefit
                                                                         of Waypoint.                        from our continued investment
                                                                                                             in top quality people and
                                                                         Headquartered in Adelaide,          products, raising the bar
                                                                         Waypoint is a leading               for customer service and
                                                                         supplier of window covering         innovation.”
                                                                         components, hardware,
                                                                         fabrics, and shutters serving       Waypoint leadership will
                                                                         customers in South Australia,       remain in place with Managing
                                                                         Western Australia, and the          Director, Tim Way, and
                                                                         Northern Territory.                 Operations Manager, Kathy
                                                                                                             Sanderson continuing to
                                                                         “This acquisition not only          manage the business. “While
                                                                         secures our distribution in all     Waypoint falls under new
                                                                         of Australia, it also opens the     ownership, our standards
                                                                         regions served by Waypoint          and our commitment to
                                                                         for distribution of our Texstyle    servicing our customers better
                                                                         fabric range.” said Rollease        than anyone else remains
                                                                         Acmeda (Australia) Managing         unchanged,” said Way.
                                                                         Director, Adam Licciardi.

Rollease Acmeda has launched            “Versa can be mounted            the lowest setting offering the
its new Automate Versa Motor,           vertically within a ceiling      quietest operation.
perfect for drapery applications,       pocket for a premium invisible
with greater power source and           aesthetic and features           “You can also still manually
installation flexibility.               convenient micro USB charging,   activate the curtain by gently
                                        when using the rechargeable      pulling on the fabric and the
“You can choose between a line          battery pack.”                   motor will complete the action
voltage for continuous power or a                                        - automatically moving the
wire- free set-up with a lithium-ion    Three speed settings are         drapes to the preferred, open or
rechargeable battery pack, to           available to either speed up     close, position, while ensuring a
suit your installation needs,” the      operation or slow it down        soft stop for an elegant refined
company said in a release.              depending on preference, with    aesthetic.”

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Luxaflex Window Fashions has          Luxaflex Window Fashions ran       largest loyalty programs. Over 13    and thoroughly tested for the
announced a partnership with          a consumer campaign entailing      million members are rewarded         harsh Australian climate with its
Qantas Frequent Flyer that            points per dollar doubled with     with Qantas Points across a range    individually crafted products are
will enable customers to earn         any purchase from the Luxaflex     of categories, including travel,     made to specific requirements
Qantas Points on all Luxaflex         Softshades collection, including   financial services, retail, health   from the very best materials. This
purchases.                            Duette Shades, Modern Roman        and wellbeing, food and wine         meticulous attention to detail
                                      Shades, Luminette Privacy          and small business services.         with every made-to-measure
For every dollar spent on             Sheers, Pirouette Shadings and                                          window covering is what makes
Luxaflex products, members will       Silhouette Shadings*.              Luxaflex Window Fashions             the Luxaflex difference.”
earn 1Qantas Point. Available                                            has been a leading brand in
across all products in the Luxaflex   “The Qantas Frequent Flyer         Australian homes since 1954. Its
range, the offer can be applied       program is one of Australia’s      patented designs are engineered      * Minimum spend applies
against blinds, awnings and

“We are extremely excited
about this new partnership
with Qantas Frequent Flyer,”
said Vera Meharg, Marketing
Communications Manager,
Luxaflex Window Fashions. “It is
an honour to align ourselves with
such an iconic and quintessential
Australian brand, and we are
proud to be able to bring
such a strong initiative to our
customers. Qantas Frequent
Flyer has partnered with a range
of premium brands, and we are
excited to join the program.”

To celebrate the launch, between
28 February and 16 April 2020,

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Shaw of Australia now has               2020 will also see Shaw continue      while the Base Plus full Cassette
distribution centres in four            the roll out their Shaw Outdoor       can be automated or manual
states after it announced the           products.                             up to 5.5m width and a 3.1m
opening of a new distribution                                                 projection.
centre in Western Australia.            The move in to the outdoor sector
                                        commenced last year when Shaw         Shaw outdoor shading
Located in Perth, the new               made the strategic acquisition        systems can be used with
centre is available for daily           of Bti Industries, a Queensland       any outdoor fabric including
dispatch and pickups of its             based company with 25 years’          the company’s Dayscreen
large range of indoor and               experience in external systems        fabric which is perfect where
outdoor fabrics and systems.            and components designed in Italy,     filtered light and excellent
                                        adapted to Australian and New         sunscreening is required.
To assist its coverage of the           Zealand conditions.
western state, a new Business                                                 Dayscreen comes in a 5%
Development Manager, Grant              Shaw Outdoor offers a range of        openness, in a range 16
Wells, has been appointed. Wells        premium quality awning systems in     colours, is Greenguard and
joins the Shaw sales team with          component or kit form, including      Oekotex accredited and is
a wealth of experience gained           folding arm, straight drop with       Flame Retardant (tested to
though years in the window              channels or wire guide and the        AS1530 Part II & III, NFPA 701
coverings industry in production,       verso pivot arm, in both automated    (USA), B1 (German)) and carries
sales and general management.           or manual control options.            a 10 year warranty.

The distribution centre and well        The Shaw Outdoor folding arm
will be supported by Shaw’s call        awning suite is available in three
centre, 8.30am – 4.30pm AEST            configurations; Australia R 90,
and AWST, Monday to Friday.             Australia R Pitch and Base Plus
                                        full cassette.
Despite the challenging times
presented by COVID-19, Shaw             The Australia R-90 and R Pitch
is operating and distributing as        come in automated or manual
normal, with consideration for the      options with a max width of seven     Grant Wells, Business
safety of its staff and customers.      metres, and a 3.6 metre projection,   Development Manager, Shaw

P A G E 2 8 | w f a so ur c au
Create more space with
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     SHAW Distribution Centres: WA | VIC | QLD | NSW       1800 225 313
N      E     W       S

Luxaflex Window Fashions                brand, sharing insights into the     product range, and Neale captures      Later in the year, he will host
has forged a new brand                  latest interior design trends and    the sophistication, class and style    a masterclass, sharing top tips
ambassador deal with celebrity          offering advice on choosing          that Luxaflex Window Fashions          on how to style a contemporary
interior design expert,                 window furnishings to suit the       encompasses. We look forward to        home using the most innovative
Neale Whitaker.                         homeowner’s style, needs             watching this partnership flourish.”   and sophisticated products
                                        and taste.                                                                  from the Luxaflex Window
Whitaker most recently graced                                                The partnership, which took effect     Fashions collection.
TV screens on Foxtel’s ‘Love            “We are delighted to have            in late February, will see Whitaker
It or List It Australia’ helping        Neale on board to represent          feature in the all-new Luxaflex        “I’ve admired and respected
homeowners decide whether to            Luxaflex Window Fashions             PowerView campaign, supporting         the Luxaflex brand for many
move or improve their current           and all the brand stands for,”       the brand’s advances in innovation     years, for the quality, style and
homes, and is a well known face         said Vera Meharg, Marketing          with its forward-thinking stance       innovation of its products.
on Nine’s ‘The Block’.                  Communications Manager,              on motorisation. This will include     It’s a brand with great integrity
                                        Luxaflex Window Fashions.            a TVC that will gift customers a       and I’m excited to now be
“Supplying a wealth of                  “Luxaflex Window Fashions            Powerview Hub, unlocking               working closely with Luxaflex
knowledge and style, Neale will         celebrates and champions style,      Smart Home Automation in               Window Fashions as an
act as the face of the premium          elegance and innovation across its   their home.                            ambassador,” he said.

Luxaflex external awnings            fabric skin to effortlessly return
including the iconic MagnaTrack      to its channel if dislodged, the
continue to draw strong demand. Evo MagnaTrack Awning has
                                     patented magnetic technology
“External awnings offer both air     that holds its fabric taut, ensuring
flow control and sun protection,     a smooth finish.”
effectively shading the windows of
your home to aid in temperature      “The magnetic force in the
management. This, in turn, reduces track system allows the fabric to
the reliance on air conditioners,    move while under wind pressure
and helps to save on energy costs. as it floats within the channel.
The Luxaflex External Window         Once the wind pressure
Fashions range is specifically       subsides, the magnetic bond             “The Luxaflex Evo MagnaTrack           the Luxaflex brand, is always
designed to withstand the harsh      of the rare earth neodymium             Awning can also assist in              undertaking research into the
UV and demanding weather of          magnets will automatically              providing substantial savings          most popular shades. We then
the Australian climate. The most     re-tension the fabric back to its       on home electricity bills.             use these insights to develop
recent addition to the portfolio     original appearance – a world-          With up to 87%1 of a home’s            and introduce new colours to the
is the Luxaflex Evo MagnaTrack       first in functionality which goes       heat gain in summer through            latest seasons of Luxaflex awning
Awning. The vertical external        far beyond what a standard              the windows, Evo Awnings               ranges.”
shade is trusted to remain stable    zipped system can do. Using             can reduce cooling energy
and resilient in Australia’s most    nothing more than the awnings           costs by up to 60% 2. When   
erratic weather conditions.”         remote control, this technology         combined with Luxaflex Spectra
                                     vastly reduces costly service           Sunscreen’s ability to eliminate       1. Based on research by the Australian

“Australian engineered and           calls, compared to standard             up to 95% 3 of heat from solar         Window Association

designed, the Evo MagnaTrack         zip systems.”                           radiation, the Evo MagnaTrack          documents/item/214

Awning is the most technologically                                           Awning can bring you long
advanced awning available on         “External blinds can aid in             term savings and help you feel         2. Based on independent modelling

the current market, with its overly  substantial savings on a home’s         comfortable all year round.”           conducted by White Box Technologies in

generous, wide application of up     cooling bills. The harsh climate,                                              conjuction with Peter Lyons & Associates.

to 6.5m and up to four metre drop. combined with large windows               “A popular trend is to colour          June 2013. Savings vary based on location,

The only straight-drop awning        in Australian homes results in          coordinate external blinds with        home type and fabric used.

system in Australia to boast a self- increased levels of heat travelling     the home. As such, Hunter              3. See

correcting feature that allows the   through our windows and doors.”         Douglas, the company behind            for details

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After three and a half                  in recent years, it would be
challenging years, Australian           understandable if the sudden
wholesaler Wilson Fabrics is            emergence of Covid 19 were
back on form with the launch of         seen as a challenge too far for
its highly anticipated new fabric       Wilson Fabrics.
range. The company also has             On the contrary however, the
a new way of doing business,            current crisis seems to have
sparked by current commercial           strengthened the arm of one of
challenges but future-proofed           Australia’s longest standing
to bring advantages to                  fabric specialists.
customers well into the long
term. WFA reports.                      The launch happening this
                                        month sees the introduction
Having successfully faced down          of seven new designs of
its own business challenges             blockout blinds encompassing


                                                                           a combination of plain and        beaches. Australia is
                                                                           textured fabrics in an on-trend   beautiful country and we want
                                                                           colour palette.                   to celebrate it.’

                                                                           “Comprising a good, better,        Wilson is also re-launching
                                                                           best story, these fabrics are     its core fabric range including
                                                                           modern, elegant and stylish,”     Mercury, Boston Tuscany,
                                                                           confirms Wilson CEO Chris         Broome, and Concord
                                                                           Sencek, who goes on to            with new colour palettes in
                                                                           explain that the seven new        September this year.
                                                                           designs will all be named
                                                                           after Australia landmarks.        Key to the launch, says
                                                                                                             Sencek, is a return to
                                                                           ‘We are proud to be               Wilson’s core values and
                                                                           manufacturing here in             original identity. “In today’s
                                                                           Australia. Our collection pays    world, and in an industry
                                                                           homage to our beautiful           currently plagued by a ‘race
                                                                           country. Our new colour           to the bottom’ via imported
                                                                           palette draws inspiration from    fabrics that compete solely
                                                                           some incredible landscapes        on price, Wilson Fabrics
                                                                           we have at our door step.         continues to feel strongly
                                                                           From the remote outback that      about the choice we’ve made
                                                                           has the unique vibrant earthy     to commit to quality since
  Longreach                                                                tones to our magnificent          the company’s inception.”

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The 94-year old business
                                                                               has always been dedicated
                                                                               to offering superior product
                                                                               quality and service, a dedication
                                                                               only made possible through
                                                                               its Australian Made heritage,
                                                                               Sencek says. “Being Australian
                                                                               Made means meeting high
                                                                               product standards and
                                                                               requirements. It also means
                                                                               that we can supply our local
                                                                               customers better and more
                                                                               quickly than our competitors.”

                                                                               And he adds that the Covid-19
                                                                               crisis has given a new appeal
                                                                               to Australian Made products,
                                                                               with customers across the
                                                                               board increasingly wanting
                                                                               to feel confident about their
                                                                               purchases. “The reputation,
                                                                               history, manufacturing process
                                                                               and quality of our products
                                                                               matter more than ever and
                                                                               give our customers the peace
                                                                               of mind they need in these
                                                                               unsettling times.”
This Mood board conveys the essence of our fresh and vibrant designs.
                                                                               For any business in an industry
                                                                               typically used to doing business
                                                                               face-to-face, launching a new
                                                                               range in the current climate
                                                                               of social distancing and
                                                                               lock-downs is undoubtedly a
                                                                               challenge, but Wilson Fabrics’
                                                                               new Marketing Manager Gaëlle
                                                                               Guesdon sees the crisis as
                                                                               an opportunity to educate
                                                                               customers to use online tools
                                                                               and ultimately broaden their
                                                                               reach to their end consumers.

                                                                               “Range presentations will be
                                                                               organised via video conferencing
                                                                               tools this year,” she confirms.
                                                                               “This will allow us to make better
                                                                               use of everyone’s time and reach
                                                                               more people while still being
                                                                               able to customise our messaging
                                                                               and be more connected than
                                                                               ever. Launching new products
                                                                               through new channels is the
                                                                               perfect opportunity to get out
                                                                               there and interact with our
                                                                               customers, while considering
                                                                               today’s new rules and remaining
                                                                               creative in our communication.”
Bottom Mood board is a reflection on our subtle textures with organic tones.

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                                                             “Our team will go through      house stock system so we’re
                                                             each new style, outline        all on the same page, at the
                                                             their specs and answer         same time.”
                                                             customers’ questions.
                                                             Each customer will             “In the short term, our
                                                             then be given access to        marketing team will be
                                                             our marketing portal.          reaching out to existing
                                                             The portal aggregates          customers to provide them
                                                             everything our customers       with their new login details
                                                             need to be able to sell        and some training to use
                                                             our products and story,        the new system. Ultimately
                                                             all in one page and in a       though, we’ve deliberately
                                                             downloadable format,           made it easy for everyone
                                                             from range presentations       to use. If you have shopped
                                                             to brochures, images,          online before, you’ll know
                                                             decal artworks and             how to use our website.”
                                                             price lists.”
                                                                                            “Our message to industry
                                                             The marketing portal is        is that Wilson Fabrics is
                                                             however just one piece         back on form, despite the
                                                             of a broader project now       current challenges created
                                                             coming into fruition; Wilson   by Covid19, with an exciting
                                                             Fabrics’ new website.          new range and exciting new
                                                             “We’re very excited about      way of doing business. For
                                                             the new site,” she says. “It   Wilson Fabrics customers,
                                                             makes everyone’s job so        keep an eye out! Our
                                                             much easier. Customers         new range presentation
                                                             will be able to have a look    invitation and new website
                                                             at our Stock on Hand and       announcement will be
                                                             place their roll and sample    coming right into your inbox
                                                             orders seamlessly online,      soon. And if you’re not a
                                                             at any time of the day,        Wilson Fabrics customer
                                                             without any assistance, and    yet, feel free to register
                                                             check back on their status     your interest for a range
                                                             whenever they want. It’s       presentation at
                                                             all integrated with our in-”

Some ground rules will
obviously still apply, she
confirms. “Sampling is at
the heart of our marketing
strategy, and customers need
to touch and feel our fabrics,
which they will have the ability
to do. However we’ll also be
relying on online tools such
as social media and a new
website more than we did in
the past, so we can deepen
our messaging and strengthen
our connection with our

Starting this month, Wilson
Fabrics will make contact with
its customers to organise new
range presentations via Zoom,
she confirms.                           Uluru

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Like most industries and                Australia reacted differently   “Being able to call on the              to us. It’s great to hear about
indeed the rest of the world,           and so did customers. There     experience of a group                   how others are handling
the window furnishings                  was no way to predict how       of business owners who                  issues as they arise.” Jay
sector has been left                    this all was going to play      share the same questions                and his wife Bronwyn, along
reeling at the sudden and               out; management decisions       or concerns made a big                  with Russell Ede, operate
unprecedented impact of                 were being made daily in        difference for us as business           Ede Shade Solutions in
the Coronavirus pandemic.               big and small businesses.       owners, and this also impacts           Townsville, Queensland.
But WFA has discovered a                As one blind industry           how we run our business, and
rich seam of resourcefulness            professional put it: ‘I have    how we lead our business,”              The Fashionline Group
in which many businesses                decision fatigue!’.”            said Luke Vandeligt, who,               created a think tank
have used the crisis as an                                              with his brother Glenn owns             conference call with
opportunity for innovation,             Within days of the outbreak     and operates Clark’s Blinds             Australia’s leading industry
improvement, collaboration              taking hold in the local        and Screens in Pakenham,                suppliers. Participants
and community.                          market, The Fashionline         Victoria.                               like Somfy Oceania’s, Key
                                        Group, comprising over                                                  Account Manager – Jodie
FASHIONLINE                             30 independent business         Jay Mansbridge commented:               Featherstone, said: “I
                                        owners, saw a unique            “There is so much ‘doom and             thought it was a really
The Fashionline Group                   opportunity to step up          gloom’ in the news, talking to          innovative idea to involve
continues to look for ways              and lead. The committee         other businesses helps us sort          suppliers in the think
to lead industry amid the               pulled members together         through all the information             tank conference call with
unprecedented and highly                for weekly conference calls     and work on what’s relevant             Fashionline. The bottom line
challenging Covid 19 business           and drew on collective
environment.                            knowledge as a strength
                                        in challenging times.
“Make no mistake, the global            Members shared their
pandemic hit our industry               challenges, successes
quickly and hard, from                  and their interpretations
panic buying one minute to              of government stimulus
restrictions on how and where           packages. They shared ways
we could trade the next,”               to cut costs, deal with staff
a group spokesperson told               and to pivot their business
WFA. “States across                     to keep trading.                  Zoom call with Fashionline during Covid 19

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is, everyone wants to work              Scorpio Screens and Blinds         Norton also confirms that the     and for the subsequent
together and get through                on Queensland’s Gold Coast.        company’s stock position is       five months. And for three
this. As suppliers we can               Scorpio is a well-established      solid, having placed larger       months the company will also
help by being flexible and              local business, celebrating its    than normal orders in advance     be waiving its small order
transparent, so our customers           40th birthday this year.           of the Chinese New Year           surcharge, usually applicable
can make smart decisions                                                   shut down, which has allowed      to orders under $100 excl
moving forward.”                        These insights and comments        the business to fulfil almost     GST. Meanwhile Goodearl
                                        reflect an important truth, and    all customer orders fully as      & Bailey is maintaining its
A look into the future was              one that Fashionline believes      they are received. Supply of      sampling program, with
provided by Bay Blinds in               in strongly: Now is the time       components and fabrics from       fabric cuttings continuing
New Zealand, where full                 for the leaders of industry        the company’s many suppliers      to be mailed to clients
lock-down was implemented               around Australia to band           continue to operate normally,     following emailed requests.
for a month in early April.             together and find a pathway        and distribution within           The company also advises its
“We had three days’ notice              through to a new future.           Australia is so far unaffected.   industry colleagues to stay
to get everything in order”.                                                                                 connected with clients via
said Gail Christie, Bay Blinds          BLINDWARE                          Blindware was acquired by         virtual online meetings, and
Director. “We can’t leave                                                  global window coverings           adds that its state-of-the-art
our homes, not even to post             “These are unprecedented           leader Hunter Douglas in          website is a highly effective
fabric swatches. Everything             times, with no ‘How-To’            2019, and while there are         sales tool to “show and
went virtual almost instantly.”         manual existing for a situation    undoubtedly challenging           share” with clients during the
Sharon Tieman of Premier                of this magnitude,” says           times ahead for the industry,     fabric selection process.
Shades said she felt it was             Blindware Managing Director        Norton says that the security
a blessing to have a New                Grant Norton. For Blindware,       of this backing gives             OZROLL
Zealand company in the                  the objective has been             Blindware confidence it can
Fashionline group. “Gail                to hold steady during the          weather this storm and come       Jack McDonald, National
and Paul have given us great            turbulence, providing stability    out the other side with a         Sales & Marketing Manager
insight into what lockdown              for its customers and staff and    viable business.                  for Ozroll, says the
really looked like for our              to trade through the crisis as                                       company has been taking
industry. At one stage, I               best as possible, he says.         GOODEARL & BAILEY                 all recommended measures
was overwhelmed, and I just                                                                                  to ensure safety for staff
wanted the indecision to                “We have been planning for         Goodearl & Bailey has             and their families. “That’s
stop. lockdown seemed like              all possible eventualities while   implemented a number of           the number one priority.
the only option. It was good            hoping for a positive and          measures to assist customers      This includes a range of
hearing the reality of what             expedited resolution to the        and business colleagues           increased sanitation in and
that looks like.”                       COVID-19 crisis. To ensure         through the current crisis,       around the premises, with
                                        operations can continue as         including waiving credit card     education provided to staff
Fashionline also runs                   seamlessly as possible for         surcharges for all accounts       on infection awareness and
private Facebook groups                 customers, while protecting        and proformas paid within         prevention techniques,” he
for members to share                    the well-being of staff and        terms, commencing April           says. New visitation rules were
information, which have                 the business, one of the first
been filled with updates and            actions we implemented by
information from state and              Blindware was a split of staff
federal governments,                    into two teams, each working
                                                                           “To ensure operations can continue as seamlessly as
and industry.                           completely separate days and
                                        hours, ensuring so contact is      possible for customers, while protecting the well-being
Dyson Wood, who sits on the             made. While Team A works           of staff and the business, one of the first actions we
Fashionline Board as Vice-              in the office and warehouse,       implemented by Blindware was a split of staff into two
Chairperson, commented:                 Team B works from home.
                                                                           teams, each working completely separate days and hours,
“We’re proud of our group               This ensures customer needs
and how its members have                can be fulfilled and operations    ensuring so contact is made. While Team A works in the
stepped up at this time. I’ve           maintained as seamlessly as        office and warehouse, Team B works from home. This
enjoyed the open discussions;           possible, even in the event        ensures customer needs can be fulfilled and operations
from tips on rotating and               that someone is infected           maintained as seamlessly as possible, even in the event
distancing staff, to changes            with COVID-19. Hygiene is
                                                                           that someone is infected with COVID-19.”
in turnover, challenges with            kept up, with the work areas
installations, and impacts of           being thoroughly cleaned
actions by the different state          throughout each shift and          Grant Norton,
governments.” He operates               between team changeovers.”         Managing Director, Blindware.

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You can also read