Page created by Aaron Ingram


  The crisis and beyond
  All of the latest news and updates to help you stay compliant, safe and well
F E AT U R E S                                                                             K E E P U P D AT E D

                                                                                           The COVID-19 situation is       The Deceased
                                                                                           changing rapidly across the UK,          Management Advisory Group is
                                                                                           and guidance to funeral directors        formed of associations across the
                                                                                           is developing in response. Below         funeral and death care professions.
                                                                                           are links to some of the best            The site has a section specifically
                                                                                           sources to help you keep up to           aimed at funeral directors, giving
                                                                                           date with the latest news,               regularly updated news and advice.
                                                                                           guidance and support.
                                                                                                                           SAIF’s homepage
                                                                                  The UK Government’s               and news section allows you to
                                                                                           website contains advice for              check for the most important
                                                                                           funeral directors and, following         information at a glance. SAIF
                                                                                           the Chancellor’s statements on           has used the site to get various
                                                                                           business schemes, can be used            messages out to Independents,
                                                                                           to find support you may be               from messages for funeral
                                                                                           eligible for.                            directors in specific areas of
                                                                                                                                    the country, to providing a
                                                                                  The Scottish                    questionnaire on PPE to help
20                                                                                         Government has released
                                                                                           COVID-19 guidance for
                                                                                                                                    press for action on shortages.

LESSONS LEARNED, CONNECTIONS MADE                                                          funeral services.                        SAIF Support SAIF provides
                                                                                                                                    counselling for you and your
As we coast out of the crisis we relfect on what                                  Information          staff at this difficult time on
the Local Resilience groups did for their communities                                      available includes a daily update        0800 077 8578 or saifsupport@
                                                                                           from the Executive.            

                                                                                        C O N TA C T S
                                                                                        PUBLISHERS                                  EDITORIAL
                                                                                        SAIF                                        Claire Day, co-editor
                                                                                        SAIF Business Centre              
26                            28                           34                           3 Bullfields, Sawbridgeworth                Michael Fern, co-editor
                                                                                        Hertfordshire CM21 9DB                      michael.fern@
FPA UPDATE                    DATA & INSIGHT               DR BILL                      Telephone: 0345 230 6777          
Advice from                   The impact of                The way we
the FPA’s Chief               COVID-19 on                  ‘do’ funerals has            National President:
Executive Graeme              funerals and                 changed, says                Mark Porteous
                                                                                                                                    Produced by:
McAusland                     funeral planning             our columnist                                                            Connect Publications
                                                                                        Chief Executive:
                                                                                                                                    (Scotland) Ltd
                                                                                        Terry Tennens
                                                                                                                                    Managing Editors:
                                                                                                                                    David Cameron
                                                                                        Scottish President:
REGULARS                                                                                James Carcary
                                                                                                                                    Pauline Burnett
8                                          38                                           GOLDEN CHARTER                              pauline.b@connect
REPORTER                                   KEY CONTACTS FOR SAIF,                       Head Office
                                                                                                                                    Design: Mick Reilly
                                           SAIF SCOTLAND AND                            Canniesburn Gate
                                                                                        Bearsden G61 1BF
18                                         GOLDEN CHARTER                               Telephone: 0141 942 5855                    ADVERTISING
POLITICS                                                                                                                            Advertising sales:
                                           40                                           Chief Executive Officer:
                                                                                        Suzanne Grahame
                                                                                                                                    Jane Deane
34                                         MEMBERSHIP UPDATES                           suzanne.grahame@                  
SAIF CHARTER UPDATE                        AND DIRECTORY                                               Telephone: 0131 561 0020

          To include news and pictures in future issues of SAIFInsight, please contact Claire Day at SAIF or Michael Fern at Golden Charter, contact details above

    The publisher encourages readers to support the advertisers in SAIFInsight but cannot be held responsible for any claims made or implied in
    the advertisements. The publishers reserve the right to refuse advertising.
    Any opinions expressed in SAIFInsight by contributing writers and advertisers are not necessarily those of the publishers. While every
    reasonable effort is made to ensure the accuracy of information contributed to SAIFInsight, no legal responsibility will be accepted by the
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    No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means without prior consent.
    Articles and pictures for inclusion are welcomed but the publishers cannot accept responsibility for their loss or damage, however caused.


                                                                                                                                                                                                      REMEMBERING GWILYM
                                                                                                                                           The IFD College, training and                        Tributes have poured in for Gwilym Price,
                                                                                                                                           developments in C-19                                        a founding member of SAIF
                                                                                                                                           “Owners and directors who prioritise
                                                                                                                                           training during uncertain times will reap      How sad to hear of one of our own      Sad news indeed,
                                                                                                                                           the rewards,” says the Harvard Business        passing. What great memories           Gwilym and
                                                        TERRY TENNENS                                                                      Review’s 2010 assessment of business
                                                                                                                                           performance over three recessions. The
                                                                                                                                                                                          we all have of Gwilym – his long
                                                                                                                                                                                          journey by bus, train and taxi
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Phyllis had
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 been friends
                                                         SAIF CHIEF EXECUTIVE
                                                                                                                                           report highlighted that the firms most         to get to our meetings at Clive’s      of my parents
                                                                                                                                           likely to emerge strongly from economic        chapel of rest, or the famous cellar   for as many            Gwilym
                                                                                                                                           downturns were those that struck the           at the Greek restaurant, he used       years as I can            Price
                                                                                                                                           right balance between judicious cost-          to stay with his sister in north       remember. I

                                                                                                                                           cutting in the short term and investment       London you know...                     vividly recall Gwilym
                                                                                                                                           for the long term.                                 His sense of fun and his total     conducting the SAIF ‘choir’ at my
                                                                                                                                              I suggest that one such long-term           belief in what we stood for. He        first banquet in Cardiff, proudly
                                                                                                                                           investment should be in training and           believed in total loyalty to each      wearing his top hat. He was ever-
                                                                                                                                           development. The business advantages           other. He was The King of Wales,       present when we held the Wales

                                                                                                                                           seem obvious, especially when skills           spreading the SAIF word and            Independent Days in Aberavon.
                                                                                                                                           shortages are consistently near the top        representing his nation. He was so     Chris has taken my words on
                                                                                                                                           of the list of UK employers’ concerns.         proud when we had our first AGM        his ‘600 miles round trip’ at
                                                                                                                                           A 2018 survey by LinkedIn found that           there, leading us all in song, the     every Executive meeting.
                                                                                                                                           94 per cent of employees would stay at         second time he and his daughter        Rest In peace Gwilym.
                                                                                                                                           a company longer if it invested in their       re-wrote the words to Bread of         Alun Tucker
                                                                                                                                           careers, for instance.                         Heaven to reflect Charlie’s life...
                                                                                                                                              Firms which enable their workers to         Westy swapping his red wine with       How very sad, especially at this
           On behalf of our members, SAIF has written to Government and the CMA to set out                                                 enrich their skills during this crisis stand   blackcurrant juice, his American       difficult time. Gwilym was a superb
                             our concerns of damages to the funeral sector                                                                 to benefit significantly once it ends.         guests never knew the difference.      ambassador for SAIF particularly
                                                                                                                                           Yet only 15% of the British workforce          Gary Neill                             in the early days of SAIF, a great

                                                                                                                                           participated in work-based learning in the                                            character and a lovely man.
                 ou are no doubt aware that                                                    five to ten years. Therefore, we should     last three months of 2019. Why? Because        So very sad to hear this. Gwilym           There are so many funny
                 the Competition & Markets                                                     see volumes diminished in this period       too many leaders don’t see the point.          was an outstanding member of           stories we will always treasure,
                 Authority (CMA) investigation      WE STRONGLY                                post COVID-19.                                 The IFD College is trialling online,        the SAIF family. We all learned        especially his regular comment
                 had been paused due to
    the coronavirus pandemic and the              RECOMMENDED                                     We do not know what the long-
                                                                                               term impact of customer choices over
                                                                                                                                           virtual training during the COVID-19
                                                                                                                                           environment for firms, and the early
                                                                                                                                                                                          much from Gwilym including all
                                                                                                                                                                                          the words to Bread of Heaven and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 under A.O.B. I don’t know if I will
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 be able continue on the Executive
    investigation extended to March 2021;         THAT THE CMA                                 funerals will be. Will customers choose     indications are that this is working well.     exactly how many miles it is from      Committee as it’s a 595-mile
    this six-month extension being the
    maximum allowed by legislation.               REVISIT ITS                                  the simple funeral, or direct cremation,
                                                                                               as their preference going forward? Will
                                                                                                                                              SAIF’s Technology Group has been
                                                                                                                                           exploring the development of digital
                                                                                                                                                                                          Lampeter to Sawbridgeworth.
                                                                                                                                                                                          Rest in peace Gwilym.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 round trip, see you all at the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 next meeting!
        However, in late May 2020, SAIF           INVESTIGATIONS                               limousines be required in the same          technology for business operations, and        Chris Parker                           Jeremy West
    re c e i ve d a re q u e st by t h e C M A                                                 measure in future?                          we have a number of able and effective
    Investigations Team for a conference                                                          On behalf of our members, SAIF           Associate members who can advise on            Another sad loss to the SAIF           Sad news as you say. Gwilym
    call, which Joseph Murren (SAIF               Terry Tennens                                has written to the Minister for BEIS        these matters for your consideration.          family, and of course his own. He      was so loyal to SAIF.
    Scotland) and I attended. During the                                                       (Business, Enterprise and Industrial           SAIF are looking to develop new             was such a great character and a       With much respect.
    meeting we were alarmed to hear that          £500. This is largely the result of          Strategy), as well as the CMA, setting      training in finance for non-financial          very proud founder member. He          Chas Nethercott
    not only was the CMA investigation            limousine usage being banned and the         out our deepest concerns that any           managers, for emerging leaders and the         was so pleased that we held one
    restarting during the latter peak of          choice of coffin, additional services and    draconian regulatory regime, such as        next generation who have entered the           executive meeting at the London        Gwilym was such a committed
    the pandemic, but that responses to           the funeral event all being curtailed.       price capping and profitability limits      family business. We are going to look at       Welsh Centre near Kings Cross.         member of SAIF and a great
    working papers were sought by June 12             Coupled with the loss of income, there   will damage the funeral sector. We          effective skills in managing teams as well.    Sometimes I found it difficult         friend to all. The likes of Gwilym
    and June 19.                                  has been extra expenditure incurred by       also highlighted that the regulatory           We in the SAIF Business Centre are          to follow exactly what he was          and Paul are impossible to
        SAIF’s CMA Taskgroup delivered            funeral directors throughout the crisis.     regime fails to understand the nature of    rightly proud in the way the funeral           saying, but as he always spoke         replace, true gentleman and loyal
    these responses, including a brief to         We have seen increased supplies of           independent funeral directors, who are      sector stood the test and pressures of         in such a forceful and eloquent        to the cause.
    the CMA about how COVID-19 had                personal protection equipment, often         embedded in their local communities,        the pandemic.                                  manner, he earned great respect.           Another sad day for SAIF.
    structurally impacted the funeral market      at inflated prices, plus staff costs for     and their ability to offer best service        Thank you for your marvellous               Clive Leverton                         John Harris
    in a significant manner. We strongly          out of hours overtime, new equipment         alongside best value, due to fair fees to   creativity and care during the restrictions
    recommended the CMA should revisit            and temporary mortuary spaces to             their clients.                              and seeking to bring something
    its investigations to measure the impact      manage the influx of deceased in our            The Funeral Services Consumer            memorable to your families in these
    of COVID-19 in 2020, and that it should       funeral homes.                               Standards Review (FSCSR) Group is           extreme times.                                                       Thank you
    acquaint itself with the impact of                SAIF has compiled data, using            meeting on July 30, with Paul Allcock                                                                            The DMAG (Deceased Management Advisory
    restricted funeral services – from simple     evidence taken from a broad selection        (SAIF Government Liaison) and myself           Best wishes,                                                      Group) has produced a lessons learned document
    funerals to direct cremations during the      of member firms, to reveal the extra         in attendance. We will be discussing a                                                                           and other resources available at www.dmag2020.
    pandemic – and acknowledge that these         expenditure and the limited customer         unified Code of Practice and continuing                                                                          org. Of note has been the faithful work of Miriam
    restrictions continue. For instance, due to   choice because of restrictions. This will    effective voluntary regulation to 75-80%                                                                         Deacon, chief executive of The Cremation Society
    the social distancing measures, there are     illustrate to the CMA that the business      of the funeral homes.                                                                                            who has sent to DMAG colleagues, including SAIF,
    limited mourners permitted at funeral         model for funeral homes has been                We await the CMA’s provisional                                                                                daily ONS (Office for National Statistics) figures
    services across the UK.                       drastically impacted by COVID-19.            recommendations for regulating the                                                                               for the death rate for COVID-19. This has been
        While the volume of deaths sadly              Historically, the consequences of        funeral services market which is due in                                                                          invaluable in plotting the regions of prevalence
    increased due to COVID-19, the revenue        previous pandemics resulted in the death     early August. We will keep you informed                                                                          across the UK. Thank you Miriam!
    on each funeral is down by approximately      rate being impacted over the following       through the SAIF bulletin email.                        

4                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      5

                                                   SUZANNE GRAHAME
                                            GOLDEN CHARTER, CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER

          Changing for families
                                 By marrying an agile culture to customer insight,
                                  we can keep evolving to meet families’ needs

          ven in a summer as difficult as                                                      made that clear. It said: “[The rules
          this I’ve been heartened to find                                                     give] consumers important rights when
          reasons for some measure of              I’VE BEEN                                   making funeral arrangements [and enable]
          positivity, and at the top of the
list has to be the funeral profession’s
                                                HEARTENED TO                                   consumers to compare prices and buy only
                                                                                               the goods and services they want.” Its
ability to change and serve families under      FIND REASONS FOR                               wording, and its focus on transparency for
any conditions.
   As Golden Charter works to plan its
                                                SOME MEASURE OF                                the customer, echo the UK’s statements.
                                                                                                  The reasons for change within the funeral
strategy and aims, we try to balance a          POSITIVITY                                     profession are clear, and Independents can
granular look at the future with the ability    Suzanne Grahame                                welcome the fact that families are at their
to adapt to change. In the last issue I                                                        heart – it plays to your strengths as experts
described the impact COVID-19 has had           particularly SAIF members should be            in meeting families’ needs when you deal
on the way we view families and their           very, very proud of what they’ve achieved      with them day after day.
use of digital options; when planning the       during this period.
future direction of a business like Golden         “Within our membership, we have             Data
Charter, somewhat paradoxically, we have        a huge amount of experience,                   Ideal business planning marries culture
to be aware of the potential for those kinds    innovators, and people skills that [can        to data and insight. As we look to serve
of rapid changes to impact on our plans.        be] called upon.”                              families’ future needs I believe we are
   Business planning informs every                 Those skills and that innovation come       succeeding in taking both seriously.
decision a company makes, so it’s vital         from your culture, and led to real success        In this SAIFInsight you will be
we set out goals and objectives while still     when the pandemic hit.                         introduced to Howard Barber, Golden
being flexible enough to take even major           And I think we all proved ourselves         Charter’s Director of Data Analytics &
developments in our stride.                     agile when it counts even in advance of        Insight (see page 28). His growing team
                                                the pandemic, and hit that successful 30%      helps us maintain evidence-based decision
Culture                                         that McKinsey refers to, when together         making, and we want those insights to
That’s where a company’s culture comes          we grew to become the       benefit independent funeral directors too.
into business planning, and our ability to      UK’s leading find-a-funeral website, an           In this issue he will share some recent
evolve is a good sign that Independents         evolving area of the funeral profession that   findings that have helped us pick our way
and Golden Charter are building a               wasn’t short on challengers.                   through the difficulties of COVID-19; going
successful culture.                                An agile culture is about quickly           forward we want to continue keeping you
    Think tank the McKinsey Global              establishing what families need, then being    informed on all the latest research that
Institute has a lot to say on why culture       in a position to provide it. As Mark says,     impacts your profession, as well as hearing
is important. It says a healthy culture is      that’s what Independents have done.            from you about insights you are finding or
one that adapts automatically to changing                                                      would like to see.
conditions to find new ways to succeed: that    Customer                                          Once more, serving families is the
is what it calls “the ultimate competitive      Regulation provides an important example       end goal of all of this work. By bringing
advantage”. Change is hard, and culture is      of that customer-first attitude. The goal      together an agile culture, a deep
fundamental to getting it right – or wrong.     of regulators, from the Competition            understanding of data, and the family-
McKinsey quotes research showing that           & Markets Authority to the Funeral             focused expertise of Independents across
70% of company transformations fail, and        Planning Authority (FPA), is to protect        the UK, we aim to react in the way
that 70% of those failures relate to culture.   the customer. We are currently adapting        that best serves you and your families,
    In the latest Partnership Podcast, SAIF     to the FPA’s rules and code of practice,       whatever the future brings.
President Mark Porteous singles out the         and as its CEO tells us this month (see
strengths of your culture as a profession:      page 26), families are at the heart of the
“The Government and the CMA should              changes it introduced.
look at how we’ve coped [with COVID-19].           A recent release from America’s Federal
And everybody in the profession and             Trade Commission (FTC) similarly       


    Reporter                                                  COVID-19 WORLD FIGURES + WATER CREMATION
                                                              BREAKTHROUGH + A TEAM FOR THE FUTURE +
                                                              SAIF TAKES ON LOCAL AUTHORITY                                                            Country              Total cases   Total deaths   Deaths
                                                                                                                                                                                                         per million

                                                                                                                                                       1     USA            3,961,805     145,864        434

                                                                                                                                                       2     Brazil         2,121,645     80,251         377

                                                                                                                                                       3     India          1,156,189     28,099         20

                                                                                                                                                       4     Russia         783,328       12,580         86

                                                                                                            WORLD FIGURES                              5     South Africa   373,628       5,173          87

                                                                                                                                                       6     Peru           357,681       13,384         406
                                                                                                            While countries around the world are
                                                                                                            experiencing surges in cases, and will
                                                                                                            likely overtake the UK, the country is     7     Mexico         349,396       39,485         306
                                                                                                            grimly holding on to its lead in deaths
                                                                                                            per million of the population.
                                                                                                               For a full timeline of the crisis and   8     Chile          333,029       8,633          451

     A great
                                                                                                            what steps were taken in the UK, go to
                                                                                                                             9     Spain          311,916       28,422         608

                                                                                                                                                       10    UK             295,372       45,312         667

     send-off for
                                                                                                            These figures were correct as
                                                                                                            SAIFInsight went to press.

     Dame Vera
    SAIF Past President Paul Bowley tells of his pride at delivering the funeral of a great British icon

                    hen Dame Vera Lynn          wonderful people and made my job
                    died at the age of 103      seem effortless, although now looking
                    on June 18, the nation      back I realise just how much time and
                    mourned the passing         effort went into making sure all went
    of a great British icon. The forces’        well on the day.”
    sweetheart, loved by so many, needed            Paul worked alongside members
    a funeral to match the outpouring of        of the military to make a day befitting
    affection and that responsibility fell to   the occasion. “The military were great
    SAIF Past President Paul Bowley.            to work with,” he says. “And, of course,
       “It was a honour and privilege to        they did everything to perfection just
    look after, arrange and conduct Dame        like we as funeral directors have done
    Vera Lynn’s funeral. Dame Vera was          for many years.
    a special lady, she was the forces’             “My 42 years of experience in
    sweetheart who helped the country           the funeral profession helped me
    through World War Two,” says Paul.          immensely and, as I looked after the
       Dame Vera’s cortege was                  family, my experienced staff and my
    accompanied by the Battle of Britain        partner Davina looked after me.
    flypast as it travelled through Ditchling   Never try to do something like this
    in East Sussex at midday, and               on your own!”
    hundreds of people had gathered to
    await the arrival of the cortege on its     
    20-minute drive to the crematorium.         There are official books of
       “Due to COVID-19 the family could        condolence in Paul’s offices at
    not use the local church so they            Bowley Funeral Service, P&S
    ended up having a private service           Gallagher and Bowley & Gallagher.
    at Woodvale crematorium, Brighton.          If you would like to be added,
    Dame Vera’s daughter Virginia and           email your message to funerals@
    son-in-law Tom were absolutely    

8                                                                                                                                                                                                                      9

                          A team built
                         for the future
               Mark Moran introduces an expanded role for Golden Charter’s remote representatives

                s the expectations of families   restrictions on movement and social    friendly, time efficient, flexible group.
                continue to shift along          distancing only further proved their       “We will keep providing
                with digital and regulatory      value, making this the ideal time to   Independents with the most
                realities, many funeral          expand the team.                       comprehensive support package,
      directors will recently have heard from       “The remote team approach           beyond simply helping with your pre-
      Golden Charter about changes to their      has many advantages. The recent        paid plan enquiries. This expanded
      business managers.                         reduction in time spent travelling     team will continue to work alongside
          Among those changes, centralised       between appointments that              our team of field-based managers
      support from a dedicated office-based      COVID-19 has enforced will                across the UK so we can provide the
      team has moved to the fore for some        continue to be a positive                   right approach to everyone. This
      funeral directors. Mark Moran, Golden      for our office-based team                    reflects our changing reality, as we
      Charter’s Director of Sales, explained     going forward, and they                       bolster our existing structure with
      their role to SAIFInsight.                 can put that time into                         this additional support to further
          He said: “In recent months we have     actively supporting you                        help funeral directors looking to
      all seen how effective remote support      as well as being more                         engage more online and over the
      through video calls and telephone          available to you.                            telephone.
      contact can be, and that has meant our        “Growing the team                              “The key is that we can be
      Centralised Business Team has been in      means each individual                               more flexible, and react in
      the spotlight.                             will support a select                                    the ways that best suit
          “That centralised approach has been    number of funeral                                             you.”
      in place for a small number of funeral     directors, affording                                               Members
      directors since late 2018 and we were      them more time to                                               of the new
      delighted with the results – having a      provide assistance                                              Centralised
      single point of contact available over     to you. Beyond                                                  Business Team
      the phone has seen many funeral            COVID-19,                                                       can be found on
      directors becoming more engaged            these business                                                  the new-look
      with our work, valuing the flexibility     managers are an                                                  contacts page
      this approach provides. Ongoing            environmentally                        Mark Moran                (see page 38).

      Apologies to Silletts Funeral Services in Manchester
      as we mistakenly printed the wrong images and
      captions accompanying their story.
         This is how the family team actually look… brothers
      Paul and Pete and their sons Matthew, Adam and Joe.
      We would also like to congratulate Joe on the birth                                        Matthew, Adam and
                                                                  Paul and Pete                                    Joe
      of his baby daughter!

10                                                                                                                                   11

     New format for faith week
     Event in November will have a strong online focus                     funeral services, with          where you will find the Inter   Breakthrough
                                                                                                                                           for water
     this year as a result of COVID-19 restrictions                        reflections about               Faith Week Toolkit, activity

                                                                           the multi faith and             ideas and publicity and
               his year’s Inter       directors this year. It’s also       BAME dimension of               branding pages.
               Faith Week will        an opportunity for funeral           that – perhaps with             

               have a strong          directors to strengthen their        contributions from local        If you do arrange activities
               virtual component      links with local groups, or for      people of different faiths      to support the week, send
     in light of the COVID-19         training or refresher training       and beliefs                     your information to: www.
     restrictions. The event, led     about how different faiths        ■ An online resource     
     by the Inter Faith Network for   and beliefs may impact               about different faiths          submit so the organisers
     the UK and supported by the      their needs.                         and beliefs – perhaps in        can add their activity to an
     Government, will take place          The week will feature the        association with their          interactive map of events
     from 8-15 November.              following online events:             local inter faith group (you    happening across the
         As COVID-19 has had a        ■ A video about how they             can find groups listed at       country.
     disproportionate impact on           serve local communities                                          The Netherlands to
     BAME communities, where              in our religiously diverse       involved/groups)                                                consider resomation
     there is a strong overlap            society                          Interested funeral                                              as an end of life option                            llows
                                                                                                                                                                                      This fo May
     with a number of faith           ■ An online discussion            directors can find more                                                                                             rt in
                                                                                                                                                                                     a repo              ht

     communities, it may have             about COVID-19 and            information about the week
                                                                                                                                                                                        ing a  g reen lig
                                                                                                                                                                                 detail             W  ater
     particular benefit to funeral        provision of appropriate      at,                                                   he Health Council of the              rkshire
                                                                                                                                                     Netherlands has just         from Yo omation
                                                                                                                                                                                      for res       K
                                                                                                                                                     published an advisory                in the U
                                                                                                                                                     report to its Government
                                                                                                                                           proposing that alkaline hydrolysis
                                                                                                                                           is acceptable to be introduced,

       CALL FOR PARTICIPANTS FOR                                                                                                           meaning water cremation could
                                                                                                                                           very soon be offered as an end of

       MAJOR FUNERALS SURVEY                                                                                                                                                     THE ASSESSMENT FRAMEWORK
                                                                                                                                           life option in the country.
                                                                                                                                               According to the committee,
                                                                                                                                           which reports on public health
                                                                                                                                           research, alkaline hydrolysis         SAFETY                                    Guaranteed integrity
       In 2019, Full Circle Funerals               views and practice regarding care                                                       met the conditions within the         Guaranteed technical safety               of bodies and their remains
       completed the first phase of a major        for people who have died.                                                               assessment framework for              The techniques used must be sound         Steps must be taken to prevent
       research project supported by the              “The aim is to understand practice                                                   assessing new techniques of           and must pose no risk to operators        the misappropriation – or other
       University of York and funeral              and experiences before the 2020                                                         disposing of the dead – safety,       or to others in the immediate vicinity.   improper use – of the deceased
       industry representatives (including         coronavirus pandemic,” says Sarah.                                                      dignity and sustainability. Its                                                 individual’s body and bodily
       Terry Tennens from SAIF, Fran Hall          “The belief is that understanding                                                       report reads: “In principle, this     No emission of high-risk agents           remains.
       from The Good Funeral Guide and             what bereaved people want means                                                         new technique for the disposal of     The decomposition process must
       Julie Dunk from the ICCM).                  the sector can all collectively                                                         the dead compares favourably to       not involve the release of any            SUSTAINABILITY
         This study identified five ‘funeral       continue to improve the quality of                                                      burial and cremation with respect     agents in concentrations that             Reduced use of finite resources
       factors’ which bereaved people              funeral care services. One of the best                                                  to sustainability. However, the       are harmful to people and the             The procedure’s technical
       consistently reported were important        ways to gain this insight is by making                                                  technical specifications would        environment.                              features and implementation
       to them when arranging or attending         sure that there is more and more                                                        have to be further assessed before                                              must consume smaller amounts
       a funeral. The report is available for      robust research into funeral care.                                                      this technique could potentially be   DIGNITY                                   of finite resources than would
       everyone to read and the findings           Then we need to make sure that                                                          authorised.”                          Guaranteed decomposition                  be the case with burial and
       have been presented at professional         good evidence is used to inform                                                             Human composting, however,        of the body                               cremation.
       conferences (such as the ICCM, NAFD         standards, regulation and training.                                                     was not given the green light: “The   The decomposition of the body
       and Humanists UK conferences).                 “We would be grateful if funeral                                                     committee concludes that the          must be effective, leaving no more        Fewer harmful emissions
           “During the research, some people       directors would complete our short                                                      available information on human        than the skeleton.                        The technical implementation of
       shared their opinions about how             online questionnaire and are looking                                                    composting is, as yet, insufficient                                             this procedure must emit lower
       people are physically looked after once     for members of the public who might                                                     to facilitate an assessment based     No unintentional mixing                   levels of harmful substances than
       the funeral director has been called,”      be interested in volunteering to share                                                  on the conditions specified within    of bodies and their remains               burial and cremation.
       says Sarah Jones who is conducting          their experience and views with us                                                      the assessment framework.”            ■ When disposing of the dead, it
       the research. “This has raised              – this will involve a short interview                                                                                            must be possible to link bodies        Reduced use of available space
       additional important questions. For the     over the telephone, or by videocall.”                                                                                            and their remains to a specific        The procedure for disposing
       next phase of the research project, the                                                                                                                                      individual.                            of the dead should take up less
       survey team is exploring this further.”
           In this second phase of the Funeral       The survey link            More information about      A short video asking
                                                                                                                                             WATER                               ■ The decomposition process
                                                                                                                                                                                    must be shielded from public
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           space than burial.

       Experts by Experience project,                can be found at:           the study (and the          for volunteers to take         CREMATION                                perception
       volunteers are asked to share their
       experiences and recommendations
                                                                                report) can be found at:
                                                                                                            part can be found at:
                                                                                                                                           COULD BE                              ■ The decomposition of the
                                                                                                                                                                                    body must not generate
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           To read the full report, go to
       about how funeral directors                                                 watch?v=YaT                    INTRODUCED                               any unpleasant odours,        To find out more
       physically care for people who have
       died. In addition, the team is also
                                                                                                                                           SOON IN THE                              nor should it be visible
                                                                                                                                                                                    to anyone in the vicinity.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           information about water cremation
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           in the UK, go to
       asking funeral directors to share their                                                                                             COUNTRY

12                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              13

                      SAIF counters                                                                                                                                                     OBITU

                      local authority                      WORDS: MARK BINNERSLEY
                                                                                                                                                                               A SAD
                                                                                                                       Chanterlands                             It is with great sadness that   much respected figure
                                                                                                                       Crematorium                              SAIFInsight announces           in the community, which
                                                                                                                                                                the death of Grantown on        was borne out on the day
                                                                                                                                                                Spey Funeral Director John      of his funeral. The High
                                                                                                                                                                ‘Johnny’ Ross who passed        Street was lined by
                                                                                                                                                                away on June 11 at his home     hundreds of people who
                                                                                                                                                                in the Scottish Highlands,      came out to pay their
                                                                                                                                                                surrounded by his family.       respects as the cortege
                                                                                                                                                                    For more than five          passed by on route to the
                                                                                                                                                                decades he ran the family       local cemetery where
                                                                                                                                                                business of John Ross           Johnny was laid to rest.
                                                                                                                                                                Funeral Directors which            Johnny is survived
                                                                                                                                                                was founded by his great        by his long-term partner
                                                                                                                                                                grandfather in 1889,            Elaine, daughter Nikki and
                                                                                                                                                                serving the communities of      son Calum. The family
                                                                                                                                           John Ross “Johnny”   Badenoch and Strathspey.        business will continue to
                                                                                                                                           1948-2020                Johnny was an               operate under the guidance
                                                                                                                                                                immensely popular and           of Nikki.

     Becky Horton, of Hortons                       During the height of the coronavirus    established the new services as
     Funeral Directors in Hull,                  peak in April and May, Hull City Council   part of a local response to the
     continues to battle for a level             launched an attended service costing       coronavirus pandemic.
     playing field in the city                   £800 and an unattended service at a cost      Unsatisfied, SAIF is now making

                                                 of £700 at its Chanterlands Crematorium.   contact with members in the Hull area
            ollowing concerns raised by             Titled Affordable Cremations,                 as we have good reason to believe
            independent funeral directors        the aforementioned packages                           that low-cost and DWP funeral
            in the Hull area about a series of   prompted particular concern                             provision is already being
            new attended and unattended          due to the fact that they both                           met by SAIF members
     council cremation services, SAIF            included the provision of a                               and other firms in the
     National Office has written to the local    coffin, transport from the                                private sector.
     authority to voice opposition towards       mortuary and doctors’ fees,                                  Indeed, credit must go
     any activity that might be considered       along with other elements.                                here to Becky Horton who,
     anti-competitive.                              Hull Council’s standard                               as SAIF’s local representative
                                                 adult cremation fee is £799,                           with the Local Resilience
                                                 which means all aspects of                          Forum, has worked extremely
                                                 the above services beyond the                   hard liaising with Hull area funeral
                                                 cremation itself equated to a mere £1.     directors on this matter.
                                                 Additionally, the discounted service was      Our next steps, with Becky’s support,
                                                 only being offered for early morning       are to compile local market price data
                                                 slots, but this was not made clear         and present this to Hull City Council,
                                                 in associated marketing literature,        preferably in a meeting with relevant
                                                 potentially luring bereaved families       representatives of the council, with a
                                                 into opting for a time they perhaps        view to ensuring that families have
                                                 wouldn’t want.                             a choice of provider and that funeral
                                                    Upon questioning by SAIF, the council   directors in Hull are operating on a level
                                                 argued, in a written reply from its        playing field.
                                                 chief executive Matt Jukes, that it had       SAIF has stressed that it is keen to
                                                                                            work with the council to ensure local
                                                                                            bereaved people who might struggle
                                                                                            with the costs of a funeral are able to
                                                                                            arrange a dignified send-off within
                            How SAIFInsight                                                 their means, particularly at this time
                                reported the                                                of economic hardship brought about
                               story in May                                                 by the COVID-19 pandemic.

14                                                                                                                                                                                                                           15

                      WHAT DOES YOUR
                    BRAND SAY ABOUT YOU?

                      hat does your brand say             “We wanted a cleaner, memorable,           love of Manchester United played a factor
                      a b o u t yo u ? A n d w h a t   more modern look, with a nod to the           too! They also they wanted the ‘T’ of the
                      should it say about you?         past. And a brand that instils trust in the   logo to stand out.
                      These are two questions          service we pride ourselves on offering.”          “A f t e r h o u r s o f d e s i g n i n g a n d
                      that are often answered             While the brand has seen some small        deliberation, we found a logo that all of the
                      the same way but, from a         amendments over the years, this was to        family loved,” says Carl. “We also wanted
                      marketing perspective, they      be the company’s first complete rebrand       a short, catchy byline and felt the use of
                      are two questions that are       with a new-look website.                      alliteration worked well in summing up our
     not asked frequently enough.                         When Richard and Yvette developed          business values – Creative, Collaborative,
        I n a n eve r- c h a n g i n g wo r l d ,      Trident Marketing’s logo 30 years ago,        Comprehensive. We are delighted to unveil
     particularly with 2020 bringing huge              they chose red, not only because it was       our new brand in this publication.
     business and lifestyle challenges, there          their favourite colour, but it represented        “It is very easy to get stuck in the
     are many articles demanding that                  a strong and vibrant company – and their      mindset that a brand has worked for a
     businesses change their practices to                                                            number of years, so why change it? While
     progress into a more digital era. Although                                                      this has some merit, it is important to look
     this is of fundamental importance,                  CASE STUDY                                  at it from the perspective of a new customer
     Trident Marketing recognises that it                                                            and how a brand could be updated to be
     is possible to evolve rather than                   Trident have been proud associate           more appealing without changing the
     drastically change.                                 members of SAIF for four years              fundamental values of the business.”
        Trident Marketing is a family-run                and have been honoured to                       There is no getting away from the
     business celebrating its 30th year.                 recently work with funeral                  fact that the way consumers buy has
     Originally started by Richard Pearce                directors such as Ross Hickton              dramatically changed over a short period
     and his wife Yvette, the business now               of TEW Hickton to develop his               of time.
     employs 15 staff and has just moved into            new brand and website.                          “The age of the smartphone and
     a beautiful purpose-built office on the                                                         internet has certainly taken over,” says
     family land in Suffolk. After working in            “I contracted Carl and the team             Carl. “Now more web directories guide
     the family business for 10 years, Richard           to initially put together a new             consumers to their desired locations,
     and Yvette’s daughter Victoria became               branding and website package                and large co-operatives spend huge
     Managing Director in 2014. Her husband              for the business. I was more than           amounts of money on marketing and
     Carl became Sales Director in March                 impressed with the ideas and                web presence. For the Independent, a
     after serving 17 years with the Royal Air           proposals put together – very               user-friendly and appealing website and
     Force Regiment.                                     modern and slick designs but still in       digital presence has never been more
        To celebrate Trident Marketing’s 30th            keeping with our company image.             important. According to the Office of
     year in business, the couple have taken a           The feedback we have had from               National Statistics, 91% of adults in the
     step back to look at their own brand, and           staff and the general public has            UK were recent internet users, with the
     decided that it was time for a refresh.             been fantastic with regards to the          percentage of internet users aged 44-75
        “This was a somewhat daunting                    new logo, branding and websites.            growing year on year.”
     prospect,” says Victoria. “Firstly, as a            No pressure sales, and no technical         
     marketing company, we really do need to             lingo too hard to understand. The           We understand the importance
     get it right. Secondly, as the next generation      new websites developed have been            of respecting tradition but appreciate
     of the business taking it forward, it is            well put together, and the content          the need to help businesses move
     very important that we remain true                  management system (CMS) was                 into the future. We can offer a range
     to our roots and do not detract from                very easy to use after handover.”           of marketing services and would be
     the business and brand my parents had               Ross Hickton, TEW Hickton                   delighted to arrange a no-obligation
     worked so hard to build over the years.                                                         chat with Carl on 01473 823 700.



      Funeral attendance
      rules eased                              REGULATORY ACTIVITY
                                             RAMPS UP POST-COVID PEAK
      The UK Government has eased
      restrictions on funeral attendance
      in England, upping the permitted
      number of mourners from 10 to 30.
          At the height of the coronavirus
      pandemic, the Government               Advancements sought after suspension of investigations

      restricted funeral attendance
      to no more than 10 mourners,                  s the UK moves past the peak                with three months then earmarked for
      with priority given to members                of the coronavirus outbreak,                hearings and consultation. Likewise,
      of the deceased’s household.                  t h e f u n e ra l p ro f e s s i o n i s   the FSCSR Steering Committee was
      Under the updated guidelines,                 preparing for a period of intense           due to meet on 30 July to advance its
      the Government permits a wider                regulatory activity.                        proposals for enhancing transparency
      circle of friends and family to                   While the pandemic saw both             and standards in the funeral sector.
      attend burial or cremation services,   the Competition and Markets Authority                 In the pre-paid market, the UK
      including individuals within           (CMA) and the Funeral Service                      Government has outlined its intention
      vulnerable categories, as long all     Consumer Standards Review (FSCSR)                  to lay the secondary legislation
      attendees strictly adhere              suspend their respective regulatory                before parliament in autumn 2020.
      to social distancing rules.            workstreams to allow funeral directors             Assuming the government secures
          A parallel announcement,           to focus on funeral delivery during a              parliamentary support for its
      made by Scotland’s First Minister      critical period, both are now looking              legislation, an 18-month interim period
      Nicola Sturgeon, permits up to         to make advancements.                              will follow, and thereafter the sector
      20 mourners to attend a burial            The CMA published its Provisional               can expect mandatory FCA regulation
      or cremation service north of the      Decision Report at the end of July,                to commence in spring 2022. l
      border, with social distancing rules
      similarly applicable.
                                               Scotland retains ‘flexible’ disposal approach
      Northern Ireland                         Scotland’s Public Health Minister                granted the UK’s first “wastewater
      to match parental                        Joe Fitzpatrick has confirmed that               consent to discharge”, permitting
                                               Scotland’s ‘flexible’ legislative                five alkaline hydrolyses, or “water
      bereavement                              framework permits the Scottish                   cremations”, as part of a Middlesex
      Following the recent introduction        Government to licence alternative                University study, with the water
      of new bereavement leave and             burial and cremation methods.                    authority subsequently granting
      pay legislation for parents of           Mr Fitzpatrick was responding to                 consent for water cremation to
      children under 18 in England,            a written question submitted by                  Leeds-based LBBC Ltd, the parent
      Scotland, and Wales, the Stormont        Lothian Conservative MSP Jeremy                  company of Resomation Ltd.
      Executive has launched a                 Balfour, who chairs the funerals and                Mr Fitzpatrick has said that the
      consultation on proposals to             bereavement cross-party group,                   Scottish Government will assess
      introduce similar rights for             on additional environmentally                    the benefits of licensing alternative
      parents in Northern Ireland.             sustainable end of life options.                 methods to flame cremation, as such
         Launching the consultation,              In March, Yorkshire Water                     methods “become more established”.
      Economy Minister Diane Dodds
      said: “Employment law should
      be compassionate and supportive        Belfast Council investigates crematorium lockdown inconsistency
      of parents who find themselves
      facing this distressing situation.     Belfast City Council has voted in                  while eight other families were
      I am therefore launching this two-     favour of holding an independent                   unable to hold services at the
      month consultation to inform how       inquiry into the application of                    crematorium during the same period.
      we can best introduce measures         lockdown restrictions at the city’s                   The DUP has called for Deputy
      in Northern Ireland to meet the        crematoria, following accusations                  First Minister Michelle O’Neill
      needs of bereaved parents here.”       that the council has not applied                   to resign for being among
         Interested parties now              the rules consistently during the                  the mourners at the service.
      have until 10 August to respond        pandemic period.                                   Responding, Ms O’Neill said she
      to the consultation. Thereafter,          The decision came after reports                 is sorry if the incident has caused
      any new legislation will require       that up to 60 mourners attended                    grieving families “to experience
      the approval of the Stormont           the committal service of former                    more hurt”, but that she believes
      Assembly.                              senior IRA member Bobby Storey at                  she stuck to the coronavirus
                                             council-run Roselawn Crematorium,                  lockdown guidelines.

                                                         SAIF P

                                   MY CHARITY:
                                 WINSTON’S WISH
          SAIF’s National President, Mark Porteous, on why he wants you to take a walk

       irstly, a quick update on what I
       have been up to! Regrettably the
       coronavirus has stopped face-to-face
       contact, of course, but I have still
       managed to catch up with several                                                       Mark Porteous
       members during our online regional
       meetings. I would like to thank
       those members and associates who
have taken the time to participate in these
sessions. I will be continuing with these
throughout the coming months so please
register with the SAIF Business Centre if
you are interested in participating.
   I would also like to thank Malcolm
Flanders of Golden Charter for inviting
me to hold my first ever podcast
(goldencharter.buzzsprout .com),
where we discussed several matters
relating to COVID -19 and how our
profession has been coping. I found the
experience extremely beneficial and hope
to do more in the future.
   This month, though, I really want
to tell you all about my chosen charity,
Winston’s Wish.
   The idea of the charity took root
when clinical psychologist, Julie Stokes,
visited the USA and Canada on a Winston
Churchill Travelling Fellowship. Inspired
by the services she saw there, she returned
to the UK and set up Winston’s Wish
and they have been supporting bereaved
children since 1992. Surprisingly, that
made them the UK’s first childhood
bereavement charity.                          as much money as I can for them over
   The charity’s message is very clear –      the next 18 months. If you would like
every bereaved child should receive the       to donate, please send your donations
help they need to cope with the death of      to the SAIF Business Centre, or contact
someone important in their lives.             them directly for further information.
   The charity continues to lead the way      Alternatively, why not arrange a sponsored
in providing specialist child bereavement     walk, run, or cycle with your own staff and
support services across the UK. This          sponsor each other? There will also be
includes in-depth therapeutic support         details about the President’s Challenge in
in individual, group, and residential         future SAIFInsight magazines.
settings, as well as a freephone national         I have been so proud of all SAIF’s
helpline, plus training for professionals     members over the last four months. You have
and a range of specialist publications.
   There is no doubt that during the last
                                              all had to endure a great deal of pressure
                                              during this difficult and challenging period.
                                                                                                WHY NOT
four months the charity has been very busy    We all know we cannot be complacent, but        ARRANGE A
in supporting children and young adults,
but it has also seen an increase in older
                                              I have no doubt your hard work, support
                                              for your local community and willingness
adults wishing to access the services.        to go the extra mile will not go unnoticed      WALK AND
   Winston’s Wish is an excellent and
worthwhile charity and I hope SAIF
                                              by your families.
members will help me in trying to raise       Best wishes,                                    EACH OTHER?

     A SHARED GOAL          From working on excess death groups to trying
                            to predict the future, SAIF members have risen
                            to the challenges COVID-19 has thrown up…


     “WE KNEW WE HAD                                 Scotland’s three
                                                     Regional Resilience                                                                     “We got everything ready,         which made it difficult at the
     TO HOLD EACH OTHERS’                            Partnership areas                                                                       but thankfully we didn’t
                                                                                                                                             have excess deaths in huge
                                                                                                                                                                               beginning. I just don’t think
                                                                                                                                                                               the Government listened.
     HANDS JUMPING                                                                                                                           numbers here in Kent. In
                                                                                                                                             fact at the moment it’s
                                                                                                                                                                               Right at the start we were not
                                                                                                                                                                               even on the supply chain for
     INTO THIS”                                                                                                                              ridiculously quiet and, having
                                                                                                                                             spoken to other funeral
                                                                                                                                                                               PPE – it took until mid-April
                                                                                                                                                                               for us to be told we could
      DECLAN MAGUIRE                                                                                                                         directors across the country,     access supplies through
      Anderson Maguire Funeral                                                                                                               it seems to be the pattern        the LRFs. The Government
      Directors, Glasgow                                                                                                                     nationwide. We’re hoping it’s     just didn’t acknowledge
                                                                                                                                             not the calm before the storm!    that managing a pandemic
                                                                                                                                                  Prior to lockdown, it        doesn’t work without funeral
     Declan has represented 130 Scottish                                                                                                     was difficult to work out         directors. There’s no point
     Independents during the pandemic                                                                                                        what the Government               having new mortuaries
     and is SAIF Scotland’s Treasurer                                                                                                        guidelines meant for              built and NHS trusts on
                                                                                                                                             funeral directors because         board if the funeral directors
     “Throughout the crisis, the Scottish                                                                                                    they were ever-changing           can’t operate.
     Government has worked well with SAIF                                                                                                    and open to interpretation            It has been a privilege
     and the NAFD. And we have all worked well                                                                                               in different ways. So I           to represent the funeral                                                           The Kent Local
     together. There has been no holding back in                                                                                             arranged a meeting at our         directors in my area and                                                 Resilience Forum’s reach
     information sharing and ideas and I think it                                                                                            local crematorium with            be their point of contact.
     has been significantly easier to get info and
     feedback here than in the rest of the UK.                                                        “WE REALLY                             other funeral directors,
                                                                                                                                             crematorium and cemetery
                                                                                                                                                                               Kent is a big county with 23
                                                                                                                                                                               towns and during the peak
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  as keeping the numbers of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  mourners down at funerals.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    clear on how that affects our
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    work. My bearers all have
     Now, moving into a potential second wave,
     SAIF Scotland has everything it needs in
                                                     and we are stronger for it – that
                                                     will see us in good stead moving forwards.
                                                                                                      STRUGGLED                              staff and our registrar to
                                                                                                                                             create a clear game plan that
                                                                                                                                                                               of the crisis, all the regular
                                                                                                                                                                               competition between funeral
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      I think the problem
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  that we noted during the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    masks and gloves on at
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    funerals and therefore should
     place and firms across the country are more
     prepared for what is coming.
                                                         Connectivity is so important when you
                                                     have a shared goal. Our first SAIF Scotland
                                                                                                      GETTING MODELLING                      meant we could collectively
                                                                                                                                             offer a uniform service and
                                                                                                                                                                               directors seemed to go out
                                                                                                                                                                               the window. If we needed to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  preparation for the first peak
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  was that the Government did
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    be exempt from isolating if
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    they are instructed to in a
        In Scotland we have Regional Resilience      Zoom meeting was in early July and a third       FIGURES FROM THE                       prevent public confusion.         help each other, we did.           not place proper importance       Test and Trace scenario. As
     Partnerships (RRPs), that’s the top level
     – the additional deaths planning group –
                                                     of the membership attended. That means
                                                     these meetings are actually more accessible      GOVERNMENT”                                It was at that meeting that
                                                                                                                                             I was asked to represent SAIF
                                                                                                                                                                                   Funeral directors are
                                                                                                                                                                               working well now, supplies
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  on the funeral directors’ role
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  in this crisis.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    a one-branch business we
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    would have to close if we
     which has partners from Police Scotland,        to our membership. Technology bridges the                                               on the Kent Local Resilience      are good and we have                   Independents account          all self-isolated. I know that
     NHS, the Scottish Government and the            gap, increases knowledge and strengthens          JO PARKER                             Forum (LRF) and I have done       everything in place – it’s just    for 70% of all funerals in the    Terry Tennens, SAIF’s CEO,
     funeral profession. These feed into the         our network. The competitive aspects have         Abbey Funeral Services,               so since its inception in late    the fear of what’s around          UK, so we are the biggest         has worked hard pushing this
     Local Resilience Partnerships (LRPs) in         been defeated. It’s amazing how some              Tonbridge                             March – in the early stages       the corner, which I think is       institution and the one that      question and many others
     the North, East and West regions. SAIF          members are never off Slack. Whereas                                                    it was each day, seven days       probably how everyone feels        holds our communities             that are funeral director
     Scotland was involved from the start,           before some might have communicated                                                     a week, but we meet every         at the moment. It’s difficult to   together. As an integral spoke    specific, but the responses
     meeting weekly online to plan for additional    once a quarter, now they’re sharing              Jo is SAIF’s 2nd Vice President, and   other week now.                   prepare for the unknown.           in the wheel, we are frontline    have been slow and vague.
     deaths. While the initial numbers were,         information just about every day. The level      sat on the Kent Local Resilience           Our LRF has been top              As a member of the Death       workers, so the Government            It’s also a concern that,
     thankfully, not realised, we planned for the    of information and support has shot up.          Forum, representing Independents       notch and I found that the        Management Group, a cell           needs to listen to a profession   if COVID-19, a flu epidemic
     worst-case scenario figures, which were             To that end, I began our SAIF Tech Talk      in the area and distilling             funeral directors’ questions      of the Kent LRF, our role          that knows what it’s doing.       and Norovirus all hit at once,
     very high.                                      live webinars a month ago to share skills        Government information                 and concerns were logged          is to make sure the death              I think our next hurdle       we’re going to have a really
        SAIF Scotland is proactively working         with our members. I did one on productivity                                             and escalated as needed,          pathway is clear during            may be the Test and Trace         busy winter. If Test and
     to keep online communications channels          apps – Slack and Typeform – and one on                                                  but we have struggled with        times of excess deaths, this       system. What if someone at        Trace becomes mandatory
     open to keep our members updated. If            using cloud systems for accounting and                                                  getting clear modelling           includes helping to apply          a funeral is taken poorly?        we could find a lot of funeral
     the Scottish Government communicates            management. They are now available to                                                   figures from the Government,      Government guidelines, such        The guidance has not been         directors struggling.”
     changes to national policy or legislation, it   all members on the SAIF members’ site.
     goes directly to the funeral sector on SAIF         We have to be flexible as we face a
     Scotland’s app. That way any changes are        number of challenges ahead. What does
     delivered direct to members’ phones.
        It has been a busy time, of course. As
                                                     modelling include and how will a second
                                                     spike affect that? In terms of resource, we                                             “I WAS ABLE TO RING                            “We are based just outside Leicester and
                                                                                                                                                                                            we had around 15-20% extra deaths as a
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           arrangements because of the extension
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           to lockdown. But by that stage, we were
     a company director of Anderson Maguire,
     I had stepped back a bit from my day-to-day
                                                     will always plan for the worst-case scenario.
                                                         We’re in a wait-and-see period at the
                                                                                                                                             THE CORONER DIRECTLY                           result of COVID-19.
                                                                                                                                                                                                We have been part of the community
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           used to that, so we knew how to do the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           best for the families.
     role as a funeral director. That gave me time
     to volunteer as Treasurer and Membership
                                                     moment. While we hope we have come out
                                                     on the other side, the possibility of a second
                                                                                                                                             AND THEY WERE                                  for 29 years, so we have been trying
                                                                                                                                                                                            to keep our long-term families
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                I have been sitting on our LRF since
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    week two of the crisis and we
     Manager of SAIF Scotland, then the
     pandemic happened, so time was taken
                                                     wave is there. Staffing and resource planning
                                                     will be key for members as we approach the
                                                                                                                                             RECEPTIVE TO CALLS”                            happy while complying with
                                                                                                                                                                                            guidance. That meant doing
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       still meet fortnightly. We have
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         two-hour conference calls
     up with meetings and information                 winter months.                                                                          ARRAN BRUDENELL                               more by phone to support                                       for the main group which
     sharing. I haven’t had time to reflect                Regulation is also a significant issue                                             Managing Director & Funeral                   families who aren’t                                              deals with excess deaths,
     on what we have learned, but I know                facing us, but one which we can assist                                                Director, Anstey and District                 touched by COVID-19 but                                           and two 45-minute
     we had to hold each others’ hands                  members with. Of course, many, many                                                   Funeral Services, Leicestershire              are still affected.                                               meetings for two of the
     jumping into this.                                 years of work have already gone into this,                                                                                               We have had two                                              sub-committees I also
        Irrespective of the size of firm,               but there is a role to play for everyone                                                                                            lockdowns here, although                                          sit on. The difference
     we have all been presented with                   to manage this.                                                                       Arran is a member of the                       in the second lockdown it                                        in our LRF is that the
     the same challenges. I’ve                               We are all stronger as a membership                                             SAIFCharter Executive and sat on the           seems to have been younger                                     police very quickly took
     spoken with more than                                    and I’m pleased to see that so                                                 Leicestershire Local Resilience Forum,         people who contracted the                                    charge so all local authorities
     half of the membership                                    many members are offering                                                     representing Independents in not one           disease, so they have recovered                           report to them and we have
     during the crisis and we                                    support to others. Now we                                                   but two lockdowns                              quicker, thankfully. That outbreak                    police representatives on our sub-
     also all share the same                                       h ave t o ke e p o u r h e a d s                                                                                         sadly affected a few of our funerals which     committees too.
     challenges with regulation.                                    down and push on together                                                                                               were due to take place in local churches,         Throughout the crisis I’ve been making
     Now we are closer                                               to do what we can.”                                                                                                    but we were unable to carry out those          regular phone calls to funeral directors

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     across the area and the country. At the                                                       was great, but because we were private
     start there were grumblings because there                                                     enterprises, we were not allowed access.
     was no clear guidance and that caused                                                         So they would be referring to ‘paper
     confusion. Our main crematorium wasn’t                                                        two’ and we’d have no idea what they
     set up to stipulate exact numbers, which                                                      meant. We got that cleared up so we
     caused more confusion, and funeral                                                            were allowed access to key documents,
     directors were having to report on their                                                      but the issue would rear its head again
     local mortuary capacity twice a week.                                                         if someone was off ill or on holiday and
         To alleviate this problem, we were                                                        the instruction hadn’t been passed on.
     having to ring around funeral directors to                                                       On the whole, though, it has been
     get their numbers of deaths, but quickly                                                      a very interesting experience. As an
     established a Google form for people to                                                       independent you don’t always deal with
     fill in, which saved a lot of time. That had                                                  decision-making on that scale. You make
     good uptake by funeral directors to begin                                                     decisions all day, every day, but being able
     with, but gradually the numbers filling                                                       to connect with a wider group of people
     the form in dwindled – perhaps they               Take the PPE situation – the LRF ran        was really illuminating.
     were too busy, or maybe they thought           with it, sorted it, did it. It was a case of      If we see a second wave, I think we
     ‘what’s the point?’, I don’t know.             get on the phone quickly to ask for an         are ready. All of our staff are on board
         We were lucky, though. Instead             opinion on what was needed where and           with all of the changes and all of our risk
     of building a temporary mortuary, a            get the wheels rolling. Nothing was too        assessments are in place.
     permanent 460-capacity mortuary was            much trouble for anyone involved.                 We will be stronger and wiser as a
     put in place within three weeks. That             Approaching the Easter weekend,             result of this crisis. On a personal level,
     meant we weren’t pushed for space and          when capacity issues began to appear,          I think I have learned that it’s important
     that funeral directors’ own individual         that openness meant that I was able to         to take some time to yourself whenever
     capacities were not an issue.                  ring the coroner or LRF chairman directly      you can. I have spent the past five months
         The main thing that struck me in my        and they were receptive to the calls. It       working flat-out. That’s five months
     time in the LRF was the openness of all        was a two-way thing and everyone was           without a proper day off and working 15-
     of the agencies involved. There were no        willing – and wanting – to help.               hour days, seven days a week. Once the
     secrets and it was all fairly blunt and           We had a few hiccups, naturally, but        staff have had some time off, I’m hoping
     direct. If you needed something done,          nothing that couldn’t be sorted out. The       to head to the Isle of Arran, my namesake,
     you asked for it.                              LRF documents were cloud-based, which          in Scotland to recharge a little.” l

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