Essentials of Medical History-Taking in Dental Patients

Page created by Kim Benson
Essentials of Medical History-Taking in Dental Patients

Mark Greenwood

Essentials of Medical History-
Taking in Dental Patients
Abstract: The starting point in the assessment and management of any patient is dependent on good history-taking. The main parts of the
history-taking process well known to practitioners are the presenting complaint, the history of the presenting complaint and the current
and past medical history. This paper concentrates on those aspects of the process that are particularly important to dental practitioners.
Clinical Relevance: The cornerstone of safe and effective patient management lies with the history. This paper describes various aspects of
history-taking and highlights important areas.
Dent Update 2015; 42: 308–315

The main parts of a patient history are well         presenting complaint should include the            preceding event, including previous similar
established. It is important that practitioners      following:                                         episodes?;
follow a recognized systematic scheme                 When the condition/problem first started;         Any associated symptoms, for example bad
of enquiry to minimize the risk of missing            The overall duration and progression of the      taste?
important information.                               condition, including whether it is episodic or
             All dental practitioners are familiar   constant;                                          Past medical history
with the main components of the history-              The nature and timing of any symptoms (see                    Generic questioning regarding
taking process. The purpose of this paper is         below);                                            major systems such as the cardiovascular
to revise those areas and add some context            Details of any systemic signs or symptoms        or respiratory systems is often the way
to some of the more important aspects and            (such as fever);                                   practitioners start obtaining a medical history.
provide updates where appropriate.                    The success or otherwise of previous             Questioning should then focus on specific
                                                     treatments;                                        disorders,1 such as asthma or other respiratory
                                                      Previous practitioners who have been             disorders, diabetes mellitus, epilepsy,
The main components of a                             consulted regarding the same or related            hypertension or other cardiovascular problems
patient history                                      condition(s).                                      (stroke, myocardial infarction, angina),
Presenting complaint                                              In dental practice, the presenting    hepatitis or jaundice. Positive responses
            The presenting complaint may             complaint is often pain. A generic scheme of       should be followed-up by an assessment of
best be expressed in the patient’s own words.        questions to assess the nature and severity of a   the severity of the disorder, treatments used
The information presented can then be                patient’s pain is shown as follows:                and their efficacy. Previous problems with
summarized by the clinician.                          Site of pain − it is useful to ask the patient   the arrest of haemorrhage are worth specific
                                                     to point with one finger to where the pain is      enquiry. Table 1 highlights situations where
                                                     worst;                                             the arrest of haemorrhage may be affected
History of presenting complaint                       Character, eg sharp, ache, throbbing;            and implications for management.
            A chronological approach should           Ask about severity − on a scale of 1−10, 10                   The past medical history is an
be used. As a minimum, the history of a              being the most severe − how bad is it?;            essential component of risk assessment for
                                                      Does the pain radiate anywhere else?;            the likelihood of a patient experiencing a
                                                      Timing − was the onset sudden or gradual?        medical emergency. The Resuscitation Council
 Mark Greenwood, PhD, MDS, FRCS                      − how long has the pain been present? − is         (UK) provide authoritative and up-to-date
 FDS, FHEA, Consultant/Honorary Clinical             it continuous or intermittent? − worse at any      advice regarding the management of medical
 Professor, School of Dental Sciences,               particular time of day?;                           emergencies in dentistry.2
 Newcastle University, Framlington Place,             What makes the pain better or worse                           It is essential to ask about any
 Newcastle upon Tyne, NE2 4BW, UK.                   (including the use and type of medication);        known allergies and, if a positive response is
                                                      Is the patient aware of any relevant             obtained, to enquire about the nature of such
308 DentalUpdate                                                                                                                               May 2015

an allergy.                                          considerations in their management. Some of        be less than 30 minutes, use 50% oxygen and
            At the end of this process, patients     the more important ones are summarized as:         avoid repeated exposure.
should be allocated an American Society of            The second trimester is the optimum time
Anesthesiologists (ASA) classification:              for treatment;                                     Sickle cell anaemia
 ASA I Healthy                                       Best where possible to avoid prescribing                      Sickle cell anaemia is an inherited
 ASA II Mild systemic disease – No                  drugs;                                             haemoglobinopathy found in individuals
functional limitation                                 If prescriptions are necessary, check in the     of African, Asian and Mediterranean origin.
 ASA III Severe systemic disease – Definite         British National Formulary (BNF);                  In situations of lowered oxygen tension
functional limitation                                 Drugs taken by mother while breast-feeding       the abnormal haemoglobin results in red
 ASA IV Severe disease – Constant threat to         can be transferred in some cases to breast milk    blood cells becoming sickle-shaped, leading
life                                                 − check in the BNF;                                to increased blood viscosity and capillary
 ASA V Moribund                                      Local anaesthetic containing adrenaline is       thrombosis. It can present either as a sickle cell
 ASA VI Brain dead patient whose organs are         acceptable;                                        trait (heterozygous) or sickle cell anaemia itself
to be removed for donor purposes.                     Patients who faint or feel faint should be       (homozygous).
This categorization is referred to in some           treated in the left lateral position to avoid
protocols and also facilitates communication         pressure on the inferior vena cava and
between clinicians.                                  minimize risk of supine hypotension syndrome;      Thalassaemias
                                                      Intravenous sedation must be avoided in the                   Thalassaemias are inherited
Specific situations and management                   first trimester and the last month of the third    as autosomal recessive disorders in which
considerations                                       trimester and ideally best avoided completely;     there is decreased synthesis of either
                                                      Nitrous oxide can interfere with vitamin B12     alpha or beta globin chains. This allows
Pregnancy                                            and folate metabolism − should not be used         less normal haemoglobin to be produced.
              Pregnant patients require special      in first trimester − if used, exposure should      Seen in Mediterranean races, patients with

 Disorder                                          Relevance to Patient Management

 Disorders of haemostasis:                          Liaise with haematologist. Full blood count needed.
 Thrombocytopaenia                                  Platelet levels >50 x 109/L − advisable to treat in hospital setting.

thalassaemia suffer from haemolytic anaemia.        of dental treatment and the use of other            drug also interacts with preparations that
Local anaesthesia is safe, general anaesthesia      medications. Well known examples of drugs           dentists may prescribe.8 The absorption of
or intravenous sedation should only be              that are highly relevant in the context of dental   paracetamol and orally administered diazepam
carried out after assessment by a specialist        treatment include anticoagulants, such as           is delayed and reduced due to delayed gastric
anaesthetist.                                       warfarin and dabigatran and bisphosphonates.        emptying. Carbamazepine reduces serum
                                                                 Osteonecrosis is a recognized          methadone levels and methadone increases
Leukaemias                                          complication of bisphosphonate treatment.5          the effects of tricyclic antidepressants.
             Liaison with a haematologist           The condition is defined as the presence of                        Amphetamines and ecstasy may
is important due to the potential difficulty        exposed bone for longer than 8 weeks in the         produce thrombocytopaenia. Concomitant use
in controlling post-operative bleeding and          absence of radiotherapy treatment but in            with monoaminoxidase inhibitors and tricyclic
increased risk of infection.                        a patient who is using bisphosphonates. It          antidepressants can precipitate a hypertensive
                                                    is diagnosed clinically but local malignancy        crisis.
                                                    must be excluded.6 The bisphosphonates are                         Patients who abuse cocaine are
Steroid treatment
                                                    a group of drugs which include alendronic           subject to increased risk of the effects of
             Patients taking long-term
                                                    acid and risedronate sodium. These drugs            ischaemia leading to loss of tissue. Testing
corticosteroid therapy will normally carry a
                                                    become adsorbed onto hydroxyapatite crystals        the ‘quality’ of the drug by rubbing on the
steroid treatment card giving details of the
                                                    thereby slowing their rate of dissolution           oral mucosa to test depth of anaesthesia
drug being used, its dosage and duration
                                                    and growth. Such drugs have been used in            may lead to loss of gingivae and alveolar
of treatment. If steroid supplementation is
                                                    the management of osteoporosis in post-             bone. An increased incidence of dental
required prior to treatment, acute adrenal
                                                    menopausal women, patients with bony                caries may be seen if cocaine is bulked
insufficiency can be prevented. An increased
                                                    metastases and the hypercalcaemia of                out with carbohydrates. As with heroin,
dose of corticosteroid should be administered
                                                    malignancy.                                         thrombocytopaenia may be seen and, like
prior to treatment in such cases. Simple dental
                                                                 Clearly, it is preferable to avoid     cannabis, cocaine has a sympathomimetic
extractions and restorative dental procedures
                                                    dental extractions if possible in patients          action.
are not usually a cause for concern,3 but
                                                    taking bisphosphonates. Local guidelines                           LSD (lysergic acid diethylamide) is
surgical extractions, the placement of
                                                    should be consulted when extractions are            an hallucinogenic drug. Such drugs increase
dental implants or treatment under general
                                                    unavoidable in these patients. Established          the incidence of bruxism and patients taking
anaesthesia are a potential risk.
                                                    cases of osteonecrosis require analgesia, and       it may present with TMJ dysfunction. Dentists
                                                    long-term antiobiotic therapy and topical           should be aware that stressful situations may
Angioedema                                          antiseptic therapy if infected. Occasionally,       cause flashbacks and panic attacks in these
             In angioedema, widespread              careful local debridement may be indicated to       patients.
oedema may occur in response to quite               remove limited bony sequestra.7 Risk factors                       A reduction in the dose of
trivial trauma as a result of increased vascular    that increase the possibility of osteonecrosis      adrenaline containing local anaesthetics
permeability. Two forms exist, one is hereditary    developing include local infection, steroid         is recommended in those who chronically
and is due to a lack of C1 esterase inhibitor       use, trauma, chemotherapy and periodontal           abuse solvents as such agents can sensitize
with resultant initiation of the complement         disease.                                            the myocardium to the actions of the
cascade. Administration of pre-operative                         As well as effects on bone, it         catecholamine. Solvent abuse also increases
fresh frozen plasma (FFP) provides sufficient       is thought that bisphosphonates might               the risk of convulsions and status epilepticus
inhibitor to prevent the problem occurring.         have toxic effects on soft tissues around an        may occur.
The non-hereditary type is similar to urticaria     extraction site, impairing the function of                         Some patients may abuse anabolic
in which certain food and drugs produce an          vascular and epithelial cells.                      steroids and performance enhancers, which
allergic response. Trauma tends not to produce                                                          may precipitate increased carbohydrate
serious complications in this type. Clearly,                                                            consumption with its inevitable effects on the
                                                    ’Recreational’ drugs
liaison with an immunologist is important in                                                            dentition. The systemic effects of adrenaline in
                                                                The use of drugs of abuse is
managing these patients.                                                                                dental local anaesthetics can be exacerbated
                                                    common and dentists should have a working
                                                                                                        by the sympathomimetic effects of certain
                                                    knowledge of the implications for patients
                                                                                                        anabolic steroid drugs. As with many other
Medications and drugs                               who say that they are using these. Cannabis
                                                                                                        illicit drugs, anabolic steroids may interfere
              All medications or drugs that the     has a sympathomimetic action and in theory
                                                                                                        with blood clotting.
patient may be taking should be included.4          could exacerbate the systemic effects of
This should include ‘recreational’ drugs and        adrenaline in dental local anaesthetics. Heroin
homeopathic or other over-the–counter               and methadone are opioid drugs, the latter          Complementary therapies
preparations. In addition, it is pertinent to ask   being used in rehabilitation programmes. Oral                   Complementary therapies
about inhaled or topical medicines as many          methadone has a high sugar content that             are often used by patients. It is important
patients do not consider these as ‘drugs’.          can cause rampant caries. Heroin can cause          to remember possible interactions with
Concurrent drug therapy can impact upon oro-        thrombocytopaenia. Some of those addicted           prescription drugs, some of which may be
facial signs and symptoms, the safe provision       to heroin have a low threshold for pain. The        prescribed by dental practitioners. Some of

310 DentalUpdate                                                                                                                              May 2015

the more common interactions are shown in          drugs or complementary therapies. The system       whether e-cigarettes are an effective smoking
Table 2.                                           of units for measuring alcohol consumption is      cessation method.9
                                                   summarized as follows:                                           Finally, information concerning the
                                                    A pint of ordinary strength lager − 2 units      patient’s home circumstances is significant. It
Past dental history
                                                    A pint of strong lager − 3 units                 is particularly important to find out whether
              The past dental history assumes
                                                    A pint of ordinary bitter − 2 units              a patient lives with another ‘competent’ adult
different forms, depending on the patient’s
                                                    A pint of best bitter − 3 units                  as, in cases of intravenous sedation or day case
previous exposure to dental treatment. It is
                                                    A pint of ordinary strength cider − 2 units      general anaesthesia, the patient should not be
clearly relevant to find out whether a patient
                                                    A pint of strong cider − 3 units                 left alone for 24 hours following the procedure.
is a regular attender and of their previous
                                                    A 175 ml glass of red or white wine around                     Disorders with a genetic origin
experience of dental treatment and its nature.
                                                   2 units                                            should be recorded.
The previous use of local anaesthetic agents
and any associated problems can be checked.         A pub measure of spirits − 1 unit
If not covered by the previous history, adverse     An ‘alcopop’ around 1.5 units                    Psychiatric history
events, such as post-extraction haemorrhage,       The patient’s occupation (or previous                          The psychiatric history is not
may be highlighted at this point.                  occupation if retired) is also important.          included as routine but may be relevant in
                                                                 Clinicians identifying patients      some cases.10
                                                   who smoke should inform the patient of the
Social history/family history                      availability of smoking cessation services after
                                                                                                      Systems review
              The social history is often          it has been ascertained whether the patient
                                                                                                                  In hospital practice, a body
neglected but clearly it is an important part of   wishes to try and quit. Some patients will be
                                                                                                      systems review is undertaken after the
the comprehensive assessment of a patient.         using e-cigarettes. It is worth being aware that
                                                                                                      preliminary history. Whilst this would rarely
It may directly influence treatment or the way     the long-term safety of the e-cigarette is not
                                                                                                      be used in mainstream dental practice, it is
it is delivered. As a minimum, enquiry should      yet established but it is thought that they are
                                                                                                      discussed here to highlight its effectiveness on
be made of the patient’s smoking status and        likely to be less harmful than conventional
                                                                                                      medically assessing various systems.
alcohol consumption, and if positive these         cigarettes. Patients should be advised to seek
should be quantified. It is at this point that     smoking cessation services if they are willing     General enquiry
patients may disclose the use of ‘recreational’    to try and quit. It is not fully established                    It is worth starting with a series

   HERB			                                         CONVENTIONAL DRUG                                  POTENTIAL PROBLEM

  St John’s wort                                   Monoamine oxidase inhibitor and Serotonin          Mechanism of herbal effect uncertain.
                                                   reuptake inhibitor
                                                                                                      Insufficient evidence of safety with
                                                   Antidepressants                                    concomitant use − therefore not advised

                                                   Iron                                               May limit iron absorption

  Karela, ginseng                                  Insulin, sulphonylureas, biguanides                Altered glucose concentrations

  Feverfew, garlic, ginseng, ginger                Warfarin                                           Altered prothrombin time/INR

  Echinacea used for >8 weeks                      Anabolic steroids, methotrexate, Amiodarone,       Hepatotoxicity

  Feverfew                                         Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs              Inhibition of herbal effect

  Ginseng                                          Oestrogens, corticosteroids                        Additive effects

  Evening primrose oil                             Anticonvulsants                                    Lowered seizure threshold

  Kava                                             Benzodiazepines                                    Additive sedative effects, coma

  Echinacea, zinc (immunostimulants)               Immunosuppressants (such as                        Antagonistic effects
                                                   corticosteroids, ciclosporin)
Table 2. Complementary medicines and their interactions with conventional medicines with potential consequences.

May 2015                                                                                                                         DentalUpdate 313

                                                                                                   of general questions that may highlight
 Medical Problem                                 Implications for Management                       relevant conditions that otherwise may
                                                                                                   be missed from the more specific systems
 Valve replacement, structural cardiac No antibiotic cover required. Consideration                 review.11 Such findings include:
 defect                                should be given of a recent publication                      Appetite, weight loss;
                                       suggesting a possible re-think on this in the                Lethargy or fatigue;
                                       future.12 Currently, no change in guidelines.
                                                                                                    Fevers;
                                                                                                    The presence of any lumps, bumps or
 Myocardial infarction                           No elective dental treatment for 3 months         swellings;
                                                 after an MI. Ideally no general anaesthetic        The presence of skin rashes (especially if
                                                 for the first 6 months.                           associated with oral mucosal lesions).

 Angina                                          Ensure availability of emergency drugs and
                                                 oxygen. Enquire about frequency of attacks,       Cardiovascular system
                                                 their precipitation and effectiveness of GTN.      A differential diagnosis of chest pain
                                                                                                   (bearing in mind other potential causes)
                                                 In oral surgical cases if more than               includes: – Angina;
                                                 160/100 mmHg, consider postponing until                       – Myocardial infarction;
                                                 better control. In acute situations IV sedation               –Oesophageal reflux;
                                                 may be helpful.                                               –Musculoskeletal;
                                                                                                               –Pleuritic (for example pulmonary
Table 3. Cardiovascular disorders and potential management implications.                           embolism);
 Medical Problem             Implications for Management                                                       –Referred pain from the
 Liver Disease               Potential for bleeding problems, care with drug prescriptions,        Does the chest pain occur at rest or after
                             infection risk from various types of hepatitis virus. For             exertion − how much exertion?;
                             treatment under LA a minimum of a coagulation screen                   Dyspnoea (remember potential
                             and full blood count should be carried out. If liver function         respiratory causes either co-existing or in
                             (assessed via liver function tests) is impaired, LA and               isolation);
                             particularly sedation should be carried out with caution. The          Does breathlessness occur at rest/on
                             BNF has an Appendix (2) which highlights drugs to be used             exertion?;
                             with caution (or not at all) in patients with liver disease.           Paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnoea (waking
                                                                                                   from sleep feeling breathless) or
Table 4. Liver disease and management implications.
                                                                                                   orthopnoea (breathlessness on lying flat);
                                                                                                    Palpitations;
 Medical Problem             Implications for Management                                            Prosthetic/replacement heart valves;
                                                                                                    History of rheumatic fever and/or
 Epilepsy                    Enquire about the nature of seizures and the degree of control        infective endocarditis;
                             – timing and precipitation (if known) of last 3 seizures. Ask          Claudication pains and what is required
                             about recent changes in medication and why this was thought           to precipitate them.
                             necessary. Ensure that buccal midazolam is available.
Table 5. Epilepsy and management implications.                                                     Cardiovascular disorders and potential
                                                                                                   management implications
 Medical Problem             Implications for Management                                                      Cardiovascular disorders and
                                                                                                   potential management implications are
 Kidney Disease              Renal dialysis patients are best treated the day after dialysis as    summarized in Table 3.
                             renal function optimal and heparin effect has worn off. Renal
                             transplant patients may be immune-suppressed and heightened
                                                                                                   Respiratory system
                             vigilance for oral infection and cutaneous malignancy should
                                                                                                    Breathlessness/wheeziness;
                             be remembered. Do not assume normal renal function after
                                                                                                    The presence or otherwise of a cough, its
                             a kidney transplant – a urea and electrolyte blood test/liaison
                                                                                                   duration and whether productive or not;
                             with the renal physician should be undertaken. The BNF has an
                                                                                                    Haemoptysis (coughing up blood);
                             appendix which details the drugs contraindicated/to be used
                                                                                                    History of known respiratory disorders
                             with caution in patients with renal disease.
                                                                                                   and exacerbations − note the degree of
Table 6. Kidney disease and implications for patient management.                                   success of treatment (judged by control/
                                                                                                   relief of symptoms).
314 DentalUpdate                                                                                                                         May 2015

Gastrointestinal system                         References
 Dysphagia (difficulty swallowing);            1.  Scully C. Medical Problems in Dentistry
 Odynophagia (pain on swallowing);                 7th edn. Chapter 2: Medical history
 Indigestion, nausea or vomiting;                  and risk assessment. Oxford: Elsevier,
 Haematemesis (vomiting blood);                    2014.
 Change in bowel habit;
 Spleen or liver problems.
                                                2. Resuscitation Council (UK). Quality
                                                    Standards for Cardiopulmonary
                                                                                               NO COMPROMISE
                                                    Resuscitation Practice and Training in
Liver disease and management implications           Primary Dental Care. November 2013.
            Liver disease and management              Plaque
implications are summarized in Table 4.             QSCPR_Main.htm
                                                3. Thomason JM, Girdler NM, Kendal-
                                                    Taylor P, Wastell H, Weddell A, Seymour
Neurological system
                                                    RA. An Investigation into the need for     Gum Problems
 Any history of fits, faints or blackouts;
                                                    supplementary steroids in organ
 Headache or facial pain;
                                                    transplant patients undergoing
 Disturbance in motor function or                  gingival surgery. J Clin Periodont 1999;
sensation;                                          26: 577−582.
 Muscle wasting, weakness or fasciculation;    4. British National Formulary – online at      Sensitivity
 Disorders of co-ordination.             
                                                5. Hellstein JW, Marek CL.
Epilepsy and management implications                Bisphosphonate osteochemocrosis
            Epilepsy and management                 (bis-phossy jaw): is this phossy jaw of    Caries
implications are summarized in Table 5.             the 21st century? J Oral Maxillofac Surg
                                                    2005: 63 682−689.
Musculoskeletal system
                                                6. Khan A. Osteonecrosis of the jaw and
                                                    bisphosphonates. Br Med J 2010; 340:
 Pain/swelling/stiffness of joints;
                                                    c246.                                      Halitosis
 Gait (bear in mind potential neurological
                                                7. Migliorati CA, Casigalia J, Epstein J,
                                                    Jacobsen PL, Siegel MA, Woo SB.
 Joint prostheses;
                                                    Managing the care of patients with
 Locomotor and manual impairment
secondary to musculoskeletal disorders.                                                        Tartar
                                                    osteonecrosis: an American Academy
                                                    of Oral Medicine position paper. J Am
Genito-urinary system                               Dent Assoc 2005; 136: 1658−1668.
            Usually the genito-urinary system   8. Meechan JG, Seymour RA. Drug
is not enquired about in any detail. Patients       Dictionary for Dentistry. Oxford: Oxford   Staining
with repeated urinary tract infections may          University Press, 2002.
be taking antibiotics, which could be of        9. Worsley DJ, Jones K, Marshman Z.
relevance.                                          Patients are asking about e-cigarettes.
                                                    What do we tell them? Br Dent J 2014;
                                                    217: 91−95.                                Enamel Erosion
Kidney disease and implications for patient
                                                10. Brown S, Greenwood M, Meechan JG.
management                                          General medicine and surgery for
             Kidney disease and implications        dental practitioners 5: Psychiatric
for patient management are summarized in            disorders. Br Dent J 2010; 209(1):
Table 6.                                            11−16.
                                                11. Longmore M, Wilkinson I, Davidson E,
                                                    Foulkes A, Mafi A. Oxford Handbook of
Conclusions                                         Clinical Medicine 8th edn. Oxford:
             Much of the medical assessment         Oxford University Press, 2010.
of a patient is derived from the history.       12. Dayer MJ, Jones S, Prendergast                 ORAL-B PRO-EXPERT
Some underlying conditions may be of                B, Baddour LM, Lockhart PB,                  ALL-AROUND PROTECTION
direct relevance to the safe management of          Thornhill MH. Incidence of infective                featuring breakthrough
                                                                                               Stabilised Stannous Fluoride technology
dental patients. It is important that dental        endocarditis in England, 2000-13: a
practitioners have a sound knowledge of             secular trend, interrupted time-series     CLINICALLY PROVEN TO
such conditions and are able to put them            analysis. Lancet 2014; Nov 18: pii:          PROTECT ALL THE 8
into context when managing such patients.           S0140-6736(14)62007-9.                     AREAS YOU CHECK MOST

May 2015                                                                                                          DentalUpdate 315
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