Gout - management of a chronic disease: a systematic review - Sciendo

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Romanian Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology, Volume 3, Issue 1, January-June 2020. pp:70-77

Accepted: July 23rd 2020

Gout – management of a chronic disease: a
systematic review
Petrua Violeta Filip*, Sorina Laura Diaconu* **, Diana Chetroiu* **,
Denisa Cuciureanu**, Corina Silvia Pop* **
*Internal Medicine III Department, University Emergency Hospital Bucharest, Bucharest, Romania
**”Carol Davila” University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Bucharest, Romania
                                                                          Correspondence to: Sorina Laura Diaconu,
                              Internal Medicine III Department, University Emergency Hospital Bucharest, Bucharest,
                                                     169 Splaiul Independenei Street, District 5, Bucharest, Romania,
                                                       Mobile phone: +40744 481 170, E-mail: sorinadiac@yahoo.com

Objectives: Gout is the most common inflammatory arthritis of the 21 century, but is still frequently misdiagnosed.
This review aims to provide guidance for gout management in clinical practice, which includes the diagnosis,
treatment of acute episodes, but also long-term therapy to reduce serum urate, as well as lifestyle changes and
prevention of recurrent episodes.
Design: Systematic review without meta-analysis.
Methods: We have systematically searched Google Scholar, PubMed, and all relevant worldwide guidelines to
identify and select clinical guidelines for gout. We have included eligible gout articles according to predefined
inclusion and exclusion criteria after selecting titles, abstracts and full texts. The characteristics of the
recommendations reported in the guidelines included were extracted and analyzed.
Results: We selected 27 eligible papers and tried to facilitate the identification of recommendations for the
treatment of gout in the acute phase, but also in the chronic phase. The recommendations were detailed and
explained during this extensive review. Conclusions: Despite the availability of effective serum urate reduction
therapies, overall gout management is poor. Achieving therapeutic goals is often low both at the initiation of
therapy and in long-term treatment. Optimal strategies for managing gout are necessary in both acute and chronic
gout flames in patients who are prone to the development of this pathology.
Keywords: gout, arthritis, hyperuricemia

Introduction                                                 haunting human arthritis [1]. In 2006, the
                                                             diagnosis for gout was defined by the first
   Also known as the disease of the kings,                   EULAR recommendations [2].
gout represents one of the oldest joint disease                  The prevalence of gout has recently
and the best-known inflammatory arthritis                    increased in all developed countries due to
with a high prevalence worldwide (4% of                      lifestyle and comorbidities. This pathology is
adults) [1,2]. It was described for the first time           more common in men, especially with aging
in 2640 B.C. and it remained the most                        (over 40 years) [3,4]. Women are protected

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during premmenopause d    due to the uricosuric                     The deposition
                                                                          d            o urate crysstals generaates
effect of estrogen, progesterrone and                           a complex immunee cascade producing the
decreased inssulin resistance [3,4].                            release of o several cytokines,
                                                                                        c            a well as the
    Our team m’s researchers also searched                      recruitmeent        of      neutroph hils      caussing
G       schoolar and Pub  bMed publications on                  inflammaation and severe pain        n [6,7]. To  ophi
gout and “h  hyperuricemmia” as keyw  words and                 represent subcutaneeous nodules composed           d of
 elected a nuumber of 12 20 publicatioons by title              monosod   dium urate crystals in     n a matrix of
and abstractt (Fig. 1). TTwo researcchers (PVF,                 lipids, prroteins and mucopolysaccharides [7].
SLD) indepeendently filltered the titles and                    The      affected      joints     aree     the     first
                                                                metatarssophageal joint, mid         dtarsal join  nts,
abstracts of the initiallyy identified literature,
                                                                wrists, annkles, kneess, fingers and d elbows [7].
 hen selecteed the fullyy eligible teext articles
                                                                    Cliniccal manifestaations suppo   orting a clinical
 n=47) (Fig. 1). Disagreeements werre resolved
                                                                diagnosiss of gout are the            t      frequent
by face-to-fface discusssions in co   onsultation               involvemment of thee first mettatarsophag         geal
w     a third d researcher (CSP). Our team                      joint with rapid onsset of pain, severe ede       ema
discussed and planned tthe data exttraction by                  and erytthema, preevious episo       odes of acute
 onducting a preliminarry identificattion study,                arthritis, associated  d cardiovasscular diseaase,
 he structure and content of the                                hyperuriccemia and male gen         nder [2]. Itt is
 ecommendaations, the motivattion and
re                                                              importan  nt to know   w that thee presence of
explanation of the reecommendaations and                        hyperuriccemia alonee does nott establish the
other informmation in th he included guidelines                 diagnosiss of gout, but we must      m       look for
 27 papers) (F
             Fig. 1).                                           associateed comorbid    dities and risk factors like
                                                                cardiovasscular diseasse [2].
                                                                    Risk factors succh as age, male gend           der,
                                                                menopau   usal status in women       n, high blo   ood
                                                                pressure, impaired     d renal function,
                                                                                                     f             and
                                                                comorbid  dities that in
                                                                                       nclude metabolic syndro    ome
                                                                are all asssociated witth lower uricc acid excrettion
                                                                [5]. Alsoo, chronic antihyperten
                                                                                       a              sive treatmment
                                                                that inccludes diu     uretic, low--dose aspiirin,
                                                                cyclosporrine, alcoho  ol consumpttion, and le      ead
                                                                exposuree are associatted with decreased uric acid a
                                                                excretionn [5].
                                                                    Lifesttyle can represent a risk factor for
                                                                gout, butt also for otther chronicc diseases with w
                                                                public heealth importtance. The consumption
                                                                                                     c             n of
                                                                alcohol drinks
                                                                           d       (partticularly beer), beverages
Fiig. 1 Flow diagram of the sea
                              arch and selecttion of eligible   sweeteneed with hig    gh-fructose and fruit ju   uice
paapers                                                         and also  o corn syrrup, some seafood (e           e.g.
                                                                shellfish, some largee saltwater fish) and meat
    Gout is caaused by th  he chronic elevation of              (especially red meaat, wild gam      me, and org   gan
 erum uric accid and depo   osition of mo
                                        onosodium               meat) represent
                                                                           r             an increased risk for
urate crystalss in tissues aand synovial fluid [1,2].           developin  ng gout [7]. Studies sh   how that foo   ods
C        manifestations o  of gout result from the              rich in puurine, such as
                                                                                       a oatmeal, nuts, legum     mes,
deposition of o monoso     odium uratte crystals                mushroo  oms and asparagus, do       o not increase
producing recurrent cellulitis and      a      acute            the risk,, and dairyy products provide easy
bursitis, chroonic arthrittis, tophi, asa well as               protectio on against gout [8]. Also, gene          etic
urolithiasis an
              nd chronic kkidney disease [5].                   mutation  ns, such as some defeccts in the re     enal

© 2020
Romanian Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology 2020; 3(1): 70-77

urate transport system, can more frequently                    and characterized by underlying pain between
cause uric acid underexcretion and less often                  attacks and accumulations of uric acid, known
overproduction, leading to gout [7].                           as tophi [9].
                                                                   For the diagnosis of gout, the most often
Clinical presentations                                         used criteria in Europe are those developed by
                                                               the European League Against Rheumatism
    The diagnosis of gout is usually clinically                that were updated in 2018 (Table 1) [2].
established on the basis of the rapid                          Microscopic examination of joint fluid is less
development of single-jointed arthritis,                       commonly used and reveals monosodium
characterized by red, tender, warm and                         urate crystals in shape, preferably intracellular,
swollen joints and with clinical resolution                    with bright, negative birefringence, on light
within a week, that usually involves the first                 compensated polarized light microscopy [7].
metatarsophalangeal joint (more than 75% of                    Radiographic changes are not common in the
gout arthritis), also known as podagral                        initial forms of the disease, they take several
(podagra) [7,9]. Flares of gout could be                       years to develop and are necessary to
precipitated by dehydration, injury, infection,                establish a positive diagnosis in the later
initiation of ULT, excess of alcohol or purine                 stages of gout [3].
intake [3]. Chronic gout is often polyarticular

Table 1. EULAR Update - Eight recommendations for the diagnosis of gout [2]
                    EULAR RECOMMENDATIONS                                   LEVEL OF           GRADE OF
                                                                            EVIDENCE       RECOMMENDATION

 1.   It is recommended to look for crystals in synovial fluid or               2b                  B
      aspirated from tophi in each person suspected of gout, because
      highlighting the MSU crystals establishes the definitive
      diagnosis of gout.
 2.   Gout should be considered in any adult with arthritis. If synovial        2b                  B
      fluid analysis is not possible, the clinical diagnosis is supported
      by the following suggestive (but not specific) features:
      involvement of a single leg joint (especially the first
      metatarsophalangeal joint) or ankle joint; rapid onset of severe
      pain and edema (< 24 hours); erythema; similar previous
      episodes of acute arthritis; masculine gender, hyperuricemia
      and associated cardiovascular disease.
 3.   Hyperuricemia alone does not diagnose gout.                               2a                  B
 4.   A strong recommendation is to aspirate and examine synovial               3                   C
      fluid of all the patients with undiagnosed inflammatory
 5.   When the clinical diagnosis is uncertain and it is not possible to        1b                  A
      identify uric acid crystals, imaging is necessary to look for the
      deposition of crystals, but also to make a differential diagnosis.
 6.   Simple radiographs are needed to look for imaging evidence of             1b                  A
      crystal deposition, but with limited value for the diagnosis of
      acute gout. Joint ultrasound may be more useful in diagnosing
      patients with acute or chronic gout, tophi that are not evident
      on clinical examination or the presence of a double contour of
      the cartilage surface (ultrasound pathognomonic sign of urate
      deposits in the joints).

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 7.   Patients who are diagnosed with gout should be evaluated for           1a                    A
      risk factors such as hyperuricemia, especially overweight/
      obese, medication (including diuretics, cyclosporine, low-dose
      aspirin, tacrolimus), chronic kidney disease; diet rich in meat
      and shellfish, excessive alcohol consumption (especially beer
      and spirits).
 8.   Patients with gout should be evaluated systematically for the          1a                    A
      presence of comorbidities such as obesity, hypertension,
      dyslipidemia, diabetes, ischemic heart disease, heart failure
      and kidney failure.

 EULAR = European League Against Rheumatism; MSU = monosodium urate

     X-rays may show:                                       monoarticular arthritis [7]. Pseudogout (or
     o Swelling of the soft tissues during                  “false gout”) is a form of arthritis that results
acute or tophaceous gout;                                   from deposits of calcium pyrophosphate
     o Preservation of joint space until late               crystals, and commonly affects the knees and
illness;                                                    wrists [7]. Swelling of the joint associated with
     o Absence of bone proliferation;                       trauma is usually identified from the history;
     o Increased density/ calcification of soft             however, trauma can lead to the onset of
tissues in tophaceous gout – eccentric;                     acute       gout     caused       by    increased
     o Cortical erosions - intra-articular, well            concentrations of urate at the synovial level
defined, marginal, distant from the articular               [7,9]. It is necessary to exclude a fracture in a
line, with sclerotic and overhanging edges.                 patient with gout-like symptoms by imaging
     Imaging examination by ultrasonography,                examination especially if he has a traumatic
computed tomography or magnetic resonance                   joint injury associated [7,9].
imaging is not usually required for diagnosis                   Septic arthritis can occur without fever or
[7]. Ultrasound characteristics of gout include             leukocytosis, so it is necessary to perform
the double mark of the cartilaginous contour                arthrocentesis to differentiate this condition
(urate crystals are deposited at the level of the           from an acute outbreak of gout [7,9]. In
surface of the hyaline articular cartilage),                exceptional cases, septic arthritis and gout
hyper-echoic aggregates, intra-articular and                may begin at the same time [3,7,11]. Another
intra-bursal tophi [3].                                     inflammatory arthritis that mimics the clinical
     Gouty arthritis, but also tophi cause                  presentation of gout could be psoriatic
chronic disabilities, low productivity, increased           arthritis, reactive arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis
use of health care resources and affect the                 or osteoarthritis [3].
quality of life of patients [5]. Therefore, gout
represents a major public health problem [10].
                                                                Management of gout
It is not yet clear whether the impact of gout
                                                                Recommendations for the management
on the patient’s life is correlated with the
disease itself or the associated risk factors or            of acute attacks
medical conditions [10]. Recurrent flares of                    To understand the importance of treating
gout arthritis are associated with chronic                  acute episodes of gout, patients must be
arthritis and tophi, recent use of diuretic drugs           educated [5]. Rapid and complete remission of
and alcohol consumption [5].                                symptoms requires that the treatment of the
                                                            gout episode begins no later than 24 hours
    The differential diagnosis                              after the onset of symptoms. Acute flares of
    Pseudogout, trauma and infections are                   gout can be treated with NSAIDs, colchicine
included in the differential diagnosis of                   and oral or intravenous corticosteroids [5]. The

© 2020
Romanian Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology 2020; 3(1): 70-77

first-line treatment of the acute episode                 inflammation does not imply the absence of
should take into account the patient’s choice,            continuous deposition of acid crystals and also
renal function and associated comorbidities               joint accumulation and damage [18]. If a
[5].                                                      patient has an acute episode of gout, chronic
     In addition, the affected joint requires the         uric acid reduction medication will not be
drug treatment and a cold environment                     discontinued,         being        continuously
(application of ice packs) [5]. Also, the                 administered [19].
recommendation of rest of the affected joints                 Allopurinol (medicine used to reduce urate)
is based on the vast experience of the patients           in combination with an NSAID and colchicine
and on the opinion of the experts [5]. Ice packs          can also be administered in the acute
can be used as the sole treatment for acute               outbreak, even if it was previously thought
gout or when medicines are contraindicated                that this drug aggravates the flare [7,20].
due to multiple comorbidities [5].                        Once the uric acid level is below the target
     The recommendation of using topical ice in           values, treatment should continue for at least
combination with prednisolone and colchicine              3 months in patients without tophi and for at
is supported by a Cochrane systematic review              least 6 months in those with tophi [19].
of a single small RCT (n = 19) [12]. This study               Corticosteroids are the alternative
showed that the use of ice packs produces a               medication for those patients with low
significant reduction in pain without                     tolerability to NSAIDs or colchicine [5]. Short-
associating additional adverse events (3.3 cm,            term corticosteroids can be administered to
95% CI: 5.84 to 0.82 on 10 visual analogue                diabetic patients with adequate monitoring of
scale) [5].                                               hyperglycaemia [5,7,9]. For patients with
     Patients with an acute gout attack should            acute monoarticular disease and associated
receive high-dose NSAIDs due to the severity              comorbidities, joint aspiration and injection of
of pain and inflammation and continued                    a corticosteroid are preferred, which are
treatment for up to one to two days after the             extremely effective and are the first-line
symptoms have improved [7,13-15]. However,                option [5,7,9].
NSAIDs should be used with caution and are                    Particular attention should be given to
contraindicated in patients with peptic ulcer,            discontinuation of corticosteroid therapy for
history of gastrointestinal bleeding or                   acute episodes of gout due to the frequent
perforation or renal failure [5]. COX-2                   rebound effects [7]. To reduce the risk of a
inhibitors show equal efficacy and superior               flare-up, preventive treatment and a gradual
gastrointestinal tolerability to non-selective            reduction of the dose of corticosteroids until
NSAIDs, with the statement that there are                 10 to 14 days after the onset of symptoms is
uncertainties in the chronic administration of            recommended [7].
their cardiovascular and renal toxicity                       Option treatment for acute flare gout is
[5,16,17]. It is recommended that patients                colchicine, but without analgesic properties
receiving      anti-inflammatory       treatment          and with increased efficacy if is administered
(NSAIDs or cyclooxygenase-2 inhibitors,                   within the first 72 hours from onset [7].
corticosteroids) should also receive a gastro-            Terkeltaub’s study showed that low doses of
protective agent [5].                                     colchicine (1.2 mg initially and 600 mg per
     Prevention of recurrent acute episodes of            hour) are just as effective and have fewer side
gout does not include a long-term treatment               effects (nausea, vomiting, diarrhea), as a dose
with NSAIDs and corticosteroids without                   of more than 4,8 mg at over 6 hours [5].
combining a medication to reduce uric acid,               Colchicine doses should be reduced in elderly
because the absence of clinical signs of                  patients and those with an estimated

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glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) of < 10 ml/       hypertension, dyslipidemia, diabetes mellitus
min/ 1.73 m² and contraindicated in those with      and renal disease [5]. These patients should be
eGFR of 10-50 ml/ min/ 1.73 m² [5].                 reviewed and managed accordingly [5].
    Patients with treatment standard failure of
acute gout can receive IL-1 inhibitors                  Prevention for chronic and recurrent gout
(anakinra, canakinumab and rilonacept) [5]. IL-     attacks
1 inhibitor treatment has been approved by              Serum urate reduction therapy is
the European Medicines Agency (EMA), but            recommended in patients who have any of the
has not been approved in the United States          following: at least two acute episodes per year
(Food and Drug Administration - FDA) and the        (one per year in people with chronic kidney
United Kingdom (National Institute for              disease in stage 2 or older), tophi or a history
Excellence in Health and Care – NICE) [5].          of nephrolithiasis and for the prevention of
                                                    recurrent gout attacks [7]. Level of serum
    Dietary modifications                           urate must be lower than 5 to 6 mg per dL (297
    Overweight patients should have a gradual       to 357 μmol per L) [3,7,9,22]. Uric acid
weight loss (approximately 10% of weight in a       reduction therapy should be continued for up
year) followed by weight maintenance.               to 3-6 months after the onset of symptoms
Patients with gout should be encouraged to          and, if signs or symptoms are present, therapy
have a well-balanced diet, rich in vegetables       should be continued for an indefinite period
and fiber, low in fat and sugar and also to         [7,22].
exercise.                                               The first therapeutic line to prevent
    The major risk factor for gout in men is        recurrent gout is a xanthine oxidase inhibitor,
weight gain so that weight loss is necessary,       allopurinol [14]. Prevention of chronic disease
the same as stopping the use of high-fructose       progression in patients with gout and
corn syrup, rich purine animal protein (organ       associated comorbidities, such as chronic
meats, lamb, pork, beef, shellfish) and alcohol     kidney disease or congestive heart failure, is
[7]. The diet is based on skim milk and/ or low-    achieved with the help of allopurinol [23,24]. It
fat yogurt, vegetable sources of protein,           is recommended that the initiation dose is 100
including beans and soy, but also cherries [5].     mg daily and that the dose is gradually
In a study of 633 subjects with gout, it was        increased to 300 mg daily so that the serum
observed that patients who consumed cherries        uric acid level is below the reference value [7].
and cherry extract had a significantly lower        Some patients may receive doses higher than
risk of gout attacks (35%) compared to no           300 mg a day, even if they are associated with
intake [5,21]. The combination of cherries and      kidney damage, but who require close
allopurinol reduces the risk of acute gout          monitoring for adverse effects [14].
outbreaks by 75% (odds ratio (OR) = 0.25, 95%           To prevent recurrent gout, the first line of
CI: 0.15, 0.42) [5].                                treatment is Febuxostat, another xanthine
    Patients are encouraged to avoid                oxidase inhibitor approved by the FDA in 2009
dehydration and to drink more than 2 l of           [14]. A dose higher than 300 mg of allopurinol
water per day, especially those with gout and       is needed to reduce serum uric acid, but it is
a history of urolithiasis [5]. Patients with        not more effective in reducing the frequency
recurrent urolithiasis are recommended to           of acute episodes [25,26]. The optimal dose of
alkalize their urine with potassium citrate (60     febuxostat is 40 mg per day, and for patients
mEq per day) [5]. All the patients with gout        with a serum uric acid level > 6 mg/ dL, the
must be screened for cigarette smoking and          dose could be increased to 80 mg per day
comorbidities        conditions     such      as    [25,26]. It is not recommended for use in

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Romanian Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology 2020; 3(1): 70-77

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