EThekwini South Africa Q2 2021 Real Estate Market

Page created by Brenda Hicks
EThekwini South Africa Q2 2021 Real Estate Market
South Africa Q2 2021 Real Estate Market

EThekwini South Africa Q2 2021 Real Estate Market
Office Sector

    1.70 million                15.4%                        15.8%

   Estimated stock      Vacancy rate (all grades)   Vacancy rate (prime grade)

                              P = -0.6%                    Negative,
     R170 – R125              A = 3.9%                      cyclical
                              B = 1.8%                     downturn
                              C = 0.4%

    Average prime             Annualised                 Rental outlook
     rental range            rental growth

Industrial Sector

     R65 – R75                  cyclical                   5.2%-10%

 Prime rent (Rand/m2)       Rental outlook             Prime vacancy rate

Hotel Sector

        46%                      R 971                       R 449

   Occupancy (YTD)             ADR (YTD)                  RevPAR (YTD)
EThekwini South Africa Q2 2021 Real Estate Market
Office sector
   eThekwini’s office sector continues            have been various success stories             For landlords and investors alike,        By segment, both premium                  a result of older premium stock       activity at record low levels,
   facing heavy headwinds, as rising              of residential office conversions             eThekwini’s office market remains         (11.0%) and A-grade (2.9%) stock          being reclassified. Despite the       however, it is unlikely that
   vacancy rates and compressed                   in the CBD, eThekwini’s dominant              a daunting space to navigate,             experienced an annual increase in         oversupplied market, SAPOA’s          much of this stock will come
   rentals put landlords under                    commercial node of Umhlanga                   as uncertainty around economic            volume. The growth in premium             latest survey result suggests         to market over the short term.
   significant pressure. Office demand            shows limited prospects for                   stability along with an industry-wide     office space was attributed to            that approximately 7,000 square       Committed developments
   dynamics have continued to soften              alternative use initiatives.                  shift in corporate demand dynamics        completions coming to market              metres of new committed stock         remain concentrated in the
   as corporates look to scale down               Emerging trends of smaller                    continue to place pressure on             in the Umhlanga node, while the           have been recorded. With demand       Umhlanga/La Lucia and
   on space requirements in line                  businesses migrating into the                 asset performance. It remains an          rise in A-grade stock is primarily        fundamentals and development          Westville nodes.
   with new work from home and                    peripheral suburbs have started               opportune time for prospective
   office rotational hybrid models.               picking up traction, driven strongly          tenants operating in eThekwini
   The net effect is that office foot
   count has declined significantly
                                                  by residential estates expanding
                                                  their service offerings through
                                                                                                to secure favourable long-term
                                                                                                lease arrangements.
                                                                                                                                           eThekwini: office stock by grade & annualised change, 2021 Q2
   from pre-COVID levels. While there             sectional title office spaces.
                                                                                                                                                                   1.00                                                                              15.0%

                                                                                                                                        Office Stock (m2 Million)

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Stock Growth (%)
    eThekwini has an estimated 1.7                is considered oversupplied, with a            100,000 square metres of prime                                                                                 0.46                                  5.0%
   million square meters of office stock          flurry of new stock (130,000 square           office space, concentrated in                                      0.40                                                               0.36
   at the end of the second quarter of            metres) coming to market over the             Umhlanga (90%) and Ballito (10%).                                                                                                                    0.0%
   2021, having grown at 2.5% over the            previous 4-years. The metropolitan                                                                               0.20
   last year. eThekwini’s office sector           municipality is home to just under
                                                                                                                                                                   0.00                                                                              -5.0%
                                                                                                                                                                          P-grade     A-grade                B-grade                C-grade
                                                                                                                                                                                      Office Stock         Annual Growth
   eThekwini: total office stock, 2018 - 2021                                                                                             Source: SAPOA, 2021.

                                 1.75                                                                                                     From an office conversion                 has seen effectively no residential   a trend in outer-lying residential
                                                                                                                                          perspective, we have seen many            conversions taking place. This is     estates marketing small office
Total Office Stock (m2 Million)

                                 1.70                                                                                                     redevelopments take place in              predominantly a result of most of     spaces for sectional title ownership
                                                                                         1.66                                             the Durban CDB. This aligns with          the node’s office buildings being     or lease has emerged. This move
                                 1.65                                                                                                     the 3.9% contraction recorded in          relatively new, whilst an abundance   towards targeting small scale private
                                                                                                                                          C-grade office stock. There has           of residential accommodation is       businesses is likely to grow in the
                                 1.60                      1.59                                                                           been reasonable success,                  available in and around the area.     future, to own or rent spaces close
                                                                                                                                          particularly in the student and           With high construction costs,         to home. This corporate semigration
                                 1.55                                                                                                     affordable housing segments.              landlords are left with few options   trend, albeit to a lesser degree,
                                                                                                                                                                                    to address vacancies in the key       echoes what has started to emerge
                                 1.50                                                                                                     In contrast, the dominant                 commercial node. With that said,      across Johannesburg’s office market.
                                        2018 Q2          2019 Q2                    2020 Q2                         2021 Q2               commercial node of Umhlanga
   Source: SAPOA, 2021.
EThekwini South Africa Q2 2021 Real Estate Market
An oversupplied office market                     recovery, has resulted in marginal                              yet. Larger corporates, however,               Rental concessions and installation                                     have ticked up slightly over                                            comes down to the general
combined with a shift in corporate                positive net absorption of space.                               have started driving the trend in              allowances being offered have                                           the past year, annual growth                                            performance of office portfolios
demand dynamics has seen                          Accordingly, eThekwini’s premium                                downscaling and consolidating                  not changed much over the last                                          for listings remains sub-CPI,                                           vis-à-vis how landlords view their
eThekwini’s office fundamentals                   office vacancy rate stands at 15.8%                             space requirements. With that said,            6-months. However, landlords have                                       whilst achieved rentals confirm                                         product offering compared to
come under severe pressure.                       at the end of June 2021 (down from                              larger office floor plates remain              to remain aggressive in their lease                                     negative reversionary movement                                          what is available in the market.
The aggregate office vacancy                      22.9% in Q2 2020). Similarly,                                   challenging to acquire, as most                arrangement to stay competitive                                         across grades. Rental levels are                                        In most cases, landlords would
rate stands at 15.4%, up by half a                vacancy rates declined annually                                 businesses adopt a “wait and see”              in the tenant driven market.                                            anticipated to continue softening                                       rather secure a tenant paying
percentage point from the previous                across C-grade office space,                                    approach. As leases come up for                Typical prime rentals have                                              with rising vacancy rates. To avoid                                     reduced rental rates than sit with
year’s second quarter. Vacancy rates              as alternative use conversions                                  expiry, however, we will likely see            compressed from R190-R200/m2                                            sitting with empty buildings and                                        completely empty office buildings
amongst A (19.7%) and B-grade                     (predominantly in the CBD)                                      many companies downscale on                    plus to the R170-R175/m2 mark.                                          compromising portfolio cashflows,                                       in their portfolio. It remains an
(16.8%) stock increased by 8% and                 eased pressure on the                                           space requirements to some                     However, evidence suggests that                                         landlords are left with few option                                      opportune time for prospective
14%, respectively. Interestingly,                 oversupplied segment.                                           degree. Smaller office plates                  leases for the same class of asset are                                  but to rebase rental levels to offer                                    tenants to secure favourable long
premium-grade office space showed                                                                                 sprawled across buildings seem                 being signed in the R125-R155/m2                                        a competitive product to potential                                      term lease arrangements.
substantial vacancy recovery on                   In general, increases in vacancy                                to be the most popular scale of                range in certain instances. Therefore,                                  tenants. The nature in which deals
an annual basis (31% reduction),                  rates have been driven by small                                 spaces available in the market.                although average asking rentals                                         are being structured ultimately
albeit moving from a low base in                  pockets of office space being let                               Steady softening in office
2020, where the height of lock-down               go throughout the metropolitan                                  fundamentals presents excellent
                                                  municipality. Small and medium
restrictions saw a chunk of stock
let go into the market. Since then,               businesses have shown to be unsure
                                                                                                                  opportunities for tenants well
                                                                                                                  versed in market-related deals
                                                                                                                                                                 eThekwini: Average Gross Asking Rental by Grade, 2018-2021
incremental easing of restrictions,               what the new corporate office model                             to sign into long-term
coupled with glimpses of economic                 will look like and have subsequently                            lease agreements.                                                         R250.0
                                                  been reluctant to give up space just


eThekwini: Vacancy Rate by Grade, 2018-2021                                                                                                                                                 R200.0

                                                                                                                                                                 Asking Rent per m2, Rand












Rate (%)




           10.0%                                                                                                                                                                               R-
                                                                                                                                                                                                              P-grade                                A-grade                                         B-grade                            C-grade
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         2018 Q2              2019 Q2            2020 Q2            2021 Q2

           5.0%                                                                                                                                                  Source: JLL, 2021; SAPOA, 2021; Rode, 2021.

                          P-grade                           A-grade                                     B-grade                          C-grade
                                                  2018 Q2           2019 Q2          2020 Q2           2021 Q2

Source: SAPOA, 2021.
eThekwini: Average Gross Asking Rental by Grade &
Annual Change, 2021 Q2

                                 R250.0                                                                                 4.5%


                                 R200.0    R193.8                                                                       3.5%
Gross Asking Rent per m2, Rand


                                                         R150.3                                                         2.5%

                                                                                                                                Rantal Change (%)

                                  R50.0                                                                                 0.0%


                                    R-                                                                                  -1.0%
                                          P-grade       A-grade                B-grade                C-grade
                                                        Asking Rent      Annual Change

Source: SAPOA, 2021; Rode, 2021; JLL, 2021.

eThekwini’s office market is                        However, a similar conversion          Sustained real economic growth,
anticipated to continue facing                      approach in commercial nodes           particularly within the financial
steady headwinds for the remainder                  such a Umhlanga is less viable due     and business services sector,
of 2021. The sector remains heavily                 to the abundance of residential        will be critical to the long-term
tenant driven, with favourable                      accommodation in the area, not to      path of recovery. Furthermore,
leasing deals attainable for                        mention the relatively new nature      the successful scaling and roll-out
qualifying operators. The case                      of commercial buildings. With that     of the COVID-19 vaccine coupled
for residential conversions                         said, fundamentals are expected to     with accommodative monetary and
(particularly affordable and                        continue softening as uncertainty      fiscal policy will be vital in restoring
student housing) of old vacant                      around lockdown regulations            both local and international
office space is still strong in the CBD.            and business continuity remain         business confidence.
                                                    significant concerns for corporates.
Industrial sector
Market Overview
While eThekwini experienced                                  Larger premises exceeding 15,000m2         Large operators such as Massmart
significant traction in industrial                           have showcased quite the opposite          continue to opt for new build
activity over the fourth quarter of                          trend, with stock sitting in the           options. Interestingly, these blue-
2020 and the first quarter of 2021,                          market, unoccupied for 6-months            chip tenant specification-built
momentum has slowed down                                     or more.                                   premises have shown incredibly
drastically over the last month of the                                                                  resilient fundamentals, achieving
second quarter. Decision-making                              Consequently, there has been major         rentals around R85-R90/m2.
processes have seemed to stagnate                            pressure on rentals over the last          These specialised greenfield
as uncertainty in the market,                                12-months, where existing rates on         developments typically range
both from an economic and                                    warehousing space have fallen as           between 10,000-25,000m2 in size.
regulatory perspective,                                      much as 15%-20%. Typical deals             Unsurprisingly, momentum in the
grapple with business confidence.                            previously done at R75/m2 are now          new build space has placed pressure
Unlike other port cities such as                             regularly being closed at R60-R65/         on fundamentals across existing
Cape Town, evidence suggests                                 m2. Subsequently, rental escalations       stock in the market. Trends suggest
that eThekwini currently houses                              have come under significant                that large operators would rather
a fair amount of vacant stock,                               pressure, reduced to 6% and lower          expand into new bespoke, uniquely
varying in location and size.                                in certain instances. Uncertainty          tailored buildings. As a result,
Smaller industrial parcels (below                            around economic stability and              there is a healthy pipeline of
5,000m2) have shown more resilient                           contractual risks has seen lease           buildings under construction,
fundamentals, as available stock on                          periods shortened, with many               and planned premises expected
the market continues to be acquired                          tenants pushing for 3, and in some         to come online over the next year.
and occupied relatively quickly.                             cases, 2-year lease periods.

eThekwini: Gross Industrial Asking Rental, Average vs Highest Prime







Gross Asking Rent per m2, Rand









                                           2017 Q2         2018 Q2               2019 Q2                     2020 Q2         2021 Q2

                                                          eThkw Prime Mean              eThkw Highest Mean

Source: Rode, 2021.
Hotel Market
The second quarter of 2021 started        holidays in December 2020.                   in the Durban market is particularly
with April registering the highest                                                     noticeable in the 4-star segment,
average national occupancy rates          The Durban area has remained                 where upscale properties continue
of any month since the start of           the destination of choice for the            to appeal to an upper-income
the Covid-19 pandemic. At 40%,            domestic leisure market. In fact,            target market that has been
occupancy levels were nearly              occupancy rates recorded during              mostly unscathed by COVID-19
double the rate recorded in January       the start of the second quarter have         (in terms of economic impact)
and slightly higher than the previous     come close to 2019 levels, whilst            and that remain largely unable
peak of 37% over the summer               ADR was also similar – even slightly         to travel internationally.
                                          higher during April. The strength

City of Durban Occupancy                                      City of Durban ADR & RevPAR
Comparison: June 2020-2021                                    Comparison: June 2020-2021

50%                                                            R1,200
45%                                                                                R971
35%                                                                         R771
25%                                                             R600
                    13%                                         R400
10%                                                             R200
 0%                                                               R0
                          Occupancy                                              ADR               RevPAR
                    2020     2021                                                  2020     2021

Source: STR, June 2021.

Despite the strong momentum               entering a new wave of COVID-19              likely end with substantial pent-up
carried by the local hotel market         infections and an expanded set               demand for domestic travel, with a
during the first five months of the       of restrictions. While the next few          vaccinated international community
year, the second quarter comes            months will be challenging for the           ready to consider cross-border travel.
to a close as South Africa is again       hotel market, the third quarter will
Contact us
JLL Sub-Saharan Africa

3rd Floor, The Firs
Cnr Biermann & Cradock Ave
Rosebank, South Africa, 2196
Phone: +27 11 507 2200

Michael Scott
Analyst, Research
JLL Sub-Saharan Africa
+27 11 507 2200

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