Page created by Rick Palmer
             y gathering 35 local scholars, experts, and civil society activists specialized in
             racism and human rights, the fifth edition of the European Islamophobia Report
             addresses a still timely and politically important issue. All 32 country reports
included in this book follow a unique structure that is convenient, first, for comparing
countries and, second, for selected readings on a particular topic such as politics, em-
ployment, or education with regard to Islamophobia across Europe.
The present report investigates in detail the underlying dynamics that directly or indirectly
                                                                                                                                                  ENES BAYRAKLI • FARID HAFEZ (Eds)
support the rise of anti-Muslim racism in Europe. This extends from Islamophobic state-
ments spread in national media to laws and policies that restrain the fundamental rights
of European Muslim citizens and threaten the whole of society. As a result, the European
Islamophobia Report 2019 discusses the impact of anti-Muslim racism on human rights,
multiculturalism, and the state of law in Europe.
This fifth edition of our report highlights how European societies are progressively over-
whelmed by the Islamophobic discourse of the “Great Replacement” and other far-right
conspiracy theories. The 32 country reports demonstrate how governments and main-
stream media participate in reproducing such discourses that put the fundamental rights of
millions of European citizens in jeopardy and how one can counteract these developments.
This compendium of useful insights and data aims to provide European policy-makers,
institutions, and NGOs with recommendations on how to tackle anti-Muslim racism in
Europe seriously.

     About SETA

                                                                                                             ENES BAYRAKLI • FARID HAFEZ (Eds)
     Foundation for Political, Economic and Social Research (SETA) is a non-profit research
     institute based in Turkey dedicated to innovative studies on national, regional and in-
     ternational issues. SETA is the leading think tank in Turkey and has offices in Ankara,
     Istanbul, Washington D.C., Berlin and Brussels. The objective of SETA is to produce
     up-to-date and accurate knowledge and analyses in the fields of politics, economy, and
     society, and inform policy makers and the public on changing political, economic, social,
     and cultural conditions. Through research reports, publications, brain storming sessions,
     conferences and policy recommendations, SETA seeks to guide leaders in government,
     civil society, and business, and contributes to informed decision making mechanisms.

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ISBN: 978-625-7040-52-5
First Published in 2020

Cover and Layout: Erkan Söğüt
Proofreading: Dr. Eva Stamoulou Oral
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Enes Bayraklı
Mr. Bayraklı earned his BA, MA and PhD from the Department of Political Sci-
ence at the University of Vienna, and conducted research for his PhD thesis at the
University of Nottingham in Britain between 2009 and 2010. He took office as a
deputy director at Yunus Emre Turkish Cultural Center in London in 2011-2013.
Mr. Bayraklı also served as the founding director of Yunus Emre Turkish Cultural
Centers in Constanta and Bucharest during the period of August-December 2012.
Mr. Bayraklı has been a faculty member in the Department of Political Science at
the Turkish-German University since 2013. His fields of research include the Trans-
formation of Turkish Foreign Policy, Cultural Diplomacy, Foreign Policy Analysis,
German Politics and Foreign Policy.

Farid Hafez
Farid Hafez, PhD (Political Science, University of Vienna), is a political scientist and
non-resident senior researcher at Georgetown University’s “The Bridge Initiative” at
the School of Foreign Service. He defended his habilitation thesis on “Islam Politics
in the Second Republic of Austria” at the University of Salzburg in 2019. In 2017,
he was a Fulbright visiting professor at the University of California, Berkeley and in
2014, he was a visiting scholar at Columbia University, New York. Since 2010, he has
been the editor of the Islamophobia Studies Yearbook, and since 2015 the co-editor of
the European Islamophobia Report. Hafez has received the Bruno Kreisky Award for
the “Political Book of the Year” for his anthology Islamophobia in Austria (co-edited
with John Bunzl). He has more than 100 publications in leading journals such as
Politics and Religion, Patterns of Prejudice, and German Politics and Society. His latest
publications are Islamophobia in Muslim Majority Societies (Routledge, co-edited with
Enes Bayrakli, 2019) and Feindbild Islam. Über die Salonfähigkeit von Rassismus (Islam-
ophobia. On the Acceptance of Racism. Bohlau, 2019). Email:

For more information about the EIR:

                                          ISLAMOPHOBIA IN
                            NATIONAL REPORT 2019
                                                         JOZEF LENČ •   @islamophobiaEIR                          703


The Author
Jozef Lenč is an assistant professor at the Department of Philosophy and Applied
Philosophy at the Faculty of Arts of the University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius in
Trnava, Slovakia. His research focuses on the relationship of religion and politics,
especially in regards to political parties, Islam, and Islamic philosophy. Lenč is a
commentator of Slovak and international politics, especially regarding the Middle
East. He has co-authored the book Young Migrants in the Slovak Society (2012) and is
the author of the book Religion in Politics and the Position of Religious Political Parties
(2016). Email:

Disclaimer: Statements of fact and opinion in the national reports of the European
Islamophobia Report are those of the respective authors. They are not the expression
of the editors or the funding institutions. No representation, either expressed or im-
plied, is made of the accuracy of the material in the national reports. The editors of
the European Islamophobia Report cannot accept any legal responsibility or liability
for any errors or omissions that may have been made. The reader must make his or
her own evaluation of the accuracy and appropriateness of the material.
To cite this report: Jozef Lenč: Islamophobia in Slovakia: National Report 2019, in: Enes Bayraklı & Farid
Hafez, European Islamophobia Report 2019, Istanbul, SETA, 2020. •          @islamophobiaEIR                                                    705

Executive Summary
In 2019, Islamophobia in Slovakia manifested itself mainly in social networks, po-
litical campaigns, and in several media that published conspiracy theory articles
especially in connection to repeated proposals to tighten the abortion law and to
the parliamentary debate on the so-called Istanbul Convention (Council of Europe
convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic
violence). Politicians spreading Islamophobic views not only enjoyed more media
coverage during parliamentary debates, but Islamophobic narrative became an im-
portant part of the campaign before the presidential election (March 2019) and the
European Parliament election (May 2019).
      Politicians, both the government coalition and parts of the opposition, have
used Islamophobic statements in their election campaigns (2019). Some politicians
repeatedly ignore the fact that Muslims are citizens of the Slovak Republic and that
they have the same rights and obligations as other citizens. Slovak Muslims are re-
peatedly associated with terrorism, illegal migration, and labelled as a security threat
to Slovakia.
      In this light, the positive change from previous years is that the legislative po-
sition of Muslims in Slovakia has not deteriorated. Slovak Muslims were also par-
tially publicly supported by the new President Zuzana Čaputova. In 2019, several
non-governmental organisations, in cooperation with the Islamic Foundation in Slo-
vakia, joined a series of discussions on interfaith dialogue to mitigate the effects of


Verejné prejavy islamofóbie sa v roku 2019 sa sústredili prednostne na sociálne siete.
Napriek tomu sa šíreniu islamofóbie venoval relatívne veľký mediálny priestor. Na-
jmä v súvislosti s opakovanými návrhmi sprísnenia zákona o interrupciách a v par-
lamentnej diskusii o tzv. Istanbulskom dohovore (Dohovor Rady Európy o pred-
chádzaní násiliu na ženách a domácemu násiliu a o boji proti nemu). Politici, ktorí
šíria islamofóbne názory, mali väčší mediálny priestor nielen počas parlamentných
debát, ale tiež počas kampane pred prezidentskými voľbami (marec 2019), a voľbami
do Európskeho parlamentu (máj 2019).
      Politici (vládnej koalície a časti opozície) využívali islamofóbne vyjadrenia v
predvolebnej kampani, iní sa negatívne vyjadrovali smerom k moslimom v ad hoc
situáciách naprieč celým rokom. Veľká časť politikov opakovane ignoruje fakt, že
moslimovia sú občanmi Slovenskej republiky. Slovenskí moslimovia sú tiež často
spájaní s terorizmom, nelegálnou migráciou a sú označovaní za bezpečnostnú hrozbu
pre Slovensko.
      V tomto svetle je pozitívnou zmenou oproti minulým rokom to, že sa legis-
latívne postavenie moslimov na Slovensku nezhoršilo. Slovenských moslimov sa či-
astočne verejne zastala aj nová prezidentka Zuzana Čaputová. V roku 2019 sa viaceré
mimovládne organizácie v spolupráci s Islamskou nadáciou na Slovensku zapojili do
série diskusií spojených s medzináboženským dialógom s cieľom zmierniť dopady
politickej islamofóbie na spoločnosť. •    @islamophobiaEIR                                      707

                                  Country Profile
                                    EIR 2019
      Country: Slovakia
      Type of Regime: Unitary Parliamentary Republic
      Form of Government: Parliamentary System
      Ruling Parties: SMER-SD (Direction-Social Democracy, left-wing populism,
nationalism), SNS (Slovak National Party, nationalism), Most-Hid (Bridge, centre)
      Opposition Parties: SaS (Freedom and Solidarity, national liberalism, Euro-
scepticism); OĽaNO-NOVA-KU-ZZ (Ordinary People and Independent Personali-
ties, conservativism, populism); K-LSNS (Kotlebovci – People’s Party – Our Slovakia,
neo-fascism); Sme Rodina (We Are Family, national conservativism, social populism)
      Last Elections: 2019 Presidential Election (Zuzana Čaputova [Independent]
won 58.41% of the vote against 41.59% of Maroš Šefčovič [SMER-SD]); 2016
Legislative Election (SMER-SD; Robet Fico: 49 seats, SaS; Richard Sulik: 21 seats,
OLaNO-NOVA-KU-ZZ; Igor Matovič: 19 seats, SNS; Andrej Danko: 15 seats,
K-LSNS; Marian Kotleba: 14 seats, Sme Rodina; Boris Kollár, 11 seats, Most-Híd;
Béla Bugár, 11 seats, Sieť [Network]; Radoslav Procházka, 10 seats); next Legislative
Election 29 February 2020.
      Total Population: 5.45 million (2018)
      Major Languages: Slovak
      Official Religion: No official religion (secularism)
      Statistics on Islamophobia: The Slovak Republic doesn’t have official statistics
that report Islamophobia and hate crimes against Muslims.
      Statistics on Racism and Discrimination: N/A
      Major Religions (% of Population): Catholic Church (62.0%), No Religion
(13.4%), Evangelical Church of the Augsburg Confession (5.9%), Greek Catholic
Church (3.8%), Reformed Christian Church (1.8%)
      Muslim Population (% of Population): 4,800-5,000 people (0.001%) in 2018
      Main Muslim Community Organizations: Islamic Foundation in Slovakia
(ISN), Foundation al-Huda in Kosice, Association of Muslims in Central Slovakia
– al-Bakara
      Main NGOs Combating Islamophobia: Islamic Foundation in Slovakia, Fo-
rum of the World Religions Slovakia, Open Society Foundation, Centre for Research
of Ethnicity and Culture
      Far-Right Parties: Kotlebovci – People’s Party Our Slovakia (Kotleba – Ľudová
strana naše Slovensko, K-ĽSNS), Homeland (Vlasť), Slovak Revival Movement (Slov-
enské hnutie obrody, SHO)
      Far-Right Movements: Our Homeland Is the Future (Naša vlasť je budúcnosť,
      Far-Right Terrorist Organizations: N/A


    Limitations to Islamic Practices:
    ű Hijab Ban: None
    ű Halal Slaughter Ban: None
    ű Minaret Ban: None. In 2017, members of the alt-right political party We Are
      Family submitted a law to parliament banning the construction of mosques,
      which was not accepted.
    ű Circumcision Ban: None
    ű Burka Ban: None
    ű Prayer Ban: None •   @islamophobiaEIR                                    709

In 2019, four events that influenced the perception of the Muslim community in
the eyes of the public and defined the possibilities of its future status are crucial for
evaluating the manifestations of Islamophobia in Slovakia.
     The beginning of the year was marked by a campaign that preceded the pres-
idential election in March 2019. The campaign included candidates who openly
spread lies about Muslims and migrants in general, and thus supported widespread
prejudice towards the Muslim community in Slovakia. Their statements were mainly
based on the various conspiracies and arguments used in previous years by the far
right in parliamentary debates in order to enforce legislation that would curtail the
rights of Muslims, and respectively protect Slovakia from mass migration.
     The European Parliament elections in Slovakia (May 2019) was the space in
which the extreme right political parties and Eurosceptic political entities used the
“Muslim card” and the threat of “bringing refugees to Slovakia”. This was part of
the campaign of the K-LSNS, the SNS, and some smaller political parties that were
formed shortly before the European Parliament elections (Christian Union, Chris-
tian Democracy – Life and Prosperity).
     In the autumn of 2019, the Slovak Parliament was once again embroiled in a de-
bate about the so-called Istanbul Convention. The main motto of the opponents of
the international documentary to help reduce domestic violence and violence against
women was “Stop the evil from Istanbul”. This was seized by several Islamophobic
organisations who wanted to exploit the fear of Islam (exemplified in this instance
by Istanbul) as an element in the general rejection of the convention, which they
blamed, in particular, for the spread of so-called gender ideology.
     In November 2019, the official campaign for the parliamentary elections of
2020 began. Several political parties decided to run their political campaigns on a
platform premised on the fear of Islam. They spoke again of the threat of “bringing
migrants to Slovakia” or said they wouldn’t allow a “comprehensive Muslim commu-
nity” in Slovakia.1

Discussion of Islamophobic Incidents and
Discursive Events
Physical and Verbal Attacks
The Slovak Republic doesn’t provide statistics on attacks that are motivated by hatred
of a particular religion. Physical or verbal attacks against Muslims, which were re-

1. Jozef Lenč, “Predvolebná kampaň 2020: V znamení šírenia strachu z islámu a muslimov”,, 31
December 2019,
mu-a-muslimov/, (Access date: 25 January 2020).


ported in previous reports on Islamophobia in Slovakia, were reported to the Islamic
Foundation in Slovakia, which informed the public about them. For 2019, it did not
report any information on physical violence against Muslims.

It is not possible to ascertain from the available sources any data that Muslim women
or men in Slovakia were discriminated against on the basis of their religion. There
were no recorded Islamophobic instances that could be labelled as discriminatory in
the context of the employment of Muslims in Slovak workplaces in 2019.

In Slovakia, the long-term problem is that most Slovak history textbooks describe
the era of the Ottoman Empire’s domination of the Kingdom of Hungary (including
parts of today’s Slovakia) as a period of darkness in the country’s national history, full
of oppression and violence by the Turks. This interpretation of history is one of the
reasons for the negative view in Slovak society of Islam.2 This historical interpreta-
tion is also used by Christian organisations or extreme right-wing political parties
to spread a negative image of Muslims.3 The most common argument is the unsuc-
cessful siege of Vienna by the Ottomans and the victory of Christians over Muslims,
which is interpreted as a key event in defending Europe against Islam.4

In the presidential election of March 2019, candidates ran three different types of
campaigns in terms of their position vis-à-vis Muslims. The first category included
those who stylised themselves on the position that they will protect Slovakia from the
threat of future Islamisation. This included former chairman of the Supreme Court
of the Slovak Republic Štefan Harabin and chairman of the neo-Nazi political party
K-LSNS, Marián Kotleba. Both candidates associated the threat of Islamisation of
Slovakia with the “dictate of Brussels” and if they did not win the elections, the EU
would import Muslim migrants to Slovakia.5
     In the campaign, Kotleba criticised President Kiska for awarding German Chan-
cellor Angela Merkel the highest state decoration, the Order of the White Double
2. Radoslav Štefančík and Jozef Lenč, “Mladí migranti v slovenskej spoločnosti, Medzinárodná migrácia, moslimo-
via, štát a verejná mienka”, (Tribun EU, Brno: 2012), pp. 104-121.
3. “Absurdné! V bitke pri Viedni sa Európa zachránila pred moslimskou inváziou. Dnes sa za to hanbí”, Kotlebovci
– ĽSNS, 26 September 2018,
zachranila-pred-moslimskou-invaziou-dnes-sa-za-to-hanbi/, (Access date: 25 January 2020).
4. “Keď sa bojovalo o Viedeň”, Katolícke noviny, 20 May 2019,
kultura/article/ked-sa-bojovalo-o-vieden.xhtml, (Access date: 25 January 2020).
5. Karol Sudor, “Unavený Harabin strašil, že do Veľkého Krtíša môže prísť 200-tisíc migrantov. Zoštátnil by vere-
jnoprávne médiá”, Denník N, 10 March 2019,
ho-krtisa-moze-prist-200-tisic-migrantov-zostatnil-by-verejnopravne-media/, (Access date: 26 January 2020); Tibor
Habo, “Kotlebovci strašia islamom na novom webe, propagujú ho aj bilbordy”,, 9 January 2019, https://, (Access date: 26 January 2020). •             @islamophobiaEIR                                                         711

Cross of the First Class, saying that she “has flooded all Europe with Africans and
Muslims and made Germany die in two generations”.6 His campaign included ad-
vertising the website stratenaeuropa.sk7 as well as an allegedly “scary document from
our visit to immigrant-dominated European cities”. The essence of this “document”
was the spread of lies that cities in Western Europe are full of Muslims and immi-
grants who have created no-go zones and terrorize Europeans.8 For this campaign,
the Institute for Human Rights filed a criminal complaint against the K-LSNS.9
The Advertising Standards Council also had a problem with Kotleba’s Islamophobic
advertising; the council decided that such advertising was unethical.10

Figure 1: K-LSNS poster for their Islamophobic campaign “Lost Europe”. Part of the campaign was a film showing how
“Muslims gradually control Europe” (Spring 2019).11
Figure 1: K-LSNS poster for their Islamophobic campaign “Lost Europe”. Part of the campaign was a film
showing how "Muslims gradually control Europe" (Spring 2019). 11

6. “Marián Kotleba kritizuje Kisku za udelenie vyznamenania Merkelovej”, Kotlebovci – LSNS, 8 February 2019,
nia-merkelovej/, (Access date: 6 February 2020).
7. It is a project of the political party Kotlebovci-LSNS, which they used in the campaign before the presidential and
EP elections with the intention of spreading fear of Muslims and migrants and questioned Slovakia’s EU member-
ship. Stratená Európa,, (Access date: 6 February 2020).
8. “Film Stratená Európa, zobrazujúci desivé následky imigrácie, si prišli napriek zákazom pozrieť prvé stovky ľudí”,
Kotlebovci – LSNS, 8 October 2019,
sive-nasledky-imigracie-si-prisli-napriek-zakazom-pozriet-prve-stovky-ludi/, (Access date: 6 February 2020).
9. Soňa Otajovičová, “Inštitút ľudských práv podáva trestné oznámenie na Kotlebovu kampaň”, StartitUp, 11 Feb-
ruary 2019,,
(Access date: 6 February 2020).
10. Rebeka Kosečeková, “Bilbord Kotlebovcov je neetický, rozhodla Rada pre reklamu”, Trend, 30 January 2019,,     (Access
date: 6 February 2020); “Kotleba narazil. S jeho bilbordami má problém Rada pre reklamu”, Hospodárske noviny, 31
January 2019,
Figure 2: K-LSNS
rada-pre-reklamu,       poster
                   (Access date: 6for their Islamophobic
                                   February  2020).          campaign “Lost Europe”. “Immigrants occupy Europe” (Spring
    Stratená Európa, (Access date: 6 February 2020).

During the campaign, Stefan Harabin spread fake news that 11,000 migrants had arrived in
Slovakia. 13 He stated, “Migration policy (EU) is clear: replace our Christian families with
Muslim families”. 14

Figure 1: K-LSNS poster for their Islamophobic campaign “Lost Europe”. Part of the campaign was a film
showing how "Muslims gradually control Europe" (Spring 2019). 11

                 Figure 2: K-LSNS poster for their Islamophobic campaign “Lost Europe”. “Immigrants occupy Europe” (Spring 2019).12

Figure 2: K-LSNSDuringposter for
                               thetheir   Islamophobic
                                    campaign,        Stefan campaign      “Lost Europe”.
                                                             Harabin spread         fake news“Immigrants
                                                                                                that 11,000occupy
                                                                                                                migrants  Europe” (Spring
2019). 12
               had arrived in Slovakia.13 He stated, “Migration policy (EU) is clear: replace our
               Christian families with Muslim families”.14
During the campaign,            Stefan Harabin spread fake news that 11,000 migrants had arrived in
                     The second group of candidates consisted of those who opposed migration,
Slovakia. 13 without
               He stated,       “Migration
                          explicitly   associatingpolicyit with(EU)
                                                                Muslims  is clear:      replace our
                                                                              and Islamisation.     ThisChristian
                                                                                                          included the    families with
Muslim families”.        14 Maroš Šefčovič (Smer-SD) and the candidate Milan Krajniak (We Are
               Family).15 The last group consisted of candidates who didn’t have a negative attitude
               towards Muslims. This included the election winner and current President of the
               Slovak Republic Zuzana Čaputová.
   Stratená Európa, (Access date: 6 February 2020).
12                   At the endstrašia
   Tibor Habo, “Kotlebovci         of May     2019, elections
                                           islamom      na novomtowebe,
                                                                     the European
                                                                              propagujú  Parliament  were held
                                                                                           ho aj bilbordy”,         in Slo-
                                                                                                      ,   9 January
               vakia. Several political parties that ran in the election did not conceal their negative
2019,,                                (Access date: 26
January 2020).attitude towards refugees and Muslims. These parties were the K-LSNS,16the SNS,
   “President Candidate
               and We Are   Štefan  Harabin
                               Family.    SomeInsists:     Migrants parties
                                                  of the marginal      Are thewe   Biggest   Problem!”,
                                                                                      can mention         Nový Čas,
                                                                                                    are Christian      De-11 March 2019,
problemom-su-migranti-video/, (Access date: 6 February 2020).
   Peter Kováč, “Harabin Screams and Sings at Meetings. He Also Mentions Soros”, SME, 15 February 2019,,                              (Access date: 6
               12. Tibor Habo, “Kotlebovci strašia islamom na novom webe, propagujú ho aj bilbordy”,, 9 January
               2019,, (Access date: 26 Jan-
February 2020).
                 uary 2020).
                 13. “President Candidate Štefan Harabin Insists: Migrants Are the Biggest Problem!”, Nový Čas, 11 March 2019,
                 mom-su-migranti-video/, (Access date: 6 February 2020).
                 14. Peter Kováč, “Harabin Screams and Sings at Meetings. He Also Mentions Soros”, SME, 15 February 2019,
       , (Access date: 6
                 February 2020).
                 15. Krajniak stated, “I think that Slovakia should be very careful about asylum seekers, especially from Muslim coun-
                 tries. Mass migration from Muslim countries is a security risk”. “Veľká anketa Pravdy: Kľúčové názory kandidátov na
                 prezidenta”, Pravda, 13 March 2019,
                 ta-pravdy-klucove-nazory-kandidatov/, (Access date: 6 February 2020).
                 16. “K-LSNS election newspaper”,
                 05.pdf, (Access date: 6 February 2020).

        •              @islamophobiaEIR                                                          713

     mocracy – Life and Prosperity (KDZP)17 and the National Coalition (NK).18 These
     parties shared a negative view of the European policy of openness to immigrants,
     spread fear of migrants (Muslims) and of the so-called threat of Islamisation to Slo-
     vakia.19 The campaign again revealed negative statements by former Prime Minister
     Fico against Slovak Muslims.20

     Figure 3: Excerpt from the newspaper K-LSNS. The underlined sentence writes, “I want our towns and villages to
     continue to sound beautiful church bells, not the cries of mosques.” (April 2019)21
Figure 3: Excerpt from the newspaper K-LSNS. The underlined sentence writes, “I want our towns and villages to
continue toInsound
               2019,  several
                   beautiful   timesbells,
                             church   (March
                                           not theand
                                                         of mosques.” the parliament
                                                                      (April 2019) 21 debated the so-called
     Istanbul Convention. The whole debate was held on the slogan “Let’s stop evil from
In 2019, several times (March and November) the parliament debated the so-called Istanbul
     Istanbul”. Critics of the convention linked the fear of liberalism with the fear of Islam.22
Convention. The whole debate was held on the slogan “Let's stop evil from Istanbul”. Critics
of the  convention
    17. Viliam        linked
               Oberhauser wrote,the fear
                                  “The    of liberalism
                                       churches             withinto
                                                are transformed   themuseums
                                                                      fear ofand often 22
                                                                               Islam.  intoMP  Mazurek
                                                                                            undignified stalls.stated,
     is the reality. However, the migration of the Muslim population to Western European countries is rapidly accelerat-
   ing is
       thisa process”.
             direct attack
                       Postoj, 4on the2019,
                                 April essence   of the whole European civilisation, on the essence of our
     via-a-na-vychode-krestania, (Access date: 6 February 2020).
culture, nations, faith, simply everything”. 23 The debate was most abused by MPs of the parties
     18. “In order to protect the cultural identity and Christian roots of European nations, the National Coalition (NK)
K-LSNS     andoppose
   will always  SNS,theand  someofindependent
                        promotion                   MPs
                                   political Islam and     who
                                                       Sharia     endorse
                                                              law in         the protection
                                                                     Europe, which we perceive asofantraditional
     threat to our European civilization.” “Programové tézy”, Národnej koalície,
values.    At the end of 2019, the debate on abortion was reopened
   ove-tezy-narodnej-koalicie-pre-volby-do-europskeho-parlamentu-2019/, (Access in the7 February
                                                                                date:   National2020).
                                                                                                  Council. The
K-LSNS    MPsboasted
   19. K-LSNS combined        the banthat
                     in its campaign   onLukáš
                                               Kopáč, with  the need
                                                      the organiser of thetobiggest
                                                                              protect    Christian
                                                                                    protest against theEurope     and
     of Slovakia in 2015, was also on its candidate list. “Lukáš Kopáč - Organizer of the Biggest Anti-Migration Protest,
protect Slovakia
   Will Be        against
           Candidate        Islamisation.
                     to European Parliamentary Election”, Naše Slovensko, 25 January 2019, http://www.naseslov-
     sieho-protiimigracneho-protestu/, (Access date: 7 February 2020).
21   20. Daniela
    Naše          Hajčáková,
           Slovensko,    “Za “Fica
                               záujmykritizovali za moslimov,
                                          Slovenska,          Sulík frakciu zopustil
                                                        proti nezmyslom              pre eurooptimizmus”,
                                                                              Bruselu,”    Naše Slovensko,   SME,  22 May
                                                                                                                 May   2019,
     2019,, (Access date:,                     7 February
                                                                                                 (Access   date: 2020).
                                                                                                                  12 March
     21. Naše Slovensko, “Za záujmy Slovenska, proti nezmyslom z Bruselu,” Naše Slovensko, May 2019, http://www.
   Zastavme   násilie, “Instanbulský dohovor: mýty a fakty. Reakcia na kampaň,        (AccessZastavme    zlo z 2020).
                                                                                           date: 12 March   Istanbulu”, blog
Dennik N, 30 November 2017,
     22. Zastavme násilie, “Instanbulský dohovor: mýty a fakty. Reakcia na kampaň Zastavme zlo z Istanbulu”, blog Den-
     nik N, 30 November (Access
istanbulskom-dohovore/,      2017,
                                        date: 7 February 2020); Slovenský dohovor za rodinu, “Zastavme zlo z
Istanbulu”,  11 November 2017,, (Access date: 7
February              (Accessrozum
           2020); “Zdravý      date: 7zvíťazil
                                        Februarynad2020); Slovenský
                                                     ideológiou.    dohovor
                                                                 Pozrite      za rodinu,
                                                                         si, ktorí         “Zastavme
                                                                                    poslanci           zlo z Istanbulu”,
                                                                                              na Slovensku               11 z
                                                                                                              odmietli zlo
Istanbulu”,     2017,,
              Hlavné                                                                       (Access date: 7 February 2020);
                       správy, 29 March 2019,
     “Zdravý rozum zvíťazil nad ideológiou. Pozrite si, ktorí poslanci (Access
pozrite-ktori-poslanci-slovensku-odmietli-zlo-istanbulu/1712731,         na Slovensku
                                                                                   date: odmietli zlo 2020).
                                                                                         7 February   z Istanbulu”, Hlavné
      Milan29 March
     správy,    Mazurek,        “Vystúpenia        v rámci    43.     schôdze      NR       SR”,     29     March
                       2019, 2019,
     ensku-odmietli-zlo-istanbulu/1712731, (Access date: 7 February 2020).
(Access date: 7 February 2020).
       “Parlament       opäť      odmietol        Istanbulský      dohovor”,       SME,        28      November        2019,,
     714                                                                                                 (
                                                                                                                    date: 6
February 2020).
    “Rozprava k návrhu novely zákony o umelom prerušení tehotenstva”, NR SR, 3 December 2019,, (Access date: 6 February 2020).

MP Mazurek stated, “This is a direct attack on the essence of the whole European civil-
isation, on the essence of our culture, nations, faith, simply everything”.23 The debate
was most abused by MPs of the parties K-LSNS and SNS, and some independent MPs
who endorse the protection of traditional values.24 At the end of 2019, the debate on
abortion was reopened in the National Council. The K-LSNS MPs combined the ban
on abortion with the need to protect Christian Europe and protect Slovakia against
      In early November 2019, the campaign was launched for the parliamentary
elections to be held in February 2020. Since the beginning of the campaign, Mus-
lims have been attacked by the political parties the Homeland, K-LSNS, Christian
Democracy – Life and Prosperity (KDZP), and Smer-SD.26 The Homeland prom-
ised to “preserve normal Slovakia”. The abnormality, which, according to the party,
threatens the sovereignty of the Slovak Republic, took several forms and one of them
is Islam and migrants.27 During its election meetings, the K-LSNS extended the
message that the European Union wants to cancel Christmas.28 KDZP candidates
running for K-LSNS promised voters that they have solutions to avert the Islamisa-
tion of Europe and Slovakia.29 Finally, former Prime Minister Robert Fico returned
to make statements on Muslims, reiterating his previous words that “Islam has no
place in Slovakia”.30

23. Milan Mazurek, “Vystúpenia v rámci 43. schôdze NR SR”, 29 March 2019,
mOd=1900-1-1%200:0:0&DatumDo=2100-1-1%200:0:0&TypVystupenia=, (Access date: 7 February 2020).
24. “Parlament opäť odmietol Istanbulský dohovor”, SME, 28 November 2019,
parlament-opatovne-odmietol-istanbulsky-dohovor.html, (Access date: 6 February 2020).
25. “Rozprava k návrhu novely zákony o umelom prerušení tehotenstva”, NR SR, 3 December 2019, https://www., (Access date: 6 February 2020).
26. Jozef Lenč, “Predvolebná kampaň 2020: V znamení šírenia strachu z islámu a muslimov”, IslamOnline, 31
December 2019,
mu-a-muslimov/, (Access date: 7 February 2020).
27. “Spojme sa za normálne Slovensko!”, Strana Vlasť,
clid=IwAR3jBGgXBOfVd3fPOk6tdqzLD7GOecDmzYkQ5PnActHdv55HMgwnpFuLlgQ, (Access date: 7 Feb-
ruary 2020).
28. “Kotleba: Nikdy nedovolíme, aby zo Slovenska urobili multikultúrny chliev, aký je na západe”, Magazin 1,
17 December 2019,
c3708URRV8, (Access date: 7 February 2020).
29. “Islamizácia Európy sa dá odvrátiť konkrétnymi rozhodnutiami”, KDZP, 28 April 2019,
islamizacia-europy-sa-da-odvratit-konkretnymi-rozhodnutiami/, (Access date: 15 February 2020).
30. Jozef Lenč, “Fico už hovorí to, čo kotlebovci”, SME, 3 February 2020,
fico-uz-hovori-to-co-kotlebovci.html, (Access date: 15 February 2020); “Fico v rozhovore: Nechceme meniť tradí-
cie, islam tu nemá miesto”, Pravda, 26 May 2016,
re-nechceme-menit-tradicie-islam-tu-nema-miesto/, (Access date: 15 February 2020). •            @islamophobiaEIR                                                        715
extended the message that the European Union wants to cancel Christmas. 28 KDZP candidates
                    running for K-LSNS promised voters that they have solutions to avert the Islamisation of
                    Europe and Slovakia. Finally, former Prime Minister Robert Fico returned to make statements
                    on Muslims, reiterating his previous words that “Islam has no place in Slovakia”.30

In the Slovak media, rooted stereotypes about Islam and Muslims are repeatedly present. T
year 2019 was not an exception: Slovak media repeatedly used tabloid-like information abo
Muslims and Islam in news and commentaries. Some outlets approached the topic of Muslim
by employing conspiracy theories and fake news.
Another negative phenomenon in the context of most Slovak media which contributes to t
   Figure 4: K-LSNS pre-election poster with the text: “We wish you a beautiful traditional Christmas until the European
   Union of  Islamophobia
         forbids                   is the selection of tabloid-style and often irrelevant content to increa
                 them.” (December 2019)  31

                    Figure 4: K-LSNS pre-election poster with the text: "We wish you a beautiful traditional Christmas until the
   Media Most        ofUnion
               European the forbids
                             information       about2019)
                                    them." (December   Islam
                                                          31     concerns terrorism, political violence, civ
wars,  theSlovak
   In the  threatmedia,
                  of migration,      or unverified
                        rooted stereotypes             reports
                                              about Islam         of religiously
                                                             and Muslims           motivated
                                                                          are repeatedly pres- attacks in Musli
   ent. The year 2019 was not an exception: Slovak media repeatedly used tabloid-like
   information about Muslims and Islam in news and commentaries. Some outlets
   approached the    topic of Muslims, by employing conspiracy theories and fake news.
                  Jozef Lenč, “Predvolebná kampaň 2020: V znamení šírenia strachu z islámu a muslimov”, IslamOnline, 31
               December 2019,
               islamu-a-muslimov/, (Access date: 7 February 2020).
                   “Spojme sa za normálne Slovensko!”, Strana Vlasť,
               (Access date: 7 February 2020).
                  “Kotleba: Nikdy nedovolíme, aby zo Slovenska urobili multikultúrny chliev, aký je na západe”, Magazin 1, 17
               December 2019,
               ek3l1R465pewn6xdBakGdYVViAXWwxDc3708URRV8, (Access date: 7 February 2020).
                    “Islamizácia Európy sa dá odvrátiť konkrétnymi rozhodnutiami”, KDZP, 28 April 2019,
     , (Access date: 15 February
                      Jozef Lenč, “Fico už hovorí to, čo kotlebovci”, SME, 3 February 2020,
     , (Access date: 15 February 2020);
               “Fico v rozhovore: Nechceme meniť tradície, islam tu nemá miesto”, Pravda, 26 May 2016,
               miesto/, (Access date: 15 February 2020).
                      Ján Benčík, “Kotlebovské Vianoce,” blog Denník N, 28 December 2019,
     , (Access date: 22 March 2020).
   Figure 5: News on Islam in the tabloid daily Plus 1 Deň: “MASSACRE at Religious Celebrations”; “Spanish Police Broke
   up a Gang That Funded al-Qaeda Militias”; “Don’t Go to This Country Anymore!” (April – September 2019).32
Figure 5: News on Islam in the tabloid daily Plus 1 Deň: “MASSACRE at Religious Celebrations”; “Spani
Police Broke up a Gang That Funded al-Qaeda Militias”; “Don't Go to This Country Anymore!” (April
September    2019).
    31. Ján Benčík,   32
                    “Kotlebovské Vianoce,” blog Denník N, 28 December 2019,
   kotlebovske-vianoce/, (Access date: 22 March 2020).

The32.conspiracy       media are the most active in spreading Islamophobia. Most prominent amon
       “Plus 1 Deň”,,, (Access date: 15 March 2020).

them are the quasi-news pages of the Hlavné správy, 33 Slobodný výber, 34and Parlament

     Another negative phenomenon in the context of most Slovak media which con-
tributes to the spread of Islamophobia is the selection of tabloid-style and often irrel-
evant content to increase readability. Most of the information about Islam concerns
terrorism, political violence, civil wars, the threat of migration, or unverified reports
of religiously motivated attacks in Muslim countries.
     The conspiracy media are the most active in spreading Islamophobia. Most
prominent among them are the quasi-news pages of the Hlavné správy,33 Slobod-
ný výber,34and Parlamentné listy.35 Other media outlets that spread Islamophobia in
Slovakia are the journal and Internet portal of Tibor E. Rostáš Zem a Vek,36 and the
weekly magazine Extra Plus.37 Media that provide accurate information about Islam
and Muslims include the daily papers Pravda, SME, Denník N,,38 and
RTVS.39 These media also convey the views of representatives of the Islamic Foun-
dation in Slovakia. On the border between Islamophobia and journalism – often
offering accurate information about Muslims - is a news site Postoj (Konzervatívny

Justice System
In 2019, there were no recorded manifestations of Islamophobia present in the Slo-
vak justice system. No member of the judicial branch dealt with the issue of Islam-
ophobia in 2019, nor was directly involved in proceedings that could be described as
discriminatory in the context of the Slovak Muslim community.

The regular disseminators of Islamophobia on the Internet are conspiracy sites, the pages
of extreme right-wing political parties and movements, and certain Internet platforms
of Christian associations. Konzervatívny web is a platform that mainly presents reports

33. “Islam veľké bezpečnostné riziko pre kresťanskú spoločnoať”, Hlavné správy, 16 August 2019, https://www., (Access date: 18 February 2020).
34. “Stop rasizmu!” Slobodný výber, 14 April 2019,, (Access date: 18 Feb-
ruary 2020).
35. Vlastimil Vondruška, “Čím viac bude moslimov, tým väčšia bude ich moc”, Parlamentné listy, 24 Novem-
ber 2019,
Vlastimil-Vondruska-o-buducnosti-Europy-319557, (Access date: 18 February 2020).
36. Ratko Sudecký, “Islam v službách nacizmu”, Zem a Vek, 2 August 2019,
bach-nacizmu/, (Access date: 18 February 2020).
37. Gabriela Pastvová, “Kresťan toleruje, moslim podrobuje”, Extra Plus, 1 July 2019,
clanok/krestan-toleruje-moslim-podrobuje, (Access date: 18 February 2020).
38. Júlia Jamrichová, “Rozhovor s moslimom o náboženstve”,, 26 November 2019, https://noizz.aktu-, (Access date: 18 February 2020).
39. The Radio and Television of Slovakia (RTVS) is a public service medium with nationwide coverage.
40. Ludwig Hagemann, “Islam ako neoriginálna heréza kresťanstva”, Denník Postoj, 3 January 2019, https://svet-, (Access date: 18 February 2020). •            @islamophobiaEIR                                                        717

       that warn against the Islamisation of Europe.41 They portray Islam as a religion that
                                                                       44               45
comments    that have hateful
       is incompatible           content directed
                         with Christianity             at migrants,
                                           and democracy.   42            Muslims,
                                                               Islamophobia                and Islam. 46 One of the
                                                                                is also disseminated
       by websitesoffunded
major spreaders             by the K-LSNS;
                       Islamophobia     is thenamely
                                                 CentrePrehlad  správ,
                                                          for the       Proti of
                                                                    Study     prúdu,  43
                                                                                         and Magazin
                                                                                  Political  Islam. 47 Most of the
       1. These websites publish articles and comments that have hateful content directed
aforementioned    websites
       at migrants, 44       are45shared
                       Muslims,            by 46politicians
                                   and Islam.    One of thefrom
                                                             majorthe     extreme
                                                                     spreaders        right (K-LSNS,
                                                                                 of Islamophobia   is Homeland,
etc.). the Centre for the Study of Political Islam.47 Most of the aforementioned websites are
       shared by politicians from the extreme right (K-LSNS, Homeland, etc.).

           Figure 5: An article from a quasi-news site Denný výber that spreads conspiracy theories and Islamophobia: “A Slovak
           Terrorist Planned a Bomb Attack on His Neighbours! Jihadist Is Said to Be Gay, Who Longs for His Wife.”48
Figure 5: An article from a quasi-news site Denný výber that spreads conspiracy theories and Islamophobia: “A
Slovak Terrorist    Planned
          41. “Obrátená       a Bomb
                        kolonizácia      AttackKonzervatívny
                                    Francúzska”,    on His Neighbours!        Jihadist
                                                                web, 13 December        Is https://www.konzervativny-
                                                                                    2019,  Said to Be Gay, Who Longs for His
Wife.” 48, (Access date: 18 February 2020); “Ďalšie obmedzo-
           vanie slobody prejavu vo Francúzsku”, Konzervatívny web, 2 December 2019, https://www.konzervativnyweb.
           sk/c/22273150/dalsie-obmedzovanie-slobody-prejavu-vo-francuzsku.html, (Access date: 18 February 2020).
Central   Figures
     42. “Európske        in the
                   snenie verzus masováIslamophobia                Network
                                        migrácia”, Konzervatívny web, 16 October 2019, https://www.konzervativny-
 , (Access date: 18 February 2020).
The list 43.
             the main         figures in the Islamophobia network in 2019 is very wide and diverse. A
                      of the Islamophobic Articles from website: Proti prudu,, (Ac-
        cess date: 18 February 2020).
special category       is the Internet platform Centre for Research of Political Islam (CSPI), 49 which
           44. “Dvaja mladí migrant terorizujú celú školu v Nemecku”, Magazin 1, 26 September 2019,
propagates   the ideas and work of American Islamophobe Bill Warner. (Access
       dvaja-mali-migranti-terorizuju-celu-skolu-v-nemecku-obchytkavaju-dievcata-a-nadavaju-im-do-ku/, The CSPI
                                                                                                           date: has its own
           18 February 2020).
           45. “Moslimovia z Paríža sa smejú a tešia z vyhorenej katedrály Notre Dame”, Magazin 1, 15 April 2019, https://mag-
 , (Access date: 18 February 2020).
         46. “Vo Veľkej Británii je stale viac moslimov, zatiaľ čo kresťania enormne vymierajú”, Magazin 1, 18 July 2019,, (Access date:
     “Dvaja   mladí migrant terorizujú celú školu v Nemecku”, Magazin 1, 26 September                                              2019,
         18 February 2020).
               For more information, see: Centrum pre výskum politického islamu,, (Access date:
                        date: 18 February 2020).
          18  February 2020).
   “Moslimovia z Paríža sa smejú a tešia z vyhorenej katedrály Notre Dame”, Magazin 1, 15 April 2019,
          48. Magda Danková, “Slovenský terorista plánoval u susedov bombový útok! Džihádista je vraj gay túžiaci po,                             (Access date: 18
          manželke”, Hlavný denník, 24 October 2019,
February noval-u-susedov-bombovy-utok-dzihadista-je-vraj-gay-tuziaci-po-manzelke/,
          2020).                                                                   (Access date: 25 February 2020).
   “Vo Veľkej Británii je stale viac moslimov, zatiaľ čo kresťania enormne vymierajú”, Magazin 1, 18 July 2019,, (Access
date: 18 February 2020).
   For more information, see: Centrum pre výskum politického islamu,, (Access date: 18
February 2020).
   Magda Danková, “Slovenský terorista plánoval u susedov bombový útok! Džihádista je vraj gay túžiaci po

Central Figures in the Islamophobia Network
The list of the main figures in the Islamophobia network in 2019 is very wide and
diverse. A special category is the Internet platform Centre for Research of Politi-
cal Islam (CSPI),49 which propagates the ideas and work of American Islamophobe
Bill Warner. The CSPI has its own blog,50 publishes translations of Waren’s works,
and lobbies politicians to tighten laws against Muslims.51 The CSPI is a registered
non-profit organization in the Czech Republic and is the branch of the international
organization CSPII.52
     MPs for the Smer-SD, SNS, K- ĽSNS, and We Are Family have repeatedly
expressed negative opinions on Muslims. In particular, the last two political parties
have been active in the dissemination of Islamophobia in the parliamentary debates.

Observed Civil Society and Political Initiatives to
Counter Islamophobia
From the civil society environment, the Islamic Foundation in Slovakia is the most
active in the fight against Islamophobia.53 The Forum of World Religions (Mário
Nicolini), the Open Society Foundation (Ján Orlovský),54 and the Human Rights
League (Zuzana Števulová)55 are also active. From the media sector, worth men-
tioning are the photographer and journalist Andrej Bán, journalists from Dennik N,
SME, Pravda, and the editorial office of

Conclusion and Policy Recommendations
The biggest problem of Islamophobia in Slovakia is that it has moved from social
networks to parliament. It has become part of the politics and political commu-
nication of most political parties. It continues to influence elections and is part
of election campaigns. The unpleasant finding of this report is that Islamophobic
49. For more information, see: Centrum pre výskum politického islamu,, (Access date: 22
March 2020).
50. For more information, see: Blog Centrum pre výskum politického islamu,,
(Access date: 22 March 2020).
51. “Slovenskí poslanci dostali jeho knihu. Cituje ho aj Sulík. Kto je a čo hlása Bill Waren?”, IslamOnline, 21
November 2016,
je-a-co-hlasa-bill-warner/, (Access date: 22 March 2020).
52. For more information, see: Center for the Study of Political Islam International,,
(Access date: 9 April 2020).
53. “Tretí ročník slávnostnej ramadánskej večere v Bratislave prilákal aj nové tváre”, IslamOnline, 5 June 2019,
re/, (Access date: 25 February 2020).
54. “Program Stronger Roots Nadácie otvorenej spoločnosti”, Nadácia otvorenej Spoločnosti, 2 December
2019,, (Access date: 25
February 2020).
55. Liga za ľudské práva,, (Access date: 25 February 2020). •             @islamophobiaEIR                                                          719
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