BREXIT BRIEF - The Institute of International and European ...

Page created by Isaac Burgess
Brexit Brief Issue 104
23 February 2021

                                                                                          Tony Brown

 The Brief seeks to provide up-to-date information on the progress and content of the UK-EU
 negotiations, and bring together relevant statements and policy positions from key players in
 Ireland, the UK and the EU.

 The Brief is part of a wider communications programme covering the work of the IIEA’s UK
 Project Group – including commentaries, speeches, texts and event reports – which are
 highlighted on the Institute’s website. (

 Section One: State of Play                       interruptions in commercial and manufacturing
                                                  supply chains and to delays in movement of
 Difficult Weeks                                  goods. A new, highly bureaucratic system has
                                                  come into operation. Business and consumer
 All comments on the post-Brexit situation
                                                  representatives have directed a volume of
 must take account of the COVID-19 crisis.
                                                  complaints to the administrations in Dublin,
 The first seven weeks of the post-Brexit era     London, Belfast and Brussels. Arguments
 have produced controversy and difficulty in      about ‘teething troubles’ have dominated
 many areas, intensified existing political       media discussions.
 and social frictions on the island of Ireland,
                                                  The basic post-Brexit problems and concerns
 between the islands of Ireland and Britain,
                                                  have been taken to a new level of intensity in
 and raised serious questions about the
                                                  Northern Ireland as the Withdrawal Agreement
 future of EU-UK relations. It has also
                                                  Protocol on Ireland/Northern Ireland entered
 created some unexpected friction in the
                                                  into force, involving the controversial ‘border
 Dublin-Brussels relationship.
                                                  in the Irish Sea’ and the introduction of checks
 The changed arrangements for trade between       and extensive paperwork in respect of many
 the UK and the EU and the new regulations        economic and trade sectors. The debacle of
 and customs procedures have led to serious       the Commission decision to trigger Article 16 of

                                                                  BREXIT BRIEF 104 | FEB 2021

the Protocol in a dispute concerning COVID-19      The Taoiseach, Micheal Martin, speaking to
vaccine supplies has provoked an intense,          UK media, called on both the EU and the UK
angry response in unionism and created             to “dial down the rhetoric” arguing that there
tension in UK-EU relations while causing grave     were “elements the British Government could
concern in Irish government circles.               sort out, but likewise on the European side, I
                                                   would say some member states need to cool
The DUP, under pressure in opinion polls from      it as well.”
the Traditional Ulster Voice, has embarked on
a concerted campaign to remove the Protocol        Two quotes from recent commentaries convey
in its entirety - a Five Point Programme,          a positive message, based on recognition
a Westminster Parliamentary Petition, a            of the relatively short timescale of the post-
Telegraph article by Arlene Foster, pressure       Brexit changes and the related problems and
on UK ministers and utilisation of links with      challenges:
the hard line Brexit wing of the Tory Party. The
party indicated that cross-border contacts              We all know that when an aeroplane takes
and dialogue with parties and groups in the             off, that’s the point when you sometimes
Republic will be discontinued.                          get that increased level of turbulence.
                                                        But then eventually you reach a cruising
Both the EU and the Dublin and London                   altitude and the crew tell you to take your
Governments have rejected the DUP call to do            seatbelts off, and enjoy a gin and tonic
away with the Protocol. The Commission Vice             and some peanuts. We’re not at the gin
President Maroš Šefčovič said that the UK and           and tonic and peanuts stage yet but I’m
EU had a “shared commitment to the proper               confident we will be.
implementation of the Protocol” UK Chancellor
of the Duchy of Lancaster Michael Gove told             - Michael Gove, Chancellor
the House of Commons that there were
                                                        Brexit is a process not an event and the
“disruptions and difficulties faced by Northern
                                                        winners and losers will only become clear
Ireland citizens in their daily lives that need
                                                        over time.
to be resolved. They can be resolved within
the context of the Protocol.” Foreign Minister
                                                        - Mark Gregory, UK Chief Economist of EY.
Simon Coveney said that Dublin is open to
modest adjustments but insisted that the           Article 16 – von der Leyen Regrets
agreement is not subject to renegotiation.
                                                   In the aftermath of the Commission’s withdrawal
Michel Barnier, the EU’s Chief Negotiator          of its proposed use of Article 16 of the Protocol
through the long processes of dialogue and         there were attempts to deflect blame for the
decision, told the European Business Summit        ensuing disbelief and anger across the EU,
on 11 February that “Both parties must be          and particularly in Dublin, Belfast and London.
conscious of their responsibilities in applying    Foreign Minister Simon Coveney described the
this Protocol. The difficulties on the island      Commission’s action as “totally out of character
of Ireland are caused by Brexit, not by the        in the context of the relationship between the
Protocol. The Protocol is the solution.”           Irish Government and European Commission
                                                   which has been so close for the last four-and-a-
                                                   half years of Brexit.”

                                                                   BREXIT BRIEF 104 | FEB 2021

Initially, a Commission spokesman pointed              bottom line is that mistakes were made
to the cabinet of Trade Commissioner Valdis            in the process leading up to the decision.
Dombrovkis – who succeeded Phil Hogan                  And I deeply regret that. But in the end,
in the post – and argued that the situation            we got it right. And I can reassure you
was      his   responsibility. Commissioner            that my Commission will do its utmost
Dombrovkis pushed back, arguing that                   to protect the peace in Northern Ireland.
his office “acted at the request of and with           Just as it has done throughout the entire
inputs from relevant cabinets and services.”           Brexit process.
The Health Commissioner, Stella Kyriakides,
was mentioned as was the office of the             EU-UK Correspondence and
Commission President.                              Discussions

The draft Regulation was rushed through the        Following the withdrawal of the Commission’s
system, with many officials working from           move on 29 January to trigger Article 16
home, and with recourse to an Emergency            of the Ireland/Northern Ireland Protocol,
Procedure which permits action by the              the co-chairs of the Joint Committee on
Commission without formal consultation of          Implementation of the Withdrawal Agreement
the Member States. Thus, Commissioner              – Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster Michael
Mairead McGuinnness was not involved and           Gove and EU Commission Vice President Maros
there was no prior notification of the Irish and   Sefcovic- posted identical tweets emphasising
UK governments and the Northern Ireland            that their “shared priority is making sure the
Executive. Nobody appears to have spoken to        Protocol works for the people of Northern
Michel Barnier. Questions continue to be asked     Ireland, protecting gains of the peace process
about the process and the mistakes – Whose         and avoiding disruption to everyday lives”.
idea? Who signed off? What went wrong?
                                                   On 3 February 2021, they held a virtual
President von der Leyen responded to an            meeting with the First Minister, Arlene Foster,
Irish Times question by stating that “The          and deputy First Minister, Michelle O’Neill,
consideration given to invoking Article 16 was     of Northern Ireland. A Joint Statement was
dropped before the decision was made final.        issued:
So, despite the fact that I regret that Article
16 was mentioned in a provisional version of       “The Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster
the decision, I am glad that the Commission        and Vice-President Šefčovič reiterated their
was quick on its feet to find another solution     full commitment to the Belfast (Good Friday)
to address the question at stake.”                 Agreement, and to the proper implementation
                                                   of the Protocol – protecting the gains of the
In the European Parliament on 10 February          peace process, maintaining stability, and
2021, President von der Leyen spoke about          avoiding disruption to the everyday lives of
the state of play of the COVID-19 Vaccination      the people of Northern Ireland and a hard
Strategy. She made specific reference to the       border on the island of Ireland.
Article 16 situation:
                                                   Both condemned unreservedly any threats or
    And as far as the mechanism goes, allow        intimidation, noting that the safety and welfare
    me a word on the island of Ireland. The        of the people of Northern Ireland and that of

                                                                   BREXIT BRIEF 104 | FEB 2021

our staff would always be the utmost priority.          propose, then the UK will consider using
                                                        all instruments at its disposal.
After a constructive discussion amongst all
parties, the Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster       In all cases, what is now required is
and Vice-President Šefčovič concluded that              political, not technical, solutions. A
the UK and the EU would immediately work                primarily technical approach led to what
intensively to find solutions to outstanding            I know you agree was a grave error on
issues, to be addressed through the EU-UK               29 January. Northern Ireland would not
Joint Committee. The Chancellor of the Duchy            be where it is today if the negotiations
of Lancaster and Vice-President Šefčovič will           leading to the 1998 Agreement had been
keep in close contact as this work progresses,          done on a technical and legalistic basis.
and will meet again next week in London.”               What is required now is an urgent reset to
                                                        put the Belfast ‘Good Friday’ Agreement,
Michael Gove wrote (by email dated 2 February)          the people of Northern Ireland, and
to Maros Sefcovic “to set out the rapid action          indeed the island of Ireland, first. I
that I believe is now required” and “to report          know you appreciate the seriousness of
the overwhelming reaction there has been in             the situation and I am grateful for your
Northern Ireland, and across these islands,             constructive and pragmatic approach to
at the events of Friday…Our next steps must             these questions.
reflect and deal with this reality.”
                                                    This communication was received in Brussels
Arguing that both sides were aware that             with great concern about its tone with
there are a number of pressing problems             Communication sources speaking of an
with the operation of the Protocol that must        apparent ‘ultimatum’. Maroš Šefčovič replied to
be addressed, Michael Gove outlined six             the Gove letter on 10 February 2021, making
specific proposals – “the minimum set of            positive reference to the virtual meeting with
steps necessary to stabilise the situation          the Northern Ireland ministers but emphasising
and reassure all parties in Northern Ireland.”      the EU stance on the main issues.
These include extending the interim three and
six-month arrangements, or grace periods,               On that occasion I confirmed again that
for a number of goods, freight systems and              the Protocol on Ireland and Northern
medicines to January 2023 and setting out               Ireland remains unaffected by the
solutions to enable tariff-free movement of             European Union’s measures to ensure
certain products:                                       transparency of vaccine exports. These
                                                        measures will never entail a hard border
     I must make clear that the UK                      on the island of Ireland.
     Government seeks urgent resolution
     of these problems in the context of our            The United Kingdom’s withdrawal from
     obligations to seek commonly acceptable            the Union, its single marker and its
     solutions, and recognising the pressing            customs union presents unique and
     need to restore confidence among people            significant challenges for the island of
     in Northern Ireland that the Belfast ‘Good         Ireland. The Protocol is the solution
     Friday’ Agreement is being respected               agreed by the UK and the EU to these
     in all its dimensions. If it is not possible       challenges: it is the only way to protect
     to agree a way forward in the way we               the Good Friday (Belfast) Agreement,

                                                                   BREXIT BRIEF 104 | FEB 2021

    preserving peace and stability and              The co-chairs of the EU-UK Joint
    avoiding a hard border on the island of         Committee on the Withdrawal Agreement
    Ireland. It is designed to ensure clarity and   – European Commission Vice-President
    predictability for people and businesses,       Maroš Šefčovič and the UK Chancellor
    while minimising the disruption inevitably      of the Duchy of Lancaster Michael Gove
    caused by the withdrawal of the United          – met to prepare the upcoming Joint
    Kingdom from the European Union. It is a        Committee on the implementation of the
    balanced outcome after years of difficult       Protocol on Ireland / Northern Ireland
    negotiations and is now our mutually            and the outstanding issues.
    agreed legal obligation.
                                                    After a frank but constructive discussion,
    In this context, I would like to draw           and taking into account the views
    your attention to a number of current           expressed on 3 February by the First
    shortcomings preventing the Protocol            Minister and deputy First Minister of
    and our practical arrangements from             Northern Ireland, the two co-chairs
    delivering on the ground. I am convinced        agreed to:
    that all of these are ‘teething problems’,
    for which we should be able to find swift       reiterate their full commitment to the
    solutions and I am ready to address             Good Friday (Belfast) Agreement, and
    them, together with the points raised           to the proper implementation of the
    in your letter of 3 February, at our next       Protocol – protecting the gains of the
    Joint Committee meeting.                        peace process, maintaining stability,
                                                    avoiding a hard border on the island of
    … I would like to recall that blanket           Ireland and impacting as little as possible
    derogations from provisions of Union law        on the everyday life of communities in
    made applicable in respect of Northern          both Ireland and Northern Ireland
    Ireland cannot be agreed beyond what
    the Protocol foresees already. Finally, as      spare no effort to implement solutions
    regards the issues of pet travel between        mutually agreed on 17 December, as they
    Great Britain and Northern Ireland              form a foundation for our cooperation
    and of movements of seed potatoes
                                                    intensify the work of the Specialised
    and other plants and plant products,
                                                    Committee on the Protocol in order to
    any flexibility would entail the United
                                                    address all outstanding issues, with
    Kingdom committing to align with the
                                                    the shared objective to find workable
    relevant EU rules.
                                                    solutions on the ground
Vice President Šefčovič travelled to London on
                                                    underpin this work by further joint
11 February for a direct meeting with Michael
                                                    engagement by the UK and the EU with
Gove. A Joint Statement referred to “frank but
                                                    business groups and civic society in
constructive discussion” and announced the
                                                    Northern Ireland
convening of a meeting of the EU-UK Joint
Committee under the Withdrawal Agreement
                                                    convene the Joint Committee no later
on 24 February 2021.
                                                    than 24 February to provide the necessary

                                                               BREXIT BRIEF 104 | FEB 2021

     political steer and approval to this work in   Prime Minister at Question Time
     the spirit of collaboration, responsibility
     and pragmatism.                                On 2 February 2021, Prime Minister Boris
                                                    Johnson replied to questions in the House of
European Parliament Ratification                    Commons from Northern Ireland MPs on the
Process                                             fallout of the Commission’s Article 16 move.

On 28 December 2020 the Council adopted             Responding to Claire Hanna (SDLP) he said:
the decision on the signing of the EU-UK            “I certainly agree with the hon. Lady that it
Trade and Cooperation Agreement (TCA) and           was most regrettable that the EU should seem
its provisional application as of 1 January         to cast doubt on the Good Friday agreement
2021, pending the consent of the European           and the principles of the peace process by
Parliament and a formal Council decision in         seeming to call for a border across the island
2021. The Council decision will be taken once       of Ireland. I can tell her that we will work to
the European Parliament has given its consent       ensure that there are no such borders—we
and once all procedures necessary for the           will respect the peace process—and, indeed,
entry into force have been completed.               no barriers down the Irish sea, and that the
                                                    principle of unfettered access across all parts
In the European Parliament two lead                 of our United Kingdom is upheld.
committees were nominated – Foreign Affairs
and International Trade – to consider the           Replying to Ian Paisley Jnr. (DUP) he made
TCA and recommend consent (or not) to the           specific reference to the controversial Article:
European Parliament. The lead committees
assess each sector of the deal with the             “I utterly share the hon. Gentleman’s frustration
specialised committees providing opinions.          about the way in which the EU, particularly
The Committees have appointed rapporteurs           the EU Commission, temporarily seemed to
who will prepare and present their draft report     use the protocol in such a way as to impose
- Kati Piri MEP (Socialist, Netherlands) for        a border, contrary to the spirit of the Good
Foreign Affairs and Christophe Hansen MEP           Friday agreement—contrary to the letter of the
(EPP, Luxembourg) for International Trade).         Good Friday agreement. We will do everything
                                                    we need to do, whether legislatively or indeed
Once the committees have approved their             by invoking article 16 of the protocol, to
recommendation the full House is set to vote        ensure that there is no barrier down the Irish
before the provisional application lapses.          sea and that the hon. Gentleman’s business
The EU side is expected to seek an extension        constituents, some of whom I know very
beyond the two-month period because of              well and admire very much, can continue to
issues of translation and the COVID-19              do business, unfettered, between Northern
situation. Separately, the full Parliament will     Ireland and the rest of this country.”
also vote on an accompanying Resolution
outlining its political position, prepared by the   DUP Statement on Protocol, 2
UK Coordination Group and the Conference            February 2021
of Presidents.
                                                    On 2 February the DUP issued a comprehensive
                                                    Statement –‘Free us from Protocol’ – directed
                                                    at the London Government, but also at

                                                                    BREXIT BRIEF 104 | FEB 2021

Dublin and Brussels, and attempting to unite         the Government and hold it to account
unionism to campaign against the Protocol:           in support of Northern Ireland’s place in
                                                     the internal UK market as well as building
    We have indicated to the Government              support to free us from the Protocol and
    that both the actions of the EU on Friday        its problems.
    and the damage being inflicted on our
    East –West links within the United               We are shortly launching an e-petition at
    Kingdom cannot be sustained if Northern          Parliament calling on the UK Government
    Ireland’s political and economic links to        to use all powers at its disposal to
    the rest of the United Kingdom are to            immediately remove any barriers to
    be maintained and respected in all their         unfettered trade within the United
    parts. The Protocol has upset the balance        Kingdom. We are asking all citizens
    of relationships flowing from the Belfast        concerned about these issues to show
    Agreement that many others claimed               the Government the strength of feeling
    were unalterable.                                by signing the “Trigger Article 16 “ online
The DUP indicated that it will pursue five key
actions:                                             We have indicated to our own
                                                     Government that they now need to
    We will work with other Unionists to send        act but as the largest unionist party at
    a united message to our Government,              Stormont we also intend to send a strong
    to the European Commission and the               signal to the Government of the Republic
    Dublin Government that Northern                  of Ireland that North-South relationships
    Ireland must be freed from the Protocol          are also impacted by the implementation
    and its problems.                                of a Protocol which they supported. Our
                                                     members cannot and will not continue to
    The Protocol was passed by the
                                                     act as though relationships are normal.
    Westminster Parliament and not at
    Stormont. Our elected representatives        The DUP Petition calling on the UK Government
    in the Northern Ireland Assembly, while      to trigger a mechanism to override the Protocol
    careful not to act in a way that would       has passed 140, 000 signatures, meaning
    harm the people of Northern Ireland at       that it will be debated in the Westminster
    this time of public health and economic      Hall petition programme, though no date can
    crisis, will actively oppose at every        be set due to COVID-19 restrictions. Arlene
    opportunity any negative measures, laws      Foster commented that the scale of support
    or bills that continue to flow from the      was a clear demonstration to the parties
    Protocol and which undermine Northern        supporting the Protocol that it is flawed and
    Ireland’s place in the UK internal market.   must be replaced.
    We will work in common purpose with
    all those other MLAs who are prepared        Arlene Foster Article - The Telegraph
    to support us. Collectively unionism can     (London) 3 February 2021
    make a difference.
                                                 The DUP leader, Arlene Foster, set out to win
    Our Ministers, Members of the Commons        support for her party’s position by contributing
    and the Lords will actively work to press    an article to the COMMENT section of The

                                                                 BREXIT BRIEF 104 | FEB 2021

Telegraph on 3 February – ‘Sticking Plasters      Section Two: The Evolving
will not fix the fundamental flaws in the         Debate
Northern Ireland Protocol’.
                                                  Economic and Trade Headlines
    In both the House of Commons and during
    a telephone call with us on Wednesday, the    The new regulatory and customs arrangements
    Prime Minister committed to protect the       entering into force from 1 January have created
    UK internal market by all legislative means   crisis situations for significant economic and
    necessary including triggering Article 16.    trade sectors. Irish truckers complained to
    He must now back up those words with          Government that “Brexit checks will bring trade
    tangible actions that protect the integrity   to a standstill and threaten the economy.” Their
    of the whole of the United Kingdom.           UK counterparts were addressing the same
                                                  concerns to Westminster. Businesses engaged
    The Northern Ireland Protocol has not         in cross-border trade pointed to the dislocation
    worked, cannot work and in light of our       and costs arising from burdensome form-filling
    proposals to the Government, needs to         and inspections and holdups at customs posts.
    be replaced.
                                                  The City of London has been an early loser,
    Indeed,    across    Northern    Ireland      with the Governor of the Bank of England,
    there is growing anger at the current         Andrew Bailey arguing that the EU “is poised
    arrangements. The delicate political          to lock Britain out of its vast banking market”.
    balance and relationships in Northern         London has been replaced by Amsterdam as
    Ireland have been damaged and                 the largest financial trading centre in Europe. It
    disturbed by the Protocol. The Northern       has been reported that London has lost 2,500
    Ireland Protocol has ruptured the United      jobs and as much as €170 billion in assets to
    Kingdom internal market in order to give      Amsterdam, Dublin, Frankfurt and Paris. The
    armour-plated protection to the single        Financial Services Commissioner, Mairead
    market of the European Union.                 McGuinness, has commented that jobs and
                                                  investment are likely to continue to leave the
    We have indicated to the Government           City of London for the EU due to Brexit.
    that both the actions of the EU last
    Friday, and the damage being inflicted        The Fishing and Seafood sector in the UK,
    on our East–West links within the United      Ireland and the northern EU countries has
    Kingdom, cannot continue if Northern          complained about changes arising from
    Ireland’s political and economic links to     the specific EU-UK agreement on fishing
    the rest of the United Kingdom are to         and processing. The Irish Government has
    be maintained and respected in all their      voiced unhappiness about disproportionate
    parts. The Protocol has upset the balance     losses of fish quotas which threaten fishing
    of relationships flowing from the Belfast     communities. Seafood lorries from Scotland
    Agreement that many others claimed            and Devon have descended on the Houses of
    were unalterable. The Government              Parliament protesting against Brexit red tape.
    needs to be bold and be prepared to act
    to bring about outcomes that underpin         The January 2021 edition of the Irish
    Northern Ireland’s full place in the most     Purchasing Managers Index, published by AIB,
    important internal market for us – that of    saw a reversal of the strong growth achieved
    the United Kingdom.                           in the later months of last year. “This decline

                                                                  BREXIT BRIEF 104 | FEB 2021

was not unexpected…with new post-Brexit UK         in consultation with the police authorities
trade regulations and disruptions an additional    concerning reports of graffiti of a threatening
headwind for the manufacturing sector.”            nature and what was described as “menacing
                                                   behaviour” towards staff at the two ports.
The application of the Northern Ireland Protocol   Agriculture Minister Edwin Poots said he
has added significantly to the general trade       had taken the decision to withdraw staff
difficulties and has produced the communal         following discussions with unions and that he
and political fallout addressed in this Brief.     was not convinced that the PSNI had a full
                                                   understanding of the risk .
As the days and weeks went by it became clear
that early freight problems were reducing,         Physical checks were resumed a week later
with some flows returning to the same levels       following a full threat assessment by the PSNI
as last year. Freight routes have changed          which concluded that there was no evidence of
with a significant increase in direct sea          “credible threats” to the port staff. The police
connections between Ireland and continental        findings led to questions from local Sinn Fein
destinations thus avoiding difficulties on the     and SDLP MLAs “around how and why the
traditional land bridge through the UK. While      staffs were withdrawn in the first place and
many commentators continue to predict              who made the decision.” It was argued that
negative outcomes of Brexit there are others       the workers were “used as pawns in a very,
arguing that opportunities are available with      very cruel game.”
companies relocating or setting up subsidiaries
on either side of the new borders. And, the        The PSNI became the subject of serious cross-
Financial Times comments, there is one really      community confrontation in the light of two
big growth market – bureaucracy.                   events in Belfast. In an incident in East Belfast
                                                   officers did not make any arrests when a large
Northern Ireland Opinion Poll, 22-25               crowd of masked men congregated in an
January 2021                                       apparent loyalist paramilitary show of strength.
                                                   The police approach was defended as avoiding
The latest Belfast Telegraph Opinion Poll on       a potentially dangerous situation by allowing
political party support (22-25 January) shows      the loyalist group to move away peacefully.
a 4 per cent fall in support for the DUP and a     Then, police intervened citing concerns over
significant 4 per cent increase in support for     potential breaches of COVID-19 regulations
Jim Allister’s Traditional Ulster Voice (TUV).     at a wreath-laying ceremony at the site on the
Alliance Party support increased by 2 per cent.    29th anniversary of the massacre at the Sean
                                                   Graham bookmakers on the Lower Ormeau
DUP 19% (-4); Sinn Fein 24% (-); UUP 12%           Road. Video footage showed relatives and
(-); SDLP 13% (-); Alliance 18% (+2); TUV          friends of those who died becoming visibly
10% (+4); Green 2% (-1); PBP 1% (-1);              upset by the police intervention.
Others 1%.
                                                   The PSNI Chief Constable, Simon Byrne, came
Communal Tensions                                  under much pressure from both sides of the
                                                   Belfast community, saying only that the force
Checks on animal and food products at Belfast      has been “under increased scrutiny for its
and Larne ports were suddenly suspended            policing of the coronavirus restrictions.” Two
on 1 February because of concerns for staff        officers involved in the Sean Graham incident
safety. The NI Department of Agriculture were      were later subjected to disciplinary procedures.

                                                                   BREXIT BRIEF 104 | FEB 2021

Section Three: Background                        GOV.UK Chancellor of the Duchy of
Material and Further Reading                     Lancaster and First Ministers Call: 9 February
Background Material                              publications/communiques-on-covid-19-
GOV.UK Joint statement by the UK Chancellor      lancaster-and-first-ministers-call-9-february
of the Duchy of Lancaster Gove and European
Commission Vice-President Sefcovic, 11           Hansard House of Commons Urgent
February      2021.      Question (Louise Haigh/ Michael Gove) 2
government/news/joint-statement-by-the-          February
uk-chancellor-of-the-duchy-of-lancaster-         commons/2021-02-02/debates/49B590E4-
gove-and-european-commission-vice-               DC61-4189-BC22-4CD5E597B1E0/
president-sefcovic                               NorthernIrelandProtocolImplementation

European Commission Letter from EU               DUP Statement on Protocol, 3 February 2021.
Vice-President Sefcovic to Chancellor of the
Duchy of Lancaster Gove, 10 February 2021.       protocol
vice-president-maros-sefcovic-uk-chancellor-     Telegraph Arlene Foster: Article, 3 February
duchy-lancaster-rt-hon-michael-gove-10-          2021. Sticking plasters will not fix the
february-2021_en                                 fundamental flaws in the Northern Ireland
European Commission Speech by President          politics/2021/02/03/sticking-plasters-will-
von der Leyen at the European Parliament         not-fix-fundamental-flaws-northern-ireland/
Plenary on the state of play of the EU’s
COVID-19 Vaccination Strategy, 10 February       Lucid Talk. LT Quarterly Tracker Poll, Winter
2021.      2021.
presscorner/detail/ov/SPEECH_21_505              post/lt-ni-quarterly-tracker-poll-winter-2021

GOV.UK Joint statement from Chancellor of the    RTEECchief‘deeplyregrets’mistakesoverArticle
Duchy of Lancaster Gove and Vice-President       16. RTE, 10 February 2021. https://www.rte.
Sefcovic, 3 February 2021.      ie/news/coronavirus/2021/0210/1196152-
uk/government/news/joint-statement-from-         coronavirus-vaccine/
and-vice-president-sefcovic                      Politico Von der Leyen takes shot on chin
                                                 in vaccine mess. Politico, 9 February 2021.
GOV.UK     Letter   from    Michael    Gove
to   EU   Vice    President   Sefcovic,   2      leyen-vaccine-europe-coronavirus/
February        2021.        https://assets.            BBC Brexit: Can the Northern Ireland
uploads/system/uploads/attachment_               Protocol be tweaked? BBC, 13 February 2021.
L e t t e r _ f r o m _ C D L _ t o _            ireland-56039981

                                                                 BREXIT BRIEF 104 | FEB 2021

Irish News DUP petition on Northern Ireland     RTE EU concern over tone of Gove’s demands
Protocol gets Westminster debate date. Irish    on NI Protocol. RTE, 4 February 2021. https://
News 12 February. https://www.irishnews.
com/news/brexit/2021/02/12/news/dup-            brexit/
westminster-debate-date-2219614/                Financial Times EU circles wagons against
                                                criticism of COVID vaccine rollout. FT,
Telegraph EU poised to reject two-year          6 February 2021.
extension to Northern Ireland grace period.     content/101a1c2c-ac41-4dda-9159-
Telegraph, 8 February 2021. https://            ea4b66eddaed
brussels-poised-reject-uks-calls-two-year-      Financial Times The EU’s vaccine response
extension-northern/                             has not made the case for Brexit. FT, 6 February
The Guardian EU to seek more time to ratify     3c6a-4e0c-a19d-8ea0bd3d77ae
Brexit trade deal amid tensions with UK.
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to scrap Northern Ireland Brexit protocol.
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                                                RTE     ‘Everyone     blaming    everyone
                                                else’ – Brexit, one month on. RTE, 31
                                                January   2021.

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Irish Times Vaccine dithering exposes fault         Financial Times The UK companies seeing
lines within EU. IT, 1 February 2021. https://      the upside of Brexit. FT, 8 February 2021.      
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Politico EU, UK commit to ‘redoubling’ efforts      history, geography and pork pies. RTE,
following clash over Irish border. Politico,        13 February 2021.
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                                                    Tony Connelly Fear and loathing: Return
Financial Times Brexit one month on: what           of the Northern Ireland Protocol. RTE,
has changed? FT, 1 February 2021. https://          6   February  2021.              news/2021/0205/1195326-tony-connelly-
a013-7ecddaa18c7a                                   analysis/

BBC Brexit lorry chaos avoided as freight flows     Tony Connelly The Vaccines, the Commission
‘back to normal’. BBC, 13 February 2021. https://   and the NI Protocol: What went wrong? RTE,                  2 February 2021.
Telegraph EU poised to lock Britain out of          article-16-vaccines-brexit/
its banking market Andrew Bailey warns.
Telegraph, 10 February 2021. https://www.           Tommie Gorman Post-Brexit world poses           challenges for unionism. RTE, 7 February
cut-city-bailey-warns-brussels/                     2021.
BBC Brexit: London loses out as Europe’s            dup-brexit/
top share trading hub. BBC, 11 February
2021.            The Guardian Brexit: Irish PM asks EU and
business-56017419                                   UK to ‘dial down rhetoric’ before crisis talks.
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The Guardian Musicians hit out after UK   
rejected visa-free EU travel. Guardian, 10          pm-asks-eu-uk-dial-down-rhetoric-before-
January 2021. https://www.theguardian.              crisis-talks-gove-sefcovic
after-report-u882140 k-rejected-visa-free-eu-       Irish Times Difficulties in the North due to
travel                                              Brexit, not protocol, insists Barnier. IT, 12
                                                    February 2021.
The Guardian Fury at Gove as exports to             news/politics/difficulties-in-the-north-due-to-
EU slashed by 68% since Brexit. Guardian,           brexit-not-protocol-insists-barnier-1.4482359
6 February 2021. https://www.theguardian.

                                                                    BREXIT BRIEF 104 | FEB 2021

Irish Times Michael Gove rejects DUP call          Irish Times Michael McDowell: What
to scrap Northern Ireland protocol. IT, 10         impetuous zeal explains EU’s article 16
February 2021.         debacle? IT, 3 February 2021. https://www.
scrap-northern-ireland-protocol-1.4480549          what-impetuous-zeal-explains-eu-s-artuicle-
Irish Times DUP politicians swerve cross-
Border meeting over North protocol. IT, 11         RTE Triggering Article 16 of NI Protocol
February 2021.         ‘should not have happened’- Coveney.
news/ireland/irish-news/dup-politicians-           RTE, 1 February 2021. https://www.rte.
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Politico Gove: EU opened ‘Pandora’s box’           BBC Brexit: EU has ‘head in sand’ over checks
with Northern Irish border move. Politico,         at NI ports, says Foster. BBC, 11 February
9 February 2021.
                                                   Telegraph Vernon Bogdanor. There is
Irish Times No need to ‘ditch’ Northern Ireland
                                                   a solution to the Irish border problem.
protocol, Gove tells MPs. IT, 9 February 2021.
                                                   Telegraph, 5 February 2021. https://www.
                                                   Irish Times Former Loyalist paramilitaries call
BBC Brexit: DUP protocol petition passes
                                                   for ‘rational’ talks on Northern Ireland protocol.
100,000 signatures. BBC, 6 February 2021.              IT, 13 February 2021. https://www.irishtimes.
ireland-55954107                                   com/news/ireland/irish-news/former-loyalist-
Irish Times Need to address concerns with NI       northern-ireland-protocol-1.4483571
protocol not scrap it, Long says. IT, 5 February
2021.        RTE Peter Robinson says unionists cannot ‘try
politics/need-to-address-concerns-with-ni-         to ditch the protocol and administer it’. RTE,
protocol-not-scrap-it-long-says-1.4476976          12 February 2021.
BBC Brexit: Irish Sea border issues foreseen
when deal was done. BBC, 6 February 2021.          Further Reading
ireland-55952459                                   Stephens Philip Britain Alone The Path from
                                                   Suez to Brexit. Faber & Faber
RTE DUP aims to undermine Northern Ireland
Protocol. RTE, 3 February 2021. https://www.

                                                                    BREXIT BRIEF 104 | FEB 2021
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