Exhibition & Sponsorship Opportunities

Exhibition & Sponsorship Opportunities
Exhibition & Sponsorship


        eager to learn
        business driven

 DATE 2019
 Firenze Fiera, Fortezza da Basso,
 Florence, Italy

 Conference 25 – 29 March

 Exhibition 26 – 28 March
                                     Design, Automation and Test in Europe

www.date-conference.com                                  follow us on

Exhibition & Sponsorship Opportunities
Location and Venue

                                                             One city, a thousand faces                                    Speaking Opportunities
                                                                 Florence is the capital of Tuscany Region, ­centrally     DATE is the perfect opportunity to communicate your           Y Papers can be submitted either for standard oral pre­
                                                                  located and very easy to reach via an inter­              company’s technological and business capabilities               sen­tation or for interactive presentation. The Pro-
                                                               national airport hub. Art, culture, modernity and            to scientific, industrial and commercial audiences              gramme Committee also encourages proposals for
                                                             ­vibrancy: Florence is much more than the cradle of            in a single European event. All companies who hold              Special S­ essions, Tutorials, Friday Workshops, Euro-
                                                               ­Renaissance. Vaunting an unparalleled past of un-          ­presentations at DATE benefit from the additional               pean ­Projects, University Booth, PhD Forum and Exhi­
                                                                  imaginable accomplishments, Florence is a contem-        visi­bility of their corporate identity, their products and      bition Theatre. All papers have to be submitted
    DATE is a leading international event and unique net-
                                                                porary city that offers year-round entertainment.           their expertise. We strongly encourage companies to             electronically by Sunday, 9 September 2018, via:
    working opportunity for design and engineering of
                                                             Striking architecture and monuments, museums of                take advantage of this by submitting pro­posals for all         www.date-conference.com. Please contact the DATE
    Systems-on-Chip, Systems-on-Package, Systems-on-
                                                                masterpieces, as well as fashion, theatres, gardens,        of the speaking opportunities listed here.                      Conference Organization if you r­equire more infor-
    Board and Embedded Systems Software.
                                                                ­modern art exhibitions, excellent places to eat and                                                                        mation or visit the website.
    The DATE exhibition features many of the world’s
                                                                  drink, and an international flair that has always set    Technical Conference
    leading suppliers of EDA tools and platforms for hard-
                                                                  this city apart. It is time to fall in love with Flor-                                                                 Exhibition Theatre
                                                                  ence. It is situated on the plain of the Arno River      The DATE conference addresses all aspects of research
    ware and software development, showing a range of
                                                                 between the hills that made this region famous,           into technologies for electro­nic and embedded sys-           Chair: Jürgen Haase, edacentrum, DE
    products from the front-end to back-end chip de-
                                                                 ­surrounded by towns, villages and enchanting land-       tem ­engineering. It covers the design process, test,
    sign through to silicon test and manufacture, from
                                                                  scapes. Due to its history, today Florence can offer     and automation tools for electronics ranging from             The exhibition theatre, located in the exhibition area
    system architecture through to embedded software
                                                              a lot of a   ­ stonishing venues like the Palazzo Pitti or   integrated ­circuits to distributed embedded systems.         close to the booths, provides speaking opportunities
    implementation and networking.
                                                               Palazzo Vecchio, the Town Hall of Florence, many            This includes both hardware and embedded software             to all interested exhibitors. The exhibition theatre
                                                                  churches like the Basilica di Santa Croce, the Basi­     design issues. The confe­rence scope also includes the        programme is a mix of panel discussions and user
                                                                  lica di Santa Maria Novella and also some open air       elaboration of design requirements and new archi-             presentations that give exhibition visitors and con-
                                                               museums such as G      ­ iardino delle Rose and Giardino    tectures for challenging application fields such as tel-      ference delegates a dynamic overview of key techni-
                                                                  di Boboli. Florence is also a modern destination that    ecoms, wireless communications, multimedia, health-           cal and business issues in electronic and embedded
                                                                  offers many opportunities for events and activities      care, smart ener­gy and automotive ­systems.                  systems design. Submissions are invited from ex-
                                                              for guests. In 2019, all over Italy but particularly                                                                       hibiting companies and projects, industry consortia,
                                                              ­Florence and the nearby home town Vinci will be             Topics are arranged according to four groupings:              technology groups, standards bodies, or any person
                                                                  cele­brating the 500th anniversary of the death of                                                                     with opinions on future industry trends.
                                                                  the genius ­Leonardo da Vinci.                           D–    Design Methods and Tools
                                                                                                                           A–    Application Design                                      Panels – discuss future trends, hot-topic technolo-
                                                                                                                           T –   Test and Dependability                                  gies and business aspects of the Systems-on-Chip,
                                                                                                                           E–    Embedded and Cyber-Physical Systems                     EDA and IP markets. Panels combine invited industry
                                                                                                                                                                                         experts and analysts for a more controversial look at
                                                                                                                           Companies involved in innovative industrial designs           the electronic design marketplace.
                                                                                                                           are particularly encouraged to submit papers to fos-
    Firenze Fiera, Fortezza da Basso                                                                                       ter the feedback from real-world design to research.          Customer Testimonials – allow exhibiting companies
                                                                                                                                                                                         the chance to demonstrate their technical expertise
    A masterpiece of the Renaissance architecture, the
                                                                                                                           DATE also hosts a number of special sessions, events          and the advantages of their products through the
    Fortezza has been the main Congress & Exhibition
                                                                                                                           within the main technical programme such as ­panels,          experiences of a customer. More relevant to real
    Center venue for Florence and for central Italy since
                                                                                                                           hot-topic sessions and embedded tutorials to highlight        world designers than a regular sales pitch, offering
    1967, being strategically located in the historic city
                                                                                                                           and ­inform about special-interest and emerging topics.       engineers an insight into good working practices
                                                                                                                                                                                         and current design methods, customer testimonial
    The Fortezza da Basso – a unique location in the
    world, combining perfectly restored historic loca-
                                                                                                                           Special Topics for 2019                                       papers are a great way to draw a crowd at DATE.
    tions and offering a wonderful visual impact of the
                                                                                                                           Two Special Days in the programme will focus on               Special Sessions – a selection of sessions (hot topic,
    16th century walls on one side of the building.
                                                                                                                           two areas bringing new challenges to the system               tutorial) and invited speakers from the technical
    The conservative restoration of the whole area was
                                                                                                                           design community:                                             conference programme will be presented in the Ex-
    carried out according to the requirements of the
                                                                                                                                                                                         hibition Theatre, providing added value to exhibition
    event organisers, exhibitors and visitors.
                                                                                                                           • Embedded meets Hyperscale and HPC                           visitors.
                                                                                                                           • Model-Based Design of Intelligent Systems
                                                                                                                                                                                         Y Final deadline for Exhibition Theatre submissions –
    Firenze Fiera
                                                                                                                           Moreover, the DATE 2019 technical programme and                  26 October 2018
    Fortezza da Basso
                                                                                                                           exhibition will have a special focus on the follow-
    Padiglione Spadolini, lower floor
                                                                                                                           ing topics: internet of things, artificial intelligence,      Organise your own panel, hot topic or tutorial ses-
    Viale Filippo Strozzi, 1
                                                                                                                           smart energy, security, automotive, space, health-            sion in the Exhibition Theatre! Please contact Jürgen
    Florence, IT
                                                                                                                           care, robotics and industry 4.0.                              Haase for more details: haase@edacentrum.de
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Exhibition & Sponsorship Opportunities
Vendor Opportunities

    The Exhibition
    The DATE exhibition will run for three days (Tues-
    day-Thursday). The spacious exhibition area will be
    located close to the conference rooms. As the area
    is positioned centrally and will host the coffee and
    lunch break area as well, a constant frequen­tation
    will be guaranteed. DATE also arranges a number
    of special events and features on the show floor in
    order to increase exhibition visits, such as an Exhibi-
    tion Reception on Tuesday evening, extended confer-
    ence breaks and an Exhibition Theatre with industry
                                                                                                              Option 1                           Option 2                                 Option 5                                Thematic Campus
    themed presentations.

    Thus, the exhibition offers the perfect opportunity
    for discussions and talks with conference delegates,
                                                              Stand Packages
    for gaining new industry contacts or intensifying ex-
                                                              DATE 2019 is offering the following stand options to         Option 3 Space only (price on application)               For more information, please contact the DATE Con-
    isting business relationships. Furthermore, the DATE
                                                              make exhibiting easy to plan and more cost-effective                                                                  ference Organization K.I.T. Group.
    exhibition states the perfect venue for industries to
                                                              to budget. All options include one complimentary             If you wish to build your own booth, K.I.T. Group
    meet university professors to foster their university
                                                              conference delegate pass.                                    would be pleased to provide you with a quote based
    programme and especially for PhD Students to meet
                                                                                                                           on your requirements. Please contact the Exhibition
    their future employers.                                                                                                                                                          Joint Thematic Campus
                                                              Y Please note: this complimentary conference regis­         Manager to discuss your options.
                                                                   tration includes access to all conference sessions,
    DATE continues to be a growing event attracting                                                                                                                                 DATE exhibition will pick-up the attractive concept
                                                                   conference materials, catering as well as entrance
    more than 1,400 conference delegates and exhibi-                                                                                                                                of thematic campus which has been very successful
                                                                   to the DATE Party, but it does neither include access
    tion visitors annually.                                                                                                Option 4 Start-Up Booth                                  during the last DATE conferences. Main objective of
                                                                   to the Monday Tutorials nor to the ­Friday Work-
                                                                                                                                                                                    the campus concept is to focus on major trends in
                                                                                                                           DATE offers a great value introduction to the exhibi-    the semiconductor and electronic systems industry
                                                                                                                           tion for start-up companies. This is a 6 sqm standard    and create synergies between those clusters.
                                                              Option 1 Table Top Display                                   shell scheme booth (option 2 above). Qualifying con-
                                                                                                                           ditions apply for start-ups:                             Interested companies will have the possibility to
                                                              •   3 m² space (1.5 × 2.0 m)                                                                                          join a Thematic C ­ ampus in order to benefit from
                                                              •   Back wall panels (white)                                 • Your company should be no older than 5 years           a mutual presen­tation & approach of their target
                                                              •   Table & 2 chairs                                         • Your company has not exhibited at DATE previously      audience. Those thematic campuses focus on hot
                                                              •   1kw electricity                                                                      Y Total cost: € 2,500        topics such as internet of things, automotive, smart
                                                              •   Waste basket                                                                                                      energy, space, healthcare, security, artificial intel-
                                                              •   White nameboard                                                                                                   ligence, robotics and industry 4.0. For detailed in-
                                                                                               Y Total cost: € 2,200                                                               formation and a concrete ­offer, please contact the
                                                                                                                           Option 5 European Project Booth
                                                                                                                                                                                    Exhibition Chair Luca Fanucci, University of Pisa, IT;
                                                                                                                           DATE offers a good value booth package to European
                                                              Option 2 Standard Shell Scheme Booth                         Projects/Clusters who wish to show their work and
                                                                                                                                                                                    • The General Terms and Conditions apply.
                                                                                                                           results during the DATE exhibition.
                                                                                                                                                                                    • A preliminary floor plan will be sent on request.
                                                              •C arpeted space (grey carpet)
                                                              • Wall panels (white)                                        •   Small cubicle, carpeted (1.5 × 1.5m)
                                                              • Fascia board on each open side with company                •   White hard-coated wall panels, on 2 sides
The vibrant exhibition at DATE 2018, Dresden                    name (max. 30 letters)                                     •   Reception counter & stool                             Early Bird Discount
                                                              • Table & 2 chairs                                           •   White nameboard
                                                              • Brochure rack                                              •   1kw electricity connection                           Early bird discount of 5% applicable for all bookings
    Exhibition Opening Hours                                  • Waste basket                                               •   Access to shared meeting space                       received before 30 October 2018*
                                                              • 3 spotlights                                                                                Y Total cost: € 2,000
    26 March 2019:             10h00 – 18h30*                 • 1kw electricity                                                                                                     Y ESD Alliance Members companies ­receive an
    27 March 2019:             10h00 – 18h30                                                Y Total cost:                 In addition to the booth reservation, European Pro-         ­additional 6% discount*
    28 March 2019:             10h00 – 16h00                                                    6 m² 2 × 3 m € 3,300       ject coordinators will have the opportunity to rent
                                                                                                9 m² 3 × 3 m € 4,400       a dedica­ted meeting room at a special rate for pre-     * Please note that this discount only applies for booth reservations
    * Exhibition Reception from 18h30 – 19h30                                                  12 m² 3 × 4 m € 5,500       senting the project and meeting their community.            (Option 1-5), but not for any other offers made by the organizers.

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Exhibition & Sponsorship Opportunities
Sponsorship Opportunities

    There are various effective sponsorship opportuni-      DATE 2019 Conference Materials
    ties for inte­
                 rested indus­ try partners to represent
    their company and/or p ­ roducts in the course of the   Interested companies can sponsor one of the below-
    DATE ­conference, as stated below. If the mentioned     listed conference materials (to be distributed to
    opportunities do not correspond to your needs,
    ­                                                       ­delegates on-site). The company’s logo will be placed
    please feel free to contact us. We will be pleased      on the material, respectively. Alternatively, compa-
    to discuss further promotional or branding ­options     nies can also provide their own promotional mate-
    in order to arrange a tailor-made proposal for your     rial which then must be ­approved by the Conference
    company.                                                Organization in advance. Detailed i­nformation will
                                                            be provided upon booking.
    All sponsors will benefit from prominent acknow­
    ledge­ment in all DATE publications (such as on the • Official sponsor of the DATE Conference Bags
    homepage, in the programme booklet etc.).             € 4,500 (plus production costs, if applicable)
                                                                                                                                                                Do Not Miss to Organise Your Own Session
                                                                                                                                                                Interested companies may organise their own session, e.g. tutorial, business
                                                            • Official sponsor of the DATE Conference Lanyards
                                                                                                                                                                ­ eeting, hands-on or workshop during the official show dates in a dedicated
                                                              € 3,000 (plus production costs, if applicable)
    DATE 2019 Conference Breaks and                                                                                                                             meeting room at a special rate. Book your meeting room now and benefit from
                                                                                                                                                                the opportunity to reach your target ­audience exclusively during this slot.
    Social Events                                           • Insert in the DATE Conference Bags
                                                              One (1) promotional material (max. 4 connected
                                                                                                                                                                For detailed information, please contact the DATE Conference Organization.
    Interested companies can sponsor one of the official      DIN-A4 pages) to be placed into the congress bags.
    confe­rence breaks or evening events. All coffee and      € 1,600 (plus production costs)
                                                                                                                                                                As there is limited availability, please communicate your requirements early in
    lunch breaks will take place in the exhibition area.
                                                                                                                                                                advance, by 31 January 2019, the latest.
                                                            • Advertisement in the Exhibition Guide
    • Official sponsor of a DATE Lunch Break                 Interested companies can place an advertisement
      The sponsoring includes banners in the lunch area       in the Exhibition Guide (as part of the programme
      and the company logo on the menus & lunch tickets.      booklet).                                              Previous Exhibitors and Sponsors (incl. DATE 2018, Dresden)
      POA (price on application)                              It is available online shortly before the conference
                                                              and will be distributed to all registered delegates    5G Lab Germany                             IMAGINATION TECHNOLOGIES                 European Projects:
    • Official sponsor of a DATE Coffee Break                on-site. Release: March, 2019                          Advantest Europe GmbH                      IMMS gGmbH
      The sponsoring includes signs with the company                                                                 Aeneas                                     INCHRON GmbH                             COEMS – Continuous Observation of
      logo on the tables in the coffee break area.         YY One (1) full inner page:                   € 1,200   ALTERA (now part of Intel)                 Infineon Techno­logies AG                Embedded Multicore Systems
                                                                                                                     Arm Ltd.                                   INTENTO DESIGN                           DREAMS – CONTREX – PROXIMA (MCC)
      POA (price on application)                            YY One (1) full cover page (front inside):    € 2,500
                                                                                                                     Bosch Sensortec GmbH                       Invecas                                  dReDBox (Disaggregated Data Center in a Box)
                                                            YY One (1) full cover page (back inside):     € 2,500
                                                                                                                     Cadence Academic Network                   Magillem Design ­Services                EuroSERVER
    • Official sponsor of the Exhibition Reception,        YY One (1) full cover page (back outside):    € 3,500   CHIP DESIGN MAGAZINE                       Mathworks                                ExaNoDe
      26 March 2019, 18h30 – 19h30                                                                                  Circuits Multi-Projects (CMP)              Mentor, A Siemens Business               Fast Tracker for Hadron Collider Experiments
      The sponsoring includes banners, the company                                                                   Cisco                                      Microtest – Microelectronics             HiPEAC – European Network on High
      logo on the tables, handing out promotional com-      Date Web Portal                                          City of Dresden                            Global Solutions                         ­Performance and Embedded Architecture
      pany material etc.                                                                                            CONCEPT ENGINEERING GmbH                   Monozukuri                               and Compilation
      POA (price on application)                            DATE has a busy web portal which is updated regu-        COSEDA Technologies GmbH                   MunEda                                   MANGO
                                                                                                                     Design & Reuse                             Nokia                                    MoRV
                                                            larly with conference and exhibition news as infor-
                                                                                                                     Dream Chip Technologies GmbH               Penta Systematic                          NANOxCOMP
    • Official sponsor of the DATE Party,                  mation becomes available. Interested industry part-
                                                                                                                     DREWAG                                     Platform Design Automation, Inc.          REPARA
      27 March 2019, 19h30 – 23h00                         ners can place web banners and upload company            EDA Confidential                           Presto Engineering Inc.                  SAFURE
      The sponsoring includes banners at the venue, 10      profile information throughout the year.                 EDACafé                                    Racyics GmbH                             TETRAMAX
      free party tickets, the company logo on the menus                                                              EETimes Europe                             River Publishers
      and ­catering tables etc.                            • Company logo on entry page OR registration page        Elektronik i Norden                        Springer Nature                           DATE is sponsored by the European Design
      POA (price on application)                              of the DATE website. Prices start from 1,200 €         Engineering & Technology Magazine –        Synopsys                                  and Automa­tion Association, the ESD
                                                                                                                     Published by The IET                       Tata Consultancy Services Limited        ­Alliance, the IEEE Council on EDA, ECSI, ACM-
                                                                                                                     EUROPRACTICE (IMEC vzw)                    (TCS Innovation Labs)                     SIGDA & RAS.
                                                            • Email blast prior to the conference (message sent
                                                                                                                     Fractal Technologies Inc.                  Texas Instruments
                                                              to the DATE mailing list to advertise the company
                                                                                                                     Fraunhofer Institute for Integrated Cir-   T-Systems Multimedia Solutions GmbH      In cooperation with
                                                              activities at DATE)                                   cuits IIS                                  TU Dresden – cfaed/HAEC                 • IEEE Computer Society Test Technology
                                                              Prices start from 1,900 € increasing to 2,500 € the    GLOBALFOUNDRIES Europe Ltd.                TUM CREATE Ltd                             Technical Council (TTTC)
                                                              week before DATE                                       High Performance Center Functional Inte­   University Booth                        • IEEE Solid-State Circuits Society (SSCS)
                                                                                                                     gration in Micro- and Nanoelectronics      X-FAB Semiconductor Foundries           • International Federation for Information
                                                            YY www.date-conference.com                               IDT Europe GmbH                            Xilinx University ­Program                 Processing (IFIP)

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Exhibition & Sponsorship Opportunities
General Information and Contacts

    Title of the event	DATE 2019 – Design,             Exhibition Chair	Luca Fanucci
                        Automation and Test in Europe                     University of Pisa, IT
    Date                 25 – 29 March 2019
                                                        Exhibition     Jürgen Haase
    Venue	Firenze Fiera                                Theatre Chair	edacentrum GmbH, DE
           Fortezza da Basso                                           haase@edacentrum.de
           Padiglione Spadolini, lower floor
           Viale Filippo Strozzi, 1                     Conference    K.I.T. Group GmbH Dresden
           Florence, IT                                 Organization	Bautzner Str. 117–119
                                                                      01099 Dresden, DE
    Participants	about 1,400 delegates from                          date@kitdresden.de
                  Europe and abroad
                                                        Exhibition Kathleen Schäfer
    General Chair	Jürgen Teich                         Manager	Email: date@kitdresden.de
                   Friedrich-Alexander-Universität                 Phone: +49 351 4842 964
                   Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU), DE
                   juergen.teich@fau.de                 Local Arangements/ICT	Luca Fanucci
                                                                               University of Pisa, IT
    Programme Chair	Franco Fummi                                              luca.fanucci@unipi.it
                     University of Verona,IT
                     franco.fummi@univr.it                                      Frank Hannig
                                                                                Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU), DE

Exhibition & Sponsorship Opportunities Exhibition & Sponsorship Opportunities Exhibition & Sponsorship Opportunities Exhibition & Sponsorship Opportunities Exhibition & Sponsorship Opportunities
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