EXHIBITOR PACKAGE | MAY 7-9/2021 - Prince George BC

Page created by Shane Little
EXHIBITOR PACKAGE | MAY 7-9/2021 - Prince George BC
Prince George BC   |   FanCon.ca
EXHIBITOR PACKAGE | MAY 7-9/2021 - Prince George BC
QUICK                                                                                                      Northern FanCon
                                                                                               is Northern British Columbia’s
                                                                          blockbuster pop culture event, featuring incredible
                                       celebrities, artists, vendors, guests, workshops, panels, and more! Northern FanCon
                                       runs May 7th to the 9th at the CN Centre and is an unforgettable event experience!!


Northern FanCon is a large scale pop culture              I’D LIKE TO EXHIBIT…NOW WHAT?!?
showcase that takes place May 7th, 8th & 9th
                                                      1. Consider what kind of booth will best suit
2021. The excitement is building as convention           your needs (10x10, end cap, etc.) and                        THE VENUE
new-comers along with convention veterans                indicate your choice in the application               CN Centre, Prince George, BC
prepare to descend upon Prince George for             2. Visit www.FanCon.ca/exhibitors for all         The CN Centre is a 5,971-seat multi-purpose
this momentous event.                                    additional information
                                                                                                        event facility and has hosted many
                                                      3. Booth location will be tailored by
                                                         Northern FanCon at it's discretion             internationally renowned acts and
NFC is an excellent, cost effective way to            4. Once submitted, you will receive               entertainment. Such performers have
engage customers from a large multi-regional             confirmation within 7 business days            included: KISS, Avril Lavigne, Alexisonfire,
area who fit your demographic precisely. It           5. Official Accommodations can be found at        Billy Talent, Elton John, the Blue Man Group,
brings a variety of people and exhibitors with a                                                        Mötley Crüe, Nickelback, ZZ Top, Sarah
                                                      6. Move-In/Move-Out documents will be
                                                         available one month before the event           McLachlan,Bonnie Raitt, and Brooks and
wide range of products together, which means
                                                      7. You will be required to check in, on-site to   Dunn, to name a few. Besides concerts, the
you can also reach new consumers while
                                                         setup and receive your badges                  CN Centre has hosted David Copperfield,
staying in touch with your current buyers. If
                                                                                                        Ringling Brothers & Barnum and Bailey
you want to tap into the pop culture crowd ,                                                            Circus, mixed martial art events, monster
this is the place to do it!                                                                             trucks, rodeos, and various ice shows. The
                                                                                                        CN Centre links with the three Kincentre
            WHO SHOULD EXHIBIT?                                    EXHIBITOR SETUP                      arenas, creating a multi-functional four arena
                                                                  Thursday 3pm - 7pm                    complex. Ticketmaster is the official ticket
If you retail any of the following:                                Friday 7am - 3pm                     supplier of CN Centre events. In 2015, the CN
Collectibles, Clothing or Accessory, Artist,                                                            Centre played an integral role as Prince
Author, Toy Manufacturer, Movie Studio,                             SHOW HOURS                          George hosted the 2015 Canada Winter
Comic, Magazine or Book Publisher, Video                          Friday 4pm – 9pm                      Games.
Game Developer, Costumer, Anime / Manga,                         Saturday 10am - 7pm
Trading Card.                                                     Sunday 11am - 5pm
                                                           VIP EARLY ENTRY FRIDAY @3pm
Even if you have something you’d love for a lot
of people to see, this is the place to show it off!

             CUSTOMS & SHIPPING

Joining us Internationally? Contact us and let
us help you coordinate!
EXHIBITOR PACKAGE | MAY 7-9/2021 - Prince George BC
E X H I B I T OR                A T I ON
          2 0 2 1                     N INF O R M
                        T  R  A T I O
                   EXHIBIT SPACE                                              PAYMENT                                              LIABILITY & SECURITY

Exhibitor Badges must be worn for setup, during the       Exhibitor understands the payment policy and           The Northern FanCon (NFC) and the CN Centre are not
show, and for exhibitor move-out. Exhibitor agrees to     agrees to pay the fees as listed on the Exhibitor      responsible for any theft or loss. Exhibitor is responsible
remain setup during all open hours of the Northern        Application Forms. If the Exhibitor is sharing or      for their own security during the show hours. Security
FanCon. No early move out is permitted without prior      subletting table space, then the person whose          provided after regular show hours.
consent from the Expo Committee.                          name appears on the contract assumes full
                                                          responsibility for that booth.                         The Exhibitor agrees to protect, keep, and save NFC, the
                 BOOTLEG POLICY                                                                                  promoter of the event, forever harmless from any
                                                                    REFUNDS & CANCELLATIONS                      damage(s) or charge(s) imposed for violations of any
Any exhibitors selling bootleg items will be asked to                                                            ordinance or regulation by the Exhibitor, his/her
remove these items from their booth(s). If these          Exhibitors that cancel prior to August 31st 2020,      employees or agents, as well as failure to comply with the
items are put back out for sale during the                will be able to receive a full refund                  terms and agreements of this contract. Further,
convention, or if the exhibitor refuses to comply, the                                                           Exhibitors shall at all times protect, indemnify, save, and
exhibitor will be removed from the convention             Requests made by non-Kickstarters between
                                                                                                                 keep harmless NFC against and from any loss, cost,
immediately, and will not be refunded any                 March 9th & April 5th 2021, will receive a 50%
                                                                                                                 damage, liability, or expense which arises out of or from
payment(s) made for their booth.                          refund
                                                                                                                 or by reason of any act or omission of the Exhibitor, his/
                                                                                                                 her employees, or agents.
        FIRE REGULATIONS & CLEANLINESS                    Requests made after April 5th, 2021 will not be
                                                                                                                 In the event that CN Centre or any part of the exhibit
Exhibitor must maintain their areas clean both during
                                                                                                                 area thereof is unavailable, whether for the entire event
and after the show. Exhibitors will be responsible for                      SALES TAXES
                                                                                                                 or a portion of the event, as a result of fire, flood,
any damage caused by them to the exhibit area.
                                                          Exhibitors are responsible for collection and          tempest, snow storm, or other such cause, or as a result
Exhibitor displays must meet fire codes, and will be
                                                          payment of GST and PST as required by law.             of governmental intervention, malicious damage, acts of
subject to fire marshal inspection. No portion of a
                                                                                                                 war, strike, labor disputes, riot, or agency which the NFC
display, boxes, packing materials, etc. shall obstruct
                                                                        ADULT MERCHANDISE                        has no control, or should the NFC decide that because of
any aisle or doorway.
                                                                                                                 any such cause it is necessary to cancel, postpone, or re-
All Fire Extinguishers, Hose Cabinets, Fire Exits, Fire   Exhibitor agrees not to sell or distribute any adult   site the show, or reduce installation time, exhibit time, or
Alarms can not be blocked or covered at any time          material to minors. All ‘Adults Only’ material must    move-out time, the NFC shall not be liable to indemnify
during the show. Smoking or alcohol is not permitted      be either behind the table, or if displayed, must be   or reimburse the Exhibitor in respect of any damage or
in the Exhibitor Centre.                                  bagged and/or covered so that minors cannot            loss, direct or indirect, arising as a result thereof.
                                                          open it. Any adult material depicting nudity or
                                                          sexual conduct must be covered (blinded). Adult        Northern FanCon shall have the full power in the
                                                          videos and magazines are not allowed to be             interpretation and enforcement of all contract regulations
                                                          openly displayed.                                      contained herein, and the power to
                                                                                                                 make such amendments thereto, and such further rules
                                                                                                                 and regulations as shall be considered necessary and
                                                                                                                 proper. The foregoing represents the agreement between
                                                                                                                 the undersigned Exhibitor and Northern FanCon, the
                                                                                                                 promoters of the Northern FanCon for the convention
                                                                                                                 held on May 7th to 9th, 2021
EXHIBITOR PACKAGE | MAY 7-9/2021 - Prince George BC
I n f o r m a t i o n
                   SETUP & MOVE-OUT                                              PACKAGING                             ATTENDEE/PURCHASER HANDLING
Exhibitor setup and move-out instructions will be             All bladed weapons, including knives, axes, swords,   At no time can any weapon be lifted more
provided in advance. Exhibitors that require special          katanas, and any other item deemed a weapon or
attention, please contact the NFC for special                 a bladed object, must from the time of purchase
                                                                                                                    6 inches from the table top by a prospective
arrangements.                                                 be kept in its original packaging by the purchaser.
                                                              Any purchaser who removes the weapon from its         purchaser or attendee. The item must
                EXHIBITOR COMPLIANCE                                                                                remain horizontal to the table at all times.
                                                              original packaging, does so at the risk of having
The Northern FanCon Committee reserves the right to           the item confiscated and/or having their
                                                                                                                    There cannot, under any circumstances, be
remove any person(s) who does not comply with the             convention pass revoked.
                                                                                                                    any kind of jabbing, swinging, fighting,
rules and regulations outlined in the Exhibitor
                                                              Items may be removed from its packaging by the        testing for weight, or horseplay of any kind
Agreement, and/or policies and procedures of NFC
                                                              vendor for the purpose of displaying or showing
                                                                                                                    with the weapons being handled by a
Northern FanCon maintains very strict standards               the item to a potential purchaser.
                                                                                                                    prospective purchaser or attendee.
regarding the handling, selling, displaying, and usage of
                                                              If an item or weapon is sold to a potential
weapons by vendors and attendees.                                                                                   Vendors who wish to allow potential
                                                              purchaser or attendee, the item or weapon must
It shall be the vendor’s sole responsibility to ensure that   immediately be placed back into its original          purchasers the ability to heft, or test
all policies pertaining to weapons and weapons sales as       packaging and sealed.                                 weapons for weight must, at their own cost
posted by the Northern FanCon are followed by all
                                                              If an item or weapon cannot be packaged in a way
                                                                                                                    maintain an enclosed area in the middle of
attendees and staff at their booth. Any and all violations                                                          their booth that will be a minimum of 5 feet
                                                              that is acceptable to the Weapons and Prop
of the posted policies will be dealt with by the issuance
                                                              Compliance Team or to Northern FanCon staff, the      away from any other customer, or attendee
of one warning. If there is a second infringement of the
                                                              item will immediately fall under the categorization   of the show. The area must be fully enclosed
policy, the vendor risks being removed from the show
                                                              of “weapon” as outlined in this policy and must be    so as to prevent any other person in the area
without refund, and being disallowed from exhibiting at
                                                              presented to the peace bonding table for a
future shows of Northern FanCon                                                                                     to visually see what is happening inside.
                                                              compliance check.
                                                                                                                    The vendor will be solely responsible to
                  SELLING TO MINORS                                                                                 ensure that the purchaser tests the weapon
                                                                                                                    in a safe manner, and that all policies of the
At no time is a vendor who is displaying at the Northern
                                                                                                                    Northern FanCon are observed and
FanCon allowed to sell any item, prop, or weapon that is
                                                                                                                    followed at all times.
classified in this policy to any person(s) who have not
reached the age of majority within the Province of British
Columbia. Any vendor being found to have sold a
restricted item to a minor (Person under 18 years of age)
risks being removed from the show with no refund, and
being disallowed from exhibiting at future shows of the
Northern FanCon.

                                               NEED MORE INFORMATION?
EXHIBITOR PACKAGE | MAY 7-9/2021 - Prince George BC
p t i o n s
              o o t h O
        o r B
                                                                                           Check your
    Booth Type        Space       Tables      Chairs        Badges               Price     Booth Type

      Regular         10x10           1           2                2       $412.50 + GST

      Double          10x20           2           4                4       $742.50 + GST

       Triple         10x30           3           6                6      $1017.50 + GST

       Quad           10x40           4           8                8      $1237.50 + GST

       Corner         10x10           2           2                2         $495 + GST

      End Cap         10x20           4           4                4       $907.50 + GST

    *Small Island     20x30           8          10            10         $2447.50 + GST

    *Large Island     20x40          10          12            12         $2887.50 + GST

    **Artist Alley      8x6           1           2                2         $165 + GST

     Economy           8x6            1           2                2       $247.50 + GST

                                       Additional Badges $50 + GST
                        For power contact Sheldon at Central Display at 250 961-4006

                         *Eligible for celebrity sponsorship. Email Sponsor@FanCon.ca

     ** Limited number of spots available - must be approved by the Department Head of Artist Alley
                                          Applicable taxes extra
EXHIBITOR PACKAGE | MAY 7-9/2021 - Prince George BC
at fa n c on
     s t al l e y
            SPACE ASSIGNMENT                        Celebrity likenesses are considered to be fan      Artists may not sell “mass produced” items.
                                                    art. Items made using licensed fabrics or          Artist Alley defines “mass produced” as
Artist Alley space is reserved for comic
                                                    materials used under first sale doctrine are       more than 100 units of a single item.
artists, illustrators, inkers and creative talent
                                                    considered fan art. Items which fall under         Resellers and commercial artists are
only. Creative talent in other pop culture
                                                    first sale doctrine may include but are not        welcome to purchase regular booth space.
areas will be accepted on a case by case
                                                    limited to stickers, comics , wall scrolls, and
basis. Artist Alley space is limited and not all
                                                    manga.                                             Adult material is restricted and may only be
applications will be granted.
                                                                                                       displayed in a manner approved by
                                                    Everyone knows that copying someone                Northern FanCon.
            ARTIST COMPLIANCE                       else’s work is wrong, but there is no
                                                    “magic rule” about how much must be
All vendors will obey federal, provincial and
                                                    changed to make it an artist’s own. The
local laws and ordinances regarding the sale
                                                    artist bears all responsibility and risk for the
of material that, intentionally or
                                                    items brought for sale at Northern FanCon.
unintentionally, infringes upon the
trademarks or copyrights of another party.          Any questions regarding this policy will be
                                                    resolved by the Department Head of Artist
Artist Alley vendors may only sell their own
                                                    Alley, in consultation with Otakorp Inc.’s
original artwork and creations. Artists
                                                    lawyer when needed. If a piece of art
cannot sell licensed or logo merchandise
                                                    appears to be very similar to a licensed,
unless it can be considered “fan art.” Fan art
                                                    copyrighted, etc. piece of art, the artist may
may take up a reasonable amount of the
                                                    be asked to remove it from display and sale
display space regardless of mediums. For
                                                    at the discretion of the Department Head.
each piece of fan art displayed you must
                                                    The Department Head’s decision is final. Any
also display an original piece of similar size.
                                                    artwork containing a protected license
Artists must use personal discretion to a           created by the copyright holder, under
limited number of duplicates in your display.       commission of the copyright holder, or
When displaying fan art, artists must respect       within the terms of a license agreement will
the source’s trademarks. This includes but is       be considered original artwork. If your work
not limited to avoiding things such as use of       falls under one of these categories be sure
logos in their display, signage referring to        to have copies of all appropriate paperwork
the artwork by its series or signage referring      on hand.
to the characters name.

NEED MORE INFORMATION?                                                                   ArtistAlley@FanCon.ca
EXHIBITOR PACKAGE | MAY 7-9/2021 - Prince George BC
r ac t
      b i t o r                                                     Co n t
Exh i

                                         May 7th-9th/2021
The undersigned, (hereafter called “Exhibitor”), hereby applies for space in the Northern FanCon 2021 as indicated.

Company: __________________________________________ Name& Title: _________________________________________________

Address: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________

City: ___________________________________________Prov/State: ______________ Postal/ZipCode: ___________________________

Phone: ___________________________________________________ Booth Type: ___________________________________________

Email Address: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

Subletting space: Subletting space is prohibited. No Exhibitor shall assign, sublet or apportion the whole or part of the space allotted, or
have foreign representatives equipment or materials in said space without the written consent of the show management.

50% Deposit to be paid upon registration. Remaining 50% to be paid by April 5, 2021. ALL
9pm Friday, May 7 • 7pm Saturday, May 8 • 5pm Sunday, May 9

Signature: x ______________________________________________________________                   Date: _________________________________
EXHIBITOR PACKAGE | MAY 7-9/2021 - Prince George BC EXHIBITOR PACKAGE | MAY 7-9/2021 - Prince George BC
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