Exploring polypharmacy burden among elderly patients with chronic diseases in Chinese community: a cross-sectional study

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Wang et al. BMC Geriatrics     (2021) 21:308

 RESEARCH                                                                                                                                            Open Access

Exploring polypharmacy burden among
elderly patients with chronic diseases in
Chinese community: a cross-sectional study
Yongli Wang1,2, Xiaodan Li2, Dongmei Jia2, Beilei Lin1, Bo Fu1, Bei Qi1 and Zhenxiang Zhang1*

  Background: In the long-term use of multiple medications for elderly patients diagnosed with chronic diseases,
  medication problems are prominent, which seriously reduces their quality of life. The burden of medications of
  patients critically affects their medication beliefs, behaviors and disease outcomes. It may be a solution to stress the
  burden of medications of patients. Its medication issues develops a novel perspective. The present study aimed to
  exploit the Chinese version of Living with Medicines Questionnaire-3(C-LMQ-3) to quantify the medicines burden of
  elderly patients diagnosed with chronic diseases in China, and evaluate the relevant demographic characteristics of
  sub-populations with high medicines burden.
  Methods: The survey was distributed to elderly patients aged ≥ 60 years with chronic disease by using ≥ 5
  medicines, C-LMQ-3 scores and domain scores were compared by the characteristics of elderly patients by
  employing descriptive statistics and performing statistical tests.
  Results: On the whole, 430 responses were analyzed, and the participants were aged between 60 and 91 years,
  with the average age of 73.57 years (SD: 7.87). Most of the responses were female (61.7 %) with middle school
  education (38.5 %). Moreover, 54.1 % of the participants lived with spouse only, 16.2 % had both spouse and
  children, and 10.0 % lived alone. As indicated from regression analysis, higher C-LMQ-3 scores were associated with
  those who were with low education level, 60–69 years-old, using ≥ 11 medicines, using medicines ≥ 3 times a day,
  income per month (RMB) ≤ 3000, and who having higher monthly self-paid medication (RMB) ≥ 300 (p < 0.01).
  Burden was mainly driven by cost-related burden, concerns about medicines, and the lack of autonomy over
  medicine regimens.
  Conclusions: This study presents the preliminary evidence to elderly patients diagnosed with chronic diseases in
  mainland China that pay attention to multiple medications burden may help reduce the Drug Related Problems,
  whereas some elderly patients have a higher burden of medication. Chinese health care providers are required to
  primarily evaluate and highlight such patients, and formulate relevant intervention strategies to ensure medication
  adherence and daily medication management of elderly patients with polypharmacy.
  Keywords: Medicine, Medicine burden, Patient‐reported outcome, Multi‐morbidity, Living with Medicines

* Correspondence: zhangzx6666@126.com
 School of Nursing and Health, Zhengzhou University, No.100 Science
Avenue, Henan, Zhengzhou, China
Full list of author information is available at the end of the article

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Wang et al. BMC Geriatrics   (2021) 21:308                                                                       Page 2 of 9

Introduction                                                   multi-morbidity using multiple medicines. Research
In 2009, the World Health Organization (WHO) defined           studies on both multi-morbidity and the burden of
“multi-morbidity” as having two or more chronic dis-           medication for patients with chronic diseases shift their
eases. Multi-morbidity is recognized as a common prob-         stress to economic aspects of treatment burden [27].
lem, mainly occurring in the elderly. One of the reasons       Medicine burden refers to a different construct, and rare
is that population ageing is a global phenomenon [1]. As       studies in China have explored the burden which medi-
reported from the existing study, 61.7-86.3 % of the eld-      cines can impose on peoples’ daily lives (e.g., side effects
erly suffer from different chronic diseases in China [2–       and other interferences [27]). For this reason, this study
4]. However, according to the recently achieved data           aimed to use C-LMQ-3 to quantify the medicines bur-
from the China Health and Retirement Longitudinal              den of elderly patients diagnosed with chronic diseases
Study, physical multi-morbidity increased with age and         in China, as well as assess the relevant socio demo-
was more common in poorer regions [5]. As suggested            graphic characteristics of subpopulations with high med-
from the relevant literature on the multi-morbidity of         icines burden.
chronic diseases among the elderly in China [2, 6, 7], the
most common six kinds of chronic diseases were found,
                                                               Materials and methods
including hypertension, diabetes mellitus, coronary heart
                                                               Setting, Study Population, and Sample selection
disease, stroke, hyperlipidemia and chronic obstructive
                                                               The present study was a cross-sectional correlational
pulmonary disease (COPD).
                                                               design. Potential participants were recruited based on
   Medicines are the most commonly used medical tech-
                                                               convenience sampling in Zhengzhou from January to
nology to treat chronic diseases, and elderly patients often
                                                               August 2020. Eligible participants were identified by
need to use multiple medicines due to multiple chronic
                                                               screening residents’ health records in three community
diseases [8–10]. As reported from literature, ≥ 5 medicines
                                                               health service institutions to ensure that they had at
are the most commonly used definition of polypharmacy
                                                               least two chronic diseases. The following inclusion cri-
[8, 11]. Polypharmacy contributes to increases the risk for
                                                               teria were employed: (1) aged ≥ 60 years (abiding by the
a Drug Related Problems (DRPs) (e.g., adverse medication
                                                               Law of the People’s Republic of China on the Protection
events [12], decreased medication adherence [13], in-
                                                               of the Rights and Interests of the Elderly); (2) diagnosed
creased hospitalization [14],cognitive impairment, falls
                                                               with at least two chronic diseases (chronic diseases in-
and increased mortality [15]). As revealed from a system-
                                                               cluding hypertension, diabetes mellitus, coronary heart
atic review [16], medication burden acts as a core factor
                                                               disease, stroke, hyperlipidemia and COPD); (3) using ≥ 5
affecting a patient’s beliefs about medication adherence
                                                               medications for more than 3 months; and (4) willing to
and health status, and to some extent reflects the patient’s
                                                               participate in this study and provide informed consent.
attitude and willingness and ability to handle medication
                                                               Individuals with cognitive impairments or other serious
use [14, 17]. Therefore, measurement of medication bur-
                                                               physical diseases who were unable to respond appropri-
den may provide an important perspective for helping to
                                                               ately to the investigation were excluded from the study.
reduce these medication-related problems and improve
                                                                  To ensure adequate statistical power, the sample size
                                                               was calculated with the G*Power 3.1 in a multiple re-
   Recently, as polypharmacy becomes widespread, a tool
                                                               gression analysis with power set at 0.80, α = 0.05 [28]. A
has been developed and validated by Krska et al. in the
                                                               medium effect size was 0.15 [29], and the number of
UK, which specifically aims to measure medicine-related
                                                               dependent variables was 12. The resultant sample size
burden in daily life-the Living with Medicines Question-
                                                               was at least 148 samples required, leading to a 20 % inef-
naire (LMQ) [18–20].The LMQ originated from qualita-
                                                               ficiency rate.
tive interviews with patients who were diagnosed with
multi-morbidity and using multiple medicines [21]. The
LMQ can assess the patient’s medicine-related burden           The survey Tool
(e.g., side effects, effectiveness, general concerns, and      This study used the C-LMQ-3 translated by the team of
cost burden [20]). As indicated from existing studies, the     this study [26], which consisted of 39 items in eight
tool exhibits high reliability and effectiveness, and has      domains (i.e., relationships with health professionals,
been employed in numerous nations (e.g., Australia,            practicalities, interferences, effectiveness, side effects,
Belgium, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Qatar and the           concerns, cost and autonomy, scored at a 5-point scale
United Kingdom) [22–25]. Furthermore, the instrument           from strongly agree to strongly disagree). Total LMQ-3
has also been translated and validated for use in an           scores range from 39 to 195; higher scores indicate
elderly Chinese population- the C-LMQ-3 [26].                  greater burden associated with medicine use. The
   There are very few studies in China that report experi-     Cronbach’s alpha for C-LMQ-3 was reported as 0.855 in
ences of medication burden for elderly patients with           elderly patients diagnosed with chronic diseases. The C-
Wang et al. BMC Geriatrics     (2021) 21:308                                                 Page 3 of 9

Table 1 Demographic characteristics of participants (n = 430)
Characteristic                                 n(%)             score(`x ± s)    t/F value       P
  60~                                          116(27.0)        113.53 ± 9.39    7.624b          0.001
  70~                                          216(50.2)        114.34 ± 11.80
  80~                                          98(22.8)         109.13 ± 11.39
  Male                                         164(38.1)        112.17 ± 11.08   -1.094a         0.274
  Female                                       266(61.7)        113.39 ± 11.38
Education level
  Primary school or less                       69(16.0)         116.62 ± 10.29   12.168 b
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Table 1 Demographic characteristics of participants (n = 430) (Continued)
Characteristic                                           n(%)                                score(`x ± s)             t/F value       P
Frequency of medicines
  Once per day                                           49(11.4)                            105.16 ± 9.97             16.367 b
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Table 2 Responses to individual statements in the C-LMQ-3 and 8 domains score (n = 430)
Statements /domains                                                                                        Agree/       Neutral     Disagree/
                                                                                                           Strongly     opinion     Strongly
                                                                                                           Agree        N (%)       Disagree
                                                                                                           N (%)                    N (%)
Practical difficulties (6 items; Mean (SD) = 17.2 (2.5))
  I find getting my prescriptions from the doctor difficult                                                113 (26.2)   134(31.2)   183(42.6)
  I am comfortable with the times I should take my medicines                                               262(60.9)    93(21.6)    75(17.5)
  I am concerned that I may forget to take my medicines                                                    207(48.1)    132(30.7)   91(21.2)
  It is easy to keep my medicines routine                                                                  250(58.1)    123(28.6)   57(13.3)
  I find using my medicines difficult (e.g.: taking the medication from the package, keeping in mind the   216(50.2)    71(16.5)    143(33.3)
  precautions for medication use, etc.).
  I have to put a lot of planning and thought into taking my medicines                                     107(24.9)    163(37.9)   160(37.2)
lack of effectiveness (5 items; Mean (SD) = 13.3 (2.6))
  My medicines prevent my condition getting worse                                                          219(50.9)    160(37.2)   51(11.9)
  My medicines live up to my expectations                                                                  208(48.4)    164(38.1)   58(13.5)
  My medicines allow me to live my life as I want to                                                       205(47.7)    102(23.7)   123(18.6)
  My medicines are working                                                                                 232(54.0)    114(26.5)   84(19.5)
  The side effects are worth it for the benefits I get from my medicines                                   181(42.1)    159(37.0)   90(20.9)
Cost-related burden (3 items; Mean (SD) = 9.4 (2.3))
  I worry about paying for my medicines                                                                    229(53.3)    91(21.1)    110(25.6)
  I sometimes have to choose between buying basic essentials or medicines                                  103(24.0)    143(33.3)   184(42.8)
  I have to pay more than I can afford for my medicines.                                                   167(38.8)    161(37.4)   102(23.8)
Communication/relationships with HCPs (5 items; Mean (SD) = 13.6 (3.4))
  I trust the judgement of my doctor(s) in choosing medicines for me.                                      293(68.1)    49(11.4)    88(20.5)
  My doctor(s) listen to my opinions about my medicines                                                    218(50.7)    99(23.0)    113(26.3)
  My doctor takes my concerns about side effects seriously.                                                164(38.1)    145(33.7)   121(28.1)
  I get enough information about my medicines from my doctor(s)                                            256(59.5)    90(21.0)    84(19.5)
  The health professionals providing my care know enough about me and my medicines                         159(37.0)    160(37.2)   111(25.8)
Concerns about medicine use (7 items; Mean (SD) = 21.8 (4.1))
  I worry that I have to take several medicines at the same time                                           213(49.5)    73(17.0)    144(33.5)
  I would like more say in the brands of medicines I use                                                   203(47.2)    70(16.3)    157(36.5)
  I feel I need more information about my medicines                                                        204(47.4)    138(32.1)   88(20.5)
  I am concerned about possible damaging long-term effects of taking medicines                             194(45.1)    50(11.6)    186(43.3)
  I am concerned that I am too reliant on my medicines                                                     178(41.4)    129(30.0)   123(28.6)
  I am concerned that my medicines interact with eating habits (other food, alcohol, drinks, etc.).        101(23.5)    129(30.0)   200(46.5)
  I worry that my medicines may interact with each other                                                   150(34.9)    171(39.8)   109(25.3)
Side-effect-burden (4 items; Mean (SD) = 11.9 (1.9))
  The side effects I get are sometimes worse than the problems for which I take my medicines               205(47.7)    152(35.3)   73(17.0)
  The side effects that I get from my medicines interfere with my day to day life                          143(33.3)    149(34.7)   138(32.1)
  The side effects I get from my medicines are bothersome                                                  147(34.2)    173(40.2)   110(25.6)
  The side effects I get from my medicines adversely affect my wellbeing                                   70(16.3)     106(24.6)   254(59.1)
Interference to day-to-day life (6 items; Mean (SD) = 17.4 (2.6))
  My medicines interfere with my social or leisure activities                                              109(25.3)    256(59.6)   65(15.1)
  Taking medicines affects my going out (walking, Cycling, driving, etc.)                                  81(18.8)     159(37.0)   190(44.2)
  My medicines interfere with my social relationships with (family, friends, colleagues)                   64(14.9)     132(30.7)   234(54.4)
  Taking medicines causes problems with daily tasks                                                        135(31.4)    218(50.7)   77(17.9)
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Table 2 Responses to individual statements in the C-LMQ-3 and 8 domains score (n = 430) (Continued)
Statements /domains                                                                                        Agree/            Neutral        Disagree/
                                                                                                           Strongly          opinion        Strongly
                                                                                                           Agree             N (%)          Disagree
                                                                                                           N (%)                            N (%)
  My medicines interfere with my sexual life                                                               79(18.4)          135(31.4)      216(50.2)
  My life revolves around using medicines                                                                  170(39.5)         193(44.9)      67(15.6)
Autonomy/control (3 items; Mean (SD) = 8.5 (2.2))
  I can vary the dose of the medicines I take                                                              231(53.7)         133(30.9)      66(15.4)
  I can choose whether or not to take my medicines                                                         181(42.1)         100(23.3)      149(43.6)
  I can vary the times I take my medicines                                                                 154(35.8)         147(34.2)      129(30.0)

with chronic diseases. Significant differences were identi-                  since the tolerance of each variable was between 0.82 and
fied in the age, education level, primary caregiver, in-                     0.97, > 0.25, and variance inflation factors for the men-
come per month (RMB), types of medicine, frequency of                        tioned variables ranged from 1.03 to 1.22, both < 10.0.
medicines, monthly self-paid medication (RMB) and
burden of multiple medications among elderly patients
diagnosed with chronic diseases (P < 0.05). No significant                   Discussion
differences were reported in burden of multiple medica-                      In the present study, the C-LMQ-3 was used. It was re-
tions among elderly patients diagnosed with chronic dis-                     ported that a relatively heavy burden of multiple medica-
eases regarding gender, marital status, living status, and                   tions is imposed on elderly patients diagnosed with
health conditions (P > 0.05).                                                chronic diseases in China, the C-LMQ-3 total scores
   Table 4 lists the independent variable assignment in the                  were mean 112.9 ± 11.3, range 84–145 (maximum pos-
fitted multiple linear regression model. Table 5 shows re-                   sible range 39–195). As indicated from domain analysis,
sults from the multiple linear stepwise regression analysis                  the main drivers of burden included (i) cost-related bur-
to determine factors associated with multiple medicines                      den (ii) concerns about medicines, as well as (iii) the lack
burden of elderly patients diagnosed with chronic diseases.                  of autonomy over medicine regimens. Multiple linear re-
Age, education level, primary caregiver, income per month                    gression indicated significantly higher burden in patients
(RMB), number of medicines, frequency of medicine use,                       with low education level, aged 60–69 years, using ≥ 11
monthly self-paid medication (RMB) displayed noticeable                      medicines, using medicines ≥ 3 times a day, income per
relationships to multiple medicines burden. Elderly pa-                      month (RMB) ≤ 3000, and having higher monthly self-
tients with relatively young age, low education level, low                   paid medication (RMB) ≥ 300. In addition, governments,
per capita economic income, higher numbers of medi-                          health professionals and pharmacists should place the
cines, high frequency of daily use and high monthly self-                    stress of their interventions on the mentioned popula-
payment medication fees may be subject to heavy multiple                     tions to reduce their medicines burden and help them
medicine burden. No multicollinearity was identified here,                   make optimal use of their medicines.

Table 3 The top 10 items with the highest scores in C-LMQ-3
Item                                                                                                                                     score(`x ±     sort
3. I worry about paying for my medicines                                                                                                 3.37 ± 1.05    1
7. I feel I need more information about my medicines                                                                                     3.37 ± 0.94    2
19. The side effects I get are sometimes worse than the problems for which I take my medicines                                           3.33 ± 0.78    3
8. I am concerned that I may forget to take my medicines                                                                                 3.31 ± 0.92    4
39. My life revolves around using medicines                                                                                              3.28 ± 0.78    5
4. I worry that I have to take several medicines at the same time                                                                        3.24 ± 1.07    6
31. I have to pay more than I can afford for my medicines.                                                                               3.22 ± 0.94    7
27. I find using my medicines difficult (e.g.: taking the medication from the package, keeping in mind the precautions for               3.20 ± 0.95    8
medication use, etc.).
6. I would like more say in the brands of medicines I use                                                                                3.18 ± 1.24    9
34. My medicines interfere with my social or leisure activities                                                                          3.16 ± 0.76    10
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Table 4 Description of the assignment of independent variables
Independent variable                                             Assignment method
Age(years)                                                       1=60~; 2=70~; 3=80~
Education                                                        1= Primary school or less; 2= Middle school; 3= High school; 4= College or above
Income per month(RMB)                                            1=15
Monthly self-paid medication(RMB)                                1=
Wang et al. BMC Geriatrics   (2021) 21:308                                                                                            Page 8 of 9

level would actively seek other medical resources (e.g.,           monthly self-paid medication (RMB) ≥ 300 have a higher
medication help and medication information [36, 37]).              burden of medication. It is therefore suggested that
Moreover, participants with high education level have              Chinese health care providers should focus on evaluating
higher health literacy and medication literacy level, so           and stress such patients, and formulate relevant inter-
the medication adherence can be improved [35, 38].                 vention strategies to ensure medication adherence and
   Complying with the expectation, high or frequent use            daily medication management of elderly patients with
of medicines was associated with higher C-LMQ-3                    polypharmacy use.
scores; multiple linear regression suggested an associ-
ation (P
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