Leisure Sport Triathlon - Fall 2018 - Registration is open NOW! - Town of Moraga

Page created by William Williamson
Leisure Sport Triathlon - Fall 2018 - Registration is open NOW! - Town of Moraga
Fall 2018

Town Crier.  .  .  .  . 2
Events .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 6
Classes.  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 8                                              Leisure Sport
moragarec.com                     925.888.7045   Registration is open NOW!          page 6
Leisure Sport Triathlon - Fall 2018 - Registration is open NOW! - Town of Moraga
Town Council
    Mayor: Dave Trotter
    Vice Mayor: Teresa Onoda
    Council Members: Jeanette Fritzky,
    Kymberleigh Korpus, Roger Wykle

    Town Staff                                               Welcome                                      Moraga Education
    Town Manager: Cynthia Battenberge                        New Town Staff                               Foundation
    Town Clerk: Marty McInturf
                                                             You will see several new faces around        The 2017–2018 Moraga Education
    Administrative Services Director:                        Moraga these days. The Town of Moraga        Foundation campaign ended on a
    Joseph M. Tanner
                                                             welcomed its new Town Manager, Cynthia       high note! We achieved our annual
    Parks & Recreation Director:                             Battenberg in March and following her        campaign goal of $2.2M and diversified
    Breyana Brandt
                                                             arrival, filling the vacant Department       our FUNdraising with the auction gala,
    Planning Director: Derek Farmer                          Head positions was one of her first          Bubbles to Burgundy. This enabled
    Police Chief: Jon King                                   priorities. Derek Farmer was promoted to     MEF to raise our grants this year by
    Public Works Director/Town Engineer:                     Planning Director following his interim      10% and increase the Endowment Fund
    Edric Kwan                                               assignment in the role. Breyana Brandt       by $100,000. As excited as we are with
    Town Attorney: Michelle Kenyon                           was hired as the Town’s new Parks and        these accomplishments, the reality is,
    Town Treasurer: Bradley Ward                             Recreation Director and Joe Tanner as        quality public education isn’t free and our
                                                             the Town’s new Administrative Services       districts are projecting deficit spending
    Town Directory                                           Director.                                    due to rising education costs and state
    Main. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   (925) 888-7050                                                funding that does not keep pace. MEF’s
                                                             The new directors join the existing Police
    Police. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   (925) 888-7055                                                purpose is to support the overall success
                                                             Chief Jon King, Public Works Director
    Police Dispatch . . . . . . .           (925) 284-5010                                                of every student in Moraga public schools
                                                             Edric Kwan and Town Clerk Marty
    Public Works. . . . . . . . .           (925) 888-7026                                                by bridging this gap. Toward this goal,
                                                             McInturf to round out the executive team.
    Planning . . . . . . . . . . . . .      (925) 888-7040                                                MEF looks forward to partnering with
                                                             A full team in place means Town staff
    Town Manager. . . . . . . .             (925) 888-7022                                                the Moraga Chamber of Commerce in
                                                             looks forward to a productive year serving
                                                                                                          October, and Fore Our Schools in May, as
    Parks & Recreation. . . . (925) 888-7045                 the Moraga community!
                                                                                                          beneficiaries of their golf tournaments.
                                                                                                          To help support every Moraga student,
    Services. . . . . . . . . . . . . . (925) 888-7033
                                                                                                          every day, please make a donation at
    Library. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (925) 376-6852
    Town Offices Holiday Closure Notice
    September 3: Labor Day
    November 12: Veterans Day (Observed)
    November 22–23: Thanksgiving
    December 24–January 1: Town offices will
    be closed to the public beginning Monday,
    December 24, 2018 and will re-open
    Wednesday, January 2, 2019.

    9/80 work schedule and increased
    public counter hours: Monday to Friday,
    9:00 am to 12 noon and 1:00 to 5:00 pm
    daily. Offices will be closed alternate
    Fridays. Check moraga.ca.us for specific
    closure dates.

    Printing and mailing of the Town Crier
    partially supported by the Contra Costa
    Clean Water Program

2                                                                                                     moraga.ca.us              925.888.7050
Leisure Sport Triathlon - Fall 2018 - Registration is open NOW! - Town of Moraga
Town Crier

NOW is the Time to                              Moraga Chamber                                Clean Water!
Be Prepared!                                    of Commerce                                   Autumn is just around the corner! Those
If a major earthquake hit Lamorinda,            Our mission is to advance economic            fallen leaves may be beautiful and seem
would you have a water storage drum, fire       vitality by providing advocacy,               harmless, but they can do a great deal
extinguisher, and first aid supplies? Would     information, and services to our Members      of damage! These crunchy little guys,
you know how to use them properly?              and the Moraga Community at large. Our        when left, add up to clog storm drains
What if there was no water or electricity       volunteer organization needs community        and gutters leading to flooding on your
for days? Lamorinda CERT offers classes         support by shopping and supporting our        street. It is important to ensure that our
in how to protect your family should a          local retailers first. Aside from providing   pipes and gutters are free from these
disaster occur. Fire season is upon us, and     a service, local businesses invest in our     obstructions to maintain overall water
earthquakes can happen at any time, so          schools, sports and fundraising activities.   quality for humans and wildlife. You
it is critical to be prepared. The skills you   A vital business environment also attracts    can help prevent this phenomenon by
learn in CERT can help protect you, your        new stores, restaurants and services that     properly disposing fallen leaves through
family and your neighbors!                      add to the quality of life in Moraga.         compost or utilizing yard waste bins.

Lamorinda CERT (Community Emergency             Save the Dates:                               Protecting watersheds:
Response Team) fall class registration          Tuesday, August 21st is our 10th annual       • Wash vehicles at commercial car washes,
is open. Upcoming 2018 training will            Chamber/Community BBQ sponsored                 where wastewater is treated and recycled
be held in Orinda on Thursday nights            by Safeway Stores. This event continues
9/13–11/8 from 6:30–9:30 pm at the              to grow in popularity, so bring your          • Prevent sugary substances from being
Orinda Library Auditorium. Classes are          neighbors and friends to join us for an old     thrown into our water system. Harmful
open to residents and employees of the          fashioned BBQ at the Commons from 5:30          bacteria feeds off these sugars dropping
Lamorinda area. Registration is easy at         to 7:30 pm.                                     oxygen levels significantly, which can
classes.lamorindacert.org.                                                                      deplete fish and other species
                                                Monday, October 22nd join us at our 7th
In a disaster your CERT                         annual Golf Tournament at the Moraga          • Improperly discharging animal waste can
skills could save lives!                        Country Club. We begin with a BBQ               lead to increase of ammonia and other
                                                lunch at the Driving Range, a shot gun          chemical formations in the water system
                                                start at noon, the famous Taco Bar, and       Tip: Bury waste five inches deep where
                                                hospitality immediately following. Many       microorganisms will break down the waste
                                                new surprises this year.                      and release nutrients to fertilize nearby
                                                For full details go to                        plants. Replacement of materials due to
                                                moragachamber.org.                            corrosion is expensive, so you can help the
                                                                                              Town’s storm water system and prevent
                                                                                              additional wear and tear
                                                                                              For other helpful tips, please visit the
                                                                                              Contra Costa Clean Water Program’s
                                                                                              website at www.cccleanwater.org
                                                                                                                                            TOWN CRIER

Leisure Sport Triathlon - Fall 2018 - Registration is open NOW! - Town of Moraga

    Moraga Citizens                                Central Site                                  Join Lamorinda Movers
    Network Hosts                                  for Volunteer                                 (Activities for Adults 55+)
    Candidate Night                                Opportunities                                 Join Lamorinda Movers and become part
    Do you know the candidates seeking             At the core of Moraga is its spirit of        of the largest assembly of seniors that
    election (or re-election) to the two termed-   volunteering, whether it be in the            advocates on behalf of that demographic,
    out Town Council seats? Which candidates       schools, Scouts, service organizations, the   participates in dialogue to enhance the
    would best represent your values and           Rheem Theatre, Town Council and Town          quality of life for all members of the
    concerns over the next four years?             commissions, or assembling playground         three communities and also promotes
                                                   equipment. We Moragans are always             healthy activities for adults 55 and over.
    Moraga Citizens Network will host a                                                          Lamorinda Movers activities include
                                                   stepping up and into places to serve.
    forum for all council candidates. It will                                                    book reviews, bridge, bocce ball, monthly
                                                   At last, there is one place to find those
    give each candidate time to address several                                                  lunches or dinners with guest speakers
                                                   places to serve, and to announce needs
    of the key issues facing our town as well as                                                 and entertainment, day trips, extended
                                                   for volunteers to a wide audience. Moraga
    time for the audience to present questions.                                                  tours, and much more! Members receive
                                                   Citizens Network has established a “Craig’s
    The date and location of Candidates Night                                                    monthly newsletters and discounts at
                                                   List for Volunteers” page on its website,
    will be announced in The MCN Link,                                                           local restaurants and shops. For more
                                                   www.MoragaCitizensNetwork.org. Check it
    described below, the Lamorinda Weekly,                                                       information visit lamorindamovers.org
                                                   out, and come back often!
    and the Town marquee.                                                                        or call (925) 376-6622.
    Moraga Citizens Network (MCN) works
    to promote informed participation in
    the Moraga community. Its widely read
    e-bulletin, The MCN Link, is its most
    valuable tool to keep residents “in the
    loop.” It includes brief notes on current
    issues and important meetings needing
    public input, as well as announcements
    of cultural, civic, and sports events.
    Don’t miss out! Subscribe to The MCN
    Link by visiting our website at

4                                                                                            moraga.ca.us              925.888.7050
Leisure Sport Triathlon - Fall 2018 - Registration is open NOW! - Town of Moraga
Pavilion at
the Hacienda
de las Flores

            Tranquil and secluded, the Hacienda
            de las Flores offers one of the prettiest
            garden environments for special events
            in the East Bay.
            Birthdays, Anniversaries, Bar and
            Bat Mitzvahs, Retirements, Reunions,
            Fundraisers, Wedding Ceremonies and
            Receptions & More!
            Visit moragahacienda.com for
            pricing and rental information.
            The Hacienda de las Flores and Pavilion are
            located at 2100 Donald Drive in Moraga.

Leisure Sport Triathlon - Fall 2018 - Registration is open NOW! - Town of Moraga

    Activity Guide

    20th Annual                                                           Leisure Sport Triathlon
    Pear & Wine Festival                                                  Saturday, October 6,
    Saturday, September 22, 2018                                          11:00 am to 3:30 pm
    11:00 am to 3:00 pm                                                   Moraga Commons Park
    Moraga Commons Park                                                   Join us for the Moraga Leisure Sport
    Celebrate Moraga’s history at this family                             Triathlon; a fun alternative to our
    friendly event with activities for all ages.                          traditional triathlon. Teams of four
    Join your friends and neighbors to                                    participate and compete in Bocce Ball,
    celebrate our pear heritage.                                          Cornhole, and Disc Golf. Check in at
                                                                          10:30 am, event starts at 11:00 am.
    • FOOD                                                                Teams rotate between the three activities
    • MUSIC                                                               throughout the day, ending around 3:30 pm.
    • CHILDREN’S ACTIVITIES                                               Participants will receive an event t-shirt, pint
    • WINE TASTING                                                        glass, and catered BBQ lunch. The winning
    Featuring Lamorinda Wine Growers                                      team gets their names immortalized on the
    Association and local artist, community                               Leisure Sport Triathlon perpetual trophy.
    and business booths.                                                  Registration begins August 20, 2018 and
                                                                          ends September 28, 2018.
    Pear Recipe Contest: Entry forms                                      Fee is $160 per team.
    and additional details available on the                               For more information:
    Town website.                                                         moragarec.com.
    Visit moragarec.com for additional event
    information. See you at the park!

6                                                  REGISTER ONLINE:   moragarec.com                925.888.7045
Leisure Sport Triathlon - Fall 2018 - Registration is open NOW! - Town of Moraga
Buy-a-Bulb Fundraiser
Help light the Holiday Tree
Help light the Holiday Tree in the Commons
Park again this December! Our goal is to
raise $6,000 through community donations.
Donate online at moragarec.com or by
sending a check made payable to the Town
of Moraga to: Town of Moraga, Attn: Buy-
a-Bulb, 2100 Donald Drive, Moraga, CA
94556. Suggested donation amount is $30.

Holiday Tree Lighting
Thursday, December 6, 2018
Event begins at 6:30 pm,
tree lit promptly at 7:00 pm
Moraga Commons Park
Join Santa on Thursday, December 6 in the
Moraga Commons Park for the lighting of
the Holiday Tree! Music, cookies, and cocoa   Breakfast with Santa                         Santa Visits
begin at 6:30 pm, and countdown to the        Saturday, December 8, 2018                   Tuesday to Friday,
tree lighting at 7:00 pm.                     Seatings available at 8:00 am,               December 10–13, 2018
                                              9:30 am, and 11:00 am                        6:30 pm to 8:30 pm,
                                              (pre-registration required)                  (booked on the ½ hour)
                                              Hacienda de las Flores, 2100 Donald Drive
                                                                                           Enjoy a personalized visit from Santa Claus
                                              Join Santa in an exquisite and intimate      in your own home! Each 30-minute time
                                              venue for a hot breakfast! Bring the whole   slot includes a 15-minute visit from Santa.
                                              family and enjoy a magical morning at the    Santa can hear your wish lists, check on
                                              Hacienda de las Flores. Individual photo     your elf on the shelf, and spread all-around
                                              opportunities with Santa, bring your own     holiday cheer! Please indicate the number
                                              camera.                                      of children in your home at registration.
                                              • Pre-registration is required, no tickets   Cost is $65 per 15-minute visit. MORAGA
                                                will be sold at the door                   RESIDENTS ONLY.
                                                                                           Visit moragarec.com to register today!
                                              • $14 adult, $10 children (ages 3–12),
                                                Free for ages 0–2
                                              • Space is limited—register early
                                              • Tables reserved for groups of eight
                                                or more (list names at registration)
                                                                                                                                          ACTIVITY GUIDE

                                              Three seating available, please specify
                                              when registering:
                                              • 8:00 am, doors open at 7:45 am
                                              • 9:30 am, doors open at 9:15 am
                                              • 11:00 am, doors open at 10:45 am
                                              Visit moragarec.com to register today!

Leisure Sport Triathlon - Fall 2018 - Registration is open NOW! - Town of Moraga

    Music Together                                    Kidz Love Soccer
    Music Together Staff                    Age 0–5   Kidz Love Soccer Staff                 Age 2–6
    Every week in our award-winning family            All participants receive
    music classes babies, toddlers, preschoolers,     a KLS jersey! For Tot
    and the grownups who love them come               Soccer, Pre-Soccer and
    together to play together musically. Little       Soccer 1: Shin guards
    ones love playing along in class, and             are required after the first meeting.
    caregivers love being a part of their
                                                      Mommy/Daddy & Me Soccer—Introduce
    children’s growth into confident music-
                                                      your toddler to the world’s most popular
    makers. And everyone loves our songs
    that’ll have you tapping along, singing and
                                                      game! As you participate in our fun              Dance and Fitness
    dancing in no time!
                                                      age-appropriate activities, your child will be   Classes for Kids
                                                      developing their large motor and                 Sherida Lie                          Age 3–5
    Location: Mosaic Room                             socialization skills.
                                                                                                       Tot Dance—This class aims to develop body
                                                      Tot Soccer—Little tykes will enjoy running       and spatial awareness with a fun approach
    Sep 11–Nov 13        Tu    9:30–10:15 am
                                                      and kicking! Encourages large motor skill        that encourages imagination, creativity, and
    Sep 11–Nov 13        Tu    10:30–11:15 am
                                                      development through fun soccer games             musicality. Using props and stories, children
    FEE: $234*           MIN/MAX: 5/12
    *$134 for each additional child                   and introduces small children to the group       are introduced to age-appropriate dance
                                                      setting.                                         movements. Research shows that dance
                                                                                                       movement fosters childhood brain and body
                                                      Pre-Soccer—Teaches the basic techniques          development and creativity. Additional $15
                                                      of the game and builds self-esteem through       supply fee due to instructor at first class.
                                                      participation and fun soccer activities.
                                                                                                       Pre-Ballet for Preschoolers and
                                                      Soccer 1—Fun skill games are played at           Kindergarteners—This class aims to
                                                      every session, and every participant will        develop a love of movement, expression,
                                                      have a ball at his or her feet. Small-sided      and creativity, while introducing the seven
                                                      soccer matches will be introduced gradually.     movements of ballet. Children will have
                                                      Location: Saint Mary’s College Field             fun learning skills through imitation and
                                                      SCHEDULE                                         coordination exercises.
                                                      Mommy/Daddy: Ages 2–3.5
                                                      Sep 10–Oct 22     M    5:30–6:00 pm
                                                                                                       Yoga for Tots—Yoga is a fun, creative, and
                                                      Tot Soccer: Ages 3.5–4
                                                                                                       beneficial for children! Through games,
                                                      Sep 10–Oct 22     M    3:30–4:00 pm              stories, and exercises, children will be
                                                      Pre Soccer: Ages 4–5                             introduced to age-appropriate poses, body
                                                      Sep 10–Oct 22     M    4:00–4:35 pm              awareness, relaxation techniques, and
                                                      Soccer 1: Ages 5–6                               conscious breathing. Mat preferable.
                                                      Sep 10–Oct 22     M    4:35–5:20 pm              Location: Dance Room
                                                      FEE: $107         MIN/MAX: 5/20                  SCHEDULE
                                                                                                       Tot Dance: Ages 3–5
                                                                                                       Sep 20–Nov 8      Th 9:45–10:30 am      $181
                                                                                                       Pre-Ballet: Ages 4–5
                                                                                                       Sep 20–Nov 8      Th 10:30–11:15 am     $181
                                                                                                       Yoga for Tots: Ages 4–5
                                                                                                       Sep 17–Dec 3      M     12:15–1:00 pm   $203
                                                                                                       FEE: $181–$203       MIN/MAX: 6/14
        Registration                                                                                   No class Yoga: 9/24, 10/8, 11/12
        is Open!

8                                                                       REGISTER ONLINE:        moragarec.com                       925.888.7045
Leisure Sport Triathlon - Fall 2018 - Registration is open NOW! - Town of Moraga

                                                           Activity Guide
Splashball TM                                                                                  Public Speaking
Lamorinda Water Polo Staff          Age 5–9                                                    Building Confidence
Designed for boys and                                                                          Gurus Education Staff              Age 7–14
girls, ages 5 to 9 years old,                                                                  This course teaches young students the
with little or no water polo                                                                   essentials of building confidence in public
experience. The players will                                                                   speaking. Students learn how to manage
learn the basics of the game                                                                   public speaking anxiety, present themselves
while having loads of fun. Splashball is a                                                     with confidence, bring emotions, and
no-contact program held in a shallow pool                                                      connect with the audience fluently. This
and floatation devices are allowed. Students                                                   is an excellent class to start developing
should have basic swim skills: 25 yards                                                        confidence in young students in a fun way.
free: 25 yards backstroke: 30 seconds tread                                                    The participants learn how to stand tall
water.                                                                                         and speak confidently in front of a group.
Location: Soda Aquatic Center                                                                  They begin to understand the concepts and
SCHEDULE                                                                                       importance of maintaining eye contact,
                                                                                               good posture, volume and expressions.
Sep 9–Oct 21    Su   5:15–6:30 pm
FEE: $130       MIN/MAX: 20/65
                                               Minecraft, Animated!                            Location: La Sala
                                               Techsplosion Staff                  Age 5–12
                                                                                               Sep 20–Nov 8       Th   5:00–6:00 pm
                                               Get ready to use cameras and Minecraft          FEE: $164          MIN/MAX: 7/20
                                               characters to create amazing stop-motion
                                               animation movies! We learn about stop-
                                               motion animation (think Wallace and             Online Driver’s Ed
                                               Gromit!), then film, edit, and upload to        Safety Driver’s Ed                     Age 15+
                                               YouTube!                                        DMV allows teens to receive their learner’s
                                               Location: La Sala                               permit at age 15½ and a license at age 16.
                                               SCHEDULE                                        This class is the FIRST required step that
                                               Sep 12–Oct 24   W    3:30–4:30 pm    Age 5–7    must be completed. This is an online course
                                               Sep 12–Oct 24   W    4:30–5:30 pm    Age 7–12   with videos, animated driving scenarios
                                               FEE: $179        MIN/MAX: 10/12                 and sample test questions. Learn the
                                                                                               rules of the road, major causes of traffic
                                                                                               collisions, DMV procedures and much
                                               Techsplosion.org—                               more. A licensed instructor is available
                                               Minecraft YouTubers:                            to answer any questions. Receive DMV-
                                               Let’s Play!                                     approved Certificate of Completion. Sign
                                               Techsplosion Staff                  Age 5–12    up any time. Registration is ongoing.
                                               Learn what it takes to make epic                Location: Online
                                               Minecraft videos for YouTube like               FEE: $43           MIN/MAX: NONE
                                               TheDiamondMinecart, CaptainSparklez,
                                               Stampy, and more! We’ll learn about
                                                                                                                                                ACTIVITY GUIDE

                                               internet safety so that when class is over,
                                               we can upload your video to YouTube!
                                               Location: La Sala
                                               Nov 7–Dec 19    W    3:30–4:30 pm    Age 5–7
                                               Nov 7–Dec 19    W    4:30–5:30 pm    Age 7–12
                                               FEE: $179        MIN/MAX: 10/12

Leisure Sport Triathlon - Fall 2018 - Registration is open NOW! - Town of Moraga

 CPR and First Aid
 MOFD Staff                                 Age 14+
 It is a known fact that the initiation
 of early CPR has proven to increase
 the survival rate of patients who suffer
 a cardiac arrest. The combination of
 community CPR, early defibrillation and
 advanced life support has been proven to
 save lives.
 Location: La Sala
 CPR         Sep 15      Sa       9:00 am–12:30 pm
 First Aid   Sep 22      Sa       9:00 am–1:00 pm
 CPR         Oct 20      Sa       9:00 am–12:30 pm
 CPR         Nov 17      Sa       9:00 am–12:30 pm
 FEE: $78             MIN/MAX: 4/8                    Wine Excursion:                              Yoga: Iyengar
                                                      An Afternoon at a                            Jeanne Dowell                          Adult
 Gentle Pilates for                                   Moraga Winery                                Jeanne Dowell, former Instructor under the
 Balance, Strength,                                   Susan Captain,                   Age 21+     US Olympic Committee brings a unique
 and Flexibility                                      Vineyard Manager                             approach to her classes. Jeanne teaches the
 Sherida Lie                                Age 18+   Would you like to know more about            practice of yoga and mindfulness and show
 Keep your body strong, flexible, and                 winemaking?  Join Susan and Sal Captain      specific ways of integrating these into our
 aligned! Pilates exercises maintain and              at their family vineyard in Moraga, the      daily living. Jeanne has studied throughout
 improve your joint and spine flexibility,            Seminar will include an intimate look at     the world in developing her approach,
 while strengthening major muscle groups.             how grapes are grown and wine is made at a   using yoga, meditation and mindfulness
 Modifications to accommodate all levels.             small, family-owned vineyard. Participants   as her path to healthy aging. Candlelight
 Bring your mat and resistance band.                  will learn how a healthy vineyard is         meditation and relaxing once a month in
 Bring a mat.                                         developed, and wine processed using green    each session. Strength, stamina, flexibility,
                                                      and sustainable practices and expand on      and posture are all part of healthy aging.
 Location: Mosaic Room
                                                      the newly recognized Lamorinda American      Class is designed for all levels.
                                                      viticulture area (AVA). Barrel tasting and   Location: La Sala
 Sep 17–Dec 3		               M       1:00–2:00 pm
                                                      cheese pairing will complete the class.      SCHEDULE
 FEE: $143            MIN/MAX: 6/30                   Don’t miss this unique outdoor excursion
 No class 9/24, 10/8, 11/12                                                                        Session 1:
                                                      for minds and bodies!                        Sep 10–Oct 22    M    9:00–10:15 am
                                                      Location: Captain Vineyards                  Session 2:
                                                      SCHEDULE                                     Oct 29–Dec 17    M    9:00–10:15 am
                                                      Sep 9      Su   1:00–3:00 pm                 FEE: $123        MIN/MAX: 4/25
                                                      Oct 14     Su   1:00–3:00 pm                 No class 11/12
                                                      Nov 11     Su   1:00–3:00 pm
                                                      Dec 9      Su   1:00–3:00 pm
                                                      FEE: $44        MIN/MAX: 2/15

     is Open!

10                                                                    REGISTER ONLINE:     moragarec.com                   925.888.7045

                                                                  Activity Guide
Fit An’trim:                                    Moving Meditation with
Balanced and Strong                             T’ai Chi Chih/Qigong
Cheryl Antrim                          Adult    Wendy Helms                            Adult
Remain independent and strong. Some             Continuing class for people who are already
exercises will be done seated, some done        familiar with the T’ai Chi Chih movements.
standing (none on the floor). Experience        Location: Terrace Room
balance, mobility, and strength exercises in    SCHEDULE			                             FEE
this 45-minute class. Bring light weights and
                                                Sep 13–Oct 25     Th   9:30–10:30 am    $81
plan to have fun while exercising to music.     Nov 1–Dec 13      Th   9:30–10:30 am    $70
Location: Dance Room                            FEE: $70–$81      MIN/MAX: 5/9
SCHEDULE			                             FEE     No class: 11/23
Sep 11–Oct 30    Tu   10:00–10:45 am     $84
Nov 6–Dec 18     Tu   10:00–10:45 am     $74
FEE: $74–$84     MIN/MAX: 6/20

                                                                                               Paint with Watercolor
                                                                                               Marianne Brown                        Adult
                                                                                               Marianne Brown, author of “Watercolor
                                                                                               by Design” has been teaching watercolor
                                                                                               classes in the Lamorinda area for more
                                                                                               than 35 years. Classes are designed for
                                                                                               students with some watercolor experience;
                                                                                               beginners are welcome. Students learn
                                                                                               in class and paint at home. Learn basic
                                                                                               watercolor techniques. Supply list available
                                                                                               at the Recreation Office.
                                                                                               Location: La Sala
                                                                                                                                              ACTIVITY GUIDE

                                                                                               Sep 10–Nov 12    M    1:00–4:00 pm
                                                                                               Sept 13–Nov 15   Th   9:30–12:30 pm
                                                                                               FEE: $143        MIN/MAX: 10/22


 Senior Trips
 Activity Levels—You must be able to walk four steep steps to board the van. Let us know of
 any physical limitations prior to signing up so staff can try to accommodate your needs ahead of
 time. Trips depart from the Hacienda de las Flores. Choose your level carefully:
 Level 1: Easy, sitting/little walking. Must be able to stand 10 minutes without assistance or
 bring your walker or wheelchair.
 Level 2: Small amount of walking                     Level 4: Heavy amount of walking/standing
 Level 3: Moderate to heavy walking                   Level 5: Strenuous walking/hiking
 If you aren’t sure where you fit, call us at (925) 888-7036. Trips are generally from
 9:00 am–4:00 pm. Please note: Times listed for trips are approximate. Exact meeting times will
 be provided one week prior to trip.
 Refunds for trips can only be issued if waitlist can be utilized.

 Santa Cruz Follies
 Thursday, September 14, 9:00 am–5:30 pm
                                                                                                                                is Open!
 Must Register by September 1. "A Shout Out to Memorable Singers and Songs"—Performed
 by a wonderful and imaginative cast of Senior performers that will amaze you! Lunch will be
 on your own in downtown Santa Cruz before the 1:00 pm performance. Cost includes
 transportation and admission fees.
                                                                                                      USS Potomac: Special World War II
 ACTIVITY LEVEL: 1           FEE: $46
                                                                                                      Sightseeing & History Cruise
                                                                                                      Thursday, October 11, 9:15 am–3:00 pm
 All That's New in San Francisco: Tour by Craig Smith                                                 Come with us on the USS Potomac to
 Thursday, September 27, 9:00 am–4:30 pm                                                              explore the SF Bay, and how it became a
 Get ready to embrace the newest of San Francisco! Join your tour guide, Craig Smith, on this         very busy hub of WWII. You’ll see shipways
 San Francisco tour to get the “scoop” on the new sights of the city. Craig’s knowledge and           where newly constructed boats and ships
 inside information makes this tour fun as well as factual. View the new Venus Sculpture, new         were built and launched. We’ll cruise past
 SOMA, new Dogpatch Neighborhood/Pier 70, new Treasure Island Developments and new                    the old Naval Air Station, which was a major
 Ferry Terminal, new Warriors Center, new Salesforce Tower up close, the Leaning Millennium           facility of aircraft repair, and from where
 Tower, new Monumental Sculpture, and much more. A hosted lunch at Delancey Street                    Jimmy Doolittle loaded their B-25s aboard
 Restaurant will be included midway through the tour.                                                 the USS Hornet, for our first bombing run
 ACTIVITY LEVEL: 2/3         FEE: $127                                                                over Tokyo. While we’re cruising about the
                                                                                                      Bay, learn how FDR used the Potomac in a
                                                                                                      bit of subterfuge leading up to his meeting
                                                                                                      with Winston Churchill, to discuss the
                                                                                                      Atlantic Charter. Tea, coffee, water and
                                                                                                      boxed lunch will be provided. Docents will
                                                                                                      be on hand to give tours of the ship. The Bay
                                                                                                      is often colder than the shore, so dress
                                                                                                      warmly and bring extra layers! Deck may be
                                                                                                      slippery, so please wear flat shoes with
                                                                                                      non-skid soles.
                                                                                                      ACTIVITY LEVEL: 2    FEE: $95

12                                                                          REGISTER ONLINE:      moragarec.com               925.888.7045

                                                            Activity Guide
November                                        December
Castello di Amorosa                             Holidays at Filoli Gardens/Museum of American Heritage
Tour and Wine Tasting                           Wednesday, December 12, 9:00 am–5:00 pm
Wednesday, November 14, 2018,                   Experience honored family traditions at the historic Filoli House, featuring a story of
9:30 am–4:30 pm                                 Christmases from 1917 to 1975 with lush and beautiful décor in every room. After a guided
Join us as we travel to the Wine Country!       house tour, meander through the gardens, adorned with special holiday touches. You will
Our first stop will be at the Castello di       get the opportunity to enjoy the holiday entertainment, do some holiday shopping in a
Amorosa. Enjoy a guided tour through the        setting reminiscent of European Christmas markets, and time to enjoy lunch at the Quail’s
Castello, the authentically-built, 13th         Nest Café. Next stop will be at the Museum of American Heritage (MOAH) which features
century inspired Tuscan castle and winery       exhibits that present 19th and 20th century electrical and mechanical inventions. You will
in world famous Napa Valley. Explore            see how these inventions shaped America displayed in a century-old home and garden!
multiple levels of the castle which includes    MOAH’s collection of 5, 000+ artifacts are displayed in a permanent and rotating exhibits
the Torture Chamber, Armory, and Grand          which emphasize invention and technology from 1750–1950.
Barrel Room and more. You will then enjoy       ACTIVITY LEVEL: 3   FEE: $55
a tasting of their Italian-style wines, found
exclusively at the Castello. The walking
portion of your tour is approximately 60
minutes followed by a 45-minute private
tasting of 5 premium handcrafted Italian-
style wines in one of our private tasting
bars. Next stop will be to the Oxbow Public
Market for shopping and lunch on your
own. The 40,000 square foot marketplace,
which includes a scenic outdoor deck with
seating along the Napa River, features a
diverse tenant mixture of local food
vendors, artisan cafes and an organic
produce outlet. Dress warm as wine cellars
can be chilly!

                                                                                                                                             ACTIVITY GUIDE


 Wisdom Workshops
 Free! Join the Town of Moraga and City of
 Orinda for free presentations on various
 topics throughout the year. Pre-registration
 is required.

 US Potomac
 Presenter: Marti Butchell              Adult
 A representative from the Potomac
 Association will be here to share
 information and history of the USS
 Potomac Ship and Museum. See why this
 ship is called the “The Floating White
 House.” There will be a short documentary
 film on the history and also information
 about tours and cruises.
 Location: Orinda Community Center
 Sep 12           M     10:30 am

 Beginning Genealogy:                            De-Clutter Workshop:                           How to Tell Your
 Part 2                                          Five Easy Steps to                             Own Story
 Presenter: Linda Harms Okazaki         Adult
                                                 De-Clutter                                     Presenter: Nishant Batsha                Adult
 Linda Okazaki is back to present                Presenter: Jean Goldman              Adult     Have you been waiting to tell your story?
 another workshop on Genealogy. This
                                                 It is time to get organized, clear out the     Craving to write about your history? If
 is a follow-up to her last presentation,
                                                 clutter, and make more room for the things     you have ever had an idea for a short
 Introduction to Genealogy course offered
                                                 that you need and want in your life. Start     story, essay, or historical short, this is the
 earlier this year. You will learn to navigate
                                                 to simplify and downsize. This workshop        workshop for you! We will go over some
 basic websites such as Ancestry.com and
                                                 will give you the tools and resources you      of the best practices for getting your story
 FamilySearch.org. Ordering vital records,
                                                 need to start to go through these things and   from idea to page. Nishant Batsha has a
 keeping track of data, preserving artifacts,
                                                 begin to clear them out. Determine what        PhD in history from Columbia University
 and sharing your findings will be covered.
                                                 you would like to keep and what should         in 2017 and is a writer of fiction and
 This class is designed for beginners. Please
                                                 be donated, sold, recycled and where to        creative non-fiction, with publications
 bring your questions.
                                                 take them. Jean Goldman is the principal       in TriQuarterly, The Offing, and The
 Location: Orinda Community Center               of GOLDMAN TRANSITIONS providing               Caribbean Review of Books, among other
 SCHEDULE                                                                                       publications. His writing has been called
                                                 downsizing, organizing/de-cluttering and
 Sep 18           Tu    10:30 am                 senior move management services for            “powerful.”
                                                 seniors and their families.                    Location: Orinda Community Center,
                                                 Location: Orinda Community Center              Room 9AB
                                                 SCHEDULE                                       SCHEDULE
                                                                                                Nov 8             Th   10:30 am
     Registration                                Oct 16          Tu   10:30 am
     is Open!

14                                                                REGISTER ONLINE:      moragarec.com                    925.888.7045

                                                                                         Activity Guide
    is Open!


Adult or Parent/Guardian Name____________________________________________________________________________________________

Phone 1_____________________ Phone 2_______________________ Email:______________________________________________________

Address___________________________________________________ City/Zip_____________________________________________________

o Please check if you have changed your address from last registration.
o To assure our programs benefit all who attend, please indicate if you have any disabilities requiring special accommodations:

 Participant Name                                       Class/Activity                                       Start Date xx/xx/xx          Start Time       Birth Date          Class Fee


   To register by mail, please mail                          PAYMENT INFORMATION
   registration form and attached
                                                             Check #______ Cash_______ Credit Card #________________________ Exp. Date_____ 3 Digit Sec. Code_____
   payment to:
   TOWN OF MORAGA                                            Office use only______________________________________________________________________________
   2100 Donald Drive                                         REFUND POLICY: A full refund will be made only if a class/activity is cancelled by the department. Refunds require 30 days
   Moraga, CA 94556                                          to process and will be issued in the form of a check. No refunds will be issued after the first meeting. Refunds prior to first
                                                             class will be charged a $10.00 processing fee. A completed registration and waiver must be in the Recreation Department’s
   Checks payable to Town of Moraga                          possession at the time of the first class. Thank you. All classes and activities subject to cancellation due to low enrollment.

AGREEMENT, WAIVER, AND RELEASE—This must be signed before beginning any activity. In
consideration for being permitted by the above agency to participate in the above activity, I hereby waive, release, and discharge
                                                                                                                                         CAMP/CLASS LOCATIONS
any and all claims for damages for personal injury, death, or property damage which I may have, or which may hereafter accrue            The Hacienda de las Flores, Mosaic Room,
to me, as a result of participation in said activity. This release is intended to discharge in advance the above agency (its officers,
                                                                                                                                         Casita, La Sala, Pavilion, Kitchen, Dance and
employees, and agents) from any and all liability arising out of or connected in any way with my participation in said activity,
                                                                                                                                         Conference Room: 2100 Donald Drive
even though that liability may arise out of negligence or carelessness on the part of the persons or entities mentioned above.
It is understood that this activity involves an element of risk and danger of accidents and knowing those risks, I hereby assume         Camino Pablo Elementary: 1111 Camino Pablo
those risks. It is further agreed that this waiver, release and assumption of risk is to be binding on my heirs and assigns. I agree     Campolindo High School: 300 Moraga Road
to indemnify and to hold the above person or entities free and harmless from any loss, liability, damage cost, or expense which
                                                                                                                                         JM Intermediate: 1010 Camino Pablo
they may incur as a result of my death or any injury or property damage that I may sustain while participating in said activity.
                                                                                                                                         Los Perales Elementary: 22 Wakefield Drive
PARENTAL CONSENT: I hereby consent to the above registrants’ participation in the above activity(ies). I hereby execute the
above Agreement, Waiver, and Release on his/her behalf. I state that said minor is physically able to participate in said activity.      Moraga Commons Park: 1425 St. Mary’s Road
I hereby agree to indemnify and hold the persons and entities mentioned above free and harmless from any loss liability,                 Moraga Library: 1500 St. Mary’s Road
damage, cost, or expense, which they may incur as a result of the death or any injury or property damage, that said minor may
sustain while participating in said activity. I also understand that the Town of Moraga Recreation Department occasionally               Rancho Laguna Park: 2101 Camino Pablo
takes photos of department programs and events and that these photos may include me or my child. I hereby authorize use of               Rheem Elementary: 90 Laird Drive
                                                                                                                                                                                               ACTIVITY GUIDE

these photos for promotional or marketing purposes at the discretion of the Moraga Recreation Department.
                                                                                                                                         Saint Mary’s College: 1928 St. Mary’s Road
I HAVE CAREFULLY READ THIS AGREEMENT, WAIVER, AND RELEASE AND FULLY UNDERSTAND ITS                                                       Soda Aquatic Center: 300 Moraga Road
DISTRICT AND MYSELF AND I SIGN IT OF MY FREE WILL.                                                                                       Please arrive 5 minutes early to locate classroom.

Each adult that is participating in a listed activity must sign this form. Thank you.

Participant/Parent/Guardian Signature                                 Date                           Participant/Parent/Guardian Signature                        Date
               Town of Moraga                                             U.S. Postage PAID
               2100 Donald Drive                                          Moraga, CA 94556
               Moraga, CA 94556                                                 EDDM
                                                                             PERMIT #19
               (925) 888-7045

                                                        Postal Customer


Fall Events                        See pages 6–7 for more information.

Pear & Wine Festival
Saturday, September 22, 2018 • 11:00 am to 3:00 pm
Moraga Commons Park

Leisure Sport Triathlon
Saturday, October 6, 2018 • 11:00 am to 3:30 pm
Moraga Commons Park

Holiday Tree Lighting
Thursday, December 6, 2018
Event begins at 6:30 pm, tree lit promptly at 7:00 pm
Moraga Commons Park

Breakfast with Santa
Saturday, December 8, 2018
8:00 am • 9:30 am • 11:00 am
(pre-registration required)
Hacienda de las Flores, 2100 Donald Drive

Santa Visits
Tuesday to Friday, December 10–13, 2018
6:30 pm to 8:30 pm, booked on the ½ hour
Moraga residents only

Buy-A-Bulb Fundraiser
Help Light The Holiday Tree!
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