Federal Budget & year end issues - Accurium

Page created by Stephen Coleman
Federal Budget & year end issues - Accurium
Federal Budget & year end
                                              Mark Ellem                                                                                             Melanie Dunn
                                              Head of Education                                                                                      SMSF Technical Services Manager
                                              Accurium                                                                                               Accurium
                                              www.accurium.com.au                                                                                    www.accurium.com.au
                                              Phone: 1800 203 123                                                                                    Phone: 1800 203 123

The information in this presentation has been prepared by Accurium Pty Ltd ABN 13 009 492 219 (Accurium). It is general information only and is not intended to be financial product advice, tax advice or legal
advice and should not be relied upon as such. Whilst all care is taken in the preparation of this presentation, no warranty is given with respect to the information provided and Accurium is not liable for any loss
arising from reliance on this information. Scenarios, examples and comparisons are shown for illustrative purposes only and should not be relied on by individuals when they make investment decisions. We
recommend that individuals seek professional advice before making any financial decisions. This presentation was accompanied by an oral presentation, and is not a complete record of the discussion held. No
part of this presentation should be used elsewhere without prior consent from the author.
Federal Budget & year end issues - Accurium
                                       Superannuation year end issues

  Federal Budget – super perspective

Federal Budget & year end issues - Accurium
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Federal Budget & year end issues - Accurium
Federal Budget
Super changes

   First Home Super Saver Scheme
   Downsizer contributions
   Work test for voluntary contributions
   SG threshold + rate
   Residency rule for SMSFs and SAFs
   Opportunity to exit legacy pensions

Federal Budget & year end issues - Accurium
First Home Super Saver Scheme
Increase to access amount
   Introduced from 1 July 2017 for eligible voluntary concessional + non-concessional contributions
   Where an individual meets the eligibility requirements → can apply for release from 1 July 2018
   Allows an individual to save money inside super for purpose of acquiring first home → save faster due to
    concessional tax treatment of superannuation
     -   Currently $15,000 annual limit + $30,000 total limit for maximum release amount
   Further details refer ATO website QC 54085

                                              Budget proposal:
                    Maximum release amount – total limit increased from $30,000 to $50,000
                                      Expected to apply from 1 July 2022
                       + four technical changes (apply retrospectively from 1 July 2018)

Federal Budget & year end issues - Accurium
Downsizer contributions
Access cap earlier
   Commenced 1 July 2018 → allows one-off, post tax contribution to super up to $300,000 per person from
    proceeds of selling a qualifying home
   Does not count towards non-concessional cap + not subject to prior 30 June total superannuation balance
   Further details refer ATO website QC 54086

                                                   Budget proposal:
                           Eligibility age to be reduced from 65 to 60 from 1 July 2022
                               All other eligibility requirements remain unchanged

Federal Budget & year end issues - Accurium
‘Work test’ for contributions
Trustee contribution acceptance rules
   ‘Work test’ for acceptance of:
     -   Member contributions
     -   Employer non-mandatory contributions
   ‘Work test’ = gainfully employed for 40 hours in 30 consecutive days in the year of income the contribution is
    made → generally required to be satisfied prior to acceptance.

                                               Budget proposal:
‘Work test’ abolished from 1 July 2022 for personal non-deductible contributions + salary sacrifice contributions
        Bring forward rule for non-concessional contributions available for those < 75 (from 1 July 2022)
        BUT → Personal deductible contributions for those aged 67 to 74 remain subject to ‘work test’

Federal Budget & year end issues - Accurium
Abolition of ‘work test’
           Misaligned contribution and access ages
                1 July 2020 → 30 June 2022
                   -     Trustee can accept contribution from member without satisfying the ‘work test’, provided under age 67
                   -     Member can access preserved superannuation benefits from age 651
                1 July 2022 →
                   -     Trustee can accept contribution from member2 without satisfying the ‘work test’, provided under age 75
                   -     Member can access preserved superannuation benefits from age 651

                                                           Strategy opportunities:
                                                          Top up retirement savings
                                                          Re-contribution strategies
1.   Item 106 Schedule 1 to SIS Regulations
                                                            Spouse contributions
2.   Personal non-deductible + salary sacrifice
     contributions                                      Maximise super in pension phase                                      9
Federal Budget & year end issues - Accurium
Superannuation guarantee
Minimum threshold
     Generally, employer must pay super for employee where they are paid $450 or more in a calendar month
        -    Superannuation guarantee rate applies → currently 9.5%1 of OTE2 → paid quarterly
        -    Additional requirements for employee under age 18 or is a private of domestic worker
        -    Contractors may be included as ‘employee’ for SG purposes

                                                                    Budget proposal:
                                                       $450 threshold to be removed from 1 July 2022

1. Increasing to 10% from 1 July 2021

2. Ordinary time earnings + subject to a maximum contribution base
Federal Budget & year end issues - Accurium
Superannuation Guarantee
No change to legislated increase

          Period                                   SG rate (%)

          1 July 2021 – 30 June 2022                 10.00

          1 July 2022 – 30 June 2023                 10.50

          1 July 2023 – 30 June 2024                  11.00

          1 July 2024 – 30 June 2025                  11.50

          1 July 2025 – 30 June 2026 and onwards     12.00

Australian superannuation fund
Relaxing the residency requirements for SMSFs and SAFs

    Superannuation fund must satisfy the definition of an ‘Australian superannuation fund’:
    1. Establishment Test or owns an Australian asset; AND
    2. Central Management & Control (CMC) test; AND

    3. Active Member test
    Failure to satisfy all 3 tests, at all times = non-complying fund + significant tax consequences

                                                Budget proposal:
                  1. Extend safe harbour rule for CMC test from 2 years to 5 years for SMSFs
                  2. Remove the Active Member test for SMSFs and SAFs
                                      Expected to apply from 1 July 2022

Legacy pensions
Budget proposal
   A two-year period (likely from 1 July 2022) to exit
    legacy retirement products
     -   Market-linked, life-expectancy and lifetime
     -   Not flexi-pensions, lifetime products in large
         APRA-regulated or public sector DB schemes

Legacy pensions
Budget proposal → Opportunity to exit!
   Individuals will have a choice (not compulsory) to shift into more flexible contemporary retirement products
    by fully commuting the underlying capital and reserves into accumulation phase
     -   Commutation is a TBA event → use existing rules to calculate TBA debit value
     -   Consider TBC space for any new retirement phase pension → Account Based Pension
     -   Social security and tax treatment not grandfathered, but no re-assessment of previous benefits
     -   Commuted ‘reserve’ taxed as assessable contribution of the fund (15% tax rate), but does not count
         towards concessional contribution cap

   Due to the complexity of these products, advice will be important to assist individuals in deciding whether to
    take up this choice.

Legacy pensions
Example – access to lifetime complying pension capital
     Jill is 80 years old and has a lifetime complying pension provided by her SMSF (commenced 2003)
     Decides that this type of pension no longer suits her needs and wishes to have access to pension capital
     Proposed rules1 allow Jill to:
        -    Commute her lifetime complying pension + reserve back to accumulation
        -    Commence a new account-based pension, subject to her personal transfer balance cap
     ‘Reserve’ transferred back to accumulation → included as assessable income of the SMSF
     Jill’s new ABP will count towards age pension assets test → Jill’s part pension re-assessed.

1. From the start date of the measure – expected to be 1 July 2022                                               15
Federal Budget
Other non-super related measures
   Refer to our Federal Budget Summary
     -   Emailed out 12 May 2021
     -   Available on TechHub
     -   Available handout in today’s session

Superannuation - Year end issues

Contributions – when received?
 If the funds are transferred by......                                     A contribution is made when......
 Making a cash payment                                                     The cash is received by the superannuation fund
 An electronic transfer of funds                                           The funds are credited to the superannuation fund’s bank account
 Giving the superannuation fund a money order or bank cheque               The money order or bank cheque is received by the superannuation fund,
                                                                           unless dishonoured
 Giving the superannuation fund a personal cheque (not post                The personal cheque is received by the superannuation fund, provided
 dated) that is presented and honoured                                     promptly banked and is honoured
 Giving the superannuation fund a post dated personal cheque               The cheque is able to be presented for the payment (date on cheque),
 that is presented and honoured                                            provided promptly banked and is honoured
 A related party (as maker) issuing a promissory note, payable on          The promissory note is received, so long as payment is demanded
 demand at face value & the note is paid with cash or electronic           promptly and the note is honoured
 A related party (as maker) issuing a promissory note, payable on          Payment is able to be demanded or required to be made, so long as the
 a future date at face value & the note is paid with cash or               demand (if required) is promptly made and the note is honoured.
 electronic equivalent

                         Payment of a personal cheque or related party promissory note will be taken to have been demanded
Para 13 –TR 2010/1
                         promptly if payment is demanded within a few business days. (Para 14 TR 2010/1)
Employer contributions via Clearing House
      Employer has < 20 employees or turnover < $10m pa
      Use free ATO Small Business Clearing House (SBSCH)
                      SG obligation met                                                     Tax deduction for contribution

           SBSCH                        Other Clearing House                              SBSCH                        Other Clearing House     Note: Contribution
                                                                                                                                                will count towards
When employer                         When relevant super                    When employer makes                     When relevant super        member’s relevant
payment & instructions                fund has received                      payment to SBSCH & all                  fund has received           cap in year fund
are accepted by SBSCH.                contribution from                      relevant info provided to               contribution from            receives from
                                      clearing house.                        allow contribution to                   clearing house.             SBSCH or other
                                                                             pass to relevant fund &                                             clearing house.
                                                                             payment not

 PCG 2020/6: Timing of income tax deductions for superannuation contributions made through the Small Business Superannuation Clearing House -
 ATO compliance approach                                                                                                                                    19
Contributions: 2020-21
Acceptance v caps
Acceptance1                                            Cap consequences
                                                          Concessional
     Can the trustee accept the contribution?
     Under 65 → all contributions, except Downsizer
                                                            -   Employer ;Member deductible; Allocation from
                                                                reserve (unless exemption)
     65 to under 67 → all contributions                  Non-concessional
     67 to under 75 → mandated employer; downsizer;        -   Member non-deductible; Spouse contribution;
      ‘recently retired’; ‘work test’                           Rollover from foreign fund (ex assessable amt)

     75+ → mandated employer; downsizer                  Other cap amount

     Requirement to return within 30 days of
                                                            -   Downsizer; CGT lifetime cap
      becoming aware trustee could not accept             No cap applicable
                                                            -   Personal injury; Government co-contribution.

1. SIS r.7.04(1)                                                                                               20
Contributions: 2020-21
Concessional cap

                                                                                       Catch-up        Total
       $25,000 (not
                                                                                      (subject to   concessional
        subject to
                                                                                         TSB1)          cap

1. Application of catch-up concessional contribution subject to prior 30 June TSB < $500k                          21
Contributions: 2020-21
Contribution reserving strategy to an SMSF
   Contribution made in June (Yr 1) → allocated by 28 July (yr 2)
   Contributor claims deduction in year 1
   Assessable income of SMSF in year 1
   Counts towards member’s concessional cap in year 2                     Employer contributions made via
                                                                          SuperStream to non SMSF must be
                                                                            allocated within 3 business days
   Max concessional cap 2020-21
     -   $25,000 + unused CC cap 2020-21 [excludes reserved cont (June 2021)]

                                30 June 2020                    Allocated by
                                TSB < $500k                     28 July 2020
Contributions: 2020-21
Contribution reserving strategy to an SMSF
2020-21 reserved amount:
   No more than $27,500 (where no catch-up
    available in 2021-22)
   Need to consider any concessional contributions
    in 2021-22
   When does ‘work test’ apply?

    Apply ‘work test’ at time contribution is made
        NOT when contribution is allocated

Contributions: 2020-21
Non-concessional: transitional bring forward rule
     Standard non-concessional cap $100,000
        -     30 June 2020 total super balance < $1.6m
     Bring forward rule where individual was under age 65 at 1 July 20201
        -     30 June 2020 total super balance < $1.4m → bring forward 2 years cap = $300k maximum
        -     30 June 2020 total super balance $1.4m to < $1.5m → bring forward 1 year cap = $200k maximum
     Bring forward rule triggered where non-concessional contribution more than $100k
     If trigger bring forward rule prior to 1 July 2021 → no cap indexation for bring forward period that covers
      2021-22 and beyond.

1. Bill to increase to under age67 – retrospective effect from 1 July 2020 → not yet passed                         24
Contributions: 2020-21
Non-concessional: transitional bring forward rule
     Standard non-concessional cap $100,000
        -     30 June 2020 total super balance < $1.6m
     Bring forward rule where individual was under age 65 at 1 July 20201
        -     30 June 2020 total super balance < $1.4m → bring forward 2 years cap = $300k maximum
        -     30 June 2020 total super balance $1.4m to < $1.5m → bring forward 1 year cap = $200k maximum
     Bring forward rule triggered where non-concessional contribution more than $100k

                                If trigger bring forward rule prior to 1 July 2021 → no cap indexation
                                       for bring forward period that covers 2021-22 and beyond.

1. Bill to increase to under age67 – retrospective effect from 1 July 2020 → not yet passed                  25
Minimum pension payment – Account Based Pension
    Age      Standard minimum    Reduced minimum
                 pension %      pension % for 2019-20
                                 & 2020-21 financial
    < 65           4%                    2%
   65 – 74         5%                   2.5%
   75 – 79         6%                    3%             Also applies to:
   80 – 84         7%                   3.5%            •TRIS (10% max)
   85 – 89         9%                   4.5%            •TRIS in retirement phase

   90 – 94         11%                  5.5%
     95+           14%                   7%

Minimum pension payment – Market Linked Pension
Standard annual pension range:
   Minimum – 90% of calculated amount per Schedule 6 SISR
   Maximum – 110% of calculated amount per Schedule 6 SISR

Annual pension range for 2019/20 & 2020/21:
   Minimum – 45% of calculated amount per Schedule 6 SISR
   Maximum – 110% of calculated amount per Schedule 6 SISR.

Transfer balance account reporting
SMSF annual reporters for TBA events:
   2020-21 TBA events to be reported by due date of 2021 SMSF Annual Return
SMSF quarterly reporters for TBA events:
   TBA events to be reported by 28 days after end of relevant quarter.

                   Consider reporting TBA events early to allow for correct calculation of
                                entitlement to indexation of the general TBC.
                  Post 30 June 2021 TBA reporting will affect entitlement to TBC indexation
                                     → ATO will re-calculate entitlement

Transition to retirement income streams
     SMSF member with a TRIS meets a full condition of release (CoR)
     ‒ TBC considerations
     ‒ TBA reporting requirements
     ‒ SMSF able to claim ECPI
     ‒ 10% maximum removed
     ‒ No effect on calculation of minimum pension for 2020-21

     Full CoR occurs prior to 65
     ‒ Requires member to notify SMSF trustee

     Full CoR occurs @ 65
     ‒ Automatically converts to ‘TRIS in retirement phase'

Year end issues
   In-house asset 30 June market value ratio test          Year end market values
     -   30 June 2020 IHA excess amount disposed by 30        -    Consideration of evidence of market value for
         June 2021                                                 audit
          -   COVID-19 compliance relief                    Outstanding compliance issues from prior year
   Investment strategy                                       -    Review prior year audit management letter +
     -   ATO’s continuing focus on investment strategy             audit report
     -   COVID-19 compliance relief
   Residency
                                                                  Refer to the SMSF 2021 year end check list
     -   ‘Australian super fund’                                            handout + on TechHub
     -   COVID-19 compliance relief

Contact us

The information in this presentation has been prepared by Accurium Pty Ltd ABN 13 009 492 219 (Accurium). It is general information only and is not intended to be financial product advice,
tax advice or legal advice and should not be relied upon as such. Whilst all care is taken in the preparation of this presentation, no warranty is given with respect to the information provided
and Accurium is not liable for any loss arising from reliance on this information. Scenarios, examples and comparisons are shown for illustrative purposes only and should not be relied on by
individuals when they make investment decisions. We recommend that individuals seek professional advice before making any financial decisions. This presentation was accompanied by an
oral presentation, and is not a complete record of the discussion held. No part of this presentation should be used elsewhere without prior consent from the author.
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