FIRST QUARTER | 2019 - Kelly Services

Page created by Leslie Stevenson
FIRST QUARTER | 2019 - Kelly Services
Global Talent Market Quarterly                                                                                                                                                                                              Q1‘19

                                             The outlook for the global economy in 2019 is decidedly cooler across most major economies, with overall growth projected to slow from
                                            3.2% in 2018 to 2.9%, largely driven by trade tensions and political uncertainty. On the labor force side, although there are risks related to
                                             lower participation rates and diminishing productivity, markets remain tight with unemployment in general projected to stay the course.

                                                     GLOBAL ECONOMIC &                                                                                                GDP Growth
                                                   LABOR MARKET SNAPSHOT                                                          6%
                                 0%                                                                                                               4.9%
                                                                                                                                  5%                                                          4.5%                  4.6%
                                                                                                                                  4%                                                                                                         APAC
                                 2%           Japan                                                                                               3.2%
                                                                                                                                                                        2.9%                  2.8%                  2.8%
                                                   Germany                                                                                                                                                                                   EMEA
     Unemployment Rate (2019p)

                                                                                                                                  3%              2.5%
                                                                                          China                                                                         2.3%
                                                                  US                                                                                                                                                                         WORLD
                                 4%           UK            Mexico                                                                                                                            2.0%                  1.8%
                                                                                                                                                  2.1%                                                              1.8%
                                                                                                                                                                        1.6%                  1.7%
                                                   Russia                                                                         1%
                                 6%                                                                                                              2018e                 2019p                 2020p                 2021p

                                                                                                                                                                      Unemployment Rate
                                 8%                                    WORLD
                                                    France                                                                       10%
                                                                                                                                                  8.8%                   9.0%                  8.9%                  8.8%
                                 10%                                                                                                                                                                                                         AMER
                                                            Brazil                                                                8%                                     7.5%                                                                APAC
                                                                                                                                                  7.3%                                         7.3%                  7.3%

                                                                                                                                  7%                                     6.7%                                                                EMEA
                                 12%                                                                                                              6.8%                                         6.6%                 6.6%
                                       0%                   2%              4%           6%                  8%                                                                                                                              WORLD
                                                                                                                                  6%              6.5%                  6.7%
                                                                                                                                                                                               6.3%                  6.1%
                                                                 GDP Growth (2019p)
                                                                                                                                                 2018e                 2019p                 2020p                  2021p

2                                                                                                   Source: IHS Markit (March 2019). Annual average estimated/projected growth in real GDP and annual average estimated/projected unemployment rates.
Global Talent Market Quarterly                                                                                                                              AMER

                      Although economic fundamentals in North America remain mostly strong, with slightly cooler growth and tight labor markets, South America is a
                    mixed bag: Brazil is underperforming, while Argentina and Venezuela remain in recession and markets such as Peru and Chile are relatively healthy.

                                                                                                                                 COUNTRY SPOTLIGHT

                                                                      C A N A D A
      B R A Z I L

                      12.1%                                                         5.8%    5.8%        6.1%        6.3%
                                11.1%                                                                                                           PERU
                                            10.0%       9.2%

                                                                                    2.1%    1.9%        2.0%        1.9%         6.6%        6.9%       6.8%             7.0%
                                 1.8%       1.7%        1.7%
                                                                                                                                 3.7%        3.8%       3.4%             3.6%
                      2018      2019        2020        2021                        2018    2019        2020        2021
                               GDP Growth          Unemployment                            GDP Growth          Unemployment

     Following a historically severe recession in 2015/16,               Canada’s labor market is adding jobs at a robust
     the Brazilian economy is seeing a very subdued                      pace to start 2019, even as the economy faces           2018       2019        2020             2021
     rebound. GDP growth was just over 1% in 2017 and                    some headwinds. GDP growth is projected to                       GDP Growth           Unemployment
     2018, and is expected to edge up slightly in 2019.                  remain in the 2% range over the short term.
                                                                                                                              The Peruvian economy is strong compared to
                                                                                                                              many of its regional peers, with GDP growth
                                                                                                                              projected to edge up slightly to 3.8% in 2019.
                                                                                                                              Renewed investment in the mining sector and
                                                                      U S
      M E X I C O

                                                                                                                              an increase in construction and infrastructure
                                 4.3%                   4.4%                                                                  activity (particularly the large-scale plans to
                                            4.1%                                    3.9%                            3.7%
                      3.3%                                                                  3.6%        3.6%                  fix roads and other structures damaged by
                                                                                    2.9%                                      the effects of El Niño-related storms in 2017),
                      2.1%       1.8%       1.8%        1.7%                                2.4%        2.0%        1.7%      should help boost growth. Inflation, which
                                                                                                                              had spiked in the aftermath of the storms,
                                                                                                                              has also settled back down.
                      2018      2019        2020        2021                        2018    2019        2020        2021
                               GDP Growth          Unemployment                            GDP Growth          Unemployment   Job creation in Peru has been somewhat
                                                                                                                              uneven, with the service and commerce
     Formal job creation in Mexico in 2018 was decent                   The US added nearly 2.7 million jobs in 2018, a       sectors outpacing manufacturing and
     but softer than the previous year. The outlook for                 remarkable performance considering the late-stage     construction. Unemployment is expected to
     the mining, construction, and manufacturing sectors                economic cycle. As the boost from fiscal stimulus     tick back up after a healthy 2018.
     is weak, suggesting more tempered job growth.                      fades, economic growth will begin to slow.

3                                                                                                                                                         Sources: IHS Markit (March 2019)
Global Talent Market Quarterly                                                                                                                                                APAC

                           Led by China, the APAC region also is likely to see a slight economic cooldown in 2019. Despite the easing in trade and economic activity, most
                                                                                          labor markets in APAC remain resilient with relatively stable unemployment rates.

                                                                                                                                             COUNTRY SPOTLIGHT

                                                                        C H I N A
     A U S T R A L I A

                                                                                    6.6%          6.3%          6.0%           5.9%                       TA I WA N
                         5.3%     5.2%       5.3%        5.3%                              3.8%          3.8%           3.8%      3.8%
                         3.0%     2.7%       2.7%        2.6%

                                                                                                                                             3.7%       3.7%           3.7%              3.7%
                         2018     2019       2020        2021                       2018          2019          2020           2021
                                                                                                                                             2.6%       2.1%
                                GDP Growth          Unemployment                              GDP Growth               Unemployment                                    2.0%              1.9%
     Australia’s growth was strong at 3.0% in 2018, but is              The Chinese economy remains on a gradual
     expected to moderate somewhat in 2019 as export                    slowdown path, with GDP projected to grow 6.3% in                    2018       2019           2020              2021
     growth and household consumption weaken. The                       2019. The government will likely introduce monetary
     labor market is still experiencing skills shortages.               and fiscal stimulus to manage the slowdown.                                   GDP Growth               Unemployment

                                                                                                                                         Taiwan maintains a complicated economic and
                                                                                                                                         political relationship with mainland China. The
                                  9.1%                                                                                                   slowdown in the Chinese economy, along with
                         8.9%                8.7%        8.7%
                                                                        J A P A N
     I N D I A

                                                                                                                                         a softening in the electronics sector, is helping
                                                                                                                                         to create a similar slowing effect on Taiwan’s
                                                                                                                                         economy. GDP growth is projected to moderate
                                                                                    2.4%          2.5%          2.6%        2.7%         to the 2% level in 2019 as the export
                                                                                                                                         environment remains subdued.
                                                                                                  0.8%                      0.7%
                         7.2%     7.1%       7.0%        6.9%                       0.7%                        0.5%
                                                                                                                                         Despite the moderation in economic growth,
                         2018     2019       2020        2021                                                                            labor market performance is projected to
                                                                                    2018          2019          2020        2021
                                                                                                                                         remain solid. Taiwan has a highly-skilled and
                                GDP Growth          Unemployment                              GDP Growth               Unemployment
                                                                                                                                         highly-educated labor force. The government’s
     The outlook for India’s economy is for continued                   Japan’s economic growth is projected to remain just              economic revitalization program is targeting
     strong growth in the 7% range. Modest fiscal                       under the 1% range in 2019 before slowing amid a                 growth in emerging sectors such as biotech/
     stimulus measures will offset some headwinds,                      weaker export climate. Sustained skills shortages                pharma, green energy, smart machinery, and
     including lower investment and consumer spending.                  continue in the labor market.                                    the Internet of Things.

4                                                                                                                                                           Sources: IHS Markit (March 2019); Taiwan Today
Global Talent Market Quarterly                                                                                                                              EMEA

                    A weakening trade environment and business and political uncertainties—fueled in no small part by Brexit concerns—are dampening the outlook
                                             for economic growth across Europe in 2019. Nevertheless, labor markets remain tight with skills shortages abounding.

                                                                                                                                  COUNTRY SPOTLIGHT

                                                                   G E R M A N Y
      F R A N C E

                    9.1%      8.8%       8.7%        8.6%
                                                                                   3.4%    3.2%        3.2%        3.1%

                    1.5%                                                           1.5%    1.0%        1.0%        1.2%
                              1.1%       0.9%        0.9%
                                                                                                                                            12.2%       12.4%           12.4%
                    2018      2019       2020        2021                          2018    2019        2020        2021
                            GDP Growth          Unemployment                              GDP Growth          Unemployment                              1.1%             1.5%
     The French economy will grow slowly over the short           Despite ongoing domestic demand strength, the
     term, constrained by external demand risks. The              external environment is also projected to dampen               2018        2019       2020             2021
     labor market also is expected to show marginal               German growth in 2019. Labor market conditions                           GDP Growth          Unemployment
     improvements, with unemployment easing.                      remain extremely and historically tight.
                                                                                                                             Turkey’s economic growth plunged in late 2018,
                                                                                                                             as a currency crisis led to tightened economic
                                                                                                                             policies. In addition, inflation, already high
                                                                   U K
      R U S S I A

                                                                                                                             before the lira collapse, ballooned to 25% and
                    4.8%      5.0%       5.0%        4.9%                                                          4.9%      beyond in the fourth quarter of 2018. As a
                                                                                           4.4%        4.7%
                                                                                   4.1%                                      result, the country faces recessionary conditions
                    2.3%                                                                                                     in the first part of 2019, with some recovery
                              1.5%       1.7%        1.7%                          1.4%                            1.4%      predicted for the second half of the year.
                                                                                           0.9%        1.1%
                                                                                                                             The manufacturing sector, a key component of
                    2018      2019       2020        2021                          2018    2019        2020        2021      the economy, has remained relatively resilient.
                                                                                                                             However, inflation will temper domestic
                            GDP Growth          Unemployment                              GDP Growth          Unemployment
                                                                                                                             demand for products, and softer demand also is
     After an unexpectedly strong performance in 2018,            Uncertainties surrounding the Brexit process are           expected across European countries, testing the
     Russian economic growth is projected to moderate             driving down confidence among businesses and               resiliency of the sector in 2019. Labor market
     in 2019 amid weaker domestic demand. The                     consumers alike; UK economic growth is expected            conditions are also projected to weaken,
     unemployment rate is forecast to tick up slightly.           to come in at under 1% in 2019.                            including a spike in unemployment, in 2019.

5                                                                                                                                                         Sources: IHS Markit (March 2019)
Global Talent Market Quarterly                                                                                                                                             LEGISLATION

             New labor regulations specific to contract and temporary workers have been introduced, including equal pay and conditions for part-time,
          contract, or temporary workers in Quebec, Canada; and the ability of contractors and other temporary workers in Poland to join labor unions.

           CANADA                                                        A new bill was passed that prohibits zero
           As of January 1, a new act in Quebec prohibits                hours contracts, with exceptions for work
           employers from paying part-time, contract or                  that is done in emergency circumstances                                               INDIA
           temporary workers less than full-time workers                 or short-term relief work to cover routine                                            The Indian labor ministry has proposed
           who are doing the same job. The same act also                 absences for the employer.                                                            legislation that would introduce a
           requires temporary agencies who place foreign                                                                                                       consolidated mandatory licensing
           workers to be licensed, and it gives employees                                                                                                      scheme for staffing companies. The new
           the option to refuse to work more than two                                                                                                          law would consolidate 13 separate
           hours beyond their normal daily hours                                                                                                               existing licensing laws, and would
                                                                         As of January 1, workers employed on civil
                                                                                                                                                               eliminate the need for staffing
                                                                         law contracts such as self-employed
                                                                                                                                                               companies to procure a license for every
           UNITED STATES                                                 contractors, interns and volunteers, will
                                                                                                                                                               job where they provide labor.
           The minimum wage rate increased (or will                      become eligible to join or create trade
           increase) in over 20 states in 2019. Nineteen                 unions. Contractors will also be entitled to
           states increased minimum wages on January 1,                  certain protections stemming from union                                              SINGAPORE
           while new rates take effect at the end of March               membership, such as protections against                                              New amendments to the Employment Act
           in Michigan and in July in Oregon and                         termination for participating in union                                               extend rights such as holiday and sick
           Washington DC. Additionally, some localities                  activities.                                                                          leave entitlements, rights on dismissal and
           have higher minimum wage rates: for example,                                                                                                       contract termination, and salary payment
           the $15 minimum wage is now in effect in New                  UAE                                                                                  rights to managers and executives above a
           York City for businesses with at least 11                     The cabinet passed a resolution that provides                                        certain salary threshold. The amendments
           employees and for all fast-food workers.                      equal labor market opportunities for workers                                         also extend the definition of workers
                                                                         with special needs/disabilities. Employers                                           categorized as “vulnerable,” meaning that
                                                                         must ensure that their recruitment practices,                                        more workers will be entitled to other
           COLOMBIA                                                      working conditions and environment,                                                  enhanced protections in areas such as
           Under a new decree that comes into effect in                  compensation policies, and termination                                               hours of work, rest days, overtime
           June 2019, companies are responsible for levying              policies do not discriminate against workers                                         payments and annual wage supplements.
           and paying social security contributions for any              with special needs and disabilities.
           self-employed workers or contractors they use.

6                                                    Sources: SIA North America Legal Update; SIA Latin America Legal Update; SIA Europe Legal Update; SIA Middle East and Africa Legal Update; and SIA APAC Legal Update, Q4 2018;
Global Talent Market Quarterly                                                                                                                               TA L E N T

                                                                                                              G L O B A L TA L E N T S P O T L I G H T:
                                                                                                                            GLOBAL MOBILITY

     Workers’ desire and willingness to relocate for their jobs depend on many                          57% of workers said in 2018 they would be
     things: personal and family obligations, political and economic conditions,               57%      willing to relocate to another country for work
     demographics and life stages, and even technological advances. A new report                        64% in 2014
     from Boston Consulting Group found that globally, workers’ attitudes about
     relocating have changed since BCG conducted a similar study in 2014.
     According to the new study, 57% of workers now say they would be willing to                        61% of men                                      60% of non-parents
                                                                                               61%                                     60%
     move to another country for work, down from 64% in 2014. Desire varies                             53% of women                                    52% of parents
     greatly by demographics, and also by country: more than 90% of workers in
     India and more than 70% of Brazilian workers say they would move for work;
     and men, workers without children, younger workers, and married workers
     are more interested in relocating. Willingness to work abroad has increased                         65% of married workers                         61% of 20-somethings
                                                                                               65%                                     61%
     substantially since 2014 in a handful of countries, including the US and UK.                        51% of single workers                          44% of those ages 60+
     However, willingness to move decreased by more than ten percentage points
     in 12 of the 50 largest countries in the survey.

                                     % WILLING TO MOVE TO ANOTHER COUNTRY FOR WORK

                     ≤50%              >50%-60%             >60%-70%                >70%-80%            >80%-90%               ≥90%                     CHANGE 2014-2018

              China ▼               Argentina            Canada ▼             Australia              Colombia            India ▲                        ▲ Increase of 10+
              Greece ▼              Germany ▲            Finland              Brazil ▲               Luxembourg          Venezuela ▲                    percentage points
              Hungary ▼             Indonesia ▼          France ▼             Japan                  Norway                                             ▼ Decrease of 10+
              Poland ▼              Italy                Malaysia             Mexico                 South Korea                                        percentage points
              Russia                Netherlands ▼        Switzerland ▼        Philippines ▼
                                    Portugal ▼           Thailand ▼           Singapore                                                                 No arrow: change
                                    US ▲                 UK ▲                                                                                           between +10 and -10
                                                                                                                                                        percentage points
                                                                                                                          Selected countries

                                                                                                                                       Source: Decoding Global Talent 2018, Boston Consulting Group
Global Talent Market Quarterly                                                                                                                                    INDUSTRY

                                                                                             WORKFORCE SOLUTIONS SPOTLIGHT:
                                                                                                            DIRECT SOURCING

                                                                                                                             MSP MODELS
     A DIRECT APPROACH TO CONTINGENT TALENT                                                                         Projected Growth Rate (CAGR 2016-21)
     As employers continue to look for more innovative, effective, and efficient
                                                                                                                                                    15%             16%
     ways to access and manage contingent talent, MSP models such as direct
     sourcing and hybrid (which combine multiple sourcing models) are seeing                                                                                                        8%
     strong growth. A direct sourcing model provides organizations with an                                                           7%
     outsourced service that leverages the employer´s brand to identify, pool, and                   2%              3%
     re-engage talent for contingent job opportunities.
     Direct sourcing (sometimes called contingent RPO) currently is more prevalent                Master          Vendor          IC/SOW          Hybrid          Direct           Total
     outside the Americas, and is projected to continue to supplant traditional                   Vendor          Neutral                                        Sourcing
     vendor neutral and master vendor MSP solutions as talent optimization and
     visibility become more critical to next generation MSP buyers.
                                                                                                              KEY DRIVERS FOR MSP ADOPTION
                          CONTINGENT RPO:
                 WORKFORCE SOLUTIONS BUYER ADOPTION                                                      1                   Needing help to find skilled contingent talent
                                                                                                      Sourcing               that is in short supply to fill specific roles

     AMER                 20%                            21%
                                                                                                        2                    Wanting to minimize organizational risk
     EMEA                  21%                          17%                                         Compliance               surrounding use of contingent talent

      APAC                       27%                            16%
                                                                                                          3                  Needing to have a comprehensive view of all of
                                                                                                      Visibility             the contingent talent within an organization
                    Currently In Place      Seriously Exploring within 2 Years

         Contingent RPO: An MSP model in which a supplier sources contingent             “Kelly leverages its strong MSP capabilities, along with best-in-class
         labor through client-dedicated recruiters who use the client brand to           technology and state-of-the-art talent attraction methodologies, to create
         attract candidates; candidate pools are owned by the client. (SIA)              pools of mission-critical contingent talent for its Direct Sourcing clients.”
                                                                                                     -- Keith Hensler, Kelly Services Direct Sourcing Product Manager

                                                                                     Sources: Workforce Solutions Buyers Surveys 2018 and The Lexicon, SIA; Next-Gen MSP, Nelson Hall, 2017 and 2019
As a global leader in providing workforce solutions, Kelly Services, Inc. (Nasdaq:KELYA) (Nasdaq:KELYB) and its
subsidiaries offer a comprehensive array of outsourcing and consulting services as well as world-class staffing
on a temporary, temporary-to-hire, and direct-hire basis. Kelly® directly employs nearly 500,000 people
around the world in addition to having a role in connecting thousands more with work through its global
network of talent suppliers and partners. Revenue in 2017 was $5.4 billion. Visit and
connect with us on Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter.

All trademarks are property of their respective owners. An Equal Opportunity Employer. © 2018 Kelly Services, Inc. All rights reserved. Confidential and Proprietary.
Kelly Services Inc. makes no representation or warranty with respect to the material contained within this report.
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