FLOWERING SHRUBS Starter Plants Catalog and Shrub Reference 2019-2020 - Spring Meadow Nursery

Page created by Clarence Ross
FLOWERING SHRUBS Starter Plants Catalog and Shrub Reference 2019-2020 - Spring Meadow Nursery
  Starter Plants Catalog and Shrub Reference 2019-2020
FLOWERING SHRUBS Starter Plants Catalog and Shrub Reference 2019-2020 - Spring Meadow Nursery
                      FROM DALE

                      A Spring Meadow catalog
                      from twenty years ago
recently crossed my desk, and it reminded me
of an antique shop. Everything in it was old
news, outdated, no longer relevant. Very few of
the shrubs that were in that catalog are in the               Spring Meadow Nursery, Inc.
one you’re holding now. Over 90% of those old                     12601 120th Avenue
generic plants have been dropped at the curb                  Grand Haven, MI 49417-9621
years ago.                                                Tel (800) 633-8859 • (616) 846-4729
Do you remember the flowering shrubs you                Fax (800) 224-1628 • Fax (616) 846-0619
used to sell before Proven Winners? The antique
shrubs that were selected for B&B and bare
root nurseries, not for today’s container
grower? Few of those plants had impulse
appeal. Few of those shrubs finished in one
growing season. None of those shrubs sold for        We’ve always included our whole staff here at the front of the catalog – now you can get to
above-average prices.                                know them all a little better at springmeadownursery.com/about/meet-the-team. Better yet,
One of our goals early on was “changing the          come out for a visit to see our facility and meet the team in person. Contact your account
way you think about flowering shrubs.” And           manager for details.
that has, in fact, happened. Proven Winners
ColorChoice has transformed the way people           PRESIDENT                                       PROPAGATION
think about and plant shrubs. No longer are
they just lumpy green things that take up space:     Dale Deppe, ext. 1300                           Gail Berner, ext. 1404
they’re colorful, vital parts of the landscape                                                       Summer Field, ext. 1417
                                                     GENERAL MANAGER                                 Jeff Flickinger, ext. 1424
that consumers actively seek out and ask for.
Just take a look at our Facebook page and see        Jeremy Deppe, ext. 1400                         Jeff Kurtz, ext. 1417
how excited our fans get about our plants. It’s                                                      Alex Van Soelen, ext. 1424
hard to imagine that kind of enthusiasm existing     ACCOUNTING
before the brand.                                    Liz Deppe, ext. 1301                            SHIPPING
Proven Winners ColorChoice has given all of          Daniela Deppe, ext. 1305                        John Papes, ext. 1407
us the opportunity to sell not on price alone        Gayle Essenyi, ext. 1303                        Richard Francis, ext. 1414
like we used to, but on value. Consumers are         Christi Jones, ext. 1305                        Bryan Van Kammen, ext. 1414
willing to pay more for Proven Winners because
                                                     Deb Nederhoed, ext. 1306
they experience first-hand the value of superior                                                     STOCK PLANT AND R&D
genetics.                                            Charlene Silkworth, ext. 1302
Between the most recognized white container,         PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT                             Matt Carlton, ext. 1401
expanded premium tag, and helpful information        AND MARKETING                                   Ginger Carston, ext. 1413
on the website, it’s easy to increase your
                                                     Tim Wood, ext. 1200                             Sean Conway, ext. 1411
customer base and sell more Proven Winners
ColorChoice shrubs. With over 300 selections         Natalie Carmolli, ext. 1203                     Kara Gregory, ext. 1413
for every climate and landscape application,         Shannon Downey, ext. 1201                       Megan Mathey, ext. 1403
a plethora of marketing activity, and new            Diane Fullerton, ext. 1205                      Brigette Porter, ext. 1411
opportunities like Proven Winners ColorChoice        Stacey Hirvela, ext. 1204
Trees (p.12) and the Decked Out program (p.14),      Adriana Robinson, ext. 1206                     NEW CONSTRUCTION /
Proven Winners will help you and your team                                                           MAINTENANCE
claim a bigger portion of the market.                GROWING                                         Dan Hasty, ext. 1405
Go ahead and look back on the past with a smile      David Joeright, ext. 1402                       Michael McIntyre, ext. 1406
and a sigh if you like, but keep your focus on the   Jennifer Cobb, ext. 1432
future. Collecting antiques is a money-spending
                                                     Todd Haveman, ext. 1422
proposition, not a money-making one, and that’s
no way to run a business.                            Grace Fricano, ext. 1422
                                                     Jessica Gulczynski, ext. 1422
Keep Smiling,
                                                     Brian Maher, ext. 1412                          On the cover: Scentara® Double Blue
                                                     Denise Sikkema, ext. 1412                       Syringa (p. 87) brings outstanding
                                                                                                     fragrance to the line of Proven Winners®
                                                                                                     ColorChoice® lilacs, along with heat
                                                                                                     tolerance and disease resistance. Shipped
                                                                                                     in bloom, this plant will fly off the shelf!
FLOWERING SHRUBS Starter Plants Catalog and Shrub Reference 2019-2020 - Spring Meadow Nursery
SALES                                                                  LICENSING
                       Sales Manager                                                          Jane Beggs-Joles
                       Tony Thom                                                              jane@springmeadownursery.com
                       tony@springmeadownursery.com                                           616-223-3369

                       Amy Howard                                                             Jodi Griffin
                       amy@springmeadownursery.com                                            jodi@springmeadownursery.com
                       616-223-3365                                                           616-223-3364
                       AL, FL, GA, LA, MS, SC, TN, TX

                       Paul Koutz                                                             Jeff Pipp
                       paul@springmeadownursery.com                                           jeffp@springmeadownursery.com
                       616-414-7378                                                           616-223-3363
                       AR, IL, KS, KY, MO, OK, WV

                       Kimberly Noffke                                                        Chad Vanden Bosch
                       kimberly@springmeadownursery.com                                       chad@springmeadownursery.com
                       616-223-3378                                                           ext. 1108
                       CT, DC, MA, MD, NJ

                        Brad Preston                                                          Josh Vokal
                        brad@springmeadownursery.com                                          josh@springmeadownursery.com
                        616-223-3376                                                          616-223-3362
                        IN, OH

                        Morgan Temple
                        morgan@springmeadownursery.com                  TABLE OF CONTENTS
                        MI, WI                                          4      ABOUT US                       15   SHRUBS OF THE YEAR
                                                                        5      STEWARDSHIP                    16   MARKETING
                                                                        6      OUR LINERS                     17   DESTINATIONS
                        Terri Tullis
                        terri@springmeadownursery.com                   8      SHIPPING                       18   LANDSCAPE MARKETING
                        616-223-3377                                    10 BREEDERS                           19   TESTIMONIALS
                        NC, PA, VA                                      11 R & D                              20   NEW PLANTS
                                                                        12 TREES                              22   PLANT LISTINGS
                                                                        13 BARE ROOT ROSES                    98   TERMS & CONDITIONS
                                                                        14     DECKED OUT®                    99   AWARDS

Interim Contacts:
                                                                      KEY TO ICONS
Jeff Pipp, jeffp@springmeadownursery.com, 616-223-3363                      Full Sun        Partial Shade          Shade            Bloom Color
ON, QC, NL, NS, PEI, NB                                                     Attracts Hummingbirds           Fragrant            Edible
Morgan Temple, morgan@springmeadownursery.com
616-223-3379                                                                Attracts Butterflies

DE, NY, NH, RI, VT                                                        Good for Cut Flowers or Foliage          Reported Deer Resistance
                                                                                                                   (Based on the Rutgers University
Kimberly Noffke, kimberly@springmeadownursery.com                                                                  database).
                                                                      gr Growth rate in growing seasons
                                                                         to produce a 1- gallon container
                                                                         from smallest available liner
FLOWERING SHRUBS Starter Plants Catalog and Shrub Reference 2019-2020 - Spring Meadow Nursery
                               SPRING MEADOW NURSERY

                                                              WHY ORDER FROM SPRING MEADOW?
                                                              • Selection: Whether you serve commercial landscapers or
                                                                high-end specialty garden centers, you’ll find something in
                                                                our 400+ varieties to set you apart from the competition.
    ABOUT US                                                  • Availability: We grow at least two crops a year of nearly
    Since our founding in 1981, Spring Meadow has been          every variety in our catalog to ensure you can get the
    committed to producing quality woody plant liners to        plants that you and your customers want. We also offer the
    help growers achieve maximum profitability. In 1999,        option of placing a standing order, which eliminates the risk
    we launched the ColorChoice® Shrubs brand, which            of back orders or sell outs, since we plan our propagation to
    introduced ‘Limelight’ hydrangea and Wine & Roses®          meet standing orders first.
    weigela to North America. In 2004, we joined with
                                                              • Convenience: our location in west Michigan allows for short
    Proven Winners® as the exclusive licensee to develop,
                                                              		transit times across North America. Plants arrive quickly
    introduce, and market shrubs under the Proven
                                                                and with less stress and damage. Place your order by 9 am
    Winners® ColorChoice® brand.
                                                                ET on Wednesdays for delivery as soon as the following week
                                                              		during the growing season.
                                                              • Service: Our account managers have small territories so they
    Want to see more of what we do? Come for a visit!
                                                                can get to know you and your business, ensuring the best
    Spring Meadow is located in beautiful Grand Haven,
                                                                service and support for your team, from growers to marketing.
    Michigan, just 2.5 hours from Chicago and Detroit. If
    you are in the area, we’d be glad to show you around      • Expertise: Every Proven Winners ColorChoice shrub gets its
    our facilities for a first-hand look at our approach to     start with us. As the source for the brand, we can provide
    propagation, growing, and new plant development.            insight on growing, as well as sales and marketing support.
    Please contact your account manager to arrange a visit.     We offer a range of resources to help train your staff and
                                                                increase your profits.

FLOWERING SHRUBS Starter Plants Catalog and Shrub Reference 2019-2020 - Spring Meadow Nursery
                                      The Deppe family              SPRING MEADOW –
                                      believes that giving is       PROVEN WINNERS SCHOLARSHIP
                                      a responsibility that
                                      accompanies success and       Because bright, well-trained, qualified people are essential
                                      is proud to personally        to the nursery industry, we have offered a scholarship to
                                      support a variety of          horticulture students since 1999. What started as a modest
                                      organizations in their        offering to one student has grown to three individual
                                      West Michigan community,      scholarships of $3,500 each year. The 2019 recipients are:
                                      whether opening their
                                                                                    Yufei Qian
                                      garden for a fundraiser
                                                                                    Graduate Student, UC Davis
                                      for a local hospice or with
a donor-advised fund through the Grand Haven Community                              In the top 20% of the class of her very
Foundation. Their charitable nature extends to Spring Meadow                        competitive program, Ms. Qian has worked
as well, and our company gives to organizations that embody                         extensively with developing powdery mildew
the spirit of innovation and positive change that further                           resistance in various crops. She intends to
                                                                                    pursue a career in woody plant breeding.
growth for all of us.
                                                                                    William Lewis
                         Since 1962, HRI has worked to                              Undergraduate Student, Virginia Tech
                         increase the quality and value of
                                                                                    Mr. Lewis is currently working toward
                         plants, improve the productivity                           earning his BS in Environmental Horticulture.
                         and profitability of the nursery and                       Upon graduation, he will return to manage
                         landscape industry, and protect                            his family’s 100+ year old nursery in
                         and enhance the environment.                               Cascade, Virginia, and will be the 6th
Every time you make a purchase from Spring Meadow, we                               generation to do so.
add ¼ of 1% of your purchase total on to your invoice as
a contribution to HRI. Spring Meadow then triples your                              Aaron Sledge
donation, and these funds are used to support the Spring                            Undergraduate Student, Penn State
Meadow Nursery New Plants Fund and the HRI Endowment                                Showing effusive enthusiasm for horticulture
Fund. These funds foster ground-breaking research that                              since he was a child, Mr. Sledge is now
benefits everyone in the ornamental horticulture industry.                          pursuing his BS in Horticulture. His diverse
                                                                                    interests present many possible career
                                                                                    paths, however, he has a particular interest
                          Spring Meadow Nursery is a long-
                                                                                    in the propagation of tropical plants.
                          standing member of IPPS, the
                          International Plant Propagators
Society. IPPS is a rich resource for anyone involved in             The Spring Meadow - Proven Winners scholarship is open
horticulture, and we encourage you and your employees               to college and university horticulture students in their
to participate in regional meetings and their informative           sophomore year and above. For eligibility requirements and
publications. Visit www.ipps.org for more information.              deadlines, visit hriresearch.org/scholarship/fund-your-future.

  OVER $1 MILLION AND COUNTING…                                     HOW MUCH GOOD CAN
                         Thanks to sales of Invincibelle® Spirit    OUR INDUSTRY DO?
                         and Invincibelle® Spirit II hydrangeas     Turns out, quite a lot! Thanks to your support of the
                         and Pink Day events at garden centers,     Invincibelle Spirit Campaign for a Cure, we reached our
                         we’ve raised over $1 million to support    goal of donating $1 million to the Breast Cancer Research
                         BCRF, one of the most effective cancer     Foundation. But we’re not done yet, please join us as we
                         charities in North America. 91 cents of    continue our fundraising efforts to support the scientific
                         every dollar they receive funds life-      discoveries of this outstanding organization.
                         saving research.                           www.BCRF.org | www.InvincibelleSpirit.net

FLOWERING SHRUBS Starter Plants Catalog and Shrub Reference 2019-2020 - Spring Meadow Nursery
    Spring Meadow offers three liner sizes of most varieties, so you can
    meet the demands of your budget, climate, and production system.
    Our potted liners give you maximum flexibility: once you’ve received
    them, you can pot them as your workflow and staff levels allow. All
    of our liners are healthy, actively growing, and produced without the
    use of neonicotinoid pesticides.

                                         2 1/4" Pot - 32/Tray

                                          4" Pot - 18/Tray

                                         Quick Turn™ - 16/Tray

                                                                            2 1/4"
FLOWERING SHRUBS Starter Plants Catalog and Shrub Reference 2019-2020 - Spring Meadow Nursery
4"   Quick Turn™
FLOWERING SHRUBS Starter Plants Catalog and Shrub Reference 2019-2020 - Spring Meadow Nursery
    Our shipping team is committed to the safe packaging and
    transport of your order. Whether you order the minimum
    number of trays or a full truckload, your liners will be
    carefully picked, inspected for quality, packed, and loaded
    to minimize stress and damage. We ship by both dry and
    refrigerated trucks at 45° F (7.2° C) and can ship year-round.

                                                                     HOW WE SHIP

                                                                                                        For LTL shipments, flats
                                                                                                        are boxed individually, then
                                                                                                        stacked on a pallet, corner-
    MAKE ORDERING EASY                                                                                  stabilized, and wrapped with
                                                                                                        plastic film.
    A few tips to ensure your complete satisfaction
    when ordering:

       We fill standing orders first, as we propagate specifically
       to meet our customers’ requests. You can adjust your
       order up until the Wednesday before it ships.

       Our new varieties are announced in our yearly catalog,
       which is published in late summer. By placing your order
       shortly after its receipt, you secure your share of the
       most promising and popular plants. This is also the ideal
                                                                     Whole-truck shipments are packed on specially built racks.
       time to review your standing order.
                                                                     These sturdy racks can be moved with a forklift or pallet jack.

       Your account manager will call you two weeks before
       your order ships. This is a good time to make any
       last-minute adjustments to your order and to confirm
       contact information, delivery address, and any special
       instructions for the delivery driver.

FLOWERING SHRUBS Starter Plants Catalog and Shrub Reference 2019-2020 - Spring Meadow Nursery
All orders placed with Spring Meadow ship via FedEx from Grand Haven,
Michigan. Our central location means a short transit time to any location
in Canada and the United States, ensuring that your plants arrive happy,
healthy, and ready to grow. Our sales team will work with you to secure
your preferred ship date so that your order arrives when you have the
time, staff, and space to pot it up. If your order is placed by 9 a.m. ET on
a Wednesday, we can ship the following week.
                                                                                                                                           1 day 2 days 3 days 4 days 5 days


                                            Alberta                                  Manitoba

                                                                                                                    Ontario                                                                  Brunswick
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Nova Scotia

                                                  Montana                  North Dakota     Minnesota
                                  Idaho                                South Dakota                                                                                                 Mass.
                                                                                                                                                                    New York
                                                                                                                                Michigan                                            Conn. R.I.

                                                                                                Iowa                                                     Pennsylvania            New
                                                                              Nebraska                                                                                          Jersey
                         Nevada                                                                                                            Ohio
                                                                                                               Illinois     Indiana                                            Delaware
                                      Utah                                                                                                                                     Maryland
                                                         Colorado                                                                                 Virginia
                                                                                 Kansas                                                                      Virginia
                                                                                                  Missouri                         Kentucky

                                                                                                                                                        North Carolina
                                  Arizona                                           Oklahoma
                                                      New Mexico                                  Arkansas

                                                                                                                              Alabama         Georgia

                                                                                Texas                         Mississippi




                                                                                                                                                  We ship to Alaska and Hawaii;
                                                                                                                                                  please contact your account manager
                                                                                                                                                  for details and transit time.

                                                W                                                                                  X                                                                                             Y

FLOWERING SHRUBS Starter Plants Catalog and Shrub Reference 2019-2020 - Spring Meadow Nursery
                      WE’D LOVE TO HEAR FROM YOU!

     Plant breeders make up the heart of the Proven Winners             Spring Meadow has a 20+ year history of partnering with
     brand, providing the passion and the superior plants that have     talented breeders from England, France, Germany, Poland,
     earned us the respect and enthusiasm of growers, retailers,        Belgium, Hungary, Japan, Korea, the Netherlands, the Czech
     landscapers, and home gardeners alike. Working as your             Republic, Canada, and the United States. Let us help you
     partner, Spring Meadow can provide you with secure trialing,       experience the thrill of seeing your plant for sale in a garden
     plant patent and breeder’s rights assistance, licensing, an        center – or planted in a landscape – for the first time.
     international grower network, royalty collection, and world-
                                                                        For more information, contact Tim Wood, New Product
     class marketing.
                                                                        Development, tim@springmeadownursery.com

            Dr. Maxine Thompson - USA              Dr. Johan van Huylenbroeck - Belgium              Dr. Kyung-Ku Shim - Korea

           Dr. Roderick Woods - England                      Mike Farrow - USA                         Chris Warner - England

          Bert Ver Hoef - the Netherlands                 Corrine Liquiere - France                      Yuji Suzuki - Japan

Every potential introduction into the Proven Winners®
ColorChoice® line is extensively trialed and tested here at Spring
Meadow Nursery. Whether from our own breeding program or
from one of the talented breeders we work with, we subject
every shrub we are considering for introduction to a gauntlet of
challenges. Each variety must exhibit superior performance in
propagation, production, container presentation, and in the field
and landscape; simply having consumer or retail appeal isn’t
sufficient. On average, it takes ten years under our auspices
until a plant makes it into this catalog.

If you find yourself in west Michigan in the growing season,
arrange for a tour of our facilities, or learn more under the
“innovation” tab at springmeadownursery.com.

                   COLORCHOICE TREES
     Have you heard the news? The Proven Winners ColorChoice brand now includes trees!
     We are delighted to partner with nursery industry veteran Maria Zampini of UpShoot
     to bring this program to market. We are working together with Maria to select trees
     that represent the best of the brand: beauty, versatility, and superior performance.
     The introductory class includes:

     1 Avalanche® birch (Betula x ‘Avalzam’)
     2 Golden Shadows® pagoda dogwood (Cornus alternifolia ‘Wstackman’)
     3 Crusader® hawthorn (Crataegus crus-galli var. inermis ‘Cruzam’)
     4 Lollipop® crabapple (Malus ‘Lollizam’)
     5 Show Time™ crabapple (Malus ‘Shotizam’)
     6 Pink Snow Showers™ weeping cherry (Prunus x ‘Pisnshzam’)
     7 Weeping Extraordinaire™ weeping cherry (Prunus x ‘Extrazam’)

                                                                                                Liners for Golden Shadows cornus are
                                                                                                available from Spring Meadow; liners
                                                                                                and finished product of all other varieties
                                                                                                must be ordered directly through one of
                                                                                                the licensed nurseries below:
                                                                                                  Blue Heron Farm
                                                                                                  Corvalis, OR • 800-223-8410
                                                                                                  Bountiful Farms
                                                                                                  Woodburn, OR • 503-981-7494
     1                                             3
                                                                                                  Hans Nelson & Sons Nursery
                                                                                                  Boring, OR • 877-663-0511
                                                                                                  J. Frank Schmidt & Son Co.
                                                                                                  Boring, OR • 800-825-8202
                                                                                                  John Holmlund Nursery
                                                                                                  Boring, OR • 800-643-6650
                                                                                                  Kankakee Nursery
                                                                                                  Aroma Park, IL • 800-344-7697
                                                                                                  Oregon Pride Nurseries
                                                                                                  McMinnville, OR • 888-472-9147
     4                                             5                                              Robinson Nursery
                                                                                                  Amity, OR • 877-855-8733
                                                                                                  Sester Farms
                                                                                                  Gresham, OR • 800-832-4487
                                                                                                  Surface Nursery
                                                                                                  Gresham, OR • 800-831-2599
                                                                                                  Willoway Nurseries
                                                                                                  Avon, OH • 866-934-4435

                                                                                                If you have questions about the tree
                                                                                                program – or perhaps you’ve developed
     6                                             7                                            an interesting new tree that you’d like to
     The line will continue to grow as we work to increase numbers on a few                     suggest for the program – please contact
     additional selections, as well as evaluate new varieties that show promise.                Maria Zampini, maria@upshoothort.com.

Get a jump on spring sales with our new bare root roses. We are partnering
with Certified Roses to produce all fifteen of the award-winning Proven
Winners ColorChoice roses as #1-#1.5 grade bare roots. See pg. 79-81 for more
information and photos of the varieties.

These include:
  At Last®

  Livin’ La Vida®


  Ringo All Star™


  Oso Easy Double Red®

  Oso Easy® Double Pink

  Oso Easy Hot Paprika®

  Oso Easy Italian Ice®

  Oso Easy Lemon Zest®

  Oso Easy® Mango Salsa

  Oso Easy® Paprika

  Oso Easy Peasy®

  Oso Easy® Petit Pink

  Oso Easy® Urban Legend®

Orders must be placed with your Spring Meadow
account manager by early December; the bare
root plants will ship directly from Certified
Roses from mid-January through mid-late
March, depending on your area.


     TA K E S H R U B S B E Y O N D T H E G A R D E N
     B E D A N D O N T O T H E P AT I O !
     Decked Out® is our program for pairing, planting, and marketing shrubs in decorative
     containers as patio plants, ready to enjoy anywhere instantly – no shovel required!
     Any grower can participate in the Decked Out program: just follow the minimum
     container requirements below, select your Proven Winners ColorChoice Shrubs,
     and add both their tags and the Decked Out tag. While all of our 300+ varieties can
     be grown in containers, we do have some recipe suggestions to create irresistible
     appeal. Request the Decked Out program flyer from your account manager, or visit

                                                     C O N TA I N E R R E Q U I R E M E N T S :
                                                     •   Decorative containers must cost a minimum of $2 per piece, wholesale.
                                                     •   The container must be designed for plants. No repurposing of other vessels.
                                                     •   The container cannot have open drainage holes in its bottom.
                                                         No “self-watering” containers.
                                                     •   The container may not have a permanently attached saucer.
                                                     •   Size of decorative container must be larger than our true one gallon
                                                         (7.5”/19.05 cm diameter by 7.125”/18.09 cm).

                  SHRUBS OF THE YEAR

The Landscape Plant of the Year program was launched in 2016 to highlight a Proven Winners
ColorChoice variety of particular interest to the landscape market. Due to its popularity and
requests from the Proven Winners Retail Advisory board, the Plant of the Year program has been
expanded to include a Rose of the Year, a Hydrangea of the Year, and a Flowering Shrub of the Year.

CLASS OF 2020:
                                                                                     MARKETING SUPPORT FOR THE
                                                                                     SHRUBS OF THE YEAR PROGRAM
                                                                                     FOR THE TRADE:
                                                                                     • Growing guide (ask your account manager for a copy, or
                                                                                       get it in the Spring Meadow Nursery resource center:
      GEM BOX® Ilex glabra              OSO EASY DOUBLE RED® Rosa                      https://springmeadownursery.com/resources/2020-
            pg. 61                                pg. 80                               shrubs-of-the-year-growers-guide)
                                                                                     • Press release
                                                                                     • Promotion in trade show booths
                                                                                     • Trade ads to retailers
                                                                                     • Postcard to retailers
                                                                                     • POP available

INVINCIBELLE® Ruby Hydrangea                Blue CHIFFON® Hibiscus
           pg. 51                                   pg. 46                             FOR CONSUMERS:
                                                                                     • Print ads in major consumer publications

CLASS OF 2021:                                                                       • Banner ads to consumers
                                                                                     • NationalPlantoftheYear.com website
                                                                                     • Social media content
                                                                                     • YouTube Shrubs of the Year playlist

                                                                                             INDIGO GAL.
                                                                                             Chiffon® Roses of Sharon: GRACEFUL STEMS,
                                                                                             ABUNDANT BLOSSOMS, LONG BLOOMING, EASY TO GROW

                                                                                             Before they reach your garden, our flowering shrubs undergo years of trials and
                                                                                             testing for color, quantity of blooms, heat and drought tolerance, and ability to
                                                                                             thrive with ease. Only a few prove they're worthy of the #1 plant brand.


   KODIAK Orange Diervilla
                                        OSO EASY ITALIAN ICE Rosa
                                                     ®              ®

          pg. 42                                 pg. 81

TUFF STUFF AH-HA® Hydrangea                PUGSTER BLUE® Buddleia
           pg. 59                                  pg. 26

Call Spring Meadow Nursery at (800) 633-8859 or visit us online at www.SpringMeadowNursery.com

                                                      Our brand is defined by our plants, and marketing is how we tell their
                                                      story. With one of the most expansive and visually unique campaigns
                                                      in the industry, we aim to generate demand for Proven Winners
                                                      shrubs from retailers, landscapers, and homeowners so that growers
                                                      like you sell more plants. Of course, you can only take advantage
                                                      of that if you know what we’re doing and when we’re doing it.
                                                      That’s why we create our annual 8 Ways to Make Proven Winners
                                                      Marketing Work for You booklet.

                                                      This guide outlines our advertising efforts for 2019 and 2020, so
                                                      you can plan your purchasing, production, selling, and shipping to
                                                      coincide with demand. You’ll also find lots more useful tools and
                                                      tips for capitalizing on our marketing, like how to access the Proven
                                                      Winners photo library of over 4,500 high quality images and how to
                                                      make sure that our radio campaigns include retailers’ service areas.

                                                      We don’t keep this information secret – we want you to use it to sell
                                                      more plants, to make more money, and to enjoy bigger profits, every
                                                      year. So don’t leave money and opportunity on the table – contact
                                                      your account manager to request printed copies for your sales team
                                                      and customers, or read it online in the resources section of the
                                                      Spring Meadow website.

 A L O O K AT S O M E O F O U R M A R K E T I N G P I E C E S :

 Gardening Simplified                   Booklets                                          YouTube
 All new for 2019! Gardening            In the years there isn’t a new edition            We’ve been spending lots of time
 Simplified is our consumer-facing      of Gardening Simplified, we publish               making videos of all kinds – there’s
 reference guide that is eagerly        a booklet spotlighting a group of                 just no easier, stress-free way to learn
 anticipated by over 50,000 gardeners   plants. Look for an all-new booklet               about plants! Visit the Proven Winners
 in the US and Canada. This glossy,     in early 2020! Not on our mailing                 ColorChoice Flowering Shrubs YouTube
 colorful, 100 page magazine was        list? Contact Diane Fullerton, diane@             channel to watch lists of problem-
 redesigned to feature all 300+         springmeadownursery.com, to be added.             solving plants (deer resistant, heat
 Proven Winners ColorChoice Shrubs                                                        tolerant, etc.), spend 30 seconds getting
 in their potential landscape roles.                                                      to know one of our varieties, or unwind
 You can view an online version in                                                        with an amazing time-lapse of a shrub
 the resource center of the Spring                                                        bursting into bloom.
 Meadow website or request a hard
 copy from your account manager.


With the largest marketing campaign in the industry, we aim
to send people to garden centers looking for the plants they
read about in magazines, hear about on radio, and see on social
media. Help them get what they are looking for and increase
sales by creating a Proven Winners ColorChoice destination.

A Proven Winners shrub destination is a boutique-type area
within a garden center that positions our flowering shrubs as the     A Proven Winners shrub destination groups
clear and easy choice. It’s a flexible space that allows our plants   all species and varieties together for a clean,
                                                                      unified look.
to be grouped in ways that make sense for the customer base,
for the season, for anything the garden center wants to promote.

Once you’ve designated a space for your Proven Winners
Destination, we’ll work with you to custom-design an array of
POP materials featuring your logo and ours, from pole wraps to
banners to benchtape – whatever works for your display area
and aesthetic. We pick from our extensive photography library to
create something that’s perfect for you and your customers that
drives sales as well as decorates.

Garden centers have reported profit increases of over 20% on          Flexible space allows garden centers to
                                                                      highlight what’s in bloom or of special interest
their Proven Winners sales after incorporating a destination into     through the season.
their space. Sound good? Get started today by reading our guide
to destinations, available in the resources section of the Spring
Meadow website, or contact your account manager for a copy.

                                                                      Custom signage with unlimited design
                                                                      possibilities to match the aesthetic already
                                                                      established at your garden center.

                                                                      We’ll help you create a suite of POP that leads
                                                                      customers through the garden center to your
                                                                      destination area.


 MARKETING TO LANDSCAPERS                                                                                                                                                    Diervilla

 If you grow and sell for the landscape market, we’re working for
 you, too! Though introducing shrubs with the qualities that the
 landscape market needs – adaptability, durability, with that ideal
 combination of toughness and beauty – is an important part of
 our selection process, even the best plants won’t go anywhere                                                                                                                                                                                 Season of Interest
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Early    Mid          Late     Early      Mid       Late   Early-Mid   Mid-Late
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Winter                                      Se
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Spring   Spring       Spring   Summer    Summer    Summer   Autumn      Autumn

 unless people know about them. That’s why we spread the word
                                                                                                                                                                                                   FUNSHINE® Abelia x grandiflora                                                                                                                                 RED ROVER® Cornus obliqua
                                                                                                                                                                                                   PINKY BELLS ® Abelia                                                                                                                                           WINECRAFT™ Cotinus coggygria s
                                                                                                                                                                                                   RUBY ANNIVERSARY® Abelia chinensis                                                                                                                             LITTLE DIPPER® Cotoneaster proc
                                                                                                                                                                                                   SUNNY ANNIVERSARY® Abelia x grandiflora                                                                                                                        SISTER™ Cytisus scoparius series

 about versatile varieties like the Kodiak® series of diervilla and
                                                                                                                                                                                                   SWEET EMOTION ® Abelia mosanensis                                                                                                                              CHARDONNAY PEARLS ® Deutzia
                                                                                                                                                                                                   GROUND HOG™ Aronia melanocarpa                                                                                                                                 CRÈME FRAICHE® Deutzia gracilis
                                                                                                                                                                                                   LOW SCAPE® Aronia melanocarpa series                                                                                                                           YUKI CHERRY BLOSSOM ® Deutzia

                                                                               KODIAK Orange
                                                                                                                                                                                                   SUNJOY® Berberis thunbergii series                                                                                                                             YUKI SNOWFLAKE® Deutzia

 Invincibelle Wee White® hydrangea with colorful postcards
                                                                                                                                                                                                   CESKY GOLD Betula x plettkei
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  KODIAK® Diervilla series
                                                                               Di ervi l l a ‘ G2X88544’ pp# 27, 548, cbraf                                                                        LO & BEHOLD® 'Blue Chip' Buddleia                                                                                                                              FIRE BALL® Euonymus alatus
                                                                                                                                                                                                   LO & BEHOLD® 'Blue Chip Jr.' Buddleia                                                                                                                          UNFORGETTABLE FIRE® Euonym
                                                                               A durable, native alternative to burning bush, Kodiak® Orange Diervilla has glowing                                 LO & BEHOLD® 'Ice Chip' Buddleia                                                                                                                               GOLD SPLASH ® Euonymus fortun

 mailed to over 20,000 landscapers every month. That’s why we
                                                                               orange fall foliage. Bright yellow flowers in early summer contrast with the orange                         • SIZE &LO   & BEHOLD®
                                                                                                                                                                                                     SHAPE                'Lilac Chip' Buddleia                                                                                                                   WHITE ALBUM ® Euonymus fortun
                                                                               new growth. It grows in sun or shade - even dry shade - making it an exceptionally                            3 - 4' TAL L
                                                                                                                                                                                                    LO & BEHOLD®          'Pink Micro Chip' Buddleia                                                                                                              SNOW DAY® Exochorda series
                                                                                                                                                                                             AND WIDE
                                                                               useful landscape plant. Foliage color may be less pronounced in shade.                                              LO & BEHOLD
                                                                                                                                                                                                         5'    'Purple Haze' Buddleia
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  FLYING MACHINE™ Forsythia kore
                                                                                                                                                                                                   Miss Buddleia series                                                                                                                                           SHOW OFF® Forsythia series

 create hundreds of resources like our landscape spec sheets and
                                                                                                                                                                                                   PUGSTER® Buddleia series                                                                                                                                       LEGEND OF THE FALL™ Fothergilla
                                                                                                                                                                                                   Buddleia 'Summer Skies'                                                                                                                                        BANGLE® Genista lydia
                                                                                                                                     DR O UGHT- TO L ER ANT | DEER - R ESISTANT | NATIVE   • SPAC ING 4 - 5'
                                                                                                                                                                                                   NORTH STAR® Buxus sempervirens                                                                                                                                 TEMPLE OF BLOOM® Heptacodium
                                                                                                                                                                                           • USDA 4, AHS 7
                                                                                                                                                                                                   SPRINTER® Buxus microphylla                                                                                                                                    CHIFFON ® Hibiscus syriacus serie
                                                                                                                                                                                           • F UL L SUN TO
                                                                                                                                                                                                     PEARL   GLAM ® Callicarpa                                                                                                                                    LIL' KIM ® Hibiscus syriacus series

 seasonal color charts. And that’s why we need growers across
                                                                                                                                                                                             PAR T SHADE
                                                                                                                                                                                                   Calycanthus ‘Aphrodite’                                                                                                                                        POLLYPETITE® Hibiscus x
                                                                                                                                                                                                   BEYOND MIDNIGHT® Caryopteris x clandonensis                                                                                                                    SATIN ® Hibiscus syriacus series
                                                                                                                                                                                                   LIL' MISS SUNSHINE® Caryopteris x clandonensis                                                                                                                 PILLAR™ Hibiscus syriacus series
                                                                                                                                                                                                   SUNSHINE BLUE® II Caryopteris incana                                                                                                                           SUGAR TIP® Hibiscus syriacus ser

 North America to ensure that these plants are ready to go when                                                                                                                                    SUGAR SHACK® Cephalanthus occidentalis
                                                                                                                                                                                                   DOUBLE TAKE™ Chaenomeles series
                                                                                                                                                                                                   PINPOINT® Chamaecyparis lawsoniana series
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  INCREDIBALL® Hydrangea arbore
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  INVINCIBELLE® Hydrangea arbore
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  LIME RICKEY® Hydrangea arbores
                                                                                                                                                                                                   SOFT SERVE® Chamaecyparis pisifera series                                                                                                                      CITYLINE® Hydrangea macrophyl

 landscapers spec them for jobs.
                                                                                                                                                                                                   BROTHER STEFAN ® Clematis                                                                                                                                      LET’S DANCE® Hydrangea macrop
                                                                                                                                                                                                   Clematis 'Diamond Ball'                                                                                                                                        BOBO® Hydrangea paniculata
                                                                                                                                                                                                   HAPPY JACK® Purple Clematis                                                                                                                                    FIRE LIGHT® Hydrangea paniculat
                                                                                                                                                                                                   JOLLY GOOD™ Clematis                                                                                                                                           Hydrangea paniculata ‘Limelight’
                                                                                                                                                                                                   MADAME MARIA Clematis      ®
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  LITTLE LIME® Hydrangea panicula
                                                                                                                                                                                                   PINK MINK® Clematis                                                                                                                                            Little QUICK FIRE® Hydrangea pan
                                                                                                                                                                                                   STILL WATERS™ Clematis                                                                                                                                         PINKY WINKY® Hydrangea panicu

 The landscape market is growing rapidly, and Proven Winners                                                                                                                                       Clematis 'Sweet Summer Love'
                                                                                                                                                                                                   Clematis ‘Viva Polonia’
                                                                                                                                                                                                   SUGARTINA ® 'Crystalina' Clethra alnifolia
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  QUICK FIRE® Hydrangea panicula
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  ZINFIN DOLL® Hydrangea panicul
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  GATSBY™ Hydrangea quercifolia s
                                                                                                                                                                                                   VANILLA SPICE Clethra alnifolia
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  TUFF STUFF™ Hydrangea serrata

 ColorChoice is committed to being part of the success of both
                                                                                                                                                                                                   WAX WINGS Coprosma repens series
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  BLUES FESTIVAL® Hypericum kal
                                                                                                                                                                                                   ARCTIC FIRE® Cornus stolonifera                                                                                                                                SUNNY BOULEVARD® Hypericum
                                                                                                                                                                                                   ARCTIC SUN ® Cornus sanguinea                                                                                                                                  BRASS BUCKLE® Ilex crenata
                                                                                                                                                                                                   GOLDEN SHADOWS ® Cornus alternifolia                                                                                                                           PATTI O BOX™ Ilex crenata

 landscapers and the growers who supply them. If you would like
                                                                                                                                                                                                   PUCKER UP!® Cornus stolonifera                                                                                                                                 SKY BOX™ Ilex crenata
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  GEM BOX® Ilex glabra
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Legend:                              Flower                Foliage                     Fruit                 Edible Berries                  Stem Color/Form     STRONGBOX® Ilex glabra

 more information about our landscape initiative or our Proven
                                                                                                    Dwarf ‘Annabelle’-type hydrangeas.
 Winners Landscape Road Show events, contact Jane Beggs-Joles
 at jane@springmeadownursery.com.

                                                                                                                                                                              INVINCIBELLE LIMETTA

                                                                                          INVINCIBELLE WEE WHITE                                                        INVINCIBELLE MINI MAUVETTE
                                                                                                                                      ®                                                                                                   ®

 If you do business with the landscape market, Jane would love
 to work with you to put on an event. She’s worked with nurseries
 all over the US and Canada to put together these informative
 programs where landscapers can learn more about our plants
 and what they offer, as well as hearing from other speakers on
 timely and local topics. A landscaper event is the ideal way to
 keep customers engaged in the off-season and showcase your
 products and services. Give Jane a call at 616-223-3369 or
 jane@springmeadownursery.com for more information.

                                                        Call Spring Meadow Nursery at (800) 633-8859 or visit us online at www.SpringMeadowNursery.com

We’re proud to be the choice of commercial       The Kodiak diervillas are my go-to choice for color and texture, especially in more
                                                 naturalistic settings. The foliage is neat and clean, and the color changes through the
and residential landscapers across the US        season make for dynamic interplays with neighboring plants. Plus, they’re just really
and Canada for flowering and evergreen           durable and adaptable, so I don’t worry about them not pulling their weight in the
shrubs. Thanks to our varied, curated
collection, we can offer the perfect plant        - Anna Brooks, Arcadia Gardens, Stevensville, Michigan
choice for every project, every climate, every
site. Here are some favorites, straight from     Choosing just one favorite shrub is hard! They are all fantastic, reliable, powerhouses...
the professionals who spec Proven Winners        Recently, I have been leaning on Spilled Wine weigela quite a bit. So if I had to choose
                                                 just one favorite, that would be it. However, if I were allowed to squeak one more in,
ColorChoice Shrubs.                              Double Play Blue Kazoo spirea is also a stunner that is working wonderfully for us!
                                                  - Jack Barnwell, Jack Barnwell Design, Mackinac Island, Michigan

                                                 If you know Cape Cod, then you know that Hydrangea macrophylla blooms are our
                                                 official, unofficial flower. Our acidic soils bring out the brightest blues, and thousands
                                                 are planted across the Cape. Recently, however, I have been interplanting Hydrangea
                                                 arborescens ‘Annabelle’ with them and now I’m adding my new favorite to the mix:
                                                 Invincibelle Spirit II. I first met Invincibelle Spirit II hydrangea while shopping at my
                                                 favorite wholesale nursery. Their large pink heads stood over the other cultivars
                                                 around them as if to holler, “Hey, You! Check me out!”

                                                 It was love at first sight, and my clients are feeling the same way! I love the
                                                 combination of blue, white, and pink. With its strong stems, Spirit II really shows off
                                                 its large pink inflorescence. Best of all, even when harsh winters or late frosts have
                                                 damaged the macs, I can count on H. arborescens to give me color. Given morning sun
                                                 and afternoon shade, these beauties make quite a statement.
                                                  - N. Barbara Conolly, Gardens by Barbara Conolly, Falmouth, MA

                                                 My all-time favorite plants are hydrangeas. Spring here in North Carolina is filled
                                                 with blooming shrubs trees and plants all over. You can’t turn a corner without a
                                                 color show going on to some degree. But once the long hot days of summer hit most
                                                 plants are past their prime and just hoping for those cooler days of fall. But not the
                                                 hydrangea, this is when they can put on their show. My go to hydrangeas are in the
                                                 species of paniculata, specifically the variety ‘Limelight’. While most people associate
                                                 hydrangeas with the standard round shaped flowers of the macrophylla types, the
                                                 paniculata hydrangea flowers are more conical shaped, and from my experience the
                                                 plants tend to do better in heat and even full sun exposures. The bloom heads are large
                                                 and these plants definitely need space to grow and mature but they will bring some
                                                 interest to any space with their greenish white flowers.
                                                   - Chris Jones, Grounds Assistant Superintendent, Pinehurst Resort & Country Club,
                                                 		 Pinehurst, NC, Pinehurst.com

                                                 I love that Bobo hydrangea seems to thrive in sun or shade. They seem to not mind
                                                 the shade, and I’ve used them successfully in several woodland gardens.
                                                 The compact size is perfect for tucking into those sweet spots in the landscape.
                                                 They are very dependable bloomers and can take the humidity in Indiana!
                                                   - Doug Darga, Grounds Manager, Mission Point Resort, Mackinac Island, Michigan
                                                 		 Missionpoint.com; former Director of the Gardens of Matter Park, Marion, Indiana

                                                 I like Little Lime because it’s a panicle hydrangea that stays in its place. So many
                                                 people try to use Limelight in a spot where it won’t fit, and Little Lime solved that.
                                                 Incrediball is another favorite because it doesn’t flop like an Annabelle hydrangea,
                                                 and I look to Lo and Behold butterfly bush for its compact size and texture.

                                                  - Donn Vidosh, Vidosh North Landscape, Petoskey, Michigan

 This year’s new introductions represent a diverse group of colorful, unique shrub
 selections. They include a little something for everyone – landscapers, homeowners,
 plant geeks, and of course, growers and retailers looking to increase their profits and set
 themselves apart from the competition.

 All of our liners, including those for new varieties, are sold on a first come, first served
 basis, so contact your account manager right away to secure your share.

       SUNJOY NEO™ Berberis, pg. 25                 LO & BEHOLD RUBY CHIP™ Buddleia                SPARKY™ Blue Clematis, pg. 34
           The brightest berberis                    pg. 23 Dwarf, with amazing color                  Very showy & unique

       SPARKY™ Pink Clematis, pg. 35                  SPARKY™ Purple Clematis, pg. 35            ARCTIC FIRE® Yellow Cornus, pg. 38
          Beautiful spring bloomer                        Unusual shape + shade                        Glowing winter color

      THE VELVET FOG™ Cotinus, pg. 39               PARAPLU PINK INK™ Hibiscus, pg. 47           PARAPLU VIOLET™ Hibiscus, pg. 47
               Super smoky                                Big, beautiful flowers                      Glorious color and size

     INVINCIBELLE GARNETTA™ Hydrangea                WEE BIT GIDDY™ Hydrangea, pg. 52           WEE BIT GRUMPY™ Hydrangea, pg. 52
        pg. 51 The series’ newest gem                  High performance hydrangea                       Deep, dramatic color
LET’S DANCE BIG BAND™ Hydrangea           LET’S DANCE CANCAN™ Hydrangea             TORTUGA™ Juniperus, pg. 65
        pg. 54 Bodacious blooms               pg. 54 Unstoppable rebloomer                  Tough as nails

CENTER STAGE™ Red Lagerstroemia, pg. 65    AUSTIN PRETTY LIMITS™ Nerium, pg. 72   ILLUMINATI ARCH® Philadelphus, pg. 73
      Disease-resistant innovation                 Compact and colorful                  Handsome and fragrant

  FINE LINE® Improved Rhamnus, pg. 76     PERFECTO MUNDO™ Purple Rhododendron         RINGO ALL-STAR™ Rosa, pg. 80
              No bare spots                       pg. 77 New to the series                Vigorous and colorful

       BABY KIM™ Syringa, pg. 86          STONEHENGE DARK DRUID™ Taxus, pg. 88    STONEHENGE SKINNY™ Taxus, pg. 88
            Versatile habit                       Boxwood-like habit                       Space saving

   SWEET TALKER™ Viburnum, pg. 91                YIN™ Viburnum, pg. 92                 YANG™ Viburnum, pg. 92
        Early spring fragrance                  Heat tolerant sophistication          Handsome and heat tolerant
1                                                                                                 2

 3                                                                                                 4

Abelia - Abelia                                                                                                4 SUNNY ANNIVERSARY® (A. x g. ‘Minduo1’ pp#24,445, cbr#5236)
                                                                                                              Fragrant yellow blooms with pink throats and orange freckles make this abelia
Family: Caprifoliaceae (Ab-elia: after Dr. Clark Abel, 1780-1826, physician and author on China)
                                                                                                              from Pépinières Minier thoroughly original. Long mid-summer through autumn
            1 FUNSHINE® (A. x grandiflora ‘Minacara1’ pp#30,430)                                        5’
                                                                                                              bloom period.
           Funshine® abelia is easy to spot in the garden center and the landscape,                           USDA 6, AHS 9, 3-4', gr 1, summer bloom
           thanks to its bright marmalade-orange and caramel foliage. Glossy, semi-                           Item #: 00322 - 2 ¼" • 00324 - 4" • 00325 - Quick Turn
           evergreen foliage resists burning and stands out from yards away! Rounded,
           dwarf habit and fragrant soft purple blooms complete the package, but it’s                          5 SWEET EMOTION® (A. mosanensis ‘SMNAMDS’ pp#27,370, cbraf)
           the foliage you’ll never forget.                                                                   Very hardy and very fragrant, this spring-blooming abelia is anything but
           USDA 6, AHS 9, 2-3', gr, summer bloom                                                              conventional. Easy to ship in flower for garden center sales, and one whiff of
           Item #: 00412 - 2 ¼" • 00414 - 4" • 00415 - Quick Turn                                             the jasmine-scented white and pink flowers is enough to entice any shopper!
                                                                                                              Glossy foliage turns orange-red in autumn.
            2 PINKY BELLS® (A. ‘Lynn’ pp#20,604)                                                              USDA 4, AHS 8, 5-6', gr 1, spring bloom
           The largest flowers of any abelia! This tidy little mounded plant is a cross                       Item #: 00572 - 2 ¼" • 00574 - 4" • 00575 - Quick Turn
           between A. schumannii ‘Bumblebee’ and A. zanderi ‘Little Richard’ with a
           strong root system, compact habit, and excellent container presentation.
           New growth takes on red hues in late spring and autumn.                                 Acer palmatum - Japanese maple
                                                                                                   Family: Sapindaceae (A-cer: Latin word meaning sharp or fierce; palm-atum, palm-like)
           USDA 6, AHS 9, 2-3' tall and 3-4' wide, gr 1
           summer bloom                                                                            We’re working to increase numbers on our big, own-root Japanese maple liners.
           Item #: 00622 - 2 ¼" • 00624 - 4" • 00625 - Quick Turn                                  Call your account manager to reserve for 2021.

            3 RUBY ANNIVERSARY® (A. chinensis ‘Keiser’ pp#21,632)
           Hardy and fragrant! This colorful, long-blooming selection has ruby-red new
           growth and bracts. Developed by Susan Keiser of Ossining, NY.
           USDA 5, AHS 9, 4-6', gr 1, summer bloom
           Item #: 00122 - 2 ¼" • 00124 - 4" • 00125 - Quick Turn

5                                                                                             6

 7                                                                                             8

Aronia - Chokeberry                                                                                       8 LOW SCAPE MOUND® (A. m. ‘UCONNAM165’ pp#28,789, cbraf)
                                                                                                         Cute as a button yet tough as nails, this remarkable dwarf aronia may be the
Family: Rosaceae (Aro-nia: modified from Aria, a species of Sorbus)
                                                                                                         closest yet to the perfect landscape plant. Ideal for mass planting as ground
‘Brilliantissima’ (A. arbutifolia)                                                                       cover or bank stabilization. Adaptable to wet or dry soils, with deep green
           White spring flowers, glossy red berries, shiny foliage, and brilliant fall color             glossy foliage, loads of white spring flowers, purple-black fruit in summer,
           make this versatile, adaptable plant a favorite of landscapers. Excellent fruit               and intense red-orange autumn color. Developed by Dr. Mark Brand of the
           production, no pollinator required. Native. Awards: GMPA.                               10’
                                                                                                         University of Connecticut. Native.
           USDA 4, AHS 9, 6-8', gr 1, spring bloom                                                       USDA 3, AHS 9, 1-2' tall and 2' wide, gr 1, spring bloom
           Item #: 02522 - 2 ¼" • 02524 - 4"                                                             Item #: 02822 - 2 ¼" • 02824 - 4" • 02825 - Quick Turn

            6 GROUND HOG™ (A. melanocarpa ‘UCONNAM012’ ppaf, cbraf)                            ‘Viking’ (A. m.)
           The perfect landscape ground cover! This dwarf aronia grows as a thick, dense                 Attractive glossy leaves with superb red autumn color make tree-like ‘Viking’ a
           mat, minimizing weeding and mulching. Use to fill in difficult spaces such as                 winner for commercial and residential landscapes. Showy floral display begins
           parking lot beds, slopes, any area you don’t want to mow. Glossy foliage, white               early in spring. Large, attractive black fruits persist through winter and are
           spring flowers, dark purple berries in summer, and autumn foliage hues of               10’   reportedly high in vitamins. Developed in Europe as an orchard plant. Native.
           orange-red make this native plant as showy as it is adaptable. Developed by                   USDA 3, AHS 9, 3-6', gr 1, spring bloom
           Dr. Mark Brand at University of Connecticut. Native.                                          Item #: 02852 - 2 ¼" • 02854 - 4"
           USDA 3, AHS 9, 8-14" tall and 3' wide, gr 1, spring bloom
           Item #: 02842 - 2¼" • 02844 - 4" • 02845 - Quick Turn

            7 LOW SCAPE HEDGER® (A. m. ‘UCONNAM166’ pp#28,831, cbraf)                                    Aronia Habit Comparison
           Form follows function with this compact, narrow aronia selection, making it                                                                                                   8’
           the perfect, carefree plant for narrow hedges, screening, or mass plantings.                                                                                                  6’
           Requires less care and maintenance than ‘Viking.’ Glossy, dark green foliage                                                                                                  4’
           turns bright red in autumn. Developed by Drs. Mark Brand and Bryan Connolly                                                                                                   2’

           of the University of Connecticut. Native.
           USDA 3, AHS 9, 3-5' tall and 2-3' wide, gr 1, spring bloom                                                     ™
                                                                                                                                      PE                  PE                  '
                                                                                                                                  SCA®                                     ing
                                                                                                                 D   HO                               SCA®             'Vik
           Item #: 02832 - 2 ¼" • 02834 - 4" • 02835 - Quick Turn                                             UN              LOWUND             LOW GER
                                                                                                         GRO                   MO                 HED

Call Spring Meadow Nursery at (800) 633-8859 or visit us online at www.SpringMeadowNursery.com                                                                                       23
1                                                                      2                                                 3

 4                                                                      5                                                 6

Aucuba japonica - Japanese aucuba                                                                   3 SUNJOY® Gold Beret (B. t. ‘Talago’ pp#20,602)
                                                                                                   Compact color! This unique, dwarf, low-mounding gold barberry has
Family: Garryaceae (Au-cu-ba: Latinized version of aokiba, the Japanese word for the plant)
                                                                                                   attractive red new growth and red fall color, and has proven burn resistant
‘Picturata’                                                                                        in side-by-side tests with conventional yellow leaf barberries.
                                                                                              5’   Awards: MOBOT Tried and True; RHS Award of Garden Merit.
           A lush and colorful evergreen for shade. Thick, glossy leaves sport a showy
           central yellow splotch, and green margins are peppered with yellow dots.                USDA 4, AHS 8, 6-12", gr 1.5, foliage plant
           The deep purple maroon flowers bear red fruit if a male variety is present.             Item #: 04132 - 2 ¼" • 04134 - 4" • 04135 - Quick Turn
     10’   Surprisingly hardy; can also be grown indoors.
           USDA 7(6b), AHS 10, 4-6', gr 1, spring bloom                                             4 SUNJOY GOLD PILLAR® (B. t. ‘Maria’ pp#18,082)
           Item #: 02894 - 4"                                                                      Similar in shape to ‘Helmond Pillar’ but with bright golden foliage, red new
                                                                                                   growth, and stunning orange-red autumn foliage. Proven burn resistant in
                  Every barberry we offer is certified wheat-rust free.                            side-by-side tests with conventional yellow leaf barberries.
Berberis • Barberry                                                                           5’
                                                                                                   Awards: MOBOT Tried and True; AGM; Bronze Medal Plantarium.
                                                                                                   USDA 4, AHS 8, 3-4', gr 1, foliage plant
Family: Berberidaceae (Berber-is: Arabic name; thunberg-ii: after Carl Peter Thunberg,
Swedish botanist and plant explorer)
                                                                                                   Item #: 03872 - 2 ¼" • 03874 - 4" • 03875 - Quick Turn

             1 SUNJOY® Cinnamon (B. thunbergii ‘Celeste’ pp#24,586)                                 5 SUNJOY® Mini Saffron (B. t. ‘Kasia’ pp#24,817)
           Deep orange foliage and compact branching create a different look for                   Looking for a dwarf golden mounding barberry that grows fast enough
           barberry. Excellent for low maintenance, season-long color in hedges or                 to be profitable? Here it is. Shines even in the heat of the summer, thanks
           foundation planting.                                                                    to excellent burn resistance. The foliage has hints of orange in the
           USDA 4, AHS 8, 4-5', gr 1, foliage plant                                           5’
                                                                                                   new growth and orange-red fall color.
           Item #: 03052 - 2 ¼" • 03054 - 4" • 03055 - Quick Turn                                  USDA 4, AHS 8, 1.5-2' tall and 24-30" wide, gr 1, foliage plant
                                                                                                   Item #: 03242 - 2 ¼" • 03244 - 4" • 03245 - Quick Turn
            2 SUNJOY® Citrus (B. t. ‘Koren’ pp#24,818)
           This significant improvement over Berberis ‘Aurea’ sports a neat, rounded                6 SUNJOY® Mini Salsa (B. t. ‘Mimi’ pp#24,841)
           habit that results in a uniform, ball-shaped plant with appealing container             An improved ‘Crimson Pygmy’ that offers vivid, dark red foliage with no threat
           presentation. This plant was evaluated for over five years in full sun to               of reversion, ensuring every crop is consistently compact and colorful.
           ensure its gold foliage exhibited excellent burn resistance.                            USDA 4, AHS 8, 1.5-2' gr 1, foliage plant
           USDA 4, AHS 8, 2-3', gr 1, foliage plant                                                Item #: 03342 - 2 ¼" • 03344 - 4" • 03345 - Quick Turn
           Item #: 03252 - 2 ¼" • 03254 - 4" • 03255 - Quick Turn
7                                                                                              8                                                  9

10                                                                                            11
           7 SUNJOY NEO™ (B. t. ‘NCBT2’ ppaf)                                                 ‘Crimson Pygmy’ (syn. atropurpurea ‘Nana’)
          You don’t have to be a Clemson, OSU, Tennesee, or Texas fan to love the                       Our pure strain of true-to-name, dwarf, dense ‘Crimson Pygmy’ off our verified
          color orange: it‘s a happy, uplifiting color, which is why this new, semi-dwarf,         5’
                                                                                                        field stock plants. Awards: AGM.
          ball-shapped berberis cheers up any garden or landscape. From the moment                      USDA 4, AHS 8, 1.5-2', gr 1.5, foliage plant
          it leafs out in spring, it will draw your attention, and your customers‘ as well.             Item #: 03682 - 2 ¼" • 03684 - 4"
          Developed by Dr. Tom Ranney, NCSU.
          USDA 5, AHS 8, 2.5', gr 1, foliage plant
                                                                                              ‘Rose Glow’
          Item #: 03572 - 2¼" · 03574 - 4" · 03575 - Quick Turn
                                                                                                        Colorful rose-pink mottled foliage matures to a deep purple, then turns hot pink/
                                                                                                   5’   purple in fall. Import permit required for Canadian shipments. Awards: AGM.
           8 SUNJOY SEQUINS™ (B. t. 'Arlene' ppaf)                                                      USDA 4, AHS 8, 4-5', gr 1, foliage plant
          Some of the best green, cream, and pink variegation we’ve seen on any plant.                  Item #: 03962 - 2 ¼" • 03964 - 4"
          This flashy selection does not revert and has never shown any leaf burn.
          Compact, mounded, wider-than-tall habit. Blush hues develop as summer
          progresses, turning the plant to a patchwork of pink by autumn.
                                                                                                                                    Sterile Varieties
          USDA 4, AHS 8, 2-3' tall and 3-4' wide, gr 1, foliage plant                                   10 SUNJOY MINI MAROON® (B. t. ‘NCBT1’ pp#30,330, cbraf)
          Item #: 03002 - 2¼" • 03004 - 4" • 03005 - Quick Turn                                         This changes everything! Introducing the first-ever sterile, rust resistant
                                                                                                        ornamental barberry. A dwarf, low-mounded ‘Concorde’-like plant with dark
           9 SUNJOY® Tangelo (B. t. ‘O’Byrne’ pp#26,546)                                                burgundy-purple foliage that is often accented with an attractive green margin.
          Bright and cheery, Sunjoy® Tangelo barberry has vivid orange foliage that                5’
                                                                                                        Multiple years of university testing has shown 0-1.2% seed viability.
          develops a distinctive chartreuse margin. With greater vigor than similar such                USDA 4, AHS 8, 2-3', gr 1, foliage plant
          barberries, it shines from spring to fall.                                                    Item #: 03602 - 2 ¼" • 03604 - 4" • 03605 - Quick Turn
          USDA 4, AHS 8, 3-4', gr 1, foliage plant
          Item #: 03862 - 2 ¼" • 03864 - 4" • 03865 - Quick Turn                                        11 SUNJOY TODO™ (B. x ‘NCBX1’ pp#29,504, cbraf)
                                                                                                        There’s lots to love about this sterile, disease-resistant barberry: super glossy,
                                                                                                        semi-evergreen foliage with deep purple color combined with a tidy, semi-
                                                                                                        dwarf, mounded habit. Very showy bright yellow-orange flowers give way
                                                                                                        to berries, but university testing has shown that this wide, complex hybrid
                                                                                                        produces no seed.
                                                                                                        USDA 6, AHS 8, 1.5-2', gr 1, foliage plant
                                                                                                        Item #: 03612 - 2 ¼" • 03614 - 4" • 03615 - Quick Turn
Call Spring Meadow Nursery at (800) 633-8859 or visit us online at www.SpringMeadowNursery.com                                                                                           25

 2                                                                                              4

Betula x plettkei - Birch                                                                      Buddleia • Butterfly Bush
Family: Betulaceae (Bet-ula: from the Latin word for pitch or tar)                             Family: Scrophulariaceae (Buddle-ia: after Adam Buddle, English botanist)

             1 CESKY GOLD® (B. x p. ‘Golden Treasure’ cbr#5637)                                LO & BEHOLD® Series
           A shrubby dwarf birch with nifty little leaves that emerge orange-red and           The original non-invasive dwarf buddleia! Growers can typically finish these and ship
           mature to yellow. Let its natural multi-stemmed habit shine, or shape, shear,       in-bloom plants 10-12 weeks after potting liners; they also offer tremendous versatility
           or train into a low hedge or a miniature patio tree. Exceptionally hardy. Awards:   for landscapers. Developed by Dr. Dennis Warner of NCSU.
           Green is Life Silver Medal in Poland. Developed by Michal Andrusiv from the
           Czech Republic.                                                                                 2 LO & BEHOLD RUBY CHIP™ (B. ‘SMNBDD’ ppaf, cbraf)
           USDA 2, AHS 7, 2-4', gr 1, foliage plant                                                       For years, everyone has been asking for a buddleia with the habit of the Lo &
           Item #: 04442 - 2 ¼" • 04444 - 4" • 04445 - Quick Turn                                         Behold® series and the flower color of ‘Miss Ruby’. Through the magic of plant
                                                                                                          breeding, it’s finally here. Lo & Behold® ‘Ruby Chip’ is larger than ‘Pink Micro
                                                                                                          Chip’, with bigger, more richly colored flowers. Developed by Megan Mathey of
                                                                                                          Spring Meadow.
                                                                                                          USDA 5, AHS 9, 2.5', gr 0.5
                                                                                                          summer rebloomer
                                                                                                          Item #: 05002 - 2 ¼" • 05004 - 4" • 05005 - Quick Turn

                                                                                                           3 LO & BEHOLD® ‘Blue Chip’ (B. ‘Blue Chip’ pp#19,991, cbr#3602)
                                                                                                          One of the highest rated cultivars in the RHS All European Buddleia Trial,
                                                                                                          ‘Blue Chip’ has become a go-to plant for retailers and landscapers. Awards:
                                                                                                          Gold Medal best new plant at Salon du Vegetal; Best New Plant Mid-Am; Top
                                                                                                          Buddleia RHS at Wisley Gardens; Gold Medal Plantarium 2009.*
                                                                                                          USDA 5, AHS 9, 2-2.5', gr 0.5
                                                                                                          summer rebloomer
                                                                                                          Item #: 07092 - 2 ¼" • 07094 - 4" • 07095 - Quick Turn


5                                                                                            6

7                                                                                            8
           4 LO & BEHOLD® ‘Blue Chip Jr.’ (B. ‘Blue Chip Jr.’ pp#26,581, cbr#5620)                       7 LO & BEHOLD® ‘Pink Micro Chip’
          Smaller, less brittle, and much earlier blooming than the original ‘Blue Chip’,                     (B. ‘Pink Micro Chip’ pp#26,547, cbr#5621)
          with larger, bluer, more upright flowers and distinctive silvery foliage. Great               A mounded, dwarf habit and profusion of deep pink flower spikes combine the
          for mass plantings, containers, or mixed into perennial gardens. Flowers early                garden-friendliness of perennials with buddleia’s summer-long bloom.*
          summer to frost.*                                                                             USDA 5, AHS 9, 1.5-2', gr 0.5
          USDA 5, AHS 9, 1.5-2.5', gr 0.5                                                               summer rebloomer
          summer rebloomer                                                                              Item #: 05872 - 2 ¼" • 05874 - 4" • 05875 - Quick Turn
          Item #: 04632 - 2 ¼" • 04634 - 4" • 04635 - Quick Turn
                                                                                                         8 LO & BEHOLD® ‘Purple Haze’
           5 LO & BEHOLD® ‘Ice Chip’ (B. ‘Ice Chip’ pp#24,015, cbr#4664)                                      (B. ‘Purple Haze’ pp#24,514, cbr#4447)
          Its neat, low-spreading habit makes this the perfect flowering groundcover.                   Though it shares the dwarf habit, long blooming, and non-invasive nature of
          Crisp white blooms float above the silvery foliage. Flowers earlier than ‘Blue                other members of the series, this plant has distinctive horizontal branching
          Chip’. Awards: Bronze Medal Plantarium 2012.*                                                 and big, pendulous blooms that point downward for a lush look. Award: Silver
          USDA 5, AHS 9, 1.5-2' tall and 2-2.25' wide, gr 0.5                                           Medal at Groot Groen 2013.*
          summer rebloomer                                                                       10’
                                                                                                        USDA 5, AHS 9, 2-3' tall and 3' wide, gr 0.5
          Item #: 04612 - 2 ¼" • 04614 - 4" • 04615 - Quick Turn                                        summer rebloomer
                                                                                                        Item #: 04554 - 4" • 04555 - Quick Turn
           6 LO & BEHOLD® ‘Lilac Chip’ (B. ‘Lilac Chip’ pp#24,016, cbr#4663)
          An early blooming, soft lavender-pink selection. Awards: Best in Show             Lo & Behold® Series - Size, Bloom Onset, and Color Comparision
          Plantarium 2012; Plant Publicity Holland Visitor Award: Plantarium 2012.*         Bloom order:

          USDA 5, AHS 9, 1.5-2' tall and 2-2.25' wide, gr 0.5                                    Early summer                                                                       Mid-summer
          summer rebloomer
          Item #: 04602 - 2 ¼" • 04604 - 4" • 04605 - Quick Turn                                                                                                                                   2’

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                                                                                            * These non-invasive inter-specific varieties are permitted for sale in Oregon and Washington State.

Call Spring Meadow Nursery at (800) 633-8859 or visit us online at www.SpringMeadowNursery.com                                                                                                     27
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