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White papers for a green transition

Implementation of the European Energy Union

                                      INSIDE THIS WHITE PAPER

                                                        Clean Energy Sources

                                                            Energy Efficiency

                                                Sustainable Heating & Cooling

                                                  Sustainable Transportation

                                               Energy Markets across Borders

                                        FROM POLICY TO ACTION
                                  Implementation of European Energy Union
                                                Version 1.0
                                          Printed December 2018

                                              Front page photo
                             Illustration on the integration of renewable energy
                                  and energy efficiency in the energy system
                                           Credit: Henrik W. Sivertsen

                                                Editor in chief
                                                State of Green

                                               Technical Editors
                Danish Energy Association:     Jørgen Skovmose Madsen,
        Confederation of Danish Industries:    Lars Bach,
         Danish Agriculture & Food Council:    Kasper Bruun Knudsen,
                    Danish Energy Agency:      Mikkel Sørensen,
         Danish Wind Industry Association:     Camilla Holbech,

                                       Arla:   Peter Engelbrektsen,
                         Aalborg Portland:     Henriette Nikolajsen,
                              BetterHome:      Niels Kåre Bruun,
                               Best Green:     Simon Steen Kristensen,
                      City of Copenhagen:      Jeppe Grønholt-Pedersen,
                                     Clever:   Henrik Skyggebjerg,
                                      COWI:    Christian Mou,
                                     DAKA:     Erik Mansig,
                               Dall Energy:    Anders Bo Laugen,
                Danish Biogas Association:     Bruno Sander Nielsen,
                                    E-ferry:   Trine Heinemann,
                                Energinet:     Peter Bruhn,
                        European Energy:       Joachim Steenstrup,
                                Helsingør:     Thomas Hag,
                                    HOFOR:     Sannah Grüner,
                                    Radius:    Poul Brath,
                                Rockwool:      Susanne Dyrbøl,
              Rødkærsbro District Heating:     Frede Hansen,
                                 Siemens:      Lars Nielsen,
                                Vattenfall:    Esben Baltzer Nielsen,
                                    Vestas:    Anders Riis,
                                    Ørsted:    Tom Lehn-Christiansen,

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                To order copies of this white paper or receive information about other related
                    publications, please contact State of Green at

                                        Copyright State of Green 2018
The Energy Union – from paper to power               3

        The creation of the European Energy Union is a challenging
       and necessary ambition if Europe is to develop its position as
        a competitive, low carbon market. To achieve this, multiple
           technologies need to come into play, and – perhaps most
           importantly – we need to pursue integration of solutions
                   across the different pillars of the energy sector.

                                                                          By Maroš Šefcovic,
                                                      Vice President, European Commission,
                                                            responsible for the Energy Union

In 2014 the European Union set sail on a         EU co-legislators - the European Parliament     and sectors. Now it is up to Member States
journey towards a resilient Energy Union         and the Council - that together, we will        and industry to take the final steps in deliv-
with a forward-looking climate change            conclude all negotiations prior to the end of   ering on these objectives.
policy. By May 2018, one year before the end     our mandate.
of our mandate, the European Commission                                                          This white paper offers several concrete
has tabled the necessary legislation to          Afterwards, a new and equally important         solutions for Member States to boost both
enable this journey in its entirety. This        journey will begin, as the Member States        renewable energy and energy efficiency.
included vast proposals in order to overhaul     will implement what has been agreed at the      Furthermore, it dives into some of the
our electricity markets, which allow for         European level. The ambitious European          numerous possibilities to link and integrate
more renewable energy, boost energy effi-        targets for climate, renewable energy and       different parts of the energy system in the
ciency, ensure security of gas and electricity   energy efficiency, combined with well-func-     pursuit of a decarbonised and competitive
supplies and more.                               tioning markets, will be met through a com-     European economy. I am sure that it can
                                                 bination of national and European measures      serve as an inspiration to ensure a proper
The journey has, at times, been stormy,          and supported by a robust governance            and ambitious completion of the Energy
but the ships have remained on course.           system. A multitude of technologies and         Union.
Some have already reached shore, as files        solutions will need to come into play to
on, for instance, renewable energy, energy       reach the objectives of the Energy Union.
efficiency, buildings and governance were
agreed, while the last voyages for the files     From the outset, the Energy Union has been
on electricity market design will take place     designed to break down silos and ensure an
in the coming months. I have full faith in the   integrated approach across technologies

             The European energy challenge, targets and implementation
             When looking at the global climate challenges, the energy system is one of the biggest obstacles towards
             a carbon-free and net-zero future. The European Union has set ambitious objectives for an energy
             system, which integrates renewable energy and energy efficiency, as well as enabling a well-function-
             ing energy market. These elements in combination can support a robust and flexible energy system,
             which is vital towards a clean energy system. The targets have been set, and the next important step is
             for all member states to implement the ambitions locally. In this implementation real-life, competitive
             and scalable solutions are vital to share and show toward an effective transition.

             Undiscovered potential in existing technologies
             When looking at the energy challenge today, it is evident, that many of the solutions, which are needed
             already exists. Furthermore, these solutions have over the last decades through innovative break-
             throughs become competitive in a way that a green transition of the energy system can be cost-effi-
             cient. This is exemplified by the clean energy sources of offshore wind, onshore wind, solar, biomass and
             biogas energy technologies.

             A transition of the energy system that relies solely on renewable energy also requires a focus on the
             total amount of energy we consume. Both in industry and at the end user, energy efficiency measures
             exists which can achieve large savings in energy, costs and CO2 emissions.

             Integrated energy systems
             The integration of both renewable energy and energy efficiency measures in the European energy
             systems is pivotal for the transportation, heating and cooling sectors. These sectors are some of the
             most energy intensive, and are all still heavily reliant on fossil fuels. Therefore, this White Paper inves-
             tigates existing solutions in electric mobility, biofuels, district energy and individual heating solutions.
             Lastly, allowing for energy markets to be connected both domestically and across borders is key to
             enable a larger integration of renewables, as well as to ensure increased flexibility and security.

             The next steps
             It is clear that there still lies many obstacles ahead in order to reach the objectives of the European
             Energy Union. By showcasing existing solutions and technologies, this publication seeks to support the
             dialogue with an action-oriented approach, which hopefully can contribute to a green transition of the
             European energy systems.

The European Energy Union will secure a sustainable energy system.............................. 6-7
  Energy system integration ............................................................................................................................................ 8
  Long-term energy policies enabling the green transition...................................................................................... 9

Unleashing the potential of clean energy domestically....................................................... 10
  The world’s largest offshore wind farm.................................................................................................................... 10
  Biogas produced from manure and residues........................................................................................................... 12
  Onshore wind supplying clean electricity production........................................................................................... 12
  Developing the next generation of solar panels..................................................................................................... 13
  Helsingør’s switch to renewable heating................................................................................................................. 13

Unlocking the potential of energy efficiency ....................................................................... 14
  Hospital reducing energy in EPC project................................................................................................................... 15
  A home-owner centric one-stop-shop model for energy renovation............................................................... 16
  Use of surplus heat has led to substantial energy reductions at Danfoss....................................................... 17
  Arla Rødkærsbro - dairy and energy producer........................................................................................................ 17

Integrated Energy Systems................................................................................................ 18-19
  Hybrid solutions allowing for flexible energy systems......................................................................................... 19

		 Sustainable heating and cooling................................................................................20-21
			Smart district heating in Copenhagen with heat pumps............................................................................ 22
			 Award-winning heating and cooling ‘as-a-service’...................................................................................... 22
			 Surplus heat from industry supplying heating to citizens......................................................................... 23
			 District heating supplying clean energy......................................................................................................... 23

		Sustainable transportation........................................................................................24-25
			Electric vehicles moving Europe.......................................................................................................................26
			 Green public transport for growing urban populations..............................................................................26
			 Biodiesel as a circular solution to transportation......................................................................................... 27
			 Electrical zero-emission passenger ferry....................................................................................................... 27

		 Energy markets and cooperation.................................................................................... 28
			Cross border connections to enable flexible markets.................................................................................29
			 Storage solutions for a renewable electricity grid.......................................................................................29

6     The European Energy Union will secure a sustainable energy system

Goals are set, now the time is for EU and Member States to deliver

                 Since 2014, decision makers in the European Union have worked intensively to secure an
                   agreement on a futureproof European rule book which sets the path towards a secure,
                         competitive and clean energy system. It is a concrete regulatory framework that
                            provides the operational steps necessary to meet agreed political objectives.

Across the globe, societies, governments,        and businesses. To enable this, the Energy      in order to drive the necessary solutions
private actors and citizens are trying to        Union is based on five main pillars:            forward.
solve the challenges energy systems of the
future will bring. The European Union is a       •  ecurity, solidarity and trust
                                                   S                                             In this White Paper, the foundation of the
frontrunner within this field and is setting     • A fully integrated internal energy market    low-carbon transition of the European
objectives that will achieve a greener future    •  Energy efficiency                           energy system is built upon three elements:
through climate strategies and clearly           •   Climate action – decarbonising             renewable energy, energy efficiency and
defined objectives in the energy sphere.              the economy                                system integration. These elements are
Since the Energy Union strategy was              • Research, innovation and                     covered in the Energy Union, which seeks to
launched in February 2015, the Commission             competitiveness                            ensure a cost-effective integration of clean
has published several regulatory packages                                                        energy sources, promotion of energy effi-
to ensure the Energy Union is achieved.          All of the above are vital to ensure the        ciency and the integration across sectors
                                                 objectives of the Energy Union. The core        and across borders.
Both the so-called “Gas Package” from            of the Energy Union is cooperation and
February 2016 and the “Climate Package”          coordination between member states              A net-zero-emission economy in 2050 at
from July 2016 made significant changes to       supplemented by firm action within each         the latest implies that clean energy sources
the regulatory landscape of the European         individual member state. The implemen-          such as wind, solar, bio and others will be
energy sector. With the “Clean Energy            tation of the Energy Union is deemed as         the primary fuels to meet energy demand.
Package” and the “Clean Mobility Package"        the next important step. Currently, efforts     This requires a strong political framework,
,both of which are from November 2017, it        are centred around mobilising the member        coupled with an innovative private sector.
is fair to say that the Energy Union is indeed   states and the societies within represented     Today, renewables are able to compete with
a project that cuts across the traditional       by citizens, cities, rural areas, the private   fossil fuels in many scenarios, making them
sectors of the energy sector.                    sector, companies, researchers and not          not only the greenest, but also the most
                                                 least national politicians and policy makers.   cost-effective choice.
The Energy Union seeks to provide secure,        These actors will need to take ownership
affordable and clean energy for EU citizens      and responsibility of the Energy Union
The European Energy Union will secure a sustainable energy system                      7

A stable, competitive and green energy            The green transition                              in the EU. Boosting domestic energy effi-
system implies the efficient use of energy        creating jobs and growth                          ciency investments will create new business
resources as a method to increase the             The renewables sector is a driver of growth       opportunities for European companies such
utilisation of energy. This has a positive        and job creation. 1.4 million people were         as construction firms and manufacturers
impact on the CO2 footprint, but also the         employed in the renewables sector in 2016,        of energy-using or transport equipment,
bottom-line, as it can reduce marginal costs      generating a turnover of EUR 149 billion.         which is likely to have a positive impact on
for industry and citizens.                        The transition of the energy sector to one        overall economic growth in Europe.
                                                  powered primarily by renewables will not
Lastly, the integration of the energy system      only result in a more sustainable energy          Denmark has shown that many of the
is vital on multiple stages. In terms of energy   system, but also ensure green growth that         solutions that we need to implement in the
markets, connecting your country with your        will secure a just transition and long-term       Energy Union already exist today. However,
neighbours enables a more stable integra-         socioeconomic benefits. Gross employment          there is still a long way to go if we are to
tion of clean energy, as surplus renewable        in the provision of energy efficiency goods       reach the 2050 objective to fully decarbon-
production can be sold to neighbours to help      and services sold in the EU28 member              ise EU’s economy. The cases, solutions and
meet their energy demands. Furthermore,           states in 2010 amounted to approximately 1        learnings presented on the next pages will
the heating and cooling sectors, as well as       million jobs. Inclusion of activities that have   hopefully further qualify how the transition
the transport sector, are facing an urgent        the potential to realise energy savings,          and implementation across both European
need to transform their fuel input, which         but are not purchased primarily for that          member states as well as other internation-
will allow them to be powered by electricity      purpose, would increase the job account to        al actors working towards a low-carbon and
and clean energy sources.                         2.4 million jobs. That would amount to ap-        green economy can be achieved.
                                                  proximately 1 percent of total employment

    •	At least 40 percent reduction in greenhouse gas emissions compared to 1990 levels
    •	At least 32 percent share of renewable energy consumption
    •	Improvement of energy efficiency at EU level of at least 32.5 percent
    •	The revised Energy Performance of Buildings Directive with an increased renovation rate and smarter buildings
    •	At least 14 percent of the transport fuel of every EU country come from renewable sources
    •	Increase the share of renewables in the heating sector by 1.3 percentage points a year
    •	Develop further sustainability criteria for biomass
    •	Support the completion of the internal energy market by achieving the existing electricity interconnection target of 10 percent by
       2020, with a view to reaching 15 percent by 2030
8   The European Energy Union will secure a sustainable energy system

Energy system integration is about tapping into the
combined strength of these energy systems and
maximizing the value of every unit of energy we use


Energy systems integration is an                                                    Energy system integration
approach to solving big energy                                                         brings the whole energy
challenges that explores ways                                                       system together providing
for energy systems to work more                                                     greater flexibility and more
efficiently on their own                Low-carbon energy systems                      diverse energy sources.
and with each other.

                                       Balancing supply and demand

                                          Long-term perspectives

                                              Consumer access

                                        Flexibility of energy sources

                                    Competitive market based solutions


                                         Energy access and security
Renewable                                                                                      Energy
  energy                                                                                      efficiency
                               While most energy sources, delivery systems and
                            demand-response programs are treated as stand-alone
                           technologies today, energy system integration examines
                              how they can optimally work together as a system.
The European Energy Union will secure a sustainable energy system                      9

   •	Becoming a net-zero emission society                            •	Energy and climate research will receive a cash injection
                                                                         with a target of DKK 1 billion (EUR 134 million) by 2024
   •	Independent of fossil fuels by 2050
                                                                      •	DKK 500 million (EUR 67 million) is allocated to green
   •	Phasing out coal in the Danish electricity                         transportation in 2020-2024, in order to enhance green
      production by 2030                                                 mobility and transportation

   •	50 percent renewable energy in the total                        •	A modernisation of the heating sector, where both the
      energy mix by 2030                                                 district heating sector and the consumers can freely
                                                                         decide future investments, resulting in cheap heating
   •	Renewable energy: Build three new offshore wind farms              for both companies and consumers. Electrification
      by 2030 with a total of minimum 2400 MW as well as                 achieved through relaxation in electricity and electric
      expand the production of green biogas                              heating taxes

   •	Introduce a competitive tender process, where different         •	From 2021 to 2024, DKK 100 million (EUR 67 million)
      technologies such as onshore wind turbines and solar               annually will be allocated to a market-based grant pool
      cells can compete on delivering green electricity at the           focused on energy savings
      lowest price

Long-term energy policies enabling the green transition               setting and achieving ambitious long-term targets. This drives and
The Danish Energy Model has shown that it is possible to sustain      enables investments in green technologies and their deployment.
economic growth and a high standard of living while reducing          In doing so, it is possible to achieve a green transition of the energy
fossil fuel dependency and mitigating climate change. This has        system in a cost-effective way. This is due to the fact that the
been achieved through persistent and active energy policies with      political structure allows multiple actors to engage, who can then
ambitious renewable energy and energy efficiency objectives that      develop innovative and cheaper solutions. Green technologies then
have been supplemented with efficient infrastructures, regulations    become not only the most sustainable choice, but also the most
and forward looking R&D programmes. Over the last 40 years, the       cost-effective choice, where they, in many cases, outcompete fossil
Danish political framework on energy and climate has been char-       fuels.
acterised by an ambitious, long-term outlook and broad political
support. This was also evident on June 29 2018, where the Danish      The Danish case seeks to stimulate and inspire low-carbon growth
government signed an energy agreement with the support of all the     globally. For example, Denmark has demonstrated that energy
sitting parties in the Danish parliament. The agreement reaffirms     consumption and carbon emissions can be radically improved while
and strengthens Denmark's climate and energy goals leading up to      maintaining a sound and resilient economy. The next steps towards
2030.                                                                 the green transition and green growth are expected to be founded
                                                                      on strong international cooperation and partnerships.
Political agreements on energy have been achieved with broad
consensus in the Danish Parliament, where they serve as a basis for                          Danish Ministry for Energy, Utility and Climate
10    Unleashing the power of clean energy domestically

         Over the last few years, wind, solar and bioenergy have become the preferred new generation
                         technology as the energy sector is being expanded and renewed across Europe.

Since the 1990s, the consumption of energy        generation technologies as the energy            Biomass and biogas plants can integrate
imports in the EU has been increasing             sector is being expanded and renewed             waste and residues from European agri-
and in 2016 the percentage reached 53.6           across Europe.                                   culture, industry, household and forestry
percent. This equates to a cost of more than                                                       sectors to contribute further to a stable
EUR 1 billion per day for European citizens.      Competitive clean energy                         power and heat supply. Apart from produc-
Trading energy across borders is not in           When built on optimal sites and in optimal       ing energy, biogas has the simultaneous
itself a problem, but history has shown that      conditions, both offshore wind, onshore          benefits of improving the environmental
being too dependent on foreign energy             wind and solar power are now able to             and climate foot print in agriculture. The
supplies can make regions vulnerable to           be established without subsidies. As             development of biogas production is crucial
both economic and political developments          technological solutions develop, and the         in terms of replacing natural gas in Europe.
that are outside of their control. It is there-   functioning of energy and carbon markets         With recently adopted common rules in the
fore natural that the EU aims to minimise         improve, this tendency will continue to          renewables directive, this will be done in a
its import dependency and diversify import        spread. The expansion of competitive             sustainable manner across Europe.
routes.                                           tendering for renewable energy to cover
                                                  the entire scope of the projects could help      The potential for renewable energy is
Recent years have seen a significant drop         reduce costs further.                            tremendous. In 2018, the International
in costs for renewable energy. This is                                                             Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) esti-
particularly evident in the case of wind          Intelligent design of competitive tender         mated that renewables could realistically
and solar energy, both of which provide a         processes when it comes to volumes,              meet 34 percent of energy consumption
cheap, clean and domestic alternative to          scope, window of establishment etc. will         in Europe in 2030, compared to 17 percent
energy imports. Over the last few years,          help underscore the movement towards             in 2015. Other projections are even more
investments in wind, solar and bioenergy          zero-subsidy projects.                           optimistic, which will be reflected on in this
have exceeded investment in conventional                                                           chapter.

Photo: Matthias Ibeler

The world’s largest offshore wind farm                                     industry. In Europe, electricity from new offshore wind farms can
In September 2018, the 659MW Walney Extension was inaugurated              now compete with coal, gas and nuclear power plants. This makes
in the Irish Sea. It is the world’s largest offshore wind farm, generat-   offshore wind a feasible alternative, as Europe is phasing out coal to
ing enough energy to power nearly 600,000 UK homes annually. It is         reduce fossil dependence and limit climate change.
also the first project consisting of wind turbines from two different
manufacturers, MHI Vestas and Siemens Gamesa.                              Today, more than 16GW offshore wind is installed in Europe. Studies
                                                                           reveal the economically viable potential exceeds 600GW – enough
Completed on time and on budget, the Walney Extension is a testa-          to match the production capacity of every European coal fired power
ment to the incredible development that offshore wind energy has           plant – twice.
undergone since the first pioneering projects in the beginning of the                                                                   Ørsted
1990s. The cost of energy has diminished with the maturation of the
Unleashing the power of clean energy domestically   11
12    Unleashing the power of clean energy domestically

Biogas produced from manure and residues                                 The plant has gradually expanded, and in 2017 it handled 450,000
The Danish biogas plant Linko Gas was established in 1992 by 60          tonnes of livestock manure and residues (55 percent cattle slurry
local farmers who still own the plant in a co-operative. The main        and 25 percent pig slurry). In 2018, Linkogas started a new expansion
objective is as a service facility to handle the livestock manure from   including a new organic line, which brings the capacity up to 600,000
the farmers. The process improves the fertiliser value and reduce        tonnes per year. In the first 25 years the biogas was co-generated to
the environmental and climate footprint due to reduced leaching of       electricity to the grid and heat to the local district heating system. In
nitrates and reduced emissions of greenhouse gases. Furthermore,         2017, Linkogas established an upgrading plant operated by Ørsted
the smell from the manure is reduced. Linkogas also handles organic      and the biogas is now injected into the national gas grid.
residues from food industry and source separated household waste
bringing the nutrients back in a circular economy.                                                                                     Linko Gas

Onshore wind supplying clean electricity production                      wind speed of 8 metres per second, the area is perfect for energy
Denmark has been a first mover, when it comes to capturing wind          production. When 35 old turbines were replaced by 22 modern,
resources for electricity production. Technology has improved            highly efficient turbines, the energy production more than tripled.
tremendously since the first modern day turbines were developed.         Today the wind farm can cover the annual electricity consumption of
Great potential exists for repowering the old sites, which will reduce   64,000 Danish households, making it one of the largest in Denmark
the number of turbines, lessen the impact on the surrounding area        as measured by energy production.
and at the same time increase the production of fossil free energy.                                                   Jammerbugt Kommune,
This is the case with Vattenfall’s Klim Wind Farm. With an average                                   local landowners, Siemens and Vattenfall

                                                                                                            Photo: Nordhagen Kommunikation
Unleashing the power of clean energy domestically                    13

Developing the next generation of solar panels                              panel. Researchers and employees from European Energy will test
The price of solar energy has dropped approximately 90% over the            bifacial panels in combination with tracking (where solar panels
past 10 years. It is now cheaper than conventional power plants in          automatically move to follow the sun throughout the day) and inter-
many markets. Further improvements to both the price and perfor-            action with different storage technologies.
mance of solar energy is expected to continue. Danish developer
European Energy recently opened a first of its kind test centre in          European Energy estimate that the research can improve the
Europe. The centre is built on the campus of the Technical University       harvest of solar energy by up to 20% using only off-the-shelf
of Denmark, where it will test the latest solar power technologies.         solar modules and structures. The new test centre will support the
                                                                            continued development of solar energy as a key technology in the
This includes bifacial solar cells, which, in contrast to the traditional   future energy system.
monofacial solar cells, harvest solar energy from both sides of the                                                         European Energy

Helsingør’s switch to renewable heating                                     Sustainable biomass is a CO2-neutral fuel, primarily meaning that the
In the municipality of Helsingør, the city’s combined heat and power        CO2 emitted from the incineration of the wood chips is absorbed by
plant is undergoing a renewal process, converting from one that runs        reforested woods. When finished by the end of 2018, the moderni-
on natural gas to one that uses wood chips, which will primarily be         sation of the plant will lead to an annual reduction in CO2 emissions of
sourced locally. The plant adheres to the requirements laid out in the      up to by 80,000 tonnes. This translates into an annual reduction in
voluntary industry agreement between Danish Energy Association              emissions from district heating production in Helsingør by up to 88
and the Danish District Heating Association, guaranteeing that heat         percent, including emissions stemming from the domestic transpor-
and power generation will be based on sustainable biomass. It will          tation of the wood chips used for production.
further adhere to recently adopted sustainability criteria adopted at
EU level in the Renewables Directive.                                                                                         Forsyning Helsingør
14   Unlocking the potential of energy efficiency

Building an energy efficient EU Energy Union

                              Energy efficiency is a core part of the EU Energy Union. A green and competitive
                                      European economy will rely on the cost-efficient utilisation of the huge
                                                         potential that lies within energy efficiency measures.

The importance of energy efficiency as a key    can deliver 35 percent of the cumulative CO2   These investments are well in line with the
instrument towards a low-carbon economy         savings required by 2050 to meet the Paris     fact that IEA (2014) estimates that with the
has been stated in the European Clean           Agreement’s temperature goals, according       current pathway, two thirds of the global
Energy Package, where EU has increased          to the IEA (2018).                             energy efficiency potential will remain
the European energy efficiency target from                                                     untapped in 2035. In buildings, less than 20
at least 27 percent to at least 32.5 percent    Still huge global potential in                 percent of the economically viable potential
in 2030. A more efficient use of energy will    increasing energy efficiency                   will be achieved. Similarly, less than 40
allow Europeans to lower their energy bills     The global investment in energy efficiency     percent in the transport sector and less
and help protect the environment. Energy        reveals an upward looking trend and the        than 45 percent in industry will be achieved.
efficiency should be increased at all stages    IEA (2017) has calculated that investments     Energy intensity differs significantly across
of the energy chain, from generation to final   in energy efficiency investments amounted      sectors, as well as across EU member states
consumption.                                    to to EUR 202 billion in 2016. Consequently,   borders. The increasing global focus on
                                                energy efficiency investments represent        energy efficiency, together with strong
Energy efficiency will deliver                  13.6 percent of the EUR 1.49 trillion          cases of cost effective energy efficiency
on climate targets                              invested across the entire energy market.      projects will pave the way for further efforts
The EU has agreed on the “energy ef-            Investments in efficient buildings account     and investments.
ficiency first” principle. Consequently,        for 58 percent of the investments in energy
energy efficiency improvements need to          efficiency, whereas the transport sector       This chapter shows a selection of innovative
be realised whenever they are more cost         comprises 26 percent and the industry 16       and energy efficient solutions.
effective than equivalent supply side           percent.
solutions. End use energy efficiency alone
Unlocking the potential of energy efficiency               15

Hospital reducing energy in EPC project                                building management, energy management, intelligent controlled
Hvidovre Hospital in Copenhagen has an objective of reducing total     bed rooms, photo voltage, turbocor cooling, ventilation, water
energy consumption by 15 percent and already by 2020, 10 percent       savings and freezer technology. With an investment of EUR 24
of the hospital’s energy needs should come from renewable sources.     million, this EPC project is one of the largest of its kind in Europe.
Among the measures utilised to reach this target is to renovate the    Siemens is guaranteeing the significant energy savings – where
technical facilities in the 245,000 m² buildings and to expand the     energy expanded on heating is reduced by 41 percent, electricity by
capacity of the hospital’s own renewable energy sources.               23 percent and water by 7 percent – this provides the project with
                                                                       a payback time of 10 years. The project won the European Energy
This is being implemented by Siemens as an Energy Performance          Service Project in 2017.
Contracting (EPC) project that covers technologies such as lighting,                                         Siemens and Hvidovre Hospital
16   Unlocking the potential of energy efficiency

A home-owner centric one-stop-shop model                                solutions based on specific preferences, covering energy improve-
for energy renovation                                                   ments on the building envelope, heating, cooling, ventilation and
Renovating buildings to reduce energy demand is a key tool to           hot water systems. The process is holistically planned; optimising
combat climate change. Across the planet more than 40 percent of        the value chain by minimising efficiency losses, miscommunication
greenhouse gas emissions are derived from energy consumption            and avoiding lock-in effects.
in buildings. Reaching the Paris Agreement’s goals requires urgent
action to avoid further lock in to inefficient and climate vulnerable   As facilitator, BetterHome is transforming a complex and fragment-
buildings and homes. This will require upscaled investment in reno-     ed renovation process into a simple and straightforward procedure
vating existing building stock.                                         for the home-owner, thereby ensuring a reliable and smooth
                                                                        process. For the installers, BetterHome clusters suitable projects
Europe faces a profound challenge – to triple the current renovation    and helps them to better structure the renovation process.
rate in order to meet its climate and energy goals. For building
owners, the renovation process can be a hassle, shaped by the           The figures show the success of the model. BetterHome started in
ambiguity of implementation measures. Uncertainty about how to          Denmark in 2014 as an initiative by four leading Danish companies
tackle the renovation process is one of the reasons why the annual      Danfoss, Grundfos, ROCKWOOL and VELUX and was already profita-
renovation rate continues to linger at around 1 percent and private     ble after just 3 years. Today, they have a network of more than 3,500
investments remain limited. Achieving the full market potential of      installers, seven banks and three utilities. Initially, the main focus for
renovation calls for a paradigm shift, where a more service-oriented    the BetterHome model was deep renovation projects of single-fam-
supply side together with a deeper awareness on the demand side         ily houses, but the business model is now being redeveloped to
play a key role.                                                        support renovation projects of multifamily buildings as well. For sin-
                                                                        gle-family houses the average project investment is approximately
Facilitating a simple renovation process                                EUR 70,000 with energy savings of approximately 30 - 70 percent.
BetterHome delivers a comprehensive, digital one-stop-shop
service in partnership with key players in the construction value                               BetterHome, ROCKWOOL, Danfoss, Grundfos
chain, including banks. The home-owner is offered tailor-made
Unlocking the potential of energy efficiency              17

Use of surplus heat has led to substantial                              heating on four 500 kW heat pumps reduces annual gas consump-
energy reductions at Danfoss                                            tion by 1.2 million m³, shaving off 2,700 tonnes of CO₂ emissions and
For years, Danfoss has worked to reduce its factories' global energy    generating an annual saving of DKK 3.4 million (EUR 455,600). This
consumption. To that end, Danfoss and COWI entered into a close         project is a classic case of the green transition in practice, where
collaboration to review energy saving potentials. Danfoss factories     fossil fuels are replaced with green electricity. In the longer term,
typically require a lot of heat and generate vast amounts of surplus    a collaboration between Danfoss and the local district heating
heat. Therefore, an energy saving initiative was implemented,           company in Nordborg could result in the recovery and export of
focusing on heat pumps and on producing central heating using the       another 3,700 MWh of surplus heat, shaving off an additional 0.4
low-temperature surplus heat.                                           million m³ of gas and 900 tonnes of CO₂.

The initiative includes a heat recovery project at Danfoss’ main site                                      Danfoss , COWI, Johnson Controls
in Nordborg, Denmark. Coproduction of cooling water and central

Arla Rødkærsbro - Dairy and energy producer                             town of Rødkærsbro. Arla and Rødkærsbro district heating plant es-
The Arla dairy in Rødkærsbro in Denmark is an example of true           tablished 2.5 km pipelines to transport excess heat from the dairy’s
circularity. The dairy is one of the largest producers of mozzarella    biogas motor and the hot wastewater. This delivers district heat for
in Europe and is also an energy producer. In 2017, the dairy has        600 local citizens.
restructured from labour-intensive to a highly energy efficient and
automated dairy.                                                        That way the cattle farms create milk, biogas and electricity for the
                                                                        dairy, and the resulting excess heat is then used to produce district
The dairy buys biogas based on manure, which is produced at two         heating for the local town.
neighbouring cattle farms that also delivers milk to the dairy. The                                                               Arla Foods
surplus heat from biogas usage and wastewater from the dairy is                                                  Rødkærsbro District Heating
utilised for sustainable and cheap heat for the district heating in
18    Integrated Energy Systems

Integration of clean energy and energy efficiency across the system

                                 In order to achieve the goals of the European Energy Union, both renewable
                              energy and energy efficiency need to be integrated across the energy system.
                           This includes the energy intensive heavy sectors as transportation and heating &
                                                cooling, as well an enabling an energy market across borders.

Producing clean energy and using our             is generated from renewable energy. In           The sections to come will investigate the
energy more wisely through efficiency            the transport sector, oil supplies about         potentials in these sectors as well as show-
measures are both vital pillars of the future    94 percent of all energy used to power           casing some of the solutions we see already
energy system. However, the third and            European cars, trucks, ships and planes.         today. Lastly, the third section will underline
equally important pillar is about integrating    These sectors rely on large industrial,          the importance of integrating the energy
these elements in the energy system. Some        infrastructure and technology investments        system not only within the member states,
of the sectors that are most challenged in       in order to fully reach the potentials as well   but also across borders. Both challenges,
reaching the European targets are transpor-      as providing access for all citizens.            but most of all solutions will be presented
tation as well as heating & cooling. In the EU                                                    in order to better comprehend the possible
only 16 percent of the heating and cooling                                                        implementation paths towards 2030.
Integrated Energy Systems             19

                                                                                                                  Photo: Vestas wind systems

Hybrid solutions allowing for flexible energy systems                   harnessed and monetised, connecting energy with value. In Greece,
When looking at integrated energy systems, the grid is a key chal-      the Louzes Wind Power Plant was established in 2008, featuring 24
lenge. Both grid stability, as well as market fluctuations and demand   MW of wind power capacity. In 2012, a 1 MW solar power plant was
patterns, require innovative solutions, which can integrate multiple    integrated with the existing wind power plant, becoming a hybrid
renewable energy sources to adapt and mitigate to the challenges        power plant through sharing interconnection facilities. MW-scale
of the future energy system.                                            grid connected solutions such as this that diversify energy genera-
                                                                        tion to power plants enable you to be more competitive by enhancing
Working closely with customers, Vestas has developed different          the utilisation of resources relative to plant capacity as well as being
hybrid power plant solutions covering the full project’s value chain,   able to deliver a consistent, predictable supply of energy over time.
from siting to construction, grid connection and service.
Hybrid power plant solutions can change the way in which energy is                                                       Vestas Wind Systems
20    Sustainable heating and cooling

Creating a green transition of the heating and cooling sector

     Heating and cooling are some of the most energy intensive sectors in today’s energy mix and most
     of the energy used for heating and cooling today is provided by fossil fuels. Therefore, integrating
             renewables and energy efficiency measures is vital to reach a sustainable energy system.
Sustainable heating and cooling         21

More than 70 percent of EU's heat gener-        In Denmark, heating is expected to be virtu-    for existing fossil fuel Combined Heat and
ation comes from fossil fuels. At the same      ally carbon free by 2030. This ambition will    Power plants (CHP) to be retrofitted into
time, heating represents approximately          be achieved on the basis of several years of    plants that produce heat generated by
50 percent of final energy consumption in       long term heat planning. Integration across     renewables.
Europe.                                         sectors is a core element in completing the
                                                final stretch. Much of the development has      Currently, the utilisation of excess heat
If the heating supply is to live up to the      been achieved through the large-scale           from industry and even supermarkets in
objectives of the Energy Union, it needs to     transition to district heating, which is an     Denmark as an input in the district energy
be better integrated with the rest of the       important infrastructural premise that          system is increasing. This is achieved
energy system. As the price of renewable        must be present to broadly integrate            through an increased use of heat pumps.
energy has fallen, low-carbon electricity       renewable sources. Today approximately 2        The European Union estimates that 100
presents a green and sustainable alter-         out of 3 households are supplied by district    percent of all building’s heating demand in
native to fossil fuels in the heating sector.   heating in Denmark, which allows a more         Europe can be covered by this excess heat,
This can be via large scale heat pumps in       efficient heat supply if produced centrally     which is why the capture of this resource
combination with district heating or as an      in densely populated areas. More than           has a large potential in reaching the 2030
individual heating option. Furthermore,         60 percent of that heat is produced from        targets.
waste heat from both conventional power         renewable sources. The primary renewa-
production and industry can increase effi-      ble source is biomass (hay, wood pellets,       This chapter will showcase the key technol-
ciency and reduce the carbon foot print of      household waste etc.), which has replaced       ogies when it comes to decarbonising the
the heating supply.                             the use of coal, oil and natural gas. Biomass   heating and cooling sector towards 2030.
                                                is an important transition fuel, as it allows
22    Sustainable heating and cooling

Smart district heating in Copenhagen with heat pumps                      of the technology in interplay with a district heating system and
Large electric heat pumps are expected to be a key technol-               as storage for wind power.
ogy in the future energy system. District heating companies
in Copenhagen are spearheading an innovation partnership                  The results from the test programs will provide extensive data
regarding the establishment of a large scale ammonia heat                 material relevant to district heating companies and the heat pump
pump (5 MW heat delivery) for demonstration purposes. The                 sector in terms of demonstration and maturing the technology. This
partnership represents key players with expert knowledge from             will contribute to diversifying green production technologies for
industry, research institutions and the district heating sector and       district heating in the future and increase the utilisation of wind and
receives funding from the Danish Energy Agency. The purpose of            sun energy.
the project is to test which heat sources are suitable for district                                                           HOFOR, CTR, VEKS
heating and to determine the reliability, efficiency and flexibility

Award-winning heating and cooling ‘as-a-service’                          The system is delivered by Best Green, who offer heat as a service to
 With its 2,600 m2, Resilience House, located near Vejle in the           private actors, business and municipalities in areas without district
western part of Denmark, is an international lighthouse for the           heating. Best Green purchases, installs and maintains a heat pump
development of resilient solutions. The intelligent heating and           solution at the client, who thereby avoids service and maintenance
cooling system in the building proves that heat pumps are more than       costs. The energy needed to run the system is based entirely on wind
a sustainable alternative to traditional heating. The heating and         and sun energy, making the solution carbon neutral. The heating
cooling system consists of energy wells and heat pumps. During the        solution won the ‘DecarbBuilding’ award in 2018 by the European
winter months, the heat pumps heat the building, while cooling, the       Heat Pump Association – an award given to the most sustainable
residual product of heat production, is stored in the energy wells.       buildings in Europe operating on heat pumps.
This cooling is applied in reverse to cool the building down during the
summer.                                                                                                                              Best Green

                                                                                                                              Photo: Best Green
Sustainable heating and cooling               23

Surplus heat from industry supplying heating to citizens
In order to produce cement, raw materials such as limestone and           The Aalborg Portland cement factory supplies surplus heat from
sand have to be burned at temperatures of up to 1500°C. Due               production in the form of district heating to the residents of
to this high temperature process, the Aalborg Portland cement             Aalborg. In 2017, this surplus heat corresponded to the annual heat
factory has enormous supplies of excess heat. One of the main             consumption of approximately24,000 households. There are also
sources of waste heat is the flue gas streams from the white kilns.       other projects in the works to utilise excess heat, such as reusing the
The solution to this energy loss was to implement a heat recovery         hot air from the grey kiln’s clinker cooler as primary inlet air to all the
system, in which the flue gasses from the five white kilns are uti-       white kilns and one of Aalborg Portland’s coal mills.
lised in heat exchanger installations to transfer the thermal energy
from the flue gas to Aalborg’s district heating network.                                                                          Aalborg Portland

District heating supplying clean energy                                   Trading System).
Dall Energy is currently designing a 17 MW district heating plant for     The patented Dall Energy gasification process is a modern alterna-
Dalkia in France. The plant will be based on Dall Energy’s gasification   tive to traditional grate combustion and offers low maintenance
technology, which is developed in Denmark. Dalkia is responsible          costs combined with high fuel flexibility. This ensures sustainable
for a large-scale expansion of the district heating network in the        biomass of various qualities can be sourced locally at a cost which
city of Rouen. Part of this upgrade is the installation of new heat       is lower than normal for high-quality woodchips. This project has
generation capacity. The plant will be based on the gasification of       received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research
biomass in order to reduce the city’s environmental footprint for         and innovation programme.
non-ETS sectors (sectors not quota regulated via the EU Emissions                                                          Dall Energy & Dalkia
24   Sustainable transportation

Accelerating the decarbonisation of the transport sector

  Private, heavy and maritime transport produces a large CO2 footprint today and this footprint has
 only increased over the last decade.Decarbonising the transportation of goods and people is one of
                        the largest challenges, but also represents one of the biggest opportunities.
Sustainable transportation              25

From 1990 to 2016, most of the major GHG            and more collective transportation. All of       of biogas, sustainable biofuels or even
emitting sectors (electricity, heat, industry       these technologies can contribute to a           electrofuels.
and buildings) managed to reduce CO2                decarbonised transport sector and thereby
emissions. However, transport (especially           achieve clean energy objectives.                 The revision of the Renewable Energy
road transport) is a noticeable exemption                                                            Directive includes a target of incorporating
from this trend. For this reason, the share         Existing solutions can be                        14 percent renewable energy in the trans-
of GHG emissions from transport in the EU           implemented today                                portation sector, which paves the way for
went from 15 percent to 24 percent during           Sales of electric vehicles are accelerating      the increased deployment of electricity,
this period of time. The transport sector has       at unprecedented speeds as the selection         biogas and biofuels. 1st generation biofuels
traditionally been difficult to decarbonise         of models is widening and battery costs          generated from feed and food crops will be
due to the lack of alternatives to gasoline         are falling. A MIT study from 2016 suggests      phased out. Instead this opens for incor-
and diesel combustion engines. However,             the 87 percent of all trips in passenger cars    porating more sustainable and advanced
recent years have shown promising alterna-          can be made in electric vehicles. As battery     biofuels based on waste and by-products
tives developing.                                   range increases and charging infrastructure      from agriculture, industry and households.
                                                    deployments accelerate, this share will be       Investments in sustainable transportation
Road transport accounts for more than 70            even higher in the future. Solutions to heavy    have to be planned over the long term.
percent of GHG emissions in the transport           duty vehicles are also entering the market.      Decisions taken over the next few years
sector in Europe and passenger cars alone           The first steps towards the use of electricity   will define the landscape for decades.
account for more than 40 percent. However,          and biogas in city buses are already being       Investments that make better use of the
it is clear that road transport is also where       deployed across Europe. Furthermore, the         infrastructure, create less congestion and
the most readily available technical solu-          development within advanced biofuels has         ensure a better traffic flow will all contribute
tions can be found.                                 the potential to reduce carbon emissions         to sustainable transport. The political will
                                                    from heavy duty vehicles significantly. Even     need to accompanied by a willingness to
It is crucial to bring all available technologies   maritime transport is starting to move. In       support innovation, research and develop-
into play – electric cars, trains and buses, bio­   particular, short sea shipping routes can        ment in current and future solutions within
fuels, plug-in hybrids, biogas, electrofuels        benefit from electrification and the use         all technologies.
26   Sustainable transportation

                                                                                                                                 Photo: Clever

Electric vehicles moving Europe
The number of electric vehicles sold worldwide has reached 4            In addition, Clever is rolling out ultra-fast charging stations along
million. This happened only six months after the 3 million mark was     freeways from Norway to Italy with funding from the EU, making
reached. Both European and national legislation will boost sales        e-mobility truly borderless. By 2020, Clever and E.ON will roll out 180
further, ramping up the demand for user-friendly and reliable charg-    ultra-fast charging stations in seven different countries. The charg-
ing infrastructure.                                                     ing stations will be placed along intervals of 120 - 180 kilometres on
                                                                        European highways, which will essentially facilitate electric vehicle
Clever meets the new demands with the design of the first ever          transportation from Norway to Italy. The project will consist of
flat-rate charging subscription fused with the purchase of new          ultra-fast 150 kW to 350 kW charging points. This will enable cus-
electric vehicles sold in Denmark to give customers the freedom and     tomers to charge cars to a 400 km reach level within 15-20 minutes.
mobility to charge where and when it suits them – at home, at work
and on the go.                                                                                                                          Clever

Green public transport for growing urban populations                    public transport network as a whole. Since 2017, Copenhagen’s – and
Throughout the globe, Copenhagen is renowned for its sustainable        Scandinavia’s – busiest bus route has been served by carbon neutral
urban development and high quality of life. However, the city is cur-   busses running on biogas, which transport 20 million passengers a
rently expanding with 1000 new inhabitants every month. As such         year. In 2019, a new metro circle line will open, along with two new
there is a need for new, smart solutions and efficient, green public    electric bus routes. This is part of an ongoing drive to replace all of
transport to accommodate these multitudes of new Copenhageners          the city’s diesel busses with greener (zero emission) alternatives by
– and to achieve the ambitious goal of becoming the world’s first       2025, which will save the city approximately 17,865 tonnes of CO2
carbon neutral capital by 2025.                                         and 38.8 tonnes of nitrogen oxides a year.

Copenhagen has already made great strides. The city has an efficient                                                      City of Copenhagen
metro network and is currently investing heavily in expanding its
Sustainable transportation            27

Biodiesel as a circular solution to transportation                      environmentally friendly businesses and models that tackle future
As the world and the European Union in particular have renewed          challenges. Daka ecoMotion is one of the companies tackling these
efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, the quest to find alter-    challenges through the production of 55 million litres of advanced
native fuels for the transportation sector has intensified.             biodiesel. Daka ecoMotion utilises animal by-products, mainly from
                                                                        Danish agriculture, and refines animal fat into biodiesel.
Heavy-duty vehicles are responsible for 25 percent of all CO2
emissions arising from road transport in the EU. The European           With an 83 percent reduction of CO2 emissions compared to con-
Commission’s target is to reduce CO2 emissions from heavy-duty          ventional fuels, renewable biodiesel from Daka ecoMotion has the
vehicles by 15 percent in 2025 compared to 2019 levels and at least     potential to be one of the major contributors to fulfill the EU’s CO2
30 percent in 2030 compared to 2019 levels. Biofuels significantly      reduction targets in the heavy-duty vehicle sector.
contributes to reach these goals.
                                                                                                                              Daka Denmark
Continuous focus on sustainable growth has generated several

Electrical zero-emission passenger ferry                                due to its 4.3 MWh battery capacity and its 4 MW charging effect.
The transport sector is responsible for a large percentage of GHG       The E-ferry will be charged with certified green electricity and will
emissions worldwide. This is certainly the case on the island of Ærø    be a zero-emission vessel. Compared to existing ferries servicing the
in the Southern Danish archipelago, where transport accounts for        island of Ærø, the E-ferry will reduce emissions of 2 000 tonnes of
up to 40 percent of the total GHG emissions. Together with eight        CO2, 41 500 kg of NOx and 1 350 kg of SO2 annually.
European partners from research and industry and with co-funding
from the European Commission’s Horizon 2020 Innovation Fund, the                              Leclanché, Danfoss Editron, Tuco Marine Group,
Municipality of Ærø has therefore started the E-Ferry project. The             Consulting Naval Architect Jens Kristensen, Hellenic Institute
goal is to design, build and demonstrate a fully electric, zero-emis-       of Transport, Danish Maritime Authority, Søby Shipyard, Danish
sions vehicle and passenger ferry. The E-ferry will be able to cover      Institute of Fire and Security Technology, The Municipality of Ærø
distances seven times longer than current battery-electric vessels,

                                                                                      The E-ferry project has received funding
                                                                                      from the European Union’s Horizon 2020
                                                                                         research and innovation programme.
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