FUTURE DEMANDS AN ANTHOLOGY OF IDEAS - Insights on the housing and mortgage market in 2021 & beyond - HL Partnership

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FUTURE DEMANDS AN ANTHOLOGY OF IDEAS - Insights on the housing and mortgage market in 2021 & beyond - HL Partnership
                   Insights on the housing and mortgage market in 2021 & beyond

                   AN ANTHOLOGY OF IDEAS
JA NUARY 2 0 2 1

FUTURE DEMANDS AN ANTHOLOGY OF IDEAS - Insights on the housing and mortgage market in 2021 & beyond - HL Partnership


    Foreword		                                                                          04

    Contributors		                                                                      06

    The year in data		                                                                  08


    A plan for our shared future                        Rt Hon Christopher Pincher MP   10

    Estate agency in 2021                               David Plumtree                  14

    Time for some joined up thinking                    Simon Brown                     18

    Vive la révolution!                                 Maria Harris                    22

    At the end of the storm, there's a golden sky       Ying Tan                        26

    Something remarkable happened…                      Stephen Smith                   30

    Futuristic lessons from the Stone Age               Payal Jain                      34

    Resilience in the face of the storm                 Alex Maddox                     38

    Subscribing to change                               Niki Cooke                      42

    The role of leaders in challenging times            Dominic Scott                   46

    Home is where the heart is                          Jeremy Duncombe                 50

    An insight led future                               Damian Thompson                 54

    There's no such thing as a free holiday             Andrew Montlake                 58

    Beating the pandemic together                       Louisa Sedgwick                 62

    Data: evolution or revolution?                      Phil Bailey                     66

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FUTURE DEMANDS AN ANTHOLOGY OF IDEAS - Insights on the housing and mortgage market in 2021 & beyond - HL Partnership
FUTURE DEMANDS                                                                                        FUTURE DEMANDS

JAMES TUCKER                                                                                        That’s the question we posed the insightful             The way the industry has leant on tech is
CEO – TWENTY7TEC                                                                                    experts you’ll find in this anthology, and              game-changing, but that’s only half the
                                                                                                    it’s been inspiring to have discussed big               solution and, as 2020 showed, great
                                                                                                    ideas with such an eclectic and smart set               things are only achieved by combining
                                                                                                    of authors.                                             innovative technology with empathic
                                                                                                                                                            people. And the past year has shown our
                                                                                                    It got me thinking about how fast things can            industry is full of both.
                                                                                                    change. After all, this time last year who
                                                                                                    would have predicted what was to unfold?                Since 2015, we’ve been at the heart
                                                                                                                                                            of the industry’s evolving technology
                                                                                                    It’s been a challenging year, and my heart              transformation, and it’s been a privilege to
                                                                                                    goes out to everyone who has suffered in                work with so many exceptional individuals,
                                                                                                    this most difficult of times. But, there is a           businesses, and financial institutions. We’re
                                                                                                    light at the end of the tunnel.                         committed to delivering the future tech
                                                                                                                                                            demands of each of these, and it’s been a
                                                                                                    Of course, there are aspects to pre-pandemic            greater honour again to have been by their
                                                                                                    life we miss. For me, it’s golf with friends. For       side throughout the storm.
                                                                                                    my kids, it’s the days when their dad wasn’t
                                                                                                    the world’s most impatient home-schooler.               We’ve seen this collaborative approach
                                                                                                                                                            replicated across the entire spectrum of
                                                                                                    However, when I compare the mortgage                    home buying and selling, and we see the

FOREWORD                                                                                            sector of early 2021 to a year ago, I see an
                                                                                                    industry that – while battle-scarred – is
                                                                                                                                                            same outcome – a better future for all.

WELCOME TO                                                                                          stronger and more collaborative because
                                                                                                    of what we came through together.
                                                                                                                                                            We’ve proven we can work as a collective
                                                                                                                                                            sector and change at pace. What if we
FUTURE DEMANDS                                                                                                                                              questioned all those things that ‘have always
                                                                                                    It’s been a source of inspiration to see how            just been’? What if there’s a better way?
                                                                                                    – despite what the pandemic threw at our
                                                                                                    industry – we continued to look out for each            2020 proved that through technology and
                                                                                                    other, pick each other up when needed, and              collective thinking, we can survive. If we
                                                                                                    move forward.                                           continue to listen, talk, and collaborate
                                                                                                                                                            together we have the chance to thrive.
This anthology was conceived as the answer           What if there was a place where informed
                                                                                                    How did our industry achieve this? I think
to a question starting with two of my                mortgage and property thinkers could share
                                                                                                    it comes down to two things – people                    That’s the ethos within this anthology, and
favourite words, ‘what if?’                          their ideas and start conversations that
                                                                                                    and technology.                                         I hope you derive as much value as I did
                                                     could make buying homes in the future
                                                                                                                                                            from the ideas and analysis brought to you
We’re passionate about how technology can            better for all?
                                                                                                                                                            from some of our industry’s finest minds.
make buying homes simpler, faster, and
more efficient, and we’re far more interested        In the UK over 800,000 of us make our
in what we don’t know. After all, if you don’t       livings from sectors that build and help us
seek out new ideas, don’t be surprised if            buy homes. Meanwhile, more than one
you’re left behind.                                  million homes are bought annually – a third
                                                     by First Time Buyers. After such a difficult
As such, the question formed itself.                 2020, what does the short and long term
                                                     future look like for these people?

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FUTURE DEMANDS AN ANTHOLOGY OF IDEAS - Insights on the housing and mortgage market in 2021 & beyond - HL Partnership
FUTURE DEMANDS                                                                                                          FUTURE DEMANDS


RT HON                        DAVID PLUMTREE                  SIMON BROWN                  MARIA HARRIS                  NIKI COOKE                  DOMINIC SCOTT                    JEREMY DUNCOMBE            DAMIAN THOMPSON
                              Group CEO (Estate Agency)       CEO                          Non Executive Director        Head of Intermediary        Managing Director                Managing Director          Group Managing Director
MP, Minister of State         Connells                        Landmark Information         United Trust Bank             Twenty7Tec                  Alexander Hall                   Accord Mortgages           Aldermore
for Housing                                                   Group

Christopher Pincher MP        David is Group Chief            Simon is CEO of              Maria is a Non-Executive      Niki is the 2020            Dominic is Managing              Jeremy is Managing         Damian is Group
is a Conservative Party       Executive (Estate Agency)       Landmark Information         Director at United Trust      Women in Financial          Director of Alexander Hall       Director at Accord         Managing Director at
politician, and has           of Connells, and has been       Group, which provides        Bank, and a fintech and       Technology winner and       and Chair of the Afro            Mortgages and Head         Aldermore, and a data-
served as Minister of         labelled amongst the most       data and legal support       digital transformation        Head of Intermediary        Foxtons Network, and             of Mortgage Distribution   analytics advocate with
State for Housing since       influential people in           to property transactions.    consultant in the financial   at Twenty7Tec Group,        ranked fifth in the 2020         at Yorkshire Building      twenty seven years of
February 2020.                UK property.                                                 services sector.              transforming financial      Mortgage Global 100.             Society. He is also the    financial services
                                                                                                                         services’s businesses.                                       Deputy Chair of IMLA.      experience.

YING TAN                      STEPHEN SMITH                   PAYAL JAIN                   ALEX MADDOX                   ANDREW MONTLAKE             LOUISA SEDGWICK                  PHIL BAILEY
Founder & CEO                 Non Executive Director          Chair                        Capital Markets &             Managing Director           Chair                            Sales Director
Dynamo                        Twenty7Tec                      Women in Data                Digital Director              Coreco                      IMLA                             Twenty7Tec
                                                                                           Kensington Mortgages

Ying is Chief Executive of    Stephen is Non Executive        Payal is Managing Director   Alex is Capital Markets       Andrew is Managing          Louisa is Chair of               Phil is Sales Director
Dynamo Mortgages, and a       Director at Twenty7Tec,         of JCURV and Chair of        and Digital Director of       Director at Coreco          the Intermediary and             for Twenty7Tec, helping
qualified accountant with a   and Deputy Chairman for         Women In Data, and was       Kensington Mortgages,         Mortgage Brokers, and the   Mortgage Lenders                 lenders and brokers
background in investment      the Mortgages Advisory          recently recognised as the   with over twenty years'       award-winning 2021 Chair    Association (IMLA)               solve their problems
banking having worked for     Board at the Financial          most influential data        experience, including         of the Association of       and Managing Director            through smart
Goldman Sachs.                Services Forum.                 professional in the UK.      securitisation and interest   Mortgage Intermediaries.    Mortgages at Vida                technology solutions.
                                                                                           rate risk management.                                     Homeloans.

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FUTURE DEMANDS AN ANTHOLOGY OF IDEAS - Insights on the housing and mortgage market in 2021 & beyond - HL Partnership
FUTURE DEMANDS                                                                                                 FUTURE DEMANDS

THE YEAR IN DATA                                                                                                  Product Availability in 2020                                Millionaire’s Club

                                                                                                                                 27.02.20                                                                    for £1m+
                                                                                                                                                                                                          property value

  Total Searches 2020 and Q1 Prediction
                                                                                                                                 20,302                                                                       2.97%
                                                                                                                                                  16.04.20                               Searches
                                                                                                                                                                                          for £1m+
  500,000                                                                                                                                          Lowest:

                                                                                                                                                   7,784                                   0.82%
                                                                                                                        Highest and lowest number of products                              Proportion of searches for
  400,000                                                                                                                     available at any given time                                      £1m+ properties


                                                                                                                  Brokers’ Time                                               Christmas Presence

                                                                                                                                     (inc. landlords)
                                                                                                                      First Time                                                                               Broker
                                                                                                                       Buyers               4.2           Remortgagers

                                                                                                                           3.3                                3.0                                               329


       Dec     Jan   Feb   Mar     Apr   May   Jun    Jul   Aug   Sep   Oct   Nov   Dec   Jan   Feb   Mar   Apr                     Search to docs ratio                         Documents/searches prepared on Christmas Day
      2019                                      2020                                             2021

                                                                                                                  Flying Start                                                The Working Day in Searches
            In 2020 the CloudTwenty7 platform by                  In a market that goes way beyond upfront
            Twenty7Tec processed over 17 million                  eligibility, instant decisions, and speed to
            searches, revealing a very bumpy and busy             completion, the way both lenders and                                                                                     AM                         PM
            ride for the UK mortgage industry!                    brokers have collaborated is highly                Mon     Tue    Wed     Thu     Fri      Sat    Sun         0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

                                                                  impressive, and is the catalyst for the
            As those who follow Twenty7Tec’s monthly              positive future projection.
            data reports will know, the mortgage                                                                      HALF THE                    HALF THE
            industry achieved both record highs and                                                                   WORKING                     WORKING
            lows in 2020, and now tracks towards a
                                                                                                                       WEEK                        WEEK
            positive Q1 in 2021.

                                                                                                                           The working week based on searches                             Searches throughout the day

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FUTURE DEMANDS AN ANTHOLOGY OF IDEAS - Insights on the housing and mortgage market in 2021 & beyond - HL Partnership
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                   A PLAN FOR OUR
                   SHARED FUTURE

                   A post-pandemic world is in sight and with it an unwavering
                   commitment from this Government to not only bounce back,
                   but to build an even brighter future.

                   For young people, that means ensuring that           Having a new generation of ready and
                   the dream of home ownership is firmly within         raring first-time buyers is key for growth
                   their grasp.                                         in every aspect of the market and the
                                                                        businesses who rely on it – from developers
                   We know that, given the choice, most                 to decorators.
                   people would prefer to own their home –
                   giving them a tangible stake in society and          The latest figures show the progress being
                   a feeling of being rooted in their community.        made: more than 250,000 much-needed
                                                                        new homes were completed last year – the
                   As mortgage lenders and brokers, you know            largest number in more than 30 years – and
                   better than most the importance of these             the home ownership rate has increased
                   aspirations for a buoyant housing industry.          following a period of decline.

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But we know there is more to do.          Supporting ownership is one way in       The Royal Institution of Chartered
                                          which we are supporting the country      Surveyors will also be bringing
Through our new £11.5 billion             to build back better over the coming     forward new advice to foster a more
Affordable Homes Programme – the          weeks and months.                        proportionate approach to the use
biggest investment in a decade – we                                                of these forms.
will deliver up to 180,000 new
                                          Another integral aspect of that
affordable homes across the country.
                                          endeavour is ensuring that every         We have also announced nearly
                                          single person in this country is safe,   £700,000 to train more assessors,
But we are not just stumping up the
                                          and feels secure in their own home.      speeding up the valuation process
cash: we are also providing new
                                                                                   for homeowners in cases where an
pathways into ownership.
                                          We are delivering a new Building         EWS1 form is required. This training

This includes the new Shared              Safety Bill to bring about the biggest   will mean up to 2,000 additional

Ownership model helping more              changes to building safety for nearly    assessors within 6 months.

people across the country realise         40 years – improving regulations and
their dream of owning their home.         bringing forward a clearer system        For times when assessments are
                                                                                   genuinely needed, we are working
                                                                                   urgently with professional bodies to
                                                                                   increase the number of assessors to
                                                                                   clear the backlog and resolve the

       “HAVING A NEW GENERATION OF                                                 issue for good.

        BUYERS IS KEY FOR GROWTH”                                                  Working together, we can deliver a
                                                                                   fairer deal for homebuyers and support
                                                                                   the market to build back better from
                                                                                   this pandemic. In doing so, we will
                                                                                   ensure that every single person in this

This model will be fairer and more        with residents’ safety at its heart.     country lives somewhere which is

accessible, reducing the minimum          But some people already on the           decent, safe and secure – a place they
stake in the property from 25 per         property ladder are now struggling       are proud to call home.
cent to 10 per cent and relieving new     to sell their flat because of EWS1
shared owners from the cost of            forms. We want to fix this complicated
repairs for the first 10 years.
                                          and painful problem.

Through our First Homes scheme we
                                          We are working closely with industry
will also take 30 per cent off the cost
                                          on building safety issues affecting
of new homes – typically saving first-
                                          homeowners across the country. Both
time buyers around £70,000.
                                          surveyors and lenders have confirmed
                                          that EWS1 forms are not required for
                                          buildings without cladding. This helps
                                          to clear the way for up to 450,000
                                          flat owners to sell, move or re-
                                          mortgage their homes.

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FUTURE DEMANDS AN ANTHOLOGY OF IDEAS - Insights on the housing and mortgage market in 2021 & beyond - HL Partnership
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                 DAVID PLUMTREE

                 ESTATE AGENCY IN 2021
                 Taking the lessons from 2020

                 The UK housing market is more accustomed than most at
                 responding and adapting to rapidly changing market conditions.

                 Whilst we have never seen a year like 2020,          Yes, there is no doubt that we will continue
                 the experience gained in recent years                to see a wider range of technology
                 certainly helped the best estate agents              supporting service delivery, and our use of
                 navigate their businesses and safeguard their        robotic processing is already helping to
                 clients’ and customers’ interests through the        improve administrative processing.
                 uncharted COVID-19 waters of 2020.                   However, this will continue to be an
                                                                      evolutionary process, that is focussed on
                 In a year that has seen technology solutions         supporting the services our people deliver
                 enable remote working and online customer            to our customers through our branch
                 interactions, it would be easy to assume             network in person, over the phone and
                 that 2021 will be driven by technology, and          online, rather than replacing them.
                 potentially the moment ‘prop-tech’ finally
                 takes hold and delivers on its aspirations to        During the year, much was made of the role
                 revolutionise estate agency forever.                 that virtual viewings would play in enabling
                                                                      prospective purchasers to find their next
                 However, as we enter 2021, it really is a            property, whilst allowing agents to be more
                 case that – whilst everything has changed,           productive and handle more viewings.
                 nothing has.

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FUTURE DEMANDS AN ANTHOLOGY OF IDEAS - Insights on the housing and mortgage market in 2021 & beyond - HL Partnership
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While that sounds great, in practice        Localised restrictions look set to          why we place great importance on
nobody is going to commit to buy a          remain a feature for the foreseeable        listening to their views, and providing
property based purely on their virtual      future and, as a result, the current        them with the tools and support that
viewing, as evidenced by the desire         blend of remote, online, in-person,         allows them to deliver the Connells
from both vendors and purchasers            and socially-distanced interactions         Group service to all our customers
for pandemic safe in-person viewings.       between agent and client will remain.       and clients.
Even if this has needed some
flexibility by both parties at times.       This multi-channel future bring             Ultimately, we are all part of one
                                            challenges we must face directly. For       industry, and the learnings that will
Indeed, there was some speculation at       example, open communication                 come from the challenges we’re
the beginning of the first lockdown that    between all parties remains key, and        currently seeing in terms of
consumers would gravitate to online-        providing customers with timely             managing record sales pipelines will
only agents, based on the notion that       updates and full visibility of their        increase the appetite for greater
there would be less ‘human interaction/     transactions at a time and through a        integration within the supply chain.
contact’, and instead their sale/purchase   medium of their choice will deliver         We expect to see links between
could largely be facilitated online.        benefit. This is of particular importance   agents, conveyancers, lenders and

                     “WE EXPECT TO SEE LINKS BETWEEN

The reality is that consumers have          once sales have been agreed and             platforms such as MIO gain traction
not responded in this way and               transactions are progressing.               to support a more seamless
continue to favour the added benefit                                                    experience for the customer and
and support that a full-service local       There will be an increased appetite         help deliver reduced transaction
high street estate agent – aided by         for innovation but, as a company that       timelines that benefit all.
smart tech – can provide.                   has helped drive a number of
                                            advancements within the industry,
It is fair to say, though that 2021 is      we know more than most that in a
set to be a transitional year, as           people-led industry the best
progress continues to be made               innovations will come from the people
against the virus and we all seek a         that really understand our customers.
return to ‘normal’ life.                    Whilst technology remains a key
                                            enabler, the greatest impact on the
                                            service that we deliver in 2021 will
                                            come from our frontline staff. That is

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FUTURE DEMANDS AN ANTHOLOGY OF IDEAS - Insights on the housing and mortgage market in 2021 & beyond - HL Partnership
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                   SIMON BROWN

                   TIME FOR SOME
                   JOINED UP THINKING

                   The resetting of any new year is a time for looking back and looking
                   forward, but as I sit down in December 2020 to review perhaps the
                   most societal-changing year in living memory, it’s even more so.

                   How do you make sense of the rollercoaster           However, I said it was challenging, and
                   that was the year that was, and what lessons         not impossible.
                   we can find to help us predict what is ahead
                   of our collective property industry for 2021?        The good news for our industry is that – if
                                                                        we combine a clear understand of what’s
                   The truth is it’s challenging to do so.              happened before, alongside a precise
                                                                        understanding of the current state of play
                   The Stamp Duty Land Tax (SDLT) relief cliff          – we can forecast forward, and better protect
                   of 31st March 2021, Brexit, COVID-19                 our industry, and the millions of people who
                   restrictions, and economic uncertainty are           rely on each of us to buy their dream home.
                   four factors significantly impacting 2021,
                   and any one of these would cause serious             At Landmark, we are privileged to operate
                   concern in a normal market.                          across multiple parts of the entire house
                                                                        buying process, which allows us to develop
                   Meanwhile, delays in reporting completed             a wide data-led view of the market. From
                   property transactions to Land Registry,              here, we can analyse trends and predict
                   alongside the dynamic nature of the current          futures, and it’s been a pleasure for us to
                   market means there is reduced clarity of             share this insight with partners and
                   the property market in general.                      government since the outset of the pandemic.

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It’s this three stage process of data                 Our analysis can explain this partly       in 2020. However, potential events
gathering, data analysis, and insight                 as pent-up demand washing                  such    as    further     C OV I D - 1 9
that allows for more informed                         through, but also reflects the impact      restrictions, hard Brexit, adverse
decision making.                                      of SDLT relief.                            economic impact or an end to SDLT
                                                                                                 relief all provide discontinuities that
To demonstrate, let’s take a look at                  However, Completions were still            could impact the market.
a real-world example. In this case,                   well below 2019’s numbers, and
the impact of the pandemic on our                     only recovered to the previous             For example, we conservatively
property industry, and how this can                   year’s results in October. This has        estimate that there are more than
help us predict future trends.                        had a material financial impact on         200,000 house transactions in the
                                                      businesses who receive payment             pipeline that will not complete before
Phase One – Gather the Data                           at the end of a transaction,               31st March. Meanwhile, Money
It is critical to capture the right data.             including estate agents, lenders,          Supermarket reports that 24% of
As we cover such a wide spectrum                      and brokers.                               buyers would abort should their
across the entire property market,                                                               transactions not receive SDLT relief.
we are able to track four key stages                  Our analysis reveals the entire cycle      These two data points alone pose
of the property transaction cycle:                    has a finite transaction completion        serious potential consequences for
Listings, Sold subject to contracts,                  capacity available, and this is            the industry should they play out.
Searches ordered, and Completions.                    currently less than market demand.
From these data points, we’ve                         Factors include conveyancing               Armed with this data Landmark,
focussed on the period from April                     capacity, search delays from local         working with leading industry
2020 to November 2020, in relation                    authorities, and increased daily           partners, has suggested to the
to 2019’s same results. This allows                   interrupts to conveyancers by              government that they extend, or
us to compare year on year.                           nervous clients.                           soften the impact of, the SDLT cliff
                                                                                                 so that the current uptick in the
                                                                                                 property market may continue
                                 Transaction Pipeline
                                                                                                 smoothly. This brings further
                                                                                                 economic benefit to the economy
  120%                                                                                           through increased construction,
                                                                                                 increased housing and property
   60%                                                                                           services, and continued direct
                                                                                                 stimulus to retail sales arising from
    0%                                                                                           increased property transactions.
          Apr        May         Jun         Jul         Aug       Sep        Oct       Nov

           Listing         Sold subject to contract        Searches ordered         Completion
                                                                                                 What is clear is that 2021 will be very
                                                                                                 interesting, and that the new “normal”
                                                                                                 is proving to be anything but normal.
Phase Two – Analyse the Data                          Phase Three – What We Can
From this one chart we can easily                     Deduce From the Data
identify two terrible months in April                 In the absence of change the
and May, but from July a recovery                     expectation is demand would remain
in Listings, SSTCs, and Searches                      buoyant, and the industry would
to a level considerably above                         steadily work through the backlog
2019’s volumes.                                       established from the strong demand

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                   MARIA HARRIS

                   VIVE LA

                   Think about the last time you were running a little late on your
                   morning commute (who knew you could miss those!) only to find
                   your regular station closed, bus cancelled, or road diverted.

                   Did you panic and worry about being late,           Which brings me to the point we should all
                   or did you welcome the opportunity to               be aware of – change is coming to our
                   embrace a new and potentially better future?        industry this year. And it’s not modest. It’s
                                                                       revolution, not evolution, and if any of us
                   The chances are it was the former, as 71%           shy away from the positive challenges this
                   of us admit to finding any variation in our         will present, we will find we are left behind.
                   lives hard to cope with.
                                                                       Because, not only is change nothing to fear,
                   In the scientific community they call this          it can actually make a positive impact in
                   fear of change metathesiophobia, and the            our lives.
                   bad news for sufferers is their nemesis is
                   inevitable. As the historian of human               Take, for example, the five million London
                   evolution Yuval Noah Harari wrote, “The             commuters who – like the opening
                   single greatest constant of history is that         hypothetical I posed you with – had to take
                   everything changes.”                                alternative routes to work during the 2014
                                                                       public transport strikes. While almost
                                                                       certainly grumbling at the time, some

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250,000 found their new way so much        But it’s not just financial. From a        months of waiting, the heartbreak
quicker at getting to the office they      human perspective 23% of First Time        of another fall-through, and the
stuck with it once normality resumed.      Buyers had to take a day off work just     accompanying tears.
                                           to sort mortgage admin, and –
It’s this practical open mindedness        perhaps most sadly of all – in 2017        The facilitator for all of this will be
that we should collectively be             we discovered one in ten First Time        data. From Land Registry, to customer
channelling, as our mortgage industry      Buyers were reduced to tears, due          finance, almost all of the info is
– in all its one hundred year glory – is   to the exhausting process we were          already there to make the most
creaking at the seams.                     limping by with.                           incredible positive differences to our
                                                                                      industry. And it is accumulating this
Over a century, our entire house buying    At a time when tech is re-imagining        data and moving it all to the front of
and selling process has been built in      everything from how we take taxis,         the process – in a way that ensures
ramshackle silos. Our component parts      how we bank, and how we virtually          our customers feel trust in us as an
– from estate agents to conveyancers,      meet our friends and family, we had        industry – that will help us all to go
lenders to brokers, and everything         to be aware that at some point it would    onto great things.
in between have focussed on our            be our turn. Well that turn is now.
own challenges, with next to no                                                       We have a responsibility and an
consideration for the rest of the chain.   The government is leading an               opportunity to work collaboratively in
                                           industry working group to reimagine        2021 and beyond to shape our industry,
We can all cite personal examples of       and redesign our entire buying and         but it will take honest appraisals of our
frustrating inefficiencies in our own      selling process – and it promises to       collective failings, and bold imagination
businesses, but the real loser in all      finally give the customer the very         to craft our new path.
of this is the customer.                   best experience.
                                                                                      Change is coming for us all, and now
In 2019 the average time taken to sell     Unlike the last one hundred years, this    is our time to make this count. After
a property from listing was 19 weeks,      time all parties will be involved in the   all, as Benjamin Franklin once said,
and government sources estimated           creation of a new and better way for       “When you are finished changing,
up to 33% of all home buying               people to buy and sell their homes.        you are finished”.
transactions failed, costing buyers
and sellers “more than £1,000 every        Gone will be the days where things
time”, and amounting to “hundreds          were allowed to nearly get to the end,
of millions of pounds annually”.           only to fall down because all the
                                           parties involved didn’t have access
This trend continues across                to the readily available data.
remor tgaging, with research
suggesting painful mortgage                Farewell to those infuriating days of
memories put off one million Brits         our lives working on a sale for a
from switching mortgage, even when         homeowner – only to discover that
it’s in their financial interest. This     the prospect buyer was never able to
costs UK homeowners an estimated           complete from the very start.
£9.8 billion annually, with around two
million borrowers in the UK on a           And, for the most important people
Standard Variable Rate mortgage            – the customers – so long and good
when they don’t need to be.                riddance to those ponderous

                                                              24                                                                         25
  UTURE D EMANDS                                       FUTURE DEMANDS

                   YING TAN
                   FOUNDER & CEO – DYNAMO

                   AT THE END OF THE STORM,
                   THERE’S A GOLDEN SKY
                   What to expect from the BTL Market in 2021

                   When assessing the 2020 buy-to-let marketplace you’d be forgiven
                   for not instantly seeing parallels with the dramatic transformation
                   of a struggling Second Division football club in the 1950s. But, look
                   a little closer, and you might be surprised by what you find.

                   For, while not glossing over how tough the         The club was founded in 1892, and had
                   storm was last year, I feel we can be proud        sporadic moments in the spotlight, but by
                   of the way our collective industry stood           the fifties was floundering in the second tier
                   together and walked on with resilience and         of English football. Meanwhile, the city’s
                   togetherness. If we continue to do this,           proud working class roots were being eroded
                   success follows. And that’s the take-out           by strikes, unemployment, and civil unrest.
                   from this footballing history lesson.
                                                                      However, something changed in 1959 when
                   Way back in the 1950’s you would have              they appointed the (literally) game-
                   found the national game looked very                changing Scottish manager, Bill Shankley,
                   different from the lucrative and glamorous         who recognised the power of the group.
                   obsession we know today. And back then
                   you would have found Liverpool Football            He didn’t see differences between players,
                   Club a very different institution from the         coaches, and fans. Instead, he had a vision of
                   global powerhouse of 2021.                         a collective one-ness, that if harnessed could
                                                                      make them unstoppable. And so it proved.

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Over the next thirty years, the club       However, as the Kop tells us ‘At the        Meanwhile, 2020’s second half               With this in mind, once the pandemic      clients have shown a desire to            All of which is largely positive stuff,
achieved unprecedented success,            end of the storm, there’s a golden          results in the housing market proved        is firmly behind us – which we all hope   purchase properties in Q1 this year,      and I’m optimistic for the BTL sector
winning forty two major honours,           sky, and the sweet silver song of a         to be as irrepressible as a Jurgen          will be sooner rather than later – we     when they anticipate a greater            in 2021.
including a remarkable thirteen First      lark’, and analysis of the BTL data         Klopp teamtalk, and we have seen            anticipate the feel-good factor will      number and variety of opportunities
Division championships, and four           shows us that there is good reason          significant increases in purchase           likely return to cities, and young        will emerge.                              However, wider than the immediate
European Cups – the pinnacle of            to have hope in our hearts for 2021.        activity due to pent-up demand, and         professionals will be enticed back                                                  concerns of our individual sub-
world club football.                                                                   huge numbers taking advantage of            into urban lifestyles.                    Meanwhile, holiday lets threatened        sections of the market, I can see a
                                           In terms of growth and opportunity,         the Stamp Duty holiday.                                                               to gain momentum in 2020, but             short-term future in which we all
That this came directly after such         one of the main BTL areas which                                                         We have also seen a growth in the         constantly changing COVID-19 rules        come together to make our entire
tough times didn’t escape the canny        immediately springs to mind is houses       We’re still waiting to see how              number of clients looking to ‘buy and     meant that this didn’t really translate   property sector as dynamic and
Scot, and it was Shankley who              in multiple occupation (HMOs).              lockdowns and working habits                improve’, and in many ways the market     into significant levels of business.      productive as possible for all. That, I
introduced the famous anthem You’ll                                                    influence consumer behaviour in             has gone back to basics, with buyers                                                believe, will be the legacy of the
Never Walk Alone to the club, with         Limited company HMOs have certainly         the long-term, but the short-term           focussed on making money from             However, if the vaccine proves to be      pandemic on our industry.
its call for strong togetherness in the    been in vogue this year as a growing        effects extend clearly to the               property. To back this up, we’re seeing   a success and Brexit goes relatively
face of adversity.                         number of portfolio landlords are           purchase market.                            many people looking to remortgage         smoothly, this will be an area to keep    As the late, great Bill Shankley once
                                           tuned into the fact that these                                                          within six months of completing their     an eye on over the next twelve months.    said, “The socialism I believe in is
                                                                                                                                   purchase, in order to start works, and                                              everybody working for the same goal,
                                                                                                                                   in many cases converting a ‘standard’     Finally, our analysis predicts the        and everybody having a share in the
                                                                                                                                   property into an HMO.                     growth in purchase activity may take      rewards. That’s how I see football,
                                                                                                                                                                             a little more of a back seat in 2021,     that’s how I see life”. I am certain that
                     “THE SECTOR, THE DEDICATION,                                                                                  Looking forward to 2021, this rise        with the remortgage market heating        if we apply his words to our industry
             FLEXIBILITY, AND SKILL SHOWN BY OUR PEOPLE                                                                            in buying to improve is likely to         up and lenders jostling for rates and     the rewards will be game-changing.
                IN 2020 HAS BEEN TRULY INSPIRATIONAL”                                                                              continue, and a number of our             market share.

Snap back to today, and the lyrics of      properties represent the most               Market data shows us flats and city
that haunting refrain are indelibly        profitable type of investment for tax       centre locations are likely to have taken
marked on every LFC fan – and if you       purposes, and continue to generate          a hit in value, as people seek outside
hadn’t guessed, there’s one sat            robust rental yields. This is largely due   space, and new locations become
writing this right now – but its           to strong demand from professional          potentially work-from-home viable.
message seems to me perfect for            tenants and – despite some concern
where our industry finds itself.           over the summer months – amongst            However, research reveals that many
                                           the student population.                     major employers are still uncertain
Across the sector, the dedication,                                                     if they want to fully embrace the
flexibility, and skill shown by our        This trend has not gone unnoticed           office-less ‘revolution’, and so this
people in 2020 has been truly              within the lending community and we         value-shift may be a short-term
inspirational. After all, ‘When you walk   have recently seen some lenders             issue. That said, houses appear to
through a storm, hold your head up         initiate extensions for HMOs and            be a solid bet, with higher purchase
high, and don’t be afraid of the dark’     multi-unit freehold blocks (MUFB) to        prices seemingly likely to hold, due
has never been more relevant for us,       include more bedrooms and units.            to their increased desirability.
and it would have been easy to wonder
if we would ever see the light again.

                                                              28                                                                                                                               29
  UTURE D EMANDS                                     FUTURE DEMANDS

                   STEPHEN SMITH

                   REMARKABLE HAPPENED...

                   2020 started with the mortgage market in high spirits and both
                   lenders and advisers forecasting record levels of business to come.

                   But then, something remarkable happened.          At Twenty7Tec, the Q2 data showed us that
                   Something that no amount of blue sky risk         remortgages were almost the only game in
                   thinking could really have contemplated.          town during lockdown, at one point
                   The market closed. Across the UK nobody           representing 75% of the total mortgage
                   was buying and selling homes. So what were        searches, as purchase activity dropped to
                   mortgage advisers and lenders to do?              25% of pre pandemic volumes.

                   And then, to my mind, a second most               I like to think that this dramatic change was
                   remarkable thing happened. Advisers               because of an industry remembering one
                   remembered that servicing their existing          of the fundamental rules of marketing, that
                   clients was not only something they should        the customer you already have is much
                   actually do, but it was very good for             more likely to buy from you than the
                   business too.                                     customer you have to go out and find.

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                                                                                       UTURE D EMANDS

But, even if it wasn’t, and it was        you need data. Data on the market and
simply driven by the economic             data on your customers. What
imperative to stay in business, it        customer groups can you approach to
is a great lesson, and one which          service more of their financial services
many business owners will hope            needs? What customer groups will
is remembered long into 2021              deliver best on your investment of time
and beyond.                               and effort? And when you really know
                                          your customer, where can you go and
There is also a second rule of            find more like them?
marketing that good advisers know
that reminds us that not all customers    The mortgage market has many good
are created equally, and some are         sources of data, from the granular
much more valuable than others.           detail about customers from your own


These two rules underpin what the         CRM systems through to the mass
‘Father of Management Consulting’         aggregated data from sourcing
Peter Drucker meant, when he said         systems, and the future pathway for
back in the 1980s, “The purpose of        our collective industry is clear. We
a business is to create a customer”.      just need to embrace it.

What he’s saying is that a sale is a      Ultimately, the lesson of 2020 is that
sale, but a customer could be for life,   the remarkable, the unthinkable, can
and I’d like to see advisers finishing    happen – markets can close. But,
their year proud about the number of      even in the face of the most significant
customers they gained rather than         challenges good firms and excellent
just the sales they made.                 advisers can survive and prosper by
                                          doing the basics well – pursuing
And these rules apply to lenders, just    customers, rather than just sales.
as much as to adviser firms.
To put both these rules into practice,

                                                             32                             33
  UTURE D EMANDS                                        FUTURE DEMANDS

                   PAYAL JAIN
                   CHAIR – WOMEN IN DATA

                   FUTURISTIC LESSONS
                   FROM THE STONE AGE

                   When I started out working in data-analysis for financial
                   institutions at the turn of the millennium, my colleagues and
                   I were able to predict many things which came to be.

                   Like number-obsessed fortune tellers, we              It certainly wasn’t when I finished my maths
                   could then see how banking would evolve               degree in the late nineties. Then, I was a
                   from branch to app, how alternative                   pariah for choosing a career in data-
                   currencies like Bitcoin would fill a void, and        analytics over the lucrative City option. I
                   how peer-lending would provide real                   can still recall the horrified look on my
                   competition for traditional lenders.                  favourite professor’s face as he said to
                                                                         me, ”but, where will the jobs be?”.
                   However, one thing would have filled me
                   with surprise.                                        They’re not saying that to graduates in 2021.

                   For, when I think back to that windowless             In fact, universities around the world cannot
                   office in 1999, and all those long days poring        grow their data departments quick enough
                   over pages of statistics, I would never have          to cope with global demand, and in 2016
                   forecasted that data would become sexy.               data science became the highest paid field
                                                                         to enter. Meanwhile, senior jobs continue
                   But, that’s the reality today.                        to bloom, and today over two thirds of
                                                                         Fortune 1000 companies have a Chief Data
                                                                         Officer in their C-suite. There were none
                                                                         when I started out.

       34                                                           35
FUTURE DEMANDS                                                                                                                   FUTURE DEMANDS

While this kind of thinking may            Furthermore, as each year passed,         Your challenges will hopefully be less      in any group requires those with less      different experiences of hunting,         our prehistoric data cousins is because
seem very new, the truth is it’s           records were compared to evaluate         grave than this, but without clarity        power to feel safe, and that               trading, and simply surviving, to offer   they looked after their notched bones
anything but.                              past successes and failures, and this     at the planning stage, you’ll never         confidence comes from seeing those         thoughts as to why it happened.           so well we found one almost perfectly
                                           knowledge was passed down                 achieve the kind of gains you seek.         with the most influence engage with                                                  preserved in 1960, which is on display
The last century has seen any              generations. This meant the more                                                      the process.                               The question of ‘why?’ is key for your    in a Belgian museum today.
number of examples of significant          informed group could now be more          So, drill down to the clearest – and most                                              business, as is having as diverse a
figures analysing what’s been in           confident in its predictions, and grow    succinct – pain points you can, using       Many companies invest in data              set of people answering that              Your data has all the information you
order to consider what might be. Just      collectively stronger.                    the most simple language possible.          teams, but leave them hanging out          conundrum using their personally          need to succeed in future, as well as
apply that to Churchill’s famous                                                                                                 to dry in siloed operations, rather        gained knowledge.                         the personal details of your customers
quote that “The farther backward           That, right there, is data analysis,      2                                           than publicly show their importance                                                  who trust you to keep it safe, so
you can look, the farther forward you      and that is the future we collectively    Gather the right data                       to the wider organisation by               For example, if you’re planning a new     respect it.
are likely to see.”                        walk towards.                             In a world of limitless data points,        integrating them into their day-to-day     mortgage product for single parents,
                                                                                     picking the right things to track           decision making.                           then you will almost certainly benefit    To conclude, as I reflect on the year
But, it’s not just historic. It’s          And, while technology evolves, the        is key. By capturing the quantity of                                                   from having a range of single parents     that was 2020, and look at 2021’s
prehistoric. Literally.                    basic principles of data analysis         supplies, alongside which hunting           4                                          review the data trends and offer their    predictions, my advice would be to
                                           remain the same. So much so that          location or trading partner the supply      Data without insight is rarely valuable   personal insight as to why those          eschew the short term, and follow
                                                                                                                                 A common fallacy is that the data is       results might be.                         Churchill’s lead to look all the way
                                                                                                                                 the most important factor, and this                                                  back to look all the way forward.
                                                                                                                                 is almost never true. Far more             5
                                                                                                                                 valuable are the people who can            Look after your data                      After all, no matter how bad last
                                                                                                                                 make sense of the results.                 It seems every week there is a major      year was, history shows us the
    “PALAEOLITHIC TRIBESPEOPLE CARVED NOTCHES ON                                                                                                                            data breach somewhere in the world,       future is almost always both
  BONES TO TRACK CRITICAL SUPPLIES, LIKE FOOD AND FURS,                                                                          Eighteen thousand years ago, the           and there’s never been a more             predictable and shapeable through
  ALONGSIDE HUNTING, FORAGING, AND TRADING RECORDS”                                                                              data was able to say what had              important time to ensure your data        our actions. And that is why we
                                                                                                                                 happened. However, they then used          is held as safely as possible.            should always remain optimistic.
                                                                                                                                 a varied group of people, with             The only reason we know about

For, if you travelled back eighteen        this earliest recorded example            was secured from, they had all the
thousand years to what today we call       teaches us five practical and             info they needed to make informed
Uganda, you’d find the earliest recorded   contemporary lessons you can apply        decisions. When you’re reviewing
data analysis system in full flow.         today to make your business more          your data capture, it’s important to
                                           successful in 2021 and beyond.            start wide in your scope, but logically
Back then, palaeolithic tribespeople                                                 narrow in as tightly as possible.
carved notches on bones to track           1                                         Irrelevant data is not only a waste of
critical supplies, like food and furs,     Know the problem you’re trying to solve   your time, but also a potential red
alongside hunting, foraging, and           The tribes knew precisely what concern    herring in your analytical thinking.
trading records. This data allowed         they were addressing – their supplies
experienced elders to calculate future     often ran out, which meant not all the    3
stocks, and plan resupply missions         group could eat and stay warm. This       Show top down leadership
before provisions got too low,             meant mortality rates would be high.      With the elders so heavily involved in
ensuring survival.                                                                   the process, there was visible buy-in
                                                                                     from the top.
                                                                                     The most effective cultural change

                                                             36                                                                                                                                 37
  UTURE D EMANDS                                            FUTURE DEMANDS

                   ALEX MADDOX
                   KENSINGTON MORTGAGES

                   RESILIENCE IN THE
                   FACE OF THE STORM
                   Why capital markets should feel optimistic about 2021

                   Capital Markets, like most other aspects of life, came to a grinding halt
                   in March when the COVID-19 crisis first caused the UK to lockdown.

                   Securitisation spreads shot through the roof,        The government was quick to step in,
                   and any planned deals were put on hold as            launching various support schemes,
                   investors shied away in light of significant         including the Term Funding Scheme with
                   volatility in wider financial markets.               additional benefits for SMEs (TFSME)
                                                                        which, like the original TFS scheme which
                   New lending also slowed down considerably            followed the 2016 Brexit vote, provided
                   as the sudden-onset restrictions on property         quick and cheap funding to lenders that
                   access made originating new loans difficult,         are part of the Sterling Monetary Framework.
                   and lenders’ risk appetite decreased in the
                   face of economic uncertainty, all of which           When infection rates started declining and
                   resulted in an abrupt reduction of available         the economy reopened in the summer, the
                   mortgage products.                                   securitisation market slowly kicked off again.

       38                                                          39
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                                                                                                                                 UTURE D EMANDS

However, in its first few months, it      tightened     considerably,      and     So far, RMBS performance has also
looked very different than to before.     continued to do so until late autumn,    weathered the storm relatively well.
Deals were almost all entirely            when news of a second wave brought       Despite the huge take-up of
retained or pre-placed – evidence         jitters back to the market.              payment holidays by mortgage
that most issuers did not have full                                                borrowers early on, we have not
faith that investor appetite had          Fortunately, positive vaccine news       seen a significant decline in
returned to a pre-pandemic level          seems to have reversed this, and, at     performance, and most customers
where normal marketing of bonds           the time of writing, spreads are once    have now exited these deferrals and
was possible.                             again reassuringly moving closer to      are back on track.
                                          pre-pandemic levels.
The importance of confidence in this                                               The lack of mortgage products over
part of the market should not be          As with all crises, it is important to   the summer led to a slow down in
underestimated, as if a mortgage          focus not just on the hardships, but     normal voluntary repayment rates,
cannot be collateralised and              also see the opportunities they          although this has been reversed by
securitised, it cannot be marketed        create. When Britain voted to leave      pent up demand and the reintroduction
in the first place.                       the EU in 2016, few RMBS-reliant         of products in recent months.


Nonetheless, it was a relatively active   lenders would have predicted it would    It is difficult to predict where the dust
summer, with over £6.5bn of placed        lead to better funding conditions for    will settle come March 2021, when
bonds across 18 transactions between      them, but the TFS-driven decrease        government support schemes for
the end of June and mid-October.          in RMBS issuances from deposit-          customers come to an end, leaving
Only two of those came from banks,        takers did just that.                    a clear gap for many, but if nothing
including one deal from Coventry                                                   else the last few months have shown
Building Society’s Economic Master        The imbalance in supply and demand       that the market is resilient, which
Issuer – the first new distributed UK     helped drive funding spreads tighter     gives us cause for optimism.
Master Trust in over a decade.            for non-bank issuers whose bonds
                                          became increasingly coveted in a
Kensington’s RMS32 deal in July was       supply-light market. The new scheme
notable in that it was the first RMBS     has once again jettisoned UK banks
deal after the start of the crisis to     and building societies’ securitisation
publicly market its full capital          funding needs, so we expect issuances
structure, successfully. Over the         in 2021 to come predominantly from
course of the summer, spreads             the non-bank sector.

                                                            40                                                                        41
  UTURE D EMANDS                                        FUTURE DEMANDS

                   NIKI COOKE

                   SUBSCRIBING TO CHANGE
                   Adapting to new business models in 2021

                   Xerox, it was once famously said, sold ink cartridges rather than
                   photocopiers. Whatever they made on those machines was more
                   than surpassed by the value of their cartridge sales.

                   Well, this week, I was trying to buy a home           Music is an obvious one. Movie streaming
                   printer. I wanted it to be colour, wireless           is another. Microsoft and Adobe products
                   and capable of printing directly from my              are now mainly paid for on a monthly basis.
                   phone. In my Amazon search, I uncovered               Then there’s charity giving, which used to
                   yet another corner of the retail market that          be dropping money in a tin, but now it’s
                   has moved to the subscription model. This             chuggers asking for five minutes of your
                   time? For pages printed. The ink gets                 time and £3 per month. Oh, and my personal
                   delivered when you’ve printed a certain               favourite: caffeine. Nespresso has moved
                   amount of pages. Very clever.                         so many of us to a subscription model by
                                                                         creating desirability around the capsule
                   Now, if I asked you to think about the objects        approach to your morning coffee.
                   or services that you used to own physically
                   or buy as one-offs, you could name at least
                   five that you now pay for as a subscription.

       42                                                           43
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                                                                                                                                 UTURE D EMANDS

Subscription is, possibly, the final stop   Lenders and brokers could, in my
on the maturity of a market. In the         view, get a lot savvier about how they
mortgage world, of course, we’re            pre-market to mortgage customers
already using the subscription model.       whose initial period is coming to an
We just don’t call it that.                 end. That number of people who are
                                            willing to flip could well come from
Over 60% of people opt for                  the current 47% who remain loyal,
mortgages that are over 25 years in         as well as from the 14% on reversion.
length. Yet after the introductory
rate, only 14% remain on reversion.         It’s also interesting to see that some
Some pay off their mortgage, of             building societies (including, for
course, but two-thirds remortgage           example, Skipton) encourage people
internally or externally. Internal          to leave a minimum outstanding on
remortgages outperform external             their mortgages with the inducement
remortgages 2.5 to 1. Over the              of deed storage and voting rights for
course of their introductory rate,          anyone who leaves a minimum of

                   “IN THE MORTGAGE WORLD, OF COURSE,
                    MODEL. WE JUST DON’T CALL IT THAT”

homeowners’ brand loyalty increases         £150 unpaid. Societies know that it’s      why (and how) and at what stage?
and they effectively fall into a            to their benefit to have their             How well are you tracking your data
subscription model. But even                customers remain loyal to the brand:       across the customer journey and to
external remortgages are still              it costs five times more to attract a      what extent can you predict when
subscribers – serially monogamous           new mortgage client than retain an         they will next want your help?
to one mortgage product at a time.          existing one.
I think that despite our being an                                                      Here’s something that I subscribe to:
industry that has enshrined the use         In addition to all the dashboards and      2021 will be the year where data-led
of the subscription model, there’s          graphs that we’ve seen from lenders        mortgage marketing becomes the
more that we can do to learn from           over recent years, I firmly believe that   norm, not the exception. Game on!
those who are much newer to it.             we will see some new strategies
                                            emerge in 2021 that take the
Spotify uses consumer subscription          customer acquisition/retention model
data to offer new services – your most      to the next level. The first step is to
listened to music is a personalised         analyse the data that underpins your
playlist now issued to all subscribers      acquisition and retention strategy:
at the end of each year.                    where do you currently lose out and

                                                               44                                                                     45
  UTURE D EMANDS                                         FUTURE DEMANDS

                   DOMINIC SCOTT

                   THE ROLE OF LEADERS
                   IN CHALLENGING TIMES

                   What is the number one responsibility of a leader?
                   To make people successful? To offer a great service? These are the
                   answers I’ve typically heard in training sessions over the years.

                   But, maybe, in light of our experience of              Working from home has been regarded
                   2020, the right response is to protect the             as the panacea, but long term this is
                   well-being of employees and customers.                 broadly a middle class/middle manager
                                                                          privilege for those with adequate space,
                   Often the application of this is contained             desirable company and a job role which
                   to mundane health and safety briefings or              complements it.
                   ensuring employees take pre-booked taxis
                   home after a night out, and amidst daily               Only one of these elements needs to be to
                   protocols of office life our primary leadership        be compromised for new challenges to
                   purpose to protect can get a little lost.              arise, such as mental health concerns. After
                                                                          all, there is a reason that solitary
                   However, the enormity of 2020’s event has              confinement is a punishment.
                   brought an acute level of intensity to this
                   area, where decisions leaders make could
                   literally mean life or death for employees
                   and customers and their families too.

       46                                                            47
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                                                                                                                               UTURE D EMANDS

Beyond keeping people alive, ensuring    an occasional alternative to the
employees stay connected, enthused       kitchen table, screaming child or
and engaged is the biggest challenge     acrimonious flatmate.
for leaders across our industry.
Without a workforce who care             Overcoming challenges is the truest
passionately about the brand and the     leadership test. Can you keep your
strategic imperatives, any initiative    head when all about you are losing
implemented will not generate the        theirs and blaming it on you?
buy-in needed to make it viable.
Without leaders who are able to spot     We’ve seen first-hand the huge
people who have gone quiet, we are       pressures our lender and business
not taking our role for wellbeing as     partners face, and we can either
responsibly as we should.                choose to complain and be part of
                                         the problem, or exercise patience and
At Alexander Hall we have successfully   find innovative ways to offer support.
transitioned to a remote working set     This innovation has served to

                    THEIRS AND BLAMING IT ON YOU?”

up and maintained our strong             accelerate the implementation of new     industry – is the fight to stand up
company culture through a robust         ideas and strengthen already strong      when things get tough. And the fight
communication framework made up          business relationships among those       against the pandemic isn’t over. If we
of daily virtual meetings.               who sincerely believe, ‘we are all in    thought last year was tough, this one
                                         it together.’                            might be tougher again. But, this is
These meetings include one to ones,                                               our collective fight, and – while last
team calls and company calls. Content    The data provided by Twenty7Tec          year caught everyone by surprise –
ranges from technical training           serves to support this approach by       we won’t be taken unawares this year.
delivered by internal leaders and        providing clarity on how the mortgage
external industry figures, to topics     sector landscape is shifting, helping    This is our time as an industry to stand
more centred on employee well-being.     us to make the necessary strategic       together and lead as one. Because, if
                                         adjustments in response.                 2020 felt as though we were fighting
In addition to this, our offices are                                              with our backs to the ropes, in 2021
COVID-19 secure having been              There are many ways to lead, but the     we as an industry can lead together
audited by an external contractor and    one consistent thing every good          and win. Only this time we will
provide respite for those who need       leader possesses – no matter the         command the centre of the ring.

                                                           48                                                                       49
  UTURE D EMANDS                                       FUTURE DEMANDS

                   JEREMY DUNCOMBE

                   HOME IS WHERE THE HEART IS
                   (and the office, and the kids’ school, and the gym etc…)

                   Asking any Leeds United fan to predict the future is rarely
                   destined to end well.

                   However, based on how the market has                So, what impact has this had on the
                   responded to events to date, I’m confident          mortgage industry? The volume of
                   our collective efforts will deliver a strong        applications we’ve consistently seen since
                   2021 for all.                                       May clearly demonstrates how many of us
                                                                       have decided to make lifestyle changes.
                   To understand where we currently find               Whether improving or expanding existing
                   ourselves, we should consider what we               property, moving to a better location, or
                   mean when we say ‘home’, a word that has            simply prioritising our home life over a work
                   taken on a whole new meaning during                 commute, the way we view our homes looks
                   the pandemic.                                       very different to this time last year.

                   Previously home was where we slept,                 The ending of the current Help to Buy
                   relaxed and ate with our families. However,         scheme and Stamp Duty holiday on 31 March
                   since March 2020 it’s been our workplace,           2021 could dampen the market temporarily.
                   our children’s’ classroom, our exercise             However, I suspect it will recover quickly and
                   space, and much more.                               remain strong throughout next year – even
                                                                       if industry lobbying doesn’t result in an
                                                                       extension or tapering of the relief.

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