Guidelines for the management of primary biliary cirrhosis

Page created by Anna Caldwell

Hepatology Research 2014; 44 (Suppl. 1): 71–90                                                       doi: 10.1111/hepr.12270

Special Report

Guidelines for the management of primary biliary cirrhosis
The Intractable Hepatobiliary Disease Study Group supported by
the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare of Japan
Working Subgroup (English version) for Clinical Practice Guidelines for Primary Biliary

*Working Subgroup (English version) for Clinical Practice Guidelines
for Primary Biliary Cirrhosis (in alphabetical order): Atsumasa
                                                                       1. INTRODUCTION

Komori, Clinical Research Center, National Hospital                         HE JAPANESE VERSION of the clinical practice
Organization Nagasaki Medical Center; Atsushi Tanaka,
Department of Medicine, Teikyo University School of Medicine;               guidelines for primary biliary cirrhosis (PBC) was
Hajime Takikawa, Department of Medicine, Teikyo University             developed in 2012 by the Intractable Hepatobiliary
School of Medicine; §Hirohito Tsubouchi, Digestive Disease and         Disease Study Group, with the support of the Ministry
Life-style Related Disease, Kagoshima University Graduate              of Health, Labour and Welfare of Japan, for the use of
School of Medical and Dental Sciences and Kagoshima City
                                                                       general physicians, gastroenterologists and hepatolo-
Hospital; †Hiromi Ishibashi, International University of Health
and Welfare/Fukuoka Sanno Hospital and Clinical Research               gists who treat patients with PBC.
Center, National Hospital Organization Nagasaki Medical                   In preparation for developing the guidelines, the
Center; Hiroto Egawa, Department of Surgery, Institute of              study group reviewed recent studies that provided
Gastroenterology, Tokyo Women’s Medical University; Junko              important evidence or that were published in leading
Hirohara, Third Department of Internal Medicine, Kansai
                                                                       journals with a high impact factor, in addition to con-
Medical University; Ken Shirabe, Department of Surgery and
Science, Kyushu University; Kenichi Harada, Department of              sidering the formal consensus of experts on PBC or
Human Pathology, Kanazawa University Graduate School of                related subjects. Using the core keywords “primary
Medicine; Makoto Nakamuta, Department of Gastroenterology,             biliary cirrhosis,” a PubMed search was conducted for
National Hospital Organization Kyushu Medical Center; Mikio            English-language clinical trials, randomized clinical
Zeniya, Department of Gastroenterology, Jikei University
                                                                       trials (RCTs) and meta-analyses that were published
Graduate School of Medicine; Minoru Nakamura, Clinical
Research Center, National Hospital Organization Nagasaki               from January 1998 to December 2009 and that
Medical Center and Department of Hepatology, Nagasaki                  addressed treatment of PBC and its complications,
University Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences; Nobuyoshi           follow-up, indication of and time of consultation for
Fukushima, Department of Gastroenterology, National Hospital           liver transplantation, or time of consultation with
Organization Kyushu Medical Center; Shinji Shimoda, Medicine
                                                                       specialists. Medical systems and other culture-specific
and Biosystemic Science, Graduate School of Medical Sciences,
Kyushu University; Shotaro Sakisaka, Department of                     factors in Japan were also taken into account. Members
Gastroenterology and Medicine, Fukuoka University Faculty of           of the task force exchanged ideas frequently during the
Medicine; Toshio Morizane, Japan Council for Quality Health            drafting process to try and establish a consensus. The
Care; Yasuaki Takeyama, Department of Gastroenterology and             final draft was made after collecting comments from
Medicine, Fukuoka University Faculty of Medicine; ‡Yasuni
                                                                       the public and all the committee members. The level of
Nakanuma, Department of Human Pathology, Kanazawa
University Graduate School of Medicine; Yoshiyuki Ueno,                evidence (LE; Table 1) and the grade of recommenda-
Department of Gastroenterology, Yamagata University Faculty of         tion (GR; Table 2) were based on the Medical Informa-
Medicine (†Chairperson of the Working Group, ‡Chairperson of           tion Network Distribution Service in Japan (MINDS).
the PBC Subcommittee, §Chairperson of the Intractable                     After being modified by recent literatures published
Hepatobiliary Disease Study Group).
                                                                       since 2010, the present English version of the guidelines
**Correspondence: Hiromi Ishibashi, Fukuoka Sanno Hospital,
International University of Health and Welfare, 3-6-45                 was developed in order to spread our ideas and
Momochihama, Sawara-ku, Fukuoka, 814-0001, Japan.                      exchange opinions with physicians who are involved in
Email:                                       the management of PBC patients overseas.

© 2014 The Japan Society of Hepatology                                                                                       71
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Table 1 Level of evidence (LE)                                 tion techniques, and have specificity of 98% for the
1a Systematic review/meta-analysis of RCTs
                                                               disease (Supporting information Memo 1). Approxi-
1b Based on one or more RCTs                                   mately 20–30% of PBC patients are positive for
2a Based on non-randomized control study (prospective          anti-nuclear pore proteins, e.g., anti-gp210, and/or anti-
   study)                                                      centromere antibodies. Most patients with PBC have an
2b Based on non-randomized control study (historical           elevated serum IgM concentration, although high serum
   cohort study and retrospective cohort study)                IgM is not highly specific or sensitive for diagnosis of
3 Case control study                                           PBC. The total gamma globulin concentration remains
4 Analytical epidemiological study (cross-sectional study)     normal until late in the disease when cirrhosis develops.
5 Descriptive study (case report or case series)                  Histologically, chronic non-suppurative destructive
6 Opinion of expert committee, or an expert, not based on
                                                               cholangitis (CNSDC) is seen in the intrahepatic small
   patient data
                                                               bile ducts at the level of the interlobular and septal bile
                                                               ducts. Disease progression in PBC results in bile duct
                                                               loss and liver fibrosis, which develop into biliary cirrho-
  These clinical practice guidelines should be revised at      sis and, in some cases, hepatocellular carcinoma.
appropriate intervals to incorporate advances in meth-            The differential diagnosis includes autoimmune
odology and treatment.                                         hepatitis, primary sclerosing cholangitis, drug-induced
                                                               chronic cholestasis, and paucity of intrahepatic bile
                                                               ducts, after excluding obstructive jaundice and
2. DIAGNOSIS OF PBC                                            cholestatic diseases of known etiologies.
2.1 Diagnosis of PBC: general principles                         Recommendations:

P   BC IS AN autoimmune-mediated, chronic
    cholestatic liver disease that predominantly affects
middle-aged women. The initial symptom is most often
                                                               1 Patients with one of the following criteria should be
                                                                 diagnosed with PBC: (1) histologically confirmed
                                                                 CNSDC with laboratory findings compatible with
pruritus, though the disease generally progresses insidi-        PBC; (2) positivity for AMAs with histological find-
ously without symptoms for many years. Jaundice pro-             ings compatible with PBC but in the absence of char-
gresses without improvement once it becomes overt,               acteristic histological findings of CNSDC; and (3) no
and portal hypertension occurs at a high rate.                   histological findings available, but positivity for
  Clinically, increased levels of serum biliary enzymes          AMAs as well as clinical findings and a course indica-
[alkaline phosphatase (ALP) and γ-glutamyl transferase           tive of typical cholestatic PBC. (GR A)
(GGT)] and detection of antimitochondrial antibodies           2 Diagnosis of PBC should be performed using the
(AMAs) are characteristic. AMAs are found in 95% of              criteria endorsed by the Intractable Hepatobiliary
patients with PBC when using the most sensitive detec-           Disease Study Group with the support of the Japanese
                                                                 Ministry of Health and Welfare (2010 version,
                                                                 Table 3). (GR A)
Table 2 Grade of recommendation (GR)                           3 Differential diagnosis should be performed for a spec-
A    Strong recommendation, with high level of evidence
                                                                 trum of diseases that manifest chronic cholestatic
B    Moderate recommendation, with certain level of              liver dysfunction or immunological disorder with
     evidence                                                    autoantibodies (Table 4). (GR A)
*Supported by an intermediate level of evidence and
considered to be clinically useful
                                                               Table 3 Diagnosis of PBC endorsed by the Intractable
*Supported by a high level of evidence but not considered to
                                                               Hepatobiliary Disease Study Group in Japan (2010 version)
be clinically very useful
*Evidence level is low, but usefulness has already been        With histological findings
established in clinical practice                               1) Biochemical evidence of cholestasis accompanied by
C1 Recommendation to be done, without a high level of             histological evidence of CNSDC
      evidence                                                 2) Presence of AMA accompanied by histologically
C2 Recommendation not to be done, without a high level            compatible features of PBC, even without CNSDC
      of evidence                                              Without histological findings
D     Recommendation not to be done, as evidence indicates     3) Presence of AMA accompanied by clinical features and
      ineffectiveness or harm                                     course of classical and cholestatic PBC

© 2014 The Japan Society of Hepatology
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Table 4 Differential diagnosis of PBC                           cells in these patients react with mitochondrial antigen,
1) Cholestatic liver diseases
                                                                despite being negative for AMA. Special consideration
   Intrahepatic cholestasis: chronic drug-induced cholestasis   for their treatment is not warranted.
   Primary sclerosing cholangitis
   IgG4-related sclerosing cholangitis                          PBC–AIH overlap syndrome
   Adult-onset bile duct paucity
                                                                Patients with PBC who manifest clinicopathological fea-
   Obstructive jaundice
                                                                tures of autoimmune hepatitis (AIH) in conjunction
2) Diseases with immunological abnormalities
   Autoimmune hepatitis
                                                                with elevated levels of aminotransferases could be
   Drug-induced liver injury                                    recognized. These cases have also been referred to as
3) Elevation of serum ALP and/or GGT                            PBC with features of AIH. Prednisolone may effectively
   Space occupying lesions of the liver                         reduce aminotransferase levels in such cases.
   Bone lesions
   Hyperthyroidism                                              2.3 Diagnosis of PBC: symptoms, signs,
   Fatty liver diseases                                         and complications
                                                                Approximately 70–80% of PBC cases are diagnosed in
                                                                the early and asymptomatic phase. Although this phase
4 Non-invasive imaging of the liver and biliary trees           is likely to persist for years, the clinical and histological
  should be considered mandatory to exclude diseases            progression precipitates several symptoms (symptom-
  manifesting as obstructive jaundice. (GR A)                   atic PBC). The symptoms and complications of PBC
                                                                include cholestasis, liver injury, and comorbid autoim-
2.2 Diagnosis of atypical PBC                                   mune disease(s) (Table 5).
                                                                   Pruritus accompanied by cholestasis is characteristic
Pathognomonically-related but atypical PBC cases that
                                                                of PBC. It may occur initially before overt jaundice.
do not fulfill the diagnostic criteria should be handled
distinctively and appropriately; treatment strategies for
these cases are different from those for typical PBC.
                                                                Table 5 Symptoms and complications of PBC
Early PBC
AMA may be detectable in the serum of individuals               1) None of the following
without symptoms of PBC and with normal liver tests.            2) General fatigue
Histopathological changes of PBC with no or mild pro-           3) Cholestasis-associated
gression are apparent and this condition is designated             • Pruritus (scratching)
early PBC. Follow-up without medication is appropriate.            • Jaundice
                                                                4) Liver injury and cirrhosis-associated
                                                                   • Hematemesis and melena
Autoimmune cholangitis, autoimmune
                                                                   • Abdominal fullness
cholangiopathy                                                     • Consciousness disturbance
Patients whose clinical features are compatible with            5) Comorbid autoimmune diseases -associated
PBC may be negative for AMA but have a high titer of               • Sicca syndrome, etc.
antinuclear antibody (ANA) in their serum. In 1987,             Complications
Brunner and Klinge first described this condition as            1) Cholestasis-associated
immunocholangitis, while others have used different                • Osteoporosis
                                                                   • Hyperlipidemia
terminology, such as autoimmune cholangiopathy,
                                                                2) Liver injury and cirrhosis-associated
primary autoimmune cholangitis, or autoimmune chol-
                                                                   • Portal hypertension
angitis. The current understanding is that this condition          • Hepatocellular carcinoma
is atypical PBC.                                                   • Ascites
                                                                   • Hepatic encephalopathy
AMA-negative PBC                                                3) Comorbid autoimmune diseases -associated
Approximately 10% of patients who have biochemical                 • Sjögren’s syndrome
                                                                   • Rheumatoid arthritis
evidence of cholestasis, accompanied by histological
                                                                   • Hashimoto thyroiditis, etc.
features of PBC, are negative for AMA. Autoreactive T

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Prolonged cholestasis results in jaundice, xanthoma            Table 6 Histological staging of PBC
coupled with lipid abnormalities, and osteoporosis-            Stage   1   no progression
related bone lesions/fractures.                                Stage   2   mild progression
   Persistent fatigue is another common symptom,               Stage   3   moderate progression
occurring in 20–70% of Caucasian patients, although            Stage   4   advanced progression
less frequently in Japanese patients. No correlation has
been found between fatigue and age, sex, jaundice, liver
                                                               Parenchymal change
function parameters, or histological stage of the disease.
PBC patients can experience profound distress associ-          In the early stage of PBC, non-specific necroin-
ated with fatigue.                                             flammatory changes are found in the parenchyma.
   Cirrhosis-associated symptoms include esophagoga-           Interface hepatitis and chronic cholestatic changes are
stric varices. Portal hypertension is more likely to occur     also found. During the progression of irreversible bile
in PBC than in liver diseases with other etiologies, and       duct damage and loss, there are several characteristic
can develop even in the non-cirrhotic stage of PBC;            findings that reflect cholestasis, including ductular reac-
some patients are diagnosed by the presence of                 tion (proliferating bile ductules), copper deposition
esophagogastric variceal bleeding as an initial symptom.       (orcein-positive granules), bile plaques, hepatocellular
   Prevalent comorbid autoimmune diseases include              ballooning (cholate stasis), Mallory–Denk bodies, and
Sjögren’s syndrome, Hashimoto thyroiditis, and rheu-           feathery degeneration. These features are associated with
matoid arthritis. aPBC may be masked by the symptoms           the progression of biliary fibrosis and biliary cirrhosis.
of comorbid autoimmune diseases. Appropriate diagno-           Changes similar to small cell dysplasia are also often
sis of comorbid autoimmune diseases is important               found in zone 1 (periportal area), which is useful for
because they may influence the outcome of PBC.                 the diagnosis of PBC. In addition to these cholestatic
                                                               changes reflecting bile duct loss, chronic hepatitic
                                                               changes resembling autoimmune hepatitis, such as
2.4 Diagnosis of PBC: pathological
                                                               interface and lobular hepatitis, are also found in most
                                                               PBC cases, and are involved in the progression of
PBC is histologically characterized by autoimmune-             hepatic fibrosis and cirrhosis.
mediated progressive destruction of the intrahepatic
small bile ducts, as well as by chronic intrahepatic           Histological staging
cholestasis, hepatocellular damage, fibrosis, and septal       The characteristic histological findings of PBC are het-
formation.                                                     erogeneously distributed throughout the liver. Thus, in
                                                               small specimens such as those taken from needle liver
Bile duct damage                                               biopsy, sampling errors are likely to be recognized when
                                                               using the classification systems of Scheuer and Ludwig,
PBC is histologically characterized by CNSDC and pro-
                                                               because these two systems define each stage by a sole
gressive bile duct loss, which preferably affects the intra-
                                                               histological feature (Supporting information Memo 2).
hepatic small bile ducts, especially the interlobular bile
                                                               Therefore the novel staging system of Nakanuma (2009)
ducts. Non-caseating epithelioid granuloma formation
                                                               (Tables 6–8) is recommended for histological staging of
is often seen in the portal tracts. Granulomatous chol-
                                                               PBC, as this system could avoid the sampling errors
angitis consisting of CNSDC and periductal granuloma
                                                               caused by the heterogeneous distribution of histological
formation is valuable for pathological diagnosis.
CNSDC is characterized by marked lymphoplasmacytic
accumulation around the damaged bile ducts, and lym-             Recommendations:
phoid cell infiltration is found in the biliary epithelial     1 The novel system for histological grading and staging
layer of CNSDC. Some biliary epithelial cells in CNSDC           of PBC proposed by Nakanuma et al. is recom-
show eosinophilic apoptotic changes and swelling.                mended (LE6, GRC1).
Moreover, chronic cholangitis, which does not fulfill the      2.4 Diagnosis of PBC: clinical staging and
criteria of CNSDC, is also found. Bile duct loss is seen       disease severity
during the progression of PBC, and the interlobular bile
ducts are mostly lost in the terminal cirrhotic stage. The     Clinical staging
presence of arteries in the absence of bile ducts is useful    PBC is classified into two groups depending on the
for identification of bile duct loss or ductopenia.            absence or presence of symptoms caused by liver

© 2014 The Japan Society of Hepatology
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Table 7 Histological staging system of PBC (Nakanuma et al.)
I. Histological findings and scoring for the determination of stage of PBC

A. Scoring of fibrosis
   Score 0                                      No portal fibrosis, or fibrosis limited to portal tracts
   Score 1                                      Portal fibrosis with periportal fibrosis or incomplete septal fibrosis
   Score 2                                      Bridging fibrosis with variable lobular disarray
   Score 3                                      Liver cirrhosis with regenerative nodules and extensive fibrosis
B. Scoring of bile duct loss
   Score 0                                      No bile duct loss
   Score 1                                      Bile duct loss in < 1/3 of portal tracts
   Score 2                                      Bile duct loss in 1/3 to 2/3 of portal tracts
   Score 3                                      Bile duct loss in > 2/3 of portal tracts
C. Scoring of deposition of
   orcein-positive granules
   Score 0                                      No deposition of granules
   Score 1                                      Deposition of granules in a few periportal hepatocytes in < 1/3 of portal tracts
   Score 2                                      Deposition of granules in several periportal hepatocytes in 1/3 to 2/3 of portal tracts
   Score 3                                      Deposition of granules in many hepatocytes in > 2/3 of portal tracts

II. Staging by sum total of two (A and B) or three (A, B, and C) criteria

Stage                                                                                            Sum of scores

                                                                         Two criteria†                                   Three criteria‡

Stage   1   (no progression)                                             0                                               0
Stage   2   (mild progression)                                           1–2                                             1–3
Stage   3   (moderate progression)                                       3–4                                             4–6
Stage   4   (advanced progression)                                       5–6                                             7–9

†Two criteria: fibrosis and bile duct loss.
‡Three criteria: fibrosis, bile duct loss and deposition of orcein-positive granules.

damage: aPBC and sPBC. aPBC is considered the                             s2PBC, with serum level 32.0 mg/dL (Table 9). s1PBC
non-advanced stage (stage I), while sPBC is considered                    is considered a non-icteric advanced stage (stage II),
the advanced stage. sPBC is further classified as                         and s2PBC is considered an icteric advanced stage
s1PBC, with serum bilirubin level  10 continuous hepatocytes in 1 portal tract or fibrous septa,
                                           and mild to moderate lobular hepatitis
   HA2 (moderate activity)               Interface hepatitis affecting > 10 continuous hepatocytes in 32 portal tracts or fibrous septa,
                                           and mild to moderate lobular hepatitis
   HA3 (marked activity)                 Interface hepatitis affecting > 20 continuous hepatocytes in 3 1/2 of portal tracts, and
                                           moderate lobular hepatitis or bridging or zonal necrosis

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Table 9 Clinical staging of PBC                                                     Table 10 Modified Child-Pugh score for evaluating the sever-
                                                                                    ity of PBC
1) Asymptomatic PBC (aPBC): Condition absent from
   symptoms caused by liver damage†                                                 Score                    1          2              3
2) Symptomatic PBC (sPBC): Condition with symptoms
                                                                                    T.Bilirubin (mg/dL)      1–4        4–10           >10
   caused by liver damage†.
                                                                                    Albumin (g/dL)           3.5<       2.8–3.5
Hepatology Research 2014; 44 (Suppl. 1): 71–90                                                Guidelines for PBC 77

   In the logistic model developed by the Japanese Liver      gitis, liver inflammation and liver fibrosis; and (iii)
Transplantation Study Group (Ref.VII-1) (Supporting           delay in the disease progression until end-stage liver
information Memo 5), serum total bilirubin and aspar-         disease, death, or liver transplantation. The following
tate aminotransferase (AST)/alanine aminotransferase          Paris and Barcelona criteria are useful for evaluating the
(ALT) ratio are necessary. The probability of death after     clinical outcome of UDCA treatment. (i) Paris criteria:
6 months is calculated by means of a logistic regression      total bilirubin 21.0 mg/dL, ALP 23 × the upper normal
formula, and transplantation is recommended if the            limit (UNL), and AST 2 2 × UNL at 1 year after introduc-
value exceeds 50%.                                            tion of UDCA. (ii) Barcelona criteria: decrease of ALP
   Finally, for the MELD (Model for End-Stage Liver           340% at 1 year after introduction of UDCA.
Disease) score, the serum creatinine level, total biliru-        Liver transplantation is the only therapeutic approach
bin, and prothrombin time (PT) are the key factors. The       for patients in the advanced stage when medical treat-
MELD score is used for the evaluation of end-stage liver      ment shows little improvement. Prevention and treat-
failure. The score is high if hepatorenal syndrome is         ment strategies for comorbid autoimmune diseases,
present, and the pre-transplantation value correlates         cholestasis, and cirrhosis-related symptoms and compli-
well with the likelihood and magnitude of complication        cations are required.
after liver transplantation. Therefore, it is recommended        Although the term cirrhosis is included in the name
that transplantation should be performed before com-          PBC, most patients (70–80%) with PBC have little clini-
plication by hepatorenal syndrome (Supporting infor-          cal and histological evidence of liver cirrhosis. Patients
mation Memo 6).                                               should be informed accordingly to prevent misunder-
   The common factor among these different schemes is         standing of their prognoses. Currently, patients are
serum total bilirubin. A life expectancy of 10 years is       likely to be diagnosed at earlier stages and disease pro-
predicted for patients with a serum bilirubin level           gression is likely to be delayed by UDCA. Therefore, the
6.0 mg/dL.                                                   asymptomatic, is equivalent to that in the general popu-
  Recommendations:                                            lation. No restrictions are necessary in daily life for
1 Total bilirubin, prothrombin (INR), albumin, and            patients with aPBC. By contrast, some restrictions in
  the serum creatinine level, which are essential to cal-     daily life and nutritional education are required for
  culate the MELD score, should be measured when              patients with sPBC, depending on symptoms, expected
  considering liver transplantation. (LE 2b (2a in part),     future complications, and disease severity.
  GR A)
2 Patients with PBC should be referred to transplant          3.2 Prescription
  hepatologists when serum total bilirubin level is
                                                              Ursodeoxycholic acid (UDCA)
  >5 mg/dL. To encourage the patients to prepare for
  liver transplantation, an earlier and appropriate           Extensive clinical trials including randomized clinical
  explanation of liver transplantation is desirable. (LE      trials (RCT) and meta-analyses were carried out for
  4, GR B)                                                    UDCA after the first report by Poupon et al. After lively
                                                              debates, it was concluded that UDCA not only improves
3. TREATMENT AND MANAGEMENT OF PBC                            the serum biochemical values of PBC patients but also
                                                              prolongs the period to death or liver transplantation.
3.1 Treatment and management of PBC:                             The clinical guidelines for PBC by the European Asso-
general principles                                            ciation for the Study of the Liver (EASL) and the Ameri-

A    LTHOUGH THERE IS no completely curative treat-
     ment for PBC, ursodeoxycholic acid (UDCA) is cur-
rently considered the first-line treatment for the disease.
                                                              can Association for the Study of Liver Diseases (AASD)
                                                              recommend that UDCA be given at a dose of 13–15 mg/
                                                              kg/day, whereas in Japan, it is usually given at 600 mg/
UDCA delays the progression of PBC, although it does          day. In clinical trials performed with Japanese PBC
not have a significant benefit for PBC at the advanced        patients, 600 mg/day UDCA was given to PBC patients
stage.                                                        for 48–132 weeks and then the results of liver tests were
   The clinical usefulness of UDCA is evaluated accord-       analyzed. Improvement was demonstrated in 81.8%
ing to the following factors: (i) improvement of serum        (27/33) of cases. Therefore, 600 mg/day is considered
biochemical markers, such as ALP, GGT, AST, ALT and           as a standard dose, irrespective of body weight. The
total bilirubin; (ii) histological improvement of cholan-     dose can be increased up to 900 mg/day or decreased

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depending on weight and adverse events. Co-                       Recommendations:
administration with bezafibrate is then considered if           1 Administration of bezafibrate (Bezatol®, 400 mg/
900 mg/day UDCA has little effect. UDCA results in                day) may be considered in patients who exhibit a
biochemical improvement, but is not likely to act                 suboptimal response to UDCA. (LE 2a, GR B)
against the “core” pathogenesis of PBC; administration
is usually maintained throughout life.                          Prednisolone (PSL)
    Recommendations:                                            PSL has been considered to be contraindicated for PBC,
1   UDCA should be used to improve liver biochemical            because it brings about little improvement of PBC and
    tests and histological findings, and to prolong the         may even cause deterioration of osteoporosis in post-
    time until death or liver transplantation, though it        menopausal women. Co-administration of PSL with
    does not provide significant benefit for those at the       UDCA is indicated for patients with PBC–AIH overlap
    advanced stage. (LE 1a, GR A)                               syndrome, especially those whose symptoms of hepati-
2   In general, UDCA should be administered at 600 mg/          tis are clinically and histologically relevant. The recom-
    day, and increased to 900 mg/day if the response is         mended initial corticosteroid dose is
Hepatology Research 2014; 44 (Suppl. 1): 71–90                                                       Guidelines for PBC 79

Table 11 Diagnostic criteria for corticosteroid use in PBC–AIH overlap syndrome (Intractable Hepatobiliary Disease Study Group
in Japan, 2011)
PSL is recommended in addition to UDCA for cases that are considered to be PBC–AIH overlap syndrome and meet the two
following criteria simultaneously:
(1) diagnosed with PBC using the criteria of the Intractable Hepatobiliary Disease Study Group in Japan (2010)
(2) diagnosed as probable/definite AIH using International Autoimmune Hepatitis Group (IAIHG) simplified criteria (2008).
     (Supporting information Memo 7)
As for liver histology, HA scores in the PBC grading/staging systems in Table 8 should be used as follows: 0 for HA score 0 or 1,
1 point for HA score 2, and 2 points for HA score 3.

are followed up every 1–2 years. Development of overt              and markedly reduced quality of life (QOL) due to
PBC may be preventable in these patients if etiology-              severe pruritus. On the other hand, liver transplantation
oriented medical treatment becomes available in the                is generally contraindicated for patients with severe
future.                                                            complications, such as lung and kidney disease, other
                                                                   organ disease, infection, and malignancy.
Autoimmune cholangitis                                                It should be borne in mind, however, that not every
When the response to UDCA is not optimal, PSL admin-               patient for whom liver transplantation is indicated suc-
istration should be considered. It is advisable to switch          ceeds in finding a donated liver. Living donor liver trans-
to UDCA monotherapy after hepatitis subsides, as in                plantation (LDLT) is more common in Japan because
cases of PBC–AIH overlap syndrome.                                 deceased donor livers are scarcely offered for transplan-
                                                                   tation. In order to plan for LDLT, a 1-month period is
AMA-negative PBC                                                   desirable for the living donor. This period is required for
                                                                   medical examination, preparation for early rehabilita-
The diagnosis of PBC should be confirmed by liver his-
                                                                   tion and approval by the appropriate ethical committee.
tology. The treatment strategy is identical to that for
                                                                   Earlier registration for deceased donor liver transplanta-
AMA-positive PBC.
                                                                   tion (DDLT) is recommended. Given this situation,
                                                                   there is no difference in timing between cases in which
PBC–AIH overlap syndrome
                                                                   LDLT is indicated and those in which DDLT is indicated.
PSL is recommended in addition to UDCA for cases that              Moreover, there is no difference in the outcome of PBC
are considered to be PBC–AIH overlap syndrome,                     patients who undergo LDLT and DDLT.
because superimposed AIH could deteriorate the clinical
course of PBC toward cirrhosis.
                                                                   1 When PBC progresses to cholestatic cirrhosis, medical
  Recommendations:                                                   treatment has little effect on further disease progres-
1 When patients with PBC are diagnosed with PBC–                     sion and liver transplantation is the only therapeutic
  AIH overlap syndrome due to clinical and histologi-                approach for survival. (LE 1, GR B) Appropriate
  cal features of AIH, and meet the criteria for                     timing of liver transplantation is the most important
  corticosteroid use for PBC–AIH overlap syndrome                    consideration. (LE 2b, GR B)
  (Table 11), PSL administration is strongly recom-                2 The following criteria (Table 12) should be consulted
  mended. (LE 2b, GR B)                                              to determine whether liver transplantation is indi-
2 It is advised that treatment should be switched to                 cated. (LE 6, GR A)
  UDCA monotherapy when hepatitis features subside.
  (LE 3, GR C1)                                                    Indication for liver transplantation
3.4 Liver transplantation                                          As described in the Prognosis portion of section 2.5,
                                                                   three scoring systems have been widely implemented for
General principles                                                 predicting prognosis in PBC. The most popular system is
Liver transplantation is considered in cases with con-             the updated Natural History Model for PBC from the
tinuous elevation of total bilirubin, intractable pleural          Mayo Clinic. Once the Mayo risk score is >7.8, the
effusion and/or ascites, hepatic encephalopathy,                   outcome after liver transplantation is poor. Further-
repeated rupture of esophageal and/or gastric varices,             more, this score was a significant predictor for liver-

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80   H. Ishibashi et al.                                                   Hepatology Research 2014; 44 (Suppl. 1): 71–90

Table 12 Criterion for the indication of liver transplantation    Table 14 Recommendation for consultation to specialists
1) Both of the following items (I) and (II) should be met.        1) Decision of initial treatment approach, in particular,
   I. Sum of Child–Pugh score 38.                                    diagnosis and evaluation of atypical cases
   II. Serum levels of total bilirubin 35.0 mg/dL, with at        2) Decision of treatment strategy
       least one complication depicted below (a–g).               3) Suboptimal response of UDCA
       a) Hepatic coma                                            4) Apparent progression to symptomatic PBC
       b) Gastrointestinal bleeding with portal hypertension      5) 35 mg/dL of total bilirubin (consult to liver transplant
       c) Refractory ascites and/or pleural effusion                 surgeons; earlier explanation is necessary for patients)
       d) Spontaneous bacterial peritonitis, hepatorenal
           syndrome, hepatopulmonary syndrome
       e) Hepatocellular carcinoma
       f) Itch sensation, causing insomnia
       g) Severe general malaise, and deterioration of QOL,       undergone liver transplantation, and thus the timing of
          by severe osteomalacia
                                                                  consultation may be adequate when the MELD score
                                                                  reaches 12.
                                                                  1 The use of scores for the evaluation of liver failure is
related death before liver transplantation, but not for             mandatory.
post-transplantation prognosis. Thus, liver transplanta-            a Updated Natural History Model for PBC from the
tion should be performed before the Mayo risk score                    Mayo Clinic: risk score >7.8 (LE 2b, GR B)
reaches 7.8.                                                        b Mortality rate after 6 months: 3 50%, as estimated
   Secondly, the indication model of the Japanese Liver                by the Japan liver transplantation indication
Transplantation Indication Study Group recommends                      society model (LE 2b, GR, B)
liver transplantation when the mortality rate after 6               c MELD score 315 (LE 2b, GR, B)
months is >50%, as estimated by a logistic model. In
this model, the severity of disease is estimated as a score
of 1, 3, 6, 8 or 10 points. At present, patients with scores      Management of patients after liver transplantation
>6 points, which means the expected mortality rate after          Liver-transplanted patients should be administered
6 months is >70%, are candidates for DDLT. In contrast,           immunosuppressive agents and closely monitored.
patients in whom the expected mortality rate after 6              Postoperative complications, acute/chronic rejection,
months is >50% are candidates for LDLT.                           recurrence of PBC, and infections should all be carefully
   Finally, the cumulative survival rate at 1 year after          monitored. Postoperative recurrence of PBC is an
liver transplantation is about 50% in patients whose              important cause of graft dysfunction. The five-year recur-
MELD score is >20. The higher the MELD score, the                 rence rate after liver transplantation is reported as
poorer is the outcome after liver transplantation. In a           0–33% in representative facilities in Japan. The ten-year
previous report from a single center in Japan, the                survival rate of patients with PBC after liver transplan-
outcome became poorer when the MELD score was >25.                tation is equal to the survival in those with other
The average MELD score is −15 in patients who have                diseases.

Table 13 Clinical tests for follow-up of patients with PBC
1) Assessment of activity and progression of PBC
    1 Liver tests (albumin, total bilirubin, AST, ALT, ALP, GGT, PT) every 3–6 months†
2) Assessment of complications
    2 Thyroid function (TSH, free T4)                                                     Every 1 year†
    3 Bone mineral density testing                                                        Every 2–4 years†
    4 Upper GI endoscopy                                                                  Every 1–2 years†
    5 Abdominal ultrasound and serum AFP                                                  Every 1 year†
                                                                                          (every 3–6 months in liver cirrhosis)†

†Intervals of tests vary depending on the stage of the patient.

© 2014 The Japan Society of Hepatology
Hepatology Research 2014; 44 (Suppl. 1): 71–90                                                  Guidelines for PBC 81

3.5 Management of symptoms                                     cise are recommended, and medical treatment should be
and complications                                              given if necessary. Bisphosphonates, bioactive vitamin
                                                               D3 agents, and vitamin K2 are prescribed.
Dermal pruritus
                                                                  Among bisphosphonates, alendronate improves bone
Pruritus is the most specific symptom in PBC, and may          density more than etidronate. Nevertheless, there is no
appear even before development of jaundice. Although           evidence that alendronate suppresses bone fracture.
it has been debated whether increased concentrations           Administration once weekly is preferable to daily
of bile salts, histamine, progesterone metabolites or          administration. Alendronate is contraindicated for
endogenous opioids are potential pruritogens in                cases with esophageal stenosis due to sclerotherapy for
cholestasis, recent experimental evidence has impli-           esophageal varices.
cated the lysophospholipase, autotaxin (ATX), and its             Vitamin D3 and vitamin K2 formulations have fre-
product, lysophosphatidic acid (LPA), as potential             quently been prescribed for PBC in Japan. Both drugs
mediators of cholestatic pruritis. Pruritus is more often      have been proven to be effective for osteoporosis itself,
exacerbated at night more than in the daytime, and may         and are regarded as Grade B in guidelines for the pre-
decrease along with progression of liver damage.               vention and treatment of osteoporosis.
   Cholestyramine is a non-absorbable basic anion-               Recommendations:
exchange resin, and is a drug of first choice for pruritus     1 It is desirable to start treatment for the prevention of
in PBC. It improves pruritus by inducing adsorption of           fractures in cases with a T score below −1.5. (LE 4, GR
bile acids in the intestinal tract. In patients treated with     C1)
UDCA, an interval of a few hours is necessary in order to      2 Alendronate improves bone density in PBC patients.
avoid the attenuating effect caused by binding of cho-           (LE 1b, GR A)
lestyramine and UDCA. Cholestimide, which is also a            3 Although there is scarce evidence in PBC patients,
basic anion-exchange resin, is used empirically in Japan.        vitamin D3 and vitamin K2 formulations can be
   Antihistamines are also frequently prescribed in Japan        effective for osteoporosis. (LE 1b, GR C1)
due to their ease of use. They can be effective for insom-
nia due to their sedative action.                              Dyslipidemia
   The efficacy of rifampicin, which is an anti-               Hypercholesterolemia is likely to develop in PBC due to
tuberculosis agent, for pruritus has been validated in         cholestasis. Xanthoma is seen around the eyelids. No
two meta-analyses. As there is a possibility of various        specific treatment for hypercholesterolemia in PBC is
side effects, including liver damage, close and regular        required in most cases, while bezafibrate is expected to
follow-up are necessary. A dose of 150–300 mg twice            be effective for both PBC and hypercholesterolemia.
daily is used for pruritis.
  Recommendations:                                             Sicca syndrome
1 Cholestyramine is effective against dermal pruritus in       Sicca syndrome, a major symptom of Sjögren’s syn-
  PBC patients, and should be considered the first             drome, is frequently complicated with PBC. The
  choice agent. (LE 2a, A)                                     diagnosis of Sjögren’s syndrome should be made by
2 Antihistamines might be effective against severe             detection of serum anti-SS-A/SS-B antibodies, presence
  dermal pruritus which may cause insomnia. (LE 5,             of corneal erosion, and lip biopsy if necessary. Artificial
  GR C1)                                                       lachrymal fluids are indicated for eye symptoms. If the
3 Rifampicin is effective against dermal pruritus in PBC       response is not favorable, pilocarpine hydrochloride
  patients. (LE 1a, GR B)                                      and cevimeline hydrochloride hydrate are used under
                                                               the guidance of ophthalmologists. As for oral symp-
Osteoporosis                                                   toms, artificial saliva should be used first, and pilocar-
Osteoporosis is frequently observed in patients with PBC       pine hydrochloride and cevimeline hydrochloride
because intestinal absorption of fat-soluble vitamins          hydrate can also be prescribed.
is disturbed due to reduced secretion of bile acids, and         Recommendations:
PBC is common in middle-aged and postmenopausal                1 Cevimeline hydrochloride and pilocarpine hydro-
women. For prevention of osteoporosis, abundant oral             chloride may be effective for xerostomia in PBC,
intake of calcium (1 to 1.2 g/day) and vitamin D (plen-          although there are no studies evaluating their
tiful in fish and mushrooms) and weight-bearing exer-            potential to alleviate the symptoms occurring in PBC

                                                                              © 2014 The Japan Society of Hepatology
82   H. Ishibashi et al.                                               Hepatology Research 2014; 44 (Suppl. 1): 71–90

  patients with concurrent Sjögren’s syndrome. (LE 6,          to shorten the second trimester of pregnancy, if
  GR B)                                                        possible.
2 Patients with PBC frequently experience cholestasis,           Recommendations:
  comorbid autoimmune diseases, and symptoms asso-             1 The blood and other clinical tests should be under-
  ciated with liver injury and cirrhosis. Prevention and         taken regularly to investigate complicating comorbi-
  management of these symptoms are required. (GR A)              dities, prevent complications, and detect portal
                                                                 hypertension and liver cancer as early as possible.
3.6 Follow-up
                                                                 (Table 13) (LE 3, GR B)
Prognosis of asymptomatic PBC is excellent with little         2 It is advisable to consult with hepatologists when the
progression, but 25% of patients with aPBC develop               diagnosis of PBC is made, or when patients with PBC
some symptoms within 10 years. Serum total bilirubin             become symptomatic. In patients with atypical forms
and cholestatic enzymes (ALP, GGT) are important for             of PBC such as PBC–AIH overlapping syndrome,
assessing the activity and progression of PBC. Liver             earlier referral is recommended. (Table 14) (LE 6, GR
biochemical tests should be done every 3–6 months.               A-B)
In addition, thyroid hormone (every year) and bone             3 For patients in the symptomatic stage, there is a like-
mineral density (every 2–4 years) tests are recom-               lihood of worsening of pruritus or icterus in the preg-
mended because PBC is likely to be complicated with              nancy, as well as an increased possibility of variceal
other autoimmune diseases, such as Sjögren’s syn-                rupture. It is advisable that these patients undergo
drome, chronic thyroiditis, and rheumatoid arthritis.            upper gastrointestinal endoscopy by the second tri-
   Regular upper gastrointestinal endoscopy, depending           mester of pregnancy. (LE 5, GR C1)
on stage (1 or 2 times per year), is required because          4 Administration of UDCA or bezafibrate should be
esophageal/gastric varices may develop even in patients          withheld, if the patient with PBC is possibly pregnant
without jaundice. Abdominal ultrasound (US) and                  or in the early stage of pregnancy. In the third trimes-
serum AFP testing every 6–12 months are necessary in             ter of pregnancy, administration of UDCA is possible
patients with definite or suspected liver cirrhosis. Liver       for cholestasis if necessary. (LE 5, GR C1)
cirrhosis, older age, and male sex are high risk factors for
developing hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). Therefore,
testing for tumor markers and imaging studies [US and
computed tomography (CT)] are required for early
detection of HCC in patients with advanced PBC. Man-
agement for other complicating autoimmune diseases
                                                               T   HIS STUDY WAS supported by Grants-in-Aid from
                                                                   the Research Program of lntractable Disease pro-
                                                               vided by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare of
should be done depending on each symptom.                      Japan.
   Finally, special attention should be paid to pregnancy
in PBC and patients who have a desire to bear children.        CONFLICTS OF INTEREST
The chance for pregnancy could be the same in the early
stage of aPBC as in the normal population; there is
no evidence to recommend avoidance of pregnancy in             S  HOTARO SAKISAKA IS given research funds from
                                                                  MSD K.K., Mikio Zeniya is given research funds from
                                                               Daiichi Sankyo Co. Ltd. and Chugai Pharmaceutical
patients with aPBC. In sPBC, however, if worsening of
icterus or varices is reported, then avoidance of preg-        Co., Ltd., Hirohito Tsubouchi is given research funds
nancy could be justified.                                      from Chugai Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., MSD K.K. and
   The impact of pregnancy on PBC is unclear because           KAN Research Institute, Inc. All other authors have no
both exacerbation and improvement of cholestasis               conflicts of interest to declare.
have been reported. Estrogen could potentially worsen
cholestasis; pruritus may become severe in pregnancy           REFERENCES
and could be prolonged even after delivery. Conversely,        I General guidelines for PBC
it should be noted that cholestasis could be symptom-
atic after pregnancy. After a patient has become preg-         1 Publications from the Study Group supported
nant, monitoring for varices is necessary as in other          by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare
cirrhotic patients, especially after the second trimester,     of Japan
due to increase in circulating blood volume. The use of          1 Toda G, Onishi S. Diagnostic criteria of primary biliary
β blockers is considered to be safe. It is also advisable          cirrhosis (2004). Kanzo 2005; 46: 233.

© 2014 The Japan Society of Hepatology
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                                                                                     © 2014 The Japan Society of Hepatology
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