Helsinki Fintech Guide - Helsinki Fintech Farm

Helsinki Fintech Guide - Helsinki Fintech Farm
Helsinki Fintech

Helsinki Fintech Guide - Helsinki Fintech Farm
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                                                                   05   THE FINNISH FINTECH LANDSCAPE
     Fintech Farm is an independent financial technology hub
      and a digital finance service company connecting banks
      and other entities with fintech companies. Fintech Farm      07   TOP 20 FINNISH FINTECHS IN 2020

    provides innovation, knowledge, acceleration, matchmaking,
       and training services for the financial industry. Fintech   11   OPEN BANKING INSIGHT: ACCOUNT
        Farm is a part of HUB13 Ltd. and has built a vibrant            AGGREGATION PLATFORM
       community of over 100 financial industry organizations
                        within the last 4 years.                   15   HOMEBUYING GETS A BLOCKCHAIN

                                                                   19   REHN: EUROPE’S FINTECH FUTURE
                                        BRIGHT DESPITE PANDEMIC

                                                                   23   HOW TO INTERACT WITH FINNISH

                                                                   29   WHAT HAPPENED IN FINNISH FINTECH
                                                                        SINCE THE LAST GUIDE?
Our partners:
                                                                   31   VALUE THROUGH PARTNERSHIPS

                                                                   33   FINLAND’S MOST REVOLUTIONARY
                                                                        FINTECH: CLOUDASSET

                                                                   37   OUR GLOBAL NETWORK

                                                                                                           PUBLISHER                Emmi-Julia Tiitta
                                                                   39   ‘NETFLIX FOR MOBILITY’:
                                                                        HOW A FINNISH MOVEMENT WANTS       Fintech Farm   

                                                                        TO CHANGE THE WAY WE GET           HUB13 Oy
                                                                        AROUND                                                      GRAPHIC DESIGN
                                                                                                           Sofiankatu 4 C           Ghost Con Oy
                                                                   43   HIGHLIGHTING THE DEVELOPMENT       00170 Helsinki
                                                                        OF PAYMENTS              
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                                    STORMY IN
Text: Janne Salminen

A year ago, we published the first Helsinki             The thing is, that digital finance will be a
Fintech Guide to provide the industry                   winner in a pandemic like this. It is only
a       guidebook     to   the    Finnish     fintech   the first shock that slows down business,
landscape. The reception was great, and                 whether it makes any sense or not. While a
it did gain some long-needed visibility to              traditional bank may be struggling to keep
the industry, not only in Finland but all over          up with its everyday operations during a
the world.                                              crisis, a new age bank has been like a fish
                                                        in the water, truly showing what agility and
In general, 2019 was a year of success.                 resilience is.
Finnish      startups      gained      most       VC
investments per capita in the entire                    As we get back to normal, without a doubt,
EU, where fintech played a major role.                  digitality and scalability will be higher
Big      individual    investments,     such      as    priorities in every company, and we have
AlphaSense’s and ePassis’s +40 M€ rounds                already seen several digital leaps due to
together with a whole lot of smaller rounds             the coronavirus.
summed up into a total 150 M€ in 2019,
which is more than one-third of the total               At Fintech Farm, we were also well-
fintech investments ever in Finland.                    positioned for the year with several new
                                                        partnerships and services to launch. The
Collaboration, which is one of the strengths            pandemic has been a challenge, but we
in Finland, also took significant steps                 will push through. As the cancellation of
forwards, particularly in the field of public-          Slush this year in Helsinki has been a big
private partnerships and data economy.                  loss for startups, we will host a replacing,
                                                        finance and fintech specific gathering -
For 2020, everything was well-positioned                Nordic Fintech Summit in November.
and Finland finished a world happiness
hat trick, but then everything changed.                 In this publication, we will introduce you to
COVID-19 struck every single industry                   the key players, figures and events in the
and       made      companies       rethink     their   Finnish fintech landscape. We hope you
strategies,      values,    and    budgets.      For    find them useful.
fintech companies, this meant frozen
investments and massive hindrances in                   For always up to date information and
new partnerships.                                       news, visit our recently renewed website
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                                                                     We have divided the landscape into 12 categories where:

                   THE FINNISH                                       1. APIs & Platforms has 19 companies, with a revenue of around 160 M€. Five companies
                                                                        within this sector have received funding and two companies are regulated by the

               FINTECH LANDSCAPE                                        Finnish FSA.

                                                                     2. Blockchain sector has 4 companies, generating a revenue of 1.7 M€ in 2018.

                               Statistics: Fintech Farm ©            3. Cryptocurrencies has 7 companies, generating a revenue of 28.5 M€. One company
                                                                        is regulated and one company has received outside funding.

                                                                     4. Customer Service & Acquisition has 10 companies generating a revenue of 20.9 M€.
                                                                        One company within this sector is regulated by the Finnish FSA and one company has
                                                                        raised funding.

                                                                     5. Data & Analytics has 14 companies, generating revenue of 12 M€. Three companies
                                                                        within the sector have received funding and one is regulated.

                                                                     6. Financial Software is the largest sector with 37 companies. The companies generate a
                                                                        total revenue of over 290 M€. None of the companies are regulated. Seven companies
                                                                        have received external funding.

                                                                     7. Financing has 27 companies generating revenues up to 364 M€. 10 companies are
                                                                        being regulated and 7 have received funding.

                                                                     8. Insurtech has 3 companies out of which one is regulated. They generate a revenue of
                                                                        4.2 M€.

                                                                     9. Investing category has 12 companies generating a revenue of 5 M€. One of the
                                                                        companies has a license and another one has applied for one.

                                                                     10. Payments is the second-largest category with 32 companies. They generate a revenue
                                                                        of 218 M€. 11 companies are regulated and 9 have received funding.

                                                                     11. Security & Compliance has 12 companies generating a revenue of 2.7 M€. None of the
                                                                        companies are licensed. Two companies have received external funding. Majority of
                                                                        the companies have been founded after 2014.

                                                                     12. Wealth Management has 9 companies generating a revenue of 11.4 M€. The
                                                                        companies are not regulated. One company has received funding.

                                                                                                                 Key Figures

                                                                                      190 +
                                                                                     fintech companies
                                                                                                                                  1 120 M€   in revenue

                         Always up-to-date statistics available at
                                                                                  +7 380   employed
                                                                                                                                    445 M€    in funding

                                                                                    Please note all revenue figures are from 2018, license status checked June 2020.
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                Top 20
                                                                                                      areas that have attracted funding are financing, APIs & platforms and payments. Overall,
                                                                                                      we do see an increase in gathered funding for Finnish fintech companies, which shows
                                                                                                      that the ecosystem has matured slightly and receives more attraction internationally. That
                                                                                                      noted – most of the companies are still non-funded.

                    Finnish fintechs in 2020                                                          Overall, Ferratum kept its place as Finland’s largest fintech company with Basware and
                                                                                                      Samlink following nearby while Enfuce is currently the largest company in the startup
                                     Statistics: Fintech Farm ©                                       category. Since the revenue figures reported here are still the figures from 2018, we are
                                                                                                      interested to soon see, has there been changes in the top three.
The amount of fintech companies in                  the impact of the current reality is fully
Finland has steadily grown throughout               expected to be visible in a few years’ time.                                        Top 20 companies
the past year. Today, we have around 190            Financial     software,     financing     and
                                                                                                                     Company         Founded   Revenue (K€)   Profit (K€)    Funding (K€)
fintech companies delivering solutions              payments companies bring currently the
                                                                                                                     Ferratum         2005       262 148        37 799         48 000
that range from sustainability calculators          largest revenues out of all the categories.
                                                                                                                      Basware         1985        141 417      -15 052          8 200
to helping SMEs secure funding and more.            There is clear growth in APIs & platforms
                                                                                                                      Samlink         1994        103 100       10 500
Out of the currently active companies, 50%          and we expect to see more companies
                                                                                                                     2012        84 974        1 380
have been founded in 2014 or after. The             succeed in this area in the coming years.
                                                                                                                       ePassi         2007        63 207        1 688           41 500
ecosystem is continuously evolving and              Blockchain companies are still relatively
                                                                                                                   Saldo Finance      2010        44 938        19 936
out of the companies featured last year, for        uncommon       in   Finland    but    through
                                                                                                                      Finago          1990        39 884         1 89
example, Poplatek was sold to Nets, Eone            initiatives like DIAS, we expect growth in this
                                                                                                                     Crosskey         2004        32 945         1 491
Oy to Speqta and Futusome to Mohawk                 area.
                                                                                                                       Mash           2007        28 900        8 600           63 100
Analytics. Some companies, such as Klever
                                                                                                                   Profit Software    1992        24 676        2 066
App ended up ending operations.                     As of May 2020, 72% of the fintechs                             OpusCapita        1984        24 104         690
                                                    employed 20 or less people, with only a                        LocalBitcoins      2012        23 897        13 863
Out of the 143 companies in our database            handful of companies employing over 300                        Blue Finance        2011       20 030        11 446         40 000
that    reported    revenues    in   2018,   45%    people. The numbers employed by fintech                       Fellow Finance      2013        11 959        3 357           10 000

reported profits. The amount is lower               companies in Finland are growing and                               Eone           2001        11 950        1 384

than in the previous year, as many of the           currently, 14% of the companies employ                          Administer        1985        11 082         290            5 000

companies have been in the midst of                 50+ people.                                                      Lemonsoft        2006        9 484          1 912

large-scale development projects that                                                                               LVS Brokers       2012        8 922          -112

allow them to develop their products                Fundingwise, 2019 was a successful year                          Smartum          2006        8 826          340

further. Therefore, we expect to see them           for fintech in Finland, as one third of all                       Privanet        2000        8 292         -3382           4 988

turn more profitable in the coming years            investments     were      completed     during
and this is part of the normal growth cycle         last year. Majority of this funding was
for early-stage companies. It should be             secured by AlphaSense and ePassi that
noted that the 2020 revenue figures are             both secured investments worth over 40
expected to fall due to COVID-19, so once           M€. Out of the sectors, data & analytics
we are able to report the 2019 figures, they        secured a majority of the funding (mainly
will not represent the current situation and        due to the success of AlphaSense). Other
Helsinki Fintech Guide - Helsinki Fintech Farm
                                                                                                                                         ACHIEVE YOUR GOALS WITH                                                                                 HELSINKI FINTECH GUIDE   10

                                                                                                                                       FINLAND’S DIGITAL STRENGTHS
                                         Top 20 startups (Founded since 2014)
                                                                                                                                 World-class technology, a talented workforce, excellent R&D opportunities, great place for

                            Company                    Founded           Revenue (K€)    Profit (K€)   Funding (K€)              you to live – these are just a few of the reasons to establish operations in Finland.

                              Enfuce                      2016              4 136           -233          5 000
                                                                                                                                 ENABLING THE FINTECH TRANSFORMATION
                          Voima Gold                      2017              1 568          -1 169         3 200

                       Tomorrow Tech                      2016               1 391          431                                  Finnish fintech companies create new                                                  Foreign           companies           can   harness
                               Silo.AI                    2017              1 230          -564           10 000                 solutions for the ongoing transformation                                              Finland’s fintech ecosystem for research,
                             Streamr                      2014               1 188          265          26 000                  of banking and financial services. Finland’s                                          development and innovation activities.
                          Cloudasset                      2014               1 143          336                                  strengths include cybersecurity, mobile                                               Our companies also have customers that
                          UB Rahoitus                     2015               1 117          -271                                 E2E solutions, open-source software, user                                             are early adopters of new fintech solutions
                             Privaon                      2014               1 104           72                                  experience and artificial intelligence. The                                           in their business.
                            Siltaraha                     2016              1 055            32                                  launch of the Second Payment Services
                             Fennoa                       2014               659             44                                  Directive (PSD2) within banking services in
                            GetJenny                      2016               548            -94           2 000                  Europe and open banking have boosted
                                  2015               474           -1 258                                the number of innovative Finnish fintech
                            Empirica                      2015               349            -83                                  companies.
                         SkenarioLabs                     2015               288            -78                                                                                                      DID YOU KNOW
                                                                                                                                                                                  WHY FINLAND IS THE PERFECT SPOT FOR DIGITAL TRUST RELATED BUSINESS?
                           Lumoame                        2016               246            -176

                            Renance                       2015               210             -7










                                                                                                                                                             1 st
                                                                                                                                                                                                            1 st
                                                                                                                                                                                                         availability of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        1 st
                       Groundfunding                      2015               150            -78                                                      competitiveness                                        latest                                        app
                                                                                                                                                        in the EU                                        technologies                                   creation

                                                                       Why Finland?
                                                                                                                                                         2 nd
                                                                                                                                                           quality of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                1 st
                                                                                                                                                                                                           in the EU to develop an official artificial
                                                                                                                                                           math and                                     intelligence strategy, and the government is
                                                                                                                                                            science                                            committed to turning Finland into
                                                                                                                                                           education                                     the leading country in the application of AI

                1 st                                        1 st                         1 st                         1 st
             Safest                                   Happiest                          Soundest                      Best       CONTACT US
           country in                               Country in the                       banks in                 governance
           the world                                   World                            the world                 in the world   Want to know more about the privacy respecting transparent society?

                                                                                                                                 Interested in developing or using Digital Trust solutions in business operations? Check out the funding and
                                                                                                                                 internationalization services of the Digital Trust Finland program.
1. The Fund for Peace, Fragile States Index
2. Sustainable Development Solutions Network, World Happiness Report
3. World Economic Forum, The Global Competitiveness Report
4. Legatum Institute, The Legatum Prosperity Index
                                                                                                                                 1. Digital Economy and Society Index 2019
                                                                                                                                 2. WEF Global Competitiveness Report 2017–2018
                                                                                                                                 3. Global Innovation Index 2019
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                                                                                                In this study, we compared the companies across 11 categories that we identified as
                                                                                                important for the buyer looking for a platform: Technology, Products, Services, Connected

           OPEN BANKING INSIGHT:                                                                Banks, Compliance, License as a Service, Data Ownership, Partner / Premium API, Enriching
                                                                                                Data, Deployment Time and Pricing. The companies included in this study are: Crosskey,
            ACCOUNT AGGREGATION PLATFORM COMPARISON                                             Enable Banking, Enfuce, Klarna, Neonomics, Nets, Nordic API Gateway, Tink and Token.

 By: Fintech Farm                                                                                      Functional Capabilities: Overview of all compared functionalities

                                                                                                                              Enable                                                API
                                                                                                  Functionality   Crosskey   Banking   Enfuce        Klarna    Neonomics   Nets   Gateway   Tink    Token
As the PSD2 deadline for banks to open up their APIs for Third Party Providers approached, it
created a fertile breeding ground for account aggregation platforms. Account aggregation                            ✔         ✔            ✔          ✔           ✔        ✔       ✔        ✔        ✔

platforms, in their simplest form, are tools that connect to multiple banks through one API.
                                                                                                                    —          —           ✔          ✔           —        ✔       ✔        —        ✔
These APIs are the heart of the whole open banking regime.
                                                                                                                    ✔          —           ✔          ✔           ✔        —        —       —        ✔
However, Open Banking is much more than just PSD2 APIs and many of the platforms offer
premium services like data enrichment services and beyond mandatory APIs and data.                      Banks       —          —           —          ✔           ✔        —        —       ✔        ✔

This is a summary of our Open Banking Insight, that takes a deep dive into the API platforms                        —          —           ✔          ✔           —        ✔       ✔        ✔        ✔

that connect to banks in Europe, especially in the Nordics and offer TPPs (Third Party
                                                                                                                    ⛌          ⛌
                                                                                                   License as a
                                                                                                        Service                            ✔          ✔           ✔        —       ✔        ✔        ✔
Providers) a one-stop-shop with access to multiple financial institutions.
                                                                                                    Ownership       ✔         ✔            ✔          ✔           ✔        ✔       ✔        ✔        ✔

                                                                                                      Partner /
                      Visualisation of the Open Banking regime                                     Premium API      ✔          —           —           —          ✔        ✔        —                —

                                                                                                                               ⛌           ⛌
                                                                                                           Data     ✔                                  —          —        ✔        —       —        —

                                                                                                         Time       ✔          —           ✔           —          ✔        ✔       ✔        ✔        ✔

                                                                                                                    ⛌          ⛌
                                                                                                                                           —           —          —        —       ✔        ✔        —

                                                                                                                                       —       On Roadmap / not all functions
                                                                                                                                               Not available

                                                                                                No company received a tick on all categories, showing that the platforms have chosen to
                                                                                                focus on certain categories over others. Overall, Klarna, Neonomics, Tink and Token have
                                                                                                the most functionalities available. However, it should be noted that Token’s presence in the
                                                                                                Nordic countries is limited compared to the rest of the compared companies.
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                                                  Compliance and Security                                                                        Conclusions: During the course of the study it became apparent that none of the platforms
             Security &        Crosskey
                                                            Enfuce       Klarna    Neonomics     Nets
                                                                                                             API         Tink      Token
                                                                                                                                                 are alike and each has its own special features. The areas with the most similarities are
            Compliance                                                                                     Gateway
                                                                                                                                                 technology and data ownership, while there is variance in all other categories. Klarna and
                PCI DSS
                                   ✔                          ✔           ✔            —         ✔                                               Token have the largest amounts of connected banks globally while the others are more
                                                                                                                                                 regionally focused in the Nordics. Here, especially Nordic API Gateway and Tink have had
              compliant            ✔          ✔               ✔           ✔           ✔          ✔           ✔            ✔         ✔            success in collaborating with Nordic financial institutions, but newcomers such as Enfuce
                                                                                                                                                 are starting to achieve recognition for their technology.
                                           PISP (Applied       PISP                   PISP        PISP        PISP        PISP
                                                                         License                                                   PISP (UK)
                  license                    (Finland)      (Finland)
                                                                                    (Norway)   (Denmark)   (Denmark)    (Sweden)

                                                                                                                                                 Crosskey, Neonomics and Nets are currently the only ones with real cases utilizing Premium
              License as
                a service          ⛌            ⛌             ✔           ✔           ✔           —          ✔            ✔         ✔            APIs. We expect to see further development in this sector in the coming years. Enriching
                                                                                                                                                 Data is another sector, where there is variance between the platforms but growth is
                                                                                                                                                 expected due to the benefits for the end consumer.

All open banking providers have to comply with data protection rules. In addition to the
key security measures, some companies are also Payment Card Industry Data Security                                                                             Read the full insight with full details and more conclusions at:
Standard compliant, meaning they maintain a secure environment for all card information.                                                                 

Most of the companies hold a PISP or banking license, and they aim to offer license as a
service for Third Party Providers without heir own license.

         Functionality:                    Enable                                                          Nordic API
                             Crosskey                      Enfuce       Klarna     Neonomics    Nets                      Tink      Token
           Product                        Banking                                                          Gateway

          information          ✔           ✔                ✔            ✔            ✔          ✔           ✔            ✔           ✔

                                                                                                                                               REGTECH DAY
            initiation         ✔           ✔                ✔            ✔            ✔          ✔           ✔            ✔           ✔
         Confirmation          ✔            —               ✔            ✔            —          ✔           ✔            ✔           ✔
              of funds

                                                                                                                                                9.2.2021 Helsinki

          information          ✔           ✔                ✔            ✔            —          ✔           ✔                        ✔

            initiation         ✔           ✔                ✔            ✔            —          ✔           ✔                        ✔
         Confirmation          —            —               ✔            ✔            —          ✔           ✔             ⛌          ✔
              of funds

                                                                                                                                               Buy your tickets now at:
All companies studied provided consumer account information and payment initiation
services. Enfuce, Klarna, Nets, Nordic API Gateway and Token had the widest product
functionalities covering both consumer and corporate side services. Tink on the other
hand focuses only on consumer information.
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Text: James Etheridge

                                        t is not often that we hear ‘blockchain’
                                        and ‘success story’ mentioned in the
                                        same breath. Since emerging ten years
                                        ago with a promise of shaking up the
                                     internet and financial world, the digital
                                     ledger technology has so far struggled to
                                     find a purpose beyond virtual currencies
                                     like   Bitcoin.   Breakthrough   commercial
                                     applications remain few and far between.
                                                                                    executive. “We want to automate the whole       agent receives their fees, and ownership
                                     But one initiative in Finland’s real estate    process.”                                       records are updated in the Finnish land
                                     sector is giving blockchain’s supporters                                                       registry. Finally, the taxman collects its
                                     reason to cheer. Launched last summer,         After handling its first sale – of a property   dues. “If you’re buying a home, you can still
                                     DIAS, a digital trading platform built on a    in the town of Tuusula – last June, DIAS        finalize everything over a cup of coffee or a
                                     form of enterprise blockchain technology,      says that it is now                                               glass of champagne with
                                     is changing the way people buy and             processing        trades                                          your agent,” Honkonen
                                     sell homes, turning a process laden with       worth       “tens       of                                        explains, “but instead of
                                     paperwork into one as easy as transacting      millions of euros” a
                                                                                                                 it took us twenty                    signing physical paper
                                     in a company’s stock.                          week.                                                             documents,        everyone
                                                                                                                 or thirty meetings                   now pushes buttons on
                                     The brainchild of Helsinki-based software      Deals are executed           to get them on                       their smartphones. Doing
                                     company Tomorrow Tech, and developed           electronically on a          board with our                       things digitally means
                                     together with Finland’s major banks, DIAS is   decentralized digital
                                                                                                                 idea.                                you   can   also   handle
                                     quickly building a reputation as a time and    ledger      where      all                                        everything securely from
                                     money saver.                                   parties     can     easily                                        your own sofa.”
                                                                                    track their progress.
                                     “Our goal is for you to be able to execute     Once the contracts are digitally signed, a      Presently, almost half of trades occur in
Sami Honkonen
is the CEO of Tomorrow Tech and      a real estate transaction in a matter of       chain of events is set in motion: the bank      the evening as customers take advantage
Digitaalinen asuntokauppa DIAS Oy.   minutes,” says Sami Honkonen, DIAS’s chief     transfers funds to the seller, the estate       of the ability to trade remotely. That partly
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reflects the need for social distancing amid   back-and-forths between all the parties.      agents – more than 3,000 in all – are also
the COVID-19 outbreak. People also simply      Nor is there a need to store documents in     equipped to use the platform.
like the convenience.                          a physical vault below the bank. All that
                                               could significantly reduce costs for banks    Next up is a possible move into the
Buying a home can be a toilsome affair.        and estate agents.                            commercial property market.
From the point of agreeing a price with
the seller, the process can run for several    “When we started to engage the banks,         “One of the hardest things has been
months, testing the nerves of even the         they were of course already studying          building the platform.
most patient dealmaker. Inspections must       blockchain and seeing how they could use
be performed, house papers examined            it in their business. They were receptive,”   Getting     through    the     security     and
and a mortgage approved.                       Honkonen says. “Still, it took us twenty      compliance      requirements       that    eight
                                               or thirty meetings to get them on board       banks have, that was the difficult part,”
In    some   cases,   the   paperwork   may    with our idea. We were a three-person         says Honkonen. “But implementing new
have errors or be out of date. Records         company.”                                     processes is much simpler when you
detailing the work repairs on a property,                                                    have a platform that’s already secure and
for example, are usually passed around in      In late 2018, DIAS formed a joint venture     compliant.”
PDF format. By closing, they may be three      with some of its banking partners, with
months old and missing information about       OP, Nordea, Danske and Aktia each taking      DIAS is also exploring whether it could
any recent work carried out. That can delay    a minority shareholding. Bolstered by         expand      outside   of     Finland,     though
proceedings.                                   new funds, development of the platform        Honkonen is mindful of the challenges
                                               accelerated. Then followed a mock tran-       involved.
Honkonen       believes     much   of   the    saction. Before long, DIAS was open for
homebuying process can be streamlined          business.                                     “The real estate business is broadly similar
and sped up.                                                                                 between countries,” he says. “However,
                                               Today, the company has almost complete        once you get into how the processes are
Placing everything on an incorruptible         coverage of Finnish mortgage market.          actually implemented, you see they differ
ledger reduces mistakes. There are fewer       The vast majority of the country’s estate     greatly from one country to the next. So it’s
                                                                                             not necessarily a case of flicking a switch
                                                                                             and scaling from one market to another.”

                                                                                             “We’ll see how this plays out.”

             Implementing new processes is
             much simpler when you have a
             platform that’s already secure
             and compliant.
19   HELSINKI FINTECH GUIDE                                                                                                                   HELSINKI FINTECH GUIDE 20

            REHN: EUROPE’S FINTECH                                                            Innovations in the financial sector are an
                                                                                              important part of the toolkit to overcome
            FUTURE BRIGHT DESPITE                                                             the crisis
Text: James Etheridge                                                        if fintechs can weather the storm, they will   “We have a very well-developed payment
                                                                             emerge to find more opportunities than         infrastructure in Europe, which enables

In every                                                                     before.                                        real-time payments across the continent,”

downturn,                                                                    “The pandemic has hit the economy hard,
                                                                                                                            he says. “The Eurosystem is also playing
                                                                                                                            an important role in developing this
there will be a                                                              and all industries will face challenges in     infrastructure, providing a solid basis for
few winners.                                                                 the near future,” he tells Fintech Farm. “At   the development of safe and efficient

                                                                             the same time, digitalization has taken a      financial services in Europe.”
              ould      fintech   be                                         big leap forward as work and all kinds of
              one this time? Olli                                            transactions take place more and more          The result today, Rehn says, is that citizens
              Rehn, governor of                                              remotely. This will have a lasting impact      and businesses “can have confidence
              the Bank of Finland                                            on the development of working life and         in the services they use and in their data
and     former     EU     economy                                            consumer behavior.”                            protection.”
commissioner, thinks so.
                                                                             For many Europeans, adapting to life in        With   a   wave     of   pandemic-inspired
Faced with a dramatic slump                                                  lockdown has meant taking a crash course       fintech products incoming, the question
in consumer spending and                                                     in Zoom video conferencing software and        now facing policymakers and financial
tightening funding conditions                                                filling online grocery baskets. But, Rehn      supervisors is how they can sustain that
as the coronavirus pandemic                                                  notes, the tumult has also brought into        confidence.
takes its toll on the global                                                 sharper view the benefits and necessity
economy, many of Europe’s                                                    of an array of fintech services, such as       The    European    Commission,      which    is
crop     of      young       fintech                                         digital banking, payment systems and           currently consulting on a new long-term
companies will be enduring                                                   crowdfunding platforms.                        digital finance strategy, knows that it has
their toughest test yet.                                                                                                    a delicate balance to strike: ensuring the
                                                                             “Innovations in the financial sector are an    stability and integrity of the bloc’s financial
But the crisis is also catalyzing                                            important part of the toolkit to overcome      system without stifling innovation.
a     welcome    change:      amid                                           the crisis,” he says.
the    lockdown,     people       are                                                                                       Among its key focus areas, the Commission
increasingly taking to digital                                               A big part of Europe’s fintech success is      is mulling how to further reduce finance
services to buy, sell, borrow                                                down to forward-thinking regulation that       secfor fragmentation within the single
and lend.                                                                    can accommodate new types of financial         market, promote data-driven platform
                                        Olli Rehn                            services. In Rehn’s view, supervision has      models, and bolster the       sector’s digital
                                        Photographer: Karoliina Vuorenmäki
For Rehn, there is a sense that         © Suomen Pankki                      been working well.                             operational resilience in the wake of the
21   HELSINKI FINTECH GUIDE                                                                         HELSINKI FINTECH GUIDE 22

                                                       virus outbreak. Any future regulatory
                                                       framework, it warns, must not “unduly
                                                       hinder” new technologies and innovative
                                                       business models. At the same time,
                                                       consumer protections must be safe-

                                                       Rehn is optimistic that the right balance
                                                       will be found.

                                                       “Europe’s strengths,” he says, “are to be
                                                       at the forefront of industry regulation
                                                       that creates a safe environment for
                                                       operators and users. The purpose of
                                                       financial regulation is to create an equal
                                                       and safe operating environment in which
                                                       companies have good opportunities to
                                                       grow, internationalize and innovate.”

                                                       Granted, mid-pandemic fintechs may
                                                       have more immediate priorities than to
                                                       dream of the world stage. But Rehn urges
                                                       them to continue to think long-term.

                                                       The hope in Brussels is that, whatever
The purpose of financial                               regulatory design does take shape, Eu-
regulation is to create an                             rope will offer a springboard for home-

equal and safe operating                               grown fintechs to develop ultimately into
                                                       truly global digital platforms.
environment in which
companies have good                                    “The corona crisis will eventually be
opportunities to grow,                                 overcome, and digitalization in some

internationalize and                                   parts of Europe is only just beginning,” he
                                                       “The financial sector is one of the digital
                                           Olli Rehn   pillars of the economy, so fintech’s future
                 Photographer: Karoliina Vuorenmäki
                                   © Suomen Pankki     prospects are quite bright despite the
                                                       temporary challenges.”
23 HELSINKI FINTECH GUIDE                                                                                                                                                         HELSINKI FINTECH GUIDE 24

                                                                                                                  1. CAN YOU EXPLAIN YOUR                        overall strategy of being a great asset
                                                                                                                  BANK’S APPROACH TO FINTECH                     manager and the good bank.
                                                                                                                  COLLABORATION AND ECOSYSTEM
                                                                                                                  DEVELOPMENT?                                   OP - KRISTIAN LUOMA
                                                                                                                                                                 We scout fintech startups for two purposes:
                                                                                                                  NORDEA - VESA RIIHIMÄKI                        1) to find partners we can work with to
                                                                                                                  Nordea has had several years already a         accelerate    fulfilment    of    our    strategic
                                                                                                                  collaboration and partnership strategy.        priorities and 2) to understand what
                                                                                                                  We understand that the transformation is       capabilities are necessary for the future
                                                                                                                  so fast and big that the only way to ensure    competitiveness for the finance industry.
                                                                                                                  great customer experience is to partner        For   our    partnership    and        ecosystem
                                                                                                                  selectively with the best and grasp the new    development,      we       operate        multiple
                                                                                                                  opportunities that arise. This is the best,    accelerator    partnerships       to     find   the
                                                                                                                  the most cost effective                                            startups we want to
                                                                                                                  and the fastest way.                                               work     with.       We     also
                                                                                                                  Nordea Ventures and                                                make            investments
                                                                                                                  Nordea Open Banking                                                to     relevant       startups
                                                                                                                  have     made   several       We see fintech                       based on partnerships.
                                                                                                                  CVC      type   invest-       and start-up
                    HOW TO INTERACT WITH                                                                          ments,      partnership       partnerships as a                    DANSKE BANK -

                     FINNISH BANKS?                                                                               agreements, but also a
                                                                                                                  lot of collaboration and
                                                                                                                                                growing area for
                                                                                                                                                adding value for
                                                                                                                                                                                     TEPPO HAVO
                                                                                                                                                                                     We      strongly       believe
                                                                                                                  open ecosystem type                                                that we can create
                                                                                                                  of co-creation via our        our customers                        more         value    for   our
                                                                                                                  sandbox.                                                           customers             through
Finnish banks are in various stages of maturity when looking at their interaction and
                                                                                                                                                                                     partnerships,             which
engagement with fintechs and startups. Nonetheless, they all committed to boosting the
                                                                                                                  AKTIA - KIM ALEN                                                   is a core pillar in our
ecosystem and supporting growth as this is seen as pivotal for the future of banking. But
                                                                                                                  Collaboration is one of our core values.       strategy, and talented fintech companies
how does each bank approach collaboration and the ecosystem? To shed some light
                                                                                                                  Aktia is the right size bank for the fintech   are playing an important role in this.
on this matter, we interviewed the Heads of Fintech Engagement at Aktia, Danske Bank,
                                                                                                                  collaboration and for supporting eco-          By being an integral part of the fintech
Nordea and OP. Each bank answered the following questions:
                                                                                                                  system development. We are not a too large     ecosystem, we are able to gain insights
1.   Can you explain your banks approach to fintech collaboration and ecosystem                                   or too small bank. This enables us to work     on how the solutions of tomorrow will be
     development?                                                                                                 in an agile way with fast decision-making.     shaped – business model-wise as well as
2.   What obstacles do you see as hindering cooperation and ecosystem growth?                                     We are systematically screening value-         technology-wise.
3.   How has COVID-19 impacted your fintech strategy and overall digitalization efforts?                          adding potential strategic partnerships in
4.   What is to be expected in the horizon post COVID-19?                                                         both the personal and corporate banking        However, if you truly want to be a part of
5.   Any tips, comments or greetings to our readers?                                                              segment. We see fintech and start-up           the ecosystem, it means that you also
                                                                                                                  partnerships as a growing area for adding      have to give. Not just fulfilling regulatory
In the Picture: Teppo Havo Danske Bank, Vesa Riihimäki Nordea, Kim Alen Aktia, Oki Tåg NewCo Helsinki, Kristian
Luoma OP, Emmi-Julia Tiitta Fintech Farm
                                                                                                                  value for our customers according to our       requirements, like offering basic API’s, but
25 HELSINKI FINTECH GUIDE                                                                                                                                               HELSINKI FINTECH GUIDE 26

other things as well. Sparring, investing and    implementation efficiency.                         big organization like Danske Bank has
offering a wide variety of opportunities for                                                        still a lot of inertia slowing things down
fintech companies are some of the ways           Collaboration is the key for solving these         in certain situations. There is will to get
we are trying to make ourselves useful for       issues. Further, banks’ legacy systems and         things done, but there are also regulatory
                                                                                                                                                             Even though
the whole community.                             old core banking systems slow down the             issues, acceptances, product approvals
                                                 development and increase costs when                and many other things that can often be
                                                                                                                                                             COVID-19 has
2. WHAT OBSTACLES DO YOU SEE                     partnering up with fintech and start-              frustrating for more nimble partners.                    caused negative
AS HINDERING COOPERATION AND                     ups. Luckily, we in Aktia finalized the core                                                                impacts for
ECOSYSTEM GROWTH?                                banking renewal project a few years ago.           3. HOW HAS COVID-19 IMPACTED
                                                                                                    YOUR FINTECH STRATEGY AND
NORDEA - VESA RIIHIMÄKI                          OP - KRISTIAN LUOMA                                OVERALL DIGITALIZATION EFFORTS?                          companies and
Banking market in Finland and in the Nordics     Finland has a lot of interesting ecosystems                                                                 the society, it has
is limited compared to the UK or Europe or       in growth, and that obviously influences           NORDEA - VESA RIIHIMÄKI                                  also shown how
Global opportunities. It is                                            the amount of talent         Nordea has not changed the strategy,
not always viable for a                                                available      in     the    we continue to support our customers
                                                                                                                                                             important fintech
fintech startup to build                                               fintech     space.    We     and drive for better value offered to our                and digitalization
a business case within                                                 are still lacking big        customers going forward. In practice                     strategies are in the
relatively small volumes            Finland has a                      fintech     exits,   that    many digitalization projects have gained
                                                                                                                                                             banking of today.
markets.    Fintechs      do        lot of interesting                 would enable us to           even more focus – it has already helped us
not   always    have     the        ecosystems in                      have 2nd generation          to serve our customers faster and better.
needed         capabilities                                            founders       and    3rd
and resources to ensure
                                    growth, and                        generation founders          AKTIA - KIM ALEN                                   100% digital real estate trading process.
big enough penetration              that obviously                     in   fintech    startups     Even though COVID-19 has caused negative           In addition, mobile payments are a nice
with a limited amount of            influences the                     (like some of the other      impacts for individuals, companies and the         example of initiating payments in a fast but
banks involved.
                                    amount of talent                   European         Fintech     society, it has also shown how important           also safe way without touching payment
                                                                       hubs have been able          fintech and digitalization strategies are in       terminals.
                                    available in the                   to do). Cooperation is       the banking of today.
I think everyone has the            fintech space.                     always relevant to the                                                          OP - KRISTIAN LUOMA
willingness to increase                                                strategic      priorities,   Our digital efforts during the COVID-19            We do see a fast acceleration of digital-
partnerships    which      is                                          so it is natural that        have increased in Aktia and we have                first products and changes in the way data
important. There is a lot of willingness and     partnerships don’t always form. We scout           recently signed new start-up and fintech           is being used. This is an exciting time to be
various innovative solutions available, but      startups from 64 regions and countries to          cooperation agreements which add value             working with fintech.
the question is how to find the best possible    find initiatives that we can work with.            for our customers digitally. It is delightful to
partnerships      efficiently,   which   would                                                      see how customers can do daily banking             DANSKE BANK - TEPPO HAVO
add value for all stakeholders including         DANSKE BANK - TEPPO HAVO                           with modern digital tools.                         COVID-19 has definitely had some effects.
customers, partners and the bank. In             To be honest, from bank perspective one                                                               As the burden in daily operations of
addition, further European and global API        of the most crucial things is the way we           If we think about other examples, imagine          business and retail activities has risen due
standardization is needed to increase time       operate. Although significant leaps have           how many dream house deals have                    to increased service demand, there has
to market and to increase the ecosystem          been taken during the last few years, a            been finalized with DIAS, which enables a          been a lot of discussion for new measures
27 HELSINKI FINTECH GUIDE                                                                                                                                             HELSINKI FINTECH GUIDE 28

                                       Participant banks
                                                                                                      fintech companies – and, in turn, speed up
                                                                                                      the process.

                                                                                                      5. ANY TIPS, COMMENTS OR                         As it becomes clear fintech is in
                                                                                                                                                       the heart of digitalization for all
                                                                                                      GREETINGS TO OUR READERS?
                                                                                                                                                       banks interviewed and despite the
                                                                                                                                                       potential found in the Nordics, these
                                                                                                      NORDEA - VESA RIIHIMÄKI                          banks cannot only rely on the home
                                                                                                      Nordea is a relevant partner candidate also      market for innovation hence they
                                                                                                      during and after COVID-19. As a startup you      have teams scouting far and wide
                                                                                                                                                       for innovation.
                                                                                                      can always discuss with Nordea Startup
of streamlining the work – and about the         are       going   to   be    permanent.     Many     & Growth in any of the Nordic counties –
                                                                                                                                                       Engagement processes and or-
alternative ways of doing so.                    customers have realized the benefits of              they can help you with financing growth or       ganisations vary which poses
                                                 and learned to use new digital solutions             opening relevant equity partner doors and        complexities for fintechs looking for
On the other hand, the situation has had         which further decrease the need for cash.            they can also sit down and have business         new business opportunities with the
similar effects to us than it has had in the     COVID-19 has also shown us that remote               mentoring regarding your growth plans.           banks. Therefore, to improve access
                                                                                                                                                       and the feedback loop, Fintech Farm
Venture Capital business. For many VC’s,         working and online meeting tools are an
                                                                                                                                                       teamed up with NewCo Helsinki to
the first driver during the crisis has been      efficient way to manage the workday. Even            AKTIA - KIM ALEN                                 create a new collective screening
to ensure the robustness of their existing       though digital capabilities have increased           I encourage to think further despite the         service for these participant banks.
portfolio before reaching out to the market      during COVID-19, I suppose the need for              COVID-19. We will win this crisis and go
again. For us, COVID-19 has probably             various      social    activities   and   services   forward. I also encourage to contact us          If you are interested in cooperating
                                                                                                                                                       with the banks, visit our website at:
altered our partnership approach a bit;          have also increased, which will support              with new collaboration ideas as old ways
as there are lot of ongoing projects and         economic growth post COVID-19.                       won’t open new doors. You can easily
investments, we have to concentrate more                                                              reach our open banking & fintech team via        There you will find an introduction to
on them.                                         OP - KRISTIAN LUOMA                         I would also like to       the new service and a form to submit
                                                 Most customer interaction will take place            wish you a nice and relaxing summer.             your proposal. All submissions will
4. WHAT IS TO BE EXPECTED IN THE                 over digital interfaces, at least more                                                                be collected and pre-screened
                                                                                                                                                       by us, after which they will be
HORIZON POST COVID-19?                           often than now. We will also find models             OP - KRISTIAN LUOMA
                                                                                                                                                       shared with the banks. You will also
                                                 to evaluate risk that is more realtime by            With COVID-19 we’ll have to find new ways        receive feedback for all proposals.
NORDEA - VESA RIIHIMÄKI                          nature (incl. but not limited to data assets         to craft partnerships. Being open and clear      If you have any questions - please
There is a global strong public discussion       that indicate performance).                          about the intent and strategic goals is          contact for
on how COVID-19 has pushed digitalization                                                             crucial for both startups and incumbents         more information.

an extra boost. We do also see similar           DANSKE BANK - TEPPO HAVO                             to find collaborations that are fruitful.
future – digitalization is getting more          In the long term, I am interested in the
focus and it helps us also to enhance our        development of the Finnish and Nordic                DANSKE BANK - TEPPO HAVO
customer experience.                             Fintech market. UK is still the most mature          Finnish   startup    ecosystem      has     an
                                                 market in Europe, but how quickly can we             acknowledged reputation of openness
AKTIA - KIM ALEN                                 catch up? I believe that the ongoing wave            and cooperation, hoping to do my bit for
I think many new ways of remote working          of strategic development in Nordic banks             the fintech community and help as much I
habits and customer behaviour changes            will offer significant opportunities for many        can – so let’s be in touch!
29 HELSINKI FINTECH GUIDE                                                                                                                                                  HELSINKI FINTECH GUIDE 30


  17.6.2019                                                                                                                                    13.1.2020
   Mash Secures                                                           30.9.2019       Finland as a Fintech
                                                                                                                                               Invesdor raised                                25.5.2020
                                                                                              Hub study by
       25 M€                                                         ePassi secures a                                                             1.9 M€ for                               Enfuce receives PISP
                                                                                          Deloitte and Fintech
institutional equity                                                 41.5 M€ strategic
                                                                                           Finland published
                                                                                                                        9.1.2020            international growth                                 license
    investment                      17.7. 2019                      growth investment
                                                                                                                    Nets bought Poplatek
                                    AlphaSense                                                                         and Poplapay
                                    raises 50 M$
                                                                                                                                                                   RegTech Day

                                                     PSD2 came into
                                                     effect and Skadi
                                                    received Finland’s

                                                     first AISP license
                 Digital housing                                                          Cloudasset
                 trade launched                                                        crowned as the
                    with DIAS                                                         most revolutionary
                                                                                        fintech of 2019
                                                                                                                                 31.12.2019                                                           7.5.2020
                                                                                                                                   Pneumonia of                                                   Virtual Future Digital

                              14.8.2019                                                        21.11.2019                         unknown cause                                                    Finance Forum 9:
                                                                                               The first ever                    reported to WHO                                                   Business Banking
                          Fintech Farm research
                                                                                              Helsinki Fintech                      China Office         2.3.2020
                          reveals Finnish fintech                                                                                                                                29.4.2020
                            industry surpassed            1.9.2019
                                                                                             Pool during Slush   25.11.2019                         LVS Brokers named one
                                                                                                                 Enfuce raises                        of Europe’s fastest-
                              the 1000 M€ in             Flexible credit                                                                                                     1.3 M€ in funding
                                                                                                                                                    growing companies by
                              revenue in 2018          interest rate cap                                         5 M€ funding
                                                                                                                                                        Financial Times
31   HELSINKI FINTECH GUIDE                                                                                                                                                              HELSINKI FINTECH GUIDE 32

                         VALUE THROUGH

Everybody knows Citi. It has been in business for more than 200 years and it is one of the
world’s largest banks. The bank has been present in the Nordic countries since 1970 and
the Helsinki office was established in 1977. In Finland, Citi serves corporations, financial
institutions and the public sector, as well as provide services to subsidiaries of foreign
multinational companies.                                                                                                              In the Picture: Citi team visiting Fintech Farm, from left: Rinku Goel, Ornit Shinar,
                                                                                                                                        Ari Makela, Ola Sundell, Janne Salminen, Anneli Sundstrom and Emmi-Julia Tiitta.
STAY RELEVANT TO ITS CUSTOMERS?                                                                               FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS HAVE SIMILAR                     CITI ACCELERATOR
                                                                                                              CHALLENGES ALL OVER THE WORLD AND
One of the answers is fintech partnerships.                                                                   ARE INTERESTED IN STARTUPS THAT CAN                     Citi Accelerator is a program designed
Citi collaborates with fintech companies                                                                      RESOLVE THESE ISSUES. ORNIT SHINAR                      for commerce & payments, fintech, data
to support their growth and scale-up and                                                                      HAS BEEN A REGULAR VISITOR TO THE                       analytics & AI, cybersecurity & enterprise,
invests in fintechs through Citi Ventures and                                                                 NORDIC REGION DURING RECENT YEARS                       prop-tech       &     digitization      start-ups.
Citi’s accelerator program. Their goal is to                                                                  TO MEET WITH FINTECH ENTREPRENEURS.                     The program is focused on advanced
identify the most compelling ideas that                                                                                                                               companies that have a working product
could create value for customers, partners,                                                                   Ornit Shinar also sees many opportunities               and preferably multiple clients.
and themselves. They aim to test and                                                                          in these uncertain COVID-19 times – to
validate ideas with customers rapidly, to get                                                                 birth new domains, and adopt more                       The    companies        participating      in   the
them to market as fast as possible.                                                                           efficient models and methods. Many of                   program receive the opportunity to gain
                                                                                                              the large companies around us were                      access to Citi worldwide as well as its
During the recent year, Citi has been                                                                         created during the previous crisis.                     network. The companies are mentored by
engaged      in   screening      and    identifying                                                                                                                   key decision-makers from the bank. The
candidates in the Nordic region that would                                                                    “It is all about building bridges between               goal of the mentorship is to understand
match their criteria. The methodology                        In the Picture: Ornit Shinar, Head of External   brilliant ideas and the potential market.               how to best tailor a product to a large
focuses on mentoring in the startups’                     Innovation and Venture Investing Israel at Citi.    Fintechs come to us with amazing                        financial organization’s needs, as well as
                                                                                     Photo by Sivan Farag
specific    financial   fields    and     product                                                             ideas and we guide them along the                       to define and access relevant customers,
development       for   the    global    financial    capital. The role of the accelerator is to              path to success. In the Nordics, you                    and may potentially result in pilots or
industry.                                             explore emerging trends in technology                   have   many    interesting   fintechs,   not            POCs with Citi or other companies.
                                                      and financial services and accelerate                   least within payments and the open-
“We want to identify and connect with                 the engagement process of innovative                    banking area that could scale up and                    Citi has eight innovation labs around the
fintech companies ready to scale up and go            startups with Citi,” says Ornit Shinar,                 go global when we find them and                         world and the accelerator in Tel Aviv to
global – to support their growth and provide          Head of External Innovation and Venture                 when there is a right match,” she adds.                 build bridges between brilliant ideas and
access to our global network and global               Investing Israel at Citi.                                                                                       the market.
33 HELSINKI FINTECH GUIDE                                                                                                                                                 HELSINKI FINTECH GUIDE 34

                 FINLAND’S MOST                                                                        P3, so the brands support each other, but       China. They represent a massive breadth of

                                                                                                       fundamentally solve different problems.         products, focused on the telecom business
                                                                                                                                                       side and gave insight into how China

                   CLOUDASSET                                                                          TELL US A BIT ABOUT YOUR
                                                                                                       LIFE AND CAREER PRIOR TO
                                                                                                                                                       operated – that was gold dust for me.
                                                                                                                                                       After that I joined AGT, a Swiss high-tech
                                                                                                       FOUNDING CLOUDASSET?                            company focused on homeland security
                                                                                                       I have been working now for quite a while.      and the protection of critical assets using
                                                                                                       I was doing some smaller technology jobs        highly advanced data fusion technology. It
Cloudasset was chosen as Finland’s
                                                                                                       when I was in University and making four        was a complete eye opener, really seeing
most revolutionary fintech during
                                                                                                       pounds an hour, five pounds an hour, which      how technology plays such a massive role
the Future Digital Finance Forum of
October 2019, following an open call                                                                   was phenomenal as a student. It was             in the lives of individuals.

for candidates and a judging done                                                                      always in e-business or IT – the two industry

by Jupe Arala from Vendep Capital,                                                                     buzz words back then. People like me were       Year 2014 was when I hit 40, and as it was
Sami Toivoniemi from Deloitte and                                                                      in demand because we understood what            my lifelong ambition that no matter what
Isobel Nordström from Citi. In this                                                                    e-business was and how to use it to engage      I was doing, I will quit my job and I will
interview, we discuss Cloudasset with                                                                  with customers. When the first dotcom           setup on my own. Despite being recently
its founder Hasan Malik, hear about                                                                    boom & bust cycle happened, I was               promoted to Head Global Sales, I thanked
how he founded the company and                                                                         working for BT and had the good fortune to      my leadership and put in my resignation
what problems it is here to solve.                                                                     work with some very large customer cases.       papers. In September 2014 Cloud Asset
                                                                                                       We had the largest enterprises of any           was born.
                                                                                                       nature as customers, so a lot of very strong
                                                                         In the Picture: Hasan Malik
PLEASE INTRODUCE US TO                                                                                 grounding happened during those days.           WHAT WERE YOUR MAIN
CLOUDASSET                                                                                             BT gave me a great opportunity to move to       GOALS WHEN FOUNDING THE
Cloudasset is a Helsinki headquartered        that the world’’s payment system is old,                 Singapore where I ran
high tech company with two separate           disjointed and has no transparency. P3                   an alliance between                                                  The main drive was to
lines of business; RAMP focused on AI         links three different attributes: People,                BT and HP. After that I                                              look at complex use
and Decision Systems and P3 which             Payments and Product (hence the name                     joined HP itself and had
                                                                                                                                    P3 was born out                         cases – when we setup
is the fintech line of business. RAMP         ‘P3’) by creating a single, unified digital              a number of emerging                                                 Cloudasset    the   first
solves mega scale use cases that have         payments platform enabled by modern                      markets under me in
                                                                                                                                    of the problem                          use case that we had
significant impact on the quality of life.    technology,       without      the    burden       of    Asia.                        statement that the                      staring us in the face,
It has been used by the Government of         legacy, tying together all back-end flows.                                            world’s payment                         was the way financial
Thailand to create a digital water resource                                                            This gave me a lot
                                                                                                                                    system is old,                          technology is evolving
management system, with capabilities          This    platform    is   scalable,     fitting   the     of good exposure to                                                  with small iterations on
for capacity planning on an annual basis,     needs from small and medium-sized                        upcoming        markets
                                                                                                                                    disjointed and has                      top of the old and that
allocating   water   resources   and   even   financial   institutions     and     corporations        and     at   large   the     no transparency.                        was not in my opinion
predicting floods to ensure continuity for    to     national    scale     services      creating      business     opportunity                                             the perfect way of going
manufacturing and agricultural processes.     payment ecosystems in real time. RAMP’s                  across South East Asian region. Following       about it. The second thing was that there
                                              enhanced data technology and machine                     this I worked for a JV of HAIER, one of the     was a lot of hype around bitcoin and while
P3 was born out of the problem statement      learning skills have been plugged into                   largest electronics conglomerates from          knowing how the technology works, I see it
35 HELSINKI FINTECH GUIDE                                                                                                                            HELSINKI FINTECH GUIDE 36

more of a swap mechanism, more like an         made things too easy; the focus would             lockdown)! The team will grow this year –
intermediary rather than a currency. I don’t   have gone away from solving problems to           we need key hires: we need someone to               Key Figures:
see it has a real intrinsic value instrument   making fast revenue gains as our external         spearhead our Business Development &
compared to for example gold that has          investors would expect rapid returns and          Market Penetration Strategy and leads for
                                                                                                                                                      Founded in
been there for ever and will continue to       we needed time to realise our products            managing key large accounts. This has to
be or conventional currencies that are
the primary mechanism of commerce
                                               and promise to the market without any
                                               distraction. But what has happened during
                                                                                                 be very much Europe focused as we go
                                                                                                 deeper into engaging in Finland as well,
and exchange today. So, our focus was          the years is that we as a team have matured       we are building a strong go-to market on
on those tried and tested methods used         a lot, the company has matured a lot and          the sales side. On the operations side we
in   commerce         and                                        our products are now            need to run 24/7 managed services for                 Revenue

                                                                                                                                                   ~1 M €
payments             inter-                                      real with good market           our large customers, so we are hiring very
actions – so for us                                              fit.   We     have   under-     strong players to enrich our team. We also
P3 was a very clear                                              stood    in   the    process    need to bring people on board for product
concept      right   from                                        that    whilst      we    can   creation and product design – so a lot of
                              External funding
the beginning. What                                              develop        phenomenal       people will join the team this year. We need
we started with was
                              would have made                    technology, we need to          to ensure we deliver on time and monetise

the payment system
of   the    future    and
                              things too easy; the
                              focus would have
                                                                 also develop excellent
                                                                 business context with our
                                                                                                 our customer engagements so we have
                                                                                                 inflow of income which we can continue to
at   the    same      time                                       technology capability. Of       invest in the company.                           by end of year 60-65
                              gone away from
having      worked       in                                      that    business     context,
public      safety    and     solving problems                   one aspect is the value         There is a possibility that later this year we
                                                                                                                                                       Based in
                              to making fast
security,    I   thought                                         proposition      and      the   will bring onboard a strategic investor now
water was a major             revenue gains                      other    aspect      is   the   that we feel that we are absolutely real. The
threat. Cross border                                             universe you live in, the       investor would function as a parent or a
payments came later                                              relationships you build         big sister that can help us scale rapidly. We
followed by use cases                                            with potential partners         would have done it earlier this year, but this
for future health.                             and enablers. Similarly, we have learned          COVID-19 disruption came in and I had to
                                               to leverage the likes of AWS, rather than         really reassess the impact on our business.
HOW HAVE THESE GOALS                           doing everything ourselves. You cannot            As things are now stabilising a little bit, we      PAKISTAN
CHANGED OVER THE TIME?                         rush a good dinner; you have to let things        see that we can learn from this so that the          ISRAEL
We have stayed quite consistent to be          progress nicely, so we have taken our time        impact on us will be positive. We are going         HELSINKI
honest. Never raised external funding, we      to really create our purpose in this world.       to open an office in London later this year
had some basic ideas that we need to be                                                          when the COVID-19 situation calms down               LONDON
really focused on solving problems and         WHAT IS NEXT FOR                                  and we are going to announce a very
fulfilling needs: what are the customer’s      CLOUDASSET?                                       strong strategic partnership in Asia as well;
real needs and what are the real problems      First – find a way to get back to Helsinki        we are in discussions with a very large
that we are seeking to address. I wanted       (Hasan was in Pakistan for customer               technology company there that thinks we
to keep that pressure, continued focus as      engagements during the interview with             are doing good things and they would like
a reminder. External funding would have        no return flights due to the COVID-19             to collaborate with us.
37 HELSINKI FINTECH GUIDE                                                                                                       HELSINKI FINTECH GUIDE 38

BE PART OF A                                                                  JOIN THE FINTECH FARM
GLOBAL FINTECH                                                                DEAL FLOW PROGRAM
COMMUNITY                                                                     Fintech Farm Deal Flow Program is a
The Fintech Farm community is made of                                         service, where Fintech Farm connects
fintechs, banks, service providers and investors                              its clients with potential investors and
brought together to network, develop and co-create.                           industrial   customers        through   Fintech
An important part of this community is our global partner                     Farm’s global network.
network. To support our members with international growth, we
have teamed up with the other hubs from the Nordics and beyond. Our           The service is customized based on the
global network partners also include visibility platforms and due diligence   Fintech’s needs, identified when joining
support to ensure secure internationalisation.                                the program. Our network consists of
                                                                              investors and financial institutions from
                                                                              Northern Europe, Central Europe and Asia.
                                                                              Our network of partners is expanding
                                                                              steadily globally.



                                                                                           Interested? Join the Deal Flow Program at
39 HELSINKI FINTECH GUIDE                                                                                                                                             HELSINKI FINTECH GUIDE 40

                                                                                                    proposition for cities everywhere. Since       City residents are not the only audience
                                                                                                    the application debuted in Helsinki three      MaaS Global is trying to win over. The
                                                                                                    years ago, users have made more than           company has been on a years-long
                                                                                                    eight million trips so far. Alongside a pay-   roadshow from city to city to sell the
                                                                                                    as-you-go option, there are three monthly      benefits of MaaS to transport operators,
                                                                                                    subscriptions. For about 60€, you get public   politicians   and     the    numerous          other
                                                                                                    transport, bikes and four short taxi rides     stakeholders vital to getting the technical
                                                                                                    each month. A 249€ tier adds scooters,         infrastructure in place. Hietanen estimates
                                                                                                    discounted taxis and weekend car rental.       that he has spoken at more than 2,000
                                                                                                    Then there is the 499€ ‘Whim Unlimited’        events, across all continents.
                                                                                                    option offering a vehicle whenever you
                                                                                                    need it. The service is rolling out to other   “MaaS is a movement. It is the kind of
                                                                                                    cities in Europe and Asia using the same       concept that really takes a village to build.
                                                                                                    model, albeit with localized pricing.          A huge ecosystem has to be moved. And
                                                                                                                                                                       then everybody has to
                                                                                                    MaaS Global believes                                               kind of take a leap of
                                                                                                    Whim      can        entice                                        faith at the same time,”
                                                                                                                                   We have to                          he says.

                                                                                                                                   offer a service
                                                                                                    especially      if    they                                         It is a gamble many
                                                                                                    can      get        greater    that guarantees                     seem      willing    to    take.

         HOW A FINNISH MOVEMENT WANTS TO                                                            convenience            and     your individual                     MaaS      Global’s        recent
                                                                                                    save money in the                                                  growth drive has brought
          CHANGE THE WAY WE GET AROUND                                                              process. In Finland,                                               the app to Birmingham,
                                                                                                    for     example,       the                                         Antwerp and Vienna, with
Text: James Etheridge                                              In the Picture: Sampo Hietanen   average         monthly                                            Tokyo      and      Singapore
                                                                                                    cost of owning a car exceeds 600€ when         deployments underway and a U.S. launch
                                                                                                    accounting for maintenance, insurance          on the cards. The company last year also
During a champagne-fueled flight from London to Helsinki one April evening in 2006, civil           and parking. (And that for an asset that is    attracted three new investors, with BP
engineer Sampo Hietanen was suddenly struck by a crazy idea: what if a city’s residents             idle 95% of the time and does not cover all    Ventures joining Mitsubishi Corporation
could access all the transport they ever needed using a single digital key? They would no           transport needs.)                              and Toyota Financial Services in taking
longer have to navigate dozens of different applications to plan, book and pay for trips.                                                          stakes.
And with every form of mobility available on tap, they would have no reason to own a car.           Hietanen is under no illusions, though.
                                                                                                    “People love cars,” he says. “For us to        Since     then,   the       pandemic-induced
Fast forward to 2020 and Hietanen is looking to deliver on that vision through an application       convince people about MaaS, we need            lockdown has dented revenues, though
called Whim. “The app is a promise of anywhere, anytime, on a whim. It’s a promise of               to be better than owning a car. We have        Hietanen      remains       optimistic        about
freedom,” he tells Fintech Farm during a video call.                                                to offer a service that guarantees your        the company’s future prospects given
                                                                                                    individual freedom.”                           continued urbanization and the need to
Hietanen runs MaaS Global, the company that aims to develop Whim into a viable                                                                     tackle a bigger crisis: climate change.
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