HERE NOW Latest regeneration news Completion of Phase 1 Portobello's Park Party Community Kitchen Garden - Catalyst Housing

Page created by Francisco Mcguire
HERE NOW Latest regeneration news Completion of Phase 1 Portobello's Park Party Community Kitchen Garden - Catalyst Housing

                                               Latest regeneration news
                                               Completion of Phase 1

                                               Portobello’s Park Party
                                               Community Kitchen Garden
HERE NOW Latest regeneration news Completion of Phase 1 Portobello's Park Party Community Kitchen Garden - Catalyst Housing
Regeneration Update

WELCOME                                                                    KEEPING THE COMMUNITY
                                                                           TOGETHER ON PHASE 1
                                                                                                                                                                             ‘All the neighbours are
                                                                                                                                                                               the same. My brother
                                                                                                                                                                               lives next to our
                                                                                                                                                                               neighbour from our old
                                                                                                                                                                               flat, who we’ve known
There’s been plenty going
on in the neighbourhood this
                                                           02                                                                                                                  from childhood, and his
                                                                                                                                                                               mum and dad live next
                                                                                                                                                                               to me and my mum.’
summer, and the autumn’s                                   Update                                                                                                            Ahmet, resident.

looking just as busy. There
are lots of new faces to
meet, and exciting initiatives
and events bringing the
community together.                                        07                                                                                                                ‘It feels great to be in
                                                           Your                                                                                                                my own flat in London,
                                                                                                                                                                               especially in the area
In this issue of Here & Now, we hear from Melanie          Neighbourhood                                                                                                       I want to be in.’
Monaghan, the Venture Centre’s new Director. Born and
raised in the area, she’s enjoying being back on home                                                                                                                        Andre, resident.
turf, and looking forward to making sure the Venture
Centre plays a key role in the regeneration project.
Catalyst Gateway have recently agreed a four-year
funding programme with the Venture Centre, and you’ll

see more inside about the great projects to be funded.

The regeneration project keeps moving forward,
and there are updates on lots of aspects, from the         Spotlight
local Travel Plan to the adoption of the new roads. In
particular, we’re really pleased to see Phase 1 occupied
                                                           on Melanie
to a large extent by existing residents, and we share      Monaghan
some figures and a look at how our Rehousing team
approach their task.                                                       Lettings are now complete                Of those 174, 171 are let to existing      people who make it special. We have
                                                                           for the new homes in Phase 1.            residents of Wornington Green. The other   committed to re-house all residents
We also welcome Public Voice, the neighbourhood’s new
                                                                                                                    three were offered to the Royal Borough    from Wornington Green into the new
Independent Tenants’ Advice Service, as well as three                      The new buildings so far
new members of the Residents’ Steering Group. We hear
about the events and projects that have been bringing
                                                           13              already exemplify the strong
                                                                           mixed-tenure community that
                                                                                                                    of Kensington and Chelsea, to help meet
                                                                                                                    high demand for wheelchair-accessible
                                                                                                                                                               development to ensure that we keep the
                                                                                                                                                               community together. When people do
                                                                                                                                                               choose to move away, we try really hard
the community together this summer, from Portobello’s      Lifestyle       Portobello Square will be.                                                          to find them the home they’re looking
Park Party to the Community Kitchen Garden. As                                                                      25 of those 171 existing households are    for in the area they choose, so that it’s
always, there’s loads coming up for you to get involved                                                             adult children of existing residents who
                                                                           Rehousing customers from their                                                      a positive move for them.
in – don’t forget to check the back cover for details.                                                              wanted to move into their own place.
                                                                           existing homes on Wornington Green
                                                                           has been a complex and sensitive                                                    ‘Rehousing residents as part of
From the team at Catalyst and our partners.                                                                         Of the 171 households from Wornington      a regeneration programme is a
                                                                           process. The commitment we’ve focused    Green, 142 moved straight into their
                                                                           on throughout has been to guarantee                                                 complicated process, but we take the
                                                                                                                    new home. Some households had to           time to get to know each household and
                                                                           a new home in the development to         move temporarily before they could
                                                           15              everyone who wants one. We also                                                     understand what’s important to them
                                                                                                                    move into their new home. 17 of these      when they are re-housed and we’re
                                                                           committed to make sure as many           temporary moves were to another home
                                                                                                                                                               encouraged by the outcomes so far.’
                                                           Future Events   households as possible move straight     on Wornington Green, and 12 were
                                                                           into their new home.                     elsewhere.
                                                                           Of the 324 brand new homes in Phase 1,   Sue Hannah, Catalyst’s Area Manager
                                                                           174 are for social rent.                 for Wornington Green, said, ‘There’s
                                                                                                                    a really close knit community on
                                                                                                                    Wornington Green and it’s the

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HERE NOW Latest regeneration news Completion of Phase 1 Portobello's Park Party Community Kitchen Garden - Catalyst Housing
Regeneration Update

TRAVEL PLAN                                                                                               ATHLONE GARDENS
                                                                                                                                                             65-96 PEPLER HOUSE
                                                                                                                                                                                  SITE OF BOND MANSIONS
At the start of the process,
we developed a Travel Plan                                                                                                                                        NING
for the regeneration project,                                                                                                            KATHERINE HOUSE                  ROAD                                      EDWARD KENNEDY HOUSE
as part of our contract
                                                                                                                                                            BREAKWELL COURT
with the Royal Borough of                                                                                                                                                                                                      192 & 194 WORNINGTON ROAD
Kensington and Chelsea.                                                                                                                    MACAULAY HOUSE
                                                                                                                                                                                      WATTS HOUSE

This helps to inform travel planning
decisions in the area, and feeds into the                                                                                                                   CHILTERN HOUSE
wider travel strategies of RBKC and the                                                                                              CHESTERTON HOUSE

Greater London Authority. It also helps                                                                                                                                                                              VENTURE CENTRE
to make sure you’re all aware of the travel

options you can choose from.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  HUDSON MANSIONS

We’re required to update the Travel Plan

regularly, at least at the end of each



phase, and we’re in the process of doing

that now. A big part of this is surveying
residents about how and when they                                                                                               WILL BE TAKEN OUT
                                                                                                                                OF USE FOR BUILDING                                                             AT
travel. We’re inviting all residents to                                                                                         OF BLOCK 6                                                                        HL
take part by letter offering a choice to                                                                                                                                                                            ON
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      E                                         ORWELL MANSIONS
complete the survey online or on paper.                                                                                                                                                               HARDY MANSIONS          PL
When the revised Travel Plan
is available, we’ll publish it on                                                                                                                                                                                                                             MEWS HOUSES




                                              ADOPTION OF                                                 As part of the regeneration,
                                                                                                                                   Y RO
                                                                                                                                       AD                            What happens after that?


                                                                                                          we’ve pledged to provide
                                                                                                                             FAR     2.3                             •	The next part of the park – currently                                       Key

                                              BONCHURCH ROAD

                                                                                                          acres of new public park.

                                                                                                                                                                        the haul road and the area beyond it up

                                                                                                                                                                        to the Venture Centre – will be finished                                               The park that existed before
                                                                                                          Managed by the Royal Borough of
                                              AND FARADAY ROAD                                            Kensington and Chelsea, Athlone Gardens
                                                                                                          will be a space for the whole community
                                                                                                                                                                        by March 2020, if not before.

                                                                                                                                                                     •	The next parts of the park will ORtake
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               the regeneration project

                                                                                                          to share in leisure and relaxation, and                                                           BE
                                                                                                                                                                        longer to deliver, so in the meantime                                                  The new section of the park,
                                              After a delay so that we could protect                                                                                                                          LL
                                                                                                          will create a perfect focal point for the                     RBKC will put in some improvements      O                                              opening in early October.
                                              the area during Notting Hill Carnival,                      neighbourhood. Until this park is finished,                   and features in the park we’ve built ROA
                                              we are aiming for Bonchurch Road and                        we’re also committed to making sure                           so far, to give you a versatile and       D                                            We aim to complete this
                                              Faraday Road to be adopted by the Royal                     Wornington Green has a green open                             attractive green space that works                                                      section of the park by 2020.
                                              Borough of Kensington and Chelsea in                        space at all times, at least half the size of                 for everyone.
                                              early October.                                              the final park.
                                                                                                                                                                     •	In 2022, the original park will be taken
                                              This will mean that RBKC will be responsible for            Athlone Gardens is being created bit                          out of use as we build on the site of
                                              maintaining the roads and enforcing parking restrictions.   by bit, as each phase of demolition and                       Chesterton House. Part of this land
                                                                                                          construction makes another piece of land                      will become part of the park again
                                              This includes things like making sure the roads and         available. We’re aiming for the first piece                   at the end of the process. The play
                                              pavements are in good condition and free of litter, and     in the puzzle to be handed over to RBKC                       equipment in this section of the park
                                              taking care of the landscaped areas on Bonchurch            in early October.                                             will be reprovided.
                                              Road. RBKC will also be responsible for issuing parking
                                              permits. If you need a permit once the roads are                                                                       •	The timetable for delivering the final
                                              adopted, or notice anything about the roads that needs                                                                    part of the park will depend on the
                                              attention, please contact RBKC.                                                                                           way we develop Phase 3. There will be
                                                                                                                                                                        further updates on this as we begin
                                              Please note that once the roads are adopted, there will                                                                   designing and planning this phase.
                                              be no access to Wornington Road from Faraday Road.
                                              The Venture Centre’s mini bus will still use the road for
                                              pick-up and drop-off, but there will be bollards at the
                                              top of the road to prevent through access.

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HERE NOW Latest regeneration news Completion of Phase 1 Portobello's Park Party Community Kitchen Garden - Catalyst Housing
Regeneration Update

KENSINGTON AND                                                                                                                       RESIDENTS’ STEERING                                                                       PUBLIC VOICE
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               APPOINTED AS THE
CHELSEA COLLEGE                                                                                                                      GROUP UPDATE                                                                              NEW INDEPENDENT
INTERIOR DESIGN                                                                                                                                                                                                                TENANTS’ ADVISOR
                                                                                                                                     Hello! We are the new RSG                   We’ve also worked with Catalyst to            Catalyst Housing recently
                                                                                                                                     members Nadia, Louise and                   appoint the new Independent Tenants’          retendered the Independent
                                                                                                                                                                                 Advisor. Since 2012 this role has been        Tenants’ Advice Service
                                                                                                                                     Jonathan, living in Olive
                                                                                                                                                                                 filled by NewmanFrancis, and from             (ITA), which provides
                                                                                                                                     Blythe House, Watts House and               1 October 2017 it will be Public Voice.
                                                                                                                                     Wornington Road respectively.               We’ve learnt how important it is for
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               advice to residents during
                                                                                                                                                                                 residents to be involved in making these      the regeneration project
                                                                                                                                     We have been members of the RSG
                                                                                                                                                                                 procurement decisions. All partners need      and facilitates the monthly
                                                                                                                                     for 6 months and it’s been great to get
                                                                                                                                     involved, helping the community and
                                                                                                                                                                                 to consider the needs and aspirations         Residents’ Steering Group
                                                                                                                                                                                 of the community, and so having that          and Public meetings.
                                                                                                                                     working with Catalyst. The RSG is here to
                                                                                                                                                                                 established as a key part of the work,
                                                                                                                                     work with all residents in our community,
                                                                                                                                                                                 by including residents in interviews,         The interviews took place on Tuesday
                                                                                                                                     so if you have any ideas or suggestions
                                                                                                                                                                                 is essential.                                 8 August and we are very pleased to
                                                                                                                                     for us, please get in touch at
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               announce that Public Voice has been
                                                                                                                                            The RSG was thrilled to support               appointed as the new ITA. Public Voice
                                                                                                                                                                                 Portobello’s Park Party at the end of July.   will deliver the service for the next three
                                                                                                                                     In August, three RSG members were
                                                                                                                                                                                 It was a really fun day, enjoyed by lots of   years from 1 October 2017.
                                                                                                                                     involved in procuring the architects
                                                                                                                                                                                 our neighbours. Many thanks to Catalyst
                                                                                                                                     for Phase 3 of the regeneration. This
                                                                                                                                                                                 for arranging such a nice day.                We’d like to say a special thank you to
                                                                                                                                     involved watching a presentation from
BTEC Level 3 Interior Design students at                                                                                                                                                                                       the Residents’ Steering Group for their
                                                                                                                                     the candidates, and scoring them based      The RSG will continue to work on behalf       input into the tender; and especially
Kensington and Chelsea College have been using
the new commercial units in Phase 1 as the basis
for their final project, drawing influences from the
                                                                            EMAIL UPDATES                                            on how they will involve residents and
                                                                                                                                     consider our community.
                                                                                                                                                                                 of all our neighbours, supporting you
                                                                                                                                                                                 through the regeneration project and
                                                                                                                                                                                 ensuring residents’ wishes, needs and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               to RSG members Karina Skinner, Julie
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Kamara, & Lesley Dillon who took part
                                                                                                                                     Catalyst will make a recommendation to                                                    in the selection process.
area’s rich creative culture.                                               Sign up for our email updates, and be                                                                concerns are at the front of all decisions.
                                                                                                                                     their Board at the end of September as
                                                                            the first to know about site works that                  to which architect scores highest in the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Catalyst would like to keep residents
The brief for the project was to design a combined gallery and shop                                                                                                              So far it’s been a very rewarding             up to date with changes to services,
                                                                            could affect you.                                        competition overall. An announcement        experience being part of the RSG,
for one of two local artists, within the dimensions of one of the                                                                                                                                                              including those which are provided by
                                                                                                                                     will be made shortly after this.            knowing we’re part of keeping this
commercial units. Many designed spaces inspired by their chosen             We aim to let you know about any works or changes                                                                                                  partner organisations. Keep an eye out
artist, with features that highlighted the key qualities of their work.     coming up well in advance – but it’s the nature                                                      community strong and vibrant.                 for the team at Public Voice, who will be
                                                                            of construction that sometimes there will be dates                                                   Finally, we would like to thank the team      contacting you to introduce themselves
Student Michelina chose local ceramic artist Cody Hoyt. ‘I wanted           we can’t fix or events we can’t forsee. This might be                                                                                              and keep you updated about the service.
to bring a cinematic experience to the space’, she says, ‘so I included                                                                                                          at NewmanFrancis for the work that they
                                                                            because there are lots of other factors that influence                                               have done over the last five years.
a screen that will show the processes of making the objects on              when something can happen, or because something                                                                                                    If you need any further information,
display.’ Her design used different textures and surfaces playfully         happens in the area that we didn’t expect and it                                                                                                   please contact Patricia Poorman
to reflect the hands-on experience of making ceramics.                      affects the site. A good example of this is the recent                                                                                             on 03000 456 2099 or email
                                                                            work to disconnect gas from the site of                                                                                                  
‘I chose one of the spaces with lots of windows, which turned out to
be an exciting challenge,’ says Daniela, another student. She created       Bond Mansions.
her own acrylic prints for her space, taking inspiration from the           When things like this happen, an email from us will
‘Textiles’ collection by glassmaker Ruth Shelley.                           let you know what’s going on as soon as we do.
To develop their designs, the students researched their chosen              We’ll only ever email you with updates on the works
artist, and experimented with prints and textures to create                 to do with the regeneration project that we couldn’t
decorative surfaces. They created floorplans based on the plans             tell you about in advance, and that may directly
for the commercial units, as well as small scale models to give a           affect you. Any promotions or other communications
real sense of how the spaces would work.                                    that you may have signed up for from Catalyst, or
Alya Rizvi, head of interior design at KCC, said: ‘It’s been really great   operational messages, will come from other parts
working with Catalyst. The students have enjoyed designing the shop         of the business.
and gallery space. They’ve also really benefited from developing their      If you’d like to receive these updates, please
understanding of the area through research and talking to friends           email
and family who work locally. We look forward to continuing to work          We won’t share these details with any third parties,
with Catalyst in the future.’                                               and you’ll be able to opt out of the messages at any
                                                                            time by replying.

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HERE NOW Latest regeneration news Completion of Phase 1 Portobello's Park Party Community Kitchen Garden - Catalyst Housing
Your Neighbourhood

Portobello’s Park Party took                         Home, Kensington & Chelsea Health Trainers,
place on Sunday 30 July 2017                         Golborne Community Champions, Wornington
                                                     Green Community Group, the Residents Steering
in Athlone Gardens.
                                                     Group, Urban Fox Orchestra steel band and all the
At this free, fun packed event, there was            performers who took part in the event.
something for everyone to enjoy. A host of
                                                     If you were at the event and would like to give
family-friendly activities was provided, including
                                                     us any feedback, or you’d like to find out about
traditional games, tombola, lucky dip, arts &
                                                     future events and activities for Wornington Green
crafts, face painting, a magician and balloon
                                                     and Portobello Square residents, please contact
twisting, just to name a few.
                                                     Patricia Poorman on 0300 456 2099 or email
The live performances and a delicious Caribbean
meal that was provided went down a treat.
                                                     The event was run in collaboration with
Golborne Community Champions, Kensington
                                                     the Venture Centre and Wornington Green
& Chelsea Health Trainers and representatives
                                                     Community Group.
from Mayhew Animal Home were also on hand to
provide information and advice to residents.

We would like to say a heartfelt thank you to
United Living, Couch Perry Wilkes, Campbell
Reith, and Arcadis for their donations towards the
event. Special thanks also go to Mayhew Animal

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HERE NOW Latest regeneration news Completion of Phase 1 Portobello's Park Party Community Kitchen Garden - Catalyst Housing
Your Neighbourhood

We were proud to co-sponsor the 8th           While over 100 local children enjoyed our
Annual Golborne Road Festival on Sunday       activities, grown-ups took the opportunity
9 July. As well as bringing the local         to learn more about some of the fantastic

                                                                                            AND THE
community together, the festival also         community projects which Catalyst are
allows visitors to experience first-hand      supporting in North Kensington. (See
what’s great about the area and soak up       page 12 for more information on projects

its vibrancy.                                 we’re supporting at the Venture Centre.)
The festival featured delicious food and      Special thanks to the Golborne Forum
a host of family-friendly activities, with    for another brilliant event and all the
something for everyone. Catalyst staff
relished the opportunity to get creative
running two activity stalls, which included
                                              fantastic volunteers that generously gave
                                              up their time to lend a hand. We can’t wait
                                              to catch up with you all again next year!
a Homework Club colouring competition,
cap decorating, snap-on bracelet making
and a caricaturist.

                                                                                            IN YOUNG
                                                                                                        An important part of life at Wornington        Healthy Meals Programme – healthy
                                                                                                        Green, the Venture Centre offers people        meals provided daily along with regular
                                                                                                        of all ages and cultures the chance to         workshops to show young people how
                                                                                                        learn, try new activities, get help and        much fun cooking can be and, by
                                                                                                        advice, improve their fitness and catch        involving them in preparing and cooking
                                                                                                        up with friends at social events. Even if      their own meals, encourage them to try
                                                                                                        you’ve never visited, chances are you’ll       new foods and make healthier choices.
                                                                                                        know someone that has.
                                                                                                                                                       Notting Hill Kids Carnival – local children
                                                                                                        Catalyst has agreed a four-year funding        design and make their own carnival
                                                                                                        package with the Venture Centre to             costumes and take part in a carnival
                                                                                                        enable the delivery of a programme of          procession through their local
                                                                                                        activities that create opportunities for       neighbourhood.
                                                                                                        local children to learn, achieve and thrive.
                                                                                                        But our work goes much further than            Summer Camp – back to basics
                                                                                                        funding; it’s very much a partnership with     residential camp for local children,
                                                                                                        our staff working closely with Venture         particularly those who may have little
                                                                                                        Centre staff to develop projects and           or no experience of life outside an
                                                                                                        ultimately ensure they meet the needs of       urban environment.
                                                                                                        local people. Projects to be funded in the     If you’d like to find out more about any
                                                                                                        first year are:                                of these projects, please contact the
                                                                                                        After School Homework Club – a                 Venture Centre on 020 8960 3234
                                                                                                        dedicated space to get homework done           or
                                                                                                        with access to computers and support           Alternatively, please contact Donna Kelly,
                                                                                                        from qualified staff and volunteers. Free      Community Investment Co-ordinator,
                                                                                                        weekly term-time support sessions will         at
                                                                                                        run on Wednesdays and Fridays from
                                                                                                        4.30pm – 6pm.

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HERE NOW Latest regeneration news Completion of Phase 1 Portobello's Park Party Community Kitchen Garden - Catalyst Housing

                                                                                                                                        It feels good to be
                                                                                                                                         bringing all this
                                                                                                                                       experience back to
                                                                                                                                         where I started.


  Melanie Monaghan is the new Director                               Melanie began her role full time this month. Her first plan
  of the Venture Centre.                                             is to get to know all the staff, volunteers, and people who
                                                                     use the Venture Centre. Then she wants to make some
  Melanie Monaghan is excited to be working in Kensington            improvements to the building, starting with the foyer –
  again. After twelve years of work in community development,        ‘something that everyone can see and feel, and get involved
  taking her to Cambridge, Bristol and Merton, Melanie’s new         in.’ Then it’s about ensuring the Centre’s financial stability,
  role as Director of the Venture Centre is bringing her back        and planning for the future.
  to the borough where she grew up and raised her two sons.
  ‘This is like coming home,’ she says, sitting in the foyer, ‘it    ‘There’s a real opportunity here to be
  feels good to be bringing all this experience back to where        creative about connecting with everyone,’
  I started.’
                                                                     she says. ‘The Centre’s buzzing, vibrant, so
  After several years in administrative roles, Melanie decided       well-used and well-loved, but I bet there are
  to go to University, at first with a view to becoming a teacher.   all kinds of people we’re not reaching. I’d
  Then she found a part time job in community development
                                                                     love to get more buyers from the new homes
  that she could fit around her studies, and was hooked.
  ‘You can be really creative in the public sector,’ she says,       in, embracing them as part of the community
  ‘it’s not a selfless act, because you get so much knowledge        too – that would be quite wonderful.’
  and understanding back from the people you meet.’
                                                                     Melanie’s conscious that the Venture Centre has a huge
  Back in the mix of North Kensington, Melanie describes             role to play in the regeneration project, getting to know the
  the area as ‘multi-cultural in the truest sense of the word:       priorities of Catalyst and the local community, and helping
  people really want to experience other cultures.’ She also         to find ways forward that are beneficial for everyone. ‘There
  enjoys Golborne Road’s array of cafes and restaurants, often       are lots of groups around here with a voice,’ she says ‘and
  making time at lunch to go out, enjoy the area and think over      the Venture Centre is a place where they can all come
  what needs to be done.                                             together and be listened to. Any area, any community, goes
                                                                     through changes, and we can make this change a win-win
                                                                     for everyone – there’s no reason why it shouldn’t be.’

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It’s hard to find a better image              Danella McGillivary’s been growing             The garden has 20 plots – and a few
of summer’s bounty than the                   lettuce, beetroot and peppers, among           are available for residents with a love
                                              other things. ‘It’s much better than you       of greenery! If you’re interested, contact
Community Kitchen Garden
                                              can buy in the shops,’ she says, ‘you can      Patricia Poorman on 0300 456 2099 or
on Wornington Green.                          really taste the difference. The beetroot      email
Sheltered between Pepler House and            is so sweet!’                                  Keep on eye on the communal notice
Rendle House, the garden’s bursting with                                                     board for our gardening workshops
                                              For the last three years, Wornington           and events.
green leaves and full of produce, from        Green Community Kitchen Garden has
sweet, crunchy pears to peppers, cabbage      entered The Royal Horticultural Society
and beautiful, sharp strawberries.            & London in Bloom competition. Last year
The garden’s been open for six years now,     it achieved Level Three; this year, the plot
and is tended by a dedicated group of         holders are hoping to achieve the highest
plot-holders. As well as eating what they     Level Five.
grow, they also share it with each other
and the community – there’s certainly
lots to go round!

For one gardener, Barbette Mamengi,
green fingers run in the family. She
started gardening in her mum’s huge
garden, and looks after her plot together
with her fifteen year old daughter. ‘I love
to grow the things I’m going to eat,’
she says.

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                                                        The Catalyst team are working on a wide range of events
                                                        and activities through 2017, with the following scheduled
                                                        to take place over the Autumn.

                           Black History                                                Coffee Afternoon
                           Month Event                                                  Every Wednesday
                           Friday 6 October                                             2pm – 4.30pm
                           6pm – 9pm                                                    Portobello Hall
                           Venture Centre                                               304 Ladbroke Grove
                           103a Wornington Road
                           For more information
                           contact the Venture Centre
                           on 020 8960 3234

                           Venture Centre Annual                                        Portobello Walks
                           General Meeting                                              Every Wednesday
                           Thursday 19 October                                          6pm – 7pm
                           6pm – 9pm                                                    Meeting point: The bench
                                                                                        in the entrance hall of
                           Venture Centre
                                                                                        Sainsbury’s off Ladbroke
                           103a Wornington Road
                                                                                        Grove, W10 5AA
                           For more information
                           contact the Venture Centre
                           on 020 8960 3234

                           Every Sunday
                           3pm – 5.30pm
                           Portobello Hall
                           304 Ladbroke Grove

    Wornington Green                                    Portobello Square
    Catalyst General Enquiries:                         To report defects & repairs contact the
    Office open Monday to Friday 8am – 5pm              Aftercare team on: 0300 456 2093
    0300 456 2099                                       Out of hours emergency repairs: 0843 658 5060
    Catalyst Emergency Repairs:
    Out of Hours – Evenings & Weekends
    020 3589 2985

    General Construction Enquiries                      Portobello Square Sales
    Timothy Porter, Regeneration Manager                For appointments please call:                           020 7758 8478

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