Hiscox cyber claims report 2018 - Hiscox Group

Page created by Renee Caldwell
Hiscox cyber claims report 2018 - Hiscox Group
Hiscox cyber
claims report
Hiscox cyber claims report 2018 - Hiscox Group
Hiscox, the international specialist insurer, is
headquartered in Bermuda and listed on the London
Stock Exchange (LSE:HSX). There are three main
underwriting divisions in the Group – Hiscox Retail
(which includes Hiscox UK & Europe, Hiscox Guernsey,
Hiscox USA and subsidiary brand, DirectAsia), Hiscox
London Market and Hiscox Re & ILS. Through its retail
businesses in the UK, Europe and the US, Hiscox offers
a range of specialist insurance for professionals and
business customers, as well as homeowners. Hiscox
underwrites internationally traded, bigger ticket
business and reinsurance through Hiscox London
Market and Hiscox Re & ILS. For more information
please visit www.hiscoxgroup.com.
From payment diversion fraud
to cryptojacking...

Managing the cyber risk                         We’ve seen that attackers are evolving
Cyber insurance might seem like                 their methods, targeting both the better
a relatively new product but, at Hiscox,        protected perimeter of a company’s
we have been providing businesses               network and the softer underbelly –
with cyber protection for nearly 20 years       their staff. Employee error has emerged
and we have dealt with over 1000 cyber          as a key risk and we see examples of
related insurance claims from businesses        attacks related to phishing within the
over the past 12 months alone. The single       report. The threat goes beyond this to
biggest cause of a claim was ransomware         include drive-by website infections and
– where a business’ computer system             the danger of staff sending confidential
is effectively put out of action by a hacker    data insecurely or losing unsecured
until a ransom is paid. Analysis from across    mobile devices. Businesses must ensure
the market suggests that this tactic is on      their staff are equipped to deal with the
the decline as people and businesses            risk and employee training is key.
become more aware of the threat after                                                         Gareth Wharton
the Wannacry and Petya attacks of 2017,         Responding to the threat                      Cyber CEO
although we are still seeing ransomware         In each of the examples we highlight,         Hiscox
related insurance claims in 2018.               cyber insurance went beyond the
                                                promise to pay and played a crucial
Another central cause of cyber related          role in responding to the threat. It gave
claims seen over the last year was through      affected businesses fast access to a
payment diversion fraud; where a criminal       range of experts including experienced
manages to fraudulently persuade an             cyber claims handlers to support them
organisation to pay them rather than            through the incident, forensics specialists
a supplier. We believe this may be because      to remediate the threat, and legal and
incidents of this type require relatively low   PR teams to help prevent reputational
levels of technical sophistication, where       damage. Our aim is to get our customers
attackers often just use their phones           back on their feet as fast as possible
for simple social engineering attacks,          whilst still providing financial support
or create spoofed email addresses to lure       for any associated loss of income.
in potential victims.
                                                In a cyber insurance market expected
The rise of cryptojacking                       to be worth US$36 billion by 2027
What these tactics suggest is that              (compared to US$3.2 billion today), this
while cyber criminals might still be very       Hiscox cyber claims report – the first
interested in stealing and using                in a series of cyber reports and related
confidential and personal data for financial    material we will be producing – is intended
gain, there are now more direct ways to         to help our customers and the wider
profit from cyber crime. Cryptojacking –        business community better understand
where criminals use the processing              current and emerging cyber risks; how
power of a business’ computer systems           they can help reduce the risk to their
to surreptitiously mine for cryptocurrency      organisation; as well as illustrating how
– is the latest of these trends and we          insurance can form part of a cyber risk
explore its impact later in this report.        management strategy.

The examples in this report give a broad
overview of the range of claims we’ve
seen in the last year, spread across
different sizes of company, industries
and geographies. The key learning is that
no business is immune from the growing
cyber threat.
Cyber claims by numbers
Over 1,000 claims in 2017

Claims count growth                                                       2017 Hiscox claims
Across all Hiscox territories                                             UK retail
2013           2014          2015           2016           2017           Human error                               Non-human error



Since 2013, the rise in claims against the cyber insurance policies       Over two thirds (67%) of all claims involve an element of employee
we have issued has risen by more than 1,700%. This is from                error. Examples include employees clicking on malicious emails,
a relatively low base but is a good indicator that businesses             visiting harmful websites or simply being negligent in losing
of all sizes and in all geographic regions are experiencing far more      devices. It is vital that business’ not only invest in technology, but
activity related to the cyber threat than five years ago. This is         also process and people, ensuring that their staff are an effective
resulting in far greater potential for financial and reputational loss.   first line of defence.

2017 personally identifiable information (PII) claims                     2017 cause of claims
UK retail                                                                 Across all Hiscox territories
Other claims                                                        78%                                                     23%     Ransomware

                                                                                                                     20%                  Hacker

                                                                                                           16%                Data loss or misuse

                                                                                                    13%                                     Other

PII claims                      22%                                                                12%             Payment diversion and phishing

                                                                                        7%                              Lost device or documents

                                                                                     6%                                                  Malware

                                                                             3%                                       Software or hardware failure

Nearly a quarter of the claims (22%) in the UK involved the loss          While ransomware was the most prevalent cause of claims
or misuse of PII. Given the tightening of regulations, incidents          in 2017, the graph above illustrates the wide range of attacks
of this kind could become more costly both financially and from           that businesses have to protect themselves from. Some of these
a reputational perspective. Despite this, 78% of claims did               threats are external, some are internal and some are accidental.
not include loss or misuse of data, presenting a risk even for            Combined this shows the need for a cyber defence strategy
business’ that hold little or no PII.                                     that encompasses people, process and technology.
Spotlight on cyber claims
Ransomware still on the rise

As in 2016, ransomware remained the largest source of cyber-related insurance claims for 2017, largely due to the low barrier
to entry for hackers, ease of deployment and the prospect of a decent return on a minimal investment. Ransomware usually involves
human error, where mistakes by employees also lead to many phishing and social engineering attacks. Below are four anonymised
examples of actual cyber insurance claims we have dealt with over the last 12 months, three of which involved an element
of human error.

No ordinary case of ransomware               Background                                     Lessons learned
                                             Our insured became aware that its IT           DDThe attacker tried a large number
Sector        Technology
                                             systems had been compromised when                  of password combinations (usually
Turnover      £10m – £50m                    a number of folders were encrypted and             in the thousands) until finding the
                                             a ransom demand was made. The hacker               correct one. To protect against
                                             had determined the identity of the                 against this sort of attack, good user
                                             administrator of the company’s network             account management is critical,
                                             and then used a brute force attack                 for example locking out accounts
                                             to identify their password.                        after a large number of failed
                                                                                                login attempts.
                                             Using the administrator’s credentials
                                                                                            DDThe UK’s National Cyber Security
                                             to remotely access the company’s
                                                                                                Centre (NCSC) has good advice
                                             systems, the attacker was able to obtain
                                                                                                on this subject and recommends
                                             further credentials giving them even
                                                                                                that businesses:
                                             greater access. PII and commercially
                                                                                                DDallow around ten login
                                             sensitive data (contracts, bank account
                                                                                                      attempts before the account
                                             details etc.) were compromised.
                                                                                                      is frozen;
                                             Hiscox response                                    DDput in place protective
                                             The company contacted us and we                          monitoring. A powerful
                                             immediately arranged for a data breach                   defence against brute force
                                             coach – a specialised role to help                       attacks and offers a good
                                             companies respond to a breach – and an                   alternative to lockout
                                             IT forensic firm to investigate the extent               or throttling;
                                             of the breach, resecure the company’s              DDgive administrators, remote
                                             network and understand its contractual                   users and mobile devices
                                             and regulatory notification obligations.                 extra protection such as
                                             We also engaged a PR agency to advise                    two-factor authentication;
                                             the company on its communications                  DDensure that administrators
                                             with the press and customers.                            use different passwords
                                                                                                      for their admin and non-
                                             A notification was made to the local data
                                                                                                      admin accounts;
                                             protection regulator as well as the data
                                                                                                DDconsider implementing
                                             subjects affected and customers. The
                                                                                                      two-factor authentication
                                             swift action taken resulted in the regulator
                                                                                                      for all remote accounts.
                                             taking no further action.

Revenge DDoS attack                          Background                                     Lessons learned
                                             A loan aggregator company suffered             DDOrganisations that depend on their
Sector        Financial services
                                             a series of DDoS attacks – a cyber attack          customers being able to access
Turnover      £10m – £50m                    that aims to bring down services by                their internet based services should
                                             bombarding the networks with more                  consider purchasing a DDoS
                                             traffic than they can handle – which               mitigation service. These services
                                             crippled its website for several days,             filter out unwanted traffic before
                                             leaving it unable to trade.                        forwarding on legitimate requests
                                                                                                to the appropriate website.
                                             Hiscox response
                                             A police investigation revealed that the
                                             attacks were by a disgruntled employee.
                                             We covered the costs of the insured
                                             engaging its IT contractors to restore
                                             its systems. The company also suffered
                                             a very significant business interruption
                                             loss as a result of the breach.
A large restaurant bill            Background                                    Lessons learned
                                   A ransomware attack encrypted                 DDBy helping staff recognise the style
Sector        Food services
                                   a restaurant’s entire server, impacting           of potential phishing emails, or what
Turnover      £1m – £10m           its point of sale registers and meaning           to look for in email senders’ details
                                   it was effectively unable to trade.               to help identify suspicious looking
                                                                                     emails, companies can significantly
                                   Hiscox response
                                                                                     reduce the risk of phishing attacks.
                                   Having exhausted all other options,
                                                                                 DDIt is also important to ensure that
                                   it was clear that the most effective way
                                                                                     good back-ups are in place. These
                                   to restore the restaurant’s systems was
                                                                                     should be regularly tested and
                                   to pay the ransom.
                                                                                     done through a system that is not
                                   We covered the cost of the ransom,                connected to the main network,
                                   together with the associated IT costs of          for example on a hard drive.
                                   applying the decryption key and ensuring
                                   that the insured’s business was back up
                                   and running. We also engaged a breach
                                   coach to confirm whether any PII had
                                   been compromised. In addition to these
                                   costs, we covered the business interruption
                                   suffered by the restaurant as a result
                                   of being unable to trade.

A costly phishing trip             Background                                    Lessons learned
                                   An employee at a financial services           DDBetter staff training remains
Sector        Financial services
                                   agency fell victim to a phishing incident         important here in order to help staff
Turnover      £50m+                in which a spoof email from one of the            identify potential phishing emails
                                   company’s senior managers requested           DDIt is important to check email
                                   that the employee wired £230,000 to               addresses carefully before taking
                                   a specified bank account. Believing the           action. Companies can help their
                                   request to be genuine, the employee               employees by including an identifier
                                   issued the fraudulent wire and both the           on all emails that are received from
                                   agency’s bank and the receiving bank              external sources, such as including
                                   were unable to recover the funds. The             the wording ‘email originates from
                                   email was actually from a Gmail account           outside the organisation’ or similar.
                                   created to imitate the senior manager’s       DDA change of culture can also make
                                   genuine address.                                  a big difference in mitigating this
                                                                                     type of threat. Senior management
                                   Hiscox response
                                                                                     should look to create an environment
                                   On realising what had happened,
                                                                                     where employees are more likely
                                   the agency called us and we immediately
                                                                                     to do the ‘right thing’ rather than
                                   engaged a data breach coach and IT
                                                                                     simply satisfy an ‘urgent’ request
                                   forensics to confirm whether there had
                                                                                     from a client or a senior colleague.
                                   been any breach of the insured’s systems
                                                                                     Ideally, wire transfer requests to new
                                   or whether PII had been compromised.
                                                                                     or modified accounts should be
                                   We reimbursed the money lost within               verified by calling the other party on
                                   a month of notification while it was              a predetermined phone number –
                                   confirmed that no breach of data had              one that they already have, not one
                                   occurred so there was no need for                 that may be in a phishing email, as
                                   any notification.                                 hackers often give bogus numbers.
                                   Losses for payment diversion fraud are
                                   covered as standard under our US cyber
                                   insurance policy and can be offered as
                                   an additional cover in other territories.
What next: cryptojacking
More lucrative, less effort for criminals

Criminals are starting to move away from obvious and invasive ransomware attacks to a more stealthy cyber crime; cryptojacking.
According to Symantec, instances of cryptojacking rose 8,500 percent in the final quarter of 2017. Once a hacker has access to
a compromised computer system, instead of downloading a ransomware payload that encrypts the victim’s files, the cryptojacking
attack will install ‘mining’ software. This sits in the background and uses spare processing resource within the victim’s machine
or office server environment and quietly mines crypto-currency for the hacker. Whilst we have seen cases where the mining software
has been so invasive that the victim’s machines can no longer complete their intended task, our view is that the more savvy hackers
will use a smaller percentage of computer processing capacity allowing their activity to remain undetected and therefore earning
more in the longer term.

An IT firm falls victim                      Background                                     Lessons learned
                                             A technology company noticed that              DDIn both these cases – alongside
Sector        Technology
                                             a piece of malware had been installed              the standard advice regarding
Turnover      £50m+                          on one of its servers.                             good password management
                                                                                                and regularly updating software
                                             Hiscox response
                                                                                                to ensure it is fully patched –
                                             We immediately instructed an IT
                                                                                                organisations can also use server
                                             forensics firm to investigate what the
                                                                                                monitoring software to track the
                                             malware was doing and how it had been
                                                                                                key metrics of servers such as
                                             installed on our insured’s systems. The
                                                                                                processor, memory, network
                                             server contained a substantial amount
                                                                                                and disk usage. Over time, the
                                             of PII and so we also investigated whether
                                                                                                monitoring software will create
                                             there was any wider breach or risk that
                                                                                                a baseline from which thresholds
                                             PII had been compromised.
                                                                                                can be set. This can be a useful
                                             Given the potential gravity of the breach,         way to track server outages, and
                                             we also instructed a breach coach to               it can also detect if unusual levels
                                             manage the investigation. The investigation        of network traffic are detected,
                                             confirmed that the malware was mining,             helping to indicate when data
                                             but fortunately nothing more than this             is being exfiltrated. If processor
                                             and there had been no wider breach.                utilisation is higher than expected
                                                                                                for extended periods, this could
Advertising for Bitcoin                      Background                                         also indicate that cryptomining
                                             A PR company noticed a problem with                malware is running on a system.
Sector        Marketing
                                             its emails. Its regular IT contractor
Turnover      £0 – £1m                       investigated and concluded the most
                                             likely cause was malicious activity. The
                                             insured contacted us and we deployed
                                             an IT forensics team who were quickly
                                             on site to investigate and confirmed
                                             the insured had indeed been the victim
                                             of an attack.
                                             The PR company’s IT systems had
                                             been infected with crypojacking malware
                                             to mine for cryptocurrency. They also
                                             confirmed that the hackers who deployed
                                             the malware had accessed the insured’s
                                             systems and that PII was potentially
                                             Hiscox response
                                             After investigating the extent of the
                                             breach, the IT team removed the malware
                                             and plugged the gap in the PR company’s
                                             security which had allowed the breach.
                                             We then engaged legal counsel to advise
                                             the insured on its notification obligations,
                                             and then arrange the notification of the
                                             regulator and relevant data subjects.
Glossary of terms

Access control. The process                      Command-and-control server.                   Firewall. A barrier between networks
of granting or denying specific requests         A computer that issues instructions to        or parts of a network, blocking malicious
for or attempts to obtain and use                members of a botnet.                          traffic or preventing hacking attempts.
information and related information                                                            The firewall inspects all traffic, both
                                                 Cookie. Files placed on your computer
processing services and enter specific                                                         inbound and outbound, to see if it meets
                                                 that allow websites to remember details.
physical facilities.                                                                           certain criteria. If it does, it is allowed;
                                                 Cryptojacking. The unauthorised use           if not, the firewall blocks it.
Advanced persistent threat (APT).
                                                 of a target’s computer systems to mine
A type of high-level targeted attack                                                           Hacktivism. Used to describe hacking
carried out by an attacker who has time          cryptocurrency.                               activity carried out for political, ethical
and resources to plan an infiltration into       Cyber Essentials. A government backed         or societal ends.
a network. These are usually seeking             cyber security certification scheme that      Hashing. A process that uses an
to obtain information, proprietary or            sets out a good baseline of cyber security.   irreversible encryption algorithm to turn
economic, rather than simple financial           The base level requires completion of         a data entry into a random alphanumeric
data. APTs are persistent in that the            a self-assessment questionnaire, which        value. Typically used to protect passwords
attackers may remain on a network for            is reviewed by an external certifying body.   from compromise in the event that
some time and usually bypass regular             Cyber Essentials Plus adds an extra level     a malicious actor gains access to the
security controls.                               by requiring tests of systems to be made      database where they are kept. Often
Air gap. The physical separation or              by the external body.                         combined with ‘salting’ (see below).
isolation of a system from other systems         Data loss prevention (DLP). A set             Incident response plan (IRP).
or networks                                      of procedures and software tools to stop      A set of predetermined and documented
Anti-malware/anti-virus. Software                sensitive data from leaving a network.        procedures to detect and respond to
which uses a scanner to identify programs        Distributed denial-of-service attack          a cyber incident.
that are or may be malicious.                    (DDoS). An attack which prevents users        Intrusion detection system (IDS).
Attack surface. All of an organisation’s         from accessing a computer or website          A device or software application that
internet-facing assets including both            by overwhelming it with requests and/or       monitors a network or systems for malicious
hardware and software. A larger number           instructions, often carried out using         activity or policy violations, with any
of such assets yield more potential              a botnet.                                     unusual activity being flagged.
vulnerabilities that an adversary can            Domain name system (DNS).                     Intrusion prevention system (IPS).
exploit to attack an organisation.               The phone book of the internet. It allows     A proactive version of IDS that can
Authentication. The process of verifying         computers to translate website names,         automatically take actions to block
the identity or other attributes of an entity.   like hiscox.com, into IP addresses so that    suspicious behaviour.
May also be used in multi-factor (or two         they can communicate with each other.
                                                                                               Insider threat. A person or group
factor) authentication, which refers to the      DNS hijacking. An attack which changes        of persons within a company who pose
process in which multiple methods are            a computer’s settings to either ignore        a potential risk through violating security
used to identify and authenticate                DNS or use a DNS server that is controlled    policies, either maliciously or negligently.
an individual.                                   by malicious hackers. The attackers
                                                 can then redirect communication               ISO27001. An international standard that
Backdoor (trojan). A piece of malicious
                                                 to fraudulent sites.                          describes best practice when it comes
software which allows someone to take
                                                                                               to information security risk management.
control of a user’s computer without             Drive-by download. The infection of a
their permission.                                computer with malware when a user visits      Keylogger. A type of malware that can
                                                 a malicious website, without the user         secretly record a user’s keystrokes and
Blacklist. A list of entities, IP addresses
                                                 specifically initiating the download.         send them to an unauthorised third party.
etc. that are blocked or denied privileges
or access.                                       Encryption. The process of converting         Malware. A general term for malicious
                                                 information or data into a code, so that      software. Malware includes viruses,
Botnet. A collection of infected computers
                                                 it is unreadable by anyone or any machine     worms, trojans and spyware. Many
or internet connected devices that are
                                                 that doesn’t know the code.                   people use the terms malware and virus
remotely controlled by a hacker and report
to a command-and-control server.                 Endpoint. An internet capable hardware
                                                                                               NIST cyber security framework.
Brute force attack. An attack in which           device. The term can refer to desktop
                                                                                               A set standards, best practices,
hackers use software to try a large number       computers, laptops, smart phones,
                                                                                               and recommendations for improving
of possible password combinations to gain        tablets, thin clients, printers, etc.
                                                                                               cyber security. It is industry, geography
unauthorised access to a system or file.
                                                 Exploit. An attack which takes advantage      and standards agnostic, and is outcome
Bug. An unexpected and relatively small          of a vulnerability (typically a flaw in       rather than input focussed.
defect, fault, flaw or imperfection in a         software code) in order to access or infect
system, software code or device.                 a computer.
Network access control (NAC).                   Report on compliance (RoC). Issued            Transport layer security (TLS). The
A method to bolster security by restricting     by a QSA if the audit of a merchant’s         successor to SSL and also a protocol for
network access to those devices that            systems have been found to be in              transmitting private data via the internet
comply with a defined security policy.          compliance with PCI-DSS.                      by utilising cryptographic systems that use
                                                                                              two keys to encrypt data. Many internet
Patches. Software and/or firmware               Resiliency. The ability of a network to
                                                                                              browsers indicate a connection protected
add-ons designed to fix bugs and security       provide continuous operation (i.e. highly
                                                                                              by TLS by displaying a padlock or security
vulnerabilities.                                resistant to disruption and able to operate
                                                                                              certificate near the website address field.
                                                at a lower level if damaged), recover
Payment card industry data security                                                           Often still referred to as SSL.
                                                effectively if failure does occur and
standard (PCI-DSS). An information
                                                scale to meet rapid or unpredictable          Trojan. Malicious programs that pretend
security standard created by PCI-SSC
                                                demands (e.g.DDoS attacks).                   to be legitimate software, but actually
that governs how companies accepting
                                                                                              carry out hidden, harmful functions.
payments by credit or debit card have to        Rootkit. A piece of software that hides
handle and protect that information. There      programmes or processes running on            Virtual private network (VPN).
are four tiers of governance, based on the      a computer.                                   Method of connecting remote computers
volumes of transactions that a company                                                        to a central network, allowing users to
is handling, from level four at the bottom      Salting. The addition of a unique, random     communicate or access the organisation’s
end to level one at the top. The exact          string of characters to a password before     servers securely over the internet.
boundaries of these tiers are set by the        it is hashed to make deciphering the
                                                password more difficult.                      Virus. Malicious programs that can
individual card brands.
                                                                                              spread to other files.
Payment card industry security                  Secure file transfer protocol (SFTP).
                                                A methodology for transmitting files over     Vulnerability. Bugs in software that
standards council (PCI-SSC). The
                                                the internet in an encrypted format.          hackers exploit to compromise computers.
body responsible for developing and
promoting the PCI-DSS and relevant              Secure sockets layer (SSL). An                Whitelist. A list of entities, IP addresses,
tools to aid compliance. Founded by the         outdated protocol (replaced by TLS) for       applications etc. that are considered
five main card brands (Visa, Mastercard,        transmitting private data via the internet    trustworthy and are granted access
American Express, JCB and Diners) and           by utilising cryptographic systems that       or privileges.
supported by an ‘advisory board’ made           use two keys to encrypt data.                 Worm. A form of malware that can
up of representatives from major partners
                                                Security information and event                replicate and spread without the need
(retails, processors, banks, etc.).
                                                management (SIEM). A security solution        for human or system interaction. Think
Penetration testing. A process whereby          that provides visibility of a company’s       of it as malware on autopilot.
assessors search for vulnerabilities and        cyber security by aggregating alerts          Zero-day vulnerability. A software
attempt to circumvent the security features     and logs generated by multiple sources        bug, unknown to the developers, that
of a network or information system.             and security assets (IPS, IDS, AV, etc).      hackers have detected and can exploit
Phishing. The fraudulent practice               Self assessment questionnaire (SAQ).          to adversely affect computers, programs,
of sending emails purporting to be from         A self-assessment form used by smaller        data or a network.
reputable sources in order to induce            merchants to verify their compliance          Zombie (aka bot). An infected computer
individuals to perform particular actions,      with PCI DSS.                                 that is remotely controlled by a hacker.
such as revealing information, transferring
                                                Social engineering. The methods               It is part of a botnet.
funds, or opening attachments or links.
                                                attackers use to deceive victims into
Phreaking. Using a computer or other            performing an action, often including
device to trick a phone system. Phreaking       phishing, but also phone calls, fake
is often used to make free phone calls or to    LinkedIn accounts, etc. Typically,these
have calls charged to a different account.      actions are opening a malicious webpage
Qualified security assessor (QSA).              or running an unwanted file attachment.
A person who has been certified to audit        Spearphishing. A targeted phishing attack
merchants for PCI-DSS compliance.               against a certain individual.
Ransomware. A piece of malicious                Spoofing. When the sender address
software that encrypts or blocks access         of an email is forged for the purposes
to data or systems, with a decryption key       of social engineering or phishing.
only being provided upon payment of a fee.
                                                Spyware. Software that permits
Red team exercise. An exercise,                 advertisers or hackers to gather sensitive
reflecting real world conditions, that          information without your permission.
is conducted as a simulated attempt by
a hacker to attack or exploit vulnerabilities   SQL injection. SQL is a computer
in a company’s network.                         programming language to tell a database
                                                what to do. An SQL injection is where that
Redundancy. Additional or alternative           language is manipulated to instruct the
systems, sub-systems, assets, or
                                                database to perform a different task
processes that maintain a degree
                                                to what was intended.
of overall functionality in case of loss
or failure of another system, sub-system,       Threat actor. An individual, group,
asset, or process.                              organisation, or government that conducts
                                                or has the intent to conduct detrimental
Remote desktop protocol (RDP).
                                                activities (essentially a hacker).
A methodology that allows users to
remotely connect to computer systems            Threat vector. The method that a threat
over the internet.                              actor uses to gain access to a network.
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