Holiday Club - Fun and adventure with our exciting Holiday Club for children aged 3 to 11 years - HubSpot

Page created by Franklin Barnes
Holiday Club
              Summer 20 20
    Friday 3rd July - Friday 14th August

 Fun and adventure with our
     exciting Holiday Club
for children aged 3 to 11 years.
A ctive Zone
Run by dedicated, enthusiastic and qualified LMS staff; Holiday
Club is a well-planned mixture of activity days at school and trips
away, often centred on a fun theme.
Entrance, collection and exit is via the main school gate on Winnowsty Lane. Each day will
start at 9am and end at 5pm, unless otherwise stated, children will then separate into their
age groups.
For any parents requiring extended hours there will be an Early Club from 8am and a Late
Club until 6pm at an extra charge.
* Year 3 may choose which age group they would like to join. (3-7 OR 7-12)

Pr icing
Non-Trip Day                     Event Day                         Trip Day
9am-5pm : £30 .0 0               9am-5pm : £35.0 0                 9am-5pm : £40 .0 0
8am-6pm: £35.0 0                 8am-6pm: £40 .0 0                 8am-6pm: £45.0 0
Nursery children that are under the age of 3 can join in Holiday Club however they cannot
join trip days. Should you require this facility, days and activities will be adapted
accordingly. Holiday Club for 2 year olds will be at a cost of £40/ £45 per day due to staffing

Useful Infor mation
We are proud to provide a wide range of fun activities in a safe and
familiar setting.
  -   Children are to wear play clothes and not uniform.
  -   Each day has a brief outline of what we will be doing, we allow time for free play and
      any impromptu activities sparked by the children.
  -   Each day a packed lunch and a drink is required please - we do also provide drinks.
  -   Please do not send in nuts as there has been an increase in the number of children
      with food allergies and we are a nut free school.
  -   On trip days children may bring spending money but please send a sensible amount.
  -   Please make sure you arrive on time for trip days, most of which leave school at 9am.
      Occasionally, we will leave earlier for longer journeys. Please see event information.
  -   Payment is required at time of booking, WisePay is preferred. Cheques made payable
      to Lincoln Minster School. BACS- Sort Code 20-46-50 Account Number 30035688
      Please complete the attached booking form.
  -   PLEASE NOTE: Confirmation of a booking will only be made possible following
      payment of fees made at least 3 weeks prior to the required date to enable us to
      manage staff and activity requirements. Cancellations of bookings made less than two
      weeks prior to the required dates will not be refunded.
W eek 1                               It 's M agic!

Friday 3rd July - TRIP                             Monday 6th July
BELTON HOUSE                                      BOUNCY CASTLE
Enjoy a wonderful summers day in                  Make a magic wand to cast your
the woods and adventure play area                 own spells on friends and family.
at Belton House. We'll have a picnic              Explore 'shrink art' - design a
lunch, a tasty ice                                masterpiece and then
cream and see what                                magically make it
else we can discover                              shrink! Cool!
at Belton House!

Tuesday 7th July                                   Wednesday 8th July - TRIP
ICE CREAM PARLOUR                                 TWIN LAKES THEM E PARK

Create a magic carpet for you to fly              No. 1 East Midlands Theme Park
home on!                                          with endless adventures of family
Scratch art keyrings.                             fun providing great days out -
                                                  where the fun never
Marbelling madness!
Magical experiments to

Thursday 9th July                                  Friday 10 th July - TRIP
SWIM M ING 9AM - have fun in our                  DAISY M ADE, PARK & BOWLING
usual swimming slot at Yarborough                 Enjoy a game of crazy golf, followed
Leisure Centre (Active Nation) -                  by a delicious ice cream. Fingers
splash time!                                      crossed for good weather for a
Magician - 'Just Magic'                           picnic in the park.
Balloon modeling and a                            Bowling - let's all aim
fun filled magic show                             for a strike!
involving all children.

Please note - This is an outline for both age groups (3-7 and 7-11). Activities will
be age related to suit all. Time will be allocated for free play too.
Remember - sun cream (apply before coming & we can top up throughout the day
too), sun hats, raincoats and spending money if you wish too.
W eek 2                         Su per Su m m er !

Monday 13th July                              Tuesday 14th July
BOUNCY CASTLE                                 ICE CREAM PARLOUR - what will you
                                              have today?
Pebble painting!
                                              Ice cream keyrings
Shell necklaces!
                                              Duck Racing - who will be this years
Message in a bottle -
                                              champion duck racer?
who will you write to
                                              What will your skill and
in the hope they
                                              technique be to get that
might find it?
                                              duck across the pond?

Wednesday 15th July - TRIP                    Thursday 16th July
YORK M AZE                                    SWIM M ING 9AM - have fun in our
LEAVE 8AM RETURN 6PM                          usual swimming slot at Yarborough
                                              Leisure Centre (Active Nation) - splash
The BEST day of all! A trip you do            time!
not want to miss!
                                              BUILD A BEAR - design and
Created from over one million                 make a passport for your
living, growing maize plants, York            new friends to take on all
Maze is not just the largest maze in          your summer travels!
the UK, its an award winning, fun
filled day out!
With over 20 differnt rides,                  Friday 17th July - TRIP
attractions and shows to enjoy,               OH WE DO LIKE TO BE BESIDE THE
York Maze offers a great day out!             SEASIDE - enjoy a lovely day at
Last years favourite
                                              Fun on the beach, a paddle in the shallow
trip for all staff and
                                              pools, chippy lunch, a visit to
children!                                     the sweet shop and some time
                                              in the arcades. Remember a
                                              towel, change of clothes, pocket
                                              money and suncream!

Please note - This is an outline for both age groups (3-7 and 7-11). Activities will
be age related to suit all. Time will be allocated for free play too.
Remember - sun cream (apply before coming & we can top up throughout the day
too), sun hats, raincoats and spending money if you wish too.
W eek 3                       Car t oon Caper s!

Monday 20 th July                              Tuesday 21st July
BOUNCY CASTLE                                  ICE CREAM PARLOUR
Decorate your own wooden whistle               WET 'N' WILD (or water fun if you
and practice different calling sounds,         prefer)
cartoon blunders & funny moments.              Be prepared to get wet - paddling pools, slip
                                               and slide mat, hosepipe,
Monster magnets to                             water guns and ....... sunshine
create and take home.                          hopefully!
                                               Enjoy watching some classic
                                               Tom & Jerry cartoons.

Wednesday 22nd July - TRIP                     Thursday 23rd July
Adventure park with soft play, rides,          Create a magical music melody to represent
sand pits, storybook village and much          your favourite cartoon moments! Will it be
                                               sneaky music, a high speed chase or a
more to explore.
                                               delicate dance? Whatever you
Take your driving test                         choose - we cant wait to hear!
and see if you can get                         Make funky snap on bracelets
yourself a license.                            and design a jointed cartoon

                         Friday 24th July - TRIP
                         BELTON HOUSE
                         Enjoy a wonderful summers day in
                         the woods and adventure play
                         area. We'll have a picnic lunch, a
                         tasty ice cream and see
                         what else we can
                         discover at Belton

Please note -      This is an outline for both age groups (3-7 and 7-11). Activities will
 be age related to suit all. Time will be allocated for free play too.
 Remember - sun cream (apply before coming & we can top up throughout the day
 too), sun hats, raincoats and spending money if you wish too.
W eek 4                           Har r y Pot t er !

Monday 27th July                              Tuesday 28th July
BOUNCY CASTLE                                 ICE CREAM PARLOUR
T-shirt & Ties - copy your favourite          Make your own wooden 'Hedwig' to
house design or create your own!              treasure.
Harry Potter themed team games!               Create wands and
Golden Snitch - make                          then make potions to
your own and then hide                        work your magic
them in the school                            powers on friends &
grounds for the others                        family.
to find.                                      Invisible ink letters.

Wednesday 29th July - TRIP                    Thursday 30 th July
A great day out! Step back in time with       Make 4 fabulous Harry Potter
old pennies and ride a variety of             themed cupcakes to take home and
vintage trams.                                enjoy! Will you share
Visit the old sweet                           them?
shop and get yourself                         Design & make a map to
a treat.                                      get you around Hogwarts
Enjoy an exciting woodland sculpture          & castles - but will you
walk with wonderful creations!                need an invisible cloak?

                     Friday 31st July - TRIP
              With daily displays and interactive shows there's
              something for everyone at Woodside!
              Raccoon's, reptiles, meerkats,
              butterflies, wolves, penguins, tigers
              and cheeky monkeys. Which will be
              your favourite!

Please note -     This is an outline for both age groups (3-7 and 7-11). Activities will
be age related to suit all. Time will be allocated for free play too.
Remember - sun cream (apply before coming & we can top up throughout the day
too), sun hats, raincoats and spending money if you wish too.
W eek 5                     Th e Gr eat Ou t door s!

Monday 3rd August                                 Tuesday 4th August
BOUNCY CASTLE                                  ICE CREAM PARLOUR
Make your own garden plaque - what             BARE FOOT WALK - ground yourself
will yours say?                                and get back to nature by exploring
Bugs galore - explore, find                    different textures with your feet!
& investigate!                                 Make bird feeders &
                                               butterfly feeders to care
Make magnets &
                                               for the creatures in
magnifying kits!

Wednesday 5th August - TRIP                    Thursday 6th August
WILLIAM 'S DEN                                 CIRCUS SKILLS - the fabulous FEET
William's Den is an exciting adventure         FIRST ENTERTAINMENT will come into
attraction, giving children the chance         school and dazzle us with his circus
to connect with nature and get active.         skills and teach you lots too.
A unique environment,                          Tightrope walking, plate spinning, stilt
inside and out, where                          walking...
children can play,                             Sticky pictures - explore
explore, run and climb!                        the school grounds to
                                               make a masterpiece!

                    Friday 7th August - TRIP
                   WHISBY NATURE CENTRE
                   An exciting day of bushcraft! Use the kelly
                   kettle to make your own hot chocolate, use a
                   knife and develop your skills
                   to whittle a tent peg (this is a
                   safe supervised activity!) and
                   make a den using your tent

Please note - This is an outline for both age groups (3-7 and 7-11). Activities will
be age related to suit all. Time will be allocated for free play too.
Remember - sun cream (apply before coming & we can top up throughout the day
too), sun hats, raincoats and spending money if you wish too.
W eek 6                 We'r e goin g t o t h e Zoo!

Monday 10 th August                         Tuesday 11th August
BOUNCY CASTLE                               ICE CREAM PARLOUR
Make your own cool sock worm -              Design and make an awesome pencil
make sure you give them a cool name         case ready for the new school year.
too!                                        Bug tattoo's - what will you have?
CD decorating.                              Using coloured
Nature Weaving                              modeling dough create
Crowns - what will you be?                  your favourite animal.

Wednesday 12th August- TRIP                 Thursday 13th August
SHERWOOD PINES                              ANIM ALS UK - REPTILE M AN
A fantastic day out!                        Challenge yourself to be braver than
Navigation, shelter building, fire          you've ever been! Spiders, skunks,
lighting, obstacle course, pendant          meerkats, snakes and a
making, hiking, exploring .......           whole lot more!
we always love our                          Work as a team to
adventures at Sherwood                      make a patchwork wall
Pines!                                      hanging.

                       Friday 14th August- TRIP
                       TWYCROSS ZOO
                       Immerse yourself and explore the
                       animal world any time of the year,
                       with indoor and outdoor habitats,
                       interactive experiences
                       and fun, exciting
                       encounters with over
                       500 animals, from 125
                       different species.

Book early to avoid disappointment!
Places are not secure until payment is received.
Name .........................................................................................................................................
D.O.B & School Year ..................................................................................................................
Telephone .................................................................................................................................
Mobile ......................................................................................................................................
Email .........................................................................................................................................
Emergency Contact Information
Allergies/ Important Information
Throughout the holidays we will be using the school mini buses to enable us to go on the
trips planned. Please sign below to give consent for your child to travel with us on these
days. The telephone number, should you need to contact us on these days is: 07947 253959
PLEASE NOTE: Confirmation of a booking will only be made possible following payment of
fees made at least 3 weeks prior to the required date to enable us to manage staff and
activity requirements. Cancellations of bookings made less than two weeks prior to the
required dates will not be refunded.
Signed........................................... Date.............................................
An email will be sent to confirm your booking.
           I confirm that I have read and signed the school's GDPR consent form which
           can be found on the website and Facebook Group.
           Permission has been given for our school private Facebook group.

                                        Lincoln M inst er Holiday Club
                                              Miss Becky Skelton
                                    Lincoln Minster Pre-Preparatory School,
                                       Winnowsty Lane, Lincoln, LN2 5RZ

                               (postal address) 5 Pottergate, Lincoln, LN2 1PH
                                                0 1522 524622
                                                0 7947 253959
PLEASE NOTE: Without payment places are not secure. Payments are not refundable.
              = Trip

 Week 1       Fri 3rd July Mon 6th July Tues 7th July    Wed 8th July   Thur 9th July Fri 10 th July

 9am-5pm      £40.00      £30.00         £30.00          £40.00         £35.00          £40.00

 8am-6pm      £45.00      £35.00         £35.00          £45.00         £40.00          £45.00

 Under 3      £40/£45     £40/£45        £40/£45         £40/£45        £40/£45         £40/£45

Week 2         Mon 13th July   Tues 14th July      Wed 15th July   Thurs 16th July   Fri 17th July

9am-5pm        £30.00          £30.00              £40.00          £35.00            £40.00

8am-6pm        £35.00          £35.00              £45.00          £40.00            £45.00

Under 3        £40.00/£45.00 £40.00/£45.00         £40.00/£45.00   £40.00/£45.00     £40.00/£45.00

Week 3         Mon 20 th July Tues 21st July       Wed 22nd July   Thurs 23rd July   Fri 24h July

9am-5pm        £30.00          £30.00              £40.00          £35.00            £40.00

8am-6pm        £35.00          £35.00              £45.00          £40.00            £45.00

Under 3        £40.00/£45.00 £40.00/£45.00         £40.00/£45.00   £40.00/£45.00     £40.00/£45.00

 Week 4        Mon 27th July   Tues 28th July      Wed 29th July   Thurs 30 th July Fri 31st July

 9am-5pm       £30.00          £30.00              £40.00          £35.00            £40.00

 8am-6pm       £35.00          £35.00              £45.00          £40.00            £45.00

 Under 3       £40.00/£45.00 £40.00/£45.00         £40.00/£45.00   £40.00/£45.00     £40.00/£45.00

Week 5         Mon 3rd Aug     Tues 4th Aug        Wed 5th Aug     Thurs 6th Aug     Fri 7th Aug

9am-5pm        £30.00          £30.00              £40.00          £35.00            £40.00

8am-6pm        £35.00          £35.00              £45.00          £40.00            £45.00

Under 3        £40.00/£45.00 £40.00/£45.00         £40.00/£45.00   £40.00/£45.00     £40.00/£45.00

Week 6         Mon 10 th Aug Tues 11th Aug         Wed 12th Aug    Thurs 13th Aug Fri 14th Aug

9am-5pm        £30.00          £30.00              £40.00          £35.00            £40.00

8am-6pm        £35.00          £35.00              £45.00          £40.00            £45.00

Under 3        £40.00/£45.00 £40.00/£45.00         £40.00/£45.00   £40.00/£45.00     £40.00/£45.00
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