Homing in - Brighton & Hove City Council

Page created by Jared Malone
Homing in - Brighton & Hove City Council
homing in
www.brighton-hove.gov.uk/council-housing   Winter 2019

Santa is visiting
the Volk’s Railway
at weekends up to
Christmas. For details
and a round-up of
other local events this
winter, see page 14.

In this issue
Fire safety update
Universal Credit advice
Apply for community art grants
Win theatre tickets
Homing in - Brighton & Hove City Council
Welcome to the winter issue
of homing in.
We’ve got news from across the housing service,
including a fire safety update.
There’s information about our new in-house
repairs, maintenance and improvement service,
starting in April 2020, plus news of how residents
are making a difference in their communities.
As Christmas approaches, we’ve got ideas
for making the most of the festive season,
                                                                                    Jean with her award
and details of recycling and refuse collection
dates. There’s also a chance to win Theatre
Royal Brighton tickets.                                    Congratulations to Jean
Wishing you all the best for 2020.                         Caring Jean Carter has won a prestigious
                                                           award for her voluntary work.

                                                           Jean, 82, has run a popular knitting club
                                                           at Evelyn Court seniors housing scheme in
condition survey                                           Windlesham Close, Portslade for 11 years.
                                                           The Lifelines knitting club knits blankets and
We’re carrying out a stock condition survey to             clothes for premature babies at the Royal
help us plan for work needed in the future,                Sussex County Hospital, and raises funds
such as replacement kitchens, bathrooms,                   for charities including the British Legion and
windows and doors.                                         Seafarers UK.
The survey started last month and will carry on            Jean also helps with Evelyn Court’s craft
until February 2020. Our contractor, Michael Dyson         group and volunteers at the Martlets Hospice.
Associates, is looking at a selection of council homes
                                                           She was presented with a Lord Levy
and communal areas in council-owned blocks.
                                                           Award for her outstanding contribution to
If we need to survey your                                   volunteering by the Volunteering Matters
home, they will write to you                                charity. Jean said: “It really was quite a
to make an appointment.                                     surprise to get the award, it was lovely.”

What’s involved?                                           The knitting club meets on the second Monday
                                                           of each month at 2pm at Evelyn Court, and
The survey is a visual                                     welcomes people from the local community.
inspection of the inside
                                                           For more details call 01273 293395.
and outside of your
home and should take
around 20 minutes.
                                                         Any safety-related repairs identified during the
Why we are doing it?                                     survey will be forwarded to our repairs service.
The survey is being done                                 If you have any questions about the
to collect information relating to                       survey, please call Housing Customer
the government’s Decent Homes Standard and the           Services on 01273 293030 or email
condition of your home in general.                       housing.customerservices@brighton-hove.gov.uk

2    homingin        www.brighton-hove.gov.uk/council-housing
Homing in - Brighton & Hove City Council
Christmas is coming
Don’t forget to pay your rent!
Avoid the worry of starting 2020 in arrears by keeping up your rent
payments over the Christmas and New Year period.

Even though the festive season can be busy              Other ways to pay
and expensive, don’t be tempted to put off
paying your rent.                                       • Pay online with a debit card using our
                                                           secure server at ww2.brighton-hove.gov.uk
We provide a range of different ways to pay and            Go to the ‘pay online’ section.
help is available if you are struggling.
                                                        • Call our 24-hour automated payment line on
                                                           01273 291908 to pay by debit or credit card.
Pay by standing order or direct debit
                                                        • Use a PayPoint card at PayPoint outlets.
Paying by standing order or direct debit is
quick and easy and means your rent will be
taken directly out of your bank or building
society account.
You can choose to pay by standing order,
which you set up yourself through your bank or
building society.
                                                           Make sure you are 
You can set up a direct debit online at
www.brighton-hove.gov.uk/rent                              Remember to make sure you have
or we can arrange it over the phone.                       home contents insurance, as your
Call the Rent Accounting Team on 01273 293065 to           belongings are not automatically
find out more about these and other payment methods,       insured under the council’s insurance.
email rentaccounting@brighton-hove.gov.uk                  We advise all tenants and leaseholders
or visit www.brighton-hove.gov.uk/rent                     to take out contents insurance to
                                                           provide cover against fire, theft,
                                                           and water damage – to help you

Here to help                                               avoid extra expense to replace your
                                                           possessions if they get damaged.

If you are struggling to pay                               You can arrange insurance through any
your rent, or worried about                                insurer. We recommend Crystal Insurance
                                                           which offers a good choice of cover, with
debt, call the Housing Income
                                                           weekly payments starting from as little
Management Team
                                                           as £1.
on 01273 293224.
                                                           For more information contact
                                                           Crystal Insurance on 0345 450 7286
                                                           or visit www.crystal-insurance.co.uk

                                           www.brighton-hove.gov.uk/council-housing       homingin 3
Homing in - Brighton & Hove City Council
New homes update

Tackling the city’s
housing shortage
                                          Frederick Street,
Building more council                     North Laine                            Award winning homes in
homes is a top priority and                                                      Kensington Street
construction of 30 new flats
in Selsfield Drive, Brighton                                                    Award for
and 12 flats in Buckley Close,
Hangleton is well underway.
                                                                                city centre homes
                                                                                Newly built council homes in

                                                                                Kensington Street have won
We’re also planning a range                                                     a top design award.
of other new developments
                                                                                The development of 12 homes
through our New Homes for
                                                                                won the Best Architectural
Neighbourhoods programme.
                                                                                Design in this year’s South
Windlesham Close, Portslade               Four flats are proposed for a         East Construction Awards.
                                          parking site in Frederick Street      The award panel said the
Seventeen flats are being                 and a planning application will
proposed on the site of                                                         design recognised the unique
                                          be considered in the new year.        setting of the North Laine
Windlesham House.                         Thanks to everyone who came           and is helping to regenerate
Thank you to everyone who took            along to a public exhibition and      Kensington Street.
part in the consultation in the           gave feedback on the plans.
autumn. We’ve taken your views                                                  The homes were developed
into account and are finalising           Victoria Road, Portslade              in consultation with local
plans which will be considered by         A planning application for 42 flats   residents.
the Housing Committee early in            on the site of the old housing
the new year.                             office and adjacent bowls club will
                                          be considered next year.              Victoria Road

                                          Plans also include a
                                          new bowling green in
                                          nearby Victoria Recreation
                                          Ground for Portslade
                                          Bowls Club and a new
                                          sports pavilion for the use
                                          of the bowls club and local
                                          football clubs.
     Windlesham Close

 A total of 185 new council homes have been built through the New Homes for Neighbourhoods programme since 2015.

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Homing in - Brighton & Hove City Council
Fire safety update
Following recent government fire safety guidance on balconies
and external wall panels, we’ll be carrying out additional checks                Grenfell inquiry report
to our buildings.                                                                The report of the first phase
The advice is to check materials used   While you are welcome to                 of the public inquiry into the
in ‘Spandrel Panels’, which include     keep bicycles on your balcony,           Grenfell fire was published
window panels and infill panels         please do not leave items such           on the 30 October 2019. The
used as part of external walls.         as furniture, white goods,               report contains a number
                                        decorating materials or toys on          of recommendations on
If we find any panels made
                                        your balcony.                            managing fire safety and we
of materials that need to be
                                                                                 will be investigating these
replaced, we will schedule this         As well as being unsightly, storing
work as part of the housing             combustible materials on balconies
capital investment programme.           can be a significant fire risk.          We’ve been in constant
Use of balconies                        For the same reason, we do not           contact with government
                                        allow barbecues to be used on            since the Grenfell fire and
We will also be checking for                                                     will continue to work closely
combustible materials used on a         your balconies. Smoke and smells
                                        can also disturb your neighbours.        with the East Sussex Fire &
building’s balconies.                                                            Rescue Service to review all
If your home has a balcony, we’d        As with anywhere else in your            our fire safety practices in
like to remind you that a balcony       home, if you smoke on your               line with any new guidance.
shouldn’t be used as a storage area.    balcony, always check that you’ve
                                        fully extinguished your cigarette.

New homes from
hidden spaces
                                        Christmas fire safety advice
We’re converting ‘hidden’ or            Take care with candles and            Fairy lights and heaters that you
empty spaces within council-            don’t leave them burning              bring out for only a few weeks
owned property into new homes.          when you’re not watching.             a year can be a fire risk. Check
                                        Always double-check they are          the wiring is intact, make sure
Tenants have moved into three new
                                        completely out.                       plug sockets are not overloaded
flats in Swallow Court, Whitehawk,
                                        If you’re using candles, make         and don’t leave items on and
converted from a former office.
                                        sure they are on a heat-proof         unattended.
Work is underway to turn the old
                                        surface, in a proper candle           Keep communal areas and
Oxford Street housing office into ten
                                        holder so they don’t fall over,       common ways clear in blocks
new homes and an office in Manor
                                        out of reach of children and          of flats. Anything left in common
Hill, Whitehawk is being converted
                                        pets, out of draughts, and away       ways poses a potential fire and
into two flats, plus a new house will
                                        from curtains, furniture, cards,      smoke hazard and can block
be built alongside.
                                        decorations or anything else          escape routes. Just a reminder
A new flat at Woods House senior        which could catch fire.               that at Christmas, this also
housing scheme in Hove is nearing                                             means that decorations and
completion (see page 11) and two                                              wreaths cannot be hung on the
extra flats have been completed at                                            outside of flat doors.
Elwyn Jones Court in Patcham.
                                                                              For more fire safety advice, visit the
If you have a suggestion for a space                                          fire service website www.esfrs.org
in your neighbourhood which might                                             or call 0800 177 7069 to arrange
make a home, let us know. You can                                             a home safety visit.
email P&Ienquiries@brighton-

                                                www.brighton-hove.gov.uk/council-housing         homingin 5
Homing in - Brighton & Hove City Council
Strengthening our communities
                                          Tenants and leaseholders from across the city got
                                          together at Hove Town Hall in September for the
                                          Citywide Conference.
                                          The annual conference is               make sure tenants can settle
                                          organised by residents and             into their new home and
                                          chaired by Chris El-Shabba             community smoothly.
                                          from Whitehawk.                        There were opportunities to quiz
                                          The theme was Strengthening            housing managers and councillors
Residents Anne Willson and Ann            Our Communities, and the               in a question and answer session,
Packham with assistance dog               conference was a chance to share       and discuss issues such as tackling
Jewel at the conference                   ideas and hear about resident-         anti-social behaviour and the
                                          led projects which are bringing        new repairs, maintenance and
Councillor Gill Williams, chair
                                          people together.                       improvement service.
of housing, chats with resident
Eddie Cope and community                  In Craven Vale, for example, the       Chris said: “We heard about
development worker Graham Allen           community association is setting       some fabulous projects that
                                          up bee hives and planning to           show the work and passion
                                          produce honey, while in Mile Oak       of our residents across the city
                                          a community garden has been            that are making a difference to
                                          given a fresh new lease of life (see   their communities”.
                                          below and page 7).                     If you would like to suggest
                                          The conference also heard about        themes for next year’s conference
                                          the role of ‘resident inspectors’      contact the Community
                                          who check empty properties             Engagement Team (see below).
                                          before they are let, helping to

    Here to help -
    Community Engagement Team
    The Citywide Conference is            the council, Sussex Police, East
    organised with support from the       Sussex Fire & Rescue Service, and
    Community Engagement Team.            other local organisations.
    The team, set up earlier this         If you have ideas for improving
    year, brings together Resident        your road or estate, or are
    Involvement Officers from             interested in setting up a resident
    Housing and staff from other          group, get in touch with the team.
    services, to provide a single point   Email communityengagement@
    of contact for all residents in       brighton-hove.gov.uk or call
    the city.                             01273 294651.
    Staff continue to work closely        The team can also help you apply
    with tenants and leaseholders         for funding for improvements from          Neighbours James Henson, Tony
    to help improve services and          the Estate Development Budget.             Underwood and Sue Fines
    neighbourhoods. They also have        For more information, visit                in the Wickhurst Rise garden in
    strong links with services across     www.brighton-hove.gov.uk/edb               Mile Oak

6     homingin         www.brighton-hove.gov.uk/council-housing
Homing in - Brighton & Hove City Council
Leaseholders                                  Chilling at
Action Group news                             an igloo!
If you own a flat in a council block,          Adventurous Alison Gray
you’re automatically a member of               (pictured) enjoyed a holiday
the Leaseholders Action Group.                 with a difference – helping
The committee holds open committee             to build an igloo!
meetings, at various places around             Alison is chair of the Tenant
Brighton & Hove, to which all leaseholders     Disability Network and relies         Alison hopes her experience
are invited, and are welcome to raise          on a wheelchair, but she’s            will encourage others who
concerns. The next ones will be:               determined not to let her             want to try something new.
Saturday 14 December, 10.30am                  disability hold her back.             She said: “I think some people
at Westmount, Finsbury Road                    She took an organised coach trip      thought I was mad when I said
Monday 6 January, 6.30pm                       to chilly Bavaria, where activities   was going to build an igloo,
at Clarendon-Ellen                             included an igloo building            but being disabled doesn’t
Saturday 15 February, 10.30am                  workshop and seeing husky             mean you can’t go places or
at Tyson Place                                 dogs in action.                       do the things you want to do.
Monday 2 March, 6.30pm                                                               It was a great experience!”
at Hampshire Lodge                                                                   The Tenant Disability Network
Saturday 18 April 2020’s Annual                                                      is a group of residents who offer
Meeting will be at the Friends Meeting                                               friendly support and advice to
House – book the date now!                                                           tenants with disabilities.
For more information, or to give us your                                             To find out more email
ideas, contact the committee on                                                      tdnbhcc@gmail.com or call
01273 605225 or lag@clarend.com                                                      01273 292365.
We’d be very glad to hear from you.

Home grown veg for Christmas
Families living in two blocks of flats in
Wickhurst Rise, Mile Oak, are hoping to have
home grown sprouts with their Christmas
lunch, straight from their communal garden.
Residents have transformed the garden over the last two
years, from a drab underused space, into a welcoming
area for relaxing and socialising.
They’ve planted fruit trees, vegetables and flowers, put
in raised beds and a new table and chairs. This summer
the garden produced enough to supply all 18 flats in the
blocks with fresh vegetables for 12 weeks.
James Henson (pictured), from the Wickhurst Rise project,
                                                              Residents applied for funding from the Estate
said: “It’s become a garden everyone can enjoy and it
                                                              Development Budget to help pay for the
brings people together. We now know the names of
                                                              improvements. To find out how to apply visit
every resident.
                                                              www.brighton-hove.gov.uk/edb or call the
“We’re growing sprouts for Christmas, and our intention       Community Engagement Team on 01273 294651
is to produce food for all residents all year.”

                                             www.brighton-hove.gov.uk/council-housing             homingin 7
Homing in - Brighton & Hove City Council
New service
coming in April
Our new repairs, maintenance and
improvement service starts in just over
three months.
From 1 April 2020 the service will be run in-house,     Residents helping with the changeover to the new service
after our current contract with Mears comes to an end.
                                                           works such as asbestos management, larger
Look out for a full round up of information about
                                                           repairs, drainage, glazing repairs, and scaffolding.
the new service in the next issue of Homing In.
                                                        •C  ontracts for door entry systems, lifts and gas
In the meantime, here are some of the key points           servicing will stay the same.
of what’s changing, and what’s staying the same:
                                                        • A list of approved contractors is being set up for
• The main change you’ll see is vans will be              major works and we’re bringing in a process where
   council-branded, instead of Mears, and staff            companies can compete for contracts to ensure the
   will carry council identity cards.                      council gets the best price and standard.
• Phone numbers are not changing – to report           We’re working hard to make sure the changeover
   a repair you will still call 0800 052 6140           goes smoothly and a resident group is helping us
   (Freephone) or 01273 294409 from a mobile.           with this.
• Urgent repairs will still be started within 24 hours
                                                        You can find out more about the service at
   and routine repairs within 20 working days.
• Individual contracts are being set up for specialist or email FutureRepairs@brighton-hove.gov.uk

    Universal Credit update
    Confused about Universal Credit? We’re here to help...
Universal Credit (UC) was introduced in Brighton & Hove in 2017 for
anyone making a new claim for benefits.
If you are already on benefits, you    It is really important to remember   It’s worth checking with our Welfare
can carry on receiving them at the     that not all changes of              Rights team first, they can help with
moment – unless you have a change      circumstance mean you have           information and advice. You can
of circumstances that means you        to claim UC.                         call them on 01273 291116 on
need to make a new claim.                                                   Monday mornings 10-1pm or email
                                       Help is available                    welfarerights@brighton-hove.gov.uk
The sort of changes which might
mean you have to make a new            Benefits are complicated and if      For more information about the
claim include:                         you think you are not getting the    support and advice available on
                                       right amount, or you are unsure      claiming Universal Credit, go to
• Where you are claiming income       whether you need to make a new       www.brighton-hove.gov.uk/
   support as a lone parent and your   claim, ask for help. We are seeing   universal-credit
   youngest child turns five           people lose benefits they are        If you are struggling to pay your rent
• Where you lose a job and need to    entitled to because they are not     or are worried about debt, call the
   make a new claim for help with      asking for help, so the earlier we   Housing Income Management team
   your rent and living costs          can help the better.                 on 01273 293224.

8    homingin        www.brighton-hove.gov.uk/council-housing
Homing in - Brighton & Hove City Council
Celebrating a century of
council housing
This year marks the 100th anniversary of the Addison Act, which led to
councils building social housing on a large scale.
In our autumn issue we featured residents’ memories of council homes over the
years. Here two readers recall the redevelopment of Whitehawk in the 1970s.

Changing for the better
Lynn Bennett                           Whitehawk memories
moved to
Whitehawk                              Caroline Siam has lived in council
just before                            housing for much of her life and
the rebuilding                         seen lots of changes.
work started                           The biggest was growing up in Findon
and saw the                            Road, Whitehawk, while the estate
estate take                            was being redesigned and rebuilt.
shape from
                                       Caroline (pictured) said:
her home in
                                       “Whitehawk Community Centre
Wiston Road.
                                       was just being built when we           She previously lived in
She said:                              moved there in 1970, and               Moulsecoomb and remembers
“They gutted                           I saw the library opened by            going out to play with other
the middle of Whitehawk and ours       Princess Anne.                         children at the adventure
was one of the few streets left in                                            playground and Stanmer Park.
                                       “We saw a lot of the old
that area.
                                       houses and bungalows knocked           Caroline now lives in
“The building work went on for a       down and people moved out,             one of the council’s new
long time. Some of the kids thought    and the old buildings were             developments in Wellington
it was great fun seeing the diggers    replaced with new cul-de-sacs          Road, Brighton. She said:
and machinery, but some of us          and new homes.”                        “I’ve got great neighbours
adults got a bit fed up with it when                                          and I love it here.”
it was wet and muddy.”
Lynn added: “In the long run it
has changed for the better, a lot of   Grants for community art projects
the old houses were pre-war with       To mark the centenary, we’re inviting residents to get
outside bathrooms and toilets. They    together and celebrate council housing.
were replaced with modern homes,
with smaller gardens, which meant      Grants of up to £250 are available for resident-led art projects across
there was space to build more.”        the city, which ideally bring people of all ages together.

Lynn now lives in Manor Way and        Maybe you have an idea for brightening up a wall on your estate
is chair of Manor Farm Residents       with a colourful mural, or would like to come up with an eye-
Association. She has been at the       catching piece of art for a community room or communal garden.
heart of local community life for      To apply and find out more contact communityengagement@
years and said: “I got involved so     brighton-hove.gov.uk or call 01273 294651.
that I could put my word in.”

                                         www.brighton-hove.gov.uk/council-housing            homingin 9
Homing in - Brighton & Hove City Council
Don’t get caught out –
be on the alert for scams
If someone makes you an offer that sounds too                                     Don’t give out any personal
good to be true, it probably is.                                                  or bank details.
Scams can take place online,          • you’ve been asked to                     If someone claims to be from
in person, over the phone, or            transfer money quickly                   the council or from another
through the post, by people           • you’ve been asked to pay                 authority always check their
trying to steal money or                 in an unusual way, for                   ID. If in any doubt about
information.                             example, by iTunes vouchers              whether the ID is genuine,
They can be difficult to                 or through a transfer service            shut the door and contact
recognise, but there are things          like MoneyGram or Western                the Citizens Advice consumer
you can look out for. It might           Union                                    helpline on 03454 040506.
be a scam if:                         • you’ve been asked to give                The helpline can give you
• it seems too good to be true,         away personal information                advice about what might
   for example, a holiday that’s         like passwords or PINs                   be a scam and the steps you
   significantly cheaper than                                                     should take if you’ve been
                                      • you haven’t had written                  scammed.
   you’d expect it to be                 confirmation of what’s been
• someone you don’t know                agreed                                   You can also call the
   contacts you unexpectedly                                                      council switchboard on
                                      If someone calls at your                    01273 290000 to check the
• you suspect you’re not             home trying to sell your                    identity of council staff.
   dealing with a real company,       something or asks for personal
   for example, if there’s no         information, the advice from                There’s also information
   postal address                     Trading Standards is to say                 on our website www.
                                      ‘no thanks’ and shut the door.              brighton-hove.gov.uk/

Stay safe                             Other useful numbers:
and warm                              If a grit bin on a housing estate needs

this winter
                                      refilling contact the Estates Team, email
If we have snow and ice this
                                      gov.uk or call 01273 294769.                 Christmas Day
winter, please check on elderly       If you have a problem with your              lunch
or vulnerable neighbours to           heating contact the Repairs
                                      Helpdesk, email BHCC.repairs@                A Christmas Day lunch is being
make sure they are warm and
                                      mearsgroup.co.uk or call                     held at Hove Methodist Church,
have everything they need.
                                      0800 052 6140 or 01273 294409.               in Portland Road, for people
If you’re worried about a relative                                                 who might otherwise spend the
                                      If you are worried about heating bills
or neighbour, you can contact us by                                                day alone.
                                      contact Money Advice Plus, email
calling 01273 295555 Monday to
                                      info@moneyadviceplus.org.uk                  If you would like to go, please
Friday from 8.30am to 5pm. If your
                                      or call 01273 664000.                        contact the church office to book
call is an emergency after 5pm, it
                                                                                   a place on 01273 324600 or email
will be answered by our CareLink
Plus alarm service.
                                                                                   co.uk. Volunteers may be able to
For more information visit                                                         arrange transport for you if you
www.brighton-hove.gov.uk/snow                                                      live in postcode area BN3 or BN41.

10 homingin          www.brighton-hove.gov.uk/council-housing
New lease
of life for
public loo!
A former public toilet in
Sackville Road, Hove, has
been transformed into a
new communal lounge for
residents at Woods House
seniors housing scheme.
The new lounge has more space
for social activities, plus a kitchen                                      Enjoying the new lounge and, left,
area, and is enabling residents to                                         how the exterior used to look
set up their own breakfast
club so they can get together for
a cooked breakfast.                     Roy Crowhurst, chair of the Woods House tenants association, said:
                                        “We’re delighted with the new community lounge, you would never
Woods House residents applied to        know it used to be a toilet! Our old lounge is being converted into a
the National Lottery Community          new flat, so it is a win-win all round.”
Fund for money to set up the club,
with the help of scheme manager He added: “We know a lot of people skip breakfast, that’s why we
Michael Logue.                     decided to set up a breakfast club. If it’s a success we hope to hold
                                   afternoon teas as well.”
They received a £10,000 grant
which paid for a cooker and other  The breakfast club will start in the new year and will also be open to
kitchen appliances, along with     older people in the local community. For more information call Woods
a chef to run the club for a trial House on 01273 293405.
period of six months. After that,  The old toilet block next to Woods House had been out of use for many
volunteers will take over.         years and residents came up with the idea of turning it into a lounge.

Blooming lovely at Jasmine Court
                                                                            Residents at Jasmine Court
                                                                            are looking forward to a
                                                                            splash of spring colour after
                                                                            planting bulbs and shrubs in
                                                                            their communal garden.
                                                                            New paving is also being
                                                                            provided in the garden, thanks
                                                                            to a £1,000 donation from the
                                                                            Paley Trust charity.
                                                                            As well as improving the garden,
                                                                            the money is being used for a
    Peter Otto, chair of the Paley Trust (left) with Jasmine Court          Christmas lunch and other social
    residents, scheme manager Amanda Hunter, and seniors                    activities at the seniors housing
    housing team manager Elisabeth Neighbour                                scheme in Patchdean, Brighton.

                                               www.brighton-hove.gov.uk/council-housing        homingin 11
How we’ve                                            July to September 2019
been doing
                                                                           Tenancy management
Here are the highlights of                                                 We’ve helped 38 people to
our performance over the                                                   keep their tenancies which
last quarter…                                                              were at risk, and taken back
                                                                           two properties due to housing

                  Repairs and improvements                                 Estates service
                  We completed routine repairs                             The team completed 82% of
                  in an average of 11 days and                             bulk waste removals within
                  kept 97% of appointments                                 seven working days, down
                  made.                                                    from 85% last quarter.

                  Customer services and
                  complaints                                               Moving home

                  The Housing Customer Service
                                                                    ERs    We re-let 115 homes in an
                  team answered 91% of                                     average of 20 days (excluding
                  calls and 64% of complaints                              properties requiring major
                  were responded to within 10                              work), an improvement
                  working days.                                            compared to 25 days during
                                                                           the previous quarter.

                  Anti-social behaviour
“*!!*”            90% of people surveyed (9 out
                                                                           Rent collection and
                                                                           current arrears
                  of 10) were satisfied with the
       “?!!”      way their anti-social behaviour
                  complaint was dealt with.
                                                                           We’ve collected 97.19% of
                                                                           rent and this is down slightly
                                                                           on the previous quarter.

 Scoots you
 Could a mobility scooter make      The service is run locally by the     Scooters need to be booked in
 it easier for you to get out       Possability People charity and        advance and can be picked up
 and about for shopping trips       volunteers provide advice             from the Shopmobility office
 and other tasks? For example,      and training on how to use            in Churchill Square car park.
 if you live in a flat without      the scooters – you don’t need         Volunteers can also sometimes
 space to store a mobility          a licence.                            deliver scooters to people
 scooter of your own.               One user said: “It’s been an          at home.
 The Shopmobility service rents     absolute godsend, the scooter         For details call 01273 323239,
 out a range of electric mobility   has coped with the hills,             email shopmo@possability
 scooters and wheelchairs from      the long days and the                 people.org.uk or visit
 10am to 4pm for £5 a day.          shopping bags!”                       www.possabilitypeople.org.uk

12 homingin        www.brighton-hove.gov.uk/council-housing
Enter our

Win Theatre Royal
                                                                                       free draw for a
                                                                                        chance to win
                                                                                    tickets to the hit musical,

Brighton tickets!
                                                                                       Everybody’s Talking
                                                                                         About Jamie, at
                                                                                     Theatre Royal Brighton.

The winner will receive two tickets
to see the show on the evening
of 6 April 2020.
Simply answer the following questions,
based on information in this issue:
• Where was the Citywide
   Conference held?
• How many new flats are proposed
   in Windlesham Close, Portslade?
• Which EastEnders actor is in
   Everybody’s Talking About Jamie?

Send your answers by email to
                                             About the show
or by post to Homing In competition,
                                             Everybody’s Talking About           For more info
Performance & Improvement, Housing
Centre, Unit 1, Fairway Trading Estate,      Jamie stars Layton Williams         Everybody’s Talking About
Eastergate Road, Brighton BN2 4QL.           and EastEnders’ Shane Richie,       Jamie, Theatre Royal
Please include your name, address,           who have both appeared in the       Brighton, 6 to 11 April 2020.
postcode and phone number.                   London production of the show.
                                                                                 Call 0844 871 7650* or
The closing date for entries is              It tells the story of 16-year-old   visit www.atgtickets.com/
6 January 2020.                              Jamie New who lives on a            brighton (booking fees)
                                             council estate in Sheffield and     *Booking fees apply.
The winner will be notified and their name   doesn’t quite fit in. Supported       Calls cost up to 7p per
published in the next issue of Homing In.    by his mum and friends, Jamie         minute, plus your phone
The competition is open to all households    overcomes prejudice and bullies       company’s access charge.
who receive Homing In by email or post.      to step into the spotlight.

              Bag it and bin it                                                   Thanks to everyone
                                                                                  who entered our
                                                                                  autumn competition.
             Please don’t flush     Southern Water says thousands
                                                                                  The lucky winner
             wet wipes down         of tonnes of wet wipes end up
                                                                                  was Mel Parker from
             the loo – they can     in the sewers every year – along
                                                                                  Hove who won
block the toilet and it’s bad       with a surprising range of other
                                                                                  Sea Life Centre tickets.
for the environment.                things including false teeth, toys            Mel said: “I’m thrilled
Repairs staff have been called      and mobile phones.                            to bits, I’m looking
to deal with lots of blockages      Even wipes described as                       forward to taking my
recently caused by wet wipes        ‘flushable’ can cause blockages               granddaughters.”
and other items that should not     in the toilet, sewer or
go down the toilet.                 wastewater treatment works.

                                      www.brighton-hove.gov.uk/council-housing                homingin 13
Dates for your diary
 Gingerbread Biscuits
                                                                                       Area Panels
 Try this seasonal recipe from Brighton & Hove Food Partnership                        The next round of Area Panels
                                                                                       will be held in 2020 as follows:
                                                                                       Central 12 February
                                                                                       2pm at Hampshire Lodge,
                                                                                       Hampshire Court, Brighton
                                                                                       East 10 February
                                                                                       7pm Venue to be confirmed
                                                                                       North 13 February
                                                                                       7pm at the Housing Centre,
                                                                                       West 11 February
                                                                                       2pm at St Richard’s Community
                                                                                       Centre, Egmont Road, Hove
Ingredients                    ½ teaspoon salt                                        The agenda and minutes of meetings
350g plain flour               125g butter                                            are available at www.brighton-
1 teaspoon bicarbonate of soda 175g soft light brown sugar                            hove.gov.uk/area-panel-meetings
2 teaspoons ground ginger      1 large egg                                            For more information contact the
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon     4 tablespoons golden syrup                             Community Engagement Team,
                                                                                      email communityengagement@
Makes around 20 biscuits (depending on size)                                          brighton-hove.gov.uk
                                                                                      or call 01273 294651.
 1 Mix together the flour, bicarbonate,    6 R
                                               oll the dough to approximately
    ginger, cinnamon and salt.                0.5cm thick. Use a little flour to       City events
                                              dust if it is sticky and ensure the      Santa Express 14, 15,
 2 C
    ut the butter into cubes and add         under side is well floured as this       21, 22 December
   to the flour mix. Rub the butter and       will make it easier to transfer the      10.30am to 2.30pm
   flour between your fingertips until        cut biscuits.                            Volk’s Railway,
   it resembles breadcrumbs.                                                           Brighton seafront.
                                              sing cutters, cut out the dough         Booking recommended, visit
 3 Stir in the sugar.                        and then transfer to the trays. Be        www.volksrailway.org.uk or call
 4 Lightly beat the egg and golden          sure to leave a few centimetres           01273 292718 for more info.
    syrup and add to the bowl. Briefly       gap between the biscuits as they          Royal Pavilion Ice Rink
    knead the dough until smooth and         will spread out a little as they bake.    Until 19 January
    then wrap in cling film. Chill in the 8 B
                                             ake for 12-15 minutes or until           Santa Dash
    fridge for around 20 mins.              lightly golden brown. Once baked           14 December Hove Lawns
 5 While the dough is chilling, line 2-3   let them cool a little on the tray to      Brighton’s Christmas Makers
    trays with parchment paper and pre      firm up and the transfer to a wire         and Street Food Market
                                            rack to finish cooling.                    14 December Brighthelm Centre
    heat the oven 180c/160c fan/Gas 4.
                                                                                       Burning the Clocks
                                                                                       21 December Parade through
Royal icing               ombine all ingredients using an electric hand whisk.
                         C                                                             city centre to Madeira Drive
170g icing sugar         On a medium to high speed whisk until it forms soft           Floating Worlds: Japanese
                         peaks. This will take around 4 minutes. The consistency       Woodcuts exhibition
1 egg white              can be adjusted with a little water or by adding more         Until 12 January
1 tsp lemon juice        icing sugar.                                                  Brighton Museum & Art Gallery

                                                                                      If you have an event you’d like
For more recipes, local food news and events, check out the                           us to promote, please email
Brighton & Hove Food Partnership website www.bhfood.org.uk                            homingin@brighton-hove.gov.uk
or sign up for their fortnightly e-newsletter.                                        or call Housing Customer Services
                                                                                      on 01273 293030.

14 homingin             www.brighton-hove.gov.uk/council-housing
Christmas & New Year
recycling & refuse collection dates
Your collection days are changing over Christmas, so please put your refuse and recycling out on…

     Usual day                                               Collected on…
     Monday 23 December                                      Monday 23 December
     Tuesday 24 December                                     Tuesday 24 December
     Wednesday 25 December                                   Friday 27 December
     Thursday 26 December                                    Saturday 28 December
     Friday 27 December                                      Monday 30 December
     Monday 30 December                                      Tuesday 31 December
     Tuesday 31 December                                     Thursday 2 January
     Wednesday 1 January                                     Friday 3 January
     Thursday 2 January                                      Saturday 4 January
     Friday 3 January                                        Monday 6 January
     Monday 6 January                                        Tuesday 7 January
     Tuesday 7 January                                       Wednesday 8 January
     Wednesday 8 January                                     Thursday 9 January
     Thursday 9 January                                      Friday 10 January
     Friday 10 January                                       Saturday 11 January
     Collections return to your usual days from Monday 13 January
    To check your collection days in 2020 and download your collection calendar, if you have
    fortnightly recycling, visit www.brighton-hove.gov.uk/cityclean and put in your postcode.

      Recycle this                              Christmas trees                   Wrapping paper
      Christmas!                                Christmas tree                    and cardboard
      Food and drink                            recycling sites                   Please only recycle wrapping
                                                across the city                   paper - foil or paper covered
      Plastic bottles can go straight in your   will be open from                 in glitter can’t be recycled.
      recycling box or bin, washed and          Friday 27 December                Flatten any cardboard boxes
      squashed. Rinsed drink cans and food      until Friday 10 January.          and paper bags to make
      tins can also go in your recycling, along Please remove all                 space in your recycling bins
      with egg boxes, cardboard sleeves for     decorations and the pot           and boxes. You can also
      food packaging and all tin biscuit boxes. before leaving your tree.         take your recycling to a
      Please keep all glass bottles and jars    To find your nearest site visit   community recycling point
      in a separate recycling box so glass      www.brighton-hove.gov.uk/         or one of the city’s two
      doesn’t contaminate the other materials. christmas-tree-recycling           household recycling centres.

    Visit our A-Z of recycling at www.brighton-hove.gov.uk/recycling

                                                www.brighton-hove.gov.uk/council-housing             homingin 15
Useful contacts                                       Online services
                                                      Visit the council housing website to check out
Housing Customer Services                             all housing online services at
housing.customerservices@brighton-hove.gov.uk         www.brighton-hove.gov.uk/council-housing
01273 293030                                          Pay online at ww2.brighton-hove.gov.uk

Repairs Helpdesk                                      Go to the Housing Customer online system at
BHCC.repairs@mearsgroup.co.uk                         www.brighton-hove.gov.uk/housingcos
0800 052 6140 (local line 01273 294409)               Information about money matters, tax, benefits
                                                      and more www.gov.uk
Housing Income Management Team
                                                          Follow us on twitter.com/BHHousing
01273 293224                                              Like us on facebook.com/BHHousing

Housing Benefit
01273 292000 or 01273 290333 for people               Housing Committee
with speech or hearing difficulties
Community Engagement Team                             Wednesday 15 January 2020
For information about tenant and leaseholder groups
communityengagement@brighton-hove.gov.uk              The meeting will be held at 4pm in the
01273 294651                                          Council Chamber, Hove Town Hall, Norton Road,
                                                      Hove, BN3 3BQ.
Access Point for adult social care                    All council meetings are open to the public, and
AccessPoint@brighton-hove.gov.uk                      you can submit public questions.
01273 295555
                                                      Agendas, minutes and webcasts of council
Moneyworks Brighton & Hove                            meetings are available at
www.advicebrighton-hove.org.uk                        www.brighton-hove.gov.uk/council-meetings
0800 9887037 or 01273 809288

Citizens Advice Bureau                                If you have any comments or suggestions
www.citizensadvice.org.uk/brightonhovecab             for future articles, email
0845 120 3710                                         homingin@brighton-hove.gov.uk or write
                                                      to homingin, Communications Team,
The Portal                                            Room 166, Hove Town Hall, Norton Road,
(advice and support for survivors of domestic or
                                                      Hove, BN3 3BQ or call 01273 293033.                6816 Brighton & Hove City Council Communications Team
sexual abuse or violence)
www.theportal.org.uk Freephone 0300 323 9985          homingin is produced by Brighton & Hove
                                                      City Council’s communications team and
Brighton & Hove Independent                           the Tenant Editorial Board.
Mediation Service
01273 700812                                          Save paper and get
Noise Nuisance                                        homingin online!
www.brighton-hove.gov.uk/noise                        Email housing.customerservices@brighton-
01273 294266 or 01273 293541 for out of hours         hove.gov.uk to stop receiving a paper copy
                                                      of homingin and we’ll email you when it is
Leaseholders Action Group                             available on our website.
01273 605225

16 homingin          www.brighton-hove.gov.uk/council-housing
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