Hotels and hospitality - Our global experience

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Hotels and hospitality
Our global experience
Norton Rose Fulbright

Norton Rose Fulbright is a global legal practice. We provide the world’s pre-eminent
corporations and financial institutions with a full business law service. We have more
than 3800 lawyers based in over 50 cities across Europe, the United States, Canada, Latin
America, Asia, Australia, Africa, the Middle East and Central Asia.

Recognized for our industry focus, we are strong across all the key industry sectors: financial
institutions; energy; infrastructure, mining and commodities; transport; technology and
innovation; and life sciences and healthcare.

Wherever we are, we operate in accordance with our global business principles of quality,
unity and integrity. We aim to provide the highest possible standard of legal service in each
of our offices and to maintain that level of quality at every point of contact.

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More than 50 locations, including
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Our global legal practice is highly experienced in all aspects of
the hotel industry. We advise hotel owners, developers, private
financiers, banks and many of the world’s top hotel operators
on all aspects of their hotel projects.

Through our extensive global platform of lawyers we are able to provide a co-ordinated legal
service catering to all aspects of our clients’ legal needs – from a single project boutique hotel
development, to a multi-jurisdictional hotel portfolio acquisition.

Our previous track record in hotel work has not only given us insight into the often complex
legal requirements of the hotel industry, but has also enabled us to build an in-depth
understanding of the commercial and practical aspects of our clients’ business.

Internally, we continue to develop our hospitality sector know-how, legal training and market
knowledge dissemination for the commercial benefit of our clients. Our global offices can
offer you the skills and experience required by a growing and diversified business.

                                 Hotel development                                             04

                                 Owners and operators                                          06

                                 Construction                                                  08

                                 Financing                                                     10

                                 Corporate and commercial                                      12

                                 Mergers and acquisitions                                      14

                                 Joint ventures                                                16

                                 Dispute resolution                                            18

                                 Intellectual property                                         20

                                 Global resources                                              23
Hotels and hospitality – Our global experience

Hotel development
We understand the importance of providing our clients with prompt,
clear and comprehensive legal advice which covers every aspect of their
proposed development. Our real estate teams work closely with our highly
regarded environmental, planning and construction teams to make sure
that every aspect of a proposed development is fully catered for.
We are able to offer our clients the choice of having one or two key
relationship partners to oversee and co-ordinate all aspects of a project to
assist on cost efficiency, consistency and deliver a quality assurance on
every element of legal advice provided.

We advised CapitaLand on the                     We advised the owner on the                We advised Alliances Développement
development and sale of a US$750                 development and management                 Immobilier, a local developer, on
million mixed-use district centre,               contract of a five-star hotel on the       renegotiating a development contract
Raffles City in the prestigious Bahrain          Jeddah Corniche, Kingdom of Saudi          entered into with Risma (a subsidiary
Bay This included the development                Arabia.                                    of Accord) to build the Sofitel hotel, in
of a condominium regime, serviced                                                           Casablanca, Morocco.
apartment agreements, licensing                  We advised the landowner on the
issues, land acquisition and financing.          development and operation of a             We advised a large regional developer
                                                 five-star hotel in Cairo, Egypt, with      on a landmark mixed-use development
We advised a Dubai property developer            associated leisure and serviced            in Nairobi, Kenya, comprising
in relation to the appointment of                apartments, including negotiation of all   residential apartments, a hotel, retail
an internationally renowned hotel                documentation with the hotel operator.     and leisure facilities.
provider to operate approximately 260
luxury serviced residences in Nigeria,           We advised the developer in connection     We advised Brookfield Multiplex in
including advice on the sale and                 with the sale of an ownership interest     relation to the liquor licensing regime
leaseback to the developer in order to           in the former Four Seasons Hotel in        at its Portside Wharf development,
protect the appointment of the hotel             Montreal to Four Seasons and the           part of the larger rejuvenation of the
operator.                                        negotiation of a management contract       Hamilton frontage to the Brisbane
                                                 with Four Seasons.                         River.
We advised the developer in relation
to a resort and mixed facilities project         We assisted CDG Dev/CGI, a subsidiary      We advised a local developer in the
on Curtis Island off the Queensland              of the Moroccan institution Caisse des     construction, management and
coast. This involves leasehold tenure            Dépôts et de Gestion, in developing        operation of a proposed five-star hotel
and structuring of owners associations,          the 500 million MAD Casablanca             and spa in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. We
leasing and services agreements,                 marina and hotel, which will be built      provided detailed advice on the term
resort operator and infrastructure               overlooking the Atlantic ocean.            sheets, technical services agreement
agreements, and sales documents.                                                            and management agreement proposed
                                                                                            by the international hotel operator,
                                                                                            and we led negotiations with the hotel
                                                                                            operator on behalf of the developer.

04 Norton Rose Fulbright – September 2013
Hotel development

We acted for the development               We acted for Kerzner International            We advised an independent German
syndicate for Metacap, Empire Square       Limited on its proposals to develop and       developer in relation to new hotel
– a 77-storey mixed-use building in        operate a US$350 million casino and           developments, acquisitions and
the Brisbane central business district,    hotel resort at the Millennium Dome,          financing of new hotel products. With
comprising branded apartments              London.                                       our assistance the client has succeeded
with a major hotel operator, a hotel                                                     in establishing the first Hampton by
component with the same operator           We acted for One & Only on its                Hilton hotel outside the USA. We are
and a commercial office space. We          proposed UK developments.                     currently advising regarding new
developed the tenure structure for the                                                   developments in Dortmund and
site, all sales contract documentation     We acted for the developer of a new           Greifswald.
and handled the sales contract process     Marriott Hotel, at Vilnius, Lithuania, on
using our contract management              financing and construction.                   We advised Intrawest Inc. in connection
systems.                                                                                 with the acquisition, financing and
                                           We advised Stone Creek Resorts Inc.           development of the Station Mont
We advised the developer (SB               in the set up of a vacation club and          Tremblant four season destination
McLaughlin Group) in connection with       related condo and zoning issues in            resort in Mont-Tremblant Quebec.
the development of the Sheraton Centre     Canada.
in Montreal.
                                           We advised a Moroccan touristic
We advised Brisbane Airport                investment fund with respect to the
Corporation on developing and leasing      development and to the operation
the first “Airport City” hotel – the BAC   (including the management
Novotel, Brisbane. We negotiated the       agreements) of two hotels in Marrakech
development agreement and long-            to be operated by Marriott and
term lease, which was unusual due          Anantara.
to Brisbane Airport Corporation’s
leasehold tenure and the need to
involve the Federal Department of
Transport and Regional Services.

                                                                                       Norton Rose Fulbright – September 2013 05
Hotels and hospitality – Our global experience

Owners and operators
We are experienced in acting for both hotel owners and hotel operators.
We can draft and provide advice on all aspects of hotel management
agreements, technical services agreements and centralised services
agreements, as well as structuring rental pooling and condominium
ownership agreements.
Having negotiated on both “sides of the table”, we are able to quickly
and efficiently focus on the issues that are of most importance to each
party, to cut through the noncritical information and focus on what
really matters.

We advised Mubadala Development                  We advised Dusit Thani Plc managing         We advised Mandarin Oriental BV on
Company PJSC on hotel management                 and operating a proposed five-star          negotiating, executing and performing
documentation, including technical               Dusit Hotel on Hainan Island in             the management agreement for the
services, trademark licensing, unit              China. We provided detailed advice          Mandarin Oriental Jnan Rahma Palace,
sales and association agreements, for            on the term sheets, technical services      currently under construction in
the Rosewood Hotel, Sowwah Island,               agreement and management agreement          Marrakech.
Abu Dhabi.                                       proposed by the international hotel
                                                 operator, and we led negotiations on        We advised The Indian Hotel Company
We advised on the precedent                      behalf of the hotel operator with the       on their proposed new Taj Hotel
hotel apartment lease for the                    local developer.                            development in Dubai.
Intercontinental Residence Suites in
Dubai.                                           We advised Golden Leaf Hotels and           We advised Hotel Exploitatie
                                                 Residences in Frankfurt, Stuttgart and      Maatschappij (The Dylan), in the
We advised a local sub-developer                 Munich on all aspects of its business       Netherlands on several areas of its
on structuring the ownership and                 operation, including the sale and           business operation, including the
management agreements for six hotel              acquisition of real estate or shares in     acquisition of an adjacent property,
apartment properties in Dubai.                   operation companies, negotiation of         zoning and planning and employment
                                                 lease and management agreements,            issues.
We advised Viceroy in relation to the            and litigation in relation to leases and/
development and operation of a hotel             or real issues such as construction         We advised Amstel Hotel Maatschappij,
and hotel apartments on the Palm                 agreements or necessary permits.            the operator of the Intercontinental
Jumeirah in Dubai. This included                                                             Amstel Amsterdam hotel in the
advice on the hotel management                                                               Netherlands, on the operation of
documentation, land ownership and                                                            its business, including advice on
how Viceroy may secure its interest                                                          construction law and administrative
in the continued management of the                                                           law issues.
development under Dubai’s strata title

06 Norton Rose Fulbright – September 2013
Owners and operators

We advised Commerz Real on the £50        We are acting for Guoco Group Limited,      We advised a property owner of a hotel
million development and forward           an investment holding company with          in Almaty, Kazakhstan in negotiation of
funding of two Accor Hotels on            operations and investments throughout       hotel management agreement with the
Blackfriars Bridge Road London SE1.       Asia and in Europe.                         Hilton Group of Companies.

We advised Crocus Group on the            We acted for Juniper, in providing          We advised on the negotiation and
management contract for the world’s       advice on its management rights             conclusion of agreements with
biggest 1,000-bedroom Holiday Inn         operations for Palm Cove and other          Starwood for the establishment of both
hotel in Moscow with Intercontinental     North Queensland resort properties          a five-star Westin Hotel operation and
Hotels Group. This involved an            (where it retains ownership of              branded Westin Residences operation
investment of more than US$100            the assets) and providing advice            in a Brisbane CBD project.
million from the Crocus Group. Work       on operating agreements and
is due to start on building the hotel     arrangements with the on site operator.
in 2011 in Crocus City in the rapidly
developing Krasnogorsk area of            We advised Fairmont Resort Properties
Moscow.                                   Ltd., the developer/ operator of Lake
                                          Okanagan Resort in connection with
We advised a large regional real estate   the purchase and management of the
company on its proposed portfolio of      resort.
serviced apartment buildings in Sports
City, Dubai. This included negotiating    We advised Sheraton in connection
all documentation with the serviced       with its management contract for
apartments operator.                      the property following the sale of the
                                          Sheraton Centre in Montreal.
We acted for Rezidor in the setting up
of the two Radisson Hotels in South

                                                                                    Norton Rose Fulbright – September 2013 07
Hotels and hospitality – Our global experience

Our construction team provides full support throughout the lifecycle of
a project from initial inception and planning, through tendering, tender
evaluation, contract award, construction and operation. If a project so
demands, our construction lawyers can act as the fulcrum connecting
each and every aspect of the design, planning and construction elements
and can be the key link between each professional adviser.
We are able to advise on both bespoke and industry standard forms of
contract including FIDIC and NEC.

We advised Saudi Oger on the EPC                 We advised the contractor of               We advised Multiplex GCC Holdings on
contract for phase one of the Abu                Palm Canal Towers, Dubai on the            the design and construction of the Four
Dhabi Financial Centre, which                    construction contract for two multi-       Season Hotel in Bahrain Bay, which
covered the construction of a stock              storey buildings, which form part of the   will be the area’s tallest building.
exchange building, four office towers            Dubai Waterfront Development.
and a business hotel, including land                                                        We advised a Middle East joint venture
reclamation, dredging and a new                  We advised the developer of Durrat         on a four-tower development of
bridge.                                          Khaleej Al Bahrain on all aspects of       residential, hotel and office space on
                                                 this 20 square kilometre mixed-use         two plots of land adjacent to Bahrain’s
We advised Mubadala Development                  real estate development in Bahrain,        mega mall known as “City Centre
Company PJSC on the AED 800 million              including the concession agreements        Mall”. The value of the development is
contract for the Rosewood Hotel, to              for desalinated water and ICT services,    US$340 million.
be developed on Al Maryah Island in              golf course design and management
Abu Dhabi. The development covers                contracts as well as construction          We advised a local developer on Wadi
a five-star hotel with 189 rooms and             contracts and consultancy agreements.      Al Buhair, a 180-hectare master-
139 serviced apartments, shops and a                                                        planned residential development
health club and spa.                             We advised First Kuwait Al Seef Real       comprising 2000 ultra-luxury villas on
                                                 Estate Development on a five-tower         a unique greenfield site in Bahrain. The
We acted for the claimant contractor             development in the Seef district           value of the development is in excess of
in an £8 million claim for extensions            consisting of hotel, residential and       US$500 million.
of time and loss and expense on the              office accommodation.
construction of the Blackfriars House                                                       We advised a privately held
Hotel in central London.                         We acted for Hudson Advisors GmbH          international company holding
                                                 on a dispute over construction defects     significant hotel, restaurant and travel
                                                 in Bayernpost, a new five-star hotel in    interests in relation to the review of
                                                 Munich.                                    its construction contracts for various
                                                                                            remodelling projects in Canada.
                                                 We acted for Oriel Leisure Limited on
                                                 its acquisition/construction of new
                                                 Travelodge hotels.

08 Norton Rose Fulbright – September 2013

We advised Dalkia Bahrain on the            We acted for a Queensland based             We acted for the developer in relation to
design, construction and operation of       development company and constructor         the financing and construction of a new
district cooling facility at the Al Areen   in undertaking development of a             Marriott Hotel at Vilnius, Lithuania.
Desert & Spa Resort development,            serviced apartment complex in Japan
which included drafting and                 (Alpen Ridge at Niseko) including           We advised Hilton, Queensland, the
negotiating a 25-year private utility       complete structuring of Management          development manager of Brookfield
concession agreement.                       Association for the Project and             Multiplex, on the development and
                                            apartment management operation              construction of the AU$700 million
We advised CapitaLand on building           under a management rights operation.        Hilton Hotel complex at Surfers
and selling various components of the                                                   Paradise in Queensland.
district centre in Bahrain Bay.             We advised a planning and
                                            construction services company in
We advised a contractor in Jabal            negotiations for the purchase of
Omar, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia on            promissory notes relating to the Drake
an engineering, procurement and             Hotel.
construction contract based on the
FIDIC Red Book, to build six hotels and     We advised on the construction and
a number of residential towers plus         lease for hotels in the Disneyland
associated infrastructure for a large       Paris resort site. We represented the
mixed- use development in Mecca.            developer of a 500-bed Gilligan’s
                                            Resort & Hotel facility in Cairns,
We advised Farglory on the                  Australia from concept and design
construction documentation in relation      through to the construction stage and
to the development of four plots on Al      now its operation and subsequent
Maryah Island in Abu Dhabi, including       lease to a resort operator. We provided
the construction of a hotel.                property, planning, liquor and gaming
                                            advice, securing relevant development
                                            approvals, and general commercial
                                            advice regarding ongoing operations of
                                            the hotel and resort.

                                                                                      Norton Rose Fulbright – September 2013 09
Hotels and hospitality – Our global experience

In emerging markets it is likely that a hotel will be purpose built or, in
established markets, that substantial refurbishment will be required. In an
uncertain financial climate, alternative financing and capital raising may
be needed to cover the costs of construction/refurbishment. Flexibility for
alternative methods of financing needs to be assured when the project/
management documentation is prepared.
Our finance teams can advise on all aspects of raising finance, from
conventional debt financing to Shariah-compliant sale and leaseback

We advised Emaar Properties in                   We advised Attijariwafa Bank in the         We advised Bank of Ayudha on the Thai
relation to a US$500 million syndicated          context of the conclusion of a 248          Baht 1,500 million term loan facilities
loan facility for the financing of the           million MAD credit facility agreement       and Thai Baht 50 million working
construction of Emaar Square - a                 with Risma (subsidiary of Accord) for       capital facilities granted to The Evason
US$2 billion mixed use residential               the financing of the development and        Phuket Limited for the purposes of
and commercial development in the                the operation of the Accord brand           refinancing, renovation and operation
Űskűdar district in Istanbul, including          hotels in Morocco.                          of the Evason Phuket Resort & Six
a hotel to be operated under Emaar’s                                                         Senses Spa.
‘The Address’ brand.                             We advised HSBC Bank plc on a
                                                 secured term loan to Samosir Limited        We advised Brisbane-based finance and
We advised Al Waab City WLL on its               to finance Samosir’s purchase of the        banking corporation Suncorp Metway
US$1.3 billion fund-raising to build             Howard Hotel at Temple Place in             Limited on a number of major hotel
and operate a mixed-use development              London.                                     and resort financing transactions in
in Qatar, including a luxury hotel,                                                          Australia.
known as “Al Waab City”.                         We advised Thistle Hotels (Guoman
                                                 Hotels) on the £185 million sale and        We advised Investec on the $10 million
We advised Mubadala Development                  leaseback of six Thistle hotels located     financing for the development of
Company PJSC on a US$31 million                  in London and Scotland.                     Mildura Marina Hotel and marina, the
loan facility to Vagaru Holding PvT                                                          largest inland waterway development
Ltd to develop and operate the Viceroy           We advised Hanover International            in Australia.
Maldives Resort, Vagaru Island, a                plc on the acquisition and financing
luxury hotel resort.                             of its extensive portfolio of hotels and    We advised the Royal Bank of Scotland
                                                 residential conference centres in Europe.   with respect to restructuring and
We advised BMCE Bank with respect                                                            refinancing of a hotels portfolio
to the negotiation and signature of the          We advised Bank of Ayudhya on the           operated by Radisson SAS formerly
financing documentation relating to              Thai Baht 1,350 million term loan           owned by the Group Partouche (major
the Royal Ranch Marrakech project.               facilities and Thai Baht 50 million         Casino operator in France) for an
                                                 working capital facilities granted to       amount of approximately €75 million.
                                                 Soneva Kiri Resort Company Limited
                                                 for the construction of the Soneva Kiri
                                                 Resort in Thailand.

10 Norton Rose Fulbright – September 2013

We advised for Eliades Leisure Limited    concept and financing provided to            We advised IFA Hotels & Resorts FZE
for the purpose of financing the          licensees of the Holiday Inn Express         as borrower in relation to the US$115
construction costs of a golf resort and   brand in relation to the construction of     million term loan facility provided
360 villas and luxury apartments in       Holiday Inn Express hotels throughout        by Standard Chartered Bank for the
Paphos, Cyprus.                           Ontario.                                     development and operation of the
                                                                                       Fairmont Palm Jumeirah Hotel and
We advised the Cyprus arm of long-        We advised on and negotiated the             Resort in Dubai (the first development
standing client Alpha Bank A.E., as       loan documents in connection with a          financing to be completed in Dubai
lender in relation to a €3.6 million      mezzanine loan, the proceeds of which        following the global financial crisis).
facility to Rasna Limited and a €5.4      will be used for the development and
million facility to Greenville Bulgaria   construction of a 47-story, 1,036 room       We advised CDPQ Mortgage Investment
EOOD for the acquisition of land in       four-Star hotel and convention center        Corporation in connection with a
Sofia and a hotel complex managed by      in downtown Austin, Texas.                   number of different hotel related
Park Inn Sofia.                                                                        facilities, including a credit facility to
                                          We advised on a proposed loan                finance the renovations of the Hôtel Le
We advised an international lender        agreement transaction for the                Germain in Montréal, a credit facility
on the proposed financing for a new       expansion of casino operations               granted to Balmain Hotel Group LP to
Kempinski hotel in Accra, Ghana.          and other entertainment venues               refinance the debt of Hôtel Germain
                                          in Mexico and related transfer of            in Toronto and a credit facility to
We advised Chase Manhattan Bank on        property matters; and the expansion of       allow the construction of a multiple-
the proposed financing of the Radisson    restaurant and entertainment business        use building in Calgary, comprised of
Hotel in Moscow.                          interests into the United States.            luxury condominium units, an hotel
                                                                                       and offices.
We advised the Business Development       We acted as local counsel for the
Bank of Canada in respect of its          owner of Atlantis The Palm Resort in         We advised an international bank on
financing of various hotel construction   Dubai in relation to its AED 3.5 billion     the financing of and taking security
financing transactions throughout         refinancing.                                 over a luxury hotel being developed by
Canada, including financing provided                                                   a large regional developer and a high
to Le Group Germain in its development                                                 profile luxury goods brand.
and construction of the Alt Hotel

                                                                                     Norton Rose Fulbright – September 2013 11
Hotels and hospitality – Our global experience

Corporate and commercial
Key players in the hotel industry require their lawyers to have a detailed
understanding of the corporate landscape in which they intend to operate
and to be able to advise on advertising and marketing agreements,
outsourcing, data protection, information technology and franchising.
This is particularly important in a large number of jurisdictions where
issues such as commercial licensing regimes, ownership restrictions,
local business customs, fees and taxation will all need to be thoroughly
explored. In many jurisdictions there is a gap between the “black letter
law” and what is applied in practice. We have the experience to identify
and deal with such issues.

We advised Starwood European Real                We advised Lion Nathan on the             We advised Park Plaza Hotels Limited,
Estate Finance Limited on its £228.5             restructuring and share sale of a         owner, operator and franchisor of
million initial public offering on the           50-strong Victorian hotel portfolio.      hotels in Europe and the Middle East,
London Stock Exchange, the largest                                                         on its migration from AIM to the
investment company initial public                We advised a European airline on          standard listing segment of the Official
offering of 2012.                                its loyalty scheme. This included         List and to trading on the London Stock
                                                 negotiation and agreements with           Exchange plc’s main market for listed
We advised a significant MENA private            a number of product and service           securities.
equity company on establishing a fund            suppliers, including hotel operators,
which will focus on Shariah-compliant            car hire companies, luxury goods          We advised CDG in relation to the
hospitality investments in the MENASA            providers and a financial services        negotiation with Club Med of operating
region.                                          company.                                  contracts concerning the development
                                                                                           of new vacation villages in Marrakech
We advised Maroc Hotels & Villages               We advised on the acquisition and         (and the development of a programme
in commercialising the resort                    funding of The Gloucester Hotel,          of “luxury” villages), and the creation
development area of “Aguedal” located            London by C2L Hotels Limited from         of a common investment fund focusing
in Marrakech, Morocco.                           Rank Hotels Limited.                      in real property investments to be used
                                                                                           for the purpose of tourism in Morocco.
We advised MFS Group on the                      We advised a Qatari real estate
acquisition of the Sheraton Mirage               investment fund on the creation of a      We advised Warwick International
Hotel Resort, Port Douglas and all               fund to hold hospitality assets.          Hotels on their worldwide insurance
associated facilities and the Sheraton                                                     programme. We have pursued coverage
Mirage Resort Gold Coast in Australia.           We advised the International              claims and advised on claims against
We advised on all aspects of the hotel,          Professional Services Organisation on     insurers and Warwick’s brokers.
including intellectual property rights,          the outsourcing of its global voice and
licensing and management agreements.             data communications network covering
                                                 200 sites across more than 80 countries
We advised Grand Hotel Group in                  to a virtual network operator.
Australia on a US$100 million portfolio
sale of nine hotels.

12 Norton Rose Fulbright – September 2013
Corporate and commercial

We advised The First Group on its           We advised the Seigniory Club in            We advised a hotel chain in setting up a
acquisition of the Metro Grand Central      connection with its long term contract      scheme for the purposes of combating
Hotel building in Dubai. This took          with Canadian Pacific Hotels (now           weekend vacancy rates at their facilities
place during the construction phase         Fairmont Hotels) for the club members       in South Africa.
with the seller taking responsibility for   to have access and the right to use
completing the works.                       the resort facilities of the Chateau        We advised a major multinational
                                            Montebello four season resort in            organisation on four separate
We assisted private investors on their      Montebello QC.                              outsourcings of its data centre and
acquisition of a Castel (Chateau Bel Air)                                               networks, business critical application
for €2.8 million to be renovated as a       We advised Rimrock Resort Hotel             hosting, offshore application
boutique hotel and golf resort.             and Banff Springs Hotel in Alberta on       maintenance and development and
                                            numerous hotel matters.                     payroll services to different suppliers
We advised the Landmark Hotel Group                                                     over a three year period and all related
on its acquisition of the Royal Lancaster   We advised a top hotel group on the         intragroup arrangements.
Hotel, London and, separately, its          implications related to refurbishment
acquisition and financing of The            and disposal of a Parisian hotel
Landmark, London and K-West, London         classified as an historic monument.
(formerly the Kensington Hotel).
                                            We advised InterContinental Hotels and
We advised an international hotel           its predecessors Six Continents Hotels,
chain on a competition law dispute          Bass Hotels and Southern Pacific Hotels
with arrival hotel operator and the         in relation to licensing requirements
airport operator where the hotels are       and obtaining approvals from licensing
based. This was over an alleged anti-       authorities of management agreements
competitive agreement between the           including court proceedings
rival hotel operator and the airport        regarding the validity of management
operator and the alleged abuse of           agreements.
dominant position by the airport
operator in discriminating in favour of
our client’s rival hotel operator.

                                                                                      Norton Rose Fulbright – September 2013 13
Hotels and hospitality – Our global experience

Mergers and acquisitions
Our corporate teams offer a full service covering all legal aspects of
M&A transactions. In recent years we have also developed a suite of
M&A-related products which address clients’ key concerns in relation
to the M&A process, in particular in the areas of risk identification and
management in due diligence, cost management and certainty in the
wider M&A process.
Our real estate teams take the lead on the acquisition and disposal of
properties and involve corporate, construction, employment, tax and
other skilled teams to support this process. We offer a number of means
of reporting, from full certificates of title, to overview reports on key real
estate issues where portfolio acquisitions are contemplated.

We advised the controlling shareholder           We acted on ITT Sheraton’s acquisition      We advised the Bank of Scotland and
(Issy Sharp) in the sale/privatization of        of hotels from Marriott UK Holdings         Hanover International Plc for their
Four Seasons Inc.                                Limited.                                    acquisition and funding of Park Royal
                                                                                             International Hotel, Warrington.
We advised a group of Bahraini                   We advised Al Faisal Holding Company,
investors on the acquisition of a hotel          one of Qatar’s largest private groups, on   We advised Swire Hotels, Europe on
building in Dubai containing 126                 its purchase of the W Hotel in London       the acquisition of three boutique hotels
serviced apartments.                             from Northern Irish developer McAleer       from the Alias Group.
                                                 & Rushe for just under £200 million
We advised Mubadala Development                  with financing provided by Qatar            We advised Mandarin Oriental
Company PJSC on buying a stake in                National Bank.                              International Ltd (Hong Kong) when it
a company developing a resort on                                                             bought the Hyde Park Hotel, London
Vagaru Island, located in the Shaviyani          We advised Hanover International Plc        from Granada Group Plc.
Atoll, Republic of Maldives. We also             on the US$33 million acquisition of
advised on related hotel management              Andrew Weir Hotels Limited.                 We advised Chelsfield Properties Plc
arrangements.                                                                                when it bought Westbury Hotels,
                                                 We advised Thistle Hotels Plc when it       London and New York, from Granada
We advised GKI Resort (Tower                     bought central London’s largest hotel,      Group Plc.
Holdings) on the acquisition of the              the Cumberland Hotel, from the Royal
resort facilities on Great Keppel                Bank of Scotland Plc under a complex        We advised Comcrest Limited when it
Island including 181 room three-                 lease structure.                            bought The Regency Hotel.We advised
star accommodation facilities, bars,                                                         Park Plaza, Croatia when it bought 20
restaurants, gymnasium, golf course              We advised the Imperial Hotel, Cork         per cent stake in a portfolio of hotels
and other retail outlets.                        when it bought and subsequently             and apartments. The majority interest
                                                 sold the Imperial Hotel from Bridgend       was owned by a fund managed by
We advised the Great Eagle Hotel Group           Group Plc.                                  Goldman Sachs. We advised on related
on its acquisition of The Langham                                                            long-term management agreements.
Hilton.                                          We advised on the acquisition and
                                                 funding of the Kensington Hotel,
                                                 London by The Landmark Group.

14 Norton Rose Fulbright – September 2013
Mergers and acquisitions

We advised MFS in the $175 million         We advised Starwood Hotels and               We advised the Intercontinental Hotels
acquisition of the Sheraton Mirage         Resorts Worldwide in its acquisition         Group in the Netherlands on the sale
Hotel Resort, Port Douglas, and its        of a significant interest in the W Hotel     of its Holiday Inn hotel business in
associated facilities, and the Sheraton    in Montreal through a partnership            Eindhoven.
Mirage Hotel Resort Gold Coast in          with Caisse de dépôt et placement du
Australia.                                 Québec.                                      We advised one of the owners on the
                                                                                        share purchase agreement for the
We advised Park Plaza Hotels on its        We advised Fattal Group on the               hotel Crowne Plaza City Centre in
central London portfolio, including the    purchase of a German GmbH & Co. KG           Amsterdam.
acquisition of Marlbray Limited, the       under the condition precedent that
owner of the Park Plaza Westminster        specific properties, including a listed      We advised Queenco Leisure
Bridge. We also advised on its financing   building purchased by the KG and a           International Ltd on the offer it made
from Bank Hapoalim of the Crowne           350-room four-star hotel (Leonardo           with certain other shareholders of
Plaza City Centre hotel.                   Royal Hotel, Berlin, Germany), are           7,932,698 shares in the form of GDRs.
                                           reconstructed and a 427-room four-star       We also advised on the admission of
We advised the Goodwood Park Hotel         hotel (Leonardo Royal Hotel, Munich,         the GDRs to trading on the London
Company on its acquisition of the Royal    Germany) is constructed.                     Stock Exchange.
Garden Hotel.
                                           We advised Park Plaza Ltd. on all their      We advised Cypriot investment
We advised Sunflower Management            hotel operation and management               company Yianis Group on its due
GmbH & Co. KG on a hotel lease             activities in Germany including              diligence and acquisition of a major
agreement and an option to purchase        extension of the brand by opening new        hotel located on the beachfront in
all shares in the hotel property owner     hotels at several locations in Germany,      Cannes.
(Hotel Zenettiplatz, Munich, Germany).     as well as new franchise agreements.

We advised Intercontinental Hotels         We advised one of the key hotel and
Group in connection with its               leisure companies in the world on an
acquisition of a 50% interest in the       acquisition of the Westin La Cantera
Intercontinental Hotel property in         Resort & Hotel, San Antonio.

                                                                                      Norton Rose Fulbright – September 2013 15
Hotels and hospitality – Our global experience

Joint ventures
We recognise the importance of strategic joint ventures in doing business
whether in new markets, new product areas, or with strategic partners to
deliver new projects. We advise on all the legal issues during the lifetime
of a joint venture: its formation, evolution and break-up (amicable or
contested) and we understand the drivers which may affect an acquisition
by a joint venture vehicle.

We advised Mubadala Development                  We advised the German hotel group,        We advised Nakheel on its joint venture
Company PJSC on its joint venture with           Wellness Hotels, on a joint venture and   with Busch Entertainment Corporation
Kor Hotel group to develop and operate           long-term lease.                          to create the ‘Worlds of Discovery’ on
ultra-luxury hotels in the MENA region.                                                    The Palm Jebel Ali. This is designed to
Our advice included the negotiation              We advised an international investor      include four theme parks, SeaWorld,
of standard form hotel management                on a joint venture, a development         Busch Gardens, Discovery Cove and,
documentation.                                   agreement and acquisition agreements      the BEC’s newest theme park brand,
                                                 to buy a site to develop a mixed-use      Aquatica, SeaWorld’s water park.
We advised TFG Real Estate LLC on                hotel and leisure facility on The Palm    We also advised on the intellectual
an unincorporated development joint              Jumeirah, Dubai.                          property, operating leases and
venture for a luxury five-star hotel in                                                    associated property elements.
Nairobi, Kenya.                                  We advised Lion Nathan on a joint
                                                 venture to establish “Mustang Bar”        We advised a developer on setting up
We advised Mubadala Development                  themed hotels in Queensland,              a property development joint venture
Company PJSC on its joint venture with           Australia.                                in Oman for two separate sites, one of
Majid Al Futtaim Investments LLC of                                                        which was classed as an integrated
Dubai to develop and operate a mixed-            We advised an investor on a US$800        tourist complex, which benefited from
use development including hotels.                million joint venture with an             a different land ownership regime.
                                                 established Las Vegas casino to build
We established and advised on a joint            and operate a flagship casino in Macau,   We advised a lender on creating
venture between Blackstone Real Estate           S.A.R., China.                            and securing the financial structure
Acquisitions, Colony Capital and Accor                                                     relating to a joint venture hotel in close
for the £320 million acquisition and                                                       proximity to the largest airport in South
financing of the Vivendi hotel portfolio                                                   Africa.
in France.

16 Norton Rose Fulbright – September 2013
Joint ventures

We advised Ms Pansy Ho, daughter of       We advised Intrawest Inc. in connection
Asia gaming mogul Dr Stanley Ho, on       with the joint venture development
her joint venture with MGM Mirage to      and financing agreements for the
build and operate a hotel and casino      Fairmont Chateau Mont Tremblant
development in Macau, S.A.R., China       and negotiation of the management
and on the negotiation of applicable      agreement with Canadian Pacific
hotel management arrangements.            Hotels (now Fairmont Hotels).

We advised private equity providers,      We advised client on a proposed equity
Orion Capital, on their joint venture     investment in a joint venture to develop
with the Marriott Vacation Club           a hotel in Harlem, New York City.
International and the related
acquisition of 47 Park Street in          We advised on setting up a joint
London’s West End for use as a Marriott   venture in the Netherlands and indirect
Grand Residence Club.                     acquisition of almost 50 per cent in
                                          two Russian companies owning and
We advised Le Groupe Germain in           operating a hotel of international brand
joint venture projects relating to the    and a business center.
construction, financing and operation
of certain multi-use developments in
the Provinces of Ontario and Alberta,
including the Hotel Le Germain Calgary.

                                                                                     Norton Rose Fulbright – September 2013 17
Hotels and hospitality – Our global experience

Dispute resolution
Our team is experienced in all areas of international dispute resolution –
litigation, arbitration and means of alternative dispute resolution, such as
mediation. Where we do not have rights of audience, we work with highly
regarded local advocates to check that the dispute resolution process is
managed efficiently.
We regularly advise on dispute avoidance and risk management, the
choice of the appropriate dispute resolution procedure and conducting or
supporting commercial settlement negotiations.
We work as an integrated team with our transactional lawyers so that
contracts are drafted so as to minimise the risk of disputes and, if disputes
do arise, they contain robust dispute resolution mechanisms that avoid
escalation of disputes to full-blown court or arbitral proceedings.

We advised an international                      We advised a plot owner, one of the        We advised a top international hotel
project management company on a                  largest local construction companies,      chain on a competition law dispute
multimillion dollar dispute concerning           on a potential dispute with the master     with a rival hotel operator and the
an infrastructure and hotel project in           community developer in respect of          airport operator where the hotels are
Bahrain. The dispute involves Bahraini           the ownership of the plot and its          based. This was over an alleged anti-
proceedings and an ICC arbitration.              development as a five-star hotel.          competitive agreement between the
                                                                                            rival hotel operator and the airport
We advised a major Dubai based                   We advised Landmark Group on               operator, and the alleged abuse of
developer as respondent in a DIAC                several disputes with a major              dominant position by the airport
arbitration with a contractor. The               Chinese developer before the China         operator.
dispute was over amounts allegedly               International Economic and Trade
due under a contract relating to a               Arbitration Commission.                    We advised Choice Hotels in managing
high-profile project in Dubai. The                                                          all disputes arising from the Choice
approximate value of the dispute is              We advised a Bahraini joint venture        Hotels franchisee network in France.
AED23 million.                                   company on disputes with two               Our work included advice on contracts,
                                                 developers after it terminated             royalty collection, compliance of
We advised in relation to all liability          construction agreements for projects       hotel fittings, leases and capital lease,
issues in relation to the JLT Hotel              (including a hotel) in Bahrain with a      network disruption, breach of franchisor
Insurance scheme. This has involved              combined value of over US$45 million.      obligations and post-disposal disputes.
acting for over 100 hotels in the
scheme.                                          We advised on an internal investigation    We advised a global hotel operator on
                                                 into financial irregularities and          potential claims arising out of a large
We advised the receiver on the                   related systemic issues for a major        project located in Hong Kong.
realization of a hotel property in               international hotel group. This resulted
Edmonton, Alberta.                               in individuals being sanctioned,           We advised KLC Real Estate
                                                 a restatement of accounts and the          Holding, Serbia, in a dispute over a
                                                 tightening of systems and controls.        shareholder’s agreement to develop
                                                                                            and manage a luxury five-star Serbian
                                                                                            hotel, which involved a major luxury
                                                                                            hotel company.

18 Norton Rose Fulbright – September 2013
Dispute resolution

We advised one of the largest local        We advised a listed real estate             We advised the Novotel Group on
construction companies on the real         company on a dispute about our              the imposition of blanket regulation
estate aspects of the restructuring        client’s termination of a US$20 million     restrictions by the Queensland
of US$9 billion liabilities under          consultancy service agreement with an       government on the resort’s trading
syndicated and bilateral loan facilities   engineering company to work on a high       operations, curtailing its ability to host
and derivative transactions, including     profile hotel construction in Bahrain.      corporate functions, conferences and
the group’s extensive hospitality assets                                               seminars.
in the UAE.                                We advised the owner and developer of
                                           the new Brighton Leisure Complex. Our       We advised a contractor, bringing an
We advised Westbridge Europe, a            work included bringing an adjudication      adjudication claim for extension of
hospitality industry investment fund       claim for defective design and build        time and non-payment of an interim
and owner of Holiday Inn’s Hotel De        against the architect and contractor.       payment relating to a JCT 81 design
Boelelaan and Crowne Plaza Hotel           This was a tri-partite adjudication         and build contract for a hotel. The
Amsterdam, on a dispute over the           conducted under the TeCSA rules             adjudication was conducted under the
ownership of co-generators installed on    (amended by contract).                      JCT Rules.
the hotels’ rooftops.
                                           We advised Eikon Real Estate LP on
We advised KLC Real Estate Holding Inc     a dispute which has arisen under a
on a potential ICC case over a dispute     Share-Purchase Agreement (the SPA)
over a shareholders’ agreement.            between the parties who created a joint
This related to the development of         venture to build a hotel complex on
a luxury hotel in Croatia. We also         a Greek island. One of the investors
advised on what steps can be taken to      failed to provide all the necessary
obtain security for our client’s claim     contributions agreed. We advised on
in Croatia. After commencing ICC           the rights and remedies of the company
arbitration proceedings, we managed to     under the SPA or otherwise, and have
secure a settlement agreement on very      been instructed to take any steps
favourable terms for our client.           necessary to enforce any claim arising
                                           under the SPA or otherwise. This
                                           dispute may involve both High Court
                                           litigation as well as LCIA Arbitration.

                                                                                     Norton Rose Fulbright – September 2013 19
Hotels and hospitality – Our global experience

Intellectual property
We understand that the cornerstone to the protection of hotel operators’
business interests is the protection of their intellectual property (IP).
IP will be a key value driver for many of the projects with which hotel
operators are involved. Beyond hotel operations this may include hotel
resort partnerships and other franchising. Our experience helps hotel
operators protect their valuable interests when licensing their rights.
Our IP lawyers can also advise and support hotel operators in procuring
appropriate licences to use the valuable know-how developed by major
brand operators.

We advised Fairmont Hotels in relation           We advised Nakheel, the real estate       We advised Bavarian Bier Café,
with their trade-mark related matters,           development arm of Dubai World,           International, a group of bars and
including trade-mark litigation, the             on a range of intellectual property       restaurants, on global IP protection,
protection of the FAIRMONT brand in              matters: trade mark issues relating to    brand licensing, distribution,
Canada and the management of their               The World island construction project;    restaurant acquisitions, hospitality
trade-mark portfolio in Canada.                  licensing arrangements with Busch         and events management, concession
                                                 Entertainment Corporation to develop      arrangements, premises leasing and
We advised Mubadala Development                  the Seaworld Dubai, Aquatica, Busch       liquor licensing.
Company PJSC on trade mark and                   Gardens and Discovery Cove theme
branding issues in developing a                  parks on The Palm Jebel Ali; and the      We helped Gloria Jean’s Coffees
number of resorts with international             proposed acquisition of the Oakley, Rip   International with various issues on
hotel operators, including MGM Grand             Curl and Tommy Bahamas distribution       its network of cafés in 35 countries,
Abu Dhabi and Viceroy Abu Dhabi.                 and franchising rights for the UAE.       including intellectual property creation
                                                                                           and protection strategies, international
We advised real estate and luxury resort         We advised Dubai government-owned         master franchising arrangements, trade
development business Saraya Holdings,            property developer Brand Protection       mark licensing, international terms
MENA on branding and licensing                   International to prevent misuse of its    of trade, merchandising, distribution
agreements and its trade mark portfolio          brand on the internet and in foreign      and logistic agreements, privacy and
as part of a due diligence exercise.             jurisdictions.                            data protection advice, compliance
                                                                                           with global regulation and laws, and
We advised Carnival Plc’s Cunard                 We advised a restaurant chain with        international dispute resolution.
operation, the former owner of the               over 300 locations on trademark
QE2 ocean liner, on trade mark and               clearance and enforcement matters,
licensing in its US$100 million disposal         including several lawsuits to enforce
of the QE2 ocean liner vessel to Dubai           trademark and trade dress rights.

20 Norton Rose Fulbright – September 2013
Intellectual property

We advised Marriott International Inc.
on its Australian franchises, covering
negotiating and drafting agreements
for local operations as well as hotel gift

We advised The Swatch Group on
a range of commercial intellectual
property matters, including advice
on brand management, commercial
agreements and also contentious
intellectual property issues.

We advised on international trade
mark portfolio management services,
including clearance searches,
registrations, renewals, watching
services, oppositions and prosecutions,
for a range of international
corporations. These include Salvatore
Ferragamo, Toshiba, Australia Post and
Boost Juice.

                                             Norton Rose Fulbright – September 2013 21
Hotels and hospitality – Our global experience

Global resources
Norton Rose Fulbright is a global legal practice. We provide the world’s pre-eminent
corporations and financial institutions with a full business law service. We have more
than 3800 lawyers based in over 50 cities across Europe, the United States, Canada,
Latin America, Asia, Australia, Africa, the Middle East and Central Asia.

  Our office locations

People worldwide                                 Europe                                        Canada          Australia

                                                 Amsterdam                    Moscow           Calgary         Brisbane
                                                 Athens                       Munich           Montréal        Canberra
                                                 Brussels                     Paris            Ottawa          Melbourne
                                                 Frankfurt                    Piraeus          Québec          Perth
Legal staff worldwide

                                                 Hamburg                      Prague           Toronto         Sydney
                                                 London                       Rome
                                                 Milan                        Warsaw           Latin America   Africa
                                                                                               Bogotá          Cape Town
Offices                                          United States                                 Caracas         Casablanca

50+                                              Austin
                                                                              New York
                                                                                                               Dar es Salaam
Key industry strengths                           Houston                      San Antonio      Beijing
Financial institutions                           Los Angeles                  St Louis         Hong Kong       Middle East
Energy                                           Minneapolis                  Washington DC    Jakarta*        Abu Dhabi
Infrastructure, mining and                                                                     Shanghai        Bahrain
commodities                                                                                    Singapore       Dubai
Transport                                                                                      Tokyo           Riyadh**
Technology and innovation
                                                 *Susandarini & Partners in Association with
Life sciences and healthcare                     Norton Rose Fulbright Australia **Mohammed                    Central Asia
                                                 Al-Ghamdi Law Firm in Association with
                                                 Fulbright & Jaworski LLP                                      Almaty

22 Norton Rose Fulbright – September 2013
Global resources

We have experienced lawyers in the hospitality industry throughout our global practice.
If you have any queries please contact your usual Norton Rose Fulbright contact or any
of the partners below.

Asia                                           Simon Sackman
Natalie Breen                                  Partner
Senior Foreign Counsel                         Norton Rose Fulbright LLP
Norton Rose Fulbright (Asia) LLP               Tel +44 207 444 3520
Tel +65 6224 5758                    
                                               Latin America
Phillip John                                   Glenn Faass
Partner                                        Partner
Norton Rose Fulbright Hong Kong                Norton Rose Fulbright Colombia S.A.S.
Tel +852 3405 2300                             Tel +57 1 746 4608 

Australia                                      MENA region
Cameron Thomson                                Nick Clayson
Partner                                        Partner
Norton Rose Fulbright Australia                Norton Rose Fulbright (Middle East) LLP
Tel +61 2 9330 8186                            Tel +971 50 553 3097

Tom Young                                      South Africa
Partner                                        Pieter Niehaus
Norton Rose Fulbright Australia                Director
Tel +61 7 3414 2845                            Norton Rose Fulbright South Africa              (incorporated as Deneys Reitz Inc)
                                               Tel +27 11 685 8619
Patrick E. Kierans
Partner                                        United States
Norton Rose Fulbright Canada LLP               Douglas J. Danzig
Tel +1 416 216 3904                            Partner        Fulbright & Jaworski LLP
                                               Tel +1 212 318 3136
Miguel Manzano                       
Norton Rose Fulbright Canada LLP               Jane Snoddy Smith
Tel +1 514 847 4813                            Partner         Fulbright & Jaworski LLP
                                               Tel +1 512 536 5238
Alan Bainbridge
Norton Rose Fulbright LLP
Tel +44 207 444 3279

Neil Biswas
Norton Rose Fulbright LLP
Tel +44 207 444 2199

                                                                                       Norton Rose Fulbright – September 2013 23
Law around the world
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