How to Treat WOUND INFECTION - Prevention and treatment Richard Everts - ACC

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How to Treat WOUND INFECTION - Prevention and treatment Richard Everts - ACC
How to Treat
                               WOUND INFECTION
                       Prevention and treatment
                                                     Richard Everts

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How to Treat WOUND INFECTION - Prevention and treatment Richard Everts - ACC
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                                                                                   1. Topical antiseptic agents are
                        1 CR        1 HR        1.5 PT                                more likely than topical antibiotics
                                                                                      to cause allergic reactions.
                                                                                   2. Saline is preferred over tap
       EARN CPD CREDITS WITH ELEARNING                                                water for cleansing and irrigation
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                                                                                      aeruginosa from a chronic ulcer
                                                                                      or wound usually indicates
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How to Treat WOUND INFECTION - Prevention and treatment Richard Everts - ACC

                             Wound infection:
                         Prevention and treatment

                           Wound infection following traumatic injury or minor surgery is inconvenient,
                      painful and can lead to failure or delay in wound healing and poor cosmetic outcomes.
                          It can also cause systemic infection requiring urgent intervention. This article
                                reviews the preventive and treatment approaches to this problem,
                             the burden of which all primary healthcare professionals can help reduce

        housands of bacteria live normal­           In some cases, wound infection is very      This article      with how to prevent, recognise and treat
        ly on every square centimetre of         severe, causing necrotising cellulitis or      was written by    infections in chronic ulcers and wounds.
        your skin. If the skin barrier is dis­   fasciitis; spread into local bone, tendon      Richard Everts,      Practising evidence-based medicine
rupted as a consequence of trauma, sur­          or joint tissues; systemic disease (eg,        infectious        in the field of wound care is a challenge
gery or disease, these bacteria may in­          shock); or metastatic spread to the spine      disease           given that much of the evidence is weak
vade and cause a symptomatic infection.          or other distant sites.                        specialist and    or equivocal. This leaves the subject
Micro-organisms from the environment                Wound infections increase the cost of       microbiologist,   prone to “expert” opinions and product
(eg, soil, water) or from a mucosal surface      care and antibiotic consumption. In the        Nelson Bays       promotion. This article sets out to provide
(eg, following a bite) may also contamin­        last five years, the Accident Com­pen­         Primary Health    clear information and useful recommen­
ate a skin wound.                                sation Corporation (ACC) in New Zea­                             dations for primary care healthcare staff
  The incidence of wound infection               land has accepted more than 32,000 new                           and others in New Zealand.
ranges from 2 to 17.5 per cent after trau­       claims for infections related to trauma.
ma and from 1 to 1.5 per cent after minor           For all of these reasons, it is important                     Topical antiseptics: advantages
dermatological surgical procedures.              that doctors, nurses and pharmacists                             over topical antibiotics
Infections are inconvenient and pain­            know how to prevent and treat infections                         Antimicrobial medication and products,
ful, and lead to failure or delay in wound       in traumatic wounds, burns and minor                             both topical and systemic, play an im­
healing and poor cosmetic outcomes.              surgical wounds. This article also deals                         portant role in preventing and treating                                                                                                            HOW TO TREAT    3
How to Treat WOUND INFECTION - Prevention and treatment Richard Everts - ACC

wound infections.                                                anisms and a narrower spectrum of               The broad spectrum of activity, mini­
   Topical antiseptic agents generally                           anti­microbial activity. They suffer from    mal risk of resistance or cross-resistance
have multiple mechanisms of action                               resistance and sometimes lead to cross-      and low risk of allergic reactions give
and a broad spectrum of antimicrobial                            resistance, and cause allergic reactions     topical antiseptic agents short-term
activity, and uncommonly suffer from                             more frequently than antiseptic agents.      and long-term advantages over topical
resistance or cause allergic reactions, but                      But, many are safe enough for systemic       antibiotics in wound care, and this is
are too toxic for systemic use in humans.                        use in humans.                               reflected in the recommendations in
   Topical antiseptic agents include                                Mupirocin, for example, is an antibi­     this article. Almost all of the topical anti­
high-concentration ethanol, hydrogen                             otic active against Staphylococcus aureus    septic agents discussed are available over
peroxide (eg, Crystaderm), iodine, chlor­­                       and beta-haemolytic streptococci.            the counter and in public hospitals in
-hexidine (± cetrimide, eg, Savlon),                             Mupirocin resistance rates in S. aureus      New Zealand.
sodium hypochlorite (bleach), super-                             have increased to over 60 per cent in some      In view of the worsening global crisis
oxidizing solutions (eg, Microdacyn),                            places overseas, and to over 20 per cent     with antibiotic-resistant bacteria, top­
polyhexanide (with betaine, eg, Pronto­                          in New Zealand in 2000, after nine years     ical antibiotic use should be avoided in
san), acetic acid (vinegar), benzal­konium                       of over-the-counter availability. Since      wound care. Oral and intravenous anti­
(eg, Bepan­then), chloroxylenol (eg,                             restricting access to mupirocin in New       biotic agents have an important but
Dettol), honey and silver. Bacteria have                         Zealand to prescription-only, in 2001,       limited role for prophylaxis and treatment
not developed resistance to iodine, silver                       the S. aureus resistance rate has fallen     of wound infection.
or polyhexanide, for example, despite             Topical        to less than 8 per cent. Mupirocin or
over 50 years of use.                            antiseptic      fusidic acid resistance sometimes devel­
   In contrast, topical antibiotic agents –                      ops in S. aureus even during the course         Practice point 1
                                              agents generally
such as mupir­ocin (eg, Bactroban), fusidic                      of treatment with those agents.                 Antiseptics vs antibiotics
                                               have multiple
acid (eg, Foban), gramicidin (eg, Sofradex,                         Another example of a topical antibiot­       Topical antiseptic agents are
Viaderm KC, Kenacomb), clindamycin,                              ic is neomycin, an aminoglycoside agent         preferred over topical antibiotic
                                                 of action                                                       agents because they are broader
neomycin (eg, Pimafucort, Viaderm                                similar to gentamicin and tobramy­
KC, Kenacomb, Neosporin, “triple anti­-         and a broad      cin: neomycin causes allergic reactions         in their spectrum of activity,
biotic cream”), framycetin (eg, Sofradex),      spectrum of      in up to 13 per cent of patients (com­          practically unaffected by anti­
ciprofloxacin, clioquinol (eg, Locorten-       antimicrobial     pared with iodine at
How to Treat WOUND INFECTION - Prevention and treatment Richard Everts - ACC

                         Are antiseptic agents safe
                            to put on a wound?

           umerous animal and human                 iodine) cause less human cyto­toxicity                                 component) have additional anti-biofilm
           studies undertaken since the             than others (hydrogen peroxide, povidone-                              activity, which may be an advantage when
           1960s show topical antiseptic            iodine) at bactericidal concentrations.                                treating chronic ulcers and wounds.
agents have beneficial effects in acute                Moreover, the in vivo applicability of                                 Polyhexanide, cadexomer iodine prod­
and chronic wound care. The popularity of           these in vitro cytotoxicity studies has                                ucts and sustained-release silver dres­sings
antiseptic agents was seen to decline af­           been challenged because, in the labora­                                have long-lasting activity, which reduces
ter in vitro studies published in the 1990s         tory, the fibroblasts and keratinocytes                                the need for frequent dressing changes.
and 2000s show­ed that these agents dam­            are grown without the usual vascular                                   Sustained-release silver products are more
age fibro­blast and keratinocyte cell types         support and proteinaceous environ­-                                    effective and safer than older silver for­
in laboratory models.                               ment, and because most comparative                                     mulations such as silver nitrate or silver
   Since then, however, a number of                 clinical trials show no impairment of                                  sulfadiazine; similarly, cadexomer iodine
studies have shown that, at lower con­              wound healing in the anti­septic arms.                                 is more effective for treating chronic ul­
centrations, antiseptic agents cause less                                                                                  cers and wounds than povidone-iodine.
human cytotoxicity.                                 Potentially important differences                                         Super-oxidizing solutions, like
   Further, certain topical antiseptic              between antiseptic agents                                              Microdacyn, have performed better than
agents (super-oxidizing solutions, poly­            In addition to human cytotoxicity, there                               povidone-iodine and other comparators
hexanide, diluted sodium hypo­chlor­                are other potentially important differ­                                in a number of clinical trials.
ite, chlorhexidine, silver and cadexo­mer           ences between antiseptic agents. Some                                     Most of the topical antiseptic agents
                                                    gram-negative bacilli are resistant to                                 can occasionally cause local irritation or lo­
                                                    chlorhexidine and benzalkonium, and                                    cal or systemic allergic reactions, but these
   Practice point 2                                 recent strains of S. aureus (especially               Local            adverse effects are less common than
   Modern antiseptic agents                         MRSA, methicillin-resistant S. aureus;              irritation         with topical antibiotic agents and rarely
   Most modern antiseptic agents                    including in New Zealand) are resistant            or local or         occur with super-oxidizing solutions.
   are safe to put in a wound. Super-               to chlorhexidine, cetrimide or benzal­             systemic               Sodium hypochlorite (bleach) requires
   oxidizing solutions, polyhexanide,               konium, which potentially limits the use                               dilution (Table 1), which is a hassle, but
   dilute bleach, chlorhexidine                     of these agents in the future.                                         it is an effective and cheap antiseptic
   (± cetrimide), sustained-release silver,            In contrast, there is no resistance in
                                                                                                                           agent and, therefore, a good option in
   cadexomer iodine, povidone-iodine                clinically important bacteria to super-          rarely occur          low-resource situations.
   and honey are generally effective and            oxidizing solutions, polyhexanide, sodi­         with super-              Choosing an antiseptic agent from the
   safe in wound care (see later sections           um hypochlorite, silver, iodine, hydro­            oxidizing           range of options described in this arti­
   for details and recommendations).                gen peroxide or honey. Super-oxidizing             solutions           cle comes down to individual preference,
                                                    solutions and Prontosan (the betaine                                   availability and cost.

   Table 1 Sodium hypochlorite* dilution recommendations for use as a wound or skin antiseptic

   Undiluted original                      Volume of bleach to add 2,3
   bleach product1

                                           To 500ml water                To 1L water                  To 15L bucket                   To 30L water (a full-sized
                                                                                                                                      bath with 10cm water)

   Budget brand – Regular                  1ml                           2ml                          35ml                            70ml
   (21.5g/L, 2.15%)                        (¼ teaspoon)                  (½ teaspoon)                 (2 tablespoons)                 (5 tablespoons)

   Clor-o-gene                                                           1.5ml                        24ml                            48ml
   (31.5g/L, 3.15%)                                                      (¼ teaspoon)                 (5 teaspoons)                   (3 tablespoons)

   Homebrand – Regular                     0.6ml                         1.2ml                        18ml                            35ml
   (42g/L, 4.2%)                           (⅛ teaspoon)                  (¼ teaspoon)                 (3½ teaspoons)                  (2½ tablespoons)

   Janola – Premium                        0.6ml                         1.2ml                        18ml                            35ml
   (42g/L, 4.2%)                           (⅛ teaspoon)                  (¼ teaspoon)                 (3½ teaspoons)                  (2½ tablespoons)

   * Bleach. 1. Use regular, not perfumed, bleach. 2. Based on a target concentration of 0.05g/L (0.005%), but up to five times more concentrated (0.25g/L,
   0.025%) may be more effective and is still likely to be safe. 3. Add double the volume of bleach to the water if the bleach product is near its expiry date,
   as sodium hypochlorite weakens with time to approximately half of its original strength by the expiry date                                                                                                                         HOW TO TREAT   5
How to Treat WOUND INFECTION - Prevention and treatment Richard Everts - ACC

                              Preventing infection in
                              acute traumatic wounds

       he risk of wound infection after                               recommended, including:                          may be effective, but is not well stud­
       trauma ranges from 2 to 17.5 per                               • manual removal of large foreign bodies         ied. Honey-containing products may be
       cent. Significant risk factors for                             • use of moist gauze or gentle scrubbing         effective, but one brand of honey dress­
infection are highlighted in Panel 1.                                 with a brush to remove small pieces of           ing did not improve outcomes in a small
                                                                      foreign material                                 randomised trial of patients with acute
Wound cleansing and                                                   • use of a scalpel, scissors or curette to       minor traumatic wounds.
debridement                                                           remove necrotic, devitalised or macerat­            This author recommends the routine
Wound cleansing and debridement aim to                                ed tissue                                        use of topical antiseptic agents in patients
remove foreign bodies, non-viable matter                              • irrigation with fluid (tap water and           with acute traumatic wounds, especially
(exudates, slough, eschar) and contami­                               saline have equal outcomes).                     those with extra risk factors for infection.
nating bacteria. The theoretical benefits                               Using pressure to cleanse or irrigate a        These agents may be applied at the time
of cleansing and debridement are that                                 wound may not be important, based                of initial cleansing and subsequent dress­
the remaining tissue is well vascularised                             on a recent, large randomised trial in           ing changes. Different antiseptic products
and devitalised tissue that might support                             over 2500 patients with open fractures,          are used in different ways – liquids may be
microbial growth and prevent access to                  Topical       in which there was no difference in              applied to the wound by irrigation, spray
leukocytes is removed.                                antiseptic      out­comes between high-pressure, low-            or soaked gauze; gels and creams may be
   Wound infection risk is higher when               agents...may     pressure and very low-pressure irrigation.       applied to the wound before or after clo­
there is contamination with foreign ma­               be applied                                                       sure; and antiseptic-containing dressings
terial, such as wood or soil, and especially                          Topical antiseptic agents                        placed on the wound.
                                                      at the time
clay. Although a Cochrane review in 2012                              in acute trauma
(CD003861.pub3) failed to find strong
                                                       of initial     Experimental animal studies (mostly with         Dressings for acute wounds
evidence that cleansing wounds per se               cleansing and     povidone-iodine) show either no effect           Dressings provide numerous theoret­
increases healing or reduces infection,              subsequent       or a reduction in wound bacterial count          ical advantages in the management of
many studies show a benefit from wound                 dressing       or clinical infection rate with the use of       acute wounds, including the mainten­
irrigation. Prompt cleansing and irri­                 changes        topical antiseptic agents.                       ance of a moist environment, removal of
gation of traumatic wounds are widely                                    Human trials show reduced (most tri­          exudates and slough, thermal insulation
                                                                      als) or little to no change in infection rates   and reduction of further trauma. Dres­
                                                                      after acute traumatic skin break with top­       sings probably reduce the risk of wound
    Panel 1                                                           ical antiseptic or antibiotic treatment,         infection.
    Significant risk factors for infection                            compared with control; the reduction in             The choice, frequency of change and
    after acute trauma                                                infection rate ranges from 10 to 70 per          duration of dressing use are beyond the
                                                                      cent. For example, a randomised trial of         scope of this article but, for an acute
    ucertain host factors: advanced age, obesity, diabetes and        a triple-antibiotic gel or povidone-iodine       traumatic wound, the dressing should
    immune compromise, such as that due to chemotherapy               cream for school children with accid-­           ideally protect against further trauma,
    or high-dose steroids                                             ental skin injuries reduced the infection        have some capacity for absorption of dis­
    uwound location – this probably relates to arterial supply,       rate from 12.5 per cent (placebo) to 1.6         charging fluid and blood, and be shower-
    venous or lymphatic stasis and degree of contamination: the       per cent (“triple-antibiotic” gel) or 3 per      proof (eg, an “island” or foam dressing).
    highest risk is on the distal limbs                               cent (povidone-iodine).                          The higher the risk of infection in the
    uwound type and devitalised tissue: burst lacerations, crush         There should be less concern about the        wound (see above), the more frequently
    injuries, large wounds                                            human cyto­toxicity seen in vitro with           the dressing should be removed and the
    uwound contamination: bites, faecal flora, soil, foreign bodies   some antiseptic agents when these agents         wound checked.
    udelayed wound closure (possibly)                                 are used in acute traumatic wounds,
                                                                      especially those with healthy underlying         General measures in
                                                                      tissue and a reasonable blood supply.            managing acute wounds
                                                                         Although most of the studies of anti­         The control of hyperglycaemia in pa­­-
    Panel 2                                                           septic agents in acute traumatic wounds          tients with diabetes may aid healing
    Wounds generally requiring                                        involved povidone-iodine, it is likely           and prevent wound infection. Clinicians
    prophylactic systemic antibiotics                                 other topical antiseptic agents would            should follow up-to-date guidelines for
                                                                      also prevent infections in these patients.       tetanus prevention, such as those in the
    ucrush injuries                                                   Based on their broad spectrum of activ­          New Zealand Immunisation Handbook
    ubites or oral wounds                                             ity, evidence of clinical efficacy in various    (Ministry of Health, 2014).
    uwounds with gross contamination with soil or wood                wound care situations and low risk of
    uwounds to the feet or legs in the patient with lymph­oedema      toxicity, super-oxidizing solutions, poly­       Prophylactic systemic
    or diabetes                                                       hexanide, dilute bleach (in low-resource         antibiotics for acute wounds
    udeep injuries (involving tendon, cartilage, joint or             situations), chlorhexidine (± cetrimide),        Some acute wounds are considered at
    open fracture)                                                    cadexomer iodine, povidone-iodine,               such high risk of infection that systemic
    uwounds in patients with immune compromise (eg, poorly            hydrogen peroxide and sustained-release          antibiotics are given at the time of injury
    controlled diabetes or immune-suppressive medication)             silver are likely to be effective and reason­
                                                                      ably safe. Benzalkonium (Bepanthen)                                   Continued on page 7

6   HOW TO TREAT                                                                                                   
How to Treat WOUND INFECTION - Prevention and treatment Richard Everts - ACC

                      Preventing infection after
                      minor surgical procedures

           ompared with traumatic               topical antibiotic treatment will likely        Topical antibiotic
           wounds, the risk of infection        result in more allergic or other adverse        prophylaxis after
           following an elective, minor,        reactions than infections prevented.            minor surgery
clean surgical procedure is low – general­      Moreover, widespread use of topical an­         will promote
ly less than 1.5 per cent. In these patients,   tibiotic prophylaxis after minor surgical       resistance
preoperative skin disinfection and post­        procedures will promote resistance and
operative dressings are probably effective      cross-resistance.
in preventing infection.                           Although there has been no compara­
    Studies in patients undergoing major        tive trial of a topical antiseptic agent in
surgical procedures show that a combi­          this situation, it is likely these agents are
nation of alcohol plus chlorhexidine or         as effective as the antibiotics studied, but
alcohol plus iodine is most effective for       without as high a risk of adverse reaction
preoperative skin disinfection. The com­        and without promoting antibiotic resist­
mon practice of applying a topical anti­        ance. Therefore, if doctors or nurses wish
microbial agent once or more after a            to use an antimicrobial agent or product
minor derma­tological surgical proce­           to reduce the risk of infection after a
dure has also proven to reduce the risk of      minor dermatological procedure, they
infection.                                      should use an antiseptic agent.                  Practice point 4
    A meta-analysis of four randomised             Based on their broad spectrum of              Preventing infection after minor
controlled trials of antimicrobial agents       activity, evidence of clinical efficacy in       surgical procedures
versus controls, including study pop­           various other wound care situations and          1. Preoperatively disinfect skin with a combination product
ulations totalling over 4000 patients,          low risk of cytotoxicity, super-oxidized         including alcohol plus either chlorhexidine or iodine.
showed that applying bacitracin, chlo­          solutions, polyhexanide, chlorhexidine           2. Use an intraoperative or post­operative antiseptic (not
ramphenicol, mupirocin or gentamicin            (± cetrimide), slow-release silver, cadex­       antibiotic) agent – eg, super-oxidizing wound care solution or
postoperatively significantly reduced           omer iodine, povidone-iodine and hy­             hydrogel, polyhexanide liquid or gel, chlorhexidine
the infection risk, with a pooled odds          drogen peroxide are likely to be effective       (± cetrimide), hydrogen peroxide, sustained-release silver,
ratio of 0.71 (J Dermatol Treat 2015;           and safe.                                        cadexomer iodine, povidone-iodine or honey.
26[2]:151–58).                                     Honey dressings have shown mixed              3. Apply a protective, absorbent, shower-proof dressing
    In these minor surgical cases, the          success in comparative trials of post­           (eg, an “island” dressing).
baseline risk of infection is so low that       operative wounds.

Continued from page 6                           between injury and presentation in­
                                                creases the risk of contamination and            Practice point 3
to prevent infection. Experimental ani­         infection in most studies, so it is com­         Preventing infection in acute traumatic wounds
mal studies show prophylactic anti­biotics      mon practice to delay closing the wound          1. Cleanse and debride all wounds to remove foreign
reduce acute wound infection, and hu­           when the patient presents a long time            bodies, soil and non-viable tissue.
man clinical trials show prophylactic           after the injury.                                2. Topical antiseptic agents probably reduce infection risk
antibiotics reduce acute wound infection           A 2013 Cochrane review on this topic          and may be used in all acute traumatic wounds, at the time
in high-risk situations.                        (CD008574.pub3) concludes there are              of initial injury and subsequent dressing changes. Avoid
   Prophylactic systemic antibiotics are        no proper comparative trials to answer           topical antibiotic agents.
not indicated in low-risk, simple wounds        the question of immediate versus                 a. Topical antiseptic options include super-oxidizing
but are generally indicated in more             delayed closure for patients presenting          wound care solution or hydrogel, polyhexanide liquid or
high-risk wounds (Panel 2).                     some time after injury.                          gel, dilute bleach (in low-resource situations, see Table 1
   Amoxicillin+clavulanate, cefalexin,             A general recommendation from                 for dilution instructions), chlorhexidine (± cetrimide), hydrogen
clindamycin and doxycycline are common          other reviews and experts is that the            peroxide, sustained-release silver, cadexomer iodine and
antibiotic choices, the latter two especial­    higher the risk of contamination, the            povidone-iodine. Benzalkonium and honey may also be
ly in patients at high risk of MRSA colo­       better it is to delay closure, irrigate and      effective.
nisation (see later section on treatment).      debride the wound, apply a dressing,             3. Apply a protective, absorbent, shower-proof dressing
Prophylactic treatment usually continues        consider antibiotic prophylaxis and              (eg, “island” or foam dressing) or an absorbent pad.
for three to five days after a traumatic        re-evaluate two to five days later.              4. Provide tetanus prevention, if appropriate.
injury, or longer if a bony fracture is            Low-risk wounds (eg, scalp, face) can         5. Provide antibiotic prophylaxis (eg, amoxicillin+clavulanate
contaminated.                                   generally be closed up to 24 hours after         for three to five days) for wounds at highest risk of infection
                                                the person sustains the injury, and high-        (eg, large crush injuries; bites; gross contamination with soil;
Delayed wound closure                           risk wounds (eg, hands, diabetic feet,           wounds in feet or legs with lymph­oedema or diabetes; deep
Closing (suturing) an infected wound            heavily contaminated, crush injuries,            injuries involving tendon, cartilage, joint or open fracture;
or a highly contaminated wound may              bites) can generally be closed up to 10          immune-compromised patients).
cause more harm than good. A delay              hours after injury.                                                                                                                    HOW TO TREAT      7
How to Treat WOUND INFECTION - Prevention and treatment Richard Everts - ACC

                                    Preventing infection
                                     after minor burns

        acterial infection is a common                           requires frequent and painful dress­
        complication of burns, especial­                         ing changes and may lead to antibiotic            Practice point 5
        ly large or deep burns. In addition                      resistance and allergic reactions. Silver         Preventing infection
to cleansing and debridement of necrot­                          nitrate has also been associated with             after minor burns
ic skin and eschar, topical antimicro­bial                       impaired healing. These older silver              1. Cleanse and debride burn
agents are recommended for patients                              products have been superseded by                  wounds to remove non-viable tissue
with burns that compromise the skin                              sustained-release silver dressings, which         and eschar.
integrity.                                                       improve outcomes compared with                    2. Topical antiseptic agents probably
   There is no consensus on which anti­                          standard care in comparative trials.              reduce infection risk and aid healing
microbial agent should be used, but top­         Older silver      A Co chrane rev ie w o f hone y                 in burns in which there is loss of skin
ical antiseptic agents have advantag­                            (CD005083.pub4) reports that honey                integrity. Options include sustained-
es over antibiotic agents in terms of the                        dressings heal burn wounds faster than            release silver products, honey,
risk of adverse reaction or resistance.
                                                  have been      other treatments. There are some data,            super-oxidizing wound care solution
Silver sulfadiazine, for example, which          superseded      albeit limited, to support the use of             or hydrogel, cadexomer iodine or
includes a sulphur-group antibiotic, has        by sustained-    chlorhexidine, super-oxidizing solutions          dilute bleach (in low-resource
been the most common antimicrobial              release silver   or dilute bleach in burns care. MEBO, a           situations; see Table 1 for dilutions).
agent used in burns for decades but has           dressings      popular Chinese herbal dressing, has not          3. Apply an appropriate dressing.
been associated with delay in healing,                           performed well in comparative trials.

                        Recognising and treating
                        infection in acute wounds

                                                                                                                                                             R EVERTS
     nfection in an acute wound usual­
     ly presents with local pain, swelling,
     redness or exudate, and sometimes
with regional lymphangitis or lymphad­
enitis, systemic malaise, fever, abnormal
vital signs or raised C-reactive protein.
Wound swabs are not indicated in every
case but are most likely to give useful in­
formation when the patient has high
risk factors for MRSA (eg, recently known
as MRSA-positive or household contact
MRSA-positive), is failing antibiotic           Post-traumatic
treatment or has frank pus draining.            wound with
   Incision and drainage of any substan­        surrounding
tial collection of pus is essential. Systemic   cellulitis
antibiotic treatment is generally neces­
sary if invasive infection has spread
beyond the wound. For mild-to-moderate                           diate transfer to an acute surgical team;      trauma, such as a skin laceration, abra­
infections treated in the community,                             the features of a necrotising infection are    sion or bruising. Clear documentation
recommendations for antibiotic choice                            presented in Panel 3. A GP may adminis­        of the time, circumstances and sequence
are provided in Table 2.                                         ter intravenous amoxicillin+clavulanate        of the traumatic event, signs of physical
   More severe wound infections may re­                          or ceftriaxone before the patient is taken     injury, and the time of onset and
quire intravenous antibiotics and surgical                       by the ambulance to hospital if necrotis­      description of the infection will assist
assessment, and some complex wounds                              ing infection or severe sepsis is suspected.   ACC to assess the claim. It would help
require – during or after infection treat­                          Consider lodging an ACC claim for in­       to document any other factors that might
ment – negative pressure wound thera­                            fection following a traumatic wound.           have contributed to the infection, such
py (NPWT), also known as VAC (vacu­                              This claim should clearly define the trau­     as previous skin or wound infections,
um-assisted closure). Necrotising fasciitis                      matic event (not just a minor every­           chronic skin conditions (eg, eczema,
and necrotising cellulitis are surgical and                      day twist, strain or friction) and docu­       psoriasis), lymphoedema at the site of
medical emergencies and require imme­                            ment the objective physical evidence of        infection or diabetes.

8   HOW TO TREAT                                                                                            

                       Diagnosing infection in
                      chronic ulcers and wounds

     nfection in chronic ulcers and wounds          pain, discharge, a stinky odour and delay                               debris and exudate, and debrided to re­
     is difficult to define. Patients present       in healing. These gram-negative bacteria                                move any necrotic tissue or eschar. Then
     anywhere along a spectrum from                 and anaerobes most often colonise ulcers                                moisten the swab, especially if the ulcer or
simple, harmless colonisation to frank              and chronic wounds without any clinical                                 wound is dry, and twirl the tip of the swab
invasive disease, such as cellulitis, un­           impact.                                                                 for a few seconds with pressure over the
derlying joint or bone involvement, or                 The culture results from a swab sam­                                 ulcer or wound bed.
septic shock. Diagnosis at either end of            ple of the ulcer or wound also correlate                                   The presence of white cells on micros­
this spectrum (no infection or infection)           with invasive infection, but not exactly.                               copy and a predominant pathogen on
may be easy. The middle of the spectrum,            Whether or not to take a swab and how                                   culture in the laboratory report sug­-
however, is more difficult, especially if           to interpret the result both require some                               gest an infection. S. aureus and beta-
there is underlying arterial insufficiency          thought.                                                                haemolytic streptococci are premier
causing pain, or venous disease causing                If clinical infection is not suspected, the                          soft-tissue pathogens and are most likely
stasis dermatitis.                                  swab result will very likely be misleading,                             to be associated with invasive infection;
    The further along this spectrum to­             so it is best not to take it in the first place.                        they represent causative pathogens.
wards invasive disease, the more likely it          Even if clinical infection is suspected, the
is the patient presents with pain, swelling,        swab result should not change your man­
redness or exudate, regional lymphangitis           agement if the patient is responding to            Panel 3
or lymphadenitis, systemic malaise, fever,          empiric antibiotic treatment targeting             Clues to necrotising infection
abnormal vital signs or raised C-reactive           S. aureus and beta-haemolytic strepto­
protein.                                            cocci. A swab is more likely to give useful        usevere pain and tenderness, sometimes out of proportion
    At the invasive disease end of the spec­        information when the patient has high              to the appearance
trum, the most likely causative organ­              risk factors for MRSA, is failing anti­biotic      urapid spread of signs
isms are S. aureus and beta-haemolytic              treatment or has frank pus draining.               ublackish, haemorrhagic blisters, skin necrosis, a dusky
streptococci. In the middle of the spec­               When taking a swab for culture from             colour, sometimes a sticky discharge, sometimes numbness
trum, heavy colonisation with gram-neg­             a chronic skin ulcer or wound, it is com­          ushock, confusion, respiratory dysfunction, acute kidney
ative bacteria (eg, Escherichia coli, Klebsiella    monly recommended the infected site is             injury, lactic acidosis and other signs of severe sepsis and
spp., Acinetobacter spp. or Pseudomonas aer-        first cleaned by wiping or irrigating with         multiorgan failure
uginosa) or anaerobes may contribute to             sterile water or saline to clear away any

   Table 2 Oral antibiotic choices for mild-to-moderately infected wounds1,2

   Infection type                                          Antibiotic choices

   Infected post-traumatic wounds3                         AMOXICILLIN+CLAVULANATE po 625mg tds
                                                           uMild penicillin allergy: cefalexin po 500mg qid and metronidazole po 600mg bd
                                                           uSevere penicillin allergy: ciprofloxacin po 500mg bd and clindamycin po 450mg tds

   Infected penetrating injury through a shoe              CIPROFLOXACIN po 500mg bd

   Infected injury associated with exposure                CIPROFLOXACIN po 500mg bd and CLINDAMYCIN po 450mg tds
   to fresh or salt water

   Infected bite or clenched-fist injury                   AMOXICILLIN+CLAVULANATE po 625mg tds
                                                           uPenicillin allergy: metronidazole po 600mg bd and either doxycycline po 100mg bd or trimethoprim+
                                                           sulfamethoxazole po 960mg bd

   Surgical site infections – limb or upper body3          FLUCLOXACILLIN po 1000mg qid
                                                           uMild penicillin allergy: cefalexin po 500mg qid
                                                           uSevere penicillin allergy: clindamycin po 450mg tds

   Surgical site infections – abdomen or pelvis3           AMOXICILLIN+CLAVULANATE po 625mg tds
                                                           uPenicillin allergy: trimethoprim+sulfamethoxazole po 960mg bd and metronidazole po 600mg bd

   bd, twice daily; po, orally; qid, four times a day; tds, three times a day. 1. Based on guidelines written by the South Island Hospital Antimicrobial Guidelines
   Group: New Zealand, 2016. 2. Duration of treatment is five to 10 days, depending on severity, drainage and response. 3. Cover MRSA if known to be recent-
   ly MRSA-positive or failing beta-lactam therapy despite adequate surgical management. Oral antibiotic choices for MRSA include clindamycin, doxycycline,
   trimethoprim+sulfamethoxazole or macrolides.                                                                                                                        HOW TO TREAT   9
   Enteric gram-negative bacilli (like E.         agents, is beyond the scope of this article.                                    The strongest positive results are for ca­
coli or Klebsiella spp.), Acinetobacter sp., P.      If invasive infection is suspected, an                                    dexomer iodine (at least 12 randomised
aeruginosa and anaerobes are less likely          empiric systemic antibiotic agent such as                                    comparative trials) and super-oxidizing
to be associated with invasive infection          amoxicillin+clavulanate is likely to cov­                                    solutions (at least 13 comparative tri­
but may contribute to patient symptoms            er the usual pathogens (see Table 2 for                                      als). Prontosan (polyhexanide plus be­
and failure to heal. For example, only about      common doses). If there is a mild penicil­                                   taine) improves healing (at least three
one in seven patients with P. aeruginosa          lin allergy then use both a cephalospor­                                     comparative trials) and hydrogen perox­
isolated on a wound swab has an inva­             in and metronidazole. If the patient has                                     ide improves surrogate outcome measures
sive infection due to these bacteria that         a severe penicillin allergy or any cepha­                                    (at least four randomised comparative
requires systemic anti­biotic treatment.          losporin allergy, use both ciprofloxacin                                     trials) in chronic ulcers and wounds.
Common skin flora such as coagulase-              and clindamycin. Subsequent antibiot­                                        Limited evidence indicates that sus­
negative staphylococci, alpha-haemolytic          ic choice can be guided by the results of                                    tained-release silver dressings improve
streptococci and diphtheroids are usually         culture, provided the sample was                                             outcomes in chronic wounds.
harmless colonisers.                              correctly taken and the result is correctly                                     In contrast, a Cochrane review in
                                                  interpreted (see above).                                                     2014 (CD003557.pub5) reported no good
Managing infected or                                 Topical antiseptic agents have been                                       evidence of benefit with the use of pov­
heavily colonised chronic                         shown to reduce the bacterial load on                                        idone-iodine, chlorhexidine, mupirocin
ulcers and wounds                                 and below the surface of chronic ulcers                                      or honey in chronic ulcers or wounds. n
A key tactic in managing any chronic ul­          and wounds, and to improve clinical
cer or wound – whether it is infected or          signs of infection. Although many stud­
not – is to correct the underlying cause          ies are of poor design and the results                                          Practice point 6
of the failure to heal, such as arterial dis­     are somewhat conflicting, randomised                                            Managing infected or heavily
ease, pressure, venous or lymphatic stasis,       trials show, overall, that some topical                                         colonised chronic ulcers
oedema, vasculitis or nutritional defic­          antiseptic agents improve chronic                                               and wounds
iency. This often requires referral to a vas­     ulcer and wound healing.                                                        1. Treat invasive infection
cular surgical clinic or wound-care nurse                                                                                         (eg, cellulitis) with systemic antibiotic

                                                                                                                     R GRECH
specialist in your region.                                                                                                        agents (eg, amoxicillin+clavulanate,
                                                                                         A key tactic in managing
   Another key tactic in managing a                                                                                               or cefalexin and metronidazole,
                                                                                             any chronic ulcer or
chronic ulcer or wound is to optimise the                                                                                         or ciprofloxacin and clindamycin).
                                                                                         wound is to address the
local healing environment – a topic that                                                                                          2. Treat heavily colonised ulcers and
                                                                                                underlying cause
wound-care nurses are expert in. Healing                                                                                          wounds with topical antiseptic agents.
is likely to be enhanced by debriding ne­                                                                                         a. Options include cadexomer
crotic, devitalised tissue and eschar, wash­                                                                                      iodine paste, ointment or sheets;
ing away slough, correct moisture balance                                                                                         super-oxidizing wound care solution
and appropriate dressings. The choice of                                                                                          or hydrogel; and polyhexanide
dressing, other than the use of antiseptic                                                                                        (with betaine; Prontosan) liquid or gel.
                                                                                                                                  Sustained-release silver dressings
                                                                                                                                  and dilute bleach (in low-resource

     Further                                                                                                                      situations; see Table 1 for dilutions)
                                                                                                                                  may also be effective.

     information                                                                                                                  3. Cleanse and debride to remove
                                                                                                                                  necrotic and non-viable tissue,
                                                                                                                                  eschar and slough.
     Reference                                                                                                                    4. Treat reversible underlying
     Arnold B, Chambers S, Everts R,                                                                                              causes of the chronic ulcer or wound
     Gardiner S, Metcalf S, Ussher J on                                                                                           (eg, pressure, venous stasis).
     behalf of the South Island Hospital
     Anti­microbial Guidelines Group.
     South Island Hospital Antimicrobial
     Guidelines, 2016. Published by
     Canterbury District Health Board.
                                                                                                                               Quiz answers
     Estimated date of publishing:                                                                                             1. False 2. False 3. True 4. True
     March 2017

     Conflict of interest statement                  This publication has been reprinted by the Accident Compensation Corporation to
     Dr Everts receives no personal                  provide an update on the prevention and treatment of wound infection. The content
     benefit such as payment or sponsor­             is entirely independent and based on published studies and the author’s opinion.
     ship from any manufacturer or                   Accident Compensation Corporation,Treatment Injury Prevention Team,
     distributor of antiseptic agents.               Justice Centre, 19 Aitken Street, Wellington.

                                                     This article has been reprinted from New Zealand Doctor newspaper,
                                                     23 November 2016 and Pharmacy Today, February 2017. The views
     Thanks to Melanie Terry and Sue
                                                     expressed are not necessarily those of the publisher or sponsor.
     Rossiter (district nurses), Andrew
     McGlashen (pharmacist) and David                Produced by The Health Media, publisher of New Zealand Doctor
     Dixon (GP) for their advice on the              and Pharmacy Today, PO Box 31905, Milford, Auckland 0741.
     manuscript for this article.                    Ph (09) 488 4286, Fax (09) 912 9257 © The Health Media (NZ) Ltd, 2016.

10     HOW TO TREAT                                                                                                        
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