HUB - City of Crown Point

Page created by Julio Salinas
HUB - City of Crown Point
Voted Best Place to Live and Best Downtown for 14 years . Proud Tree City USA for 19 years

                                                                                                                   Issue 2-2022

                                           A quarterly publication by the City of Crown Point

                                                                                                      More than 110 years
                                                                                                   ago, 1,500 Crown Pointers
                                                                                                   gathered to witness baseball
                                                                                                   history as favorites and
                                                                                                   champions of the Northern
                                                                                                   Indiana League faced off
                                                                                                   against the Chicago Cubs.
                                                                                                      While the League struck
                                                                                                   out that day and the Cubs
                                                                                                   prevailed 10-0, the game
                                                                                                   put Crown Point on the
                                                                                                   map. The game drew 75%
                                                                                                   of the City, with the day
                                                                                                   being dubbed, “a half
                                                                                                   holiday,” by The Chicago
                                                                                                   Daily Tribune.
                                                                                                      Crown Point native
                                                                                                   Pete Henning started for
                                                                                                   the League against the
                                                                                                   Cubs, delivering the first
                                                                                                   three innings scoreless. He
                                                                                                   pitched the entire game.
                                                                                                   Henning went on to make
                                                                                                   his major league debut in
                                                                                                   April 1914.
                                                                                                      This summer, Crown
                                                                                                   Point will become home
                                                                                                   to a new Northern League
                                                                                                   baseball team, the Lake
                                                                                                   County Corn Dogs.
                                                                                                      The team joins the ranks
                                                                                                   of pre-professional baseball
                                                                                                   teams like the Northwest
Source: The Chicago Daily Tribune and The Lake County Times archives.                              Indiana Oilmen. The new
                                                                                                   team will open its home

Cubs Made CP Outing in 1911                                                                        season at 7 p.m. Thursday,
                                                                                                   May 26, at Center Ross Park
                                                                                                   at Legacy Fields. The Corn
The Cubs made a ‘comeback’ in October 1911 after sweeping the                                      Dogs will face off against
Northern Indiana league. The 10-0 game was played in Crown Point, with                             the NWI Oilmen, and
a Crown Point native starting the game against the Chicago team.                                   Mayor David Uran is set to
                                                                                                   throw the starting pitch.
Inside: Crown Point’s Jesse Mendez talks about becoming a leader, community
HUB - City of Crown Point
                                Hi, I’m Laura Sauerman.
A Letter from                      Greetings, Crown Point!
                                Here’s to hoping you are
                                                                   Woods to the city in 1965, and
                                                                   the community pool and park
                                                                                                                   Budget Committee and the
                                                                                                                   recently formed Parking
Mayor Uran                      enjoying spring! I am Laura
                                Sauerman, and I am honored
                                                                   were memory makers for so
                                                                   many Crown Point families.
                                                                                                                   Committee. I enjoy working
                                                                                                                   with my fellow council
   Happy Spring, Crown          to be your 4th District city       We are excited about the                        members and the mayor as
Point!                          council member.                    upcoming improvements to                        we strive to ensure Crown
   Warm temperatures are           My husband Dick and I           the park — family amenities                     Point’s continued role as
knocking at our front door,     live on the 7 acres left of the    and stormwater management                       the treasured Hub of Lake
and I am looking forward to     original family farm, and our      — that will continue to                         County. Controlled, purposeful
welcoming our community         sons were the sixth generation     improve our thriving                            growth that enhances our
back at our signature           of Sauermans to grow up in         community. Stay tuned!                          already attractive city is our
summer events.                  Crown Point — what a legacy           I’ve started my 16th year                    goal. Your ideas and concerns
   The warm weather brings      I was blessed to marry into!       on the Council and serve                        are valuable — please feel free
our community together,            My late father-in-law           on the Plan Commission,                         to contact me at
whether it be at our weekly     donated the land for Sauerman      HREDC (Tax Abatement),                
car cruise and farmers                                               Crown Point Councilman Districts
market or mainstay events
like our Memorial Day           City Council
Parade or the Crossroads        District 1

                                                                                                                  93rd Ave
Regional Chamber of             Chad Jeffries
Commerce Corn Roast.  
   This spring, we look
                                District 2
                                                                                        Main St

forward to beginning                                                                                                                                  101st Ave

various projects around         Dawn Stokes
the city, including
road improvements, a            District 3
                                Andrew Kyres
                                                                                                                North St
stormwater project at
Sauerman Woods Park   
                                                                                  South St
and a much-needed

                                District 4
reimagination of parking        Laura Sauerman
                                                                                                                                                                  Iowa St

in downtown Crown Point.
                                                                                                  Indiana Ave

These projects will enhance
                                District 5
the quality of life in our
                                Carol Drasga
                                                                                                                                        Delaware St

city, and we cannot wait for
                                                                                  Burrell Dr

you to see the final product.
   Please be patient with       At-Large
us as we, “Build a Stronger     Zack Bryan*
Community from Within.”                                  133rd Ave
                                At-Large                                                                              CP District 1
                                Scott Evorik                                                                          CP District 2
                                                                                   CP District 3
                                * Denotes City Council President                                                      CP District 4
                                                                                                                      CP District 5
HUB - City of Crown Point
City Notices                                               City Meetings
2022 50/50 Sidewalk Program                                       All City of Crown Point meetings are held
The City of Crown Point offers a 50/50 Sidewalk Program            in person at Crown Point City Hall, 101
to all city residents who qualify. To take advantage of this       N. East St., unless otherwise noted. All
program, please call 219-662-3252 for a free evaluation or
                                                                    meetings are streamed on the City of
additional information.
                               ...                                       Crown Point Facebook page,
                                                                    @CityofCrownPointIN, and via Zoom.
Amnesty Day 2022
The City of Crown Point and Republic Services have
scheduled Saturday, April 30, 2022, as Amnesty Day (Clean-        *All meeting dates and times are subject to change.
Up Day) that will be open to residents who live within               Visit for updates and
Crown Point corporate city limits only. Citizens will                              meeting agendas.
be required to present a driver’s license and water utility
bill for proof of residency. Republic Services will accept
municipal solid waste from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. at its transfer     April
station, located at 1021 E. Summit St., Crown Point, IN
46307. Waste can be brought in by car or pick-up truck          April 6, 11 a.m.       Board of Works
ONLY. Waste brought in dump trucks, trailers, etc., WILL
                                                                April 11, 5:30 p.m.    Redevelopment Commission
                                                                April 11, 6 p.m.       City Council
If you have questions about which items will or will not be
accepted, please contact Republic Services at                   April 11, 7p.m.        Plan Commission
                                                                April 20, 11 a.m.      Board of Works
Spring Leaf Pick-up                                             April 25, 5:30 p.m.    Historic Preservation
The Crown Point Public Works Department is offering spring
leaf collection throughout April, weather permitting. Please    April 25, 7 p.m.       Board of Zoning Appeals
place leaf piles along the curb and not in the street. Ensure
the leaves are clean and free of debris. Vehicles should
not be parked within 10 feet of the leaf pile, and leaves       May
will not be picked up in alleyways. Place leaves away from
all obstructions. Calling when yard work is complete is not     May 2, 5:30 p.m.       Redevelopment Commission
necessary. There is no guarantee leaves put out after April
will be picked up, as the leaf vacuums will not be out again
                                                                May 2, 7 p.m.          City Council
on a regular basis until the fall 2022 leaf collection. Thank   May 4, 11 a.m.         Board of Works
you for your cooperation!
                               ...                              May 9, 7 p.m.          Plan Commission
2022 Mosquito Prevention Message                                May 18, 11 a.m.        Board of Works
The City of Crown Point will start mosquito abatement in
late May/early June, weather permitting. Follow these tips to   May 23, 5:30 p.m.      Historic Preservation
help prevent mosquitoes this summer:
                                                                May 23, 7 p.m.         Board of Zoning Appeals
• Eliminate unnecessary water.
• Clean out rain gutters & downspouts.
• Cut weeds & prune shrubs.
• Use repellents outdoors in the evening or stay indoors.
• Inspect your property weekly.
                               ...                              June 1, 11 a.m.        Board of Works
                                                                June 6, 5:30 p.m.      Redevelopment Commission
Quality on Tap Report
Crown Point’s Quality on Tap Report is available at             June 6, 7 p.m.         City Council Any resident who has not received
the Quality on Tap Report may call 219-661-2287, or write       June 13, 7 p.m.        Plan Commission
                Crown Point Public Works                        June 15, 11 a.m.       Board of Works
                    Utilities Department
                    Attn: Quality on Tap
                                                                June 27, 5:30 p.m.     Historic Preservation
                    705 Industrial Blvd.
                                                                June 27, 7 p.m.        Board of Zoning Appeals
                   Crown Point, IN 46307

    Sign up to receive the weekly message and emergency alerts from the City of Crown Point at
HUB - City of Crown Point
City Events in April, May & June

Easter Bunny Photos                National Day of Prayer
Hop into the lower level of        The National Day of Prayer
the Historic Lake County           will take place at noon,
Courthouse to take photos          Thursday, May 5, on the east
with the Easter Bunny from         side Courthouse steps.
noon to 4 p.m., Saturday,
April 16. Please bring a           Opening Day Parade
camera for photos!                 & Ball Diamond Sports
                                   The Opening Parade and
                                   Ball Diamond Sports Festival
                                   (Opening Ceremonies) will
                                   take place Saturday, May 7, at
                                   Bulldog Park.

                                   Versiti Blood Drive at                The Crown Point Farmers Market returns to Bulldog
                                                                         Park on Saturday, May 28! The Farmers Market will
                                   Bulldog Park
                                                                       move to the front parking lot of Wheeler Middle School
                                   Versiti Blood Center of Illinois
                                                                        on June 4 due to the Corn Roast and on July 16 due to
                                   will host a blood drive at
                                                                       the Taste of Crown Point. The Market will close at noon
                                   Bulldog Park in the second
                                                                           on Aug. 20 & Aug. 27. For more information, visit
                                   floor community room from
Arbor Day 2022                                                               
                                   10 a.m. to 2 p.m., Tuesday,
The City of Crown Point will       May 10. Walk-ins welcome.
host an Arbor Day ceremony                                            Corn Roast
on Friday, April 29. Details to    Sugarbelt Festival
                                                                      Join the Crossroads Regional
come. For more information,        Mead on at Sugarbelt Festival
                                                                      Chamber of Commerce for its
please visit                       Saturday, May 21, at Bulldog
                                                                      annual Corn Roast on June 3             Park. For more information,
                                                                      & June 4 at Bulldog Park! For
                                                                                                          Movies &
City Spring Clean-up                                                  more information, visit
The City of Crown Point
Spring Clean-up will be from                                          City-Wide Garage Sale
                                                                                                           More at
3-5 p.m., Friday, April 29, near
the Crown Point Skate Park,
                                                                      The city-wide garage sale          Bulldog Park
                                                                      will be held June 9-12. For an
1313 E. North St. For more                                            interactive map, visit
information, visit                                                                                      Summer Concert Series
                                                                                                                                              Visit Bulldog Park for a 12-act
                                                                      Operation Bike Saver              series of summer concerts!
                                                                      Operation Bike Saver              Concerts will be held from
                                                                      will be held Sunday, June         4:15-8 p.m. beginning June 2.
                                                                      19, at Bulldog Park. For          For a complete line-up, visit
                                                                      more information, visit 
                                   MMA Event                                                            Movie Series at
                                                                      State of the City
                                   Visit Bulldog Park for an                                            Bulldog Park
                                                                      Mayor David Uran will host
                                   MMA fight from 4-9 p.m.,                                             Join the City of Crown
                                                                      his annual State of the City
                                   Sunday, May 29. For more                                             Point and the Crown Point
CPFD Community Risk                                                   event at 5:30 p.m. June 21 at
                                   information, visit                                                   Community Library for
Reduction Event                                                       Bulldog Park. Mayor Uran
                                                                            a series of movies this
Crown Point Fire Rescue                                               will provide a recap of 2021,
                                   Memorial Day Parade                as well as highlight ongoing      summer. Dates and titles
will hold its Community Risk
                                                                      development. Registration         to be announced! For more
Reduction Event from 11 a.m.       The City will host its annual
                                                                      is required. For tickets, visit   information, please visit
to 2 p.m., Saturday, April 30,     Memorial Day Parade at
                                                              , or
at Bulldog Park. Come meet         10:30 a.m., Monday, May                                    
local firefighters and learn       30. Immediately following,         Roller Derby
how to reduce risks for your       there will be a ceremony at
family, your home and your                                            South Shore Roller Derby          Splash Pad
                                   Maplewood Cemetery, 555 S.
business.                                                             will compete at Bulldog           The Splash Pad at Bulldog
                                   Indiana Ave.
                                                                      Park on Saturday, June 25.        Park is scheduled to open
                                                                      For more information, visit       Memorial Day weekend,
                                                                    weather permitting. The
                                                                                                        splash pad is open when it is
               Download the free Crown Point IN mobile app in the Google Play or Apple
                                                                                                        70 degrees or warmer.
               App Store. Just look for the blue icon with the city logo!
HUB - City of Crown Point
Crown Point PACE Department
                       Crown Point Parks, Athletics, Communications and Entertainment

Franciscan Health Recreation Center at Bulldog Park Room Rental
Community Room 1                               Community Room 2                          Community Room 1 & 2
(Kitchen)                                      (Non-Kitchen)                             (Combined)
Monday-Thursday                                Monday-Thursday                           Monday-Thursday
Residents: $40/hour                            Residents: $25/hour                       Residents: $65/hour
Non-residents: $50/hour                        Non-residents: $36.25/hour                Non-residents: $81.25/hour
Friday-Sunday                                  Friday-Sunday                             Friday-Sunday
Residents: $75/hour                            Residents: $50/hour                       Residents: $125/hour
Non-residents: $94/hour                        Non-residents: $63/hour                   Non-residents: $156.25/hour

Pavilion                                      Amphitheater                                  For up-to-date availability,
                                                                                               please call the PACE
Rental includes access to video wall,         Rental includes access to sound and
                                                                                                  Department at
lighting and standard power. If               microphones, lighting and standard
needed, 30-50 amps can be rented
for $325 per box.
                                              $1,000/day                                    *COVID-19 restrictions will
                                                                                            apply to group reservations
                                                                                              *Reservations subject to

Park & Shelter Rentals
Collins Park                                  Solon Robinson Park                     Sauerman Woods Park
95th Avenue and Merrillville Road             East Street and Hickory Court           1000 E. South St.
Collins Park offers a shelter, tennis         Solon Robinson Park offers two          Sauerman Woods offers a
courts, a playground and a softball           basketball courts, a playground         shelter, walking trail in the woods,
field.                                        and a pavilion.                         playground, a basketball court and
Monday-Thursday                               Monday-Thursday                         four sand volleyball courts.
Residents: $35                                Residents: $35                          Monday-Thursday
Non-residents: $43.75                         Non-residents: $43.75                   Residents: $35
Friday-Sunday                                 Friday-Sunday                           Non-residents: $43.75
Residents: $70                                Residents: $70                          Friday-Sunday
Non-residents: $87.50                         Non-residents: $87.50                   Residents: $70
                                                                                      Non-residents: $87.50

Senior Activities                Low-Impact Exercise           Scrabble Club                 55+ Afternoon Movie
                                                                                             Second Thursday of the
                                 Every Monday,                 Every Tuesday
at Bulldog Park                  Wednesday and Friday          1-3:30 p.m.                   month (Call for titles)
                                 10-11 a.m.                                                  1-3:30 p.m.
   Franciscan Health                                           Line Dancing Class
  Recreation Center at           Bingo                         Every Wednesday and           Bridge
      Bulldog Park               Every Tuesday                 Friday                        Every Friday
                                 10-11 a.m.                    11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.         12:45-3:45 p.m.
      183 S. West St.
                                 Pinochle                      Canasta
       219-661-2271              Every Tuesday                 Every Wednesday
                                 11:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.       11:30 a.m. to 2 p.m.
HUB - City of Crown Point
Crown Point Youth and Adult Athletic Programs

Girls Spring/Summer Travel Softball League                                  Fun in the Sun Adult Sand Volleyball League
Sign up for the Girls Spring/Summer Travel Softball League. Divisions:      All games will begin at 6 p.m. and be played at the Sand Courts located
10U, 12U, 14U & 16U. One game per week until season-ending                  at 1000 E. South St. 4x4 games will be played on Mondays beginning
tournament. Games begin in May. All games played on Legacy Fields at        June 6. 6x6 games will be played on Tuesdays and Wednesdays
the Sportsplex.                                                             beginning May 31 and June 1.
Participation fee|$750/team                                                 Individual fee| Residents: $40; Non-residents: $50
Registration deadline: Thursday, April 7, 2022                              Registration deadline: Friday, May 20, 2022

Adult Baseball, 19+                                                         Summer Basketball Camps
Registration is open for the Adult Baseball League for players 19 and       Learn how to dribble, pass, shoot the ball and more! Camp is for children
older. Each team is scheduled 18 games and a double-elimination             ages 4 to 14. Classes held at Solon Robinson Park, East Street and Hickory
tournament. Games are played every day of the week, starting in May.        Court.
All games played on Legacy Fields at the Sportsplex.                              Camp Dates and Times | June 13-23 (Monday-Thursday)
Participation fee|Residents: $2,450/team; Non-residents: $2,950/team        Little Dribblers (Ages 4-5): Class Time: 10-11 a.m.
Registration deadline: Friday, April 15, 2022                               Participation fee|Residents: $36/session; Non-residents: $45/session
                                                                            Youth (Ages 6-14): Class Time: 11:15 a.m. to 12:15 p.m.
Little Dribblers Spring Basketball
                                                                            Participation fee|Residents: $48/session; Non-residents: $60/session
Boys and girls in first through eighth grade are encouraged to bring
their own marked basketball. All instruction is held at the Franciscan      Registration deadline: Friday, June 10, 2022
Health Sports Medicine Athletic Development Fieldhouse, 12800
Mississippi Parkway, suite A101.                                                                      COMING SOON!
                                                                               Junior High/High School 4x4 and 2x2 Volleyball League. Games
                           Dates and Times
                                                                                played on Monday and Thursday. For more information, visit
            4:30-5:30 p.m. (Friday) April 22 to June 10, 2022                           
Participation fee| Residents: $64; Non-residents: $80
Registration deadline: Monday, April 18, 2022                             Sportsplex & Legacy Fields
                                                                          The Crown Point Sportsplex (1313 E. North St.) has two synthetic turf
Residency Policy                                                          fields that are available for soccer, football and lacrosse play. There
                                                                          also is a baseball field and nine natural, illuminated grass fields. For
Residents are considered those who live within City of
                                                                          more information about field rental or sponsorship opportunities,
Crown Point limits. Please be aware not all Crown Point
                                                                          please call the PACE Department at 219-661-2271.
addresses will be within city limits. Individuals who live
outside city limits are subject to non-resident rates. If you
                                                                          For more information on athletics, contact Athletics Superintendent John
have questions regarding your residency, call 219-661-2271.               Stroia at 219-661-2272 or email

Community Member Spotlight
                                          Since childhood, Jesse          them.”                                 for how he carries himself as an
                                      Mendez has been committed               While it wasn’t easy, Mendez       adult, as they showed the teen
                                      to, “Building a Stronger            said having a support system           how to not only be competitive
                                      Community from Within.”             in the Crown Point community           but learn from a loss.
                                          The 18-year-old Crown Point     helps.                                     While wrestling keeps the
                                      resident has made a name for            “It makes it a lot easier to       student-athlete busy, Mendez
                                      himself, becoming a nationally-     continue to put work in every          has found time to become
                                      ranked wrestler.                    single day knowing that I have a       a leader in his community,
                                          Mendez began wrestling          super strong community behind          setting an example for the next
                                      when he was 7 years old after       me that supports what I do,” he        generation of Crown Point
                                      his football coach suggested he     said.                                  wrestlers.
                                      take on the sport.                      This year, Mendez made                 “I’m always trying to lead by
                                          So, he did and “instantly       history when he became the             example because when those
                                      fell in love with it.” Mendez       10th wrestler in Indiana to win        younger wrestlers look up to
                                      has since achieved some of the      four state titles.                     you, they’re looking at every
                                      goals he set for himself as a           His work doesn’t stop there,       step you make, seeing how you
Jesse                                 novice.
                                          “At a young age, I always
                                                                              This summer, Mendez plans
                                                                                                                 act out in public,” Mendez said,
                                                                                                                 noting he takes inspiration from
Mendez                                talked about being a four-time
                                      state champ and going on to
                                                                          to continue his training in hopes
                                                                          of earning a spot on another
                                                                                                                 his personal coach Alex Tsirtsis.
                                                                                                                     While Mendez has made a
                                      be an NCAA wrestler and win         World Team. In the fall, he is         name for himself, he doesn’t
Crown Point High                      four national titles and go on      set to attend Ohio State, where        plan on leaving the mat anytime
School Senior,                        to win Olympic titles,” he said.    he will continue his wrestling         soon.
Nationally-Ranked                     “I set those goals, and I haven’t   career.                                    His ultimate goal, he said, is
Wrestler                              stopped working towards                 Mendez credits his parents         to compete for Olympic gold.
HUB - City of Crown Point
Community Events in April, May & June

Crown Point Swim Club            Safe Kids Day                                                       St. Matthias Garage,
Tryouts                          Celebrate kids, prevent                                             Antique & Bake Sale
The Crown Point Swim             injuries and save lives at the                                      St. Matthias Parish is seeking
Club will host tryouts for its   Crossroads YMCA Safe Kids                                           donations for its annual
summer 2022 season from          Day from 9 a.m. to noon,                                            Garage and Antique sale.
5:45-8 p.m. on April 5 and       Saturday, April 23, at the                                          Donations can be dropped
April 6 at the Crown Point       Dean and Barbara White                                              off daily from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.
High School pool. Swimmer        Southlake YMCA. Registration      Corn Dogs Opening Day             July 21-24. The sale will take
must be able to swim one         required. Sign up at              Visit Center Ross Park at         place from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.
length of the pool without                       Legacy Fields on Thursday,        Thursday, July 28, and from 9
assistance to join. Swimmers                                       May 26, to watch the first        a.m. to 1 p.m., Friday, July 29,
must be 5 years or older.                                          Lake County Corn Dogs home        and Saturday, July 30.
Please bring your swimsuit,                                        game of the 2022 season! The
                                                                   Corn Dogs will face off against
                                                                                                     The Hub Entry
goggles and birth certificate
to tryouts. For more                                               the NWI Oilmen. The game          To list an event in The Hub,
information, call                                                  starts at 7 p.m. Tickets are      please email
219-838-3294.                                                      available online at     
                                                                      Events in July through
Angels Across the USA                                                                                September need to be

Tour at St. Matthias                                               Heritage Baptist
                                                                                                     submitted by June 1, 2022.
Join St. Matthias Parish for                                       Church Yard Sale
the Angels Across the USA
Tour. The event will be from          book                         The Heritage Baptist Church
                                                                   Youth Group Yard Sale is from
8-10 p.m., Thursday, April 7,
at St. Matthias Parish Hall.          sale                         8 a.m. to 2 p.m., Saturday,
                                                                   May 28, at the Church, 9903            with us!
Alan Pedersen, the former                 April 27-29              Merrillville Road.
executive director of The
Compassionate Friends, the
                                    $5 a bag! Mix & match          VBS at Trinity Lutheran
largest grief organization in                                      Registration is open for VBS
                                 Trinity Lutheran
the world, will perform music                                      at Trinity Lutheran Church. To
                                 Annual Plant Sale                 register, visit
and bring hope to those who
                                 Trinity Lutheran Church will
have suffered the loss of a
                                 host its annual plant sale on
loved one. This event is free,
                                 Mother’s Day weekend in the       Dates:
but attendees must RSVP
                                 church parking lot at 250 S.      June 13-16: 9 a.m. to noon
by calling 219-789-9190, or
                                 Indiana Ave., Crown Point.        Entering K-4th & 5th Grade
registering on Facebook,
                                 Check out a selection of
@Compassionate Friends
                                 hanging baskets, decorative       June 17: 9 a.m. to noon
Lake/Porter County Indiana
                                 potted plants, flowers,           Preschool (must be potty
                                 succulents and vegetables.        trained)
Easter Bunny Breakfast
Enjoy breakfast with the         Plant Sale Hours:
Easter Bunny between 11          Friday, May 6: 9 am to 5 p.m.
a.m. and 2 p.m., Sunday,         Saturday, May 7: 9-11 a.m.
April 17, at the Maki Ballroom
                                 Run Like a Mother 5K
in the Historic Lake County
                                 Kids of all ages can, “Run Like
Courthouse. For more
                                 a Mother,” to honor their
information, please visit
                                 mom on Mother’s Day. Join
                                 Hometown Happenings for
                                 the Run like a Mother 5K/2K
Hub Run
                                 at 8 a.m., Sunday, May 8, at
The 41st annual Hub Run
                                 the Lake County Fairgrounds.
will begin at 9 a.m. April 23
                                 Proceeds will benefit
at Bulldog Park. For more
                                 Mommy’s Haven Maternity
information, visit                                     The Crown Point Car Cruise returns on Thursday, June
                                 Home and Teen Mother
          Follow us on           Choices of Crown Point.           2! Concerts will be held in conjunction with the Car
          Facebook!              For more information, visit       Cruise on June 2 and June 23. Car owners MUST WAIT
          @CityofCrownPointIN           until after 3 p.m. to park under the pavilion. Parking is
                                                                   available on a first-come, first-serve basis.
             Remember to reduce, reuse and recycle!
             Only place flattened cardboard, paper, metal cans and plastic bottles and jugs in your recycling container!
             Prepare your recyclables by emptying, cleaning and drying them. Keep all recyclables loose, never bag the items.
HUB - City of Crown Point
April, May & June Events

Tuesday Talks with Mayor David D.F. Uran                                                               Tuesday
Join Mayor David Uran for his monthly forum, Tuesday Talks with Mayor Uran, on                          Talks
the first Tuesday of every month. Tuesday Talks is held at locations throughout the
city to highlight businesses and organizations in the Crown Point community. Come
hear about all of the exciting things happening in the city!
                                                                                                  What is being built in
April                               May                               June                        the old Pop’s location?
11 a.m. April 12                    6 p.m. May 3                      9 a.m. June 7               A bagel shop.
Sparta Dome                         CP Co-Working                     Lincoln Office
                                                                                                  What is being built
1355 E. North St.                   115 S. Court St., suite E         1200 Arrowhead Court        next to Cousins Subs?
                                                                                                  A Popeyes and a med spa.

City Events in early July!
City-Wide Picnic                    Fourth of July             u
                                                          wit ntee
                                    Parade                   hu r
The City-Wide Picnic will be                                     s!
held from 2-5 p.m. July 3           The City of Crown Point
under the Franciscan Health         Fourth of July Parade will
pavilion at Bulldog Park.           begin at 11 a.m. July 4 and
Crown Point residents are           will travel down South
invited to join City of Crown       Main Street from Burrell to
Point staff for this free, family   Goldsborough. Fireworks
friendly event!                     will begin at dusk at the Lake
                                    County Fairgrounds. For more
                                    information, visit

                                                                      2022 Lake County Household Hazardous
                                                                      Waste Collection Schedule
                                                                      All collections are on      Aug. 20
                                                                      Saturdays from 9 a.m. to    Whiting Public Works
                                                                      2 p.m. For more             1915 Front St, Whiting
                                                                      information, please call
                                                                      219-853-2420.               **Sept. 10
                                                                                                  Lowell Middle School
                                                                      April 23                    (North Parking Lot)
                                                                      Munster Public Works        19250 Cline Ave., Lowell
    The City of Crown Point would like to thank the                   508 Fisher St., Munster
  community and local businesses for their continued                                              Oct. 1
  support and for making our Corned Beef & Cabbage                    May 21                      Griffith Public Works
Dinner and St. Patrick’s Day celebration a success! Thank             Hobart Public Works         134 South Colfax St.,
 you to the following businesses and organizations for                340 S. Shelby St., Hobart   Griffith
 sponsoring! Without your generosity, this event would
                 not have been possible!                              June 4                      **Oct. 22
•   True BBQ & Whiskey              •   Beck’s Crown Bakery           Hudson Campbell Center      Hammond Public Works
    Bar                             •   Downtown Crown                455 Massachusetts St.,      601 Conkey St., Hammond
•   Family Express                      Point McDonald’s              Gary
•   Jewel-Osco                      •   CrossPoint Church                                         **Shredding available
•   Midnight Blue Towing            •   HomeLight                     July 23                     at Lowell and Hammond
                                                                      Highland Public Works       collections. Limit to four
                                                                      8001 Kennedy Ave.,          paper grocery bags.
HUB - City of Crown Point HUB - City of Crown Point
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