Insulin pumps in diabetes care in Ireland - Hospital ...

Insulin pumps in diabetes care in Ireland - Hospital ...
18 Diabetes

Insulin pumps in diabetes care in Ireland
Written by Dr Katarzyna Gajewska, Lecturer, Department of Public Health and Epidemiology, RCSI

                                                                                                                     on the prescribed prescriptions.
                                                                             Dr Katarzyna Gajewska, Lecturer,        Those who met our definition
                                                                             Department of Public Health and         criteria were assessed as prevalent
                                                                             Epidemiology, RCSI                      cases. The methodology of this
                                                                                                                     epidemiological study is better
                                                                                                                     described in the original article1.

                                                                                                                     Of 20,081 people meeting the
                                                                                                                     “T1D” criteria in 2016, the majority
                                                                             Prevalence and uptake of CSII           (85%) were adults (n=17,053).
                                                                                                                     Of the adult population, only
                                                                             To assess the uptake of insulin         6.8% used CSII, and the uptake
                                                                             pump therapy in Ireland, we had         varied from as low as 2% (Co.
                                                                             to estimate the prevalence of           Roscommon) to 9.6% in Co.
                                                                             T1D in Ireland first - there is no      Kildare and Wicklow. Irish data
                                                                                                                     (6.8%) suggests under-utilization
                                                                             diabetes registry in Ireland and this
                                                                                                                     of CSII in people over 18 in Ireland
                                                                             data was unavailable. We used           (Figure 1). When comparing
                                                                             the Irish Health Service Executive      with other countries where the
                                                                             Primary Care Reimbursement              reimbursement is offered, uptake
                                                                             Service (HSE-PCRS) national             in adults has been reported to vary
                                                                             pharmacy claims database data           from 9.4% in Scotland, to 15% in
                                                                             from the years 2011-16 and              England and Italy (data from 2017),
                                                                             selected definition criteria based      21% in Denmark (in one region),

People living with chronic            diabetes-related complications),
conditions in Ireland have their      reduces the frequency of and
medicines fully reimbursed            time spent in hypoglycaemia, is
through the Long-Term Illness         cost-effective, and increases the
Scheme, which significantly           quality of life when compared
reduces their health-related          with the most popular treatment –
out-of-pocket expenses. Irish         Multiple Daily Injections (MDI). But
people living with either type 1      anecdotal observation, discussions
or type 2 diabetes, have almost       with people living with diabetes,
all of their medicines reimbursed,    patient advocates and health-
including the costs associated        care professionals (HCP), gave
with modern technology used           me an impression that CSII is not
to better manage and control          frequently used in Ireland. Thus,
diabetes: insulin pump therapy (or    together with my supervisors:
Continuous Subcutaneous Insulin       Prof. Seamus Sreenan (Clinician,
Infusion – CSII) and continuous       Consultant Endocrinologist), Prof.
glucose monitoring (CGM). Ireland     Kathleen Bennett (Epidemiologist),
is in the minority of countries       and Dr. Regien Biesma (Public
worldwide, that offers almost full    Health Specialist), we aimed to
reimbursement of costs associated     investigate the uptake and access
with chronic conditions (together     to CSII by adults with type 1
with, for example, France, or         diabetes in Ireland as part of the
the UK etc.), thus people with        HRB funded SPHeRE (Structured
diabetes in Ireland may consider      Population and Health-services
themselves lucky.                     Research Education) doctoral
                                      thesis conducted in RCSI:
The reimbursement, however,           University of Medicine and Health
does not mean that the majority       Sciences in 2015-2020.
of the type 1 diabetes (T1D)
population uses the best available
treatments. Insulin pump therapy
is accepted as an effective and
safe method of insulin delivery
for people with T1D of all ages,
and is recommended as a first-
choice treatment for pre-school
children. Many systematic reviews
and meta-analyses suggest that
the better accuracy of insulin
delivery in CSII provides better
treatment outcomes (blood-sugar                                   Figure 1
control, reduced risk of developing

Insulin pumps in diabetes care in Ireland - Hospital ...

22% in Sweden (data from 2015),
and 37% in Germany (2017). In the                                   Figure 2
United States (US), the uptake of
CSII is reported as high as 58%
in the clinics involved in the T1D
Exchange registry.2

Uptake of CSII is generally lower
in adults than in children and
adolescents, and Irish data are
no different - the uptake of CSII
was five-fold higher (34.7%) in
the paediatric population than in
adults. It also varied significantly
from 12.6% in Co. Mayo to 53.7%
in Co. Meath. The uptake of CSII
in children and adolescents in
Ireland is similar to that in the
UK where it was reported as
35.7% (England and Wales, 2019
Scotland, 2017), but still lower than
in other “Western” countries. The
highest uptake of CSII in children
and adolescents was observed
in Slovenia (74%), with Sweden,
Germany and Denmark also having
> 50% uptake. The evidence from
the US T1D Exchange registry
suggests an uptake of 60% in
the paediatric population in
20142 (Figure 2).

Availability of CSII in diabetes

The reasons behind the
underutilization in adults are partly
associated with poor access to
insulin pump therapy across the
country, and centralisation of type
1 diabetes services in Dublin.
According to the survey of all Irish
adult diabetes clinics conducted
in 2018, one-third of Irish diabetes
clinics (n=15) do not provide any
type of support for patients willing    semi-structured interviews with        awareness of such solutions is          referral pathway) and the quality
to commence CSII or those who           HCPs, key stakeholders, policy-        also lower in areas of low uptake.      of care and HCP expertise in this
are using pumps. Based on the           makers, patient advocates and          If there is only one clinic in the      area is not standardized (CSII
survey findings, access to CSII         pharma reps, and through focus         county, and it is not offering          not always included in specialist
was unavailable for 11% of adults       groups with people living with         insulin pump therapy, their choice      training), and if capacity is poor
with type 1 diabetes, and uptake        diabetes (PwD) in areas of high and    of diabetes team or consultant          (e.g., under-resourced clinics), CSII
was usually higher in the counties      low uptake of CSII. This qualitative   is limited. They can only access        uptake appears to be impacted
where training to commence
                                        study provided deeper insight into     CSII privately, and overall they        by individuals (HCP and patients):
CSII was offered. However,
                                        the determinants of the uptake         have to put much more effort            their interest, leadership skills,
fewer than half of the diabetes
                                        in Ireland. Firstly, all discussions   to access CSII much more than           willingness and motivation. These
clinics in Ireland offer training
                                        highlighted inequality in accessing    those living in areas where access      factors may make the regional
to commence CSII, and even in
                                        CSII in Ireland mainly related to a    to CSII is easier more available.       differences in accessing diabetes-
these clinics the uptake of CSII is
still low when compared to other        place where a PwD lives. There         The “Conceptual Framework               related technology and the quality
countries’ national data. Those         was general agreement among            of accessing diabetes-related           of care more evident. Moreover,
clinics were usually based in, and      participants that the uptake of        technology” presents four main          according to the vast majority of
around Dublin, hence, the highest       CSII is low in Ireland, and that the   themes consisting of 18 categories.     participants, endocrinologists are
uptake was observed in the East         “postcode lottery”, understood as      More detailed description available     “the gatekeepers” to accessing
of Ireland. Except for Co. Galway,      an unequal provision of services,      in Acta Diabetologica, 58, 93–105       CSII. HCP and their attitude
the clinics in the West of Ireland      exists. This postcode lottery          (2021).        toward it as gatekeepers is
(Co. Limerick, Kerry, Greater Cork)     ensues. If you live in the right       s00592- 020-01595-5, or by e-mail       absolutely huge if they don’t see
were not offering CSII support in       place you get the best care, if        request (katarzynagajewska@rcsi.        the need for pump therapy, then
2018. In Co. Galway the uptake          you live in the wrong place you        com). The overarching themes            it is going to be very challenging
was relatively high – mainly due to     get screwed (Key Stakeholder 1).       were (from the least frequently         for you to get your hands on a
sufficient resources (i.e. the level                                           discussed to the most): awareness,      pump. So, they are a key barrier
of WTE for endocrinologists in one      This inequality was “frustrating”      structure, capacity and impact of       or facilitator. Some consultants
clinic is the highest in Ireland)3.     for all participants and it was        an individual.                          are very supportive and others
                                        “obvious” that low uptake is                                                   not so much. (Key stakeholder 2).
Barriers to accessing pumps:            caused by the lack of local access     The role of individual preferences
“postcode lottery”                      to CSII: participants from the areas                                           The “gatekeeping” may partially
                                        of low uptake have to travel, pay      The main conclusion of this study       be explained by the fact that a
The barriers and enablers to            and spend their time to access         is that if the structure of the         specialist who provides diabetes
accessing insulin pump therapy          care; thus, it requires significant    health-service is insufficient (e.g.,   care in Ireland is also (mainly!)
by adults were explored through         motivation and willingness. The        lack of standardized criteria or a      trained in endocrinology, and

                                                                                                 HOSPITALPROFESSIONALNEWS.IE | HPN • MARCH - 2021
Insulin pumps in diabetes care in Ireland - Hospital ...
20 Diabetes

                                                                                                                        Grove (Department of Geography,
                                                                                  Dr Kataryzna Gajewska with            NUIG Maynooth) for their help
                                                                                  Primary Supervisor Professor          in data mapping, and the Irish
                                                                                  Seamus Sreenan at the European        Endocrine Society for the travel
                                                                                  Association for the Study of          grants to disseminate the findings
                                                                                  Diabetes (EASD) meeting in            to the international audience.
                                                                                  Berlin 2018

                                                                                                                        1) Gajewska KA, Biesma R,
                                                                                                                           Sreenan S, Bennett K.
                                                                                                                           Prevalence and incidence of
                                                                                                                           type 1 diabetes in Ireland: a
                                                                                                                           retrospective cross-sectional
                                                                                                                           study using a national pharmacy
                                                                                                                           claims data from 2016; BMJ
                                                                                                                           Open 2020;10:e032916 .
                                                                                  To conclude, this PhD research        2) Gajewska KA, Bennett K, Biesma
                                                                                  contributes to the scarce evidence       R, Sreenan S. Low uptake
                                                                                  on access to CSII (or any other          of continuous subcutaneous
                                                                                  complex diabetes technology)             insulin infusion therapy in
                                                                                  for adult people living with             people with type 1 diabetes in
                                                                                  diabetes. Although technological         Ireland: a retrospective cross-
                                                                                  advancements in diabetes are             sectional study. BMC Endocr
                                                                                  well-known and influence the             Disord 20, 92 (2020). https://doi.
                                                                                  quality of diabetes care and the         org/10.1186
                                                                                  lives of PwD, uptake is limited by
                                                                                  lack of individual motivation and     3) Gajewska KA, Biesma R,
                                                                                  interest, health system structural       Bennett K, Sreenan S.
                                                                                  issues, service capacity, awareness      Availability of and access to
                                                                                  and PwD demand. The results              continuous subcutaneous insulin
                                                                                  of this study may inform HCP             infusion therapy for adults with
a lot depends on the personal             ways of “fighting” included: “being                                              type 1 diabetes in Ireland. Acta
interest of the HCP. I am not             vocal”; contacting politicians;         and policy-makers regarding
                                                                                  gaps in the delivery of diabetes         Diabetol 57, 875–882 (2020).
really a diabetes guy, I am more          involving media and government                                         
of an endocrinology guy (Key              to “push” hospital management.          care, and suggest solutions to
                                                                                  reduce the disparities in health         020-01497-6
Stakeholder 3). Specialists who are       All participants agreed, however,
                                          that adult PwD were generally           service provision in the countries    4) Gajewska KA, Biesma R,
more interested in endocrinology
                                          ess effective in advocating for the     where reimbursement of diabetes          Bennett K, Sreenan S. Barriers
than diabetes were seen as less
                                          use of CSII than parents of children    technology is offered. Such steps        and facilitators to accessing
likely to offer CSII. Lack of interest
                                          with diabetes, who were “more           may include the development of           insulin pump therapy by adults
in CSII, and leadership skills were
                                          concerned with getting                  national guidelines, models of           with type 1 diabetes mellitus:
a HCP-related barrier to CSII
                                          the best available treatment for        care, standardized HCP straining,        a qualitative study. Acta
provision: If a consultant has no
                                          their children”.                        diabetes education, and structured       Diabetol 58, 93–105 (2021).
interest in insulin pump or never                                                 approaches to provide equal
trained, or an endocrinologist                                                                                   
                                          The uptake of CSII in paediatric        access to CSII across the country.       020-01595-5
who has no experience in that
and has no interest in developing         patients might be higher in
                                          children than in adults due to          This research was funded by the       5) Policy brief: The uptake of insulin
it, it will never develop (Key                                                    Health Research Board (HRB)              pump therapy by people with
Stakeholder 4).                           better awareness of its benefits,
                                          and available policy documents          SPHeRE/2013/1. We would like             type 1 diabetes in Ireland: do we
                                          (i.e. the pediatric model of care       to thank Diabetes Ireland for their      meet expectations? https://www.
“Fighting” for access                                                             support in data collection, Prof.
                                          for CSII that prioritise access to
                                          insulin pump therapy for children       Ronan Foley and Mrs. Hannah              policy-briefs/
There was a consensus among all
participants, that the main barrier       under five). Reliable information
to CSII from the PwD side was             about CSII should be provided
the lack of willingness to do so,         to PwD in Ireland to enable them
or a lack of interest in diabetes.        to make an informed decision
Some of them “don’t want to be            regarding commencing CSII.
attached” to anything, or report          Other facilitating aspects included:
                                          individual respectful cooperation
that CSII does not suit their lifestyle
                                          between diabetes teams and
and needs, and this preference
                                          patients, better access to diabetes
should be respected. The lack
                                          education, standardized “criteria”
of initiative and motivation to
                                          to commence CSII, and awareness.
consider CSII might sometimes be
determined by poor empowerment,
diabetes stigma or even burnout,
or just no strong motivation and
capacity to “fight”. There was
agreement among all PwD in this
study that they have to fight to
access technology, in particular
in rural areas. I went into XXX
(consultant) and I was like: “it’s
as simple as this, I’m not leaving
until you give me a letter to go
to the YYY (clinic offering CSII)”.
I said “I’m done with injections”            Insulin Pumps available in Ireland
like (Key Stakeholder 5). Other

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