Internet Marketing Certificate Program - Business and Management - Accelerate Your Career

Page created by Ricardo Alvarado
Internet Marketing Certificate Program - Business and Management - Accelerate Your Career
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                                               Business and Management

                                               Internet Marketing

                                               Accelerate Your Career

Internet Marketing Certificate Program - Business and Management - Accelerate Your Career
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                                               University of California, Irvine

                                               Extension’s professional certificate

                                               and specialized studies programs

                                               help you increase or enhance your
       Improve Your                            current skills, or prepare for a new

       Career Options                          career. Courses are highly practical, and

                                               instructors are qualified leaders in their
       with a Professional
                                               field. Convenient online and evening
       Certificate                             courses make it easy to learn on your

                                               own time, in your own way. A certificate

                                               bearing the UC seal signifies a well-

                                               known, uncompromising standard of


                                               Internet Marketing Certificate Program
                                               Essential for all marketing professionals and business
                                               people, the Internet Marketing Certificate Program is
                                               designed to provide you with a comprehensive examination
                                               of tactics and strategies across social media, mobile
                                               marketing, online analytics, and search engine marketing
                                               aimed at fully leveraging the Internet for achieving business
                                               goals such as acquiring, converting, and retaining online
Internet Marketing Certificate Program - Business and Management - Accelerate Your Career
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       Learn how to integrate new tactics and strategies with         Certificate Requirements
       traditional marketing tools and practices aimed at capturing   To earn the Internet Marketing Certificate, participants
       new customers, building customer loyalty, providing            must complete six (6) required courses and a minimum
       superior customer service, developing new products,            of five (5) units of elective courses, for a total of sixteen
       improving profitability and conducting marketing research.     (16) units or 160 hours of instruction with a grade of “C”
       Study the value of—and methods for—determining the             or better. Those pursuing the certificate must submit a
       return on investment of Internet marketing programs,           Declaration of Candidacy. To receive the certificate after
       as well as online visitor and buyer behavior. Discover         completing all program requirements, students must
       Internet marketing strategies and develop plans with           submit a Request for Certificate. All requirements must
       the goal of maximizing your marketing budget.                  be completed within five (5) years after the student enrolls
                                                                      in his/her first course. Students not pursuing the certificate
       Who Should Attend                                              program are welcome to take as many individual courses
       This certificate program is intended for professionals         as they wish.
       tasked with improving website performance, online
       marketing campaigns, search marketing and web analytics        Program Fees
       skills. This program will also interest those advancing a      The total cost of the program varies depending on the
       career in marketing by clearly defining the tactics and        electives chosen. Actual fees may differ from the estimates
       technologies integral to planning and implementing a           below. Fees are subject to change without prior notice.
       successful Internet marketing strategy from an organiza-            Course Fees                   $625 per course
       tional perspective. While this program is not focused               Candidacy Fee                 $125
       on technical skills (such as developing software), it will          Textbooks*                    $900
       introduce students to the key technologies Internet            *Available for purchase at The Hill (
       Marketers use to achieve business objectives.
                                                                      On-Site Training
       Program Benefits                                               Extension’s Corporate Training specialists can deliver this
          Build effective online marketing strategies for customer   program or customize one that fits your organization’s
           acquisition, conversion and retention                      specific needs. Visit or call
          Integrate key analytics and consumer browsing behavior     (949) 824-1847 for more information.
           into your online marketing efforts
          Drive more traffic to a website with search engine
           marketing (SEM) techniques, including search engine
           optimization (SEO) to enhance organic search and paid
           search tactics that maximize promotional dollars
          Track and measure online marketing campaigns using
           website analytical services
                                                                         For more information:
          Apply Web 2.0, social media, mobile and emerging
           technologies as marketing and promotional tactics             Melissa Allison,
                                                                         Program Representative
                                                                         (949) 824-9796
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       Required Courses (6)                                          Planning and Developing Your Search Engine
                                                                     Marketing Strategy
       Overview of Internet Marketing                                MGMT X461.24 (1.5 units)
       MGMT X461.41 (2 units)
                                                                     Learn the technologies, techniques, and strategies
       Gain an overview of the business value of internet            required to achieve high rankings on search engines, and
       marketing and how it can be leveraged to achieve              why search engine marketing is one of the most cost-
       acquisition, conversion and retention of online customers.    effective promotional strategies available. Compare and
       Examine the broad array of interactive marketing strate-      contrast organic search engine optimization practices with
       gies including search marketing, display advertising,         pay-per-click strategies. Examine how to select the best
       email marketing, website optimization, social media,          methods, and create an effective search engine marketing
       mobile marketing, online analytics, and other online          campaign to achieve promotional goals.
       methods used to achieve business goals. Advantages,
       challenges, and key differences between internet and          Website Optimization and Personalization
       traditional marketing will also be explored.                  MGMT X461.43 (2 units)
                                                                     Gain an overview of methods, technologies and strategies
       Social Media and Internet Audience Profiling
                                                                     for improving the performance of websites and other
       MGMT X461.53 (1.5 units)
                                                                     online properties. Explore how effective site optimization
       Examine qualitative research methods to monitor social        and personalization programs improve the relevance of
       media demographics, and learn to identify the social          content and increased online engagement to yield positive
       media applications and strategies best-suited for reaching    returns. Learn techniques to avoid common obstacles to
       specific targets. Explore the techniques and best practices   optimizing conversion, as well as the primary components
       for identifying and engaging your audience to ensure the      of an effective site optimization program including: A/B
       effectiveness of resources spent on social media, public      and multivariate testing, audience segmentation and
       relations, branding and marketing efforts.                    experience personalization via content targeting and
       Online Analytics and Measurement
       MGMT X461.42 (2 units)                                        Developing a Social Media Strategy
       Explore key online analytics and measurement principles       MGMT X461.54 (2 units)
       for understanding the performance of websites, social         Develop a social media strategy and gain a complete
       media campaigns, mobile applications, online video, and       understanding of the POST (people, objectives, strategy,
       other online marketing investments. Learn how analytics       and technology) process. Learn effective audience
       can help effectively identify the most profitable paths for   profiling techniques using technographics and social
       websites by observing user behavior, and assess the           computing behaviors. Explore cohesive strategies that
       metrics critical to achieving successful campaigns. Study     integrate social media into sound business practices and
       techniques and best practices for measuring and inter-        methodologies for implementing social media channels to
       preting data, developing analysis and effective reporting,    achieve organizational business and brand objectives.
       segmenting visitor information for improved experiences,
       and identifying the key performance indicators which can
       drive proven business return on investment.

                            For class schedule:
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       Elective Courses                                                current and future trends. Explore the technologies and
       (Choose a Minimum of 5 Units)                                   terminology of mobile, as well as practical skills and best
                                                                       practices for usage. Articulate the benefits and opportuni-
       Display Advertising                                             ties of a mobile strategy, including determining how it fits
       MGMT X461.44 (2 units)                                          into a multichannel approach, achieving stakeholder buy-in
       Learn to create, plan, and buy effective display advertising.   and design, and implementing and measuring a successful
       Explore how to use social media, mobile, and digital            campaign.
       outdoor displays to effectively create media plans and
                                                                       Online Video Marketing
       develop storyboards for art direction and performance
       testing. Ad networks, video banners, demand side plat-          MGMT X461.48 (1.5 units)
       forms, auction-based displays, testing and optimization,        Explore the future of online video marketing, addressing
       behavioral advertising, privacy issues, and dynamic             four components: compelling content, engagement inter-
       display ads will also be explored.                              activity, integrated analytics and guaranteed audiences.
                                                                       Learn to apply Web-video strategies to an organization’s
       Transmedia Marketing Through Storytelling                       marketing campaigns by creating powerful video content
       MGMT X461.74 (1.5 units)                                        that will entertain, inspire and compel viewers toward action.
       Explore how a good story is essential to audience               Examine how to research and measure to appropriately
       engagement and key to marketing, public relations and           distribute content across all channels from online ad
       social advocacy. Apply the ancient art of storytelling to       networks and movie theaters to local TV outlets, optimizing
       new media forms, creating a new format that dramatically        maximum performance.
       impacts marketing strategies and brand value. Develop a
                                                                       Agile Marketing
       more expansive and immersive experience than traditional
       marketing approaches, examining the role and structure          MGMT X461.77 (1.5 units)
       of narrative in audience engagement that impacts                Learn the basic principles of Agile Marketing, which
       consumers. Review case studies and evaluate and develop         combine direct marketing and agile software develop-
       a transmedia story-strategy for a product, company, or          ment. Examine how offline direct marketing is infused with
       campaign that will engage and persuade.                         digital practices in obtaining feedback to allow for timely
                                                                       changes in marketing messages. Receive guidance
       Email Marketing                                                 toward overcoming organizational resistance and gaining
       MGMT X461.45 (1.5 units)                                        adequate support.
       Explore how email marketing can be used to reach millions
                                                                       Content Marketing
       of consumers at a relatively low cost, and deliver the
       highest return on investment of all direct marketing            MGMT X461.78 (1.5 units)
       channels. Gain the tools needed to test and optimize your       Gain the knowledge and skills needed to design, develop,
       email campaigns from email capture to sales conversion,         promote and manage profitable digital, mobile and social
       including developing and managing email lists, implement-       content marketing campaigns. Learn how to create com-
       ing appropriate metrics to measure effectiveness, and           pelling and engaging content to support the customer
       analytic methods to support iterative improvement.              through the buyer’s journey through the lifecycle.
                                                                       Designed for product managers, digital marketers, social
       Mobile Marketing                                                media strategists and business leaders who wish to
       MGMT X461.46 (2 units)                                          increase revenue, retention rates and marketing return
       Gain a solid understanding of the mobile marketing land-        on investment.
       scape, examine the sector’s rapid evolution, and consider
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                                                       Advisory Committee
          Mirna Bard, President & Social Media Consultant,          Steve Kinney, Chief Executive Officer and President,
           NuReach Global                                             Search Optimizers
          Tim Callen, Managing Partner, RBT Agency                  Matthew Langie, Director, Product Marketing, Adobe
          Jerri Lynn Hogg, Assistant Professor, Communication        Systems
           Management and Media Psychology, Bay Path College         Pamela Rutledge, Media Psychologist, Media
                                                                      Psychology Research Center

                                            Internet Marketing
                                            Certificate Program

                 (949) 824-9796


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