INTUTHUKO Official UJ Development and Fundraising Magazine

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INTUTHUKO Official UJ Development and Fundraising Magazine
O f f i c i a l U J D e v e l o p m e n t a n d Fu n d r a i s i n g M a g a z i n e
INTUTHUKO Official UJ Development and Fundraising Magazine
INTUTHUKO Official UJ Development and Fundraising Magazine
2    From the desk of the Chief Financial Officer:
     Ms Nolwazi Mamorare

3    Foreword Director: Development and Fundraising
     Ms Daphney Nemakhavhani

5    #Inthistogether multi university collaboration responds
     to COVID-19

6    Getting primary schools ready for 4IR technology

8    Curbing food insecurities on campuses

11   UJ’S introduces a new School of Management set to elevate
     commercial professions in South Africa

12   Prof Tshilidzi Marwala: Vice-Chancellor and Principal
     USA Alumni Engagement

13   Equipping our donor partners to be 4IR ready

14   HWSETA bursary donation gives hope to 125 Podiatry Students

15   Being the solution to current student financial challenges

16   Prof Saurabh Sinha and Prof Angina Parekh: UJ’s top executives
     explain how the institution steered the 2020 academic year


Editorial Team

  Ms Daphney             Ms Thuli Hlabahlaba
INTUTHUKO Official UJ Development and Fundraising Magazine
At the start of the 2021 academic        and Training in the exploration of      support will forge forward in
year, Prof Marwala, Vice-Chancellor      policy around the funding of tertiary   fostering new collaborations with
and Principal shared news that           students and possible funding           businesses and also continue to
made me proud to be part of              options for the country.                nurture existing partnership with
this incredible UJ community.                                                    our current donors.
UJ is one of the few institutions        I firmly believe that the solutions
in the country that successfully         around student funding and the          This will help us as an institution
completed the 2020 academic year         total eradication of existing student   come up with sustainable solutions
on time. The ability for us as an        debt lay in the collaborative,          to the challenges around student
institution to attain such a great       transdisciplinary approach and          funding moving forward.
accomplishment was only possible         partnerships with Corporate South
                                         Africa. The UJ leadership team          As we continue to fight COVID-19
through the coming together of                                                   and adjust to the new normal this
every stakeholder, both internally       is continuously deliberating on
                                         possible and practical measures         pandemic has brought, I urge you to
and externally, every UJ employee                                                stay safe and adhere to all COVID-19
unwaveringly taking up arms during       that could contribute towards the
                                         University’s business sustainability    safety protocols.
the most challenging times our
University has expe-                     in the current year and beyond.         Chief Financial Officer
rienced and ensuring that                Having said that, we are mindful        Ms Nolwazi Mamorare
operations continued.                    that we can never do what we do
                                         without the continuous support
And for that, I Thank You!               from all our donors.

Student debt for University              Lastly, as we head full throttle
students, among other challenges,        into the 2021 academic year,
has been one encounter that has          implementing the valuable lessons
engulfed higher education in South       gained in 2020, the Development
Africa. Early this year, Minister Tito   and Fundraising Office with my
Mboweni during his budget speech
alluded to the planned partnership
between the National Treasury and
the Department of Higher Education

From the desk
of the Chief
Financial Officer
                                                                                 University of Johannesburg Chief
                                                                                 Financial Officer:
2                                                                                Ms Nolwazi Mamorare
INTUTHUKO Official UJ Development and Fundraising Magazine
Director:                             The amazing positive responses          With that said, I would like to
Development and Fundraising Ms        that our executive leadership team      introduce you our reader to the
Daphney Nemakhavhani                  received from our external donor        first edition of the UJ Development
                                      in all types of industry are and will   and Fundraising Newsletter. With
As the first term of the 2021
                                      always be the highlight of our fight    this newsletter we aim to showcase
academic year has successfully
                                      with this pandemic. Our industry        all the outstanding partnerships,
ended, and we take stock of the
                                      partners came together with us to       projects and collaborations that
past year, I am in awe of the great
                                      reimagine the future!                   UJ has with external stakeholders
support that the University of
                                                                              and donors. Above that, we want to
Johannesburg has from all its
                                      As we continue with our fight with      celebrate how each initiative goes a
external stakeholders and donors.
                                      this pandemic, I would like to thank    long way at changing each and every
When President Cyril Ramaphosa
                                      all our donors and partners that        one of our beneficiaries lives.
announced that the country would
                                      rose up and took on the challenge
go into lockdown in March 2020,                                               Stay Safe
UJ had to implement strategic         to ensure that our students who
processes to ensure that the          may not have had the necessary          Director: Development and
teaching and learning continued.      resources to continue with their        Fundraising
The move to remote teaching and       studies as we moved to remote           Ms Daphney Nemakhavhani
learning meant that more resources    teaching and learning were not left
had to be streamlined to ensure       behind. Your support was and still is
that none of our students was         a powerful driver of socioeconomic
left behind as we moved all           development and this is where we at
classes online.                       UJ find our passion.

INTUTHUKO Official UJ Development and Fundraising Magazine
    the future
    by investing
    in the future
    To Give to UJ visit:

INTUTHUKO Official UJ Development and Fundraising Magazine
multi university collaboration
responds to COVID-19
No hashtag resonates with 2020           towards the rapid development          advanced manufacturing.”
like #Inthistogther. In August 2020,     and manufacturing of non-invasive
the Manufacturing, Engineering and       ventilators. Our students are          The merSETA Viro-Vent Skills
Related Services SETA (merSETA),         also set to benefit greatly from       Innovation Challenge Consortium
announced its funding support to         the essential future skills for the    comprises the following institutions:
the University of Johannesburg           design, prototyping, testing and       UJ’s Process, Energy and
(UJ) and its consortium partners         certification of bi-level positive     Environmental Technology Station
to fortify the research, innovation      airway pressure (BiPAP) ventilators,   (UJ-PEETS), TUT´s Technology
and advancement capacity of rapid        and support future industrialisation   Station in Electronics (TSE), CUT´s
technology towards delivering            efforts through continuous             Product Development Technology
a response to the COVID-19               professional development (CPD)         Station (PDTS) and Centre for Rapid
pandemic.                                in the manufacturing sector. The       Prototyping and Manufacturing
                                         merSETA funding supported 125          (CRPM), and VUT´s Southern
The innovative collaboration             students across four universities in   Gauteng Science and Technology
came to fruition with the signing        this initiative.                       Parks. These institutions are
of a Memorandum of Agreement                                                    members of the Technology Stations
(MoA) between the University’s           “Of great interest to the merSETA is   Network Programme implemented
Faculty of Engineering and the Built     how new support programmes and         though the Technology Innovation
Environment and merSETA.                 qualifications will emerge to define   Agency, a DSI initiative and
                                         the support required to rapidly        supported by North-West University
According to Prof Tshilidzi Marwala,     localise and sustain the manufacture   (NWU).
Vice-Chancellor and Principal at the     of new products in emerging sectors
University of Johannesburg (UJ):         of the economy,” said Mr Wayne         This article was published on www.
“This collaboration aims to assist       Adams, acting CEO of the merSETA.
the health care industry with critical
care technology development in           In his conclusion, Prof Marwala
response to the COVID-19 crisis”.        noted that “this MoA was an
As the entire globe was dealing          indication that we are committed
with the pandemic, it became quite       to the industry. It is encouraging
evident how our public institutions,     to see the merSETA investing in
particularly in the healthcare sectors   the nation’s development as this
faced major challenges when it came      will translate our advances into
to rapid response to the COVID-19        gains for the country, particularly
crisis. Given the vast shortage of       as we seek out ways to reverse the
ventilators worldwide, part of           deindustrialisation of our economy
this collaboration aimed to work         by emphasising platforms for

INTUTHUKO Official UJ Development and Fundraising Magazine
Getting primary
schools ready for
4IR technology
We have never depended on               computer or smart device and/or      and resource management, and
technology more than we did in the      internet connection.                 supporting schools in forming
past year and that says a lot about                                          robotics clubs at the school level.
the need and speed at which we          Towards the end of 2019 and
                                        beginning of 2020, the UJ Faculty    With this project, UJ and Standard
need to introduce Fourth Industrial
                                        of Engineering and the Built         Bank are “reimagining the future”
Revolution (4IR) technologies to
                                        Environment (FEBE), confirmed        of teaching and learning at schools
schools and EDCs. For decades, and
                                        a partnership with Standard          by coming together to train and
increasingly with every passing year,
                                        Bank that would see both these       develop teachers and learners
computers and connectivity have
                                        organisations collaborate to         in skills necessary for the Fourth
been essential to how we teach,
                                        bring 4IR technologies to 20         Industrial Revolution and the
how we learn, how we work, and
                                                                             dynamic digital age.
how we engage with the world.           schools in Limpopo and the North
With the onslaught of COVID-19,         West provinces. This outreach        A total of 200 learners, ranging from
this dependency has become even         programme aims to make science       Grade R to Grade 9, were selected
more. Today, there is barely a single   real and relevant through learner    as the first cohort for this project
educational or economic activity        engagement in projects, while also   and with a second cohort selected in
that can be completed without a         improving classroom management       2021/2022.

INTUTHUKO Official UJ Development and Fundraising Magazine
                                                  Latest        Rank in    Rank in       Rank in
World Rankings                                    Edition      the World   Africa      South Africa

      QS World University Rankings (QS WUR)         2021          439        4th           3rd

Times Higher Education (THE) World University
                                                    2021          706        7th           6th
                         Rankings (THE WUR)
              University Ranking by Academic
                                                 2020 - 2021      822        7th           6th
                         Performance (URAP)
     U.S. News and World Report’s Best Global
                                                    2021          378        5th           5th
                 Universities Rankings (BGUR)

Impact Rankings
      Times Higher Education (THE) University
                                                    2020          75         1st           1st
                  Impact Rankings (THE UIR):
                             Overall Ranking

Regional Rankings
     QS BRICS University Rankings (QS BRICS)        2019          61           -           5th

      Times Higher Education (THE) Emerging
                                                    2020          118        12th          7th
   Economies University Rankings (THE EEUR)

Young Rankings
             QS Under 50 University Rankings
                                                    2021         61-70       1st           1st

         Times Higher Education (THE) Young
              University Rankings (THE YUR)
                                                    2020        151-200    Joint 7th       3rd

Employability Rankings
          QS Graduate Employability Rankings
                                                    2020        301-500    Joint 7th     Joint 5th

                                                Stay Connected

INTUTHUKO Official UJ Development and Fundraising Magazine
food insecurities
on campuses
About 30% of tertiary students          Since its establishment in 2008,         To date, Tiger Brands has spent
have to face the phenomenon of          Plates4days has substantially grown      more than R100 million on the
‘silent hunger’ on campuses. These      to a point that it now supports          project and currently provides
students are constantly concerned       as many as 4 500 students with           meals to students at UJ and the
about where their next meal will        monthly food parcels designed to         universities of Wits, Western
come from. A lack of regular access     last for 30 days. The monthly food       Cape, North West, Free State and
to food is an issue that plagues        parcel contains sufficient non-          Nelson Mandela Metropolitan.
today’s university students. In         perishable food for healthy and          “Plastes4days is already helping to
addition to negatively affecting        balanced meals.                          meet the nutritional needs of many
students’ health, food insecurity
                                                                                 students,” said Morifi.
and a lack of food impact students’     “We are proud to be able to support
ability to succeed academically.        the next generation of South African     The bigger conversation needs to be
To alleviate this problem, Tiger        leaders,” said Tiger Brands Chief        about a comprehensive approach to
Brands has partnered with the UJ        Corporate Affairs Officer Mary-Jane      food security at tertiary institutions
to assist needy students with free      Morifi. “Plates4days is a nutritional    and it is through such collaborations
healthy meals. The Food Support         support programme for students,          with Corporate South Africa that
Programme, which was launched           empowering them to focus their           effective solutions can be found.
on the UJ Soweto Campus in early        energy where it’s needed, on their
2020, is titled ‘Plates4days’ and       studies. We help them to grow their      Plastes4days has received accolades
supports university students by         knowledge, so they can help South        from students who are current
providing for their dietary needs.      Africa grow.”                            beneficiaries. “Plate4days is a very

From Left to Right: Zakhele Mtsali (Bachelor of Education); Ndumiso Ngwenya (BSc Mathematical Sciences and Applied
Maths) and Sihle Jingilisi (Diploma in Logistics).

good initiative to help students gain     provide them with groceries.            saying “Alone we can do little, but
access to food. I am grateful for this    I am happy to be part of this           together we can do so much” by
privilege as some universities don’t      great initiative.”                      Helen Keller.
have access to the programme”, said
UJ’s Ndumiso Ngwenya, a second-           Beyond taking advantage of on-          It is through such partnerships
year BSc Mathematical Sciences and        campus resources and initiatives,       and collaborations that UJ can
Applied Maths student who was part        mutually beneficial partnerships like   continuously inspire communities
of the UJenius Club* in the               this one are crucial to combating       to transform and serve humanity
previous year.                            food insecurity as well.                through innovation and
                                          “What Tiger Brands is doing, is more    collaborative pursuit of knowledge.
Sihle Jingilisa, a UJ second-
year Communication Logistics              than just food parcels. What they       *UJenius club is a Vice-Chancellor’s
student, said as a UJ Community           give is hope to change society”.        initiative to acknowledge
Engagement Champion, she was              To curb this food insecurity among      outstanding academic performances
referred to the programme because         our country’s brightest and most        by undergraduate students and
she faced food scarcity. “There           talented young people, Tiger Brands     to offer members additional
are many of us on campus who go           has committed to supporting             opportunities for intellectual and
hungry and I am always advising           students across the country through     professional development.
everyone, but especially girls, to join   Plates4days.
this programme to avoid the issue of                                              The original article appeared on
having ‘sugar daddies or blesses’ to      This collaboration bears true to the

Representatives from Tiger Brands and UJ.

Get your E-Academic
 Record at no cost

UJ’S introduces
                                     a new School of
                                     Management set to
                                     elevate commercial
                                     in South Africa
The University of Johannesburg’s     Management. “There is a critical           expertise to dive into them. Prof
(UJ) new School of Management,       need for management skills across          Drotskie brings to UJ an avalanche
within the College of Business       all sectors in South Africa”, says Prof    of experience, gaining international
and Economics (CBE), is set to       Drotskie.                                  exposure as MBA Director and
elevate commerce professions in                                                 Head of Research and Faculty
South Africa. The School is under    The very uncertain and challenging         Development. As an academic, she
the leadership of recognised         world we live in asks for strong           specialises in Strategy, International
business strategist and UJ alumna,   management and leadership                  Business and Strategic Marketing.
Professor Adri Drotskie. The         management within various spheres.         She also has years of experience in
School of Management will be         It is a specialist field that provides a   the corporate world in management
combining the innovation strengths   structured approach for supporting         and leadership in the areas of
of the Department of Business        the set objectives. The School has         Strategy and Marketing.
Management, the Department           advanced a professional ‘body of
of Financial and Investment          knowledge’ for the discipline of           The original article appeared on
Management, the Department of        management. Through this ‘body of
Industrial Psychology and People     knowledge’ we are set to identify
Management and the Department        relevant issues or challenges in
of Transport and Supply Chain        South Africa and use our joint

Prof Tshilidzi Marwala:
Vice-Chancellor and
Principal USA Alumni

The Vice-Chancellor and Principal     world rankings and he emphasised      to play a meaningful role in the
hosted a virtual USA Alumni           the importance of strengthening       new normal that is upon us, as
Engagement late in 2020. “We never    relationships with alumni and the     UJ is widely regarded as a model
planned to have this engagement       University. “Although many of         for other universities in leading
as such, we were planning to come     you have not been students for        the Fourth Industrial Revolution
to New York to talk to you so         some time, you are part of the        conversations in South Africa, the
that we can see how we can work       UJ community, some of you may         African continent, and the world.
together, but due to the COVID-19     have graduated from our legacy
pandemic we will have to do it with   institutions, the Randse Afrikaanse   To view Prof Tshilidzi Marwala full
technology,” said Prof Marwala.       Universiteit or Wits Technikon.”      address, visit
In his address, he spoke about the                                          com/watch?v=DjYD4BMpTHU
way in which the University had       He says the trajectory of the
climbed to higher positions in the    University is that we are going

Equipping our donor
partners to be 4IR ready
It is evident that the disruptive       the digital developments and the         easy for an organisation to lose
and profound effect of Artificial       necessity for adjustments, UJ has        sight of its people. It is, however,
Intelligence (AI) and automation on     initiated an online course, which        important to equip employees with
the world of work is set to intensify   will be made available for free to       the necessary skills for the digital
in the coming years. Those who          interested donor partners and their      era. A key success factor during this
are most prepared for the future        employees.
                                                                                 global shift is the importance of
will be best prepared for change,       We are living in the Fourth Industrial   skills and the agility to change.
and best situated to lead change.       Revolution (4IR), which brings
The ever-changing landscape             about many exciting challenges and       The AI in the 4IR course consists
created by 4IR and AI requires          opportunities, where all sectors are     of eight units, which are aimed at
staff to be reskilled, upskilled and    changing at a rapid speed. In pursuit    helping students and employees to
trained sufficiently to be ready for    of the advanced technologies and         develop a basic understanding of
a transformation. In response to        the opportunities they bring, it is      the world of AI.

HWSETA bursary
                donation gives hope to
                 125 Podiatry Students

At the start of 2020, the            and anxiety for the students            bursary donation, she was only left
Department of Podiatry in            and their families as they relied       with two options: to seek part-time
the Faculty of Health Sciences       heavily on NSFAS for the funding        employment that would help her
introduced a new four-year           of their studies. After months          pay for her tuition and deal with the
professional degree, viz BHSc        of engagements with various             negative effect this may have on her
in Podiatry to replace the old       stakeholders in order to resolve this   work or completely drop out of the
BTech Podiatry qualification. With   challenge, the fate of the students     programme.
the implementation of this new       was changed by an amazing
qualification about 125 students     donation of R14 million from the        With the amazing assistance and
in the second- to their final-year   HWSETA towards the funding of           collaboration between the Faculty
of study were negatively impacted    podiatry students.                      and the Division of Financial
by the NSFAS decision to withdraw                                            Governance and Revenue and
funding for the old BTech            According to Zandile Mahlathi, a        HWSETA the dreams of 125 students
Podiatry degree.                     fourth-year student who is one          have been restored.
                                     of the students who received
This brought in a lot of pressure    assistance from the HWSETA

Being the solution
to current student
financial challenges
As we grapple with conversations        Ahmed Bawa, made the point            and targeted initiatives run by our
around student debt, one of the         that, “there is much work going on    various centres. For more on our
key questions we must answer            within the institutions to address    initiatives to assist academically
is why only 35% of our students         the challenges facing the affected    qualifying students and other
entering universities in South Africa   students, though it must be said      matters, click here.
graduate within the prescribed          that the scale of student debt
                                                                              We continuously strive to
period, as statistics show. The         cannot possibly be resolved at the
                                                                              ensure that we are in constant
Department of Higher Education          institutional level”.                 conversations with external
and Training and Universities South     At our University, for instance, we   stakeholders as a means to bring
Africa (USAf), the umbrella body        have several initiatives to assist    forth practical and permanent
for universities in our country, have   many of our students who ordinarily   solutions to the plight of student
recently expressed their views on       would not have been able to access    debt and the financial challenges
the challenges surrounding the                                                faced by our students. *Published in
                                        education. Added to this, we have
financing of students at tertiary       a multi-layered system that offers    the UJ VC Message, 19 March 2021.
institutions. Hinting at the need to    students support in the form of
consider alternative funding models,    tutorials, providing additional
USAf Chief Executive Officer, Prof      classes and asynchronous modules,
The COVID-19 pandemic has
changed almost every facet of
our society, not least the way
universities operate. Responses
had to be fast, adaptive and
innovative. Prof Angina Parekh, a
clinical psychologist and the Deputy
Vice-Chancellor: Academic at the
University of Johannesburg (UJ),
together with Prof Saurabh Sinha,
an electronic engineer and the
Deputy Vice-Chancellor: Research
and Internationalisation (UJ)
penned an opinion piece on how
the University responded. How UJ
steered the academic year through
lockdown and online education
- Prof Saurabh Sinha and Angina
Parekh (Daily Maverick 14 October

The COVID-19 pandemic has
changed almost every facet of
our society, not least the way
universities operate. Responses had
to be fast, adaptive and innovative.
This is how the University of
Johannesburg responded. In times

Prof Saurabh Sinha and Prof Angina
Parekh: UJ’s top executives explain how the
institution steered the 2020 academic year

of normalcy, at this time as the        China, Germany, and other parts of     students out of campus residences
year winds down, most students          the world. At the time, as is normal   or not became a conundrum.
across universities would have been     for universities, some staff members
sitting for their final examinations.   and students were overseas. There      Some universities had sent their
                                        were several uncertainties, and the    students packing. A decision needed
However, due to the national
                                        threats loomed large.                  to be taken. Fast. Whatever the
lockdown necessitated by the
                                                                               decision, the safety and wellbeing
COVID-19 pandemic, the picture
                                        With less than eight weeks of the      of our students took priority over
is different. Extended academic
                                        academic year completed, and           other considerations. Management
programmes, with variances across
                                        the lockdowns coinciding with the      decided to allow students to remain
universities, are the reality. It was   period when the University was         in residences if they wished to do
over seven months ago, on Sunday,       heading into the autumn recess,        so. Yet, this was not a decision
15 March 2020, when President Cyril     the odds seemed heavily stacked        taken lightly, as we realised the
Ramaphosa declared the national         against the University, more so        responsibility for the students who
state of disaster. Given what we        when UJ has many first generation      opted to remain in residences lay
had observed in Asia, Europe,           and international students, many       with the University.
and other parts of the world,           of whom live in university-owned
universities recognised that they       student residences or private          In hindsight, the decision to keep
were entering a period that could       accommodation. For many of them,       University , the decision to keep our
have been potentially catastrophic      returning home was simply not          residences open was the correct
for the academic year. During the       an option. Physical distancing was     one. With appropriate measures
same month, the University of           required, but more than ever before,   and controls, the university was able
Johannesburg (UJ) had received          social solidarity was needed. The      to ensure that none of its students
international delegations from          question of whether to order the       who remained in residences

contracted the virus. Beyond the         intensified cooperation and            online education approach. The
safety issues, ensuring continuity of    collaboration. However, practical      integration was necessary, as
the academic programme mattered.         implementation was another matter.     was the collaboration. With the
The University, in its quest for the     In a context of increasing financial   many logistical aspects for remote
Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR),      uncertainty, new and rising COVID-     teaching still converging, some
had already developed an approach        related costs, a second significant    students could only access online
to blended learning. Even so, many       and uncompromising decision that       information through WhatsApp.
students accessed the online             the University management took         A confluence of technologies had
provision from campus or residences      was to connect students and staff      to be stitched together, allowing
associated with the university           with access to data, among others,     for access. While we were initially
system. Our goal was that the            by providing laptops to our most       unsure of the effectiveness of
academic year must not be lost and       vulnerable students. The exercise      online education, access variations
that, in our approach, no student        in bridging the digital divide would   by our students were impressive.
should be left behind. As South          prove costly but beneficial to the     For many of our students, a
Africa’s reality is one of inequality,   students and save the academic         discontinued academic year was not
it was vital that we recognise our       year.                                  an option. As one student jokingly
vulnerabilities. More than ever
                                         It is worth noting that blended        tweeted, lockdown was also meant
before, we required innovation and
collaboration.                           learning and online education are      for the clubs, bars, and other places
                                         two different implementation           of distraction – the closure of these
We explored various options,             concepts. Not all of our modules       avenues allowed for more time to
including zero-rating of websites,       could move fully online instantly.     focus. The University took a gradual
as well as data accessibility. Data      Even so, online education and          and considered approach to online
accessibility, however, required         pedagogy associated with mobile        education, taking into account the
connectedness, which varies              learning differ. People engage with    contextual issues.
unevenly and patchily throughout         mobile devices differently. For
South Africa. Questions had to                                                  *The views expressed in this article
                                         example, engagement with mobile
be asked: how do we zero-rate,           devices typically has a shorter time   are that of the author/s and do
who pays, and could bargaining           duration. It would be impossible for   not necessarily reflect that of the
be collective? The government            all of these changes to be effected    University of Johannesburg.
regulations, through gazette             simultaneously.
provisions, were issued. At the time,
the universities, through Universities   Breaking many hierarchies typical
South Africa and the Department          to academia, staff got together
of Higher Education and Training         online and developed an integrated

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