IPA NATIONAL REPORTER - Sacramento, CA Region 29 hosts 2013 NDC in

Page created by Frances Greene
IPA NATIONAL REPORTER - Sacramento, CA Region 29 hosts 2013 NDC in
The Magazine of the International Police Association U.S. Section • www.ipa-usa.org

Region 29 hosts 2013 NDC in
Sacramento, CA
Registration on page 13
                                                                           July 2013
IPA NATIONAL REPORTER - Sacramento, CA Region 29 hosts 2013 NDC in
IPA NATIONAL REPORTER - Sacramento, CA Region 29 hosts 2013 NDC in
IPA Founders

      Arthur Troop            Harold Litwin           Officer Reports
       1914-2000               1925 - 2008            President ............................................................................... 4
      IPA Founder          U.S. Section Founder       1st Vice President ................................................................. 5
                                                      2nd Vice President ................................................................ 5
           U.S. National Officers                     3rd Vice President ................................................................ 7
                                                      Secretary General ................................................................ 8
           President - Kevin Gordon
                                                      Treasurer .............................................................................. 8
                   Region 57
                                                      Getting the Most Out of IPA Travel ..................................... 19
                                                      The IPA Baby ..................................................................... 20
     1st Vice President - Steve Livingston
                                                      Young Police Officers Seminar ............................................ 21
                   Region 21
                                                      2013 World Police & Fire Games ........................................ 23
                                                      Treasure Coast Sends Positive Message ................................ 25
                                                      California Member Hosts Gambian Sergeant ....................... 40
       2nd Vice President - Calvin Chow
                                                      Youth Program & Gathering ............................................... 43
                   Region 9
                                                      Regular Features
                                                      New Members ..................................................................... 18
                                                      On the Road ...................................................................... 27
      3rd Vice President - Cory Freadling
                                                      RV Corner ............................................................................ 29
                   Region 21
                                                      Collectors ........................................................................... 32
                                                      Pen Pals .............................................................................. 33
                                                      Classified Advertising ........................................................ 34
     Secretary General - Richard Nevarez
                                                      Travel Accommodations & Discounts ............................... 36
                  Region 29

            Treasurer - Viola Powrie                                                       On the Cover
                     Region 3                                                              The capitol building in downtown Sacramento,
              treasurer@ipa-usa.org                                                        California was completed between 1861
                                                                                           and 1874. The grounds were listed with the
           International Officers                                                          National Register of Historic Places in 1973
                                                                                           and listed as a California Historical Landmark
   President - Pierre-Martin Moulin (Switzerland)
                                                                                           in 1974, with a re-dedication in 1982 to
        1st Vice President - Gal Sharon (Israel)                                           commemorate the close of the bicentennial
   2nd Vice President - Werner Busch (Germany)                                             restoration project.
     3rd Vice President - Kees Sal (Netherlands)
Secretary General - Georgios Katsaropoulos (Greece)
Assistant Secretary General - Stephen Crockard (UK)
       Treasurer - Romain Miny (Luxembourg)                    IPA International Administration Center Website:
 Assistant Treasurer - Wolfgang Gabrutsch (Austria)
                                                                                    U.S. IPA Website:

                                                                     IPA National Reporter                            July, 2013              3
IPA NATIONAL REPORTER - Sacramento, CA Region 29 hosts 2013 NDC in
q Message from President
  Kevin Gordon                                                                           Appointed U.S. Positions
                                                                                                Blue Knights Liaison
  Permit me to start by thanking a few folks. Cliff O’Neil
                                                                                                   Cory Freadling
of R25 who serves as benefit chair, is continuing to find                                         3VP@ipa-usa.org
more and more member benefits. Jim Pola of R29 is
continuing to do a great job as magazine editor. Richard                                       Membership Secretary
Kreuter of R11, our supply officer, ensures your orders                                            Viola Powrie
are sent out timely. These jobs are a lot of work and effort                                   membership@ipa-usa.org
with very little acknowledgement or thanks and certainly no pay! Your
work is appreciated gentlemen. Thanks.                                                        National Reporter Editor
   Mary McGinnis, wife of Region 57 1st VP and NDC Kevin McGinnis,                                    Jim Pola
is an avid scrap booker. Mary just presented the US Section with a great                         editor@ipa-usa.org
scrapbook she put together commemorating the 50th in DC. She has now                     International Youth Coordinator
decided that she will continue the practice, making one for each future                           Barbara Piirinen
NDC and will also donate those to the Section. Thanks Mary! I’m going
to scan the book in and put it on the web first chance I get. It’s on my list                         IPA Counsel
of things to do!                                                                                     John Goodwin
    John Jones, Region 32 President, also serves as Executive Editor of the
Utah State Trooper Magazine http://utahstatetrooper.com/ JJ was kind
enough to get the entire two page “What is the IPA” article printed along
                                                                                             IPA Member Nations
with a member app. Thanks JJ! Every bit of press helps!                            Andorra, Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium,
    Bob Mitzner and Region 4 once again set up and staffed a booth at the          Bosnia & Herzegovina, Botswana, Brazil, Bulgaria,
International Law Enforcement Educators and Trainers Association Con-              Canada, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark,
                                                                                   Estonia, Finland, France, Gabon, Germany,
ference (ILEETA) in the Chicago area. This is an annual conference in
                                                                                   Gibraltar, Greece, Hong Kong, Hungary, Iceland,
April and each year Region 4 puts out a great effort even though most who          Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Kenya, Latvia, Lesotho,
sign up are not in R4 but from around the country. Thanks R4. Richard              Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Mauritius, Mexico,
Weigele and Region 10 do the same at the Police Security Expo held in              Moldova, Monaco, Mozambique, Netherlands,
Atlantic City each year. That is coming up soon. It brings in officers from        New Zealand, Norway, Pakistan, Peru, Poland,
well beyond R10’s region and they tirelessly work it each year. Thanks R10!        Portugal, Romania, Russia, San Marino, Serbia,
    Happy to say Region 47 (MN, ND, SD) and Region 49 (Connecticut)                Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, Spain, Sri
are once again moving ahead. Sometimes it tough now and then finding               Lanka, Surinam, Swaziland, Sweden, Switzerland,
enough folks to volunteer and help. Most regions are real familiar with            Turkey, Ukraine, United Kingdom, United States.
the struggle! Thanks to R47 President Lynch and R49 President Stephen                      Sections in Foundation: Macau SAR
Rebelowski for the efforts.
   I received very heartfelt letters and emails from the International officers
as well as a variety of other sections, letting us know our officers were in
their thoughts during the Boston bombing incident. These were posted                  International Professional Commission
on Facebook.                                                                                   Committee Member
   This year is the big FOP conference which is held every two years. The                 Kevin Gordon, US IPA President
conference this year is in Cincinnati in mid August. The IPA will have a                       president@ipa-usa.org
booth there. If you are attending as a FOPer, please stop by and say hi.
                                                                                          Organization of American States
Anyone is welcome to come help us at the booth. The FOP is good enough
to give us a free booth in exchange for us giving them some ad space in our                   Hugh Brien, Region 62
magazine.                                                                                      h.brien@yahoo.com
   I have forwarded a proposal to the International for the IEC meeting, for
the US Section to hold an International Youth Gathering in 2016 in CA.                    United Nations Representative
Barb Piirinen serves as our Youth Coordinator and is spearheading this ef-          Jim Albrecht, NYC Representative, Region 2
fort. The last IYG held in the US was in 1996 so that will put us at 20 years.                   jimnypd@aol.com
This year’s IYG is Switzerland, 2014 is France and 2015 is Spain.
    I am also forwarding a proposal to the International for the US Section
to hold an IEC/WC in 2021. Yes, that is eight years away and too early for
planning, but not too early to secure the date. The US hosted an IEC/WC            IPA - Over 400,000 Members
in 1981 and then twenty years later in 2001. Hosting another twenty years
later in 2021 seems like the thing to do.                                                in Over 60 Nations
                                                             continued on page 5

4    IPA National Reporter               July, 2013
IPA NATIONAL REPORTER - Sacramento, CA Region 29 hosts 2013 NDC in
q Message from 1st Vice President                                                                 q Message from 2nd Vice President
  Steve Livingston                                                                                  Calvin Chow
    Summer 2013 already? Geez… Well, it                                                              I write this as I begin my 6th month as 2nd
has been a busy time for me with surger-                                                          Vice President of IPA-USA. These early and
ies still related to my critical on-duty in-                                                      exciting days have given me an opportunity
juries last year, physical therapy, doctors,                                                      to meet and hear from many of you, your
recovery, loss, and more. I get requests for                                                      expectations and hopes for the future of this
updates all the time and am happy to talk                                                         great organization. I enjoyed working with
to members about the whole process – it is long and painful,                                      the members of the National Board that are passionate about
to say the least! I have lost count on the number of surgeries                                    making a difference and moving this organization forward.
that I need and have had; each time I heal up enough, we have                                         I have also discovered a persistent stubborn commitment
to have another surgery on a different body part! I am still                                      to excellence by our President Kevin Gordon, and I cannot
fighting the good fight and hope to return to duty.                                               stress how important that commitment will be in the years
   I have stayed active online with the IPA helping Kevin redo                                    ahead. We must show that we are capable of not only main-
the website (www.ipa-usa.org), helping Cliff find discounts                                       taining our strength, but also seeking a new level of excel-
and benefits for our members (www.ipa-usa.org/benefits),                                          lence in the face in the face of pressures to do more with less.
updating the Handbook (partially online under the Members                                            If left unchecked, these pressures could push us to tolerate
tab) be sure to send me updates from your Region, adding                                          the mediocrity that comes from pursuing efficiency without
IPA events info online (send me your local, regional, national                                    regard to quality. The larger danger is that we allow such
events – Events@ipa-usa.org), redoing the Region 21 web-                                          pressures to divert our attention from the core of our opera-
site (www.ipa21.us) that is now hosted onto the new national                                      tions: success.
website, and doing some local Critical Incident Stress Man-                                           That is the great challenge that unifies all of us in this or-
agement (www.ipa-usa.org/CISM) work through the Frater-                                           ganization. Ultimately, the success of his organization will
nal Order of Police. There are many other activities and items                                    results in success for our greater society. What a privilege for
that I work on behind the scenes and that has helped me keep                                      all of us to be part of that. Servo Per Amekico.
my sanity through this long recovery process, too.
   Many of you saw and commented on my CISM article from
the last issue and are happy that the IPA has stepped to the                                                       JOIN IPA ON FACEBOOK
                                                                                                               IPA US has a Facebook page as well as many US
forefront in such an important issue for members and non-                                                    regions, other sections around the world. Come visit!
members alike – THANK YOU! I can tell you that having the
website as a location to send traumatized officers and family
members to as a source of reference has already proven in-                                        President’s Report... continued from page 4
valuable here in Central Ohio. We have used the site to host                                          Our new web site has several pages under the “Info” tab
documents and information that officers and family members                                        that provides potential members with info about the IPA, our
in crisis can go to, read about symptoms and issues, and un-                                      mission and org chart, general contact info, region contact
derstand right away that they are not alone and there will be                                     info, IPA links of the IPA sites and other Not-For-Profit Orga-
healing and help. The International Critical Incident Stress                                      nizations that IPA USA supports, and a brief list of the ben-
Foundation has a listing on their website (www.icisf.org) of                                      efits new members can expect. Everything we could think of
local CISM teams. I encourage all IPA members to get with                                         that a potential member might be interested in. Under the
their local CISM teams to provide assistance for officers                                         “In Memory” tab you can find pictures of all the IPA mem-
in need. We all see the Wounded Warrior commercials on                                            bers lost in the line of duty as well as all the LODD spouses
TV and know that their need is great – you do not see com-                                        of Extraordinary Members. Under the “Movies” tab are links
mercials for wounded police officers needing assistance, but                                      to seven IPA videos. Under the “Members” tab the first page
I can assure you that the need is there nonetheless! Active and                                   is our "e news sign up". This is the sign up for our electronic
Retired, we can all be effected and all contribute.                                               newsletter that is sent by email every 2 weeks.
   If you have questions, need more information, or just want                                          This October the National Conference and Friendship
to say ‘HI’ – you can always email me at Steve@ipa-usa.org.                                       Week is in Sacramento sponsored by Region 29. Come join
   Take care and BE SAFE!                                                                         us! If you have never been to a NDC, don’t let the thought
                                                                                                  of a meeting keep you away. Everyone is welcome to our
  UNWANTED EMAILS: If you have signed in to the new IPA website and you get un-                   one day meeting but unless you are a region rep, you are not
  wanted emails telling you when other members have signed in etc, it is easily fixed. Sign in    required to sit in. R29 will be happy to direct you to the sites
  under My Profile and you’ll see “Manage Profile”. Click that and then click on “Preferences”.   to see if beautiful Sacramento.
  Make sure all those boxes are unchecked and you fix the issue. This has only been a problem
  with those who signed up the first few weeks. We have set the default now with all closed
                                                                                                      Future NDCs are 2014 New England Cruise, 2015 San
  but anyone who signed up before has to change it on their preferences.                          Antonio (tentative), 2016 joint with Canada, 2017 TBD, and
                                                                                                  2018 our every four year cruise.

                                                                                                             IPA National Reporter               July, 2013          5
IPA NATIONAL REPORTER - Sacramento, CA Region 29 hosts 2013 NDC in
Navigating the new IPA web site is easy. For your first visit you need to sign in.
1. Go to the IPA USA website www.ipa-usa.org
2. Use your IPA member number without the R or L, as your user name.
3. Enter DELETED FOR ONLINE as your temporary password.
4. Once signed in, you should change your password. You can also change your user name if

To change your
settings, click on
"my profile" at the
upper right of the
home page, then
"manage profile"
on the right side
of the screen.

That brings up the
Manage Profile
page. To change
your password or
user name, click
"Edit Bio" on left.

To change your
preference such as
when you get
annoying email
notification that
you don’t want, click “Preferences” on the right and then uncheck the boxes to stop the emails
from coming.

From then on just
sign in and
nothing else needs
to be done unless
you decide to
change things or
update you
address etc.
IPA NATIONAL REPORTER - Sacramento, CA Region 29 hosts 2013 NDC in
q Message from 3rd Vice President
  Cory Freadling
    Well, here we are again. Time sure flies.
It has been a little crazy since the last report.
As I believe I mentioned previously, the an-
ticipated axe fell and I became another vic-
tim of the government sequester. Thank the
Lord that this lay off, unlike my last lay off is
                                                                        For IPA Radio Club information visit
just under a month. I am proof of the saying “where one door
closes, another one opens.” I have been blessed with so many                     www.iparc.org
IPA friends offering support and keeping my family in your                   The radio club net meets on Sundays
prayers. Thank you all so very much.
    So what is new on the IPA front? Well, I had the honor to             1700z on 14.240 MHz (21.410 primary)
visit Region 4, Chicago, and be hosted by an outstanding group                          For information contact:
of individuals. I was able to assist with the recruiting table at               KG8P - Tom Jenkins jenkinstd@aol.com
the ILEETA conference. This type of event is not normally my
thing, however I did pretty well and somehow managed to hold
my own along side of the great members of Region 4. I am               THE BADGE OF LIFE POLICE SUICIDE PREVENTION
unsure of the total count of new members signed up, but we
did get a nice group of both active and retired officers. We even       The Badge of Life is a nonprofit, charitable,
managed to bring in a member from the U.S. Virgin Islands.              non-political, non-religious organization. All our
                                                                        services are free. Our mental health programs are
While at ILEETA, I was also able to meet up with Kisty Fairchild        nothing new in the world of mental health--they
from PoliceOne. With Kevin’s permission, I have been working            simply aren’t being practiced by law enforcement...
with Kisty and PoliceOne to form a partnership with the IPA.
Things are moving in a positive direction and if all works out, it                www.badgeoflife.com
will be a huge benefit to IPA members. There will be more to             A PSYCHOLOGICAL SURVIVAL PLAN FOR POLICE OFFICERS
come on this as I work to hammer out the details and get more
information on the possibility of additional benefit options.
    As you know, I have also been working on an Active Officer
Training program. This is something I felt the IPA needed and           POCKET BULLIONS...
along with Steve Livingston and Joe Johnson, we have made
some great strides. We now have the dates set, the location set,
                                                                        Are no longer be carried by our supply
and a block of hotel rooms being held. We are still working             officer. Order direct from the company at
on the finalized details for class offerings, but right now it may      www.commercialemblem.com
include: Inhalant Abuse, Crisis Management and Stress Man-              or call (301) 779-733
agement, FBI/LEOKA Training, Fitness in Law Enforcement,
Police Suicide, or Community Policing. More details are online
(www.ipa-usa.org) under the Training button and we will up-
date that site regularly, so be sure to check it out.                   ARTICLES AND PICTURES NEEDED: Please remember that we are
     Just as an FYI, my liaison role with the Blue Knights is on        always in need of articles and pictures of region events. Even just a couple
hold right now due to the elections in progress. The 1st VP             of pictures of your event with captions would be a great addition to the
is who acts as the IPA liaison and he is currently running for          next National Reporter. If you like to write, please consider submitting a
President. Luckily, I already have friendly relationships with 2        police related story, tale, article etc.
of the members currently running for 1st VP. I am still a firm
believer we can solidify our relationship with the Blue Knights
and look forward to doing so.                                            For those of you who don’t know, we have streamlined the
    And finally, on the travel front we are making strides. I still   process for travel forms. It is now online and only members
have not gotten to everything I have wanted to in regards to as-      can fill out a travel form. I can verify membership instantly
sociate secretaries and other issues I would like to hammer out.      and I forward the travel request on to the associate secretaries
I am lucky though that I have wonderfully capable and willing         within 24 hours. I still accept paper travel forms for those who
associate secretaries that know what to do and can do it with         do not have a computer, however copies of ID cards must still
little direction. It has allowed me to put those minor issues on      be provided with that format and you will also have the snail
the backburner while I get other things moving. To all of my          mail delay.
associate secretaries, I truly appreciate all you do along with the      Once again, if you have taken the time to read my report,
patience you have shown me while I still figure this all out.         thank you. Take care and stay safe.

                                                                                   IPA National Reporter                       July, 2013              7
IPA NATIONAL REPORTER - Sacramento, CA Region 29 hosts 2013 NDC in
q Message from Secretary General                                                       q Message from Treasurer
  Richard Nevarez                                                                        Viola Powrie
   Now that summer is finally here we can all                                              I am sure that you know by now that we have been very
relax and enjoy the sun. I know that most of                                           busy setting up the new website and there are several exciting
you in the mid-west and east Regions have                                              new features that you should be aware of. Our store is now
had late winter storms through the spring.                                             online and you can place orders securely using your credit
That hasn’t stopped your National Board                                                card, just be sure to sign in as a member so that you get the
from working to make this Association better                                           member pricing on items. You can also make dues payments
for all of us. Under the leadership of Kevin Gordon who has                            online as well, if you owe for 2013 and try to log in, you will
inspired us to find new ways of looking at where we are going as                       be directed to a page to pay your dues, in order to continue to
a friendship organization.                                                             view the entire member area, your dues will have to be paid
   Some of this may have been addressed by the other National                          to date.
Officers so I’ll be brief with the highlights. Several of our Re-                           We have set up an area in the members section of the
gions were starting to look like they might fold. We were asked                        website for you to make donations to the International Youth
by Kevin to look into them to see if we could help them get                            Gathering, Gimborn and Harold Litwin Scholarships. These
back on their feet. After numerous phone calls and some per-                           scholarships are for the benefit of our members and members
sonal visits we are happy to announce that these Regions are                           children so please consider donating to them.
now functioning well and recruiting new members. Our mem-                                 There is also a referral program available to you, for you to
bership number had dropped to the lowest in over a decade. At                          send an email to your law enforcement friends, asking them
one time we had set a goal of reaching 10,000 members, I feel                          to join the IPA. This is strictly up to you to use, you can find
that with the help of all of our active Regions we can again strive                    it on the right side of the page after you log into the members
to reach that goal.                                                                    section. It allows you to send an email to as many friends as
     As the Secretary General one of my main functions is the                          you wish recommending the IPA and automatically includes
certification of all Delegates attending the Annual NDC meet-                          a link directly to sign up. It will also tell you how many of
ing. This year it is being hosted by Region 29 in Sacramento                           your friends followed your recommendation and signed up.
California. I have been informed by the Conference Commit-                                  In addition to being the Treasurer, I am also doing the
tee that they want to bring back the fun and fellowship like the                       Membership Secretary work, at least until the new system
NDC’s of the past to this conference. I would like to ask the                          is fully in place. I would appreciate your letting me know
Regional Presidents to start thinking of who they will be send-                        of any change in address, etc. that you have, you can do this
ing to Sacramento. If you have never been to California this is                        very easily now, again just by logging into the members area
a great opportunity, there is so much to see and do here. The                          and changing your information.
Conference Committee has planned to visit San Francisco en-                               As always, if you have any questions, or have any problems
tering over the Golden Gate Bridge. Region 9 will be hosting a                         with your membership or the website, please do not hesitate
dinner in their historic China Town. There will also be surprises                      to contact me either by email or phone. I am always happy
not listed in the itinerary. In the next few months I will be send-                    to answer your questions, and I will try to get back to you
ing all the Regions a packet with Delegate forms.                                      as soon as possible. Please be patient as I adjust to this new
    This is also the time to submit any bylaws changes or addi-                        system.
tions that you want to have voted on at the NDC. You will need
to send the proposed change/addition to our Bylaws Chairman
Elwood Cushman at Bylaws@ipa-usa.org.                                                          EEPAH’S ADVENTURES
   Most of you may have already signed on to the new National
web site. This was a project that Kevin Gordon, Viola Powrie
and Steve Livingston had worked on for several months. Those
of you who are now on the site know how easy and informative
it is. If you haven’t signed on, please do so. In the near future
all of our notifications and the “National Reporter” will be sent
out by email.
    I am looking forward to seeing all of you again at the next
NDC in Sacramento.

                                IPA CANADA REGION 5
              Northern Alberta, Saskatchewan, Yukon, Northwest Territories & Nunavut
                       IPA Canada homepage - http://www.ipa.ca
                     International website - http://www.ipa-iac.org

8    IPA National Reporter                           July, 2013
IPA NATIONAL REPORTER - Sacramento, CA Region 29 hosts 2013 NDC in
50th ANNIVERSARY ITEMS               th
                                 50 Items while they last
                                                                                                                            UPCOMING EVENTS
                                                                                                                              • June 15-24: Mississippi Cruise
                                                                                                                       • June 25-28, 2013: Iceland 50th Anniversary
                                                                                                                    • September 10-16, 2013: 60th Anniversary France
                                                                                                             • September 15-22, 2013: Friendship week Copenhagen Denmark
50th Book                     IPA Patch                     IPA POLO                     IPA Teddy
                                                                                                             • September 1, 2014: Friendship week Potsdam (Berlin) Germany
                                                                                        Dark Brown,
                                                                                    Light Brn or White              • October 11-15, 2013: NDC Sacramento, California
                                                                                                                       • October 12-18, 2015: World meeting Cyprus
                                                                                                                      • October 18-25, 2015: Friendship Week Cyprus
                                                                                                             As a reminder, please submit events for your local/regional activities to Events@
         50th Coin                                          Original coin remake                             ipa-usa.org. Please send dinners, wine tastings, trips, gatherings, get-togethers,
                                                                                                             car shows, WHATEVER your Region is doing in the name of the IPA!

         Flag Lapel                       Patch Lapel                          Round Lapel                                   IPA Regional Map Circa 1983
 A                                                                                    Tervis Brand
                                                                                      Insulated Cups and

                                                                                      A - 12 Oz Mug
                                                                                      B - 16 Oz tumbler
                                                                                      C - 12 oz Tumbler

                                                                                                                PHOTO OP

 Mail to: IPA, P.O. Box 516, Yonkers, NY 10703-0516 • Checks payable to IPA or email treasurer@ipa-usa.org      The IPA flower arrangement for the Police Memorial in Washington, DC
                              For more information contact supplies@ipa-usa.org

                                                                                                                           IPA National Reporter                       July, 2013           9
IPA NATIONAL REPORTER - Sacramento, CA Region 29 hosts 2013 NDC in
exchange among its charter members. The purpose
                                                                   theirof    theAnnual
                                                                           39th     organizaon
                                                                                             Training  is to
                                                                                                           Conference in St
                      provide a conduit for informaon exchange, updated    training,    and   internaonal
                                                                   the Crowne Plaza Riverfront in downtown
                      network building among its esmated 1,000 members.
                                                                   Motorcycle Gang Invesgator’s Associaon
                                                                   made up of federal, state, local law enforce
                    September 8-13, 2013 • Saint Paul,                      Minnesota
                                                                   Originally     formed in 1974 as the IOMGIC (I
                      Conference Location:                           St.  Paul   Conference 20123
                                                                   Invesgator’s Conference) in San Diego, Ca
                      + The Crowne Plaza St. Paul-Riverfront         + The Internaonal Outlaw Motorcycle Ga
                                                                   organizaon, with its goals to improve the
                      Hotel is located at 11 East Kellogg Blvd.      their 39th Annual Training Conference in S
                                                                   exchange among its charter members. The
                      in historic downtown St. Paul, MN. The         the Crowne Plaza Riverfront in downtown
                                                                   provide a conduit for informaon exchange
                      hotel overlooks the Mississippi River          Motorcycle Gang Invesgator’s Associao
                                                                   network building among its esmated 1,00
                      and is within walking distance of a large      made     up of federal, state, local law enforc
                      variety of restaurants, shopping and           Originally formed in 1974 as the IOMGIC
                      sports/cultural a–racons. Each room           Invesgator’s Conference) in San Diego, C
                                                                   Conference Location:
                      has a 37” Flat Screen HD TV and                organizaon,        with its goals to improve the
                                                                   + The Crowne Plaza St. Paul-Riverfront
                      complimentary high speed wireless              exchange among its charter members. Th
                                                                   Hotel is located at 11 East Kellogg Blvd.
                      internet. Each guest has the full use of       provide a conduit for informaon exchang
                                                                   in historic downtown St. Paul, MN. The
                       the 24-hour business center, fitness          network building among its esmated 1,0
                                                                   hotel overlooks the Mississippi River
                      center, and heated indoor pool and           and is within walking distance of a large
2013                  Website: www.cpstpaul.com
                                                                   variety    of restaurants,
                                                                     Conference          Location:shopping
                                                                                       Location:      The Crowne   and
                                                                        Plaza St. Paul-Riverfront Hotel is room
                                                                                          a–racons.        Each   lo-
                      CROWNE PLAZA RESERVATIONS                      + The    Crowne      Plaza    St. Paul-Riverfront
                                                                         a 37”atFlat
                                                                                   11 East  Kellogg
                                                                                        Screen    HDBoulevard
                                                                                                         TV and in
                      (877)-834-3613 Anyme or (651)-292-1900 Week   Hotel    isonly
                                                                       days      located
                                                                                       unl at4:30
                                                                                                St.  East
                                                                                                     PM The Kellogg
                                                                                                            CST hotel Blvd.
                                                                   complimentary          high   speed      wireless
                                                                     in historic downtown St. Paul, and
                                                                        overlooks     the  Mississippi    River   MN. The
                                                                        is withinEach    guest
                                                                                    walking       has the
                                                                                              distance     of afull use of
                                                                     hotel   overlooks      the   Mississippi      River
                                                                    the 24-hour business center, fitness
                                                                        variety  of  restaurants,   shopping     and
                                                                     and   is within walking         distance of a large
                                             W W W.IO M GIA.N ET
                                                                   center,    and heatedattractions.
                                                                                               indoor poolEach    and
                                                                        room hasof restaurants,
                                                                                    a 37” Flat Screen shopping
                                                                                                          HD TV and and
                    SEPTEMBER 8 – 13, 2013                              complimentary
                                                                                            high  speed    wireless
                                                                                           a–racons. Each room
                                                                                    Each guest has the full use
                                                                     hasof athe
                                                                                   Flat Screen
                                                                                            business HDcenter,
                                                                                                          TV andfit-
                                                                   CROWNE         PLAZA RESERVATIONS
                                                                        ness center, andhigh heatedspeed     wireless
                                                                                                        indoor   pool
                                                                        and  whirlpool.    Anyme or (651)-292-190
                                                                     internet. Each guest has the full use of
                                                                      the 24-hour       business center, fitness
                                                                          CROWNEand heated       indoor pool and
                                                                                       PLAZA RESERVATIONS

                     SEPTEMBER 8 – 13, 2013
                                                                     whirlpool.               W W W.IO M
                                                                                                  Anytime or
                                                                          (651)-292-1900 Week days only
                                                                     Website: untilwww.cpstpaul.com
                                                                                          4:30 p.m. CST
                                                                     CROWNE PLAZA RESERVATIONS
                                                                     (877)-834-3613 Anyme or (651)-292-190
       St. Paul Conference 20123: The International Outlaw Motorcycle
       Gang Investigator’s Association will hold their 39th Annual Training
       Conference in St. Paul, MN September 8-13, 2013 at the Crowne Plaza

                                                                                                W W W.IO M
       Riverfront in downtown St. Paul. The International Outlaw Motorcycle
       Gang Investigator’s Association is a professional training organization
       made up of federal, state, local law enforcement, and prosecution per-
       sonnel. Originally formed in 1974 as the IOMGIC (International Outlaw
       Motorcycle Gang Investigator’s Conference) in San Diego, California,
       it served as an educational organization, with its goals to improve
       the investigative skills and information exchange among its charter
       members. The purpose of the organization is to provide a conduit for
       information exchange, updated training, and international network
       building among its estimated 1,000 members.
A Smart

   for International Police Association Members
    Excelsior College has helped more than 146,000 adults earn degrees
    over the past 40 years. IPA’s partnership with Excelsior provides
    members with an affordable way to earn a degree or certificate in programs
    like criminal justice, business, liberal arts, nursing, or health sciences from
    an accredited*, nonprofit institution of higher education.

    Practical Degree Programs for Working Adults
    • IPA member discounts                  • Maximum credit transfer
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Call: 888-647-2388, ext. 27
Visit: ipa.excelsior.edu

                    Excelsior College is accredited by the Middle States Commission on Higher Education.


THURS. OCT.10        Arrival of National Executive Council

FRI. OCT.11          NEC meeting--lunch--continuation of meeting
                     Arrival of Delegates. Registration.
                     Hospitality Room 7-10 PM

SAT. OCT.12           Formal Opening Ceremony (Uniforms or coat/tie)
                      NDC Meeting--- Lunch for all---Continuation of NDC meeting
                     (Spouses & Guests see** below)
                      Dinner on own. Hospitality Room 7-10-PM

SUN. OCT.13          A trip to San Francisco by luxury coach, entering the City over the
                     famous Golden Gate Bridge. Explore Pier 39 and other local attractions.
                     Lunch on your own
                     Dinner with Region 9.

MON. OCT.14          Walk as a group to the Capitol Police Memorial for Service (Uniforms or coat/tie)
                     Rest of the day free to explore Old town Sacramento, Railroad Museum, K Street
                     Mall, numerous restaurants and other nearby attractions.
                     Farewell Banquet (Uniforms or coat/tie)

TUES. OCT.15         Depart, or two days home hosting with members of Region 29 (subject to

** Hotel is situated within short walking distance of Old Town Sacramento, Museums, 49er Period shops,
“K” Street Mall, Capitol building, Fire and Vietnam Memorials.

Host Hotel: Holiday Inn Capitol Plaza, 300 J Street, Sacramento, CA 95814.
Book Rooms by calling 1-916-446-0100 or www.holidayinsacramento.com IPA code is APA

              Reservations need to be made prior to August 1, 2013

                                                             IPA National Reporter     July, 2013    13
                  October 11-15, Sacramento, California
Member                                                           Guest
Name_________________________________________                    Name__________________________________

Address_______________________________________                   Address________________________________

_____________________________________________                    _______________________________________

Telephone____________________________________                    Telephone______________________________

Email________________________________________                    Email__________________________________

Region Number _______________________________

SuperShuttle is available from the Sacramento International Airport (SMF) to the hotel. There is a group discount:
round-trip price is $22. One way fare is $13. This fare is good for three days before and after the event. Make reservations
at www.supershuttle.com using ERT4M               code.

___ Check here to request Home Hosting       at the end of the NDC (limited availability)

___ Check here if you have mobility issues.    Explain __________________________________________________

PAYMENT METHOD Registration is $250 per person, payable in U.S. Dollars. Registration fee is NON
REFUNDABLE. It is strongly suggested that you purchase insurance. REGISTRATION cut-off date is
August 1, 2013.

Check made payable to IPA Region 29.

Mail check and registration form to   Jim Harris, P. O. Box 232143, Sacramento, CA 95823

Visa or MasterCard             Name on Card ____________________________________________________________

Card No.___________________________________________________ Expiration Date________________________

CVV (number on back of card)___________________ Mailing address ZIP Code ________________________________


Host Hotel: Holiday Inn Capitol Plaza, 300 J Street, Sacramento, CA 95814. Book rooms by calling 1-916-446-0100
or www.holidayinnsacramento.com. Ask for IPA reservation code APA. Room rate is $109, good 3 days before and after
the event.   Reservations need to be made prior to August 1, 2013.

                     EMAIL REGISTRATION FORM               to jctravel@frontiernet.net

14    IPA National Reporter            July, 2013
Insurance for IPA members                                                            New Media Officer
    The US IPA is proud to be associating with Hometown                                 The International Police Association is proud to announce
Insurance Agency to bring new and exciting opportunities                             the creation of the IPA Media/Public Relations Officer.
to our members. Hometown Insurance is offering large dis-                            Please join us in welcoming Officer Michelangelo Apodaca,
counts on the products listed below that will cover almost                           San Francisco Police Department, San Francisco, California.
ALL your insurance needs: Accident, Annuity, Auto, Boat,                             Officer Apodaca was recently introduced to the IPA by Sec-
Cancer Care, Critical Illness, Commercial Vehicle, Dental,                           ond Vice President, Calvin Chow, Region 9.
Disability, Discount, Health, Home, Indemnity Plan, Inter-                              Officer Apodaca brings a wealth of experience to the newly
national Life, Limited Medical, Long Term Care, Medicare,                            created role. He has served directly under the direction of
Renters, Recreation Vehicle, Rx Plans, Short Term Health,                            several Chiefs of Police within the San Francisco Police De-
Vision, Agent or Broker, Employer, Device Protection.                                partment. Of the various roles he has served while working
  These discounts and products are being offered exclusively                         in the Chief's Office, Officer Apodaca was also one of the
to IPA members at prices not accessible to the public – so                           Public Relations Officers in the Media Relations Unit.
check out their website, do some research on your own, then                              Michelangelo received a Bachelor of Science Degree in
CALL the special IPA 800 number to obtain these benefits                             Business Administration with a concentration in Marketing
and discounts! Going through their normal number or the                              from San Francisco State University. He has participated in
main website will NOT take you to the right people – Home-                           several California P.O.S.T. certified courses regarding Media
town Insurance has set-up a special IPA-only phone number                            Relations and Public Relations.
for our members 1-855-805-9111.                                                          Michelangelo welcomes all of your ideas and/or sugges-
   Their main office is located in Bohemia, NY and houses                            tions regarding the IPA Media/Public Relations. Please feel
over 60 NYS licensed agents and support staff for various                            free to email them to him at: PR@IPA-USA.ORG
products in a variety of states in a 12,000 sq. ft. office space.
    They have other call centers in Florida, Kentucky, New
Mexico, and Oregon all staffed with licensed professionals as                                              JOIN IPA ON FACEBOOK
                                                                                                     IPA US has a Facebook page as well as many US
well. Hometown has always insured large commercial risks                                           regions, other sections around the world. Come visit!
as well as the individual home and auto policies. Since a
large block of their clients were fire districts and unions with                     years and have agreed to offer this to our members at no ad-
common bonds, interest and loyalties, Hometown created a                             ditional cost. Hometown enables smaller groups to access
benefit program for those entities through various carriers.                         larger group benefits purely by association. They offer a
Usually these rates are not available to the general public so                       comprehensive menu of products across America that meet
there is great value there. Discounted rates on products for                         or exceed expectations.
large groups for desired products are offered. They have been                            For more information call 1-855-805-9111 or visit www.
doing group benefits for organizations like the IPA for many                         hometowninsurance.com.

    Pechanga RV Resort: February 21-24                       Campland On The Bay: May 3-5                         Chula Vista RV Resort: September 13-15
    Trailboss: John And Janet Wray                           Trailboss: Steve Carroll                             Trailboss: Todd Callaway
    Phone: 619-579-5296                                      Phone: 619-244-2043                                  Phone: 619-415-7310
    Email: Johnjanetwray@yahoo.com                           Email: sjcarroll@cox.net                             Email: tcal@cox.net

    Rio-bend Resort (Blue Angels): March 15-17               Chula Vista Koa: June 7-9                            Woods Valley: October 11-13
    Trailboss: Stan & Terry Patton                           Trailboss: John Slough                               Trailboss: Mike & Meg Brindley
    Phone: 619-507-9226                                      Phone: 619-468-3748                                  Phone: 619-985-5462
    Email: stanley_patton@yahoo.com                          Email: slough1@netr.us                               Email: mikebrin@cox.net

    Oakzanita (Thousand Trails): April 5-7                   East Shore RV Park: July 10-14                       Chula Vista KOA: November 8-10
    Trailboss: Steve Carroll                                 Trailboss: Larry Boetel                              Trailboss: Tom & Liz Brungardt
    Phone: 619-244-2043                                      Phone: 619-865-0432                                  Phone: 619-428-2453
    Email: sjcarroll@cox.net                                 Email: greatguy@san.rr.com                           Email: lizzytom@cox.net

     Hope to see eveyone there. Family, friends and neighbors are all welcome. If you have an e-mail address please let me know so we can cut down on mail fees.
                      Steven Carroll, Copper Caravan Wagon Master, 544 S. Park Place, El Cajon, Ca 92021, (619) 244-2043, sjcarroll@cox.net

                                                                                                IPA National Reporter                        July, 2013            15
Getting Your Message Across
By Michelangelo Apodaca
    As the ‘new’ IPA Media/Public Relations Officer, I was             A $25 IPA GIFT CARD
                                                                       COULD BE YOURS...
asked by President Kevin Gordon to write an article on tips
for writing press releases, etc., for our membership.
   Kevin tells me that many of the regions have a lot of activi-
ties going on, but don’t always let their communities know             Refer New Members
about them.                                                            For every 3 new members recruited online in the
    There are many reasons why it’s good to get your infor-            calendar year you receive a $25 gift card good for
mation out to your members, communities, and the general               a one year membership renewal or $25 in prod-
public.                                                                ucts in our store. In addition, every time you re-
    One of the main reasons to get your activities out to the          cruit an IPA member your name will be entered in
public and community is to build awareness that the IPA is             a drawing for prizes held at the fall NDC. So recruit
a vital and productive part of your community. Having the              6 members, earn $50 in gift cards and 6 chances
community know about IPA can help to promote a particular              to win in the NDC drawing. The top recruiters each
attitude about law enforcement.                                        year will earn an additional gift.
   Try to frame the things you want to publicize in an appeal-
ing way. Try to find a current news issue, event, or annual
celebration that you can use to tie in with an event or activity
                                                                       Enter Online
                                                                       A $25 IPA gift card, redeemable for online IPA pur-
you want the public to know about.
                                                                       chases or dues, will be given away each month in
   Be creative and use any resources or contacts to reach your
                                                                       2013 beginning in July. Winners will be drawn ran-
audience through radio, television, newspapers, magazines,
                                                                       domly from those registered online. Visit ipa-usa.
and the Internet. For those of you who may be computer
                                                                       org and register to win - the sooner you register
challenged, you have a great resource in adult children or
                                                                       the more chances you have to win!
grandchildren who are computer savvy and familiar with so
many of the new forms of communication; blogs, Facebook,
MySpace, YouTube, etc.
    Creating a public service announcement (PSA) is a good
way of getting your message about an event or activity seen
and heard.
    It’s important to get your message to the right audience.
Your public library should have media reference books list-
ing the media outlets in your area, such as television and ra-
dio stations, daily and weekly newspapers, college newspa-
pers, and regional magazines. With a little research, you can
find out what their deadlines are, how they want to receive
your information (phone, fax, or email), etc.
     Once you have identified your media contacts, start to
establish beneficial working relationships with them. When
you have news or an event to promote, send out a press release
containing the most important information. Be enthusiastic
about the topic and be ready to explain why it is important.          terested parties to contact in order to get further informa-
    At the minimum, you should provide the following infor-        tion about an event.
mation in a press release:                                            There may be many media resources available to your lo-
   Who is involved with the event – Who is hosting it and who      cal regions that are free of charge. Many cable companies
it’s intended for?                                                 provide free production facilities and airtime on their public
    When will the activity take place? – List date(s) and start/   access channel. Local radio and television talk shows often
end times.                                                         look for guests with interesting community events. Public
   Where will the event take place? – State the exact location     transit systems often offer free public service advertising
where the event will occur. (Suggest whether people should         space on their buses or subways.
take public transportation, drive, walk or bike to the event)         If you’ve read through this entire article, congratulations!
   Why should people attend? Will this benefit individuals, an     You’ve basically gone through a crash course in getting your
organization, or is it just to have a good time?                   message out.
   How do people get more information? Be sure to list either         Please feel free to provide any suggestions or advice to me
an individual, a contact telephone number or an email for in-      at pr@ipa-usa.org.

16     IPA National Reporter              July, 2013
Bylaws Amendment Deadline Approaching
By Ellwood Cushman – Chair, Bylaws Commitee
   This is a reminder that, if you want to propose amendments to the bylaws, there are upcoming deadlines that must
be met. Detailed information about the process for bylaws amendments can be found in Statutes 1901.00 through
1906.00 and Standing Rules 1901.00 through 1903.00.
   Statutes: Any proposed amendments to statutes must be submitted not later than 90 days prior to the NDC. Since
the NDC will be held on October 12, 2013, the 90-day deadline for submission will be 2400 hours (PDT) on July
14, 2013. Any proposed change to the statutes must pass by a 2/3 vote at the NDC.
   Standing Rules: If proposed amendments to standing rules are submitted prior to the 90-day deadline, they can be
approved by a majority vote of the NDC. Proposed amendments to standing rules can also be submitted after the
90-day deadline; however, they then must be approved by a 2/3 vote. Since bylaws proposals must be sent out to
the regions not later than 60 days prior to the NDC, a proposed amendment to a standing rule should be submitted in
enough time to allow it to be sent out by that deadline. A standing rule amendment cannot conflict with the statutes.
   Procedure: Any proposed amendment must be sent to the Bylaws Committee at bylaws@ipa-usa.org . The pro-
posal should include the specific change(s) desired, along with a short statement of the reason for the proposal and
an estimate of the fiscal impact, if any. The proposal should include the name and IPA number of the person submit-
ting the proposal, along with his/her e-mail and/or telephone contact information.
   After the proposal is submitted, if there are any questions about it, or suggestions that might make it more con-
sistent with the language and style of the bylaws, someone on the Bylaws Committee will work with the person
proposing the proposed amendment to see if s/he would be willing to make changes to the proposal.
   If you have any questions related to bylaws amendments, or if you want to propose an amendment but are unsure
how to word it, please feel free to contact bylaws@ipa-usa.org.

IPA Benefits Update                                               Benefits, Discounts, Handbook, Events,
    The US IPA continues to add benefits for ALL our mem-         and More on the New Ipa Website
bers. Please log into the new US IPA website www.ipa-usa.            If you have not taken the time to explore the new US IPA
org and click on Members Area - Benefits to see the latest        website, you don’t know what you’re missing!
ones.                                                                  We have made all kinds of updates and changes to the
    As an IPA member you are now able to sign up on the           website and under the ‘Members’ tab are a whole host of
'Tickets At Work' website that offers exclusive discounts to      things just for you. There is a page listing all the Benefits that
Theme Parks across the USA (including Disney, Universal,          we have accumulated for you (and we are constantly adding
and others), Car Rentals with Avis, Budget, Thrifty, and Dol-     more) – there are discounts to hotels, Expedia travel, restau-
lar, Movie Tickets, NYC and Las Vegas Events and Shows,           rants, car rentals, shopping sites, services, and more. Take a
Orlando and California events, Cirque du Soleil, and more!        moment to log-in and see what’s there. If you have ideas for
    There is also a link to the GovX website that offers exclu-   additional benefits or discounts please send us an email to
sive discounts to Military and Government employees (active       Benefits@ipa-usa.org.
and retired) only! This website compiles on-duty and off-du-          Also be sure to check out your Region’s website (many
ty gear, casual clothing, glasses, watches, sportswear, retail    have been revamped now, too) under the Region tab and stay
items, and so much more available at discounts to members.        up-to-date with News and Information from both the US IPA
                                                                  and your own Region online.
                                                                      There are all kinds of IPA Events listed on the calendar
2013 Scholarship Winners                                          and we want to share everything that our members are doing
   The winners of the Harold Litwin Scholarship for 2013          across the USA! ALL IPA events are open to ALL IPA mem-
are as follows:                                                   bers – come out and see something new. Send your events
   1. Ciara J. McHugh, daughter of R-4 member Mary                info to Events@ipa-usa.org
O'Conner.                                                             If you have any questions, problems, or need assistance,
   2. Joseph Thompson, who is attending Concordia Univer-         feel free to send me an email, too: Steve@ipa-usa.org.
sity in Irvine, CA, grandson of Region 29 member, John H.
   3. Ryan Goodman, son of IPA Member Gilbert Goodman
IPA Region 43.
   Congratulations to our winners.

                                                                           IPA National Reporter               July, 2013       17
Welcome New Members
CHRISTOPHER    OLSON                9      THOMAS        KNIGGE        43   STEVEN        BOZUE          4    THOMAS        HARTWIG         4
MICHELANGELO   APODACA              9      RYAN          HEALY         49   ANDREW        AYALA          3    EDWARD        RUETTIGER III   4
CHAHMAL        KEROW                9      DANIEL        SMITH         57   STEPHEN       LOPEZ          25   GUSTAVO       MENENDEZ        43
JASMIN         MELVIN               27     JEREMY        ZIMMER        57   JEFFREY       STOLZENBURG         CRAIG         KEITEL          3
JAMES          SEYMOUR              41     JAMES         FERGUSON, JR. 3    JOHN          WADE           30   TIMOTHY       MERONEY         37
DIANE          SEYMOUR              41     MICHAEL       JONES         8    LAURA         BEATTIE        30   JAQUELINE     MERONEY         37
ROBERT         HART                 30     EDWIN S.      GRAHAM        19   ROBERT        BANUCHI        11   STEVEN        SIGURDSON       27
JOSEPH         KYSER                30     LEWIS         ABRAMSON      29   DESAI         BAILEY         11   KENNETH       KELSAY          14
JOHN           MARTINEZ             30     RONNIE        PANE          29   DWAINE        SIDES          30   JAMES         MILLER          29
AVAMARIE       LATIMER              20     THOMAS        POPKEN        30   RALPH         DOMER          9    KARIN         MONTEJO         11
SHAWN          BEACHLEY             62     RICHARD       FISHER        32   MICHAEL       BAKER          21   GEORGE        EPSTEIN         43
WARREN         VANDERSYDE           29     RAYMOND       THOM               JOHN          WATKINS        11   CURTIS        SANDERS         30
JONATHAN       TAVERAS              2      JASON         BUNCH         17   CINDY         SMITH          30   CHERYL        CRAWFORD        30
JOSEPH         O'ROURKE             2      WILLIAM       PINTO JR.     11   MICHAEL       FALVO          6    JEFFREY       DRAKE           8
MICHELE        SAMPSON              20     JOSEPH        NARGISO       11   KERNB         BORLIN         24   FRANCISCO     TRUJILLO        11
MICHAEL        EDELL                29     TERRANCE      JOHNSON       11   FERNANDO      COLON          2    RAYMOND       MILEUR          57
BRENDA         WILSON               24     RAY           HASELMAN      11   PATRICIA      MONROE         44   BOBBY         THOMAS          18
MARK           KARASEVICZ           49     MICHAEL       BRUNSON       11   DAVID         PELLER         62   WILLIAM       COOMBS          34
SEYMOUR        DANA                 49     CHRISTOPHER   DOBEK         4    PIERRE        VIDA           37   NICHOLAS      ALAMSHAW        25
NEIL           PASSMAN              49     JOHN          GOODWIN       57   BROC          ROBINSON       16   CHRIS         BECKMAN         6
BRETT          MAHONEY              49     BILL          HANKEE        17   DUSTIN        SEALE          4    GERALD        CONNER          14
ERIC           KWASNIEWSKI          49     PATRICK       LOWERY        24   WILL          FOY            46   JOSE          MORALES         62
JAMES          KANE                 49     STEPHEN       KLEPPE        4    MAREK         PATELCZYK      6    VLADICA       MILOSAVLJEVIC   4
JOHN           JONES                49     EDWIN         LEWANDOWSKI 29     CHRISTOPHER   TUCCIO         10   WILLIAM       WEGNER          25
ROBERT         CUTILLO              49     RAFFAELE      PATACCA       2    GABS          MATOSICH       24   BRIAN         ABERNETHY       25
RYAN           HEALY                49     FRANCISCO     RODRIGUEZ     36   DARYL         RICIGLIAMO     25   DAVID         GRIFFITH        25
STEPHEN        BELLOS               49     BRUCE         LARSON        47   JAMES         ANTOINE        2    ROBERT        NEMEC           30
HERNAN         ORGANVIDZ            43     MICHAEL       MCDOUGALL     47   JAMES         BYRNE          2    LINDA         FURLOW-PATTY    30
DAVID          WALKER               34     JAMES         SJOBERG       47   ANTHONY       NIKULA         47   CHARLES       PATTY           30
MICHAEL        REGAN                30     JEFF          STILWELL      47   SHAYANA       CHAMBERS       2    SEAMUS        SCANNELL        4
MATTHEW        DROUIN               12     EDWIN         COX           4    FRANK         DEBIASE        2    PHILIP        MORLEY          19
FRANK          STARNELLA            19     JOHN          THOMPSON      18   JAIME         ESPINOSA       2    ANDREW        FREUND          19
JOHN           DAVY                 47     JOE           MASTERSON     2    EDWARD        FERNANDEZ      2    TODD          BURKS           9
JASON          STUCKART             56     LEONA         BOUTGES       15   ANDRE         FIELDS         2    ROBERT        FORSYTHE        41
MARIAN         BAUSLEY              6      ARMANDO       RECIO         43   CLEEFORD      FRANKLIN       2    CHRISTOPHER   QUARELLO        20
GEORGE         AGUILAR SR           6      VOLODYMYR     MAYCHENKO     2    PATRICK       GROVES         2    KENNETH       ORRILL JR       19
RICHARD        MILLA                2      DIANE         KENNY         9    JOHN          GRYGORCEWICZ   2    JAMES         BRENNAN         19
TIMOTHY        VAUGHN               47     ROBERTO       RODRIGUEZ     17   HARRIS        HASKOVIC       2    FRANCES       GREIFENBERGER   19
JOHN           LANDRY               43     CRAIG         LEWIS         24   IOANNIS       HATJOPOULOS    2    LEONARD       LETIZIA         19
PAUL           LASKA                26     JOSEPH        GORDON        37   TIMOTHY       HOFFMAN        2    ALEX          BARNEY          43
RAYFORD        BARNER               4      WILLIAM       KOFOD         21   JOHNNY        HUANG          2    LORRAINE      LOMBARDO        9
WESLEY         MANNING              30     GEORGE        HERRERA       17   SAMUEL        HUI            2    BARRY         GROESCH         4
DOLORES        GORDON               57     LUIS          PEREZ         43   MURATOVIC     ISMET          2    ROBYN         STECKLEIN       4
HENRY          HICKMAN              30     STEVEN        ROHMAN        4    ZHU           JIANG          2    DALE          ARENTSEN        4
THORSTEN       OPPERMANN            11     BARBARA       EDISON        29   YAZEED        KHATIB         2    KENNETH       ZOUTTE          25
JAMES          BURDICK              34     GARY          DORAN         27   RICHARD       KUA            2    SUSAN         RODILL          16
RANDY          BARNETT              47     MICHELLE      HOFFMAN       29   JAMES         LOSADA         2    COREY         RODEWALD        56
RAMONITA       CARDOSO              48     JAMES         SUNDSTROM     56   MARIA         MALDONADO      2    GIA           DIVITO          4
KIRK           FITCH                24     JOSEPH        DAVENIA       2    MIRIAM        MEHMEDOVIC     2    MICHAEL       ROGGIN          11
FROSTY         MCWILLIAMS           32     LUIS          DEL RIO       2    MICHAEL       NATIRBOFF      2    FRED          WOOD            11
RYAN           EATON                27     JEREMY        HUNT          2    LARS          PIHLAVA        2    MARIA         GUZMAN          4
RICHARD        VALENTINE            18     ROBERT        LEDOGAR       2    VINCENZO      RALLO          2    JUAN          GONZALEZ        4
JOSEPH         LAFLEUR                     ENVER         LOPEZ         2    MICHAEL       ROLLO          2    TRACY         HAHN            21
STEVE          TEEL                 30     ANDEW         PAGANO        2    DAVID         ROMAN          2    LEO           CONNOLLY        21
DIANE          FREEMAN                     VICTOR        ROBALINO      2    MICHAEL       ROMERO         2    DILEK         KAHVECI         2
BERNARD        GAZDZIK              61     EDWIN         SANCHEZ       2    HOLMES        SHINDON        2    SUSANN        KIMMELMAN       2
DAVID          BARR                 19     ANDREW        STASKA        47   JEFFREY       SU             2    SERGEI        KNJAZIHHIN      2
WILLIAM        PUE                         ERIC          BOUCHER       47   JULIANNY      THEN           2    FADI          MANSOUR         2
WILL           JOHNSON              30     ALICIA        DECKER        47   SCOTT         TOWNE          2    JULIET        SHIELDS         2
WYATT          ACHONG               101    JASON         BLUM          47   NICHOLAS      VIRUET         2    DAVID         SPEER           2
HURSLEY        BALFOUR              101    CHRISTIANN    HOFFMAN       47   BIKENS        PIERRE         2    YUHUEI        YEH             2
ROY            DICK                        JAMIE         REVERMANN     47   MICHAEL       EDEN           10   ZAHID         WILLAMS         2
ROSHAN         HARRICHAND           101    JASON         SPODEN        47   KATALIN       ROSS           45   SHERMAN       BROWN           24
PATRICK        HINKSON              101    RAYMOND       STETSON       45   TIMM          ROSS           45   WILLIAM       BONGLE          56
KEVIN          JOHN                 101    PEDRO         CRESCENTE     45   BERNARD       POTTS          21   MAUREEN       ZIEGENHORN      4
CHARLENE       ROBERTSON-HERCULES   101    RICHARD       MCCABE        26   FRANK         WEIKERT        21   WAYNE         KERN            4
ANDREW         WEEKES               101    EUGENE        BERRY         26   GERARD        TUOMEY         4    DAVID         MCCABE          47
ROBERT         SMITH                5      HAIG          SOGHIGIAN     26   GEORGE        PERERA         4    PATRICK       FREER SR        25
JESSE          HERNANDEZ            6      JAMES         STEWART       30   MICHAEL       VERRO          5    THOMAS        PARKER          25
RONALD         MYSLINSKI            11     JEREMY        NEWLAND       25   BEN           KURIAN         5    MICHAEL       DANA            30
MATTHEW        HILL                 12     BARBARA       HECKMAN-SAUER 30   FR STEVEN     WETZEL         43
DAVID          HOPKINS              25     ROBERT        GORDANIER     17   WILLIAM       GRIEB          43
JESSE          ARGUELLO             30     DAVID         WILLIAMS      25   JEREMY        HOUCHIN        3
BAYAN          LEWIS                38     MICHAEL       RIPSCH        56   LARRY         MATTHEW        3
WARREN         BRUNDAGE             43     TIM           JANOWICK      4    JOSEPH        ELFAYER        2

Getting the Most Out of IPA Travel
By Lewis Thomason, Region 43 President
    In my years I have done a lot of travelling. Most of the       you will see “Travel Form”. Clicking this box, will bring up
early years it was as a guest of our Uncle Sam, but I also have    the Travel Form in MS Word. You can now fill out the form
gone on many trips as a civilian tourist. The best travel expe-    on your computer. When you have completed filling it out,
riences I have had though, have been travelling the IPA way.       you can save it in Word so that you can send it as an attached
    The trick is to use the resources and system set up by the     file, or print it and send it by snail-mail. Don’t forget to make
IPA to the best of your advantage. Many of you out there           file copy for yourself if you are sending it by mail.
have already made lifelong friends in foreign lands and set           Filling out the printed form is probably the most important
up your travel plans with them. This is not an article for you,    thing. It was designed by an International Committee and in-
unless you are branching out to a destination where you do         cludes some blanks for things that really are at best mislead-
not have people you know waiting for you. This is for the          ing and at worst, of no value to you or your hosts. It also is
member who is visiting a foreign country where everything          short of space for items that are vital to making good arrange-
is a mystery to them.                                              ments for your visit.
   The key to your success is the associate secretaries for the       The first seven items are self-explanatory. Item 8, Destina-
countries you will be visiting and your passport is the IPA        tion can be a little confusing if you are visiting more than one
Travel form.                                                       section (country). Rather than trying to cram the names of all
    Getting the travel form is your first step. For those mem-     the countries you will visit into that space, you must complete
bers who are not on the internet, you will have to                             a separate form for each country to be visited. The
contact your regional secretary, who will mail                                      separate forms will go to the different associate
you a copy of the paper form. If you have                                             secretaries for each country and eventually to
another member who is on the net living                                                                             the host countries.
near you, they can download and print                                                      The second half of that line “B: Town:”
out the form for you.                                                                      doesn’t leave much space for the several
   The rest of you get the form off the                                                       locations you might want to visit. You
net. Your first step is to get register-                                                      will have to amplify on that if you are
ed on the new IPA USA website. Start                                                              planning to visit multiple places. In
at IPA-USA.org, nothing has changed                                                             order to do that, you will have to use
here. Now enter your IPA member-                                                               the E-Mail or letter that accompanies
ship number without the R or L in the                                                      the Travel Form as a continuation sheet.
User Name box. For the password                                                                   Lines 9 and 10 are vital if someone
box enter DELETED           Once you have                                                   meets you at the airport or train station.
signed in, you should change your pass-                                                                   If you don’t have the arrival
word and user ID. To change your user                                                                 information and want to be met,
name and/or password, click on "my profile"                                                          indicate that you will advise this
at the upper right of the home page, then                                                        information at a later time, and then
"manage profile" on the right side of the screen, then click                                                           follow up on it.
"edit bio" to make the changes.                                        Line 11 “Car Registration” is a mystery to me. None of
    Once you are registered, select “member area”. You now         us are rich enough to ship a car over for vacation. Perhaps
have two choices; you can use the Electronic Form, which           it makes more sense to the Europeans who can drive to each
is by far the best option. To get the E-Form; on the drop          other’s countries. Leave it blank.
down menu, go down to “Travel”, on the side menu that ap-              Lines 12 and 13: Date of Arrival and Date of Departure.
pears, select “online travel forms”. This will bring up a form     These are crucial. Your hosts have to know when you will be
that you can fill out and submit online. This form is much         there in order to make any kind of arrangements. Fill this in
easier to understand than the hard-copy form and contains          carefully and expand on it in the E-Mail and memo. Be sure
just about all the information that the people facilitating your   to list the date with the month spelled out and numerals for
request need to process it, provided that you fill in all the      the day and year. The Europeans and others, list numerical
blanks completely. You can make a copy of the form for your        dates as day, month, year, rather than month, day, year as we
records before you submit it with the print button on your         do. Some forms arrive with the date transposed for the Euro-
browser. Even if you are using the E-Form, you should read         pean custom and some are in the US style. During the first 12
the guidelines for the paper form, particularly the timing of      days of the month it is impossible to tell which you are using.
the request.                                                           Lines 14 through line 14(c) are not very realistic. No one
     If you prefer to use the regular, hard form, you can go       in their right mind makes hotel reservations using their own
further down the drop down menu under “Members Area” to            credit card as a guarantee, for a stranger, even if he is a fellow
“Forms”. At the bottom of the “Forms” page, under “Other”,                                                         continued on page 35

                                                                            IPA National Reporter                July, 2013        19
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