IPD at ANUGA 2021 & ANUGA @home - Import Promotion Desk

Page created by Marc Dennis
IPD at ANUGA 2021 & ANUGA @home - Import Promotion Desk
IPD at ANUGA 2021
    & ANUGA @home
    COLOGNE | 9 – 13 OCTOBER 2021


 2.1 | B 9

    IPD connects you with reliable exporters from
    Colombia, Côte d’Ivoire, Ecuador, Egypt, Ethiopia,
    Ghana, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, Ukraine and Uzbekistan.

           Make an appointment!
IPD at ANUGA 2021 & ANUGA @home - Import Promotion Desk
                                               Flavors & Scents   19
IPD PARTNERS                   6
                                               Quinoa Cotopaxi    20

PRODUCT FINDER                 8              Uchu Spice         21

COLOMBIA                            EGYPT

           Anabana            14              Cairo 3A           22

           Frutihelen         15              Novaroma           23

           Goldchips          16              Wanesco            24

           Sanam Company      17

COTE D’IVOIRE                                  Olira Agro         25

           ADF-AGRO           18
                                               GKV Foods          26
                                               Pure and Just      27
                                               Zalli Foods        28

IPD at ANUGA 2021 & ANUGA @home - Import Promotion Desk
INDONESIA                                UZBEKISTAN
            Aksara Kencana Putra   29             Agro Farovon Zamin   39
            Intrafood              30             Biogumus Farm        40

SRI LANKA                                ANUGA 2021
            Asian Agro             31             Registration         41
            Manchiee De Coco       32             Floorplan            42
            Pasanka                33             Opening times        43
            Waguruwela             34
            Worga                  35

            Amethyst               36
            Borovyk                37
            Brancho                38

IPD at ANUGA 2021 & ANUGA @home - Import Promotion Desk
Import Promotion Desk (IPD)
                                                                                                                             VISIT US HERE:
                                                                                                                              2.1 | B 9

Cost- and risk-optimised sourcing from new markets
                                                                                                                           OR VIRTUALLY AT:

IPD presents around 30 selected companies from Colombia,           Reduce your initiation, negotiation and control costs
Côte d’Ivoire, Ecuador, Egypt, Ethiopia, Ghana, Indonesia,         with IPD. We have the contacts, information and communication
Sri Lanka, Ukraine and Uzbekistan, offering their diverse range    channels to your new suppliers. Our services for you are neutral
of natural ingredients.                                            and free of charge.

IPD is the German initiative for import promotion that connects    All IPD companies were carefully selected and then readied by
European importers with these carefully evaluated exporters.       IPD to commence export to the European market. On the following
Our goal is the sustainable and well-structured import promotion   pages you will find detailed information about our reliable exporters.
of special products from selected developing countries and
                                                                   We establish direct contact to these new suppliers and organise
emerging markets – under compliance with high quality, social
                                                                   b2b meetings at the trade fair. Get in touch with us!
and environmental standards.
                                                                   IPD is an initiative of the Federation of German Wholesale, Foreign
We introduce exporters from our partner countries to the
                                                                   Trade and Services (BGA) and sequa, the development organisation
EU market and assist them in setting up trading relations.
                                                                   and partner of German business. We are funded by the Federal
For European importers we open up new supply
                                                                   Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ).
markets in the partner countries and
support them in the complex                                        More information about IPD and our individual services at
purchasing process.                                                www.importpromotiondesk.de

IPD at ANUGA 2021 & ANUGA @home - Import Promotion Desk
Your IPD Team

                      JUDITH EMMERLING                   SHAKHNOZA KURBANALIEVA                FERRY BÖHNKE
                      IPD Expert Sourcing + Markets      IPD Expert Sourcing + Markets         External IPD Consultant
                      (Egypt)                            (Ukraine, Uzbekistan)                 Mobile: + 49 177 245 1670
                      Phone: + 49 30 590 099 598         Phone: +49 228 909 0081 321           boehnke@importpromotiondesk.de
                      emmerling@importpromotiondesk.de   kurbanalieva@importpromotiondesk.de

                      TABEA MACK                         ANGIE MARTINEZ                        CATHERINE HEBTING
                      IPD Expert Sourcing + Markets      IPD Expert Sourcing + Markets         External IPD Consultant
                      (Colombia)                         (Indonesia, Sri Lanka)                Mobile: + 33 669 551 410
                      Phone: + 49 228 909 0081 65        Phone: +49 30 590 099 573             hebting@importpromotiondesk.de
                      mack@importpromotiondesk.de        martinez@importpromotiondesk.de

                      CAROLINE MORAZA                    LAURA SCHIEFER                        TERESA HÜTTENHOFER
                      IPD Expert Sourcing + Markets      IPD Expert Sourcing + Markets         External IPD Consultant
                      (Côte d’Ivoire, Ghana)             (Ethiopia)                            Mobile: + 49 160 903 917 16
                      Phone: + 49 228 909 0081 322       Phone: + 49 228 909 0081 320          huettenhofer@importpromotiondesk.de
                      moraza@importpromotiondesk.de      schiefer@importpromotiondesk.de

                                                         MARÍA PAULA GÓMEZ SALAMANCA           VANESSA KUTH
                                                         IPD Expert Sourcing + Markets         External IPD Consultant
                                                         (Ecuador)                             Mobile: + 49 176 668 235 20
                                                         Phone: + 49 30 590 099 567            kuth@importpromotiondesk.de

                                                                                               CHARLES MORDRET
IMPORT PROMOTION DESK (IPD)                                                                    External IPD Consultant
                                                                                               Mobile: + 34 664 110 163
Project Office Bonn   Phone: + 49 228 909 0081 0                                               mordret@importpromotiondesk.de
c/o sequa gGmbH       info@importpromotiondesk.de
Alexanderstraße 10    www.importpromotiondesk.de
D-53111 Bonn

IPD at ANUGA 2021 & ANUGA @home - Import Promotion Desk
IPD partners

IPD works with a network of international organisations
in Europe and its partner countries.

Thus we efficiently pool information and know-how.                             EPO-EXPORT PROMOTION OFFICE      UKRAINIAN BERRIES ASSOCIATION,
                                                                               OF UKRAINE, UKRAINE              UKRAINE
Our partnerships enable us to tailor our services                              www.epo.org.ua/en                www.uaberries.com.ua
exactly to the needs of European importers.


                                                                                                                ADDIS ABABA CHAMBER OF COM-
                                                                                                                MERCE AND SECTORAL ASSOCIA-
                                                                                                                TIONS (AACCSA), ETHIOPIA

    Hall 7.1 | Booth G019g
    Hall 3.1 | Booth C021g – C029g
                                                                                                             Côte d’Ivoire

                                                                                                                CHAMBRE DE COMMERCE &
Ecuador                                                                                                         D’INDUSTRIE DE CÔTE D’IVOIRE,
                                                                                                                CÔTE D’IVOIRE

                                     DE EXPORTADORES,
    https://corpei.org                                                                                          CONSEIL NATIONAL DES
                                     ECUADOR                  PROECUADOR, ECUADOR                               EXPORTATIONS, CÔTE D’IVOIRE
    Hall 3.1| Booth B020 and B028    www.fedexpor.com         www.proecuador.gob.ec                             www.cne-ci.org

IPD at ANUGA 2021 & ANUGA @home - Import Promotion Desk

                                                                                                               Export Promotion Agency

                                                                                                               of the Republic of Uzbekistan

                                                                                                    EXPORT PROMOTION
                                                                                                    AGENCY OF THE REPUBLIC OF
                                                                                                    UZBEKISTAN, UZBEKISTAN


                                                                      AGRICULTURAL EXPORT           FOOD EXPORT COUNCIL
                                                                      COUNCIL (AEC) EGYPT           (FEC) EGYPT
                                                                      www.aecegypt.com              www.feceg.com


                                     Sri Lanka                     Indonesia

    www.gepaghana.org                   www.srilankabusiness.com     www.itpchamburg.de

IPD at ANUGA 2021 & ANUGA @home - Import Promotion Desk
Product Finder

Cocoa beans |               Champignons |                      Dehydrated jackfruit |                Dried fruit rolls |
Aksara Kencana Putra        Borovyk (Ukraine)            37   Worga Naturals (Sri Lanka)     35    Brancho (Ukraine)             38
(Indonesia)           29
                            Conventional sun-dried toma-       Dehydrated mango |                    Dried fruits/berries (whole,
                            toes (San Marzano, halves) |       Pasanka (Sri Lanka)            33    dices, slices, powder, e.g.
                            Biogumus Farm (Uzbekistan)  40    Worga Naturals (Sri Lanka)     35    apples, blueberries, cherries) |
                                                                                                     Brancho (Ukraine)              38
                            Dehydrated banana |                Dehydrated papaya |
                            Pasanka (Sri Lanka)          33   Pasanka (Sri Lanka)            33    Dried hot pepper |
                            Worga Naturals (Sri Lanka)   35   Worga Naturals (Sri Lanka)     35    Uchu Spice (Ecuador)          21
                            Dehydrated bell pepper |           Dehydrated pineaple |                 Dried leek | Agro Farovon
                            Novaroma (Egypt)             23   Pasanka (Sri Lanka)            33    Zamin (Uzbekistan)            39
                                                               Worga Naturals (Sri Lanka)     35
                            Dehydrated carrot |                                                      Dried mangoes |
                            Novaroma (Egypt)             23   Dehydrated spinach |                  ADF Groupe (Côte d’Ivoire)    18
                                                               Novaroma (Egypt)               23    Pure and Just (Ghana)         27
                            Dehydrated green onion |
                                                                                                     Zalli Foods (Ghana)           28
                            Novaroma (Egypt)             23   Dehydrated Waraka |
                                                               Pasanka (Sri Lanka)            33    Dried paprika (red bell
                                                                                                     pepper) | Agro Farovon
                                                               Desiccated coconut |
                                                                                                     Zamin (Uzbekistan)            39
                                                               Asian Agro Products (Sri Lanka) 31
                                                               Manchiee de Coco Products             Dried pawpaw |
                                                               (Sri Lanka)                     32   Pure and Just (Ghana)         27
                                                               Waguruwela (Sri Lanka)          34
                                                                                                     Dried pineapple |
                                                               Dried apple rings |                   Pure and Just (Ghana)         27
                                                               Brancho (Ukraine)              38    Zalli Foods (Ghana)           28
                                                               Dried bananas |
                                                               Pure and Just (Ghana)          27

IPD at ANUGA 2021 & ANUGA @home - Import Promotion Desk
Companies marked green offer the product in organic quality.

                                    DRIED HERBS, SPICES & OTHER PLANT MATERIALS

Dried pumpkin | Agro Farovon        Basil | Novaroma (Egypt)        23    Dehydrated chili |                      Peppermint | Wanesco (Egypt) 24
Zamin (Uzbekistan)          39     Wanesco (Egypt)                 24    Novaroma (Egypt)               23
                                                                                                                   Rosemary | Wanesco (Egypt) 24
Dried vegetables (dices,            Black Pepper |                         Dehydrated jalapeno |
                                                                                                                   Sage | Wanesco (Egypt)         24
slices, powder, e.g. beet,          Pasanka (Sri Lanka)             33    Novaroma (Egypt)               23
carrots, eggplants) |                                                                                              Senna | Wanesco (Egypt)        24
                                    Calendula |                            Dill leaf | Novaroma (Egypt)   23
Brancho (Ukraine)             38
                                    Wanesco (Egypt)                 24                                            Spearmint | Wanesco (Egypt) 24
                                                                           Guanabana leaf |
Dried zucchini | Agro Farovon
                                    Cardamom |                             Pasanka (Sri Lanka)            33      Thyme | Novaroma (Egypt)       23
Zamin (Uzbekistan)           39
                                    Pasanka (Sri Lanka)             33                                            Wanesco (Egypt)                24
                                                                           Hibiscus | Wanesco (Egypt)     24
Freeze-dried bananas |
                                    Cassiavera (Cinnamomun                                                         Turmeric | Pasanka (Sri Lanka) 33
Flavors & Scents (Ecuador)    19                                          Lemon grass |
                                    burmanii) | Aksara Kencana Putra
                                                                           Wanesco (Egypt)                24      Verbascum | Wanesco (Egypt) 24
Freeze-dried pitahayas |            (Indonesia)                  29
Flavors & Scents (Ecuador)    19                                          Marjoram | Wanesco (Egypt)     24
                                    Ceylon Cinnamon |
Freeze-dried strawberries |         Pasanka (Sri Lanka)             33    Mint | Novaroma (Egypt)        23
Flavors & Scents (Ecuador)    19
                                    Chamomile | Wanesco (Egypt) 24        Moringa | Wanesco (Egypt)      24
Low fat dessicated coconut |
                                    Clove | Pasanka (Sri Lanka)     33
Waguruwela (Sri Lanka)      34
                                    Curly parsley |
Organic sun-dried tomatoes
                                    Novaroma (Egypt)                23
(San Marzano, halves) |
Biogumus Farm (Uzbekistan) 40      Curry leaf | Pasanka (Sri Lanka) 33
Porcini | Borovyk (Ukraine)   37

IPD at ANUGA 2021 & ANUGA @home - Import Promotion Desk
Product Finder

ESSENTIAL OILS                   FRESH FRUITS                       FROZEN FRUITS & VEGETABLES

Basil | Novaroma (Egypt)   23   Fresh Mangoes |                    Cranberries |                    Wild blackberries |
                                 ADF Groupe (Côte d’Ivoire)   18   Amethyst-Ole (Ukraine)     36   Amethyst-Ole (Ukraine)   36
Blue chamomile |
Novaroma (Egypt)           23                                      Frozen Guanabana puree |         Wild blueberries |
                                 FRESH VEGETABLES                   Anabana (Colombia)         14   Amethyst-Ole (Ukraine)   36
Cumin | Novaroma (Egypt)   23
                                                                    Lingonberries |                  Wild elderberries |
Mint | Novaroma (Egypt)    23   Ginger | Aksara Kencana
                                                                    Amethyst-Ole (Ukraine)     36   Amethyst-Ole (Ukraine)   36
                                 Putra (Indonesia)            29
                                                                    Pitted Guanabana chunks |
                                                                    Anabana (Colombia)         14
                                                                    Raspberries |
                                                                    Amethyst-Ole (Ukraine)     36
                                                                    Rosehips |
                                                                    Amethyst-Ole (Ukraine)     36

Companies marked green offer the product in organic quality.


Aseptic Guanabana puree |            Lemon pulp |                      Avocado fruit powder |                 Ginger powder |
Anabana (Colombia)            14    Frutihelen (Colombia)      15    Manchiee de Coco Products              Pasanka (Sri Lanka)            33
                                                                       (Sri Lanka)                   32
Coconut butter | Manchiee de         Mango pulp |                                                             Guanabana powder |
Coco Products (Sri Lanka)   32      Frutihelen (Colombia)      15    Banana flour |                         Anabana (Colombia)             14
Waguruwela (Sri Lanka)      34                                        Worga Naturals (Sri Lanka)    35
                                     Mango puree |                                                            Jackfruit flour |
Coconut cream |                      Cairo 3A (Egypt)           22    Banana fruit powder |                  Worga Naturals (Sri Lanka)     35
Waguruwela (Sri Lanka)        34                                      Manchiee de Coco Products
                                     Passion fruit pulp |                                                     Jackfruit seed flour |
                                                                       (Sri Lanka)                   32
Coffee fruit concentrates |          Frutihelen (Colombia)      15                                           Worga Naturals (Sri Lanka)     35
Sanam Company (Colombia)      17                                      Coconut flour |
                                     Peach puree |                                                            Mango flour |
                                                                       Asian Agro Products (Sri Lanka)31
Creamed coconut |                    Cairo 3A (Egypt)           22                                           Worga Naturals (Sri Lanka)     35
                                                                       Manchiee de Coco Products
Asian Agro Products (Sri Lanka)31
                                     Pineapple pulp |                  (Sri Lanka)                    32     Mango fruit powder |
Manchiee de Coco Products
                                     Frutihelen (Colombia)      15    Waguruwela (Sri Lanka)         34     Manchiee de Coco Products
(Sri Lanka)                    32
                                                                                                              (Sri Lanka)                    32
                                     Pomegranate concentrate |         Coconut milk powder |
Fruit jars |
                                     Cairo 3A (Egypt)           22    Manchiee de Coco Products              MCT oil powder |
Worga Naturals (Sri Lanka)    35
                                                                       (Sri Lanka)                   32      Manchiee de Coco Products
                                     Strawberry clear concentrate |
Guanabana pulp |                                                                                              (Sri Lanka)                    32
                                     Cairo 3A (Egypt)            22   Dessiccated coconut powder |
Frutihelen (Colombia)         15
                                                                       GKV Investments (Ghana)   26          Pineapple flour |
Guava puree |                                                                                                 Worga Naturals (Sri Lanka)     35
Cairo 3A (Egypt)              22
                                                                                                              Pineapple fruit powder |
Hot pepper mash |                                                                                             Manchiee de Coco Products
Uchu Spice (Ecuador)          21                                                                             (Sri Lanka)                    32
Hot pepper puree |                                                                                            Tapioca flour |
Uchu Spice (Ecuador)          21                                                                             Worga Naturals (Sri Lanka)     35

Product Finder
NUTS, SEEDS, GRAINS & PULSES                                                  SNACKS & FINAL FOOD PRODUCTS

Anise seeds |                          Fennel seeds |                         Banana blossom in brine |          Plantain tortillas |
Wanesco (Egypt)                  24   Wanesco (Egypt)                  24   Worga Naturals (Sri Lanka)   35   Goldchips (Colombia)         16
Caraway seeds |                        Green mung beans |                     Birned hot pepper |                Quinoa baking mixes |
Wanesco (Egypt)                  24   Olira Agro Industry (Ethiopia)   25   Uchu Spice (Ecuador)         21   Quinoa Cotopaxi (Ecuador)    20
Chickpeas |                            Pea beans |                            Champignons canned |               Quinoa blend with dried
Olira Agro Industry (Ethiopia)   25   Olira Agro Industry (Ethiopia)   25   Borovyk (Ukraine)            37   vegetables, herbs and spices |
                                                                                                                 Quinoa Cotopaxi (Ecuador)   20
Conventional hulled                    Quinoa in grain |                      Coconut aminos |
sesame seeds |                         Quinoa Cotopaxi (Ecuador)        20   Manchiee de Coco Products          Quinoa pancake mixes |
Olira Agro Industry (Ethiopia)   25                                          (Sri Lanka)                  32   Quinoa Cotopaxi (Ecuador)    20
                                       Walnut kernels |
Conventional natural                   Amethyst-Ole (Ukraine)           36   Coconut chips |                    Sea salt croutons |
sesame seeds |                                                                GKV Investments (Ghana)      26   Goldchips (Colombia)         16
Olira Agro Industry (Ethiopia)   25
                                                                              Coconut sauce |                    Sea salt plantain chips |
                                                                              Manchiee de Coco Products          Goldchips (Colombia)         16
                                                                              (Sri Lanka)                  32
                                                                                                                 Smoked hot pepper |
                                                                              Coconut snacks |                   Uchu Spice (Ecuador)         21
                                                                              Manchiee de Coco Products
                                                                                                                 SOA toasted coconut chips |
                                                                              (Sri Lanka)                  32
                                                                                                                 Zalli Foods (Ghana)        28
                                                                              Plantain croutons |
                                                                                                                 Sweet plantain chips |
                                                                              Goldchips (Colombia)         16
                                                                                                                 Goldchips (Colombia)         16
                                                                                                                 Young green jackfruit in brine |
                                                                                                                 Worga Naturals (Sri Lanka)    35

Companies marked green offer the product in organic quality.

SWEETENER, SYRUPS,                    TEA, COFFEE                             VEGETABLE OILS
JAMS & SPREADS                        & NATURAL DRINKS                        & VINEGARS

Coconut sugar | Aksara                Coconut milk |                          Coconut vinegar |                     Virgin coconut oil |
Kencana Putra (Indonesia)      29    Asian Agro Products (Sri Lanka) 31     Manchiee de Coco Products             Asian Agro Products (Sri Lanka)   31
                                      Waguruwela (Sri Lanka)          34     (Sri Lanka)                  32      GKV Investments (Ghana)           26
Organic coconut
                                                                                                                    Manchiee de Coco Products
nectar syrup |                        Coconut nectar |                        Extra virgin coconut oil |
                                                                                                                    (Sri Lanka)                       32
Intrafood Singabera (Indonesia) 30   Manchiee de Coco Products               Manchiee de Coco Products
                                                                                                                    Pasanka (Sri Lanka)               33
                                      (Sri Lanka)                       32   (Sri Lanka)                  32
Organic coconut sugar |                                                                                             Waguruwela (Sri Lanka)            34
Intrafood Singabera (Indonesia) 30   Coconut water |                         MCT oil |
                                      Manchiee de Coco Products               Manchiee de Coco Products
                                      (Sri Lanka)                       32   (Sri Lanka)                  32
                                      Dried edible teas
                                      (fruit & berries) |
                                      Brancho (Ukraine)                 38
                                      Ginger drink premix |
                                      Intrafood Singabera (Indonesia)   30
                                      King coconut water |
                                      Worga Naturals (Sri Lanka)        35
                                      Lemon juice |
                                      Frutihelen (Colombia)             15
                                      Orange juice |
                                      Frutihelen (Colombia)             15


From seeds to final products, Anabana is a GLOBALG.A.P. certified guanabana             ADDRESS
(soursop) grower and processing company located in the central region of Colombia.      Carrera 8 # 23-09,
                                                                                        Pereira, Colombia
The guanabana also known as graviola, soursop, corossol and stachelannone is            www.anabana.co

processed by a very meticulous handmade technique which takes special care of           CONTACT
its aspect and flavor, which are key factors in the final product quality.              Mr. Eduardo Vallejo
                                                                                        Phone: + 57 313 467 60 79
Anabana has a wide range of guanabana products that are used in the industrial          eduardo.vallejo@lazosnet.com
sector as raw material for juices, smoothies and ice cream preparations. They take
                                                                                        IPD CONTACT
special care of traceability for its 75 hectares of guanabana. Besides, Anabana         For more information on the company
develops private labels for retail and food service companies too.                      please contact Charles Mordret,
                                                                                        External IPD Consultant
                                                                                        Mobile: + 34 664 110 163
PRODUCTS                                   CERTIFICATIONS
+   Frozen guanabana puree                 +   GLOBALG.A.P.
+   Aseptic guanabana puree                +   FSA (Social Responsability)
+   Guanabana powder                       +   KOSHER
+   Pitted guanabana chunks                +   FSSC 22000 (powder and
                                               aseptic products only)
+ Total amount of guanabana:               SOURCE OF RAW MATERIAL
  approx. 115 t                            + Colombia own production

14                                                        Ñ contents | product finder          COLOMBIA

Frutihelen is a Colombian company producing frozen fruit pulps and juices from a          ADDRESS
                                                                                          Frutihelen SAS
wide variety of fruits. They have their own crops which generate income for farmers       Carrera 39 No. 13-66 Acopi
and ensure high quality of the fruit from its origin.                                     Yumbo
Frutihelen is deeply committed to the social and environmental responsibility of
Colombia, which they consider essential for the sustainability and improvement of         CONTACT
                                                                                          Ms. Dora Elisa Lopez
their company. In this regard, Frutihelen works mostly with single mothers, not only      General Manager
improving the quality of life of their employees but also their families. They compost    Phone: +57 315 570 13 98
their organic waste, use renewable energy and only invest in environment-friendly,
                                                                                          IPD CONTACT
high-tech machinery and equipment for refrigeration and freezing.                         For more information on the company
                                                                                          please contact Charles Mordret,
                                                                                          External IPD Consultant
PRODUCTS & QUANTITIES PER MONTH              CERTIFICATIONS                               Mobile: + 34 664 110 163
Fruit pulps / 3.000 t:                       + ISO 9001                                   mordret@importpromotiondesk.de

+ Guanabana (soursop)                        + ISO 22000 (in process)
+ Passion fruit
+ Lemon                                      SOURCE OF RAW MATERIAL
+ Mango                                      + Own fruit crops in Sevilla,
+ Pineapple                                    Valle del Cauca

Fruit Juices:
+ Lemon
+ Orange

15                                                          Ñ contents | product finder          COLOMBIA

Goldchips is a family-owned Colombian company with 27 years of experience.               ADDRESS
                                                                                         Goldchips SAS
We produce snacks based on plantain and cassava as raw material. The plantains           Carrera 36 No. 14-150
are harvested by the family of the owners in the Quindío region, therefore               Calarcá, Quindio
guaranteeing the traceability of the product. The raw material meets all the criteria    www.goldchips.com.co
for organic certification and is in the process of biodynamic certification.             CONTACT
                                                                                         Ms. Maria Alejandra Agudelo
The mission of the company is to improve the environmental conditions, support           Sales Manager
the better social standards for the workers and enhance the life conditions of           Phone: + 57 311 382 39 01
vulnerable women. Goldchips is already present in the American and European
                                                                                         IPD CONTACT
market.                                                                                  For more information on the company
                                                                                         please contact Charles Mordret,
                                                                                         External IPD Consultant
PRODUCTS & QUANTITIES PER YEAR              CERTIFICATIONS                               Mobile: + 34 664 110 163
520 t of any of our products:               + NON GMO                                    mordret@importpromotiondesk.de

+ Sea salt plantain chips                   + KOSHER
+ Sweet plantain chips                      + GLUTENFREE
+ Sea salt croutons
+ Plantain tortillas
+ Plantain croutons

+ Family owned plantations in the
  region of Quindío, Colombia

16                                                         Ñ contents | product finder          COLOMBIA
Sanam Company

Sanam is an innovative company. Our strategy is to produce and sell ingredients            ADDRESS
                                                                                           Sanam Company S.A.S
from the coffee cherry. We are a pioneer in applications and developments for the          Carrera 46 No. 14-31 Sector
human nutrition, cosmetics or even agricultural fertilization industries around the        Monterrey
world. We supply coffee fruit concentrates that can be transformed in spray dried          Colombia
or freeze dried powders. Also, premixes can be prepared with other taylor made             Phone: + 57 455 740 69
Sanam’s patents are unique as they keep the best molecules from the pulp or                Ms. Catalina Murillo
                                                                                           International Sales Director
husk and deliver them to help living beings to live better. Their ingredients are rich     Phone: + 57 311 616 98 94
in polyphenols, protein and natural carbohydrates without modifying the biological
integrity of the fruit.                                                                    IPD CONTACT
                                                                                           For more information on the company
                                                                                           please contact Charles Mordret,
Sanam is located in Colombia and Costa Rica, two of the best coffee quality pro-           External IPD Consultant
ducers.                                                                                    Mobile: + 34 664 110 163

+ Coffee fruit concentrates / 1,600 t         + KOSHER
+ Premixes with taylor made formulas          + HACCP

+ Sourced directly from the coffee
  cherry fruit of the large coffee crops in
  Colombia and Costa Rica

17                                                           Ñ contents | product finder          COLOMBIA
ADF Groupe                                                                                   CF    S
                                                                                         Centre de Séchage de Farako

ADF Groupe, composed by two companies ADF-AGRO and CSF, was founded                     ADDRESS
                                                                                        ADF-AGRO Sarl
in 2017 and has one main objective: the transformation of raw material in order to      Abidjan, Riviera Golf/ Immeuble
create substantial added value to farmers’ crops and provide employment opportu-        Agneby – Appt 434
                                                                                        08 BP 2190 Abidjan 08
nities for the rural population in Ivory Coast. ADF Groupe produces dried mangoes       Côre d’Ivoire
and also exports fresh fruits.                                                          CONTACT
                                                                                        Mr. Madigbè Diaby
The company also aims at supporting women in Ivory Coast and to enhance their           Managing Director
general status in life. ADF Groupe assists in creating mango plantations, provides      Phone: + 225 070 135 70
relevant knowledge like training for organic production and guarantees that the farm-   m.diaby@adfgroupe.com

ers’ harvest enters the market. The former is of high importance to ensure a steady     IPD CONTACT
income for the farmers, who represent a vital component in this production chain.       For more information on the company
                                                                                        please contact Ferry Böhnke,
                                                                                        External IPD Consultant
During the high season, ADF Groupe employs 100 people. The company has                  Mobile: + 49 177 245 1670
exported fresh and dried mangoes to Europe (France and Belgium) and Morocco.            boehnke@importpromotiondesk.de

+ Dried mangoes / 12 t to 15 t             + ORGANIC EU
+ Fresh mangoes / 70 t to 100 t

+ Own mango farm of 45ha
+ Partner farms

18                                                        Ñ contents | product finder         COTE D’IVOIRE
Industria Alimenticia
Flavors & Scents

Established in 2017, Industria Alimenticia Flavors & Scents is an Ecuadorian             ADDRESS
                                                                                         Industria Alimenticia
company focused on the production of freeze-dried food. The company is located           Flavors & Scents Cia. Ltda.
in Quito, where they receive raw materials from farmers across the country and           Parque Industrial Calacalí
process their products with top-of-the-line technology. The standards and certifi-        Ecuador
cations allow them to guarantee their clients the best possible quality in freeze-       Phone: + 593 22 306 460
dried products.
The local and international strategy is to provide the customers with the functional     Mr. Ricardo Canelos G
                                                                                         Phone: + 593 998 014 392
benefits superfoods have to offer, thus, targeting a clientele that values its health      rcanelos@fscents.com

and well-being.                                                                          IPD CONTACT
                                                                                         For more information on the company
PRODUCTS & QUANTITIES PER YEAR              CERTIFICATIONS                               please contact Ferry Böhnke,
                                                                                         External IPD Consultant
+ Freeze-dried bananas / 18 t               + GMP                                        Mobile: + 49 177 245 1670
+ Freeze-dried pitahayas / 18 t             + HACCP                                      boehnke@importpromotiondesk.de

+ Freeze-dried strawberries / 18 t

+ Ecuadorian farmers

19                                                         Ñ contents | product finder           ECUADOR
Quinoa Cotopaxi

Quinoa Cotopaxi was founded in 2014. The company is the result of over 100 years           ADDRESS
                                                                                           Quinoa Cotopaxi S.A.
of hard work, effort, and passion of a family dedicated to agriculture. The company        Panamericana Norte Km. 1
grows its own quinoa to assure high-quality raw materials, under the best agricul-         y Av. Héroes del Cenepa
tural practices. Quinoa Cotopaxi cares about social commitment and supports two            Ecuador
projects with indigenous groups in Ecuador. The company teaches indigenous                 www.quinoacotopaxi.com

women agricultural practices that help them obtain profits from their crops. They also     CONTACT
                                                                                           Mrs. Ana Albuja
support the project “Yachay Kawsay“, a Saraguro bilingual indigenous school in the         Phone: + 593 998 315 022
South of Ecuador and the program BE JUST to support education for people with              aalbuja@quinoacotopaxi.com

down syndrome.                                                                             IPD CONTACT
                                                                                           For more information on the company
Quinoa Cotopaxi creates products that are gluten-free and dairy free made with             please contact Ferry Böhnke,
                                                                                           External IPD Consultant
quinoa, under the best standards. By using quinoa, the golden grain of the Incas,          Mobile: + 49 177 245 1670
the company provides high protein and 100% natural ingredients in each product.            boehnke@importpromotiondesk.de

Quinoa Cotopaxi produces its own brand as well as under white label.

+ Quinoa in grain (Total capacity of 300 t)   + GMP
+ Quinoa baking mixes (banana cake,           + HACCP
  brownie, quinoa cakes)
+ Quinoa pancake mixes                        SOURCE OF RAW MATERIAL
  (Vanilla, banana)                           + Own quinoa cultivation
+ Quinoa blend with dried vegetables,         + Other materials from certified providers
  herbs and spices

20                                                          Ñ contents | product finder           ECUADOR
Uchu Spice

We know you care about where your ingredients come from – we do, too.                     ADDRESS
                                                                                          Proaji Cia Ltd
With 35 years of experience, advanced manufacturing techniques, and state-of-the-         Km 7 ½ via Quevedo
                                                                                          Santo Domingo
art facilities, we have mastered the art of growing, producing, and processing a wide     Ecuador

array of chili pepper varieties. We work with hundreds of independent smallholder         Pizca Foods SAC
farmers across Ecuador and Peru to successfully export the highest-quality pro-           Parque Industrial,
                                                                                          Km 1029
cessed specialty hot peppers in the market. We are hot pepper experts who strive          Mza. A Lote 13,
                                                                                          Zona Industrial
to provide our clients with the most unique and flavorful combinations to spice up        Sullana
their businesses! Uchu Spice offers various hot peppers in powder, flake, smoke,          Peru

brined, mash and puree form to spicy food creators around the world.                      www.uchuspice.com

Although we believe our product’s quality and diversity is unparalleled, our entrepre-    Mrs. Imelda Echavarria
neurial roots and spirit are still alive and active. We look forward to connecting with   Phone: + 59 399 944 76 44
you, and if what we offer is not what you were looking for, reach out to us anyway
                                                                                          IPD CONTACT
– we love challenges that trigger our imagination and give us a reason to create          For more information on the company
something new!                                                                            please contact Vanessa Kuth,
                                                                                          External IPD Consultant
                                                                                          Mobile: + 49 176 668 235 20
PRODUCTS & QUANTITIES PER YEAR               CERTIFICATIONS                               kuth@importpromotiondesk.de

+ Over 2.000 t of fresh hot peppers          + FSSC 22000
  processed into dried hot pepper,           + KOSHER
  mash and puree hot pepper, brined          + Audited against SMETA
  hot pepper and smoked hot pepper

+ From over 500 independent small-
  holder farmers in Peru and Ecuador
21                                                          Ñ contents | product finder           ECUADOR
Cairo 3A for Agricultural and
Animal Production

Cairo 3A for Agricultural and Animal Production, part of the Cairo 3A mother            ADDRESS
                                                                                        Cairo 3A Agricultural and
company, is an Egyptian company specialized in concentrate manufacturing and            Animal Production (Qutoof)
agro-industries. The company’s prime production is pomegranate concentrate              62 B, El Tagamoa El-Khams
                                                                                        Services Center
and other multi-fruits concentrate including, and not limited to, mango, strawberry     11865 New Cairo
and grapes.                                                                             Egypt
The one and only!
We are proud to be the one and only company in the Middle East and Africa               Mr. Gamal ElAwady
                                                                                        Commercial Manager
specialized in producing pomegranate concentrate in accordance with the AIJN            Phone + 20 225 657 382 20 19 /
(Association of the Industry of Juices and Nectars) standards.                                  + 20 100 660 32 36

                                                                                        IPD CONTACT
PRODUCTS & QUANTITIES PER YEAR              CERTIFICATIONS                              For more information on the company
+   Pomegranate concentrate / 1000 t        +   FSSC 22000                              please contact Vanessa Kuth,
                                                                                        External IPD Consultant
+   Strawberry puree / 1500 t               +   KOSHER                                  Mobile: + 49 176 668 235 20
+   Strawberry clear concentrate / 1000 t   +   FDA                                     kuth@importpromotiondesk.de

+   Mango puree / 1500 t                    +   GLOBALG.A.P
+   Guava puree / 2000 t
+   Peach puree / 200 t                     SOURCE OF RAW MATERIAL
                                            + Own cultivation
                                            + Egyptian farmers

22                                                        Ñ contents | product finder             EGYPT
Novaroma                                                                                                      food ingredients & more

                                                                                        MOUSTAFA REHAN
                                                                                        Export Manager

                                                                                          +20 114 896 3316                 Plot No. 64, 65 & 66
                                                                                          +20 82 220 0170                  Bayad Al Arab, Industrial Area
                                                                                          moustafa@nov-aroma.com           Beni Suef, Egypt

                                                                                                        w w w . n o v - a r o m a . c o m

Novaroma is a food processing company with its production site in Beni Suef, Egypt.                      ADDRESS
They provide an alternative to the few other alternative origins for similar products                    Plot 64-66 Bayad Al-Arab
and enjoy an amiable relationship with the EU along with competitive pricing and                         Industrial Zone
                                                                                                         Beni Suef
high quality material.                                                                                   Egypt
Novaroma is a vertically integrated organization that handles crop cultivation,
harvesting and also boasts a fully equipped dehydration & processing facility in a                       Mr. Moustafa Rehan
bid to keep all work done in-house. Finished product is packed in retail foil bags,                      Phone: + 20 114 896 33 16
paper bags, cartons, supersacks, etc. Egypt also benefits from its ideal geographic
                                                                                                         IPD CONTACT
location for quick & cost effective transportation by Sea to all EU ports. The com-                      For more information on the company
pany is constantly pursuing higher standards which is reflected in 3rd party audits,                     please contact Vanessa Kuth,
                                                                                                         External IPD Consultant
facility upgrades and upkeep, and upgrades to machinery. Next steps for 2022                             Mobile: + 49 176 668 235 20
include continuing expanding vegetable program and to initiate organic production                        kuth@importpromotiondesk.de

& capsicum oleoresin extraction.

+ Dehydrated vegetables (Jalapeno,            + BRC
  chili, carrot, spinach, green onion,        + ISO 9001
  bell pepper, etc.) / 300 t                  + KOSHER
+ Dehydrated Herbs (Basil, mint, curly
  parsley, thyme, dill leaf, etc.) / 1000 t   SOURCE OF RAW MATERIAL
+ Essential Oils (Blue chamomile, basil,      + Egyptian farmers
  mint, cumin, etc.) / 5 t                    + Direct cultivation by Novaroma
                                              + Contracted cultivation supervised by
23                                                          Ñ contents | product finder                             EGYPT
Wanesco Land for
Medical Plants

Wanesco is an Egyptian company that produces herbs and medical plants with over        ADDRESS
40 years of experience. The factory is located in Beni Suef where most herbs are       Block No. 85-86, Industrial Zone
grown. The company has a wide range of products as well involved in all production     Baiad Al Arab
                                                                                       Beni Suef
steps: from growing conventional/ organic products to sieving, sorting, and packing.   Egypt
Wanesco believes in long-term business relationships and sets priority to high-
quality products according to customers’ requirements following EU standards.          Mr. Mina Sameh
Wanesco can handle final packed products in favor of their customers abroad.           Export Director
                                                                                       Phone: + 202 262 059 40
                                                                                              + 201 278 410 770
+   Basil / 100 t                          +   BRC                                     IPD CONTACT
                                                                                       For more information on the company
+   Thyme / 100 t                          +   KOSHER                                  please contact Vanessa Kuth,
+   Spearmint / 100 t                      +   ORGANIC EU                              External IPD Consultant
                                                                                       Mobile: + 49 176 668 235 20
+   Peppermint / 100 t                     +   ORGANIC NOP                             kuth@importpromotiondesk.de

+   Marjoram / 100 t                       +   ISO 22000
+   Rosemary / 50 t
+   Lemon grass / 50 t                     SOURCE OF RAW MATERIAL
+   Anise seeds / 100 t                    + Own farms
+   Fennel seeds / 100 t                   + Contracted farmers
+   Caraway seeds / 100 t
+   Chamomile / 150 t
+   Calendula / 50 t
+   Hibiscus / 100 t
+   Moringa, Sage, Senna & Verbascum

24                                                       Ñ contents | product finder             EGYPT
Olira Agro Industry

Olira Agro Industry was established in 2008, focusing on exporting both                    ADDRESS
                                                                                           Olira Agro Industry
organic and conventional hulled sesame seeds to high value markets including               Addis Ababa
USA, Europe and Middle East. The company has expanded its activities during the            Ethiopia
previous years and is now engaged in exporting diverse agro products to global             www.oliraagroindustry.com
markets such as pulses, other oilseeds and some spices.                                    CONTACT
                                                                                           Mr. Elias Geneti
Olira engages more than 1,800 smallholder farmers who produce sesame seeds.                Owner
The farmers are supported with pre-finance, inputs, premium price and training             Phone: + 251 911 223 619
to empower them and guarantee a stable supply. As an ISO certified factory, the
                                                                                           IPD CONTACT
sesame is processed with a high level of professionalism. Modern European                  For more information on the company
machines are used for all process steps and certifiers are constantly monitoring           please contact Ferry Böhnke,
                                                                                           External IPD Consultant
organic and food safety standards.                                                         Mobile: + 49 177 245 1670
Olira’s values are based on quality, customer satisfaction, fair treatment of its
employees as well as other aspects of CSR.

+ Conventional natural sesame seeds /         + ORGANIC (EU and US, temporarily
  2,000 t                                       not active due to Covid-19)
+ Conventional hulled sesame seeds /          + ISO 22000
+ Other conventional oilseeds / 1,200 t       SOURCE OF RAW MATERIAL
+ Pulses (pea beans, chickpeas, green         + Contract farming with smallholder
  mung) / 500 t                                 sesame farmers

25                                                           Ñ contents | product finder           ETHIOPIA
GKV Investments

GKV, an established agro-processing and “zero waste” manufacturing company               ADDRESS
                                                                                         GKV Investments Ltd 71,
is located in the Western Region of Ghana. The vision of GKV is to add value to          Ntwaaban Nkwanta
agricultural produce in its catchment area with minimal loss to the nutritional value    Sekondi-Takoradi
                                                                                         Western Region
of the processed products. This is achieved by using basic methods such as               Ghana
separation technology and adding value to nearly every part of the coconut fruit.        www.avacoconutoil.com

GKV’s sustainability goals and ethos ensure the sourcing of high-quality raw materials   CONTACT
                                                                                         Mr. Kojo Nunoo
from small holder farmers in the Western and Central Regions of Ghana. Their             Managing Director
operations generate direct and indirect economic and employment opportunities            Phone: + 233 201 911 493
for the farmers and communities within which they operate. Every liter of oil produced   info@avacoconutoil.com
and purchased by their customers impacts and enhances the livelihoods of these           IPD CONTACT
communities for the better.                                                              For more information on the company
                                                                                         please contact Ferry Böhnke,
Ava products are retailed by the top supermarkets in Ghana and internationally           External IPD Consultant
                                                                                         Mobile: + 49 177 245 1670
to Canada, Morocco, South Africa and Nigeria.                                            boehnke@importpromotiondesk.de

+ Virgin coconut oil / 360 t                + FSSC 22000
+ Dessiccated coconut powder / 200 t        + ORGANIC (EU, USDA/NOP)
+ Coconut chips / 120 t                       (in Progress)

                                            SOURCE OF RAW MATERIAL
                                            + Fresh matured coconut from the Central
                                              and Western Regions of Ghana

26                                                        Ñ contents | product finder             GHANA
Management.) They sell locally in Ghana, and have also sent consignments to the USA,
Russia, and the UK.
Pure and Just
The company’s objective is to export of 90% of production capacity to Europe and Russia.

 Pure and Just Co                                                                                                                          SUPPLIER
                                                                                                                                           from Ghana

 Products & quantities per year                           Certifications
 (Combined capacity of dried fruits /                     + HACCP
 48 t)
     Pure   and     Just   is a climate-smart        agribusiness        that processes       tropical   fresh fruit into    high-
Pure and Just is a climate-smart agro-processing business                        transforming    the                  ADDRESS               ADDRESS
 + quality,
      Dried bananas
                  international-standard,          tropical       dried    fruit   products.    They    source   from    farmer-
                                                                                                                      Pure                  Pure and Just Co.
                                                                                                                           and Just Co. Limited
naturally flavorful tropical fruits of Ghana intoSource     world-class,
                                                                      of raw  naturally-dried
                                                                                 material fruit
 + partners
      Dried mangoesand   process     at theirpawpaw
                                                facility in   Ghana’s       dynamic    capital,   Accra.
                                                                                                                      P.O. Box 1209         4 Kpakpafio St, Ma
 + They’re     pawpaw source    pineapple,                +(papaya),
                                                                          sourced   and  banana
                                                                                      directly     directly
                                                                                                from   farms in       Cantonments
                                                                                                                                            Accra, Ghana

    Pure and Just Co
                     youtharedriven      business atwith theiraGhana‘s
                                                                              team of in  152017,
                                                                                               people (including GhanaExecutive
                                                                                                                      Accra                  SUPPLIER
from   farmers,
 + Dried       pineapple         later processed                 facility.    regions                                                       www.yvayafarm.c
                                                                                                                                             from Ghana
     Management.)            They   sell  locally   in   Ghana,      and     have
they currently have a staff of 15 people (incl. executive management.) They are     also  sent   consignments      to  the    USA,
in the  process andofthe     UK. up a new facility located 1.5 hours from the capital,
                        setting                                                                                       Yvette Tetteh
     The   company’s         objective    is to  export     of  90%    of  production
Accra. This new facility (operational in April 2022) will have a staff of 40 people       capacity    to Europe   and   Russia.& CEO
                                                                                                                      Phone: + 233 200 119 525
andPure     and Just
      a monthly           is a climate-smart
                    capacity    of up to 40 tonsagribusiness             that processes
                                                      of dried fruit products.               tropical fresh fruit into
                                                                                      They have                             high-
                                                                                                                      www.yvayafarm.com    ADDRESS
    quality,     international-standard,
exported consignments to Japan and the US.         tropical      dried     fruit  products.    They     source  from     farmer-           Pure and Just Co. L
    partners and process at their facility in Ghana’s dynamic capital, Accra.                                         IPD CONTACT          4 Kpakpafio St, Ma
                                                                                                                      For more informationAccra,   Ghana
     Products       &  quantities
    They’re a& QUANTITIES
PRODUCTS             youth drivenPER  per   year
                                              YEAR with        aCertifications
                                                                   young team of 15 people (including Executive
                                                                                                                                            on the company
                                                                                                                      please contact Catherine  Hebting,
     (Combined         capacity    of dried    fruits  /        + andHACCP
      t of dried fruit: They sell locally in Ghana,                       (Inhave   also sent consignments to Mobile:  the USA,
                                                                                                                      External IPD  Consultant
                                                          + HACCP             process)
     48 t) and the UK.
                                                                                                                              + 33 669 551 410
+ Dried    bananas                                        +  Preparing       FSSC    22000   for  new  site           hebting@importpromotiondesk.de
     +moreDried     bananas
   Dried     informationobjective
     + Hüttenhofer,
          Dried     mangoes
                              on the company,      pleaseofalso
                                         is to export          90%  doofnot
                                                                Source      ofhesitate
                                                                           production  tocapacity
                                                                                          contact to Europe and Russia.
                                                                               raw material
 Teresa                      External IPD Consultant + Fruits sourced directly from farms in
+ Dried    pawpaw
     + huettenhofer@importpromotiondesk.de,
          Dried     pawpaw                                SOURCE OF RAW MATERIAL
 Email:                                                          Phone + 49 (0) 160 903 917 16
+ Dried    pineapple
     + Dried        pineapple                             + FruitsGhana‘s
                                                                      sourced regions
                                                                                  directly from farms
                                                           in Ghana‘s regions
    Products & quantities per year          Certifications
                                         + 60 acres on-site cultivated farm land
    (Combined capacity of dried fruits /    + HACCP
    48 t)
    + Dried bananas
    + Dried mangoes                         Source of raw material
    + Dried pawpaw                          + Fruits sourced directly from farms in
    + Dried pineapple                          Ghana‘s regions

27 For more information on the company, please also do not contentsto| contact
                                                        Ñ hesitate      product finder                                         GHANA
     Teresa Hüttenhofer, External IPD Consultant
Zalli Foods

Zalli Foods is an agro-processing company that develops and produces nutritious         ADDRESS
                                                                                        Zalli Foods Limited
snacks made from African fruits and superfoods. The company was launched in             P.O. Box WJ 816 Weija
early 2017 with its line of Toasted Coconut Chips under the SOA | Snacks of Africa      Accra
brand. It also produces high quality fruits (mango and pineapple) for bulk and whole-
sale distribution.                                                                      Ms. Stacey Enyame
                                                                                        Managing Director
The company stands on 3 pillars of impact:                                              Phone: + 233 54 220 6330
+ Women & youth empowerment: Zalli Foods is woman owned and operated
                                                                                        IPD CONTACT
  with 70 % of its workforce being women and 100 % under the age of 30.                 For more information on the company
                                                                                        please contact Vanessa Kuth,
+ Stable market access for smallholder farmers (80 % of Ghana’s coconuts                External IPD Consultant
  are produced by smallholders).                                                        Mobile: + 49 176 668 235 20
+ Contribution towards the diversification of Ghana’s industrial sector beyond
  Gold and Cocoa production.

Bulk dried fruit:                           + ISO 22000 certified by Q1/2022
+ Dried mangoes / 40 t
  (available Q1 2022)                       SOURCE OF RAW MATERIAL
+ Dried pineapples / 30 t                   + Fruits sourced directly from farms in
  (available Q1 2022)                         Ghana‘s Eastern and Western Regions
+ SOA toasted coconut chips / 8 t (50g
  pouches x 400k) – currently available

28                                                        Ñ contents | product finder            GHANA
Aksara Kencana Putra

As an organic agriculture producer, Aksara Kencana Putra (AKP) presents a wide          ADDRESS
                                                                                        Pt. Aksara Kencana Putra
range of high quality products, such as cocoa beans and nibs, spices (ginger,           JL Kelapa Sawit XV Blok BH 1
turmeric, galangal), coconut sugar, cassiavera bark and blended tea. Together           Kelapa dua - Tangerang
with local farmers and cooperatives, AKP facilitates organic land banks at various      Indonesia
                                                                                        Phone: + 62 021 2222 5078
locations.                                                                              marketing@petaniorganic.com
AKP Organic creates an integrated supply chain, named “petaniorganic.com”
to ensure that every producer and buyer transaction will follow the contract agree-     Mr. Henry Tedjasaputra
ment. “petaniorganic.com” as an integrated trading platform aims to ease the            Phone: +62 812 991 613 89
communication between all stakeholders. Starting from searching products,
                                                                                        IPD CONTACT
dealing with producers, binding agreements until receiving the product and also         For more information on the company
the payment transaction will be secured.                                                please contact Charles Mordret,
                                                                                        External IPD Consultant
                                                                                        Mobile: + 34 664 110 163
The companies’ values are based on transparency and accountable fair business.          mordret@importpromotiondesk.de
Together it aims to empower and educate famers as well as reliable and sustainable

+   Cassiavera / 100 t                      + ORGANIC (EU, US, JAS)
+   Cocoa beans / 100 t
+   Coconut sugar / 240 t                   SOURCE OF RAW MATERIAL
+   Ginger (organic in process) / 100 t     + Collaboration with farmers‘                          Japan
                                            + Own blending

29                                                        Ñ contents | product finder         INDONESIA
Intrafood Singabera Indonesia

Established in 1984, PT. Intrafood Singabera Indonesia brings global consumers         ADDRESS
                                                                                       Intrafood Singabera Indonesia
best quality natural goodness from the Indonesian archipelago with guaranteed          Jalan Arak Arak 52
traceability and international manufacturing standards. Located in Sukoharjo Central   Sukoharjo 57552
Java, this family-owned company presently commands a large domestic following          Phone: + 62 271 641 277
with overseas export since early 2000.                                                 info@singabera.co.id

Intrafood is committed to creating the highest standard products derived from          CONTACT
natural plants, while minimizing the environmental footprint and building a            Ms. Karina Muktiono
                                                                                       Mobile: + 62 812 265 04 04
sustainable business that benefits thousands of local farmers for maximum              karinamuktiono@singabera.co.id

positive impact.                                                                       Ms. Anindya Puspitasari
                                                                                       Mobile: + 62 812 856 630 60
                                                                                       IPD CONTACT
+ Organic coconut sugar / 480 t            +   ORGANIC EU, USDA, JAS                   For more information on the company
+ Organic coconut nectar syrup / 60 t      +   KOSHER                                  please contact Charles Mordret,
                                                                                       External IPD Consultant
+ Ginger drink premix / 3,600 t            +   HALAL                                   Mobile: + 34 664 110 163
                                           +   ISO 22000                               mordret@importpromotiondesk.de

SOURCE OF RAW MATERIAL                     +   HACCP
+ Coconut sugar: 490 farmers               +   FSSC 22200 (audit started
  in Central Java                              in mid 2021)
+ Ginger: Java & Sumatra


30                                                       Ñ contents | product finder          INDONESIA
Asian Agro Products

Asian Agro Products was established in 1922 with the motive of exporting high             ADDRESS
                                                                                          Asian Agro Products Pvt. Ltd.
quality desiccated coconut products to the global market. Asian Agro Products             Madampalla Road, Henmulla
introduces “NUTRIKOKOS” to the consumer with the intention of bringing a wide             Kochchikade
                                                                                          P.O. Box 11540
range of high quality coconut products.                                                   Sri Lanka
                                                                                          Phone: + 94 314 931 800
The company promotes organic farming to reduce the use of toxic chemicals and             Mobile: +94 777 766 368
enhance human health and consumer satisfaction. They use the best technology              chrishan@asianagropr.com
available to get the best products and also strive hard to protect the environment        www.nutrikokos.com

and the well being of their employees. Therefore their focus lies as well on the social   CONTACT
                                                                                          Mr. Jacob Fernando
responsibility to build a better society for everyone.                                    Manager Planning and Certifications
                                                                                          Phone: + 94 779 723 785
                                                                                          IPD CONTACT
+ Desiccated coconut (all grades) /         +   BRC – A Grade                             For more information on the company
  1,200 t                                   +   ISO 22000                                 please contact Catherine Hebting,
                                                                                          External IPD Consultant
+ Desiccated coconut (value added) /        +   ORGANIC (EU, USDA/NOP)                    Mobile: + 33 669 551 410
  100 t                                     +   FAIR TRADE                                hebting@importpromotiondesk.de

+ Virgin coconut oil / 90 t
+ Coconut milk / 120 t                      SOURCE OF RAW MATERIAL
+ Coconut flour / 100 t                     + From coconut farming land
+ Creamed coconut / 100 t                     in Sri Lanka under observation

31                                                         Ñ contents | product finder           SRI LANKA
Manchiee de Coco Products

Manchiee De Coco Products is reputed manufacturer & exporter of coconut based          ADDRESS
                                                                                       Manchiee De Coco Products
products. We use modern technology to produce our products with continuous             Amaragiri Estate
monitoring & assessing.                                                                Loluwagoda
                                                                                       Sri Lanka
The company has highly skilled and trained workforce around 150 mainly from            Phone: + 94 33 22 41 192
neighboring towns and villages. Manchiee De Coco has good suppliers keen on            sales@manchiee.com
non chemical fertilizers, pesticides and herbicides. We always use good cultural
practices, proper growing conditions and follow wood controlling and pest con-         Mr. Diluk Silva
trolling by the natural means.                                                         Manager International Marketing
                                                                                       Phone: + 94 77 35 83 218
PRODUCTS & QUANTITIES                      + Coconut sauce: 200 L / month
                                                                                       IPD CONTACT
+ Coconut milk powder (Organic/            + Coconut snacks: 500 kg / day              For more information on the company
  Conventional/ Vegan): 4.5 t / day        + Coconut nectar: 500 kg / day              please contact Catherine Hebting,
                                                                                       External IPD Consultant
+ Extra virgin coconut oil /                                                           Mobile: + 33 669 551 410
  Virgin coconut oil: 2 t / day            CERTIFICATIONS

+ MCT Oil & MCT oil powder: 1 t / day      +   CERTIFICATIONS
+ Creamed coconut: 1 t / day               +   ORGANIC (EU, USDA, JAS)
+ Coconut butter: 1 t / day                +   ISO 22000
+ Coconut flour: 800 kg / day               +   HACCP
+ Desiccated coconut: 2 t / day            +   GMP
+ Coconut water: 10,000 L / month          +   KOSHER
+ Coconut vinegar: 5000 L / month
+ Coconut aminos: 4000 L / month           SOURCE OF RAW MATERIAL
+ Fruit powders (pineapple, mango,         + Organic coconut farming
  banana, avocado): 2 t each / month
32                                                       Ñ contents | product finder          SRI LANKA

Pasanka is a business for processing fruits, spices, herbs, and virgin coconut oil.      ADDRESS
                                                                                         Pasanka Pvt. Ltd.
The company manufactures and exports high quality organic products from the              No. 97, Siyambalagoda
Southern part of Sri Lanka. This region is full of under-utilized agriculture crops,     Beliatta
which represents a big opportunity for the company. We are surrounded by a               Sri Lanka
natural garden of spices, coconut and fruits, where the herbal heritage is also rich.    www.pasanka.com

The company’s objective is to optimally use natural raw materials while providing        CONTACT
                                                                                         Mr. K K Priyantha Saman Kumara
the finest healthy and the best quality organic products to the market, supporting       Managing Director
the idea of a healthy human life.                                                        Phone: +94 773 431 433

Pasanka has a network of long-term raw material suppliers and organic farmers            IPD CONTACT
by maintaining the criteria of reasonable and fair prices.                               For more information on the company
                                                                                         please contact Catherine Hebting,
                                                                                         External IPD Consultant
PRODUCTS & QUANTITIES PER YEAR              CERTIFICATIONS                               Mobile: + 33 669 551 410
+ Spices and herbs for natural              +   ISO 22000
  flavoring ingredient industry / 200 t     +   HACCP
+ Dehydrated tropical fruits (mangoes,      +   GMP
  papayas, pineapples, bananas,             +   ORGANIC (EU, USDA, JAS)
  warakas) / 100 t
+ Virgin coconut oil for cosmetic           SOURCE OF RAW MATERIAL
  industry / 100 t                          + Southern small farmers
                                              from Sri Lanka

33                                                         Ñ contents | product finder          SRI LANKA
Waguruwela Oil Mills

Waguruwela Oil Mills is the leading manufacturer in Sri Lanka for all types of coconut     ADDRESS
                                                                                           Waguruwela Oil Mills Pvt. Ltd.
products. Since 2013 the company has been able to conquer the coconut export               Waguruwela,
industry together with their 450 highly skilled employees.                                 Welpalla,
                                                                                           Sri Lanka. 60206
                                                                                           Phone: +94 770 467 811
It is the only factory in Sri Lanka which produces extra virgin organic coconut oil with   sales@waguruwelamills.com
100% sediment and 100% mold free. Furthermore, it is the only exporter of coconut          www.waguruwelamills.com

milk in Sri Lanka who supplies coconut milk produced under strict quality standards        CONTACT
and social requirements. The company adopts modern and environmental friendly              Mr. Roshan Perera
                                                                                           Chief Operating Officer
manufacturing processes and is supported by the latest laboratory facilities and           Phone: +94 770 467 811
dedicated staff, to ensure product safety and quality conformance.                         roshan@waguruwelamills.com

                                                                                           IPD CONTACT
PRODUCTS & QUANTITIES PER YEAR               CERTIFICATIONS                                For more information on the company
                                                                                           please contact Catherine Hebting,
+   Virgin coconut oil / 3,750 t             +   ORGANIC (EU, NOP, USDA)                   External IPD Consultant
                                                                                           Mobile: + 33 669 551 410
+   Coconut cream / 9,750 t                  +   HALAL                                     hebting@importpromotiondesk.de
+   Coconut milk / 9,750 t                   +   KOSHER
+   Coconut butter / 1,250 t                 +   BIO SUISSE
+   Coconut flour / 1,875 t                  +   FAIRTRADE
+   Desiccated coconut / 1,250 t             +   NATURLAND
+   Low Fat Desiccated                       +   JAS
    coconut / 9,250 t                        +   ISO 22000
                                             +   BRC A for issue 8
SOURCE OF RAW MATERIAL                       +   Audited against SMETA
+ Organic coconuts from the coconut          +   NON-GMO Project Verified
  triangle of Sri Lanka

34                                                          Ñ contents | product finder           SRI LANKA
Worga Naturals

Worga Naturals is the innovative partner of choice for dehydrated and preserved             ADDRESS
                                                                                            Worga Naturals (Pvt) Ltd.
fruits from Sri Lanka, working at the highest organic and ethical standards. Worga          No. 152/G, Meepavita,
Naturals was established in 2013 as a family business for organic farming. Now the          Udamapitigama
company is working with more than 100 small scale organic farmers scattered in              Sri Lanka (11860)
the island of Sri Lanka to produce quality certified organic agricultural raw materials     Phone: + 94 112 476 190
for different uses.                                                                         www.worganaturals.com

In 2017, Worga Naturals started its own processing facility with value added organic        Nishantha Jayatilaka
raw materials, helping mainly the female villagers of the countryside by creating job op-   Phone: + 94 71 399 26 73
                                                                                                   + 94 77 378 85 08
portunities and uplifting their economy. Worga Naturals produces only certified organic     nishantha@worganaturals.com
quality retail and bulk products from the best harvest while helping villagers’ economy.
                                                                                            IPD CONTACT
                                                                                            For more information on the company
PRODUCTS & QUANTITIES PER YEAR               CERTIFICATIONS                                 please contact Catherine Hebting,
                                                                                            External IPD Consultant
+ Dehydrated fruits / 100 t                  +   BRC                                        Mobile: + 33 669 551 410
+ Young green jackfruit in brine             +   ISO 22000
  (bottle/can) / 1,500,000 units             +   ORGANIC (EU,USDA,JAS)
+ Banana blossom in brine                    +   NATURLAND ORGANIC
  (bottle/can) / 1,000,000 units             +   FairTSA
+ Fruit jars (bottle/can) /                  +   FDA
  1,500,000 units                            +   KOSHER
+ King coconut water (bottle/can) /
  1,000,000 units                            SOURCE OF RAW MATERIAL
+ Fruit powders / 90 t                       + 95% from certified farmer groups
                                             + 5% own farming

35                                                          Ñ contents | product finder            SRI LANKA
Supported by:
                Hall 4.1 | Booth B41

                Amethyst-Ole was created in 2011 and has gained reputation of a mindful and             ADDRESS
                                                                                                        Amethyst-Ole LLC
                reliable partner since. Business began with a small production facility which was       2 Avtomobilna St,
                made up of a single refrigerating chamber and a fast-frozen food storage of a           Village Rudnia-Bystra
                                                                                                        Olevsk region
                decent size, but thanks to the concerted effort of the team, the business began         Zhytomyr district
                to grow fast.                                                                           Ukraine
                                                                                                        Phone: + 380 67 401 7941
                At the present time two powerful production lines for electronic berry sorting and
                one for nuts processing are in use at the facility. In 2020 walnut sorting equipment    Ms. Tetiana Rudenko
                was totally upgraded for an unsurpassed quality.                                        Phone: +380 67 401 7941

                PRODUCTS & QUANTITIES PER YEAR              CERTIFICATIONS                              IPD CONTACT
                                                                                                        For more information on the company
                +   Wild blueberries frozen / 1,000 t       +   ORGANIC EU                              please contact Teresa Hüttenhofer,
                +   Wild blackberries frozen / 400 t        +   NATURLAND                               External IPD Consultant
                                                                                                        Mobile: + 49 160 903 917 16
                +   Wild elderberries frozen / 400 t        +   HACCP                                   huettenhofer@importpromotiondesk.de

                +   Raspberries frozen / 400 t              +   ISO 9001
                +   Lingonberries frozen / 100 t            +   ISO 22000
                +   Cranberries frozen / 500 t
                +   Rosehips frozen / 100 t                 SOURCE OF RAW MATERIAL
                +   Walnut kernels / 300 t                  + Wild collection and farming partners

                36                                                        Ñ contents | product finder           UKRAINE

The company Borovyk was founded in 2003 and is located in Boryslav in Western            ADDRESS
Ukraine, close to the Carpathian region.                                                 13, Konovaltsya Str.
                                                                                         82300, Lviv region, Boryslav
Borovyk is a family business which employs today over 100 persons. According to          Ukraine
                                                                                         Phone: + 380 324 850 508
ISO22000 requirements, Borovyk grows and processes champignons and other                 borovyk.11@ukr.net
mushrooms from wild collection in own drying and processing facilities.                  www.borovyk-mushrooms.com

Thoroughly selected raw materials, ecological soil, diligent supervision, quality con-   Ms. Olga Turchyn
trol, and true love to our produce created favorable conditions to grow delicious and    CEO
                                                                                         Tel. / WhatsApp: +38 067 673 02 30
ecological mushrooms.                                                                    borovyk.boryslav@gmail.com

Prior delivery, mushrooms are stored in special “shock” cryogenic chambers or in         IPD CONTACT
                                                                                         For more information on the company
refrigerators. Dry mushrooms are packed in paper bags. Canned mushrooms are              please contact Teresa Hüttenhofer,
produced in jars.                                                                        External IPD Consultant
                                                                                         Mobile: + 49 160 903 917 16
+ Champignons dried / 35 t                  + ISO 22000
+ Champignons canned /
  150 000 pieces                            SOURCE OF RAW MATERIAL
+ Porcini dried / 5 t                       + Own production (champignons)
                                            + Wild collection

37                                                         Ñ contents | product finder           UKRAINE
Brancho Ukraine

Brancho™ is a family-owned company, producing natural fruit and vegetable             ADDRESS
                                                                                      Brancho Ukraine LLC
products since 2018. Brancho™ is specialized on dried ingredients and snacks          35/37, Vasylia Stusa St.,
from about 35 types of fruits, berries, vegetables, and mixed components.             Office 112
                                                                                      Ukraine, 03142
Brancho™ commitment to a full eco-system mindset spanning across the use              Phone: + 38 063 319 56 52
of natural and organic products, ecological packaging, and high standards of          www.brancho.ua

manufacturing.                                                                        CONTACT
                                                                                      Mr. Andrii Shkliar
Brancho™ uses innovative technology of processing raw materials to keep vitamins      Phone: + 38 063 261 53 89
and nutrients in finished products, which are then packaged into TÜV certified home
                                                                                      IPD CONTACT
compostable packaging, minimizing the ecological footprint of our production.         For more information on the company
                                                                                      please contact Teresa Hüttenhofer,
PRODUCTS & QUANTITIES PER YEAR            CERTIFICATIONS                              External IPD Consultant
                                                                                      Mobile: + 49 160 903 917 16
+ Dried fruit rolls / 60 t                + HACCP                                     huettenhofer@importpromotiondesk.de

+ Dried apple rings (chips) / 40 t        + FSSC 22000
+ Dried edible teas (fruits & berries)
  / 20 t                                  SOURCE OF RAW MATERIAL
+ Dried vegetables (dices, slices,        + Ukrainian farmers
  powder e.g. beet, carrots, eggplants)
  / 15 t
+ Dried fruits /berries (whole,
  dices, slices, powder e.g. apples,
  blueberries, cherries) / 15 t

38                                                      Ñ contents | product finder           UKRAINE

AGRO FAROVON ZAMIN – an enterprise the main activity of which is growing of                ADDRESS
                                                                                           Yangikurgan Village,
agricultural crops, their sales in a fresh and recycled form. Territory of an enterprise   Bulungur District,
consists of 3 ha. During the process of growing, our specialists use modern meth-          Samarkand region, Uzbekistan
                                                                                           Phone: + 998 97 911 47 77
ods of dripping irrigation. Preparations process of growing seedlings from seeds is        WhatsApp/Telegram:
held in the modern nurseries. Landing and processing of agricultural crops is carried      +998 90 224 30 00
out by “Californian method”. An enterprise is equipped with a modern equipment from        www.agrofarovonzamin.uz

leading manufacturers of Europe (FAM, TOMRA, BIGTEM), in accordance with this              CONTACT
the latest technologies is being used to reach a high quality of recycled products.        Mrs. Ibragimova Gisana
                                                                                           Phone: + 998 90 224 30 00
Cycle of manufacturing of dried products is hold in several steps: reception, clean-       gisana@bk.ru
ing, cutting, drying, laser sorting and packing of the products. 60 tons of fresh prod-
                                                                                           IPD CONTACT
ucts is processed per day. Recycled products mainly oriented for export. Quality           For more information on the company
and innovations are the main trend of activity of our company. Our goal is to supply       please contact Teresa Hüttenhofer,
                                                                                           External IPD Consultant
customers and consumers with a big variety of useful for health dried vegetables           Mobile: + 49 160 903 917 16
and fruits.

+   Dried zucchini / 100 t                    + FSSC 22000
+   Dried paprika (red bell pepper) / 100 t
+   Dried pumpkin / 200 t                     SOURCE OF RAW MATERIAL
+   Dried leek / 100 t                        + Grown on own land
                                              + Ordered by farmers
                                              + Seeds of breeding institutes
                                                of the Netherlands

39                                                          Ñ contents | product finder         UZBEKISTAN
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