Group Presentation 2017 - elcowire group

Page created by Willard Dunn
Group Presentation 2017 - elcowire group
Group Presentation
Group Presentation 2017 - elcowire group
Liljedahl Group
2017 in brief                                                                  1
This is Liljedahl Group                                                        2
Financial year 2017                                                            4
Our core values                                                                6
Corporate philosophy                                                           8
Company overview                                                              10

Finnvedens Bil                                                                12
Finnvedens Lastvagnar                                                         14
LMT Group                                                                     16
Hörle Wire Group                                                              18
Elcowire Group                                                                20
LWW Group                                                                     22
Liljedahl Group Fastigheter                                                   24
Bufab                                                                         26

Financial report
Development of the Group’s business, profit/loss and financial position       29
Report on Group’s profit/loss                                                 30
Report on profit/loss and other comprehensive income for the Group            30
Report on the Group’s financial position                                      31
Report on Group’s cash flow                                                   32
Income statement for parent company                                           33
Report on profit/loss and other comprehensive income for the parent company   33
Balance sheet for parent company                                              34
Cash flow analysis for parent company                                         36
Key ratio definitions                                                        36
Group Presentation 2017 - elcowire group
2017 in brief

2017 in brief
> In 2017, Liljedahl Group had its most profitable year ever. The   > Investments in more efficient production and sales processes
   favourable economic conditions created good opportunities,           have continued in order to meet market demands.
   along with goal-focused work in the holdings.
                                                                       uring the year, Finnvedens Bil acquired Värmlands Bil i
> The boards of the holdings have been strengthened with new         Kristinehamn AB. Finnvedens Lastvagnar acquired the truck
   expertise.                                                         business of Värmlands Bil i Kristinehamn AB.

> The principal ownership of Bufab has been strengthened,
   and constituted 24.07% as of the end of the year.

Key ratios                                                   2017        2016              2015                2014             2013
Net sales, SEK thousand                                10,790,841    9,279,434        9,839,602           8,732,758        8,809,583
EBITDA, SEK thousand                                      501,103     385,213           341,748             279,197          269,330
Operating margin, %                                            9.5         7.6               7.4                 5.9              6.2
Profit after financial items, SEK thousand                340,235     247,065           205,316             149,797           140,149
Return on shareholders’ equity, %                             15.3        13.1              12.2                 9.5              9.6
Equity/assets ratio, %                                          41         42                45                  46                42
Average number of employees                                  1,221       1,183             1,178               1,221            1,172

                                                                                                   Liljedahl Group AB | Group Presentation 2017   1
Group Presentation 2017 - elcowire group
This is Liljedahl Group

            This is Liljedahl Group

            Liljedahl Group is a family-           Liljedahl Group has seen profitable          Group, LMT Group, Finnvedens Lastvag-
                                                   growth since it was founded in 1982.         nar, Finnvedens Bil and Liljedahl Group
            owned corporate group.
                                                   Today, Liljedahl Group has seven wholly-     Fastigheter. The companies have a total of
            We are active, responsible
                                                   owned holdings and is principal owner of     over 1,200 employees and combined sales
            owners who have a long-                listed company Bufab AB (publ).              of SEK 10.8 billion.
            term commitment to our                     All of the holdings in Liljedahl Group      Bufab AB (publ), listed on Nasdaq
            companies and who create               AB are Swedish companies, and the            Stockholm, is active in Europe, Asia and
            stable conditions for growth.          majority of business is in Europe.           the USA. Bufab’s sales amount to SEK 3.2
                                                       The wholly-owned holdings are            billion, and it has over 1,100 employees.
                                                   Elcowire Group, LWW Group, Hörle Wire

                                                                                                  Business concept
                                                                                                  Liljedahl Group is an owner with
                                                                                                  long-term vision using knowledge
                                                                                                  and capital to foster continued
                                                                                                  growth. As an owner, Liljedahl
                                                                                                  Group takes an active role and cre-
                                                                                                  ates stable conditions for further

2   Liljedahl Group AB | Group Presentation 2017
Group Presentation 2017 - elcowire group
This is Liljedahl Group

Finnvedens Bil                                                       Elcowire Group
Market-leading dealer of Volvo, Renault and Dacia cars and           A leading Nordic manufacturer of copper wire rods, primarily for
Renault’s light commercial vehicles, with authorised workshops       power transmission. Technology leader as a supplier of contact
for servicing and maintenance.                                       wires and other railway applications.

Finnvedens Lastvagnar                                                LWW Group
Sweden’s largest private dealer of Volvo trucks, with authorised     Leading supplier in Europe of copper and aluminium winding wire
workshops for servicing and maintenance.                             for electric motors, generators and transformers. One of the lead-
                                                                     ing suppliers in the electrification of drivelines for electric and
LMT Group                                                            hybrid cars.
Leading partner for the Nordic manufacturing industry as a sup-
plier of advanced machine tools, machines for sheet metal reform-    Liljedahl Group Fastigheter
ing, tools, industrial consumables and advice, servicing and main-   Responsible for managing and developing the property portfolio
tenance.                                                             of Liljedahl Group.

Hörle Wire Group                                                     Bufab AB (publ)
Major supplier of wire and wire products in the Nordic region and    Market leader in the supply of components and services for sim-
Europe, and among the foremost companies in Europe for               plifying and streamlining the supply chain for C-parts (screws,
armouring wire for land and submarine use.                           nuts, fasteners etc).

                                                                                                  Liljedahl Group AB | Group Presentation 2017      3
Group Presentation 2017 - elcowire group
Financial year 2017

            Bengt Liljedahl, CEO, and Fredrik Liljedahl, Deputy CEO, sum up the 2017 financial year.

           Best result ever

            Comments on the record result?                What are you most proud of?                   Looking ahead, what opportunities
            Bengt: The result is extremely satisfying     Bengt: We have clarified and improved         and challenges do you see on the
            for us as a owner company and for our         the interaction between the owner com-        market?
            boards, management teams and employ-          pany, the boards and our management.          Bengt: The entire automotive industry
            ees. Profitable growth strengthens our        We are on the way towards creating an         is in a state of transition, with new tech-
            independence and gives us room for            appropriately sustainable model for own-      nology and new business models. We see
            manoeuvre.                                    ership, management and development.           great opportunities here that we can
            Fredrik: Of course the favourable state of    Fredrik: The fantastic job that all our       try to exploit to our advantage. These
            the economy puts us in a strong position,     employees in the group do. The dedica-        changes affect both motor vehicle trade
            but it is our company managers who            tion I have seen is great to see, and makes   and our manufacturing holdings.
            achieve results by skilfully balancing day-   me very proud. It is thanks to all our won-       The workshop industry is also changing
            to-day-business with forward-thinking         derful employees that we have achieved a      in the so-called fourth industrial revolu-
            development work.                             record result in 2017.                        tion, with connected factories and digital-
                                                                                                        ised processes, which raises expectations

4   Liljedahl Group AB | Group Presentation 2017
Group Presentation 2017 - elcowire group
Financial year 2017

                                                                                           How the holdings have suc-
                                                                                           ceeded in 2017
                                                                                           Finnvedens Bil, with its three brands
                                                                                           Volvo, Renault and Dacia, has had very
                                                                                           good sales. During the year, the company
                                                                                           acquired Värmlands Bil in Kristinehamn. The
                                                                                           acquisition entailed non-recurrent costs but
                                                                                           offers opportunities for higher profit next
                                                                                           year. The result for 2017 (EBT) is therefore
                                                                                           somewhat lower than in 2016.
                                                                                              Finnvedens Lastvagnar is Volvo’s larg-
                                                                                           est private truck dealer in Sweden, with
                                                                                           operations in 20 locations. Truck sales in
                                                                                           2017 were very good. The result was
                                                                                           slightly worse than in 2016 as a result of
                                                                                           non-recurrent costs, including those in
from our technology trading operations to     What does your approach mean for
                                                                                           conjunction with acquisitions.
take the lead and show customers the          the employees in your holdings?
                                                                                              LMT Group has had very good sales of
way to new, efficient solutions.              Bengt: We have great respect for the
                                                                                           machine tools and associated sales of
   Our industrial companies operate in an     employees in our companies, and we
                                                                                           industrial consumables and service. We can
extremely competitive global market, and      want to be a good employer. I hope the
                                                                                           see a strong improvement in the result
must therefore continue to design their       employees feel secure and find that Lil-
                                                                                           compared with 2016.
structures and develop their processes so     jedahl Group offers them a good, stable
                                                                                              The industry-related operations are also
that they become as efficient as possible.    basis, and that they think that we as
                                                                                           making progress. Europe has undergone a
                                              owners practice what we preach.
                                                                                           great transformation during the last few
You have reformulated Liljedahl               Fredrik: Our approach is based on taking
                                                                                           years, but the market has now come more
Group AB’s core values. Why?                  a long-term view. This means that we
                                                                                           into balance and the decline in demand has
Fredrik: The keywords we have now             want all our holdings to be good employ-
                                                                                           been arrested during the past year.
chosen – long-term, committed and             ers, customers, suppliers and members of
                                                                                              LWW Group increased slightly more
responsible – are a better description of     society. We do not hesitate to make long-
                                                                                           than the market upturn for winding wire in
what we are actually like and what we         term investments, or investments that
                                                                                           Europe. The improved result was primarily
have always stood for. These new key-         benefit the result, the working environ-
                                                                                           due to increased metal prices and currency
words also make it clear how we work          ment and the surrounding environment.
as a owner company.
                                                                                              Elcowire Group had slightly lower sales
Bengt: We want to show that there are         What is it that drives you as an
                                                                                           of wire rods and processed uninsulated
real owners behind Liljedahl Group, peo-      owner?
                                                                                           products for the electro-technical industry.
ple made of flesh and blood. We believe       Bengt: We own in order to develop. We
                                                                                           The result was improved owing to a modi-
that taking a long-term view is good for      are driven by the pleasure of finding new
                                                                                           fied product mix.
society. If you want to operate in society    ways and making our companies better
                                                                                              Hörle Wire Group increased its manu-
for generations, taking social responsibil-   and better. We believe that our ownership
                                                                                           facture of wire rod-related products and
ity is a natural course of action. Our way    model, based on knowledge, competence
                                                                                           the result was improved. The result was
of working is sustainable; this is funda-     and taking a long-term view, is really
                                                                                           marginally influenced by increased steel
mental for us.                                good for developing entrepreneurship.
                                                 And we will continue to be a small,
                                                                                              At the end of February 2018, most of the
                                              agile owner company which dares to take
                                                                                           production facilities and machinery in Swe-
                                              decisions that are best for our businesses
                                                                                           den were destroyed by a large fire. Fortu-
                                              in the long run.
                                                                                           nately, no one was injured. In the short
                                                                                           term, insurance covers the impact on the
                                                                                           result for 2018. We are in the process of
                                                                                           analysing the long-term effects on the
                                                                                           market and the result.
                                                                                              Liljedahl Group Fastigheter erected
                                                                                           a new property in Skövde and acquired a
                                                                                           property in Kristinehamn during the year.
                                                                                           The result for 2017 improved primarily
                                                                                           because planned maintenance measures
                                                                                           were postponed until 2018.
                                                                                              Bufab, of which Liljedahl Group is the
                                                                                           principal owner (24.07%), had very good
                                                                                           sales and profit growth. Sales increased
                                                                                           mainly organically but also through acquisi-

                                                                                                Liljedahl Group AB | Group Presentation 2017     5
Group Presentation 2017 - elcowire group
Our core values

                                                                         We want to create stable conditions for our
                                                                         holdings to enjoy profitable growth in the
                                                                         long term.

                            We own in order to develop. We are driven by the
                            pleasure of finding new ways and making our com-
                            panies better and better.

                                                                       We want to conduct our operations in harmony with
                                                                       society around us.

6   Liljedahl Group AB | Group Presentation 2017
Group Presentation 2017 - elcowire group
Our core values

Good business and
fair play
Liljedahl Group is a family     Long-term                                    we dare to take decisions that are best
                                We want to create stable conditions for      for our businesses in the long run.
company which owns in
                                our holdings to enjoy profitable growth in      We exercise our ownership through
order to develop. We want
                                the long term.                               clear ownership directives and active
to be a long-term and respon-      We focus on where our companies will      involvement on boards, on the basis of
sible owner, employer and       be in a long-term perspective, and have      a small, agile holding company.
business partner.               no set time-limit for our ownership.
                                   Our financial stability gives us inde-    Responsible
                                pendence and room for manoeuvre. This        We are a family company. We want to
                                enables us to support our holdings in        earn our reputation by behaving appropri-
                                times of both success and adversity.         ately and working in harmony with society
                                                                             around us.
                                Committed                                       We also want to be a good employer.
                                We own in order to develop. We are           We have great respect for the employees
                                driven by the pleasure of finding new        in our companies, and want to take
                                ways and making our companies better         responsibility for making their jobs
                                and better.                                  cost-effective, enjoyable and secure.
                                   We are active, committed owners. We          Our customers, suppliers and partners
                                get to know our holdings, their market       are important to us, and together with
                                and their strategic requirements so that     them we want to conduct good business
                                                                             in a spirit of fair play.

                                                                                  Liljedahl Group AB | Group Presentation 2017    7
Group Presentation 2017 - elcowire group
Corporate philosophy

            Stable platform for
            Liljedahl Group is a family-           Liljedahl Group is a family-owned corpo-       Managing with ownership directives
                                                   rate group with a focus on business devel­     The holdings run their businesses strategi-
            owned corporate group with
                                                   opment that generates value for the hold­      cally and financially independently of
            a focus on business develop-
                                                   ings. This is achieved through structured      each other, and work towards goals and
            ment that generates value              management, clear ownership directives         requirements established in the ownership
            for the holdings. The holding          and active involvement on boards.              directives.
            company’s strong capital                   Liljedahl Group’s management model is         In all holdings, the holding company
            base offers a stable platform          based on a decentralised decision-making       appoints a committed and professional
                                                   structure, with great respect for the sector   board of directors, including external
            for growth.
                                                   expertise within each holding.                 members and representatives of the
                                                       Decisions are made as close to the         holding company.
                                                   respective market as possible, by commit-         The owners and boards get to know
                                                   ted company managers who have total            the holdings, their market and their strate-
                                                   responsibility for their business. This pro-   gic requirements in depth. This creates the
                                                   motes entrepreneurship in the holdings.        competence that is required to support
                                                       The holding company is not involved in     the strategic development of these com-
                                                   any operational decisions.                     panies.

8   Liljedahl Group AB | Group Presentation 2017
Corporate philosophy

Effective owner support                        Responsible entrepreneurship                 Towards greater sustainability
Liljedahl Group has a small and cost-effec-    At the heart of our ownership is the         The business is run in close consultation
tive organisation, which focuses on value      embedding of shared principles in the        with business partners, employees and
growth in the holdings.                        companies.                                   other parties that affect or are impacted
    Liljedahl Group takes responsibility for       Liljedahl Group will work responsibly    by business activities in Liljedahl Group.
overall, Group-wide issues such as certain     and in harmony with society around               Each holding must work towards
legal and financial issues. A coherent         us. All employees and board members          increased sustainability in terms of
strategy in these areas creates security for   must play their part in ensuring that the    growth. This means that the company
the holdings and increases efficiency.         Liljedahl Group companies are perceived      must:
    Liljedahl Group can also produce analy-    as reliable and responsible businesses.      > Be profitable in order to survive over the
ses and documentation for the manage-              Liljedahl Group works in accordance         long term
ments and boards of the individual hold-       with good ethical practice and complies      > Work to minimise the environmental
ings, and offer support for acquisitions       with the local laws in countries where the      impact of the company’s operations
within existing holdings.                      holdings operate. Each holding, like the     > Work towards achieving a fair and equal
    Liljedahl Academy offers development       owner company, has its own core values,         working environment for employees
for employees of the holdings. The joint       the content of which matches its own         > Conduct itself in an ethical manner
training efforts for managers and regular      operations.                                     towards customers, suppliers and other
CEO meetings are also a forum for                                                              stakeholders
exchanging ideas and knowledge.

                                                                                                 Liljedahl Group AB | Group Presentation 2017    9
Company overview

             Company overview
              Net sales excl. metal 1)

               SEK m





                 0                                                                                                                                2017



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                                         ag ns

                                                                 Gr ire






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                                                                                                                Fa hl G






                1) Key ratios (see page 36)                                                                    Lil

              Operating profit

              SEK m





                0                                                                                                                                 2017



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                                         ag ns

                                                                   Gr ire





                                      stv e


                                                                                                                  sti ro


                                   La nved



                                                                                                                Fa hl G







              Liljedahl Group – development of holdings

                  Liljedahl                                                   Finnvedens                                        Liljedahl Group
                  Group AB                                                    Lastvagnar                                           Fastigheter

                 Finnvedens                                                                  Hörle Wire
                                                              LMT Group                                                                                  Bufab Group
                     Bil                                                                       Group
                                                                                                                     Elcowire Group
                                                                                                                       LWW Group

                       1982                                     1993             1997          2000                         2007     2008                   2016

10   Liljedahl Group AB | Group Presentation 2017
Company overview

Wholly-owned companies                                                   Previous year

                            Net sales, SEK million                534    Finnvedens Bil recorded its second-best operating
                                                                         profit ever. The number of vehicles supplied rose in
                            Operating profit/loss, SEK million     14    comparison with the year before.

                                                                         Finnvedens Lastvagnar succeeded in further consoli-
                            Net sales, SEK million               1,094   dating its position as the country’s leading private
                                                                         dealer of Volvo trucks, and delivered the company’s
                            Operating profit/loss, SEK million     62
                                                                         second-best result ever.

                                                                         LMT Group is a leader in its markets. In 2017, the
                            Net sales, SEK million                885    group won additional market shares in Sweden and
                                                                         Norway. In Finland, LMT Group has followed market
                            Operating profit/loss, SEK million     80

                                                                         Hörle Wire Group has gained market shares in a very
                            Net sales, SEK million                539
                                                                         competitive market, and strengthened its position in
                            Operating profit/loss, SEK million     23    Norway.

                                                                         Elcowire Group saw good growth as a supplier of con-
                            Net sales, SEK million               6,787   ductors for high tension cables and railway products.
                                                                         The overall result is better than last year, but the com-
                            Operating profit/loss, SEK million     59
                                                                         pany did not achieve the goals it had set.

                                                                         LWW Group is a leading supplier in Europe of copper
                                                                         and aluminium winding wire. The company has
                            Net sales, SEK million               2,976
                                                                         strengthened its position as one of the leading suppli-
                            Operating profit/loss, SEK million     56    ers in the electrification of drivelines for electric and
                                                                         hybrid cars.

                                                                         Liljedahl Group Fastigheter and Finnvedens Lastvagnar
Liljedahl Group             Net sales, SEK million                 54    have opened a new full service facility in Skövde. 2017
Fastigheter                 Operating profit/loss, SEK million     30
                                                                         also saw reconstruction and extension of the truck
                                                                         facility in Jönköping.

Partially-owned companies                                                Previous year

                            Ownership share, %                   24.07   Bufab AB (publ) gained market shares in almost all its
                                                                         markets as a result of many years of systematic invest-
                            Net sales, SEK million               3,201   ment in its sales organisation.
                            Operating profit/loss, SEK million    311

                                                                                          Liljedahl Group AB | Group Presentation 2017    11

               Finnvedens Bil
               Specialist in secure, simple car ownership
               Finnvedens Bil is an author-         Finnvedens Bil is a leading dealer in Vär-         The total offering to customers includes
                                                    namo, Gislaved, Smålandsstenar and in           repairs, full service and claims workshop,
               ised dealer of Volvo, Renault
                                                    Kristinehamn, via Värmlands Bil.                spare parts, washing, fuel, tyre hotel,
               and Dacia cars. The company
                                                       Finnvedens Bil sells new Volvo, Dacia        financing and rental car operations.
               is a complete supplier of            and Renault cars, second-hand cars and
               ­services and solutions to           Renault’s light vans. Värmlands Bil is a
                ­facilitate car ownership for       dealer of Volvo and Renault cars.

                                                                    Specialist dealer for more confident car purchase
                                                                    Today’s car buyers know their stuff. They have read up on functions
                                                                    and gadgets, and they know what they want.
                                                                         “Ten years ago, customers came in four or five times before they
                                                                    decided. Nowadays we might only get one chance, so we have to be on
                                                                    our toes,” says Anton Eriksson, sales manager for Renault and Dacia at
                                                                    Finnvedens Bil.
                                                                        “Today, you have to know what you’re talking about in order for the
                                                                    customer to feel confident,” says CEO Robert Larsson. ”Now customers
                                                                    meet brand-specialist sales staff, which has had a positive effect on
                                                                        “Knowledge makes you more confident when meeting customers.
                                                                    It also makes it easier to create a warm and welcoming experience,”
                                                                    says Anton Eriksson.
                                                                        The Volvo and Renault/Dacia ranges are displayed in separate car
                                                                    showrooms in Värnamo.
                                                                        “Customers who discover that Renault is now sold in its own show-
                                                                    room are so proud!”

12   Liljedahl Group AB | Group Presentation 2017
Finnvedens Bil

Second-best year ever

                                                     534                                     88
Finnvedens Bil recorded its second-best
operating profit ever. The number of vehi-
cles supplied rose by 8% in comparison
                                                                                       Number of employees
with the year before.                                Sales in SEK million
Important events in 2017
> A record new car market and a good
                                               Net sales and operating profit/loss
   range with launches of Volvo XC60 and
   XC40 and Renault Koleos has created         SEK m                                        SEK m
                                               600                                            20
   favourable conditions for Finnvedens Bil.
> The company acquired Värmlands Bil i        450                                            15
   Kristinehamn AB, with 42 employees
   and sales of around SEK 300 million.        300                                            10

   This acquisition gives Finnvedens Bil a
                                               150                                            5
   strong position in eastern Värmland.
> A new car showroom for new Renaults           0                                            0
                                                         2015          2016         2017
   and Dacias and second-hand sales was
   opened in Värnamo. The new show-                      Net sales            Operating profit/loss
   room doubles the company’s sales area.
  new sales organisation with special-
                                               Key ratios
 ised sales staff has led to increased
 sales.                                        SEK million                                            2017          2016         2015

> F innvedens Bil continues to develop its    Net sales                                              534            362          331

   total offering by improving customer        EBITDA                                                  64             58           44
   treatment and sales processes.              EBITA                                                    14            17           12
                                               EBT                                                     10             16           11
Growth through partnership
Finnvedens Bil’s strategy is to grow           FINANCIAL POSITION
through partnerships with existing brands,
                                               Intangible assets                                        15             0            0
both organically and through acquisition.
   The sales process is under continuous       Tangible assets                                        185            176          143

development. Specialist knowledge and          Other assets                                           102             68           64
advice is becoming increasingly important      Cash and bank balances                                   0              0            0
when today’s well-read customers visit the
                                               Total assets                                           302            243          207
car showroom.
   Development of competence and               Shareholders’ equity                                    68             62           50
recruitment must be adapted to the             Interest-bearing liabilities                           168            137          123
customers’ high expectations regarding         Non-interest-bearing liabilities                        66             44           34
knowledge, service and treatment.
                                               Total equity and liabilities                           302            243          207
   Skills must also be developed to serve
the new generation of cars, for example
                                               EBITA margin, %                                         2.5           4.7          3.7
electric cars.
   Car showrooms and full service facilities   Average number of employees                             88             57           55
are being developed continuously to meet       Equity/assets ratio, %                                  22             26           24
future demands for car service and sales.

                                                                                                             Anna Liljedahl, Chairman
                                                                                                             Bengt Liljedahl
                                                                                                             Gunilla Lilliecreutz                                 CEO                                                     Kjell Sture
                                                     Robert Larsson

                                                                                                             Liljedahl Group AB | Group Presentation 2017   13

               Finnvedens Lastvagnar
               One-stop solutions for haulage contractors
               Finnvedens Lastvagnar is                       Its customers cover a spectrum of large          Highly skilled technicians carry out pre-
                                                           national haulage contractors and smaller         ventive maintenance, service and repairs,
               Sweden’s largest private
                                                           local hauliers.                                  and service agreements are developed to
               dealer of Volvo trucks. With a
                                                              Finnvedens Lastvagnar offers complete         match each customer’s needs.
               customer-tailored complete                  solutions that make its customers’ trans-           The offering to customers is supple-
               offering, the company wants                 portation operations cost-effective, pro-        mented by a well-developed rental trucks
               to strengthen its customers’                long truck life and prevent unplanned            ­concept with over 40 hire trucks to suit all
               competitiveness.                            down time.                                        requirements.
                                                              Customers get optimum solutions for
               Finnvedens Lastvagnar has 20 locations in   their operations, with correctly equipped        Consolidates leading position
               Småland, Västergötland, Blekinge, Skåne     trucks, financing solutions, truck follow-up     In a record-strength truck market, Finnve-
               and Värmland.                               and advice on fuel efficiency.                   dens Lastvagnar succeeded in further con-

                                                                           Close cooperation keeps Trygve’s trucks moving
                                                                           “I’m a regular customer at Finnvedens Lastvagnar all around southern
                                                                           Sweden - they take care of everything.”
                                                                              Haulier Trygve Bengtson has signed a full service agreement for all the
                                                                           trucks in his fleet, and more vehicles have been ordered.
                                                                              Trygve Bengtson’s haulage company has 36 trucks, mostly running
                                                                           under contract to the country’s largest forestry company. The company
                                                                           works closely with the highly praised service team at Finnvedens Last-
                                                                           vagnar in Karlshamn.
                                                                              “Our skilled, experienced staff do their utmost to keep the trucks
                                                                           ­running,” says Jerry Edström, service manager in Karlshamn.
                                                                              “The advantage of the fact that Finnvedens Lastvagnar take care of
                                                                           everything is that I get high priority as a customer, and all discussions
                                                                           regarding responsibility can be avoided,” says Trygve Bengtson.
                                                                              He recently bought 21 new Volvo FH13s from Finnvedens Lastvagnar,
                                                                           trucks customised to suit his needs entirely.

14   Liljedahl Group AB | Group Presentation 2017
Finnvedens Lastvagnar

solidating its position as the country’s

                                                 1,094                                       269
leading private dealer of Volvo trucks, and
delivered the company’s second-best
                                                                                                                               20 locations in
result ever.
                                                      Sales in SEK million               Number of employees
   The total offering on the service market
has been enhanced, for example through
extended opening hours and tailor-made
service contracts.                              Net sales and operating profit/loss
   The financing business has grown con-
                                                  SEK m                                       SEK m
siderably through further investments in a
                                                1,200                                           80
competitive and flexible financing offering.
   Increased investment in rental trucks         900                                            60
gives customers access to additional
trucks in times of acute need.                   600                                            40

                                                 300                                            20
Important events in 2017
  pening of a new state-of-the-art full           0                                            0
                                                           2015          2016         2017
 service facility in Skövde for even better
 attention to customers’ trucks, more                      Net sales            Operating profit/loss
 efficient working methods and an
 improved working environment.
> F innvedens Lastvagnar has extended its      Key ratios
   service network through the acquisition      SEK million                                             2017         2016          2015
   of the truck business of Värmlands Bil.      Net sales                                               1,094        1,101          787
> E xpansion of to the workshop in             EBITDA                                                    82            81           54
   Jönköping meets the market’s demand
                                                EBITA                                                     62            63           46
   for high availability and short truck
                                                EBT                                                       62            66           48
   down time.
> T he launch of Finnvedens Lastvagnar’s       FINANCIAL POSITION
   core values creates a shared platform for
                                                Intangible assets                                         25            20           23
   how the company should develop, act
   and be perceived.                            Tangible assets                                           84            76           46
                                                Other assets                                             374          347           282
Continuous development meets needs              Cash and bank balances                                     0             0            7
In order to meet the requirements for
                                                Total assets                                             484          443           358
increased availability, it is important to
offer flexible workshop opening times and       Shareholders’ equity                                     200          183           151
take advantage of the opportunities             Interest-bearing liabilities                             108           101           63
offered by digitalisation, such as the possi-   Non-interest-bearing liabilities                         177           159          144
bility of troubleshooting trucks remotely.
                                                Total equity and liabilities                             484          443           358
   The complete offering is being devel-
oped further with even more preventive
                                                EBITA margin, %                                           5.6          5.7          5.8
maintenance, flexible financing solutions
and rental trucks.                              Average number of employees                              269           274          262
   The total offering on the service market     Equity/assets ratio, %                                    41            41           42
is being enhanced and will cover all parts
of trucks and bodywork, so that custom-
ers can fix everything while a truck is in
the workshop.
   Dedication and skill among our employ-
ees are the single biggest success factors.
The company will be stepping up its coop-
eration with schools offering vehicle tech-
nology training, in order to ensure the
supply of skills. Even more resources will
be dedicated to the working environment                                                                         Board
and induction and management pro-                                                                               Bengt Liljedahl, Chairman
grammes to make the company attractive                                                                          Anna Liljedahl
to the right employees.                                                                                         Gunilla Lilliecreutz
                                                       CEO                                                      Kjell Lanned
                                                       Anna Liljedahl                                           Tom Jörning

                                                                                                                Liljedahl Group AB | Group Presentation 2017   15

               LMT Group
               Improving industry competitiveness
               LMT Group contributes                       way. In Finland, LMT Group has followed              Din Maskin offers production equip-
                                                           market trends.                                    ment for sheet metal forming, from indi-
               towards improving the
                                                              The LMT Group includes Ravema (Swe-            vidual machines to complete automation
               competitiveness of the Nordic
                                                           den, Norway and Finland) and Din Maskin           solutions with the focus on efficiency and
               industry by streamlining its                (Sweden and Norway).                              sustainability. Din Maskin represents lead-
               customers’ manufacturing                       Ravema offers one-stop-shop solutions          ing suppliers such as Prima Power and
               processes with modern pro-                  in the field of metal cutting, often in con-      SafanDarley.
               duction technology and                      junction with automation. The company                The company also creates value for cus-
                                                           also offers a full range of tools, safety         tomers through technical support, preven-
                                                           equipment, measuring solutions, laser             tive maintenance, service and spare parts.
               LMT Group is a leader in the majority of    machines and 3D printing solutions for               Ravema’s offering also includes tools
               its markets. In 2017, the group won addi-   metal and plastic. Ravema represents              and industrial consumables from suppliers
               tional market shares in Sweden and Nor-     globally leading suppliers such as Mazak,         including Hoffmann Group, and measur-
                                                           Wenzel and Anca CNC machines.                     ing equipment from leading suppliers.

                                                                           Optimal production concept for the automotive
                                                                           Three turning centres, two industrial robots and one machine operator
                                                                           per shift provide Scania with around 90,000 precision-manufactured
                                                                           gearbox components each year. This highly efficient production con-
                                                                           cept was developed in close cooperation between Tonsjö, sub-supplier
                                                                           to the automotive industry, and machine supplier Ravema, together
                                                                           with ABB. In the tailor-made concept, three turning centres from
                                                                           Mazak interact with industrial robots from ABB, from raw materials to
                                                                           products ready for delivery.
                                                                               “We have acquired an optimum concept,” says Ulf Hultberg, pro-
                                                                           ject manager at Tonsjö. Ravema listen, take what we say seriously, and
                                                                           solve any problems that arise. We also appreciate the fact that Ravema
                                                                           offer a high-capacity service organisation.”
                                                                               “We know that every second saved is important for Tonsjö and its
                                                                           customers,” says Göran Skogefors, sales manager at Ravema. “This is
                                                                           a complete solution in which specialists from all our departments have
                                                                           contributed to the end result.”

16   Liljedahl Group AB | Group Presentation 2017
LMT Group

Positive development

                                                       885                                  177
Ravema increased its sales and gained
market shares on the Swedish market. Din                                                                             Sweden, Norway and Fin-
Maskin also continues to grow, as a result
of continuously developing value-creating             Sales in SEK million              Number of employees             Din Maskin
                                                                                                                       Sweden and Norway
one-stop-shop solutions for customers.
   The Norwegian market for machine
tools, which is dominated by the oil and
                                                Net sales and operating profit/loss
energy sector, recovered slightly and
demand increased.                               SEK m                                        SEK m
                                                900                                            80
   On the Finnish market, the company
achieved its best result ever, as a result of   675                                            60
favourable economic conditions and struc-
tural changes.                                  450                                            40

                                                225                                            20
Important events in 2017
> Most of Ravema Sweden’s business                0                                           0
                                                           2015         2016         2017
   areas achieved their highest sales for
   many years.                                            Net sales            Operating profit/loss
> The Ravema Smart Automation concept
   has been well received by customers.
   The platform has a user-friendly inter-      Key ratios
   face for all steps in the production pro-    SEK million                                                   2017       2016           2015
   cess, and does not require specialist        Net sales                                                     885         734            670
                                                EBITDA                                                         81          60              30
> L aunch of the Ravema 4.0 concept
                                                EBITA                                                          80          58              27
   which represents the latest digital pro-
                                                EBT                                                            80          57              26
   duction technology and simplifies com-
   munication between humans, machines
                                                FINANCIAL POSITION
   and systems.
                                                Intangible assets                                               0           0                  1
  in Maskin delivered its single big-
 gest-ever machine deal to Weland AB,           Tangible assets                                                 3           3                  3

 with an order value of over SEK 50 mil-        Other assets                                                  282         293            281
 lion.                                          Cash and bank balances                                        103          60              14
> L MT Group’s new core values and Code        Total assets                                                  388         356            298
   of Conduct were established in the
                                                Shareholders’ equity                                          167         141            136
   organisation as an important platform
   for how the company would like to be         Interest-bearing liabilities                                   18          19              21
   perceived, and to develop, in the future.    Non-interest-bearing liabilities                              203         196            141
                                                Total equity and liabilities                                  388         356            298
Securing specialist skills
The added value created by LMT Group is         EBITA margin, %                                                9.1        7.9              4.0
based on specialist skills. The company
                                                Average number of employees                                   177         169            171
therefore has a strong focus on attracting
and retaining capable employees. In order       Equity/assets ratio, %                                         43          40              45

to ensure the supply of skills, LMT Group
offers a package of stimulating work
tasks, continuous skills development and
a pleasant working environment.
   The development of the new manufac-
turing technique of 3D printing is pro-
ceeding apace, and is of increasing inter-
est to industry as it becomes possible to
manufacture bigger series. Flexible auto-
mation solutions for smaller and medi-
um-sized series are also being developed                                                               Board
fast.                                                                                                  Fredrik Liljedahl, Chairman
   The companies in the LMT Group are                                                                  Bengt Liljedahl
also continuing to develop an attractive                                                               Gunilla Lilliecreutz
aftermarket offering in all product areas.             CEO                                             Hans Björstrand
                                                       Jörgen Fredsson                                 Håkan Larsson

                                                                                                        Liljedahl Group AB | Group Presentation 2017    17

               Hörle Wire Group
               Partner for the manufacturing industry
               The manufacturing industry                     Hörle Wire Group consists of the com-          used for power transmission and data com-
                                                           panies Hörle Wire AB (Sweden), Hörle              munication.
               uses Hörle Wire Group’s wire
                                                           Wire s.r.o. (Slovakia) and Huesecken Wire             Bare wire is used in applications such as
               in a wide range of products
                                                           GmbH (Germany).                                   storage solutions and shop and kitchen
               and solutions. Strong cus-                     Hörle Wire Group supplies wire and             fittings.
               tomer focus, competitive                    wire products for a large number of appli-            Packaging and baling wire is sold in the
               prices and high security of                 cations.                                          Nordic market, where it is used in recy-
               supply are the company’s                       Flat rolled wire is used, for example, in      cling and in the paper pulp industry.
                                                           cremone bolts, in lock housings for win-              Fine wire of various dimensions is bent
               success factors.
                                                           dows and doors, for shop and kitchen fit-         into staples of different sizes and used in
                                                           tings, as well as in furniture manufacturing.     construction, furniture and packaging
               Hörle Wire Group is a leading supplier of
                                                              Galvanised armouring wire protects the         manufacturing, as well as in printing
               wire and wire products in the Nordic
                                                           conductor in land and submarine cables            works.
               region and Europe.

                                                                           Collaboration with university creates smarter
                                                                           Hörle Wire Group has recently invested in efficient production equip-
                                                                           ment at its factory in Slovakia. The next step towards improved profit-
                                                                           ability is to develop cost-effective logistics from Slovakia to two of the
                                                                           company’s principal customers in Sweden.
                                                                               Collaboration has begun with Jönköping University and with future
                                                                           engineering graduates in machine technology specialising in industrial
                                                                           economics and production management. The company has presented
                                                                           them with a double challenge: to reduce costs and to reduce environ-
                                                                           mental impact. Through collaboration with the university, they hope
                                                                           to be able to develop a more efficient and smarter logistics chain, but
                                                                           of course one that works as smoothly as the current one.
                                                                               “I have great hopes that the students will come up with something
                                                                           good for us, as they bring in new perspectives,” says Jesper Bund-
                                                                           gaard, CEO of Hörle Wire Group.

18   Liljedahl Group AB | Group Presentation 2017
Hörle Wire Group

Strengthened position

                                                     539                                    145
In a very competitive market, Hörle Wire                                                                                           Units
Group has increased volumes and consoli-                                                                                       Hörle Wire
dated its position by being a reliable and
                                                                                       Number of employees                     Hörle Wire
flexible partner.                                 Sales in SEK million                                                            Slovakia
                                                                                                                            Huesecken Wire
Important events in 2017                                                                                                          Germany

> An investment in more efficient produc-
                                               Net sales and operating profit/loss
   tion equipment in the Slovakian unit has
   raised capacity by 50% and meets the         SEK m                                        SEK m
                                                600                                            25
   demand for hot-dip galvanised armour-
   ing wire. The rise in volume creates         500                                            20
   opportunities for improved profitability.    400
  örle Wire Group is continuously devel-       300
 oping its processes. A modern control          200
 system for the dipping plant has been          100                                            5

 installed in the Swedish facility which          0                                            0
 streamlines production.                                 2015           2016         2017

  ll Hörle Wire Group units now have                   Net sales              Operating profit/loss
 new employees in key positions and
 new members in their management
 teams.                                        Key ratios
                                               SEK million                                             2017          2016         2015
Strategy for profitable growth                 Net sales                                               539            448          469
Favourable economic conditions have a          EBITDA                                                   35             33           17
positive influence on the manufacturing
                                               EBITA                                                    23             21            6
industry in Europe which uses wire prod-
                                               EBT                                                      22             20            5
ucts as raw material. Hörle Wire Group
will be a part of its customers’ growth.
                                               FINANCIAL POSITION
   An initiative has begun to streamline
current transport solutions with the aim of    Intangible assets                                         1              2            3
minimising costs and environmental             Tangible assets                                          93             91           89
impact.                                        Other assets                                            165            138          121
   Hörle Wire Group has a strong focus on
                                               Cash and bank balances                                    0              0            0
recruiting skilled employees to counter the
                                               Total assets                                            259            232          213
generational turnover in all companies.
                                               Shareholders’ equity                                    102            102           85
                                               Interest-bearing liabilities                             73             65           65
                                               Non-interest-bearing liabilities                         84             65           63
                                               Total equity and liabilities                            259            232          213

                                               EBITA margin, %                                          4.3           4.7          1.2
                                               Average number of employees                             145            148          148
                                               Equity/assets ratio, %                                   39             44           40

                                                                                                              Bengt Liljedahl, Chairman
                                                                                                              Fredrik Liljedahl
                                                                                                              Torbjörn Persson
                                                     CEO                                                      Per Engdahl
                                                     Jesper Bundgaard                                         Stefan Jonsson

                                                                                                              Liljedahl Group AB | Group Presentation 2017    19

               Elcowire Group
               Leading products for modern infrastructure
               Elcowire Group’s offering            Elcowire Group has a leading position in            The company supplies copper wire rods
                                                    the Nordic region as a manufacturer of           and copper alloy wire rods which are used
               responds to the increased
                                                    copper wire rods, primarily for power            for electrical conductors. Copper and alu-
               investments in modern infra-
                                                    transmission. The company is a technol-          minium profiles are used in high-tension
               structure and contributes            ogy leader as a supplier of contact wires        cables for power transmission. Copper
               towards the transition to            and other railway applications.                  commutator profiles are used in starting
               sustainable production and              Elcowire Group consists of the units          motors, domestic appliances, hand tools
               energy consumption.                  Elektrokoppar (Sweden), Isodraht (Ger-           etc. Contact wires and other railway prod-
                                                    many) and Liljedahl Wire (China). There          ucts are used for electricity transmission
                                                    is a joint venture in the US together with       in rail traffic.
                                                    Rea Magnet Wire.                                    Drawn wire and stranded wire in cop-
                                                                                                     per or aluminium is used in power, tele-
                                                                                                     communication and installation cables.

                                                                    Cost-effective electricity transmission for trains
                                                                    Elcowire Group has developed an alternative alloy for contact wires for
                                                                    trains travelling at up to 250 km per hour. The alloy gives material at
                                                                    least equally good durability and conductivity, but at a lower cost than
                                                                    silver-alloy contact wire. Customers also reduce their vulnerability to
                                                                    changes in the price of raw silver.
                                                                        The demand for ELCORIM ™ Light contact wires is on the increase,
                                                                    and it is currently used by train companies in Germany, Poland and the
                                                                    UK. Countries outside Europe are also important markets for Elcowire
                                                                    and there are good opportunities for growth in the Asian-Pacific
                                                                    region, for example.
                                                                        This product was developed in Elcowire Group’s laboratories by the
                                                                    company’s development engineers, who have many years’ experience
                                                                    in producing cost-effective solutions.
                                                                        ELCORIM ™ Light is manufactured in cooperation between the
                                                                    plants in Sweden and Germany.

20   Liljedahl Group AB | Group Presentation 2017
Elcowire Group

A well-filled order book

                                                 6,787                                      204
Elcowire Group saw good growth in con-                                                                                              Units
ductor material for high tension cables                                                                                       Elektrokoppar
and in railway applications.
                                                  Sales in SEK million                 Number of employees                       Isodraht
   The result for 2017 is better than the                                                                                          Germany
previous year, but the company did not                                                                                        Liljedahl Wire
achieve the goals it had set. The back-                                                                                             China

ground to this is lower wire rod sales than    Net sales and operating profit/loss
estimated and delayed introduction of a
                                                 SEK m                                       SEK m
special product for the car industry.
                                               8,000                                           100
   As it faces 2018, Elcowire Group has
positioned itself well and is expected to                                                      80
grow.                                                                                          60
Important events in 2017
> A new sales organisation with a focus                                                       20
   on customers’ global requirements has          0                                            0
   resulted in an extremely good number                  2015           2016         2017

   of orders for delivery in 2018.                       Net sales             Operating profit/loss
> The train application segment has devel-
   oped well, and is expected to grow fur-
   ther. Additional sales staff have been      Key ratios
   recruited.                                  SEK million                                             2017           2016         2015
> E lcowire Group’s Swedish unit has intro-   Net sales                                               6,787         5,736        6,854
   duced Lean as a working method in all
                                               EBITDA                                                    75             65          115
   roles, from CEO to machine operator.
                                               EBITA                                                     59             46           97
   The purpose is to prioritise correctly
   throughout the company based on             EBT                                                       49             40           89
   identified customer needs.
                                               FINANCIAL POSITION
> E lcowire coordinates the entire produc-
   tion so as to be able to direct it to the   Intangible assets                                          0              0            0
   right unit and make the best use of         Tangible assets                                           68             69           70
  production capacity.                         Other assets                                             905            662          634
> T he unit in China has turned its perfor-   Cash and bank balances                                     3             59           24
  mance around, and now shows a stable,
                                               Total assets                                             976            790          728
  positive result.
                                               Shareholders’ equity                                     298            320          322
> E lcowire Group has produced a code of
   conduct based on environment, social        Interest-bearing liabilities                             553            292          244
   conditions and staff, respect for human     Non-interest-bearing liabilities                         125            178          161
   rights and combating corruption.            Total equity and liabilities                             976            790          728

Strategy for profitable growth                 EBITA margin, %                                           0.9           0.8          1.4
Elcowire Group consolidates and develops
                                               Average number of employees                              204            197          196
its position by cultivating new markets
and continuing to develop processed            Equity/assets ratio, %                                    31             40           44

products that respond to the development
of increasingly connected and integrated
   The company continues to develop unit
productivity and profitability by combining
local responsibility with central coordina-
tion and follow-up. Lean will be intro-
duced in all units in 2018.
   Another important focus is to secure
future technological excellence in devel-
opment and production.                                                                                         Board
   The company works continuously to                                                                           Bengt Liljedahl, Chairman
streamline the logistics chain, in order to                                                                    Fredrik Liljedahl
reduce the customers’ costs.                                                                                   Torbjörn Persson
                                                     CEO                                                       Dan Broström
                                                     Paul Gustavsson                                           Svante Nilsson

                                                                                                               Liljedahl Group AB | Group Presentation 2017   21

               LWW Group
               Enables sustainable energy generation
               LWW Group contributes to             LWW Group is the leading supplier in                 Winding wire is used in generators,
                                                    Europe of copper and aluminium winding            transformers and motors.
               industry’s and society’s adap-
                                                    wire for generators, transformers and                Round enamelled wire is often used in
               tation to renewable energy
                                                    motors. The company has strengthened              transformers, electric motors, cars and
               alternatives. High-quality           its position as one of the leading suppliers      domestic appliances.
               winding wire is a prerequisite       in the electrification of drivelines for elec-       Rectangular enamelled wire form part
               for generating energy from           tric and hybrid cars.                             of generators and distribution transform-
               the sun, wind and water, and            LWW Group has operations across four           ers, for example.
                                                    units: Dahréntråd (Sweden), Isodraht (Ger-           Covered rectangular wire is often used
               for replacing traditional com-
                                                    many), LWW Slaska (Poland) and Liljedahl          in train engines, generators and trans-
               bustion engines with electric        Wire (China).                                     formers in wind energy and other power
               motors.                                 The company supplies high-quality              generation.
                                                    round and rectangular wire, which can be
                                                    enamelled or covered for insulation.

                                                                     Chosen supplier for electric car manufacturer
                                                                     An enamelled wire from LWW Group was the only one that fulfilled
                                                                     the requirements when an American car manufacturer was looking for
                                                                     better components for the electric motor in its pick-up model.
                                                                         The wire is a standard product that has been refined in close coop-
                                                                     eration with the engine manufacturer and machine supplier – from
                                                                     initial specification, development, testing and trial delivery through to
                                                                     series delivery.
                                                                         “We want to be involved at an early stage so that we can meet the
                                                                     extremely demanding requirements of the automotive industry,” says
                                                                     Peter Kjällgren, Area Sales Manager. ”We were also chosen because
                                                                     we can guarantee high and consistent quality.”
                                                                         The partnership with the customer in question paves the way for
                                                                     further collaborations between LWW Group and the world’s leading
                                                                     vehicle manufactures, who increasingly want to develop their own
                                                                     components for their electric and hybrid cars.

22   Liljedahl Group AB | Group Presentation 2017
LWW Group

Improved margins

                                                   2,976                                        337
LWW Group is experiencing profitable
growth with new and existing customers.                                                                                               Sweden
The company has gradually improved mar-                                                                                             Isodraht
gins and production efficiency by making             Sales in SEK million                 Number of employees                         Germany

changes to its product and customer mix.                                                                                          LWW Slaska
   The financial performance of LWW
                                                                                                                                 Liljedahl Wire
Group’s units in Poland and Sweden has                                                                                                 China
                                                    Net sales and operating profit/loss
improved. The German unit, however, con-
tinues to face profitability problems. In order      SEK m                                       SEK m
                                                   3,000                                           60
to speed up the improvement work, LWW
Group has appointed a local CEO to manage          2,500

day-to-day operations.                             2,000                                           40
   In order to create added value for custom-      1,500
ers in a market with excess capacity and           1,000                                           20
downward pressure on prices, great impor-            500
tance is attached to quality, punctuality and
                                                         0                                         0
smooth processes.                                              2015         2016         2017
   Cooperation with leading manufacturers of
                                                              Net sales            Operating profit/loss
electric and hybrid cars has been increased.
The company is carrying out development
projects in direct cooperation with several        Key ratios
major European vehicle manufacturers.
                                                   SEK million                                             2017          2016         2015

Important events in 2017                           Net sales                                            2,976           2,358        2,570

> LWW Group has strengthened its position         EBITDA                                                   78             63           50
   as a supplier to manufacturers of electric      EBITA                                                    56             40           25
   cars and hybrid vehicles.
                                                   EBT                                                      49             35           19
> Increased production capacity at plants in
   Poland and Sweden.                              FINANCIAL POSITION
> A new decentralised management model            Intangible assets                                         0              0            0
   has given managers and employees in the         Tangible assets                                         130            123          135
   units greater influence over the strategy
                                                   Other assets                                            944            670          584
   process. The central goals are broken
                                                   Cash and bank balances                                    2             72           58
   down into local action plans and activities
   which increases motivation throughout           Total assets                                         1,075             865          777
   the organisation.
                                                   Shareholders’ equity                                    358            373          367
> N ew capacity for manufacture of super-
                                                   Interest-bearing liabilities                            543            362          269
   conductors in the German plant. Super-
                                                   Non-interest-bearing liabilities                         175           130          141
   conductors are used in advanced medical
   devices and require very secure production      Total equity and liabilities                         1,075             865          777
                                                   EBITA margin, %                                          1.9           1.7          1.0
> T he sales organisation in all units has been
   reinforced with additional sales staff.         Average number of employees                             337            332          340
                                                   Equity/assets ratio, %                                   33             43           47
Strategy for profitable growth
When society’s infrastructure is converted to
renewable energy such as solar, wind and
hydro, there will be an increased need for pro-
duction and outlet points for electrical power,
and the demand for winding wire will grow.
   LWW Group works closely with customers
to understand their needs and make appro-
priate decisions concerning improvements
and investments.
   Increasing volumes are met with con-                                                                           Board
tinuous development of employees,                                                                                 Bengt Liljedahl, Chairman
machines and processes with the aim of                                                                            Fredrik Liljedahl
making production more flexible and keep-                                                                         Torbjörn Persson
ing cost increases down.                                 CEO                                                      Alf-Åke Jansson
                                                         Patrik Brouzell                                          Hans Linnarson

                                                                                                                  Liljedahl Group AB | Group Presentation 2017   23

                                                               Full service facility in Skövde for Finnvedens Lastvagnar.

               Liljedahl Group Fastigheter
               Managing and developing the group’s
               property portfolio

                                                                  Värmlands Bil in Kristinehamn for Finnvedens Bil and
     Service workshop in Vetlanda for Finnvedens Lastvagnar.                                  Finnvedens Lastvagnar.

24   Liljedahl Group AB | Group Presentation 2017
Liljedahl Group Fastigheter

Liljedahl Group Fastigheter is
responsible for managing and
                                                    20 properties
developing the group’s pro­                        190,000 square
perty portfolio.                                       metres

Its own portfolio of 20 properties and total
leasable area of approximately 190,000
square metres account for the majority of       Net sales and operating profit/loss
the Group’s property needs.                      SEK m                                        SEK m
    Owned properties and a separate pro­          60                                            30
perty organisation ensure an efficient and
flexible process for adapting premises to         40                                            20
the respective needs of the business both
in terms of new production and in the
                                                  20                                            10
event of renovations.
    Market-based terms in the internal
group lease agreements ensure good                 0                                            0
                                                          2015           2016         2017
maintenance and good opportunities to
meet the needs of the Group with regard                  Net sales              Operating profit/loss
to premises in both the long and short
                                                Key ratios
    The need for new premises and those
that are more tailored to specific busi-        SEK million                                             2017          2016         2015
nesses continues to be high. Liljedahl          Net sales                                                54             51           49
Group Fastigheter works continuously to         EBITDA                                                   45             39           38
evaluate the best construction techniques
                                                EBITA                                                    30             26           25
and new geographical locations for new
                                                EBT                                                      24             18           19

                                                FINANCIAL POSITION
Important events in 2017
> Opening of a new truck facility in           Intangible assets                                         0              0            0
   Skövde.                                      Tangible assets                                         392           340           308
> Reconstruction and extension of the          Other assets                                              2              5            2
   truck facility in Jönköping.                 Cash and bank balances                                   23              0            0
> Acquisition of a car and truck facility in   Total assets                                            418           346           310
                                                Shareholders’ equity                                    107             96           92
                                                Interest-bearing liabilities                            269            203          177
Strategy and goals
Liljedahl Group Fastigheter responds to         Non-interest-bearing liabilities                         42             46           41
market conditions and will generate a           Total equity and liabilities                            418           346           310
profit in line with similar property compa-
nies with commercial property holdings.         Equity/assets ratio, %                                   26             28           30

                                                                                                               Torbjörn Persson, Chairman
                                                                                                               Bengt Liljedahl
                                                                                                               Fredrik Liljedahl
                                                      CEO                                                      Anna Liljedahl
                                                      Jonas Hallberg                                           Gunilla Lilliecreutz

                                                                                                               Liljedahl Group AB | Group Presentation 2017   25

               Streamlining the customers’ purchasing chain
               Bufab AB (publ) is a market-                   Bufab shares are listed on the Nasdaq            Over 140,000 items are stored in
                                                           Stockholm under the abbreviation ’BUFAB’.        roughly thirty warehouses around the
               leading supplier of compo-
                                                                                                            world for quick and reliable deliveries.
               nents and services that create
                                                           Global Parts Productivity™                       These items can be purchased from an
               added value for customers by                Bufab offers a complete solution as a Sup-       extensive supplier base consisting of sev-
               simplifying and streamlining                ply Chain partner for purchasing, quality        eral thousand suppliers across Europe and
               the supply chain for C-parts.               assurance and logistics of C-parts (screws,      Asia.
                                                           nuts, washers, etc.).                               In addition to its trading business,
               Bufab is an international trading company       The Global Parts Productivity™ offering      Bufab also runs three of its own produc-
               with operations in 27 countries. The com-   helps customers focus on their core busi-        tion plants for particularly technically
               pany has a strong position in Europe and    ness by improving quality, achieving faster      demanding manufacturing of C-parts.
               Asia. USA is a growth market. Most of its   and more secure deliveries, reducing over-
               customers are global companies in all       all costs and freeing up more capital.
               types of manufacturing industries.

                                                                           Acquisitions strengthen position in Asia
                                                                           In a fragmented market with many local technology traders, Bufab is
                                                                           one of few with a strong international presence. Bufab’s strategy of
                                                                           acquiring strong local distributors has been very successful and during
                                                                           the past few years Bufab has grown faster than the market.
                                                                              Bufab recently acquired all remaining shares in Kian Soon Mechani-
                                                                           cal Components Pte Ltd in Singapore. Kian Soon was founded in 1977
                                                                           and is one of the leading distributors of C-parts in Southeast Asia. The
                                                                           company also has subsidiaries in Malaysia and Indonesia and a joint
                                                                           venture in Thailand.
                                                                              “We have known Kian Soon for a long time as a reliable,
                                                                           high-quality, entrepreneurial company with a good name throughout
                                                                           the industry. Kian Soon is an important and attractive addition to our
                                                                           existing businesses in Asia,” says Jörgen Rosengren, Bufab’s CEO and
                                                                           Group chairman.

26   Liljedahl Group AB | Group Presentation 2017

Important events in 2017

                                                    3,201                                 1,119
> N et sales increased by 12% to SEK                                                                                                    Units
   3,201 (2,847) million. Organic growth                                                                                          37 operating
   was 8%. Orders received were higher                                                                                             companies
                                                      Sales in SEK million               Number of employees                     in 27 countries
   than net sales.
> The company gained market shares in
   almost all its markets, as a result of
   many years of systematic investment in       Total return since IPO                              Net sales and operating profit/loss
   its sales organisation.
                                                %                                                    SEK m                                           SEK m
> Kian Soon Mechanical Components in           140                                                3,200                                               400
   Singapore was acquired in a strategically
   important region for Bufab, Southeast                                                           2,400                                               300
   Asia.                                         80
                                                                                                   1,600                                               200
> Acquisition of Thunderbolts Group,            50
   which is a major supplier to the con-         20
                                                                                                     800                                               100
   struction, manufacturing, marine and           0
                                                –10                                                    0                                               0
   medical technology industries in south-               2014       2015       2016       2017                 2015             2016          2017
  ern England.
                                                      Total return (incl. reinvested dividend)                Net sales                Operating profit/loss
  ontinued development of ’Bufab Best
                                                      OMXS Mid Cap GI
 Practice’: shared values, working meth-
 ods, processes and IT systems with the
 aim of fostering constantly improved
 precision, efficiency and sustainability
 in operations.
                                                 Key ratios
> F irst external sustainability report with
   four focus areas: long-term, systematic                                               2017       2016              2015
   sustainability work; responsible growth;
                                                 Net sales, SEK million                 3,201      2,847              2,458
   sustainable global operations; people
                                                 Operating profit/loss, SEK
   and relationships.                            million                                  311        277                  198
                                                 Operating margin, %                       9.7        9.7                 8.0
Financial goals
During the year, Bufab announced its             Profit after financial
                                                 items, SEK million                       278        251                  171
ambition to become the leading player in
                                                 Earnings per share, SEK                 5.61       4.29               3.27
the industry by 2020. The goal of ’Leader-
ship’ means that Bufab will be the obvious       Equity/assets ratio,%                     43         45                  45
choice for customers, suppliers, acquisi-        Dividend per share, SEK                 2.25*      2.00               1.70
tion candidates and talented people.
                                                 *Board’s proposal

The goal is average annual sales growth
of 10% through both organic growth and

The goal is an operating margin (EBITA) of
12% over a business cycle.

Dividend policy
The aim is to distribute 30 to 60% of the
annual net profit.

                                                                                                            Sven-Olof Kulldorff, Chair.
                                                                                                            Hans Björstrand
                                                                                                            Johanna Hagelberg
                                                                                                            Bengt Liljedahl
                                                                                                            Eva Nilsagård
                                                        CEO                                                 Adam Samuelsson
                                                        Jörgen Rosengren                                    Gunnar Tindberg

                                                                                                             Liljedahl Group AB | Group Presentation 2017              27
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