Isabella Marrale - Bay Shore Classroom ...

Page created by Salvador Salinas
Isabella Marrale - Bay Shore Classroom ...
Isabella Marrale       Katherine Jean-Philippe           Stephanie Green           Kena Thakor
  South Country School      Bay Shore High School           Brook Avenue School   Bay Shore Middle School

                           BAY SHORE SCHOOLS
      Kai Moran
                                        Cultural Arts Gallery 2019
                                                                                     Rhainon Townsend
Mary G. Clarkson School
                                                                                    Bay Shore High School

                                                            Sofia Milza
                                                       Bay Shore High School

      Megan Leggio            Stephanie Sanchez               Jordan Rivera          Abigail Castillo
 Bay Shore Middle School    Bay Shore High School         Fifth Avenue School     Gardiner Manor School
Isabella Marrale - Bay Shore Classroom ...

        Susan Gargan             Louis R. Bettinelli            Andrew A. Arcuri             Craig Brewer                 Guy Leggio
          President                Vice President                Board Trustee               Board Trustee               Board Trustee
                                                        DISTRICT OFFICE
Central Reg & Student Services                                                                               Security, Operations and Facilities
Mr. Robert Torres                                                                                                         Mr. Joseph Hodosky
                                                   Jerry G. Berka Administration Building                                        631-968-1113
                                                             75 West Perkal Street
Cultural Arts                                               Bay Shore, NY 11706                                                Pupil Personnel
Mr. Michael Rotello                                             631-968-1100                                                 Dr. Russell Endes
631-968-1179                                                                                                                     631-968-1232
English & Language Arts                                                                                                 Mrs. Donna Bettinelli
Mrs. Amanda DellUniversita                                                                                                     631-968-1198
631-968-1181                                              Superintendent of Schools
                                                            Mr. Joseph C. Bond                                                    Technology
Guidance                                                        631-968-1115                                            Mr. Michael Virsinger
Mr. Louis Balsamo                                                                                                               631-968-1123
631-968-1171                                           Asst. Superintendent for Business
                                                           Mrs. Maureen Virsinger                                            Digital Learning
                                                                 631-968-1107                                         Mr. Christopher Kauter
Health, Phys. Ed. & Athletics                                                                                                   631-968-1123
Mr. Robert Panariello
                                             Asst. Superintendent for Curriculum, Instruction &
631-968-1186                                                   Administration                                                  Transportation
                                                            Dr. Steven J. Maloney                                      Mr. Richard Gallagher
Math                                                            631-968-1240                                                    631-968-1118
Mr. Christopher Mentz
631-968-1178                                     Asst. Superintendent for Human Resources                                      Social Studies
                                                             Mrs. Lisa Giacoia                                         Ms. Maddalena Padilla
School-Community Services                                       631-968-1120                                                   631-968-1183
Ms. Krystyna Baumgartner
                                                                                                                ENL, Dual, & World Language
                                                                                                                         Ms. Patricia Rogers
Isabella Marrale - Bay Shore Classroom ...
A Message from the
Dear Bay Shore/Brightwaters Community,

Welcome to the 2019-2020 school year!

Everyone at the Bay Shore School District is committed to ensuring that our
students receive the best possible educational experiences. We inspire our
students to dream, teach them to lead and help them to achieve. Our goal is to
prepare them for life beyond our hallways. The resources and opportunities
to which our students have access make us a destination location for families
seeking a high-level education for their children.

This calendar is a guide to school events, Board of Education and Parent
Faculty Association meetings held throughout the year. I encourage you
to keep it handy as your go-to resource for information about the district
and important dates. You can also visit our website to find any updated
                                                                                      Joseph C. Bond
Excellent teachers and support staff, strong parental support and community      Superintendent of Schools
involvement are the keys to a successful outcome for our students. I look
forward to another great school year!

Yours truly,

Joseph C. Bond
Isabella Marrale - Bay Shore Classroom ...
                                                     PRESIDENTS 2019-2020
      Brook Avenue Elementary School (K-2)
       45 Brook Avenue, Bay Shore, NY 11706
                                                     Brook Avenue (Co-Presidents)
     631-968-1130 Hours: 9:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m.
                                                             Katie Quinn
             Dr. Joseph Lemke, Principal
                                                         Bernadette Whitwell
      Fifth Avenue Elementary School (K-2)                   Fifth Avenue
       217 Fifth Avenue, Bay Shore, NY 11706                 Melissa Alex
     631-968-1140 Hours: 9:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m.
                                                          Mary G. Clarkson
            Mrs. Kristina Cope, Principal
                                                           Lisa Gansrow
    Mary G. Clarkson Elementary School (K-2)               Gardiner Manor
    1415 East Third Avenue, Bay Shore, NY 11706            Kimberly Hock
     631-968-1205 Hours: 9:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m.
            Ms. Leticia Garcia, Principal                  South Country
                                                          To Be Determined
    Gardiner Manor Elementary School (3-5)                  Middle School
    125 Wohseepee Drive, Bay Shore, NY 11706                Kerri Vargas
    631-968-1150 Hours: 9:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m.
          Mr. Carlton Brown, Principal                       High School
                                                             Laurie Elliot
      South Country Elementary School (3-5)           Universal Pre-Kindergarten
     885 Hampshire Road, Bay Shore, NY 11706                 Lisa Gansrow
     631-968-1250 Hours: 9:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m.
            Ms. Johnna Grasso, Principal                        SEPTA
                                                            Jennifer Dukoff
          Bay Shore Middle School (6-8)
      393 Brook Avenue, Bay Shore, NY 11706            ATHLETIC SPONSORS
     631-968-1210 Hours: 7:25 a.m.-2:21 p.m.              Charlie Flood
           Dr. LaQuita Outlaw, Principal                THEATER SPONSORS
                                                         Catherine Stapinski
       Bay Shore Senior High School (9-12)
      155 Third Avenue, Bay Shore, NY 11706              MUSIC SPONSORS
     631-968-1157 Hours: 7:20 a.m.-1:56 p.m.             Jennifer Brownyard
           Mr. Robert Pashkin, Principal
Isabella Marrale - Bay Shore Classroom ...
                                                               YEAR AT A GLANCE           Board Meeting Dates
                                     District Calendar                                 Regular Business Meetings
                                                                                   8:00 PM - High School Little Theater
2     Labor Day
3     Superintendent’s Conference Day                                                        August 21, 2019
4     First Day of School                                                                  September 18, 2019
30    Rosh Hashanah (Schools/Offices Closed)                                                October 23, 2019
                                                                                           November 20, 2019
1     Rosh Hashanah (Schools/Offices Closed)                                               December 18, 2019
9     Yom Kippur (Schools/Offices Closed)                                                   January 22, 2020
14    Columbus Day (Schools/Offices Closed)                                                February 26, 2020*
                                                                                             March 25, 2020*
5     Election Day (Schools Closed/Offices Open - Parent/Teacher Conferences)                 April 22, 2020
7,8   Half-Day K-8 (Parent/Teacher Conferences)                                               May 27, 2020
11    Veterans Day - Observed (Schools/Offices Closed)                                        June 24, 2020
26    15-minute Early Dismissal                                                              August 19, 2020
27-29 Thanksgiving Recess (Schools/Offices Closed)
                                                                                					                           *Budget Sessions
23-31     Winter Recess (Schools Closed)                                        Voter Registration                          Registro de Votantes
23, 26, 27, 30 (Offices Open)                                                   Wednesday, May 6, 2020                      Miércoles, 6 de mayo de 2020
                                                                                12 noon-8 PM                                12:00 PM a 8:00 PM
                                                                                Jerry G. Berka Administration Bldg.         Edificio de Administración Jerry G. Berka
1-3   Winter Recess (Schools Closed)
2, 3  (Offices Open)                                                            Budget Hearing and Meet the Candidates Presentación del Presupuesto y
6     First Day Back
                                                                                Monday, May 11, 2020, 7:30 PM          Conocer a los Candidatos
20    Martin Luther King, Jr. Day (Schools/Offices Closed)
                                                                                High School Little Theater             Lunes, 11 de mayo de 2020, 7:30 PM
FEBRUARY                                                                                                               Teatro Pequeño en la Escuela Secundaria
17    Presidents’ Day (Schools/Offices Closed)
18-21 Mid-Winter Recess (Schools Closed/Offices Open)                           District Vote                               Voto del Distrito
                                                                                Tuesday, May 19, 2020                       Martes, 19 de mayo de 2020
MARCH                                                                           6:00 AM - 9:00 PM                           6:00 AM a 9:00 PM
                                                                                HS Gymnasium Lobby                          Lobby del Gimnasio de la Escuela
APRIL                                                                                                                       Secundaria
6-9      Spring Recess (Schools Closed/Offices Open)
10       Good Friday (Schools/Offices Closed)                                                                    Board Reorg. Meeting
                                                                                                                Wednesday, July 1, 2020
MAY                                                                                                                     5:00 PM
25       Memorial Day (Schools/Offices Closed)                                                                3rd Floor Conference Room
                                                                                                        Jerry G. Berka Administration Building
2        HS Regents Exam                                                         Any questions about Board meetings, call the District Clerk at 631-968-1117.
16-26    HS Regents/RCT Exams                                                   Check the Bay Shore website for updates on times, dates and locations of Board
17-23    MS Final Exams (Half Day)                                                          of Education meetings at
24-26    Elementary K-5 (Half Day)
26       Last Day of School
Isabella Marrale - Bay Shore Classroom ...
                 REGISTRATION OF NEW PUPILS                                                                 HOMEWORK REQUESTS FOR
                                                                                                             VACATIONING STUDENTS
Registration for all school-age children is by appointment only at the Office of
Central Registration, located at the Jerry G. Berka Administration Building, 75         Families are encouraged to take vacations when school is closed. It should be
West Perkal Street, Bay Shore. Each student must have a completed registration          noted that absences due to family vacations are considered unexcused (illegal)
packet (obtained at the Office of Central Registration) prior to registration. Only     absences in New York State. Remember that all assignments are designed to
parents or legal guardians, who are bona fide residents of the Bay Shore School         follow lessons provided by the teacher. Students who go on vacations when
District, will be allowed to register students. For more information, please call       school is in session will miss introductory and follow-up explanations of concepts
631-968-2554.                                                                           and procedures provided by the teacher. Often, students’ grades drop following
The following information and documents are also required for all potential             extended absences. However, if you find it impossible to make family vacation
students:                                                                               time coincide with school holidays, please be aware of the following policy. You
                                                                                        may request a maximum of two weeks of school work.
Original Birth Certificate                                                              1. Homework must be requested in writing, one week prior to the vacation. Please
Certificate of Immunizations and current physical exam (stamped by doctor)              specify vacation dates in your request. High school students must complete the
Latest transcript, attendance and discipline records (Grades 6 through 12)              parent’s notification of student absence form as well.
Last Report Card (Grades 1 through 8)
Custodial Documentation (when applicable) or verified proof of guardianship             2. Teachers will provide texts or other reading that deals with the concepts to be
Marriage certificate - to designate step-parents as guardians                           taught in class during the absence. The teacher may also provide worksheets.
Form DSS-2999 from agency - Foster children only
IEP - Special Education students                                                        3. After returning to school, students will have one week to make up specific class
                                                                                        assignments, tests, or projects missed. Students may be required to stay before or
Parent/Guardian:                                                                        after school to do so; however, it is the family’s responsibility to see that students
Proof of Residency                                                                      catch up.
         If homeowner - Deed, Current Mortgage Statement or Current Tax Bill
         If renter - Notarized Lease or Notarized Landlord Affidavit (in Registration   4. Students should continue to do pleasure reading during vacations.
Packet), a Current Utility Bill (excluding telephone bill) or other secondary proof
of residency deemed acceptable, and Photo Identification of Parent/Guardian             If you plan an extended stay (one or more months) in another state or country,
                                                                                        please consider enrolling your child/children in school in that locale.
To qualify for UPK registration, eligible Bay Shore students must turn 4                          CHANGE OF RESIDENCE/GUARDIANSHIP
years old on or before December 1st of the year of entrance. To qualify for
kindergarten registration, eligible Bay Shore students must turn 5 years old on         Any change in residence or guardianship requires the prompt submission of
or before December 1st of the year of entrance. Timely registration is important        appropriate documents to the Office of Central Registration. For required
for planning space as well as providing adequate resources and services for our         documentation, please see the Registration of New Pupils section or call 631-968-
students. For registration requirements, see the Registration of New Pupils             2554. Failure to promptly comply with these requirements could result in your
section or call the Office of Central Registration at 631-968-2554.                     child’s immediate withdrawal from the Bay Shore School District.
Isabella Marrale - Bay Shore Classroom ...
POLICY ON NONDISCRIMINATION                                                                          TRANSPORTATION
The Bay Shore Union Free School District does not discriminate on the basis of           New York State law requires school districts to provide transportation to children
race, color, national origin, sex , disability or age in employment or its educational   of all legal residents attending public, private, and parochial schools for distances
programs in accordance with the requirements of Title VI of the Civil Rights             between 2 and 15 miles for children in grades K-8, and 3 and 15 miles for children
Act of 1964; Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1973; Section 504 of the            in grades 9-12.
Rehabilitation Act; the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990; or the
Age Discrimination Act of 1975, that prohibit discrimination on the basis of race,       The transportation policies adopted by the Bay Shore District permit transportation
color, national origin, sex, disability and age, respectively.                           for students as follows:
                                                                                         Grades K-5 - Pupils living 1/2 mile or more from school
If you have questions regarding the district’s responsibilities under these              Grades 6-8 - Pupils living 1 mile or more from school
regulations, if you wish to make a complaint, or if you require services related to      Grades 9-12 - Pupils living 1-1/2 miles or more from school
a disability pursuant to Section 504 and the ADA, please contact the following:
                                                                                         Transportation to schools for resident children is a privilege. The school district
Mrs. Lisa Giacoia, Asst. Superintendent for Human Resources or Mr. Robert                Code of Conduct applies to students being transported. Misuse of this privilege
Torres, Director of Student Services and Central Registration (Title IX and Age          may result in the withdrawal of bus transportation. Parents of kindergarten
Discrimination Act)                                                                      students must meet their children at the bus stop both in the morning and in the
Dr. Russell Endes, Executive Director of Pupil Personnel Services (Section 504
and ADA)

                    COMMUNICABLE DISEASES                                                     ANNUAL ELECTION & VOTER QUALIFICATIONS
                    Communicable Disease Control                                         The Annual School District Election held each May enables voters to elect
                                                                                         members to the Bay Shore School Board and vote on the proposed school budget.
In order to prevent the spread of communicable disease and to insure rapid               To be eligible, voters must be: (a) citizens of the United States; (b) 18 years of age
recovery with a minimum of after effects, children should be kept out of school          or older; (c) residents of the Bay Shore Union Free School District for thirty days
when they show any symptoms of a communicable disease, such as a sore throat,            preceding the election and/or; (d) possess valid School District registration or
skin rash, cough, etc.                                                                   valid Suffolk County Board of Elections registration.

If these symptoms develop into any communicable disease, other than the                  While there is an annual registration period in May, potential voters may register
common cold, parents are asked to notify the school immediately.                         at other times during the year at the District Office with proof of the above
                                                                                         qualifications. In addition to special notification through the mail and district
                       Exclusion of Children from School                                 publications, annual registration, budget hearing, and voting dates are printed in
Children who are ill with any communicable disease are excluded from school and          this calendar.
may be required to bring a doctor’s certificate upon return. As modern methods
of treatment often modify these diseases, the time when a child may return to
school is not uniform, but must be at the discretion of the family doctor and the
school doctor.
Isabella Marrale - Bay Shore Classroom ...
ATTENDANCE GUIDELINES                                                                    PESTICIDE INFORMATION
Children between the ages of six and sixteen years of age are legally required to        New York Education Law Section 409-H, effective July 1, 2001, requires all public
attend school on a regular basis. Attendance and punctuality are important factors       and nonpublic elementary and secondary schools to provide written notification
in student achievement and in the development of habits that are important later         to all persons in parental relation, faculty, and staff regarding the potential use of
in life.                                                                                 pesticides periodically throughout the year.

In the event of an absence or lateness, a written excuse note is required on the day     The Bay Shore School District is required to maintain a list of persons in parental
a student arrives late or returns to school. The note should specify the date of the     relation, faculty, and staff who wish to receive 48-hour prior written notification
absence/lateness, the reason, and the parent/guardian’s signature. Some possibly         of certain pesticide applications. The following applications are not subject to
valid reasons for absence/lateness include illness of student, illness and/or death      prior notification requirements:
in the family, impassable roads making travel unsafe, religious observance, or
required presence in a court of law.                                                     •   A school remains unoccupied for a continuous 72-hours following an
For further clarification, please refer to the Bay Shore Schools Attendance/             •   Anti-microbial products
Tardiness Code, which is regularly distributed to students and available in every        •   Nonvolatile rodenticides or insecticidal baits in tamper resistent bait stations
school building.                                                                             in areas inaccessible to children
                                                                                         •   Silica gels and other nonvolatile ready-to-use pastes, foams, or gels in areas
                               GRADUATION                                                    inaccessible to children
                                                                                         •   Boric acid and disodium octaborate tetrahydrate
No student will be allowed to graduate or participate in graduation ceremonies           •   The application of EPA designated biopesticides
who has not fulfilled both New York State and Bay Shore graduation requirements.         •   The application of EPA designated exempt materials under 40CFR152.25
                                                                                         •   The use of aerosol products with directed spray in containers of 18 fluid
                                                                                             ounces or less when used to protect individuals from an imminent threat
                                                                                             from stinging and biting insects including venomous spiders, bees, wasps,
         GUIDELINES FOR EXPRESSING CONCERNS                                                  and hornets

Any student and/or parent/guardian in the school district who wishes to file a           In the event of an emergency application necessary to protect against an imminent
grievance/complaint will be directed to the proper administrative personnel. Issues      threat to human health, a good faith effort will be made to supply written
about specific classroom practices shall be directed to the teacher concerned. If        notification to those on the 48-hour prior notification list. If you would like to
the matter is not settled satisfactorily, he/she is to contact the Building Principal;   receive 48-hour prior notification of pesticide applications that are scheduled
if there is no resolution on this level, the Superintendent of Schools or his/her        to occur in our schools, please send your full name, address, daytime telephone
designee shall be contacted. The Superintendent shall refer the issue to the Board       number, evening telephone number and your email address to:
for final resolution, if necessary. All matters referred to the Superintendent and/
or the Board shall be in writing.                                                        Mrs. Maureen Virsinger
                                                                                         Assistant Superintendent of Business
                                                                                         75 West Perkal Street, Bay Shore, NY 11706
                                                                                         Telephone: 631-968-1111          Fax: 631-968-2320
Isabella Marrale - Bay Shore Classroom ...
REACHING HIGHER STANDARDS                                                                     REPORTING TO PARENTS
Bay Shore Schools requires students to meet the rigorous New York State                 Report cards showing the teacher’s evaluation of pupil progress are sent to parents
Standards. Students are being prepared to earn a high school diploma and be             periodically. The frequency of these written reports depends on the grade level
ready to pursue college and career goals. To help students meet these benchmarks,       of the pupil.
the Bay Shore School District offers support in many forms. Teachers design
classroom instruction and assignments to match expectations on New York State           Detailed information about report cards may be obtained from the principal
assessments. Grouping, emphasis on more time on tasks, before and after school          or the teacher. In the elementary grades, a conference is held with each parent
help, and extensive summer programs give Bay Shore students a firm foundation           during the early part of the year. Questions or problems relating to a child’s work
for meeting these rigorous requirements.                                                should be addressed to the individual teacher concerned.

                                                                                        Appointments with a teacher are made through the school office. Parents/
USE OF SCHOOL FACILITIES BY COMMUNITY GROUPS                                            guardians are encouraged to know and communicate with teachers. In grades
                                                                                        6-12, interim progress reports are sent to parents.
It is the policy of the Board of Education that residents of the school district have
the benefit of the use of the school facilities during non-school hours. Community
groups may be granted use of building and field facilities for educational, cultural,                           CODE OF CONDUCT
recreational, and civic activities. Proof of liability insurance must be presented                            DRESS CODE GUIDELINES
before a school facility is given to a group for community use. Regulations for the
use of buildings and application forms may be obtained in the Office of Buildings       A Board of Education approved Code of Conduct and Dress Code is available
and Grounds. Certain fees may be incurred. For additional information regarding         in the main office of every school building and online. Additionally, every
the use of school facilities, please contact Mr. Joseph Hodosky at 631-968-1113.        kindergarten student receives an updated code booklet at the beginning of each
                                                                                        school year and its content and philosophy are periodically reviewed with staff.
                                                                                        The Board of Education has a strong sense of responsibility in ensuring that a safe,
Chapter 434 of the Laws of 2014 requires school districts to notify every parent/       secure and orderly environment is maintained for our students, staff and visitors.
guardian of their rights regarding referral and evaluation of their child for the       On occasion, incidents occur on school property, during the school day or at
purposes of special education services or programs pursuant to applicable               school-sponsored functions requiring school intervention. Incidents occurring
federal and state laws. You can obtain this information on the New York State           off school grounds that have a potentially adverse impact on school functions
Education Department’s website:               may also require school action. In either case, school officials reserve the right to
policy/parentguide.htm. Please do not hesitate to contact Dr. Russell Endes             investigate the matter presented and apply the guidelines outlined in the Code of
at 631-968-1232 if you have any questions regarding this information.                   Conduct when appropriate.

                                                                                        In addition to serving as the primary advocate of appropriate dress and behavior,
                       CHILD ABUSE HOTLINE                                              parents are strongly encouraged to discuss the contents of the Code of Conduct/
                                                                                        Dress Code with their children. By working together, we are confident that an
If you suspect abuse or maltreatment of a child, report it now! Call
                                                                                        orderly, safe and stimulating learning environment can be sustained for all.
the Statewide Toll Free Telephone Number: 1-800-342-3720. If you are
deaf or hard of hearing, call TDD/TTY at 1-800-638-5163 or have your
Video Relay System provider call 1-800-342-3720. If you believe that a
child is in immediate danger, call 911 or your local police department.
Isabella Marrale - Bay Shore Classroom ...
FAMILY EDUCATIONAL RIGHTS AND PRIVACY ACT -                                                                     HEALTH SERVICES
              STUDENT RECORDS
                                                                                     The New York State Education Law requires that every child enrolled in
The Bay Shore School District ensures that parents and eligible students are able    kindergarten, second, fourth, seventh, and tenth grades has a physical examination
to exercise their rights under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of      performed by a physician. The health services program includes a screening by the
1974 (FERPA).                                                                        school physician for those children not examined by their family doctor. As these
                                                                                     routine physical screenings are completed by the school physician, parents receive
In summary, parents/guardians and eligible students have the following rights        notifications of any deficiencies that may be identified, with recommendations
under FERPA:                                                                         that they be corrected. No remedial treatment may be provided by the school
The right to inspect and review the student’s educational records                    physician.
The right to request the correction of the student’s educational records             The attention of parents is also called to Section 2164 of the New York State Public
The right to exercise limited control over access to the student’s educational       Health Law that mandates that all students, current attendees as well as new
records                                                                              entrants, must submit required proof of immunization against tetanus-dipthera
                                                                                     and acellualr pertussis (Tdap), polio, measles, mumps, rubella, diphtheria, hepatitis
The rights and protections granted under FERPA transfer to the student when          B, haemophilus influenza, type B, pneumococcal, varicella and meningococcal.
he or she reaches the age of 18 or attends a school beyond the high school level.    Students who do not comply with this requirement will be excluded from
Students to whom FERPA rights have been transferred are considered “eligible         school.
students.” Parents/guardians or eligible students who wish to inspect educational
records may make an application for inspection to the building principal.                                    ACCIDENT INSURANCE
                                                                                     The school district pays for a limited accident insurance policy for injuries
Pursuant to FERPA, the Bay Shore School District will provide, release and
                                                                                     received during the school day and at school-sponsored activities. It provides
publish directory information and/or photographs pertaining to students for
                                                                                     limited coverage and is generally secondary to the parent/guardian’s coverage.
public relations. Directory information includes the following information:
                                                                                     Questions regarding coverage should be directed to the Director of Health,
name of student, age, major course of study, participation in school activities
                                                                                     Physical Education and Athletics. (The schedule of payments may be obtained in
or sports, weight if a member of an athletic team, dates of attendance, degrees
                                                                                     the office of the school principal.)
and awards received, most recent school attended, grade level, enrollment status
and photograph. The information notes may be released in district and in school                                     EMERGENCIES
publications and programs, as well as in press releases to news media. Under Title
45 U.S. Code, Regulation 99: Privacy Rights of Parents and Students, parents/        Parents/guardians are requested to keep the school advised as to where they may
guardians or students over the age of 18 who do not desire release of the above      be located in case of serious emergency. The procedures are as follows:
information must make specific written request to the Superintendent of
Schools by September 15 of each year of attendance or at the time of registration    1. If an accident or illness occurs, first aid will be given and the parents/guardians
for new students. Failure to make such a request shall be considered consent         notified. First aid is defined as the immediate temporary care given in an
to release, provide, or publish the information during the year.                     emergency. No care beyond first aid is given at school.
                                                                                     2. If parent/guardian cannot be reached, your emergency contact will be called.
A copy of the FERPA policy is available for review in the main office of each
building or the Office of the Superintendent. For more information, please           3. If she/he is not available, an ambulance will be called.
contact the Family Policy Compliance Office, U.S. Department of Education,
                                                                                     4. Schools will request that parents/guardians identify an emergency contact to
400 Maryland Avenue, SW, Washington, D.C. 20202-5920, call 202-260-3887 or
                                                                                     call in the event they cannot be reached.
access the U.S. Department of Education website at
INTERNET USE                                                     WEATHER-RELATED OR EMERGENCY SCHOOL
                                                                                                 CLOSINGS, DELAYS AND EARLY DISMISSALS
Bay Shore School District is providing employees and students with access to the
district’s wide area network, which includes Internet access. The district network         The decision to cancel or delay a school session is based on many factors
has a specific educational purpose. Its purpose is to assist in preparing students         including the following: Inclement weather, hazardous road conditions, school
for success in life and work in the 21st century by providing them with electronic         transportation safety, general environmental safety, accidents preventing the safe
access to a wide range of information and the ability to communicate with people           operation of schools, or other natural or man-made disasters.
across the globe. Additionally, the network will be used to increase district
internal communication, enhance productivity and assist district employees in              If a school session will be delayed or canceled on a particular day, announcements
upgrading their skills through greater exchange of information with their peers.           will be made over the district phone blast system and television stations as early
The district network will also assist staff, including parents, social service agencies,   as 5:30 A.M. Additionally, school closings or cancellations will be posted or
government agencies and businesses.                                                        announced on, Facebook, Cablevision News Channel
                                                                                           12 and FIOS news.
In order to protect our students from inappropriate content and communication,
a filtering system has been installed. Though no such system is foolproof, we are          On rare occasions and for the reasons cited above, it may become necessary to
confident that we will be providing an extremely high level of security for all of         abbreviate the school day and conduct an early dismissal. If an early dismissal
our students and staff.                                                                    is deemed necessary, announcements will be made over the various notification
                                                                                           systems listed above. All parents/guardians, particularly those of elementary
                    PROCESS AND PROCEDURES                                                 school students, should make prior arrangements with a neighbor, family member
                                                                                           or alternate person to care for their child(ren) in the event of an early dismissal.
When confronted with an issue concerning your child, please approach the
classroom teacher to discuss your concerns. Maintaining a positive attitude and            All students attending the high school will be dismissed first. Students attending
taking time to listen to both sides will go a long way in solving the problem.             all other schools who regularly walk to school will be dismissed accordingly.
                                                                                           Under most circumstances, school buses will transport remaining students
     ASBESTOS MANAGEMENT PLAN NOTIFICATION                                                 home via regular bus routes. All available school personnel and resources will
                                                                                           be utilized to ensure the dismissal process is conducted in a manner as safe and
The Bay Shore Union Free School District, in accordance with 40 CFR Part 763               secure as possible.
(Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act, 1986) maintains a current record
of all asbestos containing materials located within the District’s buildings. The          In the event of an emergency, please do not come to school for your child or call
information is contained within the District’s Asbestos Management Plan, and               the school. Each school building has an emergency plan in place, and depending
is updated in accordance with NYS and US Environmental Protection Agency                   on the situation, school personnel work in conjunction with local emergency
regulations. The Asbestos Management Plan is available for review by any                   personnel and first responders.
members of the public or staff of Bay Shore Union Free School District upon
request made to the Director of Operations and Facilities.                                 The safety of our students is of paramount importance to our school district.
                                                                                           Decisions to cancel or abbreviate a school day will be made based on the best
                                                                                           interests of our students and the safe operation of our facilities. In the unlikely
                                                                                           event of a school day interruption, please be assured that every reasonable effort
                                                                                           will be made to make public notifications and to maintain student safety.
September 2019
         SUNDAY                           MONDAY                                   TUESDAY                       WEDNESDAY                               THURSDAY                                 FRIDAY                         SATURDAY
          AUGUST                              OCTOBER
S    M    T    W    Th
                    1    2
                          F   S
                                    S     M    T
                                                           3     4
                                                                  F       S
                                                                                                                      (August 28)
4    5     6   7    8    9    10    6     7    8    9     10    11    12
11   12   13   14   15   16   17   13    14   15    16    17    18    19                                               UPK Open House,
                                                                                                                        Parent Session
18   19   20   21   22   23   24   20    21   22    23    24    25    26
                                                                                                                      MGC - 5:00 - 5:45 PM
25   26   27   28   29   30   31   27    28   29    30    31                                                          FAS - 5:45 - 6:30 PM

1                                  2                                          3       UPK Open House
                                                                                       Parent Sessions
                                                                                                                4FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL 5                                                     6                                 7
                                                                                    YMCA - 5:00 - 5:45 PM
                                                                               Kiddie Academy, 5:45 - 6:30 PM      FOR ALL STUDENTS
                                              LABOR DAY
                                                                                                                BAS Meet & Greet, 9:15 AM
                                                                               SUPERINTENDENT’S                 BAS Apparel Sale Begins
                                           Schools Closed                       CONFERENCE DAY                  MGC Kindergarten Meet & Greet,
                                           Offices Closed                                                       9:15 AM
                                                                                  Schools Closed                First Day for MS Sports
                                                                                                                Board of Education Work Session,      MS Parent Information Meeting,
                                                                                   Offices Open                 7:15 PM, HS Little Theater            7:00 PM                                                                Dual Language Family Picnic
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             3:00 PM @ GMS

8                                  9                                          10                                11                                    12                                   13                                14
                                                                                                                BAS Kindergarten Open House,
                                                                                                                5:30 PM                               MGC Kindergarten Open House,
                                                                                                                BAS Gr. 1 & 2 Open House, 6:30        6:00-6:30 PM
                                                                              HS Underclass Portraits           PM                                    MGC Open House, Gr. 1 & 2,
                                                                              HS PFA Meeting, 7:30 PM,          SCS Fall Plant Sale Begins            7:00-8:00 PM
                                                                              HS Small Cafeteria                HS Underclass Portraits,
                                                                              UPK Social (all sites) at MGC,                                          FAS Ice Cream Social, 6:00 PM
                                                                              6:00 PM                           Athletic Sponsors Meeting, 7:00 PM,   MS Drama Info Meeting, 6:00 - 8:00
                                   GMS Fall Fundraiser Starts                 Summit Council Meeting, 7:00 PM   HS Teachers’ Cafeteria                PM (Students Only 2:30-3:30 PM)                                        HS Football Home Game, 2:00 PM

15                                 16                                         17                                18                                    19                                   20                                21
                                   PFA Presidents’ Council Meeting,
                                   9:30 AM, MS Conference Room
                                   BAS Fall Plant Sale Begins
                                   MGC PFA Cards for a Cause
                                   Fundraiser Begins
                                   UPK Cards for a Cause Fundraiser                                                                                   GMS Gr. 3 Open House, 6:15 PM
                                   Begins                                                                       Board of Education Work Session,      GMS Gr. 4 & 5 Open House,
                                   FAS Spiritwear Fundraiser Begins                                             7:15 PM, HS Little Theater            7:00 PM
                                   MS NJHS Supply Drive Begins                                                  Board of Education Public Session,    SCS Wrapping Paper Fundraiser
                                   SCS PFA Meeting, 7:00 PM                                                                                           Bagins                               HS Gym Photo, 8:45 AM
                                                                              MS Open House, 6:30 PM            8:00 PM, HS Little Theater

22                                 23
                                   SCS Book Fair
                                                                              24                                25HS SPIRIT WEEK                      26                                   27                                28
                                   GMS Fall Fundraiser Ends
                                   HS College Fair, Gr. 10-12, 7:00 PM,
                                   Large Gym                                                                    FAS Kindergarten Open House,
                                   Music Sponsors Meeting, 7:00 PM            BAS Fall Plant Sale Ends          House 6:15 PM
                                                                              SCS Book Fair                                                                                                UPK & MGC PFA Cards for a Cause
                                                                                                                FAS Strega Nona, 6:15 PM              FAS Gr. 1 & 2 Open House, 6:15       Fundraiser Ends
                                                                              MS Picture Day
29                                 30 ROSH HASHANAH
                                                                                                                FAS Book Fair                         PM                                   FAS Spiritwear Fundraiser Ends
                                                                              HS August Graduation              BAS Apparel Sale Ends
                                                                              SCS Open House, 7:00 PM                                                 FAS Book Fair                        GMS Picture Day
                                                                                                                SCS Book Fair                         SCS Book Fair                        SCS Book Fair
                                                                              Chamber of Commerce Meeting,      SCS Fall Plant Sale Ends
                                        Schools /Offices Closed               7:00 PM, BS-BW Library            MS Picture Day
                                                                                                                                                      GMS Picture Day                      HS Freshman Transition Day
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             HS Football Home Game, 1:00 PM
                                                                                                                                                      HS Open House, 7:00 PM               HS Pep Rally, 6:00-8:00 PM
October 2019
     SUNDAY        MONDAY                               TUESDAY                      WEDNESDAY                                THURSDAY                             FRIDAY                            SATURDAY
                                                  1                                 2                                     3                              4                                      5
                                                      ROSH HASHANAH
                                                                                    BAS Winter Wonderland Fundraiser
                                                         Schools Closed             FAS Kidstuff Fundraiser Begins
                                                                                    UPK @ MGC Fall Pictures
                                                         Offices Closed             Theater Sponsors Meeting, 7:00 PM
                                                                                    HS Teachers’ Lounge                                                  FAS Picture Day
                                                                                    SEPTA Meeting, 6:30 PM                                               MS NJHS Sock Drive Begins              Spruce Up Bay Shore, 8:00 AM,
                                                                                    Board of Education Work Session,      SCS Fall Plant Sale Pick-Up    SCS Parent Breakfast, 8:00 AM          Dr. King’s Park, Main Street
                                                                                    7:15 PM, HS Little Theater            HS Model UN Day                MS & HS 1st Interim Period Ends        SAT Exam

6             7                                   8                                 9    YOM KIPPUR                       10                             11                                     12
                                                                                         YOM   KIPPUR
                                                                                           Schools    H

                                                                                         Schools Closed
                                                                                      Schools/Offices Closed
                                                                                         Offices Closed
                                                                                                                                                                                                HS Homecoming
              HS Senior Portrait Retakes                                                                                                                 MGC Fall Pictures                      HS Stuff-A-Bus
              GMS Spirit Wear Fundraiser Begins                                                                                                          MS Battle of 6th Grade Teams,          HS Football Home Game, 1:00 PM
                                                  HS Senior Portrait Retakes                                              MGC Fall Pictures              6:00-8:00 PM

13            14                                  15                                16                                    17                             18                                     19
                 COLUMBUS DAY                                                                                                                            BAS Fall Picture Day
                                                                                                                                                         BAS Halloween Movie Night
                    Schools Closed                                                                                                                       HS Lawn Photo, 7:00 AM
                                                                                                                                                         HS College App. with Nov. 1st
                                                                                    HS Gr. 10 & 11 PSAT Exam
                    Offices Closed                                                  SCS Fall Picture Day
                                                                                                                                                         Deadline Due In Guidance
                                                                                    BAS PFA Meeting, 7:00 PM                                             MS Gr. 6 Dance, 4:00-6:00 PM
                                                                                                                          BAS Fall Picture Day           MS Gr. 7 & 8 Dance, 7:00-9:00 PM       Model UN Conference
                                                  Summit Council Meeting, 7:00 PM   Athletic Sponsors Meeting, 7:00 PM,                                                                         Haunted Garden
                                                  GMS Spirit Wear Fundraiser Ends   HS Teachers’ Cafeteria                MGC Pumpkin Patch              Elem. 1st Interim Report Mailed

20            21                                  22                                23RED RIBBON WEEK 24                                                 25                                     26
                                                         ROSH H                             MS SPIRIT WEEK
              UPK & MGC Fall Catalog                     SHANAH
              Fundraiser Begins                                                     SCS Wrapping Paper Fundraiser                                        FAS Kidstuff Fundraiser Ends
              MS Food Drive Begins                 Schools/Offices Closed           Ends                                                                 NJHS Supply Drive Ends
              MS Yankee Candle Fundraiser                                                                                 GMS Picture Make-Up Day        HS Hispanic Heritage Month
                                                                                    Board of Education Work Session,      SEPTA Halloween Dance          Assembly
              Begins                                                                7:15 PM, HS Little Theater
              PFA Presidents’ Council Meeting,    FAS PFA Meeting, 7:00 PM                                                HS IB Diploma Program          GMS Spookfest                          ACT Exam
                                                                                    Board of Education Public Session,    Orientation Night, 6:30 PM     SCS Harvest Fun Night, 6:30-8:30       HS Football Home Game, 1:00 PM
              7:00 PM, HS Teachers’ Lounge        HS PFA Meeting, 7:30 PM,          8:00 PM, HS Little Theater
              HS Underclass Retakes               HS Small Cafeteria                                                      HS Little Theater              PM                                     Haunted Garden (Rain Date)

27            28                                  29                                30                                    31                             S    M
                                                                                                                                                                    T   W    Th     F    S      S    M
                                                                                                                                                                                                          T    W    Th   F      S
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         1      2

                                                                                    BAS Winter Wonderland Fundraiser      BAS Fall Showcase 10:00 AM &   1     2    3    4    5     6       7   3     4   5    6    7     8     9
                                                                                    Ends                                  1:45 PM                        8     9   10   11   12    13    14     10   11   12   13   14   15     16
                                                                                    MGC Fright Night                      FAS Fall Costume Parade &
                                                                                    MS Pciture Make-Up Day                Sing-Along, K- 9:30 AM,        15   16   17   18   19    20    21     17   18   19   20   21   22     23
                                                                                    HS College App. with Nov. 10th or     Gr. 1 & 2-1:30 PM
              BAS Food Drive Begins                                                 15th Deadline Due In Guidance                                        22   23   24   25   26    27    28     24   25   26   27   28   29     30
              Music Sponsors Meeting, 6:00 PM                                       HS Fall Blood Drive                             HALLOWEEN            29   30
November 2019
          SUNDAY                         MONDAY                                  TUESDAY                       WEDNESDAY                                THURSDAY                                  FRIDAY                           SATURDAY

S    M
           T   W    Th    F   S    S    M
                                              T    W    Th    F       S
                                                                                                                                                                                           UPK & MGC Catalog Fundraiser
           1   2    3     4    5   1    2     3    4     5    6       7                                                                                                                    FAS Thanksgiving Food Drive
6     7   8    9    10   11   12   8    9    10   11    12    13      14                                                                                                                   MS Yankee Candle Fundraiser
13   14   15   16   17   18   19   15   16   17   18    19    20      21                                                                                                                   Ends
                                                                                                                                                                                           MS NJHS Sock Drive Ends
20   21   22   23   24   25   26   22   23   24   25    26    27      28                                                                                                                   HS Senior Portrait Selection
27   28   29   30   31             29   30   31                                                                                                                                            HS Food Drive Begins
                                                                                                                                                                                           SCS Fall Fundraiser Committee       SAT Exam
                                                                                                                                                                                           Meeting, 7:00 PM

3                                  4                                       5                                  6                                     7                                      8                                   9
                                                                                ELECTION DAY
                                                                           Superintendent’s Conference Day
    DAYLIGHT SAVINGS                                                         Schools Closed-Offices Open
                                                                                                              NYSCAME/SCMEA HS All County                                                  Half-Day - Parent Conference
       TIME ENDS                                                                                              Rehearsal#1, 3:00-7:00 PM
                                                                                                                                                    Half Day - Parent Conferences          (K-8)
                                   GMS Artistic Creations Fundraiser       Gr. Pre-K-5 Full Day Parent        Theater Sponsors Meeting, 7:00 PM,
                                   Begins                                  Conferences                        Teachers’ Lounge                      (K-8)                                  HS Awareness Weekend
                                   First Day for MS Early Winter           Gr. 6-12 Half Day Parent           Board of Education Work Session,      HS AP/IB Night, 7:00 PM,               Dual Language Movie Night
                                   Sports                                  Conferences                        7:15 PM, HS Little Theater            HS Auditorium                          MS & HS 1st Quarter Ends            HS Awareness Weekend

10                                 11                                      12                                 13                                    14                                     15                                  16
                                        VETERANS DAY                                                          FAS Picture Make-Up Day
                                                                                                              MGC Picture Make-Up Day                                                      NYSCAME/SCMEA HS All County
                                           (Observed)                      SCS Evening Parent Conferences
                                                                                                              SCS Fall Picture Make-Up Day                                                 Rehearsal #3, 9:00 - 1:00 PM
                                                                           MS/HS 2nd Quarter Begins                                                                                        NYSCAME/SCMEA All County
                                         Schools Closed                    First Day for HS Winter Sports     HS Parent/Teacher Conferences
                                                                                                                                                    NYSCAME/SCMEA All County               Concert, 7:30 PM
                                                                           College App. with Dec. 1st         6:00-8:00 PM
                                         Offices Closed                    Deadline Due In Guidance           Athletic Sponsors Meeting, 7:00 PM,   Rehearsal #2, 3:00-9:00 PM
                                                                                                                                                    MS Evening Conferences,
                                                                                                                                                                                           GMS Artistic Creations Fundraiser
                                                                           Summit Council Meeting, 7:00 PM    Teachers’ Cafeteria                   6:00-8:00 PM                           FAS Bingo Night, 7:00 PM            HS Senior Citizen Fall Clean-up

17                                 18                                      19                                 20                                    21                                     22                                  23
                                                                                                              BAS Fall Picture Make-Up Day
                                                                                                              HS Fall Drama Tony Member
                                                                                                              Performance, 7:00 PM                                                         FAS Gr. 1 Thanksgiving Show,
                                   PFA Presidents’ Council Meeting,                                           Board of Education Work Session,      BAS Food Drive Ends                    1:30 PM
                                   9:30 AM, MS Conference Room             MS/HS Joint PFA Meeting, 7:00 PM   7:15 PM, HS Little Theater            SCS Fall Fundraiser, Captain Bill’s,   FAS Food Drive Ends
                                   Mandatory Parent/Athlete-Coach          @ MS                               Board of Education Public Session,    7:00 - 11:00 PM                        MS Food Drive Ends
                                   Meeting, 7:00 PM, HS Gym                                                                                         HS Fall Drama Production, 7:00 PM                                          HS Fall Drama Production, 7:00 PM
                                                                                                              8:00 PM, HS Little Theater                                                   HS Fall Drama Production, 7:00 PM

24                                 25                                      26 15 MINUTE                       27                                    28                                     29                                  30
                                                                               EARLY DISMISSAL                    THANKSGIVING                          THANKSGIVING                           THANKSGIVING
                                                                                ALL STUDENTS                         RECESS                                RECESS                                 RECESS
                                                                                                                     Schools Closed                        Schools Closed                        Schools Closed
                                                                                                                     Offices Closed                        Offices Closed                        Offices Closed
                                                                           BAS/MGC/GMS Pajama Day                                                                                                                              Small Business Saturday
                                   MS NJHS Holiday Drive Begins            HS Food Drive Ends                                                                                                                                  Winter Festival, 3:30 PM,
                                                                           Chamber of Commerce Meeting,                                                                                                                        Main Street
                                   Music Sponsors Meeting, 7:00 PM         7:00 PM, BS-BW Library
December 2019
       SUNDAY                       MONDAY                               TUESDAY                          WEDNESDAY                                THURSDAY                                FRIDAY                         SATURDAY
 UPK REGISTRATION                   NOVEMBER                                 JANUARY
        2020-2021             S    M     T    W    Th   F    S    S     M     T   W    Th     F     S
Beginning Dec. 10, 2019,                                 1    2                   1     2     3     4
   pick up registration       3      4   5    6     7    8    9   5      6    7   8    9     10    11
 packets at 75 W. Perkal      10   11    12   13   14   15   16   12    13   14   15   16    17   18
St., then call 968-2554 to    17   18    19   20   21   22   23   19    20   21   22   23    24   25
 make an appointment.         24   25    26   27   28   29   30   26    27   28   29   30    31

1                             2                                   3                                      4                                     5                                    6                                 7
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      GMS Pancake Breakfast &
                                                                                                                                               MS Gr. 6 Band/Orchestra/Choir                                          Christmas Photo Shoot Fundraiser
                                                                                                         MGC Holiday Shop                      Concert, 7:00 PM                                                       Historical Society Snowflake
                                                                                                         BAS Holiday Shop                      BAS Holiday Shop                                                       Sale, 10:00 AM
                                                                                                         Theater Sponsors Meeting, 7:00 PM,    GMS Holiday Shop                     GMS Holiday Shop                  MS Curriculum Fair,
                                                                  MGC Holiday Shop                       HS Teachers’ Lounge                   SCS Holiday Shop                     SCS Holiday Shop                  10:00 -11:00 AM
                                                                  MS Gr. 7 & 8 Bands, Jazz Band &        Board of Education Work Session,      NYSSMSA All-State Winter             NYSSMSA All-State Winter          NYSSMA All-State Winter
                              FAS Holiday Toy/Coat Drive Begins   Jazz Choir Concert, 7:00 PM            7:15 PM, HS Little Theater            Conference, Rochester                Conference, Rochester             Conference, Rochester
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      SAT Exam

8                             9                                   10                                     11                                    12                                   13                                14
                              SCS Music Assembly, 10:00 AM,                                                                                    UPK @ FAS Holiday Concert, 9:45 AM
                              Gr. 4 & 5 Chorus/ Gr. 5 Band/                                                                                    FAS Holiday Shop                     MGC Kindergarten Holiday Sing-
                              Orchestra                                                                                                        FAS Holiday Toy/Coat Drive Ends      Along, 10:30 AM
                              SCS Gr. 5 Band/Orchestra, 2:00 PM                                                                                GMS Gr. 4 & 5 Choir, Gr. 5 Band/     MS NJHS Holiday Drive Ends
                              SCS Gr. 4 & 5 Choir Concert,                                               FAS Holiday Shop                      Orch. Concert, 10:00 AM              Polar Express Movie, 7:00 PM,
                              7:00 PM                                                                    MS Gr. 7 & 8 Choir/Orchestra          (Students Only)                      HS Auditorium
NYSSMA All-State Winter       HS College App. with Dec. 31,       2020-2021 UPK Packet Pick-up           Winter Concert, 7:00 PM               GMS Gr. 4 & 5 Choir, Gr. 5 Band/     UPK/Elem 1st Trimester Report
                                                                  Starts Today at Central Registration   Athletic Sponsors Meeting, 7:00 PM,   Orch. Concert, 2:00 PM (Gr. 5        Cards Mailed                      ACT Exam
Conference, Rochester         Jan. 1, 10 or 15th Deadline                                                                                                                                                             Light the Night (Rain Date)
Light the Night               Due In Guidance                     Summit Council Meeting, 7:00 PM        Teachers’ Cafeteria                   Band/Orch. Parents Invited)          MS & HS 2nd Interim Period Ends

15                            16                                  17                                     18                                    19                                   20                                21
                                                                                                         UPK @ MGC Holiday Concert,
                                                                                                         9:45 AM                               MGC Holiday Sing-Along,
                                                                  BAS Winter Showcase                    Board of Education Work Session,
                                                                  10:00 AM & 1:45 PM                                                           Gr. 2 - 9:30 AM, Gr. 1 - 11:00 AM
                                                                                                         7:15 PM, HS Little Theater            HS Chamber, Choir, Concert
                              GMS Choir Concert, 7:00 PM,         HS Wind Ensemble & Symphonic           Board of Education Public Session     Orch. & Symphonic Orch. Concert,     BAS Pajama Day
Light the Night (Rain Date)   @ MS                                Band Concert, 7:00 PM                  8:00 PM, HS Little Theater            7:00 PM                              GMS Pajama Day

22                            23WINTER RECESS                     24 CHRISTMAS EVE                       25                                    26                                   27                                28
                                       Schools Closed                        WINTER RECESS                       CHRISTMAS
 HANUKKAH BEGINS                        Offices Open                   Schools/Offices Closed                    KWANZAA

                                                                                                             WINTER RECESS                         WINTER RECESS                        WINTER RECESS
29                            30WINTER RECESS                     31 New Year’s Eve                           Schools Closed
                                                                                                              Offices Closed
                                                                                                                                                    Schools Closed                       Schools Closed
                                       Schools Closed                  Schools/Offices Closed                                                        Offices Open                         Offices Open
                                        Offices Open
January 2020
      SUNDAY                              MONDAY                                TUESDAY                       WEDNESDAY                                THURSDAY                             FRIDAY                         SATURDAY

S    M
          T    W    Th    F     S    S    M
                                                T    W    Th    F      S
                                                                                REGISTRATION                 1                                     2                                3                                  4
                                                                       1        for the 2020-2021
 1    2    3    4    5    6     7    2     3     4    5    6     7     8           School Year.                  NEW YEAR’S DAY
 8    9   10   11   12   13    14    9    10    11   12   13    14 15          Call 631-968-2554                    Schools Closed                                                         Schools Closed
                                                                                                                                                         Schools Closed
15   16   17   18   19   20    21   16    17    18   19   20    21 22            for information                    Offices Closed                        Offices Open                      Offices Open
22   23   24   25   26   27    28   23    24    25   26   27    28 29            and to schedule
29   30   31
                                                                                 an appointment.

5                                   6                                      7                                 8                                     9                                10                                 11
                                                                                                                                UPK REGISTRATION FOR 2020-2021
                                         FIRST DAY BACK
                                                                                                                                                                                    LISFA Secondary Rehearsals,
                                                                                                             BAS PFA Meeting, 7:00 PM                                               4:00-9:00 PM                       LISFA Secondary Rehearsals,
                                                                                                             Theater Sponsors Meeting, 7:00                                         NYSTEA Conference -HS Drama        9:00-2:00 PM
                                                                           HS IB Class of 2019 Diploma       PM, MS Little Theater                                                  Dual Language Family Game
                                    HS College App. with a Jan. 15th                                                                                                                Night                              NYSTEA Conference - HS Drama
                                                                           Award Ceremony, 7:00 PM           Board of Education Work Session,                                                                          HS Freshman Awareness Weekend
                                    Deadline due in Guidance               HS Little Theater                 7:15 PM, HS Little Theater                                             HS Freshman Awareness Weekend

12                                  13                                     14                                15                                    16                               17                                 18
                                                                                              UPK REGISTRATION FOR 2020-2021
                                                                                                             BAS Bingo Night
                                                                                                             HS IB Diploma Candidate
                                                                                                             Orientation Night, 7:00 PM,                                            GMS Bingo Night
                                                                           FAS PFA Meeting/Sports Night,     HS Little Theater                                                      HS College App. with a Feb. 1st
LISFA Secondary Concert             PFA Presidents’ Council Meeting,       7:00 PM                           Athletic Sponsors Meeting, 7:00 PM,   MS Incoming Gr. 6 Parent         Deadline Due In Guidance           BSSAEF Song and Dance Benefit,
NYSTEA Conference - HS Drama        9:30 AM, MS Conference Room            Summit Council Meeting, 7:00 PM   HS Teachers’ Cafeteria                Orientation, 7:00 PM             HS 2nd Quarter Ends                7:00 PM, HS Auditorium

19                                  20                                     21                                22                                    23                               24                                 25
                                    MARTIN LUTHER KING JR.
                                                                                                             Board of Education Work Session,
                                           Schools Closed                                                    7:15 PM, HS Little Theater                                             MGC Fun Festival
                                                                                                                                                                                    LISFA Intermediate Rehearsals,
                                                                                                             Board of Education Public Session,
                                           Offices Closed                  First Date for MS Late Winter     8:00 PM, HS Little Theater
                                                                                                                                                   HS Incoming Gr. 9 Orientation,   4:00-8:00 PM @ Northport HS        LISFA Intermediate Rehearsals
                                                                           Sports                                                                  7:00 PM, HS Auditorium           MS 2nd Quarter Ends
                                                                           HS Midterms & Regents Exams       HS Midterms & Regents Exams           HS Midterms & Regents Exams      HS Midterms & Regents Exams        9:00-1:00 PM

26                                  27                                     28                                29                                    30        UPK
                                                                                                                                                                                    31         UPK
                                                                                                                                                         REGISTRATION                     REGISTRATION                   Registration for Sept.
                                                                                                                                                           2020-2021                        2020-2021                  2020 will be during the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           month of March.
                                                                                                                                                                                    HS College App. with a Feb. 15th      Call 631-968-2554
                                    MS 3rd Quarter Begins                                                    GMS Circus Dress Rehearsal,                                            Deadline Due In Guidance
LISFA Intermediate Concert @        HS First Day 2nd Semester              Chamber of Commerce Meeting,      9:30 AM - 12:30 PM, (no parents)
                                                                                                                                                   GMS Circus Day Show, 1:00 PM
                                                                                                                                                   (no parents)                     SEPTA Shooting for the Stars           for information.
Northport HS                        Music Sponsors Meeting, 7:00 PM        7:00 PM, BS-BW Library            GMS Circus Night Show, 6:00 PM        GMS Circus Night Show, 6:00 PM   Annual Benefit
February 2020
       SUNDAY                              MONDAY                            TUESDAY                            WEDNESDAY                             THURSDAY                            FRIDAY                         SATURDAY
                                         REGISTRATION                    S   M
                                                                                  T    W    Th    F   S     S    M     T
                                                                                                                            W    Th    F     S
     registration for                    for the 2020-2021                              1    2    3    4
  September 2020 will                       School Year                  5    6    7    8    9   10   11    1     2     3    4    5    6     7

 be during the month of                 Call 631-968-2554               12   13   14   15   16   17   18    8     9    10   11   12   13    14
                                                                        19   20   21   22   23   24   25    15   16    17   18   19   20    21
          March.                      for information and to
                                                                        26   27   28   29   30   31         22   23   24    25   26   27    28
  Call 631-968-2554 for                     schedule an
                                                                                                            29   30    31
       information.                        appointment.                                                                                                                                                              SCMEA Day of Jazz Festival

2                                    3                                  4                                   5                                     6                                7                                 8
                                                                                       UPK REGISTRATION FOR 2020-2021
                                                                                                            FAS Book Fair
                                                                                                            FAS Bedtime Story Night               FAS Book Fair                    GMS Escape Room Fundraiser
                                                                                                            Theater Sponsors Meeting, 7:00 PM,    MS Drama Production, 7:00 PM
                                                                                                            HS Teachers’ Lounge                                                    MS Drama Production, 7:00 PM
                                     NJHS Book Drive Begins             HS PFA Meeting, 7:30 PM, HS                                               BAS Special Someone Dance        HS Black History Workshop
                                     GMS Mixed Bag Fundraiser Begins    Small Cafeteria                     Board of Education Work Session,      HS Junior Ring Breakfast                                           MS Drama Production, 2:00 PM
                                                                                                            7:15 PM, HS Little Theater                                             Elem. 2nd Interim Report Mailed

9                                    10         UPK
                                                                        11                                  12                                    13                               14                                15
                                            FOR 2020-2021
                                                                                                                                                                                   MGC Pajama Day
                                                                                                                                                                                   BAS Pajama Day
MS Drama Production (Make-up                                                                                                                      MGC Sweetheart Dance             GMS Pajama Day
date in case of inclement weather)   PFA Presidents’ Council Meeting,   HS Jazz Concert, 7:00 PM            Athletic Sponsors Meeting, 7:00 PM,   GMS Black History Celebration,   GMS Mixed Bags Fundraiser Ends
2:00 PM                              9:30 AM, MS Conference Room        Summit Council Meeting, 7:00 PM     HS Teachers’ Cafeteria                9:40 AM                          HS Black History Workshop

16                                   17                                 18                                  19                                    20                               21                                22
                                       PRESIDENTS’ DAY
                                     MID-WINTER RECESS                  MID-WINTER RECESS                   MID-WINTER RECESS                     MID-WINTER RECESS                MID-WINTER RECESS

                                           Schools Closed                     Schools Closed                         Schools Closed                     Schools Closed                   Schools Closed
                                           Offices Closed                      Offices Open                           Offices Open                       Offices Open                     Offices Open

23                                   24                                 25                                  26                                    27                               28                                29
                                                                                                           UPK REGISTRATION FOR 2020-2021
                                                                                                            HS Senior Banquet
                                                                                                            Board of Education Work Session,                                       MS NJHS Book Drive Ends
                                                                                                            7:15 PM, HS Little Theater                                             MS & HS 3rd Interim Period Ends
                                                                                                            Board of Education Public Session,                                     HS Black History Assembly
                                                                                                            8:00 PM, HS Little Theater            SCS Bingo Night                                                    HS Awareness Weekend
                                                                                                                                                                                   HS Awareness Weekend
March 2020
      SUNDAY                     MONDAY                                   TUESDAY                          WEDNESDAY                                THURSDAY                                 FRIDAY                          SATURDAY
      Kindergarten                     REMINDER                                 UPK                                  FEBRUARY                             APRIL
     registration for                 Application for                    REGISTRATION                     S      M    T    W    Th    F    S   S     M    T    W     Th    F     S
 September 2020 will be           transportation and/or                  for the 2020-2021                                                 1                    1    2     3     4
        this month.                textbooks for private                    School Year                    2      3   4     5    6    7    8   5     6     7    8    9    10    11

  Call 631-968-2554 for          and parochial schools is               Call 631-968-2554                  9     10   11   12   13   14   15   12    13   14   15   16    17    18
                                                                                                          16     17   18   19   20   21   22   19    20   21   22   23    24    25
       information.                due by April 1, 2020.              for information and to
                                                                                                          23     24   25   26   27   28   29   26    27 28     29   30
                                                                            schedule an

1                                2                                   3                                    4                                    5                                     6                                   7
                                                                                                    KINDERGARTEN REGISTRATION
                                                                               UPK REGISTRATION FOR 2020-2021
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         SCMEA Division I, II and III
                                                                                                          SCS Spring Picture Day                                                     HS Model UN, NYC Conference         Rehearsals
                                                                                                          HS Model UN, NYC Conference          HS Model UN, NYC Conference           Dual Language Craft Night           HS Model UN, NYC Conference
                                                                                                          Theater Sponsors Meeting, 7:00       MS Evening Parent Conferences,        MS Gr. 6 Dance, 4:00-6:00 PM        HS Marching Band, St. Patrick’s Day
                                 MS Pennies for Patients Begins                                           PM, HS Teachers’ Lounge              6:00-8:00 PM                          MS Gr. 7 & 8 Dance, 7:00-9:00 PM    Parade, 2:00 PM

8                                9                                   10                                   11                                   12                                    13                                  14
                                                                                                    KINDERGARTEN REGISTRATION
   TIME BEGINS                   UPK Artistic Creations Fundraiser                                        GMS Book Fair
                                                                                                                                               MS Parent Information Meeting,
                                                                                                                                               7:00 PM
                                 Begins                                                                   Athletic Sponsors Meeting, 7:00 PM                                         SCMEA Division I, II and III        SCMEA Division I, II and III
                                                                                                                                               HS Parent/Teacher Conference          Rehearsals                          Rehearsals
                                 GMS Spririt Wear Fundraiser                                              Teachers’ Cafeteria                  6:00-8:00 PM
                                 Begins                                                                   Board of Education Work Session                                            MGC Movie Night & Fundraiser,       SCMEA Division III Concert,
                                                                     Summit Council Meeting, 7:00 PM                                           GMS Bingo Night/Book Fair,                                                7:30 PM
                                 First Date for HS Spring Sports                                          7:15 PM, HS Little Theater           6:00-8:00 PM                          6:00 PM

15                               16                                  17                                   18                                   19                                    20                                  21
                                                                                                    KINDERGARTEN REGISTRATION

                                 SCS Mother’s Day Plant Sale
                                 Pre-Orders Begin                                                                                                                                    UPK Artisitc Creations Fundraiser
                                 Mandatory Parent/Athlete-Coach                                                                                                                      Ends
                                 Meeting, 7:00 PM, HS Gym                                                                                                                            GMS Spirit Wear Fundraiser Ends
SCMEA Division I & II Concert,   PFA Presidents’ Council Meeting,                                         HS Spring Musical for Tony           FAS Winter Fundraiser, 7:00 PM        MS Pennies for Patients Ends
1:00 PM and 5:00 PM              7:00 PM, HS Teachers’ Lounge                                             Members, 7:00 PM, HS Auditorium      HS Spring Musical, 7:00 PM            HS Spring Musical, 7:00 PM          HS Spring Musical, 7:00 PM

22                               23                                  24       MGC /GMS Spring Pictures
                                                                     NYSSMA Piano Festival @ Five Towns
                                                                                                          25      KINDERGARTEN
                                                                                                                REGISTRATION (3/23-3/31)
                                                                                                                                               26                                    27                                  28
                                 FAS Artistic Creations Begin        College
                                 First Date for MS Spring Sports     HS IB Visual Arts Show
                                 NYSSMA Piano Festival @ Five        HS PFA Meeting, 7:30 PM, HS Small         NYS Gr. 3 -8 ELA Exam                NYS Gr. 3 -8 ELA Exam
                                 Towns College                       Cafeteria                            HS Spring Blood Drive

                                                                                                          NYSSMA Piano Festival @ Five
29                               30                                  FAS PFA Meeting, 7:00 PM
                                                                                                          Towns College
                                                                                                          Board of Education Work Session,
                                                                                                          7:15 PM, HS Little Theater           HS Law Day
                                 Music Sponsors Meeting, 7:00 PM     Chamber of Commerce Meeting,         Board of Education Public Session,   NYSSMA Piano Festival, @ Five
                                                                     7:00 PM, BS-BW Library               8:00 PM, HS Little Theater           Towns College                         HS 3rd Quarter Ends
April 2020
     SUNDAY          MONDAY                              TUESDAY                        WEDNESDAY                               THURSDAY                                FRIDAY                            SATURDAY
                                                                                       1                                    2                                 3                                      4
                                                                                                                                                              SCS Mother’s Day Plant Sale
                                                                                                                                                              Pre-Orders Due
                                                                                       GMS Plant Sale Begins                                                  BAS Pajama Day
                                                                                       Theater Sponsors Meeting, 7:00                                         GMS Pajama Day
                                                                                                                                                                                                     ACT Exam
                                                                                       PM, HS Teachers’ Lounge                                                UPK/Elem. 2nd Trimester
                                                                                       Board of Education Work Session,                                       Report Cards Mailed                    Athletic Sponsors Social, 7:00 PM
                                                                                       7:15 PM, HS Little Theater           FAS Artistic Creations Ends       MS 3rd Quarter Ends                    Captain Bill’s

5              6                                    7                                  8                                    9                                 10                                     11
                    SPRING RECESS                       SPRING RECESS                       SPRING RECESS                        SPRING RECESS                     SPRING RECESS
                       Schools Closed                      Schools Closed                      Schools Closed                       Schools Closed                      Schools Closed
                       Offices Open                         Offices Open                        Offices Open                         Offices Open                       Offices Closed
                                                                                           PASSOVER BEGINS                                                              GOOD FRIDAY
                                                                                              AT SUNSET

12             13                                   14                                 15                                   16                                17                                     18
                                                                                       HS MULTI-CULTURAL WEEK

               BAS Plant Sale Starts
      EASTER   MS 4th Quarter Begins                                                   UPK @ FAS Cap & Gown Picture
                                                    UPK @ MGC Cap & Gown Picture       Day
               Possible Recess: At the discretion   Day                                HS/MS NYSSMA Majors Choir                                              Dual Language Festival of
               of the Superintendent, schools       Bay Shore/Brightwaters Library     @ HS                                                                   Nations
               may be closed if no inclement        Budget Vote, 10:00 AM - 9:00 PM    Athletic Sponsors Meeting, 7:00                                        MGC Bingo Night, 6:00 PM
                                                    Summit Council Meeting, 7:00 PM    PM, HS Teachers’ Cafeteria                                             HS NYSSMA Majors - Band/Orch.
               weather days were used.

19             20                                   21                                 22GMS SPIRIT WEEK 23                                                   24                                     25
                                                                                         NYS Gr. 3-8 Math Exam                NYS Gr. 3-8 Math Exam
                                                    FAS Science/Art/STEM Expo,         Board of Education Work Session,
                                                    6:00 PM                            7:15 PM, HS Little Theater
                                                    BAS Spring Pictures                Board of Education Public Session,
                                                    HS Wind Ensemble Concert &         8:00 PM, HS Little Theater           MS Transition Night, 7:00 PM
               PFA Presidents’ Council Meeting,     Symphonic Band, 7:00 PM,                                                HS Symphonics Orch. & Choir       HS Ethnic Pen
               9:30 AM, MS Conference Room          HS Auditorium                          National Secretaries’ Day        Concert, 7:00 PM, HS Auditorium   FAS Bingo Night, 7:00 PM               HS Junior Prom

26             27                                   28                                 29                                   30                                S    M
                                                                                                                                                                         T     W    Th      F   S    S    M    T
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      W   Th    F    S
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                1        2
                                                                                                                                                              1     2     3    4    5       6   7    3     4    5     6   7     8    9
                                                                                                                                                              8     9     10   11   12   13     14   10   11   12   13    14   15   16
                                                                                                                                                              15   16    17    18   19   20     21   17   18   19   20    21   22   23
                                                                                                                            BAS Plant Sale Ends
                                                    HS/MS Joint PFA Meeting, 7:30 PM                                        Bay Shore Dances Rehearsal,       22   23    24    25   26   27     28   24   25   26   27    28   29   30
               HS Tri-M to SCS & GMS
               Music Sponsors Meeting, 7:00 PM      @ HS Small Cafeteria                                                    HS Auditorium, 2:30 PM            29   30    31                          31
May 2020
               Registro de Votantes - Miércoles, 6 de mayo de 2020
                                                                                                                                                                                                         Vo to D e l D i s t r i to - M a r te s , 1 9 d e m ay o d e 2 0 2 0
         12:00 PM a 8:00 PM, Edificio de Administración Jerry G. Berka
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              6:00 AM a 9:00 PM
Presentación del Presupuesto y Conocer a Los Candidatos, Lunes,11 de mayo de 2020
                                                                                                                                                                                                          L obby del Gimnasio de la Escuela Secundaria
             7:30 PM en el Teatro Pequeño en la Escuela Secundaria

        SUNDAY                                   MONDAY                               TUESDAY                           WEDNESDAY                                   THURSDAY                                         FRIDAY                                    SATURDAY

  S    M
            T    W   Th     F        S    S      M    T
                                                           W    Th     F    S
                                                                                   UPK Cap & Gown
                                                                                                                                                                                                           1                                              2
                 1    2     3    4               1    2     3    4     5    6     Picture Make-Up Day
 5     6    7    8    9    10   11        7      8    9    10   11    12   13      MGC - May 5, 2020
 12   13   14   15   16    17   18       14     15    16   17   18    19   20       FAS - May 6, 2020
 19   20   21   22    23   24   25       21     22    23   24   25    26   27                                                                                                                              IB Bus. Management SL Paper 1,
 26   27   28   29   30                  28     29    30                                                                                                                                                   Bay Shore Dances, 7:00 PM,                     Bay Shore Dances, 4:00 PM,
                                                                                                                                                                                                           HS Auditorium                                  HS Auditorium
                                                                                                                                                                                                           MS & HS 4th Interim Period Ends                SAT Exam

 3                                       4                                      5                                      6    VOTER REGISTRATION
                                                                                                                              Jerry G. Berka Bldg.
                                                                                                                              12:00 PM - 8:00 PM
                                                                                                                                                                7   MGC Incoming Kindergarten
                                                                                                                                                                      Orientation, 6:00 PM
                                                                                                                                                                                                           FAS Plant Sale
                                                                                                                                                                                                           SCS Plant Sale
                                                                                                                       FAS & SCS Plant Sale Pre-Order Pick-Up                                              MS Plant Sale Ends
                                                                                                                       MS Plant Sale                            FAS/SCS/MS Plant Sale                      MS Career Discover Program,
                                                                                                                       AP English Lit. & Comp., AM
                                         PFA Presidents’ Council Meeting,                                              AP European History, PM                  GMS Plant Sale Pick-Up,                    7:30 AM
                                         7:00 PM, HS Teachers’ Lounge           AP Calculus AB & BC, AM                                                         5:00 - 7:00 PM                             AP US History, AM
                                                                                                                       IB History HL Paper 3, AM
                                         AP US Gov’t. & Politics, AM            AP Human Geography                     IB Global Politics SL Paper 1, PM        AP Chemistry, AM                           AP Computer Science A, PM
                                         AP Physics C: Mechanics PM             IB History HL Papers, 1 & 2, PM        IB Anthropology SL Paper 1, PM           AP Physics 1, PM                           IB Biology SL Paper 3, AM
                                         IB Bus. Management SL Paper 2,         IB Music SL/HL Paper 1, AM             Theater Sponsors Meeting, 7:00 PM,       IB Global Politics SL Paper 2, AM
                                                                                                                       HS Teachers’ Lounge                                                                 MS Gr. 6 & 7 Dance, 6:00-8:00 PM               Spruce Up Bay Shore, 8:00 AM,
                                         AM                                     MS NYSSMA Majors Instr.                MS Gr. 7 & 8 Band/Jazz & Jazz Choir
                                                                                                                                                                IB Biology SL Papers 1 & 2, PM             HS Cabaret Night, 7:00 PM, HS                  Dr. King’s Park, Main Street
                                                                                                                       Concert, 7:00 PM                         IB Anthropology SL, Paper 2, AM            Auditorium

 10                                      11 MEET THE CANDIDATES
                                             & BUDGET HEARING   12                      BAS Kindergarten Orientation
                                                                                SCS Gr. 4 Band Concert, 10:00 AM
                                                                                                                       13                                       14        FAS Fall Kindergarten
                                                                                                                                                                Orientation, 9:30 AM
                                                                                                                                                                                                           15                                             16
                                                  7:30 PM, HS Little Theater    & 2:00 PM                              MS Gr. 7 & 8 Choir/Orch. Concert,        BAS Staff Appreciation Luncheon
                                                                                AP Spanish Lang. & Culture, AM                                                  GMS Gr. 4 & 5 Orch./Choir, Gr. 5 Band
                                         MGC Incoming Kindergarten              AP Psychology, PM                      7:00 PM                                  Concert, 10:00 AM (Students Only)
                                         Orientation, 9:30 AM                   IB Mathematical Studies SL Paper       SCS Staff Appreciation Luncheon                                                     MGC VIP Day, 10:00 AM
                                                                                                                                                                GMS Gr. 4 & 5 Choir/Orch., Gr. 5 Band,     SCS Fifth Grade Circus
                                         IB Mathematical Studies SL Paper 1,    2, AM
      MOTHER’S DAY                       PM                                     IB Mathematics SL/HLPaper 2, AM
                                                                                                                       AP English Lang. & Comp, AM              2:00 PM, (Gr. 4 Orch. Parents Invited)
                                                                                                                                                                GMS Learning Museum 6:00 - 8:00 PM         AP Computer Science Principles,
                                                                                IB Chinese ab initio SL Paper 1, PM    IB Chinese ab initio SL Paper 2, AM                                                 AM
                                         IB Mathematics SL/HL Paper 1, PM                                              IB Latin SL/HL Paper 2, AM               AP Comp. Govt. & Politics, AM
                                         AP Biology, AM                         IB Latin SL /HL Paper 1, PM                                                     AP World History, AM                       AP Statistics, PM
                                                                                Summit Council Meeting, 7:00 PM        IB Economcs SL Paper 1, PM                                                          IB English HL Paper 2, AM
                                         AP Environmental Science, PM           MS Gr. 6 Band/Orch./Choir Concert,                                              IB Englsih HL Paper 1, PM
                                         Board of Education Work Session,       7:00 PM                                Athletic Sponsors Meeting, 7:00 PM,      IB Literature & Perf. SL Paper 1, PM       IB Chemistry SL Papers 1 & 2, PM               MS Gr. 8 Moving-Up Dance,
                                         6:30 PM, HS Little Theater             Summit Council Meeting, 7:00 PM        HS Teachers’ Cafeteria                   IB Economics SL Paper 2, AM                IB Literature & Perf. SL Paper 2, AM           5:00 - 8:00 PM

 17                                      18       NYS Gr. 4 & 8
                                                 Science Perf. Test
                                                                                19       DISTRICT BUDGET
                                                                                          6:00 AM- 9:00 PM
                                                                                                                       20                                       21                                         22                                             23
                                                                                                                       NYS Gr. 4 & 8 Science Perf. Test         NYS Gr. 4 & 8 Science Perf. Test            NYS Gr. 4 & 8 Science Perf. Test
                                         IB Chemistry SL, Paper 3, AM                     HS GYM LOBBY
                                         SCS Music Assembly, 10:00 AM,          NYS Gr. 4 & 8 Science Perf. Test
                                         Gr. 5 Band, Gr. 4 & 5 Orchestra,                                              MGC Staff Appreciation Day Luncheon      GMS/SCS Gr. 5 Band/Orch. Combined
                                         Gr. 4 & 5 Choir                        GMS/SCS Gr. 5 Combined Band.                                                    Rehearsal, 7:30 AM, @ MS                   IB French B SL Paper 2, AM
                                                                                                                       GMS/SCS Gr. 5. Combined Orchestra        GMS/SCS 5th Gr. Band/Orch.                 Elem. 3rd Interim Report Mailed
                                         SCS Gr. 4 & 5 Choir Concert,           Rehearsal, 7:30 AM, @ MS
                                         7:00 PM                                GMS Staff Appreciation Luncheon        Rehearsal, 7:30 AM, @ MS                 Combined Concert 7:00 PM, @ MS
                                         MGC Interdisciplinary Art & STEM       MS Book Fair Begins                    IB Physics HL, Papers 1 & 2, PM          FAS Staff Appreciation Luncheon            Possible Recess: At the discretion
                                         Showcase, 5:00 - 7:00 PM               IB Spanish B SL /HL Papers 1, PM       IB Spanish B SL & HL Papers 2, AM        IB Physics HL Paper 3, AM                  of the Superintendent, schools may
                                         GMS Choir Concert, 7:00 PM,            District Jazz Concert, 7:00 PM,        HS IB Informational Night, Gr. 8 & 9,    IB French B SL Paper 1, PM                 be closed if no inclement weather
                                         @ MS                                   HS Auditorium                          6:30 PM, HS Little Theater               HS National Honor Society Induction
                                         Music Sponsors Meeting, 6:00 PM                                                                                                                                   days were used.

 24                                      25                                     26                                     27                                       28                                         29                                             30
                                                                                NYS Gr. 4 & 8 Science Perf. Test       NYS Gr. 4 & 8 Science Perf. Test         NYS Gr. 4 & 8 Science Perf. Test
                                                                                                                                                                                                            NYS Gr. 4 & 8 Science Perf. Test
                                                MEMORIAL DAY                                                           GMS Talent Show Auditions

 31                                              Schools Closed                                                        MS NJHS/Tri-M Induction
                                                                                HS Tri-M Induction Ceremony,           Rehearsal, 2:30-4:30 PM
                                                                                5:00 PM, HS Little Theater
                                                 Offices Closed                 Music Sponsors Awards Dinner           Board of Education Work Session,         GMS Talent Show Auditions
                                                                                                                       7:15 PM, HS Little Theater                                                          GMS/SCS 5th Grade Middle School
                                                                                6:00 PM, HS Large Gym                                                           GMS Art Show, 4:00 - 6:00 PM               Visitation @ MS
                                              HS Marching Band, 10:00 AM        Chamber of Commerce Meeting,           Board of Education Public Session,       MS NJHS/Tri-M Induction,
                                                     Main Street                                                       8:00 PM, HS Little Theater               7:00 PM                                    GMS Talent Show Auditions
                                                                                7:00 PM, BS-BW Library
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