Ischemia of Non-Obstructive Coronary Artery Disease: Need to Address in our Patient Population - Bangladesh Journals Online

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Review Article
     Ischemia of Non-Obstructive Coronary Artery

        Disease: Need to Address in our Patient
      AHM Waliul Islam, AQM Reza, Shams Munwar, Shahabuddin Talukder, Tamzeed Ahmed,

                                                                                                                                  Vol.-13, No.-2,
                               Kazi Atikur Rahman, Md. Atahar Ali
                  Interventional Cardiology Department, Evercare Hospital Dhaka

                       Ischemia of non-occlusive coronary artery disease (INOCA) not an uncommon phenomenon, exist in
Key Words:
                       our patient population which did not address well. Many of the stable angina and or unstable
Ischaemic heart        angina patient, whose coronary angiogram revealed significant coronary stenosis

                                                                                                                                  January 2021
disease, Coronary
                       (>70%) are being treated by PCI with drug eluting stent. On the contrary, quite a significant proportion
artery disease,        of patient, who are found to have non-significant coronary lesion (
Ischemia of Non-Obstructive Coronary Artery Disease: Need to Address                       AHM Waliul Islam et al.

Coronary microvascular dysfunction refers to the             Microvascular dysfunction related to impaired
subset of disorder affecting the structure and               smooth muscle relaxation is an endothelium-
function of the coronary microcirculation, serve             independent mechanism for cardiac ischemia.21
as key mediators of patient symptoms, is prevalent           Microcirculation accounts for 70% of resistance

in patients across a broad spectrum of                       within the coronary circulation and ineffective
cardiovascular risk factors. With the advent of              smooth muscle relaxation prevents demand-related
medical technologies, available resources, Cath lab          increases in flow. These group of patients are
facilities in many of the big cities, interventional         theorized to present with exercise or stress related
                                                             angina.22 Endothelial-independent microvascular

                                                                                                                     Vol.-13, No.-2,
cardiologist expertise, and drug eluting stents,
acute Myocardial Infarction patient are benefitting          dysfunction is studied by measuring coronary flow
by Primary angioplasty (pPCI) in many of the                 reserve      using     transthoracic      Doppler
centers. Successful flow re-stabilization with better        echocardiography, Myocardial contrast
myocardial salvage depends on reduced door to                Echocardiography, PET, Intracoronary Doppler or
balloon time of less than two hours.                         CMR following induced vasodilatation with an
In the global pandemic of Covid-19, strategy in              endothelium-independent agent such as adenosine
treating AMI patient from pPCI has changed to                or dipyridamole. 23-28 Endothelial-dependent

                                                                                                                     January 2021
pharmacoinvasive therapy, like other parts of                dysfunction is caused by pathologic constriction of
developed world and as per ACC/ AHA/ESC                      a vessel or vascular bed. Diffuse distal epicardial
guideline recommendation.                                    and microvascular constriction causes ST
                                                             depression and angina at rest or stress. Anginal
To date, most of the Coronary angiogram registries
include obstructive CAD.7 Few registries include             chest pain or ECG changes may precede diffuse
patient longitudinal outcome data.8 Nonobstructive           epicardial constriction, indicating that it may

                                                                                                                      Cardiovas Journal
CAD is atherosclerotic plaque that will not expect           instigating effect that propagates proximally.29,30
to obstruct flow or induce angina, is found in 10-           In unselected population referred for angina, less
25% patient undergoing CAG.9 Although these are              than 10% have obstructive CAD. In a large US
labelled as insignificant, prior studies mentioned           study, for suspected angina and or positive stress
that majority of the plaque ruptures and resultant           test, 39% patient have non-obstructive CAD.31 This
MI arises from non-obstructive plaque.10-13                  frequency was higher in women (50-70%, compared
Historically, obstructive CAD has been the primary           to men (50-70%).
focus of CAD management as its role in causing               Microvascular angina due to coronary artery spasm
ischemia associated anginal chest pain. 14,15
                                                             were prevalent in Japanese population. frequency
Obstructive CAD usually correspond to extensive
                                                             of multiple coronary spasm (>2 spastic arteries)
CAD associated MI. However, recognition that
                                                             by provocative testing in Japanese (24.3%),
ruptured plaque, rather than the occlusive plaque
                                                             Taiwanese 19.3%), markedly higher than those in
is genesis of MI, arise from non-obstructive
                                                             Caucasians (7.5%). Interestingly VAS prevalent in
CAD.10,12,13,16 Non obstructive CAD is associated
with significant risk of MI and all-cause                    men than women of age 40-70yrs.32 Epicardial
mortality.17 This group patient constitutes 10%              vasospasm has origin in hyper-reactive epicardial
AMI and referred as MI with Non-Obstructive                  coronary segment that undergoes maximal
coronary arteries, termed MINOCA.18                          contraction when exposed to vasoconstrictor
                                                             stimulus, such as smoking, drugs, peaks in blood
Microvascular angina (MVA) is the clinical
                                                             pressure, cold exposure, emotional stress and
manifestation caused my microvascular
dysfunction. Myocardial ischemia may result from
structural remodeling of the vasculature leading             Microvascular dysfunction could develop before
to fixed reduced microcirculatory conductance or             epicardial artery stenosis and could coexist with
vasomotor disorders affecting the coronary                   angiographically significant coronary artery
arterioles causing dynamic obstruction. 19,20                stenosis. Diabetes mellitus, dyslipidemia, HTN and
Microvascular angina and vasospastic angina may              clinical conditions might have been associated with
coexist together with worst prognosis.                       MVD.

Cardiovascular Journal                                                                     Volume 13, No. 2, 2021

 Nonobstructive CAD is not “insignificant” rather          feasibility for LAD is high 90% in experienced
associated with significant and quantifiable risk of       hand, PDA is lower and LCX is most challenging
cardiovascular mortality and morbidity. The stable         due to its anatomy.39,40
non obstructive CAD patient population excluded

                                                           Coronary flow reserve is the ratio of hyperaemic
from many of the major cardiac prevention studies.         blood flow in response the various vasoactive
Therefore, empirical evidence is lacking whether           stimuli divided by resting blood flow. Reduced
these group of patients will benefit from secondary        CFVR is an indicator of CMD. Coronary flow
prevention therapies with antiplatelet and                 velocity reserve (CFVR) is a useful tool to measure

                                                                                                                    Vol.-13, No.-2,
                                                           CMD. Patient with or without DM with a CFVR
Ischemia of Non-Obstructive Coronary Artery Disease: Need to Address                             AHM Waliul Islam et al.

testing calcium antagonist should be considered              has modern facilities with cardiac catheterization
as first line therapy. In patients with MVA and              laboratory and expert interventional cardiologist.
reduced CFR and or increased IMR betablocker,                Some center has IVUS, FFR, iFR and DFR
calcium channel blocker ACEi or ARB would have               facilities. Some of the center can assess non-

been good choice. Nicorandil a vasodilator acting            invasively CFR by Transthoracic Doppler
via nitrate and potassium channel activation.45              Echocardiography (TDE) study by a technically
Ranolazine, an antianginal agent improves                    skilled echocardiographer, since TDE is addressed
myocyte relaxation, 46 and trimetazidine also                in LAD in majority cases, followed by PLB and
                                                             most difficult in LCX due to its anatomic location.49

                                                                                                                              Vol.-13, No.-2,
improve symptoms in this group of patients. Role
of Ivabradine efficacy in MVA poorly investigated.47         Invasively, patient with normal epicardial
                                                             coronaries, coronary flow can be assessed by
Lifestyle modification is a very important and key
                                                             intracoronary Acetylcholine with careful
determinant in improving anginal chest pain or
                                                             observation and documentation of chest pain and
angina equivalent symptoms due to CMD and VSA.
                                                             ECG changes. In patient with non-obstructive CAD
Stopping of smoking, weight reduction, avoidance
                                                             (stenotic lesion
Cardiovascular Journal                                                                               Volume 13, No. 2, 2021

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